DOOGLAMOO WORLDS beta | Terrain generation / Worldgen for Minecraft 1.12 | Minecraft Mod Showcase

Video Information

Well hello chaps is Commodore Graham here and welcome to a mod showcase for a new word terrain generation mod called do gloom ooh world now I’m actually going to make a new world for this I’ve been doping around in one here I’ll show you the the options

Dig dig dig emu right oh there are various options it’s not like say biomes aplenty where there’s just kind of one that you select there’s Dougal Moo smooth which Smurfs are small now this makes the the biome variation like quicker so that you don’t have to travel as far to see different

Conditions and such Dougal Moo wit which is weighted so what it does is it adds a global set of like variables to the world that creates more variation between worlds and then a combination of the two so we’re just going to go with the small one for now that’s it’s a

Let’s set it to creative because we’re going to be flying around looking at things and see what we get see if it looks anything like the one I was derping around in earlier okay as you can see I’ve got a nice pretty shader pack installed the first

Thing that your that you may notice if there’s a hell of a lot of flatness going on and yes in some areas you get you get all the flatness which it’s probably great for building and farms and stuff like that what we’re going to do is we’re going to

Wander whilst I and generate some new terrain whilst I talk about some of the features now the way that this mod works is by Oh Oh things are getting a little bit tall see it’s getting really cool already as you can see yeah there are eight variables that vary from place to place

That determine how the terrain generates and oh by the way this mod Dukla mu world it’s by Duggal mu surprisingly enough thought I should mention the mod author there would be kind of rude not to but yeah one of the variables is elevation which is just the height of

The terrain the the density which basically means the the proportions of different kinds of rocks oh oh holy hell what’s this I think I think we struck it lucky let’s get this get over there what the H it’s full of zombie pigmen now that I was not expecting I did not see this

Last time so you have this looks like obsidian this is indeed obsidian huh well there you go so seemingly there’s a way what what is what’s this biome even called Mmm hell hell is what there’s a hell biome in here I didn’t know anything about that until now I thought this is going to be a volcano biome which was something that I did know about but hadn’t seen there you go really what are these for these blood I

Heard a gasp as well oh right that that orange stuff is red sandstone but yeah they’re a gasps somewhere can’t see where it is though oh right yeah scratch that I can certainly see where it is so seemingly this this adds whole new biomes not just it’s kind of crazy looking

Yeah it adds whole new biomes not just variations on the vanilla stuff this there’s also there’s also a volcano biome which we haven’t seen yet and which in fact I haven’t seen yet but yes I was saying that the the variables that determine how things work

You got some magma slimes over there are the elevation the rock density for different kinds of rocks so like for instance the less dense rock will be sandstone and most dense that would be igneous rocks or diorite and dusts there’s the uplift of the terrain so so like like plains depressions hills and

Mountains of volcanism which determines how close the how close lava is to the surface if it gets really close to the surface you’ve got a good chance of getting a getting a volcano the era which is how old the terrain is so if terrain is younger the the soil cover

Won’t be as thick so I’m looking at this and but what we got here this is Storm Beach unfortunately the f3 screen doesn’t tell me anything about the these variables that I’m talking about tirtha aghast again I can’t see it hmm golf’s cast it’s only it’s it’s the

Next progression it’s only natural now what was I saying yes there’s the erosion of the land so that’s like how how rough it is it affects valleys and canyons or creates valleys and canyons if I’m understanding it correctly the temperature which you know affects how

Likely you are to see snow and ice or and so forth the precipitation which goes from dry to wet so that would determine whether you had say swamps if it was very wet or deserts if it was very dry let’s get rid of this mini map instead so yes as you can see

Some of this terrain is pretty freakin fancy Oh in case I have mentioned it this mod is apparently just the terrain part of a larger mod that’s going to be coming at some later time so I think we got like huge well didn’t mean to do that

We got like huge sand dunes or something right here this is crazy hold on I’ll get myself over here I’m curious to look over Ridge here you can see we’ve got granite and diorite forcing its way up like that I don’t know if this is supposed to be

Some kind of igneous extrusion for you geology buffs one thing that’s quite interesting is you’ve got lattice right up here at what are we why 154 saw the the the or spawning is completely different to vanilla minecraft you see a lot of lapis just on the surface I noticed this before you

Can also get red stone and gold high up I saw some of that too but to get old but on that note there’s on the curse Forge page there’s um there’s a little bit of a guide on how to find different ores and whether you find certain ores in certain places

Actually depends on the variables the terrain variables I was talking about earlier source a for instance I’ll just give one example I in found where the density of the rock is worn the uplift is greater than zero so it’s like either Plains or or hills or mountains I guess

The volcanism is higher than zero and you tend to find it in stone hills and mountains the best conditions to find it are I’m looking at my iPad whilst whilst looking this earth which is why I am so incompetent in my walking and jumping around best conditions mountainous non

Ear ordered volcanic so there’s a whole new set of rules for finding the different ores that are kinda more geologically immersive as you might put it look my little shadow there so yeah so I mean I I hope it’s not just me that’s looking at this and thinking it looks

Staggeringly epic as I as I fly around and that’s even without other things such as it being sunrise or sunset a lot that that’s atmospheric effects like that is kind of dependent on the shader pack that I’m using which is a CUDA shader packs by the way if you’re

Interested in learning more about it I actually do have a video about about it and how to install it and that kind of that kind of jazz so what happened haven’t I covered so far okay oh do we have another hel biome over here or is it the same one from

Before let’s have a look oh maybe oh yeah maybe this is the same one from before actually I’ve kind of circled around a little got some more gas and pigmen again so so yeah you can find gas and zombie pigmen in the overworld turns out so I’m just going to

Kind of gently drift forward whilst I tell you what the overview says on the cursed forge website and this is the terrain generation portion of a mod that will later include portals or gates that you can build to travel to different randomly created worlds for mining farming building or

Exploration with the addition of a light row to the game and people wanting to build bigger and more realistic creations I feel that the default scale of Minecraft world generation could be increased a little Jesus Christ could dispense could be increased a little bit the mod expands the scale and realism

Who got a little bit like that the scale and realism of world generation hopefully not too much and makes it so that you can explore without seeing the exact same biomes or for an offer however if you’re the type of person that likes to see all the content within

An hour of playing then this mod is probably not for you if you just played a regular survival game with the default dougela mu world type of this mod you may never see a volcano but for me just knowing that there is one somewhere out in the world that I could eventually

Stumble across is pretty cool this this help ion is pretty huge is it ever going to end I’m I’m quite interested to see because most of these biomes that we’ve been looking at have not extended on for as long as this so I’m just speeding through happens oh I’m kind of overtaking the

World generation here serves me right for not having an i7 I suppose um well it’s changed a little bit we actually yeah we have snore in hell if we’ve got a we’ve got a cold day in hell right here literally okay right we’re good we’re good

I’m glad to see a little bit of green again so what else is there to mention well I don’t know if this is just because it’s a very early version of the terrain generation mod but hold on let there let’s just make it day again I didn’t see a single cave

Like a single cave entrance on the surface whilst I was going around up there though this is this is kind of cool it’s like a it’s like a tan but made of lava for those of you not not aware of the word tan it simply means a mountain lake

Or pond oh here we have lapis and gold just outcropping right at the surface at a high elevation like I said it depends on the the various terrain generation parameters so presumably this spot has just the right selection of like rock density and stuff like that in order to get a bunch of

Gold and a bunch of lapis but yeah I haven’t seen a single cave entrances yet I’d be very interested if the mod author saw this video to know whether that’s something that’s going to be added or fixed what I did a few times before I started recording the video is there we

Got some redstone more gold I just started digging straight down what we at Central and I did this about three or four times and didn’t encounter a single bit of cave and I just ended up falling out at the bottom of the world not that that matters when you’re in creative not

Deadly at all so and there we are at bedrock so yeah I mean I unless unless I’ve just been very unlucky I would say possibly don’t use this terrain generation mod if you want to go caving you might not be very successful I mean mining is final you just have to

Know what terrain parameters to look for what sort of terrain to look forward to find the different kinds of walls as detailed on the the curse Forge page for the mod now let’s see is there anything else on the curse forged page that I forgot no I covet the the different like

Terrain parameters that decide Wow a kind of nuts terrain compared to normal minecraft I covered that there’s a guide on how to find ores I covered the different world types that the small biome type which I’m in now the weighted type and the small way to type and then

There’s just of course the default as well so yeah as you can see it really changes things rather a lot you get all sorts of blocks in like interesting biomes that you wouldn’t otherwise find I mean look at this you’ve got coarse dirt mixed with some reason I’d

Forgotten what it’s called podzol but with grass all over the place and with birch trees not something that you’d normally find honestly so yeah this is this is perhaps worth dirt and a ballad it’s perhaps worth them playing unless unless you’re a big fan of caving

There are a couple of features that we haven’t seen that you can see in the preview video on the curse forged page on that page is that yet it’s linked to on the corsage page for the mod for instance there are glaciers so and by

That I don’t just mean ice biomes I mean like glasses that look like lacy is that kind of end in a in a sort of wall of ice you get island chains you know archipelagos we haven’t come across any of those although I did see a

Little bit of that that kind of thing when I was messing around on here before prior to making the video so just keep going a little bit I’m kind of interested as to what we’re going to see next ah this oh right it looks like we’re heading into we’re heading into hell

Again it’s sort of interesting I didn’t see any of our ween is this hell now stone Beach there’s a whole bunch of obsidian here though so I don’t know why maybe it’s a storm beach that’s suffered a nuclear explosion of some sort in the past that that’s just me creating law

For this purpose is to reengage in mod on the spot hopefully that doesn’t seem too impertinent to the mod creator so yeah I mean obviously if you know you can just install this in the same sort of way that you would with any other mod myself I just use the curse slash twitch

Client for everything create custom profiles and just kind of drag and drop the mods into the mod folders in question aside from just kind of wandering a little bit further to see what we find hi spike the last world I was in oh oh oh bit of lag yeah yeah yeah I found

Some really awesomely huge ice spikes there was one that was about twice as tall as this one for instance it was that is pretty crazy ass don’t mind saying we’ve got another kind of igneous like rock uplift thingy here yeah I you see those all over the place I’ve noticed

There’s a interesting sauce straight line thing here I saw a few of those before why I like to imagine that their fault lines like you know the San Andreas Fault or something like that but yes that this point ladies and gentlemen I feel that I am just kind of rambling a

Bit and what it remains to do really is just suggest that you have a look at it yourself see what you can find you’ll probably find a whole bunch of stuff that I didn’t because the thing is with this system that uses the you know like eight different parameters to determine

What kind of terrain you have that that’s a whole lot of potential variation oh oh look at this but this is a good note to end on we’ve got some sort of Mazur type stuff except it’s completely different colors and just a little outcrop of it sticking out from Whatever kind of buy on this is so yeah you have you really have a ludicrous number hi it’s normal clay just wet clay yeah you have a ludicrous number of biome variations that can turn up so you’ll always be seeing something new I guess so yeah that’s about that hope you

Enjoy the video ladies and gentlemen if you did do please click the like button it helps out rather a lot share this video with anyone that you think might be interested or entertained leave your thoughts and suggestions in the comment section below and subscribe if and only

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This video, titled ‘DOOGLAMOO WORLDS beta | Terrain generation / Worldgen for Minecraft 1.12 | Minecraft Mod Showcase’, was uploaded by Commodore Grayum on 2017-07-24 14:10:43. It has garnered 17158 views and 238 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:57 or 1317 seconds.

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Here’s a video showcase/tutorial for the shaderpack I used:

From the CurseForge page for Dooglamoo Worlds:

“This is the terrain generation portion of a mod that will later include portals or gates that you can build to travel to different randomly created worlds for mining, farming, building or exploration. Right now there are just some world types that you can try out for testing when creating a world.

With the addition of elytra to the game and people wanting to build bigger and more realistic creations, I feel that the default scale of Minecraft world generation could be increased a little bit. This mod expands the scale and realism of wold generation (hopefully not too much) and makes it so that you can explore without seeing the exact same biomes over and over. However, if you are the type of person that likes to see all the content within an hour of playing, then this mod is probably not for you. If you just played a regular survival game with the default Dooglamoo world type of this mod, you may never see a volcano, but for me, just knowing that there is one somewhere out there in the world that I could eventually stumble across is pretty cool.”

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    EPIC BIRTHDAY SURPRISE: OMEGA Guardian Farm Build!Video Information all [Music] [Music] oh thank goodness I finally found you I’ve searched for so long and traveled so far just to see you my friend Henry sent me Oh Henry I know Henry very well yes very good friend of mine uh-huh he said you might be able to tell me more about the mythical prismarine and something about temples oh yes I know where the temples are they are very dangerous though they are guarded by water monsters could you possibly show me where they are if you have any of the green stuff I could uh… Read More

  • “Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!” #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbait

    "Crazy Gaming Trick: Writing Dhairya in Minecraft!" #gamingtrick #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Writing Dhairya in Minecraft || #games #gaming #viral #shortvideo #shorts #viralvideo #minecraft’, was uploaded by Double Gaming on 2024-06-04 06:20:10. It has garnered 174 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Comment Your Name Like , Share And Subscribe Credits :- Music – Book The Rental Wit It – RAGE #gaming ,#viral ,#games ,#shorts ,#shortvideo ,#minecraft ,#doublegaming ,#viralvideo ,#short Read More

  • PyonMC Network

    PyonMC NetworkWhat Awaits You? – Claiming your base territory and share with other players or Build awe-inspiring structures that’ll make even the Ender Dragon jealous! – Skill up your ability to gain extra bonus or even extra skil – Make new friends, form alliances, and join epic quests! Read More

  • MinedHype SMP – Long-Term – GriefPrevention – Player Stats – Shopping District – Bedrock & Java – 1.20.6

    Connect to Server IP: Server IP: Website: Location: Las Vegas, Nevada (US WEST) Server hosted by Java Version: 1.20.6 Bedrock Version: 1.20.80 – 1.21.0 Build Gallery: View 1776 pictures of our SMP Server Details: Public Survival Server (No P2W): Over 4 years old, with 15,900+ unique players Mostly vanilla, grief protection, no whitelist, no pay-2-win, & no economy plugin Bedrock & Java Cross-Play Claimed Overworld & Nether, never reset World border, spawn, and player locations are random Use /rtp to teleport, /home to set your location Grief allowed in unclaimed areas, protected by CoreProtect Public shopping district,… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Bed is for losers

    Minecraft Memes - Bed is for losersI guess you could say this meme is bed-der than most! Read More

  • Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme

    Hotter than a lava pit: Minecraft meme When you accidentally dig straight down in Minecraft and find yourself in a deep pit of regret and lava, but hey, at least you found some diamonds on the way down! #minecraftshorts #oops #lessonlearned Read More

  • Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft

    Crafting a Portal to Lloyd the Lion in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Portal for Lloyd the Lion (Indigo Park) Introduction In the world of Minecraft, players often embark on exciting adventures to create unique portals to explore different realms. One such portal is dedicated to Lloyd the Lion in the Indigo Park game. Let’s delve into the process of creating this fascinating portal and uncover the mysteries it holds. Portal Creation Process To create the portal for Lloyd the Lion, players will need obsidian as the main material along with additional materials like brown wool and yellow wool. The portal is constructed in a 4×5 size with a… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome, gamers! Have you ever wanted to experience a unique Minecraft challenge that will test your skills and creativity? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, this server offers a one-of-a-kind gaming experience that will keep you coming back for more. Just like in the video “How to Play ONE CHUNK in Minecraft PE || ONE CHUNK,” where players are challenged to survive and thrive in a limited space, Minewind Server provides a similar concept. With a dedicated community and exciting gameplay features, you’ll find yourself immersed in a world of adventure and… Read More

  • Ultimate Creeper Trap & Mob Farm Build!

    Ultimate Creeper Trap & Mob Farm Build! Minecraft: Creating a Mob Trap and Mob Farm Welcome to another exciting Minecraft adventure with Meikyan! In this episode, Meikyan embarks on a survival journey in Minecraft Java Edition, focusing on creating a stylish world while exploring and building in a relaxed manner. Let’s dive into the highlights of this thrilling episode! Defeating the Ender Dragon Meikyan sets out on a mission to defeat the formidable Ender Dragon. With thunderstorms looming, the tension rises as she prepares for the epic battle. Amidst the chaos, a creeper makes a surprise appearance, adding to the excitement and challenge of the quest…. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Bee House Build 🐝😱

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Bee House Build 🐝😱Video Information hello everyone welcome back to the chill Survival series we are standing in front of the mum that we buil in the last episode and we did a little bit of the Interior live on stream the other day this is how it looks inside at the moment and today we want to do something else I prepared something over here and we want want to build a bee farm in this episode a bee farm and a b Sanctuary I’d say we built well kind of like a bee house a greenhouse that is a beeh house… Read More

  • Sneaky Shenanigans on FableSMP

    Sneaky Shenanigans on FableSMPVideo Information last time I F bless and P Fenris awoke uh finally checking his messages his his previously uh missed messages from Ray who’ been pretty worried after everything that happened with arsa when he just took off the only message that came from Fenris but just as calm not from him was Violet saying he’s okay with no nothing else no further words nothing that was it so Ray was a little bit of the worried um came came in promptly punched arisana who was staying with TR Rec helping him out that morning um and smooth it… Read More

  • Unbelievable Pixelart of Hanuman Ji in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable Pixelart of Hanuman Ji in Minecraft!Video Information जय हनुमान ज्ञान गुण सागर हे ये तो बेब को बना रहा है ये तो हनुमान चालीसा है त मुकद्दर का सिकंदर का गाना सुनाऊंगा तेरे को हम लोग को स्पाइडरमैन बैटमैन और सुपरमैन का पावर चाहिए अबे पॉकेट ट्रांजिस्टर ये सुपरमैन बैटमैन और स्पाइडरमैन का बाप मालूम कौन है हनुमन देखो This video, titled ‘Hanuman Ji Pixelart in Minecraft 🚩 Pt- 2 #shorts #hanumanji #pixelart #ytshorts #minecraft #pixel’, was uploaded by AB BOSS 777 YT on 2024-04-29 12:41:09. It has garnered 10342 views and 596 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Hanuman… Read More

DOOGLAMOO WORLDS beta | Terrain generation / Worldgen for Minecraft 1.12 | Minecraft Mod Showcase