DrDonut – Becoming The Best Minecraft Player

Video Information

Wait there we go there we go wait am I live and I live what yo chat can you guys hear me what okay there we go wait why is it so scuffed what the heck yes what do you mean yes I didn’t even ask you a

Question just kidding yes I did what am i w about bro oh I think I know the problem wait weird mic is it actually a weird mic is it actually a weird mic nah please tell me everything’s fine bro is everything fine what are you wobbling about bro my whole PC like I

Said I needed drivers I needed it had all these problems the mic is on crack no shot the mic is on crack again your mic sounds really bad really okay I’m I’m looking at my stream again bro I need to see what this sounds like there’s no way this is happening again

Bro there is no shot this is happening again no shot happening again bro there is no shot this is happening again wait it actually doesn’t sound that bad it sounds like my camera mic now it doesn’t even sound like my webcam mic shot this is happening again wait it actually

Doesn’t sound that bad it sounds like my camera mic now it doesn’t even sound like my webcam mic shot this is happening again wait it actually doesn’t sound that bad it sounds like my camera mic now it doesn’t even sound like my webcam mic shot this is happening again

Wait it actually doesn’t sound that bad it sounds like my CH it’s literally my normal mic it’s literally my normal mic chat chat it’s literally my normal mic it’s literally my normal mic chat it’s literally my normal mic Bros mic loves our ears yeah CH it’s

Literally the normal mic L mic your mic sounds like you’re a robot what the fudge what really why it’s not your normal mic bro yeah it is bro it’s literally my normal mic cuz listen every time I tap it look it goes up that means it’s this mic

So okay n bro where’s your money oh oh yeah King default took it all ah that is so bad hold on let me I have a goxlr so maybe that’s the problem like I don’t know let me let me hear my mic hello yo bro my mic sounds fine chat is my mic

Fine replug it w mic bro it’s literally fine it’s literally fine it literally sounds fine to me bro wait let me look One Last Time on YouTube and see W Mike is it actually fine chat is it fine or not bro I don’t know no it

Ain’t is it actually fine CH is it fine or not bro I don’t know no it ain’t yeah it sounds kind of weird yeah I’m not going to lie does sound kind what do I do wait does the music sound normal what about the music does the music sound

Double chat is the music good or bad Chad is the music good or bad guess what bro is the music good or bad bro this mic sucks for real well the music is fine oh what then what is the problem audio okay is it fixed now testing testing 1 2 three wait what

Oh chat what about now W music L mic wait chat what oh there we go what about now what about now what about now what about now what about now what about now what about now what about now what about now what about now what about now what about now what

About now what about now CH what about now is it fine it’s trash no is it fixed it’s fixed is is it fixed bro you you guys got to tell me the truth wait what hold on bro what so popular so popular chat now now now CH

To fine now maybe your voice just got okay what about now chat this was the problem my voice yeah that is not the problem okay what about now what about now what about now what about now what about now now now now is it good is it good

No yes bro how how do you mean yes chat how do you mean yes if it doesn’t even show chat how do you mean yes if it doesn’t even show my look when I turn off my mic it’s fixed what that makes no sense that makes no that makes no sense at all

Bro that makes no sense audio like it’s literally disabled in here why does that keep happening it’s fixed it’s perfect now when your mic is off it’s better Bros setup is broken yeah yeah yeah something’s rolled about my setup but it’s fine now right you guys can hear me

Okay if you guys can hear me then type schl longus in the chat okay it might sound weird but nobody would type that randomly so just type schl longus bro like that yeah just trust me bro trust me trust me wait I closed out Discord okay good good good yeah no yeah

Nobody would type that normally okay okay you got scammed what do you mean I got scammed bro what are you wobbling about oh I got scammed with that mic oh okay let’s react to the Discord memes waxy cat baby we got the waxy cat okay all right chat all right yo Happy

Friday by the way by by the way why did I say by the way happy Friday everybody how is your fine Friday afternoon how is it guys how is it everybody is it good or bad is it good or bad chat hello it sucks good unban everyone from

XD Nation nah bro why are you making these faces bro when would I ever make that face the truth part four I’m here to give proof that it’s real me is Marlo yes uh when you told its why he was using Marlo pack he said that she sent

It to him right but here’s the thing that pack right there says 2D and in the video the crystals were 3D yo yo M thank you for the membership that’s actually proof yo that is genuine proof wait let me know down in the comments below if you think this is accurate or

Not that is crazy wait yo chat lit it literally says I have no mic on bro it says I have no mic are you guys sure you can hear me are you guys sure you can hear me right now yo your room is clean thanks bro

Thanks wait chat I’m going to turn my mic back on hello oh there we go hello hello hello hello hello hello is it better yo that is fire I actually did not know yo wait it actually might be true now that Marlo actually is it’s real me that’s crazy that’s crazy it’s

So bad okay let me disable and I just bro why am I leaking everything uh mic sound settings okay so what I should do is probably all right is it better now chat is it better now is it better now is it better now turn your mic off bro is it

Better now is it better now or is it different bro leaked his IP no robot it’s literally the same okay bro then what do I do bro what do I do bro it’s still bad okay I have an idea I have an idea all sound devices okay so what I’m going

To do is I’m going to turn off my mic and turn it back on wait oh it’s because it’s a it’s an input device and an output device wait that doesn’t make any oh no no no no it’s not no it’s not okay here we go

So now can you hear me now can hear me and is it fixed now can hear me and is it fixed muted okay now can hear me and is it fixed we can’t hear you it’s fixed it’s fixed chat you guys want to know what I

Had to do you guys want to know what I had to do all right all right oh wait hold on there we go all right it’s fixed it’s fixed CH is it fixed is it fixed is it fixed is it fixed it’s broken again no it is not I

Don’t believe you bro it literally says it’s fixed it doesn’t say anything but still um someone races is in the chat okay okay M than banam wait actually chat who wants mod chat who wants mod in the chat right now King W do you want

Mod King W do you want mod Z call okay Z call I’ll give you mod boom wait okay chat I’m giving you guys mod I’m I’m giving trusted people mod CUA um Dr Timbit honestly Dr Timbit is pretty trustworthy I’m not going to lie

Is he here all the time he’s here at the start of the streams for sure Dr I’ll give you mod I trust you you’re very M I would say you’re mature yeah even though you did have that one hacking incident um I think you learned from your

Mistakes here you go Dr simit Boom by the way if anybody becomes inactive or if they become like really bad King wck here you go um gamer laau H I don’t know how much you’re here bro I don’t know if I should give it to you Minecraft nerd yeah

Minecraft nerd just make sure oh by the way mods never spam anything unless it’s like number one top priority important like if if I’m doing something very very very bad that will like make me die in real life or something then maybe spam but don’t do don’t spam any any

Otherwise Minecraft nerd congratulations you just got mod uh let’s see who else should get mod scroll scroll scoll scroll anybody anybody anybody W okay anybody else anybody else that I know that should get mod that’s pretty active Joel I want mod bro you literally are a mod can I please have mod guys if you’re a mod then don’t ask for mod what are you guys wobbling about okay yeah Z zesty CH do I mod zve zesty or not I feel I’m kind of scared to mod him I

Mean I was the one that unbanned him so he probably doesn’t dislike me but yeah uh Chad the problem is like if you ever mod somebody that doesn’t like you then uh they’re just going to ban everybody and they going have to unban them after the stream and just click the button

Like 50 times no don’t mod him bro you guys don’t want me to mod him but he’s so active though but he’s so active and he’s and he’s not like he’s kind of he’s kind of smart too maybe um slow mode is off right now yeah I know I know it’s

Fine if it’s off just make sure you spam anybody that’s spamming like crazy stuff or anything you know um you’re really active but I’m not going to lie I haven’t seen you do a lot of good mod type messages you know what I mean yo what’s good like shits anybody else want

Mod anybody else I think that’s going to be it bro I mean z zesty I could give it to Z zesty bro uh okay n we’ll see we’ll see chat by the way the people who I decide for mod are the people that are usually active people who don’t ask all the all

The time and the people who are um who are uh who are uh mature and I see them like helping people out in the chat a lot like if anyone spamming they’re like at B Bob Joe stop spamming please okay sorry I had to resize my windows

Because CH you guys should see my second monitor bro it’s like filled up with so many different things it’s filled up with my chat my Tik Tok chat my OBS my vertical OBS like everything bro there’s so many different things in my left monitor I have donations and alerts and

I have my whole stream and my my analytics bro like nah this is so bad oh bro I’m still back from the hospital still recovering L update L update yo I’m not going to lie y I’m not going to lie sorry bro honestly the only

Thing you come in here and do is just complain about the fact that you’re in the hospital bro nobody yo that’s toxic but y I’m not going to lie bro all you did was ask for mod and ask for better roll you never did anything good I’m not

Going to lie and you always ask me like what you should post on here like n I’m sorry bro yeah I’m sorry bro hello ladies and gentlemen and Dr donut welcome back to one question one cheese today’s question is who is an underrated crystal pvper in your mind

Andin what the I mean in your opinion that deserves High tier one that that’s not a thing there’s not such thing as an underrated person that deserves High tier one that’s literally not even possible but un although underrated Crystal PVP I will have to say potentially

37k notk is kind of fire at the game not going to cap his F his face makes me mad bro it’s literally Dustin from stranger things what do you mean how does that make you mad what and now it’s time for C guys why are you saying camcal camcal is so

Underrated he’s literally a low tier one what are you wobbling about you guys are idiots also Frost okay I’ll Che the holy cheese I don’t know why I said holy wait why does he have two cheeses y I’m Banning everyone s g Cal good bro Dustin from stranger things is

Crazy is that not what he is extra one cuz I’m filing this this literally is Dustin from stranger things I’m not even trolling like this is him like he he he quit acting and now he’s you know part of the part of the extion now bro am and

I’m really hungry um well I thought about getting rid of the camc messages I mean yeah if one guy is spamming the same thing that’s like completely useless and you know I’m not going to read it and it’s so dumb and he keeps spamming it then yeah just time them out

You don’t need no Banning unless they’re like purposely trying to get banned um by the way any all the new YouTube mods only ban people like which is hiding them from the channel ban them if they’re basically like trying to get banned you know you know those type

People that try to get banned and say crazy stuff like that um but yeah anyone who’s spamming um just time them out I guess like if they’re spamming like can I please have mod can I please have mod just time them out you know like right

Now S Junior he’s spamming can I have mod please look at DMS on stream Frost I am bro you been yo I am I I am going to look bro chill also I’m I need to hide it bro yo mods unmod Frost yo mods unmod Frost bro I’m not going to lie mods

Unmod Frost what is that yo this cat is so sad we could say happy birthday to the sad cat happy birthday this is genuinely sad Walky cat’s been a thing for three years what what yo Tik Tok version I already saw this okay okay bro yo I’m not going

To lie better react on stream we got to get some more better react on streamers bro we got to get some better react on streamers I’m not going to lie you’re worse $2 for for seven months I am pretty active wait are you not a mod like I sh

It’s you are active bro I mean yeah you’re a mod bro of course you bro you are bro of course you are you are very active um unban nemesis from XD Nation like mods that guy who’s spamming that yeah ban him let’s go let’s go W’s in

The mods hello guys today my name is wait I’m literally wearing the same person Dr shirt and I’m going to give vanis a better role because he does daily reacts and I laugh a lot at his reacts take a look this kind of hurts my

Ears no what that is not laughing at all bro that is not this is CH this is me laughing to him what is that no what is this bro oh you do have a basement level how did I just predict that this is not laughing

I’m not acting but I’m not going to lie this is not oh this video give me better Roca and cool what I’m not giving you better reaction on stream for that bro I don’t know what the thanks and goodbye also why are you talking to me why am I have a good stream

Myself they’ll tell me what to do will that watch every stream Off yo chat should I give this guy a better react on stream should I give this guy better react on stream so he can so we can see his stuff more often I think so bro I think we should may as well guys vote what do you mean guys

Vote yo Minecraft n you’re such a w mod I literally I missed the prison setup yeah that’s why you’re not getting mod bro always complaining bro that’s a massive complaining message right there um yo I’m not going to lie I said yo guys should I give this guy better W on

Stream and then Minecraft nerd said guys votee that’s so hello guys all right all right I’ll give give you better react on stream I’ll give you better react on stream hopefully you can make more funny things with this AI yo that’s crazy W update oh it’s going to be a good clip I

I see or it’s going to be a troll and something bad’s going to happen I see I see I see what if he asks you a question got him no okay okay okay am I all to B no bro no no no no no no yo thank you King w w

King wck okay okay that’s yo [ __ ] fire fire that’s fire that’s fire I miss Hudson on stream Hudson never really came on stream that much anyway but yeah now he’s on stream less than what he was bro he’s on stream less than what he was bro

I could literally tell hus to come on my stream whenever I just go pick him up from his house and bring him to my house you know I could do that bro sounds like a robot bro where’s your money that is not what my mic sounded like bro nah is this

Really who I just gave better react on stream for I mean you did make this pretty quickly is so bad that is not what my mic sounded like bro nah get pranked Dr yeah drut I’ve been hitting I’ve been wait I’m being hit by Lee right now I’ll

Put some memes in here I’m going to get scammed if I do that um bro you lost like $1 trillion in 20 minutes bro that is so bad is he trying to kill me or something oh I thought he was trying to kill me okay I think he’s just trolling TPA for

A7 trillion doll waiter so bad all right y I sent you to teleport by don’t it um should I mod normal chat as well or just yeah yeah do live chat too yeah yeah yeah do live chat because yeah people can do some pretty crazy things in live

Chat um every time you do better roon stream you lose 100 viewers that’s not even true bro I literally start my stream with better on stream and I I gain viewers because that’s when the stream just started you know what I’m saying yeah that’s it that’s

It yep all right let’s see what the mystery Max would again would have been for $250 billion what is that bro that is so scuffed bro what is that bro bro thinks he’s Marlo bro thinks he’s Marlo that’s crazy K goes crazy Super Chat at $2 you better react on stream you lose 100 that doesn’t even make sense bro what are you even wobbling about bro what are you even bro actually yo no way it’s that short it’s only one clip it’s 8 seconds long

Yo okay bro that’s yo I’m getting catx in my right eye again okay it’s fixed um why doesn’t bro C PVP the zombies because it’s I’m then it C pvps myself too um why the donp is ruined this video is not copyright whoa this is a high quality video hold

On I’m kind of scared for this this video is not copyrght the donut SMP is ruined okay that was kind of dramatic you see previously on the donut S&P you had five lives and once you lost all of those lives you would get banned well

I’m banned for 24 hours but now you can respawn infinitely one of the only things making this server unique was completely removed but I have a plan I’m going to remove the server entirely okay so now we’re just going to delete this part and this part is gone

Now okay let’s check out Dr donut is doing oh okay I’ve had enough let’s just delete his Channel and now we’re good that’s not fair that’s not very nice bro chat lives nobody even cared about lives bro chat nobody even cared about the lives bro Chad nobody even cared about the lives bro that’s not very nice to delete my whole channel on server just because I removed

Lives yo um POV we finally kill you you’re never going to kill me bro with the name TTV ghost zenth like and what is this you’re on like feather or something bro you look like a wulus with this bro I’m not going to cap bring back cuts and he make the

Stream is better added €249 TP yo to Omid King why did he just do that yo I’m yo I’m yo yo oh guys that’s not nice why did he just do that bro guys killing is not nice guys stop it killing is not nice oh Turtle yo you’ve been killing me for a

Month yeah I’m going to get copyrighted and I’ve been watching for 10 seconds I’m getting copyrighted bro and I’m getting copyrighted bro oh you’re dead avenge time I zombie spers yep I’m dead oh no I only died bro the only reason I died is because and you’re Ni Call zve zesty nah

Yes baby no way you’re freaking out that badly bro yeah I’m getting copyrighted bro what am I doing no way you kill me here in your Enchanted is that even Enchanted bro what the [ __ ] yo if I die here I’m ending stream he has a shielding Shan and why

Is this in my off hand okay we’re good we’re good okay we’re good 21 21 what do you mean 21 you have tried to kill me like 500 times I’ve killed you like 30 times I’m not even kidding you’re like one of the only people that tries to kill me

Nowadays and you’re one of the worst ones at it I’m not going to lie there’s Z zesty you and like dorm and cpvp who said the nword better react on stream I’m not going to lie you’re not two1 bro you’re not even two1 you you’re not to1 bro you’re

Actually just like w that’s so bad the stream after I got banned from donut this guy commented asking for my totem mod after I admitted to it what is that what are you wbl about little man did this Cactus just say what are you wobbling about what are you wombling

About little man H man little [ __ ] what so no better react on stream all right chat unsub oh yeah I forgot about that all right yeah I’ll give you better react on stream yo chat why did you guys not tell me to give this guy better

React on stream for that bro I mean it kind of yo I’m not going to lie like it kind of is a little toxic but like you know what I’m saying bro like it’s still fire though well you know it’s still fire though it’s still fire though yo what is That world’s hardest Entrances that Chad did anybody see this video when it came out back in the day did anybody see this video when it came out back in the day there’s no way anybody saw except for like frost bro Frost got to be like the only one that’s all this

Back of the day that’s in the Stream right now cuz CH this is back allsp whenever you know you the only way you couldn’t tell to people so it was we we’re all we all met up at the same cornat McCartney stand it’s Terell yo it’s Terell um I was there when it

Happened live that yeah that’s crazy and then meme Thief was going to be on our team to help us out meme Thief showed up and it was like scary cuz we don’t know if he’s going to try to kill us this is back when we didn’t know CU people

Didn’t even have anchors back then like nobody used anchors like it was so like I literally had golden I had a shovel and golden carrots bro like what is that Mana say super chat I you better no better react I gave it to chat unsub I

Miss it Terell yeah but for some reason like he keeps like Banting like he could have came back easily but he keeps Banting and I don’t really really know exactly what’s happening to him but for some reason staff doesn’t want to unban him um donut my f my fan my fan art bro

Donut my fan art is finally done this is my first time using papa no sooa in a proper drawing so I hope it’s good okay okay this is not bad it’s a little it’s a little drippy it’s a little drippy I’m not going to cap it’s a little drippy it’s a little drippy

Chad I don’t want to see your stupid Smurf edits bro POV there’s two people fighting on v+ this is so dumb bro this is so dumb bro chat this doesn’t happen anymore this is what old D+ used to be likeing it was fire nowadays v+ garbage like literally

I’m not going to lie see this this area where there’s two people fighting and there’s like a big gap where there’s no players nowadays that’s not a thing anymore it’s just everybody all cluttered together this is what old v+ used to be like but now it’s just not even like this anymore

Um blood is winning the marathon yo Chad you got to admit I have I like I could run a marathon like I could actually be a sprinter like if I when I grow up I’m going to be a sprinter yeah POV someone kills Dr donut see you

What what um this is pretty good but I wouldn’t say it’s good enough for better roll so yeah um he is everywhere not copyrighted what Skipper from Penguins of Madagascar bro what is that bro Mr Mr Mr be yeah that’s not even funny um uh yo stop sending the

Walky everybody was here he would love this video bro I’m not going to lie why are these skunk so good at basketball I don’t want to get copyrighted so yeah um crackhead part two you was cool base guys Cool Base what oh clip I found this suspicious place on April I think Frost News yo Frost yo Dr hates his fans fake Trap please don’t kill me I’m poor fake trap what is fake wait did starfight send that yeah yeah starfi I’m not going to lie yeah starfi yo mod should I ban starfi I mean not just mods everybody yo starfi all you do bro all

You do is uh make me look bad and self-promote in the server and that’s all you do I’m not going to lie ever since you got unbanned all you do is make me look bad and uh and promote your own streams bro that’s all you do bro

It’s not funny it’s just annoying and it’s not entertaining either not even bro it’s a joke it doesn’t matter it’s still it’s still that’s all you’re doing bro everyone spamming yes all right yep you’re getting banned again bro see you sorry man it’s just you know it’s kind of annoying punches

Me oh I already saw this bro and uh what is this it’s oh is this the same guy who said the hard oh yeah no bro made a new account no that’s the guy who said the hard art no the Walky cat what are you

Wobbling about oh no bro no we do not want Walky cats in the server bro n imagine if someone did this to you in Walmart yeah we’re not watching that Dr donut what is that starfight is not bad though he needs to stop promoting though yeah

It’s too bad bro it RI for starfight I’m sorry man I mean you already banned in the past I don’t know what you got banned for you got lucky that you got unbanned and then you were just riding the line the whole time so yeah but blood is not Dr donut

Okay that’s crazy y what’s wrong with this yo bro chill oh my God I’m getting One I don’t want to get copyrighted bro pelagus oh did I try to Agro There nah Noah back when I was trash I was like I’m getting tier one now I’m just a failure can’t even beat the tier 3es to go a ride yeah I’m not watching this CH Why did the clip of it real me singing Barbie Girl get viral in the community

But then the clip of it me singing Let It Go absolutely flop like I don’t understand High tier one test soon no bro you are garbage you’re not even close to high tier one just based on everything I see why do you have that guy on your shirt

Mr Clean helps your family understand that is dead and no longer helped here um D I hope just want to say you’re amazing streamer this is when I caught you in 4k UHD what h h h what is h i don’t know what that is oh my gosh bro I don’t want your

Smurf edits bro hello guys and I already saw this bro bro wait yeah wow you need a leppo hat okay send me one bro send me one send me one bring back CH guys stop sending the same thing over and over okay I think I already saw

These though yeah Glory gaming yeah yeah I already saw these okay chat chat ch ch ch chat chat chat chat chat CH chat ch ch chat yo should Happ be yo CH should Happ beat too late I’m already on okay yo chat chat chat ch

Ch oh I forgot to tell the chat that I’m live oh no oh no oh no yo chat chat chat chat chat chat should we do an event today event yo should we doing an event what happened to your money bro King defl took it all

Bro chat also I’m done giving away money you guys bro I’m done I’m not giving you guys any more money ever again I’m going to be honest never again I’m done okay hold on chat let me just check Pedro’s DMS because I have a copy and pasted message oh

My yo chat should I call Wally Bear right now sorry no I don’t know why I said I just R saw him in DMs I haven’t talked to him in such a long time okay there we go boom yo anybody got my YouTube link this is so annoying I’ll send you a

Hat okay send it to my um y yo chat should I get a leppo hat yes or no oh wait yeah turn slow mode on no no no it’s fine chat yo slow mode is kind of trash bro I’m not going to lie slow mode is kind of

Trash I’m just trying something new today no slowmo for just today only all right all right wait bro yo what am I trying to do oh yeah my YouTube link oh yeah facts no I know how to get I’m just going to go to my uh my announcements copy this then go back

Here boom wait does it show up in chat when I do that yes sir wait can you click it yes sir baby all right there okay we should be good yo all right all right yo chat yo chat I’m never giving you guys any money

Ever again on done SB by the way just letting you guys know never again I’m done I’m straight up done I don’t care yo Chad I’m straight up done I don’t care should chat should I even give money away anymore or is it too boring because I’m done with that bro I’m going

To be honest I am done giving you guys money it’s way too boring every single time I just give it to you it’s just boom boring I don’t know what I’m wobbling about but you guys know that’s facts right I’ll send you one if you

Have it if you have somewhere I can send it to no I’ll buy it bro if you if you have if you make me bro if you make me I’ll buy it can you teleport to O Locker yo why is nobody typing in the chat oh

There we go it’s lagging oh yes yes give money bro is broke and I’m broke I only have 400 Bill I’m actually broke all right let me uh teleport to you guys and I’m not giving you guys money anymore though and if you guys can try to kill

Me if you guys can kill me that’s crazy oh no yo what’s good Jonathan Su see you um now I just kill people it’s more entertaining okay how about this the first person to ask me for money I’m going to kill them that’s it if a singular person ask me for money I’m

Killing them I don’t care who they are what the base looks like I don’t care about their anything 300 bill for the best base oh I’m so sorry snow guys Super chated Six shekels TPA my I’m so sorry I need to grief your whole entire base I’m sorry

Man I just said if anyone asked me for money then oh he’s saying I TP I paid him 300 bill for the best base show me that you still have that gift for me and I’ll pay 100 bill by any chance yo what what mods yo what yo hey yo that’s

That’s that’s I’m not going to lie that’s Loki yo nah nah that’s crazy nah that’s crazy okay next person who asked me for money if anyone ask me for money I’m straight up killing them I don’t I don’t care who it is what they do or anything here we

Go if they ask me for money I’m killing them I’m chat don’t ask me for money that’s all I got to say I’m going to give you guys a cool down to break the signs if you guys ask for money here we go can I get spawners and send my friend 50 bill

I feel so bad bro I feel so bad I feel so bad I feel so bad bro I feel so bad bro chat what do I do bro don’t please did you not just hear me when I said I’m killing anybody that asked me for money yeah I’m sorry oh

Noah oh no yeah I’m not griefing your whole base but uh yo okay next person ask me for money I’m killing them here we go TP ex up boom if you ask me for money you’re dead if you ask me for money you’re dead please give me netherite

Armor okay I mean he’s kind of smart for asking me for armor I don’t have any armor bro I’m sorry I’ve been watching you for a year and I have a good idea okay what oh oh and I love you have a good day yo what am I reading bro yo

What am I reading sen us super ched to nobody cares bro nobody cares okay yo okay uh yo uh yo chat should I give this guy money no I’m not giving him money I’m not what am I saying I’m not giving I’m I’m done giving my money it’s so boring

But yo uh nice meeting you man I hope you have a a wonderful I hope you have a wonderful wife I mean I don’t even know why I said that I’m actually CH every time I drink energy drinks it makes me like Bonkers I’m not going to lie okay

Uh yo sir uh please don’t take my totems cuz I’m going to fill this up with totems okay here we go yo what’s good chat yo bro I’m so broke I can’t even get 20 coins oh no it’s yo chat every if you ever watching on Tik Tok you guys don’t

Have to donate bro don’t don’t donate are you live on Twitch no on YouTube on YouTube I’m I’m on YouTube bro yo okay okay CH I’m going to take the Sher totems with me just in case I ever uh get in a fight to be honest just drink coffee

Um this seems like there’s problems with your live quality learn more to improve it you know what bro yo chat is my Tik Tok is my Tik Tok live stream quality bad right now all right I’ll see you later man bye all right I’m teleporting next person here

We go all right I hope he doesn’t ask me for money SLP accept please don’t ask me for money ain’t no way that guy just fell in the void what is that guy doing bro what is that guy doing all right next next to be teleporting to next

Next can I please have 10 Bill bro knows what he’s doing ah yo chill chill chill chill Chill oh Oh you can no longer regear and fight so like I’m not going to lie I think I might die here oh spawner why did bro just break a spawner with a pickaxe ah wait wait wait wait wait I’m not even warmed up that’s the problem

I’m no I’m no I’m de I’m I’m dead I’m Yo why is it not going yo go okay there we go this is so bad please lose what are you wobbling about is this a Dr donut stream no I mean wait yes okay where is 37k bro I don’t even know where he is down here oh no what yo

I just died to 7K CH I’m not warmed up bro I’m I’m not warmed up I’m not warmed up l n it’s not an L bro I’m just not warmed up I swear CH I never die I never die yo I never die bro I never die I

Swear that was a glitch I swear that was a glitch bro actual glitch actual glitch embarrassing what do what do you mean how is that embar guys guys chill bro is so bad chat you guys got to realize that is the currently best high tier 3 right now

CH you guys got to realize that is currently the best high tier 3 on the in whole entire Minecraft and you guys call me bad I’m not even warmed up I’m not even warmed up bro just got lucky it was luck you guys got to admit it was luck you guys

Got to admit that was luck all right next person let’s see if we teleport to if he ask me for money he’s going to die in one second oh hey you’re not asking for money hey man how’s it going does he just want to One V

One oh okay sorry whoa why did my yo why does he have thorns oh my oh my yo I’m not going to lie this is the biggest gulus I’ve ever heard yo I’m really not warmed up hey yo yo yo what am I doing like my aim is off everything’s

Off how did bro even die what was that oh I have full netherite armor okay cool no one cares no okay let’s talk I’m just kidding cool man cool cool cooloo okay you ruined the server how I literally made the server what are you wobbling about

Bro what the Y did he have XP yo chat teleport to me if you guys want loot okay chat teleport to me if you guys want loot Don your name is evot all right there you guys go okay you guys can have this free loot um what

Do you do what do you mean your aim is off bro yeah my aim is off bro I just I just hopped on bro I’m not good yet I just got to get warmed up and like you know warm up and and like you know warm

Up all right Chad we teleporting to next all right sltp accept um I love your stream and the server oh thanks yo thank you yo thank you bro don’t TP to me okay okay I’ll teleport to you I’ll teleport to you all right let’s see it yo what’s good bro ooh okay like

A okay okay very cool I give this base a five six out of 10 your streams are amazing and I love them in W server Mo super $2 to me P LS t t m o oh hey hey guys how’s it going what’s up wait mea wait isn’t mea that

One person wait a second why do I feel like this is in the void T oh no T is here okay no oh yo what my my whole computer just what my whole computer I can’t see anything I I I my whole computer is literally everything’s

Gone my monitors are blank I see my desktop I see the my I don’t all I see is Tik Tok chat everything closed except for Tik Tok chat how did everything just close bro what is that everything closed except for Tik Tok chat bro that is so dumb how do I get everything

Back what oh it made a whole new desktop oh there we go it’s back yo it made a whole new desktop what that is so bad that is so bad I swear that happened chat that’s not a lie it’s not a lie it’s that’s literally not even a lie bro

It’s still open by the way what’s still open what are you wobbling about bro the stream yeah yeah I didn’t think that everything closed out cuz I still heard Minecraft bro that is so bad bro oh and and what is this song bro oh my God

I actually am done I’m actually done bro this is so bad don’t answer me boy what are you wobbling about bro answer you with what what’ you even ask me you didn’t even ask me anything bro bro is so bad no I’m not CH you know what would be so

Bad is if I died to 37k again that would be so bad if I died one more time that’s going to be so bad yo Zaza I’m on I’m on adding I mean I’m on modding you bro I’m not going to lie like you’re just you’re just constantly

Just negative like honestly yeah you don’t even do anything anyway you’re just annoying and I read all your annoying messages all right all right let’s see if we teleport to next all right SLV accept all right let’s go um yo if you ask for unban you’re getting timed out

Oh okay okay I was going to say I done would you like to buy my Shar box for $200 billion $200 billion only have 600 Bill I’m going to I that’s going to be like most of my money I’m not going to lie uh I don’t really want to do that cuz

Yeah cuz yeah like I’m not going to lie I don’t really want to do that don’t give me mod nah I don’t really feel like it okay I don’t really know you all right next all right but yeah that’s too much money super CH

$19 y thank you bro can you P lsss sspa to me uh no want to buy a mystery box for 100 Bill if not I can I have 50 Bill oh no this guy what is your skin chat I forgot I mean this guy didn’t hear me

When I said uh if you ask me for money you’re getting killed in one second did you think he heard me say that chat don’t do you know Dr Bagel yes I know Dr Bagel bro okay hold on I’m going to just teleport the next person I’m not

Going to kill him I’m going to be nice all right SL up all right let’s go let’s go there’s new people joining wait really what do you mean new people joining what’s up everybody what this is photoshopped this is photoshopped CH you guys agree this is photoshopped right oh oh oh

Oh oh oh yo I’m griefing this whole base just kidding yo this is crazy oh my yo how do I get in yo bro how do I get in yo bro where’s the entrance yo bro where’s the entrance yo bro where’s the entrance oh here it

Is never mind yeah bro this wait oh it’s probably at the top okay it’s not at the top the sound effects wait are there sound effects lmal them sounds wait what sounds wait what are you guys wobbling about what sounds oh wa what does that say built by

Little T gun yo shout out to Little T gun bro that’s crazy just mine in okay okay nice base bro you know what just for this being a nice base I I said I don’t give people money anymore but little little te gun I I don’t have that

Much money so I’m to give you $2 are we doing an event today yo CH should we do an event today I’m down I’m down I’m down I just got to make sure that it’s working but it probably is um is there a delay on chat not on chat

Now yo what’s good no freaking way oh Freak No this freak this bro freak this bro oh the tin is here too bro oh freak this bro yo freak this oh yo yo freak this scrambled my username there we go oh freak this bro yo freak this yo freak this bro I actually

Freaked this freak this bro yo freak this bro I’m dead King General super ch99 lsss wait why do I keep saying what am I doing okay okay wait I think they lost me they lost me oh no no shot wait should I kill them all I can easily kill

All of them right now easily easily freak this area okay I’m killing I’m just going to kill all of them I’m down that was a good idea to scramble name thanks thanks thanks thanks okay okay wait okay I’m out of combat so that means I can buy stuff

Now okay okay we’re good we’re good okay I’m killing all of them chat that’s not the right song chat I’m killing every single one of them and here we go yo hey I’m going to die to all of them I need to run never mind I’m killing all of them hey

Yo oh one of them died this reminds me when Walky DET me from 2021 meow J me Alba that’s so bad hey yo king. General super ched $1.99 no way they didn’t die from that I’m dead yo oh my gosh I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m actually dead nope GG’s I’m

Dead there’s no way I survive this I don’t even understand what’s going on it’s kind of complicated yeah just like how Boomers don’t understand fortnite building you know you guys don’t understand placing crystals okay one second in shop there we go perfect bro that guy almost just killed

Himself come on come on wait they’re helping me oh they think that’s me that’s crazy they thought that was me that’s crazy they’re actually idiots they just killed their own teammate they’re actually so dumb for that oh no bro who is this guy in diamond armor bro wants me 37k is so bad

Yo this is so bad I’m going to die should I run away or should I kill them all I said I was going to kill them all you know what I’m killing them all I don’t care I said I’m going to kill them all bro that’s what I’m going to do yep

Easy easy I got them all oh never mind there’s one left they’re oh they just teleported somebody in here two left two left come on yo bro come on please please please please please I can do this I can do this I can do

This I need to get XP is there any XP up here from these people that I killed yes sir there we Go there’s no shot that I that I kill everybody here there’s only two people left oh not Yo I messed up my my mouse placement bro come on come on come on come on 17 best cap you Okay come On yo he just teleported like 20 people in here absolute l absolute l this would have been a good fight nah bro he ruined the content I’m not going to lie bro why would you teleport like 30 people in here now the fight just never going to

End what an actual idiot bro that kind of just ruins I’m not going to lie bro are you kidding me nah I mean we did it was not bad but nah he just teleported like 30 people in here they already teleported people in here once and then

They just teleported even more like nah bro that’s just absolute lell bro that could have been fire too that’s so annoying that is so annoying bro anyways all right Chad who we teleporting to next whoever I don’t know also chat remember if you guys ask for money uh I’m going

To kill you in like one second so so don’t okay I’m giving my money is so boring bro I’m not going to lie um yo thank you everybody who’s dropping a like on the live stream wait chat uh wait how many lives I mean how many

Likes do we have on Tik Tok everybody who’s in the Tik Tok chat how many likes do we have because I I’m going to have to Tab out to see I can’t see I’m just asking if you guys could tell me that would be fire that’ be that’ be fire if

You guys could tell me um how do you TP here you disabled what what are you wobbling oh oh yeah just keep spamming it and then I’ll turn on we have 8.9k likes okay okay so there’s this glitch on Tik Tok it’s not really a glitch but there’s

A thing on Tik Tok where you can drop a like really fast by using multiple fingers at once to drop a like basically you have to like spam with one finger to to like and then and then you can use two fingers like this and it’s really

Fast to spam likes so if we get to like 500k likes what should I do CH if we have 500k likes what should I do cuz we have this many people yo it’s l that’s not a thing that’s not a for a like gold bro that’s so bad yo what’s up

Bro don’t please what do you mean don’t please yo what’s good why would you kill me can I have some spawners and screenshot also your biggest fan I might not be your biggest fan now that you killed me yeah Chad I killed this guy cuz he

Asked me for money and then now he’s saying uh why did you kill me so I killed him all right all right let’s next person okay what do I do chat a goofy dance end the stream end the stream at 500k likes you’re at 50k likes

Bro yo should I actually end the stream event yo should we do an event at 50 at 500k likes that’s actually a good idea okay chat wait how many likes do you have on YouTube too how many likes do you have on YouTube chat how many likes do we have on

YouTube any everybody in YouTube chat how many likes do we have cuz I’m going to have to Tab out wait no I can see no I can’t see that all right all right let’s teleport uh 300 okay okay um oh oh no I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m

Dead okay one dead I’m the goat bro I’m actually okay never mind I’m not the goat don’t want to get anybody mad thinking that I’m I’m the greatest of all time because the greatest of all time is Marlo okay guys Marlo is the greatest of all time but

That was pretty fire you got to admit okay okay chat chat chat how many likes we have on Tik Tok now we have 400 on YouTube okay chat if we get 1K likes on YouTube which we’re probably going to get easily if we get 1K likes on YouTube

And 500k likes on Tik Tok using the the double click spam like glitch we’re at 150k okay chat I I’ll do an a donate SMP event Crystal pppp event where everybody can join and last standing wins I’ll do that if we hit 500k likes it’s so

Intense should I set that up now no I’ll set it up if we hit 500k I’ll do I’ll do it when we hit hit 500k no joke all right 3 363k Let’s Do It chat we’re doing an event we’re doing an event we’re doing an event okay yo what’s good

Bro trying to bek so badly yo can I please get an SS this is my base On High by the way oh yeah my bad I scram my Mo thank you so much bro thank you is the live real yes it’s real bro Alex um

Okay rate my base uh I give this base a 6 and 1 half out of 10 what am I saying bro this is trash this is a 4 out of 10 what am I no this is 5 out of 10 how long is the delay on Tik Tok it’s like 2

Seconds on YouTube it’s like 7 Seconds all right let’s teleport um yeah yeah we can get an SS I mean this is pretty if he has armor then it’s not a broky stash oh yeah he’s it’s a broky stash okay uh not bad keep up

The good work 3 363k I’ll see you in the next one bye all right there we go all right um for me the delay on Tik Tok is worse really oh that’s weird um okay yo what’s good would you like to buy1 100 billion do Mystery Box nah I’m good I’m good I

Don’t want to buy it I don’t want to buy that bro that’s too much money anybody else want to try to kill me come on oh okay yep you all right anybody else you you oh you okay all right let’s let’s do it then now you’re running away anybody else

Does anybody else want to try to kill me you’re still trying okay what that is so dumb that is so dumb that is so dumb that is that is Yo Yo that is so dumb bro that’s not even funny bro that’s not even funny that’s not even funny that’s not even funny

That’s not even funny chat just stop that’s not even funny that’s not even funny bro why do I have LinkedIn opened what did I press to open LinkedIn who opened LinkedIn on my yo I think I got Walky cat and I’m not going to cap that is so bad and my

Headphones yo that is so dumb bro all right CH how many likes do you have on Tik Tok now are we is it almost time for 500k likes for the event bro clip it don’t even clip it bro that’s so dumb bro it’s funny it’s not even funny bro

How did bro die a glitch bro definitely a glitch okay I’m not going to lie that was actually kind of funny chat do you think that clip’s going to be funny I want to go back and watch it but I don’t want to be boring on the stream yo that

Was kind of funny probably I I don’t know that’s crazy that’s crazy clip clip clip clip clip okay what are you mumbling about bro how many likes you have on Tik Tok nobody’s answering 550k wait oh there’s 550 YouTube likes oh bro chat I’m not going to do the

Event unless we hit 1K YouTube likes chat we have five 50 bro there’s literally a th000 viewers watching right now how do we not hit that what and then on Tik Tok if if you do the double tap spam glitch uh like then it’s pretty op so uh yeah we can

Probably get that very easily we can get that very easily we’ll do the event um I don’t know should I we’re probably not even going to hit the event I’m not going to lie we’re probably not going to hit it I’m not going to lie all right who we teleport to next

Bro what’s good do I love your streams can I have some money I want to help my friends wait can you have some money oh no oh no oh I’m so sorry man I didn’t want to kill you but I get but I guess I had to man oh

Rip almost 300K likes on Tik Tok dang I’m sorry bro I didn’t want to kill you but I I had to I’m doing this challenge where I have to kill everybody that ask for money sorry man that sucks yo what’s up man ma’am um hi do I’m aware that you don’t

Requires you don’t that you don’t want requests for money I’m fine with that we can just have a screeny I’ve been watching since the start keep it up man yo thank you yo thank you bro but that’s actually nice yeah that’s actually so nice how do you have so much stuff uh

Because I don’t know bro as 3K bro he’s the one that gave it to MEK how do you get all this loot bro all right T be accept all right all right chat let’s teleport to the next person Baby Woo can I please have money chat people asking for money are

Purposely asking just so they can get me to kill them that’s all Yo’s gear oh wait really dang yo yto are you here n he’s probably not even here does Bros dead I’m dead He just wants me to kill him bro that’s all he wants he just wants me to kill him I’m here yo yto how did you get all that loot yto yo yto you’re here yo yo yto how did you how did you get here bro

I mean how did you get all the loot I mean bro does this guy SL mod SL Auto like chat SL Auto like is not a thing is it SL Auto like that’s Crazy okay well I guess he doesn’t want to fight all right next TP accept all right who we teleporting to next hey how’s it going yo Dr D can we fist also if I win can I get 2 25 Bill sure let’s go it’s working what do mean no bro what is this

Guy doing bro this is so dumb not fair CH it’s literally completely fair I only have like weak armor and he has like like Asher super chatted $2 um not fair you got armor Wiz and then heart FX for Mega build all right TPA wizo I haven’t teleported to wizo in

Months I haven’t teleported to wizo in no in months yep I haven’t teleported to wizo in I haven’t teleported yo wizo oh he accepted I haven’t teleported this guy in months bro okay what the fledge is this what the fledge is this what is this bro nah ah nah nah what is this

Bro I’m griefing this whole entire base n that would be so bad okay should I set a home here chat I already I mean I’ve already got a stash like okay wock I’m not going to lie okay oh never mind wait this is a good stash oh

It’s even got yo it’s even yo wizo your stash sucks compar to to wizo is stash yo okay wait where is the uh the axes ain’t no way bro didn’t have any axes oh no no axes nah this stash is terrible bro nah this stash is Yo was up I mean 37k stash

Is better right here oh never mind yo this is the big this is the best stash I’ve ever seen okay W yo this is the best Dash I’ve ever seen okay I’m setting a home here home did I just type that okay there we go perfect okay all

Right chat we teleporting to next please don’t kill me here we go to be accept all right let’s go all right let’s go wait just m are you mad at me by the way D I have an offer for you follow me okay I will follow you okay so three

Questions wait hold on a second before we do the questions why don’t we uh just check something really quick okay I would have been the goat if that was a TP trap okay uh three questions you give me YouTube mod what do you think about I’ve been active for the past two months

In all streams you have been active in all the streams in the last two months okay then how much is pable away if you don’t know the answer this question then I’m griefing your whole entire base cuz I’m not going to lie you’re straight up capping if you don’t know to answer this

Question 600 Pence okay I mean close enough okay all right then okay then let me ask this question who invented the Walky cat who invented the waxy cat and Walky is not the answer blood make them easier bro I’m sorry but you just can’t cap like that bro if you said you’ve been

Watching my streams every day for the last two months clearly you’re capping if you don’t know the answer to that it’s kind of obvious exactly bro zark doesn’t even watch my streams anymore and he knows the answer bro chat the chat was even saying it too the answer

Was Frost um SS please we love your streams okay screenshot I like your dream skin oh my gosh Chad should I add a dream mask to my skin should I add a dream mask to my skin yo why is every in Tik Tok spamming L bro no you guys are acting like you

Guys are acting like that was a dumb thing to do bro he literally said he watched my streams every day for the month and now he’s capping bro and he’s just going to ask for money and he’s asking for mod when he doesn’t even watch my streams bro um yes

No I’m adding a dream mask to my skin ain’t no way bro has a cow Farm oh no okay this is a cool base guys I like it very cool I give this like a six out of 10 just because of how kind of big it is and it’s pretty

Big I like it big bases okay all right who we telting to next yo what’s going on hey since you’re a pretty small streamer I will Grace you with my presents um and then we w v one okay he’s chill he’s chill right oh oh okay all right he’s ready for one one

I kind sort of cut him off guard at the start but now he’s ready now he’s ready I mean he is right I I am a small streamer I’m a minuscule streamer yo hey oh oh oh oh oh oh oh this guy is good yo this guy is good oh

Dang okay bro everything about this guy is breaking oh no what I thought he placed the thing what yo yo this guy’s goated how do this guy not ran out of totems yet how does this guy have that many totems what that’s actually cheating that’s actually cheating I’m not going to

Lie I’m not going to lie small streamer but the best one okay thanks man thanks yo GG’s bro GG’s good fight good fight that was actually a very good fight honestly W fight bro I liked it you’re very good at at surviving W all right um there we go all

Right nice nice nice nice all right chat we teleporting to next he’s using Auto totem n then he had one totem left he would have survived or he would have used it what are you looking at somebody over there oh he’s back no nah no no he’s going to kill me never

Mind we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine um I have chus to stash I recently died with Max set and now I’m sad make Dr donut merch please yo Chad Dr donut merch would be so oh I’m dead I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m

Dead never mind I forgot I’m I’m the 17th best Minecraft player oh all right well GG’s bro GG’s GG’s it was a good attempt of a TB trap not good enough all right no you’re not chat anybody who’s saying no I’m not the 17th best Minecraft player genuinely you

Don’t even know anything bro you’re actually an ultra cidarian I’m not going to lie you are genuinely an ultra cidarian what is your username Dr dut with TTS all right SL accept all right all right all right all right we’re good yo go to 00 okay hold on do can I get a

Screenshot oh my gosh yes you can of course um I’m IRL streaming when I’m back yo Leo bro that I what are you even going to do in an IRL stream bro um you looks better than the 17th you can’t you’re not you can’t look better I mean nah no you can’t really

Tell that type of stuff very easily not going to lie um TPA for $15 trillion okay yeto I just sent you teleport request I’m getting 15 trillion yo he’s giving me $15 trillion hey yto um there are five shers and three have $15 trillion and one of them has nothing

One of them has a schlong wait so chance are I’m going to get $15 trillion why is it curvy no shot I picked the one with a curvy that is so dumb bro nah nah nah Noah that can’t be real Noah what what bro that is so

Dumb hi Dr n can I please have a wait can I please and look closer at the sign cuz I’m now saying I don’t want so I don’t want money so you’re not going to kill me I almost have no lives cuz you killed me blood ski there’s no more Liv

On the server what are you wobbling about um who’s asking for money so don’t give me money just can I have some loot I love your streams and he just teleports somebody in here I’m just punching you both you guys so you don’t tell me about anybody else um I came in

The middle of the night for me just to get some stuff and an SS with you and you just killed me well bro I’m sorry uh rip to you all right let’s next person all right let’s see okay SS plus 1 V one oh my bro really

Wants some One V one this about to be the easiest one one in my whole life all right let’s go don’t it sucks now yo no I don’t bro I’m actually the goat right now watch all right let’s One V one let’s go I don’t even have to use the

Crystals CH I’m so good I even have to use crystals look look I’m so good I even have to use crystals I’m so good I don’t even have to use crystals bro easy bro easy um yo anyone in the chat asking for the IP just do ex Point IP facts facts I’m bro

I’m so good I don’t even have to use crystals this is way too easy and GG’s all right all right all right no no GG’s bro GG’s I mean it was a good it was a good attempt it was a good attempt um what’s the IP guys uh donut

S.net um TPA 280 milk okay Chad I’ll teleport to you for an 80 billion $300 billion wager I have op gear okay bet all right TPA 80 wait what is your name 80 milk your name does not exist oh B milk yo B zero milk I sent you a

Teleport Quest okay chap I’m going to wager half my money with this guy so if I win my money is going to go up in one to oneir up okay here we go um can you ban me on Don SMP what do you mean can I

Ban you on Don SMP what are you wobbling about bro okay so this Guy sorry that was a close one hey everybody what’s going on we having a party in here what am I doing move everybody I’m going to die all right guys I teleported to the spawn and uh gave away my loot so yeah all let’s turn off the intense music cuz

Nothing intense is happening anymore yo I’m not going to lie uh who pressed pause yo I’m not going to lie who pressed pause the only reason I died is cuz someone on my screen pressed pause bro what is this song bro down because now needs her home I need her around she

Says there’s Beauty In no way we’re out of Totem all right let’s teleport to next person here we go haha you died I did not even die chat yo what’s good EAD hey Dr could you please give me some spawners or something cool I was about to say no and kill him all right all right all right n no no no

Yo uh you know what chat what do I give this guy I’m do do the event tomorrow cuz there be more people watching facts yeah we could do the event tomorrow okay here’s something cool here you go you can have a that it’s not it’s

Not that cool but yeah see you no do the today bro bro Bro all right chat who we teleporting to next let’s see here we go oh my gosh bro you’re so poor all right who we teleport to next after this all right SL she be accept all righty let’s see it wait no no no oh no the party people are

Back wait I know how to escape basically you go down this cave and then you take a right and then you take no and then you take a 360° and then oh wait I KN I knew how to escape here we go put on your lra wo wo oh I’m

Dead and then and then you take a 180 and then you go up and then you take a swim and then after you take the swim you swim and then after you take a swim you go up this way and then you break some gravel because it’s really op if you

Think about it cuz then you drop it and then it breaks up okay perfect it broke up now all we do is just dream Strat to the top chat I’m going to kill every single one of these people I’m not going to lie I just have

To get to the top so I don’t get trapped in the hole I’m killing every single one of these people I I’m guaranteeing it right now chat how much you want to bet that I’m going to kill all these people yep there we go now we’re at the surface

All right boom all right I’m killing everybody I’m literally killing everybody here we go you guys ready for this about to be so hyped this about to be so hyped bro thinks he’s him I am watch I’m about I’m about to kill everybody Watch why is it taking so long to come holy bro come let’s go thank you guys for the follows by the way I appreciate that everybody thank you so much for watching here we go here we go here we go and everybody who subscribes on YouTube too on YouTube Guys YouTube

Look okay what am I doing yo holy finally you came oh and he come and he went down in the hole yo yo chill okay we I can still cbody wait wait wait watch watch watch watch oh oh oh oh yep okay yep okay wait yep okay wait just just wait a

Second guys just wait a second wait wa wait I’ll kill everybody fact King yo King re I’m happy I modded you bro I’m not going to lie you’re actually one of the best mods I’ve ever seen well I mean it’s only been one day but still holy

Bro oh what am I doing Electro knap here we go oh okay wait let me just dap one of these kids elytra here we go boom boom boom who can I dap real quick boom boom boom Oh no Why fly yo okay I’m just going to DAP somebody I am yo I’m the elytra mastero yo I’m actually the elyra mastero oh I’m actually like from ASO ready ready ready they’re not ready for the sauce bro yo this guy’s eating gab or something bro oh no come on come on come

On we’re fine we’re fine we’re fine ready I told you I’m killing everybody here hold on wait wait wait let me just eat a golden apple bro that’s all I need to do oh my gosh bro that is so bad I’m actually yo yo yo yo yo yo yo did

Somebody just oh no they’re going to axe me down yo how am I going to get totems no I just got axed oh this guy doesn’t have a chest plate yep another kill oh no that was close that was so close but I accidentally that was so close that was so

Close there was like 30 people that was so close to killing all of them bro oh GG’s though GG’s though GG’s bro I accidentally I don’t even know what happened but I messed up my totems bro did Opera sponsor you yo Opa GX are you

In here bro no opera xgx did not sponsor me okay well that was close yo okay GG’s bro GG’s GG’s GG’s it’s Jay’s kill it’s Jay’s an NN random no one likes them all right sorry I just had to say that but it’s JS okay dang bro GG’s GG’s GG’s H

You’re bad skill issue okay nah stay mad what are you guys wobbling about CH I’m not going to lie you guys on Tik Tok actually like teleported to your home who made this green nah I’m not going to lie a lot of you guys on Tik Tok are absolute randoms bro

Absolute randoms and like 8-year-olds like seriously if you’re 8 years old on Tik Tok like just just just just pipe down okay pipe down little man for D to 4v1 to win that was like a 4V 20 that was not a 4V one all all right but yeah

All right who teleporting next that was that was fire but you know I lost I still died so it’s fine okay whoops all right boom we we’re already reared Perfect all right bet let’s go um guys don’t spam yeah guys don’t spam oh what client are you using vanilla oh my

God all right chat send me a Teleport Quest all right SL GB accept all right there we go there we go there we go how do we join oh um you’re talking about the YouTube stream you can just like look it up just do yo what is good a

Fet can we have an event today um oh I’m so sorry bro I tried to break your Shield I didn’t have good enough reaction speed bro got it okay uh no no I I was going to but nobody nobody really wants to do it that badly do an event please bro

Should I do an event bro H do you guys really want to do it what are you punching me for that’s kind of hypocritical cuz I punched him too hey Dr raid the base one through 100 oh I give this a zero no I’m just kidding oh oh down

Here yo there’s dogs and Chris from Mr Beast in here Yo yo this is crazy okay I’ll give this base a 6 and half out of 10 good job bro since it’s such a cool base I’m paying you money jelly pug um 50 Bill all right let’s teleport the next person SLB accept dang bro that’s fire what

The okay there we go SL to be except all right there we go there we go there we go holy that’s crazy what is blood yapping about hey everybody why is there so much uh White everywhere oh don’t break not one of these again bro they always troll me

Bro a windmill no no no no whoa whoa whoa and I just unemed my totem what what what just made me leave the game that is what that is so dumb bro nah nah nah nah n bro what is that why do I I’ve died so many times

Today chat what is wrong wrong with me what is wrong with me hold on I’m going to the goated stash hold on I’m going to the goated stash bro die to those types bro what are you yo what’s good raslin yo what is good raslin but also though what is wrong with

Me I’m actually so mad I mean bad I’m not mad I’m just bad well I am bad too I mean I’m mad yeah bro where are the axes yo what happened to the axes am I blind yo where are the axes okay chat do I take a slow matter

Slow matter potion do I take a slow matter potion wait do I take a slow I mean do I take a turtle Master potion chat chat do I take a turtle Master potion yes or no nah don’t yo Tik Tok like yo King Ro I’m GNA

Do I are you modded on on Tik Tok I can’t it’s not letting me mod you oh there we go okay right I to chose moderator on Tik Tok all right there we go all right all right all right yes take it okay yes take it okay

Bet strength I’m not taking strength axe boom now do I check enchanted golden apples Chad do I check inted golden apples yes or no because these are a little op by a little bit I mean a lot bit these are op ASF why is my YouTube chat Frozen oh

There we go yeah you guys ow me to take it really what okay okay okay bro why do you have all the all this loot out of order this is so scuffed Central okay there we go all right we’re op now we’re op now all right if I die

Chat if I die a bro took a whole stack is that bad yo is that bad okay guys if I die that’s gonna I’m just the worst Minecraft player I have a ptle I have I have a I have a potion of turtle I have a potion of turtle master and I have

Enchanted golden apple bro so if I die that is going to be so bad here we go rate this base hey we love your content rate our base 1 through 10 um uh bro what the fudge yo this is kind of fire kind of fire kind of fire I give

This like a a six out of 10 I give that a six out of 10 I give that a six out of yo okay here we go all right to be except let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go it’s an end trap no it’s not

There’s nobody here hi I love your wait am I a scrambled username okay there we go hi I love your videos 1 through 10 can I have a picture what nobody’s here why is nobody here I’m feeling like I’m in I’m feeling like I spice no I’m not what am I

Saying SL all right let’s go I’m going to do an IR stream my whole day no every day nah yo what’s good what’s goody yo hi do I’m your biggest fan and I’ve been watching you for months I have cancer I have cancer and watching has made me happier wait really wait really

Really can I have money so I can get better at this SMP anything is good I have stage four cancer but watching me has given me a lot of fun and thanks for the good times I’m sorry bro but I have to do this he’s sad oh he’s sad hey oh

My oh my if I die with the eaps and turtle master that is so bad bro really thinks he’s thieves but he’s not you’re not thieves buddy boy oh no wait stop wait why is already spamming stop wait wait why this guy’s pretending to be Thieves unless he’s serious chat you

Guys think this guy’s being serious CH cuz the reason I’m killing him is because I said at the start of the stream that um if I kill him then I mean if anyone ask me for money then I immediately kill you it’s like the one time that I’m not giving away money cuz

It’s boring you know you guys don’t stop kill him kill him okay okay cuz I did say like I don’t want to make it unfair like people with cancer don’t get like an advantage you know that’d be kind of like that could be kind of like cancer to win you Know yo how’s he not popping oh my goodness gracious oh his helmet broke yep he’s about to die in Minecraft by the way and probably in real life too okay a all right man GG’s ah that was so bad nah nah nah Le that’s so dumb bro I’m not

Doing that bro but ah bro chat I know I said it like chat he’s also really active in my streams too like I see him all the time I’m going to be honest I see him all the time in my streams should I give him stuff and like pay him

Money or do you think he’s capping about the fact that he has cancer nah bro leppo hello what has Minecraft become what is PV King default what are you hbling about why I’m actually becoming you bro that’s actually how you sound oh no okay um n no money just cuz spawners

Cuz giving away money wait what okay chat what do do I give that guy anything just let me know remember technoblade he died of cancer well yeah obviously I know that but like he didn’t get any advant n never mind okay yo chat I got to close

My window bro I’m not going to lie it’s a little Sunny V2 okay there we go oh nice it’s actually kind of wul Lous in here okay okay I got to give that guy something I got to give him something pay gray MK 100 bill I don’t know if you

Have cancer but I do know you’re very active yeah let’s One V one nah bro we did that like all day yesterday bro Tech the blades yo Leo yo you should not say that oh what is this oh a Glowstone thing um yo look at the crate and look how much

You’ll buy it for what crate this yo thank you Bob the burger so much for the membership bro look at the crate oh this whole crate bro what the freak is this almost yo almost just said something insane okay what is this bro I don’t even know I didn’t even like I don’t

That just popped in my head oh look in this crate and see how much I’d buy it for I don’t know how much should I buy this For no I don’t really want this bro I’m going to be honest I don’t really care about this all right next all right let’s go let’s call real quick why bro Oh why is my FPS so bad in here bro my FPS is feeling like only like 100 FPS yo oh what is my FPS feeling like right now what oh nah yo yo oh Noah nah bro I need to check my FPS nah why is it so low

Nah it’s actually not that low anymore okay I don’t know what happened but it’s fixed yo chat should I grief this entire base psych I’m not doing that bro Yo build by Jesse CJ heart effects and pleasey yo [Applause] chat hold on I’m going to make this funny yo this is insane this is the biggest build I’ve ever seen on donut SMP someone could just grief this right now yo chat teleport to me if you guys want the coordinates

Okay hold on everybody spam me teleport Quest everybody spam me teleport Quest we’re going to do that again everybody spam me teleporter request we’re going to do that again the Star Wars one was better wait I never oh this I never even went to the Star Wars one bro I don’t know what

Happened but this one this okay yo this base is insane yo look how big this is the whole inside is done too oh my FPS is dropping oh my gosh yo chat everybody teleport to me we’re going to Reef it no no wait something’s got to be funnier than

That Chad wait what’s funnier than that bro what’s funnier than that Chad what’s something funnier than that yo the engine yo yo everybody keep spamming with teleport request okay yo this base is cray crate bro leppo n oh yo this base is cray cray wait chhat what do I do yo

Yo let me out bro wait I just figured out an un inescapable trap there we go okay yo look how big this is bro that would be so bad if someone teleported everybody here imagine okay that’s not even funny bro okay yo okay okay this is fire CH what do I what

Do I give this guy do I give him anything or is it just fire shout out to everybody who built this this is crazy you’re so unfunny okay okay okay um let’s duel oh chat CR wants to One V one yay okay cray let’s do it cray let’s One V one TP here

Cray okay chat I’m going to One V one cray CH I’m going to One V one oh wait hold on Yo cray uh don’t pick these up I just that was the most expensive anchor I’ve ever blown up holy okay all right cray you ready you don’t have any gear

Cray how are we going to one one if you don’t don’t have any loot je you don’t know who cray is he is currently the fourth best Minecraft player actually fifth best still bro CRA you’ve been the fifth best Minecraft player for such a long time bro like what happened sharpness with the

Raain let’s go he fell in the void yesterday that’s crazy yo shman thank you so much for the raid CR changes name and Skin n yeah wait Craig I’m not gonna lie your skin is so bad like I’m not gonna lie dream skin was better no I’m just kidding it’s not bad

It’s not bad it’s not bad CRA dream skin is lowkey the cray skin though hold on let me uh change my FPS all right there we go cray what is that armor yo yo W’s in the chat for the sharpness raid thank you so much okay

CR CR you can’t wear diamond stuff bro how am I racist what are you guys wobbling about what oh cuz flight duration 3 okay bro you are so poor okay cray cray cray yo chat can somebody gear cray yo yo yo yo can can I teleport cray to one yo T K

Can I teleport cray to the stash K can I teleport cray to the stash yo D SMP with the follow yo thank you so much bro sharpness raid guys I get it I get it thank you guys yo sharpness you definitely told them to keep spamming over and over and over bro you

Definitely told them to keep spamming no shot they’re spamming this much bro no shot they’re spamming this much yo I’ll gear them nah really bro really yo what’s oh wait oh he’s geared no no no get the get better leggings than that bro people are going to think

I’m a noob if I kill you when you have diamond leggings even if it doesn’t even change anything bro please please please please please done SMP followed me yeah yeah yeah okay here cray bro just cray just take these bro oh my gosh 50 billion what all right cray let’s

Go okay chat I’m going to One V one cray he’s currently the uh the third technically he’s the second best pvper but technically he’s also like the the fifth best now here we go he’s a tier one he’s a tier one he’s a tier one here we go here we

Go oh for a second I thought he left okay let’s go oh he’s a shielding Sean yo hey hey yo I’ve never seen a bigger shielding shot in my Life oh what oh my axe wait no my axe where did he just go my FPS is dropping what why is my FPS dropping so badly what is happening oh no what is happening oh he’s he’s goed he’s goed he’s goed Bay plays Super Chat Malaysian ring it

Will you do raid if yes raid my stream l no yo why is my FPS so bad right now probably the CW I installed earlier today yeah it’s my FPS chat that’s why chat’s my FPS that’s why bro chat’s my FPS bro chat my FPS is so

Bad good game Bud nah nah that doesn’t count bro CR you’re worse than me buddy you’re just lucky I forgot to mend my armor yeah you’re just lucky my FPS was trash too like doesn’t even count that doesn’t even count bro n no n yo cig can we

Rematch yo cig can we rematch bro cray can we please rematch bro please I’m begging you cray okay we back Chad we back we back we back we back should Craig get mod or Not N yo why is my FPS still bad is that Tik Tok making my FPS bad Okay it’s fine yo Craig bro chat should I rematch cray nah I can’t believe I lost I feel so bad now eifi said that he’s banned from donut bro that’s not the real eifi bro that’s not the real l f and if it is then tell them to DM me

Why is there ping negative 1 cuz I lo it in buddy cray cray cray do you want to rematch or not you can keep that loot by the way keep it for your like in your e chest um want to PVP in the end this time yeah sure let’s go bro let’s go

Let’s go all right chat me and cray are going to one one in the end woo all righty here we go TP here cray who is crew Dragon 470 oh my God great crew Dragon 470 TPS here I’m I’m going to be so mad okay here we

Go here we go do dnut versus shielding Shan here we go versus tier one dark dunnut versus tier one here we go okay okay okay not bad at all not bad at all not bad at all not bad at all okay my FPS is dropping don’t know what I think it’s Tik Tok

Yep I lost I lost I lost gr is better than me a never mind I’m the goat bro really thought I was going to Pearl CH watch this chat watch this never mind why is my FPS dropping GG’s he fell in the void and died let’s go oh never mind I forgot about

Light what oh yo wait chill why did I fall for that yeah I don’t know cuz you’re dumb yo no bro don’t rear wait he’s actually smart right now oh there we go yo I’m getting rolled oh okay okay okay okay it’s actually wait we’re actually very close in toen right now my

Boots yeah D I lost yeah dudes I lost but why does he why is he regearing cray has totems in his e chest yeah probably bro probably and why is my FPS dropping it’s so annoying no way your Shield breaks and he Shields I mean your boots break oh my gosh

Bro okay how much how much do boots cost bro that is so scuffed it’s okay chat I’ve not bought totems I’m still here oh that’s not very smart bro said he’s still here what is he wobbling about was right here on the E chest and now he’s dippy

Gone nah gray where did you go oh there he is bro get away okay okay okay can win this waa oh jez what this something broke come on come on come on oh no all right GG’s C GG’s oh my gosh bro CH I’m not going to

Lie this type of PVP is lowkey you have to actually play smart if you just play as fast as you can it’s not going to work you lowkey have to play smart that’s the only way you win it’s weird now it’s weird you had an elytra on too

Bro I know that was so bad I don’t even know how that happened but you only had one totem left anyway so it’s probably hard for you to Totem but GG’s bro GG’s um need is actually intense I know bro I know all right Craig do you want to do one

More since it’s one one or you don’t have to if you don’t want to give us gear back yo Craig do you need your gear back too hello great yo hello yo cray cray cray oh sure okay be here cray all right cray I got you okay

CH we’re going to do one more since it’s one1 I’m going to RTP in the end again randomly dang bro this is crazy I don’t know why great want one one in the end but yeah he said sure yeah yeah I got him I got him uh fireworks okay let me buy more

Fireworks dang bro GG’s though crystals are too op facts I agree but everyone uses them so it’d be un op for me to just use swords um W him for not running like you did what are you wobbling about bro he literally ran the whole time what

Are you wobbling about what are you wobbling about I got to go byy okay I’ll see you later bro see you later ice cream bye dark can you raid me no yo chat do you think F5 is going to raid today because he wanted to ask you into

The void what are you wobbling about bro Crystal PVP all you do is explode crystals do you play Bedrock no I don’t do you hear me all right cray you ready all right chat let’s see who wins me or cray it’s obviously going to be me cuz uh

I don’t die anymore last time I wasn’t playing smart and he has a diamond helmet yo great get a regular helmet bro so that people don’t think you’re oh why would you get a diamond helmet bro gray B gray oh he has no money that’s why oh why would you get a diamond

Helmet bro chat oh my gosh okay here you go ah that is so annoying oh my gosh okay okay here we go here we go me versus a tier one this is all or nothing it’s one one right now let’s see who’s better and he’s a shielder yep okay he’s playing

Smart that been easy ggs I almost died right there yep almost died oh my yo he’s rolling me every time he has a shield he’s rolling me but every time he I break his shield I roll him what is he xping oh no oh I just pick up

Nice okay all right that’s not bad that’s not bad what happened to your money I lost in a wager all of it in a wager against King default Brak The Shield chat oh no I just lost four totems yep I just lost my last two

Totems my last totem and I just lost it it’s my only chance yeah I don’t know know what that was but uh for some reason he stopped killing me that was very close that was very close that was very close bro that was very close get rid of lives we already

Did bro why does he not chase me why did he not chase me he probably needed the regear too honestly all right all right all right all right all right all right right boom boom boom Boom and then there we go all right we should be good we should be good all right here we go last chance Last Chance last chance here we go coming back coming back coming back here we go cray where are are are you oh I’m low

On oh my gosh yo thank you so much for the thank you so much for the love heart on Tik Tok thank you so much okay here we go here we go here we go going for a shield disable is so risky Messi or Ronaldo I don’t know how don’t watch

The Cay is better than me Cay is better than me bro he’s just better than me every time I go for an axe I just die or I get popped TPA bro I don’t need your stinky loot bro ah G keep the loot keep the loot keep the loot ah GG’s bro GG’s

GG’s I GG’s bro GG’s you can do better no I can’t bro no no I can’t I don’t have enough practice getting shielders in whole fights nobody’s Shields like that GG’s bro GG’s GG’s GG’s good fight cray I’m not sad or anything bro what is this horrible song

Why do they all start off so slow and trash um how much PayPal to wear yo I’m not doing that honestly like 20K not even trolling get trained by cray buddy I’m not getting trained by somebody worse than me no I’m just kidding mystery box for 69 cents oh sure oh thank

You oh my I just got eight of one of the rarest items thank you very much all right let’s teport the next person hello again we have 8 million Blaze before we had 4 million I love your live streams and you SS okay nice to see

You who we teleporting to next all right pick up all right let’s go let’s tele next person let’s tele next person yo what is up can we One V one with loot back okay so if I kill you I’ll give you a loot back yeah deal bro deal deal deal deal deal and

GG’s oh nice job on Surviving and GG’s wait bro bro you’re poor I know I don’t even have1 trillion dollars all right GG’s bro GG’s GG’s I yeah I’ll give you your loot back wait how am I going to give you a loot back if I don’t know your name oh I just

Scammed that guy I don’t even know his name does anybody know that guy’s name um you could have had5 trillion but wanted schlong instead I did not want that bro nah nah wait what was that guy’s name Lenny mat Mata wait that was you it’s king capy bar wait that was him who

Wait who even was that oh I feel bad well I guess I just teleport wait chat just send me TV if you guys want the loot I’m so Sor I’m not giving a Chas okay Nico yo Nico I get I you can have a little sleep bro Nico cash wait

CH I’m going to get in the YouTube kids algorithm here we go ready three two one no n n no cash cash cash cash no n no no cash cash cash cash no no n no no n cash cash cash cash cash cash cash cash cash

NOCO Nico okay there we go maybe we should being the kids algorithm now all right there we go all right who we teleporting to next here we go here we go Dr donut sit in the throne in your throne in SS wait this is my throne in the middle

Oh okay thanks man that is not how it works blood no way yo watch the viewers go up watch the viewers go up watch chat every time I say Nico the viewers go up by one Nico no noik no no no no and every time I say cash it goes up by two

Cash cash cash cash cash cash cash cash cash cash cash cash cash cash cash cash cash noik n Nik noik noik see what did I tell you what did I tell you bro what did I tell you I need some money okay all right let’s teleport next person I

Literally told you it was real bro it’s literally it literally Works bro it literally Works bro no way I I told you I literally told you hi do can we get an SS in the room behind us for sure man all right we tell next here we

Go yo what is good Evil Genius I’m teleporting the next person I don’t care about this guy’s base wait love your stream here’s a Shuler full of totems what yo where oh right here wait what are you wobbling about can I have 100 Mil oh no yo chat where’s the shulker of

Totems I need that bro oh right here oh thank you why is it empty okay there we go I’ll just fill it up myself there we go and boom perfect okay now we can use this in PvP w w this guy www and for being such a nice guy uh I

Will give you Evil Genius 50 Bill there you go all right bye all right please don’t kill me chat I have feeling this next guy’s about to kill me I can already feel it in my bones absolutely juked out absolutely juked out holy holy I’m the

Juker booker bro I’m not going to cap I’m lowkey taking this stuff and I’m building a stack stack up and we get up once we get up I’m going to kill all of them chat ready literally every single one of these people here I’m going to kill all of

Them there we go boom yep easy now I’m going to kill everybody here don’t teleport anybody new here we’re going to make this a fair 1 V6 we’re making this a fair 1 V6 I don’t know how many people are here but it’s going to be a fair 1 V6 here we

Go and of course they’re really slow so we’re going to we’re going to have time to be able to buy stuff gear up a little bit I’ve also got totems this about been easiest one6 my life ready yep got one okay so I popped twice so far three times Okay why was somebody right there right behind my Pearl what why was somebody right there right behind my Pearl I purposely didn’t tot him cuz I thought I was going to have a second to finish the golden apple what that is crazy bro that is crazy what is

That that is so bad bro oh my gosh that is so bad one Crystal and I just died oh man instal me or clown Pierce yo sorry I’m just excited to see him wait get that skin out of here okay what am I doing bro all right CH who we tell everybody to

Next how’s it going wither with the J hey I’m the only guy with the chicken base nobody cares all right who we tell next see you later bro all right yo we having a party in here aren’t we I think they’re trying to kill me how did that guy just

Die oh cuz there’s anchors above okay easiest Escape of my life ready yo I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m dead I’m de I’m dead I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m I’m dead I’m dead watch this chat oh he blocked off the top oh and people are up here now

Okay so I Jed about about I Jed out about six of them the good players knew I was going to Juke them out what are you doing here okay got got another kill oh another one dead okay this is my only chance of survival this cave my helmet broke no my boo

Broke no way got to go all the way to the top they’re so slow hold up on chat I’m killing all these people again I’m killing all of these people I don’t care oh my okay I’m going to buy more boots here we go the cheapest boots I’m killing everybody here we’re

In a nice flat area this about to be a nice 6V one please bro I can see them coming I can see them coming can you guys see them coming okay it’s Jay thinks he’s the goat he might be the goat of the throw but he’s not the goat of Crystal PP yo

Oh I’m so sorry horse yo I need this I don’t know what that is totems Perfect oh no oh my come on come on come on easy daap who can be easily daap this guy’s not paying attention never mind I’m going to go for him again okay that guy just died I just saw somebody die I don’t know who that was yo why is my FPS

Dropping what’s that guy doing come on bro what are you doing oh n they all found me I just got to DTaP somebody here we go here we go okay we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good we’re good do you know who SP sp737 is of course I

Do yep easy dead easy dead I just heard two people die okay all right we got this chat I’m dead I need XP I need XP I’m going to be up till 3:00 a.m. tonight are you really yo CH what time is it EST right Now oh my helmet is literally the most one shot it’s ever been it is 11:35 yes a 635 Okay do you watch friender foe nah no no I’m not 7 years old oh no yo oh I’ve never seen this server lag before what what was that was that my internet or the server yo I’m not going to lie I low keeping some XP for my chest plate oh

No yo what is this guy Doing oh that that was bad yo wait where did that guy go oh that’s bad yo welcome back in Rex why is not hitting me with an axe this is bad chat I don’t think I can kill them all I’m running low on XP

And that I lost that one guy who I just absolutely drained maybe it’s this way or something I don’t know about this chat oh got him got him got him got him holy I’ve killed so many people I’m just trying to find Reloaders my chest Plate’s going to

Break soon too this is so bad they’re all chasing me like should I just ask somebody or what why are they hitting me with a sword are they dumb there we go this guy can’t run away smart that he’s not uh come on bro come on come on this is so

Bad why is he just going all around like that bro okay it’s Chase is actually going to get me I’m going to die here guaranteed no matter what like I’m done for see I’m done for chat I’m done for I’m done for I’m done for chat that’s the only thing I can

Do okay we’re out of combat I’m going to buy more oh I have more I literally had more fireworks bro I don’t want that bro oh did you see that hold on he’s trying to like L me out like I don’t know what he’s trying to do I don’t get it bro

What do I do chat should I kill him from in here or am I going to die I don’t know why he keeps flying down and they’re flying back out does he not want to One V one me I mean they teleport tra me for a reason H there we go perfect

What is he doing yep GG’s and that’s about the best I could do for the 1ev like 10 or whatever that was cuz I don’t know where everyone else went GG’s everybody good good fighting good fighting good fighting woo should I go try to find everybody

Else or am I are we chilling with this bro wait what are those golden apples good did they burn they probably did yeah they probably just burnt dang bro how do I join the server uh just look up how to join thenb on YouTube yo I think somebody needs to make a video

On99 post on YouTube I’m not going to lip to saffron curve 57 cuz chat a lot of people need that all okay TP to saffon curve guys I don’t want to teleport to people who donate cuz I want to be fair I don’t want to teleport to

Everybody oh there we go there we go we found some more people yes sir yo ain’t no way I just missed that shot this is the guy that just goes around for no reason like what is bro doing like what is the point of this to

Just make a fight last an hour and a half like like what is the point yo should I drop down is he trying to kill me or oh he is okay never mind he’s just stupid what is he trying to do bro I have no idea what he’s trying to do

What yo this guy is either like seven years old or just low IQ like what is he doing like what is this guy doing bro he’s going to run out of fireworks soon so it’s going to be over for him actually I don’t think I put him in

Combat oh my God this is such a waste of time absolute l oh wait there’s more people jestic oh Noah bro about to get the hardest dtop of this life that got the G oh no yeah chat I can’t kill L people there’s way too many Turtle oh no Turtle thinks we’re 21

Right now it’s like 50 and turtle just died like nah Melinda white w super ched two Canadian dollars T toore toxic boy 6983 okay hold on hold on I can’t teleport right now hold on hold on hold hold on oh wait I’m not even in combat what oh it’s cuz I killed

Somebody turtle is so bad I crashed and you did not crash buddy you did not crash crash little man I don’t know why I’m saying little man that’s so toxic yo where is everybody did they just really lose me like that what come

On it’s j has got to be low on totems by now nah yes oh no wait where’s where did he just go what bro yo there was a glitch there was a glitch chat you got to admit there’s a glitch right there you got [ __ ] there was a glitch right there yo

There was a glitch there was definitely a glitch bro donut what’s the meaning of life and say my name PLS there is no meaning of life and um no yo thank King re just ban that guy permanently if he’s trying to get banned then just pan him

Bro what is that why was it saying you cannot do this in combat what was it even saying I wasn’t even typing anything like it just kept saying you cannot do this in combat I think for some reason there’s still some sort of code in there saying you can’t Ely in combat or

Something bro I don’t know what it is but nah that was actually a glitch like it kept canceling my elyra for some reason I have no idea why that is so bad that is so bad bro Dr why do I have my life back what are you wobbling bro what

Are you wobbling about bro what life well chat bro I’m not going to lie what should I do bro Chad what should I do chat I can’t believe I actually just died what should I do chat is evi streaming today bro yo where is evi I’m going to check his Discord

Bro if evi is not streaming today I’m going to be so surprised update sorry for the lack recently been busy with college this week I’m gonna oh I won’t be live until Saturday yo what okay well chat I’m G to play the stream ending music everybody who’s on

Tik Tok I’m going to end the Tik Tok stream first so thank you guys all for watching I appreciate it you guys are actually thank you guys all the follows and everything we had a big stream today thanks guys see you everybody on Tik Tok bye um I’m only betting people on Tik

Tok with sus usernames by the way okay okay yeah that’s fine that’s fine all right see everybody and uh chat who should we raid on YouTube I want to raid somebody like get a really big raid going on here shout him out whoever it is who should it be I think King default

Is probably not going to stream Um all right let’s raid somebody who should be raid chat today was honestly a crazy Stream So Many crazy moments almost happened underscore AAR super ched2 49 TPA to Slaves fast nah too late bro too late I’m sorry thank you so much for donation though cpv $1.99 um yeah your firework wasn’t

Working I don’t know why and do event yeah it well go to like 10 seconds before that thing and it was saying something about combat bro I think it was canceling my elytra every time I I press space it just canceled it back down and un elyt me but um all

Right let’s see who we’re going to raid donut S&P let’s see let’s see new combat update n chat should I raid him he’s been trying to kill me bro I did wait oh no I didn’t I was going to try to Yo justic Chad should I raate justic Bob the

Burger $2 j s i who else is streaming on d&p DP people DP their title let’s see optic o optis bro I could rate autistic chat optic has a face cam should I rate him H he’s not even playing down SMP he’s playing East what is justic doing

Jess’s like I don’t even know he’s doing something with the auction he just died oh of course he just died oh no yes rage job jestic optic wait what about this guy uh I don’t know about that guy I don’t know anything special about him I’ve never heard of him before this

Guy’s watching my stream trying to get Dr TP to me again yeah that’s funny that’s funny that’s funny um done me part two what what the heck just happened H H all right chat Autistic or jestic chat autistic with the face cam who’s not even on denb right now he probably hop

On after I rate him or jestic who’s gearing up after he just died chat Autistic or jestic autistic has a face cam but jestic doesn’t optis you guys saying autistic really he’s better okay all right or some people are saying justic now I think it’s m mainly autistic the same guy spamming out

Justics over and over all right all right I’ll raid optic okay all right thank you guys all so much for watching by the way today was honestly kind of a big stream too thanks everybody I’ll see you guys on the next stream bye everybody see

You yo what am I doing I’m actually just gonna end the stream bye bye everybody that was fun first stream as mod facts facts facts facts all right bye bye bye bye bye bye see you bye

This video, titled ‘Becoming The Best Minecraft Player’, was uploaded by DrDonut on 2023-09-15 23:07:05. It has garnered 19854 views and 1135 likes. The duration of the video is 02:36:57 or 9417 seconds.

Minecraft – Gaming Live Stream

—————————————————————- join these right now • Discord – https://discord.gg/donut • DonutSMP – donutsmp.net • Crystal PVP – east.uspvp.org —————————————————————-


  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Defeating Ender Dragon in Minecraft Mods

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  • Unveiling Minecraft Bundles

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  • Top Secret Minecraft Bases | unspeakable

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  • Ultimate Farming in Minecraft ATM9

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  • Caterpillar Craze: Minecraft Flag Design Fun!

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  • Minecraft: Transparent Glass Tutorial

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  • Minecraft Memes – Where’s that 303rd Minecraft creation, Bryan?

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  • Mushroom Madness: A Secretly Giant Surprise!

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  • Villager’s Wild Sleep Shenanigans #minecraft #meme

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  • Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round

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  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations

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  • Maizen’s 3D House INSIDE Mikey’s HAND?! (Minecraft)

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  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!

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  • EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!

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  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

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  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

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  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

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  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

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  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

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  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

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  • ModArchy

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  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More

DrDonut – Becoming The Best Minecraft Player