Dream MC Championship 9 Livestream | New Minecraft Kings! Ft. Dream team & Technoblade

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Hello hi guys today we are going to win it is the winner’s pov welcome congratulations for picking the right channel to watch i’m teaming with with sylvie fundy and tubbo those are my teammates dream we’re excited i’m excited dream i’m ready i’m ready dominate and destroy i need to beat that thomas

I think i think i’m pretty sure i’m pretty sure it’s sky battle come on i’m i’m ready god i trained pvp so hard for this you guys know you were in the call while i was screaming bring it on bring it on bring it on come on boy

Hey all right all right all right cracks knuckles in anticipation all right texture pack okay okay okay okay okay all right we have eight steak that’s good um okay okay this looks interesting there is a chest there’s a chest in the the sky thing in a campfire

We might want to have somebody tower up right off the beginning um and they can’t kill you like fortnight no no uh sylvia sylvia do you want to tower right off the beginning to grab the cam the thing in the sky the chat yeah sure we can immediately start bridging by the way

Infinite blocks oh yeah um fundy do you want to tower right away to the the iron island the the closest iron island you guys yeah sure i’m afraid of boats though i don’t know if people have bows not right away we can see our kit right

Away but they might be in the chest so just be careful try and be careful but yeah the islands are really close together so you really only need to place like five six tower blocks and then you’re good okay remember about no speed bridging don’t risk it

No it’s not worth it all right okay okay okay okay personal elimination is 50 this is five the entire round 50 let’s do this boys i’m gonna mine these two iron blocks silva you’re going up to that uh you see the thing right above us the chest

Yeah you’re gonna grab that um funny you’re gonna tower towards uh the island on our left actually no that’s where stack of them are oh texas on our right oh god um the right on the right now oh this is our middle finger we need the iron out

We need the iron islands go left go left one go towards half down here okay okay tnt harming potion fundy i’ll come with you in case they’re also pushing keep going keep going okay techno doesn’t look like he’s going to the other island someone should get on that we’re here

Help help i have a ender pearl and okay okay you got brilliant okay okay okay okay okay all right here did you get the iron here’s an arrow craft full iron for yourself monday i can’t craft full iron but i can’t That goes here look out yep i have a harming park um toss you the extra iron you have funny toss me your extra iron i don’t have extra iron i can give you boots no no give give boots i have two extra iron okay uh yeah i’ll give you boots silvie

Okay okay okay okay okay uh can i make a sword should we go get that iron over there those iron blocks oh no the borders will be good that’ll actually be good i recommend it oh you might get shot off you want to try tubba go go try it try try it all

Right quickly hurry get your back get your back just go just jump just jump okay no no don’t go with them don’t go with them dude guys don’t go silly stay here grab the airbox come come come hurry okay looking just run over run over tekken’s looking up my brother i’m over

And over okay do i make myself full line armor i have three blocks of iron um yeah yeah make up make leggings for sylvia and leggings for you you can i can make i can make boots for both of us as well fundy needs boots and leggings okay okay

I’ve got your boot pair of boots guys the board is closing anymore we probably need to move even further you’re sick i’ve got your stick okay i can make diamond sword i can make a diamond sword a diamond one already oh okay do it do it be careful behind us Just break safely i have creepers tnt and harming pot i got so many creepers spawn eggs dream i dropped you off my tnt bunny [ __ ] funny get up how funny get up get up i can’t jump okay oh my god fundy you’ve got to be really careful man keep safe

Bridging seat keep safe bridging behind me we might need to we might need to just go we might need to just jump jump down jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump

Jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump go go just go just go i’m taking damage a dream i’m really low man i’m on top one heart oh you’re good you’re good come here

Come here i can heal i can heal eat oh my goodness eating heal just eat and yo it’s the healing’s op guys this is a team here we could potentially kill yay you want to try them do you want to try them i have a dog let’s get let’s get kills let’s get

Kills go up guys move out of the way i need to build don’t get trapped the border’s right here guys you trapped me all right i’m going down i’m going down the border’s right here we just need to jump down got cpk see we go down i’m being hit by

Shovel okay i got trouble i did not know what happened there oh i missed my pearl i missed my pearl okay it’s all right it’s all right we survived we survived decently long we had the middle the middle is kind of weird there’s nothing in the middle you just have to tower up

There’s two more rounds of this guys so we’re good i killed one person how many kills did everyone get i got i managed to get two i didn’t get any because i didn’t i didn’t see anybody the whole round other than techno the zone has really got that quick yeah

The zone goes down so quick all right we did all right we did all right techno’s off he’s dead fruit one i think we did quite a race fruit in h11 that’s pretty good i shouldn’t use the creepers better honestly and the tnt yeah we need to get we need to get to

Towards middle quicker you know what i realized you know that big bar that i went to straight away last time that big bar is actually stacked with creeper x tnt lava buckets okay tommy’s team’s to our right there tommy phil and space the other one has tapio who we go for

I say we go for both actually i reckon can you move all right let’s go let’s go for uh let’s go for it okay okay i’ve got the arm blocks from the other island as well they didn’t go there all right come over here come over here

We need to go towards mid now yeah yeah get there because there’s so much stuff in there guys there there’s people here all right they might knock me off i don’t i don’t want to i say okay i got bow and arrow i got bow and arrow we could like

Surprise them no no they’re getting killed but we might want to i honestly i say we can take them because we have crossbows harming pots True true true keep safe bridging keep safe riding you go bare mind the border moves so quick i’ve got one block of iron on me You go don’t get crossbow don’t get cross mode okay hit two of them all right we gotta go they have healing let’s go let’s go let’s go scream you good man i’m good i’m good i’m going to youtube more tnt look out they’re low they’re so low just spray him round Our colors are so similar i didn’t realize that was them i didn’t realize that was them i’m dead i got stuck in lava i couldn’t move let’s try it that’s right that’s great i’m still alive i’m pretty good i’m still alive i’m still live stay alive yeah try and get living points silly

That’s all right it’s right now it’s not oh right now we’re in third place right now obviously we’re gonna be we’re gonna move down because of that but this isn’t our game there’s a reason we picked this first guys and we’re still doing good what’s everyone

Guys their color is so close to ours i didn’t even realize that that was their team i was like oh we’re here i got two kills right now did i die dude or just kill me did i do lava mainly um i guess that’s not good you got you got three

Kills but you popped or at least three kills with this no i’ve i got um four i’m pretty sure in total you can you can see it you’re killed i’ve got six in total i did damage but i didn’t kill anybody until we’re carrying let’s do this boys

I’m ready i’m ready man let’s go i’m around to this we can win this last round guys we need to get to mid if we can quickly yeah we’re doing good with the iron stuff though oh we definitely get a focus one how does that do that

Off i’m not surprised they’re doing well i would i would have predicted staff next team would win this what oh Yeah green guardians are dominating but techno’s team is not even on the leaderboard yeah we’re doing quite all right that’s good because this is like this is like techno’s gaming they’re not even on the leaderboard keep the strap oh you know what i realized i just didn’t craft armor that entire round

Really using a template yeah oh we spawned with iron i didn’t even know that okay guys guys go for tommy or go for uh oh last time oh andy just do both that’s what i did last round They’re here temple’s here help i need help i need help okay okay okay okay okay they’re going to be pushing us early are they um just go to the other end go to the other one go to the other one that’s fine they can have that important bit remember there’s crossbows

On this island bundy i would really like a crossbow that’s okay yeah yeah okay okay take take it in the chest okay we need to get to the middle there’s so much tnt in the middle capo’s island has already put that and the tnt is so useful late game

Okay i’m headed to the island okay i’ve got tnt creepers cobwebs and more arrows okay i’m right behind you man i got more i got lava okay i said we start right this second all right do you want to go from there clean we can clean we can clean where

Where are we these guys are looking like yeah clink clink clink clink clink yeah okay we got to move we need to move towards the mid now we need to move towards the mid now yeah go go uh i’m not gonna say bridge you say bridge i don’t know how to do it

I’m i’m with you i’m keeping an eye out on techno and that lot okay techno hasn’t noticed we’re bridging yet yeah techno is just pushing through is it worth taking calvin no no no um stay with me i’m with you guys come over here right here we can surprise him he’s right here

He doesn’t see me oh god they’re here there’s one from here there’s a bunch of them here dude i am i am my heart my heart yet i expected i honestly i expected to do much worse in that game i expected we finished like last place in skyblock

I don’t know like yeah i was feeling confident well it’s good it’s out of the way and we did good so that’s really good they do they have it at the end they have it at the end yeah oh okay okay one vote yeah this is a boat this is my calling Oh i’m up front i’m in the lead i’m yeah i’m up front with you oh i’m not anymore i just i don’t know what happened there being bounced and such i don’t i genuinely what is this wonky dream okay it’s fine you’re about to knock me off i

Always got worried for my safety oh no calvin pushing me on it stay on it stay on a dream you got this man nice second place you got it nice place third place right nice guys we’re gonna get guys we got the bonus ones we’re the first team to

Finish we have the bonus points oh my god we’re killing it we’re killing it let’s go let’s go that’s okay he’s a wonderful he roams around around around i’m gonna run just make sure you take it careful like if you missed the end shot uh you teleport all the way back to

Beginning i think yeah yeah so just don’t do that low and steady we’re already in the lead we’ve already got a lot yeah you do hit people yeah yeah sadly okay that was not slow and slowly but whatever i made it oh you go higher than last time i think

Oh god i keep really lagging i’ll be honest with you boys wait where do you aim where do you aim through the holes oops fundy i got it oh i almost fell because i hit somebody in midair i hit somebody in midair i don’t know who it was but i hit

Somebody admitted i’m doing quite quite i’m actually here i am you want to shoot for the hole you want to aim slightly above the hole just aim slightly above the hole and you’ll get it also diagonally okay well how do i get from here now

You have to go back down use the water behind you like go back go bit further and like shoot straight through yeah oh i’m sorry boy you’re fine you’re fine yeah the waterfall behind you oh good yeah i’m not gonna be able to make it i’m fine you’d agree Me and funny made up for it we both finished top 10. you guys are carrying seven dreams sorry about seven okay okay i can speed bridge i i don’t yeah it’s risky it’s risky i would just do it to the side or follow other people

Oh i got knocked no i’m not gonna do that okay i’m gonna walk again my game keeps randomly freezing it’s actually really really Dream was wait we got we got eight eleven twelve that’s pretty good so we got nice nice that’s pretty really fun okay okay i like that i like that that’s pretty good okay i’m good okay we’re doing good okay Just gotta stay calm stay calm we’re by far second and very close to first yeah doing good we are doing good let’s go all right all right this one’s interesting this one’s the following yeah it’s the only one oh it’s a dropper is it by the way how i

Do it is just put your um put your blocks in your offhand and cheers just in case in your main hand yeah oh okay that didn’t work thanks snap no regrets that’s all right oh i don’t see myself doing well in this one oops i’m done no one’s there yet

My game keep my game keeps freezing it’s the fireworks man whenever anyone oh my god i’m sick oh no i screwed up i screwed up nice nice nice nice we’re not going to lose our lead now i messed up i messed up it’s all right it’s all

Right it’s right okay with red rabbits okay i really need a drink all right i know my family’s watching the stream my family well we can’t let them down boys mom love me no i’m in rescue i just like i just end games like 10 people

Oh my god oh my god he can’t say kill because of demonetization oh my god that’s fine that’s fine we didn’t read it i messed up i i did i did knock captain sparkles off though i literally killed three people right at the end of the captain

Oh my god there’s two other people too i just like i just they’re all in the line i just punched them all off oh my god hey i did really well the first one i might just bridge all the way to the left just up and then and then

Yeah i’m just gonna build up and just jump down yeah i’m with you fundy a lot of people are doing that oh i choked i i’m being i’m being i’m being i’m being i’m glitched okay there we go okay okay no i shifted dude and i didn’t oh

No that’s such a rip oh come on okay this one’s probably not our one i’ll be honest with you a lot Oh no no you’re kidding me oh no i totally screwed it oh i had oh my that was bad that was so bad i was going to finish i was going to finish so high i just oh i flew all the way to the end and i

Just hold shift and i still fell off yeah okay i would have been like first or something good still doing good oh i choked that i choked that i would have finished top five i think i choked i tried to jump and i my lighter went off so i so like threw me

Down yeah it glitched a bit out oh that was dumb that was so dark okay i think i’m pretty sure it was my fault it wasn’t like that i’ve been killed i’ve gone through i punched i punched aaron off yeah i was kept trying to punch me off

And i was like eric get out of here i just punched him off ah they’ve worked i’ve got water quick get out of here get out of here man oh quick who is that i really don’t reach over me techno get down here oh no oh this is bad they’re bridging over me

Oh tap out same low w oh no oh i i just i just screwed a puppy oh my god we’re good it’s all right it’s all right i don’t know how i didn’t place this i think it was because i think it’s because tata was in my cowboy i tried to place

On it and it didn’t let me place on it because he was in it i was dumb i would have probably finished first maybe again remember we’re picking the games in the order we’ve gotten both games that we wanted first of all and second of all we’re picking them in the order

We want so like this is going good because the last games that we’re gonna get hopefully will be the ones that we’re better at be the one are we trending on twitter what what it was sticky how did that work we got five no way just gonna continue keep it kind of a

True champ moment okay okay okay all right it didn’t do that well If you get if you’re first do you get extra points no i actually i don’t know oh they’ve changed my part as well no you just get points for getting there yeah they did change the sport a little bit oh no i’ve never messed up that jump damn it’s a bit different now

All right it’s all right it’s all right i’m not so far it’s definitely not that many changes no this is all right okay oh there’s a leaf they added a little oh no the leafs already there okay that’s all right hold back there’s a little little help there

Yeah they added a little hop i didn’t fill up the hop though i just felt like the next jump i hit i hit him i hit my head on something oh yeah this is going to be interesting all right Oh okay little trench or trapdoor jumps oh i failed on the final jump of the trapdoor no not the trapdoors of the the green glass i’m down calm down get this right here all right calm down here we go three two one got it all right all right banger all right and done

Doing good doing good i mean on pace to be there right now on facebook that’s all that matters i’m a little bit behind but i can probably get very smart come on okay i got it there we go boys there we go let’s keep it going let’s keep it moving let’s keep this

Positivity flowing oh okay doing all right doing all right doing all right okay i don’t know how to do that interesting they changed the latter part i’m at the lighters now okay get it don’t fall here don’t fail here don’t fly yeah don’t try slurring my words

All right we’re good we’re good oh my god how do you do that what just keep your momentum momentum okay i think they changed this part that is not going to lie pretty soon oh they did change it they changed it away at the beginning [Applause] i’m at the chandeliers

They changed it slightly so just be aware of that oh they changed it too they removed my skip that’s fine removes a few things they’re trying to nerf you yeah they’re nerfing me usually it’s technically that gets nerfed but instead it’s me all right i’m oh i really just need to

Slow down i’m stressing out about this jump yeah i’m fully concentrating right now i just fall off the back of the pain all right pretty good pretty good not really on pace but i’m doing all Right oh no that was an easy jump it was an easy jump all right take it easy oh there’s a trap through here now okay okay there we go sorry boys that was that was on me that’s not a fun joke hey this is not fun ah so they changed that with trappers I feel like i’m at the back right now i apologize no oh no okay they changed they changed the ice too oh you know what yolo watch this you got it first try right here okay half time what oh no oh Boom is this one that [ __ ] me over no second time okay okay okay okay calm oh they’ve changed that bit okay we’re fine all right here we go i jumped too early right here okay okay there we go okay i feel like i’m bringing back all

Right i’m almost at the ice this part is fine this part is fine he says as he falls back down okay okay okay i’m at the bit that you told me about dream right now oh go no i’m definitely uh a nice weight for our team okay that’s it all right they changed

This this is going to be interesting for i’m glad we didn’t do this one last actually no no i think about it all right at the ice how are you doing dream i’m second last stage i’m at the i think you got this oh i don’t know this they they changed the section

Am i finished i might finish dude i don’t know how to do this one oh that’s not yeah i’ve got the ice done you got three minutes okay i’m at the ladders before the nether area it’s a lot of pressure in the real thing you know when we were practicing this

Kind of pressure oh no way oh this is such a hard jump oh no i knew i wasn’t gonna i wasn’t gonna call that no i wasn’t gonna make that i don’t know if anybody’s gonna make that though oh i didn’t oh god it didn’t make me jump how am i

Missing that one every time so far all right here we go right here this is it come on man last one last one okay there we go i just have to really focus for that one oh they removed yourself was the first to get on those leather area

Dream i’m coming for you man i was the first one to get here but i don’t know if i’m gonna finish okay who’s here who’s blue i’m not doing it like that i’m doing i’m doing your trick i’m doing your trick the thing you taught me okay i’m [ __ ] up your trick dream

All right right here this is it come on man oh dude i messed up on just on the last one no that’s such a tough job that is such a hard jump that is such a hard jump oh they’re lucky they’re so lucky they’re so lucky they’re so lucky they are so lucky

Why how come when area is finished it’s the second to last jump i just want to get more points i just want to finish this because i want to get more points otherwise i’m going to be tied with like everyone else that’s here technically even though i got here first bye

No so close to getting where your dream i’m one behind i’m struggling a bit uh okay there we go 40 seconds man 40 seconds come on okay i’ve got to do this oh my god all right oh they changed i don’t get it right now and i can’t beat the course there’s not

Enough time but i can get this time oh they made this one so much harder it’s like 20 seconds man okay come on this time if i don’t get it this time i won’t be able no i don’t think i have it i don’t think i have it

Get it oh well it’s okay man it’s okay we’ve done really well it’s just a four block jump i got stuck on look maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe maybe no we came second look at that boys dream the last jump before you they just they just added a four

A four block jump here that’s all they did you can’t even and you can’t even jump that you have to jump to the side the last dream did you see me that really hey i really just made it i really just made it yeah i wish the multiplier was more because

Now like i’m not gonna get as many coins from and we’re not gonna get as many coins as a team from parker warrior we did really good we actually came second overall which is also well joined second we’ve technically it’s team but okay okay everyone remember the tactics

Okay yeah what are the tactics oh yeah yeah okay we talked about them before Oh when you walk inside you become invis oh they do noises now that’s good oh there’s noises i don’t know if i like that i like it i’ve heard them before funny behind and blue blue and then it is green green green green green again green again thank you

I i was looking to the sides i really didn’t think it was purple purple purple middle purple middle purple again it’s a jump yep okay perfect perfect perfect keep in mind they can speed up halfway through and that’s a bit okay green middle green middle yeah they’re all difficult

They’re faster now green again yeah a few people don’t know blue oh blue okay brilliant how did you know it was blue that fast you saw it i just guessed yeah but it was fake behind behind yellow yelling oh it’s fed up okay green green green green green again again again green again

Okay what dude i’m so lucky you weren’t ever oh my god again how’d you survive that i have no idea i have no idea blue blue blue blue blue blue i know i’m so lucky green ring right now big one okay green again middle middle middle middle and lucky oh my god i Good green the other way nice nice nice tubbo purple purple left side uh fine yellow you’re good you won you won tombow you won is a god dude let’s go all right let’s do it again let’s do it again let’s do it together we’re all gonna we’re all gonna live together

We’re all gonna live to the end no idea how much i just jumped in the air oh my god you’re insane double pug some w’s in the chat okay all right guys we’re gonna we’re gonna all live to the end this time god the 40 hour hours of pro

It’s like replay yellow yellow why do you have an f on your back when i when i pass people yeah it’s blue again yellow again yellow blue blue blue mid another blue blue mid again again funny behind uh green thank you green blue wait no yeah blue blue yeah blue

Gotta focus gotta focus yellow yellow okay perfect perfect perfect traffic that’s a jump that is definitely a jump okay brilliant green green green another jump purple uh purple another perfect yellow again okay yellow why can i never get through those i feel like i am the unluckiest man in this game ever

Nah dude just go down no i’m here okay you can win this come on behind Oh my god i was so dumb there all right i’m doing i’m doing catch up i’m going to win now i’m winning this one yellow i jump already whoa purple what happened there a lot of people yeah that was very hard yeah yeah mid midwest sorry it’s just green green green green

Come on boys come on boys let’s bring on the dub blue no oh yeah you can stand a minish blue again again yep it’s just one to the left that turn god i really hope i know my left and right properly yellow oh no green green green no no green green

Green green two green green again green again red green oh what oh i slipped i got clipped yes that’s right that’s right purple purple yellow yellow i’ll do cool out yellow again yellow big jump bundy yeah purple i reckon yeah so many people are gonna yeah that was close purple purple your colors

Are insane green yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow yellow again blue no oh i’ll still be unlocked oh my god i just can’t get i have never i have never made it through one of those holes i just don’t know how i made it made it blue again yellow It’s really tough a p1 ah good job team yeah we did pretty good we did good we did good thing we just won yeah easy easy eg oh okay elbow’s gonna be scott take over [Applause] They’re oh they’re portions of healing now i don’t know if we want that okay let’s go grab our kit everyone grab the kit cobwebs since i’m like i’ll take damage if that’s okay can i sure i’ll take um you want space i’ll take the crossbow okay i’ll take speed

Yeah i’ll cop-up scene’s gonna whatever i got it okay oh oh we’re gonna have to slay the captain Around Yeah yeah okay i’m not going to take harming next time and that’s okay i really didn’t know what i was doing with it uh why oh yes just make sure yeah throw it only in the middle when they’re winning or something yeah okay i think that’s a tactic

Okay tapo okay cpk is the potion of harming i’m pretty sure all right this team is pretty good so just beware yay i’m going around again with speed yep i’m gonna throw this potion of harming straight into the middle oh i’m stuck we can’t go through

He trapped me i might get i might die i don’t know i’m dead i got tap i’ll trap me in cobwebs we’re going to win though oh god i died don’t die rush i got hit the crits you got it i got it nice

You got the crits i got the call my god sylvia i don’t i don’t like this map i don’t i i honestly don’t like this one on the map you can yeah you train the trains are just [Laughter] the trains are just in the way it’s weird i agree

Okay take your kid will you find with harming yeah i’ve figured out how you got to use it now all right yeah you mainly want to throw it when they’re stuck in cobweb or window you know something like that if we put a cobweb like in front of

Their side i’m gonna go over here on top of the thing because it’s purple oh you can’t you can’t even go on top how do you get over there then that’s so weird you have to go through the train stream okay guys there they rushed me nice I did get that one kill in the beginning so i’m feeling pretty good we’re killing it right now yeah you guys are getting it we’re tied with sapnap and george in that lot yeah which because we’ve done perfectly we’ve killed everybody and we’ve um put the wool in the middle every time All right all right let’s keep it up oh my god red rabbits are not doing too wait they didn’t win wait no did the techno team not win no no they did their aqua oh aqua did one okay yeah all right they’re tied too okay okay we have to focus on these guys

Some more okay hey we gotta win they gonna go in this one i don’t think they’re gonna go for kills they’re not gonna go for wolves don’t even worry about wool just go for kills don’t even worry about the wall Going from behind it was like an awkward angle finn spun behind me finn was on one heart that’s fine that’s good i got finnster and calvin so what they do is they put crossbow in their offhand that’s smart i should do that no no no i think it’s much better having woolen offhand

I don’t see any useful well for me i’m gonna put the crossway i don’t know how he died so quickly i don’t know if i i’d like to watch that back i don’t know if i got insta-damaged or something but the crossbow is kind of uppy so techno

Techno just hit me with the sword immediately crossbow after that just okay it’s george’s team we got to beat this one yeah we do we got to win this one we got this uh yeah they’re going to go for wall they’re going to go for walls so i’m

Going to splash it with the harmonics like straight away Okay i’ve taken a little bit of damage right now which isn’t good all right how do i hit them at all oh god oh god yeah yeah i was just destroyed seven epis Wait only quick oh it’s air left air left Yeah yeah hey tubbo okay you carried the rest of the time so far i get my round no dream it’s fine it’s fine man you we’re all doing really well all right all right all right all right all right all right okay oh look at these people ryan you’re

Going down garage i think i think we got this i think we got this all right let’s pull it off you’re going down crying Take out joe i got joe i’m i’m really low but it’s fine i’m taking out crying you’re going down grind Nice we got them all nice we got them i got knocked down i really don’t like this train map the trains are annoying i mean it looks it looks really cool it looks really cool it’s just not practical at all the terrain is really annoying this area

And i haven’t been in the trains but i like is aqua fighting or did they lose i think they lost look they’re lower than us on the score but i don’t know if they’re they might still be fighting they might still go going oh yeah they still have the

Green lost green lost once oh they didn’t win oh okay we’re first again oh they did they lost they lost oh they lost to the status team all right i don’t know why the multi-shot crossbow is weird no yeah you might no no it messes with the

Accuracy in the middle multi shot does it’s awful yeah it’s weird honestly it’s one of my least favorite enchants i’ll be honest i’m just going to try and shoot them right off the beginning then to get them lower and then go from there this team is good this

Team is good guys this is the third place focus focus focus focus okay none of them went to the middle okay with your dream do we want to target one possibly i got one good job good job good job get false get false she’s a hermit cross player

They’re all hermit crabs oh we do it got it we got it you did do it hey okay dominate oh good this is going very good nice look at that good ass guy i’d smell a coin how do you see your kills i really want to know how many kills i’m going to

Get you crossbows yeah yeah oh oh i didn’t even fire my other ones right i didn’t even fire my other one but the yeah i realized the multi-shot i just have to play back i can i can kill a lot of people with the multi shot i wasn’t playing it correctly before uh

These guys i remember from no way actually that’s not them um i think it’s pretty good purple have you fought purple yet um no we haven’t we didn’t do it if i remember correctly purple rushes the middle immediately why did i not load my crossbow hey they’ve all gone to one side

I’m stuck in water i’m probably gonna they’re probably gonna okay i’m gonna just you know grab their arrows honestly kit one dream that person you’re attacking i’ve got load you need help i’m with your dream you’re all focusing me how does twig get me from there where are you going

Once yeah you got this go on dream oh my god he got it nice i wanted it gg look at you guys i’m not even doing anything we just won that and we didn’t even win all our games well okay we have one more game Well it’s true yup are you gonna be okay with killing tommy oh no oh no what do you mean just let out your anger that you’ve collected for over the years you’ve got it i believe in you yeah you got it i believe tobol thomas said i’m so sorry i mean you’re

Sorry you’re sorry for losing tommy this man’s going down oh my god we got some good hits uh phyllis is a little bit low or they’re getting healing potions nice tubbo they got healing they’ve got healing just keep that in mind nice hop off i did a lot of damage i only got

One kill though i know i’m so sorry guys i’m so sorry popping off look at us we’re winning wow i haven’t felt that in a long time i think i’m doing pretty good because what i usually do is i just go to the right i distract like two of their

Teammates and then becomes a 2v3 for you guys yeah i think it’s pretty strategic even though i died consecutively oh boy that was the last one right or was is there one more no no yeah that and tubble got fourth oh boy oh my god i didn’t get last

Sorry fundy okay you’re tired oh no you’re not i just explained why but okay no this is fine all right we have a 1 000 point league let’s keep it up let’s keep it up oh our mega chicken’s like 10 though isn’t it oh god oh no

It’s right it’s a rival game survival games i’m pretty sure it’s getting chosen now that’s fine it’s good oh tied oh oh ace race let’s go go but i don’t know what it looks like oh god she’s starting oh wait the music oh my god i can’t see

Oh i landed in the soul sound on me okay i tried it it didn’t work i’m doing the right side yeah right side is much better yeah it actually is as well i’m falling behind we’ll make it up pog ah oh no i went the wrong way back

Then i missed that too much not too much oh no boys i’ve really i’ve really messed this sea i was very unsure about this one i had no idea the room F5 must be the play you know Not doing bad techno just flew messed me up that’s all right techno’s so intimidating that he just flew behind me and made me fall I get that i get that no stress stream i’m finding it’s so hard to see i’m really struggling oh no oh no that’s all right that’s all right that’s all right i goofed it ever so slightly oh the corner okay i’ve overtaken wilbur Are you kidding me okay i’m screwed i’m screwed are you good you’re good just take it take your time don’t give up fundy take your time even if you finish like lower it’s fine oh and this is bad it’s take your time you need to finish lower it’s fine

Okay no i’m in i’m right behind grind no grind no ah i do bad at that part i don’t know why yeah this was i’ve really i i’m not on the plane yeah that’s fine yeah but i’ll probably do fine at some point we’re good i’m on mid-six right now

We’re all good are you okay keep it keep it up keep it up i’m going for the middle i’m going wait why fundy i was literally level with you and i’ve ever taken done it done it oh god i’ve really got to remember the path dude i’m really struggling

Oh my god brian is so much better than me i’m with wilbur i don’t know if that’s a good i don’t know how good wilbur is at this but i don’t know i had a lead and i lost it I messed up that jump oh are you kidding me oh no i just i just lost a lot of lead why doesn’t it trigger oh you can’t be serious we made it up already we made it up already pretty much right here right here we made it up No good just focus fundy even if you finish low it’s fine i’ve ever taken brian life is good again this is big side i got to do some major skips oh my god i just fell all the way in the void oh just don’t try and make it up grinding major skips

I would just not try and make it up funny i can do it though i know i can i’m just okay why is it so wonky i’m swimming okay lap three out of three i’m i’m not doing good boys i’ll be honest with you blueberries there’s a whole 40 seconds

In front of me oh no yeah okay let’s hope we can get a game we can dominate in next i’m behind where is fruit berries on the leaderboard that’s good we’re not we’re not doing bad we’re not doing bad as a team we’re not doing bad as a team

Reference is number one right now so if you’re behind him then you’re in second place No no he’s not laughing me he’s not lapping me oh i really don’t get this game It’s so speedy it’s so speedy i just ah not bad At least end up 30. yeah i’m going to be talking is everyone here going to be like top 20 no i’m going to be top 30 maybe hopefully i’m i’m trying i’ve had some i had some major weird stuff happening it’s a little bit wonky every night then but it’s probably on me

This guy’s swimming in front of me and he’s so much faster like that and like sometimes it just doesn’t trigger properly and sometimes it okay fine it’s fine it’s fine we’re doing good we’re doing good i i i don’t know what’s happening i don’t know what’s happening i can’t

Play in first person you come through my my view is underneath the ground i can’t play in third person yeah what the hell is going on what is happening to me you’re spinning i’m okay are you doing you’re doing good you’re doing good just i don’t know it’s finished just focus on finishing

Let’s do it oh am i still playing he has like insane accuracy all right let’s let’s see the scores let’s see the course nice we finished fifth that’s not bad okay and awkward wait texas team finished 10th tequila’s team finished 10th right they’re awkward right oh they did they finished 10th that’s

Big for us that’s big for us the votes are tied oh it moved oh okay it’s fine the mega chicken moved it’s rigged for us guys there we go here we go here we go okay what that white house everyone knows the house we’re going to yeah yeah

Following the leader okay oh my god lava bucket um techno team’s over here let’s just keep running run out run further out run further out guys uh yeah leave leave the house leave the house leave the house oh boys you’ve separated it’s fine it’s fine you’re here we’re here

Come over here oh the opposite way you’re going right now opposite way you’re going around okay okay yeah i know i know i know there’s a huge fence in the way i couldn’t get over it’s fine i’m wait i mean if you guys just loot just loot i’ve only got a heart

I’m staying near each other i don’t have anything right now so yeah stay near each other guys if you see a team near you call it out so we can get back together oh oh dream you see those two yeah yeah i’m going for them okay okay okay tell

Me if you get anything good i’m just looking i have a stone sword for you for me okay do you also have one for yourself as well oh yo an iron axe what nine attack damage we do need food food is rare on here so yeah yeah all right let’s kind of let’s

Kind of move back guys pink is near you pink is near you get out of the building get out go go go go go go go go have an iron sword for you tubo for me okay yo yo i’m right here i’m right here you can give it you can give

A sword to one of them whenever you see them okay watch how he’s in there he’s coming in there we could pick pink we could take pink i’ve got a harming potion i don’t think we can take them wait one of them’s here one of them’s here

Oh let’s yeah go go can we take them yeah they’re not good they’re not good they’re not good they’re pushing in very very fast man i’m good fantastic dream all right although we cleaned green behind green behind cleaning oh i’m dead i’m dead oh my goodness run don’t tell that’s so dumb

All right just wrap it up yeah run that river on that road you guys can pull it off you guys can pull it off you guys can pull it off where did he come from where where the hell did he come from he was not with his team

Where are you guys because i have my cake yeah yeah grind it’s grinding it’s grinding you can take it off you guys can take him for sure i could take him i could take him you guys will get me i’m funny oh my god what the hell you’re dead

Dude he got an axe correct he’s on 10 he’s on 10 right now silly get him dude am i that bad holy [ __ ] oh [ __ ] oh my god i’m sorry grind what happened let’s crank it one kill survive simply survive just run please run please don’t please run just keep running

I’m so sorry oh dude this is not good that and that is one of the reasons i wasn’t afraid of playing survival games but oh we just got cleaned off the beginning there was nothing i could have done there like i was just dead i couldn’t have fought back there was nothing i

Could have done like he just he had more armor and he jumped down and i had nothing and i was already low there’s nothing i could have done there damn dude oh that’s bad i want to see how um the green guardians do they’re gonna do they’re gonna win this probably

Let’s just we gotta hope techno loses early and i know we gotta hur we gotta hope the blue bats lose early techno’s like down on the leaderboard we really gotta really i thought they were fourth oh we’re actually no boys we’re already we’re already in third

Yeah no oh yeah we technically are yeah they all have more than 700 actually no we’re not we’re not already we’re not already in third because green guardians were second place or actually i don’t know i don’t know we’re in guardians with that complacency we can make it up in the final game

There’s one more game after this right make it up on the phone yeah oh that’s so dumb this is this it was a risky game to choose because if we just die early like that we get no points and we should have done rockets no hell no hell no rockets

Was terrible standard time is the other one we could have done but yeah damn dude yeah the problem was like we i should have just kept running i decided to eat a golden apple because i was i had no food this game they need to add food what are they against

Adding food to this game like they they didn’t add it in skyblock either last time like we had no food just destroyed man that was like a two top yeah we should have we should have stayed together we didn’t i mean we we did a little bit but yeah i was gonna

Be dreaming but i ran out the front to fundy yeah you guys were just you guys were chasing them I didn’t even get a chance to fight people i got one kill though yes one more than i got Okay how are the blue bats doing those are the guys we really care about honestly i mean they’re good they’re gonna win they’re gonna win they’re full iron enchanted and stuff it’s fine though we can i think we’re gonna be third after this probably and then we can win the next game

And do well in it we all have to do good in it if we all do good in it then we’ll okay we can pull it out okay because this final game has a multiplier too what sucks is this game has the multiplier it’s like everyone’s gonna get

We’re gonna we’re gonna we’re gonna be like that sucks survival games is such like a it’s such a why they’re getting they get so many coins they get so many coins yeah oh god green guardians already have two thousand yeah i think this this could be the end uh

At least okay green guardians aren’t getting more coins that’s good they’re they they already took they have like 1 000 something lead on us now because of this game how’d they get they have 2 700 coins already that’s more than like the last two games combined

Like yeah we only got a thousand coins last game how did they get two thousand seven hundred already and they’re like doesn’t make it that’s so op that is the points in style games is absurd that is absurd yeah never again never again that’s the way sorry boys that’s broken

What yeah that was like four thousand and now they’re three thousand yeah their total their total score was like four thousand and now they’re getting almost they’re gonna get four thousand this game that’s broken that is broken absurd damn man next game one where there’s a lot of coins we want uh

We want censor time then yeah cause it is it’s one of those games where it’s really risky and you can also play we’re gonna have to play for a lot of coins instead of time if we go for it yeah just honestly just rush getting vault

Keys yeah we just have to we have to go for parkours and stuff we have to be risky yeah oh they’re trapped by the border oh they’re dead I don’t know we just don’t want we just don’t want techno’s team to techno’s team and the blue bats say the blue bats are we should worry about them okay crotch sees the problem is we’re gonna get past by like everybody because this game is op why are they

They get so many coins we’re gonna go from we’re gonna go from like a strong first place lead to like fifth or something yeah that is yeah that’s actually true what do we do um we stand the time we can pull it back like rockets play football there’s no way

We have to make sure we really have to get standard time if we don’t get standard time oh techno’s team is destroying the blue bats right now that actually could be good that could be really good no techno second no technology we want blue gone no no blue bats dead

Root killed calvin nice job fruit oh technically got into damage techno is low i know he’s not low but he’s now he’s 17. oh fruit is just destroying them with this bow he’s absurd oh he thinks he’s going to die oh no spiffy came back swifty’s on low health he’s on three oh

You just hit him once hit him once fruit now protect those team are like they’re far down the board i don’t think they are i think they are the blue team is but yeah i’m pretty sure blue if blue gets first that’s fine like they can dominate and get first that’s fine

I just don’t want anyone else to get points okay like i think we just want them to kill everybody really quickly and get all the kills okay because then they can be like absurdly in first and it’s fine god i really wish i had armor man yeah i had only a chestplate

I i just got jumped from behind i got a chest plate and um and leggings but i got like sniped four or five times and then i told tubber like oh protect me but you were like destroyed immediately yeah oh god we just want sapnap to die soon

We want um we want uh to die to border hopefully hopefully yeah we want aqua to we want awkward uh to die they’re getting killed around aquaman oh yeah yeah yeah yeah i think yellow jacks are like look very low so that’s fine nice that’s good that’s good that’s fine

Too if they kill spiffy nice spiffy or swiffy okay nice okay this is going good so we just need hopefully see uh this the creepers uh again cyan die i think that i think cyan needs to die how do they blue bats have 4k points i think they’re gonna

They might potentially have a really big lead on us i don’t know we’ll see yeah they’re gonna have like three that’s fine though we just need them we need everyone else to not get any more points like a snapdap’s team has three thousand one hundred we’ve seen them to not get

Any more like snapchat needs to die i think he’s just hiding i bet you i think pete’s team just needs to die to blue like we just want blue to just dominate oh sometimes it’s right there no no no blue team is quite low oh it’s blue nose

They’re going for something yeah they’re going for they want the free kill that’s good though we want them we just want blue to dominate if blue dominates that’s fine because then the rest of the team don’t get any more points we can’t have it be closer yeah certain that needs to die

I mean you got very mind they’re gonna have like a three thousand point lead on us anyway no no probably not three thousand oh yeah yeah yeah no no yeah yeah yeah they will sadly we got like no points in this game yeah that’s unfortunate we should have just ran further man

Yeah we probably should have is he killing himself oh no he’s drink fires and he’s hiding in lava but he’s dead yeah he’s dead That’s good that’s good though that’s good we want that yeah didn’t get any more points so now we kind of want pete’s team to die before they get more kills rude get that kill steal the kill fruit steal it nice fruit stole a kill that’s good that’s good for us

We just want fruits team to just dominate right now pete don’t get any more kills wilbur don’t get kills oh no okay they got one kill Got two we’ve seen fruit to come up and clean them right now fruits team come clean them right now you know and then die to tommy clean them and then die to tommy i’m just kidding almost zero hp tommy’s right behind ed pete is going for uh oh oh tom’s going

For tommy tommy’s dead actually running alfie puffy’s dead oh tommy stole a kill okay i think that was after we lost i think that was probably the best outcome we could have had yep yeah that’s busted that’s almost double what the total point was before that is that is actually

Absurdly broken what seven thousand points that’s actually insane technology techno said 7k that is so broken it’s not bingo there’s no way there’s no way yes okay all right okay we can pull this off we can pull it off it’ll be the biggest comeback ever it’ll be the biggest comeback ever we

Can do this we can do this if you find a key call it out if you find a vault call it out yeah like you’ve got to prioritize if you find a boat vault you’re literally set okay i didn’t get the key okay find a vault nice wait wait what kind of

Vehicle do you need guns he just blew up god oh my god jesus that was a lot of all right i got a lot of coins got a decent amount there damn it green fault greenfall that spawn on the right side i’ll mark it weirdly

So we got some sand for you i’ll come back to the middle and drop it okay okay the the x marked spot is green vault and uh there’s some sand there as well where on the xmark spot one of the ways is uh okay i think i see him

Oh i’m actually in trouble i boys better armor man andy i don’t know where the x-max’s spot is it’s under it’s on site okay okay okay okay i’m actually we’re exactly not very low just then all right i cleared the whole bottom room no one go to the

Bottom middle i have the blue vault key by the way what’s what’s is it the green vault that’s one that’s where you can immediately go to mid yeah i have rusty keys if anybody needs any there any rooms oh no vexes i think i’m on my way i think i’m dropping sand um

Silly you can it’s right behind you basically okay well it’s just on the floor around the middle so just run around the middle another rusty key i don’t know already i have two on me as well fundy i’m gonna come this way with you i think yeah it’s a bit dangerous but sure

I don’t know where else to go because i think everything else was marked off i got wither again this is bad hey dream nice look there’s a lot of stuff down there is that if you can bow it i mean there’s a lot of like mobs just watch out

Yeah i’m thinking i just kind of hop in plop a torch down okay that’s a creeper come here okay i’m using the creepers to climb um i got a bunch of sand okay do you need it already um i mean it’s nice to have you guys are there creepers they could

Blow stuff up you get the i can’t i can’t get into torch i’m coming back i’m coming back back to bring you sound all right i’m low typo can you help me yeah i’m on my way i’m on my way i’m on my way i put place

Spawners i mean torches so oh okay just run this run back up back up back up um if you can start sniping these skeletons taboo because there’s a lot of gold over there but there’s skeletons across so just you have arrows to snipe them or no yeah all right there’s nothing else there’s

Nothing up here so oh no i don’t have enough hours here uh i don’t have any it’s probably not worth it it’s probably not worth it it’s not okay we need to go look for a vault we need to look for a vault i’ve basically cleared this entire area

Yeah this whole area is cleared or block it off with three if it’s cleared okay let’s go this way oh wait this one is included sorry any more sand silly um i mean if you have sand you can drop it up i don’t need any more though

Whenever you’re ready all right i have four sand 13 i’m good for a while anything down here just not that i can see at least is there a parkour okay let’s get out of here nope nope okay there’s nothing down here yeah i’m getting out i’m getting out it’s totally cleared

How are we on time okay totally cleared yep you want to go back do we want to go back to middle and drop her um yeah keep your eyes pretended you got that right silly yeah they sound full god i picked a really bad first one to

Go through green funky green volky green where’d you find it wait wait green all right i’m getting it i’m getting it and going back to the middle all right nice there’s sand up there silva here i’m dropping i’m dropping you sand okay i’m seven sand i’m dropping right there uh i’m making a

Path here there’s also sand which goes that way there’s there’s more a little bit more stanley around the middle that i said that i saw but yeah yeah there you go if you have the green volcano literally get back yeah yeah come in come in don’t worry

Wait have we found the green vote yet yeah yeah in the middle really yeah that’s why i’m hyped we got the green fault we just need to find the blue vault because i have the blue vault key if you guys need that yeah oh okay okay okay gotta be careful gotta be careful

I’ve just been overrun in there i dream of you in three two quick before anyone else so we get it nice okay iron axes if anyone wants yo okay okay okay that’s what iron axe is rope there’s three iron accents where here comes me thank you wait you got one for me

Yeah okay okay okay okay okay dream no no it’s fine it’s fine here’s a silvia because she’s that mid and then i can grab it if i go to mid okay okay okay sylvia dropped on the floor next to me i don’t know how to fight vexes how do i fight them

Uh they float through the walls you just gotta hit him you can shoot him if i’m continuing my run did you did you get the green volcano oh oh oh oh oh i’m okay yeah we opened it i’ve got vexes yep okay i’m dipping i’m dipping i’m dipping vexes they have iron swords

And they do the same amount of damage oh i’m not getting enough coins right now boys i apologize sorry oh that’s bad okay i’m actually gonna this one’s not clear i’m gonna put a line of three which is like open no a line of three means you’ve cleared it

No no but it’s a line of three not going across no i think i’ve actually found a rusty vault how much sand do you have i have two rusty i felt sand oh god there’s a vex i really don’t want to die here okay i just want to clear these but i’m

Afraid i’m gonna die to them if i don’t even though it takes so much time silvie how we understand we’re pretty good i found a parkour above lava yeah don’t do that how do i get out oh am i trapped in here how do i get out i’ve got no idea

Honestly i don’t know how these iron i don’t know what the iron doors mean you just open them i think oh i i don’t i’m clicking them they’re completely good they’re what are you sure they’re iron and not just like they’re iron this is straight up maze i don’t know where i’m going

I don’t know how to oh god i’m fine guys can someone can someone get me out of here because i’m that’s not good well actually that’s not fair i’m not gonna die am i yeah i was in lava i’m dying my chords are two zero nine three nine okay i’m fine

I actually i’ve got rusty keys but i have not found anything is this clear can i mine these doors i can’t mine them guys i need i’m like trapped i might need you to get me out actually okay where where my cords are you can you can send uh glitches

My entire chat’s freaking out about stairs but i honestly i didn’t see anything um i only have three sand by the way if you guys is it a glitch i just know if it’s a glitch guys i i need you guys otherwise we lose

Do you see me you can see me through the wall i’m jumping right now you can see me through the wall you guys can see you can see me through the wall i need you guys to come to me and he wanted you to come to me right now

Okay okay wait is it a glitch guys because i can’t get out i’m clicking this okay so we’ve got mid if you go looking um dmr sand oh yeah yeah i have sound on me okay so they just put iron doors that they don’t explain anywhere that make it so

You’re trapped when you go through it how do i get this very genius great idea by the team wait so how do you get out um you’re close to me whoever whoever that is that’s there they said i’m trapped i guess i can’t get out unless one of you guys the only

Way you can come and open it for me but okay i’ll uh you’re on your way table right complete the park there’s no way out i didn’t i did the party i did the parkour guys there’s no way i don’t know where i’m going i’m trapped like it’s not

I don’t know how to get to you i’m down i’m down a corridor my chords are 2083. i’m jumping i’m jumping i just the red door if one of you guys doesn’t get here we lose so i i honestly don’t know what direction i’m on my way i’m trying to find you

Is the same who’s doing sand yeah i don’t have any left though so i’m searching these little i don’t have any left either i’m making my way back i think i mean i don’t know nobody’s nobody’s telling me like do i do do i have to get

The rest of these coins in order to get it i don’t want to risk it if not like i don’t know how this works they didn’t explain this they never explained this like the iron doors that open and they don’t close like did you all right

The lower lower part i entered i entered through the lower part dream keep jumping you jumping we need more i’ve got one i’ve got one i’ve got one i’ll play i don’t have any sand that was close i can’t tell this one i think this one

There’s a strip of um blue here this might be it okay oh no i mean oh you guys are whoever’s there is is close i’m jumping yeah i know i’m trying i’m trying don’t worry anymore i have 1752 coins [ __ ] this is such a dumb trap i’m sorry

This is a horrible idea but whoever made this it’s not that great you know it’s not even a trap like you can you can walk through the doors they’re closed and then you walk up to them they open and then you can’t open them above i’m pretty sure i’m lower i’m

Pretty sure i’m lower i went down and i went through like a bunch of spawners and stuff that i all broke god damn it it’s not a trap it’s living on a trap it’s a normal room like it’s not a trap like i voluntarily walked into it

I can’t i tried i can’t do anything okay i’m coming i’ve got a little bit of sand i was looking for sand i’m on my way back you’re close to me whoever that is i think if you go left i think left funnies at you i think if you go

Left i think i went through left and then i went down or something oh no boys i’m not gonna be able to get the sand on in time okay we’ve gotta get out we’re gonna go i think we’ve only got 30 seconds boys do you have any more sand

No i’ve got none i got i got 2k sand i’m right here i’m right here i don’t i don’t know how to get to you i’m sorry i’m trying my best i don’t really understand where you’re going i don’t think we have time i think we lost

I’m really sorry i don’t know i’m sorry that is that is the dumbest mechanic no That is actually that is actually the dumbest mechanic I had i had two grand it’s a little bit wait so so hold on it is a little harsh but it’s it’s it’s my it’s my my room no this happened there was just doors there’s doors i click them they open i walk through the doors they close

Behind me and there’s no way out ah so you’re literally trapped yeah no there was no way out like i did all the parkour i did everything in the room there was no there was literally absolutely no way out it’s just it’s just doors when alive then you’re just

Stuck you gotta wait there yeah no there was like there was actually there’s absolutely nothing i could have done like i literally could have done nothing third time i finished third he popped off damn who’s kirsten second bruce first techno second i’m not even on there anymore

Yeah that is the first time that i did not finish i had a technoblade out of the four events i’ve played in i’ve nothing all right george sapp go snap now let’s go george Irregular irregular who got their arrows you know don’t stack do not stack guys oh they missed they missed they missed oh good try dodge dodge dodge all right it’s fine it’s fine don’t [ __ ] do not stack spread out we’re all in like the same thing spread out okay come on spreading

Why the board is coming in not surprised cartoon you guys went out dude someone died i’ve tried man dude i’m sorry yeah it’s ridiculous they missed oh yeah wait should i shoot it i’ll give it a start hold the arrow in your hand i know you’ve got it

Give me there trust me they don’t know you have it sometimes you can get it they missed you know what look at that let me get there no okay go oh keep dodging keep dodging keep spread out spread out i’m irregular irregular movements spread out spread out

They miss all right take it take the arrow nice oh no wait get it get it i know they have an arrow they have both a one they have one they have an arrow they have an arrow don’t try to predict they’re they’re so irregular nice huge huge right right jump irregular

Movements irregular movements voice irregular movements it’s irregular i’m like i’m the definition of a regular you’ve got both he’s like okay oh oh i’m out oh don’t get me out don’t go oh yes wait take one take one you ready wait it’s over there jump in there right there

You ready okay i’m gonna aim slightly to the left you aim slight to the right you ready okay okay wait uh you counted in okay three two one shoot dodge dodge you’re moving you’re moving move move that one that one is they trained this team trained a lot so

Just be careful don’t underestimate anyone just do what you want to do you ready yeah i’ll go right up just take it when you want it just shoot it’s not working yeah she’s going left she’s literally going oh my god what is wrong with us all right it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine

She’s going left and right every time she jumps don’t stack Okay you know what i’ve had enough of this you are dead what is wrong with me what all right come on guys okay i’m sorry i oh i almost jumped off oh this is you got it she’s just going left and right like she’s going straight

She’s going two one way she’s gonna go right now let’s go okay you got this we got this oh my god all right first round nerves are over no more missing arrows okay this is i’m kind of talking to myself yeah i’m not taking the arrow anymore i’m i’ve disappointed wait

Take someone take it someone take it oh my god you’ve got it all right i got it back spread out i didn’t see who got it on their team oh god all right who has our arrow i’m looking out for it i think era has it

Wait wait for them to shoot oh nice oh it’s one has it it’s bomb hazard dude i feel like h is going to go after me man i just have a feeling he did it last time he knows i’m he knows i practice this oh they missed they missed

I got it they missed both let me know i got an arrow oh don’t slide off okay wait wait sign up all right you guys both have it just wait i’m just gonna pretend i don’t have one and they’re gonna get confused and think they have one

Wait let’s just take this time to calm down a second all right all right just take a minute guys take a minute sir i’m proud of us boys so we made it far um this is for everything all right so what we’re going to do what we’re going to do

What we’re going to do is win let’s go Oh i missed all right dodge dodge dodge dude we got this oh no curtis spread out spread out 1v3 do not let him one of e3 dance to the beat just dance disappear you guys are really clumped but just dance there’s not much space don’t get too close to the edge what’s

He doing don’t don’t don’t stop being a regular he’s trying to bait us all right you probably can’t wait there’s no space he’s in the middle of course don’t let him tire he’s gonna wait he’s going to wait to shoot that arrow it’s not even charging up george stay in

The middle i stay in the back right and eric stays on the other corner i’m out okay okay are you ready you ready i’m ready are you know this is just irregular don’t like don’t think you can predict yeah yeah george let’s go dude we can win this now

Do not get ahead of ourselves slow down just listen to the music guys feel the beat good feel the music in your bones let’s go all right step open the arrow aaron let’s get the arrow yep you didn’t get it you didn’t get it you didn’t get it dodge

Just be irregular oh okay it’s okay i missed you got this you got this come on just wait till one of them takes the arrow maybe yeah h is gonna try to sneak in for it yes because try i tried did you steal the arrow i tried nice yes nice curtsy jump jump

Irregular movements what are we dude you still got two you’re stacking up you’re stacking up be irregular i’m so irregular you don’t understand i don’t even who are you eliminating uh wait you have the error right you have the error right yes i do okay uh oh no uh i choose

I choose uh uh uh uh you yes h split let’s fly oh dodge oh like we’re like together spread out i’m irregular what am i gonna do left right up uh i um i don’t even know i’m not even gonna look i don’t even know you got this you guys keep crossing each

Other yeah you’re not being regular i’m dead i’m dead i’m dead i’m alive you shot this you got this george we win these you one lover you’re winning this too it’s just it’s really shitty to be in that position where you have no arrows it’s like you can’t even

No you just gotta hope they miss all right curtsy he’s getting arrowed yeah get the arrow and you can pass it to me if you want yeah you get to the back corner and i’ll shoot someone h cutter oh my god i’m sorry h has it and fruit has it i saw it

Dude i don’t know i miss h by like a micro inch every time and it’s so sad yeah we got this i’m sorry dude just playing calm wait calm play it easy h wants me he wants to breathe deep keep it irregular oh no no targeting the hell out of me

All right we need to get both of these shots okay yeah yeah you ready wait wait wait wait wait wait are you ready yeah i’m going for snake eyes on fruit berries ready you guys are on top of each other spread out come on just stay on one side they missed oh

All right guys you got it this is the 1v3 yeah i’m gonna do it you got it i believe in you george but only if you twitch prime right now okay i’m gonna do it okay okay watch this ready yes all right you got it you got it george okay wait safe

You’re going left miss me miss me you’re going left or right right now and i’m really scared oh dude just shoot no [ __ ] it’s good no this is this is just for the story you know when when they write a book about it have you’ve got to have some uh

Drama who’s getting it we are pop each other let me get there oh no all right those early shots just don’t work out dude i’ve learned that too dude they’re targeting the bejesus out of me yeah i’m getting eliminated really quickly too but i don’t blame them i guess fruit wants me

We got this we have got this i’m gonna they’re gonna kill me i can smell it i’m dead on the next shot yeah there wasn’t enough primes that must be it yeah goodness twitch primes god damn it dude it’s after me so much all right i believe in you guys you got

This they’re going to be clumped look at that clump it’s like poop in a litter box exactly no nice yes nice come on come on if they miss these shots it’s it’s very doable you’re losing speed you need speed for the cheeks you spin too much i suppose fruit’s going for you kurt

I know he shot it on the ground okay no dude 1v3 three one two three i’m gonna tell my grandkids all right guys whatever happened where are you where are you guys i’m here wait let’s all get together where are we whatever happens just come on never happens georgetown eric

Look we’re in this corner all right stand up come here back left corner where are you guys okay this is for the years right now okay frozen he’s typing i know he’s not he’s just sort of sitting there have they got both arrows they do they must

Oh he’s aiming at you i believe in you who else would he be he’s aiming at you oh oh no they’re gonna wear me down please have endurance i’ve been training yes they missed he’s gone otherwise you go backwards don’t get back oh nice charlie Oh damn dude they threw owed at the end and they win gg they did really well yeah they did amazing they popped off in the hunger games which is when it really mattered honestly right now it’s one twice and oh yeah and um h has won three times

Oh my god that just they’re just too good yeah that’s okay tumblr we’ll get our win one day one day we’ll get a win

This video, titled ‘Dream MC Championship 9 Livestream | New Minecraft Kings! Ft. Dream team & Technoblade’, was uploaded by Everfoll on 2020-09-13 02:34:19. It has garnered 299904 views and 6292 likes. The duration of the video is 01:39:26 or 5966 seconds.

Dream and George POV FULL Livestream. ​@Dream faces off against @GeorgeNotFound @Sapnap and @Technoblade in Minecraft Championship 9 so watch till the End! Noxcrew Minecraft Championship ALL moments and championship highlights.

Also watch @Sapnap beat @Dream in Survival Games in Minecraft Championships 9 ! Dream nerfed by noxcrew in mcc 9 (Parkour Warrior)

⬇…Ⓢⓤⓑⓢⓒⓡⓘⓑⓔ, 🄻🄸🄺🄴, 🅢🅗🅐🅡🅔 oɹ ǝʅsǝ…⬇ https://www.youtube.com/everfoll?sub_confirmation=1

↓↓↓—————————————————————-↓↓↓ ◂Follow my socials▸ ▶ Instagram – @everfoll ▶ Twitter – @EVERF0LL ↑↑↑—————————————————————-↑↑↑

TEAMS: Lime Llamas: Dream, Fundy, Tubbo, Sylvee Red Rabbits: TommyInnit, WilburSoot, Smajor1995, Ph1Lza Green Guardians: GeorgeNotFound, Krtzyy, TheEret, Sapnap Aqua Axolotls: Calvin, Spifey, Technoblade, F1NN5TER Blue Bats: Fruitberries, HBomb94, Rendog, Falsesymmetry

Orange Ocelots: Shubble, Seapeekay, TapL, PearlescentMoon Cyan Creepers: KaraCorvus, CaptainSparklez, PeteZahHutt, CaptainPuffy Purple Pandas: GizzyGazza, JeromeASF, ryguyrocky, SB737 Pink Parrots: InTheLittleWood, Smallishbeans, SolidarityGami, Grian Yellow Yaks: Mefs, RIPmika, Strawburry17, Quig

Check out their content: @dream @GeorgeNotFound @Sapnap

MCC on Twitter: @MCChampionship_

#Everfoll #Dream #MinecraftChampionship

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  • EPIC Minecraft Prank on Chai Wala 😂 #shorts

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  • Garrettmc Network

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  • Charged Creeper SMP, Cross-Play, McMMO, Dungeons, Mob Arenas, Custom Enchants, Shops, Pinata Party, Crates

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  • Minecraft Memes – Lebonbon strikes again!

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  • Minecraft’s Sad Moments: Rhyme Time for Viral Shine

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  • Hotter than a lava pit: Bruh moment #minecraft

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  • Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft

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  • Uzbek Bedwars Shenanigans

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  • EPIC Minecraft Mods Update – Must See! 🤯

    EPIC Minecraft Mods Update - Must See! 🤯Video Information tax ocean villager got a big update that added and changed a lot the mod adds many new ships and other ocean related stuff to the game the first ship is the Marine ship there you can find the captain and his sailor crew they are selling lapis lauli tools and armor then there is the pirate ship which belongs to the pirate captain and his crew they trade emerald tools and armor for some gold both ships can be found rarely as a zom IED version the ships are really destroyed and overgrown Undead variants of the… Read More

  • Minecraft: Jax Falls in Love with Rabbit Transformations

    Minecraft: Jax Falls in Love with Rabbit TransformationsVideo Information guys today I’m working on making Greenery in my laboratory and I think I’ve already managed to create something I’ve made a beauty potion without side effects can you imagine such a thing has never happened in our amazing digital circus it’s really wonderful but I think it’s not safe to leave it here it needs to be hidden somewhere else and I think that I’ve come up with yes the waterfall will be a perfect place as far as I know this place is very reliable even though kfmo lives here I’ll hide it somewhere in this… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Solo SMP Explorer Reveal!” #MinecraftAdventure

    "Insane Minecraft Solo SMP Explorer Reveal!" #MinecraftAdventureVideo Information and we are free free to wonderand free to be out of the Jung go no no it’s fine it’s fine we just need to go this way and we will be free of the Jungle completely free and no no it’s fine see there’s no there’s no more jungle just over there we just need to go a little further oh oh no oh dear This video, titled ‘Meet the Explorer #minecraft #solosmp’, was uploaded by SeraphMC on 2024-02-25 13:00:11. It has garnered 24 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30… Read More

  • Minecraft PE Update 1.21 – New Features & Download!

    Minecraft PE Update 1.21 - New Features & Download!Video Information तो जी हां भाइयों और बहनों वह घड़ी आ चुकी जिसका आपको बेसब्र से इंतेजार था आपके अलावा आपकी मौसी को आपके मौसा को आपके रिश्तेदारों को आपके पड़ोसी को आपके बगल वाले चाय वाले को आपके सामने वाले पानीपुरी वाले ठेले वाले भैया को किसी को भी इस घड़ी का इंतजार नहीं था आपको घड़ी का इंतजार था तो आप एकदम सही वीडियो में आए हो आज मैं आपको देने वाला हूं माफ्ट का 1.21 का नया अपडेट और सुनने में आ रहा है कि मोंग वालों ने इसमें भाई ऐसी चीजें ऐड कि है ना कि… Read More

  • The ULTIMATE Skyblock on Penguin.gg with Julius Laguna!

    The ULTIMATE Skyblock on Penguin.gg with Julius Laguna!Video Information This video, titled ‘Penguin.gg(SB737’s Minecraft server) Skyblock’, was uploaded by Julius Laguna on 2024-05-26 01:49:01. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:01 or 121 seconds. Discord is now going smoothly. Links https://discord.gg/dB85sqEJTH (Community discord server) https://discord.gg/P7uKMQBtXt (Prototype community discord server) https://discord.gg/penguingg (Official SB737 Server) https://discord.gg/dRsZQHWU3A (Chillax(Branchoff of the Oficial SB737 Server)) https://discord.gg/jVHSxfknyW (Official Julius Laguna SMP discord server) https://discord.gg/psa6NqquMF (Unofficial Julius Laguna SMP discord server(Any branchoffs will need to be aprooved by the owner.)) —————————————– Minecraft Weekends at 2:30 PM EST: Penguin.gg(SB737’s Minecraft server) Survival Weekends at 8:30 AM EST:… Read More

Dream MC Championship 9 Livestream | New Minecraft Kings! Ft. Dream team & Technoblade