Dream SMP Reunion TwitchCon Full Panel!

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>> You don’t log on. You have to make them somehow. >> The clutch. The clutch. >> Hey, TwitchCon. Please give a warm welcome to Adam Savage. >> Hello. How good is to be here in Amsterdam? Back in person? All right. Let me here

You scream. Make some noise. And now altogether. You are amazing. You look fantastic. This is the dream SMP reunion. Who loves dream SMP? We have got such a great show for you guys. You look fantastic. My Twitch and first stream in 2020

I don’t remember anything as unique and memorable as to what today’s guest created. This is memorable. We cannot let the vibe drop for a second. The emergency must be immense. You are the one place in the world. Let me hear you! >> Yes! Yes! In just a moment we’re going to reunit six of your favorite dream SMP members live. You guys are home as well. You’ll have an opportunity to ask those questions as well. TwitchCon, are you ready? We’ve waited long enough. Are you ready to

Meet the team? Behind the dream? Let me hear you scream! Welcome to the stage! (music) security is random. We rehearsed sitting in the right space five times. >> We didn’t realize we had a sitting order. >> Guys, it is great to see you

All here. How are you doing? Look at this. Amazing! Right. I lost you guys. I’ll come to you first, Jack. Most popular survival server ever. What made it so special for you? >> What made it so special for

Me? Mainly money. You know. So much more of it than ever before. No it was the fact that I did it with people I enjoy. Everyone sat here. Oh. Damp me up. >> Those were really awkward. Honestly that was — that had —

The people involved. Obviously the people watching onlined and the reception has been unbelievable. How has it been for you experiencing it behind the screen? >> Overwhelming. It put it is into perspective. It is humbling. >> We’re going to ask you the same question. I guess

Captivated by the audience. Hello. >> Right. You watching at home Talk to us in the chat. We’re looking to hear from you throughout the celebration. We started it out. Who was there on day one? Most of you are ply

Lying. I didn’t know it was a thing until I joined. Fine. Where were you on the day? What was on I day one? >> Only two and a half years ago. >> We were on SMP — your server before. >> I wasn’t on that server.

>> April 2020. >> I was at university in London. That’s it though. I was lost for what to do. Tom came in. >> Suddenly everything was so much better. And clear. >> What was the world like? When the SMP server went live, where were you?

>> Probably playing hard core. >> Now of all of the wars that we’ve watched, what was your particular favorite one released? >> I think it was the first war I think I joined closely after that. Yeah. I had to live the aftermath. >> Relish in the aftermath.

Jack, as well, same question for you. What was the pivotal moment for you? >> I would have to say that. For me it was the first thing I’ve really, really seen from it. I knew beforehand the second the war ended, I was

Getting at it. If you watch, it ends. Everyone just — oh, Jack. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It is my favorite that I’ve ever been involved. It is my favorite. There’s so many of them. That’s brilliant. >> Right. This is — I’m

Getting word in my ear that we have our first audience question. Okay? Who would like to ask the questions a question in the audience? Anyone? I can’t hear you. Anybody? Louder. I can’t hear you. Going in the direction here.

Gentleman in the front row here Face mask. >> He needs to answer. >> What is your question for the panel? >> I’ve been streaming for a couple of years and everything. I haven’t seemed to get there. I was wondering, how do you join?

>> Oh. I can fill this one. If you just — come up on the stable now. >> Do you want to come up on the stage? >> You can join right now. >> We’ve it up! . >> This could be perfect. Should we take a group picture?

Everyone gets the lights out on your phone. I’m going to ask you to stand up as well. This is going to be amazing. You stand up there in the audience. Yes. I’m watching at home. You can do the same thing. We have

A picture of all of us together. >> What should we say on the count of three? >> Tibot >> 1, 2, 3. Tibot. >> Did you get that? >> On the count of three, we’re going to shout dream. >> 1, 2, 3, dream. >> Thank you. Give yourself a

Round of applause. >> Can you rehearse what seats you were meant to sit in. >> They get so fast. >> Right. Welcome, welcome, welcome to the stage here. Since we’re going over the history of the dream SMP and how the magic got made, we’ve asked everyone here today to bring a

Favorite clip. They didn’t tell their friends about. Okay. You go first. You go first. Okay. Now. All is peaceful in the dream, SMP. You stood up like it is a school assembly. This is great. This is your moment. >> This is your moment.

>> Hello, crowd. >> Always peaceful in the dream SMP. July 4, 2020. Stealing, grieving, murder. That was just your first day. That was your first day. Tell us about what you remember about that first day joining the server? . >> It was pretty weird. Dream

Didn’t want me on the server. I asked him, you know, I’m quite outgoing. Let me join, bitch. He said, no. No. You’ll ruin it. Okay. Okay, dream. He realized he needed someone to ruin it. That’s where I came in to play.

>> You are Lord of the Disc. >> I like that. >> How keeping it back to the story as well. >> Dude, I think they were — it is weird. >> Hello. I see them in the underchest. Fuck yeah. >> You still hold them dearly. >> I still — >> Sorry.

>> I’m sorry. >> Speaking of holding things dearly. Holding this as well. Henry the cow. >> Oh. >> How attack — attached? >> I have a thing. With like Minecraft pets. >> Right. We have a clip. Before we show you, can you give the context?

>> It is a clip of me. I can remember it. It was — it was a dark and stormy night. They are all going to clip. >> Yup. This is great. He’s keeping you all in suspense. >> I found it online.

>> As I was saying. That was not — >> Think of all of that. >> It needs to be. >> This is absolutely. Everyone is out to get me. I’m my own man. >> I think you have someone in the audience as well. >> Hello, mom.

>> Sara, did he do the dishes? No. >> My mom did this thing. I’m not sure if you have it or not. She has to now with the crowd of people. I’ll be streaming my serious stream. You are in my fuck household. That’s fine.

What a great moment that was. Thank you. Thank you, Sara as well. >> Phil, turning to you. Because we all want to know what catching of the blowing up the L ‘manburg was like. >> Catching Wilbur blowing up L’manberg. >> It work out. Panic. But he

Didn’t tell me I was going to kill him. I’m awkwardly stretching it out. You are my son. I’m trying to confirm he does want me to stab him. >> How did you confirm? DM? >> Instinct. He was adamant. He did not want to keep moving forward.

>> You put me in the awkward situation. >> It would be fun funny if it wasn’t so sad. >> You have the advantage of the man to prepare. I bet it felt good to strike earl hi on. >> It was really difficult to here. I’m sorry.

You teamed up and took them by surprise. How did it feel in the moment? >> So cool. It was so cool. I was being told to go on purpose. >> It was so cool. >> Everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy that moment. You guys enjoyed that.

>> And the community seemed to love it as well. I mean you could feel as well when that kind of thing happens, you can feel everyone buzzing in the chat as well. You thought and gave more wind in your sales doing those kind of things.

>> It was nuts. At one point Will joined the call to continue some extra and impromptu. >> He springs law on me. I’m sitting there trying to react and not mess it up. But he tried a bunch. I felt really bad. I felt legitimately bad.

Oh, no. I let his sheep die. >> Damn you. And you deserve to feel that way. >> We have a clip. You brought a clip as well today. We’re going to see this now. Can you set it up for us? Do you

Remember as fondly as Tom did? >> I remember the clip. >> And you didn’t. >> What could you set up for us without giving it away? What was happening in the moment for you? . >> We were about to do a stream We were going to hang out and

Find — sorry, find. The strongholds and make it into a table. But I started streaming an hour before him. I was getting everything ready. Something happened. >> Okay. Let’s see exactly what happened shall we? >> We’re going to find out. >> Okay. Whoops. What the

[sleep — bleep] Uh-oh. Uh-oh. I lefts it open. I forgot I was on the server. Oh. Well, let me fix this real quick. Let me just do this real quick. Let’s do that Stop things from getting in.

Oh, my. Holy. What does that say? >> Anarchy. Absolute anarchy. >> That was the goal. Let’s get drunk t-shirt. >> Do you remember that moment as well? Do you remember it unfolding and thinking what are you doing? >> I think that a lot about

Phil. So I don’t remember it particularly. But, you know, there’s a lot of those moments. >> Phil is a moment. Any other moments that stick out for you. Anything ridiculous. You think that was a special moment? >> You are digging deep. I feel

About Phil a lot to insult him with no basis. I’m slowly being called out as a liar. >> Okay. There were definitely moments. Great clip. Love that. Love that. Amazing. Of course, while they were humble beginnings, dream S&P made a huge impact on everyone here

Today. Everyone watching at home, on server, and you in the audience as well that watched everything happen along with them. I have to ask everyone here as well about the story. Okay. How the story unfolded. Who was the main story teller? Who was the created for most

Things? Who wants to nod at themselves to speak out? >> I’ll nominate myself. The best thing about the dream S&P is there wasn’t a main story teller. There was no one that was the main key story teller in the whole story. Everyone had their own characters and their

Own responsibility for the growth of that character. I think that’s what made it so cool. There was no big, overarching script. There was everything formed naturally with a big group of people coming together. It was cool. >> As time went on, did more people try to get involved in

The story? >> Yeah. Everyone got involved. >> Where there any ideas in the group that went absolutely no. That’s not happening. Obviously Tom has had a few. >> Probably NFTs. >> We can see here as well. >> I anime this. >> You did.

>> That was awesome. Big love from the audience. Yeah. Amazing. >> With this — this is incredible. Was anything else in the story that you particularly loved? Was there a moment? Any moments that stuck out? >> I think it is all awesome. My favorite things is probably the things I didn’t know about.

If I’m surprised. There was the time we were doing the first battle. It was the part that we were led into the room. No one saw it coming. That to me is the best most I’ve ever experienced on the server. I was so blind sided and shocked.

All of my progress. It is gone. >> How about yourself as well? I’ve watched the story for you. >> Oh. Let’s talk about for me in the story was simply just how — it is surprisingly by indicate for how in depth it is They are doing this for what

Happened later on. I don’t know if that’s on purpose. I would say the fact that jokes can be taken as this extremely serious thing. It can change the entire server. >> It is really, really cool. How much of an influence behind these guys. This is a great

Moment for them or they’ve introduced the awed yeps to us to bring into the story? >> Absolutely. We have a famous three lives rule. Everyone gets three cannon lives. >> Not me. >> Apart from Jack. Every time there’s a death of great white,

It takes a cannon life from you Wouldn’t be cool if there was a live system? I went yeah, yeah That makes sense. Everyone has had three. We went with that, forever. That kind of stuck. >> Awesome. I guess you love

Being part of the story as well You did. I presume. And probably on the story moments for you. What was the real inti gal part that you love? That’s wonderful to watch unfold. >> I think the main part that I thought was cool was that it

Didn’t start out to be what it is today. It kind of just started everyone did their own thing and had funny bits and that kind of evolved into this is what’s happening now. I think that’s really cool. >> Amazing. So much happened in the short period of time. Let’s

Get back some clips, shall we? Yes. Yes. Yes. Right. Your turn now. Hello. The era of the war of all of the people in the world. What was about Tom that made you want to start — >> Why am I — >> Specifically Tom?

>> I ask myself that every day. Why Tommy? >> I’ll kill you. That thing is unbelievable. >> Why me? Why Tommy? Well, he was there. >> I was there. >> He wouldn’t fucking leave me alone is probably — he followed me around. >> That’s completely untrue. >> What I ended up doing is any

Plans that I had, he was involved through proxy. Then eventually involved just properly. Which is a mistake every day to the very moment. >> Was it good collaborating as well? >> Yes. >> I wouldn’t call us friends. I would call us more business associates. Never.

>> Like two hamsters in a cage. >> Two hamsters. One big, buff, hairy, strong. One little, skinny, and awful. >> Everyone can deduce which one is which. >> I think I’ve enjoyed using Will. >> On the great hamster wheel of life. Me and Tommy simply spin. >> We’ve made our money. We have about two more months left on the plan. Then I’m done. We can finally stop speaking to each other. >> I’m moving to Maldives. >> I am. With my wife.

>> He’s 36. >> And I don’t know where I am. >> Just like Phil. >> What is it like to have a wife? >> It is awesome. >> You wouldn’t expecting awesome, would you? >> It’s been nice collaborating with an infear your. >> I could say the same.

>> But you don’t. Maybe you are talking about Jack. Bazinga. >> You are so tight. You can feel there’s a real — >> We already like each other. That’s the takeaway. >> All right. You elect yourself as President. Sounds bad when you say that.

>> Was there a motto as well? >> There was. There was. >> The authority. Oh, the first time. Inspiring. >> Inspiring. That takes you on and wins the votes. A sad day. Yeah. >> Just all of those buildings. >> No enjoying it in the room.

>> The only one is Tom. >> He likes Jay. >> He’ll hate that. >> He did actually. Oh, yes. A sad day. A sad day. It was a pivotal moment in the story. What was it — I mean what was it like being there and all kind

Of unfolding for the audience? >> It was great. Yeah. I wasn’t expecting the — so I did originally a Google form for people to vote on which — a Google form. And it crashed. There was so many responses. I had to sit there. Which I

Wasn’t expecting. When I lost the election, it was pretty crazy then afterwards. I was expecting to see maybe a couple of people talking about it. It was just all over the Internet. That’s what started the moment of what I was called the devised story writing. We always have

Improve. >> How we actually see this. >> It was a story selling. As well as the emotional pivot. There’s so many people. Which was fun. >> Have you — with SMP have you thought about ever writing an actual story of some sort of your own outside of this —

>> There’s been some talk. But no.->> I did not hear what you said. There’s been a lot of talk about that kind of thing. It is really an interesting way It is such a unique way of storytelling. Why should we go back to archaic books?

>> Stupid words. >> Yeah. We’re the best. >> What? . >> I zoned out. >> I zoned out. That’s amazing He has a heart attack. >> Was he a good villain as well? >> You did — you — >> I killed you. I’m sorry.

>> Yeah. I don’t know why you did it. Have we ever come up with a reason? >> I think you cross fire. >> The thing is with cross fire usually things are fired. People are caught in the cross fire. You swung — >> It was fun being an

Antagonist. >> A great villain. A great villain. >> He was a hot villain. >> He is not hot. He is awesome. Of >> I hope you know he doesn’t shower. He just stinks constantly. He smells of cigarettes and body odor. He lives in a cave.

>> Never does the bloody dishes as well. It is your turn. We have a clip. What can you tell us about it without giving it away too much? >> It is a great clip. I remember it like it was yesterday. >> I was reached out to. Please

Provide us a clip. >> Thank you. Let’s have a look. >> May I read you the declaration of independence please. >> Please do. >> Forever the nation of the dream have cast great sins. They’ve destroyed our roof, for instance, robbed us, imprisoned us, killed many of our men.

This book declares the nation which will be known as L’ manburg is separated and up dependent. The union the master of one. When in the course of human events. >> Do you like the view of our nation? >> I thought this was a trailer park. Very funny.

>> Big moments. >> We love it. >> I can imagine the musical. >> That would be great. >> That would be cool. >> Yeah. >> I’ve heard they got some pipes. >> What? >> Don’t bring my pipes into this. I enjoy that moment as well. You love that moment.

Thank you. That was good. Right. Let’s move on to the lovely Nicki. Any Nicki fans in the audience? Okay. The pet war. I’m sorry. We had Henry earlier. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. This all began when they had five arrows at your beloved fox. Okay. Then shot it, killed it, you went full John Wick. >> I had to get my revenge.

>> Exactly. Exactly. What do you recall about that moment? Time for you? How were you in the moment outside of the? >> Well, I think at that point I’ve never talked to them in my life. And I was just very confuseed. I went on to the

Server. My pet was dead. There’s top gnome. Who is top gnome? >> Did it send ripples through the group? Did you feel the pain as well? >> He helped me. >> Henry, you had the same. You felt it too. Tragic. Killing sketches.

>> No. I felt bad for killing an innocent animal. Exactly. It is bittersweet. >> It escalated. It was a big thing. He said he didn’t notice that. How did you Gother around and support in the difficult time? >> It is just ones and zeros.

It is pixels on the screen. I said get over it. Man up. Everyone doing this. Keep living in the mind — Minecraft world, people. I’m in the real world. I’m coping. I don’t think I was there. There was a two-month period where I fell

Off of the face of the earth. This might have been it. When you asked how it happened, I’m reading. What? I don’t think this is the part I’m familiar with. You know, right now we can say, you know, sorry that happened. >> He keeps digging the whole.

She went to hell for 16 minutes This why you ended up betraying That’s totally understandable. >> Yeah. >> All of those things. >> You were betrayed. Where was I? >> He was building his village. It was a bit of a copy cat betrayal.

>> I have you — like — >> I’ve always got your back. >> You’ve got my back. >> There we are. We show the clip in the second here. In terms of the — you said it for us as well. They played that very shortly. Let’s look about

The craziness in general on the server at times. How you felt being in the situation surrounded by the brilliant people. What was it like being in the family with all of these things unfolding. We’ll show it in a second too. >> It was great. I remember

Before all of the big streams we would come together and sit in the ball. How is everyone feeling? What was happening today? I think everyone really enjoyed that time. >> All right. Let’s look at the clip on the screen here as well It was this moment as well.

>> I love this clip so much. >> Nick’s reaction to the moment. Sometimes there was sometime that happened. You have to watch the world. There were so many big moments. The community is like you. It is inspiring being here at TwitchCon as well. You have so

Many fans out here in the audience. What is it like being here at TwitchCon for all of you guys seeing the fans and being here and seeing the reaction online and now being here in person? How does it feel to see everybody in person live?

>> It is great. It is amazing. I’m overwhelmed. >> I am overwhelming. >> You are great. You are not overwhelming. It is just me. >> >> What is it like being here? >> I agree it is overwhelming. It is the audience’s fault. >> Be more calm.

>> To completely contradict what you just said. That was just me sitting down. >> We’re going to watch it time and time again now. >> I’m going to go. You can do my job. >> That’s great. It is wonderful. >> It is great to see everybody

In person. After two years, finally we come back and the world is watching as well. It is great to hear. >> Yeah. I think you look at the room like this. It is packed. There’s a lot of people. It is all very

Overwhelming. It is a fraction of the amount of people that were watching this in the first place. It gives you an idea of the scope of the whole thing. I think the whole thing is really difficult to realize is, you know, when you stop playing

Minecraft in the bedroom, it is hard to imagine the scope of it all. This is a good visualizer I appreciate everyone being here. >> People were cheering at home >> The people scream as well. The monitors. >> If you are at home, please take a video of you just going

Ahh! >> So many parents going Jesus, what’s happening? >> We get a kick out of that. >> Absolutely. At this point in the show, we asked earlier on about getting some audience questions from you guys at home for the gang as well. I think very shortly I’ll have the

Questions that I can read out. I would love to. Until you nit home and come back. We’ll get the questions in a second. Thank you so much. Big round of applause. Okay. I’ll try to pronounce the users names correctly. The question is

Where is Dream right now? Where is Dream? >> he’s in Florida. Staring at photos. Thinking my God, isn’t this kid doing well? Hello, Dream. We hear you. >> We should all say, everyone together, hi, Dream. >> It would be great to have him

Waving back at the screen at home. >> Yeah. >> Thanks for your question. A feather in the wind. What would have happened if they went differently? Specifically Tommy not exiled and Sklatz not President? How key were the Twitter polls? >> I didn’t write the exile. I

Have no idea what happened there. I wrote a contingency. >> You did? >> I did. Yeah. Me and Tommy move away to a cot only. >> And hi jinx. >> Before the stream, you sent me two verse versions. You knew the results.

>> You told me we didn’t. Dad, I fucking won. Then you go, no You had a moment as well. >> That was your decision to exile me. >> Yeah. Sorry. >> I was really happy. >> As long as you were happy. >> I was not.

>> If we won, we would have gone to a cottage. I’ve repressed that memory. Yeah. Thanks for your question as well. >> What are some of your personal head cannons that you have for your characters? >> I’ll start with Phil. >> I’m incredibly told.

>> That’s the sound bite. Clip that. I’m up credibly old into the camera. I said it knowing full swell. My character is really, really old. It’s just been around for years. >> Write what you know. >> Not got one left. >> Nicki, how about yourself?

What was your personal — >> I’m trying to think. I don’t know. >> What did you shout? >> My character has a bakery. Always had a bakery. The bakery — what is it called in English It means her mental state. If she’s baking and her bakery is

Open and she’s doing stuff, she’s fine. When she stopped the bakery, she blew up the bakery, she’s slowly healing and open opening the bakery back up. >> That’s very healing. That’s lovely. That’s really nice. How about you? >> I would have to say there’s a

Lot that I see. People make that I want that to be — there’s no possible way of me doing it. One of them was my character’s complete misunderstanding of what pronouns are. I’m pretty sure it was with Phil. Oh, she made that forecast.

>> Yeah. It was an enchanted forecast. I was inserts my life into the law. >> All right. All right. You don’t need brownie points, Phil. >> I basically said, oh, it must have been her. It must have been her. >> I wrote down in the book who

Is this her person? Then I would say the second one that I would have loved to make, but there’s no possible way for me to do it in the format of Minecraft would probably be the undermoms. It’s this really cool series. He has two moms in

The end that sent him there. I would love to do that. I have no idea how. >> It sounds amazing. Totally. Totally. That’s awesome. Thank you for your question. Thank you. A couple more here. We want to ask what keeps you guys

Motivated to continue streaming Why are you smiling? >> I know what he’s going to say. >> Say it on three. >> 1, 2, money. >> No, it is not. I give the answer every time. It is because I like the instant feedback of streaming.

I can do things in the chats. They will tell me whether it is good or bad. You can enjoy that you can’t with other forms of not live media. That’s just enjoyment that gets me. >> How about you? What would you continue?

>> I think it is — I think the thing that’s recently — I think the things that’s represently been like, fuck, this is awesome, is loads of animations and art. Woe. It would just be like us talking. It is dramatic as shit the animation out of it

The flogs and dream SMP. Where is the story? I want to write more. How is this real? That really gets me going. Shout out to the animators. Yeah. For sure! I watched your blog. What’s your favorite blooper? >> Blooper?

>> Oh. By lightning. >> There was one the most dramatic moment. I got struck by the lowest percentage chance of happening. I got struck by lightning. I was going to die. That was absurd. Stuck by lightning. Unbelievable. Thank you for your questions at home.

We have to turn to the final premier, the President himself. You and Tommy were forced to tight to the death. How much depended on that moment? What do you remember? >> What? No. Hi. >> Hi. Fighting alongside Tommy. >> On the mountain. >> That was

Pretty bad. >> That was awesome. >> Do you remember the mountain >> I do. I do. No. I can’t believe you did that, Nicki, by the way. No. No. No. That was my creature at the time, thank you very much. And I

Can’t believe you did that. >> I can’t believe — >> It is going to be all right, man. >> Really struggling to follow the conversation. >> They keep — >> Right above the tree. >> I’m sorry. I was struggle. >> I can’t believe he did that. >> I can’t believe that.

>> Sorry. Sorry. No, no, no. It is great. >> You speak words at me. >> It seems there was so many things you don’t remember being the total part. >> He was the President. >> He was the President. >> How was being President? >> It was wonderful.

>> Brilliant. >> I was never misinformed. I always knew what was going on. I was so aware. >> Yeah. So aware. >> So aware. They put me under house arrest. >> That was really — that was fun. I enjoyed making ankle bracelets. >> According to the finale here

As well, he owns the book of dark secrets. Okay. He can resurrect any body. What was your reaction to the revelation Revelation? General? . >> That was the story that I wrote. I wrote up one morning listening to the event. I’m

Going to read you the script. You have to listen. >> You made me sync up. >> Repeat. Now I’m walking to the park. And then we realized we could do this. What? What? >> No. It is because you have the same time as reading it.

You keep reading. Hi a couple of words. The majority of the call was you screaming sound tracks at me. At the end can you please send me bullet points. Did you enjoy that as well? Dream goes back to prison. Does he deserve to leave? >> No.

>> Information about Dream is the worst. He’s a terrible, terrible person. >> So few things get a round of applause. He’s a terrible person. >> What a response. >> You have a clip that we’re going to see now. >> What I’ve brought in for show

And tell. Sorry. Sorry. What I brought in for show and tell. I didn’t choose. I think it is already. >> It is a good clip. From your stream. >> And I dance. >> Okay. So we found out he throws in some shapes too.

Let’s take attention to the screen. Let’s see what they brought in for us. >> Can you entertain my stream for a second? I need to go tell my father what I did. >> Yes. You spin right round, baby, right round, baby, like a record, baby, right round.

>> What was that? >> You spin right round, baby, right round, — like a record. I’m not entertained. I really tried. Oh, my God. There he goes. You spin me right round, right round, baby, like a record, baby, right round, right round. >> Beautiful.

>> Twitch Elm see with their own screen. >> The song that was removed wasn’t copyrighted. I know. I had to check beforehand. >> What a fantastic moment. It was great to take part of it. Did you enjoy the moment as well, I take it?

>> Yeah. I didn’t actually — >> Show boat. Show boat. >> No. >> Great time. >> Thank you for chanting for people. >> Legitimate. >> That’s all right. All right Last but no means least all the way from manifold, Jack. >> We want to know about all of

The amazing things you intended to do with your ambassador booth until it was truly taken away. >> Did you have to go by that? There’s been a lot of them. I do remember that one now. >> You are the mind volt. >> So much — >> What was your experience

Being like being part of the triple tease. >> Part of the triple tease. Back in today. We did hosting. You know, targets. They were offstream. But, you know, it was a good time. I look back on it fondly. There’s a reason

That I changed my name. Departing from the group was the best thing. I’m joking. Right If I remember. If I do. No. No. It was ages ago, not recently. We attempted to — that was reasonable. I thought. >> Let’s look at the clip

Unfold. >> Why is Nicki here? He’s a citizen. >> I didn’t invite her. I don’t know why — I’ll see her off. >> The only thing he does is build his hotel. Have you seen the big sign that says hotel in construction? I need you to get

There in five memberships. >> I will. I will. Okay. >> As long as it works, it was worth it. >> Where the nukes at? He said the nuke test is today. >> I don’t know, Tommy. >> It is not on your block. On

Your key card. 3, 2, 1. It is not your key card. I don’t want to get close. To the tunnel. I think that was it. I think it worked. >> It didn’t. So, you missed. >> I did miss. >> How do you miss a nuke? >> My bad. >> That was your bad. I did my part perfectly. Special things with the nukes. Does it remain with you? >> It sticks with me. I’m glad

It didn’t work. I was going to accidentally on purpose have him kill his best friend. >> You bastard. >> This is the thing. I thought it was for the greater good. I thought he was quite mean to you. I could treat you better.

>> I’m glad you took the moral high ground. >> I made the moral decision he was better off dead. You know what? I’m not done trying. Watch out. >> On that note, we’re very close to the end of the show here. Very sadly. >> Lastly do you want to turn our attention to the unforgettable member of the Dream SMP. Tech know blade. Would someone like to share about techo blade? His contribution and part of this as well? >> He’s just the best. Effortlessly cool and good at video games. >> Yeah.

>> Folks, can we give an almighty round of applause? So loud in every corner of the globe. The techo blade. Thank you for being here for the reunion. Jack, Nicki! >> Thank you. >> Thank you so much. >> You’ll definitely see them this weekend at some point. You’ll be around. >> Yeah. We’ll wander around. >> Thank you. Stick around for High Rollers. Brand new duggen dungeon and dragons cam

This video, titled ‘Dream SMP Reunion TwitchCon Full Panel!’, was uploaded by Canooon on 2022-07-16 11:52:55. It has garnered 786477 views and 40282 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:04 or 3484 seconds.

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Full TwitchCon Dream SMP Panel Featuring TommyInnit, Wilbur Soot, Philza, Tubbo, Jack Manifold, Ranboo and Nihachu. Karl and Quackity also made a quick appearance. TwitchCon Amsterdam 2022

  • Blocky Behavior: Minecraft Class Chaos

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  • The Ultimate Tet Game Guide

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  • ULTIMATE SUBMARINE in Minecraft Hardcore – Laylo

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  • EPIC Minecraft Crafting Builds & Chats! #12

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    ZYPER NEARLY ENDS IT ALL, BUT THEN REMEMBERS #109Video Information [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] a [Music] [Music] n [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] o [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] w [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] that’s This video, titled ‘was omw to end but forgot something #109 (Uncut Minecraft with keyboard sounds and Lofi songs)’, was uploaded by zypher on 2024-02-17 05:17:35. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:50 or 710 seconds. Welcome to our enchanting world!… Read More

  • VIPmanYT EXPOSES New Minecraft Update! 24w12a & Bedrock Preview NOW LIVE!

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    EPIC MINECRAFT SURVIVAL SMP! ENDWAR COMING! 😱Video Information हेलो रोनक हेलो आदित्य हेलो रोन क्या हाल चाल है पहले लाइक कर दोम कोम भैया हा जीी आदित्य बोलिए बोलिए आद भैया फटाक से पहले लाइक कर दो यार बड़े लोग रिप्लाई नहीं देते नहीं भैया हम ब नहीं है देखो आज सबको लास्ट ंग में दे चुका हूं आप आप सर्वर में मैंने देख लिया गलती से बिना एंड व मत करना तुम लोग एंड व नहीं खेल पाओ बता दे रहा पहले जीजी को भी लास्ट वनिंग दे चुका हूं सबको दे दे रहा हूं लास्ट जो ली का यूज किया ड तो तीन लोग… Read More

  • Zaks server

    Zaks serverJoin “Zak’s Minecraft Server :)” for a cozy multiplayer experience! Survive, build, and explore in our friendly community. Adventure awaits! Read More

  • QuasarsSMP Semi-Vanilla SMP Java

    Welcome to QuasarsSMP! QuasarsSMP is a small semi-vanilla Minecraft SMP that offers enhanced gameplay while maintaining the classic Minecraft feel. We prioritize lasting builds and building strong friendships. Join our community of 15-20 active players who value creativity and community. If this sounds like the server for you, join our Discord today: https://discord.gg/7j2CB3ZqHt Read More

  • Starlight City | A New Minecraft Experience

    Starlight City | A New Minecraft ExperienceCome and explore Starlight City – A New Survival Experience. Featuring an ever expanding map with 3 continents so far and over 25,000 blocks long, Starlight city has something for everyone.Whether you want to go out and explore the continents, get a job, become a cop of doctor, smuggle contraband, or even unlock your own superpowers and fight crime… or commit it, Starlight City has something for everyone. Inspired by other servers like GTA MC and DemocracyCraft, The goal of Starlight City is to be a place where any player can find something they enjoy. I am truly passionate about… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Why do Minecraft players always do this?”

    Looks like even in Minecraft, the villagers have better social media engagement than most of us! Read More


    PORTAL UPGRADE: SCARY CAR EDITION 🔥🔥🔥 Why is the car upgrade so scary? Is it going to start teleporting us to random places like a malfunctioning portal? Better buckle up and hold on tight! #scarycarupgrade #portalproblems 🚗👻🔮 Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server!

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server! Welcome, Minecraft enthusiasts! Have you ever imagined bringing your favorite game to life in a whole new way? Well, the excitement doesn’t stop with LEGO Minecraft sets – it extends to the immersive world of Minewind Minecraft Server! Picture this: as you marvel at the intricate details of the LEGO Minecraft Crafting Table set, you can also dive into the dynamic and player-driven experience of Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind offers a unique twist to your Minecraft adventures. From building your dream structures to engaging in thrilling PvP battles, Minewind has something for… Read More

  • Unveiling the 1bitCPU CRED VII v10!

    Unveiling the 1bitCPU CRED VII v10! The Smallest Akaishi CPU: CRED VII (Version 10) Miniaturization at its Finest The CRED VII (Version 10) is a marvel in the world of Minecraft Redstone creations. This CPU, designed by Mr. Mizuchi, is the smallest Akaishi CPU ever produced, fitting within a compact 16 x 16 x 11 space, occupying just one chunk. The challenge of achieving this size was significant, with the base blocks contributing to the height of 11. 1-Bit Ingenuity What sets the CRED VII apart is its utilization of 1-bit ALU and registers, which are expanded to pseudo-4 bits through serial communication. This innovative… Read More

  • Ayan144 – Meet my ALTER EGO in FinAlLy

    Ayan144 - Meet my ALTER EGO in FinAlLyVideo Information [Music] perfect hi guys how’s it going welcome back to another episode of EMC to Sky so today in this episode we’re going to build some important things like the metal press and the heavy press whatever it’s called Uh we’re going to put it right next to the oven so if we look into my inventory the recipe book on a second uh there we go so this going to need to give us ktic D we don’t need this but what we do need is uh the metal press so we need to create the metal… Read More

  • Unleashing NEW Ancient Bosses Mod in Minecraft!

    Unleashing NEW Ancient Bosses Mod in Minecraft!Video Information oh hello there guys welcome back to the Minecraft hello chicken say hello to my friends okay you can you can go okay guys hello hello hello today I’m going to be showing you mod uh yeah this mod called ancient I for have this mod called actually let me let me just check quickly please cuz uh I need it I need it ancient legendary yeah guys there we go and this mod has new biomes new armor new bosses new animals yeah guys as you can see I prepared here some armor like how much how… Read More

  • MILOClash: My TOXIC Minecraft Friends

    MILOClash: My TOXIC Minecraft FriendsVideo Information This video, titled ‘All my friends are toxic minecraft’, was uploaded by MILOClash on 2024-03-18 17:26:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Welcome to our ultimate guide on crafting custom trees in Minecraft! Whether you’re a budding builder or a seasoned pro, this … Read More

  • MY BROTHER ASKED FOR A KISS? Minecraft Gameplay #4

    MY BROTHER ASKED FOR A KISS? Minecraft Gameplay #4Video Information [Music] is [Music] a [Music] that’s [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ow [Music] wow [Music] y [Music] h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] B [Applause] [Music] huh [Music] e [Music] ah h [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] hard ow ow ow [Music] wow [Music] sh [Music] ah This video, titled ‘Minecraft – Gameplay #4 sbyr1kreay’, was uploaded by Oniichandaisuki on 2024-01-09 04:30:20. It has garnered 112 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:43 or 703 seconds. 🌍 Embark on a thrilling journey with me in this… Read More

  • Unveil the Secrets to Crafting Epic Minecraft Texture Packs! #2 3D Models

    Unveil the Secrets to Crafting Epic Minecraft Texture Packs! #2 3D ModelsVideo Information [Música] bienvenidos un nuevo video y vamos con la intro chicos en este vídeo Vamos a aprender a hacer modelos 3D Yupi en el último vídeo que os dejaré en la descripción hemos aprendido a hacer texturas básicas y ahora vamos a aprender a hacer texturas más complicadas con modelos Ya os explicaré esto más en detalle en el vídeo pero antes mucha gente no ha entendido en el último vídeo porque en el último vídeo dije esto y ponéis MC meta vale Si no os funciona le tenéis que dar aquí y editar with no mucha gente… Read More

  • Minecraft 1.20: The Shocking Truth Revealed by Mr. Nutter Gaming!

    Minecraft 1.20: The Shocking Truth Revealed by Mr. Nutter Gaming!Video Information सो हेलो गाइज स्वागत है आप सभी का फिर से और इसमें नए क्रिएचर्स भी ऐड दिख रहे हैं मेरे को जहां तक लग रहा है तो य क्रिएट करते अपने पहले वार्ले को और देखते हैं इसमें क्या चेंज है सो र हम अपने पहले वर्ल्ड में आ चुके हैं और आप देख सकते हो भाई यह वर्ल्ड बिल्कुल रियलिस्टिक सा लग रहा है वुड देखो एक बार इसकी आप देख रहे हो क्या रियलिस्टिक से लग रहा है य वर्ल्ड भी और यहां पर आप यह देख सकते हो एक सेकंड यह यहां पर जॉयस्टिक की… Read More

  • Intense Fall Guys Custom Games with Viewers – The Blums LIVE

    Intense Fall Guys Custom Games with Viewers - The Blums LIVEVideo Information W ho yo what’s up guys yo what’s up Cookie uh tyrex bro I’m not late what what’s this bro think he’s doing streaming at 9:30 n it’s it’s not even that late bro uh I’m not feeling good or else I would play it oh you’re not feeling good I rip what a buddy though I’m not feeling good either rip bro I’ll be back later all right all right all right yo join up guys actually I kind of messed up on the pin I didn’t turn it to hold up C2 youu 5 and then… Read More

  • BLOCKDOWN: 100 HOUR Mine Mod Binge! (WATCH NOW)

    BLOCKDOWN: 100 HOUR Mine Mod Binge! (WATCH NOW)Video Information I spent the last 100 hours transforming this boring Island into the ultimate create mod base complete with an airport working trains and even working boats too oh yeah and plus a whole ton of cool builds as well so without further Ado let’s meet up with my friend froggy and enjoy this create mod Adventure hey froggy hey blocky how you doing buddy doing good looking forward to transforming this island with you me too I guess we should probably gear up I mean we can’t really do anything until we have like at least I don’t… Read More


    EMOTIONAL CAT DANCES IN NEW MINECRAFT ANIMATION!Video Information and went like this say oops I got 99 problem singing bye bye bye hold up if you want to go and take a ride with me better Hit Me Baby One More Time paint a picture for you me of the face When We Were Young singing at the top of B long and family love boy boy boy bo boy boy bo boy boy boy bo boy boy [Music] Bo [Music] This video, titled ‘SAD CAT DANCE APHMAU 33 MINECRAFT ANIMATION #shorts’, was uploaded by SHORT CRAFT on 2023-12-31 14:00:36. It has garnered 598 views and… Read More

  • SurvivalMist

    SurvivalMistWelcome, To Adventure! As a warrior that you are. Come and enjoy a fun time with friends, and PVP as you will. survivalmist.minehut.gg Read More

  • TheDysonSphere: Modded, Whitelist

    🔥 NEW MODPACK – GRAND OPENING The Dyson Sphere, created by SphereMC Enjoy a custom blend of mods including Create & addons, Valkyrien Skies, Eureka! Ships! What Sets This Modpack Apart? Introducing The Dyson Sphere modpack. It’s the Minecraft you know and love, but different. This is a modpack for Minecraft 1.20.1 that was inspired by the legendary ‘All the Mods 9’, but it has been significantly trimmed down in order to maximize gameplay and performance. Sphere is intended for both adventurers and tech enthusiasts, offering an immersive world filled with modded biomes, mystical magic, and technology like Create and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft’s Anomaly #1: The Forbidden Realm

    Looks like he’s the Steve Jobs of Minecraft – he’s got all the mobs under his control! Read More

Dream SMP Reunion TwitchCon Full Panel!