Dream SMP – The Complete Story: Reign of Manburg

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Lemanberg was free in the light of their independence wilbur soot declared himself as the president of their great nation although no one questioned it at the time this simple act these few words would spiral out of control leading to a new era in the smp this was the beginning of the reign of

Mamburg really quick this video took weeks to make so if you take one second to subscribe it is completely free and it would make my day thank you once again go check out lord cantor who let me use his recreation of the dream smp for this series the link is in the description

Also make sure to go follow me on twitter for some quality tweets and updates on videos anyway let’s start from the beginning as the weeks went by after the war not much happened in le mansburg the server was at peace and so there wasn’t much wilbur had to do

To maintain their nation with the addition of a few new players lumanburg went from the only independent nation to just another spot on the smp a shadow of the glory it once held and wilbur although being the leader of their nation began to feel his power slipping away

His lack of presence on the server and self-declaration as president meant that he was not getting the respect or admiration he wanted as a leader this simple fact sparked a plan in wilbur’s mind a plan for him and tommy to reclaim the power they rightfully deserved wilbur thought what better way of

Getting power than having the people themselves vote for you they would hold an election but not a normal election wilbur’s plan was to notify no one that the election would be taking place until after the ballots had shut leaving him as the only running party thus forcing the people to vote only for

Them and swiftly taking back their power after making tommy his running mate the two ventured off to lemamberg to write the election ballot they then proceeded to set the date of the election and name their party the right the best that’s my personal favorite political party

After that they began work on their new policies some of the most important included we won the war vic star will vote for us tubbo and we will make big things feeling very confident that these new policies would gain them the support of the entire server wilbur and tommy bragged about their

Plans to one player someone knew a man who would seek to ruin their plans of taking power and win the position of president for himself ladies and gentlemen this man was quackety where do i start with quackity holding over 4 million subs today quackity has established himself as one of the bigger personalities

On the smp always looking for a chance at power wherever he can find it he isn’t afraid to do whatever it takes to find his way to the top whether it be starting an illegal business or masterminding a robbery quackity is no stranger to crime on the smp

But today he would be putting all that behind him he would be pursuing something else because he was the only other player who knew about the election he took it upon himself to stand up against their one party system and give the people a choice announcing his campaign

Right in front of wilbur and tommy quackity’s party would be titled so we are gamers or swag for short and with this tommy and wilbur had to think fast or control in their own nation will be pulled out from under them following the addition of the second

Party both sides scrambled to recruit as many people as they could to help them win the election but before they began wilbur and tommy knew that they had to change the name of their party the right the best was a good name okay maybe not but they knew there was only one word

That could compete with swag one word that was universally better and would provide them a basis of recruiting players to their side they would run as the politicians of gaming their new party would be pog as the pog and swag parties began their campaigns across the server they attempted to convince as many

People as possible to side with them in the election starting with tubo the politicians of gaming managed to recruit jack manifold and nietzsche two new players to the server who joined shortly after lumamber gained its independence these new additions were good but to truly turn the tides in their favor

Tommy and wilbur knew they needed to get someone powerful someone with connections at the top and someone who was admired by all they needed to recruit george not found but they were too slow by the time they were able to ask for george’s vote his allegiance already lied with quackity

With this tommy and wilbur knew there was a long road ahead in the election and it would not be as easy as they thought but they still had a few tricks up their sleeves tommy attempted to smear quackity’s reputation by creating a collection of fake quotes

That made him look bad he had also taken books of money from dream as a part of a minecraft deal or no deal that had taken place recently on the server using these tommy hoped he would be able to bribe and slander his way to winning pog 2020 the election upon

Seeing the wall quackity had had enough and proposed they hold a debate right away wanting to come off as strong as possible wilbur and tommy reluctantly agreed and with that the two parties ventured to the newly created courthouse to hold their first debate As the two parties entered the courthouse they took their sides and prepared for the debate yet another new player carl jacobs took center floor as he would administer the debate before the debate began quackity convinced fundy to join his side and following this the first part of the debate began wilbur versus quackety

The first issue brought to the table was territories la manburg has a long history of discrimination against people not from le mansburg i myself i’m not able to enter le mander because of the policies these men have put into their property and i don’t agree with that i’m going to

Let everyone into lemandberg because it’s a beautiful country and it deserves to be seen by every citizen in the dream smp for years may i say decades the dream smp has ostracized my group of people my european brethren stood behind me la manburg is not a place of oppression

It is a place of sanctuary for our people what you are intending to do is come into our land and open it up to the people the very people we seek to escape just because we’ve created a better life for ourselves this in itself is tyranny and i will not stand for it

Wilbur is embracing tradition here we don’t need to embrace tradition we we are a new generation of politicians will i hope you remember that embracing your your old school policies is just going to hurt uh progress they aren’t quite frankly these policies were formed from blood

Not long ago is that so yes your policies all grow from war we were oppressed we were an oppressed people quackety why led these people to freedom and i will keep and uphold the policies i will uphold the policies which freed us borders as long as i’m in charge will

Stay closed to all who are non-european jews the people get to choose wilbur topic number two was their stances on the killing of pets as an ongoing pet war ensued in the background of the main story if i am re-elected as president i would like to create a police force that will uphold

The law so that no further pets are killed in le mansburg take the stage i think the moral values of our people are more important than enforcement you are enacting police enforcement and what i’m enacting is a better values of our people i will enact a policy

That will teach all our residents to be nice to each other and that way we don’t have to enforce any sort of law welcome to the real world big queue i believe if a bad person is going to kill someone’s animals there should be someone to stop them that’s what i’m saying

What i think is that we should attack the problem from the root and that’s an act and change the morals we all have no one should be dying and no one’s animals should be dying either wilbur we are attacking the problem from the root you just want to

Throw people in jail wilbur i’m not for that tommy fearing that they were starting to lose the debate decided to use the money from dream to bribe carl into ruling the debate in wilbur’s favor and after a completely unrelated discussion about political corruption carl did exactly that next

The running mates would have a debate this was tommy in it versus george not found now i think i’d like to address the fact that we the reason the man berg was created was for freedom the dream smp wouldn’t allow our rules and it wouldn’t tolerate us making our own

Separate uh kingdom and i think the fact george that the dream smp rigged our land with tnt exploded everything we owned and loved my base my embassy and merely i had to give away my discs just to get lumanburg back you know we want to keep that to our members

I think that is a completely fair point to make and the fact that you would pressure us out of doing that well we had to fight with our very hands and knees my friends we have betrayals i had to give away my discs and you know that’s my price

Possession yeah well freedom here you lock it behind a certain group of people but the reason we have to make it here it’s because the dream smp your land which you stand for mercilessly blew up our land killed after our family why why was your land why did

It need to be blown up what happened george if you stand by the fact no one wins in war especially not the people you are causing mayhem okay you’re causing chaos the people are hurting from it they want peace within the land after a heated start to the debate

Things got ugly when george pulled out proof that tommy had bribed carl the chaos and low blows continued even catching the eyes of dream who joined the call to defend himself and george wilbur then called for a brief recess where he discussed with tommy that they needed to pull themselves together if

They wanted to win the debate they needed to take the high road follow the rules and out debate their opponent following the recess the debate got back on track with tubbo as the new moderator the final topic on the table was conflict when this was a simpler time

On this server we all lived in harmony and it was very nice very peaceful and we loved it and then you came along he started wars battles killings the list goes on and simply my opinion on conflict is we should keep it to a minimum

But clearly in your mind you want it to the maximum i don’t agree with that yeah well i think my stance on conflict carl um that would be that i think only when necessary is it right i think the point you’re making about conflicts and that it probably was

A nicer time before i joined the server but that’s only because someone stood up to your tyranny if you came on and had just been amicable like the rest of us we wouldn’t have had to have a war in the first place if you get elected what changes will you

Make for the better that’s a very good point i think we’re gonna make sure that this tyranny this war this i’d say discrimination uh we’ll we’ll be stopping that uh i don’t want any more of war between people i think it’s very important that the dream smp server people understand we don’t have

Anything necessarily against them we just want to make a clear boundary that look we fought for our nation i gave dream my discs and now we’ve earned it so i think it’s very unfair of you to shout no anyone must be allowed well sure if you’d like to make that

Your policy anyone can be allowed but the point is we fought for this nation and the fact that you’re trying to take it away again make it a part of the dream smp is what you’re trying to do and that is the opposite of all that le mans stands for

And if that’s what you stand for so you do not have my vote after the debate fell into chaos once again wilbur and tommy decided they had had enough and would not continue the debate they trusted that the people would see through the lies of their opponents

And know in their hearts the right side to take and with tensions as high as ever the campaign trails continued growing ever closer to election day september 21st the day of the lumamberg election everything was in place and the people were ready to vote but before they released the polls the

Two parties had to give their final speeches and announce endorsements as they all gathered at the podium except for george who was having the best sleep of his life they began with their speeches my name is quackety and i’m running for president simply because i didn’t think

It was fair for wilbur suit to run a one-party democratic election or so democratic as he wants to call it that is why i have gone up and have challenged this man and all his policies all his old school policies to make la manburg a better place hi

Uh i’m i’m uh i’m incumbent no no and i’m here to tell you the reason i’m running for president is because i felt like it was unfair of me to decide myself to be just a a dictator essentially what i’m doing is i’m i’m running this election to solidify democracy

In our great nation of la manberg and if you vote for me i’ll keep those filthy americans anyway following the speeches funny walked up to the mic and just started talking my fellow citizens i stand here today humbled by the task performance grateful for the trustee of bestowed and

Mindful of the sacrifices borne by our ancestors now i mind to keep my words short and powerful and thus i say i am not powerful i am not resembled physique of a leader and i might not have wealth true but i do have a dream got bones like a mother

While quackity has righteous ideas and wilbur the leadership i together with nikki have a bakery and a worldwide shipping right i can deliver as many cookies and ice cream as you desire once you voted for coconut 2020 wilbur was not very happy about fundy trying to undermine the system and join the election

The day it would happen because of this he attempted to send coconut 2020 away and keep them off the ballot however the people wanted differently and so swaying to the judgment of the people wilbur added coconut 2020 to the ballot things were not exactly going according to plan

What started as an attempt to gain more power has now put wilbur and tommy at risk of losing all the power they had but little did they know it was about to get worse a lot worse next up the parties would reveal their endorsements my one endorsement is ksi he just hasn’t

Happened to responded yet to my to my endorsement plead um but he’s my one endorsement ksi and lord jesus christ now after years of fighting and you know a general negative presence i finally got who we needed on our side to turn probably just the entire world around Look me and tommy have had our differences in the past oh my god i am a firm supporter of pog 2020 i have every belief in it i’ve got my endorsement here he comes the one the only jay schlepp a comedian a man of business but behind all lies a calculated

Man life is a chess game to schlock and he has no intention of losing at any cost he is confident charismatic and ruthless give him control he will control everything give him a drink it’ll take him three seconds give him a podium and he’ll rule the world

This was not schlatt’s first time on the smp he had made a cameo for one of tommy’s videos shortly after the disc saga but was then quickly banned by dream who had no idea schlatt had joined but now he was back and had no intention of endorsing anyone but himself democracy is overrated

Way away no hold on yeah that’s right that’s right you don’t you think you need a president you think you need it i’ll be my own president you want quackity as your president yeah you think you want wilbur i’ll run my own presidency this isn’t the end of this is the end of

My presidency everything was going downhill and fast dream endorsed schlatt and proceeded to give him his crossbow after tommy was shot everyone on the podium retreated to the white house and hid from schlatt after their blockade was repeatedly broken the three knew they had to escape and broke out through the walls

After tommy and schlapp both died wilbur knew there was no point in continuing the rally and decided to drop the ballot in doing so he knew he had no choice but to include both coconut 2020 and schlatt 2020 to keep the integrity of the election the votes began flooding in tommy and

Wilbur sat on the edge of their seats as thousands of their viewers voted for who they wanted to win the future of le mansburg was left entirely up to the audience with the reality of their chance at losing becoming very real tommy and wilbur attempted to make a backdoor deal with quackity

In the event that slot 2020 or coconut 2020 would win the election pog and swag would combine their votes creating a coalition government with two presidents and tommy as vice president but quackity knew this was a bad deal with no endorsements and no vice president

He was dead in the water they both knew there was no way swag would beat pog and so when wilbur refused to make their agreement unconditional quackety refused the deal but he wouldn’t give up on the election that easily he knew that if nothing was done pog would win the election and

Everything he fought for would be for nothing and so quackity offered a similar deal to schlatt swag party would give all of their votes to slot 2020 on the condition that quackity would be his vice president without hesitation schlatt agreed and with that all they could do was wait

The future of lamamberg in the hands of the people tommy and wilbur had faith that the people would come through for their party but that didn’t stop the sinking feeling that maybe just maybe this would be the end the next day the results were in 220 000 people had voted and today the

Winner of the election would be announced everyone from all across the server gathered at the podium to hear the news the candidates met on the stage and wilbur explained what would happen today they would not just find out who won the election but also inaugurate them immediately upon inauguration the new leader would

Then announce their first decree as president within 15 minutes lumamberg would have their new president and a new era would begin wilbur began the proclamation by announcing disqualified votes by removing votes with the same ip address wilbur was able to account for any possible cheating or fake votes in total

There were 120 000 of these votes the majority of which came from coconut 2020 who just so happened to have a coding youtuber as their party head anyway after that was sorted out wilbur began revealing the results with nine percent of the vote twenty thousand people or so

In fourth place is coconut 2020. with 16 of the vote coming in third place is schlatt 2020 in second place with 30 of the popular vote led by the party leader quackety swag meaning that the winner of the popular vote by 45 is pog 2020 two nights ago on the night of the

Election quackety made a deal no matter what happens quackity would pull swag 2020 votes on with schlatt 2020 votes pog 2020 got 45 of the popular vote meaning that the coalition government of schlatt and swag 2020 got 46 of the vote meaning that tonight schlatt 2020 has been inaugurated

Schlatt having been on the server for less than 24 hours now ruled all of lumamberg wilbur and tommy sat in shock as the nation they fought for the nation they built from the ground up the nation they loved slipped through their fingers into the cold hands of schlatt wilbur

And tommy left the podium and went to take a seat in the crowd and schlatt now the second most powerful man on the server gave his first decree as president of lumamberg well that was pretty easy and you know what i said the day i got unbanned

From the dream smp i looked every citizen of lumanburg in the eyes and i said you listen to me this place will be a lot different tomorrow let’s start making it happen my first decree as the president of la manburg the emperor is to revoke the assassins and tommy in it

There was no time to think from leaders of a nation to enemies of the state within seconds if tommy and wilbur wanted to make it out alive they had to run and run they did wilbur drank an invisibility potion but it was no use meanwhile tommy made a break for

Lemanberg managing to escape through an underground tunnel tabo had built earlier tommy and wilbur met in the forest they were now banished not only from the nation of dream smp but their own home of le mans they ventured off into the wilderness and as they searched for a place for

Their new home they thought about what this meant they had put everything on the line for le mansburg gave their lives for lemanberg and now they were forced to run from their creation betrayed by their own nation they built their new home in a small hill a few hundred blocks away from civilization

They had to start over having only some tools armor and a few random items tommy and wilbur hit rock bottom but then schlatt announced he would be giving another speech helpless and alone all wilbur and tommy could do was listen as the nation they once loved crumbled before them

Over another beautiful day in our country i reckon our nation needs to expand i reckon we’ve we’ve done our country a great disservice i reckon we take down the walls you can’t do that immediately The walls of this country ends the second presidential speech let’s get to work the walls the very walls that protected le mansburg since the day it was born would be taken down by its own citizens wilbur and tommy could not help themselves and traveled back

To watch as they sat on a nearby hill their nation’s borders fell before their eyes wilbur was destroyed lumanburg was his dream from the day he joined the smp and in the span of 30 minutes that dream was crushed in front of him when wilbur and tommy arrive back at their base

Wilbur exclaimed that he was a slow burning fuse and over the next few weeks he would become a much different man than the one jay schlatt crossed tommy meanwhile had already come up with a plan both of them knew that just the two of them would not be enough to put up a

Fight against the new lumamberg but tommy had a trick up his sleeve an old friend when the time they needed it most stepped up and offered a hand for once since their banishment tommy and wilbur would have something lemanberg couldn’t tommy and wilbur had the blade Technoblade legend has it he can take down an entire army with only two other men legend has it he once spent nine months farming potatoes to bully a guy he didn’t even know legend has it he once entered 1 500 battles and won every single one of them

Legend has it he can kill dream after hiding in the shadows and watching the events of the election unfold technoblade saw an opportunity being an anarchist techno looked for any opportunity to abolish government and seeing hatred in wilbur’s eyes as the lemamberg walls tumbled to the ground he knew this was his chance

Together tommy wilbur and technoblade would build up their new base in ravine underground keeping it a secret from everyone on the other side they hoped to grow their arsenal right under schlatt’s nose and when the time came they knew they had to regain control of lumanburg at any cost

After technoblade was escorted by tommy to their base schlatt gave a second presidential speech in this speech he announced he will be changing the name of lemanberg to mamburg everything their nation stood for every trace of wilbur and tommy was now gone and the preparation for war began tommy wilbur and technoblade began

By naming their new home pogtopia just a few minutes later tommy stumbled across his old strip mine meaning they now had a direct underground path to manberg and no one else knew by the next day technoblade who according to himself stayed up all night had created a large potato farm to

Supply pogtopia with food and wilbur managed to convince tubbo a member of schlatt’s cabinet to become a spy for them within a few weeks from their banishment the resistance continued to build technoblade gathered weapons tubbo informed wilbur of all of mamberg’s plans and the path to mamberg continued to expand pogtopia flourished

And was almost ready for war they just needed the right time to strike the nation of mamburg had changed a lot in this time office buildings arose the lumamberg flag was burned and in its place sprouted a new flag the man berg flag on the surface things in mamberg looked to be going

Smoothly but deep down schlatt knew it was already falling apart word of a rebellion caught wind in the streets of mamburg a secret group of people plotting to take down schlatt the rumored pogtopia to schlatt’s dismay was not hated by the people but seen as a force of good

To save them from his ruthless rule many citizens attempted to help the rebellion by offering supplies and information schlatt not wanting to lose any more people than he already had could not stop them but he could turn them back as a last resort to save his dying country schlatt decided to throw a

Celebration a celebration of the new changes he had enacted as president and a celebration of mamburg he had announced the manberg festival this was their chance their chance to show mamberg how powerful pogtopia truly was their chance to scare schlep out of power their chance to take back mamberg but wilbur had

Changed his mind the betrayal from his own people the destruction of everything he’d worked for was starting to take a toll on him on the day of their banishment wilbur had said that he was a slow burning fuse and would soon be a much different man

Than the one schlatt had crossed and now more than ever that fuse grew ever closer to an explosion after the announcement of the festival both wilbur and tommy knew this was a huge opportunity for them but wilbur couldn’t shake a dark feeling the festival was good everything schlatt had done

Was completely legal and yet they still wanted to ruin it with their rebellion were they in the wrong were their actions justified none of it mattered nothing changed the fact that wilbur after weeks of hiding away had not made it any closer to getting back lemanberg and as the days passed

So did the nation he once loved his unfinished symphony a new plan began to come together for wilbur losing all hope of gaining back control wilbur chose destruction after all he created that nation it was his if the people can stab him in the back betray the very founder of the land in

Which they lived why can’t he do the same if he can’t have it no one can this was the new plan since the beginning of pogtopia a secret supporter fed them supplies and an offer of help whenever needed an old enemy dream the leader of the nation of the greater dream smp

Was not much of a fan of schlatt’s ambition wilbur had every intention of keeping lumenburg inside its walls and living peacefully but when schlapp became president he immediately tore down the walls and began to expand seeing this as a potential threat dream secretly offered to help pogtopia to take down schlatt before conflict

Arose between dream smp and mamburg wilbur looking for a way to blow up the entirety of mamberg sought dreams help to supply him with the firepower to do so but before he talked with dream he explained his plan to tommy his right hand man and partner since the beginning but tommy could not

Go through with it he still had hope of getting back lemandberg he still had hope that things could go back to how they’d been before he didn’t want to be the bad guy but wilbur didn’t need his help all he needed was tnt some redstone and a button

And before long dream had agreed to supply wilbur with everything he needed to blow the entire city sky-high within a few minutes the plan was finalized on the day of the festival directly after tubbo’s speech following the words let the festival begin wilbur would make his way to the detonation room

Press the button and destroy everything with every seat in the front of the podium filled with every citizen of mamberg sat right there in the city he would blow up everything and he would do it with a smile The day of the festival finally arrived october 16th the stage was set decorations sprung from every corner and everyone was ready for a celebration everyone except wilbur and tommy having rigged the entire nation with tnt wilbur’s plan was still a go he just needed to wait

And as the festival drew closer more and more people logged on to party they all gathered at the presidential podium tommy and wilbur hid on top of a nearby building to attend the festival in secret among the attendees was technoblade who unbeknownst to schlatt was on pugtopia’s side

With tubbo having been debriefed on the plan before all the pieces were in place today would be the day everything changed the festival officially began as schlatt give a quick speech following the speech the people of member and technoblade went off to party at carl’s party island upon seeing the people

His friends happy wilbur began having second thoughts about blowing up mamburg and so to help bring himself to clarity he called tubba over to talk with him and tommy wilbur explained his dilemma the innocent people that would be at risk for his selfish gain tubbo agreed with tommy that there

Were better ways to handle the situation but also trusted wilbur’s better judgment entirely unsatisfied with his answer wilbur decided he would make tubbo choose for him the fate of mamburg rested on tubbo’s shoulders and as taboo received the news from wilbur he was called up to the stage

To give his speech if tubbo said the words let the festival begin wilbur would immediately sprint to the button and detonate all of it but if he didn’t mamburg would live to see another day and so with the entire nation balancing on his words tubbo gave his speech

Ladies and gentlemen i’d like you to look around at what we’ve built today look at each other all of this thanks to democracy and the leadership of jay schlatt and isn’t that what this festival’s all about democracy our people have been beaten down by royals and dictators for so long

Now we are finally free free to elect who we want free to live how we want and most importantly free to go wherever we want without the confine of those huge black walls with that in mind i’d like to thank everyone for coming to this wonderful event

What’s up schlep you got anything else in the speech uh no on that no let the festival begin wilbur ran the deed was done and today will be mamberg’s last within seconds the entire country would be reduced to rubble all wilbur needed to do was wait for

Tubbo to clear the stage and it would all be destroyed but something wasn’t right before tubbo could leave the podium schlatt and quackity quickly trapped him with concrete and cobblestone confused tubbo asked for an explanation and wilbur ran back to the building to see what was happening then schlatt gave another speech unlike

All that came before and it didn’t take long for the true nature of the gathering to be revealed this was never meant to be a party there was never anything to celebrate this was no festival no this was an execution yeah i know what you’ve been up to what

Have i been up to what are you talking about i’m actually trapped in here the idiots with the with the the tyrants but he that we kicked out of this server that we kicked out of this great country although i don’t know uh i don’t know if you know this but treason

Isn’t exactly a respectable thing around here i know what you’ve been doing it all adds up buddy you are your absence from great events i mean you you walked off in the middle of this one don’t try and tell me that you you’ve done nothing wrong because everybody knows it

Do you know what happens nothing good oh hey technoblade you want to come up here for a second watch what do you want out of me mr president i mean i only call you in for special favors techno i need i need you to take him out

What you’re going to take him out to dinner bro you’re going to kill him i’m going to kill him right now and make it hurt alone than with you attack I’m sorry i’ll make it as painless as colorful as possible oh Everyone go after tommy in it we gotta get out of here toby what just happened don’t let him go oh my god what is happening oh my god the festival had gone completely off the rails wilbur could not find his button and technoblade their partner since the start of pugtopia had betrayed

Their cause and executed tubbo as the people of member gathered back at the podium they were angry schleid had taken things way too far standing up for tubbo nikki or niachie openly stated her opposition to the government and what they had become as schlatt was about to order her execution as well

Wilbur stepped in no longer afraid of being seen he spoke of the injustices schlatt had done not only to him and tommy but to his own people as well then distracting the associates of the government wilbur told nikki to run saving her from execution following the chaos tommy tubbo wilbur and technoblade met

At pogtopia tensions were high tommy enraged by techno’s actions the killing of his best friend challenged him to a duel with no weapons as nikki showed up to join pogtopia techno and tommy prepared for the duel wilbur in love with chaos sat enthusiastically as his two friends fought to the death technoblade being

Technoblade won the duel and as the rest of pogtopia continued to process what had just happened wilbur spoke to techno and within seconds the two agreed that the next time the chance came they would both team up to destroy everything after the events of the festival mamburg began to spiral into chaos

Tubbo was not just a friend of tommy’s but a friend of everyone and schlatt ordered his death in cold blood what little support schlatt still had faded away one by one his own people deserted his nation to join the uprising fundy ponk and jack manifold had all left

Leaving only quackity carl and schlatt on the side of mamburg but this relationship was not without its troubles for weeks schlatt had ordered quackity around insulting him and completely disregarding his ideas it was enough quackity was more than one of schlatt’s pawns and he had to show it after an intense argument

About whether or not the white house should be teared down quackity was finally fed up killing schlatt and running off to join pogtopia welcoming him with open arms the rebellion sharpened their swords loaded their bows and prepared for one final attack on manberg in mere days tommy wilbur and tubbo

Would have their chance to take back the nation they once loved and bring peace to the smp but first some last minute allegiance changes occurred not long after the festival a new faction arose on the smp although it would not be officially recognized for quite a while

The group still vowed to play a role in the upcoming war created by bad boy halo the nation of the badlands consisted of bad boy halo ant frost who also joined the smp shortly after appearing in one of dream’s manhunts awesome dude and skeppy together these four sought to take control of the

Server through always helping the losing side of the battle to keep conflict going indefinitely although manberg was clearly weaker than plonktopia for the upcoming battle the badlands would support the rebellion at least until they were winning most of the members of dreams faction the greater dream smp remained neutral during the battle

Not wanting to create unnecessary enemies that being said some could not just stand by and watch their friends fight to the death one of these players was aaron after betraying lumamberg in the previous war eret was made king of the greater dream smp for his efforts he enjoyed his place as king but

Everywhere he went he was reminded of that fateful day by the people he helped destroy he couldn’t live with the decisions he made he regretted it all but no apology would make up for what he did no one would forgive him so he decided to show his allegiance

And rebuild his trust he would fight with pogtopia but there was a catch upon hearing word of eret’s plans dream rushed over to the castle immediately there he explained that if eric wished to fight in the war he would have to forfeit his position as king eric once again faced the choice between

His friends and power but this time he chose differently schlatt was running out of options as of now his army consisted of himself and carl which you know could be a bit better because of this schlatt had to use his last resort calling a secret meeting with dream

Schlatt offered something to dream in exchange for fighting alongside him in the war a secret book something powerful the only person who knew the contents were schlatt himself but whatever it was made dream risk his own nation’s relationship with nearly everyone on the server he immediately accepted the deal and

Agreed to fight alongside mamberg with this the stage was set the final pieces moved into place the war was set for november 16th exactly one month after the festival the battle drew near as days turned to hours and hours to minutes this was it the battle to end all battles

As the armies logged on and prepared the fate of mamburg hung in the light of the rising sun and the dawn of the 16th had arrived there was a traitor in the midst of pogtopia there was a traitor a few days prior to the war dream had spread word that a traitor

Lied in the rebellion over the days leading to the war tension ran high in pogtopia but no one cracked the rumored traitor had not made a move and some questioned whether this traitor ever existed in the first place unanimously everyone decided to move forward with the war vowing to destroy the imposter the

Second they showed their true allegiances with this the two sides prepared for battle wilbur and his army converse about the possible outcomes of the war and wilbur plainly stated that if they lost he would turn the entirety of mamberg to smithereens altogether he had laced 11 and a half stacks of tnt

Under member and the second they lost he would ignite every last piece of it tommy feared the thought too much and assured everyone they would not lose technoblade however endorsed the idea of chaos while the rest of pogtopia had been engaging in pity conflicts and drama he had been preparing weaponry for the

Past month such is the life of technoblade upon informing the army of his secret stash he led them all through the forest and into a lake to his underground base as they descended into the armory everyone was shocked the walls were lined with chests and the armor stands engulfed by netherray armor

If anyone wasn’t prepared before now they were the army swept the chess grabbing anything and everything that would help them in their pursuit of victory fully geared the group exited techno’s base gathering at the foot of the path to mamburg months of buildup led to this moment their chance of freedom

Once again the sun began to set the people took one last look at each other friends enemies it didn’t matter today they were something more and as they took one final glance down the dreaded path they knew it was time for war and with a fiery passion only he could tommy charged ahead

Leading his army to battle to take back their home schlatt and dream’s army held a watchtower at the end of the path and immediately began firing upon pugtopia’s arrival knowing that the absence of cover gave them a huge disadvantage the army quickly rushed the tower to force member goth from below

Within seconds the first few to reach the top of the tower forced dream and his men to retreat back into mamburg unlike the last war this time the rebellion was in control holding the tower pogtopia rained arrows on the mamburg army who fired back it didn’t take long for

Pogtopia to realize they were winning and immediately they coordinated another push on the mamburg army jumping off the tower the armies engaged in close range combat and karl became the first death falling to technoblade they were winning the army continued to attack dream and even forced purple to surrender turning

Him to their side running out of options dreams stopped fighting and requested to speak alone with wilbur as they started to talk dream pointed out that he made a mistake to fight with schlatt as despite his entire nation being attacked and having bribed one of the most powerful men

On the server to supply him an army schlatt didn’t even bother to show up upon realizing this dream saw no point in continuing the battle and announced mamberg would surrender but schlatt wasn’t gone yet after announcing the surrender dream led everyone to the remains of the kamar van

Here lied schlatt broken and unchanged the leader of a dying nation at the end of his reign both armies gathered around to witness what would be his final moments in one final act of despise wilbur a man once broken by schlatt cast away from his own land ordered tommy to execute him

To put a stop to the tyranny and injustice of an unfit ruler and to finally end the reign of member but before tommy could pull the trigger schlatt began acting strange and the place le mandberg began and the place manberg would end with schlatt gone for good

Pogtopia had won the war taken back mamberg or should i say la mamberg dream announced that there was never a traitor in the first place and the whole thing was made up to distract them with this they needed a new leader of their nation someone strong someone fair and a true

Leader and for some reason wilbur chose tommy in it the people agreed and tommy took his place on the stage to give his first speech as president of lumamberg it looks like we won and i never thought i’d say this but even after the hardships the tyranny we’ve been through

It was meant to be as much as this is everything and this is what this is what would have been everything i can’t be the president i’ve still got unfinished business because you’ve still got those discs i can’t do this until we’re done so wilbur take your place on the podium

I have something to say look i’m gonna keep this brief right i also cannot beat your president techno you’ve you you’ve taught me a lot you’ve you’ve taught me that government is not the way to go and i agree with you to be honest i feel like whilst i i

Can’t be here to judge how other people’s governments around i can say that it would be hypocritical of me to run a government so i’m going to hand off the presidency to someone tubbo i want you to come up onto the stage i’ve been put on the spot here i wasn’t

Expected to be surrounded by here with friends enemies which i don’t hate all that much i’ll be honest but i enjoy seeing the unity and i feel like that’s really what matters i don’t want to be an agent of chaos if you will or anyone who wants to start violent activity

That’s honestly the last thing on my agenda right now and i feel like you know now everyone’s here in unity no one is banned and that’s what counts thank you everyone it’s been it’s been an honor [Applause] tubber was now the president of new le manburg and following the speech everyone teamed

Up to take down the decorations from the festival tommy congratulated tubbo on his new position and lumanburg celebrated its freedom once again but wilbur was nowhere to be seen in the light of their celebration blinded by bliss nobody had noticed wilbur sneaking away from the crowd alone that’s what he was alone

Sent on an ever diverging path from sanity he made his way to the back of the hill this time he made sure to mark the entrance this time the plan wouldn’t fail and as the people celebrated outside wilbur entered the detonation chamber the words of the lumamberg anthem enveloped the cold stone walls

And the single button stood in the middle of the room had the power to destroy it all outside the celebration came to an abrupt end when dream revealed that there actually was and still is a traitor almost on command technoblade shot his firework launcher killing tubbo again

The people were in shock and the following events would change lumamberg forever you guys listen to me i did not spend weeks planning this revolution giving you guys gear for you guys to go in and replace one tyrant with another the thing that i built this nation for doesn’t exist anymore

The the thing i work towards doesn’t exist anymore it’s over what are you doing don’t you see what’s happening here don’t you see history repeating itself you think schlatt was the cause of your problems no it was government all right well everyone just walked off in the middle

Of my speech i’m killing everyone we’re killing everybody let’s get him phil i’m always so close to pressing this button phil i have been i’ve been here like seven or eight times i’ve been here and you want to just blow it all up the government ends here i’ll kill it myself

You know who was the traitor tommy the traitor was wilbur there was a saying phil by a traitor once part of the mambo it was never meant to be oh my god oh my god [Applause] oh my god my god will it’s all gone lumamber was gone the people stood in shock as

Wilbur and phil stood in the now exposed detonation room having completed his mission wilbur was free at last ah my lumanburg phil my unfinished symphony forever unfinished if i can’t have this no one can fill [Applause] kill me phil phil kill me phil kill me

Phil stab me with this old murder me now bill kill me phil murder me look they all want you to Wilbur was now gone a mere memory of an idea freedom it’s what he sought all this time and now he finally found his peace but technoblade was not satisfied tommy yeah do you think you’re a hero is that what this is i just wanted le mans what just

You just wanted power that’s all i’ve ever wanted i didn’t tommy you just did a coup you just did a hostile government takeover and then immediately instilled yourself as president and then you gave it to your friend but that’s still a tyrant tommy but the thing about this world tommy is that good

Things don’t happen to heroes let me tell you a story tommy a story of a man called theseus his country well his city-state technically was in danger and he sent himself forward into enemy lines he slayed the minotaur and saved his city you know what they did to him tommy

They exiled him he died in disgrace despised by his people that’s what happens to heroes tommy the greeks knew the score but if you want to be a hero tommy that’s fine that’s fine a blade don’t do this don’t do this it’s so close do you want to be a hero tommy

This was the real war technoblade and dream fought to protect the withers the world erupted into chaos I was in shambles the withers had been killed but not before causing even more damage the land was disfigured once a nation a home was now nothing but a crater the people of lamannberg overlooked what was left wondering why but they would never get their answer dream and techno fell back into the

Shadows having accomplished everything they set out to do and with this the war was finally over pogtopia had lost manberg had lost and the only winner was chaos over the next few weeks the people would begin to build a new le mansburg filling in the crater with water

New life began to emerge from the everlasting scars of its creator tubble would remain the president of this new land hoping to bring unending peace but in his quest to abolish conflict one action would separate the inseparable tubba would exile his own best Friend thank you all so much for watching make sure to subscribe if you haven’t already to get notified when the next part comes out also make sure to go check out my new merch for just the coolest designs ever and finally comment down below your thoughts on the video and what you think

Can be better anyway i hope you all have an amazing rest of your day and i’ll see you all in the next video

This video, titled ‘Dream SMP – The Complete Story: Reign of Manburg’, was uploaded by EvanMCGaming on 2021-02-21 21:00:15. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Dream SMP: The Complete Story – Reign of Manburg!! In this documentary I give a detailed storytelling of the L’manburg election …

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    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT BUILD with INSANE GRANITE - Tim Horn EPIC Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘SO MUCH GRANITE II: Minecraft Series #70’, was uploaded by Tim Horn on 2024-01-17 19:54:18. It has garnered 46 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:04 or 3004 seconds. Here is the long awaited Minecraft Series i mentioned before, This World is on an Amplified World, Which is full of lakes & mountains, this actually makes it harder, so good luck for me on this one, Im going to play at my own pace & enjoy building & civilizing this world! Support me on Patreon! Really would appreciate it! https://www.patreon.com/Thunder103093 My… Read More

  • 🚫 How to go BROKE on Minecraft SMP! 🤑

    🚫 How to go BROKE on Minecraft SMP! 🤑Video Information This video, titled ‘How to become poor on this Minecraft Smp’, was uploaded by Bartol on 2024-07-21 07:10:46. It has garnered 2255 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Read More

  • Yoeurn Mutta’s Massive Space Adventure

    Yoeurn Mutta's Massive Space AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘He’s better off to space (@eiaz.yt on IG)’, was uploaded by Yoeurn Mutta on 2024-08-25 12:30:41. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. shorts #minecraftmeme #minecraft. Read More

  • 10 CRAZY RED FLAGS in Mofutari Megumi’s Minecraft Adventure! 🔴

    10 CRAZY RED FLAGS in Mofutari Megumi's Minecraft Adventure! 🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】anyone got any red flags | #Fantasia_SEA’, was uploaded by Mofutari Megumi Ch. もふ多里 恵美 on 2024-09-07 15:12:18. It has garnered 82 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:55 or 8695 seconds. -: ❁ :- 『NEW COVER RELEASE』 – ≪ Giga – Ch4nge ⨠ https://youtu.be/hvUaGxMCD1w -: ❁ :- 『Memberships』 Join memberships to get access to emotes, badges, and exclusive members-only content: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt_DgDtYIP4mBTZxCSnDeFg/join -: ❁ :- 『Support Me』 https://streamelements.com/mofutarimegumi-8249/tip https://ko-fi.com/mofutarimegumi ※ Tips are voluntary and nonrefundable ! Please make sure you’re prioritizing yourself first and foremost! ※ Majority of the funds will… Read More

  • EPIC SHIZO REALMS – Thagnogs vs Viewers

    EPIC SHIZO REALMS - Thagnogs vs ViewersVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Realms With Viewers Episode 5’, was uploaded by THAGNOGS on 2024-05-04 19:28:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Bedrock Realm that anyone can join! The code / link to the realm is in the description below. Read rules before joining … Read More

  • EPIC Marble Minecraft War – Z-Marbles Showdown!

    EPIC Marble Minecraft War - Z-Marbles Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘Marble Minecraft Territory War 2’, was uploaded by Z-Marbles on 2024-06-01 10:47:32. It has garnered 354 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:22 or 622 seconds. Marble Minecraft Territory War 2 this is the second video of my marble minecraft territory war series, hope you enjoy it! songs: Song: JOXION – RPM [Arcade Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/RPM Watch: http://ncs.lnk.to/RPMAT/youtube Song: JOXION – 094 [Arcade Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/094 Watch: http://ncs.lnk.to/094AT/youtube Song: Cake – Cereb [NCS Release] Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds Free Download/Stream: http://ncs.io/Cereb… Read More

  • SwipeSMP – smp, Mostly-Vanilla, 1.21, Whitelist

    Join our SMP Server Community! If you’re looking to join a mostly vanilla SMP server on version 1.21, we’re in need of more players to contribute to builds and shops. Join our community by adding me on Discord! My Discord: ihben Server Discord: https://discord.gg/9vNqQk5Xzx Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Haters Gonna Criticize

    Minecraft Memes - Haters Gonna CriticizeWow, that meme must be criti-seeming pretty good with a score of 105! Read More

  • Crafting Worlds: D&D in Minecraft | Ep 1

    Crafting Worlds: D&D in Minecraft | Ep 1 In Minecraft, I craft my D&D world with glee, Nature is Dicey, a place for you and me. Building block by block, a tale to unfold, Adventure awaits, in stories untold. With Tabletop Audio as my soundtrack, I dive into creativity, never looking back. Join me on this journey, as we create and explore, In this Homebrew world, where magic galore. Stick around for the ride, it’s bound to be grand, As we shape this world, with a steady hand. ANemeanLioness, the name I go by, Creating wonders in Minecraft, reaching for the sky. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper’s Mixtape Drops!

    Hot Minecraft Memes: Creeper's Mixtape Drops! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftmemes #gaminghumor Read More

Dream SMP – The Complete Story: Reign of Manburg