Eider 2 – Testing Minecraft’s Best & Worst Golems

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Today I installed a mod that adds a bunch of new Golems to Minecraft from the leaf Golem to the netherrate Golem I’m going to be raiding all of these Golems from 1 to 10 to see which are the best new Golems the first Golem I’m gonna make is the leaf Golem which has

Six hearts and it gives potion effects to self so let’s get our Leafs like this and we’ll play some leaf stone right here and I’ll just put the Golem head on it and this is our Leaf Golem his regen particles so that’s what it means when

It says that he heals himself but other than that I don’t really see what this guy does I mean he’s just a leaf Golem you punch him nothing really happens what if we put a sapling in front of him will he grow it nah it doesn’t look like

He’s growing the sapling I don’t know what this guy is really supposed to do the last test let’s see what happens if you kill the leaf Golem do you get anything useful you get an Apple Redstone and leaves okay I mean that’s not that bad that’s kind of like a tree

I won’t lie the leaf Golem probably isn’t that useful so I’m gonna give this guy like a two out of 10. but there’s so many more Golems for us to look at so let’s open this book up again and let’s go back to this page and the next Golem

We have is the TNT Golem which is obviously built with TNT and it says caution May explode randomly this one sounds a lot more interesting than the leaf Golem so let’s get our TNT and we’ll place this TNT here and we’ll put the Golem head and this is the TNT Golem

Yeah this guy looks way better than the leaf Golem his eyes look kind of strange though I don’t really know why they’re green I guess it’s because a regular Golem has red eyes and the TNT is red so they had to be green it said the TNT Golem explodes randomly but I’m not

Really seeing it yet he doesn’t seem to be blowing up I wonder if maybe we have to give him a mob to fight first so let’s see if this husk makes him explode oh he has particles oh and he actually exploded that was actually pretty cool I

Mean it’s kind of useless though because the Golem is dead now but it was cool the TNT Golem was definitely a lot better than the leaf Golem but I still don’t think he was that good so I’m probably gonna give this guy a 4 out of

10. so let’s go back to the golden book again and next we have the Moss Golem with 40 Health that’s a lot of Health he places Moss carpet and gives potion effects to himself okay let’s get our Moss block and let’s just spawn the Moss Golem over here okay it kind of looks

Like this guy is wearing a ghillie suit I don’t really know if this guy looks that good he doesn’t seem to have some kind of flower on his back though so I guess that’s kind of cool but other than that I don’t really know this guy is

Kind of boring he also only has one eye so that’s kind of strange but yeah it says he places Moss carpet and that’s all he really did he plays two Moss carpets and then he stopped so yeah I don’t know about this guy I’m probably

Gonna give him like a one out of ten we don’t even need to see what he drops I mean he has 40 Hearts I’m not killing this guy the next Golem is the straw Golem which is actually interesting because it says it grows nearby crops which actually sounds kind of useful so

Let’s just build our straw Golem and this is how the straw Golem looks he looks just like the other ones except he’s made out of straw but now he can get a crop and let’s see him grow it so let’s just Place crop right here and he

Should grow this at least that’s what it says he doesn’t seem to have any interest in growing it though he’s just walking away what if we add a few more oh let’s just Place some more here and now there’s no way he doesn’t grow these right come on do what it says you’re

Supposed to do okay I don’t know if the straw Golem is all that useful if he’s not even gonna grow the crops maybe I have to right click him or something or give him the hoe nope he’s just walking away he doesn’t even want the hoe If the

Straw Golem can’t do the one thing it’s supposed to do I’m gonna have to give this guy a zero out of ten I mean this is just bad he’s just not growing crops at all okay on to the next Golem I guess the next Golem is the melon Golem which

Plants flowers and gives potion effects to itself they all seem to give potion effects to themselves I don’t know why so let’s just get a melon out and we’ll place these melons like usual and we’ll put the head on top and yeah it’s just another Golem but this time this guy

Looks kind of interesting I mean he has leaves for arms and melons for fists that’s pretty cool but other than that he’s just a melon just a big giant melon wait did he place that flower I’m pretty sure he planted that flower it did say the melon Golem is supposed to plant

Flowers so it would not be impossible for him to place that I don’t think this flower spawns here naturally let’s just wait and see if he places another flower okay this is taking way too long I don’t think he’s gonna place a flower again let’s see what we get when we kill the

Melon Golem all you get is some melon seeds and some melons okay that makes sense I mean he is a giant melon so and over here the struggleum still hasn’t grown the crops okay this guy’s just useless okay it’s time to move on to the next Golem and the next Golem is the

Honey Golem which has 42 health I think that’s the most health we’ve seen yet Andy gives potion effects to the enemy and splits in two okay we have to see what happens here so I’m assuming he’s made with honey blocks so let’s Place some honey blocks right here and we’ll

Place the Golem head on top and yeah this is the honey Golem I wonder how this guy splits in too that’s so weird but first let’s spawn a husk and let’s see if he gives potion effects to him yeah he gives him a bunch of different

Potion effects when he hits him and the husk isn’t even fighting back I guess he just got paralyzed by all the effects or something we didn’t see the honey Golem splitting too though I’m wondering what that looks like still I wonder if I right click him it’ll do anything nope

He’s not splitting into two yet maybe he has to get hit to split into two so let’s spawn a warden oh yeah he’s splitting the two tiny honey Golems but they died instantly so yeah when you kill the honey Golem who seems to be giving me a ton of potion Effects by the

Way I just got so many different effects he spawns two tiny honey Golems which actually look pretty cool I mean this is kind of funny and when you hit these Golems they don’t give you potion effects though the tiny ones are useless but they do look pretty cool so because

He spawns tiny Golems which is actually kind of unique I’m gonna give the honey Golem an 8 out of 10. I mean this one’s definitely my favorite so far but there’s still more Golems to look at so let’s open the book and next we have the wall Golem which doesn’t really do

Anything it just says it’s the wall Golem and we have the mangrove root Golem on the other page so let’s spawn both of these for the first Golem we have the wall Golem so let’s just spawn this and yeah that’s the wall Golem he’s got a little bit of drip on him actually

He seems to be wearing some black clothes which is kind of cool I do have a question though if I spawn a Golem with red wool is he gonna be red instead yeah he has red clothes instead that’s actually pretty cool it is all they really do though there is literally

Nothing else on the page but yeah the wall Golem is pretty sick I’m gonna give this guy a 5 out of 10 just because he has drip and next we’re gonna make the manga over Golem which just says it Regens Health naturally like all the other golems and yeah this is just a

Mangrove root Golem I mean there’s nothing really special about this guy I wonder what happens when you kill him and you just get Mangrove Roots yeah honestly The Mangrove root Golem is pretty lame imma give this guy like a one out of ten up next in the book we

Have the Nether wart Golem which gives fire protection and plants netherwort so to make it we need a warp to warp block so let’s get some of these and now we have a blue netherwork Golem this guy looks pretty cool I also want to check out the red one obviously so let’s spawn

One of these as well and yeah this guy doesn’t look as good The Vines never even change color but the blue one looks pretty cool and as you can see he has fire resistance just like it says the work Golem is also supposed to be able to plant netherwort so let’s give him

Some Soul Sand Underneath Him and maybe he’ll do it or he’ll just walk away from the Soul Sand I guess you can’t get away from the Soul Sand come on you have to plant some Nether wart oh wait he actually did plants Another War that’s pretty cool honestly since there’s two

Different colors of wart Golems I’m gonna give the war Golem a 5 out of 10. I mean he’s all right planning nether Ward isn’t that useful because you can just play another word yourself but I mean he still looks pretty cool next up we have the Redstone Golem and it says

The Redstone Golem provides Redstone power which makes sense because he’s the Redstone Golem so let’s just Place some redstone on the ground and see if it’s actually accurate he provides a lot of redstone power too this is not running out so the Redstone Golem is probably

Pretty useful so I’m gonna give this guy like a 6 out of 10. and now let’s move on to the next page of Golems which is the clay Golem and the mud Golem these Golems don’t seem to have any use in the book so we’re just gonna speedrun these

This is the clay Golem it’s literally just a clay Golem that’s it and this is the mud Golem it doesn’t look much better but he has a flower on his head which is pretty cool I’m probably gonna give the clay Golem like a 3 out of 10.

He doesn’t really do much and I’ll give the mud Golem a 4 out of 10 just because he has a flower on his head the next page of Golems looks a bit more useful we have the Sandstone Golem while he has his fire protection actually he’s not

That useful but the crafting Golem which you can right click to open a crafting menu we have to see that so first let’s spawn the Sandstone Golem and all he really is a Sandstone Golem that’s it it’s just like the clay Golem and the mud Golem he’s just there he’s just a

Golem but we’ll spawn the crafting Golem next in the crafting Golem actually looks pretty cool I mean his eyes look kind of strange I don’t really know if his eyes match his body but if I right click this guy I get a crafting table which is actually really cool this means

As long as I have a crafting Golem I don’t even need to carry crafting tables with me that’s sick so because of that I’m gonna give the crafting table a 7 out of 10 because he’s actually useful and I’m gonna give the Sandstone Golem a

2 out of 10. I mean he just has no use in the next page of columns we have the lapis Golem and the polished Granite Golem okay that might be the most useless Golem I’ve heard of yet up first we’ll spawn the lapis Golem which is going to be similar to the Redstone

Golem I think yeah they look kind of the same except the lapis Golem has some gold marks on them I don’t really know why he has gold marks on him the lapis block doesn’t have that and let’s also check out the polish granite Golem yeah

I don’t know why this guy exists I mean he doesn’t look that bad to be fair when you hit the lapis goal and he’s supposed to give potion effects to you so let’s see what he does okay I got nothing so far and I still got nothing okay I don’t

Think he’s actually giving potion effects I think it was a lie okay yeah I think the potion effects thing was a lie so because that I’m gonna have to give this guy a 3 out of ten I mean he doesn’t even do the thing he’s supposed

To do in the granite Golem looks a little bit better than I thought he would so I’m gonna give this guy a 4 out of 10. I mean he’s kind of useless but he looks pretty cool on the next page we have the raw Gold Golem in the librarian

Golem and these Golems still don’t really have any use so we’re just gonna speedrun these ones as well the raw Gold Golem looks all right he doesn’t look that bad it’s just like a raw gold block though in the librarian Golem actually looks pretty terrible what is this this

Looks really strange it’s literally the bookshelf texture on a Golem that’s it I’m gonna have to give this guy a one out of ten this is just awful wait where’d he go okay literally just teleported away because I gave him a one out of ten or wait did he give himself

Invisibility okay that’s actually pretty cool that he can do that I’m gonna have to up the rating to like a three out of ten now in the Raw Gold Golem a 2 out of ten I mean what is the use of a raw Gold Golem like why is this even in the game

All right we still have a lot more Golems to go so let’s open the book again and the next Golems we have is the honeycomb Golem and the log Golem and the honeycomb Golem summons a b and the log Golem does nothing but it looks like

You can make it from any type of wood so we’re gonna have to test that so first let’s spawn a honeycomb Golem like this and this thing looks pretty bad he looks kind of like the raw Gold Golem because the honeycomb looks similar but he

Summons a b so we have to see that come on summon the B maybe if I right click him no he’s not summoning the B I guess we just have to wait while we’re waiting for him to do that I’m gonna spawn the log Golem so let’s get a regular Oak log

And we’re gonna get a stripped Mangrove Vlog as well and first let’s test the oak log and yeah it’s just an oak log Golem like you would expect but if we spawn a mangrove Vlog Golem apparently it’s gonna look like a mangrove log as

Well and no wait no it does that is a mangrove Vlog but it’s not a stripped Mangrove Vlog like it showed but that is still pretty cool because that means we could make a birch log Golem and that’s gonna look pretty interesting yeah this is a strange looking Golem but it is a

Birch log Golem now let’s see if the honeycomb Golem has spawned a b yet it doesn’t look like he’s spawning them so I’m gonna have to just rate this guy if he did spawn a b he would be pretty cool so I’m probably gonna rate him a 5 out

Of 10. and as for the log Golem I’m also going to rate him a 5 out of 10 just because he can spawn different log Golems so on the next page of Golems we have a dried kelp Golem and a rock hopper Golem which also don’t really

Seem to do anything so I’m just gonna spawn them quickly so here’s the dried kelp Golem and this is what he looks like he looks pretty lame that’s like a two out of ten and the raw copper Golem this guy’s definitely a little nicer than the raw Gold Golem because you can

See he’s getting oxidized in random Parts but he still doesn’t look that great so he’s probably like a 4 out of 10. next on the list we have the coal Golem and the sponge Golem and the sponge Golem seems really interesting because he absorbs water so first we’ll

Spawn the coal Golem right here and apparently the coal Golem gave effects to enemies so let’s see nope he’s still not doing anything yeah the coral Golem doesn’t look that bad he’s probably like a 5 out of 10. what now check out the sponge Golem I’m gonna spawn the sponge

Golem in the water so let’s just spawn him down here and apparently supposed to absorb water and yeah he’s absorbing water just like a sponge this is so sick and you can even see as water particles on him because he’s absorbing the water so he’s turning into a wet sponge Golem

I mean that’s kind of strange but whatever I will say he looks pretty bad though he doesn’t look that great but since it’s such a unique Golem I’m gonna give him a 7 out of 10 because absorbing all this water is really cool but now let’s see if the next Golems can top

That in for our next Golem we have the slimy Golem and the skull Golem the slimy Golem has a massive knockback attack in Switzer too and the skull Golem has fire protection and places skulk veins these guys are definitely interesting so let’s start with the slimy Golem which we’ll make with slime

Blocks like this and he doesn’t look that interesting right now but apparently he has a massive knockback attack so let’s spawn a husk and let’s see this knockback oh my God he actually went flying it’s definitely not as far as I thought it would be but he launches

Him pretty high to make up for it and apparently the Slime splits into two just like the honey Golem so let’s see this wow he has a lot of health and yeah he’s supposed to into two slime Golems the Slime Golem might be my favorite so

Far because of that so I’m gonna give this guy a 9 out of 10. I mean this is definitely a great Golem and let’s also check out the skull Golem real quick I definitely like how he has like a warden type face on him that looks pretty cool

He’s also supposed to spawn skulk under him but I’m not really seeing any skulk under him that’s kind of weird I’m gonna take the mod’s word for it though and I’m gonna believe that he spread skulk and this guy is a pretty cool design so

Because of that I’m gonna give him a 7 out of 10. this guy looks pretty sick now it’s time to move on to the next golems and the next Golem we have is the purple Golem and the stem Golem the purple Golem teleports randomly and the stem Golem has fire protection and

Plants fungus so first let’s spawn the purple Golem like this and that guy doesn’t look that bad he even has Enderman particles to show that he teleports but we’re not gonna wait for him to teleport I believe the mods so I’m just gonna give this guy a 5 out of

10. he doesn’t look that bad and here’s the stem Golem this is the red stem Golem similar to the wart Golem he still has the wrong color Vines which looks kind of weird but other than that he looks pretty cool and I’m assuming you can spawn another color stem Golem as

Well and yeah there’s a blue one as well I kind of forgot out what these guys are supposed to do but do we really want to wait for it these guys kind of look like the wart Golem but worse so I’m just going to give them a 3 out of 10. the

Next Golems are the mushroom Golem and the raw Iron Golem and honestly we already know what these are gonna look like so I’m probably just gonna skip them and next we have the shroom light Golem and the Terracotta Golem which has some weird transcriptions on the bottom

So we definitely have to check this guy out but first we’re gonna spawn a shroom light Golem and I’m just gonna set it to night time to see if he really emits light yeah it seems like he’s lighting up the area around him this one is actually pretty sick so because of that

I’m gonna give him a 6 out of 10. but the next Golem had some weird transcriptions on the bottom so we have to get to the bottom of this and see what happens so right now we just have a regular terracotta Golem that’s it but I don’t really know what the

Transcriptions were about maybe I need to use glazed terracotta so let’s take some glazed terracotta like this and we’ll place a head on top and it just does nothing so I have no idea what these transcriptions were for honestly I’m just gonna give this guy a one out

Of 10. he looks pretty lame with nothing on him I’m not gonna lie the next Golems we have seem to have a ton of features this is the skull Catalyst Golem and the magma Golem the skull Catalyst Golem has fire protection provides light places skulk veins and gives potion effects to

The enemy and the magma Golem has fire protection provides light lights creatures on fire and splits in too so first let’s spawn a skull Catalyst Golem like this and he looks like the skull Golem but he actually looks a lot better it’s basically the skull Golem with some

Skull Catalyst details on it so that actually looks pretty cool he’s supposed to give enemy mobs potion effects and this never really seems to work on me okay never mind I literally just got blinded and I wasn’t even the one being attacked and this blindness is literally

Lasting forever can this go away so because of that I’m gonna give him an 8 out of 10. I mean this guy looks pretty sick and he does what it said he would do and now let’s spawn the magma Golem and see what happens with this guy apparently the magma Golem is supposed

To set mobs on Fires let’s spawn a husk right here and he didn’t really set him on fire let’s try again okay now he set him on fire I’m pretty sure I don’t know if husks burn in the daytime I’m not really sure but yeah the magma Golem

Also splits into two so let’s see that quickly and yeah there’s two little magma Golems that’s so cool the magma Golem definitely had the most features so far but he doesn’t look that great so I’m gonna give him an 8 out of 10. next we have the concrete Golem and the coral

Golem and the concrete Golem seems pretty lame I mean he’s probably the same as the Terracotta Golem so we’re not even going to spawn this guy but apparently the coral Golem is an advanced swimmer so we have to see that so let’s get a couple Coral blocks

Because I’m pretty sure he’s gonna have different colors at least I hope he does and will spawn the first one right here and we have a blue coral Golem who’s just standing in the water he’s not really swimming and let’s just also spawn a red one and yeah they actually

Have different colors but I wonder if that means you can spawn a dead Golem too so let’s spawn some dead coral and yeah there’s a dead coral Golem as well that’s pretty sick as for advanced swimming I don’t really think they’re swimming they’re just kind of standing

In the water maybe we’ll give them a little bit of time and wait the dead Golem actually transformed into an alive Coral Golem because he was in the water that’s actually a pretty crazy feature but yeah they don’t really seem to be swimming so because of that I’m gonna

Give them a 6 out of 10. I mean they’re not drowning either but they’re definitely not swimming on the next page we have the packed mud Golem and the brick Golem which also have no features so we’re just gonna skip over these guys I mean we already know what they’re

Gonna look like and on the next page we have the Polish diorite Golem and the smooth Stone Golem which also have no features so we’re going to skip them as well but the next page we have the ice Golem and the nether brick Golem the ice Golem freezes water and cools lava which

Is definitely pretty cool but makes no sense because how is it cooling lava its ice in the nether brick Golem has fire protection and lights creatures on fire similar to the magma Golem so let’s just spawn our ice Golem right here by the water and yeah he turns the water to ice

Oh my God look at those eyes okay those eyes look way too goofy I don’t really know what’s wrong with those eyes there but yeah you turn the water to ice just like it said he does and the Golem design looks pretty cool other than the

Eyes but we have to see what he does to love it because that makes no sense okay he burns but he does turn into obsidian it’s really strange I don’t know how he’s burning but he’s transforming the lava to obsidian that’s kind of weird let’s just push this guy in the water oh

Wait we can’t he’s actually gonna die of the fire he literally can’t go in the water he died of the fire because he turned the water to ice that’s crazy next let’s check out the nether brick Golem quickly and yeah he’s just the nether brick Golem and apparently he’s

Gonna set this husk on fire and yeah he set him on fire I mean another brick Golem’s not that bad I’m probably gonna give this guy like a 5 out of 10. but the ice Golem was definitely a cool design so I’m gonna give this guy an 8

Out of 10. and if it wasn’t for the eyes he definitely would have got higher I mean what are these eyes alright on the next page of Golems we have the furnace Golem and the polished endocytical and why do we have all these weird Golems who would spawn the polished andesite

Golem but the furnace Golem is probably pretty cool I’m kind of disappointed that it doesn’t look like he can cook items but he provides light and consumes fuel so we have to check that out so let’s just Place some furnaces right here and this guy looks pretty cool he

Doesn’t look how I expected him to look but he looks cool it says this guy consumes fuel so let’s give him some coal and yeah that’s what I thought it would do it makes him light on fire but he can’t cook stuff unfortunately which is the one thing the furnace Golem

Should be able to do so because of that I’m gonna give him a 6 out of 10. on the next page we have the Polish deep slate Golem which is another useless Golem why would I spawn this and we have the redstone lamp Golem which seems interesting it has fire protection

Provides light and you can right click it to change the texture we have to see that so let’s get our redstone lamp and we’ll place four of these like this and this is the redstone lamp Golem he actually looks a really bad I’m not gonna lie I kind of expected this guy to

Look a lot better but we can right click him to change texture so let’s see that and it doesn’t really change the texture but it’s like turning him on and off I wonder if this actually affects his lights so let’s set the time tonight and

Yeah he has no light right now but if you right click in the emits light that’s actually pretty cool but there was the shroom light Golem earlier which also emits light and he looks a lot better than this so I’m gonna have to give this guy a 5 out of 10 because he

Doesn’t look that great alright on the next page of Golems we have the dispenser Golem and the sea lantern Golem the dispenser Golem shoots arrows and you can right click to refill in the sea lantern Golem provides light and is an advanced swimmer I mean we saw what

Advanced swimmer did last time it really did nothing so hopefully it’s different this time but first let’s spawn the dispenser Golem like this and he looks similar to the furnace Golem as I would expect and when we right click this guy you can put stuff inside of the

Dispenser so let’s just get some arrows of harming and we’ll put these arrows inside of the dispenser Golem like this and I’ll spawn a husk and let’s see if he shoots him okay he’s shooting him really slowly and then he just switches to melee but if I spawn him like way

Over here he’s def gonna shoot them yeah he’s shooting them with the arrows although he doesn’t shoot them really quickly so it’s not that useful I will say this is probably the most useful Golem so far in terms of goleming I mean he definitely would defend you so I’m

Gonna give this guy an 8 out of 10. as for the sea lantern Golem let’s see so the sea lantern Golem looks pretty much how you would expect it Andy’s walking in the water again he’s not really swimming maybe we have to spawn him deep

In the water to see him swim so let’s spawn another one of these guys in the water and no he’s still walking in the water he just doesn’t swim I’m gonna give this guy a two out of 10. he just doesn’t do what he says he’s supposed to

Do alright on the next page we have the Frog Light Golem which provides light in the polished Blackstone Golem with fire protection I swear we already saw the Polish Blackstone Golem in the book before but the Frog Light Golem seems pretty cool so let’s check that out I

Got two different types of frog lights right here so let’s try the green one first and yeah we have a green frog like Golem like I expected and we’ll try the yellow one as well and yeah he does change color but he doesn’t look that great I mean come on this could have

Been a little bit better but he does have a use because he lights the area up at night time so I’m gonna give him a 5 out of 10. I mean he’s not that bad on the next page we have the polished Basalt Golem in the ancient debris Golem

The Polish Basalt Golem is not worth spawning but the ancient debris Golem has fire protection and blast protection I’m really interested in how good the splash protection is so let’s check this one out so first we’ll get our ancient debris like this and we’ll just place it

And this guy doesn’t look the best but he also doesn’t look the worst so apparently this guy’s blast protection so to test this out I’m gonna spawn a TNT Golem and set it off right beside him so let’s see if he can survive this and yeah he literally took no damage

He’s Invincible to TNT that’s crazy since that’s a unique feature that we haven’t seen before I’m gonna give the ancient debris Golem a 7 out of 10. this guy’s actually pretty good all right next up on the list we have the quartz Golem and the Gold Golem which don’t

Really seem to do anything except there’s gold coins in the Gold Golem so we’re gonna check that out I don’t really know if they just added a picture for fun or if it actually does something but let’s see so this is the Gold Golem in game if you right click this guy he

Doesn’t really do anything there’s no gold coins maybe if you kill him he’s like Sonic and he drops coins nope he’s not dropping coins when they do damage and he just drops a couple of golden nids he drops 10 gold ingots that’s actually pretty good but that’s less

Gold and Goodson you get for making him so that’s pretty useless because of that I’m gonna give the Gold Golem a 3 out of 10. there was no gold coins these are not that great next up we have the prismarine Golem and the End Stone Golem the prismarine Golem is an advanced

Swimmer and we already know what that means it means he walks underwater and The Unsung Golem teleports randomly the first Marine Golem also has a picture of a guardian though so I wonder if he attacks like a guardian it also shows he can make it with multiple different

Blocks so let’s see if these prismarine blocks spawn a different golem alright so far this Golem looks the same as the block what about this nope they’re all the same Golem that’s unfortunate let’s see this guy attack a husk though I wonder if he attacks like a guardian

Okay he’s not even fighting the husk nope he literally just melees I don’t even know why there was a picture of a guardian that’s pretty lame and he can’t even fight the husk I mean this is just going on forever I don’t know what this is all right the prismarine Golem isn’t

That interesting I’m gonna give him a 3 out of 10 as well and as for the End Zone Golem he’s just the End Stone Golem except he has these really weird looking eyes I don’t know why he has purple eyes but those are pretty cool then Stone

Golem is probably about the same I’m also gonna give him a 3 out of 10. all right next up we have the bone Golem and the amethyst Golem and the bone Golem just has a skull and crossbones here which I don’t really think means anything as we’ve seen on the other

Pages but the amethyst Golem can drop amethyst shards when hurt so I guess this guy’s similar to Sonic and not the Gold Golem but we’ll see if it actually works so this is the aim at the skolin game this guy actually looks really cool I especially like how his feet are kind

Of like that one block that’s in the geode I don’t really remember what the block is called so if we hit this guy he’s supposed to drop shards so let’s see if this works and no shards so far try another hit and another hit and he doesn’t actually drop shards until you

Kill him I think which is kind of lame I kind of expected him to drop shards every time you hit him maybe it’s a random chance so let’s just punch him instead yeah wait he actually dropped shards when you hit him okay that’s actually cool and I definitely think

This is one of my favorite designs so far so because of that I’m gonna give this guy an 8 out of 10. I mean this guy looks so cool and as for the bone Golem I mean this guy looks pretty sick if it’s Halloween I can definitely see

Mojang just adding this guy for like a Halloween update or something but I mean that’s all there really is he’s just a bone Golem so because of that I’m gonna give him a 4 out of 10. I mean he looks cool but he doesn’t really do anything I

Don’t think on the next page we have the waxed copper Golem and the copper Golem which are pretty much the same thing except one of them’s waxed obviously and both of them can summon a lightning bolt all right so we’re gonna spawn a fully oxidized copper first and he has a

Lightning rod on his head that looks pretty sick and let’s just spawn a regular copper alright this is our copper Golems I definitely like the colors but that’s just because they’re copper that has nothing to do with the Golem I’m gonna set the weather to a

Storm and let’s see if they can actually summon lightning bolt I’m right clicking him and it’s not really doing anything but I’m assuming right clicking him probably has nothing to do with it so let’s just see if this guy spawns a lightning bolt come on you can do it I

Would assume he spawns a lightning bolt that’s literally what it said he does but he’s not really doing anything I don’t know this guy doesn’t seem to be summoning lightning maybe he was an attack so let’s spawned some husks right here and let’s see if they attack him

With lightning no they’re still not even doing that so I’m assuming these guys do spawn a lightning bolt and we’re just not seeing it so I’m gonna give them a 6 out of 10. next up we have the Glowstone Golem and the glass Golem and the Glowstone Golem just has fire protection

And provides a light just like the shroom light Golem from earlier probably but the glass Golem seems kind of interesting even though it does nothing I still want to see it so let’s get some regular glass and we’ll also get some stained glass first let’s see the

Regular glass and that looks kind of weird I mean you can just see through the Golem that’s kind of strange and let’s see if the stained glass actually stains him and yeah they actually get stained so that’s pretty cool as for the usefulness of the glass Golem I’m not

Really sure he has any use but he definitely looks pretty cool especially when he’s stained so I’m gonna give the glass Golem a 5 out of 10. I mean you have to admit it’s pretty cool being able to see through the Golem I’m not gonna lie I’m the next page of Golems we

Have the Obsidian Golem and the emerald golem the Obsidian Golem has fire protection and blast protection and the emerald golem follows villagers it also has 190 Health which is a lot of Health that’s probably the most health I’ve seen yet so first let’s just spawn the

Obsidian Golem just to see it and yeah that’s the Obsidian Golem I will say he looks pretty cool I definitely like the design so I’m gonna give him a 5 out of 10 because he doesn’t really have a use but he looks cool and as for the emerald

Golem let’s see what he looks like alright the emerald golem design is definitely pretty strange but I want to see what it means when he follows the Villager so let’s spawn a villager right here and does he literally just follow him and that’s it yeah he just follows

Him around so it’s like a regular iron golem but he’s more protective I wonder what happens if we Spawn Two villagers though who will he follow okay looks like he just likes the original villager he’s not following the other one I will say since this guy has 190 Health he’s

Definitely the most buff Golem we’ve seen so far so because of this I’m gonna give him a 7 out of 10. I don’t really like his design but I mean he’s pretty cool he does something different than all the other golems and he has a lot of

Health alright for the next Golems we have the crying Obsidian Golem and the diamond golem the crying Obsidian Golem looks the same as the Obsidian Golem and the diamond golem has 220 health and 20 to attack damage and it also has a chest full of diamonds but I’m pretty sure

That means nothing so let’s just spawn the crying Obsidian Golem first and the Sonos looks pretty awful I mean he’s just purple everywhere this is one of the worst Golems I’ve seen I’m gonna give this guy like a 2 out of 10. he looks really bad but now let’s see how

The diamond golem looks and the diamond golem actually looks pretty cool I kinda hate how the texture is just kind of pasted onto him though there’s just random lines everywhere they don’t fit the Golem at all I will say this guy has a ton of attack damage though like let’s

See him take out all these husks he’s not even struggling to kill all these husks he literally took like no damage I wonder who will win the warden or the diamond golem the diamond golem definitely has the advantage because he’s gonna attack the warden before it attacks him but no the diamond Golem’s

Already taking a ton of damage it’s not looking good yeah the diamond golem literally got destroyed by the warden and when the diamond golem dies he dropped 17 diamonds I mean once again it literally takes more diamonds to make him than he does drops so I wonder what

His use is I mean he’s definitely really a good bodyguard though because he does a lot of damage even though he died to the warden so because of that I’m gonna give the diamond golem a 7 out of 10. I don’t really like his design I think his

Texture should have had a little bit more effort put into it alright now for the last page of Golem we have the netherite Golem the netherite Golem has 290 health and 28 attack damage he also has fire protection and blast protection just like the obsidian Golems so let’s

Spawn our netherite Golem like this and this guy’s texture looks a lot better this is what the diamond golem should have been honestly the netherite Golem is definitely stronger than the diamond golem but I’m not really sure if this guy can take out a warden he still might

Not be strong enough oh wait he’s taken out a random Pillager and he destroyed that Pillager oh and he’s fighting another Pillager alright now let’s see if the netherite Golem can take out the warden I don’t really think he’ll be able to but let’s see all right he’s

Doing good so far okay he’s already taking damage this isn’t looking good he’s surviving a lot longer though oh and he’s dead he survived longer than the diamond golem but he is still no match for the warden and when he dies you get five netherride scraps and eight

Netherride ingots I still don’t think it’s worth it to spawn these guys they draw up nothing compared to what it takes to build them but I will say the netherrite Golem definitely looks a lot better than the Diamond Golems so because of that I’m going to give him an

8 out of 10 just because he’s really strong if you want to see more videos like this make sure to check out the videos that just popped up on the screen somebody told me that they’re really good it definitely wasn’t me

This video, titled ‘Testing Minecraft’s Best & Worst Golems’, was uploaded by Eider 2 on 2023-09-28 07:55:15. It has garnered 15745 views and 357 likes. The duration of the video is 00:27:43 or 1663 seconds.

EXTRA GOLEMS MOD: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/extra-golems

In this video I installed the extra golems mod and rated each golem from 1 to 10.

Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@eideridiot Twitter: https://twitter.com/eideridiot Other stuff: https://solo.to/eider

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    Ultimate Minecraft Prank on Mikey's Door!Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ Pranked Mikey’s Big Door in Minecraft ? – ( Maizen )’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-01-18 18:00:24. It has garnered 586 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:13 or 913 seconds. How JJ Pranked Mikey’s Big Door in Minecraft ? – ( Maizen ) This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg Read More

  • Kicked the Akvych in PvP Funtime Madness!

    Kicked the Akvych in PvP Funtime Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘чутка попинали аквыча | PvP Funtime’, was uploaded by cCMEX_ on 2024-05-25 15:28:59. It has garnered 110 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:28 or 148 seconds. ds-sssfuccckk https://discord.gg/erariseempire – clan tags: prostocraft, prostocraft, anarchy, minecraft, minecraft, minecraft anarchy, anarchy, pvp anarchy, pvp on anarchy, anarchy prostocraft, pvp, danqo16, pvp, anarchy pvp, prostocraft anarchy, anarchy from scratch, byttcehb, anarchy minecraft, a lot of pvp on anarchy, prostik, a lot of pvp, mrirbbi, jetmine, anarchy without donation, jetmine, dape, vupsen anarchy, vupsen pvp, wellmore, vupsen, uhk, prostocraft pvp, 1.14.4, development from scratch,… Read More

  • “SHOCKING transformation in Minecraft with MqryoPacks!” #texturepack

    "SHOCKING transformation in Minecraft with MqryoPacks!" #texturepackVideo Information This video, titled ‘making SHINY mobs in minecraft #texturepack #minecraft’, was uploaded by MqryoPacks on 2024-03-02 19:09:47. It has garnered 283 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:23:59 or 8639 seconds. – Donation Page: https://streamlabs.com/mqryo/tip – Discord Server: https://discord.gg/UzCHHWPMQv – My Site: https://www.mqryopacks.com Read More

  • Unforgettable Humiliation in Minecraft Bedwars! #toxicteam #minecraft

    Unforgettable Humiliation in Minecraft Bedwars! #toxicteam #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Humillando a TEAMs TOXICOS #minecraft #bedwars #humillación’, was uploaded by Dar 090 on 2024-04-30 02:59:32. It has garnered 682 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. #illustrationartists #ilusión #tellybridge #tecnoblade #mrbeast #tecnoblade #soycubo #minecraft #nopremiun #bedwars #universocraft #bedwards #skywars #primerpvp #badlion #hypixel #badlionclient #dragclick #minecraft #nopremiun #bedwars #universocraft #bedwards #skywars #primerpvp #badlion #hypixel #badlionclient #puentes #tellybridge #tellybridging #dragclick #dragclicking #chifruit #dracula #haker #pokemon #haks #rompeladompe #relax #relajante #relaxing #spreen #shorts #haker #freefire #darkhcf #minecraftguide #hcf #minecrafthowto #pvp #holyhcf #minecrafttutorial #primerpvp #hypixelbedwars #hypixelskyblock #hypixelduels #gratis #combos #combotage #combopodcast #asmr… Read More

  • Insane! GrafBonze splurges €20m on Hacker Sword

    Insane! GrafBonze splurges €20m on Hacker SwordVideo Information This video, titled ‘GrafBonze kauft HACKER-SCHWERT für stolze 20.000.000 €’, was uploaded by Abge on 2024-04-15 11:00:18. It has garnered 1065 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:13 or 793 seconds. Citybuild Server » GrieferGames.net Do you like the episode? Play now on the GrieferGames.net Minecraft server! #minecraft #griefergames Simply click on multiplayer, enter the address GrieferGames.net and connect. Choose your city build & make sure you get a plot of land to start with /plot auto. You can get to the farm world with /warp farm world to farm for building and trading… Read More

Eider 2 – Testing Minecraft’s Best & Worst Golems