Esports Is Dying, And I Know How To Save it

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So Esports is not doing well I’m going to go ahead and uh and just play the clip all right for y’all to be able to see it this is Sentinel Sentinels is a you know relatively well-known Esports org and uh take a look at this so sandals has posted their own offering

Memorandum and it’s pretty crazy news as you guys can see they are giving themselves two to three months to survive if they’re not able to raise more Capital if you guys don’t know they’re trying to raise funds equivalent of 1.2 million dollars in their own statement they say if the company raises

The minimum offering amount and if they’re unable to raise additional Capital through other means they anticipate the company will only operate for two to three more months this is given the fact they are burning almost seven hundred thousand dollars on expenses of player and content creator salaries staff salaries and other things

Every single month wow so even if they raise the max amount which they want 1.2 million you can rewrite below they still only anticipate surviving four to five more months of operation unless they can find funds from some other means actually insane seven hundred thousand dollars per month

Across players staff creators I mean they have some big names obviously still underneath their Hood so all this should have made more money off of them I mean I don’t know what to say the reality is that um Esports is [ __ ] dying like we saw um what was that uh [ __ ] that other

Guy that posts like Jake lucky does that Hunter guy what was that org he was a part of ah it was like is it I don’t think it was G2 was it the guard guard yeah the guard uh that they went belly up right they were done and then you saw uh

Blizzard basically start trying to give people their money back for the OverWatch League I’m feeling like and then we see this happen I’m feeling like Esports is just not gonna happen and if it is it’s gonna be in a much more low-key way than it is now

Now I don’t know exactly like what they’re doing I have no idea but I think that it’s dying like I that’s really what I think is it’s gonna be I I think it’s dying and I think the reason why is because I don’t feel like people make the money

Back on a lot of these people like sorry that was like super ambiguous I mean like investors and the companies don’t make the money back on a lot of these player salaries like they pay somebody uh a hundred thousand dollars and then they make thirty thousand dollars and there are so

Many things that are like kind of off limits like culturally inside of Esports right so taking player winnings is kind of off limits culturally paying people based off of if they win or not is kind of culturally off limits so there’s a lot of things that like these companies

Kind of can’t do that they would make more money with in a way at the same time it’s not friendly to the players and that’s why it’s not culturally acceptable but the problem is that CS go so why is CS go Why is CS go Esports why what oh what is the difference God I wonder oh man two reasons actually CS go is like the chess of Esports Counter-Strike is CS2 is going to be the same thing everybody understands Counter-Strike and because of that it’s been around for

So long in 20 years I can guarantee you that we’re still going to have Counter-Strike tournaments it’s going to be Counter-Strike three or probably still going to be Counter-Strike two at that point but uh realistically it will be even even though I I do think that yeah

People are still going to be uh playing Cs and and excited about that and all of that so number one it’s very easy to watch easy to read easy to understand so that that’s number one number two the other reason is because they have gambling sponsors

So I think what’s going to end up happening is that a lot of these different companies are gonna and like also the problem is that the Esports are controlled they’re not controlled by the orgs we’ve learned this from Nintendo uh they’re controlled by the company so the company blocks off Gamba sponsors they

Block off um vice’s sponsors right we’re talking like only fans alcohol uh [ __ ] gambling right they block off the big money and then they say well you’ve got to survive without this well I mean [ __ ] without hookers and blackjack it seems like things aren’t going very well

So I don’t really know what’s gonna happen with Esports personally but I’ve thought this for a long time that Esports was very very overvalued okay uh like I’ve seen you know for years and years and years like millions of dollars getting invested into these orgs into

The promise of some point in the future Esports is going to be like conventional Sports and you know what if you’re in South America that’s kind of true and you know what if you’re in South Korea that’s also kind of true but we’re not neither one of those aren’t we

And that’s the situation that we’re in that’s the problem so it sounds like a bubble it is and I think it’s for so long there was just Investments of money Investments of money Investments of money on some theoretical future return but at a certain point the chickens come home to

Roost and it’s been 10 [ __ ] years and I think you combine this with a globally declining economy you put that together with this situation and also like Esports too you got to keep this in mind Esports go up and down based off of how juice the game is

So like valorant is really popular right now but like valrant might not be popular in five years same with Apex same with Pub G any of these games could like look at oh I think OverWatch is the best example OverWatch is not anywhere near as hype

As it used to be and because of that sponsors are paying us because less people give a [ __ ] about the tournaments unless people give a [ __ ] about the tournament because less people play the game so there’s always a cause and effect you you missed Evo well Evo so

Think about some big differences with EVO because you’re right like there is a Competitive Gaming Community but I don’t think the Competitive Gaming Community can survive on the Pomp and Circumstance that traditional Esports have led people to expect if that makes sense so like these like massive [ __ ] multi-million

Dollar tournaments these huge franchises that are like 20 million dollar spots players getting paid High six-figure salaries to compete in this I just don’t think this is a this is a good thing also look at Evo look at what is the biggest difference between something like a fighting game and something like

CS or valorant I’ll tell you what the difference is it’s the fact that you only have to pay one [ __ ] person you pay one person so yeah and I think that’s the biggest reason it’s a lot easier to pay people uh I I don’t think it’s as inflated it’s much more uh

Grassroots and also like these like the scope of the fighting game Community is not even nearly as like like this the spectacle of like something like Evo is nothing next to like a like World tournament for like League of Legends or or like valorence or um uh Dota or

Something like that like the OverWatch right like the scale is so much higher and I think that’s a good thing like the fighting game Community from everything that I’ve seen it is Niche but it is healthy because it’s a niche and that’s the problem is people tried to take

Esports into the mainstream and the mainstream doesn’t give a [ __ ] about what some some nerd clicking on heads in a video game is doing they just don’t give a [ __ ] that’s just how it is no team drama people falling out with each other and leaving Etc just one dude

Playing well I think team drama is a big thing so I’ll tell you another thing that’s killing Esports we’re gonna go to something else look at this clip took a lot to get them there shoots him there I won’t be celebrating like that mate a slight tap patina wants

Too good and so he uh it’s 12. he obviously shoots some tea bags them and then we get this [ __ ] tweet listen to this [ __ ] I think demon one is an insane player but stuff like this makes me not want to support him and EG I guess

That’s Evil Geniuses uh I know they don’t care but I’m curious to hear what you guys prefer humble players are trash talk and ego type players this is what I see this is what myth said right uh you need villains to have Heroes Esports needs to embrace their villains more we

Wonder why this [ __ ] is dying whenever there’s zero narrative for people to care about now here’s really the truth okay I think that we should listen to people like myth because myth is a successful streamer he knows what it takes to get an audience he knows what it takes to be

Successful he knows knows what it takes to to get people to watch you like do I really and this is gonna sound like maybe a dick thing to say but do I really give a [ __ ] about the opinion of somebody who’s a commentator in issues of like what is entertaining

No I really don’t now in terms of commentating that’s what I would care about but myth obviously is an expert in this and why the [ __ ] would you go and watch the rust server if it wasn’t if it wasn’t for myth versus xqc yeah because it’s exciting people like watching them

So this is what I said I said this 100 true stuff like this is actually entertainment call me toxic but every game ending with nice try GG is boring I still remember idra from Starcraft 2 why because it was entertaining leagues run by [ __ ] and paranoid sponsors are killing Esports true

Yes I did just true myself because I was right absolutely I don’t know what these [ __ ] think they’re doing like why are you trying to take yourself seriously this is a [ __ ] video game with light up blue guns that look like Nerf guns that five-year-olds use why

Are we pretending like this is some like [ __ ] big deal who gives a [ __ ] it doesn’t matter it’s a video game try to have fun it’s entertaining It’s Entertainment it’s so insane to me that people can’t see this it’s a professional game it’s not a professional game it’s a game that

People make money on a professional gives a [ __ ] about being professional and also uh guess what MMA is professional they have more drama than anything uh the [ __ ] WWE is professional they have even more drama than MMA even though it’s scripted talk about it’s being professional oh

Okay well then now we can’t have any fun yeah well you know what they can be professionals and then uh sooner or later they’re not going to have a profession that’s what’s gonna happen people take it very seriously when money is involved no they don’t who gives a [ __ ] what they

Think people are always going to sponsor teams that are going to make money like I’ll tell you one thing if you had a tournament that’s making a hundred thou that’s getting a hundred thousand concurrence people are gonna sponsor that [ __ ] tournament they will because it’s going to get now obviously

Like if there’s people that show up and they’re throwing gang signs and saying like racist stuff there is a line of course there’s a line but tea bagging like this is not the [ __ ] line okay so yeah I don’t want to see people that have no experience drawing an audience

Trying to tone police actual entertainment that’s what I [ __ ] think and if they want to have Esports be interesting you need to let people be interesting not little robots that say nice try GG so pathetic I hate this [ __ ] that’s why I know like why would I tune in to watch

Esports if it’s just this [ __ ] oh good game chap you click the button the right way who cares personally hate drama and trash talk cause stupid think people think it’s the way you live life and you act that way IRL but more or less it’s whatever a bag

Is not toxic well it’s not that like I mean stupid people think wrestling is real should they not do it like who cares what stupid people think you can’t like what the [ __ ] are you gonna do you’re gonna base everything that you do off of somebody with a room temperature

IQ if you do that you’re never even gonna be able to tell a [ __ ] joke there’s also something about being supportive [ __ ] that [ __ ] that let people do whatever they want I guarantee you if you had a league with no rules people more people would watch it guaranteed

100 without a question I just I had to talk about this because like I just uh this was uh it was getting my goat I was just not happy about it but uh yeah it’s really sad to see this happen with Sentinels and everything like that and uh

You know I think that Esports Esports needs to have a Renaissance and they need to have a come to Jesus moment with like how they monetize themselves and how they uh how they profit and like what what’s realistic what’s not that’s really where we’re at would you debate someone for the subject

I mean what what is there to debate I mean effectively like this is an opinion right like what they’re gonna like they’re gonna say it’s bad why is it bad because sponsors will leave okay well sponsors are gonna leave anyway because you’re not getting any views so that’s

Not true uh like what else is there to say yeah there’s nothing to debate now there are people also keep in mind this is a this is a a matter of taste so there are people out there I think they’re [ __ ] but they don’t like this kind of stuff

And they’re not wrong for not liking it this is their own opinion they’re entitled to their opinion even and I’m entitled to my opinion they’re [ __ ] for having their opinion but they’re still entitled to their opinion so yeah sure I mean I understand that not everybody agrees with me

Yeah I just think this would be better in the long run uh games what’s problematic because only bring people who knows what’s going on in there well that’s why CS is so good that’s why rocket league is so good that’s why Street Fighter 6 is so good

If I see somebody play Street Fighter 6 I know who’s I know who’s winning right it’s obvious See a point it’s not just about having viewers for example we have women’s sports not just for the views I mean women’s sports is a whole different situation but at the end of the day like it’s not about it is just about for me in my opinion I think if you’re not

Getting the views nothing else matters if you’re not bringing home the bacon you’re not getting people excited to watch your games what the [ __ ] are you doing throw it in the trash start over stop doing it that’s what I think so if you got people that aren’t showing up people that don’t

Care then why is it happening anyway 10 salary is single-handedly bankrupting Sentinels I think that like a lot of the players like especially here’s the thing is that player salaries are not a problem if the person is a content creator the problem with player salaries is whenever the person doesn’t create content and

Doesn’t promote the brand like for example Tarik tens like a lot of these guys that are part of Sentinels bro Sentinels is getting all they’re getting everything out of them right because like I think of them I think of Sentinels but you’ve got to get your people out

There playing you’ve got to get them making content you can’t just have them playing games by themselves doing scrims it doesn’t matter oh it makes you better yeah it makes you better at the game but how is that making any money which Pro isn’t a content creator these days

Exactly you see more and more people doing that and that’s what it has to be is this a good or a bad thing for video games I think that it’s mainly agnostic it doesn’t really matter that much Tara gets more views on those watch parties than the official channels because

People like hearing a like that’s yeah exactly 39 death bankrupting Sentinels I mean again they’re always going to have like there’s many different things like this I mean [ __ ] I’m just saying like paying content creators if you’ve got it you’ve got to find a way to get something out of them

And if you can’t monetize people correctly then that’s a problem I know the solution I’m going to draw you guys a graph of the solution okay and then we’re going to finish this give me a minute guys this is how to save Esports right here this is it This is what we have this is why CS goes doing well this is what they need to do you understand And if they can’t do this I’m very concerned for the future of Esports that’s where the money is that’s what Real Sports does foreign

This video, titled ‘Esports Is Dying, And I Know How To Save it’, was uploaded by Asmongold TV on 2023-08-09 14:04:50. It has garnered 151256 views and 4308 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:41 or 1121 seconds.

It’s not doing well. Luckily I know the precise solution that will rescue Gaming competitions and lead us into the Esports Renaissance ► A͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d͏͏’s Twitch: ► A͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d͏͏’s Twitter:͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d͏͏ ► A͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d͏͏’s 2nd YT Channel: ► A͏s͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d͏͏’s Sub-Reddit:͏m͏o͏n͏g͏o͏l͏d͏͏/

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    LEAKED: Next Minecraft Update - New Biome, Hostile Mob, Hardcore Mode & Bundles! Exciting Leaks from Mojang: New Biome, Hostile Mob, Hardcore Mode, and Bundles! As the anticipation builds for Mojang’s annual Minecraft Live event, a massive leak has already surfaced, and surprisingly, it’s from Mojang themselves. The leaked information not only reveals the name of the next Minecraft update but also introduces a new biome and a new hostile mob. Let’s dive into the exciting details! How the Leak Unfolded The leak was discovered ahead of the official announcement, sparking excitement among Minecraft fans worldwide. The leak hints at a major update that promises to bring fresh content and challenges to… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Black Myth Wukong in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable! Black Myth Wukong in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mình mang Black Myth Wukong Vào Trong MInecraft | Block Myth Wukong Modpacks’, was uploaded by G2Gamerr on 2024-09-24 12:00:32. It has garnered 17241 views and 367 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:28 or 628 seconds. 🎁Donate :… ✨Version: Forge 1.20.1 ✨Modpacks Link: Music : 🎵Playlist by G2Gamerr 🎮Fanpage :… © Bản quyền thuộc về G2Gamerr © Copyright by G2Gamerr ☞ Do not Reup #minecraft #G2Gamerr#minecraftsurvival#minecraftmods#blackmythwukong Read More

  • Uncovering the Truth: Testing Scary Minecraft Seeds

    Uncovering the Truth: Testing Scary Minecraft SeedsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing SCARY MINECRAFT SEEDS to see if they are actually true.’, was uploaded by faiz playz on 2024-03-31 09:03:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Testing SCARY MINECRAFT SEEDS to see if they are actually true. #minecraft #viral #scary #trending. Read More

  • ¡Locura en Minecraft! La felicidad por un diamante

    ¡Locura en Minecraft! La felicidad por un diamanteVideo Information This video, titled ‘La Felicidad Por Un Diamante #minecraft #seriedemods #humor #twitch’, was uploaded by MarcOps on 2024-03-29 13:43:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Raj’s EPIC Blindfolded Tree House Build!

    Raj's EPIC Blindfolded Tree House Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tree House Hero blind gloves’, was uploaded by Raj uid on 2024-07-15 12:41:16. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:08 or 1928 seconds. Read More

  • Hydriel defeats Sharpness with insane PvP skills! #shorts

    Hydriel defeats Sharpness with insane PvP skills! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘he beat sharpness… #shorts #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by hydriel on 2024-05-16 16:38:54. It has garnered 2188 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. This video isn’t by me, it’s by ArtualCM (ACTUAL GOAT) #pvp #minecraft #shorts #sharpness Tags (ignore)- Minemanner is cool, minemanner song, iusehuzuni, i use huzuni, ricefarmer11, rice farmer 11, rice farmer11, ricefarmer, ricefarmer 11, mine manner, i use huzuni song, hitsync songs, hit sync, 1.18 tutorial, 1.18 pvp, how to get good at 1.18 pvp, Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am… Read More

  • “Unleashing Bloody Herobrine: EVIL DEVIL 👹 #MinecraftMadness” #YouTubeTerrors #ShockingEncounter

    "Unleashing Bloody Herobrine: EVIL DEVIL 👹 #MinecraftMadness" #YouTubeTerrors #ShockingEncounterVideo Information This video, titled ‘I make bloody herobrine #youtube #youtubeshorts #minecraft #herobrine’, was uploaded by EVIL DEVIL on 2024-08-09 04:20:59. It has garnered 4011 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Multiplayer 🚚, 🌍 & 🎮 Gameplay in One Video!

    Insane Multiplayer 🚚, 🌍 & 🎮 Gameplay in One Video!Video Information This video, titled ‘GeoGuessr, Euro Truck Simulator 2 TMP konvoj (Sraz: TruckersMP HQ, SIM2), Minecraft Sub Server’, was uploaded by Gamekeepers_cz on 2024-07-17 03:58:35. It has garnered 3213 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 05:48:25 or 20905 seconds. 👕 GKCZ MERCH: 🎮 Farming Simulator 25 PRE-ORDER: Support-A-Creator: GKCZ #EpicPartner 💎 Membership: 💲 Donate: 💜 Twitch: 📷 Instagram: 👕 Merch: 🌐 Web: 💬 Discord: ETS2/ATS TRUCKERSMP VTC SIGNATURE: ETS2/ATS TRUCKSBOOK FIRMA: Plugin for chat as on Twitch: You must have the BTTV and… Read More

  • SkyesToo – SCARIEST Minecraft Mod Ever!

    SkyesToo - SCARIEST Minecraft Mod Ever!Video Information This video, titled ‘This Horror Mod is TERRIFYING! – Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by SkyesToo on 2024-07-03 19:15:00. It has garnered 16512 views and 1012 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:14 or 2894 seconds. One of Us DID NOT Survive The Fog! – Minecraft Survival __ The mods just keep getting more creepy… can Skyes and Darman survive the fog??? __ Thumbnail drawn by Icy – Check them out! __ Video edited by Darman – Check him out! __ MY MAIN CHANNEL! – ☁️ MY SOCIALS ☁️ 🐦-= Twitter –… Read More

  • Bryan’s Heroic Transformation Gone Wrong! Voice Acting Cover!

    Bryan's Heroic Transformation Gone Wrong! Voice Acting Cover!Video Information This video, titled ‘”You were supposed to be a hero, Bryan! what happened to you?” meme – cover + voice acting’, was uploaded by WompyWompie on 2024-09-12 10:23:46. It has garnered 14 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. REAL GUYS… This would singlehandedly save and carry the entire Minecraft movie! Credits/sources/Inspiration Tags Herobrine, Herobryan, Minecraft movie, Minecraft movie 2024, Minecraft movie parody, Minecraft movie meme, Minecraft movie trailer, Minecraft movie if it was good, Minecraft movie looks ugly, Minecraft, I am steve, Minecraft Jack Black I… Read More

  • NightfallMC

    NightfallMCWelcome to Nightfall MC! The perfect place to play Minecraft Survival, have fun and make new friends. Features: – Land Claiming – Cross play – Skills – Economy – Teams – A welcoming community and much more! Our server is designed to provide you with the most rewarding experience possible! Read More

  • ✨Perakee’s Survival✨ SMP 1.21.1 land claim teams Random Spawn dynmap voicechat optional

    ✨ Perakee’s Survival ✨ MAP: or JOIN: or DISCORD: Vanilla survival – go solo or team up! Random spawn – world border can be expanded any time. Hard difficulty – night can’t be skipped. Fresh & new community! Voicechat mod optional, cheaters banned, runs on dedicated hardware in Europe. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Storymode: Not everyone’s cup of tea, but I loved it!

    Minecraft Memes - Storymode: Not everyone's cup of tea, but I loved it!Well, I guess this meme has a higher approval rating than Minecraft Story Mode! Read More

  • 100 Enderman roast endermite 🔥

    100 Enderman roast endermite 🔥 When you accidentally start a war between Endermen and Endermites and suddenly realize you’re the one who has to clean up the mess in your Minecraft world. Good luck with that! Read More

  • Join Our Free SMP in Minecraft & Crafting

    Join Our Free SMP in Minecraft & Crafting Welcome to Daosao Gamers’ New SMP Server! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft and Crafting and Building? Join Daosao Gamers’ new SMP server for free and start your adventure today! No sign-in required, just pure gaming fun. What is SMP? SMP stands for Survival Multiplayer, a game mode in Minecraft where players can interact, collaborate, and survive together in a shared world. It’s a great way to connect with other players, build amazing structures, and explore new territories. Joining the Server Joining our SMP server is easy and hassle-free. Simply follow the instructions provided… Read More

  • Ender Pearl Chunk Loader?! Update Snapshot 24w37a Minecraft!

    Ender Pearl Chunk Loader?! Update Snapshot 24w37a Minecraft! Minecraft Snapshot 24w37a Introduces Exciting New Feature: Ender Pearl Chunk Loader! The latest Minecraft Snapshot 24w37a has brought a groundbreaking new mechanic that allows players to use Ender Pearls as chunk loaders! 🤯 What Does This Mean? Now, when you throw an Ender Pearl, the surrounding area will remain loaded within a 3×3 chunk radius. This opens up a world of possibilities for automatic farms and exploring new horizons! Unleash Your Creativity! Just imagine the incredible structures and contraptions you can build with this new feature! Will you be incorporating it into your survival world? The potential is limitless!… Read More

  • Join Me in Private Bedwars on Hypixel LIVE!

    Join Me in Private Bedwars on Hypixel LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel Private Bedwars Games Live With You’, was uploaded by MitBlade on 2024-07-27 20:45:08. It has garnered 129 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:03 or 8163 seconds. Leave your IGN in Chat to Join #hypixel #bedwars #pvp #minecraft #bedwars Read More

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