Etho Plays Minecraft BEST OF Season 1 (Episodes 1-101)

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is etho and this is my new minecraft world that i’ve started minecraft talking about minecraft hello and welcome back to the exciting world of minecraft he sees me he sees me what hello how’s it going um that’s weird here you go

I had i don’t know what to say about this whoa whoa whoa wait one second now as soon as i stopped the video i saw this creeper over here so we’re going to try lure him into our trap before we end this to see if it works awesome

So the tree farm is going to go over here oh of course ah man oh one etho here this is uh episode four and i just want to say thanks to all my subscribers and all those who leave comments and thumbs up and all that good stuff um i do read the

Comments and i’m happy to see everything’s been pretty positive so far and also i noticed a few people have been telling me to harvest this clay over here for my spawn so i figure that would be a good way to start off this episode i’m finally going to harvest this clay

Now i’m just messing with you i’m not going to harvest this clay i am going to leave this clay here and you’re going to see it every episode and it’s going to torment you come on etho harass the freaking clay already what’s the matter with you

And i’m just going to laugh because i i’m evil and i have a sick sense of humor episode 5 here so as you’ve probably already heard minecraft has made the change from alpha to beta which actually means very little at the moment but i myself absolutely love it and that is because

Nachos fixed the tree issue saplings once again fall from trees which is awesome i spent about three hours today working on a new intersection for the eats transportation system and this is what it looks like all right here we go arms and legs inside the boat at all times minecrafters

Uh we’re back again to our let’s play series this is episode seven and uh i’m sorry i haven’t been putting episodes out recently um i’m probably not going to be getting one out per day i just can’t i just can’t do them that fast so i’m sorry if you expect more

Yes i’m pretty lost my ah i almost made it tonight this is a no blasting zone stupid idiot etho here again with episode 9 of our let’s play minecraft adventures and before we can do anything this episode i noticed i just passed 1 000 subscribers on youtube

A thousand i am blown away over a thousand people willingly choose to watch me do crazy stupid stuff in this game and i think that is just awesome Here it goes awesome Party’s over time to clean up hey everyone we’re at episode 10 already time is just flying and i’ve been working on the mob trap relentlessly over over the last three days now and let’s go check it out i’ve been mining straight for three days probably a good six hours at least

Mining this out and i i can’t take it anymore ah let me out let me out [Applause] oh come on no way oh there’s just no time pressure plate is here yeah the wires lighting up all right guys let’s get something straight here this is not your island this is my island

And the only reason you’re living on it because i let you live on it all right everybody welcome to episode 14. tall mobs can fit here they enter the thing and what happens is the tall mobs they uh they pass right through here it’s all the water is going straight and uh this

This block of water is on top of the pressure plates and the sign keeps it from back flowing it is closed the mobs can’t go the mobs can’t enter this area here and somebody just snuck up on these spawning sections so again i’m using a 16 by 16 uh

Pattern to go find some slow sand so that we can invent a timer and mechanical timer for this device so we have a mission That’s it i gotta say i’m pretty disappointed with this place hello peeps and peepers etho here again with episode 17. and uh i guess i’m kind of in trouble with you guys because as eleanor pointed out i’m not really upholding my rule number four of the let’s play videos which is

I’m supposed to be showing you guys the stuff i built as i build it and so i’m kind of guilty of that and it’s like one day i left the comments it’s like you better at least build the timer on video and while i was reading that as like oh dang

I already have the timer all built and everything so yeah i’m sorry about that guys i will uh i will try build more in my videos another beautiful sunrise hey you guys uh you’re hanging out with me etho this is episode 18 and um this episode we’re just gonna

We’re gonna kind of chillax this is pretty cool that you can grow trees using bone meal one two second try and we got ourselves a tree oh i’m so scared wow this place has actually given me health since i’ve gotten here and we’re gonna cultivate this actually probably gonna do this quickly

Yeah i’ll be right back that was embarrassing okay so i’ve never crafted a fishing rod before this is my first time don’t really know how to use it hello hello you’re joining me etho as we embark on another minecraft adventure together and today’s episode is going to be a learning adventure

I’m gonna close that one oh crap uh i hate to be cheap but oh no i was on peaceful oh Roger that houston standing by all systems are go initiating countdown timer t minus three two one blast off oh this team is awesome i was just playing around with minecarts and i think i invented a new type of booster but it does make me laugh

And um i was doing a test over here i needed to know what happens if you try to stack minecarts like the pez dispenser method if there’s mobs inside yeah of course okay so i kind of did one wall here just to see what it would look like i

Don’t know if i quite like it i thought it would look better than it does hey ladies thanks for joining me again this is uh ethel and uh we’re gonna get right into it uh first new change i’ve added uh the musical noteblocks to our timer here

Plays a nice zelda theme when you pick up the items or if the feather just spawns and let’s go check it out i hate coming down here uh because it’s a real mess so Dude that’s a house how the heck did the house get out here that’s not my house i didn’t build that general spazz’s residence what the heck man holy crap there’s a creeper in here there is a creeper in that house all right i’ll listen to you what do you

Got to say uh okay guys i’m gonna talk to this guy for a while and i’ll tell you what he has to say all right guys so this is general spaz basically he’s in charge of uh what did you say yeah so basically all the creepers in my area

And he’s heard about the recent experiments i’ve been doing on mobs lately and how i’ve been tormenting and killing his friends and his troops and basically he wants me to stop so we’ve been talking about a peace treaty here for a few days now the deal is basically if i stop killing

His friends they will stop killing me and blowing up my base and everything my uh 2 500 subscribers and he’s really happy for me he even uh baked me a cake to celebrate i think it’s i think it’s done now yeah it’s done baking so we’re gonna have some cake and celebrate our

Last episode and our 2500 subscribers this is my first take i’ve made with spazz’s help of course oh it didn’t work holy crap man spaz are you okay how the heck did that blow up your house i am so sorry dude seriously Oh i’m in big trouble now died feb 9 11. i’m going to miss you spaz hey everyone how’s it going what’s going on what’s new how’s the family oh you got it those guys turned on me all right i finally died in the nether Uh Okay so we still got a few minutes so let’s go do something fun see that’s the worst we got is uh witnesses um thanks to everyone that sends me their uh videos and ideas and comments and everything we are going to go visit uh one of my

Viewers worlds that he sent me which is very cool he calls it boat warp speed version 1.0 design inspired by etho thank you do is point down and right click only it’s in flying possibly though your arrogance will be your downfall my friend your pride is is now eating away

Like a worm on your sanity it’s impossible you can’t build a mob sorter oh how the tables have turned that fiery tongue of yours has gotten you into trouble zabanjito because i do believe i have done it well guys i guess we’re about out of time so i’m gonna wrap it up here

Uh sorry if i rambled a bit this episode but uh i was very excited to show this thing off son of a beach ball what the heck i’m sure this was working yesterday Cool and that’s the first cannon i’ve made in this lp i guess 18 ticks cool i’ve done it i have freaking done it yeah oh it took me 34 episodes and like two months but i’ve finally done it i have built myself a house yeah baby Oh my goodness it hit the boat are you kidding me oh i hope i didn’t blow everything up oh okay what are the chances of that this is so that i can do my trick with the stairs and the signs to keep a continuous flow in the water canals

I need it three thick and now for the longest part of the whole thing uh we use your mom to clear the grass here the farm animal mobs can only spawn on our spawning pads and nowhere else if you’re gonna make one of these things bear in mind this will take forever

Hello everyone how’s it going we’re just hanging out up in the sky here on our new spawning pads with some of your relatives but these fences are because whoa oh no ah i had a leg spike hello hello yeah yeah yeah our island has a name now

The game master 800 has named our island it is called chocolate island due to all the soil looks like chocolate uh welcome to chocolate island is isle correct island population one i play minecraft about an hour to a day on average uh i don’t play in any other worlds and i don’t

Well i started to play smp a little bit again not much on titan server i’m going to actually put a link in the description to tykan’s channel hey everyone this is your buddy etho here i’ve been doing a little bit of work on our control room got vertical wiring running all the

Way up now and i think all these torches are lighting my game more but i’m not sure i’m really not evil guys i promise i’m not evil i promise this is funny oh yeah [Applause] Get out we got squid they must have just spawned i’m going to leave these guys be and see if they end up in my collection point and a lot of you said that’s with don’t despawn that’s not true they do i don’t know exactly how that works but

It seems to take a long time what’s up q fools this is etho here and uh today’s saturday i’ve got a headache didn’t really feel like doing anything today so i’ve been playing minecraft for about three or four hours now which is a lot for me and i

Want to show you what i’ve been up to got lots done and so this guy here is a reminder for me what’s outside every time i leave the building clocks compasses fishing rods flint and steel shoes pants chest plates helmets your mom axes shovels picks swords bows two empty spots

Over here is like plants and stuff things that grow get saplings yellow flowers red red roses seeds mushrooms sugarcane cactus so everything is grouped together pretty nicely i think over here is like uh switches and stuff um we’re gonna shoot this off again when we hit a million subscribers and

Right now no no no a million views but i’ve been working on this forever so i didn’t really want to do anything more fancy than what i have here thank you everyone here we go Oh Oh that’s cool Hello home wreckers this is etho and this is another exciting episode of is minecraft i’m just on the roof here and i’ve noticed there is a ton of mobs on the island and that’s kind of a side effect of lighting up tunnels in the area since they can’t to spawn in tunnels

Okay and now to run the wiring is pretty easy i usually put the button over here get some redstone place redstone on top one here one here go around i’ve built so many of these place six repeaters and that’s it squiddy is gone i killed him

Uh he was in my way hello minecrafters this is etho again and we got another good episode here for you as you can see i’ve redone the passive mob spawning pads look at that brave cow what are you doing over here Of course i leg every time i come here But you guys don’t like me going on adventures because you want me to stick to the science well this adventure is for science but i’m gonna have some fun and let’s go so what we’re just doing here is we’re going away from our base so that uh it doesn’t interfere

Interfere with our tests we’re about to do adventure Oh that was fast man that didn’t take long at all let’s go minions it’s okay guys i kind of wanted that to happen then the normal mobs they probably are a little bit whoa that’s not good that’s not good oh my goodness oh that was teamwork

Hey everyone this is e to the t to your mum hello everyone this is ethel and this is the 50th episode of the lp series and this is also the one million view special so it’s pretty cool i need to uh remove all the water and signs and stuff

So that my game won’t lag as bad from the abandoned shaft was that a pink sheep oh spazz it’s been so long since i’ve last visited you i think it’s been 25 episodes now since you’ve passed i would have came back sooner but not all my viewers liked you

But you know what i think i think everybody misses you a lot right now and wishes you haven’t hadn’t left us you know the world’s just not the same without you you’ve inspired so many people and touched so many lives and i don’t think things will ever be the same without you

What the heck oh you sneeze dang it spazz you’ve gone too far this time too far my friend oh no it wasn’t spaz i wish it was Crap oh my goodness where the heck is that boat now There we go Well i didn’t work too well let’s just try and see what happens [Applause] Uh seemed fine yeah i think that was okay hey everyone this is ethel thanks for joining me today minecraft beta 1.5 came out which is pretty cool lots of new and exciting changes have been made that community is all excited about as you can see the baconator does not drop

Uh cooked pork chops that’s one of the changes that uh uh pigs when they’re killed by fire they drop cooked pork chops so i might be changing that I called him 464. Right on that’s what i wanted to see hello everyone this is another episode of minecraft with your good buddy etho here and it’s been a while since we watched the sunrise together so let’s take a moment so nice yeah it’s good enough and so many dogs oh you can hit him nice

Hello everybody this is etho and guess what i installed a light in my house now i’ll get to really brings the place together feels a lot more cozy and yeah you guys owe me big because i’m recording in hd now i finally broke down it’s uh it’s a real

Pain i have to change my desktop resolution to record in hd because for some reason notch still hasn’t added the ability to change your resolution in the game don’t really know why oh man i just had the best idea ever window oh why didn’t i think of that before

Oh it makes the place so much bigger it’s like the world is inside my house now that’s totally awesome and then light it up fire and then it probably makes blue fire no he didn’t tell me how to use them properly no man what that is so weird it must have been a

False tip then who would give me a false tip like that that’s that’s just rude thank you everybody enjoy the show well that didn’t happen last time we need to harvest the clay but your clay jokes are lame no one cares let’s settle this my beach now you die ah

General spaz oh i have been waiting for this oh he finally wants to have a direct fight a fair fight oh sweet okay i’m gonna i’m gonna suit up what the heck spazz i thought we were gonna settle this like man the fair fight you come down there get get down here

Oh boy oh no oh you little cheapo man he always does this he always ah he can’t beat me in a fair fight and he knows that he always has to do this magic crap on me and surprise attack me how did you have up there spaz come on come down

Oh crap yes tnt no no that’s it spaz i’m going home man you don’t want to fight fair you know when you’re ready to fight like men when you grow a pair of arms my third take actually that scene but the first two were very short because spaz messed up up here

I think i have a video of it actually uh-huh i knew it well that didn’t work out and we’re just gonna go where there’s some passive mobs spawning um some of you guys know what the deal is with this i did not trigger it

It went off on its own one day and i just came here and there was a giant hole in the ground so i have no idea when it happened uh and guess what look we’re in the nether again it’s been a while since we’ve been here i have something to tell you guys

This isn’t really going to be an lp episode it’s more of a i guess you would say a confession i have installed my first minecraft mod yes now i know i know many of you are upset right now but uh hear me out you know before you

Judge me before you create an we hate etho fan club and burn me alive just tear me out listen what i have to say about this mod this isn’t just some mod this is the greatest mod since like the piston one uh this is the g all nether mod created

By ibel from the minecraft forms when you walk through the portal it’s instant how cool is that I really like that feature and now this other feature just boggles my mind i don’t know how it will coded this but you can see the nether through the portal you can see the fire in there i hope you can see it and not only that you can like hear the fire

Through the portal somehow one thing i saw in document 77’s video about the patch he tried to sleep in a bed in the nether i thought this was pretty funny i want to see if it works for me too oh notch has a pretty good sense of humor hello everyone this is etho

And here we are again playing minecraft and guess what it’s june now and that means my work is very close to being done i only have a few more days i think and i’ll be done and then i’ll be able to play minecraft a lot more again which is Very cool Hey everyone just down here working on eats the eats road and i’ve discovered that i really do not like mining very much unless there’s a chance of getting redstone woohoo Oh i must have made a mistake somewhere i think travels fast Way faster than walking So let’s look underneath the clay and this is it i dub it the tornado and this is actually very similar to something i built a long time ago back in my newbie days before i knew what water elevators were fall down hit the button and we go up the tornado

If any of you have motion sickness close your eyes now i probably should have said that before and we’re at the top yes what guys i just got back from ikea splurged a little bit and got myself a new painting for the house very excited to see what it is ah dang it

Well you know what they have a good return policy 15 000 subscribers special and also my 2.5 million view special so wow i just want to say thank you to everybody very awesome thank you for showing me your support and for watching my videos liking them telling your friends about them is really

Really cool i’m amazed so many people watch my videos and yeah so we’ve come a long way guys no no no no it’s baz we’re not doing this this episode spazz look i don’t want to fight you anymore because you’re a big loser and a chicken you are a chicken because whoa

Calm down spazz calm calm down man look you’re a chicken because last time we had a fight you called the fight and then you hid in your tower the whole time that’s not cool that’s that’s what a chicken does so until you grow a pair of arms we’re not gonna fight anymore i

No i am not a chicken my viewers saw what happened i i didn’t run away from her last fight i walked away because you were being cheap i am not a chicken no no you’re the chicken i’m telling you you’re a much bigger chicken than i am if i am a chicken fine

You know what i have an idea of how we can show who’s the bigger chicken whoever wins this is going to be in charge of the island that’s what we’ve decided you ready spaz okay could you get out here all right here we go this is it spaz

You’re gonna lose you don’t stand a chance and there’s no way i’m backing down oh wait a minute can he even hop out of a minecart if he has no arms and i’ll make myself your mom Ah such a pretty view this is like my lunar biome that’s what i’m that’s what i’m going to refer to that as And over here i hooked up a dispenser as well you guys may have seen this already if you downloaded my world oh who left the door open no no you guys are not allowed you’re not allowed in there etho only okay hello everyone this is ethel and you can call yourself whatever you

Want to i’m chewing gum right now i’m not sure if it’ll pick up over the mic but my throat usually gets sore doing these so i’m hoping i’m hoping i can chew gum without it being annoying one thing i want to give a shout out to someone to

Sell garner i think i said his name right hopefully he released a pretty cool video the other day a world tour of his world that he’s had for many many months he’s actually won the first minecrafter i ever subscribed to so that was back in the day when i made my first

Minecraft video like seven months ago a world that someone’s been working on for well over seven months he’s probably had it for close to a year now hello everyone this is etho today is a great day in minecraft because the beta 1.7 patch came out why is that creeper over there what

Okay well this episode we’re gonna play on peaceful yeah the beta 1.7 patch came out so i’ve been playing around with it already it’s a block sensor piston and there’s this wire running up to all five pistons so when the tree grows guess what happens uh this three sixteen by sixteen squares

We get seem to get between zero and two slime balls each slimy each small slimy kill hello hello this is etho and i don’t mind they’re just having a party on my roof maybe the rest of it sandstone or wood or something here we are guys

I’m at the location of my future base uh i think you’re going to be quite surprised when you see what’s around me i don’t think you would have expected i would choose a location like this here we go so how does that make you feel spaz are you upset you sound upset Uh maybe we’ll maybe we’ll uh do it some more drown them a little bit more oh wrong lever wrong lever ah where are all the polar bears to go up or this a block to go up by a piston and then this block here comes down and crushes you so

I’ll see you on the other side you gotta be kidding me he came up with this little design here which is very very cool three sticky pistons here two going this way and one going up this block here goes over one and up one and when you flip it back it retracts

And as you can see i’ve finished refurbishing my emp units at my new base here okay guys enjoy you still remember who this is right Yeah uncle leo i mean etho this is etho that’s pretty cool self-creating lake oh see ice is already starting to wreck it not you have some esplananta so that’s the way i like it and it’s bright enough that mobs won’t spawn so directly what the heck how did i fall no no

So i did miss this the first time i saw it but when i was re-watching the video i noticed that as i’m sure you did too you are not going to believe this this is crazy oh such a crazy patch look at them all it’s crazy hello ladies and welcome back to ethos

Lab that name was suggested by nintendo most definitely said his name wrong uh yeah we’re at our lab here so now in this stream we should have wolves and pigs and in this stream here we’ll just have sheep and holy hello oh it’s spazz jr hi spaz jr how you

Doing buddy this guy is the shyest creeper you’ll ever meet you know most creepers when you see them they’ll you know they’re shy but they will try to attack you not spaz junior he’s he won’t come out at all it’s okay buddy i’m not gonna hurt you

I’m not a stranger i know your father i tell you what spazz jr if you come out i’ll give you candy you want some candy i don’t think he’s gonna come out oh i know what i can do there we go hey buddy it’s okay

Not gonna hurt you no no no no no no don’t do that don’t do that you know what spazz jr i think one way you’ll feel more comfortable around me is if you tell me a little bit about yourself how about you tell me what you want to

Be when you grow up an astronaut you want to be an astronaut wow that is that’s quite the dream spazz jr i bet you a lot of people made fun of you when you said that because that is a stupid idea very few people actually become astronauts and they’re humans the ones

That do you know you’re a creeper you have no arms you can’t perform the tasks you would need to in space for the mission you know i can understand why people made fun of you when you told them that but don’t you worry spazz jr i can make dreams

Come true would you like to become an astronaut today i can make it happen okay come with me all right spaz you ready you’re about to become the first creeper astronaut here not to worry i know you’re probably a little bit scared but you don’t have to worry this is all nasa

Approved so nothing should go wrong don’t tell them their funding was cut i’ll give you a little rundown of how this is going to work our launch buttons over here it’ll switch the redstone torch which will power the redstone wire above depower it which will activate these two torches on

The side which should power the redstone wire below actually those aren’t necessary calm down just making some last minute adjustments here but this has all been tested before spazz jr there’s nothing to worry about there we go let’s do this p minus three two one blast off Well guys i don’t think spazz jr made it to space after all he only flew about 10 blocks up so he wasn’t even close he’s a trooper though he tried oh how he tried oh cool it worked dude that’s the first time it worked why am i getting it now

You gotta milk the butter are you kidding me you have to milk the butt Why not why it doesn’t work if you click on the pink thing you gotta milk the butt okay okay this is the real secret project a frogger game that you can play with your guy if you try to go to the same one that you have a frog already you lose a life

Uh the other thing i was planning on doing was keeping track of levels using uh redstone and memory units so once you get all five frogs across the pond here into their five doors then uh you’d finish a level you’d probably gain a life then and uh

Probably a victory tune would play using note blocks for finishing the level then the next level would get progressively harder more mine carts would be on the track and the pattern would change pattern for the boats would change there didn’t be fewer boats as you go

As you uh advance through the levels so it would get more difficult was what i was hoping to do i don’t know if you guys know this but uh like uh doc am co-star and captain sparkles are about my favorite commentators for minecraft so now all three of them have given me

Mention in at least one of their videos so that’s kind of that makes me very happy 1.8 patch that’s coming out soon the adventure update i saw notch live streaming it at pax and it looks very cool and a lot of people have expressed concern that maybe it’s gonna

Break my lp series you know it’s going to cause me problems enderman what should i say about them well in the videos i saw they are three blocks high this mob system i’m building here it’s going to be three blocks heist so that they can hopefully spawn in it we don’t know

The exact details of how they’ll work yet so everything i’m doing here is kind of guess work uh if they are a problem like at the moment they can move random blocks if they become a problem i can always put lower the ceiling in this mob system so it’s

Only too high and that way they probably won’t be able to spawn but if they do spawn their heads will be in the ceiling and they’ll suffocate i’m hoping they do look more powerful than other mobs more difficult to kill you can’t really run away from them once you upset them

So they should be interesting but they are supposed to be pretty rare so in one video i saw of people playing they dropped diamonds when they died like zero to two diamonds so i’m very interested in that that looks kind of cool even if they’re rare if i

Have a mob system like this i should be rolling in diamonds in no time lots of blue shiny rocks for etho so that should be that should be cool if it works out like that but i wouldn’t be surprised if they made them not drop diamonds when they released the official patch

Some other stuffed chickens they dropped chicken meat now and they also still drop feathers zombies don’t drop feathers anymore i saw they drop dropped some red thing that i’ve never seen before some new item so i’m interested to see what that is i know i know my writing sucks looks dangerous it’s not

Aha x-ray vision is back guys the glitch i love this glitch it makes a building a mob system so much easier not sure the best way of doing these panels this selector panel would you shut up thank you lamb chops i wonder if uh notch is adding lamb

Chops to the game in 1.8 he’s adding a whole bunch of different kinds of meats like chicken and that steak one of the most requested things for my hundredth episode special was that i show my face for the first time because apparently everybody is wondering what it looks like

Well if people insist so much i guess you will see it for the first time nobody’s ever seen it before i’ve been hiding behind a mask so to speak so here it goes are you ready beautiful of course everybody knows the big news minecraft beta 1.8 is out now and wow man

So much has changed it feels like a different game to me it’s a good thing i really like the patch adds a lot of cool new features i’m not going to bother trying to say them all in this episode i’m not very good at summarizing stuff

Rather today i kind of want to talk about how it’s going to affect the lp absolutely love the dashing i’m so glad you can do it all the time my game got corrupted somehow and levels weren’t generating properly i couldn’t log in to the minecraft server now those

Endermen are up to no good and if you have any suggestions on the format i should do if i start a new world let me know i’m thinking i’ll probably just show everything at first and slowly start showing you less and less resource gathering that kind of thing as it

As i get established kind of like i did this one go back to basics and then as i get established we’ll get back to the complex builds and stuff should be good i think it’ll be fun if i do lots of fun anyway take care thank you for watching bye bye minecraft

I’m talking about minecraft I’m My

This video, titled ‘Etho Plays Minecraft BEST OF Season 1 (Episodes 1-101)’, was uploaded by OBSMProductions on 2022-06-10 04:50:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

STICKERS: a “Freakin Awesome Clip Episode” chronicling …

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    Herobrine SMP 2.0: Food Farm Shenanigans Welcome to Herobrine SMP 2.0 Season 1 Episode 1: Making a Food Farm! Shadow Striker, also known as Chirag, is back with another exciting episode of Herobrine SMP 2.0. In this episode, he dives into the world of Minecraft to create a food farm that will sustain him on his adventures. Let’s join him on this thrilling journey! Setting Up the Farm As the sun rises in the Minecraft world, Shadow Striker wastes no time in getting to work. He starts by clearing a patch of land near his base to make room for his food farm. Using his… Read More

  • Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack

    Ultimate Black PvP Texture Pack The World of Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition Minecraft PE/Bedrock Edition offers players the opportunity to delve into infinite worlds and unleash their creativity. Whether you prefer building magnificent castles or surviving against dangerous mobs, this game has something for everyone. Game Modes In creative mode, players have unlimited resources to construct their dream structures. On the other hand, survival mode challenges players to mine resources, craft weapons, and fend off mobs to survive. The choice is yours! Marketplace and Customization Explore the marketplace to discover unique maps, skins, and texture packs created by talented individuals. Slash commands allow you to… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos

    Ultimate Guide: Box PVP Server on Aternos Creating a Box PvP Server in Minecraft Aternos Introduction Creating a Box PvP server in Minecraft Aternos can be an exciting and engaging experience for players looking to challenge their skills in a competitive environment. With the use of various plugins and commands, players can customize their server to create a unique and thrilling gameplay experience. Plugins and Commands To set up your Box PvP server, you can utilize a variety of plugins such as GeyserMC, RealMines, World Edit, EssentialsX, EssentialsSpawn Shopkeeper, Item Edit, and WorldGuard. These plugins offer a range of features that can enhance the gameplay and… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

    Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. From building magnificent structures to embarking on thrilling adventures, players can explore a vast and immersive virtual realm. One such adventure involves creating the Boboiboy Ice Portal, a portal that transports players to a frozen wonderland filled with challenges and excitement. Creating the Portal To embark on this icy adventure, players will need obsidian and Flint and Steel as the main materials. The portal is constructed with a size of 4×5, with obsidian blocks forming the frame and Flint and Steel used to… Read More

  • Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy’s Farm

    Uncovering the Mystery Villain at Nickolboy's Farm Descubra o mistério: Quem é o vilão na fazenda familiar Bem-vindo ao canal ‘Brincadeiras com Nickolboy Games e Jogos’! Prepare-se para uma jornada repleta de diversão, risadas e aventuras no mundo dos games. Além de explorar jogos incríveis, também compartilhamos brincadeiras divertidas que vão garantir momentos hilários. Acompanhe-nos em viagens emocionantes, descobrindo lugares incríveis enquanto mantemos o clima leve e descontraído. Se você busca entretenimento autêntico e uma mistura única de jogos, brincadeiras divertidas e viagens legais, você encontrou o seu lugar. Inscreva-se, junte-se à diversão e vamos jogar e explorar juntos! Minhas Redes: Instagram: @nickolboy Blogspot: Nickolboy Oficial… Read More

  • Crafting Crew: Minecraft’s Best SMP Apps

    Crafting Crew: Minecraft's Best SMP Apps In the world of Minecraft, a new SMP arises, With a plot-driven story that truly surprises. Applications are open for creators to join, To craft their own tales and let their skills shine. The conflict of order versus anarchy takes hold, As players battle for power, brave and bold. Lore weaves through the server, expanding the tale, As players create their own stories, without fail. So if you’re a small creator looking to rise, Join this SMP and reach for the skies. The script SMP awaits, with adventures in store, Crafting Minecraft stories like never before. Read More

  • EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Trial Chamber Loot!

    EPIC Hardcore Minecraft Trial Chamber Loot! Minecraft Madness: INSANE Trial Chamber Drops in HARDCORE Mode Exploring the Trial Chambers In a thrilling Minecraft adventure, our intrepid player delves into the mysterious trial chambers after weeks of preparation. Armed with a map and nerves of steel, they embark on a journey filled with excitement and trepidation. Discovering Hidden Treasures As they navigate through the chambers, our player encounters a variety of challenges, from spawners to keys, each offering a unique reward. With each new discovery, the anticipation builds, leading to heart-pounding moments and unexpected surprises. The Ominous Trials Amidst the chaos of the chambers, our player… Read More

  • Epic Animation: Baby Steve & Baby Alex’s Unbreakable Bond! 😍#minecraft

    Epic Animation: Baby Steve & Baby Alex's Unbreakable Bond! 😍#minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Touching Story about the brotherly love of Baby Steve and Baby Alex |Gegagedigedagedago #minecraft’, was uploaded by DinoToons – Funny Animation on 2024-05-06 09:00:33. It has garnered 46405 views and 1343 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Good Deeds VS Bad Deeds? Baby Alex VS Baby Nugget |Gegagedigedagedago #minecraftshorts #story #steve #alex #animation #minecraft #nuggets 👇👇👇 🦖If you like our videos please help us reach 10M Subs 👇👇👇 ♥ THANKS FOR WATCHING! ♥ ⛔️ Copyright by Antztoons – Do not Reup #antztek #antztoons #antzanimation Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys” #glavstroy #minecraft

    "Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys" #glavstroy #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Girls vs Boys in minecraft… #glavstroy #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by Shadow Despot on 2024-05-02 16:30:18. It has garnered 10708 views and 327 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox video game that allows players to explore a pixelated, procedurally generated 3D world with infinite terrain. Players can discover and extract raw materials, craft tools and items, and build structures or earthworks. The game features various modes, including survival mode where players must acquire resources to build the world and maintain health, and creative mode where players… Read More


    EFEKAN TRANSFORMS INTO A CAT?! 😱🐱Video Information This video, titled ‘EFEKAN KEDİYE DÖNÜŞTÜ! 😱😺 – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Minecraft Parodileri on 2024-07-04 08:00:11. It has garnered 945208 views and 15005 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:06 or 606 seconds. In this video, Efekan turns into a Cat and has a bunch of new cat friends. While walking with his cat friends, they suddenly encounter a Dog gang and things get bigger. SUBSCRIBE NOW: Don’t miss our #richpoor series, be the first to comment. Subscribe to my #Minecraft channel! Don’t forget to turn on notifications 🙂 Episode: 1860 MOST LOVED MINECRAFT VIDEOS… Read More

  • Vycital SMP

    Vycital SMPA fun Vanilla Minecraft server for you and your friends to play on! We offer solo survival adventures, factions, and more! Read More

  • One Month Survival SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist

    Welcome to my custom survival world! If you’re looking for a new world to explore with friends, you’re in the right place! I’ve created a form for anyone interested in joining. Just fill out some general information and how to contact me. Join the adventure here! Read More

  • NAVY SEALS | Naval Amphibious Base Coronado

    NAVY SEALS | Naval Amphibious Base Coronado🔱NAVY SEALS🔱NAVAL AMPHIBIOUS BASE CORONADO”We train for war and fight to win…”——————————————————–⚓Who are the Navy SEALs? – Established by President John F. Kennedy in 1962, the Navy SEALs are a nimble, elite maritime military force suited for all aspects of unconventional warfare. In this role, you will provide immediate military relief in crises around the world.⚓What is a milsim? – A MilSim, an abbreviation of military simulation, refers to live-acted simulation of armed conflict scenarios. The goal of this Minecraft milsim group is to replicate groups that spring from Roblox and their military simulator communities. Therefore, we attempt to perform… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 4 years and still stuck in ancient Minecraft?

    It’s like that one friend who refuses to update their phone even though it’s ancient technology. Read More

  • Crafty Lies in Bed: Minecraft Shorts

    Crafty Lies in Bed: Minecraft Shorts In Minecraft, lying in bed so real, Creating a cozy spot to feel. VABLOCK shows us how it’s done, In the world of blocks, we all have fun. Crafting dreams in pixelated land, With VABLOCK, we understand. Lying in bed, a simple delight, In Minecraft, we sleep tight. So follow along, let’s build and create, In this blocky world, there’s no debate. VABLOCK’s tutorials, clear and concise, In Minecraft, we find our paradise. Read More

  • Hot Nether Love Triangle in Minecraft

    Hot Nether Love Triangle in Minecraft Nether portals from different hearts leads me to… a whole lot of confusion and lost items in the lava! #minecraft #meme #memes Read More

  • Siro vs Ghost Wing: Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11

    Siro vs Ghost Wing: Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11 Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11: Tôi Và NeyuQ Farm Đồ Cho Cuộc Chiến Thị Trấn Hòa Bình Vs Ghost Wing In the latest episode of Siro’s Minecraft Mega SMP series, the focus is on the intense battle between Thị Trấn Hòa Bình and Ghost Wing. Siro and NeyuQ team up to gather resources for this epic showdown. Teamwork and Strategy Siro and NeyuQ demonstrate excellent teamwork as they work together to farm resources. They understand the importance of preparation in a battle and are determined to emerge victorious. Resource Gathering The duo spends hours collecting essential items such as… Read More

  • Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack!

    Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack! Minecraft’s Most OVERPOWERED Villager Trading Hall Introducing Lazy Trading In the vast world of Minecraft, a new method of infinite villager trading has emerged, known as Lazy Trading. This innovative approach has revolutionized the trading experience for players, offering unprecedented speed and efficiency. One of the prime examples of Lazy Trading is the Lazy Overworld Villager Exchanger, lovingly referred to as LOVE. Designed by MadMan25 for the NubTech SMP, LOVE boasts some of the fastest void trading cycles in modern Minecraft, along with a host of other useful features. Key Features of LOVE Fast Void Trading Cycles: LOVE allows… Read More

  • Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 – Fay Kuroda

    Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 - Fay KurodaVideo Information This video, titled ‘【🔴Minecraft】Anomali SMP #10 | Venturing to the unknown’, was uploaded by Fay Kuroda on 2024-06-10 18:26:07. It has garnered 629 views and 94 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:11 or 16931 seconds. You can find me on my social media here ⚙️『Twitter』 ⚙️『Facebook』 ⚙️『Instagram』 ⚙️ 『Treat』 ⚙️ 『Youtube』 #VTuberID #minecraft #vtuber #faykuroda #anomalismp #gaming #faykurodalive Read More

  • Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7

    Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7Video Information This video, titled ‘Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch’, was uploaded by AkshPlayz on 2024-03-23 05:29:20. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Highest Mlg ☠️ Pt:-7 @dream #minecraft #dream #minecraft #viral #shorts #herobrinesmp #mlgclutch Ignore minecraft, … Read More

  • Minecraft’s EPIC CowAxe Event!

    Minecraft's EPIC CowAxe Event!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Hosted Minecraft Largest Event’, was uploaded by CowAxe on 2024-04-01 17:51:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ignore- minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft event,minecraft hardcore,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft manhunt,minecraft … Read More

  • PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGL

    PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGLVideo Information [Music] hello hello okay all right then [Music] uh so we’ll get premium battle pass nice and we get we get the shk that nice got the fighting Shrek get the the grass type Shrek hey clam how’s it going we got the fire type Shrek and the water type Shrek right seven packs that’s a lot of packs hassle kind of name is hassle Milotic flis fgz I don’t know how to pronounce that walking wake Aran call him Aaron more PCO bug catching set rev room Lana’s Aid and water type Shrek finison SE King bug… Read More


    SUPERFAST BASE BUILDING on Donut SMP! 🍩🔨 #CPVP #DrDonutVideo Information I’m kelp and this is how you make a million plus a day base on the donut s SMP first you need to dig down dig up to the max height you want your base to be and clear a two high area based off the size of your base next you’re going to want to dig B holes four apart in a grid pattern fill them all up with TNT and explode with this huge area you can build any number of farms the best being sugarcane or pumpkin This video, titled ‘BUILD BASE FAST on the… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness – Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!

    Minecraft Madness - Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!Video Information hey what is going on everyone it’s me sumu we’re back again if you are new here you don’t know what’s going on this is me playing Minecraft we’ve been uh playing this quite a lot actually and this is our little Mud House little mud Shack but welcome to the stream hope you guys are having a good time good day good night and all that other good stuff if you guys like this content make sure you hit that like And subscribe and also be sure to check out the links that I have posted in… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build Stream – You won’t believe what happens!

    EPIC Minecraft Build Stream - You won't believe what happens!Video Information what is good hey what is good y’ we are back we are so back with another flipping Minecraft building stream me uh sure we’re live make sure we’re good on all platforms here I think we’re good I think we good Y what is good y’all what is good what is good what is good how we doing Richard Sanchez what’s good airsoft kid what good B over what good Emily VR what’s good rcky what good how we the flip are we doing yo yo we are doing a Minecraft build stream guys all right y’all… Read More

  • Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & More

    Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & MoreVideo Information hey guys which Minecraft food item is the best it has to be the Notch Apple because it makes you nigh Invincible for a short period of time well you are technically correct Sonic however Notch apples are super rare and not easy to find Fair Point Rick maybe I should downgrade to normal golden apples since those are craftable I think steak is a really good food item because it restores a lot of hunger bars I like steak as well because I can make crabby patties with them well all this food talk reminded me about… Read More

  • “EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral” | MR_CHAMAN

    "EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral" | MR_CHAMANVideo Information This video, titled ‘I am Back 🥰,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN’, was uploaded by MR_CHAMAN on 2024-02-26 09:33:35. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I am Back ,starting of a new series?#shorts#gaming#minecraft#viral#trending#youtubeshorts|MR_CHAMAN #short #yt … Read More

  • WeeklySMP

    WeeklySMPA beginning Survival SMP server. Join our Discord server for more information as well We are searching for good moderators and players to have fun with. Read More

  • MasterRealm Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.1 Land Claim Discord Slimefun Custom Items Crossplay

    MasterRealm | Semi-Vanilla | SMP | 1.20.1 | Land Claim | Discord | Slimefun | Custom Items | Crossplay Welcome to Master Realm! Master Realm is a Survival 1.20.1 Minecraft server with a balance between vanilla and modded gameplay. Experience new features like Coin Economy, Slimefun, Custom Items, Land Claims, Seasons, Custom World, Custom Roles, and Crossplay. Key Features: Coin Economy Slimefun Custom Items / Enchants Land Claims / No Grief Seasons Custom World Custom Roles / Ranks Crossplay Community and Discord: Join our welcoming community and Discord server to connect with players, share moments, and stay updated on events… Read More

  • Elesta

    ElestaThis server has been a project child of mine for some time now, ready to start introducing some people to the world of Elesta. Looking to build a community of people that enjoy playing minecraft and enjoy smiliar things as me to foster a bigger community. It is whitelisted momentarily as we look toward entering the next update and waiting for plugins to get updated. Feel free to add my discord to communicate with me in a more timely fashion: Rascal1001 OR you can message me here.Feel free to send me your MC username:Your total time playing MC:and a fun… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Git gud, noob – can’t craft a pickaxe!”

    Maybe because you keep trying to use feathers and dirt instead of actual materials? Read More

  • Minecraft Hangman: Lava Edition

    Minecraft Hangman: Lava Edition “Why did the creeper break up with the enderman? Because he couldn’t handle the long distance relationship!” Read More

  • DO NOT DRINK TABLE WATER in Minecraft!

    DO NOT DRINK TABLE WATER in Minecraft! Minecraft: The Quirky World of 方块轩 方块轩, a creator in the Minecraft realm, brings a unique blend of humor and creativity to the gaming community. With a focus on child-friendly content, 方块轩’s channel offers a daily dose of original videos that are sure to bring a smile to your face. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of 方块轩 and explore some of the hilarious moments and quirky elements that make his content so engaging. Unconventional Humor and Memorable Moments In the world of 方块轩, nothing is quite as it seems. From the cautionary tale of not drinking the water… Read More

  • EPIC Hogwarts LIVE Tour Build Progress!

    EPIC Hogwarts LIVE Tour Build Progress!Video Information [Music] hello and welcome I’m Prof and Prof gaming and uh this is a live uh tour of the Hogwarts build so far uh hopefully um you’ll enjoy what you see uh so please ask away ask any questions I’m here to well I’m here to answer it okay uh so first off um uh if you’ve been watching the series you’ll be aware that the first thing we built was the boat house and uh volume down a bit there we go um and here it is uh took a bit of planning in the planning phase… Read More

  • Pennywise Titan Attacks Mikey & JJ in Minecraft

    Pennywise Titan Attacks Mikey & JJ in MinecraftVideo Information we’ve come over to our friend Jimmy’s house to play but Jimmy isn’t here let’s look for Jimmy H I hope he’s okay what if something happened well it sure is strange that Jimmy isn’t here now oh where is he I’m worried let’s find him H maybe he’s not at home H is he here H I don’t think so he’s not here let’s try searching outside let’s go H where could Jimmy be let’s go outside oh it’s raining it is raining we should still go get on your tricycle H okay all right hold up… Read More

  • Minecraft Pe Hardcore Series in Hindi – #1 MCPE 1.20! 🤩

    Minecraft Pe Hardcore Series in Hindi - #1 MCPE 1.20! 🤩Video Information फ्री गेम्स आप सभी का स्वागत करता है आज की नई वाली वीडियो में आज से हम लोग स्टार्ट करने जा रहे हैं अपनी माफ्ट की हार्डकोर सीरीज जिसमें कि मरना बहुत ही दर्दनाक होता है तो बिना किसी देरी के आज की वीडियो को स्टार्ट करते हैं तो हम लोग अपने वर्ल्ड का नाम रखने वाले हैं तो हम लोग स्पॉन हो चुके हैं जंगल बायोम के अंदर जो कि इतनी ज्यादा बहुत बढ़िया बात नहीं है क्योंकि जंगल बायोम में कुछ नहीं होता स्टार्टिंग के लिए तो चलो फिर से वही पुराना बोरिंग काम करते हैं… Read More

Etho Plays Minecraft BEST OF Season 1 (Episodes 1-101)