EVERY Big Update In The NEW Minecraft 1.19.80 Update!

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How you doing Legends it’s that time again over the past couple of weeks Minecraft’s biggest update in over a year has been under development with the update upon us it’s time we take a look in honor a big Minecraft update annihilate that like button for me Lads and let’s do this

So depending on where you’re at in your world and what you’re doing when you jump into your world in this update everything might look different and by everything I mean enchantments we got some pretty big changes here instead of the accessibility settings instead of Minecraft to bedrock 1.9.80

Things have been caught up to Java 1.9 2.4 first up we’ve got this glint strength toggle with Glenn strength turned all the way down taking a look at these enchanted books right here oh my gosh they they kind of look curse to me I don’t

Know if it’s just me or what but like this Vibe is it’s off if you like Minecraft’s and Shannon glint but just not enough to overpower everything great news you can turn it up or down now with Glenn’s strength at about 50 or 60. this is what we’re looking at right here it’s

Not bad but a pro tip from a player who’s been playing with this for a minute though if you lower it too low it gets kind of hard to distinguish certain distinguishable items update number two is found inside of accessibility settings right next to the one we’re

Just talking about next up we’ve got glint speed which does exactly what you think it would do this one is really fascinating to me because if you like that enchantment Glenn but you don’t really want it to move well you could lower that Glenn speed all the way down

To zero and look at this with this purple glowing and jamming this customizability option is pretty sweet you can use it in different ways inside of your world for example let’s say I had that beautiful diamond armor and I wanted that enchantment Glenn but again I don’t like all the movement I could

Take this glint speed toggle and bump it all the way down and then all of a sudden just like that I’ve got this purple glowing diamond armor it’s kind of cool now that I’ve messed around with these settings I can’t remember what default is but I think it’s about 50 for both of

Them unfortunately it does not look like 1.20 will end up being the Villager update of our dreams however there are some villager updates in this update a small but nice quality of life update to the Villager and 1.99.80 has to do with particles when we trade with this thing

And then back out really quickly you can see these green particles pop up around the Villager this new effect is basically letting you know the good job you did it you trade it with a villager if you like to play this game in private in your own world you won’t experience

This one as much as you would on a server if you have a big trading Hall built in your server this one could be pretty useful it’ll let you know which villager was just straight away in the grand scheme of things friends that change is pretty small but this next one

This next one is one of the biggest updates of all time Minecraft the battle 1.19.80 is making big leaps above Minecraft’s Java we’ve got a brand new game mode but it’s not here if you want to check out the brand new editor game mode that isn’t Minecraft 1.98.80 you

Have to set up a different way to get to it when you load up the game in editor mode you do not get your normal worlds hopefully fingers crossed support for worlds you already know and love will come later on alright now Minecraft editor mode here we are this is so

Different looking editor mode is unlike anything we’ve ever seen built into vanilla Minecraft before especially the Minecraft bedrock with a World created in editor mode you could move around this world and kind of do things as you normally would but that’s not really the big Point here instead we have this

Brand new menu over here where we can do well we can do like anything that we want to for example using the space I just selected right here well let’s say I wanted to fill it with solid diamond blocks well with the Press of like a couple buttons you can make that happen

Next up you see this beautiful tree what if I wanted to maybe like take that tree and just copy it all over the whole world well not a problem I can go ahead and select that tree copy the tree click over here and drop that same tree down

What about painting of the beautifully mysterious stone block 3 slab all over my world can I do that well yes yes you absolutely can in a gigantic sizes too look at that that is just about the most beautiful stone block slab ever to be honest editor mode is one of those

Things that is insanely insanely Advanced it should really have its own full 20 minute epic breaking it down but it was that after another time look long story short Lads editor mode is a brand new way to transform reshape and innovate inside of your Minecraft world and it’s all in vanilla Minecraft in

This update for more on this insane new beatable mode including how to set it over yourself and check out this one after this one back of the normal version of Minecraft when setting up a world in this update you got a brand new Option it’s called short sneaking I highly recommend

Depending on how closely you follow Minecraft Bedrock Updates this one might look a little bit familiar to you because it was originally planned to be in like 1.9 2.70 or something like that with short sneaking enabled in my world look at this finally I have long last I

Can sneak it clean underneath these slabs and uh you mess up the camera too look this is why this feature is experimental it clearly needs a little bit more work and polish Cameron third person is very glitchy under the sneaking slab thing but you can’t do it you can absolutely create smaller gaps

Than ever before and actually sneak right on under them how the staircase right here oh you better believe it you can’t really see it but trust me trust me I’m right onto that staircase and it’s beautiful this is the mechanic that was first added to Minecraft Java essentially when dinosaurs were still

Roaming the Earth this thing is so old and now finally at long last all of your biggest dreams have finally come true because you can do it for those of you wondering about the Java Edition crawling mechanic is that here unfortunately no no crawling quite yet

But hey sneaking under slabs I mean it’s a start potions look at these beautiful potions not little disclaimer with this one I’ve recorded this inside of the Minecraft 1.20 preview so they’re gonna look a little different than your game aside from the colors though there is another

Big change that has happened to the potions Can you spot it can you spot it if you’re familiar you saw it right away not only is Minecraft Bedrock catching up to Java when it comes to sneaking under slabs but it’s catching up to Java when it comes to potions too enchantment

Glenn has been removed from every single potion in the game in this update in fact the only bottled thing that has an enchantment glow on it now is gonna be this bottle of enchanting but unfortunately for those beautiful neonified potions and arrows you’re gonna have to wait for 1.20

Next up friends please take a seat because one of the most revolutionary farming updates of all time is included inside of this Minecraft update take a look at this right here no not the hopper do me one quick favor and take a look at this right here we

Got a hopper place right there we have a mud place right there we put a Farmland right over here then we go ahead and plant a pumpkin on this farmland or a Melody doesn’t matter go ahead and boat meal it and then theoretically if I gave

It enough time it would boom it would it would grow right on top of that mud then I could hook this up to a piston and then all of a sudden what does the Piston do it breaks it and oh oh my gosh it goes inside of the hopper oh my God

This is beautiful I’m gonna faint all right lad so specifically the big change with this one has to do with wear melons and pumpkins can and can’t grow melons and a pumpkins can now officially grow on mud blocks on pod tall blocks on rooted Mangrove of mud block and rooted

Dirt block as well this is huge the biggest deal of a change here has to do with a plain old mud block because like I just said it is now able to automate a super compact melon and a pumpkin farm just like you could on Minecraft Java since 1.19 that’s right eight updates

Later and eight updates later we’re finally here I mean better than late than never right all right so for this next one I appreciate the music and it’s beautiful but you gotta listen cut the music quiet if you played on bedrock and only on Bedrock for a long time you probably

Noticed this one right away because this is so different feeling to me and I don’t even play on it that much but when I feed him mob like no matter what item it is and what mob I’m feeding there is no player crunch sound the player eats

On does not play when you feed mobs in this update anymore do I like this I don’t know like it’s different I kind of did like the the eating sound it was realistic immersive even but for the sake of parody I guess this is a good

Change but I can’t lie is breaking the immersion how are they actually eating the food fans of redstone Stoners and fans of deep dark horror scary vibers this next one is for you so I think the only spot that we should really check this out is inside of this beautiful cave that is

Right by swan in this world down here inside of this cave deep deep down in the cave the skulk sensor we have some skulk sensor updates changes inside of this update if you’ve ever heard of this thing then you know that this thing basically detects vibrations if you know

A little bit more about this thing then you know that it can detect a ton of different kinds of vibrations one of the vibrations that was previously detachable before was item interact start to create this vibration I would need to have an item that I can interact

With so let’s say the bow if I interact with this thing and like start loading the boat I’m not detected whether it’s a bow or some other item every single time you begin an item interaction you will not be detected anymore instead the signal is going to be detected after you

Finish that interaction so in the case of a bow as soon as I fire this bow the vibration is detected this changes essentially to make the skull sensor a little bit more useful inside of redstone machines Contraptions and you know vibration detectors worldwide and all right next change is actually

Directly related to that one let’s build some Redstone as you probably know different vibrations cause different signals jumping and let that lamp up walking around it does not well alongside the changing of item interaction vibrations we also have a change of the signal strength that is outputted if you had a skulk machine

That was detecting item interactions before uh well first off it will not detect the beginning of that interaction second off the signal that was previously outputted when you finished interacting with an item it was 14. the new signal output when an item interaction is finished is now two if

You’ve got cool traps and signals sword or set up you might want to consider taking a look at them next up like the absolute clown that I am I’ve wandered into the deep depths of my world unprepared inside of some of the deepest depths in my world I’ve now

Jumped for some reason and oh no but oh yes it’s beautiful it’s romantic looking the new death screen oh my gosh it’s gorgeous in fact one of the most gorgeous gazes I’ve ever gazed upon the death screen inside of Minecraft 1.90.80 has been revamped to look at this thing

It is beautiful now it’s going to look a little bit different for you that zoom out shouldn’t happen and this thing down here I don’t think it will be down there but overall oh my gosh this thing looks so good it’s a work of art I’m jealous

Of the Java player why can’t I have this but if you’re not into Vibes or whatever I don’t know who you are you’re sick but if you don’t like it you can actually turn it off inside of video settings there’s a toggle you just can’t be in a

World to turn it off this toggle will be built into the game no matter what experimental world or not look I’m not your boss you do whatever you want to do but it’s probably better that you just get used to it because eventually That Old One’s Gonna Go Away

Hands down and it’s not even close boats are one of the best forms of transportation in Minecraft from using these things on land pairing them with ice to make racing roads or just sailing down a river they’re the best way to get around admittedly this one is a little

Bit of a niche change but depending on what you like to do in your world what Farms you have built you might see it right away previously just about any mob in the game even gigantically large massive ones like the hogland a giant take a large ones like the polar bear or

Even the spider a little bit smaller but still big yeah well previously these things would have gone straight into a boat if I put them next to it now that doesn’t happen these three Minecraft mobs are now considered way too big for a boat and won’t fit into them and oh

God the zoglin look what I’ve done I always forget about this thing it’s an absolute death machine that literally just hates everything it’s Miserable Now when it comes to technical changes inside of 1.9.80 we do have quite a few of technical changes some of them are experimental ones and

Some of them are not when it comes to Big gameplay changes at this point we’ve just about covered them all but and this one is a very big big butt but there is more this stunningly beautiful Minecraft 1.20 update it grows closer and closer and with this update creeping closer and

Closer we get more experimental features baby when you’re creating a world in this update if you’d like to check out things that aren’t finished but are brand new then turn on the next major update toggle when it comes to new experimental things oh boy in this

Update we have so many there’s a lot of new strange things there one of the weirdest but potentially most useful things inside of the sub team is gonna be the calibrated sculk sensor like for example with the right setup I could make the skulk sensor only detect when I

Break a block but not walk around or jump or do anything like that it’s pretty sweet however that’s not all that the calibrated skull sensor does the calibrated skull sensor also has a way longer detection range too for a plain old skull sensor to detect it you got to

Be way closer to it then you have to be with those fancy amethyst sensor alongside fancy amethyst sensor we also have brand new vibration relay mechanic too allowing you to send vibrations to places you’ve never sent them before 4. in a beautiful world post caves and cliffs update every single Minecraft

World is gorgeous however just about every Minecraft world gets even more gorgeous with that experimental feature toggle turned on look at this biome this thing is perfection the true raw embodiment of beauty itself the Cherry Grove biome with all of its pink wonderful trees so dense and wonderful

Big flowers do and of course pink wood yeah you’d definitely heard by now but 1.20 is coming with a lot of beautiful cherry pink things and you can check them out now brand new beautiful cherry sapling that looks so good inside of a pod check yeah we’ve got it brand new

Leaf block that creates particles all over the place when placed down and by the way these are generated leaves but also man-made man plays leaves yeah Jack we got that too the most beautiful chess boat in the entire game the pink one check we got that and oh my gosh the

Strip to cherry wood or even non-trip just any cherry wood in general check you also got that too this stuff looks so good even better I’ve got a great guide for you on farming this stuff finding this off and everything else check it out next this one is a really

Really big one but archeology is one of the main parts of Minecraft 1.20 inside of 1.9.80 you can experience it even closer to how it’ll be turn that experimental feature toggle on and then head over to your local ocean with a brush inside of your local ocean with

That brush you’ll find Ocean ruins and inside of the ocean ruins around it you’ll find sus gravel spend a bit of time sharding at the bottom of the ocean or all over your world and eventually you’ll rack up a lot of shards you can craft these things into these beautiful

Decorative pots they look so good just like editor mode and this next final feature we’re going to talk about today there is so much to archeology we don’t have time for all of it today quick question what is the smithing table leather armor and courts or have in common

Ah that’s right aha that’s right armor trimming inside of 1.9 and 180 experimentally inside of Minecraft 1.90.80 experimentally we got this brand new armor trimming mechanic the stuff is crazy armor trimming is a brand new way to customize your arm it’ll make it to the game in full in 1.20 and technically

For this video I was going over 15 changes though this is 16 so this is a bit of a bonus one but yeah smithing templates and a brand new way to make netherride as well it’s all changed inside of this update if you look at a deck out your armor with some cool

Designs check out this video next because this one’s over the big changes experimental and not inside of 1.90.80 there we go there are a couple more changes inside of this update the bonus points to you if you can name one down in the comments below

Let’s see if you can do it I would like to send a big thank you to my patrons Kelly Wampus and Galen and Jackie s for more update Recaps check out the update recap playlist and I’ll see you tomorrow goodbye

This video, titled ‘EVERY Big Update In The NEW Minecraft 1.19.80 Update!’, was uploaded by wattles on 2023-04-27 17:57:30. It has garnered 108102 views and 3975 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:10 or 970 seconds.

Minecraft Bedrock 1.19.80 is out now and brings lots of big changes, like editor mode, armor trims, and even 1.5 block sneaking! Here is everything big in the new and final Minecraft 1.19 update!

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    EPIC Ambi Boy vs Noob Witch ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Witch Is Noob | Witch Cry | Ambi Boy’, was uploaded by Ambi Boy on 2024-05-05 01:59:00. It has garnered 7 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:34 or 814 seconds. The Witch Is Noob | Witch Cry | Ambi Boy Your Queries:- minecraft maizen minecraft funny milo and chip cash gaming maizen challenge omz nico cash and nico chip jj maizen mikey maizen minecraft mod jj and mikey noob vs pro security house maizen raft supercell clash royale squad busters no cursing milo maizen volcano roblox chip and milo wudo… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft YuGiOh Master Duels!

    Insane Minecraft YuGiOh Master Duels!Video Information This video, titled ‘OPEN PACKS & DUEL BUT WITH A DUEL MONSTERS TWIST! Minecraft YuGiOh Master Duels’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-04-20 20:00:09. It has garnered 3250 views and 211 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:28 or 1948 seconds. My Brother and I started playing the YuGiOh card game over 20 years ago at the same time. Today we go back to those starting times opening packs, building a deck and duelling in some old school YuGiOh! MiraiGaming (Brother’s Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/@miraigaming5644 STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE -… Read More

  • Join My NEW Minecraft Server NOW! | Syntax Gaming SMP #minecraft

    Join My NEW Minecraft Server NOW! | Syntax Gaming SMP #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Created New Minecraft Private Server|| Can You Join Our SMP? || #minecraft’, was uploaded by Syntax Gaming on 2024-03-07 21:00:17. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read All To Join Our SMP ❤️ Step No.1 Create Application Video With His #ApplicationForStrongSMP Step No.2 Request … Read More

  • Tech Support Villager fixes VIRUS! Mine Smashed in Minecraft!

    Tech Support Villager fixes VIRUS! Mine Smashed in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Tech Support Villager in Minecraft! COMPUTER HAS VIRUS!!!’, was uploaded by Mine Smashed on 2023-12-29 19:30:01. It has garnered 247 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Tech Support Villager in Minecraft! ICT support – COMPUTER HAS VIRUS!!! Checking out the new tech support villager in the latest snapshot of Minecraft and I found them to be very helpful for all your computing and redstone needs. Thank you again, tech support. @MineSmashed Read More

  • Explore the Mind-Blowing Secrets of Minecraft! #shizo

    Explore the Mind-Blowing Secrets of Minecraft! #shizoVideo Information This video, titled ‘Uhhhhh what do you mean yet? #minecraft #gaming’, was uploaded by ztVypr on 2024-05-29 21:45:01. It has garnered 449 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Having fun with Skunk and Jay on the AfterLife SMP when Skunk mentions his… dungeon :0 Read More

  • INSANE Pixelmon Server – BEST for Impulse Pokemon Trainers?!

    INSANE Pixelmon Server - BEST for Impulse Pokemon Trainers?!Video Information This video, titled ‘IS GRM PIXELMON THE BEST PIXELMON SERVER?’, was uploaded by Impulse Pokemon Trainer on 2024-05-13 22:45:02. It has garnered 672 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:17 or 1757 seconds. #GRMPIXELMON #pixelmon #minecraft IS GRM PIXELMON THE BEST PIXELMON SERVER OUT RIGHT NOW?? COME WITH ME AS WE EXPLORE THIS PIXELMON SERVER TOGETHER, ADN SEE IF THIS PIXELMON SERVER IS THE BEST SERVER OUT THERE! GRM PIXELMON IP: grmpixelmon.com LET ME KNOW WIN THE COMMENTS DOWN BELOW WHAT YOU THOUGHT ABHOUT THIS SERVER AND ABOUT THIS VIDEO. THE BEST AND WORST… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Collecting Every Mob in Minecraft AGAIN!

    Insane Challenge: Collecting Every Mob in Minecraft AGAIN!Video Information This video, titled ‘COLLECTING EVERY MOB IN MINECRAFT…again – Minecraft Bedrock Live 🔴shorts stream’, was uploaded by Chazyyyboi on 2024-05-09 09:06:14. It has garnered 608 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:10:41 or 4241 seconds. Watch the longform stream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hxl9Ct_tIMs ⭐Become a channel member to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/c/Chazyyyboi/join 💲All donors get a mob in the Realm! Mob prices: https://bit.ly/mobprices 🙏Special thanks to @imbadatvideogames9770 and @MrSamisue27 ==================================================================================================== 🔴This stream has an estimated length of 2 hours 🙂 🎚️Music used (credit): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ks3DUf4Emog ==================================================================================================== Like my videos? Feel free to support me and keep… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: Don’t Copy Me! Part 3 #shorts

    Insane Challenge: Don't Copy Me! Part 3 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Try Not To Say The Same Thing As Me! – Part 3 #shorts #grasstoucher27’, was uploaded by grasstoucher27 on 2024-03-22 18:07:42. It has garnered 13630 views and 546 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. idk man minecraft @therealsubman Minecraft gameplay Minecraft tutorial Minecraft let’s play Minecraft survival mode Minecraft creative mode Minecraft mods Minecraft building Minecraft redstone Minecraft adventure map Minecraft resource pack Minecraft farm Minecraft mining Minecraft PvP (Player vs. Player) Minecraft mob farm Minecraft server Minecraft command block Minecraft speedrun Minecraft mansion Minecraft village Minecraft rollercoaster Minecraft underwater… Read More

  • EPIC Sky Castle Raid in Minecraft 1.19.2!!!

    EPIC Sky Castle Raid in Minecraft 1.19.2!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘FTB Skies: EP29 | Conquering the Castle in the Sky! | Minecraft 1.19.2’, was uploaded by TheAndrata on 2024-05-02 11:00:32. It has garnered 242 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:57 or 2217 seconds. Today we conquer the Castle in the Sky, just like in the movie! ✱ MODPACK INFO ✱ FTB Skies is a modpack that offers a unique and immersive experience unlike anything you’ve ever experienced before. As soon as you enter this world, you’ll find yourself on a floating island, high up in the sky. With no land… Read More

  • Stormy Lagoon! PVE 1.20.4+ Java & Bedrock Mature Community Grief Protection Custom Features mcMMO

    Join Stormy Lagoon Today! If you’re looking for a unique survival server running on Minecraft versions 1.20.4, look no further. Stormy Lagoon, established over four years ago, offers a welcoming community and a range of custom features to enhance your gameplay experience. Server Details: Version: 1.20.4, Available on Java & Bedrock Server IP: play.stormylagoon.com Bedrock Port: 25566 (No port needed for Java) Discord: Join our Discord Server Discord Username: Duvahl Tiktok: Check us out on Tiktok What Sets Us Apart? No Chat Report: Enjoy hassle-free communication Organized Discord Channels: Get guidance on all server features Quality of Life Commands: Access… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Boss: A True Epic Gamer

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft Boss: A True Epic Gamer“A True Gamer doesn’t need sunlight, they get all their vitamin D from their computer screen.” Read More

  • May 4th: Crafting Craze – Part 1 Build Fun

    May 4th: Crafting Craze - Part 1 Build Fun In a galaxy far, far away, Star builds her base, no delay. Following MrMattRanger’s guide, Her skills and creativity collide. With blocks and tools in hand, She crafts a world so grand. Star Wars theme, May the 4th be with you, In Minecraft, her dreams come true. Watch her build, part 1 in sight, A gamer girl with all her might. Join her journey, don’t be late, In the world of Minecraft, she’s first-rate. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! #minecraft #meme

    Minecraft Meme: Crafting Chaos! #minecraft #meme “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraft #meme Read More

  • Stone Mason Goes Solo: Music-Free Gaming Stream Replay

    Stone Mason Goes Solo: Music-Free Gaming Stream Replay Welcome to Stone Mason Building in Minecraft! Music Free Gaming is a family-friendly channel that primarily focuses on playing Minecraft. In this stream replay titled “Going Solo 3,” viewers were treated to an exciting session of building and exploration in the virtual world of Minecraft. Supporting the Channel If you enjoy the content provided by Music Free Gaming, there are several ways you can show your support: Tips & Subs: Visit musicfreegaming.com to provide tips and subscribe to the channel. Merchandise: Check out the channel’s merchandise at musicfreegaming.com/collections/all. Wishlist: Fulfill items on the channel’s wishlist at throne.me/u/musicfreegaming. Engage with… Read More

  • Kids These Days: Minecraft Trends

    Kids These Days: Minecraft Trends Minecraft: Exploring the World of Creativity and Fun Welcome to the vibrant world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and fun is always around the corner. Dive into a realm where imagination takes center stage and players of all ages can unleash their inner builder, explorer, and adventurer. Meet 方块轩: The Minecraft Content Creator 方块轩, a prominent figure in the Minecraft community, is dedicated to providing child-friendly content that prioritizes the well-being and safety of young viewers. As a creator in the Minecraft domain, 方块轩 crafts original animations that are not only entertaining but also humorous, spreading joy… Read More

  • Blainez World LIVE! Win Disney Pins & Minecraft Giveaway

    Blainez World LIVE! Win Disney Pins & Minecraft GiveawayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Blainez World is live! #disneypins #blindboxopening #minecraft #giveaway’, was uploaded by Blainez World on 2024-03-10 10:45:36. It has garnered 167 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:50 or 4010 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft: Finding Granny’s Horror | Part 2

    Minecraft: Finding Granny's Horror | Part 2Video Information This video, titled ‘i Found Horror GRANNY 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part-2 ) |’, was uploaded by RICH GAMERZ on 2024-02-19 07:00:36. It has garnered 66634 views and 423 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:06 or 606 seconds. i Found Horror GRANNY 😱 in Minecraft | ( Part-2 ) | minecraft horror myths ny gamer minecraft horror myths in hindi minecraft scary myths minecraft scary myths that are actually real Tags – minecraft horror techno gamerz minecraft horror minecraft minecraft horror video techno gamer minecraft gamerz horror games minecraft bhoot techno gamer video minecraft game… Read More

  • Winning by leaving last space – Chaosflo44 🌌

    Winning by leaving last space - Chaosflo44 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Wer als letztes den Weltraum verlässt… gewinnt… 🌌’, was uploaded by Chaosflo44 on 2024-05-25 10:00:23. It has garnered 318044 views and 22417 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. ➤➤ 🍉 **ALLE** MINECRAFT SHORTS: https://youtube.com/chaosflo44/shorts ➤➤ 🦝🐶 **NEW** PLUSH TOYS: http://shop.chaosflo44.com ★★★ 📸🔥 **FOLLOW ME** INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/chaosflo1337 ↓FOR MORE MINECRAFT SHORTS DO THE FOLLOWING↓ ● 🍉 Subscribe + 🔔 so you don’t miss any more videos! ● 👍 Thumbs up for more videos like this! 😀 ● 💬 Give feedback to support me! 🙂 →MINECRAFT SHORTS← ★ Together with Billy, Manfred,… Read More

  • “Steve’s Mind-Blowing Redstone Engineering Study!” 🔥 #minecraftdreams

    "Steve's Mind-Blowing Redstone Engineering Study!" 🔥 #minecraftdreamsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Steve Wants to Study Redstone Engineering! 📖 #minecraftmemes #dream #minecraft’, was uploaded by Kraftube on 2024-01-14 12:01:32. It has garnered 4 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. Read More

EVERY Big Update In The NEW Minecraft 1.19.80 Update!