Video Information

Hello everybody gingershadow here and welcome back to some more oneplus megaminomi mod because well i kind of just i’m into playing it right now aren’t i we didn’t reviewed we did on the update that was fun we reviewed the twitter new devil fruits and some bits and pieces some things that came in

That was good then after that i decided to just look at all the 72 deletes that was in the mod that was fun so i’m still in one place but so that’s i’m going to just kind of complete the whole thing well not the whole thing but i’m going

To basically look at other abilities so the abilities that come from your race come from your fighting class come from hockey let’s get it really keep them because the update happened and a bunch of that stuff changed as well so some things are a little different so

Sure let’s i’ve never done a video just looking at this stuff exclusively so let’s just take a look at it because there’s some really fun things and abilities in here okay so starting is off well our faction doesn’t matter well because the factional effects who targets you race race does there are

Four races there’s a human there’s fishman as a cyborg and there’s the mink each of them have their own unique fighting cell with their own abilities that they get along with exclusive things to the race for example humans get nothing they are basic they get the

Six powers as their skills but they have no like extra things fishermen get the ability to breathe underwater they can swim really quick and then their abilities become fisherman karate the cyborg gets all their abilities straight away because they’re built in but it runs on cola which

You arguably could maybe seize it i’m sorry depending on how quick those killed ends are and then there’s the minx you get electro which is freaking awesome but their big downside being that they suffer in hot biomes so if they’re in a desert or in a savannah they suck

Or it sucks to be them more like they can still use their abilities it’s just actually fighting this becomes quite tricky and then on fighting stills we have got swordsman sniper doctor art of weather brother and black leg so i’ve played the swordsman a bunch i played the sniper a bit

I’ve done a little bit of the brawler but it didn’t really click with me and i played black leg a lot because that’s probably my favorite i never really looked at the doctor in the art of weather that much so it’s going to be fun to take a look at them

And see exactly how their abilities work because even i’m not sure entirely how they work so we’ll figure that one out together but all right for now just for starting we’re going to be a human embers we’ll just grab swordsman because blah but we’re just going to take a look at the

Human skills first so how do we unlock skills as a human or as any race all your race skills are essentially tied to your door key so opening up your menu here we currently have the door key and we currently have no abilities we do a little command slash door key

One thousand nugging a thousand dollar key oh no giving ability got two abilities in fact you’ve got solo and take ai cool then we move up to 2000 dorky we get po i don’t know a thousand done so we’re now at three thousand and we get uh she gone

Um get our next ability and that gives us kami right uh then this fight has the door key we unlock the rand gakuyaku which is unlocks i don’t know if it’s exactly on the fight that doesn’t really it’s a bit before it but still it’s in that range okay there you go

It’s called the six powers that says lock six right that’s that’s all the powers well i’m not too sure about that oh would you look at that it’s the roku gun yeah okay there’s another ability hidden in there and that was unlocked and somewhere around 9000 dorky so i believe

That is actually one of the changes i made that used to go unlocked at 7000 because okay there’s a changelog but like the changelog doesn’t know all the moves it’s talking about like it talks about the gipple so okay there’s a fun one to start with we’ll take the gecko

Move so get those number three okay we’ll go into fighter mode but um so geppo used to be a function of basically the higher dorky the more jumps you could do never said so just from the get go you can now do three jumps so you could always do three from

The start so we just we jump sp we currently have like nine thousand dorky so we can do more than that so one two three so we could do six in total because we did three and then another three then the timer went up so yeah yeah your base gepa is

Up higher that’s all well and kill so that won’t get named after that done done the rescue name does it like five other points of things that change and it doesn’t say what’s what but the very bottom i’m assuming it’s just doing it in order of the moves and what got changed

Or oh no wait okay no gecko is specifically mentioned in the bit then it just says rokan which is i believe the last moves i think actually all the change all the last bit so just on the last one okay that would make more sense so they’re not individually level because everything’s

Just on the road again so otherwise you’re made to say but the road gun got massively changed aka it could transform into a trigger billy so it activates when you punch air or anything uh did the increase is cooldown has been massively increased its damage has been massively increased and its requirement got

Massively increased from seven dozen dirty domains doesn’t dorky okay is the ultimate move that makes sense oh they’ll see my horrible perception kicked in there i just saw a guest po and i saw in the in the listing bit and i just started reading off all the

Changes and i just didn’t see any names for saying i’m like oh he’s not labeled it oh that’s weird i just looked above it oh robin’s right there it just means all of it it just means all of it right okay uh looking at the other building we’ve got

Sunu sorry basically just let you run quick it’s a nice little booster that’s that’s basically all it does it’s a handy little ability for that uh and then you’ve got takai tikkai is a defensive ability i yeah you get like a little you basically guard with it and it massively

Increases your defense while you’re using it so you’ll take way less damage and it goes down get all we saw already that’s you blop what bop jump in the air is arguably in my opinion the best move anything that gives you essentially flight is absurdly good because like

Yeah but all the running was sort of really good i i yeah i agree with that barely just like throw yourself over a ledge though and not die from it that’s just brilliant okay so the next one is we’re going to need some volunteers okay we’re gonna grab this marine here and

We’re going to use finger pistol which blop does quite considerable about damage like yeah cause there are normal punches at this point they do one or a half because the ring didn’t die instantly yeah i know this just lets us block one shot and it gives a little

Sound effect uh then we’ve got the paper art or cami e whatever it’s called uh basically just makes it so you dodge so it’s like ultra instinct for a split second but then as you can see it’s got timer so once it turns out you will lose that really killability

Following that we’ve got the tempest kirk i missed fake well this makes it really handy to build the get ball away uh wait what exactly is it called the rang gyaku i caught that tempest kick is how it’s actually called i can’t know what the

Dub name for is yeah okay so don’t use it and someone is directly in front of you it won’t work if they’re a little bit further away though you will absolutely destroy them so yeah it’s a pretty powerful emergency because it’s actually very destructible cool and then we’ve got the final move

The seventh move which what was this name again okay let’s just trigger that one so basically it’s supposed to be if i punch an enemy or the ear so let’s punch there yes that works and yeah one of the changes got made to it is it’s got a massive it’s basically doubled its

Damage so absolutely things box it’s massively doubled it’s cool down so you see a 10 second cooldown that’s a 50 second kill then so yeah you get your ultimate move it’s way stronger but it takes a lot longer to actually kill down which yeah given this able to remove the six powers that

Roblet she likes to go so like yeah okay fair enough i’ll see you until this will be have the hierarchy not use it yeah human move set right moving over from being a human to being a fish man so you get blood the ability to sit on the

Water the ability to swim a bit quicker and well yeah the ability to breathe on the war very handy very handy right and then it comes to the fishbank karate stuff so even if you don’t care about the fishman cars you should ability to go under water and breathe underwater can be like

Worth being a fish man like i love being a human for the six powers because geppo is really good and plus you get you know like things like the finger pistol and whatever it’s called and it you know does that damage you know even if like you disregard the fishman cry just build

The ability to swim quickly in the water and ability to breathe on the water and see underwater it’s just so handy because crack the one piece mod it can be beating out in the water you’re going our boats as a fish band you’re going to find this a lot

Easier also i can definitely not pronounce most of the names liz i can pronounce that one two fish engine beyond that not a lot else so yeah the ichimozu the cat the sami the mirasami the yarinami well we could deal with him in a second

Because what we’re going to do so we can swim we can actually outswim the fair fish which is lovely also if you use the two fish engine it basically gives you dolphin grace essentially it’s like a it’s like a dolphin grease upgrade so this is essentially like you’ve managed to get

Dolphins to help you out uh beyond that then you’ve got our water techniques so you can shoot water ability so the first one the second one is basically maybe you delivering a sharp kick which did 41 damage that’s insane uh the second sorry sorry the first thing which is essentially tech

As you can see i’m not taking like any damage in this fish so while i’m holding this thing i can’t really move with it but i’m essentially guarding so that’s fun swim away uh the next turtle shark no wait no that’s a drill never mind i’m powering up my attack and it’s dead

That’s that’s uh that that was another i always get numbers wrong because like there’s only eight in the combat zone i’m used to like seeing down i’ll say hello dolphin friend right wait wasn’t it wasn’t our big fish no actually you’ll do for this let’s go for that shark technique which

Basically shoots sharp projectiles at people lovely also to know some of these techniques like the the physical ones the kick is more powerful in the war so using fisherman cry in the water is actually a good idea which makes logical sense the whole point of it originally is being in the water and

Then you know it’s something you can use outside it was the final move where the fact where is i yeah you know what you do go for it we charge up gets all the water particles there that didn’t oh that did hit him no it did it did i also give him debuffs

Go okay being a cyborg i’m currently getting shot at so this is a great time to test this let’s go with some fresh fire there you go burn the fish man that did not do a lot of damage then that’s a damn shame okay other one then

Our next move we can uh use half the coolants in our body to vastly increase our physical capabilities awesome as you can see yeah so being a cyborg means you get all your abilities off the bat so it doesn’t matter what dark you’re at but you do run cola so

The cod does not naturally increase over time or give it any vacancy over time because that’s not how cola works no you need to like literally go get the cola so this is great leveling so there are three cola based items there is the cola

Which does stack up to stack of 16 there is the octa color and there is the color big pick so the color backpack will get down to seconds uh so if you go for a regular cola oh yeah i’m doing comments i was like

Wait where’d my bar go there we go uh if you drink regular color lot it gives us back 25 cooler awesome let’s drink up to max right so once you go back to the field the smokehouse basically yeah they get you back up the fill uh they restore your cola supply they’re

Not hard to make it’s like a glass bottle on some sugar so did it be easy to farm it with some sugar can i just have to carry it on you for a few that said though even though you do run in cola you do still have cool

So it’s not like there’s any advantage to the being call on existence it’s just the big advantage of it is you run on caller but you get all your most straight away so you get your most powerful moves right from the get-go so cyborg’s early game pretty powerful uh then this is the

Ultra cooler so this thing is a bunch more sugar and a little cooler giving us just sugar that’s still not too bad what does this thing do well you drink it it increases your max so at this point i’m not 120 and you just keep drinking them there’s

Enough for a cat that you will eventually reach actually top where you can’t have any more cola and some of your moves like a fresh fire fish fire dreams i think it was like 20 cola yeah i’m gonna say i know it’s got it the way the numbers went down like wait it’s

Gonna go home it’s gonna go over it’s wetting no it drains 20 cooler so that’s like a set thing whereas the other moves there uses half of your oh uh just half your coil supply now that could just be a case of though that the more coal it drains the more power

It gives because i just gave me strength for resilience for that’s pretty huge i also just while i’m drinking this is not the cyber’s got a bunch of stuff done with them for example uh ultra cola increases your max by 20 now instead of what was 15 before

On top of that uh the maximum alcohol you’ve got slightly changed which uh but if you just look at the thing uh it can be up to 500 whereas it used to be 250 before so that’s the thing uh caller bottles now we’re getting 25 columns to the 15. and then

There’s the cola backpack which if you put on yeah it increases your maximum coal again it gives you more cola which uh i believe yes it’s literally regenerating your coil as well which is lovely up to the 900 so yeah having to call backpack on as a cyborg just it gives

You a bigger cola max to work with but yeah so the cooler balls call it backpack whenever replenish cooler every second instead of every two seconds so this thing it’s made from six ultra colors which was just the thing is just a lot of sugar like that’s not hard it’s not very

Good armor but in time you get you know weight you don’t have to constantly sucking on color it’s all about you get all your backwards like that so that’s like oh yeah there’s also a little thing here mentioning cyborg so now keep half the ultra calls the drinks to death

Rather than losing all of them so that’s the thing to be careful of and it kind of sucked losing all of them but anyway uh so right anyway third radical not radical strong rate sorry so you can use your strong rate technique which was all i’m going to be honest when i

Clicked it there i thought this could be like i got to punch something for it but no just it’s a projectile apparently all right fair enough uh move after that we have got the radical beam which is a charge up move it’ll be q it’s a lovely laser which uh i just know

This didn’t actually drain any color from us wait what hold on hold on hold on i’m assuming i’m assuming it did that because the backpacking it got as a quarterback hold on radical beam yeah drain 30. whoa wait hold on does that be actually incredible uh updated radical beam

Visuals you know look like more like a beam projectile it appears through blocks densities and it’s lowered the color requirement from 50 down to 30 that’s pretty wild on top of that as we saw with the color backpack that’s gonna give you back get that color pretty quickly like

That’s just gonna regen wait it’s not rejecting though though the heck heckles backpack ah i see what it’s doing it automatically drinks the color for you oh i actually didn’t realize that’s what it was doing i have not played as a cyborg in a very long time okay so the backpack makes it

So you have to drink the color you just have to have your inventory which is so easy to make you could just have stacks of it well stacks of 16 of it and then this thing will refill for you that’s pretty awesome that’s great yeah radical beam really powerful like

Actually very powerful well here’s the way we can bloody tossed it radical beam skiddish 75 that’s pretty freaking good all right and then the goal i’m just in there dying excellent uh right anyway you’re just going back to marines because why not but i’m going away from the radical boom kudo burst

Which basically just yeah blows your enemy away i thought it was gonna drain more coal up i just realized because of my color backpack it’s not like okay i need to take this at my inventory so i can see how much it’s actually getting drained by these techniques but okay that was

Supposed to have like a little bit of a curl down and then yeah he’s again kudo boss finn sorry i feel like he used to dream way more than that oh yeah it did oh yeah look at the changelog uh wait what which technique am i looking at i’m

Forgetting names at this point nice kept the vent that’s not in the change log there’s the coop daboo which um basically it launches you into there it did yeah it’s basically releasing that pressure from a different part of you rather than your hand so you could like blah launch yourself flying so that

Could decrease from doing 100 down to 20 but like the burst is only sorry i feel like that used to be more that’s insanely good value for the mad damage you do yeah cyborgs are they’re feeling like i’m just testing out here yeah they seem way stronger

Than what it i think used to be like yeah just to show like even if my dorky turned way down all the moves are still there like just tell this thing goes can you could you not could the best ah another fun one i do enjoy the mink minks are odd

In the fact that yeah you get three different things for another and their abilities are well as far as one i can see they were a bit more random in terms of damage like they weren’t always guaranteed to do the same thing can i stop being a cat please please game

Please let me be something else why are you doing this oh there we go i’ve managed to get a dog that’s not the one i’m after i want to be there’s the other thing please yeah i can’t help but think this might be slightly weighted towards being a cat

Since one time i’ve been a dog the rest of these have been a cat what the what’s going on why why am i stuck being a cat this is so weird but anyways the point is a lot of changes made for the uh for the minks aren’t like

It’s not really so much changes it’s more like they’ve i’ve played around with some of the numbers a little bit so now they’ve all got like set damage outputs some kill downs have been changed around some distances have been changed around but you know other than that most of our moves don’t

Seem to be the exact same for the most part bar like some of them have slightly higher damages and better kill than some of these stuff ah there we go now we’re a rabbit yeah i always end up choosing to be a rabbit i don’t know i just like the rabbit look but

Anyway so being is a mink minx get electro electro is awesome so wait a minute oh give me random things don’t actually give me black like excellent that’s not that big anyway uh yeah so some things worth mentioning for it oh then you know obviously damages have been slowly lowered and

Stabilized and stuff uh one thing used to happen so if you had an electron it would constantly drink hunger that’s apparently stopped you’re still 1.15 so you’re still going to losing hunger anyway because it’s 1.15 but you’re not at least not going to lose hunger from

Being in electro mode on top of that usually you could electro if your hunger was below a certain limit that’s now changed on top of that if you ever touch water you would hurt yourself we can now submerge ourselves in water and not no sorry we can’t go in water

Without doing that if we submerge ourselves though yeah we still hurt ourselves uh apostles are note here saying that gomo gomonomi users can now use electro so you’re not if you eat the gum gum for it you’re not like just like you know not able to use electro

That’s good i said i can’t eat my electro for my other abilities i need to come back please game so i can like you know fight the the marine that’s here to part me please ah here we go so uh currently right now we do six damage now

That is in part because of my dorky and in part because i’ve got black legs still so i physically do more damage if you put electron we do name damage so your damage skills up from having electro on because the whole point of it supposed to do more there’s electro

Missile which is a charge e3 technique which you hit folk as you can see did a bunch of damage which is nice and if we in another marine we have got this one so this sends the electricity all around you noise it’s a bit harder to see there because

Wait no that one loop hold on let’s get there we go charging it’s very quick you should have electricity all around you and then you just kind of launch everywhere it’s a fun little technique unfortunately you guys kind of stay still but it’s charge up time i think

It’s quicker than what it used to be before i haven’t actually seen a changelog for that i saw a bunch of killings that had killdowns and things have been changed which i think yeah the charge time for a bunch of moves has been changed southern quicker because we’ll find they were so

Exploded enemies were gonna absolutely destroy you while we were standing there anyway here we go for our next target this one takes a bit more charging oh oh oh i was zooming the wrong way i didn’t know it’s not right there five modes it’s charging so quick though okay charging charging charging aiming

Zap dead excellent so yeah that’s fun that’s fun little move uh it’s not my favorite though also oh my electro run it oh that’s that’s unfortunate electro then we do our last move which lets us jump into the air and lightning down below oh girl let’s put that out really quick

Yeah just to show that one more time uh if we jump one and then we shoot lightning down it’s a very quick burst i feel like it used to take a bit longer so yeah everything seems a lot sharper and quicker what it was before if i’m remembering corelli uh which is always

Lovely the other thing is the so-long form which visually i don’t think it changes anything uh it just it’s just a big power burst but one thing is worth mentioning if we go back over sure uh has also changed how the weakness thing works so if you’re going this by one

Wait eventually yeah there we go some one of them ah we now get mining fatigue but we don’t get the weakness so now we can fight because before you could basically not fight in these biomes because you’d punch and it wouldn’t do any damage because when you get weakness like two

You lose the ability to punch things so uh now you point your punch slower but you can now punch which is so much better because makes were pretty much useless in any hot bottom now they’re just you know not as effective fighting but he can do

Still fight which is yeah so so much better in my opinion oh i was lucky i changed the time tonight and the film ends there okay let’s just start long then blood room so cyan lasts quite a long time it doesn’t change in your features but it

Does give you a bunch of piss so for example yeah i can run and jump way better than i did before that’s cool i need my electron to come back so i can actually use techniques and things there we go that’s better so some of some guys

Up there we are so punching now what’s that oh i’m doing 16 damage instead of nine oh that’s cool missile oh what’s that i just killed all them yet so when you’re in so long you’re basically double you get like double bonuses tell like everything you gotta go charge over technique

Launch lightning out blob they’ll get blasted away uh if we grab a few more and we do our jumpy up in the move jump in the air technique zap that’s definitely so much quicker that seems so much quicker before i love it yeah so starling you can only bust it

Out like once a month like however however long it takes women’s cycle i can’t bust it out every film in but like when you can bust out my god you’re so thoughtful oh yeah that said though the kill down from being so long does when you get like hunger and stuff and like

You feel weak after doing it basically which you know makes sense you’re basically you know you off the back of a really powerful transformation you have bad negative effects fair enough all right moving on from the race abilities which you know i i i have fun i thought

It was all in there actually ah because i like way back when i used to play like like i used to try when things like didn’t really like it wasn’t really for me fishman okay sorry but you know that’s that the underwater breathing ability becomes a bit less useful when

You’ve beaten the devil for it so okay whatever i prefer the six powers or the main collector stocks i like having the rabbit ears as well cyborg those looking pretty good dripping now like sure you get the coolest thing but you could make tons it’s not that expensive and being a fish

Man has just gotten like even better by the looks of it so yeah very much you can go any of those races and you’re going to do good things the cyborg you know in particular is looking miles better than what it used to there’s a bunch of changes we made okay

Going on to the actual fake cells though we’ll start off with swordsmen so quick notes for swordsmanship changes only there’ll be a couple little ones but uh yeah so an extra 25 damage with swords that are uh no applied it’s not applied to all swords not just

Once from mud uh you’re gonna get 256 damage with the sword if you’re a swordsman awesome uh and this comes with the slight visual problem of not having the fill damage shown on the tooltips so to point out it says swordmaster bonus applied so right now it says it’s doing 14 damage

It minus 1.7 attack speed plus 25 damage bit odd but yeah uh so basically you take pirate colors it’s supposed to do seven damage we take it here and put it here and look at it yeah why is it being weird i guess because we have to hold it

Yeah there we go so we hoped it it says the damn just gone down and this musical so yeah it’s not it’s not exactly like showing correctly what it does but basically ace the sword that i’m supposed to be holding here apparently the mace gives you the bonus

Ace is supposed to do 50 damage at 2.3 attack speed it’s a very powerful sword so this realistically shouldn’t one shot this guy it does 80 damage now hold on a minute 25 or 15 yeah that’s about right i suppose it’d be three it’s like three and a half

So yeah it’s up to eighteen so yeah a little bit a little bit stronger a little more vicious with swords which you know just gives you an edge over anyone else you’re fighting with swords as for abilities nice goals for pretty much every single class you learn them

From masters so you’ve got the dojo sensei for swords you’ve got the bow master for bows grab the rest here we’ve got the weather arts user we’ve got the doctor we’ve got the brawler and we’ve got the blacklight trainer they’ll naturally spawn around you random uh like merchants will as well

It just says one piece thing they also have set locations that you can find them at but they’re not guaranteed really like they’re guaranteed to be always be there the first time you go there beyond that not really so if we just slash locate nine mine not bandit cam what we want is

We want the dojo where’s the dojo oh there it is so if we jump into this logically should be there because you should spot in when we first get there every time after that it will just despawn like i don’t know if there’s any way to really keep people i’ve tried but there

Are certain like it’s the same as when you’ve got tesca island like you they’re not get they’re guaranteed to be there when you first get there but beyond that they just vanish so it’s yeah it’s a bit unfortunate i also want to go into oh my god where the okay that

Caught me by surprise i wasn’t expecting to get attacked by a giant monkey there let me in the dojo please ah there’s the door yeah that’s the dog master so basically if you want to get your quest you go into the guy uh i mentioned hockey trading but i just doesn’t really do

Very much she just tells you how far along i are in your hockey uh but you can click the trials after that it’ll give you various quests so you can take your first two so after i need to complete those two before i could do any more and

Yeah basically just tell you exactly what you need to do so in this case it can be all different things it can be like using particular moves certain times collecting certain items in this case getting a sword that’s over seven damage i believe one of them is get a

Sword with an enchantment yeah sharpness two i kill twin families recruiting basically though you just you want to go into the quest area and just yeah do whatever it tells you there i’m not going to get through all of them individually because there’s a lot of skills for a lot of different fighting

Things so i’d be here a very long time and not all other things i could just do instantly like kill 25 minutes for the crit i don’t want to stand here for ages hitting any of the crit so what i’m going to do is this handy dandy command slash abilities unlock grip and

Yeah there we go swordsman that did not work how do i oh yeah i need to put my name in there we go so is that now done yeah there we go that’s giving me all the swords for the buildings so if you want to skip them there’s a

Handy dandy command that lets you do that as well which is lovely okay well it’s not exactly a huge list of opponents for this but that’s fine so the first one is just the it throws you forward but slashes makes a little noise cool the second one is a projectile

Kill third one is a bigger projectile it’s even stronger cool the fourth move is essentially you spin and it slices everywhere around you and then there’s the final move which they grab some guys obviously all these need to be performed with a sword but uh unless you jump forward and slash with fire

Jump up and forward later let’s you hit things with this no it doesn’t grasp it will actually explode to that yeah that’s the size of the movie just unlock those over time the quest will get slightly tricksier i guess over time like you die i don’t know it depends what you find

Tricky i guess but yeah it’s actually for specific things depending on the the skills you’re trying to lock i wonder i’m telling you glass swords if i were to just click that could i just have no i know i can yeah oh wow just gave me all the bow stuff as well

That saves me some time going to the character crater again right well the art of the bow is up next so on this one well our projectile weapon it could be bugs it can be the slingshot it can be the guns depending on your preference but yeah you can apply these bonuses onto

Pretty much anything that’s a projectile attack all right well a projectile attack with a weapon like you know it’s not unlimited things but yes this one’s got seven abilities in it now these are pretty much the same with the idea of us abilities in mind so you know they’re

A bit weird uh they’re not necessarily things that you could just do it’s more you’ve got specialized abilities so you get the first one shit’s a flaming bullet so it puts the person on fire you’ve got the second one blop that creates smoke that poisons people and these are moves you’re gonna

See uh people that use projectile weapons are gonna use on you i started one should set a bunch of shots it explodes floor flying shoots at the cactus shot so yeah of course will do creates a bunch of cactuses around the horse all right fifth one creates i forget what they’re

Called it’s little little things that sit in the ground and the things do damage uh whenever you they’re really annoying but when the enemy hits you with them themselves it’s a very it’s a very annoying one uh six one what’s the sixth one again i put oil

Down that slows enemy down there we go and then the seventh one is essentially a sleek pellet so you should i’m supposed to put the enemy to sleep oh yeah yeah there we go this guy’s literally just look so yeah the projectile one it’s pretty fun like it’s

It’s like the sword one’s kind of like using your own sword skill to do like you know the zorro stuff and things like that so you know it’s one piece logic sword skill the when it comes to bullets so it’s more like you know you’ve made world bullets that just do wild things

Which you know can have some just really fun effects i’m gonna be honest the art of weather not used it uh when it first came out i don’t think it was very like impressive so i never used it and i just i’ve never used it since then because i’ve ended up

Using the black leg style and things like because that came out after i thought that was really cool so uh yeah we’re going to be learning this one together i guess so you get the heat ball logic heat ball from the climb attack cool if you shift use loads the

Ball into the claim attack all right the kill bomb standard balls the same thing there’s the weather egg instantly creates a weather cloud as if combining a crowbar and a heat bow cool gas sword fires a concentrated wind blast forward then you get passive so whether a cloud temple kill ball plus

Heat ball creates a cloud above you thunderbolt weather cloud plus thunderbolt oh god you’ve got to use your brain for this one quite a bit thunderstorm thunder temple plus two thunderballs thunderlands three charge thunderballs creates a thunderbolt that goes straight into there temple two charges of

Heat bugs plus a kill charge you have to literally get all this down this sounds so cool but you’d have to literally write this all down because there’s no way i’d remember this oh i just probably people that could figure all this out just use it but yeah

Okay so all right we’re getting a claim attack for this so let’s quickly grab one uh starts to claim attack perfect yeah let’s grab the sorcery one sure so we’ve got the sorcery claim attack excellent so we’re gonna send a heat ball apparently that gonna do anything if i send you as well

And you oh there we go okay so that because they were in the same place they created a cloud they looks like a thunder one in nope it’s gone this is so weird i’ve never used this this looks so cool though hold on uh we say that clouds and a

Thingy clouds that’ll create clouds for us yeah yeah then we’ll send it some thunder clouds yeah there we go so it’s created thunder i don’t know i don’t know like if it’s gonna actually it didn’t actually shoot anything though interesting uh the fourth move though i believe it just makes clouds yeah

Like it just it just makes clouds for you yeah so rather than doing the heat ball on the cool ball you can just create clouds instantly so that’s cool i i guess actually looking at using these things again but like okay this move it just shuts window

So that’s just attack okay so that’s one that i can understand straight away is you can you could just you keep it you you’ve got an attack it can blast at people okay take in our quick look at our abilities oh because yeah okay so thunder temple when clown

Past thunderbolt hit the enemy below the cloud with a lightning bolt then thunderstorm tempo hit multiple enemies of the lighting boat sunderland’s tempo create a lightning bolt that goes directly to the area the user is pointing at exploding on impact and hurting the enemies so i said if i use three charged thunderballs

That’s the thunderball okay um then there’s the fog tempo two heat bugs plus a charged cool ball wait no two charge kill balls wait hold on one charge to charge yeah there we go so by shift clicking you can do the mirage which creates a smoke screen so a difference between the um

Just regular ones the charge one this is it’s quite interesting there we go so we can shoot lightning over there it’s pretty cool if you get the hang of it but yeah like you’re gonna have to actually try to remember how this stuff works it’s very killing the idea of it grab a

Couple of marines we send you here and then we send up a fog clouds and we send up a charge and another charge like are you gonna stay still still guys come on i need to see if this actually works oh yeah it says it’s laying down

It works it works it’s very uh you get to figure exactly how it all works but it does work it’s very like it looks so cool though like the effects of that look look really cool like i dig the effects it’s just the actual appliance of it like

It take a little bit to wrap your head around and get it all work i get it all working for you but yeah okay i i dig this though i think it’s really okay i think someone if someone really took a had a go with it and have some fun with this shooting

Element to attacks that folk and essentially controlling the weather actually speaking of controlling the weather it says if you do that yeah there we go uh if you set up a weather cloud plus three kill one you can always make it rain which if those fires around

You can literally make it rain if you want so that’s cool as well since it’s raining you feel like you know yeah just taking these thunderballs and like doing anything no that’s not quite how that works okay well if i send you up after i set the thunderbolts though i just create an

Instant thundercloud or no got to make sure you do it in order correctly okay doctor so this is also one i’ve not used very much mostly because the doctor one really comes into its element when you’re in a group series or a grip server and i don’t really do that very

Often so yeah first it allows you to heal the target uh medical bag explosion by sacrificing the medical bags durability the user can fully heal themselves while applying detox nerve enemies filled experiments those have random splash potion at the development enemy okay and doping user injects a target with special medicine preventing

A boost in physical powers well some of that sounds interesting hold it also uh spoke of a medical bag there is a medical back item you can buy where is the fecker there is chopper’s medical bag so if you throw that on that just makes our stuff better uh but

Yes so say we want to heal though we can like yeah hew horsey here with our first move cool uh then let’s say we want to just well just heal folk using the medical bag he didn’t drain a durability medical back okay that may be because i’m in

Creative building supposed to drain my energy off the medical bank okay uh third one was the potion so we’re just gonna block there we go that just that just saw a healing potion at him no no it looked like a healing potion but it’s definitely give him a debuff true

Then we’ll get doping let’s inject ourselves with that whop so we now get the tension hormone number two so it’s basically the same as the hormone for it power where it gives you a sudden boost of power flash speeds but yeah uh i think yeah you get nausea after it

Though so you debuff after it but yeah the doctor was pretty simple but again it’s more it’s more in its element when you’re working with a group so you can actually pull folk i guess the ability to random splash potions is fun and the ability to dope yourself with the

Hormone tension ability is cool plus i think the bag durability one is that you you hold on i wanna i want to check double checks my sacrifice to medical bags your ability user can fully heal themselves while applying debuffs nearby enemies yeah okay so yeah it heals you in uh dubai seller people

I mean that’s handy funny so i mean yeah if you already were happy with your like race abilities our devil for it like this could just be an extra little thing to have to like you know buff yourself up right the brawler this one was added in a bit after

Uh it’s one of the newer ones basically it was intense black stuff uh it’s not one that particularly worked well for me but that was uh before the update so on the update a bunch of stuff’s been tried well like half the stuff’s been changed a lot

Of it being uh some of the moves doing a bit more damage and uh charge ups taking less time and cooldowns being shorter which is really handy because some of them took a really long time so yeah that’s pretty much it though for the brawler thing uh but yeah so brawler

You’ve got to move suplex we’re supposed to grab a person to suplex them you’ve got the spinny which they should take a person and throw them and you know yeah there we go ah you’ve got the it seems like ground slam you punch the ground it hurts everyone nearby

You’ve got the ability to punch with enough force to create an explosion neat so that’s kind of your four more basic moves then if you take a cannonball in hand the very last move there let she essentially lob a cannonball at someone so blah okay that’s fun it’s still cannibals you

Don’t need to use an actual cannon uh if you shift and click the button it goes into a different mode it can allow multiple cannonballs better as long as you have the cannon balls for it which cannibals are cobbling iron so they’re not like super expensive plus you’ll find them on your

Little trips then you’ve got the and this one’s quite hilarious because it is of course the king’s punch so this move takes a really long time to charge up if you let it fully charge you can stop it mid chargeable if i use it right now

It didn’t it didn’t hit anyone it never makes it wasn’t strong enough uh you’re supposed to let it like charge fully up and i’ll do a devastating punch so i’m gonna i’m gonna charge philly up this time but basically you’re supposed to cut it off i think you can like do a

Smaller punch if i remember correctly i don’t know if i’m wrong with that one sorry to tell because that punch didn’t work but never mind all right we’re almost there so yeah based on the king’s punch so it’s like a minute charge up so it’s not maybe you would use mid combat

Unless you had allies all around you protecting you oh you had like a delivery that helped against it but yeah if you actually unleash you just feel power it’s pretty devastating like okay it didn’t go like a super far in a lot but i mean it just destroyed everything that

Was in front of it if you had a bunch of people fighting in front of you you could just blast them if you’re if you pro if you get people in a career with you they don’t take damage from your techniques so you can effectively have a crew

Fighting in front of a friend you are like defending you and then just release that and do a bunch of damage to all the around you which yeah it’s a fun gimmick move i don’t know the the brawler might work better with me now i didn’t really particularly like it when

I tried it before but that was in part because how long it takes for the moves to work they’re a lot quicker now like the simplex there it used to take a bit longer like i think uh yeah suplex got changed from taking two seconds to charge to one

Second but you might think oh two things it’s not very long yeah but then you get enemies hitting you while you’re doing it and you know you can get crabs look good the horrors and doubt they had a really long kill down as well which was a pain said to

Use the move several times to lock the next move right so last but certainly not least black leg style this is probably my favorite now unfortunately because i unlocked the move the other message i actually have black legs still currently turned on uh i don’t know if i could like quickly fix

That because i like well if i like if i go into here and i think myself is yeah pirate and yeah i want to be human and yeah well that’ll excel will you yes there are girls never get black still so when you’ve got black cell as your main

Style you will kick instead of punch which is cool uh you know this is going a bit uh weird there basically it takes you the texture of your leg and applies it which is fun now some of the changes got made skywalk the ability to do this this was massively affected by your

Dorky aka i like i don’t know if they maybe uh geppo was under the same thing maybe geppo was not and i’m misremembering uh the because like it says in the chain though geckos change from you getting two to three quicker or something but you can get six

And tall yeah ah the skywalk from here you started with like one or two and then it increased this time went on until eventually it took six now there’s none of that now you just start with six which is awesome because again skywalk is really really fun and really really cool now

From there grab some enemies what else have we got we’ve got a kick that will send enemy flying it helps the fact if the enemy is uh able to survive your first hit uh the fourth move there is the kick course that lets you spin on your head and kick

All the enemies doing a lot of damage cool uh we’ve got the first smooth which is a flying it would help without f5 mud for that one there nevermind it’s a flying spinny cake it basically it let you just spin it knock people over uh the third moves

I just missed this extra hatches that did get changed this one got a massive like this used to be like an okay but not amazing move it basically let’s show multiple leg attacks the textures that need to be your leg that’s cool it’s nice little that’s anything uh but it’s also

Massively increased damage from two damage per hit to eight so yeah there we go so we can you can see your legs and again we do eight damage per hit it’s so much stronger than it used to be which is awesome also again going back to the fifth move spin I see that person is not dead he’s just knocked over it’s a very useful move for knocking people out and then finally diablo wait hold on where’s my diabolo jambi i forgot to put that on oops there we go diablo jumbo it puts your leg on fire awesome then you

Get the move grow shot which is your ultimate move and does heaps of damage on top of that while your legs on fire you will actually just do more damage so we kick you’ll set people on fire and that’s cool if you do the extra hatches

They’ll never also pick you on fire and do extra damage like all your moves basically just do extra damage well uh double jumpies on it’s so cool like it’s easily my favorite fighting still also it helps in pilots i’m just like one of my favorite characters but yeah um

I i really enjoy this fake stuff but yeah diablo zombies just is such a nifty little power up and i don’t think there’s really any drawbacks to it like it doesn’t make you weak or anything after you use it it’s just you can’t use the move for a while after

You’ve used it like i don’t know it’s just a free power up it just does tons of damage and extra fire damage when you want to do you know extinguish the folk right onward hockey so uh there are a few different types a key you’ve got hardening you’ve got imbuing and you’ve got

The silhouette code ken maybe how it’s pronounced uh basically yes observation and ornament uh i’m not entirely sure like how do i get conquerors hockey no entirely sure that one concrete’s actually supposed to be something you can unlock it’s supposed to be kind of random when you get it though so

Yeah i don’t know if there’s like yeah i don’t see it i i don’t know if there’s actually a thing for me to unlock congress hockey just with a command but come on chris hacker essentially just knocks everyone out around you and they’ll knock it you can’t really hurt

Them so it’s really kill but i don’t know if i’ll be able to show that bit by saying from that yeah let’s take a look at the hockey that is available to us observation stuff first which is fun then there’s yep the ornament stuff the full body stuff and the imbuing stuff

Which yeah depending on how you unlock these is basically doing stuff so observation is supposed to be i think by getting hit you eventually learn to stop getting hit cool uh for arnamen and stuff it’s basically you hitting things i think with your fist it will uh eventually unlock it and then for

Imbuing supposed taking things i think with a sword yeah if anyone has any extra snippets about hockey that i’m not mentioning feel free to put it down below yeah so uh first one is observation hockey it makes it so you can see everyone which is cool if you’re

Going to survival mode oh they’re all running away that’s unfortunate yeah so he can still currently hit me i go into future state mode oh what’s that you can’t hurt me anymore because i’m now predicting your moves and able to dodge essentially yeah uh observation just lets you know where people are

And kind of tells you like what they’re how dangerous they are like i don’t know why it’s sitting there blue and they’re clearly not blue they’re clearly reds but anyway um yeah that’s all well and good that tells you we’re full car it people can’t hide from you but

The future say although it’s pretty lp it’s essentially free ultra instinct it’s pretty awesome uh you have to be careful not to use your hockey too much though if you over stretch your hockey then you will 100 start getting massive debuffs and they are pretty nasty and sulk so yeah don’t do that

Third thon we’ve got well actually we’ve got a hard thing before we use it though hit you but do we do six damage normal no put hardening on just killed him also wait did i click fuel body or hardening there i don’t know if they

Just did the same thing can you not not run away from me i’m not that scary oh actually but yeah oh yeah no it oh it does the full body turns on when i click that just between the camera go back to the same time here and you there

We go yes so having hockey on increased my damage from six to over 20. you become pretty powerful pretty quickly can one of you guys be brave there we go the other thing all i’m just improving in my case my leg normally in big arm being your legs could kick still because

I go full body as you can see that just gave me like a massive damage uh massive armor increase like full diamond level armor so obviously he can still hurt me but you know we won’t do as much on top of that i still get the damage

Buff i think it’s quite as strong as early damage box i only did 18 that time but yeah it’s pretty powerful on top of that fill body hockey is required for you to use gear force so yeah that’s that’s something you’re gonna want on they get the last one which is imbuing so

Basically for that just take a weapon of choice so let’s say whitebeard’s weapon and then we just go if it’s the edge oh well hockey collared and then you hit and you do a lot of more damage cool it’s not really so much i don’t think it’s too sure what the

Damage may be so that’s a thing let’s not worry about a little detail but yeah if you’ve got hockey turned on it means you can also hit low gears which is lovely it’s it’s just an extra free power up so far you’ve got to be careful of it’s

Apparently if you use it too much or the longer you’ve got it on the longer it take before you can turn it back on again once you turn it off and then if you have on for too long you start getting debuffs because it will start wearing out your body so

It’s a really powerful extra thing but it’s not something you know is always going to be super useful i kind of like how it’s unlocked like you can adjust in the conflict how quickly unlock it how much xp you’re getting for hockey i’d pick in the action so long as you

Know the action to do it i’m still not 100 certain i even know the action to do it like i’ve been told you know just get hit by things a bunch uh get uh hit things with your face slash your like hit thing uh and like you know things

All those like hit things with swords and that should help along unlocking it but yeah is if people know exactly how it’s done let us know in the comments if there’s any extra bits it should be added let us know in the comments because yeah hockey hockey’s so useful but it’s

Like one of those things that you’re supposed to probably get later in the game because you’re supposed to build up over time but yes that is pretty much us i don’t know how to get conquerors hockey unlocked so they won’t be viewing that but yeah essentially that guy is actually coming for me

And he’s changed his mind never mind that’s just having high door he makes people scared of you but there’s a one in 10 chance they won’t be scared as all the latest update but yes that’s all the race abilities and fighting abilities and stuff on hockey it’s

The one thing this is so good this is good so much variety for combat you could play around with so many combinations you can make is the only thing you can unlock it’s great that’s fascinating you’re throwing the devil fruits on top even if you just don’t take a deal for you can

Still be ridiculously powerful in this which is brilliant but yeah like to this point i i do really think no real flaw was one piece it’s just that there’s no real good later game enemies like you get the captains and that’s kind of it so the day they start adding in like higher

Ranks marine folk and higher rank things like that like it’s gonna be such a good day or the day they start adding in like people from the one piece story more that like even if they’re in overall too like yeah oh it’s gonna be so much fun

But yeah the one itself though is just bloody fantastic i adore it as you can tell from the fact we’re doing a bunch of videos on it lately but yes anyway people thank you very much for watching hope you enjoyed the show link should be

Down below if you want to check them out it’s 1.5.2 and also i guess links down below if you want to check out the video right that looks over the deliverance and stuff and what they do but yeah i don’t know if i’m doing more one piece beyond this i

I’ve looked at all the things though so yeah conclusion it’s a brilliant mods it’s so worth the play and it’s going to be so like it’s apparently worked on the move to 1.6.5 so even better when it’s up there because then you can mix it with a bunch

Of other really fun mods and do some other really fun mixed-about things i can’t wait anyway thank you all for watching i will see you next time forever random thing i think i’m doing next will it be one piece of every smaller enemy mods so season for that thank you for watching good

Bye everybody just want to say a quick thank you to all of the channel members for the extra support and a special thank you and shout out to our late members the journey members austin quinsenberry sebastian ramsey alexander01 baldripper and isaac washington and our undo members gold

Dragon monster q hollow the void and anime boycross sans75 thank you all very much for the extra awesome support

This video, titled ‘EVERY FIGHTING STYLE, RACE & HAKI ABILITY! Minecraft One Piece Mod Review’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2022-08-01 21:00:17. It has garnered 89243 views and 1861 likes. The duration of the video is 00:54:00 or 3240 seconds.

#OnePiece #Minecraft #modreview

Minecraft One Piece Mod – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YdlEIsL6RPY All 72 Devil Fruits – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9b8yhzV17U

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GingyGames Channel – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCXnhKpFkChk31SJlw4A1biw

Minecraft Mine Mine No Mi Mod – https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/mine-mine-no-mi


Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel GoldDragon MonsterQ Hollow the Void animeboy cross sans75

Gingy Discord – https://discord.gg/KfWmyVB

Series Playlists

RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft RWBY Roleplay) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REYji46Ndhs&list=PLLMufbSSwyToyjI0YSruHasJthev2s-xP&index=1

Minecraft Yugioh (Battle City) Roleplay – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eqs3rgZpFrE&list=PLLMufbSSwyToDdOJMb87MA8NvvlGs9oy1&index=1 ————————————————————————————————– ————————– Channel avatar done by Zaromaru Zaro – https://www.youtube.com/user/ZaromaruGames/featured

Channel Art done by Parshey Parshey – https://twitter.com/parsheyy —————————————————————————-

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  • “Insane Arcade #Minecraft Builds” #gaming_clickbait

    "Insane Arcade #Minecraft Builds" #gaming_clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Builds #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #minecraftpe #minecraftanimation’, was uploaded by Arcade _KID on 2024-01-04 08:30:04. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Subscribe for More Minecraft tips and tricks ,Hacks and builds… #minecraft #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts. Read More

  • “INSANE!” 300 Days in Hardcore Minecraft – Dragon Taming!

    "INSANE!" 300 Days in Hardcore Minecraft - Dragon Taming!Video Information This video, titled ‘300 HARI DI MINECRAFT HARDCORE PENJINAK NAGA’, was uploaded by DUNBO CRAFT on 2024-04-05 09:00:11. It has garnered 425643 views and 13069 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:21 or 3621 seconds. 300 DAYS IN MINECRAFT HARDCORE DRAGON TAMER ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Previous Video: 🔴 100 Days of Dragon Tamer: https://youtu.be/gwHagB4HRqY 🔴 200 Days of Dragon Taming : ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ⭐Join Discord: https://discord.gg/tRdDmEfnrf ⭐ Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/dun_bo18/ music : * https://www.epidemicsound.com * https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=sharuo shaders I use: https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/complementary-shaders ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ INTRO SONG BY JAMIE BERRY – DELIGHT : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwUyJCZlovc AUTRO SONG BY TRIAL & EROR – 1 2 3… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Camtasia Shop Adventure!

    EPIC Minecraft Camtasia Shop Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft camtasia shop bue 55’, was uploaded by Tenzin Marolf on 2024-03-22 03:41:42. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft moments with fans! Watch now!

    Insane Minecraft moments with fans! Watch now!Video Information This video, titled ‘JOGANDO MINECRAFT COM INSCRITOS!!’, was uploaded by GustKase on 2024-01-18 20:46:03. It has garnered 9 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:20 or 1520 seconds. Don’t forget to like and subscribe to the channel and activate 🔔 so you don’t miss any new videos 🎉 WANT TO SEND US SOMETHING?: 🎮 DISCORD: / discord 📧 INSTAGRAM: @gusarosa 📫 CONTACT: [email protected] . . . . . . . . IGNOREM TAGS: minecraft,minecraft but,minecraft survival,minecraft mods,minecraft challenge,minecraft school,minecraft animation,minecraft videoları,minecraft sonic,monster school minecraft,minecraft monster school,minecraft pe,minecraft song,minecraft pero,sonic minecraft,minecraft 100 days,minecraft nl,minecraft op,#minecraft,minecraft… Read More

  • Maria Khan’s EPIC Showdown: Herobrine vs Null – Minecraft Animation!

    Maria Khan's EPIC Showdown: Herobrine vs Null - Minecraft Animation!Video Information This video, titled ‘Epic Showdown: Herobrine vs Null – Alex and Steve Adventure (Minecraft Animation Movie)’, was uploaded by Maria Khan on 2024-01-13 13:18:23. It has garnered 17 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:03 or 843 seconds. Read More

  • OverHero

    OverHeroBem-vindo ao Over Hero, um mundo extraordinário de aventura e desafio aguardando por você! Prepare-se para mergulhar em um ambiente de Survival RPG emocionante, onde você se tornará o herói da sua própria jornada épica. Seja você um jogador de Java ou Bedrock, o Over Hero foi meticulosamente criado para oferecer a melhor experiência de jogo em ambos os formatos. Read More

  • ZillaSMP – Roleplay, SMP, Factions: Medieval/ Kingdoms/ Geopolitical/ Worldbuilding/ Whitelist/ Naval Warfare/ Tradable Currency/ RPG Mob Levelling/ Castles/ Cannons/ Brews

    ZillaSMP: Kingdoms and Politics ZillaSMP is a medieval roleplay SMP with kingdoms, naval warfare, tradable currency, and light RPG mechanics. It’s like a new game inside of Minecraft, no mods needed! ZillaSMP is set in a time between King Alfred the Great’s death and the formation of England, allowing players to write an alternate timeline through roleplay. Choose roles like knight, pirate, viking, lord, or liege in the 20k by 20k map with various kingdoms for trade, war, conflict, and negotiations. Features: Different medieval faction types: kingdoms, knighthoods, trade guilds, and viking tribes Feudalistic hierarchy and land claim system Lore… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Feels like my diamonds just vanished

    Feels like this meme has a higher score than my GPA in high school. Read More

  • Block by Block: Mengxuan’s Minecraft World

    Block by Block: Mengxuan's Minecraft World In the world of Minecraft, where creativity reigns, Mengxuan Creative School, where innovation gains. With 72-change blocks, they build and they craft, Every creation, a masterpiece, a draft. 1 million guardians, can they defeat the Dragon? In one second, can they unleash their wagon? The challenge is set, the stakes are high, In the world of Minecraft, where legends fly. Mengxuandada, the hardcore player, Crafting videos, a true MC slayer. With style and commentary, he shares his art, In the world of Minecraft, where dreams depart. So join the fun, in this virtual land, Where blocks and pixels, go… Read More

  • Minecraft but blue is lava 🔥

    Minecraft but blue is lava 🔥 “I guess Steve’s worst nightmare is running into a smurf village in Minecraft!” 😂 #youtubeshorts #shorts Read More

  • The Ultimate Cobblemon Server!

    The Ultimate Cobblemon Server! Exploring the Exciting World of Cobblemon Minecraft Server Are you ready to dive into the immersive world of Cobblemon? This Spanish server offers a fun and engaging experience for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Let’s take a closer look at what makes this server stand out! Constant Updates and Support One of the key highlights of the Cobblemon server is its dedicated team of staff members who work tirelessly to provide regular updates and support to players. Whether you have a question or need assistance, the staff is always there to help. You can even join their Discord server and open… Read More

  • SHOCKING Announcement at Hive Live ft. SlenderGuy (CS, Parties, Win Streaks)

    SHOCKING Announcement at Hive Live ft. SlenderGuy (CS, Parties, Win Streaks)Video Information This video, titled ‘Hive Live But SLENDERGUYS HUGE ANNOUNCMENT (CS’S, PARTIES, AND WINSTREAKS)’, was uploaded by McW Mike on 2024-05-30 06:13:03. It has garnered 726 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 01:56:20 or 6980 seconds. Discord: https://discord.gg/ZaTcz7FNeB I will be playing a Minecraft Bedrock server called the Hive and playing skywars, treasure wars, bed wars, survival games and hive arcade which is arguably the most popular and most well made server on minecraft bedrock, this will be on the game mode Treasure wars! My content is similar to those of Evident, Dannyisdahbomb, Hikqri, ignacioblade,… Read More

  • The Ultimate Game Changer: Domain Expansion!

    The Ultimate Game Changer: Domain Expansion!Video Information This video, titled ‘BMC4 – #10: Domain Expansion’, was uploaded by The Chill Gaming Zone on 2024-02-25 10:00:33. It has garnered 88 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:11 or 3611 seconds. Because not much has a greater chill factor than Minecraft, right? Right. Modded Minecraft because vanilla is just that, even with the massive updates, it can still be a little vanilla. Join me as I navigate Better Minecraft 4 (BMC4) in hour-long videos posted every Saturday, and Sunday at 10:00 GMT. No commentary, just vibes. Extra tags, please ignore; modded minecraft, modded… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft SMP Adventure – JOIN TwinkleToeElites TODAY! #31

    EPIC Minecraft SMP Adventure - JOIN TwinkleToeElites TODAY! #31Video Information This video, titled ‘Public MINECRAFT SMP | JOIN US! | #31’, was uploaded by TwinkleToeElites on 2024-05-26 12:55:38. It has garnered 48 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:43 or 6343 seconds. Very sophisticated group of teenagers. We do a lot of funny stuff, so we thought, let’s make a channel to show it all on! Expect everything you would from a channel run by immature middle schoolers. #minecraft #minecraftsmp #livestream Read More

  • Lomby’s Ultimate Cactus Clicker Guide! 🌵💥

    Lomby's Ultimate Cactus Clicker Guide! 🌵💥Video Information This video, titled ‘Cactus Clicker BEGINNERS Guide | Playlegend.net | Tutorial’, was uploaded by Lomby on 2024-01-03 10:50:24. It has garnered 17376 views and 593 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:41 or 761 seconds. In this beginner’s guide, I’ll show you how to get started in Cactus Clicker mode on the playlegend.net Minecraft server. I personally really enjoy playing on the server, and hope that this video will get some people interested in cactus clicker too🤍 Rent your own Minecraft server cheap here: https://rocketnode.com/lomby 💎Use code ‘Lomby’ for 20% off!💎 —————————— ᐁ SOCIALS ᐁ —————————— 🔊Discord:… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft SMP Server Builds! 😱

    Insane Minecraft SMP Server Builds! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Exploring the Epic Builds of Our Minecraft Public SMP Server’, was uploaded by SP LIVE GAMER on 2024-05-19 20:18:03. It has garnered 435 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 01:38:01 or 5881 seconds. Join us for an epic adventure on our Minecraft live public SMP server that is up and running 24/7! Explore the vast world, build and collaborate with other players, and take part in exciting events. Watch the video to see the amazing creations, thrilling battles, and fun community interactions that make our server the place to be for… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Rare Llamas and Donkeys Galore! #14

    UNBELIEVABLE! Rare Llamas and Donkeys Galore! #14Video Information This video, titled ‘Archetype SMP #14 – Llamas and Donkeys’, was uploaded by MacPlayzVC on 2024-05-14 16:45:01. It has garnered 30 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 03:28:05 or 12485 seconds. For this week’s Minecraft stream, we get the fellas online once again to meet. Unfortunately, drama is unravelling in the discord which might spill over into the stream. Along with that, we are extending the bounds of the Mac Empire with a new city close to the storage room. Read More

  • WARNING: Addictive Minecraft Virtual World – Promise Not to Get Hooked? #anomalymp

    WARNING: Addictive Minecraft Virtual World - Promise Not to Get Hooked? #anomalympVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴【 MINECRAFT 】 Janji Gak Ketagihan? 😀 #anomalismp’, was uploaded by Gingitsune Gehenna【AKA Virtual】 on 2024-05-28 10:34:43. It has garnered 22132 views and 4175 likes. The duration of the video is 01:43:17 or 6197 seconds. Builds and stuff! ・‥…━━━━━━━━━━ 🦊🦊 ━━━━━━━━━━…‥・ 【Support Me】 Fanmate https://fanmate.id/gingehenna Support me by buying me a wine glass, okay? https://trakteer.id/gin-gehenna 【Discord】 https://discord.gg/PqAe32j2hB ・‥…━━━━━━━━━━ 🦊🦊 ━━━━━━━━━━…‥・ Rules 1. Don’t question Gin’s privacy 2. Don’t be toxic, be kind and respect each other 3. Don’t mention other streamers unless Gin mentions it first 4. Don’t go off stream topic 5. Don’t discuss… Read More

  • Roberto’s Huge Mistake Almost Caused Abandonment | HCF Minecraft 1.20.70+ Raid

    Roberto's Huge Mistake Almost Caused Abandonment | HCF Minecraft 1.20.70+ RaidVideo Information This video, titled ‘POR ESTE ERROR CASI LOS DEJAMOS RAID / HCF / MINECRAFT 1.20.70+’, was uploaded by Roberto Best on 2024-04-12 19:30:02. It has garnered 624 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:33 or 993 seconds. In this video, we played the Aqua server which was very epic and you have to watch the video!! Server Name: Aqua IP: play.aquamcpe.xyz PORT: 19132 (Default) Aqua Discord: https://discord.gg/YJqKE4QMRA Discord of my Server: https://discord.gg/49avKMunTG 👉I’ll leave you my faction’s Discord in case you want to enter: 👉https://discord.gg/tvStvQHEnJ 👉My paypal in case you want to donate to… Read More

  • New Alien Invasion In Melon Farm! Minecraft Ben 10

    New Alien Invasion In Melon Farm! Minecraft Ben 10Video Information This video, titled ‘Melon Farm’s New Update! 4 new aliens! Minecraft Ben 10 (Fisk Superheroes)’, was uploaded by Blaze Inc on 2024-03-07 19:00:03. It has garnered 46536 views and 1936 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:16 or 676 seconds. 4 new aliens, soon I’ll be ready for that Arrzee rematch fr. Here are The Links: Heropack: https://legacy.curseforge.com/minecraft/customization/the-melon-farm-heropack The Patreon: (If you want Early access and the colors): https://www.patreon.com/hotmelonenjoyer?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=creatorshare_creator&utm_content=join_link Map: https://www.mediafire.com/file/6ic8pcymz9gx4p5/City.zip TWITCH!!! https://m.twitch.tv/blaze_incyt/home DISCORD: https://discord.gg/FqpF9nCBEB Like & Subscribe! Read More

  • Pakacraft

    PakacraftOur new server “Pakacraft” includes: • Hard Survival + Roleplay • Bloody moons + Special Dragons • Npc & Boss • No P2Win! • Quests + Ranks + Story • Clans • Economy • Marriage • Mines • Plots • Special Weapons And much more things to have fun. Our website: https://pakacraft.online Our live map: https://map.pakacraft.online mc.alisariaslan.com.tr Read More

  • Bifrost SMP Semi-Vanilla Whitelist Events HermitCraft-like 1.20.6 16+

    “Join Bifrost SMP and Prepare for the End Raid on June 1!” Escape to Bifrost SMP, a community-driven Minecraft server where enthusiasts gather to enjoy vanilla gameplay and fun activities together. Join us as we embark on exciting adventures in our JAVA Survival World, Midgard. Our Community: Community-driven server Regular events and activities Impromptu movie nights, board game nights, Dungeons and Dragons, and more Our Server: Expanded world border Nether Hub and Shopping Areas Player-run shops and services Various QOL Datapacks and Plugins Our Staff: Active and supportive team Organize in-game events and Discord activities Keep members informed about news… Read More