Every Villager’s Master Trades! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide (1.18 Tutorial Let’s Play) [S2 Ep.28]

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Hello everyone my name is pixariffs and welcome back to the minecraft survival guide i hope you’re all having a good day today with our full population of villages we’re gonna get right into trading with each of the professions unlocking their entire set of trades so

We can see what we’re gonna get and this won’t end up being every single trade that these villagers can give us but it should hopefully give us a decent overview of what each profession specializes in and from there we can talk about some variants because looking

At you mr librarian some of them have a lot of different things they can trade enchanted books are a massive category of stuff but we’re going to trade with a few of the key professions first and then over the course of this video we’re going to trade with every single one of

Them we might do a whole bunch of trading with some of the lesser traveled professions such as the leatherworker in here who really isn’t going to give us all that much beyond emeralds for the leather that we’ve been gathering but i think it’s nice to know what everyone

Has to offer i think we’re going to start with the librarian and i think we’re probably going to lock in his trades so that he will stick with this infinity book so by trading with him once remember that we lock in that trade basically permanently and we can

Probably trade a little bit more paper a couple more times before we end up upgrading him to apprentice level once he becomes an apprentice he will often offer another enchanted book in this case riptide and he will also start selling lanterns remember that these are actually relatively expensive to make

Because you need a lot of iron ingots to break down into iron nuggets and you know it’s kind of nice to be able to just straight up buy them so i’m gonna buy a bunch of lanterns from him maybe trade a little bit more paper later but

Remember that isn’t giving us as much xp as a rule of thumb the further down the list of trades and item is the more xp it’s going to give you towards their profession but sometimes that changes a little bit like in the case of the blacksmith professions like the

Toolsmith the armorer and the weaponsmith for them i’m going to go back to viola’s inventory i’m going to take out some of the blocks of coal break those down into coal items and we’re going to trade some of those to the blacksmith professions because that’s a really good way of getting

Started with some of these folks who will trade us a very very useful equipment the toolsmith for example once we trade a couple of times with him a few coal will really rocket up his xp and maybe we can buy a couple of stone shovels just so we don’t have to spend

All of our coal on this one villager when he upgrades to apprentice level he’ll start receiving iron ingots as a trading item and will also sell a village bell for a very high price we’re not gonna bother with the bell too much because that’s a lot of emeralds to

Spend instead we’re just to focus on the iron ingot trade while it might seem a little strange trading some precious material that you’ve dug out of the ground with these toolsmiths trust me this will pay back dividends in the long run because now this tool smith is

Upgraded to a journeyman and he started to sell enchanted iron tools not only that but he’s giving us discounts on basically all of his trades because we’ve traded with him a couple of times for different resources so if we wanted to and we had enough emeralds we could

Buy an efficiency to iron pickaxe and that enchantment on the pickaxe while it’s typically a fairly low level it’s not going to give you a maxed out pickaxe can sometimes even include enchantments like fortune notice also that when i trade some iron to him that’s still giving a pretty decent

Amount of xp so if we wanted to continue this journeyman toolsmith along his xp track you can find that iron is still a pretty effective resource to do that sooner or later though the trade is going to lock and we’re going to have to buy something else and the shovels are

Giving us very little xp at this point so really not worth trading for more of those i’ve actually crafted a couple of chests here and we’re going to leave those by the villager workstations just so we can go over exactly what we’ve needed to trade from this villager that

Ultimately isn’t worth keeping around so we’ll put a chest down here and we’ll put the stone shovels in there we could even keep some excess trading supplies there if we wanted to and it looks like meeting time has started so the villagers are all stepping away from their workstations once the meeting time

Is over the villagers will return to their workstations briefly before going to bed so if you are lucky you might get another refresh before the end of the day but chances are you’ll have to wait until the following day to refresh those trades and trade with the ones that have

Been locked up we’ll also notice that if we head over to the toolsmith right now he’s actually asking for more iron at this point even though we have pretty heavy discounts on everything else he’s asking for five iron ingots instead of three and that’s all to do with the

Supply and demand mechanics that are part of villager trading if a villager notices that you’re trading a lot of one resource and they seem to think that that resource comes very easily to you they might start to increase the prices occasionally because it’s clear that that item comes pretty cheap and so this

Tool smith is now asking for five iron ingots for an emerald where previously he was asking for three because that’s really all we’ve been trading with him that’s where diversity of trades becomes really important and you might want to buy an iron pickaxe or sacrifice a bunch

Of flint that you’ve gathered in order to get some of those higher tier trades that’s going to speed him up onto the next level don’t worry about those price hikes being permanent though because the next day when he visits his workstation he might decide to refresh these prices

And within a couple of days usually even if you’ve traded up to silly prices for like you know half a stack of iron ingots for an emerald or something like that they’ll usually refresh those prices and have them back down to normal within a couple of days of not trading with that villager

I did a couple more trades with the farmer at the end of the last episode trading a few more potatoes to him although that’s giving us very minimal xp right now but he is also going to buy melons from us and that’s part of the reason we set up a melon and pumpkin

Farm last week in the automatic farms week because melons and pumpkins are both farmer trades although unfortunately this one has chosen to sell us pumpkin pie instead of buying pumpkins directly from us and those become very very lucrative especially at higher levels for both gaining xp and

For being able to offload all of these farm crops that are relatively straightforward to get hold of i’m gonna switch to my silk touch pickaxe so we can harvest the entire melon from around here instead of having to reassemble it from melon slices and we should be able

To trade three or four melons to this farmer for a single emerald the farmer’s gonna drop those prices after we’ve traded with him for some other crops as well so in the end we might end up trading for just two emeralds or even just one we can also buy a few cookies

From him he’s going to give us a ton of cookies for the price which is pretty nice if you ask me and let’s top up that trade with the last few potatoes that i gathered from my crop field over there our farmer is headed for expert tier the

Expert tia farmer will give you two different types of suspicious stew and this is kind of an interesting one that’s a bit of a gamble because you never know exactly what type of effect you’re going to get from suspicious stew when you’ve traded it from a farmer you

Can craft it yourself and get specific effects but the initial effect from finding these in the wild is kind of random and that includes the ones that you find in treasure chests and the ones that you buy from farmers so if i try and eat the suspicious stew right now

Yep i got blindness for a couple of seconds negative status effects are possible from suspicious stew and it could even be as bad as giving you the poison or the wither effect for a couple of seconds let’s see what this other suspicious stew he traded us was yep

That’s weakness judging by the status effect there we have seven seconds of weakness before it wears off so yep the both of those suspicious dues not all that great maybe something to trade to your server mates if you want to prank them a little bit but in a single player

World those are virtually useless to us isn’t going to stop me buying them though because we might need a couple of them later on for reasons and it’s also a good way of increasing our farmers xp so he gets to the final level of any villagers profession he is going to be a

Master that gem on his belt turns to a diamond and at the very end of a master farmer’s trades you will find golden carrots and glistering melon slices golden carrots as i’ve mentioned briefly before are what you use to breed horses together but they’re also the stackable

Food with the most saturation gain of any food in minecraft so they are the food that allows you to stay full for longest without getting hungry again so grab a few more emeralds from this farmer but now his profession is maxed out at master he no longer gains any xp

You’ll notice that we’ve been gaining xp this entire time and it’s kind of nice to have a little bit of extra xp from villager trading but no more trades will be coming from this farmer this is just the entirety of what this farmer is going to trade and we can scroll up and

Down the bar here to take a look at everything he has available to us we’re probably going to be coming back to this farmer for golden carrots a great deal and we’ll pop a chest down here that’s going to contain all of the suspicious stews we traded with him i think these

Are all the blindness stew if i got that right so i’m going to be leaving those in there maybe we’ll come back and get them for a project later and in the meantime we can turn our attention back to the librarian we’re going to stash all of the lanterns that we’ve been

Trading to him in there and we’re probably going to get a couple more emeralds for this paper so that we can buy a couple more lanterns and increase his profession to journeyman at journeyman level he’s offering us some emeralds in exchange for ink sacks that you can farm from squid which is

Probably a good thing actually there might be some squid in this river nearby that we can get from him he’s also got one more book trade for us and oh that’s a very good one we’re also getting discounts at this stage because we traded with him a bunch of other stuff

But he is selling us looting three which is perfect because i need that for my diamond sword so i’m gonna need to trade up a bunch of emeralds real quick so that we can buy one of those books from him i think one of the best villagers to

Trade with is going to be the fletcher since we can just break down any wood that we have into sticks and a stack of sticks will get us two emeralds from the fletcher at his current price so let’s plant a few more spruce saplings over here where we’ve already created a

Little patch of podzol we can also go and see the fisherman who is this guy over here with the kind of netting shorts and the fish dangling from his belt we can come over to him and right now he’s not trading what he was before he’s actually changed his trades having

Probably walked away from his workstation and reattached to it so he was trading string before as his first trade he’s now trading coal and so i might end up breaking his workstation here so that we can reassign his trades and see if we get a different trade as a

Result it’ll take him a second to wander over because it’s meeting time of the day right now but once the work day starts that village is going to look for his profession block find the barrel and he’s still trading coal okay so let’s see if we can swap that for string again

There we go now he’s trading string and coal interesting well we don’t really need to buy cooked fish from him so we might as well get a little bit of the string trade done now since we are farming string from two different sets of spider spawners at this point i think

It’s a pretty safe bet to say we’ll be using a string trade for the foreseeable future and now he’s gonna buy raw cod from us and he’s gonna sell us campfires at two emerald to pop which is honestly not bad because campfires are used for a

Lot of different stuff in the game we’ll get to that a little bit later and if it feels like i’m going back and forth between a lot of these professions rather than focusing on one that’s kind of the way i do villager trading because a lot of the time a villager will lock

Their trade you’ll have to wait until they unlock it before you can really do anything with that i think it’s usually a good idea and a wiser use of your time to kind of go back and forth between a bunch of different villagers trying to get emeralds where you can and coming

Back to the ones with the most significant trades like this librarian who is now giving us a looting three book for nine emeralds and that’s our first multi-item trade we’ve gotta give this guy some emeralds and a book in order for him to give us back an enchanted book but what an enchanted

Book he has given us in fact that trait is good enough that i’m probably gonna put my gold boots back on run through the nether and head home to my anvil so that we can get looting three on this sword because that’s also going to allow

Us to use it on the squid around here get some more ink sex to trade with that librarian and get him to master level but if we put that in here that’s a pretty decent sword right now and that’s a good use of 13 levels because we’re

Gonna get a bunch more levels back from villager trading let’s go and kill some squid having sharpness and looting on this sword means that whatever we hit we’re going to get more drops from it and we’ve already got a bunch of ink coming through from the squid so we’ll

Be able to trade a bunch of this with the librarian before long out here in the river there are also some great patches of clay so we’re going to dig a bunch of those up because the clay ball trade is going to be pretty much ideal

For trading with the stone mason so we have a bunch of stuff we can trade now we’ve got a little bit of ink which if the librarian is down here yes we can trade with him he’s asking for ink sacks for an emerald so that’s actually

Perfect to get him to the next level and as an expert librarian he’s trading us blast protection 3 for 19 emeralds which isn’t too bad if you want to combine two of those he’s also asking for a book and quill for an emerald so that’s actually

Not too bad of a trade if you have the stuff on hand to make it if you want to make a book and quill you’ll need some feathers which you’ll get from some chickens a book and an ink sack combined in the crafting interface they make a

Book and quill and a book and quill is something that a player can actually write in so if you wanted to for example leave yourself some notes on what to do in future episodes can be like build iron farm and then you can sign that if

You don’t want the book to be editable afterwards or you can just hit done and when you reopen the same book and quill the message will still be there allowing you to take notes on stuff pass them to other members of your servers or anything like that books with quills can

Even be placed in lecterns where they can be read like so and if you write multiple pages you can turn the pages while they’re in the lectern and there are some neat mechanics attached to that which we can check out a little bit later if you want to retrieve the book

From the lectern simply hit take book there and it will be removed from the lectern’s interface and now we should hopefully be able to trade it with the librarian wherever he’s gone so we can trade him this book and quill even though we’ve written in it but you’ll

Notice clicking it here in the trading interface isn’t working because we’ve customized this already we’ve already done something to it we can still trade it to him we’ve just got to put the book and quill in the interface there manually and you’ll notice that gets us

A ton of experience because it’s an item that’s a little bit more complex to craft but if we take out a couple more chickens and squid from the local area craft ourselves a few more books turn each of those into a book and quill and trade them one by one to our librarian

We can actually save one for ourselves because this librarian is now maxed out and is going to be a master trader and you might think there is some incredible book waiting for us at the end of the librarian’s trades there is not but he does trade you name tags which are

Otherwise loot items that you can only find through fishing or in dungeon loot chests so it’s pretty handy to have access to those in a renewable way that we can trade with librarians and we’ll leave the book and quill and a few other book crafting supplies in here in case

We want to refer to those later but for now let’s move on to one of the other professions the till smith is now asking three iron for iron ingots again he’s noticed that we haven’t traded with him for a while so he’s reduced the prices so we’ll take

A couple more iron ingot trades with this guy so that he upgrades to the next level he’s now an expert and you’ll see two things have come up here first of all he is buying diamonds from us for one emerald which is a proposition that doesn’t appeal to most players

Considering that diamonds are precious there is no real way of farming raw diamonds like this and you can also get emeralds just for trading sticks with a fletcher so the prospect of a diamond for an emerald isn’t all that attractive but he is in exchange selling us diamond

Tools now and this diamond axe only has efficiency one but remember we could use a grindstone to strip the enchantments off that and use our own levels to enchant a fresh diamond x with a better enchantment so for 12 emeralds right now a diamond axe is a steal that’s saving

You three diamonds and once he’s traded up to master level he might even sell us a diamond pickaxe with some enchantments as well so toolsmiths are incredibly handy to have around and the other blacksmith professions will also fill in the gaps in diamond gear so once you’ve traded with the blacksmith professions a

Few times you can start buying diamond equipment and never worry about spending your hard mined diamonds on equipment ever again let’s pay a visit to the stonemason because we can get some emeralds from him by trading clay balls and we can even buy bricks from him if

We wanted to turn some of those into flower pots and brick blocks initially he’ll buy 10 clay balls off you for an emerald and those prices will go down a little bit he’ll also buy raw stone from you so if you have an excess of stone or

Cobblestone from a mining trip and you want to cash that in for emeralds you can do that and in exchange he will sell you items like chiseled stone bricks and some of the decorative stone types we might as well buy a couple of those in the hope that he reduces the price of

The clay ball trade because if we come back to him and he’s asking for nine then we’ll be able to get more emeralds out of it and because i can’t resist it we’re gonna have to buy one of those efficiency diamond x’s from the tool smith making sure that we get one of

Those while we can and we’ll probably end up taking that home to strip the enchantment off it later so as i’m sure you can tell by now the general flow of this has been to acquire some of the materials that are simplest to get from the environment around us there’s plenty

Of animals out here in the savannah that we can use to get basic food and resources like leather and in this case we’re going to be trading some raw chicken to the butcher for an emerald so that we can lock in his profession as well the shepherd over here is trading

Us some of the least convenient colors of wool so let’s see if we can get him to trade us some white wool which is much more likely to be common around here there we go we’ve got a white world trade and a grey world trade one of his

Other trades in the early stages is also to sell us some shias so chances are we could get some shears from him if we lacked them already or didn’t have the iron handy but i think we’ll probably go on a bit of a shearing spree of the

White sheep around here and hopefully be able to bring back some will to lock in his profession we could also start farming sheep a little closer to the village if we wanted to get hold of some wool more renewably and more easily but as of right now we might as well just go

Around trimming every sheep that we see and while of course we could end up crafting a white wool out of the string that we got from the spider spawner that’s just some resources that would be cheating ourselves out of trading with the fishermen so there we go we’ve got

18 wool on us let’s trade once with the shepherd to lock in his trades and we’ll come back to him a little bit later here is our friend the fletcher and i definitely think we’re going to trade the most with him because frankly sticks are some of the easiest things to come

By for these early trading sessions and while it’s not going to get him a whole lot of xp boy is it going to get us a whole lot of emeralds he’s now buying string from us as well at a cheaper price than the fisherman is so unfortunately we might end up cutting

This guy out of the string trade a little bit and he will sell us pre-made crossbows if we want to buy those directly from him but honestly i don’t know if i rate the crossbow we’ll talk about the crossbow in a future episode there’s a lot to unpack there for now

Let’s return to the toolsmith and here’s one of the things i was talking about with the xp of different trades being awaited slightly differently so it’s not always the best idea to go for the higher tier trade because if you look at it right now the higher trades here like

This diamond x for example will get us a decent amount of xp but if we go all the way back down to the iron trade it’s really not giving us that little in fact it’s giving us about the same as trading for this enchanted iron pickaxes so i

Think it’s still worth trading some of those basic resources like iron that you’re going to get a bunch of if you go mining with fortune instead of spending 12 emeralds on a bunch more diamond axes that you’re probably going to need at some stage but probably not right now

With 36 emeralds now under our belt it’s probably worth letting you know that you can craft these into blocks of emerald once you start to acquire a few more of them and that will allow you to save a little bit of inventory space once you start acquiring stacks upon stacks of

Emeralds from taking advantage of some of these villager trades and they can always get broken down a little bit later on much the same way as any other resource block can but i think it’s time to turn our attention to folks like the weaponsmith who is asking for coal right

Now but will also sell us an inx because axes aren’t just tools from the tiltsmith they’re also weapons that we can use let’s grab a little bit more coal from viola’s knapsack and see if we can trade him up to the next couple of levels of his profession there we go we

Have an apprentice weaponsmith and he’s also asking for iron ingots and selling bells as well now i have enough emeralds for it i can show you that the bell really doesn’t give you a whole lot of xp towards this village’s trade so unless you specifically want to buy a

Bell from these villagers it’s not worth it when you’re just trying to upgrade them sell this man your iron or buy various other things from him if you want to but i don’t think the bell is really worth it unless you want to have a bell that you can ring in your own

House in fact having run out of iron to trade them i’m actually going to saddle up viola once again and we’re going to ride out to some of the local hills because if we can acquire some more iron from up there we might be able to get

Around the fact that we don’t have any iron left to trade so let’s ride out for the hills spy glass in hand and see if we can locate any iron deposits oh wow look at this mountain this hollow cave on the outside of it leading into a

Drip stone cave is awesome looking and i’m looking in the higher reaches of the world because while it’s true that going caving can lead to a lot of iron some of these mountains nearby might have deposits of iron in them as well it comes down to the fact that the higher

Up you go in the world the more chances you get of iron and coal veins being exposed to the surface i don’t know if this is going to be tall enough terrain looking at it but at least we got to see these cave formations because those look amazing and frankly they look like

Absolute death traps on the inside too but wow this is this is definitely screenshot worthy um i wonder if this plateau over here is gonna have any iron and while it looks like it has a couple of surface crags up here on the plateau nope i’m

Not seeing any more iron deposits so we may have to go caving after all we can at least check out the ruined portal while we’re here oh that’s going to give us some iron and some flint which we can trade with a fisherman or something probably fine i guess i’ll go into the

Drip stone cave if we die here i’m blaming you viola let’s at least set my spawn point out here so that if i die horribly in this cave i’ll respawn relatively close to my stuff let’s use a bucket of water to descend carefully into this cave and

Probably get shot out of it by a skeleton if i’m not careful there’s one right there in fact haha right let’s put down a couple of torches so that we know which way we’re coming back and look around for any early iron deposits looks like we’ve got one right here by

The waterfall actually which is pretty good going let’s fortune all of this and be very very careful about falling because these drip stone caves are treacherous especially when it comes to all of the stalagmites around here these massive formations of drip stone that are just reaching up to the cavern

Ceiling are epic though they look so so cool and they give the spiders something fun to climb and then probably take full damage as they drop off drip stone caves like this are also perfect places to gather copper if you need more of it because there is a larger proportion of

Copper generating in these kind of caves so look around on the floor you’ll find it basically everywhere in amongst the creepers and throughout this we need to be very very careful not to jump onto any of the spikes of rock the stalagmites coming up from the ground

Because if you jump on one of these you take damage regardless of how high you’ve fallen from and if you fall from a greater height you’re probably going gonna die landing on one of these but it is one of my goals in this series to

Make a base in every biome and if i want to make a base in a drip stone cave this is going to be it this is incredible looking watching my back constantly for creepers while i’m in here but it looks like we’ve probably got close to oh we got just over half a

Stack of iron actually that’s gonna be nice to have let’s maybe aim for a stack and then let’s get out of here okay okay we’ve got a stack i’m out i’m out i’m out we need to go this place is incredible but also incredibly dangerous and i feel like i

Can make three episodes just down here we’ll be back for sure but for now i need to leave before i end up getting killed so it’s back to the surface let’s scramble back to the bed i made it viola i made it we’re good and now that we’ve

Got all that iron on us let’s head back to the village and let’s smelt it for more trades with the blacksmiths you see one of the best things about these villager workstations is that even though the villagers have claimed them as their job sites they can still be

Used as workstations by the player too so i’m just going to use the armor as blast furnace to smelt down a bunch of the iron that we’ve gathered and from there we can trade it to the weaponsmith who’s got a bunch more cool stuff for us

Further down the line when it comes to the armorer himself though i’m not entirely happy with his trades right now because iron armor isn’t really worth trading to us when we’ve already got diamond and the armorer will sell us diamond a little bit later and i prefer

To have at least one trade to start off with where you are getting emeralds instead of spending emeralds so once we’re done using the blast furnace here i’m gonna break the workstation so we can re-roll his trades and hopefully we’re going to get something a little

Bit better for now though this should be our last iron trade with the weaponsmith before he starts giving us some extra stuff so let’s see what he’s got in his next tier of trades and that’s just a flint trade okay fair enough well we can go and dig up some gravel with the

Fortune shovel and we might as well get some flint trades out of the way plenty of gravel down here in the riverbed that i’m never going to look at again so we might as well just dig all of this up and leave a layer of stone behind well

He must need all this flint for something so i’m happy to trade it to him and one trade gets us a bunch of xp so that one’s kind of worth doing compared to the iron trade at this point next up when he becomes an expert though

That is when the fun begins because this guy is now selling axes and the cool thing is he’s selling the opposite enchantment to what the tool smith is giving us the toolsmith has efficiency this guy has unbreaking two axes and because it’s a higher level enchantment it’s a slightly more expensive tool but

I wouldn’t mind getting a couple of unbreaking two axes and combining them so i have unbreaking three to combine with whatever else i get now the blast furnace is done let’s turn our attention to the armorer and maybe refresh his trade so that he comes up with something different because once the

Villager comes back and pairs to this workstation we should hopefully get something if we got one set of armor there we should hopefully get something that we can trade for emeralds there we go he’s got himself a coal trade and he’s still trading us an iron chestplate

Which is probably the most useful thing he could trade us so i think that’s a good start but once we move this guy past the novice profession he’s going to ask us for some iron ingots which i’m happy to provide in this case because they get him through apprentice straight

Into journeyman level and at journeyman level he will start to trade us something that we can’t get anywhere else except from mobs and that is chain armor chain armor is kind of an interesting artifact of minecraft because it cannot be crafted by the player and it gives you a little bit

Less defense than iron armor does but allows you to see a little bit more of your minecraft skin if you’re into that you’ll sometimes see skeletons or zombies wearing chainmail armor sometimes a couple of other mobs will as well and it’s kind of fun to have as a

Fully repaired piece of armor from an armorer so as a bit of an oddity i think we’re probably going to collect a couple of these maybe we’ll put them on some armor stands a little bit later in the meantime though the iron trade is still giving us just as much xp so we’re

Probably going to level up a little bit on that so we don’t have to spend quite as much on chain mail and then once our armor becomes an expert now you’re talking we have the option to trade diamond armor from him we’ve got some boots with unbreaking too and some

Protection to leggings as well so this guy is starting to get stocked up with the good stuff typically i’ll go with the boots trade here because there is more than one set of enchantments we can apply to boots we have things like frost walker or depth strider which are i

Believe mutually exclusive from each other so we might as well stash some diamond boots in here for a little bit later and we can enchant those on our own once again some of those cheaper trades like the chain mail and the iron are still getting us a decent amount of

Xp compared to his expert level trades so i think i’ll probably trade off the rest of this iron buy a couple more chain mail chest plates and i think we’ll get this guy all the way up to master level and at master level he’s going to sell us the last two pieces of

Diamond armor with some protection enchantments that i’m not wild about but once again it will grindstone those off and we’ll enchant them on our own time and then we’ll have a ton more diamond armor to play with so for now let’s go for one of each let’s go for a chest

Plate let’s grab a helmet and i haven’t left myself enough emeralds to get the leggings but we can trade with one of his friends to make up for that by this point we’ve established a pretty solid trading loop though all we need to do is

Cut down some trees we can turn all of the wood into sticks we can trade those sticks with a fletcher and that way we can get a bunch of emeralds in a fairly short amount of time then it’s just a matter of waiting for the fletcher’s

Trades to refresh so that we can grab a bunch more emeralds and that way we can buy some of the more expensive stuff that you’ll find from folks like the armorer the toolsmith and the weaponsmith we haven’t really spent a great deal of time at the shepherd

Because getting that much wool is a bit of a grind and it’s a grind that we will do but we’re not gonna do it all right now likewise the leather worker wherever he’s got off to is it this guy yes he’s the leather worker okay we can get a

Little bit of emerald trading going with him if we have a decent amount of leather from farming cows but the stuff that he trades is all going to be dyed leather armor the kind of stuff that we’re not that interested in using ourselves so that’s going to be a case

Of grabbing some leather from where we’ve been farming cows maybe killing some cows in the local area now i have looting on my sword and potentially we’ll get a lot more trading done with him in a minute i’m gonna spend a bunch more time trading with these villagers

But that’s gonna involve chopping down a lot more trees to get some emeralds so when we come back we’re gonna go through every single master villager we’ve managed to unlock and explain what all of their trades are hey folks welcome back so our population of villages is now all fully mastered

And this all took place over the span of a live stream which you can catch on the pixel vods youtube channel if you want to see the play-by-play of us getting all of these together including actually having to recruit a new farmer i don’t know what happened to our original

Farmer but something over here went wrong i have a feeling he might have walked over into the area where i was growing trees and the tree might have spawned on top of him and suffocated him i think like something gruesome like that may have happened either that or a

Zombie came out at a time when i let it get a little bit too dark or there was a thunderstorm or something and our original farmer ended up just disappearing so i recruited another farmer from a freshly spawned villager and lo and behold he even has some trades that are slightly more favorable

He’s got the wheat and potatoes trade but he also trades pumpkins for emeralds and melons for emeralds further down he will sell us cake and his suspicious stew actually causes the saturation status effect which means it’s one of the better suspicious steves for us to

Use as a player so quite happy that this guy exists and now of course he’s selling us the golden carrots and everything as before now let’s go through some of the professions that we hadn’t mastered on camera just so i can show you what they’re trading us now the

Butcher is wandering off over in this direction and he along with buying a bit of raw mutton and raw beef selling us some pork chops and of course the previous trades of rabbit stew he will buy dried kelp blocks from us which i’ll get into in a future episode because

Dried kelp has an interesting use as a fuel source he’ll also buy sweet berries from us which means once again a crop that we can farm very easily harvest a bunch of and sell to this villager for emeralds our friend the weaponsmith is now selling a diamond sword with

Knockback one i think that’s the only trade you didn’t see previously the armorer is all maxed out as was the librarian so we’ve seen them already the cartographer has some really interesting stuff along with the glass pane trade basically being the best trade to level him up he starts selling woodland

Explorer maps which give you the location of a woodland mansion he will buy compasses directly from us for a single emerald and then he will trade us banners in green and brown and also a banner pattern that you can’t get anywhere else it’s impossible to make

This one yourself you can only buy it from a master level cartographer and that creates a globe pattern on the banner the color of banner cartographers end up trading you is also randomized so it’s kind of worth sticking around and getting a couple more cartographers if

You want to farm a specific color of banner they’re lining up to talk to me now let’s talk to the fisherman because he’s got some really cool trades now actually we’ve got the string coal and raw cod trades and the campfires were the ones that i used to level him up a

Little bit further the raw salmon trade turned out to be especially powerful for getting him a little bit of extra xp and then further down he started asking for tropical fish and pufferfish and even at the end of the track here acacia boats which we could farm from the trees

Around us if we wanted to get a few extra emeralds that way the shepherd is a con man because when i ended up trading a bunch of white wool to him to unlock the next trade he then started selling a single block of that white wool back to me for one emerald which

Turned out to be a good way of getting his xp up especially since i don’t have access to either lime dye or green dye at this point because i haven’t found the cacti necessary to make those dyes or the sea pickles that you can use to

Turn into lime dye but he ended up trading us some beds which i bought from him and put in this chest down here along with some of his final trades which are coloured banners similarly to the cartographer and paintings which you can make yourself using wool and sticks

But it’s kind of cool that you can buy them directly from the shepherd the tool smith has a pickaxe with unbreaking two as his master trait so that’s as far as we got with him we’ve dealt with the armorer already and the weaponsmith and toolsmith the fletcher is now trading

All the way up to a tipped arrow so this is an arrow tipped with a potion effect which players can craft themselves but it’s really interesting when fletcher’s are able to trade these to you as well if we throw some emeralds and some arrows in there they can come out as

Arrows of swiftness which if you shoot something with them will grant it a speed boost in the same way that a potion of swiftness would it only lasts for a very short amount of time but you can occasionally get really useful arrows from this like arrows of weakness

And arrows of harming that you can shoot directly at mobs to affect them when they’re attacking you the fletcher also ends up trading you an enchanted bow and can buy tripwire hooks from you because they’re the ingredient for a crossbow crafting recipe so again kind of a hint

At the things the fletcher needs in order to make the things that he sells back to you our friend the leatherworker is now a master of trades as well and the leatherworker like the shepherd is a little bit of a con man because a lot of these trades give or take the flint

Trade weren’t all that great in terms of xp once we got past the first novice stage so i ended up buying an awful lot of pink hats there are a whole bunch of them in there there’s 14 pink hats in total and that was what ended up getting

Him up to the later professions then he started asking for rabbit hide which i didn’t have so i ended up going and trading a bunch more flint which was actually a really good trade if you end up with a fortune shovel and a ton of gravel turn it all into flint and trade

It with these villagers because that retains its value throughout the entire tier system until you get up to master tier at which point it no longer matters unless you want to farm emeralds the leather workers later trades include another type of hat which is a completely different color but he’ll

Also trade you leather horse armor and saddles now the saddle trade isn’t all that important especially since we’ve been fishing up so many of those but it’s kind of nice to know that you can get saddles this way if you can’t find them any other way and leather horse

Armor can be crafted by the player but once you obtain it it can be dyed different colours if you feel like decorating your horse with some leather armor in a slightly more stylish color last of all the stone mason still works in this house over here because i didn’t

End up moving his workstation the stonemason still buys clay balls off of us which has been a lucrative way of getting hold of emeralds since i’ve been back to the lush cave to get a few more string from the spider farm a couple of times but we’ve also got a few more

Trades opening up down here he will buy diorite off us and that changes depending on whether your mason ends up with an andesite trade or a granite trade there sometimes you can end up with different types of decorative stone trades and likewise he will sell you polish diorites though he’s kind of

Buffed it up for you once you’ve sold it to him he can also sell us terracotta and a form of glazed terracotta which is really quite cool we’ll talk about terracotta in a future episode as well but there’s a lot to be said there and finally he will sell us two different

Variants of quartz blocks the regular block of quartz and pillar quartz which we can make out of the quartz items that we get from the nether but having these trades available as blocks allows us to get hold of quartz without using those quartz items from the nether and instead

Allows us to save that quartz for recipes like comparators and daylight sensors and some of the redstone recipes that require quartz the cleric here is also a master of his profession and the last couple of things he would trade us outside of the enderpearl trade were netherwart for emeralds and bottles of

Enchanting and these are as the tag there suggests experience bottles they basically allow us to throw these on the ground and receive a little top-up of experience although it’s really not all that much bottles of enchanting basically give you enough xp to get you from level zero to level one and from

There of course it gets progressively harder to obtain levels so you need more and more xp to do it each time meaning that at level 50 as we are right now it’s not really all that worthwhile so i’m pretty certain we have now traded with every single villager profession

And we’re ready to start looking at which ones are going to be advantageous to us what else we can get from these villagers that they’re not currently giving us because of course there are some trades that we didn’t get from these villages the first time around some trades which have a chance of

Coming up and nowhere is that more true than with the librarian because there are so many enchanted books in the game that we don’t have an opportunity to get all of them from a single librarian there’s also a bookshelf trade that we can get from early on in the librarians

Trades which can allow us to get a bunch more bookshelves to make more lecterns so it’s kind of beneficial to have more than one librarian around and we’ll be looking into that as the week continues but for now that is going to be it for this episode of the minecraft survival

Guide i hope you’ve enjoyed this look at exploring all of the villager professions with me don’t forget to leave a like on this episode if you enjoyed it subscribe if you want to see more and i’ll see you folks soon take care bye for now you

This video, titled ‘Every Villager’s Master Trades! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide (1.18 Tutorial Let’s Play) [S2 Ep.28]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2022-01-12 11:00:20. It has garnered 213471 views and 6961 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:40 or 2260 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide Season 2 continues! What do all these villager professions trade? Time to find out… This tutorial will show you how to reach Master tier with every villager profession, explain which trades give effective amounts of xp for leveling up, and reveal the hidden items awaiting you at Master tier! We also explore a truly awesome Dripstone Cave, experience the joy of having Looting III on our sword, and lose a farmer in mysterious circumstances.

Season 2 world seed (Java Edition only): -3821426255058016680

Season 2 of the Minecraft Survival Guide will teach you how to master Survival Mode in Minecraft 1.18 and beyond!

Follow the Season 2 playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7lE0MG80qw&list=PLgENJ0iY3XBjpNDm056_NSPhIntVMG0P8


Watch my streams live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday around 3pm UK Time! http://twitch.tv/pixlriffs Follow Pix on Twitter for video updates, screenshots, and other fun stuff! http://www.twitter.com/pixlriffs

GNU Paranor001

#Minecraft #Survival #Tutorial #SurvivalGuide #Trading

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    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Adventures! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a hilarious YouTube video featuring Skizz and Impulse getting Taco Bell. While the video may not be directly related to Minecraft, it got us thinking about the importance of finding a fun and welcoming community to enjoy the game with. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes in. With an IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, Minewind offers a unique and exciting gaming experience for players of all levels. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, Minewind has something for… Read More

  • Minecraft: Sly Country House Build

    Minecraft: Sly Country House Build Exploring the World of Minecraft: Building a Countryside House Are you ready to embark on a creative journey in the world of Minecraft? In this video tutorial, the player demonstrates how to construct a charming countryside house using easily accessible materials in survival mode. Let’s delve into the fascinating realm of Minecraft construction! Building Your Dream Home Creating a cozy abode in Minecraft involves gathering resources, planning the layout, and unleashing your imagination. With the help of Bsl Shaders and the Faithful texture pack, the player showcases the process of crafting a picturesque countryside house that blends seamlessly into… Read More

  • Unleash Power: Super Computer Build in Minecraft!

    Unleash Power: Super Computer Build in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I BUILD MY SUPER COMPUTER in Minecraft All The Mods 8’, was uploaded by SpellitOut on 2024-05-30 14:00:28. It has garnered 62 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:03 or 1503 seconds. Today at the Spellcorp Industrial Complex we upgrade our Applied Energistics 2 setup a lot! With more storage space than I’ll ever need and a new super computer controller, we have all the room to automate everything we could ever want! Follow me on the other big sites! https://www.twitch.tv/spellitoutloud https://www.tiktok.com/@spellitoutloudly #minecraftsurvival #minecraft #modded #moddedminecraft #episode28 #createmod #create #letsplay #megabase… Read More

  • Sly Minecraft RTX Shaders LIVE

    Sly Minecraft RTX Shaders LIVEVideo Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Live MINECRAFT RTX Shaders with viewers’, was uploaded by Robert on 2024-05-31 00:56:31. It has garnered 166 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 11:27:39 or 41259 seconds. We are playing MINECRAFT till the end of the stream with all you lovely people, feel free to become a member for added benefits and help me do what I love. Read More

  • Secret Plan to Enchant Sharpness! | Minecraft Shizo Golfeh

    Secret Plan to Enchant Sharpness! | Minecraft Shizo GolfehVideo Information This video, titled ‘He Wants To Do What With Sharpness?… | Minecraft Funny Moments.’, was uploaded by Golfeh on 2024-03-19 01:45:36. It has garnered 4199 views and 192 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:26 or 206 seconds. DISCLAIMER! – Yo! I had to reupload this because there were some technical difficulties with the last version of the video. For those of you who haven’t seen it yet, enjoy! And for those of you who have seen it already, thanks for watching again. gg’s boys. gg’s. Watch and see what happens. Join my YT Community Discord! -… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Challenge on Hardcore Mode!!” #MinecraftSurvival

    "Insane Minecraft Challenge on Hardcore Mode!!" #MinecraftSurvivalVideo Information This video, titled ‘coba lagi – Minecraft hardcore mode- #Minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftsurvival#livestreaming’, was uploaded by didi _xy on 2024-01-05 02:12:22. It has garnered 53 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:43 or 5683 seconds. Hello everyone, I hope you are lucky every day, don’t forget to be grateful, brostarstarstarstar ================================} Don’t forget to support me with donations at saweria: https://saweria.co/Coconat sociabuz: https://sociabuzz.com/didi_xy/tribe discord: https://discord.gg/asrg9RF53b #honkaistarrail #honkaiimpact3rd #arknights #nikkegoddessofvictory #genshinimpact #LiveStreaming #LiveGaming #Gameplay #epicskin #guardiantales #guardiantalesguide #guardiantalestips #reverse1999 #w17 #didixy @didixy Read More

  • “Insane Tips for Fakepixel Skyblock in MCPE” #fakepixelskyblock

    "Insane Tips for Fakepixel Skyblock in MCPE" #fakepixelskyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to Play Fakepixel Skyblock in Minecraft PE #fakepixelskyblock’, was uploaded by Spunky Sabin on 2024-04-07 08:49:32. It has garnered 111 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:20 or 80 seconds. How to Play Fakepixel Skyblock in Minecraft PE #fakepixelskyblock Fakepixel Ironman series: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4ScLCiGIC2Y52GXA-RoNRWR6vw3aU3cE&si=JfrDpGFR4dA8l0a8 Fakepixel money trick: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL4ScLCiGIC2aoTTsc61KbwRzoTn3vKiuv&si=NSckWI4OpLyNRoMj IP to play this server: mc.fakepixel.fun Hope you liked the video if you did don’t forget to like a subscribe. Tags: #fakepixel #fakepixelironman #bestmoneymakingmethodinfakepixel Disclaimer – video is for educational purpose only.Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is… Read More

Every Villager’s Master Trades! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide (1.18 Tutorial Let’s Play) [S2 Ep.28]