EVERYTHING NEW in Minecraft 1.20.10!

Video Information

Friends you being a beautiful day to join me because the update drought is over it’s all 1.20.10 from Brand New Movement mechanics to a lot of recipe updates to even more updates to 1.20 thanks there’s a lot here today we’re gonna dive into everything Minecraft 1.20 Point temp down in the comments let

Me know your favorite wood in all of Minecraft and let’s do this now we’re kicking things off today with wood because that’s what you’re gonna need to have to craft this very first thing oh employer I cry you’re so sad this is terrible but as a Java player

Finally you you finally you get what you deserve we’re gonna need slabs before Minecraft 1.20.10 to craft a barrel it was something like this or maybe something like that I don’t know you use sticks to craft a barrel them now everything has changed the barrel isn’t parody with Jabba which means it’s gonna

Be a whole lot more expensive to crap you need slaps and planks now but other than that nothing else about this Barrel block has changed the rest is all the same now you do me a favor and keep recipe stuff in mind because today that’s gonna

Be a big one in fact if you’re extra intuitive you might have noticed another change but for now let’s move on next up better change the to be honest if you’re experiencing this you’re a little bit weird having no judgment of course but it is strange if you got the jumpers

Potion and you get you give it to the Magma Cube it’ll go ahead and actually be effective by the jump boost potion though why are you doing this though like it’s such a waste Minecraft has changed forever or at least it’ll be changing really really soon inside of this update we’ve got the

Beginning to the big changes so you know how it goes Brand’s new Minecraft world just spawned in the world I move over I find another right ax then I walk over to the nearest tree I’m gonna chop that tree down and then I’m gonna need a log

And in the top corner I’m gonna get a new pop-up interesting following the game’s natural progression we’re gonna take this along and put it into a crafting table get the planks and then again in the top corner I’m in another pop-up telling me about even more

Recipes I go ahead and make a crafting table then go ahead and place that crafting table on the ground check this out and actually uh looking at this toggle whether it’s on or off right here there’s I think it’s different everything isn’t just here friends when making a world inside of this Brand’s

New update you got new options first off we slide down to experiments inside of experiments we see Brands new options we’ll talk about this one a little bit later on for now it’s all the recipe unlocking we’ll unlock it and one of the biggest Minecraft parody updates of all

Time recipe unlocking has finally made its way over to Minecraft Bedrock Edition inside of a world when you pick up something that is used in a recipe for the very first time you’re gonna get a pop-up in the top corner of the screen that pop up in the top corner is going

To tell you all of them or at least most of the recipes that involve that block that you just picked up tied to this brand new experimental toggle inside of the accessibility settings we got some brand new options too scrolling through here we got this thing right here toast notification duration I believe

That wasn’t here before anyways we’ll change it to 10. after that we’ll go ahead and get a brand new log that thing will pop up in the corner and it’ll stay for a little bit longer instead of just like popping up and disappearing immediately in my opinion 10 seconds is

The best one so you can actually see what’s going on but you have three seconds or 30 seconds as well additionally directly tied to this brand new toggle and mechanic you got a brand new command this is gonna be the recipe command the format here is pretty straightforward we have recipe then we

Have the target then we have give and then we would have a recipe like a recipe me give diamond boat and then just like that I’ve unlocked the diamond bow recipe it’s pretty fire not gonna lie I’m kind of surprised to see this change being so divisive what do you

Think do you like it let me know if you like it down below and while you’re down below and tap a like on this video oh what’s that you thought we were done with crafting no no no no did our first change to brand new Minecraft 1.20 thing

Check this out we make a decorated pot in this update then we get the decorated pot there’s no more like additional information on this item or anything like that but it doesn’t have to be that way if we make a decorated pot using some of these shirts that I found 100

Legit in survival here now we get information on this pot this one is wonderful if you like these decorated pots but you don’t know the names of all the pots like I haven’t memorized them maybe you’re over here at your friends basically got a pot right there and

You’re like oh what is the name of that shirt right there I want to find that one well all you gotta do is break the pot you’ll get information as to the exact name of these shirts now speaking of 1.20 the amazing chisel bookshelf inside of this update that shows a

Bookshelf has been refined a little bit more if you were messing with this thing when the update dropped you might have noticed that it’s not exactly like consistent with where you have to like consistent with where you have to Target the block to put a book in or take a

Book up the actual targeting spots were slightly off they weren’t symmetrical now they are it should be a little bit easier to interact with this slot if you want to interact with that one or that one if you want to interact with that one what all three of these mobs have in

Common well my friend believe it or not all three of these mobs are fans of the Finer Things in life if you have any golden food like Golden Apple golden carrots they will care of guys come on yeah you’re ruining a moment okay I guess you have to tame them first but

Either way I’m shocked that this is only Justin I’m making it into the game this made it into Minecraft Java and like 1.18 or something long time ago oh yeah to be clear this one’s not about breeding the mobs it’s just about tempting them or in other words make

Them follow you around try it out mud is mud right which means any mud that you find you should be able to dig with a shovel right well right until this update before this update actually on Minecraft better rocket Edition you could use a shovel to actually mine

Right through this stuff pretty quickly too now it is it’s officially going to be the pickaxe if you want to unpacked mod as quickly as normal bud it’s the pick now y’all have to excuse me for this one because according to the change log this changes in the update but I

Swear this was in the update for a long time extra large GUI scaling we’ll go ahead and turn that on then with that thing turned on if my display supported it the GUI would be a whole lot larger not inside of mine it didn’t look like anything changed so we’ll go back down

And turn that off then we go ahead and adjust this right here and we can actually change all of the GUI in the game by default this value is going to be zero but if we go ahead and lower it down things get a little bit smaller

Including like the Hop bar down there and this pop-up in the middle of the screen I’m not gonna lie if this is new and I have never known about this somehow wow this is beautiful somebody should have told me doing it like this like making it a little bit smaller I

Don’t know it just makes it feel way more like Minecraft’s Java it’s like kind of crazy to see I don’t know right it can’t just be me changing that scale modifier will change any of the gui’s to pop up in the game including the menu including the settings in here including

Literally just your inventory I think it’s clean oh it’s a triumphant moment where bands of movement worldwide huge update to Batman this is something that’s been on Java since like 1.14 on Minecraft Bedrock Edition to keep a player out previously all you had to do was a

Couple slabs like that and then you were done so you’re not going anywhere but nowadays oh nowadays it doesn’t matter you sneak and you could just move right under this block as long as there’s room one and a half sneaky short sneakers it’s finally here all right so I drove

With the dramatic setup and everything like that but this is actually a pretty big deal previously players could only move under a two block Gap now it’s gonna be one and a half as long as there’s room and you sneak you can move under here once they’re under here you

Don’t have to hold down sneak and you’re just gonna stay sneaking now as soon as you move out of there you’re gonna pop back up and walk like normal again this is huge think about most mobs in Minecraft zombie creeper things like that well they’re like two blocks tall a

Brand new really easy way to keep a lot of mobs out of your base is gonna be like this we got a block we got another block we got a slab right there you crouched into the base it’s really not that hard then all of a sudden you’re

Inside of the base and you’re golden and even better oh my gosh even better when creating a world you don’t even need to turn it on it’s just here it’s not an experiment any longer instead friends with the release of this update crawling is an experiment we turn that one on for

Sure too now every time I talk about crawling I’m always reminded with comments that technically speaking it was possible to do a Minecraft event right you could have like swam and like crawled or something but now all you need to do is walk up to a trap door hit that trap

Door and you’re crawling just like that this crawling mechanic is going to allow the player to fit into a one by one Block’s face that’s gonna mean like maybe Branch mining deep down oh it’s more efficient than ever that’s of course also going to mean some kind of

Secret entrance or exit to your base yeah yeah it’s actually possible now all you need to do is make like one block put a trap door open and close it and all of a sudden your crowd there are of course other ways to get into crawling

Too but like in my opinion trapdoor is the easiest way oh it’s so cool of course I have no confirmation but like we talked about in this video right here I sort of wonder if this is leading up to maybe something even bigger making it to bedrock Edition really soon but I

Guess I don’t know the Good Vibes just continue on with the next one because a brand new crafting recipe has made it into the game and it’s oh no no no no no no no no no no not now and anyways a brand new beautiful crafting recipe has made it into the

Game inside of this updated boats are so much easier to crap so uh in 1.20 the raft was out of the game you crafted like that inside of Minecraft one point probably one or something the boat was out of the game and on Bedrock you were

Crap no no what no leave me alone man um all right well anyways the boat you don’t need a shovel to craft it any longer it’s just like Java you just need the planks and a shape like a you music concerts is my ultimate Vibe favorite thing in the world surprisingly

Not my favorite thing in the world is no blocks I don’t know this is like too advanced or something in this update this plays the right sound now oh it’s beautiful if you put a note block on top of Soul soil and play it it’s gonna play the harp sound now

Previously it played the snare sound beautiful I’m gonna be honest I’m extremely emotionally validating but when I saw people complaining about this one I just don’t get it I guess there used to be a recipe where you could turn cobwebs into string it’s gone but I don’t really see

The big deal with this one because remember if you want to turn cobwebs into string you break this thing with a sword and there you go you get string you don’t have to like craft it down to the table or anything like that maybe someone will be able to enlighten me but

I I just don’t understand the problem with this one Fallen trees a generation feature of Minecraft Bedrock Edition forests you know things like this obviously this is such a small thing like in the grand scheme of things it doesn’t really change anything but I really wish Minecraft Java had it I feel

Like it adds a lot to the force inside of this update this thing has been fixed it was bugged previously these logs would generate with mushrooms sometimes too now unless I’m missing something here it doesn’t look like it’s happening every single time still but it can happen again if you’re lucky inside of

The force you’ll be able to find these Fallen logs on the ground with mushrooms around them we’re in exchange today we find ourselves down inside of some of the deepest caves in our world we’ve got to change thousand the skunk stuff works now to grand scheme of things this

Change will not change very much unless you’re an ancient city when it comes to the Chisel deep slate and polish Basalt these blocks will not be able to be converted into skulk anymore instead you’re just gonna get the vein on top of them however when it comes to polish

Deep slight these blocks can now absolutely be converted into skull if you think about how the ancient city generates here that’s going to change the look of it potentially quite a bit all right well maybe not like quite a bit but you’re gonna see this stuff a

Whole lot more and maybe this stuff a little bit less now it had changed that I’m not sure if it’s even really a change when something bad happens to me I seem to always be sent into third person and then I slowly zoom out right at the scene of the crime

Although this seems to happen pretty consistently too no matter what circumstance I was in when I unliked I think that’s really nice but I’m not sure if it’s brand new or not so in case it hasn’t been the skulk sensor it’s basically a new block how I like to do

Things around here is talk about all of these changes one by one but I I can’t with this one it would make the video way too long look at all of these changes that has happened to the skok sensor inside of the subject long story short the skulk sensor is able to detect

Way more changes inside of this uptake some of the big ones here are going to be charging a respawn anchor that one’s pretty notable in my opinion dying a sheep is potentially big too attaching leads farming things and even harvesting sweet berries and speaking of sweet berries speaking of sweet berries oof we

Got that fresh clean summary merch if you didn’t hear for the very first time in like forever brand new beautiful Merchants dropped if you’re looking for the cleanest toad I got it right here nice high quality this one always a clean t-shirt or maybe even a pet shirt

For Felix oh it’s so sweet the drop is in honor of the most beautiful Farm ever that we made in the Guide Series some if you like me if you like the guide and you want a clean shirt then check it out link right below in the world of very

Very technical things Minecraft’s got blocks even more specifically the Minecraft’s got a lot of blocks now some of these blocks are pretty similar to other blocks in the game for example concrete it’s like you got concrete but then you got a bunch of colors of the thing another thing that is pretty

Similar to other things in the game is the shulker Box you got the plain old one and then you have a 16 other colors of the shulker box when it comes to block IDs they have been split inside of this update into individual blocks behind the scenes this is a wonderful

Technical change but in front of the scenes you will notice no difference with these blocks you’re crafting the same you get them the same they work exactly the same Minecraft 1.20 the update wonderfully added the torch flower plant in the pitcher plant the update on Java waterfully made the

Farmer be able to farm these things now friend another little guy I’m sorry about the snow over here the snow might not matter because I’ve been testing this stuff so much and I don’t know I can’t get it to work allegedly it’s unbugged the villagers should be able to

Plant and farm these things but my eyes may have saved me here but to me this it just looks like an idiot but we could never end on a Loadout like that so long this is a llama in survival if I’m consistent enough I’ll be able to tame

This lava and then after that the new changes out of this update the hay bale now hold the hay bale near the llama and it will follow me clearly it’s working this update is perfect not flawed at all Minecraft bedrock 1.20.10 in the grand scheme of things actually a pretty big

Update with some huge new experiments if you’ve bought a change in this update that I missed call me out on it down below and to next up and check out the taming mob gun you want to know how to tame literally everything well that’s the video for you thank you all for

Watching like subscribe it’s gonna be Waddles and I’ll see you all tomorrow goodbye foreign

This video, titled ‘EVERYTHING NEW in Minecraft 1.20.10!’, was uploaded by wattles on 2023-07-11 16:00:47. It has garnered 137611 views and 3644 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:43 or 883 seconds.

Minecraft Bedrock 1.20.10 update is out now and brings lots of nice changes to Minecraft 1.20 features, new short sneaking, a crawling experiment, recipe unlocking, and even more! Today we’re taking a look at everything in Minecraft 1.20.10!

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    Epic Minecraft madness! Poi Poi gameplay 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Poi Poi #minecraft #uhuru #memes #trending #shortsfeed #gaming #daily #minecraftmemes #funny #edit’, was uploaded by Stenoky PlayzZ on 2024-08-08 09:35:55. It has garnered 13369 views and 1143 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Poi Poi #minecraft #uhuru #memes #trending #shortsfeed #gaming #daily #minecraftmemes #funny #edit Your queries :- minecraft shorts,#minecraftshorts,minecraft sad shorts,minecraft story,minecraft gaming shorts,minecraft trending shorts,minecraft moments,minecraft but,minecraft sad,minecraft help,minecraft trend,yt shorts,minecraft,minecraft tiktok,sad shorts,#minecraft,minecraft funny moments,minecraft tiktoks,helping shorts,minecraftmemes,minecraft always help,emoz shorts,help shorts,trending shorts,#minecraftmemes,minecraft funny,#minecrafthacks,story shortsminecraft,minecraft mods,minecraft funny,minecraft but,minecraft shorts,minecraft aphmau,shorts minecraft,aphmau minecraft pranks,minecraft realistic physics,minecraft but i cant touch… Read More

  • Minesfera

    MinesferaServidor en Español Semi-Premium. Survival y Skyblock RPG con Misiones, Clases, Ciudades (Towny), Comercio, Arena y mucho más. ¿Minecraft Survival se te sabe a poco? ¡Prueba Minesfera con su Survival RPG! Grandes aventuras te esperan juega.minesfera.es Read More

  • Prosper SMP Vanilla 1.21 Discord DiscordSRV Bluemap Voice Plugin Coreprotect Age 16+ Crossplay

    Welcome to Our Community! Tired of your SMP dying off? Our community has stuck together because of our shared interest in Minecraft. Join our Discord server to play a variety of games with other members while keeping Minecraft at the center of it all. We welcome dedicated players who share similar gaming interests. Why Join Us? Major build projects are always underway and we have a friendly and mature community. We are light on rules but do not tolerate hackers or griefers. Respect other players and you will fit right in! Join Our Server All members must join our Discord… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine spotted in latest flick!!!

    I guess Herobrine finally landed his big break in Hollywood! Read More

  • Island Survival: Building Frenzy Unleashed!

    Island Survival: Building Frenzy Unleashed! In this Minecraft world, a small island to survive, Building structures, keeping creativity alive. From docks to mines, each task a delight, Crafting and creating, under the sun’s light. The island grows, with each block placed, A world of adventure, never to be erased. So join me on this journey, let’s explore and play, In this Minecraft world, where we’ll always stay. Read More

  • Minecraft Movie: Hot Mess 🤡

    Minecraft Movie: Hot Mess 🤡 Why did the creeper go to the movies? Because he heard it was a blast! 🤣 #minecraftmovie #creeperjokes Read More

  • Sneaky Shenanigans in Minecraft: Bear Hill Mystery

    Sneaky Shenanigans in Minecraft: Bear Hill Mystery Exploring the Latest Minecraft Update: Beware of the Enchanted Perfume Flower! Welcome to the latest update in the world of Minecraft! In this edition of Minecraft: Bear Ridge Tales 62, a new and mysterious creature has emerged – the Enchanted Perfume Flower. Let’s dive into the exciting details of this intriguing addition to the game. The Enchanted Perfume Flower The Enchanted Perfume Flower is a unique and enchanting creature that has captured the attention of Minecraft players worldwide. This mystical flower emits a mesmerizing fragrance that lures unsuspecting players into its vicinity. Once under its spell, players must navigate… Read More

  • Minecraft Goes Industrial

    Minecraft Goes Industrial The Industrial Revolution Comes to Minecraft Imagine a world where the industrial revolution has taken hold in the pixelated realm of Minecraft. Thanks to a new mod created for Minecraft 1.21 on Minecraft Forge and Minecraft Fabric, players can experience a whole new level of technological advancement within the game. Features of the Mod This innovative mod brings a range of new features to Minecraft, inspired by the industrial revolution. Players can now explore new crafting recipes, machinery, and automation systems that revolutionize the way they interact with the game world. Key features of the mod include: New crafting… Read More

  • Unlock the Ultimate Cartoon World in Minecraft – Find the Perfect Size!

    Unlock the Ultimate Cartoon World in Minecraft - Find the Perfect Size!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT LARGE IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by The World of Cartoons on 2024-09-04 13:01:09. It has garnered 2520 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:36 or 1956 seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT LARGE IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Secretly Building Easy Item Sorter

    Secretly Building Easy Item SorterVideo Information This video, titled ‘How Long Will It Take Me To Build The Easiest Item Sorter?’, was uploaded by Surrept on 2024-05-26 07:43:14. It has garnered 16089 views and 64 likes. The duration of the video is 06:02:59 or 21779 seconds. Today I will be playing Minecraft and Making The Biggest Build EVER! #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars #skyblock Read More

  • Hezelpowers dies in End City! Insane MINECRAFT cok fail

    Hezelpowers dies in End City! Insane MINECRAFT cok failVideo Information This video, titled ‘sekarat di End City cok (MINECRAFT)’, was uploaded by Hezelpowers on 2024-05-09 05:37:23. It has garnered 11116 views and 214 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. My Instagram https://www.instagram.com/yaboyhezel_/ My TikTok https://www.tiktok.com/@mrpowers #Hezelpowers #minecraft #minecraftindonesia i appreciate your support!!!!! Saweria: https://saweria.co/Hezelpowers Paypal: [email protected] Read More

  • Insane College Build in Minecraft! Ep 3

    Insane College Build in Minecraft! Ep 3Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built a Beautiful College! (Minecraft Let’s Play) | Ep 3’, was uploaded by Katie Twinkle on 2024-01-17 14:00:40. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This cozy new 1.20 Minecraft Survival Let’s Play series has special goals to help me as I set out an epic adventure to create my … Read More

  • “INSANE Minecraft SMP – Join the CRAZIEST Realm!” #minecraftrealm #minecraftsmp

    "INSANE Minecraft SMP - Join the CRAZIEST Realm!" #minecraftrealm #minecraftsmpVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Joined the BEST Minecraft SMP! #minecraft #minecraftmeme #minecraftbedrock’, was uploaded by SiphonMC on 2024-07-30 15:11:31. It has garnered 3321 views and 109 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • UNFIXABLE DISCOVERY in Minecraft! Astra SMP Lore

    UNFIXABLE DISCOVERY in Minecraft! Astra SMP LoreVideo Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】FOUND BUT CANT BE FIXED | Astra SMP LORE’, was uploaded by iKozmic on 2024-03-17 23:57:14. It has garnered 377 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:15 or 5355 seconds. 【Socials】 • Twitter: https://twitter.com/itsKozmic • TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@ikozmic?lang=en&is_copy_url=1&is_from_webapp=v1 • Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ikozmic/ • Other Socials: https://ikozmic.carrd.co 【Viewer Rules】 • Please be respectful to all • Don’t be racist, homophobic, or disrespectful (instant ban) • No venting or sharing sensitive topics in the chat (it could make others uncomfy) • Don’t sexualize me, that’s weird • No links in chat • Don’t advertise in… Read More

  • Minecraft Dubidubidu with Sound Effects! 😱🎮 #Minecraft

    Minecraft Dubidubidu with Sound Effects! 😱🎮 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT DUBIDUBIDU WITH MINECRAFT SOUND CHIPI CHIPI CHAPA #minecraft #minecraftmemes #gaming#dog’, was uploaded by hamza craft on 2024-03-21 21:36:43. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #shorts #minecrafttiktok keys: Minecraft,Dream SMP,Manhunt,Speedrun,Hardcore,Mods,HermitCraft,Update,Snapshot,Netherite,Caves & Cliffs,Axolotls,Warden,Build Battle,Skyblock,Hypixel,Bedwars,Parkour,Redstone Tutorial,Farming Guide,Enderman Farm,Raid Defense,Texture Packs,Shaders,RTX,Minecraft VR,Roleplay,Adventure Map,UHC,PvP,Skywars,Trolling,Noob vs Pro,Minecraft Animation,Minecraft Song,Minecraft Parody,Epic Builds,Minecraft Challenges,Minecraft But,Minecraft Logic,Minecraft Secrets. Read More

  • Adorable Flower Foxes in Fairycore Minecraft ♡

    Adorable Flower Foxes in Fairycore Minecraft ♡Video Information This video, titled ‘Flower Foxes are ADORABLE ♡ Fairycore Minecraft Episode 16 ♡’, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-03-22 20:00:09. It has garnered 4655 views and 287 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:03 or 2403 seconds. 💗 Like and Subscribe to my channel! 💗 Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwIEeb3EWHnB7ZnLFW6f2XQ/join Hi everyone and welcome to episode 16 of my new Fairycore Minecraft let’s play. I wanted this world to be as cute and cozy as possible. Below is a link to the modpack I made for this world, as well as a tutorial… Read More

  • Guess Who Created Chidori?! 👀🔥 #YTShorts #Trending

    Guess Who Created Chidori?! 👀🔥 #YTShorts #TrendingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Guess The Creator Of Chidori⚡💯🤩 #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraft #trending #viral #build #shorts’, was uploaded by Gadget_Gamingyt on 2024-05-03 22:31:01. It has garnered 42 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Guess The Creator Of Chidori⚡💯🤩 #youtubeshorts #ytshorts #minecraft #trending #viral #build #shorts || @Gadget_Gamerboiz Welcome To The New Shorts Of My Builds, so this is a character of “NARUTO” and the creator of “CHIDORI” his name is “KAKASHI HATAKE”, if this short is better, so i want LIKE SHARE and SUBSCRIBE!!!!! Thank You 😊 Read More

  • Emerald Prison

    Emerald PrisonEmerald Prison is a one-of-a-kind prison experience! Upgrade, automate, and customize your own private Realm as you progress through our unique badge system. Unlock Components and hatch Companions that destroy blocks for you in all of your various Mine types – each of which provides a unique boost to your progress. Prestige your pickaxe and equip animated cosmetics that allow your enchantments to shine. There are many more features to check out, so join us and our community today to get started! IP: play.EmeraldPrisonMC.com Discord: https://discord.gg/EmeraldPrison play.EmeraldPrisonMC.com Read More

EVERYTHING NEW in Minecraft 1.20.10!