Expanding Your Nether Hub! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play) [Part 21]

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Hello everyone my name is pig Soros welcome back to the Minecraft Survival Guide I hope you guys are having a great day today we’re going to make a quick trip into the nether to see exactly where the portal for our stronghold at has put us out and let’s see if we can

Connect it to the rest of our nether hub now I have a feeling having taken a quick look around this area that this nether fortress might actually be the farthest extent of the nether fortress right close to our base to one we’ve explored oh hello I don’t have any

Arrows on me this could be a problem let’s see if we can deflect a ghast fybel if this thing is even paying attention to us with right now it doesn’t seem to be all right look look in this direction and they’ve got a cone of vision but occasionally they will

Spot you from a distance I don’t want to get interrupted in the middle of this nope just just go in your own way alright fair enough ok let’s take a look at the the nether fortress over here I have a feeling that this will actually lead us back into the nether fortress

That we are familiar with already and if my hunch is correct there we go I knew as soon as I started placing blocks this guy was gonna try and have a go come on then let’s see if we can take you out fantastic let’s also see if we got any

Gas tears from that because they’re always worth scouting out just in case let’s put out the fire around here it might have possibly fallen into the fire I saw a little bit of gunpowder there but it doesn’t look like there is a gas here around nope oh well anyway back to

What I was saying let’s see if we can it pillar up into this nether fortress and confirm our suspicions because if we do have the nether fortress connected to the main nether fortress kind of over where we we started our first trip into the nether if it’s down this corridor

Then this would actually be a really convenient thing to just convert wholesale into a nether hub so let’s find out because having the blaze spawner as part of the nether hub would be a fantastic thing let’s place down some torches and stuff just so we have a

Nice clear route through here just in case of wither skeletons and stuff I clearly haven’t been down here but I haven’t explored a much of this nether fortress anyway so I’ll take the valuable stuff I’ll leave the saddle in there for right now we can come back for

That later if we want to and there’s a lot of fresh nether wart over here but if I’m looking at the coordinates right now this is leading us very much back towards zero zero which is the low occasion of our nether portal or at least near enough the nether portal to

The settlement let’s take a quick look around while we’re here though I can never resist going through another fortress that I haven’t explored already and it looks like oh there’s actually a fair bit of stuff to claim here fantastic we’ve got a bit of iron the

Gold in there we will wait until we can come back through a lot of nether wart okay that’s going to be very nice as well as well lay down a couple of torches and we reach a dead end yep over there cool all right not too bad and

There is quite an expansive nether fortress here so using this as almost part of our nether hub would actually be a very convenient thing indeed let’s hop down these stairs and make four zero zero as closely as we can again there’s another chest around the corner here

With some gold and some nether water in it amazing how what much of this place just exists inside the nether rack and I haven’t really explored much of it yet but if if we’re at y6t right now then maybe we can go behind these stairs head

More towards zero and then come out all there’s a corridor full of mushrooms interesting let’s take the iron out of that chest as well and if we go all the way over here I think our nether portal came out at approximately sea level so I

Would expect that to be around Y 64 ish but you never know one of these pathways could lead up to the blaze spawner that we’ve already found so let’s take a quick look around here and see what we can find I think there are a couple of places

Where we can go up and down in these spots so let’s try here and see if this set of corridors leads us anywhere we are back on oh okay now we’re back on a hundred in the Z direction Oh what was that oh hello there’s a skeleton in here

Hello didn’t see you there friend maybe you can give me a couple of arrows to deal with that wither skeleton I can see down the corner you did fantastic although I’ve got no space for them now let’s throw out this mushroom brilliant we may as well take the opportunity to

Fight that wither skeleton while we’re here as well just in case a little bit of a nether adventure here bit of a nether diversion let’s pop a safety bar across here and get his attention and then wander on back the mobs are taking a little while to to really pay

Attention to me today her gas took a little while as well it’s like their attention span is off for some reason no worries though let’s take him out see if we can get our first wither skin and skulls sadly not but we got some bones and some coal so that’s not a bad

Thing I think yeah if we headed in this direction potentially we’re headed back towards the center of our nether fortress if this really is a nether fortress that’s connected to the one that we’ve already found yeah there are a couple of spots here where we may have

To double back on ourselves but I wonder if there’s a spot we can go to from here nope doesn’t look like it interesting so maybe we will have to dig through here to the nether fortress that we already found but they are in very close proximity if that is the case I think

Over here is probably going to be the best place to do that so let’s start digging from here back to 0-0 we’ll try and get as close as we possibly can to our original portal coordinates and they’re going to be around there somewhere and this is something that

Obviously if you’ve built your nether portal close to your spawn point then that’s going to be very very easy to locate in the nether because you don’t have to worry too much about remembering the coordinate if you dig back towards the zero zero point in your nether and there we go

Look at that that’s actually relatively close which is making me think that maybe that nether fortress is connected to this one I was just pursuing it in the wrong direction like if we had gone over that way a little bit more if we’d trusted in going east a little bit more

Then maybe we would have found a connection to this nether fortress we will see but for now at the very least we can hop back into our little impromptu nether hub here drop back through to the homestead and drop off all of the stuff we got at the

Stronghold and while I’m here I’m actually going to put this book with depth Strider 3 and feather falling for onto my boots here because goodness knows if we’re gonna be fighting the dragon soon feather falling for will come in incredibly useful because there are large pillars to make there are

Potentially heights to fall from and having feather falling is going to be useful in both of those cases so that’s not too bad that’s looking like a very enchanted set of boots right now and all we would need would be mending on those and we would probably be set up for life

So now we’re back in the nether we have a couple of choices we can connect the stronghold portal to our nether hobby using the tunnel we just dug or alternatively we could explore our way through the nether fortress over here in the spots that we haven’t really

Explored much of before and see if potentially hello magma cube I’m gonna grab you see potentially we do actually have a link up to our stronghold portal this way and I just haven’t explored that deep into the fortress yet I think that might be a

Good idea I think we will end up doing that because if we can make our way maybe 50 or so blocks this way now I think we can go this way yes so we will be doubling back on ourselves in the x-coordinate will need to head back over

In a westerly direction I suppose but if we make our way through here this might actually lead to the spot where we were before you know what I think it does I think we actually came this way on our way through the fortress that’s pretty incredible yes yeah no this is

Definitely the way it looks like we’ve made it so this nether fortress is actually the first nether fortress that we actually not the first one we encountered because we went a little bit further afield but this is the closest nether fortress to our base and it turns

Out all we need to do is hop down there and we can make it to the stronghold portal that is fantastically well connected I think we have got very very lucky here not only that but we can see another nether fortress over there in the distance and it looks like there are

Two exposed blaze spawner ‘he’s on top of that so I think in future that may be the one that we turn into the wither skeleton farm we’ve got a blaze farm over here tucked away in our nether fortress slash nether hub oh it’s going very well at one there’s

An Enderman down there as well that’s actually a perfect opportunity to get a couple more ender pearls so let me just quickly do the best thing I think we can do here which is tunnel into one of these towers of netherrack over here and look at this guy and see if we can

Attract his attention there we go hi friend and you’ll notice the Enderman actually pick up and move blocks and that’s something they do in the overworld as well but only with certain types of blocks and if you kill them they will always drop the block they

Were holding so if you have an Enderman that picked up a grass block in the overworld it will actually drop the grass block it was holding and that is an interesting way of actually getting grass before you have the silk touch enchantment I explained in the last

Episode but that’s a boy the boy we got ourselves another ender pearl which means that we will have another eye of ender eventually to put in the stronghold and portal and fairly soon we should be able to go on to fight the dragon now today I’m probably gonna spend a little

Bit of time off-camera just connecting this at nether portal up here and giving us a safe way up to that nether fortress so we’re probably gonna build a staircase of sorts over here I should have brought a crafting table or something with me but at the very least

I want to make sure there is a steady path between the two that I can go back and forth easily and not lose my way because as you saw in there the nether fortress is actually quite winding and I don’t want to get absolutely lost inside

Of there so I think yeah we’ll have a staircase leading up to there we’ll have a clear path through the fortress planned out so we can come back to the stronghold whenever we like okay ladies and gents back up back up back up because we have ourselves a very interesting opportunity currently

Resting on the enchanting table I went back to the blaze spawner Xand got a few more levels got a ton more blaze rods because let’s face it making this nether hub has required a whole lot of stone bricks so I’ve got myself a bunch of blaze rods as fuel to fuel these

Furnaces and they are churning out stone from cobblestone that I can then turn into stone bricks and make the nether hub and it’s going really well so far in fact the pathways in the nether hub so far are almost looking like the layout of some sort of castle so I’m

Thinking maybe we could even always store a zombie burning outside huh I think maybe we could even yeah areas turn at the nether hub itself into some sort of castle built in the long run I’m kind of excited to build a nether castle that sounds like a lot of fun but anyway

Back to what I was saying we have I got myself a bunch of levels from fighting blazes and I got a respiration three unbreaking three book to put on my helmet which is perfect because that only has protection three right now so having respiration and unbreaking on the

Same book in one enchant is absolutely perfect even more perfect than that is what came up next because I just you know experimentally put a pickaxe into the enchanting table and we have efficiency for on the thirty level mark there unbreaking three on the 18th at level mark therefore two levels spent

And silk touch for eight levels which is pretty incredible you normally never see enchants like that and I’m hoping beyond hope that some of the diamonds that I’ve gotten because obviously I’ve been mining for down there for I’ve been mining at diamond level for diamonds I’m gonna make another pickaxe with these and

Hopefully we will be able to get that silk touch enchantment on a pickaxe and then we will be in business because silk touch pick axes are very very useful for a number of reasons which I will demonstrate a little bit oh no oh it’s stolen it from me that’s frustrating

Because I think I covered this previously but iron and diamond have different levels of enchantment that that can be applied to them look at this for example this right here has unbreaking 3 whereas the diamond pickaxe has unbreaking 2 so diamond is slightly less enchant able than iron it will get

Slightly worse enchantment normally that doesn’t make much of a difference but in this case when it’s the difference between getting silk touch or getting efficiency 2 that’s a big deal to me and there is still potentially a chance that we could get silk touch along with the

Efficiency to but it’s not guaranteed so I think what I will probably do against my better judgement at this point really is put silk touch on an iron pickaxe because I really want to sell touch pickaxe right now one of the one of the first things I try and get in any

Minecraft world is a silk touch pickaxe so I think I’ll probably put that on an iron pickaxe right now and just deal with the fact that it’s going to have a lot less durability than my diamond pickaxe would have but for eight levels all you would need was eight levels

Enough bookshelves around here to get eight and one level spent to get yourself a silk touch pickaxe that is very very good now let’s take a quick look in case we cut silk touch on this sadly we don’t and of course there is no way of taking silk touch off of that

Pickaxe now so it’s gonna be on there for good I mean I mean we we can’t get the silk touch off in a means that we can use if you put two pickaxes together in a crafting table you would get a repaired pickaxe with no enchantments on

It which I really don’t want but having this silk touch iron pickaxe is going to mean a couple of things first of all the fact that we’ve been smelting stone from cobblestone is actually kind of negated by the fact that we have silk touch now if especially if it was on a diamond

Pickaxe and even more so with unbreaking because if you mine stone with a silk touch pickaxe stays as the raw stone block it does not turn into cobblestone and get broken up in the same way that it does when you mind it with a regular pickaxe so now we

Could go mining for stone and just get tons of stone without having to go through this secondary step of smelting it in a furnace to get stone from cobblestone which is very very useful now the other thing you can do with the silk touch pickaxe is of course obtain

All blocks and there are a few things that I have been saving down here in this mine as all blocks because I did not want to break them at all and that for anybody who’s been watching any of my other series you guys will probably have guessed already is the emerald ore

Block now this is one of the things in this series that is going to be very much a matter of me telling you my personal preference for something rather than it being any kind of tutorial because you absolutely do not have to preserve emerald ore blocks the way I

Like to do but I think I left a couple of them exposed in one of these offshoots of my branch mine down here so I am going to quickly look around in fact there’s one standing right in front of me there yes emerald ore blocks can

Be fortuned in the same way that diamond door can at normally they just give you one emerald per block but with fortune 3 you can get up to 4 emeralds however my preference is always for silk touching these so that you get the emerald ore

Block itself and as you can see there we get emerald ore it can’t be crafted into anything you can smelt that if you want to get one emerald out of it you’d be better off placing it and then mining it with fortune if you actually wanted to

Get emeralds out of it so why you might ask am I not mining that for emeralds emeralds are quite useful they’re a currency for trading you can actually get hold of emeralds very easily and that is why I don’t mine emerald all blocks for emeralds because

It’s so easy to trade with villagers to get them there’s basically no point whereas emerald all blocks cannot be acquired any other way than by using silk touch so I just think it’s so nice to have the option to maybe build with some emerald or if you want to add a

Touch of sparkle to some of your builds you can put all blocks in there even like diamond and gold or actually make for some really interesting decoration if you’re building something out of stone and I think emerald ore is such a unique block it’s so rare in the world

Because you can only find it in mountain biomes that it’s worth saving that way and it’s worth not for tuning it and turning it into emeralds which you could just as easily get from trading a handful of paper with some villages but look at that we’ve already started to

Gather three emerald ore blocks which is really nice I like basically hoard emerald ore when I play minecraft I become like some sort of dragon that is taking all the emerald ore and keeping it for himself and anyone who’s seen my decidedly vanilla series will know that

I will freely trade emeralds that I’ve gotten from villager trading with my server mates as long as they silk touch their emerald ore instead of for tuning it’s to get the currency and that’s that’s just a personal preference thing but I thought I would show you guys that

As a bit of a demonstration as well for how you can use silk touch on a pickaxe now as I mentioned before if I silk touch some of the stone now as you can see it’s not breaking down into cobblestone it is just getting us some raw stone so that’s fantastic and it

Would probably be in our best interests to keep this silk touch pickaxe alive for as long as possible at least until we get a diamond one and we don’t have to worry too much about the durability so for right now I’m going to put this pickaxe away we’re not going to be using

It to mine a whole bunch of stuff unless silk touch is absolutely required which it probably won’t be for a couple of things but somebody did point out on the comments of the last episode where we found the stronghold notice explaining how a silverfish can break out of the

Walls at any time if you break any of the blocks that silverfish have infested if you break a block with silk touch it will not actually drop a silverfish it will basically just be mined as a regular block of stone or stone bricks or whatever the block happens to be you

Will also find that when you’ll build your mining in mountain biomes occasionally you get silverfish I think we’ve encountered those a couple of times in the branch mining episodes we’ve done and the same is true there if you blur if you break a block of stone

Using a regular pickaxe and it drops a silverfish then obviously you don’t get anything and the silverfish attacks you whereas if you mine it with silk touch you will not have to deal with a silverfish at all you will just get the block and it’s not like you can place it

Again and it’s a silverfish egg later on it just converts the block into a regular block of stone or stone brick or in the case of the stronghold ones mossy stone brick or cracked stone brick is what you tend to find over there silverfish can also infest cobblestone blocks if those

Are the only types of blocks nearby but with a silk touch pickaxe you don’t have to worry about them which is one of the reasons why it’s a very important in Charmin to get if you don’t like dealing with silverfish like me but for now the

Silk touch pickaxe is going to go in there I’m gonna put the emerald ore safely away in here where it can sit with the rest of the Emerald and the slimeball I guess kind of a green row in there maybe we’ll put the music disc on

The green row as well and yeah we will get on with making the nether hub in fact I can probably show you now what the nether hub is looking like because I’m pretty happy with it so far I have not done any work towards the towards the stronghold portal yet because I

Wanted to link up the village portal first I think seeing as that one was a little bit easier to link up because it’s just out in the open over here so I’ve gone with more or less the same pattern we had before and I’m going to

Work on the walls going over here but we have a longer bridge headed out over this way and I haven’t taken exactly the same path that I was taking across this bit of netherrack here to get there in fact I favored the kind of long straight

Corridors that we could put in like so and right now we have zombie Pigman spawning in here which is not too much of a problem because as we’ve covered in other episodes they do not attack you unless you attack them first so as long as the Pigman aren’t gonna be mad at me

That’s absolutely fine we’ve got a staircase going up here and then this goes into any other act tunnel which is where I’m working right now and where I plan to put a lot of this stone brick here and we’re going to be finishing off this tunnel to the village the village

Portal is the one that goes just down here and it’s at the end of this corridor here so as you can see I still have a little bit more stone brick to lay but this is nice and easy work we’re a wave we’re sheltered away from any

Gusts or anything that might attack us and it’s nowhere near another fortress so we’d have to worry about wither skeletons or blazes spawning or anything like that so I’m just gonna finish laying down some of these good old stone bricks and that will probably cook a few

More of those in the furnaces back at the homestead before we are done here and then we will try our best to get the rest of this nether hub finished up and get the stronghold portal linked up as well okay so I may have got a little

Distracted by the building of this never huh but he kind of it got away from me a little bit I kind of wanted to see what I could do with some stone brick around this way because the idea of building a castle in the nether really appealed to

Me and I came up with this and we’ve been talking about enclosing the nether hub a little bit more for a while so that ghast fireballs don’t affect us as much and believe me there have been enough cast fireballs while I’ve been building this to justify building this

In the first place so even though these walls are made out of wool which is definitely a very burnable block in Minecraft it’s not going to be a problem because ghasts won’t be able to see us through this as long as there are opaque blocks or even transparent blocks like

Glass as long as you’re completely walled in ghasts won’t be able to see you through those blocks and fireball at you so you really don’t have much to worry about there so yeah I’m planning on making a few more projects like this part of the series soon probably after

We go and fight the ender dragon and maybe do another couple of boss fights I think we’re going to turn this series into less of a kind of beginner tutorial and more of a project focused series where we work on builds like this I explain a little bit more about what I’m

Doing on camera we do some redstone projects we build some resource farms that kind of thing if you’re into that let me know in the comments it would be really cool to see if people are gonna be excited for something like that but in the meantime we have something else

To be excited about if he is still there which he’s not of course he’s teleported away I’ve been tracking down Enderman while we’ve been here working in the nether on this nether hub and it’s been going pretty well I have a fair few already already killed I have a few umm

Eyes of ender stood up in the ender chest and we have I think 5 or 6 in there now which is probably going to fill up our end portal most of the way and I was hoping that by finding another Enderman out here we would probably get

A couple more ender pearls from him this looting 3 sword has been doing very well but unfortunately it looks like all I’m seeing right now is gusts and the Enderman has disappeared that’s really a shame who’s really hoping that we would be able to get him on a camera but he

Seems to have walked off the nether hub platform and disappeared entirely not to worry though I’ll take a quick look around we got this cow here who’s probably going to be a permanent resident of the nether for the next little while at least and I think yeah

We’ll we’ll hop back in here and I’ll show you guys exactly how many enderpearls I’ve got there we go we’ve got six eyes of ender so that is probably going to be enough to take to the stronghold and pop them in the portal and I think we’ll only have one

Or two left to recover after that and then we should be able to open up the portal to the end and go and fight the dragon I’ve actually gotten quite used to going through the nether fortress to get to the stronghold it’s a bit of a

Winding path but it does seem to be able to take us there and I haven’t really found a great place to put a another walkway I think it might end up going here or somewhere in the end we might end up putting another archway in here

And having it go straight through to the stronghold for right now I’ve been just hopping over the wall like so and heading off to the fortress that way but that’s really not gonna work in the long term is it so let’s hop over here and it’s pretty simple to get there now all

We have to do is drop down in here we make our way towards the blaze spawner ‘he’s on this side and then we take a right and a left and then we take another right because the blaze spawner czar over here and we just head straight down this corridor this gravel has

Fallen because I think a blaze tried to fireball this place and it seems to have knocked down the gravel that was up there and that is right next to our nether portal as well so thankfully that didn’t cause too much for a problem at the time once you’re here you turn right

And you head towards this big building over here because that’s kind of the gateway into the rest of the fortress as far as I can tell we’ll go past this little larva well here and when you get to this intersection here you want to head this

Way but not up the stairs you want to head around the staircase and this way and I think from here we should be able to go in either direction I’m fairly certain but I’m gonna go right here and let’s just check if this is the right

Way to go I think it might be this is a very long corridor and it doesn’t look like there’s a chest at the end of it which probably means we have been this way before there’s a blaze around the corner there we’ll just give him a

Couple of quick taps and there you see we have made a staircase down to this nether portal and this is our portal to the stronghold fantastic we made it took a little bit of trial and error but we got there and now we have loaded into the stronghold we can see that the

Silverfish spawner is still spinning up there but we have ourselves yes seven more of these to place so six eyes of ender is going to go quite a long way we have one eye of ender left before we can officially activate this portal and enter the end not too bad not

Too bad if I say so myself and while I’m here I think I might steal a few of the bookshelves that we found in that library if I can find my way back to it because hopefully hopefully we will be able to grab a whole bunch of books from

There and we can use those to enchant because I am running out of books for enchanting and I don’t want to spend too much time at my cow farm if what I can do is get some nice easy books now this doesn’t like a corridor I’ve explored before

Ah there’s three diamonds in here fantastic and it may still be that there are ender pearls in some of these corridor chests I’m gonna take this one out and probably move some of these blocks out of the way just so I can have a nice clear access to this corridor and

Not get distracted by the fact that there was a chest there at one point let’s see if we’ve got anything else note looks like that goes out into a cave we got a pickaxe a saddle and some apples not bad I suppose but we’ll leave those for now I wonder if there’s

Another library around because there are usually one or two in these strongholds let’s break this chest actually let’s break that as we go so we don’t have to worry too much about it and I think this area is pretty much explored wait there’s a library down there is that one

We found before I have a feeling it’s not so let’s try and dig towards that are fantastic we made it look at that straight into the library here and the torches on the walls are there automatically that they generate like that so I don’t think that’s us having

Been here before it certainly isn’t there’s a lot of books and a lot of paper in here fantastic stuff will throw the granite on the ground but for now and leave ourselves a little bit of space because up the ladder here should be the other chests on this left-hand

Side here where we might be able to get some more in chanted books nope sadly we just have a few regular books because sometimes treasure enchantments like mending can be found in chests like this well not to worry that’s actually a pretty good finder regardless and we now

Know that we do have two libraries here in the stronghold so I’m actually going to take some of the cobwebs down using shears it used to be that you have to have the silk touch enchantment to even get cobwebs with shears but now you can’t enchant she is with

Silk touch at all and these shears will just break cobwebs as the item they happen the cobwebs are fun for decoration they’re good for like Halloween decorations and stuff like that but they will also slow mobs down so I’ve found that a lot of people end

Up using them in mob traps of various descriptions so this is right at the bottom of a yes see this is what I was talking about in the last episode it can sometimes generate so that you don’t really have a clear passage into the libraries or some of the rooms from a

Stronghold because these blocks here that was a silverfish okay there we go yeah these blocks here just like what they were completely walled over because of the way the stronghold generated so that was it was actually a stroke of luck that we managed to spot that

Through a wall and find it in the first place there we go we’ve got a bit of an easy access to this now let’s pop that one on there fantastic so let’s let’s take down a few more of these bookshelves as well because I I feel like having a nice healthy supply of

Books back at the base and some of the books are staying caught in the cobwebs here and there but I think it’s gonna be really useful to have a nice big supply of this especially if we are able to do a little bit more blaze farming we can

Get tons and tons of levels and I’m slowly running out of space for these books so I should probably make a chest here to place down some of yeah let’s put some of the resources in here let’s put the stone bricks and things in here

For the moment so I can take stock of what I’ve got here and bring these books along with me and with just the central shelves in this area cleared out without even touching the walls except for where we came through the wall on that side over there we have almost five full

Stacks of books which is pretty impressive that is going to keep us going for the foreseeable future as far as I’m concerned we should not need to craft another book for a while unless we want to make a ton of bookshelves for our base which we could but even having

Said that this room would make quite a nice base if you’re kind of considering inhabiting one of the generated structures in Minecraft like if you if you’re the kind of person who doesn’t want to build too much you just want to move into a village or a stronghold like

This the library here looks fantastic I think having bookshelves lining the walls like that is very cool and I think it would look like a very very nice home if you felt like moving into one of these so filled to occupy this one as before the

Coordinates of it are minus 70 30 1625 if you’re using the same seed in this world and sadly as some people have points down in the comics it doesn’t work the same way for Pocket Edition or bedrock players it’s only going to work on Java but hopefully you guys will

Enjoy that nonetheless and folks on Pocket Edition and bedrock will probably be able to find a stronghold of their own if you’ve got hold of some eyes of ender and you look hard enough but that’s gonna be it for this episode folks done a little bit of renovation in

The nether hub and a little bit more work towards getting that ender portal nice and lit up that’s gonna be it for today thank you so much for watching the Minecraft Survival Guide my name is Ben Pixar ifs don’t forget to leave a like if you enjoyed it subscribe if you want

To see more and I’ll see you guys soon take care bye for now You

This video, titled ‘Expanding Your Nether Hub! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play) [Part 21]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2018-11-23 12:08:23. It has garnered 413650 views and 7583 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:08 or 1808 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide continues! This tutorial will show you how to link more portals to your Nether Hub, the benefits of a Silk Touch pickaxe, and some ideas for building in the Nether!

The series will teach you how to master Survival Mode, and will also be my Single Player Let’s Play series!

World Seed (Java Edition only): 7574084833700264939

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#Minecraft #Tutorial #SurvivalGuide #Survival #Exploration

  • Escaping a Simulated Universe! | Nik & Isaac Minecraft Encrypted

    Escaping a Simulated Universe! | Nik & Isaac Minecraft Encrypted Minecraft Encrypted_ | ESCAPING A SIMULATED UNIVERSE! #1 [Sci-Fi Questing Modpack] Embark on an exciting journey in the virtual world of Minecraft with Nik and Isaac as they delve into the mysterious realm of Encrypted_. This sci-fi questing modpack promises a thrilling experience filled with challenges and adventures. Exploring the Simulated Universe In this unique modpack, players are tasked with escaping a simulated universe, adding a fascinating twist to the traditional Minecraft gameplay. The questing elements introduce a new layer of complexity, requiring strategic thinking and problem-solving skills. A New Generation of Stoneblock Stoneopolis, the setting for this adventure,… Read More

  • Crafting Infinite Rails: Minecraft’s Short Tale

    Crafting Infinite Rails: Minecraft's Short Tale In Minecraft, rails are key for your trains to roam, But making infinite ones can be quite a tome. Fear not, for I’ll show you a trick so sublime, To create endless rails, it’s not a crime. Gather your materials, iron and sticks in hand, Crafting a rail is simple, just as planned. But to make them infinite, a loop you must create, A farm of rails, a never-ending freight. Place your rails in a loop, connecting end to end, Watch as they multiply, a rail-making trend. Infinite rails, a sight to behold, In Minecraft, creativity never gets old…. Read More

  • Rockin’ Rhymes: Minecraft Stone Farm Auto-Design

    Rockin' Rhymes: Minecraft Stone Farm Auto-Design In Minecraft, a stone farm is a handy tool, To gather resources, you’ll feel so cool. Automate the process, save time and effort, With this guide, you’ll be a Minecraft expert. Start with a platform, make it nice and wide, Place pistons and observers, side by side. Add water and lava, the stone will break, Collect it all, for your building’s sake. Redstone is key, to make it all work, Connect the circuits, don’t be a jerk. Test it out, make sure it runs smooth, Your stone farm is ready, now go groove. So there you have it, a… Read More

  • Koala Zoonomaly: Minecraft PE’s Monster Portal

    Koala Zoonomaly: Minecraft PE's Monster Portal In Minecraft, a koala Zoonomaly Monster Portal was made, With a white, black koala, a unique creature displayed. No fur, tail, or nose, just big ears and teeth, A mix of human and koala, a strange sight beneath. To support the video, just click subscribe, Like, comment, and share, keep the fun alive. Follow on Instagram and TikTok too, For more Minecraft creations, all for you. In the world of Minecraft, creativity thrives, With portals and monsters, in virtual lives. So keep on building, exploring, and more, In this blocky world, let your imagination soar. Read More

  • Creating a New Portal in Minecraft with Masha and the Bear

    Creating a New Portal in Minecraft with Masha and the Bear Minecraft: Exploring the New Portal to Masha and the Bear World Are you ready to embark on a new adventure in the world of Minecraft? Join the excitement as players discover a new portal that leads to the enchanting realm of Masha and the Bear. Let’s delve into the details of this latest addition to the Minecraft universe! Discovering the New Portal Players have stumbled upon a mysterious portal that transports them to the colorful and lively world of Masha and the Bear. Step through the portal and find yourself surrounded by familiar characters and exciting new challenges. Exploring… Read More

  • Joining a Fish Cult in Minecraft Mega SMP

    Joining a Fish Cult in Minecraft Mega SMP Minecraft Mega SMP: Exploring the World of Siro and NeyuQ Join Siro and NeyuQ in their latest adventure in the Minecraft Mega SMP world! In this episode, the duo delves into the mysterious realm of Giáo Hội Cá Nóc, encountering thrilling challenges and exciting discoveries along the way. Unveiling the Secrets of Giáo Hội Cá Nóc Giáo Hội Cá Nóc is a hidden gem within the Minecraft Mega SMP universe, filled with unique landscapes and formidable foes. Siro and NeyuQ must navigate through treacherous terrain and outsmart cunning enemies to uncover the secrets of this enigmatic location. Teamwork and… Read More

  • Shapeshifting Survival: 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore (Hindi)

    Shapeshifting Survival: 100 Days in Minecraft Hardcore (Hindi) In Minecraft’s world, where blocks reign supreme, I survived 100 days, a shapeshifter’s dream. Crafting my way through challenges untold, In hardcore mode, where the truth unfolds. With beats and rhymes, I spin my tale, Reporting Minecraft news, never to fail. I faced the dragon, transformed with might, Survived the desert, shining bright. In this Hindi gameplay, I thrive and strive, Exploring new biomes, keeping the game alive. With each new update, I dance and sing, In Minecraft’s world, where legends spring. So join me on this journey, full of fun and cheer, As I craft and mine, without… Read More

  • MC’s 100-Day Flight: Minecraft Adventure Delight

    MC's 100-Day Flight: Minecraft Adventure Delight In the world of Minecraft, a challenge is set, 100 days of survival, a journey to bet. Day 5 has arrived, with adventures in sight, Exploring new lands, under the moonlight. The ground work is done, structures are complete, Now it’s time to explore, on our feet. Join the fun, follow the link to the server, Where the adventure awaits, with a twist and a curve. Subscribe to the channel, for more Minecraft delight, With views and subscribers, our future is bright. Tech and fun, all in one place, Join us on this journey, with a smile on your… Read More

  • Potion Seller Prank in Minecraft

    Potion Seller Prank in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures: Becoming a Potion Seller in Crimecraft SMP Join Archie O’Grady, formerly known as Crossbow TV, in an exciting Minecraft journey on the modded multiplayer server Crimecraft SMP hosted by Finn Sowle. This season brings a unique twist as each player has a special origin. Archie teams up with BeafMan the Elytrian to utilize his Salesman origin and bring potions to the inhabitants of the Crimecraft server. Meet the Players: BeafMan: @BeafMann Finn Sowle: @finnsowle TheKarmaLegend: @TheKarmaLegend EmilyAnneTV: EmilyAnneTV Twitch OPPeaches: OPPeaches Twitch Zuite: @zuite_ BluSpring: @BluSpringg FlopsyMimi: @FlopsyMimi EmaMae: @iamemamae Lucia19KidTech: Lucia19KidTech Twitch Archie O’Grady’s Social Media:… Read More

  • SubZeroSMP: Building a City in Minecraft & Meeting SubZero!

    SubZeroSMP: Building a City in Minecraft & Meeting SubZero! TheDampfield: SubZeroSMP – A City For a Minecraft Base? Exploring the world of Minecraft is always an exciting adventure, especially when you stumble upon unique creations like TheDampfield in the SubZeroSMP server. In this episode, our protagonist embarks on a journey to discover this bustling city and even has the chance to meet SubZero himself! Unveiling TheDampfield As our player enters TheDampfield, they are greeted by a sprawling metropolis filled with towering skyscrapers, intricate buildings, and bustling streets. The city is a testament to the creativity and dedication of the players in the SubZeroSMP server, showcasing a wide range… Read More

  • Ranking Up: Dodging Traps in Minecraft 🔥😂

    Ranking Up: Dodging Traps in Minecraft 🔥😂 When you’re a noob in Minecraft, every block looks like a potential trap. But when you’re a pro, you’re the one setting the traps and watching the noobs fall for them. It’s all part of the circle of Minecraft life. Read More

  • Digging for Trouble | MineCraft SMP

    Digging for Trouble | MineCraft SMP Finishing the Tree Farm Mountain Dig on CasualCraft SMP Exploring CasualCraft SMP Join Jumbosale and the other members of the CasualCraft server as they embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure. CasualCraft is a private Minecraft survival multiplayer server where like-minded players come together to enjoy the game and have fun. While not officially affiliated with the Spawn Chunks podcast, the server offers a unique and engaging gameplay experience. Optimizing Performance with Fabric Mod Loader On CasualCraft, the players are running the latest version of Minecraft with Fabric mod loader. This allows them to optimize performance, especially since they are… Read More

  • Insane Super Mario 64 Vita Mods: Sonic, Kirby, Wario + More

    Insane Super Mario 64 Vita Mods: Sonic, Kirby, Wario + More The Ultimate Super Mario 64 PS Vita Mods Showcase Today, we delve into the exciting world of Super Mario 64 mods for the PS Vita. Zealous Chuck has compiled an impressive array of mods that promise to breathe new life into this classic game. Let’s explore the highlights of this showcase! Super Mario 64 Mods Galore From Super Kirby 64 to Super Sonic 64, the variety of mods on display is truly impressive. Each mod brings a unique twist to the beloved Mario universe, offering players a fresh and exciting gaming experience. The Analogs Enhancer Plugin further enhances gameplay,… Read More

  • Insane! I Tamed a Dragon in Minecraft! 🐲

    Insane! I Tamed a Dragon in Minecraft! 🐲Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ice and Fire & Create #18 🐲 : J’ai mon dragon ! 😍’, was uploaded by Vache GTI on 2024-05-09 16:12:57. It has garnered 365 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:33:28 or 5608 seconds. Find the rest of my Minecraft adventure*. Good viewing ! My Twitch channel: https://twitch.tv/vachegti Mon Twitter/X : https://twitter.com/vachegti My Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vachegti Mon Threads : https://www.threads.net/@vachegti Mon TikTok : https://www.tiktok.com/@vachegti *taken from my lives on Twitch Read More

  • Surviving 1000 Days as a Tiger Snake in Hardcore Minecraft

    Surviving 1000 Days as a Tiger Snake in Hardcore MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a TIGER SNAKE in HARDCORE Minecraft! – Tiger Mobs Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-02-27 02:15:00. It has garnered 85100 views and 612 likes. The duration of the video is 03:26:43 or 12403 seconds. In this video, I, Zozo attempt to survive 100 days as a TIGER SNAKE in Hardcore Minecraft! It looks like I have the stealth of a snake, but the power of a tiger! Too bad I’m not the only one who notices. Can I survive 100 Days, and bring peace to the overworld?! 0:00:00 100… Read More

  • Insane Neudex vs. Drunk Chucklenuts in Hive Bedwars!

    Insane Neudex vs. Drunk Chucklenuts in Hive Bedwars!Video Information This video, titled ‘drunk and washed chucklenuts play hive bedwars’, was uploaded by Neudex on 2024-05-31 23:49:04. It has garnered 49 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:49 or 349 seconds. quality issue too lazy to render ft. JannyBoiiYT ft. renqi (she’s gay) ft. some random ass midget tags texture packs,minecraft bedrock texture packs,mcbe texture packs,minecraft bedrock edition texture pack,mcpe texture pack,minecraft pocket edition texture pack,texture pack,pack folder,minecraft windows 10 cheats,minecraft windows 10 hacks,minecraft bedrock, ecpe, ecpe pvp, ecpe combos, ecpe classic, ecpe op factions, ecpe takeover, ecpe montage, cheats,minecraft bedrock hacks,fate,fate client,anarchy client,ascendency,atani,atani… Read More

  • INSANE! Building Electric Factory in Minecraft SkyFactory #5

    INSANE! Building Electric Factory in Minecraft SkyFactory #5Video Information This video, titled ‘Membangun Pabrik Listrikl Di Dunia Minecraft Edisi SkyFactory #part 5’, was uploaded by MIX GAMING on 2024-01-07 22:11:57. It has garnered 31 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:31 or 8791 seconds. Don’t forget to join our discord server! Click here https://discord.gg/CxpPP3FJNM to join our Discord server. There, you can interact with me and friends, get the latest updates, share ideas, and even participate in special events. Support us to develop this channel. By clicking below https://saweria.co/mixgamingfams Make sure to prepare your favorite snacks and drinks because we will spend an… Read More

  • Shocking PvP Showdown on Anarchic Minecraft Server #2!

    Shocking PvP Showdown on Anarchic Minecraft Server #2!Video Information This video, titled ‘ImGhxst_ vs iziDiegod | SERVER SURVIVAL ANARQUÍCO MINECRAFT JAVA Y BEDROCK #2’, was uploaded by Yovas on 2024-01-16 20:00:12. It has garnered 253 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. ★n0 0lvid3s sus©r!b!rt3 and d3j@r your LAIK★ ——————————— ————————————— NAME: 2B2TBE IP: 2b2tbe.lat PORT: 19132 ————————————————– ———————- Discord: https://discord.gg/63QkQ9kdzG Store: https://2b2tbe.tebex.io/ ————————————————– ———————- My social networks: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yovas_zav/ ————————————————– ———————- ❤️You would help me a lot if you support my videos, I really appreciate it, with each view you help me to continue paying for the server and… Read More

  • Unbelievable Curse – 2 Witches Oofing Around!

    Unbelievable Curse - 2 Witches Oofing Around!Video Information This video, titled ‘Oofing Around In Minecraft- S3- Part 26: I’m Cursed’, was uploaded by These 2 Witches on 2024-02-26 13:00:48. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:31:01 or 1861 seconds. With the new update in Minecraft; 1.20 Trails & Tales, we are in The End, but nothing goes right. Lagging, endermen, and many deaths. We added a few mods, from Vanilla Tweaks, to help with multiplayer and to pretty up the game. Mods: https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/datapacks/ https://vanillatweaks.net/picker/crafting-tweaks/ ° Waystone https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/waystones/ ° Slimeboots https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/slime-boots-datapack/ ° Ketket Chairs https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/ketket-s-chairs-sit-in-style/ ° Ketket Tables https://www.planetminecraft.com/data-pack/ketket-s-tables-elevate-your-space/… Read More

  • Insane Noob Survives 200 Days in Hardcore Minecraft!

    Insane Noob Survives 200 Days in Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 200 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE MINECRAFT AGAIN…’, was uploaded by Mythbustingnoob on 2024-05-12 14:00:12. It has garnered 36042 views and 956 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:04 or 6364 seconds. I survived 200 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE AGAIN . All The mods 9 has had Major Updates. So in these 100 days I Conquer the Entire Modpack to make the final Item, an ATM Star. If You’d Like to Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpoNseXJmTHGnsttTuUEPYQ?sub_confirmation=1 —————————————————————————— Surviving 100 days like forge labs, lukethenotable, suev, Skyes, WelcominTV and many more!… Read More

  • “Insane Hyper-Realistic Minecraft gameplay!” #minecraft

    "Insane Hyper-Realistic Minecraft gameplay!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ultra Realistic Minecraft.#minecraft #shorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by SuperBolt Gaming on 2024-05-28 07:30:21. It has garnered 432 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:44 or 44 seconds. Ultra Realistic Minecraft.#minecraft #shorts #viralshorts #realistic SO HI GUYS MERA NAAM RISHI HAI AUR YE MERA CHANNEL HAI SO AGAR AAP YE CHANNEL KO PAHELI BAAR DEKHRE HOTO JARUR SE LIKE SHARE AND SUBSCRIBE KIJEYEGA.GUYS YE CHANNEL EK FAMILT FREEINDLY CHANNEL HAI TOH AAP ISE FAMILY ME BHI DEKH SAKTE HO.(ENJOY THE VIDEO) Copyright Disclaimer: – Under section 107 of the copyright Act 1976,… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Adventure – Don’t Miss VensHandle’s New World!

    Insane Minecraft Adventure - Don't Miss VensHandle's New World!Video Information This video, titled ‘Starting A New World | Minecraft’, was uploaded by VensHandle on 2024-03-04 02:20:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. The Discord: https://discord.gg/bq7D23bdES Twitter: venhandle TikTok: VensHandle Cashapp: VensHandle (Cat PFP) … Read More

  • PixelVerse Network

    PixelVerse NetworkPixelVerse is a vibrant and diverse Minecraft server that beckons players into a realm of endless possibilities. With an array of game modes catering to every playstyle, PixelVerse stands as a haven for Minecraft enthusiasts worldwide. Survival enthusiasts can test their mettle against the wilds, building, mining, and surviving the challenges of an unforgiving world. Creative minds are invited to let their imaginations run wild in the Creative server, crafting architectural wonders limited only by their creativity. For those seeking excitement and competition, the KitPVP server offers thrilling battles and fierce combat encounters. Meanwhile, the unique Lifesteal server brings a… Read More

  • The Artisan Collective SMP – Vanilla SMP Whitelist Fabric 1.20.4 Creators

    Join Our Minecraft SMP Community Who Are We? We are a new SMP community focused on building a family-friendly online environment for YouTubers and streamers to create engaging Minecraft content. Our Goals We aim to provide a platform for members to grow their individual channels while collaborating on exciting multiplayer projects in Minecraft. How to Join To join, send a DM for the application link. Applicants must be over 18, have an active YouTube account, and produce family-friendly content. Season Details Season started on March 16, 2024, and we are in the early stages of gameplay. We play on Minecraft… Read More


    Servidor No Premium 1.20.4Welcome to our server!Main features:Game mode: Survival Towny VanillaVersion: 1.20.4Language: EspañolServer location: ChileAccess: No PremiumWhy choose us?Towny Communities: Create and manage your own city with your friends. Set rules, build structures and expand your territory.Vanilla Experience: Enjoy the game in its purest form, without excessive modifications that alter the original Minecraft gameplay.Speaks Spanish: A server completely in Spanish, ideal for Spanish-speaking players.Stability and Performance: Server hosted in Chile, offering a fast and stable connection for players in the region.Our objectivesLasting Communities: We are here to stay, building a solid and lasting community.Friendly Environment: We foster a respectful… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft Anomaly #2: The Spicy Adventure

    I guess he discovered the secret to levitating rocks – just add Redstone torches! Read More

  • AK-47 in Minecraft: Horror Mods Reloaded

    AK-47 in Minecraft: Horror Mods Reloaded In the world of Minecraft, horrors await, With AK-47 in hand, I face my fate. Herobrine’s eyes, glowing with fright, The Rake’s claws, ready to strike in the night. Siren Head’s wails, chilling to the bone, Mimic Dweller’s disguises, all on their own. But with my trusty gun, I stand tall, Ready to fight, ready to brawl. Will bullets be enough to save the day? Or will these monsters have the final say? Tune in to see, the horror unfold, In Minecraft’s world, where stories are told. Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME: CREEPER'S HOT DATE! Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she kept blowing up his spot! Read More

  • Explosive Encounter | Monster Marauder Pt. 11

    Explosive Encounter | Monster Marauder Pt. 11 A Thrilling Mystery Unfolds in Pendragon | Monster Marauder Part 11 Breaking news has hit the EcoSMP Minecraft Towny survival server as a loud boom echoed through Pendragon overnight. A local resident managed to capture a video showing a shadowy figure, believed to be the infamous Monster Marauder, followed by a massive explosion. Local authorities have swiftly responded to the scene, but the mystery only deepens as brave adventurers are already on their way, convinced that this event is the next clue in the hunt for the stolen treasures. The Adventurers’ Quest It’s been an intense journey for the… Read More

  • 🔥 JOIN NOW for Insane Hypixel Skyblock Kuudra Grind!

    🔥 JOIN NOW for Insane Hypixel Skyblock Kuudra Grind!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel Skyblock Kuudra Grinding Live With You’, was uploaded by MitBlade on 2024-06-12 01:26:59. It has garnered 39 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 02:15:28 or 8128 seconds. Discord: https://discord.gg/BkuzRcJW #hypixel #minecraft #hypixelskyblock Read More

  • MaxFury Joins Worst Server in Minecraft

    MaxFury Joins Worst Server in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Joining Worst Server in minecraft | MaxFury #viral #fypシ゚viral #viralshorts #minecraft #minecraftmlg’, was uploaded by MaxFury on 2024-02-27 09:30:08. It has garnered 118 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. here is the full video link:-https://youtu.be/Jf4iw_hy2qg if this link dose not work then click on the play head or go to my channel and find. MY tech channel:-www.youtube.com/@MaxTechOP Social media▽ ☯ Instagram➜https://instagram.com/max_fury_yt?igs… ☯ Threads➜https://www.threads.net/@max_fury_yt ☯ Twitter/x➜https://x.com/MAXFURY56760377?t=1Kz2DYOaDUlTgg2crHmOtg&s=09 ☯ Subscribe➜https://youtube.com/@maxfuryop ☯Discord➜https://discord.com/invite/5BQbhrBX4F About➜Max fury is a youtuber,play games on mobile,aka sasta gamer,Live in India, For more info check the link➜https://linkpop.com/maxfury if… Read More

  • Unleash the ULTIMATE Minecraft PvP Texture Pack – NITRO XD

    Unleash the ULTIMATE Minecraft PvP Texture Pack - NITRO XDVideo Information This video, titled ‘Discover the Perfect Minecraft PvP Texture Pack’, was uploaded by NITRO XD on 2024-06-11 16:05:38. It has garnered 42 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:08 or 608 seconds. Get your hands on the ultimate PvP texture pack for elite gamers! Enhance your gaming experience with this top-notch texture pack designed for competitive players. credit:- @NotGamerEnd minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam… Read More

  • Minecraft: Spongy’s Mind-Bending Discovery #gaming

    Minecraft: Spongy's Mind-Bending Discovery #gamingVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Doesn’t Belong (But Intuitive) Pt. 3 #gaming #minecraft’, was uploaded by Spongy on 2024-04-11 14:00:33. It has garnered 2738 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:56 or 56 seconds. I really enjoy playing these maps and testing my knowledge on the game! Let me know how many you got right in the comments!!! Link to the map : https://www.minecraftmaps.com/trivia-maps/what-doesnt-belong-but-intuitive Join the Discord!!! https://discord.gg/Gtw948MQ Read More


    EPIC OP SURVIVAL on MINECRAFT JAVA SERVER IPVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT JAVA SERVER OP SURVIVAL IP GO.MINEBERRY.ORG’, was uploaded by MATEUSZ YOUTUBER POC on 2024-01-11 19:52:41. It has garnered 40 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Dungeons ft. Xman 723 – World-Saving Adventure! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Dungeons ft. Xman 723 - World-Saving Adventure! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dungeons | Saving The World From The Arch-Illager! [Part 2]’, was uploaded by Xman 723 4 on 2024-04-24 06:47:46. It has garnered 896 views and 61 likes. The duration of the video is 04:43:57 or 17037 seconds. *_Make Sure To Leave A Like And Subscribe!_* *_Minecraft Dungeons!_* https://store.steampowered.com/app/1672970/Minecraft_Dungeons/ *_Friends!_* @AshyBoio @ConnerTheFozhead *_My Other YouTube Channels!_* @Xman723 @Xman7232 @Xman7233 @Xman7235 @ToyFreddyPlaysGames @TheFazbearBand *_Become A Channel Member!_* www.youtube.com/channel/UCcthU-g69nEHQpNxfHEyizg/join #minecraft #minecraftdungeons Read More

  • Minecraft SqueakyCraft: HILARIOUS memes! 🔥 #shorts

    Minecraft SqueakyCraft: HILARIOUS memes! 🔥 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft memes || Minecraft Funny 🤣 || ( memes ) #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by SqueakyCraft on 2024-04-21 07:22:10. It has garnered 553 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Minecraft memes || Minecraft Funny 🤣 || ( memes ) #minecraft #shortsMinecraft so i tried some trends of Minecraft like and sub if you enjoyed the video 🙂 #memes #funny #minecraftmemes song: ————————————————————————- ABOUT MY CHANNEL: we post shorts and videos here daily https://youtube.com/@SqueakyCraft. ——————————————————————— queries -(ignore)————————————————— minecraft memes challenge family friendly funny moments minecraft mod minecraft mods… Read More

  • Unleashing the Power: Ultimate SMP Gameplay

    Unleashing the Power: Ultimate SMP GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘THIS IS HOW I BECAME THE MOST OVERPOWERED PLAYER OF THIS NEW SMP!!!!!’, was uploaded by PhanT0M Playz on 2024-03-26 14:46:06. It has garnered 38 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:06 or 1446 seconds. #gaming , #gameplay , #new , #phantomplayz , #minecraft , #mustwatch , #multiplayer , #grind, #survival, #smp, #fun Read More

  • “Terrifying Jumpscare in Minecraft Hard Mode LIVE” #scare #gameplay #mobilelegends

    "Terrifying Jumpscare in Minecraft Hard Mode LIVE" #scare #gameplay #mobilelegendsVideo Information This video, titled ‘【🔴LIVE】Minecraft – Tapi Hard Mode #game #live #livestreaming #mlbb #mobilelegends’, was uploaded by Karin Takut Jumpscare on 2024-04-15 22:31:41. It has garnered 19 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:44:31 or 6271 seconds. Donation Link Starting from 1000 silver: https://sociabuzz.com/karinsan/donate 【🔴LIVE】Minecraft – But Hard Mode #game #live #livestreaming #mlbb #mobilelegends Just our stupidity when playing games, hope you enjoy it~ #karintakutjumpscare #horror #game #pubg #mlbb #mobilelegends #deadbydaylight #mmorpg #rpg #subathon # stumbleguys Discord : https://discord.gg/ZTASVxqKPw Whatsapp Group: https://chat.whatsapp.com/JI1zZqg6gmGJcT2KFEglS0 Live Streaming Software: OBS Editing software : Filmora X Social : Tiktok :… Read More

  • XthephoenixX

    XthephoenixXIt’s a Java Minecraft server using the better Minecraft-3 1.19.2 version survival. It was created on 9/3/23 All are welcome to join. Read More

Expanding Your Nether Hub! ▫ The Minecraft Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play) [Part 21]