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Hey we are live Guess Who’s Live the answer is me I’m live um let’s go ahead and pop out the chat and we’re gonna copy the link today we’re going to be continuing our work on the little Pillager singing the doodler thingy bubbler uh we’re gonna go ahead top Chacos to live chat

And oh I also need to copy the link copy Bam Bam and now let’s pop it into the Discord pesto Dino hey pesto Dino got it let’s go I think that’s the first time she’s ever gotten it congratulations pesto Dino um what’s up gums what’s up Alaskan balloon

What’s on Mr popular live now continuing to make the experimental villager villager science facility look all pretty inside and then we’ll put in our link there we go good job Pastor Dino I’m so excited as you should be it’s actually like it used to be pretty easy to get first on Twitch it’s

Actually like way harder now on on YouTube so congrats well I actually have to do some prayers so BRB I guess all right have fun what’s up Challenger was a Mr popular all right we’re gonna hop into our world um oh I haven’t made a backup in my

World in a hot minute I gotta do that okay so here is our lovely little thingy that we’ve been working on it looks very nice I think my render distance is real low as well there we go look at that beautiful what’s up Matthias how’s it going I

Forgot to redeem first earlier well good thing that you did because pesto was able to get it so that’s pog look at that beautiful ax name I should throw this ax into a cactus Five Points and I’ll throw it into a cactus um anyways let’s Okay so over here is what

We want to do like the main thing which is like the lightning rods and stuff and so yeah so that’s what we want to do we want to get a witch and then we want to so we want to get a witch and we want to

Get a villager and then we’re gonna want to like make some sort of like arrow thing that goes between them are we drinking water Monday left me broken I don’t know the other words to that song that was a very loud sip I just took I

Don’t know if you guys heard it but it’s because I had like my lip not fully around the thing and it just went like that’s not a good impression of the sound that it made but shut up it is um Okay so we want to take witches we also want to have an evoker that can turn stuff red and we all or that can turn like blue sheep red and then we also um want to have oh well we can’t do vexes because vexes will despawn so we’ll just do an Olay

So let me grab okay so we’re going to want to build like a couple little like jail cell type things um for the for the guys to stand in and then um I kind of want to use I think I want to use lightning rods at in order to like

Show that there’s like what if we encapsulated them in lightning rods that would be kind of cool what happened to all my lightning rods though I actually have no idea I swear didn’t I put them away like five seconds ago and then I don’t know what I

Did with them dang I suck at this game um we’ll find them though I still haven’t made this annoying gunpowder Farm oh because you need cats for it are you going for a cat based gunpowder Farm actually I think a lot of them are like that

You could always just not do a cat one was the FBI here Dash did you commit X prod why did you why do you spell it like that no I would oh there it is no I would never commit tax fraud I am a good boy and the IRS loves me if

I put rods like this a villager could slip through the middle um what if I took some regular unoxidized copper and we put it there and then we put the lightning rods in the middle of it so that it’s in like a very like electrified holding cell

You can Farm sticks with a raid Farm true did I say I needed sticks or something why are you telling me that so you’re short about villagers changing it’s kind of a bad update nah it’s a good update it makes it less it makes it less tedious to to get

Um enchanted books and more fun in my opinion I think it’ll be a fun thing to do wait oh I took all my copper didn’t I okay wait I have some copper here that’s good um I’m just gonna drop some stuff off here real quick I don’t think I have a fortune pickaxe

On me do I dang okay so that’s unfort okay so what we’re gonna do then is I’m going to I’m gonna put some stuff in my Ender Chest I’m gonna grab all of the copper we’re gonna put this back we’re gonna grab my Ender Chest we’re gonna go get a

Get my pickaxe we’re gonna mine up all this coffee we’re gonna smelt it it’s gonna be beautiful wee I actually don’t know if anime even plays like Survival Minecraft anime you play hardcore I had no idea I’ve known anime for like two years and I didn’t know Anime plays hardcore

How many of Dash pums Farms have you built it better be like how many how many farms have I designed some things I don’t know if I would constitute them as like designing but like like I have like a Pillager pacification farm that I haven’t like I haven’t like released it anywhere it’s

Just gonna be in a video and I did I did make that myself so um probably not that one but maybe the other ones imagine building a dash Fun Farm didn’t you build my Enderman Farm Dash is a kidnapper you’re in my van I don’t have a van

I think I think you got the wrong guy I think Mr popular meant to get kidnapped by me but accidentally got kidnapped by someone entirely else I forgot about building your Enderman Farm yeah how dare you it’s a pretty fire Fawn though not gonna lie I died in

My hardcore world like two months ago how old was your hardcore world and when you died look at how beautiful this is from up high dude what a beautiful Village I’m actually I’m actually so good at building dude looks so good dude Challenger why not just do you have

An Elijah yet you do right just fly around and find cats at another Village they’re usually there will usually be like one or two cats out of at each Village so just go to another Village and then find it and then find a cat we’re about to be at the world height

The world limit there we go fly with what Rockets you don’t have like a little bit of rockets then just run around you don’t need to fly I guess but run around and then kill some creepers and then fly using the gunpowder you get from the killing of creepers

Because cats spawning is like I think cats spawning doesn’t actually happen all that often I think it’s pretty rare for new cats to spawn but cats are almost always generated with a village I have zero how am I supposed to bring the cats back with leads yeah use leads

You can fly with animals you can and also cats don’t take fall damage either so if they if the lead breaks which sometimes it does you could it’s not gonna die um also wait if you tame the cats what do you you don’t even have to fly with them

If you tame them they’ll follow you you dingus this guy what’s up Mitchell how’s it going welcome to the Stream just tame the cats and then it will teleport to you even I’m slow for real a creeper is really gonna get me up here a hundred blocks above the ground

I was so close to scaring him no you you terrified me I’m I’m so scared right now that was such a good creeper right that was one of the best creepers anyone’s ever done it really really had me going I thought I was I thought my hardcore

World was over because of that one dude I was I was like already mentally just preparing the next world like planning it out and stuff because it was just that was such a convincing uh that was just so convincing that I I couldn’t even uh I had to start planning the next build

You know the next hardcore world and stuff that was really good good work brother oh my gosh I have a lot of copper yeah you do have to smelt it I forgot how copper works I don’t I haven’t messed with copper in a hot minute what’s up Zane how’s it going I remember

You saying something about enchanting in your facility thing oh that’s a good point and now and that would be cool because of the experience bottles and outposts yes oh that’s dang that’s a really good idea see I was thinking it would be cool to do enchanting

Um and just make it seem like they’re like trying to figure out how enchanting works but that even like Works lore wise because they do have experienced bottles in their chests good idea bro good idea sat thank you I will totally do that just remind me so I don’t forget because

I do like that idea a lot and also that works because pillagers have have Enchanted tools just like when they spawn um you can just get enchanted they have Enchanted crossbows and stuff so that would make sense I haven’t played Minecraft in a while does copper have a

UC editor is it just decoration copper has a use for lightning rods but that’s it right is that the only thing is it just lightning rods oh and spy glasses you can also you know how like OptiFine has a zooming feature I don’t use OptiFine but you know how like a lot of

Mods let you zoom you can now you can craft something in game oh my gosh copper gives a lot per drop geez man it’s giving me like 17 per sometimes that’s ridic okay that one gave me two no it’s giving me like seven it’s giving me like 11 I think is the

Highest I’ve seen that’s crazy though that’s a lot of it’s a lot of stuff it’s mainly just decoration though he commits tax fraud in the chat no I actually I gotta be careful now that I’m making money to not commit tax fraud I had a friend in high school who did

Sneaker reselling and he never like reported any of it to the IRS and he was like he was like very very close to getting audited because because they figured out that he was making lots of money and not reporting any of it and then he had to

Like in like a week he had to find like every single receipt for the year of anything he bought or sold and then like really quickly reported and stuff what a funny guy Why are you explaining why are you you’ve been talking about it how do you not know what it is and also villagers can trade experience bottles since pillagers don’t normally aggro against anything but players and villagers it still works I don’t see how them aggravating against other things would not work but

I’m conf I’m a little confused why am I putting it in there let’s just put it in there I used to resell sneakers uh you suck it gets boring after a while he made so much money off of it reselling sneakers just sucks though I remember he he wrote

A whole essay about how reselling sneakers is good for the economy or something and like the whole essay could be summarized in like it’s good for my economy because because it makes me have money like that’s like reselling anything is not good for the economy when you have Bots like what

He did is he would have Bots that would buy lots of merch for him and then he would sell it at exorbitant prices and like that’s not good for the economy it just helps you but he like he he would always when people would be like you suck for like

Reselling sneakers he would like try and defend himself and be like no no no it’s good I promise I promise it’s a good idea okay robots are so annoying when a new release comes out yeah that’s what he does he has like a million Bots

He made Bank off of it so I had to respect him but Mr popular what are you doing you not like I I had to respect how much money he was making but it was also like dank and this guy like not he’s like sneaker reselling is literally just like

Ruining it for the rest of the people who want to uh it just ruins it for everyone who wants to do their who wants to like get a pair of sneakers oh this guy is not this guy’s stuck okay there we go that’s why I was working so slowly

Because it it wasn’t getting the materials now now we should be chilling now we should have a lot more going we should have 32 going every few seconds okay cool and I was about to go to sleep nice what’s up Carol now you don’t have to go to sleep

It was almost at 30k you’re getting mad Subs per day now what is the 30k special going to be I will say thank you guys for 30k and that will be the 30k special um yeah YouTube shorts are YouTube shorts get me a lot of numbers the only thing

I’m excited to have YouTube rank hopefully they will give it to me I do play on Hypixel once in a while and if they don’t give it to me because I don’t play on Hypixel enough I’m just gonna exclusively High pixel streams until they give me YouTube rank um but also

Wait how many how many like I feel like you can also get YouTube rank if I remember correctly for like for like tick tocks and stuff I don’t remember how many Tick Tock followers you need to get YouTube rank but yeah I’m getting a lot of Subs from YouTube shorts I really

I really just worry that I’m gonna get like I worry that I’m just gonna wind up being a YouTuber who has a lot of subscribers from YouTube shorts and not from other stuff I don’t want to be one of the YouTubers who has a lot of subscribers from

YouTube shorts because my main focus is on actual videos I don’t really love doing the YouTube shorts so you know why does why do the items wind up in the wrong places I don’t get how they go into here hold up I’m gonna use why are they not aren’t they supposed to

Get funneled downwards that’s interesting um what happened I don’t know don’t go to bed until the stream is over oh wow not Challenger stream is better for real but if people sub from shorts they will watch your main vids I really don’t think that’s true though

I gotta so I gotta comment it notifies me when verified people comment I got a comment from somebody with like a hundred thousand subs and they have they have a short dude it was crazy they have a Minecraft short with 42 million views that is insane Also let’s do a duel

That’s insane but then also um but then the other thing is they had a couple like actual full-length videos and they had like 300 views each so like I don’t think that’s true at all I think the good thing is a lot of my shorts or some of my shorts promote my

Full-length videos so as long as my shorts as long as like my my short that’s doing insanely well it has like it might hit a million views that’d be really cool if I got a video with a million views that’d be pretty swag but my short that’s doing really well right

Now is a short that promotes my Enderman farm so that’s awesome and like it probably is getting a lot of views from that so I just need to make sure that a good amount of my shorts promote my full length video so that my full length videos still do well

I will do crystal PVP oh are we doing Crystal PVP oh okay my bad I just immediately launched uh launched lunar because I didn’t even think about it but we can do crystal that’s fine half on Legacy okay that’s actually easier because now I don’t have to now I can just close out

Of lunar what Lobby are you in I’m not even in yet hold on give me a second I’m closing lunar so that it’s not running in the background and it doesn’t take my Computer Resources all right Luna’s closed okay I am in I’m in 18.

Oh wait but I’m not in Crystal yet hold on I’ll go into 21. okay that was not what I meant to do oh only these two okay I forgot that there’s only a couple I’m in lobby versus 23. I am here what’s up Mr popular how’s it going

Dash we gonna custom duel oh okay what Lobby are we in are we joining then seeing Mitchell get rolled is gonna be so funny I’m not very good at Crystal PVP so um so they might beat me we’ll see 18. versus 18. I have no idea what Mitchell’s username is to be honest

This guy is doing cpvp Bros gonna get lucky or something nah bro might just be better than you dude oh this is okay I like your skin we’re very like we’re both like very muscular together look at that that’s crazy we both we both handsome handsome guys all right where are we going

No way this guy’s about to create the kit while I’m standing right here no way bro hasn’t created the kit yet dude what oh you can actually push this cat around that’s fun I can occupy myself well while they make the kit oh okay Oh okay oh I have my texture pack nice uh this seems fine this is a oh geez why do we have so many totems this is gonna take forever also what is the need for a pickaxe in your hot bar oh wait we don’t have we don’t have arrows that’s interesting

Oh geez man that was rude bro is way better than at this than me ah I haven’t I don’t I don’t do crystal PVP oh wait what oh my gosh how did I die so fast he popped my totem and then I instantly died geez man

Yellow dog at cpvp dude he was just standing there and I was confused it’s best two out of three though man where are you at I’m gonna I’m gonna come back okay but like proving Challenger wrong I don’t know how people get good at Crystal by playing it I haven’t played

Crystal I’ve probably done a total of like four games of Crystal PVP in my life so I’m really not good as you might expect I don’t even I don’t like use hotkeys and stuff either so I’m I’m really bad I’m probably not gonna come back but I you know it’s kind of fun

It’s weird that we don’t have the uh it’s weird though we don’t have the arrows and stuff dude I I hotkeyed to the wrong thing ah Oh geez dude he just he just be sacrificing himself I don’t know how he doesn’t take damage either because he’s using respawn anchors I think he is though probably foreign oh he places a block in front of him like that he just dude I just get

Knocked into the air for no reason and he like Dude I keep switching to my totem by accident where is he it’s weird too because I’m so used to every crystal match that I’ve ever played ah anytime I’ve played Crystal oh my dude this guy no this guy is definitely not this guy is definitely cheating right now the way he places and

Breaks Crystal so fast that does not seem legitimate I I ain’t gonna lie dude I’m so bad oh foreign It is weird not having the slowness arrows this guy don’t like the slowness arrows oh Jesus I don’t know how I haven’t popped a single one of his totems yet I hit him with a crystal while he was above me like five seconds ago and I don’t think I popped a totem either

Ah dude how did that not pop a totem that’s ridiculous how did that not oh wait maybe it did and I just don’t see maybe I just don’t hear when he when it pops a totem but that was like a direct Crystal how did I not pop a totem just now

I have no idea if I just didn’t pop a totem or what but if I didn’t that’s insane that it didn’t oh where did my crystals go dude or my my pearls I mean ah I was just burying can we put we can play UHC duels on that on Hypixel did

You redeem a duel bro I haven’t played 1.8 in years bro’s dying dude I don’t know how I don’t know how I haven’t popped like a single totem yet Laughs I also hate being on fire Oh what in the world why do my hits wait do I have knockback oh I do that’s why it actually matters to hit with your sword okay you do have knockback I keep just trying to punch because I don’t know how to hotkey and it keeps not moving him at all and

That would explain it oh because netherrite as well netherride is annoying I can’t hockey that fast dude you got to be really fast for for this oh geez you gotta be so fast bro oh my gosh oh oh you really have to be so fast to do to

Like actually hit people it’s ridiculous like how are you dude how are you supposed to hit and then switch to a crystal all in that fast of a movement oh that was a solid Crystal hit I think I think maybe I’m improving a little bit

Oh this guy going for the end for the thing get out of here these duels take forever man soon you will hydrate oh my gosh we’re actually gonna be here for like a year oh geez oh geez oh geez he he figured out my strategy

Or maybe he didn’t and just I was taking too long to do it I had a strategy it did not play out the way that I had hoped I really don’t need this pickaxe where is my obsidian bro yeah yeah do it this guy just flexing on me right now oh

Dude that’s that’s so stupid how does he not take damage from that I don’t understand that this guy does not take damage from his from his own things when he is also in the air like I be I feel like some of these hits

I’m like just as much in the air as he is and he just don’t take any damage from it you could see the stream on another monitor oh that’s true yeah he might be able to just see I had such a good plan but it got foiled because I can’t hotkey I couldn’t

Do it very fast bro does not understand cbpvp cpvp is fire dude didn’t like I I’m if he’s in the air then it then it works is that not the basic concept behind cpvp if he’s above me then it’s if he’s above me then it’s then that’s that’s what you oh geez foreign

See that’s gotta have done damage to him he was so high up but I haven’t heard a single totem pop and I don’t know if that’s because I don’t if you I don’t know if that’s because I don’t hear the pops or not I might have oh I think I

Also have particles off I also do have particles off for that so I think I might just not see it when he pops a totem as well that that’s gotta have done damage to him because how could it not have dude how how how bro how how is that how this game works

Is chatting well PVP I was on oh I was on half a heart okay thank God have I popped any totems or is it just or does it just not show when you do I’m just gonna leave some landmines around here well I’m just switching dabs dang this guy

Oh I popped a totem finally I did it okay okay oh this is bad I need to get out of here as I popped one I finally got a totem that was my only goal in life it was to pop a single totem that’s all I needed

Now I’m good now I basically won I pretty much won the game because I popped one totem the fight of the century yeah for real this guy is hiding man this ain’t fairy there because he can see where I am I can’t see where he is oh hey oh why why oh Lord

Oh that did a lot of damage he’s got no idea that I’m here waiting for him what what is your username this is the longest duel ever oh yeah yeah that’s a good idea take off your helmet that will make things maybe reasonable for me to actually potentially win ah

Okay see I’m getting decent hits on him every once in a while oh he popped his own totem oh geez ah I have no idea where he is oh my gosh I cannot do this why do I keep jumping when I’m trying to get away

I can’t hockey I just can’t hotkey and I panic and it goes directly back to the thing I just hot when I when I panic I just go I just keep hotkeying to my sword instead of to my totem and stuff I just need to scroll honestly oh heck yeah another totem

That was just a self totem I’m about to run out of stuff man this guy’s trying to Kamikaze me right now okay that popped my own totem foreign I didn’t have my sword on me oh I’m out of obsidian bro what is this I’d be out of obsidian I missed

Where did I even land how did I miss so hard bro making himself so enticing oh is bro really making me do a third round now or did bro just be like I’m bored this is too easy I had no more crystals oh really yo so was there actually a possibility that

I could have won that that’s crazy dash one no way also no more gaps oh wait are you kidding me was I doing better than I thought I thought I was totally losing that’s crazy was it because you were getting too cocky though I feel like it I feel

Like that had had to do something with it you know I feel like you were going like you were being very cocky and that can’t be good for the uh for the Rovers bro nope nope I know that Strat bro attack is is spectating right now laughs

Bro has potions what is how did I just hear a drinking sound effect does this guy have a different kit than I do did I just hear a potion sound effect what did this guy set up it’s oh it was I’m so stupid I’m actually so stupid bro what’s up Essie

Hey man that’s not fair I’m drinking right now that seems like cheating that seemed like cheating nah we gotta have a rematch I want to win I wanna I wanna win like fair and square man okay I had to drink my water dude I was gonna redeem Mouse nah bro I’m not doing

Mouse in the middle of a duel I didn’t realize you know Loki might be a little bit of a uh might be a little bit of an advantage that I have I have like my auto hot bar refill nope stay back you can’t get me if I’m in here Dash

Just use anchors yeah you’re right I don’t know how to use them very well though I’ve never used an anchor before oh there we go we popped a totem like beds in the nether well I get that but I’ve never I’ve never used them in Crystal PVP before ah oh man I low

Oh that was a totem you weren’t supposed to do that you were supposed to let me place a block in front of myself first I’m getting out of here I get too panicked man don’t redeem Mouse I’m not doing Mouse until I’m back in hardcore anyway foreign

Who am I 1v1ning oh this is a Mitchell I see you over there oh Jesus what is going on right now I can’t see anything through all the fire and also through the insane amounts of um freaking things that Mitchell is doing Foreign hey I see you over there you took off his helmet again why is bro not taking damage from the fire hello oh the totem yeah you’re right you’re right oh I forgot about that I was like did this guy have fire resistance potion can’t stand Dash

Oh this guy this guy healing up his armor all right I’ll do the same a dog party has started say pet to pet at this guy this guy looks so vulnerable over here oh he’s spotted me oh he looks so vulnerable over here thank you oh sheesh that was pretty good honestly Mitchell

Or uh yeah Mitchell that was pretty smart Dash you don’t have to click on top of the Obby to place Crystal oh I know that I’m just I I’m not intentionally doing it if I am ah he baited me so hard there he I’m taking no I’m taking no uh I’m not

I’m not going easy on him if he like lets me start getting hits that’s like honestly oh geez if he lets me start getting hits I’m just taking them Oh no aha see that did way more damage to him I think than it did to me oh my Pearl went flying bro oh my gosh that’s so funny how the explosion interacted with my Pearl my Pearl went absolutely bonkers I don’t know how much damage that does

When he’s over there oh geez why he going in the tree again man why doesn’t it place let me place it oh my gosh is it because Mitchell was standing in it that’s so weird or I guess that makes sense but it’s a block so I didn’t realize it would do that foreign

This guy crystal hitbox is larger than a block no it no but it let me place it after Mitchell moved I think it’s just because it’s an entity so it didn’t let me place it because Mitchell was standing there hey now hey now hey now you just popped a totem again no attack

That’s not how that works I ain’t doing a free duel for you what do you think this is ah smart guy oh what um oh that did a lot of damage to myself probably more damage to myself than it did to to him I’m keeping an eye on him over there

I can’t wait to finish this game and if I win have him be like I was well no honestly either way he’s gonna be like I was going so easy on you and like that’s true but you know what who cares hey man where is he oh

Yeah see how my my hot bar refills that might be a little bit a little bit um of an advantage but foreign see that must have done just as much damage to me as it did to them right oh you can blow up the like sides of the Arena who knew

I know I didn’t I did not know that for one oh I have so many crystals left jump up there and go on go on jump up there oh thanks Oh I thought that was gonna destroy it do end Crystal explosions not destroy items foreign drop him again let’s test oh they don’t

Interesting huh what’s happening in the game chat I don’t know man Oh that’s a real good Strat Um it only destroys things it’s not on the same level oh it’s not on the same level if someone’s like if it if if I was to blow up here this wouldn’t do damage to him they have to be above I thought it I thought that was fine Aha there we go I I saw the hole and I had to go for it ah easy hole bro ah he found he figured out that you could that you could also go in a hole oh he just popped his own totem let’s go he’s figuring out he’s figuring out my strategies

What’s up Apple how’s it going because that’s where the damage has taken you’re here oh Lord that was that was pretty good oh my gosh bro is bro sweating now am I actually gonna Um am I actually gonna get clapped now I actually have no idea why is this guy asking me my political views oh I just started wasting them there what if I just mind obsidian sword I kinda need you just a little bit yes okay so I don’t have obsidian but I

Still have crystals I don’t know why I’m using like why I’m like going exclusively for uh hey hey now hey now hey now I’ll let you chill up there that’s okay Dash trade I’m too drained on gaps how many do you have what are we trading obsidian for give me

Gas I give obsidian how many gaps do you have and how many I have 26 but how many do you have Bush’s armor has probably taken a hit yeah I don’t know I know I feel like I definitely have more totems than Mitchell that’s the one thing what if I

Chose to not trade and I just went and harvested obsidian from the earth so that I win hmm Dash give us lists of your favorite games all right he chooses death um yeah you’re right oh Rose popping his own totems I hear it happening that’s so funny

Can I 1v1 you right now no you can’t not without 5 000 points I don’t know if they’re at the stream I don’t think they are but I feel like this guy is about to Tunnel right to me or oh maybe they’re not actually I see their name tag

Dash give us a list of your favorite games Minecraft Minecraft Again Minecraft another time Minecraft another time I’m living in a hole right now I can’t Sprint dude no way Mitchell I know you were probably not trying that hard on me because you clearly are better than me but like what

Would you rate me what would you rate me on at out of out of 10 in Crystal PVP like a three if I got like a three I would be pretty happy what’s up Tibor how’s it going which is better cats or dogs I like rabbits a hundred days in Crystal PVP yeah

That’s actually not a bad idea what if I just what if I just like started building houses and stuff how long does it let you join I don’t know what that means how long does it does it uh like how long does it let you be in here

High tier one the best oh yeah for sure that’s me that sounds like me wait hold on let me just it or inventory might organize are we harvesting Moss you want me to help did his helmet just break yo that’s crazy Mitch’s low tier five Dash is high tier one yeah that’s true

Four out of ten what is this duel bro um I’m cracked right as you can tell oh is he building a house oh that’s lovely I like it um Minecraft is my mine is Minecraft Roblox fortnite in that order what a fun list all right here’s the Strat guys foreign

The Strat was just put a bunch of totems in my hand and then spammed them and hope that I win Dash you just eradicated his house guys I’m so good at this game I know I know thank you thank you thank you I am simply the best you messed up my house no

Two one dash pum win I’m so sorry for me for blowing up your house Mitchell I’m gonna have to add a rule for future duels with you that you cannot uh no more giving us 50 totems those take so long bro that was literally like like 20 minutes

Of stream at least like that’s that’s a long duel bro you gotta make it you gotta make them a little bit less long or we could just do a a best one of one you know I need to sleep oof all right I will do a different kit

Right now because I’m rematching you oh I just got back on my hardcore world this guy has too many points this guy’s about to make this entire stream bro asked today he was like when’s the next high pixel stream Bros just making it his own Hypixel stream

It’s just gonna be me dueling him for the whole stream because he’s gonna keep keep tooling me with all of his millions of points and by millions I mean 150k it’s not like I was try Harding against my dad am I your dad wait am I your dad and

You’re chaos or your Challengers dad can we do it at some point if you buy it yes you not have a copper Farm I do not have a copper Farm yes Dash You’re my dad oh okay my bad I didn’t realize that oh we’re about to be done smelting that’s Epic

Yeah yeah oh okay my bad this Challenger Dash poems grandson then yeah I guess so Dash I only have 108k oh really you have a hundred AK now oh dang all right so guys operation make Mitchell poor is working anime and you see this he used to have like a hundred thousand

More points we’ve all so like the economy is writing itself after the whole gambling incident of 2023. whatever same thing the gambling incident of 2023 ruined the economy but the economy is is growing once more we’re we’re bringing it back pretty soon we’re gonna be good as new

I want to have fun with them before I go before being broke again fair enough yes Dash I don’t want to be that high on points valid and may duel Mitchell for all of his points no that’s such a bad idea dude if Mitchell wins oh my gosh that would be so tragic

That’d be so tragic Mitchell got it from the for the from the one stream that I had gambling enabled for it was a here let me tell you kids a story it was a dark and stormy night dashpump made the Fatal mistake of deciding that gambling would be a good

Thing to add to his stream it was not all that gambling did was make it so that those who had worked hard for their points now could be beaten by someone in a matter of minutes if they had good enough luck Mitchell was that person why is there just glass sitting in here

Mitchell was that person and we had to stop it before it ruined the chat as a whole and so I called in the Avengers and they took care of it and by called in the Avengers and they took care of it I mean I disabled the gambling module on streamlabs

And now gambling has been vanquished the evil that is gambling has been has is no more Brett not viewers if you were worried that you would work hard or not work hard but like watch lots of stream for all these points and then someone would come along and get

Really lucky and beat you do not worry do not fear for a dash pum has fixed gambling this one is still going which ones are still going oh my goodness okay now it’s done good all right now we have copper so we can make our little copper box around this

Guy and it’ll be great all hair Lord Dash pump 100K is a lot of hours though who’s saying they want a lot of hours if Mitchell wins that would break the economy Beyond repair true but at least at least it wouldn’t inflate the economy okay the issue with gambling was in

Addition was well so so it wouldn’t break the economy it would just make it would just make the one percent go to like the point zero zero one percent you know gambling the issue with gambling was it added new currency to the system and I

Don’t want that I don’t want it to add new currency into the into the mix you know it added new currency that previously didn’t exist and now it does um but thanks to Mitchell spending lots of points that currency is slowly going away thank goodness I need my lightning rods

I don’t hear anything oh it’s just because I have my volume down hold on let me fix it okay there we go fixed now I can hear stuff the Dome looks epic Dash thank you thank you Carol I’m I’m very happy with how the the lab looks we just gotta decorate the

Interior and make it nicely furnished and stuff and then it will then it will truly be epic I totally don’t know what I did oh wait I do know what I did with them aha I found you lightning rods okay so that’s the middle so I want to put like

So basically these are going to be the these are gonna be the cells and so what it’s gonna be what it’s like supposed to kind of look like oh actually this has to be underneath here or else it won’t actually be functional so we’re gonna have right in the center here

The guy the actual villager will be sitting right here and then or no the actual villager will be sitting right here under this block which still has Sky access yes perfect just barely the corner of it has Sky access but that’s cool and so what we’re gonna do is we’re going to

Make a nice little cell are these all facing the same direction I kind of want them to all be going in this direction this one is not so this will be the cell and then I want to add like we add like some little cables that go

Between them they’re going to be two different holding cells is this gonna make this look bad it might make it look a little bad let we’ll decide maybe maybe we’ll decide that against the second cell bam and Bam Bam bam and the BAM see I wanted to

Have two that are interconnected so when the lightning strikes it would be like it goes like and gets wired but that does look kind of bad and it looks like it does that what if we hook it up to like a battery what’s up Grand Imperial wizard how’s it going

Um what if we make it what if we just here here how about this instead of having a second cell we’re gonna have one cell here and then over here we’re gonna have like a battery that will be getting charged up like a copper battery and it’ll be like

It’s getting charged by the lightning um I kind of want it to be like right in the middle though you know what actually here’s what we’re gonna do we’re gonna put this guy in the middle and then coming off the back of it we’ll have some we’re gonna have like

Yeah that would be cool let’s add like wires that stick out of this so that it will kind of look like we’re harnessing or the the pillagers are harnessing the energy and using it for their own evil Mischief you know dual me Dash this one is for the gold

Farm what do you mean the dog party is over say bye bye I can’t believe you have below 100K you’re underrated I hope you go soon thank you working on it Dash I bought a tool a duel for tack oh boy what are we dueling in I wanted to

Make the mouse but I thought getting the 5 000 getting my own pet on your world would be cooler sick yeah yo Dash I had the strangest thing from someone in your Discord what does that mean you had the strangest thing did someone say something weird or something doulas

UHC on Hypixel or that is on Hypixel right we’re just doing a high pixel duel Dash do you like SMP kit I have no idea what that is so maybe he dm’d me on Discord and asked me foreign this dude messaged in the Discord why did he message you too you’re not

Even like you’re not like a farm helper he he asked how many chests does he need and I just said it’s like just do the math to figure it out because like I don’t know how many hours he needs to AFK for I can’t do the math for him

My friend told me about your channel hi what’s up W friend um can you get on Legacy or no yeah I can get on Legacy yeah exactly the answer is in the tutorial okay we’re doing a second Duel of tonight hold on guys wait real quick

Before I do this duel I want to change something some of my sound some of my things don’t have sound effects I want everything to have a sound effect because then I can then I’ll know when something gets when when the sound effect happens so for dual me I’m gonna

Get a sword clinking sound effect sword hitting sound effect let’s see can I find one that’s two I kind of want it to be longer than that why did whooshes come up that’s a really short sound effect I’m not Challenger did I call you Challenger oh I won’t lose I’m not Challenger do

You watch Korean I don’t you ready for your third duel man am I gonna have to do three duels in one day that’s kind of wild that’s a lot of duels man oh I forgot I did log on to Legacy hold on um I’m trying to find like a decent sound effect

I could always make one that’s like very long though sword swing sound effect that decent now I might just go with the two second one the that it’s very subtle but it’ll at least notify me that I need to do a duel more than more than no sound effect will let

Me just add it real quick and then when someone redeems duel I will actually know all right extract and then let’s add it maybe I’ll maybe I’ll get a better one later duel me noobs uh stream perk and then sound file pick and then we’re just gonna upload from

Uh there we go select I’m gonna turn the volume all the way up though so that I’ll hear it there we go do you want to do SMP kit or neth pot I don’t know what either of those things mean so dude why did they DM you

You don’t have any roles in the Discord I want to see I’m curious how many people they dm’d like they didn’t exclusively you who are you attack SMP kit is SMP kit and netpot is never right pot oh okay uh do whatever you prefer attack it’s your duel

You can use knives to make the sound yourself that’s so much work bro you really think I’m gonna go and grab my kitchen knives and shing shing and make that oh it’s amazing Zayn okay cool there we go oh Lord oh at least we only have one

Totem we have a lot of golden apples though depending on how long this duel takes we might only be doing round one because duels be taken mad long lately man bro it is just throwing it is just throwing different potions than it’s supposed to why invis though out of curiosity jeez man

Wait why am I taking damage dude it’s just throwing the wrong potion hold on hold on hold on hold on team team calm down I need to turn off my freaking thing because it’s not letting me use the right potion um hand restock hand restock is literally just choosing the wrong potion

For me to use I didn’t know that it would do that I thought it would know how to differentiate between potions okay I turned it off all right now we’re good now we’re good we can we can all right I gotta break this guy’s Shield

Oh wait I didn’t have a totem in my off end oh I had a shield oh I didn’t even realize man oh that’s that’s silly of me I forgot that I had the shield in my off hand oh is he typing what is happening dang that’s impressive the way that tack

Is able to switch to the the ax so quickly why does it not block sometimes jeez man all right man calm down ah oh geez oh we do have pearls I just realized I don’t know why I haven’t been using them at all oh my gosh bro I got

Clapped I don’t know how much health he’s at but that was wow that was that was uh that was a hard loss man first one I’m not dueling you there’s no no free duels what do you what do you what do you think is gonna happen man

You click on the hotkey for the ax oh I know that but I just don’t I’m not good at hotkeying like at all I don’t know how to hotkey man I don’t play I play hardcore so I don’t ever use my hotkeys I just scroll so when I have to hotkey

For PVP I’m really bad at it like I know you can do that but I just don’t I don’t use hotkeys back when I speed ran I used hotkeys and then once I stopped speedrunning I entirely stopped using hotkeys like ever and now I’m just like really bad at any PVP related games

You know it is what it is honestly what if I redeemed a duel for 1.18 or for 1.8 yeah I’ll hop on 1.8 is today just gonna be a full dual stream man are we just doing a full dual stream today that’s fun I hope the sound effect works

How am how people can scroll to the right item is so impressive to me you mean like like scrolling to the precise item I don’t even do that sometimes wait actually hotkey saved my hardcore world like 12 times for me I just make sure that I’m well

Geared for everything I never need the hotkey I have to save up a little more you know did the Dual redeem oh there we go now it’s gonna Mitchell it hasn’t redeemed I don’t know I don’t think so that’s weird if it redeems like twice I’ll I’ll refund you for that one but

Um no it has not it has not done one did I ever drink for when the for when I got a hydrate I am only use the hotkey for water bucket and chest plate and elytra so I use I use the hotkey for my elytra and fireworks or no for my fireworks and golden apples but my hotkey is just a mouse button so it’s really easy to press my hands are really small I have

Very small hands so I literally cannot reach without fully picking up my hand I can’t reach the nine key unless I use my thumb but you know that’s cool attack no sound promo mods get him out of here mods delete that message no self promo hooey Bannon you don’t have to ban him

You just gotta you just gotta delete the message oh okay that that works too I guess Dash yeah Mitchell I lost 7.5 K points so I guess it went through maybe it just didn’t make the sound it is not showing me wait hold on what

Time is it right now no the last duel in my redemptions the last duel that shows up is from 8 21. so I think that was just the last one redeeming I’m not gonna give you a free duel I trust I trust streamlabs more than I trust you

What’s up Apple how’s it going didn’t show up in chat either but I from what went from 108 to 101. Mitchell you’ve been at 101 that’s what I was gonna say I feel like that it went down from your last duel what’s up Clay stop motion Studios how’s it going

Um how do I make wires in Minecraft like so one thing I want to do I want to grab a this guy and we want to light it up underneath I think I want to light it up under the thing actually you know let’s grab a couple here’s what I think it

Would be cool we want to have like a big battery at the back it’s gonna be kind of like the focal point of it how do you make like a battery in Minecraft battery Minecraft I just want to like see how I would like make something that looks like a battery

Okay yeah I guess I can just make it look like a double A battery or something and have it be like bronze on the top and black at the bottom um we’ll do we’ll do that I guess that’s kind of cool except I do want like the

Light I want like a light level in it so I’m thinking we use coal blocks I just don’t know where I freaking put my coal blocks is there a thing where you can only do commands certain times I don’t think so I think you should be able to do it

Again I don’t know why it isn’t working man where in the world is my freaking coal blocks how do I just lose everything all the time dude I had coal blocks too what did I do with them oh my gosh okay I don’t know if those are the ones that I was looking

For or not but I found coal blocks so that’s good enough okay so we are going to have a battery that’s going to be like right here I think and it’s gonna be like it’s gonna be a big a big boy battery you know you gotta have a nice large battery

How big of a battery I’m thinking we do well that’s all that I have left so you know clearly that’s as large as we can make the battery unless I make it like I think that will look a little better that looks terrible how am I supposed to make a battery

Oh the top is supposed to be silver okay that’s that’s what we need to add we need an iron block the little nub at the top is supposed to be silver wee bam okay so and then we’re gonna do light up that and then light up that

We’ll do like now we can have it be like uh like most or halfway halfway charged and then yeah that’s not bad um and then so we want to take these though we want to take these um hold on which way are those going and then we’re going to connect

These to the battery so that it’ll kind of look like this is getting charged by that by any lightning that strikes on this guy then I’m gonna put I’m gonna put some of those there and then we’ll put a witch in the middle or well we’ll put a villager in the

Middle and over time it’ll eventually turn to a witch Another another addition to the thing kind of looks cool doesn’t look bad at least it doesn’t look like horrible Dash yes Mitchell gambling left me with nothing dang Dang Challenger don’t cut enough Dash how about you just do me tonight and tomorrow I redeem one that doesn’t mean anything go to record a time lapse so you can record the Villager getting struck that would be crazy lit Maybe Maybe good suggestion though um I wonder why it’s not working though

That’s weird um hold on let me just make sure I didn’t put like a limit on how many oh I have a GL I do have a global cooldown that’s why it’s not letting you redeem it again let me just change that to zero okay now it should be fine I didn’t even

Realize I think I had I had a cool down back on on Twitch I had a cool down and I just uh I just added it I I basically converted everything exactly so I forgot that I had a cool down on there I’m back why was I banned well you

Weren’t banned Dash would you rather be a toilet or a pumpkin pumpkin’s get either turned into a pumpkin pie which seems painful but at least I would be delicious and they’re like dignified you know they sit nicely in their little fields and stuff rather than having to

Like uh get pooped in every day that doesn’t sound very nice self promo against the rules oh yeah what’s up ammo how’s it going welcome back welcome back how are you doing today um I’m gonna put some of this stuff away for now though that was his way of seeing it what

Hey yo what can I eat ice can you eat ice why do I have to do why am I in charge of that I feel like if you what you do with your ice is is between you and the ice I don’t think that’s really my business

You do whatever you want with ice just don’t eat my ice because I kind of like having packed ice okay I need to just craft another boat because I don’t have one well I I’m sure I have one somewhere but I can’t find it off the top of my head

Or I can’t find it like quickly so I’m just gonna grab a boat nobody said egg was removed yeah I don’t know why I don’t know why does everyone think egg was removed egg was never removed it’s literally always there who keeps thinking that egg was removed is this Aether yeah this is

The Aether right now y’all are reading a Wiki just want to get a professional opinion on if I should eat ice um I don’t know if Ice is like good for you well I guess it’s just water so it’s probably good for you so yeah go for it

You know what I think you should eat ice but I just would like to say that if you eat ice and you die from it it’s not my fault okay get doctors you should get doctors permission before eating ice and uh from forever in the future Challenger you gotta save up points and

Uh and rename I love takeio to I love Challenger just make sure that everything in my inventory is renamed after you or Mitchell imagine having a whole Monopoly on everything that’d be crazy I have eaten nice before no way I don’t believe it no one no one

Eats ice and lives to tell the tale dude I don’t believe you can you buy me a rename please how much for Burning Down The House the dog house I’m not I’m not Burning Down The House guys I’m sorry as much as I as much as I think it would be really funny

There’s no amount of money that will get or well there’s you know what no real life money would get me to burn down the house if you gave me like if you gave me like like 50 bucks I’ll burn down the house and I hope Mitchell would understand

Because 50 bucks is 50 bucks can you go into that area please for me buddy no no no no aha there we go now we’re talking baby Um okay wait so these ones are all facing that way so if I do it like that now they’re all facing in the same direction and then if I do that perfect our villagers trapped Oh hold on I gotta I want to record something all right let’s just finish mining up this and then look at that we got a villager trapped our villager is now open to the sky so that he can become a witch and yeah looks pretty swag anime stream Labs is slow true it is

Dash I I will unsubscribe if you dash do it no balls I’m gonna Dash right now I would consider that dashing or maybe maybe you’d prefer one of these How’s that for dashing minus one subscriber you can’t control me though I will Dash whenever I want to Dash I bought Challenger a duel and Arena and a name Tool you did oh why did I not hear anything why why this game be dumb why streamlabs be a meanie pants

And not make the noise It does not show anything because he didn’t duel is not on cooldown it shouldn’t be yeah Dash not right now oh okay you meant like a while ago Okay so yeah there’s no cool down change Mouse needs to have a cooldown because it’s a 10 minute thing dual me Noob does not have a cooldown anymore so should be fine to work yeah it should be fine I don’t know why why name tools or armor has a has a uh

A cool down it had a 60 second cooldown which I don’t think many people are renaming stuff within 60 seconds of each other but I’m gonna change it anyway okay now now we’re chilling Um oh there we go is the bot working again did you know that glue is toxic um no it’s not that’s a lie that’s what the government wants you to think I glue all the time and look at me I’m fine um anyways I’m gonna let’s get an

Enchanting room for this and then we also over here I think we’ll get a evoker to change the color of a sheep Am I still recording I’m not okay good What is making my thing okay there we go I fixed it can I live in Alaska no you cannot you’re not allowed I just want to hit 200. Challenger you know that for the Hall of Fame I’m gonna make it I I did I I think

I did mention it but I don’t know if you were here or not but for the Hall of Fame it’s only gonna be it’s only gonna be one week of watch time so you’ll be good to go into the Hall of Fame immediately would you rather eat Dash pum 3 or Dash

Pump 2 well Dash pump 2 was a little bit of a chunker um so probably Dash bump two a lot more a lot more pumpkin meat on that on that bones you know on those bones but it is my home state I don’t care you’re not allowed to live there move

Um I will allow you to live in Oklahoma that’s the only place you’re allowed to live either I’m gonna make my hall of fame Pillager themed because of my favorite Dash pum 4 video you should make your whole world dash pum 4 themed because of your favorite YouTuber whereas Dash pump one dead

Was turned into a pumpkin pie this guy don’t know the lore of Dash pum oh my goodness SMH what did I come here to do get bookshelves yes that’s what I came here to do I have leather I think I do have leather um I think I have leather

Well I have a little bit here but I’m pretty sure I have leather at the go at the bartering Farm let’s go ahead and grab a bunch of paper though because I need to crap wait hold on what am I doing let’s just trade for

Bookshelves why am I why am I gonna be a dingus here and and craft let’s just trade for them I just have to go grab some emeralds from the base and then or from the no not e from the Pillager Village and then I can uh then

I can just trade for a bunch of bookshelves and we’ll be good to go best help I can’t find Dash com 3’s Channel all I got recommended was what is that someone else who designed my gold or who who built my gold Farm in their hardcore world or in their world

I’m Googling it oh good they didn’t credit me I don’t know if they credited me in the description I think they used my farm though it’s not even in English but I don’t think they credited me that’s very nice of them I’m trying to find if they credited me I

Don’t think they did this is definitely my farm though because it has the same it has the same rates as my farm you know if anyone understands this language go watch it and let me know if they credited me copyright strike them that is not how that works

They didn’t infringe I wonder if I can find in the in the if I just search I wonder if I can just look Dash pum for no I don’t I I see one and it’s just me and my own recommended is it Spanish I have no idea to be honest

It’s Bosnian language ah guys I really don’t think you guys know how copyright works also look at these amazing thumbnails what a funny thumbnail these are these are just like the same three thumbnails all back to back really high quality too um anyways though I Google translated it

And they said it was the best gold Farm should have rights reserved the rights like every Farm Builder I don’t know if you’re kidding or not but that is not I don’t think anyone like you can’t reserve rights to a Minecraft farm as far as I am aware

Better than my thumbnails TBH I don’t think so blood is going to use Google Translate you should hire him instead of me get the mods no okay anyways that’s fun yeah I don’t uh I don’t know yeah it’s not Spanish dude I if it was Spanish I would be able to understand

What they’re saying oh without number at the start wait do they do they credit me did they credit me at the very beginning of the video I don’t think they did I was talking to anime okay I’m 95 that’s Serbian I could put it on Google translate and they and then it would tell me what language it is but anime wanted name oh okay leaving the game is a crucial part of becoming a wraith main what

I think you’re talking about Apex probably I you know it’s interesting I wonder how many people have built my farm and I would never know that they’ve built my farm because they didn’t credit me that’s an interesting thing to think about oh yeah I have plenty of leather

Interesting thing to think wait why did I didn’t even I’m just going to trade I came here to watch Minecraft well you got it I’m playing Minecraft so yeah there you go is this OverWatch 2 campaign no this is actually the fortnite Season 75 or whatever season they’re on at this point

We’re playing fortnite right now this is one of those really cool Creator Maps you know that was made by the commute by the community Wait till he steals this Farm again and doesn’t credit him he probably will but see it’s I have no way of knowing I I really want be so here’s the thing I don’t care you’re like you can totally use my farm but I just want other people

Like like here’s how I think of it if I’m helping you by letting you make a like you’re making a whole video on the farm you know you’re making a whole video where you build my farm and you’re also getting yourself a bunch of resources in your in your world like the

Least you can do is leave a link to the farm in the description I feel like that is really not a big ask but some people still don’t do it and those people are losers um but you know it is what it is man I love my my book texture pack

Shout out zolly for making this fire texture pack for the books yeah I don’t know it seems like a very simple thing to do but people still don’t do it and like the reason I ask is because like or the reason that I want them to

Do that is obviously because if if I get views onto my channel from their video or from the yeah from their video then I make a little bit of money they’re gonna make more money than I am but they’re I’m still gonna get a little bit of

Money and so like that would be kind of Swag it would be kind of progress if I made a little bit of money lickle bit little bit of money can I give you my free time um you want to like give me your free time in terms of like free labor for me

I feel like I probably read that out of context but if anyone knows how to edit and wants to edit for me and not get paid yo sign up um I find I searched up Dash from one and it came up with one of your vids

From two years ago and it’s your channel trailer finally a YouTuber who admits they like money is Joker craft a person or an SMP she’ll corrupts a person well it’s actually two people oh there we go it finally worked and the sound played too all right we’re doing a duel I think

Jitter said he wants to do 1.8 aren’t their names just it’s it’s wait what are their actual names I forget like they’re real life names not like they’re Minecraft usernames I’m blanking I have one of them added one of them friended me on Discord which is pretty IP Epic

I’m just like I don’t know I’m honored to be like on the friends list of a YouTuber or of like a few YouTubers now like I have e and friended I think I might have it might just be he might just be in my Discord I don’t know if I

Have unfriended or if he’s just in my Discord but either way it’s cool do you use infinite Emerald trades or not I have I just don’t currently it’s shoker and craft yeah that’s just like one of my favorite Brands Brock Hampton is run by Brock and Hampton

Signature dynamic duo you know I think the Villager update is the best because then every biome got a use yeah I like it man I like it what’s up render the great how’s it going I think the villager oh I already read that let me be your editor if you

Actually knew how to edit I would but I I feel like you would just like not be very good at it that trading Hall might be useless once the villagers get nerfed I don’t uh seneth I don’t I don’t think that they’re gonna Nerf pre-existing villagers but because usually when they

Make a Nerf they don’t like change stuff that’s already around like you know how they removed the ability to have multiple of the like multiple protection Types on Armor when you update the game it doesn’t like remove that so I don’t I kind of doubt that they would change it but

That’s fine because I’ll I’m my my plan is I’m gonna be building a new villager trading Hall anyway and I’m gonna have a raid farm right nearby so that I can get here of the village that’s the that’s the Strat okay that’s my Strat and I think it’s a I

Think it’s a solid plan in my same work oh that’s a w then yeah I would think so a dog party has started oh another dog party can can my stream Labs show the game that I’m trying to record please I don’t know why it’s not showing it

Streamlabs like likes to be kind of an annoying little goober sometimes and not show my game there we go all right are we hopping on Hypixel I think so I don’t remember though do you like pumpkin insides and pumpkin pie I’m not a big fan of pumpkin pie I also

Don’t know anyone who likes pumpkin insides nah said mine men okay jitter’s the only person I’ve ever met who plays on mine men I mean clearly 755 people play on mine men but I’ve only ever met Jitter I don’t like the high pixel lag okay

Um are we doing practice and then n a practice right Fireball fight that seems fun no debuff oh boy oh geez I’m not oh Lord all right ah oh my goodness what a combo bro bro hit me with his own bro hit me with the potion as well this is rude

And inconsiderate of my feelings I’m not aiming at dude he just gets me in combos so fast oh my goodness I’m trying to actually aim at his head and then I’ll be chilling oh see there we go oh I gotta eat man oh my saturation bar is on now oh

All right fine I’ll I’ll fix that oh hold on let me pot up again I just opened my own inventory that’s actually a a important Strat what are we doing I needed some extra some extra stuff oh okay that’s an important Strat that you guys

Have to do POV you’re a try hard I’m trying my best they pay me to try my best and by pay I mean like pay with points but this mouse doesn’t double click which kind of sucks so my CPS is really low ah oh Jitter with oh my gosh bro calm down sir

Jesus you won’t give me a break bro they really be uh advertising their tick tock on here oh my gosh I cannot he moves too fast dude I cannot uh I cannot track him while clicking fast do you play in 1.8 pretty much for duels and high pixel streams every once in a

While those are kind of the two times what Zoom mod do you have well this is so this is uh Lithia this is lunar client and then the zoom mod that I use is wi Zoom it’s a pretty swag mod it’s a pretty good mod see what in the world he’s he’d be

Hitting me from like dude in what world is this how I don’t understand how Minecraft just like allows him to hit me from further than I can hit him it has never made sense to me probably never will make sense to me either oh and Jitter gets mad at me for running to

Get out of combos too which is wild because like if you don’t run to get out of combos you’ll just stay in them forever because you can’t because you’re higher than them so like you literally can’t you can’t physically get out of combos oh I gotta eat man

Minecraft logic be like well no the it makes sense because it’s it’s because of G uh trigonometry I mean stupid math stuff is why it works but running here is diff in boxing hey now hey now hey now I just wanted those free free couple hits all right let’s go ah dude how

I’m literally clicking I be clicking and it just don’t be hitting dude like what what is going on I know jump like like what this game is so stupid I hate versing Jitter because there’s I’ve never I don’t remember the last time I’ve won a game against Jitter he’s

Just he’s way better than me at at PVP or especially 1.18 or especially 1.8 PVP and I just lose I can beat him at Bed Wars but that’s because I’m better at the whole strategy part of the game than him he doesn’t really like do the

Strategy thing and he just goes for you and then and then you know oh my gosh like brother I feel like I don’t strafe enough is that one is that a problem that I have is the reason I’m getting comboed because I’m not strafing I don’t know I

Don’t really know how to strafe but that meat combo dude Jitter Jitter slapping me around with his meat right now hold on now hold on now hold on now oh see okay okay okay strafing for the win strafing for the win oh thank you for the free

The free thing all right I’ll eat I really have so many random randoms community on my for you page really have some I no I have no idea what that’s supposed to mean I Jitter how’s it going all right all right ready strafing time you guys can probably hear my mouse so

Much when I come on okay oh oh dude Jitter just hits me from further than I hit him ah okay see occasionally a good combo I’m I’m improving okay I just had to start actually being smart it’s over for me let’s go oh wait calm down I don’t have my speed pot yet

I didn’t pot up oh oh look at that combo oh look at that combo oh where is he oh I don’t know how many hearts of Health they heal and like how many I’m supposed to wait or how many how many hearts am I supposed to be down before I use a potion

Oh Jitter just didn’t died via VIA ender pearl okay like two two hearts down is that what you’re saying um I don’t know I don’t play Minecraft okay cool you just watch Minecraft are you just a Minecraft viewer not a Minecraft player understandable honestly all right come on now come on now

Okay okay okay okay all right calm down oh are there carpets here why am I sometimes just getting comboed for like seemingly inexplicable reasons to me inexplicable oh oh hey I want that oh I wanted that ah oh thanks oh thanks that was so nice of you ah

Where the friggin dude how does he do this I get my hand isn’t even properly on my mouse anymore oh my gosh it’s so Jehovah as soon as as soon as Jitter starts starts actually trying it’s so over for me I can’t I can’t do enough things with my hands like

I’m required to be clicking insanely fast and aiming and all of these other things oh oh brother just brother just hit me with the ender pearl oh my goodness that’s that’s like too advanced for me dude what in what world I was aiming and I strafed I got out of the combo too

I was within I was within range to be able to hit him and everything oh he is still chasing me haha hey get out of here that was rude He’s never gonna see me if I come up oh he saw oh see I can’t I can’t um I can’t hotkey fast enough to like oh you know what ender pearls for combos are probably smart because when you have protection on your armor you take like no damage

See he gets an extra hit every time I turn around because he just like keeps aggressing me I just threw it right past him okay GG it’s Joker you’re by done I haven’t heard the buy done part that’s funny I’ve heard joover I don’t know why I’ve never heard the

Your buy done though that’s funny I like that you can change the left click attack to Mouse scroll wheel to click ridiculously fast does that actually work if it does you might have to do that but also that I don’t know I feel like my aim would be

Terrible if I was trying to aim while scrolling constantly and my scroll wheel isn’t one of the ones that like continues spinning it just stops you know oh I’m so hot and sweaty in my room now from sweating I got three because I won and then lost and then I won true

I was messing around too much you got some good combos thank you and I try to savor my duels by using all three matches uh like X Mouse button control I remember when I beat Jitter he wasn’t wearing armor and I and didn’t have a weapon and he was trolling that’s like

The that’s like 90 of the time that I beat Jitter it’s like it’s just like when I when I whenever I beat Jitter it is are we doing another duel whenever I beat Jitter it’s like Jitter will have some massive disadvantage uh Mitchell what are we doing

What’s up Carl how’s it going man I’m really just doing a million duels today this is just dual stream honestly I should do like once a month same thing but kits beta same thing as what I should do like once a month make duels like 5 000 and just do an entirely dual

Stream bro can’t catch a break yeah I assume you mean on PVP Legacy but I don’t actually know if that’s what you mean what’s the cheapest redeem it’s first first is one point Lobby oh uh 12. thoughts on 1.18 or 1.8 versus 1.20 I think I have more fun playing 1.20

Honestly but who is this I think I prefer 1.20 it seems a little more strategic but oh we have arrows and stuff now okay that makes it a little easier for me I think all right we’re just doing one of these though because these duels take forever

Or yeah well unless it goes by really fast I’m gonna gauge it based on how fast it happens Dash can I friend you no no it’s three days shorter also I guess we have a couple less totems there we go uh oh my goodness bro now calm down oh oof magoof

Oh I haven’t played this I’m back I’m I’m used to like oh it’s been I got used to like spam clicking now and now I’m now I’m confused oh he just popped his own totem ah see he’s better I I don’t know if he’s trolling or not oh geez man

That was rude I don’t know if Mitchell is trying like fully or not but I feel like I’m better at like the actual PVP he’s way better at the actual Crystal part but icky He did not oh geez um he popped he keeps popping his own totems bro bro keeps doing more damage to himself than he’s doing to me and it’s funny ah oh geez how did that do so much damage to me I wasn’t even in the air

Oh geez I need to get out of here before I pop another totem make sure when you Crystal to place multiple crystals oh you can do that oh I never even thought of doing that you can place multiple crystals on the same weight can you oh no you can’t

You just mean like quickly do it haha ah why oh you are really slow when you’re slow falling geez man that’s so funny you have to do it fast so he doesn’t have time to re-toe them yeah I don’t I don’t know if I can do it

That fast but you know what I’m trying my best I’m not doing terribly either still going All right all right we’re chilling we’re chilling but Imma go broke dinner’s about to duel me again Jitter I’m not even good it’s not even like a it’s not even like a contest man what’s even the point oh that was that was cheeky cheeky cheeky Boston

That was very cheeky and I didn’t like it ah oh Jesus Geez Louise that’s the wrong item that’s the wrong item calm down now you’re winning by the way thank you good to know I didn’t know if I was or not he’s popped three more totems than you swag okay

Oh my gosh you move so slow right now Oh he got me I didn’t have time to retote him dang man oof oh I forgot that it doesn’t reset the maps what a weird thing he I got bored your helmet popped oh I forgot to repair any of my armor at all dude forgot to

Repair my armor that’s why he killed me so fast please please what what Jesus Oh my goodness there was an arrow there I think the arrow just decided to not work that’s cool dude oh I always hot heat or the wrong item foreign there we go where’d he go

A crystal damages your legs yeah I know I know the basic concept of how the crystals work oh geez I know like how to do damage I’m just not that good at hot keying quickly enough to to save myself obese oh Lord oh my gosh man aha

Oh my gosh see I need to stop just like standing there while he does his thing see that’s that definitely does plenty of damage to him though so I don’t feel too bad when I get hit by one of them that is not the right item man um

Got a little annoyed of the trash talking saying I was losing try to place obsidian on top of his oh so that he can’t place it that makes sense oh how’s my armor doing I should probably repair this right there we go I was gonna say does he know that I’m

Standing right there now put your pants back on yes it’s called trolling chat now this guy’s just bad for real I’m just better honestly for real my Wi-Fi is trash oof where did Mitchell go man I’m getting impatient oh I see him did Mitchell did Mitchell this pants

Break no his helmet would have broken first right I would expect oh yeah his pants his pants do still exist that’s what I thought you just took them off f3b helps with Crystal foreign I have an idea here okay hold on hold on now hold on now hold on

That was not my idea how many errors do you guys have uh we have like I think you start with like two stacks or something it’s a crossbow yeah oh that’s a good point haha my chances now well Mitchell is typing in chat I just gotta I just gotta take my

Opportunities when they arise to be honest hey now hey now hey now hey now oh Lord oh oh I didn’t mean to go in the tree to be honest but it’s whatever um yeah I’m rolling people on op duels right now I don’t believe you to be honest

I’m not even gonna lie I don’t think I believe him aha I place down my thing early enough that I didn’t get I didn’t get hit I’m kind of kind of maybe learning This guy making an Illuminati triangle out of out of his uh his things that works I’m spectating the duel you are how many bro we got three people spectating that’s crazy you’ll never see me coming I keep ruining his wiener dude yeah oh I could have easily landed a crystal

On there I thought his Pearl was gonna land too early though the size is average nah that’s too big honestly bro that is way too large I would prefer like like a nice little like that is probably more reasonable foreign I’m just chasing after you dog

Oh I was worried he was gonna hit me with that Hey okay both floating yeah Howie that was rude forgot that I have to do this a third time now since I won you know what though I’m at least getting better at the game Oh no for free what are you even talking about bro what do you think this is oh all of you let me get out of here I just want to be free for like one second so that I can put stuff back into my inventory foreign that doesn’t make any sense

You stay back there yeah yeah you wander off like that oh so enticing bro just 360 to me what the frick Oh that’s gotta have done some damage to him oh he’s actually trying now and I don’t like it I’m actually getting clapped because Mitchell’s actually putting in like like 10 effort I don’t know if that did any damage to Mitchell at all to be honest dude why am I taking so much damage I’m not even on the level of it and how is he not taking damage from it oh he did he popped a totem What if I just like repaired my armor a little bit foreign if I use my auto clicker to throw these I really want to because this is so so slow You just get kicked oh okay where did he go oh hey there he is dude I don’t know how you do it so fast he doesn’t know oh he he placed a second one I was gonna say he doesn’t know I know this but don’t flick how is he

Just look at the Obby on at an angle I don’t know yeah I I guess if I’m above I can see do like if I’m like here I can do that but it just knocks me backwards I mean it doesn’t do nearly as much damage but whole W when you Crystal okay

Good to know Oh Lord why is he what is this guy doing he’s he’s Gathering he’s just Gathering Moss this guy’s got a plan and I can I can tell I hear the peaceful Minecraft music then explosions that is far too large setting unrealistic expectations for men where’d he land

He’s got no idea I’m over here how did I miss from that close I don’t know at what I don’t know if I’m actually doing much damage to him over there oh I guess I hear him eating gaps so clearly I am I’m clearly doing something

I feel like one thing that’s bad about my crystal PVP is that probably like every single time that I use a crystal it’s extremely predictable because I take so long to scroll over and do it this guy’s just wasting his gaps bro quilch real quick which got banned why is bro

In my chat right now I do remember you and I don’t miss you at all just want you to be aware of that um I assume you can watch my stream just not participate in chat um what did he do he was just oh and could I also be unbanned no

He was uh he was the he had like five different accounts that were all dedicated to saying homophobic and racist things oh my gosh and crystals are wacky dude I’m pretty sure it’s just because there’s a moss block on top of here isn’t it oh no it’s not it was it was

Because of the lack of blocks around it okay okay impressive how fast he re-totems At the moment you’re doing good but it needs more work well I play hardcore so we’re chilling you know who even cares crystallora and auto totem all the way isn’t that just like a hack though or will Crystal or I know is a hack but I’m pretty sure Auto totem also just like

Constitutes a hack that’s like the stuff that like 2b2t players be using why do you use anchors if you don’t go in a hole I don’t know man I don’t play this game enough to know what I’m doing his skills are intelligent but just not intelligent enough Dash pum is my favorite streamer see that totally did damage to him too What was that lag is promo allowed on This Server probably not I feel like most servers don’t actually I think I saw someone do it earlier I feel like most servers don’t really like promo though which Dash pum was my favorite streamer but he literally Banned Me that’s your fault dog

You’re the one who had several accounts and just was saying offensive things on all of them it’s not my fault I don’t regret it in the slightest man Deserved it ah that was rude foreign that was probably a solid oh that did nothing to me probably oh geez I was gonna say this guy does not notice that I came up to the surface oh see this is why quilch is banned bro it’s unfortunate wait are you able to

Guys Spectators y’all wanted us to report quilch on this server I assume you can probably report quilch on This Server just get quilts Banned From This Server too then we’re then we’re chilling you know um I like Crystal PVP very fun game mode I’m really bad at it but it is fun

I’ll take this opportunity while he’s repairing his armor to do this this game mode takes so long though in the future my crystal PVP matches will be for for like this game mode we do and we do in one one game because this takes way too long dude takes so long

This is just dual stream though I don’t got Minecraft on Java unfortunate stop shooting him I’m reporting him oh my bad my bad in order to report you must verify your account then verify it I guess I don’t know do I slash report Okay I I will do that after stream can I curse you can just don’t be offensive don’t be well like you can curse just don’t be like straight up racist you know it will get blocked if you do and then one of the mods will delete it oh okay

Well maybe you can’t curse then apologies I’m verified I’m intelligent don’t say the n-word kids true oh wait I had so much obsidian left how did I have so much obsidian left okay I’m cool with that I guess I got nothing done today except for made Mitchell a lot poorer

All I accomplished today’s stream was make Mitchell poor and I built like I probably placed a grand total of like 15 blocks I did so little in my actual hardcore world this is taking forever SMH yeah L for you quilt what are you even talking about bro little kiss

Three subscribers in like one second wow what am I Mr Beast that’s crazy oh ah oh my goodness bro that is not the right block um oh Bros repairing his armor I got I have I have no shortage of durability I gotta take this opportunity to just oh

Why can I not do that there we go it’s annoying that if you’re in the block you can’t place it hey man calm down what number are you talking about Seth Rogen is here wow that’s crazy I’m a fan not that big of a fan but I’m a I’m a

Reasonable Seth Rogen fan he’s saying hard r no he made a joke like a really well I don’t know if it’s a joke or not but it really like you know one of those very very funny like Asian people eat dogs and cats jokes so uh well I actually don’t remember what

He did to get banned a while ago but this guy is now has now returned in his in his back oh geez oh Lord oh Lord okay let’s just uh let’s not do that let’s not do that buddy let’s not do that that’s rude I hate fire man I wish there was fire

Resistance in this game mode just because the act of getting damaged by fire is so annoying or like I wish there was water buckets if you want an autograph why would I want an autograph I am confusion give me totem for a smooch it’s attempting tempting offer unfortunately I’m more interested in winning

So no thank you oh I’m out of arrows foreign dude oh that’s unfortunate it’s Joe for guys it’s jover I don’t have arrows oh this guy doesn’t have totems though so perhaps I can just do slush FP what does that even mean do you have Minecraft Bedrock I do

Because it comes because like if you have a Java Edition account now you also have Bedrock but find player ah I’m back welcome back but I don’t use it I don’t play it low tier 10 moment here nah nah I’m high tier 10 or high tier 5 or something I

Don’t know what that I don’t know what that even really means to be honest but I’m like the highest that you can get stop digging down hey man what do you mean oh quilches man it sucks because I can’t do anything against quilt in here you

Know what wait hold on hold on here’s what I can do where is the oh there we go haha bye quilch quilts really can’t do anything against if I do that you know oh thanks for the arrow man oh that’s gotta have done some damage bro oh foreign

How are you guys underground now is this the same duel it is indeed I win yay I did it all right there we go finally I can stop playing this now jeez man all right guys I have 13 minutes left so if someone wants to do a duel

If someone wants to do a duel now would be now would be the time to do so because I don’t really feel like playing Minecraft for for 13 minutes until I have to end stream do me can we watch you in Minecraft no you’re not allowed to watch me play Minecraft

Hello random people man that was so effective to just to just turn off chat isn’t that very effective dang girl got a rare name having a four-letter name is pretty it’s pretty cool can you play a steam game now can we play on Bedrock also no

Oh wait I have to turn on chat in order to accept the thing but also Mitchell did not do a duel Mitchell you have to type the e my name is four letters oh that’s true isn’t aren’t four letter names pretty rare though um okay hold on let’s join the PVP Legacy Discord

Join joining it now finish and then we type in Minecraft chat we type slash verify confirm slash verify confirm into the verified Channel there we go on verified swagalicious okay now we can do slash report Welch reason type what are the reason types racism um frequent use of hateful

Of hateful uh stereo types oh okay that’s not a reason okay we’re gonna do uh harassment then harassment there we go all right they have now been reported swag can you bring Shula nah she’s over there all right anyways did did Mitchell do it oh Mitchell didn’t actually redeem it so

Then then uh Mitchell ain’t getting a duel can anyone tell I made a Minecraft streamer I can join after this I do not know of any Minecraft streamers other than me that exist there I’m actually the only Minecraft streamer I am the only Minecraft streamer so you know foreign

Yo who wants to do who wants to do my signature kit who’s trying to who’s trying to duel me in my signature kit how do you feel about creeper Farms with the snow golems in the middle they’re pretty good best out of five me for free hold on hold on

Guys whoever whoever wants a free duel whoever wants a free duel get on PVP Legacy and we’ll do a big like we’ll do like a 3v3 What what verses is it Jitter shh don’t spoil it man all right I’m just gonna join this one join in everyone heck yeah let’s go whoever oh Challenger didn’t get in no way bro is already giving up okay this is the endurance test bro already gave up bro has no endurance

Oh my gosh I don’t know what that means dude well I forgot this live I thought it was about and now this is live hey man let’s play some music finish the match so I can join now the whole point of this is that

It’s uh it’s very oh this is a void map so we could actually potentially just knock people into the void maybe if we try hard enough quilt as much as I don’t like you we gotta work together to knock this guy into the void Come on oh this guy got a wood sword foreign he’s almost off dang it this is so difficult oh he got the he got the blocks of this Dang it it the netherrite makes it so difficult to hit people into the void yeah I don’t I don’t know how would I do that in Minecraft though like you mean like a Minecraft themed one Oh he got the stone sword now okay Oh see Mitchell got bored and didn’t do it how did I not get in though because someone random joined I’m pretty sure this gotta be cyber bullying yeah you did it all right I really want to just knock tack into the void though that seems like so

Much more of a fun way of killing him where’s Tac at though I don’t even know oh we found him we spotted him I’m helping here okay wait I have a I have a plan I have a new plan no actually I feel like my plan is gonna take too long

My plan was to get wood oh geez I didn’t expect my teammate to die bro no please don’t hurt me please please don’t hurt me please please Hold on hold on brother oh I can’t Sprint anymore oh I can’t Sprint anymore dude Hold on dude this stupid this is so dumb that uh the netherrite makes you take no knock back there’s like no way I’m knocking him into the void hold on what if we just what if we just what if we just team and we hold up please please please Thank you ah badge epic duel though oh we have I think we have time for one more duel what is the texture pack you have on numbers on that short where you’re making a Basalt Farm um I don’t even know dude how do I leave wait wait quilch is still alive

Wait what how did I not know what is quillish been doing this whole time I don’t think we do have time for one more maybe man A quilt one dang bro all right hold on we’re doing another one then different kit I have to make I have to hmm which kit do I want to do what kind of things do they have in this game nowadays Nah this kid is fine honestly all right all right everyone everyone get in this get in this Lobby if Challenger doesn’t make it in that’s his fault all right sick epic kid look at this awesome kit dude Look at this amazing kit oh no I need my puffer fish puffer fish come back here oh I forgot I gave it I I there’s two tridents one with uh one with the ability to actually damage people and one for the sole purpose of flying

Oh yo he got on the Trident he got on the thing aha I poisoned him that was exactly what I wanted to do haha I poisoned where did oh he died I was like where did he go I have vaguely seen it I’ve seen it like

A tiny bit but I’m not gonna make it in Minecraft I just it just doesn’t sound oh I killed a puffer fish rest in peace oh that was almost really good oh am I gonna get that back oh I do okay I just don’t have any desire to make it in Minecraft

Oh it’s US versus tack all right where’s Tac at what is this kit it’s an awesome kit dude that’s what it is we won yo we’re so good whatsoever are you playing guys I don’t have any more fun kits and it’s now 10 o’clock so I must go thanks for hanging

Out guys today was a fun fun stream nice little entirely dual stream I don’t need these files though I’m just gonna delete them one more please no anyways thanks for hanging out guys have a good night everyone I will see you guys tomorrow peace out everyone bye guys

This video, titled ‘EXPERIMENTAL VILLAGER TESTING FACILITY in Hardcore Minecraft! LIVE 🔴’, was uploaded by DashPum4 on 2023-08-18 17:13:52. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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  • Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round

    Shadow190 Speedrunner vs 3 Hunters: Bonus Round Minecraft Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters BONUS REMATCH Join Dream in his latest Minecraft adventure, the BONUS REMATCH of Speedrunner VS 3 Hunters! This thrilling and unscripted video brings together Dream and three hunters in an intense chase through the Minecraft world. The Minecraft Manhunt Series Dream has dubbed this series “Minecraft Manhunt,” where he faces off against multiple hunters instead of the usual one or two. In this video, the hunters include Daybroken, Harvey, and Galaxy, each bringing their unique strategies to stop Dream from completing the game. A New Challenge This time, the challenge involves Minecraft version 1.20,… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations

    Ultimate Minecraft Mob Transformations Minecraft Mob Transformations: Unveiling the Secrets of Minecraft Creatures 🌟 Welcome to Villager’s Craft! In this video, we delve into the captivating realm of Minecraft mob transformations. Have you ever pondered under what circumstances a Zombie Villager can revert to a regular Villager or how other mobs evolve in the game? 🤔 From morph mods to in-game transformations, we’re exploring all the ways Minecraft creatures can undergo changes. Exploring Minecraft 1.21 and Beyond 🚀 In this video, we’re immersing ourselves in the world of Minecraft 1.21! We’re delving into everything from constructing the ultimate Iron Golem Farm 🛠️ to… Read More

  • Maizen’s 3D House INSIDE Mikey’s HAND?! (Minecraft)

    Maizen's 3D House INSIDE Mikey's HAND?! (Minecraft)Video Information This video, titled ‘How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen)’, was uploaded by Maizen 3D on 2024-06-13 18:10:50. It has garnered 2698 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:25 or 2305 seconds. How JJ Built a House inside Mikey’s HAND in Minecraft (Maizen) This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!

    EPIC Minecraft Showdown: JJ vs Mikey vs Iron Golem vs Wither TNT!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen!’, was uploaded by JJ TV on 2024-02-15 12:01:44. It has garnered 4691 views and 33 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:26 or 926 seconds. in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey BLOW UP IRON GOLEM vs WITHER TNT in Minecraft Maizen! 👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial 🔥 Press like to this video and subscribe to my channel, bro ! Write in the comments who you like Maizen or Mikey? 😅 This channel contains the best compilations of… Read More

  • EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!

    EPIC Arceus FF gaming LIVE NOW + Minecraft survival island!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arceus FF gaming is live!minecraft survival island’, was uploaded by Arceus FF gaming on 2024-06-23 18:38:42. It has garnered 13 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:42:37 or 2557 seconds. Iam not a youtuber but we will try #videos #games @arceus ff gaming Read More

  • Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft Roleplay

    Fearful Rolfeey Fights Back in Bakwan: Ep. 25 Minecraft RoleplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ketakutan Yang Ada – Bakwan: Fight Back Episode 25 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Rolfeey on 2024-08-28 02:25:38. It has garnered 12145 views and 815 likes. The duration of the video is 01:06:49 or 4009 seconds. Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/rolfeey ➽ Description !! Command Night bot !spec !donate !discord ➽Read Sekuyyy ↓↓↓↓↓↓↓↓ And Dont Forget To Like, Comment, And Subscribe For More Video !! See Ya ➽Help Me Reach 100,000 subs!! : / rolfeey​ ➽Discord : / discord ➽Contact Me : Instagram: / rolfeey2 Twitter : / yourstar_2 Discord : Rolfeey 📧Business Email… Read More

  • Unlocking Herobrine’s Secret Powers! 😈 #Minecraft

    Unlocking Herobrine's Secret Powers! 😈 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine |’, was uploaded by Oprajgaming on 2024-04-24 16:56:01. It has garnered 16 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. ○Herobrine Attitude Status video 😈 ll Herobrine ll Minecraft ll 😈😈😈 ll #Minecraft #Entryherobrine | Tags #shorts #minecraft #herobrine #edit #minecraftshort #youtubeshort #editing #shortsvideo #minecraftshortvideo #minecraftshortsvideo #herobrine #herobrinesmp #attitudestatus #attitude #acharulipopuri #mcpe #mcpeshorts #minecraftshort #minecraftedit #minecraftedits minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft… Read More

  • Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by Vincey

    Insane r/TraumatizeThemBack Prank by VinceyVideo Information This video, titled ‘r/TraumatizeThemBack is Wild’, was uploaded by Vincey on 2024-08-25 14:00:30. It has garnered 13654 views and 1403 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:41 or 1241 seconds. Thanks for watching today’s Reddit video legends! Subscribe if you want to! My Minecraft: Shaders: BSL Shaders Texture Pack: Mizuno’s 16 Craft Members Access: Become a member today for exclusive videos and Discord access! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQ62eviBm92rz20hE1IIIXQ/join My Links! ⬇️ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/vinceyreads/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/vinceyreads TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@vinceyreads 00:00 Intro 00:33 Story 1 02:56 Story 2 06:20 Story 3 07:49 Story 4 09:53 Story 5 11:22 Story 6 12:55 Story 7… Read More

  • Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!

    Ultimate TerraFirmaAdventure Build with HaYaRy & ProSha!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Прохождение Платной Сборки От OxFORTPACK / День 3 – Короткий день’, was uploaded by HaYaRy&ProSha on 2024-06-21 04:25:55. It has garnered 57 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 01:35:41 or 5741 seconds. 💵Post the meme directly on the broadcast – https://memealerts.com/HaYaRy&ProSha ✅Minecraft TerraFirmaAdventure Walkthrough Paid Build From OxFORTPACK / Day 3 – Short day 💵DONATE MONEY – https://www.donationalerts.com/r/hayary_and_prosha 💵DONATE TO CARD – 2202201045736895 ❗❗❗IN A MESSAGE OR COMMENT, WRITE WHO DONATED, WHY❗❗❗ 💵TRADE / ProSha TRADE – https://goo.su/i7ss 💵TRADE HaYaRy – https://goo.su/XEuTm6Q ✅VK GROUP – https://vk.com/club_hayary_and_prosha ✅TWITCH – https://www.twitch.tv/hayary_and_prosha… Read More

  • Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice Watermelon

    Insane LastPlayer Ritual with Titanium Dice WatermelonVideo Information This video, titled ‘SonOyuncu Titanyum Zar Karpuz oynatıyorum (BOL ÇEKİLİŞLİ)’, was uploaded by EarlNub on 2024-07-09 10:50:14. It has garnered 99 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:42:10 or 6130 seconds. minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to cheat in minecraft endoyuncu 2019, minecraft endgame settings, playing with minecraft endoyuncu friends, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase, minecraft endoyuncu ip address, minecraft endoyuncu fps increase… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣

    INSANE Minecraft Avesham Village Song 🤣Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft villeger avesham song 🤣 #song #avesham #minecraft #malayalam #funny #viralshorts’, was uploaded by ZAIN GAMING on 2024-07-12 04:33:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. how to viral short video on youtube,shorts video viral kaise hoga,how to viral short video,shorts,shorts video,viral shorts video … Read More

  • ModArchy

    ModArchyWelcome to ModArchy! ModArchy is a heavily modded FULL ANARCHY server hosted on an EX series server from ApexHosting. Some of the most notable mods are Ice and Fire, Born In Chaos, Aether, Twilight Forest, Sky Villages, and MANY more. A still somewhat vanilla feel, but with a heavy dose of chaotic and goofy changes to the experience. Easy download instructions and modpack can be found in the discord. The server is still very new and open to suggestions for config changes and mod additions/removals. Please report any crashes/bugs to me in the discord! For new players, I recommend making… Read More

  • Akoot&Co Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Discord Events Building-Focused

    Welcome to Akoot & Co Join our crossplay server for a classic Minecraft experience. Our semi-vanilla community offers a fresh world with quality-of-life enhancements for the ultimate gameplay. Features Discord Server (Discord + Minecraft integration) World Map (dynmap) Bedrock support (Geyser) Unlimited Homes No pesky land claims (Honor system + rollbacks) KeepInventory (Optional per player!) Timed Ranks/Custom Titles Text Formatting (+Gradients!) Brewery (no game-breaking items) Big boy ram and big boy processor (minimal lag) Delight in unlimited homes, a grief-free environment, and integrated Discord chat. Explore our world map online and enjoy the game for free. Join a community that… Read More

  • ☆ ʟᴛᴏᴡɴʏ Δ Tekblok

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: mc.craftlime.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Steve’s Secret Hideout

    Minecraft Memes - Steve's Secret HideoutSteve’s hiding place is so good, even the Ender Dragon can’t find him! Read More

  • Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars

    Crafty Clues: Level 2 Unveiled | Minecraft Egg Wars Welcome, gamers, to Egg Wars Level 2, Where secrets and strategies will be unveiled for you. Pedro and Ali, ready to dominate the game, With tips and tricks that will bring you fame. Eggshells cracking, alliances forming, In this virtual world, where battles are swarming. Pedro Castillo, the master of the craft, With skills so sharp, his opponents are daft. Ali Deniz Senpotuk, a force to be reckoned with, In Egg Wars, his strategies always a hit. Together they conquer, with teamwork and might, In this game of survival, where day turns to night. So grab your eggs, and… Read More

  • Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t… Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol

    Villager Sleeps on Random Sh*t... Oi Oi Oi Logic! #lol Looks like this villager is taking the term “sleeping on the job” to a whole new level! I guess even in Minecraft, some villagers just can’t resist a good nap, no matter where they are. #lazyvillager #minecraftnaps Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Latest Updates and Exciting Gameplay! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, your go-to source for all things Minecraft! Today, we want to talk about the latest updates in the Minecraft modding community. While watching a recent YouTube video about Minecraft mods, you may have come across some exciting new additions to the game. But have you ever thought about taking your Minecraft experience to the next level by joining a unique and thrilling Minecraft server? Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive alongside other passionate Minecraft players. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its dynamic gameplay and dedicated community, Minewind offers an immersive Minecraft… Read More

  • 5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft

    5 Oyunlu Hub Plugin Paketi Minecraft Minecraft Hub Plugin Paketi: Oyun Dolu Macera! Minecraft, milyonlarca oyuncunun dünyasına kapılarını açan eşsiz bir sanal platformdur. Bu platformda, hayal gücünüzü kullanarak kendi dünyanızı yaratabilir, maceraya atılabilir ve diğer oyuncularla etkileşime geçebilirsiniz. İşte bu eğlenceli dünyada, 5 oyunlu hub plugin paketi Minecraft oyuncularına benzersiz bir deneyim sunuyor. Oyun Dolu Paket Detayları Bu özel paket, play.coleria.com.tr adresindeki sunucuda kullanılmaktadır. Paketin içeriğindeki oyunlar, oyunculara farklı ve heyecan dolu deneyimler yaşatmak için özenle seçilmiştir. Ayrıca, paketin sunucu sitesi olan www.coleria.com.tr adresinden de daha fazla bilgi edinebilirsiniz. Discord Sunucu ve Paket Edinme Eğer bu heyecan verici paketi edinmek istiyorsanız, Discord sunucularına katılabilir ve… Read More

  • Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 – Join the Madness!

    Insane New Secret in Minecraft 1.21 - Join the Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘|Join!|Building+Chill [Minecraft] 1.21’, was uploaded by DuckGoRawr on 2024-08-30 13:37:30. It has garnered 26 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:07:49 or 7669 seconds. Like and Subscribe Plz it help lots lol Join My Discord!- https://discord.gg/crKw3X5TJw Comment What you think I should do next! . . . . . . Ignore the tags – #viral #live #stream #viral #youtube #duck #gaming #video #chill #edit #gamer #anime #shorts, #youtubeshorts, #viral, #trending, #subscribe, #foryou, #foryoupage, #fyp, #explorepage, #discover, #viralvideo, #tiktok, #instagram, #youtube, #reels #minecraft # chill Read More

  • Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!

    Savage Survival Action: Minecraft SMP Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴Minecraft SMP Live | 3 Hours Minecraft Survival SMP Playing With Viewers – Anyone Can Join :)’, was uploaded by Dark Corrupt A on 2024-04-09 20:21:34. It has garnered 156 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:08 or 16928 seconds. Paypal: paypal.me/DarkCorruptA (if u wana help me fully without the cring 30% cut Youtube does xd) Discord: https://discord.gg/m5PKeyykCg Thumbnail Artist: @darkcorrupta Minecraft SMP Rules: 1. No Hacks or Cheats (Permeant Ban) 2. No Slurs (Permeant Ban) 3. Not Following Common Sense (Permeant Ban) 4. If you kill someone without a valid… Read More

  • Arctic Sythe’s EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSythe

    Arctic Sythe's EPIC Survival Adventure || Hell Kingdom || Hindi || ArcticSytheVideo Information This video, titled ‘The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || Hindi || ArcticSythe’, was uploaded by Arctic Sythe on 2024-04-19 19:35:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:04 or 544 seconds. The New Beginning In Minecraft Survival || Hell Kingdom Ep 1 || ArcticSythe Hindi gameplay Its my new journey so hit the like button *Do Subscribe and *Hit the bell icon 🔔 Okay💛…That was It Hopefully You Enjoyed the video Hit That like button 😜 Subscribe 😁 and Share 😇… See Ya in the… Read More

  • Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMC

    Insane Ice Crushing with FlexMCVideo Information This video, titled ‘FlexMC / Buz Parçalama’, was uploaded by zSimpeZ on 2024-01-07 13:20:03. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft sonoyuncu skyblock, minecraft sonoyuncu hile, minecraft sonoyuncu hack, minecraft sonoyuncu survival, minecraft … Read More

  • Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!

    Minecraft + Dronio Teach English! 🔥 Try a lesson now!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 21:45:03. It has garnered 62 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer’s Insane Minecraft Animation

    HEROBRINE REVENGE: Devil Gamer's Insane Minecraft AnimationVideo Information This video, titled ‘HEROBRINE REGENGE minecraft animation #minecraft#shots #viral’, was uploaded by Devil Gamer nep on 2024-04-28 08:50:53. It has garnered 42 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Read More

  • Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌

    Alien Rituals Revealed by Walter the Wildlife Explorer! 🌌Video Information This video, titled ‘Alien Ritual Ground Unveiled! 🌌 – Walter’s Minecraft Videos for Kids’, was uploaded by Walter the Wildlife Explorer on 2024-08-15 22:00:34. It has garnered 8434 views and 281 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Welcome to Walter the Wildlife Explorer’s Adventure: Minecraft Epic Jungle Safari Speed Run Exploration! 🌳🦊 Hey there, little explorers! It’s Walter the Wildlife Explorer, and today I’m here to remind you of the amazing adventures waiting for you just outside your door. But first, let me tell you about something super cool – I’ve been playing… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE: GOLDYGAMER22 BUILDS LARGEST MINECRAFT CASTLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Building the BIGGEST Castle in Minecraft! EPIC 2024’, was uploaded by GoldyGamer22 on 2024-08-12 02:14:00. It has garnered 165 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:29 or 449 seconds. Welcome to my channel! In this epic Minecraft video, I take on the challenge of building the BIGGEST castle you’ve ever seen! Join me as I craft an ultimate fortress, showcasing incredible designs, intricate details, and massive structures that will leave you in awe. Watch as I gather resources, construct towering walls, and add stunning features like grand halls, secret rooms, and majestic… Read More