Exploring My Old Minecraft Server for the First Time in Years

Video Information

No your eyes aren’t deceiving you yes this is the michael mjd channel and yes this is another minecraft video that we’re doing so let me just say first of all thank you to everybody who watched my last minecraft marathon video where we went through all of my single-player worlds

That was a video that i thought about doing earlier this year because i knew that the 10-year anniversary of me opening or last opening up that one world was in august of 2022. it was just one of those ideas i had like in the back of

My head like maybe i should do this that would be kind of cool just like a one-off thing and like holy crap i mean that video is sitting at like a quarter of a million views now which is insane so thank you to everybody who watched it

And who actually sat through the whole thing and i’m not changing the direction of my channel or anything this is still a vintage tech channel nothing is changing but i thought it would be neat to do one more of these videos and this time take

A look at my old minecraft server so if you watched that other video and thought i kind of want michael to do some more minecraft stuff well here you go this is for you and one of the reasons i wanted to do this video is because there were

Actually a couple things that i had built that i had like a vivid picture of in my mind as i was going through those old worlds in that other video and then i realized oh yeah those are in my server they’re not in here so obviously i can’t

Show them to you so today we’re going to be checking out mic craft 1.8 compatible as you can see yes we are in minecraft 1.8 today not beta 1.8 but release 1.8 and i mean this is a pretty freaking old version of minecraft by today’s standards and the reason for that is

This server has not been used in many years it was created in i think 2011 and we used it for i don’t know four five six years something like that i actually had to downgrade it back i think it was on 1.9 or maybe even 1.10 and i had to

Downgrade it back to 1.8 to get all these plugins to work again and everything still doesn’t work i mean we’ll log in here and i’ll show you the well the server here it is actually the really bizarre thing too i think this happened like at one point when i updated the server

To a newer version all of the signs were deleted i mean not the signs themselves but the contents of the signs all the text was just wiped completely gone and i was like devastated when i opened that up uh because i was like oh

My gosh am i not going to be able to like get any of these signs back like what the heck happened i assume it was a plug-in uh confliction or just some sort of issue with updating to a newer minecraft version because i do have a couple of sign related plugins

On here command signs and server signs which we’ll get into in a moment i don’t know exactly what it was but luckily i had a backup of the main world from 2014 actually all of the server worlds from 2014 and so i’ve loaded those in and

All the signs are here as you can see we can read them and yeah so this is my server as it was back in 2014 and it’s quite the sight to see for me because i remember a lot of this stuff and we’re gonna go through here and just

Take a look at everything this is going to be another really long video i would imagine so grab some popcorn i guess and sit back and enjoy another nostalgic minecraft trip back to the early days of this game because uh i spent so much time making this server man but we’ll

Let’s just read some of the signs here let me let me just kind of not get ahead of myself so welcome to my craft you got me as the owner of course and i i love doing this uh whatever text that you call this where it’s like scrambling

Uh i thought it was a really cool effect you can do it on signs and so you’ll see that all over the server here it is on all these signs here they all followed a similar format i was really into customizing signs so you got your rules here uh 10 rules no

Griefing no spamming no foul language be respectful to all players do not abuse commands use common sense do not ask for rank promotions or creative don’t ask for your stuff back if you die in the city stay inside the fences and no advertising um over here are the ranks um this was

Something that i feel like every server did uh that was like gonna of course the whole idea here was for this server to go public one day so i had this whole like a ranking system member builder editor moderator staff and owner which is me of course so i

Have all commands and when you would join you would be a member and you got basic essentials commands because that is one of the plugins on here that’s why i can do like slash i one one and it’ll give me one block of stone instead of typing slash give mjd7 999 stone one

Uh or if you have to type the block id one one uh essentials uh enables that and it is well an essential plugin to have if you had a minecraft server that’s where it gets the name very very useful stuff if you built your house you got the

Builder rank which you would have the same commands as member but you got home and set home editor if you were active for five days after you achieved builder and you got the same command as builder and slash wb which brings up a workbench basically a mobile crafting table

Moderator uh was just i put selected by owner and you got slash or we got world edit commands basic world edit and slash gm to change your game mode so you could like edit stuff like i guess inappropriate stuff people would make hypothetically i don’t know

Staff was pretty much all of my friends you see it says unachievable but technically that’s not true because it was you just had to like be a close friend of mine or i would trust you to give you pretty much all the commands except for like stopping the server and

Then this over here is a tips and tricks board and it tells you you should have a clock you can barely read that in your inventory i wonder if this i don’t know why i went with that color because you can like i said you can barely read it you’re supposed to

Spawn with a clock in your inventory if not you could right click this sign to get one that doesn’t work i believe this is a server sign and server signs is loaded but it doesn’t appear to work because the only other sign related plugin i have is command signs

And this is a command sign here if i run a cmds i think read you can right click on this and it will tell you slash warp help room was the command so this this works uh command signs here and you can see that i’ve renamed it to mic signs

I just edited the configuration to just make it say mic signs instead of command signs to kind of make it feel a little bit more like it was an exclusive plug-in created just for my server um of course it wasn’t but yeah server signs for whatever reason doesn’t appear to

Work but that’s what this sign was so you would right click it it would give you a clock this would create when you would right click on the clock here a little warp menu basically this has been heavily implemented in other servers like hypixel comes to mind

And you could jump to various areas of the server and it tells you the clock can be used to easily access different areas of the server choose the destination and then this right here so i’ve just changed the sign to get rid of my ip address because

That was my ip colon 8123 you could type that into your browser and you can view the server maps in chat online this was a really awesome plugin called dynmap or din map however you want to say it was short for dynamic map it was an interactive map

Where you could get an overhead view of the server and all the worlds in the server from your web browser and you could even chat from there too you got a help room here you could right click on this and it would take you to the little help room here

Minecraft is a survival creative minigame server so yeah this was basically like a like a one stop shop kind of thing you had mini games you had a creative world where you could build your house that was using plot me another really useful plugin and then you had your regular

Survival world which is pretty much just like you know anarchy like free-for-all do whatever you want it tells you what the mini games are mob arena pinball ctf spleef and oh yeah i had survival games in here too um unfortunately i don’t think that plug-in works right now but

We will definitely check out all this stuff like i said again you got the din map thing use the portals in the city to go to other areas maps there’s one shop in the city store with 75 dollars feel free to create your own shops and your chests are placed throughout the server

You can use that to just store items and server buildings okay this is see i’ve not read through this stuff so server buildings buildings that have an iron door and a stone pressure plate server buildings contain warp areas mini games etc the npc houses do not really have a

Purpose at the moment staff only areas these are places that are under constructionally accessible by the staff and owner until they are finished you right-click me to go back to spawn and then this here is making a chest shop anybody could make a shop and you could put your items in a chest

And people could come by and buy it and this is a little tutorial i made here showing you how to set it up so yeah we’ll go back to spawn here which apparently doesn’t work uh so we’ll just do spawn to get back here i think that was

A server sign yeah i think the reason why i had both command signs and server signs is because i think server science had more functionality and i realized that after i already had a bunch of command signs made and so these are all like older signs although

I don’t know why this one would be a server sign though for whatever reason um i had both plugins i think that was the reason why and so you had like newer signs were made strictly using server signs instead which is non-working and then you have this here welcome player

To minecraft it was supposed to show your actual name i forget what plugin did them but i think that was was that an essentials thing i don’t think so um but there was some some plugin i had would actually show you the player name right here

If you’re new please read all the signs before you leave have fun and this goes out to the city of course it’s night time uh very appropriate let’s do time day here and yeah and it starts raining immediately i should just set up a command block just to

Stop all the weather and keep changing the night just for this video but whatever so i’m going to change the creative mode here this was intended for you to only be in survival mode you’re supposed to walk around but because i’m the owner i can do whatever i want right so

This right here i remember making and i was really excited about this because this is a warp hub and so in here you’ve got three portals you can see the nether portal things here uh we’ll we’ll touch on this later i don’t want to go

Into it right now um and it resets my game mode every time i come in that’s right uh the portals are kind of glitched out there they’re placed at the wrong angle there but you know it still serves that which by the way the nether portal is just there for decoration it’s

Not necessary this this is using multiverse portals which is just you just set an area as a portal and regardless of if there’s another portal in there or not it’ll take you to that to that area so the original war pub was just one of these buildings and yeah i

Haven’t even mentioned this yet but the entire server was built around an npc village that i modified to make a little more modern so i changed out the gravel and dirt to marble and i put fences around it to make it look really nice and then added some of

My own buildings like the spawn here this was not obviously an npc building this one of my friends added i actually remember exactly when he did this this is the firework button so it just launches a firework i think there’s yeah just a ton of fireworks in here

And so you just press that and there you go pretty cool and yeah the original idea was to pretty much have everything in this world you see i built this wall around here and there was originally glass up here at the top but then i kind of felt that that

Ruined the like realism a little bit because it didn’t allow rain and snow to come through actually snow was the main reason because when whenever it was winter time me and my friends and we all had minecraft servers but it was me and one of my other friends who

Both had servers that our entire friend group played on most of the time in fact i think we played on his server more than we did mine um but whenever it was winter time we always would come in and just run the slash slash snow command from world edit

Like i can just do that here and it would just uh it would just cover everything in snow so we would just mass spam that and just undo that when it was winter time so pretty much like from gosh october slash november to january february

And it just uh it just was kind of a fun thing to do is cover everything in snow and that’s why that that’s actually specifically why i removed the glass top here but yeah it’s an npc village and by the way i’m i’m definitely going to get sidetracked

Because i’ll think of like a little anecdote like that and then just probably talk about it for like five minutes then go back to what i was saying so yeah the nbc village um i found this completely just by chance the the original spawn area was like outside of this wall like

Way down in a swamp biome i think in fact i’ve got a sign you know what let’s go try to find it why not because this is kind of like the early server history oh my gosh i remember that too and this is definitely coming back to me in fact do

I have a warp for it um let’s see don’t interview free builds please survival old homes i don’t think i do but i know out here somewhere i had a sign i think it was like right over here i’ll explain this in a moment um because this was something that my

Friend uh always liked to do um if he did it in his server then he came and created in mine i think it was like over here i know i made this sign where is it yeah i forget exactly where it was but anyway i made a sign

Like where i first spawned just for you know just to have and okay let me explain this i know we’re getting like really sidetracked here this was an idea well i don’t know if it was entirely my friend’s idea or if he got it from like a form site or something

But this was basically you would create a massive cube this was using world edit of grass blocks obviously all of the grass blocks that have blocks on top of them they would slowly begin to just transform into dirt so you would create this with world edit let it sit for a

Couple seconds and then remove all of the grass blocks that were remaining and then it would create this just random looking cube maze thing anyway let’s get back into the the main world here yeah all that stuff you saw there were some other buildings out there some of it was accessible like legitimately

In the world like i had a lot of easter eggs placed around here was one of the things i loved to do was make little easter eggs in fact there’s some that relate to portal 2 because i’m a huge portal fan and i certainly was at this

Time and so i made a lot of like portal 2 references in my server and we’ll see if i can find those i know where some of them are some of them i’m sure i’ll just like remember and be like oh yeah i remember making this but as that earlier sign said

A lot of these npc village houses were not used for anything they were strictly just for show so you see this here there’s nothing in it the request room what is this okay oh yeah i remember this so you could you could get a book and quill you could write a request

Sign it and then you could drop it in here and it was meant to like it’s not i think there are actually chess underneath there and then it was meant for like me i forget how was there a way that i actually was able to access this or was

It strictly just i’d have to come in and break blocks i think i just came in and had to break blocks but yeah it was meant for like again the server going public right this is keeping that in mind because that was the ultimate goal here because you know i’m sure that

Would have never been abused yeah i knew that people probably would abuse this i just made it anyway because i wanted to and i guess kind of at that point i realized that this server probably wasn’t gonna go public i mean i was just using my computer that had like what

Eight gigs of ram like there was no way i mean going back here here to the like title screen there’s no way 75 people could get on this server at one time i just kind of wanted it to be as if it were and as if everything was perfect nobody

Would come on and try to grief or destroy anything i did have stuff protected like i mean i’m able to break all this stuff um number one because i’m the owner but number two because i have all the protections and stuff disabled right now like globally but yeah i had proper

Roles and permissions and protections set up and yeah it was uh again like i said the original goal was for this to be a be a public server one day and there’s this random crafting table placed in the middle of the road here for whatever

Reason but yeah i think what we’ll do is we’ll just go from right to left we’ll just start here we’ll go make a circle around and then we’ll take a look at the minigames and stuff i pretty much want to take a look at everything in this

World first before we jump to these other worlds here because they’re going to take us down our own rabbit holes or their own separate rabbit holes it’s all one big rabbit hole whatever the firework button we took a look at the enter chest is here you can store stuff

And then down here is another one of those npc houses which is just here there’s no real purpose behind it at all just for show and over here we’ve got a couple of server buildings this is the survival shop and this was using uh chest shops so you

See these are admin shops which were basically they just had unlimited items right it wasn’t like dependent on the items you had in your chest like if you were actually selling stuff so these you know you could buy as many of these as you want assuming you had the money you

Could also sell stuff back to the server to make some money um so you could buy food here tools you could buy uh valuable items so you know if you wanted to kind of cheat at survival you could do that um although i mean i guess if you’re earning money

Through the server is really cheating i mean from survival standards i guess yeah and then you have your like i almost said wood shop your block shop over here of just all sorts of items and i think i came up with yeah these you could not sell back so we’ll hop back

Out here now you see we also have all of these pieces of artwork like this creeper here these things on the wall i know for a fact i made this over here but uh one of my friends made this one of my friends made that that i think

My brother made this if i remember correctly um this was another one of my friends who actually had and still has a youtube channel um and yeah it was just kind of like free-for-all i mean i kind of just let everybody build you know what they

Wanted um on the wall here you know or on these these walls the idea was to kind of just fill it up with all sorts of pixel art and stuff as more i mean this was not something that like say an average person let me set the time back today here like a

Rando who just joined would be able to do but this was like for my friends to build stuff um you know whenever they whenever they wanted because i thought it’d be kind of cool to just have stuff plastered all over the walls um so yeah survival shop there uh this is

The hall of fame these are just some more um oh and this is like oh yeah this we kind of made to where it kind of transforms slowly into a different like style here but yeah the hall of fame and this right here is just another random house that

Just isn’t you know for anything except for show this was where i just had you see we got owner and staff you had mine and my friends player heads here the might craft team and then these over here were designed for donators because i had planned on if i

Ever made the server public having a plug-in i believe it was called buy craft setup where people could donate money to the server and assuming i had this hosted on like a dedicated server somewhere you know it could help go towards the um operating costs and i gave people

Again theoretically like a few perks in the game and one of them was getting your head and your player name in the hall of fame and there were some other stuff too that actually relate to some of the the bonus worlds over there or not the bonus world some of the there

Were some bonus things you could get in these other worlds over here we’ll go into that in a moment um but yeah moving on here so we take a look at the shop this right here is just another villager house an npc castle and then these here were built

By me and my brother actually that’s right these were our homes when we first joined the server because i think the original idea was we were going to have everyone who joined take one of the villager houses and make that their home and then i realized that you know

There’s not a lot of villager houses here so maybe that’s not a great idea so then we kind of made this the city and actually at one point i think i had npcs walking around there was a plug-in where i think it was i forget what was the

Name of it it was like i think it was citizens i think it was called citizens where you could have npcs even like with somebody’s player skin and you could tell them to like walk around the city go into buildings walk out you could like set a path for them or you could

Just have them be like a statue and stand still so that was the idea was to kind of make this look like a quote-unquote city with people living in it just kind of walking around doing whatever and then the actual homes of where the players would live would be in another area now

Originally that was in this world but then it got moved to a separate world entirely and that’s how you get access to it through the the hub over there so yeah this house here was made out of logs and you had a little pool in the back and then this

One i actually repurposed i specifically remember this too oh my gosh this i repurposed as one of the server easter eggs and it does relate to portal 2 and the idea was you had to get into this iron door now again you could not place uh

Blocks or remove blocks in the city if you were just a regular player on here so you had to somehow get a music disc so we’ll just get weight here which is objectively the best c418 uh music disc um but yeah that would open up the door here and you’d walk in

And it just looks like a regular house right but you go back here and oh i actually had it blocked off because i guess it wasn’t ready yet but this was where you would get to the easter egg so you would go over here you’d right click this sign for a boat

Let’s see if it works another thing that was server signs so we’ll do i boat one and i mean we can just fly over there but i’ll just uh you know do it legit so you know it’s like you’re going around in the boat having a good time

And you’re just kind of maybe exploring a little bit you maybe go over here and i guess oh did i run into that dang it let’s try that again um but yeah you can go over here and i actually kind of forgot you could access this area from there but Yeah so you can do that we’ll get into this house in a moment that was made there’s actually another easter egg associated with that and i don’t know the boat died again but then you see this over here what’s this you ask this little area where there’s uh

This little like staircase right where you go up here and you’re going through right having a good time you see some close when you’re like oh what’s this and you walk up and you go down here and oh look at that it’s just kind of like a

Like a cave system right that you can’t really do anything in because you can’t break or place blocks but wait a second let’s go back here right let’s go back a little bit i feel like it was right over here i think oh you know what i think it’s

Yeah here it is here it is right here so this is a little secret compartment and in here ratman den portal 2 replica including defective turret quotes from chapter 5 escape so this was my friend’s idea he was also or still is as far as i know a big portal fan

And so he made a like replica ratman chamber which if you’re not familiar with the portal games the uh like rapman dens were little easter eggs like areas that you could access that kind of um relate to the overall story of portal 2 and

Yeah the cake is a lie the cake is a lie the cake is a lie my stories uh her name is carolyn remember that prometheus was punished by the gods for giving the gift of knowledge to man he was cast into the bowels of the earth

And pecked by birds oh my gosh the answer is beneath us so yeah that was one of the portal 2 replicas gosh this is all coming back to me now at first it kind of looks like oh it’s just a little beach or not really a beach but a little like lakeside

You know lounge area you got some chairs there whatever but you ride the boat around and get that little easter egg area and it was kind of an easter egg inside of an easter egg because it looks like there’s nothing there at first um here we have another villager house

We’ve got uh whoops well let me replace the door there i definitely did not want to you know get rid of that and some more villager homes is there anything down here uh no there isn’t but maybe there was going to be at some point i don’t

Remember and this here was the original nether portal i believe my brother created this but yeah you’d hop in the nether was there anything we built in the nether i don’t think there was and i wonder if it’s actually going to be the same oh you can’t uh

Why can’t you go into another i think there was a problem with i think you’ll just sit endlessly in this portal yeah was it if you’re in creative you you can’t enter the nether or something oh you know what i had the netherworld disabled for this world that’s why

Yeah i’m thinking you can enter the portal when you’re in creative it usually just instantly teleports you there but yeah and actually that’s the reason why i disabled another is because i had these these portals in the warp zone over here were you know nether portals

And if you sat in it for too long and like let’s say the multiverse portals plug-in glitched out or something and it didn’t teleport you you’d just be put in the nether and it would kind of screw things up so i actually disabled the netherworld for this main world here

So that’s why this was like blocked off i mean i guess it could have been left open because you can’t actually go through it and then this over here um this far thing like farthest away from me when i was standing over there that was a really convoluted way of saying that

This room was like a viewing area again if you remember from the other video i love doing these obsidian tv things you got some jukeboxes there and apparently a broken glass block uh that i don’t know why is there and then here you’ve got this was the original portals room

And then this over here is the afk zone so you’d walk in and just do slash afk and you’d be afk and now i’m no longer afk but this here let’s just uh teleport inside so this was the original portals room back when i just had free build and

Survival so what i had to do was just make these boring little pads over here for the houses and the mini games and then i just scrapped this idea entirely and just said let me build a giant sphere over here and just have these massive portals in it because that looks

A lot better and a lot more inviting than this tiny little room here because this is supposed to be like a main thing that like people would come on and like they want to get to the other areas right well they got to find this tiny

Little home over here and go in why not have some big huge thing that draws your attention so that’s why i did that there and this was actually originally solely to get you to the houses area in this world back when they were in this world and not a separate

World through multiverse i did that through a plug-in called canon and i think i think it was called canon and it was really cool because you would set a zone that when you would step on it it would launch you up it would play like the tnt exploding sound effect it would launch

You up and then teleport you to another area and you’d fall down and land and you wouldn’t take any damage obviously but it was a really cool plug-in that eventually broke the newer versions of uh the bucket server which is what this is actually a spigot

It was a spigot server at one point which spigot is like a modified bucket but right now this is running uh crash bucket as you can see there i’m 26 versions behind i don’t know but yeah it broke compatibility with the newer bucket releases and so i just had

To remove it and then resort to this here and then as i mentioned eventually that there so yeah that’s a long and convoluted explanation of what happened there and over here this i think is another thing that just yeah it pops up and says hi we

Saw this in my other video in one of my creative worlds had this exact same build so that was just kind of a fun little thing there and then this here was this is just a slide so you’d like go up and you know we it’s a water slide

And then you just right click this sign to go to spawn does it work yes it does so teleport you to spawn and then what is the staff only thing i forget what is behind here let’s see apparently i did not make this a protected door is this some other easter egg um

Because yeah by the way the reason why this is kind of going back to the uh little tutorial thing that was in spawn when you click on that sign to go to the little info thing all of the the buildings with iron doors were what i called like server rooms or

Server buildings and they weren’t meant to be accessible by everybody um although there are some exceptions like these here right these are iron doors but you actually you know step on pressure plates to get into them but like the jail here for example it looks

Like you can’t get into it but you can if you have the permissions to open this door which i do that was one of the things i think through essentials you could set private items to where only the person who placed it i think you could set other people as well could

Open it up and so this is the jail here you’d go down and you had a few jail cells here yeah that’s that but anyway all the iron doors that don’t have pressure place were not meant to be accessible by regular players on the server but for

This one over here for some reason i did not make it a protected iron door and i wonder if that’s because this was an easter egg because there’s the same thing over here too if i go back over to this area which was where that portal 2 easter egg was

I can’t open this door by right clicking on it was made for you to open it up through using the music disc you would put in there but i don’t know if that was the case over here we’ll just break this and uh maybe this is supposed to be a warp zone

Like a multiverse portal i don’t know it’s just there anyway over here this is the donator room and then this will will probably touch on this last because this takes you outside of this main city area here so this area was for people who are interested in donating to

The server again hypothetically because this was never actually implemented but i had three ranks here vip vip plus and premium and with vip you’d get slash hat fly slash p time which is very useful by the way that you can set your own time so like right now it’s night time out

That’s the server time i could set my own time to uh zero or day and that will set the time just for me to zero ticks which is super useful so you have your time different from everyone else on the server you got one extra plot in the creative houses world

That’s what it was you got a colored name in chat that’s exactly what it was so it wasn’t a vip rank but people would know that you were vips and you got five thousand dollars to use in game so vip plus you got same as vip

You got a nickname which you have to ask the staff to set up you got a pet which was pet uh yeah pets that was a separate plug-in i had um that’s not an essentials thing or anything you slash recipe to look up stuff um if you had like the compass

Here i can do slash recipe and it shows what that is two extra plots and ten thousand dollars to use in game and then premium you can see i hadn’t finished building the the perks out yet but you got three extra plots and twenty five thousand dollars to use in game so

And these were not like a monthly thing either it was just like a one-time thing um and yeah it was kind of a neat i mean i just kind of saw a lot of other servers doing it and i was like that would be cool especially if i

End up hosting this somewhere and it starts costing money it would be nice to like make some money from the server and put it towards the operating costs but yeah so that was the donator area there’s a couple other perks that are in some of the other worlds that we’ll

We’ll get into took a look at the jail and then we took a look at well this house here is just another empty npc house and yeah you got this one and we’re back at the spawn area now before we jump into the other worlds there are a couple more things in here

First off there’s what’s behind these doors here so this was a really cool thing that me and one of my friends made we were both really into doing redstone stuff and the idea was you would go in here this is a a railroad to we called it winter village which is

Basically where it was just winter all the time so you’d go in here um i don’t think this sign works so we’ll just have to do slash i mine cart one and we’ll place this here and this was before you could just hold w so we had a button here you would press

And it would take you outside the walls of the server to what we called the toll booth that’s right we actually made a tollbooth in minecraft and it was kind of a complex thing actually although maybe i mean certainly not that complex compared to like other people’s redstone creations but

Basically the idea was there would be somebody out here you see we’re using wireless redstone by the way this was originally far more there’s so much wiring here yeah wireless redstone amazing plug-in by the way anybody who’s used redstone and knows what it is knows how much of a

Just goddess and it could be at times but the idea here was there would be a toll booth operator inside of this room and they would you know someone would come in and they’d have to pay a toll and then the toll booth operator once they paid the toll would switch these tracks

And there’s instructions over here so from city to city or from city to winterville so if you came from the city and you didn’t have enough to pay the toll the operator would set the levers to let’s see l1 3 and 4 up so we’d set lever one

Three and four up and lever two was down and that would send you back around to the city if you had enough to pay the toll you would set lever one and two to down and lever three and four to up and then that would allow you to pass through to

The winter village and you would pay the toll let’s go back in here by it was two iron ingots so it was not in-game currency because we i don’t think we could figure out a way to implement that although i guess we could have just used a sign like a chess shop sign

And have you pay but we wouldn’t be able to know if you paid unless we look at the console i think and assuming the person in here didn’t have console access i don’t think they’d be able to see that so we just used items as a currency so you’d have

To have two iron ingots so you’d open up the hopper you’d put in your two iron ingots and then you would press this button to send the mine cart which i wonder if there’s even a mine cart underneath here it looks like there’s not so let’s just place one

So you know place the minecart here and then you’d put in your two iron ingots and oh you need to have a minecart with hopper that’s right yeah let me make sure i do that right so let’s look up a minecart with hopper get rid of that and put this here now it

Should automatically move those yep and moves those into the well i think these were them here let’s put them in and there you go so now they’re in the cart so you’d press this button it would send the cart and then the operator would go here grab the toll send the cart back

And then the person could take their mine cart and they could put it on here and they could be sent to winterville so let’s just set this to go back to the city so let’s bring um l three needs to be up or l1 needs to be up and let’s go in here

And we will uh of course we can just hold w here so let’s see if this still works yep it does so it sends you right back to the city so it was controlling these tracks um right here so we gotta set uh lever one

And two down so we set those there those two up and then we go in here and we hop on the cart and now it changed those tracks there to allow you to pass through to winterville and yes of course you could just like exit

The mine cart and i mean you’d fall to your death if you’re in survival so the idea was if you were like a rando in this server and you were trying to like screw up the server you wouldn’t just hop out of the mine cart and die

Right that would not make any sense but yeah and then we thought that was really cool too so there was that fall there you’d hop on the track hop back and hit the the you know angle and then you’d continue on and so it goes all the way up here

There’s a little like false track there like oh wait a second it’s taking you around and then it brings you all the way up over here this is the old homes area we’ll touch on that in a moment and then this over here is winterville which is pretty much

Undeveloped there’s like a couple things here you see the servers kind of lagging here but yeah so here we are and let’s see i what what is over here i don’t even remember making this stuff a random wooden house you got a castle here which i guess you could not enter

Was there no way to enter this like there’s not there’s not a door or anything on it i guess it was maybe just for show and then here you got some lava pools over here you had an ice castle looking thing and yes it was pretty much just

Undeveloped let me set the time back to day here let’s do the overall server time This time and yeah so let’s go back to the city and whoops that i put two mine carts on here i think i did we’re gonna come back to this house area because there’s one other easter egg i know of that’s uh over here but this right here was a little viewing

Area because this that was my house with that iron roof there so using a plug-in called lift which also is not working anymore i don’t have it enabled uh that would allow you to basically have elevators you could stand on a block press a button it would bring

You up to another area the one thing we did not plan for if you noticed the winterville had two separate tracks going in and out this one just has a single track so if like somebody was leaving while you were entering well you’d just collide with each other and

That would not end well so yeah that’s the that’s the one thing oh is that going to go back okay i said hit the mine guard here i thought it might uh try to go back but yeah so that’s our little tollbooth we spent a ton of time

On that and then this here was the grief police headquarters so you probably saw in the warp list here when i was in here earlier there’s this one called gp training and it was meant for you to just i guess if you were a member of the grief police you’d come over here

And you know enter and you had like some offices here then this is training the grief police started as a thing for my brother and his friends to kind of have their own rank on the server but then it actually became like a rank that again theoretically if the server was public

Anybody could get and it was kind of a secret rank you see there it wasn’t mentioned in the spawn on the rank board so you see it says only mods can register to become a grief police member uh non-mods right click this sign this would just take you back to spawn

Assuming it actually worked and then the mods you’d wait for the grief police president or vice president and i don’t know who the vice president was i assume my brother was the president um but this was a little like training kind of parkour thing and so

If you were let in here it says welcome to grief police training here you’ll be tested to become a member of the gp and so it was just like really basic parkour that you’d actually oh wait a second this is not supposed to be on fire that’s the lava setting this on fire

Oh no oh no i didn’t even realize that i thought this was the way it was when i came in but then i’m running through and i’m like wait a second you just catch on fire if you if you ran through here or maybe maybe it was this way i don’t know because

Yeah these two signs are not i think i think it was this way but you see the fires just kind of arbitrarily coming down here on these fences so i think this was a part of the challenge i guess i know it wasn’t like this initially but

Anyway you would you would use your mad parkour skills to go through here and there was this thing of water at the end here where you know you would land in that and you’d be able to survive um and then you have to kind of go through here

And then you had some really basic it’s not like this is the most difficult thing in the world you had some really basic like ladder super like elite hack stuff here just going on the ladders and anyway we’ll just go up here you went up here don’t stop now you’re halfway there

With the wrong your um run and jump and then this is a little office which has an easter egg in it so run and jump this was i think a thing that i made and it was you had to just run and jump and hope you didn’t fall in i think

There was a proper way to do this you’d like yeah you’d have to time your your jumps well but then you get through you’d make it through this which is like impossible with all the fire you’d be set on fire and then great job you’re now a member of the gp

And you had armor here which you would go in and uh yeah this was actually a dyed you know leather uniform here for grief police members to wear i guess they didn’t wear leggings and boots but yeah so it was kind of just a little i

Don’t know it was just a little fun thing we did i’m trying to like teleport out of here with the mine part um but okay let me get back to the easter eggs that i was talking about so all of those doors that are marked well there’s only like

Two areas in here that are marked grief police members only if we go back to the initial area over here there is a way to get in to here this is uh one of those iron doors that i think you had to just activate with redstone or something i

Forget how exactly it was accessed but you’d walk in here and this would take you to the offices actually no this was meant to be accessible by grief police members that’s why it says grief police members only so uh these doors would have been like they would have been granted permission to

Right click on the iron doors and open it at least i would assume i’m trying to remember how i had some of this stuff set up but anyway so this here looks just like a little overlook area right but you turn around and you see this do not enter abandon

Shaft sealed 615 1961 if you’ve played portal 2 uh you’ll kind of get where i’m going here so you go in do not enter this enrichment shaft contains unsafe quantities of cosmic ray elements so you go in and this is supposed to be an abandoned grief police testing facility so you got

1956.02 on the wall and then over here remember if the future you tries to warn you about this test don’t listen directly quoted from portal 2. so yeah the when you get to chapter i think it’s chapter six in portal 2 spoiler alert if you haven’t played the game when you fall after

The whole wheatley glados incident happens when you when you’re falling down that shaft you eventually land in like the 1960s aperture test chambers because the the lore was that aperture just built on top of itself over the years in the massive salt mine they were in and then sealed everything off so i

Kind of had the idea to recreate that again i was a massive portal fan and still am um so you know i had this idea to like recreate this old test chamber thing with these grief police testing facilities so there’s nothing really you can do here other than just stare at

This stuff but yeah there’s not really a test or anything but we’ll go back up here because they get far more elaborate than that so that’s one of them there is this area here so this is what we were just in and this over here is another one

But you couldn’t really get to it at all you know legitimately and so this abandoned shaft was sealed 5 30 1961 gosh uh it says the same thing here do not enter this yeah do not enter and you just got a trapdoor here you can just go down um

And so this is another you know theoretical like overlook area i think oh yeah that’s the idea these were overlooked areas and then this was the test chamber in here which is just it’s meant to look like it’s all overgrown and stuff so this itself isn’t

The test area that’s right but yeah so you go back up here we go out the door um I guess we’ll have to break the door and then we get out of that gosh this is kind of like just kind of taking me back i’m like man i just i specifically remember making this stuff and this is the other one where you can get to and

This is the most elaborate one so you had a chest in here with a bunch of uh music discs you could put in the jukebox you could see as potential grief police members fall to their death if they don’t make the jump and then you have this other

Shaft sealed 6 12 1961 do not enter all this stuff again um i think there was an iron door here or something that you would uh access but anyway you go down here and this one was the most elaborate um one that i made so you got 1956.01 written on the wall i

Mean it was kind of like the lore was like it’s supposed to be written on the wall uh and then safety first together we can make 1956 the lowest unexpected casually handheld ever which is a direct quote from portal 2. and then you go through here and then

This is actually a bit of a test so you go down and you’ve got like i think the lure here was like someone got trapped down here so they lit a fire and then they’d place the bed and they were sleeping down here got a bunch of

Sandstone and you go all the way down now this was originally built at bedrock which by the way because we haven’t updated the world yet uh and because we’re using an older minecraft version is still going to be at bedrock uh so this was another wait a second so that kind of because

That looked like a test chamber up there and then this is another like overlook area i don’t know it’s all just kind of meshed together but anyway so you go through here and then You have welcomed oh yeah see this is like the you know beginning welcome to the gp training station good luck cell one you may begin warning if you have health problems gp is not responsible for death stroke heart attack and blindness and so this is like the actual test and so you see

We’re at bedrock level now and so you just had some i can just go through here and go out of the world you just had some lava here i always loved how you could do this and so you go through do your thing really really basic stuff and then when you finish

You’re now a member of the christmas thank you for participating pick up your armor in the next room and i think there’s yeah just bones here it’s kind of like a you know armor and swords like oh no they all just decayed and i don’t know how they would decay

Into bones but whatever ladder to surface which was also a thing and i think in portal 2 there was a yes there was at the very end of the test there was like an elevator that would take you to the surface that’s right in those uh like in the 60s and 70s aperture

Areas so this would take you all the way up and this is where the lore deepens we open this door up here do not enter abandoned gp training shaft uh training is spelled wrong this was designed to be the original spawn so you’ve got right here

You walk in and you have welcome to minecraft you’ve got somewhat similar rules you’ve got your ranks with no descriptions of the ranks and grief please actually rank here read all signs before you leave and you know you got some homes here that were for rent fifty dollars per week

Ask owner if you want the house and yeah so this was again like the lore was this was the original minecraft spawn in actuality it wasn’t we built this specifically for you know this this lore uh for the for the grief police but yeah i mean i’m just thinking like gosh

We did a lot of stuff man and then what is this house over here i think oh you know what i think this was what was this i think this was me and my friends decided one day like years ago to just do a survival play through in this main

Server world like before all this stuff was here and so we kind of built this and then i guess stocked it with i guess it wasn’t legit survival because you just have a bunch of iron stuff in here but i don’t know yeah a lot of stuff is just there like

We just placed stuff didn’t really think too much about it was just like yeah let’s build that there whatever this over here actually was the original free build area you can see i started to oh my gosh there’s still some stuff over here so this is the

Like donator hall of fame area that we took a look at earlier but yeah this i actually went through here this was before i discovered world edit okay before i knew what world that it was it was back in like 2011 when i first made the server i went through

Block by block and hand made this and just flattened this area made this because this was all just a mess right there were hills and stuff it was all unlevel i went through here and leveled this by hand which took so freaking long and the original idea was this was going

To be the free build area you could go over here and do whatever you want and then i ended up making that into its own separate thing but what was this here oh and what’s this stuff over oh my gosh those are the old uh mini games

Holy crap i i completely forgot about those oh i remember this this was back when becoming a member yeah i think my friend had something like this in his server where it was to become a member or whatever rank that he called like the you know not the initial rank but the

First rank up from that you’d have to take a test and if you pass the test you’d be able to become a member so it was kind of just like a rules is griefing aloud no and then you’d you know go on to the next question or you’d fail and probably

Fall to your death or something so i started to make that here and that was kind of the thing once i realized that i was going to have separate worlds for everything i started to kind of repurpose these old areas for other things and i originally was going to have all

The mini games in this world before i made the minigames hub which of course we’ll take a look at in a moment so this over here although wait a second what is this because this is not an original village this has been modified what is this i don’t remember this oh this is

This was another area i think this was back before i made a separate homes area for people to build homes it was going to be like i found this other village over here and it was going to be like you could take one of these homes

And this cannon thing let me go back to here that you saw in here this is that canon plugin that i was talking about you would stand on this block it would shoot you up and take you back to spawn in the city it was really cool like one of the coolest plug-ins

But yeah welcome to the desert this area is still under construction the same rules apply here all of the npc houses are for rent that’s exactly what this was so yeah you know you had all these homes here for rent and then again once i ended up making the homes in their own

World i repurposed this area for the mini game so this is spleef over here and then of course i ended up just ditching this and making the minigames in their own world have i said that already yeah of course i have i know i’m kind of repeating myself here but

Um yeah whatever so this i think is the mob arena or no was this belief yeah this was spleef well then what was that other one over there this was definitely spleef because spleef was you’re standing on snow with shovels and you’re you know breaking snow blocks but i guess

Maybe this was another spleef arena that i made and then ditched it for that i don’t know but yeah gosh i completely forgot about that oh yeah and up here i think this is uh is this just like 1v1 like battle royale i mean i don’t know what else it could be

And then what is this oh this is uh wait a second what was this okay so these aren’t set up i think i had planned to like do some sort of time travel thing i’m trying to remember what this was it’s obviously like a time travel thing past and present click me

For the future or the the pres in the future the present but i don’t know how you would get to that um oh my gosh holy cow does anybody remember runecraft that’s what this was if you don’t know what runecraft is right click this sign

If you do you can build runes here use ones already built have fun if you use any other runes undo slash rebuild them so runecraft was one of like the first ever plug-ins that i messed around with it was on one of my friend’s servers and i thought it was the coolest thing

I forget exactly how all of them worked but you could do all sorts of cool stuff with them and this was an area for you to like test it out pretty much and there’s some other stuff over here too this right here is a little house

Oh yeah this was a rune right here that i created this like spear thing yeah because it pulled it out of the ground that’s right this is a sphere over here which i don’t know if it actually has any purpose um yes it’s not hollow because i can’t pass through it

And then there’s this house over here too which oh wait a sec oh that’s right oh and here’s a lift let’s see if this works it doesn’t work okay so the lift plug-in maybe it’s just not set up properly but anyway this is right underneath the tollbooth

And so the idea was the person who operated the tollbooth this was their home right here look for customer coming up so you’d like be down here you know and you see a customer and you’re like oh i got to go up to the tollbooth you’d press the button you’d go up

And then you’d uh you’d be in the toll booth ready to you know collect the toll so that’s where it kind of gets into more of the the lore side of things because obviously nobody’s going to like be in there at all times so i think that’s everything

In the main world i’m trying to think i don’t believe there’s anything else that i missed um we took a look at that we took a look at the tollbooth um although was this i think there was another easter egg in this house we didn’t go in this house here

Um there is another one of these overlooked areas is this another grief police thing you know what i think and yeah the idea behind creating these like watching areas and the watching areas in the grief police training was from portal because you know in the in the test chambers you have those like

Little rooms with glass windows that like people would be sitting in to observe you testing that was the idea behind these here so there’s no easter egg or anything in this one it’s just a little i mean i guess it is like a like a reference to

Portal if you want to call that an easter egg but there’s nothing like you know you like go down into those abandoned test chambers like in the other ones this here i think is just somebody’s house and you go up to the second story was there anything up here

Uh oh i have to jump there got a little nice overlook you got a bedroom with oh a glitched out bed we’re gonna not mess with that i definitely want to keep it that way and you had sofas has your like little fireplace thing out here and some storage closet this was definitely

Built by my brother and i think that is it i think that is everything although wait a second you could go in this creeper hang on see i’m starting to slowly remember stuff so you could go down here and what was this entrance to the creeper oh this is like

Does this take you over to what does this take you over to i guess we never finished this i don’t know what this was there’s some sort of underground tunnel system but yeah so you’d go up here enter to the creeper and then you’d go up into the creeper and

It was like somebody lived up here in the creeper head oh there is this tree house here hang on a second a little hidden thing behind here uh doesn’t look like there’s much in here let me set the time to day here got a bed up here yeah so nothing uh

Nothing special oh yeah we’re not done in here yet because i got to show you guys the old houses i completely forgot about that so we can actually just do warp here to let’s see i think it’s old homes so if you remember i just have slash backer

Spawn like yelling at you to get out here because you’re not supposed to be here so this was again with that canon plugin and you would access this from that little sealed off area where the portals were so let’s go out here and you’ll probably recognize this from when

We were going on the mine cart does that look familiar so yeah this right here is my house this is my brother’s house the homes were all designed to be built inside these really tiny plots here and you can see that’s why my home is like really tall because i didn’t really

Give us a lot of in fact i think this is this even smaller than these other plots no i think they’re the same size but yeah there wasn’t a lot of building space and this was one of the things that made me want to uh move the homes to

Their own world one of my friends came on and wanted to build this house like he had to combine two of these plots together and so i just said okay i’m just going to move all the homes over to their own world with much larger plots

And so that’s why this home was never finished but we’ll go into my house here i guess we can go through all of these so my house i was just getting into redstone when i made this and i was so proud of this door i was like oh my god this is the

Coolest thing you got you know your usual stuff crafting table furnace chest filled with stuff other chests you had note blocks here and then this over here is another lift where assuming the plug-in was working you would press the button it would lift you up here and this was my second floor

With two ender chests for no apparent reason and this again going back to my love of these scribbled signs was my computer right you got your lever here acting as the mouse we saw one of these in my main creative world too and so it’s like i’m doing some you know

Super elite hacking stuff here with the with scrambled letters automatically means that you’re hacking you got your fish tank you got your you know brewing stand all that stuff and then you go back down here and then this right here takes you up to that little overlook area where i could see

I think this was before the track was built although no i think i built it because the track was here um Maybe i came back and just decided to build it if i ever wanted to like come up here and just see the people in my server you know going back and forth from the two areas yeah i i assume that was my thought process there and then there is another easter

Egg in this room and that is i have this hidden redstone trigger on the wall that i believe it’s let’s see is it here i think it’s this one nope is it this one there it is so yeah if you put a lever of course you would never know this unless this was

Mainly just like a secret compartment for me um and this is more than a secret compartment because it’s actually like multiple secret compartments within secret compartments so you just go in and there’s a single sign that says abandoned project like that’s it so normally you’d be like okay i’m gonna turn around but

I had another oh wow i got that on first try i had another secret lever placement thing here and this is like again i was just getting into redstone at this point so this was just really basic redstone like you know where there’s no way you’d be

Able to figure this out unless you just tore down the wall and saw there’s a redstone line there but yeah so you walk in and then there’s this trap here where say you’re like walking and you just walk on the trap and it just shoots uh

You know just shoots a bunch of arrows at you and you die assuming you’re in survival mode and it looks like there’s a door here but the door doesn’t lead anywhere so what you’d have to do is you’d walk in you’d have to turn to the right immediately avoid the pressure

Plates and then there’s another lever here that you’re supposed to place and that opens this up you walk around here and then you fall down here and then you walk through this door and then this is not only a storage area but also what looks like a special disposal area

But if you go into this yourself you’re gonna burn for a bit but then you get into a water elevator here and you go all the way down to what i called the server control room again going back to the lore thing so yeah this is the main break another

Portal reference we had another one of these in in the creative world uh you know one of my single player worlds the main breaker room which was a line that wheatley said in portal 2. so you know you had all this stuff that looked like this was where the server

Was being powered from you have your control room with random levers that i don’t think do anything although maybe they do were there a couple levers here that yes there are holy crap there are there are levers that do something um i think they open up another room or something let me see

But let’s just go back out here first so you have the factory and then this was again just like a thing totally for show you’d have a mine cart like going back and forth you had mine cart spinning around here and then this is the fuel area you had

Some melons because this this requires a bit of context me and my friends had an inside joke that melons and minecraft were like the ultimate fuel source because um one of my friends like world edited in a melon to replace a redstone torch or something and the redstone line still

Stayed powered on as if the redstone torch was still there um in his server and so ever since then it became like a like a joke that oh yeah like you know it’s the uh it’s the you know ultimate power source i think these levers when this was

Designed to be like a password lever thing but you can just move them all down um and if you do that it unlocks i believe the vault area over here uh let’s see yes and then in here you just got like a ton of diamonds and dragon eggs back when those were like

One of the most valuable items in the game um and i don’t know maybe they still are but yeah uh and then this right here is the redstone line that comes from those levers to open the door so yeah this was i i intended to make this an actual like password panel where

If you just flicked all of them one of the redstone lines from one of the invalid levers would make the door not open up but i just didn’t know how to do that at the time so it just was a really basic like thing where you just flick all the

Levers and then it would open up even though you were only supposed to flip like these two i think but let’s see let’s go back here um yeah these these two right here so this one and this one i think would turn them on yep and then that would allow

The source to to go through so yeah that’s i mean pretty much it really oh that’s not that’s not iron uh super basic stuff but yeah i just love doing lore stuff like this i mean it just was it just was for fun i mean no nobody in the server would see that

It was just like something for me and then i would show like my my friends and stuff of course and plus you can’t even get out of here like you have to you have to be in creative to leave um because you can’t although i guess i

Could have put you know extended the lever down but yeah then or the lever the ladder and we get rid of all the levers and then it’s you know we’re back in the house here let’s go back here now my brother’s house here let’s see what he did

Oh he had this little basement thing i do remember that i don’t know what’s in it though but yeah you got a little upstairs room and then down here he built into the ground um because i didn’t give him a lot of area to build with initially uh

So he ended up building some more stuff down here it’s like a movie theater i guess you got some cake back there and yeah we’ll just hop back up here and you got this house here which is just like a really basic you know diamond and gold house and

This is another one of my friend’s house is this another like thing yes it is so this takes you down here and then what is this is like i guess it’s like a hot tub or a pool and then what’s this fireplace and then this goes up to oh

This goes up into my house that’s right we connected them i forgot about that so yeah this was our way of connecting uh the two homes together by the way if you’re making a trash can using a cactus makes a lot more sense you just put a cactus when you drop

Items on it it just gets rid of it the whole lava thing is just pretty much to hide a secret compartment yeah let’s go out here got a couple more homes over here this one looks like it wasn’t finished uh this one looks like maybe it was uh let’s see

Well there’s nothing inside of it so maybe whoever it was started building and then just moved over to the new homes area and then yeah this house here was was never finished either so those are the homes what other warps do we have in the main world well let’s see

Here casino i think is in is it in this world yeah so this is a or no it’s not in this world this is a completely can you do where am i is that a blank flat world this is another world okay so we’re starting to get into some other

Worlds here this was a flat world that i created where we could just do whatever we wanted and this was creative so this was not built in survival or anything but yeah we oh my gosh we did a ton of holy crap i forgot about this completely what on

Earth is this was this associated with a plug-in or was this i don’t know whatever it is is unfinished this casino i know for a fact was built by me my brother and my cousin we spent like a few i think this was over like one summer

We spent a bunch of time just in here creating this and so yeah it’s like a welcome area you got a bunch of like redstone torches a little check-in area i guess and then you go up here and uh yeah these are all your slot machines and whatnot it wasn’t anything you could

Actually like win in-game currency at it was all just for show but i mean hey we thought it was pretty cool up here this is uh yeah just more slot machine i think these are all the slot machines and is there like poker at all i guess these

Are supposed to be like poker tables and stuff gosh this thing is freaking huge and then what do we have up here got a couple rooms up here it looks like we got hotel rooms and yep that has to be what these are and you can go up even more gosh

Like we spent a ton of time in here i think some of this was world edited um like i think i might have just copied and pasted this but i don’t know maybe it was i mean it was certainly in creative as long as it was in survival or anything

Because that would have taken an insane amount of time it was strictly creative but this was definitely supposed to be the hotel section of the casino but yeah if i remember correctly this was back in the summer of 2014 i think and we just got into playing minecraft

All of us and so we uh we just did a bunch of stuff on my server and i think we were kind of tired of uh all the other stuff and at that time i don’t think i had all the minigames and stuff set up so we just made a separate world

And built whatever we wanted in it so the houses world which i believe was the orange one here creative and houses this utilized a plug-in called plot me and plot me is an extremely useful plugin that allowed you to assign individual plots to people so this was the standard plot me world

And so what you would do is you would go to a plot and you would type in slash plot me claim and then this is now my plot and if i go to the side of it here you see it adds this little sign and it will say

Id it assigns each plot an id and it gives the player name there so that way people would know what plot was theirs people would be able to figure out you know if their friend had a plot which one was theirs i believe you could set

Up permissions as well if you wanted to allow people to break blocks in your plot you could do that and yeah it was just a much better system than having just an unregulated free build area for people just do whatever they want because that sounds great but then again

Assuming the server was going to go public one day if all it takes is one guy to come in to just want to grief everything and he just ruins it you know for for everybody else so that’s why this was a much better solution but we still made that separate

Freebuild area with the casino just like for us let me go um to my house and i’ll show you that that’s the one with the beams here and so this i put a lot more work into uh the house on the outside doesn’t look like much i

Mean it’s just a pretty boring looking wooden structure but we go inside well anyway we’ll just break down the door here so this is my house this is uh some other redstone that i guess i was working on at some point that’s perhaps why it’s not working and

Yeah so you see i built this is like much larger we got like an entertainment area with we have a couch facing away from the tv because that makes a lot of sense um and like dining room table there you got your little enchantment area storage like a kitchen kind of thing

Personal storage closet up here is the bedroom i think yep the bedroom you got your enchantment area your brewing stand and crafting table and stuff and then this on the wall because i thought it looked cool and then you’ve got another tv up here and then what’s up here this is the attic

So yeah pretty nice i mean not the most complex thing in the world but i mean it’s pretty nice um so we’ll head back out here and yeah so i mean i’m not really going to go through every single person’s home in here but that was the idea you know you just

You you’d come in you’d claim a plot and build whatever you want so that is the creative slash free build area yeah we’ll go back to city here so survival is we can get through this pretty quickly because it’s just a basic survival world this was total anarchy there were no

Rules um you see griefing is allowed um this was kind of designed for you to like do whatever you want as i said and there is a what’s that sign up there let me uh let me go up here i don’t have to go far from spawn to

Build ha ha ha maybe that was something one of my friends placed there as a joke oh yeah go far from spawn to build that’s right as there was a bit of like protection a little barrier around the spawn area so that you couldn’t destroy spawn

And then i think my friend just as a joke who had permissions to build up here just put this sign that said oh i have permission to build haha so yeah that’s survival nothing really to say in there because we never really did anything in survival to be honest we

Were always in the creative world or in one of those other worlds i made or the mini games um the mini games this was another like i was so happy when i made this i thought this was like the coolest thing so it’s another sphere you can see i’m a fan of

Spears here and you had a couple different games well more than a couple you had the mob arena you had spleef over here you had paintball and then this was survival games and i actually just downloaded survival games maps that were available online and downloaded the plug-in and the

Plug-in uh is not on the server it doesn’t work unfortunately with the with the current setup i have with this version of minecraft but um yeah so you were supposed to use hg because the plugin was originally called hunger games then i think they changed it because

Back when and this was not the same as uh the mcpvp hunger games um those were the og hunger games in minecraft which basically is similar to like uhc if people still play uhc which is where you just spawn randomly there’s no cornucopia or anything you just spawn you have to gather tools

And or tools make tools gather materials to make tools and just survive for as long as you can in the goals to be the last one standing i actually did a couple hunger games videos back when i did minecraft stuff um but survival games was actually ironically more like the hunger

Games from the movies because you spawned around a cornucopia you would rush to the cornucopia to get items or you could leave and you would find things hidden in chests and but again the goal was to survive and be the last person standing so this was a

Plug-in that you know i had and i had a couple of survival games worlds loaded in fact i can go to um let’s see mvtp survival games um yes this is one of them here so this is not my world at all this is somebody else’s um world and that’s why i had

Those map links if i do mvtp hunger underscore do i have all these loaded let’s see um okay this is one of them so this is like uh let’s do time said zero this is yeah kind of like a beachside one with a couple different islands we’ve got

Hunger games two and we were in hunger games three oh my gosh holy cow this is my inventory from when i guess we were actually playing hunger games on my server however long ago it actually saved that holy crap which it makes sense that it saved it i mean you

Know it’s all stored in a file in the world folder but holy crap so i found let’s see here uh three apples a few pieces of iron armor iron armor leather armor steak raw pork chops some wooden swords iron sword golden apple raw fish and other wooden sword arrows

And golden boots it looks like i had a leather tunic on man that’s funny so yeah we’ll just uh we’ll go back to the mini game sub here so that was survival games uh mob arena this i think the arena plug-in is uh battle arena i think is the name of

It is it actually gonna work holy crap it is oh my gosh um okay so it looks like this world which let’s see this is uh oh right you can’t use you can’t use commands that are outside of the mob arena command in here even if you’re op

So i don’t remember what these signs say because this world i assume it is a separate world because this fell victim to the blank sign thing um but i assume some of these have to be like command signs like you click on them maybe to no maybe not but yeah it

Was all automated so you would just pick a class you’d start the game and then it would just start spawning mobs randomly and you’d have to kill as many as you can survive for as long as you can and that was it it’s annoying that i can’t like

You know uh slash compass i compass one like i can’t uh i can’t spawn stuff and i think slash leave you can do i think it’s m a oh here we go m a help okay let’s see maybe m a leave there we go okay

So um although i wonder if i go if i go back like let’s start again m a class there we go so let’s uh list classes m a list classes okay so you had odd job knight archer tank and chemist so we’ll be m a uh slash m a class let’s do archer

And then we can start so there we go so it brings up a little scoreboard there on the side and it just starts coming waves so here we go so and that plug-in i believe is called health bar that is showing you the health of the mobs because i’ve got that

If we do slash pl um let’s see it’s in here somewhere and i’m going to get destroyed here but yeah i i know that was a plug and i got that’s not mob arena at least as far as i remember and i think that’s the only one of the plugins that actually works

Because i don’t think the spleef oh wait the oh that was just a command sign that’s right so yeah you could do some you know little parkour and hopefully not die but i did have a sign here you could click to go back and let’s see if this

Works join the spleef queue no it doesn’t work so i don’t think the spleef plugin is uh properly enabled and working but yeah this we had two separate spleef arenas here we’ll go back to the um minigames hub here oh that’s right it’s only it’s only one uh you only go back once

So let’s uh go back to mini games there so that is uh mob arena that spleef paintball i don’t think works and you see i also ran out of walls to put the mini games on here so for capture the flag when i added that i had to just

Make it one of these side things here and i guess that uh i guess this up here was not configured properly because i just fell right out of it oh i see okay it’s just going to automatically start even with just one player so we’ll just kind of fly around here

But yeah i don’t think we made this arena or maybe we did i don’t know i don’t remember for sure match starts immediately okay uh start maybe but whatever we’re not gonna actually we obviously can’t play camera to the fly with just one person but

Yeah now that i think about it i don’t think we made this world i think this was something we downloaded from the or something that i downloaded from the from the mod website but yeah those are the mini games but it’s not the only thing that’s

In this world because if we look up here you see we’ve got a couple of things to look at so we’ll teleport out of here so this was one of the theoretical donator perks to where if you had donated to the server again theoretically because it was never

Put online i know i’ve said that like 10 times by now but if you had you would be able to get permission to come to this world and do some free building you’d go out here build whatever you want as long as it didn’t break the server rules and was

Inappropriate um you know you could you could do that and then people that warp to the mini game sub would be able to see what you built and i think that was it was there anything else let me see because we’ve taken a look at all these and we took a look at

Everything in this world i think there are a couple other warps though the casino we took a look at donate donator world donate review free build we were in gp training help room houses hub mini games this we haven’t taken a look at old homes we looked at the shop we

Looked at spleef survival and vg museum we’ve not looked at so let’s go to natural awesomeness if i can spell right can you tab here n-a-t-u-r oh you can’t stang it a-l-a-w-e-s-o-m-e-n-e-s-s natural awesomeness i think this was a this was a warp that my friend made uh

I don’t know exactly why i guess maybe he thought this was cool uh or maybe there was something here that got deleted or something i don’t know but whatever it’s a little you know it’s a little warp got a lava pool just in the middle of a cave system and

I think this is in the yeah this is in the main world so like i can use the compass to get out here and let’s just see okay come on there’s got to be something to pass through there we go so yeah we were like right under there

In that area now the vg museum this was something i forget who was involved with this i think i think i was partially but i think this was mainly my brother and a couple of his friends i’m not 100 sure but anyway it says hello and

Welcome to the video game museum if you go through the door you can choose a game you can always leave by typing slash spawn uh so it was kind of like supposed to be a museum which obviously is not completed oh and this is in the uh

A blank flat world this is in the same world as that casino so this was going to be like a virtual museum i guess with video game related stuff but this is the only one that was the only warp that was created was mario and pikmin and yeah i was definitely

Involved with this because i was the person who had to make all the multiverse portals this is a multiverse portal here that takes you to welcome to the mario and pikmin part of the museum and so you’ve got okay so they’re like sprites that’s what it was okay and

Let’s see where is this this is in the same world just like off in another area i think we can we’ll probably get back to the yep here we are so we’re back to the main area here so that’s what i assume it was going to be just a bunch of like sprites

Just built in minecraft from their respective video games that these different sections advertise yeah i think holy crap guys i think that is pretty much everything this recording is like super freaking long but yeah i can’t really think of anything else we went through everything i’m thinking let me

Just go to spawn i’m thinking i mean we took a look at all the warps we took a look at all the different worlds although let me see mv list let’s see the survival games world we looked at survival houses we looked at mini minigame city paintball a blank flat world mv

Gosh slash mv list two okay there are a couple things so a whole new world so this was a something that uh my friends and i created at one point when i think we were like we just need a new world so let’s make a whole new world so we made

A whole new world and uh mvtp can please tell me you can tab oh my gosh you can’t tab okay a whole new w o o o o r r l l l l d d d d d d d d okay so this was

Oh my gosh what is it the rubik’s cubes i guess we really liked doing that um although you know what i think this was me copying that from the other yeah you can see there’s some parts of this server that are completely like unorganized like we’ve got

What three separate free build areas now or i guess four if you count the like donator one but that was just supposed to be for the donators but it’s like you guys so we had another flat world that we made at some point and then didn’t build a whole lot in

Apparently and this up here is a random stone structure in the sky and what is this a blank sign okay so yeah nothing uh super exciting so the last one was parkour um mvtp parkour oh this was a parkour map that i brought on to play

Uh just some parkour at one time so this is not my map at all that was the really awesome thing about multiverse man it was it was super great because you could just have like you know you didn’t have to stop the server and change the world to uh

Oh my gosh this is pretty elaborate holy crap uh yeah you did not have to stop the server and change the world out like you did in a vanilla world you could just you know do mv i think it was mv import and then yeah you could import the world

You could even make a new world if you wanted to right within multiverse you don’t have to download like a blank flat world multiverse could create one for you so yeah it was an extremely useful plugin and i think mbtp mail will get you back to here

I think that is finally it guys that is mic craft in all of its glory again a really just random non-tech related video today but i just wanted to do this anyways because i mean for the people who watched that other video and were like hey michael you should do some more

Stuff like this every so often i was like yeah you know maybe i should like i said i’m not changing the direction of my channel at all like i’m still a vintage tech youtuber that’s what i mean i don’t see myself changing that anytime soon i love doing vintage

Tech stuff and i’ve got some more awesome vintage tech stuff in the works uh for sure so guys if you enjoyed this video if you want to see more like it be sure to give it a thumbs up get subscribed i know i said more like this but there’s not

Going to be a whole lot of videos exactly like this one but if you like vintage tech stuff be sure to get subscribed and you know turn on notifications all that good stuff and um this was really fun to take a look at guys and if you made it through

The entirety of this video allow me to thank you very much for watching and as always i will see you in the next video You

This video, titled ‘Exploring My Old Minecraft Server for the First Time in Years’, was uploaded by Michael MJD on 2022-09-05 01:00:09. It has garnered 55957 views and 1960 likes. The duration of the video is 01:34:01 or 5641 seconds.

When recording my “Looking at Old Single Player Worlds” video, I realized that some of the stuff I wanted to explore was actually on my old server. I haven’t turned it on in years. So I decided to change that!

Exploring My Single Player Worlds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6Rzw0iSvew

● Gear I use to make these videos: https://www.kit.co/mjd Camera: https://amzn.to/3ipyKc5 Tripod: https://amzn.to/3pqxycn Microphone: https://amzn.to/35UbkXb Editing Software (Premiere): https://amzn.to/39kawfS Thumbnail Editor (Photoshop): https://amzn.to/3lVqVN6

● Affiliate Links (these links will earn me a commission if you purchase something through them at no additional cost to you): Get a FREE 30-DAY TRIAL of Amazon Prime: https://amzn.to/2xVmMB3 Get 2 FREE Audiobooks with Audible: https://amzn.to/2Ovylse Try Twitch Prime for FREE: https://amzn.to/33g6vaa Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/?tag=teammjd-20

● Follow Me: Twitter: https://twitter.com/mjdtweets Instagram: http://instagram.com/mjdmichael

● Music/Credits: Background Music: C418 – Minecraft: Volumes Alpha & Beta

Amazon Affiliate Notice: I am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Amazon.com. All Amazon links that I provide will use my affiliate code with Amazon.

Some materials in this video are used under Section 107 of the Copyright Act of 1976, which allows “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, commenting, news reporting, teaching, and research.

#MichaelMJD #Minecraft #Server

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    EPIC PIGGY & CREEPER SHOWDOWN: BIG COLUMN VS BIG SKIBIDI TOILET!Video Information This video, titled ‘BIG COLUMN VS BIG SKIBIDI TOILET | SKIBIDI MOB FIGHT’, was uploaded by piggy&creeper on 2024-02-22 15:00:15. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Funny Minecraft Adventures with Piggy and Creeper!! #minecraft #skibidi #piggycreeper Subscribe! minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft music, minecraft song, minecraft godzilla, minecraft videos, minecraft civilization, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft live, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft asmr, minecraft armadillo, minecraft ambience, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft arg, minecraft animation movie, minecraft ancient city, a minecraft song, a minecraft… Read More

  • PandaSteal

    PandaStealPandaSteal LIFESTEAL SERVER LESS PAY2WIN GOOD PING JOIN NOW! PandaSteal.mc-play.org Read More

  • Townscraft – SMP Semi-Vanilla Java 1.20.1 Whitelist Towns Community-focused 2+ Years

    Townscraft Information Townscraft TL;DR: Townscraft is a Survival Multiplayer server that focuses on creating towns. Each town contains houses, shops, farms and more. You can join an existing town, create new towns with three or more members, or choose to be a solo nomad. From Big City Skyscrapers to Steampunk Floating Islands to Funkytown themes, there’s something for everyone. Quick Links Rules Discord Photo Gallery Video Trailer In-Depth Our server is a whitelisted SMP that promotes town-building and community events without altering Minecraft’s main gameplay. We believe in a vanilla player-honored system for a natural feel. Tight-Knit Community: We value… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Accidental Minecraft Chaos 😅

    Minecraft Memes - Accidental Minecraft Chaos 😅Looks like this Minecraft meme is mining for gold with that high score! ⛏️💰 Read More

  • Mine Price Hike: Crafty Cash Grab in Minecraft!

    Mine Price Hike: Crafty Cash Grab in Minecraft! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan brings laughter, like a joyful dream. Animations that sparkle, with humor so bright, Bringing happiness to all, morning and night. No need for worry, this channel is safe, Child-friendly content, no need to chafe. With updates each day, full of fun and delight, Fangkuaixuan’s creations, a true gaming sight. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Minecraft news with a spin, shining so bright. Fangkuaixuan’s channel, a true gaming gem, Bringing joy and laughter, like a priceless gem. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme 🤡|Burnt to a Crisp 🔥| #minecraft #shortsviral #memes

    Minecraft Meme 🤡|Burnt to a Crisp 🔥| #minecraft #shortsviral #memes “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #dadjokes #creepertherapy Read More

  • Girl Destroys All Bases in Minecraft SMP

    Girl Destroys All Bases in Minecraft SMP The Mysterious Tale of the Girl Who Destroyed Every Base in the HaxMC Dimension Within the vast and ever-evolving world of Minecraft, a peculiar event unfolded in the HaxMC Dimension that left players in awe. A mysterious girl embarked on a mission to dismantle every base in the SMP, sparking curiosity and intrigue among the gaming community. The Unprecedented Destruction As the girl traversed the virtual landscapes of HaxMC, she left a trail of destruction in her wake. Base after base fell victim to her strategic prowess and unmatched skills, leaving fellow players astonished by her relentless determination. The… Read More

  • Brother’s Minecraft Debut!

    Brother's Minecraft Debut! Welcome to the World of Minecraft! Embark on an exciting journey as we witness a new player, the little brother, stepping into the blocky universe of Minecraft for the very first time. Let’s follow along as he explores, builds, and faces various challenges in this captivating gameplay. Exploring the Unknown As the little brother sets foot in the vast world of Minecraft, he is greeted by a landscape filled with endless possibilities. From lush forests to towering mountains, every corner holds a new adventure waiting to be discovered. Armed with only his creativity and determination, he begins his exploration,… Read More

  • Unbelievable Aatrox Grind with Top Players!

    Unbelievable Aatrox Grind with Top Players!Video Information This video, titled ‘Aatrox grind, Tarra 9 / hypixel skyblock’, was uploaded by 1Aidk & Gogibtw on 2024-06-17 04:15:42. It has garnered 87 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:10 or 4330 seconds. 90 mil giveaway in: https://discord.gg/NMnQEMSe2r MY USERNAME ON MINECRAFT IS 1aidk Read More

  • New Minecraft Update: Radiation Pollution Concept

    New Minecraft Update: Radiation Pollution ConceptVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Update Idea | Radiation Pollution’, was uploaded by SvenTheOrangeBoy on 2024-05-08 03:39:03. It has garnered 4081 views and 139 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:57 or 357 seconds. Hello again! 😀 I need your support! If you enjoy my videos, please don’t forget to like and subscribe to my channel. It would greatly help me out! Let me know your thoughts, and I might be able to make it happen! 😀 Read More

  • 🚀EPIC NOOBY GAMING – Minecraft SMP Live – Mobile + Java!🌟

    🚀EPIC NOOBY GAMING - Minecraft SMP Live - Mobile + Java!🌟Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Live – Minecraft Live | Public SMP | Mobile + Java🔥ip/port’, was uploaded by NOOBY GAMING on 2024-05-05 23:09:41. It has garnered 39 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:09 or 2109 seconds. Hey everyone! Welcome to my YouTube channel! I’m Shehroz, and I’m excited to have you join me on this incredible gaming journey. As a passionate gamer from Pakistan, I’ve immersed myself in various gaming experiences, specializing in live streaming. I absolutely love playing games like Minecraft, Pokemon Unite, PUBG, Valorant, and GTA 5. These games offer unique… Read More

  • Insane Enchanting Room Build in Minecraft PE!

    Insane Enchanting Room Build in Minecraft PE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Pocket Edition | Gameplay Walkthrough Part 12 – Enchanting Room’, was uploaded by DAN – Mobile Gameplay on 2024-02-11 05:57:32. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraftpocketedition #minecraft #gameplaywalkthrough #gaming #nocommentary Minecraft: Pocket Edition( … Read More

  • Toofzy Gets Hunted & Trolled in Minecraft Server

    Toofzy Gets Hunted & Trolled in Minecraft ServerVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Got Hunted on my Minecraft Server’, was uploaded by Toofzy on 2024-07-07 07:05:15. It has garnered 60 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:53:11 or 10391 seconds. After a year, LegendsSMP returns! If you’re new here, LegendsSMP is a server where me and many other content creators play together, having fun and making memories! If you’re interested in joining fill out the Microsoft Form below, thank you!! https://forms.office.com/r/E9qasF4sAA #minecraft #minecraftlive #minecraftsmp #java #bedrock #minecraftjava #minecraftbedrock #minecraftpe #live #livestream #gaming #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #minecraftanimation #minecraftanimation #minecraftbuilding #minecraftsurvival #minecraftvideos #Toofzy #legendssmp #legendsserver #minecraftlegendsserver… Read More

  • Girlfriend’s MOM Wants In?!

    Girlfriend's MOM Wants In?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Girlfriends MOM Wanted To COLLAB?’, was uploaded by BabaStreams on 2024-05-25 15:41:32. It has garnered 9601 views and 221 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:03 or 543 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story Girlfriends MOM wanted to COLLAB? Her Mom Wanted To DO IT! Her Mom had a OF! LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams KICK: https://kick.com/baba DISCORD JOIN! https://discord.gg/4crWFZ7eEc HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams ●Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/BabaStreams ●Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/babastreams ●TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@babastreams ●Discord: https://www.discord.gg/babastreams Read More

  • SHOCKING: BabaStreams Trapped in Family Van!

    SHOCKING: BabaStreams Trapped in Family Van!Video Information This video, titled ‘Caught In The Family MINI VAN’, was uploaded by BabaStreams on 2024-06-22 15:00:49. It has garnered 11299 views and 228 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:58 or 478 seconds. #storytime #minecraft #story Caught In The Family MINI VAN Doing It In The Family Mini VAN! We Did It In The FAMILY MINI VAN! LIVE PLAYING RN! JOIN THE STREAM! Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams KICK: https://kick.com/baba DISCORD JOIN! https://discord.gg/4crWFZ7eEc HIT ME UP! ●Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/baba_streams ●Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/BabaStreams ●Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/babastreams ●TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@babastreams ●Discord: https://www.discord.gg/babastreams ✉️ Business Email: [email protected] Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Hive antics with Luner G!

    Insane Minecraft Hive antics with Luner G!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hive – With viewers’, was uploaded by Luner G on 2024-06-11 21:53:44. It has garnered 69 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 03:31:08 or 12668 seconds. Hey, today I’m gonna be playing minecraft cubecraft! If you want to join me let me know in chat. Please don’t be rude to everyone else in chat. Btw my username is LunerChip75. Please don’t spam unless it’s allowed for the moment. —————– Socials —————- Instagram – instagram.com/luner_games?igsh=OGQ5ZDc2ODk2ZA==&utm_source=qr Discord – discord.gg/RuwzZgC7ve —————— Tags —————— #LunerG #Minecraft #TheHive #Bedrock #withviewers #live Read More

  • Unbelievable Woggy Man in Minecraft! Click Here for Aria Math C418 Cinematic!

    Unbelievable Woggy Man in Minecraft! Click Here for Aria Math C418 Cinematic!Video Information This video, titled ‘This is Minecraft Aria Math C418 Cinematic CC in my bio’, was uploaded by Woggy Man on 2024-03-24 15:28:26. It has garnered 17 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:32 or 32 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft… Read More

  • StealVille

    StealVilleWelcome to StealVille, the ultimate Minecraft lifesteal server where every adventure brings you closer to victory and riches! In StealVille, you’ll embark on an epic journey filled with excitement, challenges, and boundless opportunities for glory. As you delve into the heart of this vibrant world, you’ll discover a plethora of unique features designed to enhance your gameplay experience. One of the standout features of StealVille is its innovative lifesteal mechanic, where every battle won means not just victory, but also a chance to replenish your health and gain strength from your foes’ defeat. This thrilling twist adds a new layer… Read More

Exploring My Old Minecraft Server for the First Time in Years