Exploring Our First Mountains! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide (1.18 Tutorial Let’s Play) [S2 E34]

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is pixoriffs and welcome back to the minecraft survival guide i hope you’re all having a good day today we’re gonna go out on a trip we’re gonna take our mule out in this direction i think which is south there we go i still get a little bit confused about

The compass directions i always think of the way i leave my house as being north and that completely confuses me when it comes to directions but it’s pretty easy if the sun’s rising on my left i’m facing south so we are going to take our mule out in the southerly direction and

See what we can find out there because i have really explored out there to the south this way down river much further than the dark oak forests that are down there so i would really like to see what’s out in that direction and i’m hoping that what we’re going to find is

A mountain because we haven’t really found any mountains it’s the caves and cliffs update mountains are one of the biggest new features to be added in minecraft 1.18 and i really feel like we haven’t seen everything mountains have to offer so i’ll briefly recap what i did in between episodes which was really

Just to go back to that huge iron vein and grab a bunch more of the raw iron our iron farm has also been working really hard and i’ve been converting all of that into iron blocks so in the meantime it’s almost caught up with the

Amount of iron i’ve been able to get out of that vein just from you know me pottering around talking about bees and doing all of the other stuff so i think it’s high time that we go out on a journey and leave our iron farm to do

Its thing and maybe when we come back we’ll do some other bits and pieces around the base but for this episode we’re going to saddle up viola and i’m going to put a bed in viola’s inventory so that we can sleep if we need to on

This journey and i think the first thing i’m going to need to do actually is craft a boat because we’ll need to head down river now i have a habit of calling some of the hills around here mountains just by shorthand and i think that’s probably a habit that i’ve developed

From playing minecraft for the longest time when mountains weren’t really a feature there were things called extreme hills which ended up getting renamed to mountains at some stage because extreme hills is a bit of a silly name i think but at one of minecraft’s previous live events where they announced the theme of

A future update they also allowed the community to vote on which biomes would be changed in future and mountains won that vote and that’s really what led to the caves and cliffs update being a thing at all because they decided if we’re going to have a massive cave

Update we might as well update mountains at the same time and change the terrain of the entire world and so that’s really what we’re looking at right now and this right here this river valley is pretty steep so on either side we kind of have a little bit of mountainous terrain and

Over here actually if i can get up on top of this tree whoa viola there we go steady on girl now we have a look at one of the more common mountain biomes these can kind of level out into plateaus but you see over there where the grass is

That kind of like minty green color and there’s a lot of flowers all in one place that is a meadow biome so let’s hop on down here let’s get viola across the river and let’s ride up into the highlands to take a look at the meadow

Biome in person there we go we’re onto the plateau took us a couple of jumps but we got there and if we weave our way through this birch forest we should emerge onto the meadow and isn’t it beautiful very alpine very kind of sound of music kind of vibes the whole way

Around so in meadow biomes you’ll find a great deal of flowers everywhere and it’s usually just one or two types of flowers but each section of the meadow can have its own kind of monoculture of sorts and over there you can see a bunch of alliums growing up which is actually

Our first chance to get a look at alliums there are a bunch of different flowers in the game all of which will produce different colors of dye and alliums will give you a magenta kind of color normally before this you’d only ever see them in flower forests viola is

Wandering off getting a little bit familiar with the meadow and we should be careful not to get her confused with the local donkeys who will actually spawn up here in a similar way to how horses spawn in plains and savannah biomes you’ll also find rabbits hopping amongst the flowers of a meadow there’s

One over there although it’s kind of laying low right now there we go it’s another one hopping around and sheep should spawn up here as well so there’s a few different mobs you can expect to find here if you’re looking for specific things especially over here the rabbits

You’ll still find caves occasionally in the meadow biome peaks which is why this zombie is now walking out and burning in the sun so it’s always worth keeping your eyes peeled for those and if we ride over here to the peak of the meadow we’ll be able to see a good distance

Around us and that pretty much confirms that there aren’t too many other mountainous landscapes in this area although our render distance is still down at 16 chunks we could up it a little bit if we wanted to see a little further so not every biome that reaches

This high into the world has to be a meadow but we’re up pretty high right now we’re at about why 120 sat here on viola’s back of course giving us a little bit of extra height but you’ll find that meadow plateaus usually occur around this sort of height and you’ll

Find that plateaus like this can generate on their own without being attached to taller mountain biomes because there are a variety of mountain biomes that we’ll find as we explore the world including some which can reach all the way up to y 256 which used to be the world height limit

Before it got increased for this update to allow people to build on top of the new taller mountains we’re going to sleep for the night here in the meadow and in the morning we’re going to grab a dandelion because one of the tricks to keeping

Hold of rabbits as with other mobs is to hold up their favorite food and rabbit’s favorite foods are of course carrots no surprises there but also dandelions so if we ride back down here and we take a look at some of these rabbits that are hopping around you’ll see that with the

Dandelion in my hand the rabbits will happily hop right up to me if i take the dandelion out of my hand they’ll go into a panic and run away pretty quickly so dandelions are the key if you’re out here in the wild trying to get hold of

Some rabbits even though we’re up here in the highlands metabiomes are not exempt from rain unfortunately so it doesn’t quite get high enough for it to turn into snow but we are getting rained on a little bit here so why do we want to deal with rabbits in the first place

And what’s the deal with the two different sizes well of course these are baby rabbits so they’re going to grow up into the larger sizes but you do need to make sure that you’re dealing with a larger rabbit if you want to attack it and of course they scatter as soon as i

Take the dandelion out of my hand well one way we can get around that is if we hold the dandelion in our offhand because then we can still hold a sword in our main hand and the poor rabbits are going to be chopped pretty quickly

And when the rabbit hops up to us we can attack it with a sword and thankfully we only have to kill one rabbit because it’s dropped all of the possible things a rabbit could drop so there we go sorry folks had to do it we get raw rabbit

From that we get rabbit hide which you might have noticed some of the leather workers asking for in their trades and we also get a rabbit’s foot which doesn’t give you any extra luck for having it in your inventory but it is an ingredient for brewing potions we can

Use a rabbit’s foot to brew potions of jump boost which allow us to jump higher rabbit heights don’t have any special uses in the game yet in future they may be used to craft an item called a bundle but that’s not actually in the game yet that was just a feature that was

Announced a while ago and has unfortunately been left out of this update and the next update so we won’t be seeing rabbit hide uses for a little while you can craft four rabbit hide in your crafting interface into a single piece of leather but when leather is already abundant from cows you don’t

Really need to take that step we’ll grab a little bit of stone from down here so that i can make myself a furnace something that i neglected to bring with me on this trip and that way i can show you that the raw rabbit can of course be

Cooked when we turn it into cooked rabbit it becomes an ingredient for rabbit stew which you may remember the butchers trading us when we were looking at villager trades or we can just eat it outright as part of our usual balanced diet rabbits aren’t only found in metabiomes though you can also find

Different variants of rabbits in different biomes around the world deserts and snow planes are some of the areas you’ll encounter the most frequently because other types of passive mobs don’t tend to spawn there but right now i haven’t found a desert or a snow planes so this is kind of my

First opportunity to show you the rabbits now if memory serves before it started raining i’m pretty sure this way it was south so i’m going to continue heading south on viola we’re going to leave the meadows behind because they don’t have much else to offer us although we’ll probably come back here

In future to get an advancement for playing a music disc in a meadow so look out for that one in a future episode for now i think we’ll continue riding south and we’ll see if we encounter any other mountainous terrain in the nearby area as we ride a little further south it

Looks like this area opens out onto a plains we’ve still got some hilly terrain around here but nothing too spectacular yet having slept for the night and finally got rid of the rain there’s some pretty cool looking caves coming up we’ve got a bit of a ravine

Here though so i need to be slightly careful getting around that and viola thinks the same but yeah we’ve got this really cool looking rock formation which doesn’t seem like a particularly deep cave unless it goes down into the earth here it’s just got this spire of rock in

The center that looks pretty impressive oh wait it does go down into the earth but over here on the side and wow that looks like a pretty deep cave carver interesting well there’s a couple of bees floating around up there and that might indicate the presence of a meadow

Because you remember from the bees episode i mentioned that metabiomes have these lone trees which usually have a bee nest on them that’s probably an indication that up at the top of that plateau a meadow biome begins or occasionally you will find bee nests out here on those individual oak trees in

The plains biomes as well but yeah just riding up here there’s a bunch of cornflowers i can tell that we’re in meadowbiome territory once again yeah the donkeys the donkeys the sheep the rabbits pretty much all give it away and it looks like this kind of hilly range

Continues around here which is pretty cool it seems to be bordered by the ocean on this side i’m kind of getting a feel for the lay of the land around here as well which is kind of nice if we want to plan a future build projects around

Areas like this a little ocean inlet kind of turns into an island right there that might be an interesting thing to build on and we have a sunflower plains down here as well sunflowers are kind of worth taking with us they are the two block tall yellow flowers of the game we

Can turn these into two yellow dye and we could even replant them and bone meal them to get a few more sunflowers so worth taking with us and i’ll probably put this one in viola’s pack along with the dandelions oh but in the distance this has just started to fade into view

And this is what i’m talking about we are looking at our first real mountains and it looks like they are fading in in the background right i need to be a little bit careful as we traverse around here i might take to the ocean so we can

See this from sea level because there’s a chance that this range is going to look pretty spectacular well there it is my friends it’s a little bit further away at this point so we are looking at it in the render distance but that is our first frozen

Peaks biome and over here on the left hand side we also have a grove biome you’ll notice the full snow blocks up there amongst the spruce trees kind of looks like a tiger biome but even more snowy and with full snow blocks around there that is an indication that it’s a

Grove biome we want to explore both of these i think so we’ll probably park up viola and go up on foot because there’s a chance we might need to tread carefully now before we ascend the summit of this majestic peak and find out what earth is lurking in the cave

There’s a goat there’s a goat over there oh my goodness okay well we’ll have to take things one step at a time and i think we’re going to summit this mountain a little bit later first of all we’re going to head up to this grove biome and the first thing i’m going to

Do actually is check in the local area to see if we can find any cows because i’ll need to get hold of some leather for this and naturally i’m finding every animal butt cows i’m finding sheep i’m finding pigs i’m not finding any cows anywhere so in the end i decided to

Leave violet over there back track to the sunflower plains where i’d last seen a couple of cows and we’re just going to take out a couple of these hopefully get enough leather yes there we go we have four leather so we’re going to use that to craft some leather boots which are

Going to make it slightly easier going up on the snowier slopes of that grove but we’ll head back there first and i’ll explain what i mean and for those of you who are exploring this world yourselves these mountain biomes are about 2 000 blocks south of spawn so this has been

Quite a journey but our journey is really just beginning let’s hop up the side of this hill this would be kind of rough going with viola because of the amount of trees and we’ll step out into an area on the lower slopes of this snowy grove and we’ll see these snow

Blocks all around us everywhere these we can actually shovel up and they turn into snowballs and from there we can either throw the snowballs which is not going to do any damage to anything except some of the more fiery enemies like blazes but it does have a couple of

Other uses we can also craft the snowballs back into snow blocks and if we had a silk touch shovel instead of a fortune shovel we’d be able to get the snow blocks themselves we’d also be able to pick up the snow layers around here which can be destroyed with a regular

Shovel for one snowball each but if you get hold of three snow blocks and you convert those into like a slab formation you end up with six snow layers which you can place on the ground and even pile up with each snow layer taking up

An eighth of a block like that so you can create some quite interesting and dynamic snow formations and this is our first time really encountering snow so it’s kind of cool to see it in person now when you’re traversing a snowy area like this though it pays to be a little

Careful because there are some blocks around here which are powered as snow powder snow is a little bit more dangerous than the regular snow blocks because you can become trapped in it and fall through it and at that stage it really helps to have the right kind of

Footwear now in this case it seems like we’ve got kind of lucky or unlucky considering i wanted to demonstrate this we don’t have a whole lot of powder snow but you see this bee here you see how it was kind of sunk into the block that is an indication that in

Front of us is some powder snow there is a very subtle texture change between powder snow and the regular snow blocks and we’ll try and zoom in here but it’s really quite difficult to take a good look at it basically the powder snow blocks have a slightly more pixelated

Texture than the regular snow regular snow is very white very kind of clean and powdered snow just looks a little bit more grainy what happens when you walk onto powder snow though is that you will sink into it and you’ll notice this frosty vignette starts to creep in your

Field of view shifts a little bit and suddenly your hearts will freeze over and you’ll start to take a little bit of frost damage so powder snow is actually a trap block that you can sink into and if there is a deep enough drift of it you find yourself sinking into the

Blocks entirely once your hearts freeze over like that you will start to take a point or two of damage similar to drowning or being set on fire just a little bit slower there are a couple of ways around this of course you can dig your way out and by shoveling a block of

Powdered snow it will break and not drop any snowballs which is another great way of testing for it if you’re worried you might get stuck in a snow drift it’s a little bit difficult to escape though as you can see so you’ll have to shovel yourself a little quickly if you want to

Make sure you can get out another way is to pour a bucket of water in the area because water will destroy blocks of powdered snow as you saw there it destroyed a few of them and it might even destroy some blocks further down the slope as it just pours its way down

There it might be a little bit awkward you might end up pouring the water all over yourself in your attempt to escape but it’s a good method if you’ve got a bucket of water on hand to escape freezing to death in a powdered snow trap if you have an empty bucket with no

Water in it whatsoever it’s also possible to pick up a block of powdered snow in a bucket you can’t obtain it using silk touch or obtain it in the traditional sense by just mining it with a tool you have to collect powder snow in a bucket and like other substances in

Buckets it can only occupy one inventory space you can’t stack it at all so you’ll find that moving powder snow around is a little bit of a task and we’ll look into ways we can farm powder snow in future so that it’s easier to

Get hold of a lot more of it but the final thing you can do is wear leather boots and with leather boots you’ll still walk into the powder snow but they keep you warm enough that you don’t have to worry about it in fact you can even

Rise up through powdered snow if you’re wearing leather boots and you’ll get an advancement for walking on the surface of powdered snow with leather you get the light as a rabbit advancement because leather boots are a safe way of traversing these environments and if we

End up in a snow drift like this you’ll see that my vision is gone completely but if we hold the jump button we’ll rise up to the surface the same way we do with scaffolding or in water or anything like that it’s also possible to hold shift and go down into the powdered

Snowdrift so you can see exactly how deep it goes and in some cases like this you’ll end up in a cave probably not a good idea to do that though because chances are the cave might be a lot deeper than you expect and i’m very lucky that i’ve only fallen through into

A four or five block space that wasn’t planned at all by the way so incredibly happy that i didn’t end up falling to my death here placing a torch in here you’ll notice has started to melt the snow layers around here and snow layers will melt if they’re exposed to adequate

Amounts of block light we should be able to hop our way out of here if we make our way up into the powder snow and there we go we can just hold the jump button so we’re out and i think we’re probably gonna sleep here for the night

Cold though it may be hopefully our bed is warm enough that we can sleep powder snow also has a different kind of sound when you walk on it which is one way of detecting that it’s there another way i’ve found of detecting powder snow is to look for the presence of snow layers

Which aside from underneath trees where snow layers won’t form at all because the tree has caught all of them as they generated you’ll find that snow layers do not form on top of powdered snow so it’s usually a good idea to stay on the areas which are occupied by snow layers

And if you spot an area where the layers start to disappear like an edge like this then you might be walking out onto powder snow if you’re not walking underneath the tree and that’s where you need to watch out the water source i placed down here so that i could pick up

The powder snow has turned into ice and i’m actually going to silk touch that because we can get it as a block of ice if we want to and i’m going to take a bucket of powdered snow home with us as a reminder that we can come back and get

This from around here but really good to have encountered powdered snow here in the grove biome you’ll also probably find it in the snowy slopes biomes that you’ll typically see on the run up to a really tall mountain aside from the dangers of powder snow grove biomes are

Pretty much like other spruce forests you’ll find rabbits and wolves running around in here you’ll also occasionally find red foxes in these biomes which we haven’t really encountered in great quantities yet but we’ll look at those a little bit later in the series as well there’s plenty of spruce wood around so

You can grab some wood if you don’t have spruce already or if you need a little bit of extra wood for your journey but from here i think we’re probably going to step down from this snowy biome and head towards another one we have some snowy slopes over there on the other

Reaches of the mountain going up into a meadow and from there we go up to our first frozen peak now it is very likely that there is more powdered snow on the way up here so i’m going to keep my leather boots on for the duration i think but bear in mind

That they don’t have the same enchantments that some of our other boots had so it’s probably worth bearing that in mind oh now you’re talking we’ve just encountered one of the other perks of exploring mountain biomes you’ll see up there there is an all block that we have never encountered before that right

There is emerald ore and i’m glad that we encountered this after we encountered a village because emerald or if broken can be broken down into emeralds naturally and that’ll get you some more currency for trading with villagers but at this point in the series we understand that emeralds can be freely

Traded from villages and we can even sell them as cheap things as sticks or string in order to get emeralds so frankly i don’t go in for fortune emerald or all that much i like to silk touch it so that you can keep hold of the block to build with it feels more

Unique having the block itself than having the items from emerald mining it’s a personal preference thing but i’m probably going to silk touch any emerald ore that i find around here now this is a majestic mountain peak this is a frozen peaks biome where a couple of mobs are actually braving the frozen

Peak by wandering up from the local meadows and as we saw from a distance we might meet some mountain goats up here yes there is one right there oh a ruined portal down there on the plains so mountain goats are funny little mobs they tend to like hanging out on these

Hillsides they can jump incredibly high which allows them to navigate these peaks with ease and they are mischievous as well so if we happen to stumble upon a herd of goats like this they will lower their heads and if you stand still for long enough they will typically try

To ram you i’m gonna try and demonstrate this without being thrown off the mountain so if we hang around this goat for a little while longer it’s gonna lower its head just to check us out and goats can be bred using wheat as well so they might be interested in breeding

While we’re up here although i don’t have any wheat on me at the time goats can also be milked if you’re short on milk and you need to get some milk in a hurry you can’t find any cows like i couldn’t earlier you can always milk the

Goats if you need a little top up the goats don’t seem that interested in ramming me and to be honest i’m fine with that up here on the peak we can see for a great distance around us and we are at why 169 right now so not even the

Tallest peak actually a fairly modest mountain peak this one but as you can see we are surrounded by ice blocks that look a little different from the ice block that i gathered earlier on this one has a little bit more transparency to it and is simply ice

Whereas the stuff around us i believe if we break it with our silk touch pickaxe is packed ice there we go so we have a little bit of packed ice around us here and we can grab some snow blocks from the surroundings as well packed ice can

Actually be crafted if you have a bunch of regular ice you can craft it into a 3×3 crafting interface to get packed ice as you can tell from how i’m sliding around a little bit ice is a slippery block and we can use that for all sorts

Of cool stuff a little bit later on no pun intended i’m going gonna grab a little bit of the ice where i can and you’ll notice it even sneaks down into the cave openings here and there so you’ll find that the ice and snow continue down into mountainside caves

Where the world generation has carved a cave into the side of these well if the local goats aren’t going to throw me off the mountain we can at least have a little bit more fun with them because if we put a boat down near here for this

Goat to walk into yes there we go we can get an advancement for getting in a boat with a goat’s heavy whatever floats your goat advancement which is always kind of fun just for the puns alone now we can get him out of the boat oh we ended up

Hitting the goat there oh no oh we ended up killing the goat oh i’m sorry i couldn’t hit the boat from the right angle there because that sheep had gotten into it so we ended up killing the goat but that at least is a good illustration of the fact that goats

Don’t really drop anything right now so while you can breed goats they’re not really all that useful to the player they don’t really provide food in the same way that other animals do so we can use them for fun stuff later like the ramming behavior that they have can be

Kind of fun to mess around with but frankly we don’t need to do too much with the goats right now on the subject of goats though there is a very small chance for one of the goats we find to be a screaming goat yes the goats do occasionally scream a little bit louder

Than their average bleats and those goats will be even more mischievous than their regular counterparts and they will ram you a lot more frequently so chances are if we find those we can end up breeding some more screaming goats and using them in a mob farm or something

Like that if we want to have some mobs thrown around a little bit by these goats but i think for now we’ll leave them be and if we want to return to the goats in future then we can i’m going to make my way carefully down this mountain

And back into the relative piece of this meadow biome so that i can go and check out the ruined portal over here and see what’s up hmm let’s see what we’ve got in here a little bit of obsidian all right i don’t mind tucking that one away for another nether portal some other

Time but it doesn’t seem like we have any extra gold blocks or anything like that around here so probably best if we leave it alone for now so our majestic mountain peaks here have been conquered and honestly weren’t the largest example of mountains i have seen we will

Probably look around a little bit more to see if we can find something bigger but for now it’s good that we’ve at least found one of these frozen peak biomes there are three different kinds of peaks to mountains depending on the temperature of the surrounding biomes so naturally around here we’ve got meadow

Biomes which are naturally a little bit more cold and we’re in a plane’s biome around here the rest of the time so that’s formed a frozen peak here there is a potential for jagged peaks to form and these look kind of jagged on their own but the jagged peaks will be made

Out of stone and they’ll come to a lot of different points in a single range of mountains so there’s a lot of really cool variation in some of those and finally there is a stony peaks biome where the summit is much more likely to be made out of stone and other materials

Like granite and diorite than it is to be covered in ice and snow and typically you will find those in the warmer biomes where the game has generated a mountain in the middle of savannah terrain or deserts or anything like that i gotta say this cave over here looks pretty

Special though i like the fact this waterfall is running down over this stone outcropping and i do want to dip my head into the cave here just in case there’s anything cool going on and it looks like an enderman is just making his way around here as well

There’s oh it does look like it leads downwards into the mountain and we’ve got a couple of mobs running around here we got a skeleton the enderman over here is just biting his time and it does look like we can go into the mountain to explore a little bit more so this is

Kind of exciting you can see the drifts of snow coming in from the outside there as well so in mountain biomes typically you’ll find them generating in higher areas of terrain of course you will typically find a lot more iron ore generating the further up in the world

That you go so it’s fairly natural to find pretty large veins of iron and coal around here along with a few more of those emerald ore blocks like we saw from the outside these mountainous biomes whether it’s a peak like this or the meadows outside or one of the groves

Over there as well these are the only biomes where you can find those emerald ore blocks making them one of the rarer ore blocks if not necessarily in how many of them generate just by the fact that they are limited to this small range of biomes and technically speaking

With the exception of occasional interruptions by lush caves and drip stone caves a biome will continue from the height of the world all the way down to the bottom of the world so you’ll find that even if you dig down to deep slate level in this biome it’s still

Technically counting it as a meadow or a snowy slopes or a frosty peaks or something like that even when you get down to the lower regions of the world and so you might still find emerald ore down there even though you’re not technically anywhere near the summit of

The mountain and we’re not going to worry about going caving here right now but i think we’ll be back to this mountain in future to see what else we can find for now though i think we’re probably going to wrap this episode up here thank you so much for watching this

Episode of the minecraft survival guide i hope you enjoyed it good luck finding some of those mountains in your own world for now thank you so much for watching my name has been pixel riffs don’t forget to leave a like on this video if you enjoyed it subscribe if you

Want to see more and i’ll see you folks soon take care bye for now you

This video, titled ‘Exploring Our First Mountains! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide (1.18 Tutorial Let’s Play) [S2 E34]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2022-01-20 11:00:04. It has garnered 112583 views and 5923 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:55 or 1615 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide Season 2 continues. And it’s finally time to look at the ‘Cliffs’ part of the Caves & Cliffs update! This tutorial will show you how to recognize the different types of Mountain biomes, and the resources you can find in each one! We explore Meadows and the rabbits we can find there, move on to Grove biomes and Snowy Slopes to learn how to deal with Powder Snow, then ascent to the summit of a Frozen Peak to mine Emerald Ore and meet our first mountain goats!

Season 2 world seed (Java Edition only): -3821426255058016680

Season 2 of the Minecraft Survival Guide will teach you how to master Survival Mode in Minecraft 1.18 and beyond!

Follow the Season 2 playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7lE0MG80qw&list=PLgENJ0iY3XBjpNDm056_NSPhIntVMG0P8


Watch my streams live every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday around 3pm UK Time! http://twitch.tv/pixlriffs Follow Pix on Twitter for video updates, screenshots, and other fun stuff! http://www.twitter.com/pixlriffs

GNU Paranor001

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    Crafty Critters: 5 Pawsome Pet Pads in Minecraft! In this Minecraft world, where creativity thrives, We’re crafting pet houses, where each pet thrives. From dog houses to cat houses, we’ve got it all, Creating cozy homes, big or small. Dug Bunk Bed, a cozy spot for your pup, Parrot House, where they can chirp and sup. An Aquarium for fish to swim and play, Cat House for your feline friend to stay. Rabbit House, a snug spot for your bunny, Each design unique, nothing runny. So grab your blocks and start to build, Let your creativity be fulfilled. With shaders and textures, the world comes alive, In… Read More

  • Minecraft Anarchy Server Explained

    Minecraft Anarchy Server Explained Exploring the World of Minecraft Anarchy Servers What is Minecraft Anarchy? Minecraft Anarchy is a unique form of gameplay within the Minecraft universe where there are no rules. Players have the freedom to build, destroy, and engage in conflicts with one another without any restrictions. It offers a truly chaotic and unpredictable gaming experience. Server Spotlight: Strad One of the servers that embodies the essence of Minecraft Anarchy is Strad. Here, players delve into a world where creativity knows no bounds, and the only limit is their imagination. It’s a place where alliances are formed and broken, where epic… Read More

  • Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On!

    Crafting a Realistic Tub in Minecraft: Game On! In Minecraft, a bathtub so fine, Craft it with care, make it shine. Use quartz for the tub, smooth and white, Add water and soap, a relaxing sight. Place some towels, fluffy and soft, A rubber ducky, floating aloft. Make it realistic, make it fun, In Minecraft, the crafting’s never done. So dive right in, with creativity, In the world of blocks, there’s endless possibility. Create, explore, and build with glee, In Minecraft, the adventure is key. Read More

  • 50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21

    50 Best Minecraft Seeds for Building 1.21 Exploring the Top 50 Best Seeds for Building in Minecraft 1.21 Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft and discover some of the best seeds for building in the game’s latest update? Look no further! Here are the top 50 Minecraft Seeds that will ignite your creativity and inspire your construction projects. 1. 3158993663659625035 Starting off our list is Seed 3158993663659625035, offering a unique terrain for your building adventures. Explore the vast landscapes and let your imagination run wild. 2. 3463546135668711435 Seed 3463546135668711435 presents a different challenge with its structures and biomes. Uncover hidden gems and… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods!

    Ultimate Minecraft Boss Mods! Minecraft’s Most Insane Boss Mods! Are you ready to take your Minecraft gameplay to the next level with some epic boss mods? Look no further! Here are some of the most insane boss mods that will challenge your skills and keep you on the edge of your seat. Mutant Beasts One of the standout boss mods is Mutant Beasts, which introduces giant mutant creatures that will put your combat abilities to the test. From massive spiders to towering zombies, these beasts will keep you on your toes as you fight for survival. Mutant More [Bonus Mod] If you’re looking… Read More

  • Cheating with Minerals for Rare Drops!

    Cheating with Minerals for Rare Drops! Minecraft Cheating with Ore-Dropping Items! Embark on a thrilling Minecraft adventure where cheating with ores that drop items takes center stage! Join the excitement as new possibilities unfold in the world of Minecraft. Exploring New Horizons Delve into the innovative concept of cheating with ores that drop items, adding a unique twist to the traditional Minecraft gameplay. Witness the magic as these ores reveal hidden treasures and unlock a realm of endless possibilities. Unveiling the Cheating Mechanism Discover the mechanics behind this intriguing cheat, where ores become the key to obtaining valuable items. By leveraging this cheat, players can… Read More

  • Minecraft: Command Block Tutorial

    Minecraft: Command Block Tutorial How to Get Command Block in Minecraft In Minecraft, the command block is a powerful tool that allows players to execute commands in the game. While obtaining a command block may seem daunting, it is actually quite simple with the right steps. Here’s a guide on how to get a command block in Minecraft: Enabling Cheats To get a command block in Minecraft, you first need to have cheats or commands enabled in your world. If you are playing in Creative mode, cheats are likely already enabled. However, if you are in Survival mode, you will need to enable… Read More

  • Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! – BoomMC SMP – Minecraft

    Slacker Returns to Save Slackville! - BoomMC SMP - MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Return of a Slacker Part 1 • Slackville SMP • Live • BoomMC • Minecraft’, was uploaded by BoomMC on 2024-03-25 14:59:13. It has garnered 126 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:30 or 5850 seconds. Return of a Slacker Part 1 • Slackville SMP • Live • BoomMC • Minecraft Thank you for viewing. It is an honor and a blessing to be part of Slackville.  I wanted to livestream a little bit on this server as I try to get my mojo going! Free for everyone,  is my Thank… Read More


    🌱 EARTHLING PROBLEMS - STOP BULLYING ME 💔😭Video Information This video, titled ‘WHY IS EVERYBODY ALWAYS PICKING ON ME 😥/Gacha trend//’, was uploaded by Earthling🌱🐌 on 2024-07-06 10:35:52. It has garnered 5 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. TAGS:gacha,gacha life,gacha club,meme,trend,adopt me,dance,girl,boy,gender reveal, robot,fortnight, Minecraft, Royale high,battle Royale,brookehaven roleplay,Brookland,role-playing,rp,preppy,emo,scene,outfit,trendy dance CREDITS: Credits for sound:WMG,RHEI MUSIC/REHI MUSIC and Credits for original creator sound of their video Read More

  • EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯

    EPIC Enchanting Area Building in Hindi Minecraft MP Survival! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz’, was uploaded by Demon Playz on 2024-03-28 12:02:00. It has garnered 10 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:49 or 529 seconds. We Made An Enchanting Area In Minecraft Multiplayer Survival Series In Hindi Part 3 By Demon Playz HELLO GUYS😃, In This Video We Made An Enchanting Area So That We Can Enchant Our Tools⚒️ And Can Get Overpowered In Future Episodes And We Also Made A Small Beautiful Mine⛏️ To Collect Underground… Read More

  • Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock Action

    Join the OrderOfSapphire on Cubecraft!🔥 #1 Minecraft Bedrock ActionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing on Cubecraft Stream :3 Come & join! Minecraft Bedrock Edition’, was uploaded by TheOrderOfSapphire on 2024-02-14 16:03:57. It has garnered 171 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 02:25:09 or 8709 seconds. Texturepack/skin made by Lillvy: https://www.planetminecraft.com/texture-pack/sweetin-in-pvp-16x-cute-pvp-texturepack-minecraft-bedrock-noraiy/ Be sure to subscribe to her channel here: https://www.youtube.com/@Lillvy. My discord server: https://discord.gg/d2pF3s7SyV My second Channel with other games: https://www.youtube.com/@UC62sXHjU8ZANvGQuCWGOYeQ Become a member here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCF-kZ-Lic3CSQ5KZg0y_L9g/join Donation link: https://streamlabs.com/pinkman294 Subscribe for more videos of games and if you really want you can donate to give me support! Become a Patreon member here: https://www.patreon.com/TheOrderOfSapphire?fan_landing=true #skywars #blockwars… Read More

  • VoidedMC

    VoidedMCWelcome to VoidedMC, we are a brand new 1.20.4 server with a friendly player base offering semi-vanilla survival, by merging McMMO, GriefPrevention, Essentials, and many more plugins! We are working on expanding the server currently. We also plan to bring a creative world where you can show off your amazing building skills! Feel free to join! Our staff is extremely nice and always willing to help. So if you have any questions please reach out to us! Have an amazing day! Voidedmc.net Read More

  • Broomstix SMP Creative Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Claims Classic Bedrock-Java FlyOnSundays DynMap CustomEnchants Pets

    Java & Bedrock IP: play.broomstix.net Default ports Discord server (w/ voice channels): https://discord.gg/qbdA4Gs3f8 Online In-game map: https://map.broomstix.net/ Features: Running with backwards compatibility on the latest Minecraft version: 1.21 Tricky Trials Bedrock and Java cross-play (No Java account required) Hard difficulty Custom enchantments Put a lead on mobs to teleport them Free fly in the overworld every Sunday ProtectionStones for land claiming Bartering economy system No grief Exclusive main PvP arena with keep inventory Random teleportation allowed in the overworld and nether In-game private messaging, homes and player to player teleportation Minecraft-Discord integration to interact with the community even when away… Read More

  • Authentic Vanilla

    Authentic VanillaAboutAuthentic Vanilla is Java Edition Minecraft in its purest form. It is a “Vanilla Anarchy” server, meaning pretty much anything aside from hacking or exploits are allowed. The world, which will never be reset, is whatever you want it to be. Anything you can do in Mojang’s intended vanilla is fair game, you need not be bogged down by landclaims or building requirements or suffocating world borders. But be ware, the freedom to create also comes with the freedom to destroy, so keep what you make safe.VanillaTo keep the server as authentically vanilla as possible, the server will be running… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Don’t touch this, it’s OP 🙏

    Please don’t nerf this meme, it’s already at level 309 and ready to take on the Ender Dragon! Read More

  • Crafty Cube Xuan: Minecraft’s Alarm Charade

    Crafty Cube Xuan: Minecraft's Alarm Charade In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Fangkuaixuan brings joy, like a delightful dream. With animations that are funny and bright, He crafts tales that bring laughter, day and night. His channel is a haven for kids to explore, With content that’s safe, and so much more. Each video a gem, filled with fun and delight, Bringing happiness to all, shining so bright. So come along, join the fun and the cheer, Subscribe to Fangkuaixuan, have no fear. For in this Minecraft world, where creativity thrives, He’s the storyteller who truly thrives. Read More

  • Minecraft Tutorials be like: “How to Die in 5 Easy Steps” 😂 #shorts

    Minecraft Tutorials be like: "How to Die in 5 Easy Steps" 😂 #shorts Minecraft Tutorials be like: Step 1 – Punch a tree. Step 2 – Build a mansion. Step 3 – Get lost in a cave for three hours. Step 4 – Accidentally blow up your house with TNT. Step 5 – Cry. #minecraftlogic 😂🏠💣 Read More

  • Minecraft vs GTA V: Hindi Gameplay

    Minecraft vs GTA V: Hindi Gameplay Exploring the World of Minecraft Embarking on a New Adventure In the realm of gaming, Minecraft stands out as a sandbox game that offers endless possibilities and adventures. The thrill of starting a new world in Minecraft is unparalleled, as players dive into a world of creativity and exploration. Roohsclues: A Gaming Journey in Hindi/Urdu Roohsclues, a YouTube channel dedicated to gaming in Hindi/Urdu, has embarked on a new series featuring Minecraft gameplay. Episode 2 marks the beginning of an exciting journey in the blocky universe of Minecraft. Immersive Gameplay and Entertainment With a disclaimer emphasizing the entertainment nature… Read More

  • Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!

    Unleashing EPIC Elden Ring Kingdom in Minecraft Live!Video Information This video, titled ‘Expanding my Elden Ring inspired Kingdom | Minecraft Creative 1.20 LIVE’, was uploaded by JermsyBoy on 2024-06-21 22:07:38. It has garnered 5715 views and 219 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:47 or 16967 seconds. Subscribe! https://tinyurl.com/JermsySub Donate to the channel: https://paypal.me/JermsyBoy?country.x=US&locale.x=en_US Become a member to join us in building up this giant city!: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCICnSwa3x5sHTWmTP6YO30w/join ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Our build server has been generously provided by DedicatedMC. Get your own server today by using code “JermsyBoy” for 15% off your first month. Valid for normal plans, excluding Dedicated Servers and Discord Bots. Check out DedicatedMC: https://dedimc.promo/JermsyBoy… Read More

  • Escape the PHONE in Minecraft!

    Escape the PHONE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘We’re Trapped in a PHONE in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-02-15 04:44:25. It has garnered 591518 views and 7583 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:14 or 1394 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/ Today, Nico and his friends are trapped in a PHONE in Minecraft! Nico gets trapped in a phone and must escape! How will Nico and his friends get out?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • Dronio In Minecraft – Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shorts

    Dronio In Minecraft - Green Blocks Are Off Limits! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но Я Не Могу Касаться Зелёного Цвета 🟢 ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 10:30:07. It has garnered 979 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #майнкрафт Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in All Mods 9 Hardcore Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE MINECRAFT AGAIN…’, was uploaded by Mythbustingnoob on 2024-04-15 14:00:38. It has garnered 136507 views and 2526 likes. The duration of the video is 01:32:44 or 5564 seconds. I survived 100 Days in ALL THE MODS 9 HARDCORE AGAIN . All The mods 9 has had Major Updates. So in these 100 days I harness the souls of a Warden and Make supercharged Farms to try and Get The ATM STAR. If You’d Like to Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpoNseXJmTHGnsttTuUEPYQ?sub_confirmation=1 —————————————————————————— Surviving 100 days like forge labs, lukethenotable, suev,… Read More

  • Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho’s Wizard Tower!

    Uncover EPIC Secrets in Koffizinho's Wizard Tower!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mysterious Wizard Tower! [Minecraft: Let’s Build Together Ep 02]’, was uploaded by Koffizinho on 2024-04-08 18:00:07. It has garnered 76 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:20 or 1100 seconds. SERIES SUMMARY Welcome to Let’s Build Together! A Minecraft series where your ideas get built in my survival world! With a fresh start we go into a survival world in 1.20.4 exploring for resources and building your wild ideas and themes inside Minecraft! How does it work? Glad you asked! A theme is chosen for the world and your job is… Read More

  • Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai – Gilthunder’s Hidden Powers!

    Uncover the Dark Secrets of Nanatsu no Taizai - Gilthunder's Hidden Powers!Video Information This video, titled ‘NANATSU NO TAIZAI ADDON SPOILERS!!! Gilthunder’s abilities’, was uploaded by Ric4rdo G4m3r on 2024-06-16 23:41:33. It has garnered 364 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:01 or 181 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftadventure #minecraftbedrock #minecraftaddons #minecraftarcane #minecraftbuilders #addons #nanatsunotaizai #anime Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!

    EPIC Minecraft Elephant DOMINATES Golem Battle!!Video Information This video, titled ‘minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle||’, was uploaded by George XT on 2024-02-29 16:50:25. It has garnered 2483 views and 29 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:16 or 496 seconds. minecraft elephant vs all golem fight||minecraft mob battle|| minecraft minecraft song pewdiepie minecraft minecraft parody minecraft music dantdm minecraft minecraft song minecraft gameplay minecraft survival minecraft mods minecraft house tutorial minecraft soundtrack ssundee minecraft prestonplayz minecraft revenge minecraft sideman minecraft minecraft 建築 minecraft suro minecraft monday minecraft haus bauen pupolarmmos minecraft minecraft memes jacksepticeye minecraft minecraft hunger games diggy diggy hole… Read More

  • DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel Skyblock

    DazzerPlays: Epic Dungeon Grind & Update! Hypixel SkyblockVideo Information This video, titled ‘Grinding DUNGEONS (F7) & UPDATE GRINDING TODAY! | Hypixel Skyblock (Giveaways!?!)’, was uploaded by DazzerPlays on 2024-03-03 21:25:51. It has garnered 1543 views and 136 likes. The duration of the video is 01:48:45 or 6525 seconds. (LIVE) Twitch ➡️https://www.twitch.tv/yedazzer #minecraft #minecraftskyblock #hypixelskyblock Second Channel! ➡️ https://www.youtube.com/dazzy4 Follow Me! Twitter ➡️ https://twitter.com/imDazzer Discord ➡️ https://discord.gg/GxuHWdkhUM Check Out My Hypixel Skyblock Island Members! Goochi – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkbD4P0wRdgFKlJUc_yMnNQ Swurv – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCPF6WdxyBDj7Cr1AO2rMvZg Check Out More Hypixel Skyblock Videos! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥

    Insane Minecraft Battle: Herobrine Vs All! 🔥🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Herobrine Vs All entries 🔥 🔥 #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts’, was uploaded by Fardin Amjad Gamer 🇵🇰 MC on 2024-02-14 10:32:07. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Herobrine Vs All entries #minecraft #trending #shortsfeed #viral #shorts #minecraft #minecraftmods #minecraftpe … Read More

  • FriendsPlus

    FriendsPlusWelcome to Friends+! Here we strive to be a welcoming community of friends who don’t care about your background, all we care about is if you’re human! enjoyfriends.apexmc.co:26146 Read More

  • CoreMC Vanilla Whitelist 1.21

    Welcome to CoreMC! I started CoreMC about 2 years ago to create a simple Minecraft community for players of all skill levels. The server runs on stock vanilla .jar with minimal addons, allowing for a true vanilla experience. Our rules are based on respect for others and the server. Key Features: No PVP/Griefing/Stealing No item dupe glitches No excessive lag-causing builds No discrimination or harassment No hacking, but some mods are allowed Alt accounts allowed with permission Join Our Discord: If you’re interested in joining, please apply through our Discord. Server Info: Server Address: play.core-mc.net Specs: Ryzen 5 3550H, 32GB… Read More

  • Glorp Junior High School

    you need the modpack SteamPunk LPS on curseforge and 12gb of ram dedicatedage requirement is 18+https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/steam-punk⚙️ Create FULL STEAM AHEAD UPDATE w/ Addons⚙️ Amazing NEW World Generation and Biomes⚙️ Incredible detailed Structures and Dungeons to Explore⚙️ Completely NEW Stronghold and Fortress⚙️ Overhauled Villages, Structures & Dungeons⚙️ Never seen before NEW Bosses & Steam Mobs⚙️ Built-In Shaders. Including Complementary⚙️ Enigmatic Legacy, Immersive Engineering, Iron’s Spells ‘n Spellbooks & Much More⚙️ 5 NEW Dimensions & 5 NEW Planets to Explore!⚙️ Skills, Magic, Tetra & most importantly Steam like Tech⚙️ NEW Game Mechanics such as Thin Air & Cold Sweat⚙️ NEW Game Features… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting OG Hoodie”

    Looks like even Minecraft mobs are trying to get a retail job to make some extra emeralds! Read More

  • Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed

    Zonbili Village Part 2: Crafty Chaos Unleashed In Zonbili Village, the adventure unfolds, With each new episode, the story is told. Exploring, crafting, building with glee, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity is free. Join us on this journey, filled with delight, As we explore the depths, day and night. Subscribe, like, and comment, show your support, As we continue to play, in this virtual resort. So come along, let’s dive right in, To Zonbili Village, where the fun begins. With each new video, a new tale to tell, In the world of Minecraft, where we all dwell. Read More

  • Tax Time in Minecraft, Let’s Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes

    Tax Time in Minecraft, Let's Get Lit! #minecrafttaxes “When you’re trying to enjoy building in Minecraft but then remember you have to pay taxes in the real world #adulting #minecraftwoes” Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gameplay! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com! Are you a fan of Minecraft gameplay videos like “I MADE A SUGARCANE FARM | MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #21”? If so, you’ll love the Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a community of passionate gamers who enjoy Minecraft, Evil Nun, Gta San Andreas, Minecraft mods, horror games, and more! Experience the thrill of building your own sugarcane farm in a multiplayer environment. Connect with like-minded players, explore new worlds, and showcase your creativity. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. Ready to join the fun? Simply enter the Minewind server IP:… Read More

  • EPIC Cinematic Edit!

    EPIC Cinematic Edit! Exploring the World of Minecraft Cinematic Edits Step into the mesmerizing world of Minecraft cinematic edits, where creativity knows no bounds and imagination reigns supreme. From stunning visuals to intricate storytelling, these edits take the Minecraft experience to a whole new level. The Art of Cinematic Edits Creating a cinematic edit in Minecraft is no easy feat. It requires a keen eye for detail, a deep understanding of the game’s mechanics, and a whole lot of patience. But the end result is truly something special – a masterpiece that showcases the beauty and complexity of the Minecraft universe. Key… Read More


    INSANE MUTANT ADD-ON! MINECRAFT LIVE w/ THE BOYSVideo Information This video, titled ‘[LIVE] MINECRAFT w/ THE BOYS – MUTANT ADD-ON + MORE!!! (5/3/24)’, was uploaded by calebsmyth TV on 2024-05-04 05:35:38. It has garnered 22 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:38 or 7478 seconds. Yooo, these Add-Ons are insane! Read More

Exploring Our First Mountains! ▫ Minecraft Survival Guide (1.18 Tutorial Let’s Play) [S2 E34]