Exposing 100 Minecraft Youtubers Deepest Secrets…

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The Minecraft Community used to be a close group of creators but recently more drama and secrets have been going around so I got each of the biggest creators in the entire Community into a call and got them to tell me their Biggest Secrets starting with the creators under 100 000 subscribers all

Right Broman I have a question for you what’s one Minecraft Youtuber you have either blocked or muted on Twitter so I think I might not be able to answer that all right what’s one secret that nobody knows about you deepest darkest secret my very first interaction with short was

Not found I just called him in a very friendly way in a very friendly way so we’re both colorblind right and I have this very big problem that I get really I guess one and Frank with people so I will not hold back being like you little in a very friendly

Way okay bear who’s the biggest Minecraft Youtuber or YouTuber in general that you’ve had the worst interaction with oh no this isn’t even a flex but probably KSI just because it was kind of awkward why what happened I was I was helping him with some work for

Filming stuff and just talking to him was so just it was just so awkward but was it their most recent Minecraft video yeah it was oh that’s so funny holy crap that’s hilarious okay 1950 your question is who is the hottest Minecraft creator definitely Kylie Kylie name one

Minecraft Youtuber you did or do currently have a crush on oh my gosh dude I can actually answer this so so easy are you ready Alex quackity and if quackity if you’re watching right now or if anyone that is watching that knows quackity tell him to hit my line okay

Come on please Subs your question is can you name five Minecraft youtubers who have more subs than you that you could take in a fight in real life I’ll be honest I don’t think I can beat many people in a fight I’m very scrawny I’m not really Built For Fighting people I

Think literally anybody could beat me up like how about this how how many how many small children do you think you take on in one fight what’s the age of these children uh let’s see how much 10 to 14. I’m gonna do like five maybe all right tallest your question is in a

Hypothetical world who is one Minecraft Youtuber you would not let date your sibling probably it’s subs from the lifestyle SMP yeah I would not let him near any of my siblings he’s not allowed in my house we’re already over creators with a hundred thousand subscribers just

Wait till we get to the creators with one million two million five million and maybe even 10 million subscribers as we climb in Creator sub count size the more we will find doubt all right Chief your question is which Creator have you had a good interaction with and then a bad

Interaction with oh no I don’t even know I need to think about this one bad interaction could just mean awkward it doesn’t need to be like they cursed you out yelled at you you know what I mean like oh no if I can’t think of one I

Already have a deep dark secret plan all right let’s do it one of my videos is fake I I try I try my hardest not to fake stuff but this video okay I’m gonna send you the video I’m gonna send you the video world’s largest man not I died

Like five times and had to respawn so uh I mean it is awkward not to waste other creators time and stuff like that so you feel like pressured whatever man screw it the viewers enjoyed it right come on guys I guess your question is have you ever blatantly

Lied in a video if so when and why like you just said it video yeah see I’m currently editing a video at the moment where I basically bought a sub spoiler for my next video but I’m building a load of farms in it I say I

Build this Farm all the time and I’m literally sitting there watching a tutorial because I have no idea how Redstone works so yeah okay raspin your question is can you name one Minecraft Youtuber you had looked up to and watched as a kid do you still watch them

If not why I think the first person that would come to mind um I would have to say is Aunt Venom my reason is I I just was fascinated with like his video style it was like Mysteries and I was always like interested in finding out the answers

And I like his visual representations of like the text on screen that you use blocks and stuff and I actually use down some of my videos now like I’ll build block structures to show like numbers and stuff instead of subtitles so you still watch them Thursday I do yeah you

Do really nice videos yeah yeah I still do no all right your question is in a hypothetical world who has won Bed Wars Minecraft Youtuber you would not let date your sibling uh uh fizzy because he’s engaged no that’s a cop out that’s a cop-out answer okay okay

Um I don’t know uh probably wembu because he’s super funny and I just you know that’s probably it also if you can or want to answer what’s one deep dark secret that nobody knows about your Channel or like YouTube Endeavors well this isn’t a huge majority of people

Don’t know this but before I was uploading Minecraft I was an agario editor like a YouTube editor for agario YouTubers yeah for no like like I made montages on agario the question is if you could change one thing about the Minecraft Community what would it be I don’t know I feel like the

Minecraft Community is pretty chill overall um although I do think that the Redstone Community is a little um underrepresented so if I would change anything I would just kind of make the Redstone Community more represented uh and yeah more popularized and also give them the credit that they deserve

Because some of these guys are just crazy at what they do okay rage your question is obviously you make 100 days in Minecraft videos I want you to name one other 100 days Minecraft Youtuber who you think fakes their videos 100 days who fakes their videos in any way

Shape or form do they skip some time obviously you know how much time it takes to make a hundred days oh let me let me I need to I’ve got one I’ve got one ready to locked and loaded to make sure on the other monitor if they still make it

I recall and I don’t think they make them anymore let’s uh no no we’re gonna we’re gonna we’re gonna search real quick I swear I do not believe that at the old rate he uploaded them that Jerome ASF did not cheat in his 100 days ones putting out like two 100 Days

Videos a week where it’s like yo on this day in modded Minecraft I crafted a jet pack on this day I crafted this it’s like bro it doesn’t take that long to craft that oh yeah there was a period where he was pumping out like two a week

And they were you would watch him it’d be like it’d be like you might have been a 15 minute 100 days video I was like what is that okay Leo your question is who is the biggest YouTuber you have ever messaged or reached out to and they

Didn’t respond oh that’s a good question oh my gosh that’s interesting because like honestly I don’t think there’s a YouTuber that I’ve reached out to that hasn’t responded yeah which is some people know their limits in a way like yeah well I I’ve never I’ve never wait

How about like a little spin-off of it the biggest YouTuber ever you’ve talked to and had the worst interaction with how about that recently I was in a Mr Beast event for his gaming channel and I was sitting in my game and I was having major issues with my game it would not

Let me join the thing that they’re playing on whatsoever and I was like the only one out of the hundred people that were having this issue it was so embarrassing right and so I’m just sitting in this VC with all these really famous people and I’m I’m like just

Sitting there I’m like guys it’s not working for me and they have no clue who I am right and so it’s just like so embarrassing hey Mosey your question is which you other Minecraft Youtuber are you most envious of envious off that’s a good question it could be anything it

Could be like someone who creates different content that you want to create it could be as simple as that um probably say sword four thousand because I love his civilization Style videos but I could never host one of those because I just wouldn’t be able to

Organize it and get it all up and running it would just be a logistical nightmare for me what’s your favorite part about those videos probably the story aspect of it I think it’s really interesting watching the factions and how they evolve of and also it’s always

Funny watching like the best PVP on that server and being like oh I’d love to take him on and then remembering that I’m terrible at the game and then we’d get absolutely demolished hey wemble your question is if you could steal anyone’s style of content and pull the

Same amount of views if not more doing the same as them every day who would it be and why maybe Eric yeah he does like a lot of random IRL [ __ ] no you got something I want to do uh you know go outside more instead of being a

Minecraft Youtuber I have a really busy schedules yeah that’s not something I would really mind though I don’t think yeah I think specifically in like Minecraft like probably I don’t know one of the light steel people probably uh yeah I like the kind of they make I’ve

Already been copying them a little bit with us let’s go Yes Planet Lord your question is if you were given up and forced to ban five players from the lifesteal SMP who would you ban and why how to think about this you gotta be tactical that’s on the same questions no

Everybody’s questions are different so first I’m gonna ban Minecraft curious he never plays yeah it’s gonna cause the least problems okay and then I’m gonna ban its Subs because he plays too much and he’s a grinder yeah yeah he needs to like he needs to like go outside you

Know and we got I don’t feel bad Banning anyone this is horrible I mean that’s kind of the point who’s the most powerful you would say I think mapic is I wouldn’t ban him though because he’s kind of cool I’m gonna ban parrot yeah does he own it yeah yeah there you go

Andy and you got yours life still is yours your question is which Hardcore Minecraft Youtuber is most likely to die but then lie about it to keep their Series going uh thank you is most likely to just die and then be like you know what slash game mode creative real quick yeah

Your question is what is the worst possible interaction you have had with another YouTuber oh God uh I have hmm I I’ve been in this community for quite a while the number one worst interaction you’ve ever had what is it I feel like a majority of the people are like

Genuinely the same person on and off camera then there’s a few that are like no because there’s some people that like when you record with them they’re very like on or off like they’re fully like super engaged and then in between rounds you’re like talking to a brick wall and

They’re just like Breathing heavily into the mic and not speaking okay age of the Bold your question is obviously you’ve had a very popular series where you get revenge on your friends in Minecraft that then became a very popular Trend among other creators what were your thoughts seeing everyone else putting

Those types of videos out well that’s actually a really good question I’m okay with anyone doing the series I don’t care if you give me credit or not you could anyone can do the series and I thought it was awesome that everyone was starting to do the Revenge it started

Like becoming a trend yeah and people started to grow off it I’m like yo this is actually awesome like I started something really cool for all creators to enjoy they make some awesome content with yeah so honestly when that first started happening I was like yo this is

Absolutely awesome okay brandsy can you name three different YouTubers one from dream SMP one from lifesteal SMP and one YouTuber larger in size than yourself that you can be in a fight IRL absolutely uh tubbo oh snap uh damn Prince Sam b-100 no question I would wipe the floor with

Him how many rounds do you think it’ll take to beat tubbo’s all about making peace like one half a round maybe he goes out in the first minute hey liger your question is how much has your channel made in the last year in the last year my child was only a year old

Am I allowed to show this uh I think so yeah is it not against the YouTube channel service I mean I don’t care I will show it yeah sure but uh you’re actually gonna show it yeah I’m gonna show you I mean it is what it is right

Yeah oh off of 88 million views yeah I mean yours is pretty similar no I mean it’s just pretty average uh RPM at a 10 RPM it spoke your question is have you ever recorded and edited an entire video but then not posted it if so why oh

Shoot it’s gonna be crazy I have never but I’ve deleted videos off of my channel how many fully I did fully posted I’d say I mean there’s a lot of like really bad ones from like a few years ago but like this year I removed

Like five of them and and some of them were even a million views and more like you just embarrassed or something or very good reason though very good reason though because these videos at the time right this was a very weird phase for I think like the s p niche in general

Where a lot of people were like scripting videos and that was a face where I was even scripting videos and those are videos that I was just I just wasn’t proud of like yeah they got views but like like you want current viewers to go to no you don’t want them yeah I

Don’t want my viewers to look at me as like someone who’s like all of their videos are just like gripted like that’s my experience with like I’ve never like scrapped a video like edit something and then like never posted it that would be crazy for me that’s crazy okay Nico name

It three YouTube channels one that’s overrated one that’s underrated and then one channel that you would delete that’s not mine that’s not yours or mine okay so one that’s overrated ones underrated when I would delete yeah one Minecraft YouTuber that you think is underrated rated one delete yeah this is me or you

Don’t have to answer it you could just say some deep dark secret that nobody knows about you nah I’m not interesting I got my underrated one yeah who’s your underrated tip over zip over okay I’ll take that overrated sorry dream a channel to delete Linux bye what

Hey Cliff your question is what’s the worst thing you have done for cloud okay um so you remember the how to Minecraft server right yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so I I far away right but then what I did was I took down my house when when everyone

Was like finished streaming and I rebuilt it next Slide the main people like Vic Lachlan Speedy side just so I’d be more content okay Mel your question is recently you have changed from fortnite to Minecraft is there one Fortnight YouTuber you are glad you are

No longer in the same space as wow if you don’t answer this you have to tell me something that nobody knows about you a deep dark secret relating to content okay let me let me let me do some let me do some oh [ __ ] oh that’s the thing yeah exactly a lot

Of there’s a lot of good people but there’s a lot of bad people too no if you don’t want to answer that how much did you make off of your most viewed video it’s for educational purposes only I feel like somebody who’s new to YouTuber doesn’t do YouTube find this

Interesting you know it gives them an idea of stats and how things are I’m trying not to say this in a douchey way education this video my mythbust video has 11.5 million views and it was uploaded in December oh is it 0.5 million views yeah 11.5 my myth busting

Video uh that I upload on my channel made sixty seven thousand or four hundred dollars oh my God I’m very grateful for it I’m very grateful or is it your question is which big YouTuber with more subs than yourself do you think you make better content then oh okay I will I will

Answer this question I think I make better content than a lot of the hermitcraft people I love you okay baked your question is can you name five life steel SMP creators you could be in a 1v1 right now uh Cube bronzy Charon and the last one’s

A bit of a stretch but I think I can beat clutch he’s he seems what PvP every time a PVP now oh it’s probably probably diamond sword PVP the easy one yeah okay guys your question is which Minecraft Youtuber you think has the worst Channel no hate towards them whatsoever

Um I’ll say this as like constructive criticism yes I’d have to go with crafty because in the beginning his videos were very unique they would blow up and the editing quality of them was incredibly high and then nowadays it to me personally it feels like he kind of lost

His motivation or he kind of lost the direction that his channel was originally going so it just kind of like mellowed out to me okay and like the most respectable way towards him okay block facts your question is you turned down a dark alley by yourself and three

YouTubers surround you but you have a sigh of relief because it is three YouTubers you could take all at once who are the three YouTubers oh my God oh my God that’s such a difficult question you turned the corner and there’s three guys like this or girls they’re like trying

To fight you who are you taking on who do you know you could take out oh my God right well I’m I I’m not much of a strong guy so I’ve got to think of some uh some very very weak YouTubers yeah yeah exactly I already had someone say

They knock out tubbo first round so you know you can take on top oh Ryan toy reviews I think I could uh Linux I don’t know if you heard of that guy I could absolutely uh did you take this guy out right here easy peasy I think oh

Okay all right who else knowledge my knowledge of Minecraft facts I’ll literally write everyone easily easily he looks like a tough guy but who knows okay sip of your question is who is one YouTuber that comes to mind that has helped you with crucial advice to get to

Where you are today and what do they tell you it sounds generic but I’m I’m a Mr Beast OG okay I’ve been subscribed since to Mr B since 10K Subs believe it or not really yeah I have comments to prove it he even hung up my fan art on

His wall one time well I remember one time he was talking about how to blow up on YouTube he didn’t give it to me directly but he made a video and it was just make unique content just literally stuff people haven’t seen before so for like nine months I did that just like

The most random videos that like nobody’s made videos on like one video was so bad it was like the worst video ever it was like why you should save your penny I like went into how like people make like a lot of money off of old pennies it just doesn’t really make

Any sense but hey I kept doing that and then one day like Something’s Gonna Pop if you keep doing that unique content and making every video better you’re gonna get that one concept at one point that just pops off okay Kipling your question is if you could block one big

Minecraft Youtuber and never interact with them again who would it be and why oh oh I see okay you know I I do have an answer for this one I don’t even know if he mentioned this way there’s a guy named do you know who McCartney Stan is

Yes yeah I would block him yeah you block him why oh I can find the Twitter post actually he commented something on my I don’t know if it was my one mil post or like my 100K post on Twitter and I just remember being like what the heck

When I was saying thank you for 300K but keep in mind this is after no right when I hit a million right so it’s not even like like this was like a new post yeah he went on an old post and where was it he just commented dumbass for no reason

I was like what didn’t respond with I was like are you okay McCartney Stan what’s wrong bro who hurt you I don’t know that’s what I was like I was like who hurt this man what in the world okay Phoenix your question is name a YouTuber who has stolen your

Idea from you and not given you credit are you serious there’s a certain person I could name that I don’t want to I think there are like a couple of people at least yeah yeah yeah there is this one really big creator that everybody knows I will say that he did message me

And uh thanked me for the inspiration so I’m not gonna say how many Subs oh he is if you were to think of the biggest theater he’s like maybe like top five over five million no no no no way more than five oh snap okay so top five

Minecraft Youtuber okay uh maybe even top five in general love that face you’re making Donnie Bob’s your question is if you had to aggressively kiss one Minecraft creator that isn’t me obviously or any close friends who would it be like like just like that you know

Has to be bigger than you wait she’s got 3.1 I got 3.4 it’s a girl that you’re gonna say I thought you’re gonna say a guy this is already public information but hey I’m B a cookie God your question is obviously people underestimate YouTubers saying that you are just recording a game and

Playing video games what kind of work goes on behind the scenes that Outsiders would never see or hear about oh yeah when I first started YouTube I thought it would just be no click record play Minecraft and upload but it then turns into building a team hiring people

Managing all your social medias and then you gotta create a corporation and then you become a business then you release merch and do all these other stuff it’s a lot so it’s a long process yeah I would say half the time it goes into recording which is like six to eight

Hours a day and then other half is like another five hours of just managing the team getting editors and Motion Graphics done packaging it coming with ideas yeah it’s a process what’s the longest you’ve ever spent on a video videos being like an hour long a hardcore episode on

Average takes like five to seven days of recording um and what people don’t know too another secret is a lot of people think everybody knows 100 days is 33 hours of playing time I always spend more than 33 hours just because you’re losing time filming stuff and re-filming

And getting replay mod shots or coming with ideas sometimes I combine three days into one so it’s enough content for one day of Minecraft so it’s usually like 45 hours but since I have a team I record everything like a month ahead so I’m always oh you’re a whole month ahead

Yeah so I can upload every week it’s not some people don’t know as well all right Luke the notable your question is name one Minecraft Youtuber who has either you blocked or you have blocked and why uh how do I you might like Twitter yeah just like any okay I don’t have that

Many people in here I got one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen four fourteen people that’s it I don’t think there’s any YouTubers in here really it’s no it’s like companies like for some reason I have Taco Bell block I don’t know why

Why did I mute jacksepticeye what did he say wait you can say that if you wanted to do this I don’t know why I’m using them but I must he must have had a cringe tweet and I was like I’m gonna stop looking at this hey bro Jack your

Question is who is one YouTuber that comes to mind that has helped helped you to get where you are today and what did they do uh yeah this is an easy one I’m gonna answer it no deep dark secrets coming out today uh moosecraft actually yeah we were at a convention maybe I

Want to say four or five years ago and I was only like 17 or 18 at the time and I never really thought of YouTube as like a full-time career and he was killing it he was doing like all the stuff that YouTubers do and he was explaining to me

Like you can make a real income off of this and I just like I wanted to do that like that was after that conversation I had with him we walked around a mall for like two hours got like some boba tea and just had like an awesome

Conversation about how YouTube can be a real career and like a real business too so after that conversation I was like indebted to him forever and I love the man uh but that’s when I like took it seriously and then tried to become like a full-time YouTuber and I don’t think

If I had that conversation I’d be where I’m at today that’s interesting that’s crazy are you guys still close today uh somewhat here and there he he we actually used to like live near each other back in the day he grew up like 30 minutes away from me we never knew about

It but uh yeah no he like I’ll message him here he’ll message me there if rack Adventure will hang out but yeah super cool guy okay bionic your question is can you call out one Minecraft Youtuber around your size that you think you could be in a boxing match I don’t know

There’s a lot uh probably are on my size I guess like I was gonna say Preston but I guess he’s a lot bigger probably I stream actually only two yeah those are the two that like I would like to fight Preston ice cream yeah pressing because he’s cool ice cream because he just

Seems really annoying okay Ellie shadowy your question is who is one YouTuber you have met that you secretly fangirled over and didn’t tell them oh my gosh oh I’ve met so many YouTubers this is really hard okay actually secretly when I met Joey Graceffa who I’m now really good friends

With I was so in awe of him um as a OG YouTuber but now he does Minecraft and now we’re such good friends it feels weird to say that I was Starstruck yeah that’s so funny no way when did you meet him um we met in I think 2014 at VidCon

And we just met through a friend and I had to go stay at his house because he was living with my friend and it was I was really thrown in at the deep end of like YouTube life your question is for the people who have no clue what goes on

Behind the scenes what’s the most or like a general ballpark you’ve made off of a brand deal oh off of a brand deal um I’ll say uh mid five figures yeah like mid mid mid of five figures yes I’ll just say that uh I I don’t want

To say anything else you know what I mean yeah of course yeah it wasn’t like for one single video it was like yeah you know an extensive yeah yeah yeah it would be nice though if it was just one video that would be amazing but you know

This video, titled ‘Exposing 100 Minecraft Youtubers Deepest Secrets…’, was uploaded by Lynix on 2022-12-13 02:00:10. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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    Froggyarmy Live: Fall Guy Review! Shocking Results!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 Live – Is Fall guy good?’, was uploaded by Froggyarmy on 2024-08-15 18:29:00. It has garnered 33 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:24:04 or 8644 seconds. like and Sub #FrogSMP #skibidi #minecraft https://buymeacoffee.com/froggyarmy Read More

  • Insane Fight: Tyson VS Alderson #boxing

    Insane Fight: Tyson VS Alderson #boxingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mike Tyson VS John Alderson || #phonkbr #miketyson #boxing #johnalderson #montagemcoral #djholanda’, was uploaded by Not An Ordinary Man on 2024-08-20 04:30:58. It has garnered 9022 views and 388 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. song:montagem coral Tags#big dawgs,#friends,#minecraftshorts,#saitama,#deadpool,#minecraft,#hanumankind,#shorts,#herobrine,#wolverinemike tyson vs bruce lee, mike tyson vs bruce lee ufc 5, mike tyson vs bruce lee who would win, mike tyson vs bruce lee interview, mike tyson vs bruce lee edit, mike tyson vs bruce lee reaction, mike tyson vs bruce lee real fight, mike tyson vs bruce lee punching bag,… Read More

  • DON’T MISS! SpongeBob meets Minecraft in EPIC adventure 😱🔥💥🤯🤩 #minecraftmadness

    DON'T MISS! SpongeBob meets Minecraft in EPIC adventure 😱🔥💥🤯🤩 #minecraftmadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘SpongeBob 🔥😲😎🎉❤💖💙🤩🥰 #minecraft #mcpememes #minecrafthumor #gaming #mcpe #minecraftjokes’, was uploaded by Sky Vanya on 2024-09-13 17:00:29. It has garnered 2068 views and 187 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. #minecraft #gaming #adventure #survival #online #multiplayer #creativity #building #exploring #mods #skins #minigames #redstone #mobs #blocks #resources #items #tools #weapons #enchantments #farming #breeding #community #minecraftpe #minecraftjava #minecraftbedrock #minecraftservers #minecraftworlds#shorts #minecraft #construction #sponge_bob #videogames #construction #playingminecraft #blocks #minecraft #buildingminecraft #YouTuber #gamevideo #entertainment #housebuilding #minecraftshow #creation #basebuilding #creativity #vlog #minecraftstree m #gaming #players #minecraftbuilds #gameofthrones. Read More

  • Insane Baysonic Scrims 2024 – Must Watch!

    Insane Baysonic Scrims 2024 - Must Watch!Video Information This video, titled ‘2024 scrims’, was uploaded by baysonic on 2024-07-07 19:33:52. It has garnered 458 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:39 or 159 seconds. Tags: minecraft,minecraft 1.14,minecraftbut,op minecraft,minecraft op,dream minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft uhc,minecraft but,minecraft update,cursed minecraft,tapple minecraft,insane minecraft,blessed minecraft,beating minecraft,minecraft uhc but,competitive minecraft,minecraft scenario,minecraft hardcore, minecraft challenge,minecraft minigames,dream minecraft youtube,minecraft but challenge, minecraft challenges,finale,minecraft ps4 bedrock edition,minecraft ps4 bedrock,minecraft,minecraft ps4,minecraft ps4 bedrock edition mods,minecraft ps4 update,bedrock ps4 minecraft,minecraft ps4 bedrock mods,minecraft ps4 bedrock leak,minecraft bedrock,minecraft playstation 4 bedrock,minecraft ps4 servers,minecraft ps4 realms,how to get mods on minecraft ps4 bedrock,minecraft ps4 bedrock edition servers,… Read More

  • Insane Roof Building Tricks in Minecraft – AsterKatt

    Insane Roof Building Tricks in Minecraft - AsterKattVideo Information This video, titled ‘HOW DO YOU BUILD ROOFS l Minecraft (25)’, was uploaded by AsterKatt on 2024-09-08 09:20:03. It has garnered 348 views and 26 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:54 or 6354 seconds. The base of the house is more or less done… now it’s time to take on the REAL challenge… This is a very chill stream, so feel free to pop in and say hello or stick around!! I’m glad you made it!! :)) STREAM TIME: 3:00PM-4:30PM (ET) → Join the Discord!!: https://discord.gg/yVMw8jbxWS Huge shoutout to DesignMinecraftSkins on Etsy!! I commissioned this skin… Read More

  • U-Topia

    U-TopiaU-Topia ist Dein Mittelalter MMORPG Server. Baue Deine eigene Siedlung, erlerne Berufe, verdiene Geld und erledige Quests. Read More

  • DementiaCraft SMP 1.21.1 Survival Dynmap No-Reset age:25+ Whitelist Semi-Vanilla

    DementiaCraft Community DementiaCraft is a community of players aged 25 and above, dedicated to building and exploring a virtual world free from toxicity. We prioritize kindness, consideration, inclusivity, and maturity. Before joining, we vet applicants to ensure they are 25+. DementicaCraft is home View our community photo album Videos Watch a video tour of our server by LordDawsonVII and other content created by them. Content Creation New members are encouraged to wait 2 months before streaming or creating content on DementaiCraft. Join our community for the experience, not for content creation opportunities. If this sounds like the server for you,… Read More

  • Minecraft server play.lemoncraft.live:20920

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.6 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.6 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: play.lemoncraft.live:20920 (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Herobrine’s Fiery Film Debut

    Did you hear about the casting for the Herobrine role in the Minecraft movie? They had trouble finding the perfect actor, but in the end they decided to go with an invisible man – it’s method acting at its finest! Read More

  • Minecraft’s Horse and Donkey: A Secret Rhyme Unlocked

    Minecraft's Horse and Donkey: A Secret Rhyme Unlocked In Minecraft, a secret fact, let me share, About the horse and donkey, a unique pair. When they breed, a mule is born, With traits of both, a hybrid adorn. Horses are swift, donkeys are strong, The mule combines, a balance lifelong. So next time you see them in the game, Appreciate the mix, their genetics proclaim. CraftyRohit here, with Minecraft news, Bringing you facts, in poetic hues. Stay tuned for more, in the world of blocks, Where creativity reigns, and imagination talks. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Earth is Lava! 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Earth is Lava! 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to space? To find some out-of-this-world blocks to blow up!” 🚀💥 #minecraftmemes #spaceexploration Read More

  • Random Items in Minecraft AMA – Atilla Gives Away Surprises

    Random Items in Minecraft AMA - Atilla Gives Away Surprises Minecraft: Exploring the World of Random Item Generators 📋 Delve into the exciting world of Minecraft with the popular video series ‘Minecraft AMA Like Rastgele Eşya Veriyor 📋’. Each day at 15:00, viewers are treated to a new episode filled with thrilling adventures and unexpected surprises. By subscribing to the channel, fans can stay up to date with the latest videos and support the content creator. Discovering New Horizons Join the host as they navigate through the vast landscapes of Minecraft, encountering a variety of challenges and obstacles along the way. From exploring hidden caves to battling fierce mobs,… Read More

  • LEAKED: Next Minecraft Update – New Biome, Hostile Mob, Hardcore Mode & Bundles!

    LEAKED: Next Minecraft Update - New Biome, Hostile Mob, Hardcore Mode & Bundles! Exciting Leaks from Mojang: New Biome, Hostile Mob, Hardcore Mode, and Bundles! As the anticipation builds for Mojang’s annual Minecraft Live event, a massive leak has already surfaced, and surprisingly, it’s from Mojang themselves. The leaked information not only reveals the name of the next Minecraft update but also introduces a new biome and a new hostile mob. Let’s dive into the exciting details! How the Leak Unfolded The leak was discovered ahead of the official announcement, sparking excitement among Minecraft fans worldwide. The leak hints at a major update that promises to bring fresh content and challenges to… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Black Myth Wukong in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable! Black Myth Wukong in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mình mang Black Myth Wukong Vào Trong MInecraft | Block Myth Wukong Modpacks’, was uploaded by G2Gamerr on 2024-09-24 12:00:32. It has garnered 17241 views and 367 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:28 or 628 seconds. 🎁Donate : https://playerduo.net/612e5203d6a1982… ✨Version: Forge 1.20.1 ✨Modpacks Link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1TqRGdjdIq6N-p0IjFIOfkRVs-elyl-fy/view?usp=drive_link Music : 🎵Playlist by G2Gamerr 🎮Fanpage : https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?… © Bản quyền thuộc về G2Gamerr © Copyright by G2Gamerr ☞ Do not Reup #minecraft #G2Gamerr#minecraftsurvival#minecraftmods#blackmythwukong Read More

  • Uncovering the Truth: Testing Scary Minecraft Seeds

    Uncovering the Truth: Testing Scary Minecraft SeedsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Testing SCARY MINECRAFT SEEDS to see if they are actually true.’, was uploaded by faiz playz on 2024-03-31 09:03:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Testing SCARY MINECRAFT SEEDS to see if they are actually true. #minecraft #viral #scary #trending. Read More

  • ¡Locura en Minecraft! La felicidad por un diamante

    ¡Locura en Minecraft! La felicidad por un diamanteVideo Information This video, titled ‘La Felicidad Por Un Diamante #minecraft #seriedemods #humor #twitch’, was uploaded by MarcOps on 2024-03-29 13:43:11. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Raj’s EPIC Blindfolded Tree House Build!

    Raj's EPIC Blindfolded Tree House Build!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Tree House Hero blind gloves’, was uploaded by Raj uid on 2024-07-15 12:41:16. It has garnered 6 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:32:08 or 1928 seconds. Read More

  • Hydriel defeats Sharpness with insane PvP skills! #shorts

    Hydriel defeats Sharpness with insane PvP skills! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘he beat sharpness… #shorts #minecraft #pvp’, was uploaded by hydriel on 2024-05-16 16:38:54. It has garnered 2188 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. This video isn’t by me, it’s by ArtualCM (ACTUAL GOAT) #pvp #minecraft #shorts #sharpness Tags (ignore)- Minemanner is cool, minemanner song, iusehuzuni, i use huzuni, ricefarmer11, rice farmer 11, rice farmer11, ricefarmer, ricefarmer 11, mine manner, i use huzuni song, hitsync songs, hit sync, 1.18 tutorial, 1.18 pvp, how to get good at 1.18 pvp, Found This Desc From Cruh And Cheetahh I am… Read More

  • “Unleashing Bloody Herobrine: EVIL DEVIL 👹 #MinecraftMadness” #YouTubeTerrors #ShockingEncounter

    "Unleashing Bloody Herobrine: EVIL DEVIL 👹 #MinecraftMadness" #YouTubeTerrors #ShockingEncounterVideo Information This video, titled ‘I make bloody herobrine #youtube #youtubeshorts #minecraft #herobrine’, was uploaded by EVIL DEVIL on 2024-08-09 04:20:59. It has garnered 4011 views and 68 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Multiplayer 🚚, 🌍 & 🎮 Gameplay in One Video!

    Insane Multiplayer 🚚, 🌍 & 🎮 Gameplay in One Video!Video Information This video, titled ‘GeoGuessr, Euro Truck Simulator 2 TMP konvoj (Sraz: TruckersMP HQ, SIM2), Minecraft Sub Server’, was uploaded by Gamekeepers_cz on 2024-07-17 03:58:35. It has garnered 3213 views and 120 likes. The duration of the video is 05:48:25 or 20905 seconds. 👕 GKCZ MERCH: http://bit.ly/gkcz-merch 🎮 Farming Simulator 25 PRE-ORDER: https://www.farming-simulator.com/buy-now.php?platform=pcdigital&code=GAMEKEEPERS Support-A-Creator: GKCZ #EpicPartner 💎 Membership: http://bit.ly/gkcz-mem 💲 Donate: https://bit.ly/gkcz-se 💜 Twitch: http://bit.ly/gkcz-twitch 📷 Instagram: https://bit.ly/gkcz-ig 👕 Merch: http://bit.ly/gkcz-merch 🌐 Web: http://bit.ly/gkcz-web 💬 Discord: https://bit.ly/gkcz-dc ETS2/ATS TRUCKERSMP VTC SIGNATURE: https://truckersmp.com/vtc/53169 ETS2/ATS TRUCKSBOOK FIRMA: https://trucksbook.eu/company/2692 Plugin for chat as on Twitch: https://truffle.vip/extension You must have the BTTV and… Read More

  • SkyesToo – SCARIEST Minecraft Mod Ever!

    SkyesToo - SCARIEST Minecraft Mod Ever!Video Information This video, titled ‘This Horror Mod is TERRIFYING! – Minecraft Survival’, was uploaded by SkyesToo on 2024-07-03 19:15:00. It has garnered 16512 views and 1012 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:14 or 2894 seconds. One of Us DID NOT Survive The Fog! – Minecraft Survival __ The mods just keep getting more creepy… can Skyes and Darman survive the fog??? __ Thumbnail drawn by Icy – Check them out! https://twitter.com/IcyQuite __ Video edited by Darman – Check him out! https://www.youtube.com/@DarmanORC https://www.twitch.tv/darmanorc https://twitter.com/DarmanORC __ MY MAIN CHANNEL! – https://www.youtube.com/@Skyes ☁️ MY SOCIALS ☁️ 🐦-= Twitter – https://twitter.com/Skyes… Read More

  • Bryan’s Heroic Transformation Gone Wrong! Voice Acting Cover!

    Bryan's Heroic Transformation Gone Wrong! Voice Acting Cover!Video Information This video, titled ‘”You were supposed to be a hero, Bryan! what happened to you?” meme – cover + voice acting’, was uploaded by WompyWompie on 2024-09-12 10:23:46. It has garnered 14 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. REAL GUYS… This would singlehandedly save and carry the entire Minecraft movie! Credits/sources/Inspiration https://x.com/DiamondBrickZ/status/1831376379096789179 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbKmbIxF9co https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEuMl8t9rW4 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-hSoZKYag-M Tags Herobrine, Herobryan, Minecraft movie, Minecraft movie 2024, Minecraft movie parody, Minecraft movie meme, Minecraft movie trailer, Minecraft movie if it was good, Minecraft movie looks ugly, Minecraft, I am steve, Minecraft Jack Black I… Read More

  • NightfallMC

    NightfallMCWelcome to Nightfall MC! The perfect place to play Minecraft Survival, have fun and make new friends. Features: – Land Claiming – Cross play – Skills – Economy – Teams – A welcoming community and much more! Our server is designed to provide you with the most rewarding experience possible! play.nightfallsmp.com Read More

  • ✨Perakee’s Survival✨ SMP 1.21.1 land claim teams Random Spawn dynmap voicechat optional

    ✨ Perakee’s Survival ✨ MAP: perakee.xyz:8123 or JOIN: perakee.xyz or DISCORD: discord.gg/VPjPFYZH Vanilla survival – go solo or team up! Random spawn – world border can be expanded any time. Hard difficulty – night can’t be skipped. Fresh & new community! Voicechat mod optional, cheaters banned, runs on dedicated hardware in Europe. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Storymode: Not everyone’s cup of tea, but I loved it!

    Minecraft Memes - Storymode: Not everyone's cup of tea, but I loved it!Well, I guess this meme has a higher approval rating than Minecraft Story Mode! Read More

  • 100 Enderman roast endermite 🔥

    100 Enderman roast endermite 🔥 When you accidentally start a war between Endermen and Endermites and suddenly realize you’re the one who has to clean up the mess in your Minecraft world. Good luck with that! Read More

  • Join Our Free SMP in Minecraft & Crafting

    Join Our Free SMP in Minecraft & Crafting Welcome to Daosao Gamers’ New SMP Server! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Minecraft and Crafting and Building? Join Daosao Gamers’ new SMP server for free and start your adventure today! No sign-in required, just pure gaming fun. What is SMP? SMP stands for Survival Multiplayer, a game mode in Minecraft where players can interact, collaborate, and survive together in a shared world. It’s a great way to connect with other players, build amazing structures, and explore new territories. Joining the Server Joining our SMP server is easy and hassle-free. Simply follow the instructions provided… Read More

  • Ender Pearl Chunk Loader?! Update Snapshot 24w37a Minecraft!

    Ender Pearl Chunk Loader?! Update Snapshot 24w37a Minecraft! Minecraft Snapshot 24w37a Introduces Exciting New Feature: Ender Pearl Chunk Loader! The latest Minecraft Snapshot 24w37a has brought a groundbreaking new mechanic that allows players to use Ender Pearls as chunk loaders! 🤯 What Does This Mean? Now, when you throw an Ender Pearl, the surrounding area will remain loaded within a 3×3 chunk radius. This opens up a world of possibilities for automatic farms and exploring new horizons! Unleash Your Creativity! Just imagine the incredible structures and contraptions you can build with this new feature! Will you be incorporating it into your survival world? The potential is limitless!… Read More

  • Join Me in Private Bedwars on Hypixel LIVE!

    Join Me in Private Bedwars on Hypixel LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Hypixel Private Bedwars Games Live With You’, was uploaded by MitBlade on 2024-07-27 20:45:08. It has garnered 129 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:03 or 8163 seconds. Leave your IGN in Chat to Join https://discord.gg/BnGNxnU2 #hypixel #bedwars #pvp #minecraft #bedwars Read More

  • Surviving Minecraft Damage-Free Challenge

    Surviving Minecraft Damage-Free ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Beat Survival Minecraft WITHOUT Taking ANY DAMAGE (Hitless Run)’, was uploaded by Bubbo on 2024-07-22 14:00:29. It has garnered 25705 views and 2034 likes. The duration of the video is 00:23:36 or 1416 seconds. I Beat Survival Minecraft WITHOUT TAKING DAMAGE (1.21 Hitless Run) In this video, I push my skills and knowledge of survival Minecraft to their limit. I attempt to beat Minecraft without taking a single point of damage! Is it possible? This is the hardest Minecraft challenge video I have done yet… Minecraft Hitless Run Check Out My Merch: https://bubbo.store Need… Read More

Exposing 100 Minecraft Youtubers Deepest Secrets…