EYstreem – 5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Build in Minecraft! (NO MODS!)

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Didn’t you not a 40 why stream merch well lucky for you all merch is on sale until Christmas if you want to be a YouTuber just like me we’ve got hoodies t-shirts and bag tags all for sale so make sure to hit the link in the description below to grab some merch and

Make sure to ask your parents to get you some for Christmas while it is super cheap stay awesome and enjoy today’s video hey what’s up guys anyway stream back here with another Minecraft video and today guys I’m gonna be showing you five secret things that you didn’t know you

Can make in your very own Minecraft world without any mods or add-ons that is right guys a hundred percent vanilla Minecraft and the best part is guys it is going to work for any immersion of Minecraft whether you guys are rocking an iPhone iPad Android Nintendo switch

Xbox PlayStation or PC Guys these builds are going to work for you and we’ve got an incredible lineup for you today guys including and actually working 10 and a Spitfire that actually has a real live Minecraft cow attached to it so you can watch it get cooked get nice and Juicy

And Delicious guys it is gonna be crazy and you know all around we just have a ton of really cool builds today and we’ve got a little bit of an outdoor camping theme around all of the builds today so you guys are gonna absolutely love it if you are looking for today’s

Video make sure to go ahead and drop that like down and Below we’re going for 3 000 likes now we’re gonna make a deal here guys I want you to make a deal with me if you learn just one new thing in today’s video You’re Gonna Leave a like

Guys but if you don’t learn anything I promise you you don’t have to leave a like alright if you if you don’t learn anything in today’s video you can leave a dislike because I’m not I’m not doing a good enough job guys so if you learn

At least one thing you guys pick you promise me you will guys will leave a like and if you don’t learn anything you guys can leave a dislike but besides with that guys if you are new to the channel make sure to go and slap that subscribe button and hit that little

Bell icon to link ding ding dang ding to never miss an upload that way you guys will always be the first to find out about these secret builds and all your friends will be like yo how did you get that and you can be like well I have the

Bell icon on for ey stream and they’ll be super jealous guys because you will have the coolest builds in a town but I guess guys it is time to get started enough dog and let’s get straight into this now we’re gonna start with the easy build and then we’re gonna get more

Complex as we go so if you guys want to see the tent and the Spitfire they’re quite hard to build so they’ll be at the end of the video so make sure to stick around until then but we’re gonna start simple and get crazier as we go along so

Let’s go guys now our first build is a really nice outdoor cooker and as I said we’ve got we’ve got a bit of a outdoor camping theme going on today first of all for this you’re gonna need some dark oak fences you will also need a cauldron

Oh whatever that’s for guys uh This is Gonna even confuse you some more we’re gonna need some potion of weaknesses oh very interesting you’ll want to go ahead and grab a coal block and some Cobblestone just like that and then finally guys just to top it off all make

Sure to grab your flint and still now as you guys can see you really don’t need a lot for this these are really basic items you can grab these all in survival and that’s kind of what I wanted to do I want to make a ton of build I like to

Start off with builds that are really easy to build in survival and get a little bit harder so this is one of those builds that doesn’t need a lot but it’s really easy to build on survival and looks great so for this guys what you want to do is place down a cold

Block just like this and then on either side of it place down a block of cobblestone then you want to go ahead grab your dark oak fence guys and you want to go one whoop one two three four oh nope just one two three blocks high

Just like that and then do the same thing on the other side then you want to go ahead and connect these two with a fence and then finally guys you want to place a cauldron underneath our fence then you want to grab your potion of weakness Chuck that in there and you

Want to go one two three so it’s full all the way up and now it kind of looks like some sort of broth or stew guys now you can use whichever potion you like uh for the different colors guys personally I think that the potion of weakness

Looks the best but another one that can look really really cool is if you go ahead and grab a potion of strength guys this also looks great if you go ahead and bang and then one two three this looks really really cool it’s as if you’re making like mushroom soup or

Something guys I really like it and then finally guys if it’s a cooker you gotta have some heat so what you can do is go ahead and Chuck the fire on the bottom and voila guys a super simple outdoor cooker that you know will look really

Nice next to our tent and spitfire that we are going to build because of course if you’re gonna have a Spitfire to make meat you need some soup to go along with it so here’s our soup and then of course guys this is going to look real nice

Without tent and spitfire now on to build number two guys is a little bit of a push cut because you know to get all these resources out into the forest where you’re building all these camping stuff you’re gonna need a cart to bring it all along with you so build number

Two out outdoor push cart now for this guys you want to go ahead and grab some Spruce Uh Wood slabs just like that guys then you want to go ahead grab a chest uh uh what’s next guys all right we’re going to need a rail uh you want to grab

Some regular trapdoor super easy like that you’ll need two of those and finally guys three signs all right so as you can see once again easy build super simple to build and survival you’re not gonna need to do a lot of resource hunting so all you want to do is grab

Any type of block just kind of like as your starter block here guys and you want to go ahead we might actually bring this closer to our fire but you want to grab your Spruce Wood slab and make sure it is in the top half of the block like

This guys then you want to go ahead and place one more out just like that and you can destroy this block so you have a two by one kind of platform here then you want to go ahead and get your own trapdoor and place it on the ground here

Make sure it is facing towards the slab otherwise this is not going to work then you want to go ahead activate it and voila that is going to be one of the wheels for our push card so as you guys can imagine we’ll do the exact same on

The other side because you know push Cuts don’t just stay on one wheel otherwise yeah like this breaks the laws of gravity right here guys we’ll replace one here activate it face that in wonderful guys and of course the push cart has to carry some stuff so we’ll go

Ahead put a chest on the back here put a nice little rail on here I’m not really sure what this is for but I think it kind of adds just a little bit of extra detail to make it look you know a little bit more fancier guys and finally guys a

Push cut needs a way for you to push it or pull it doesn’t matter what you’re doing with it so what you want to do place a sign on the front here don’t bother writing anything on it then you want to go ahead and write on this edge

Of the signs here Place Another Side now that can take a little bit of getting used to trying to exactly hit it but you want to go ahead and make sure you hit right exactly on the side guys and place a sign and voila guys check it out our

Super easy push card design that look cute guys I really think this looks great of course next to our cooker and it’s going to look really in place with a bunch of other like the tent and the Spitfire guys and look at that look

At that I put it on my card guys with all my resources I think this looks really cute really nice it’s that extra bit of decoration that really adds that Shazam to your builds guys and you know sets it apart from your friends so those are built too moving on to build number

Three is the attempt guys the one I’ve been talking about so much because I’m just so excited to show it to you guys so for this guys you’re going to need to grab some white wool all right so already you guys can see this is going

To be a little bit harder to grab in survival you’re gonna need some white carpet just like that you’ll need a bed personally I am a classic OG Minecraft player that red bed is all all I’m about guys are going to want a crafting table uh you will need some trip wire hooks

Grab those and you’ll also need a uh some Oak fences guys and finally am I missing anything all right of course we are going to need a torch now there will be a few more things in a bit guys but this is going to be phase one of our

Tent so for this guys what you want to do is place your wool down one two three four five just like that needs to be five long then you want to go ahead and go one place a wool two three just like that and go one two three four five once

Again just like that guys now you want to go ahead and place wool right here you want to go one two three and then one in the middle just like that guys then you want to go ahead place a wool here and a wool here and then build

These forward one two three and then Place one on the back and you wanna do the exact same thing on the other side you guys can already see that our 10 shape is emerging here and it looks great so finally I’m sure you guys know

What to do Place one block up here and then fill in the top of here and voila guys there is our 10th shape now this is a pretty basic tent design pretty boring I’m sure most of you guys could do this without Watching Me Do the video but I’m

Going to show you how you can really make it look spicy really extra detailed and you know set it apart from your friend’s tent so first off let’s fill that in with carpet in there we’re gonna destroy this real quick and place a bed like that and a crafting table there the

Reason for that guys is if you make sure you place the bed facing in with the pillow chair it means you’ll be able to sleep in it and not get suffocated when you wake up because that would not be good and then finally we’ll put a torch

In there so that you can see what’s going on once you guys have done that the real decorating began so you want to place a trip wire hook there and then on the sides here guys you know how like you have to Peg the intent in we’re gonna Place pegs but they’re actually

Triple A hooks on these sides we’re gonna have one here one here and one here guys and those are our pegs into the ground we’ll Place one there and then one two three guys so one on each side and then one in the middle as you

Guys can see those add like just that little bit of extra detail as if the tent is being pegged into the ground then you want to go ahead and place an oak fence on top here and add Oak fence on top there now you’ll understand why I

Put those there in a minute because this is about to look really really cool but just I honestly think guys before I do show you phase two I would recommend putting White top it if you have that extra wool on top of all these blocks the reason bang is because that way the

White carpet actually connects the white wall to the next level of the tent and it doesn’t look as like so on this side as you guys can see it looks very blocky very Minecraft on this side it looks actually connected so if you have that will despair go ahead and Chuck that on

Top of these blocks you don’t need to Chuck it on the top and that will just kind of add a little bit of extra detail to your tan it’s not very noticeable but personally I think it’s extra special guys now phase two is what really sets this thing apart guys looks amazing in

My opinion so for this guys you are going to need to grab some Spruce Wood slabs you will need to grab some rabbits oh why do we need rabbits guys you’re about to find out because this is really really cool I love this so much and then

Some leads not much you’re going to need but if you are in survival you can grab some carrots and try and track down some rabbits otherwise in Creative just grab those spawn rabbit eggs and what you want to do is you want to go one two

Three and then you want to go four blocks out from the tent just like actually you know what I’m changing my mind we’re gonna go we’re gonna go start here and you want to go one two three just like that guys you can fill that in

And you want to make sure this block is too deep so two blocks away from the tent and on the third block dig two blocks down then you want to go ahead and spawn the execute a little ah hi little rabbit how you going down there you want to spoiled your rabbit down

There you want to grab a lead and attach the lead to the rabbit and then attach the leader to our fence up here and as you guys can see check that out it looks as if the Rope is going through the tripwire hook coming down here and into

The ground as if oh we’re just gonna move the bunny um I just want to kind of get the bunny a little bit come on Mr rabbit move into the center oh no oh oh whoopsy day well you guys you didn’t see that I didn’t kill the rabbit I’m sorry

Mr rabbit we’re just gonna spot him in the middle it’s try and get the rabbit in the middle of the hole because that way when you bring this up here check that out that rope is gonna pass perfectly through your trip wire hook then you want to go ahead grab your

Spruce Wood slab and fill in the top there and check that out guys voila look at that an actual rope coming through your tent which really is that extra bit detail now the reason why you can’t put a cross block there is because as you can see that glitches out the lead and

Then it goes black so that’s personally why I use the slab just like that and of course guys since we’ve done on that side you already know what’s gonna have it on this side you want to go one two and then three Dig Two down rabbit lead

Attach that to the top here and as you can see look at that passing perfectly through our trip wire hook and then cover that up and voila guys check that out that is our actually working 10 because well it’s working because it’s got the pegs and it’s got the strings to

Hold it up I think it looks really really cool and uh yeah I love that design moving on to build number four is our working Spitfire which will have an actual cow attached to it now if you don’t like meat well I’m sorry that what

For what you’re about to see but if you like me like me you will got me to love this build so for this guys I think we’ll which side of that I think we’ll build it on this side of the tank guys so for this build this is what you’re

Going to need you will need some nether uh brick fences then you will need some stone slabs you’ll need some another rack here guys so let’s grab some of that beautiful Netherrack we’ll need a flint and steel and then you’ll also need uh oh we’re gonna need some leads

Oh interesting and then finally a name tag and an anvil guys what do we need those for I’m I’m a bit confusing you guys so much because it doesn’t make sense to have name tags and anvils and Lead uh leads for the Spitfire but you guys will understand very soon so we’ve

Got those and then finally you will also need chickens and you will need cows oh very interesting well I guess the cows make sense but you’re probably wondering about the chicken now for now I’m going to leave the cow up there but this is what you guys want to do you want to

Grab your nether brick fence and you want to go one up one two three just like that you wanna place your stone slab uh then you want to place your Netherrack and a stone slab and you want to go ahead and Surround your Netherrack with stone slabs just like that then you

Guys are gonna go ahead grab your nugget brick fence place it one two three just like that and voila that is gonna be the basis for our Spitfire but the thing is is we need a rope connecting these two just like in real life the best way to

Do that guys is with a chicken a lead an anvil and a name tag very interesting so what you want to do is grab your Anvil here and you want to go ahead and place a name tag in here and call this rope just like that and grab that at no

Capitals just rope guys really really easy then you want to go ahead and this one is going to use a bit of command block magic so if you don’t know how to grab a command block all you have to do is slash give at P space command

Underscore block just like that guys and then hit enter and voila guys we have one of these well beautiful command blocks and once you’ve got that guys under this fence here you want to dig one two and do uh directly under the fence here guys you want to place a

Command block now in here you want to switch this over to repeat always active and you want to go TP space at e square bracket type equals chicken oh no actually we’ll make this even better we’ll go name equals and you want to go ahead and type uh rope just like that so

Name equals rope then you want to go ahead and do square bracket close guys just like that now hit space and you’re going to need to obviously put some coordinates in for the TP command so what you’re going to do is stand on top of this nether brick fence dig one block

Down and as you guys can see in the top left hand corner have my coordinates just there negative 46 645 I recommend you guys write this down on a piece of paper it’ll be different depending on your world if you don’t have the coordinates in your top left hand corner

All you need to do is slash game rule space show coordinates true just like that hit enter and then they’ll appear in your top left hand corner but once you guys have those write them down on a piece of paper so negative 46 6 and 45

And what you want to do is go space negative 46 6 and 45 I believe that was it let’s just make sure yep negative 46 6 and 45 just like that inside your command block guys it’s super easy but uh it might take a few goes remember the coordinates will be different depending

On your Minecraft world once you guys haven’t done that you want to go ahead and right next to this guys you want to place oh forgot to mention make sure this is on repeat and always active guys then you want to go ahead and spawn a chicken look at the cute little chicken

Grab your rope name tag and name him rope and as you guys can see he’s going to get teleported right over here there is a ton of ugly stuff in the top left hand corner of my screen so to get rid of that guys you want to go game rule

And then you want to go command block output false just like that hit enter and that will disappear now for now I’m just going to go ahead and get rid of our chicken here so I can show you guys what I want you to do I want you to

Place the nether brick fence back there so it’s three blocks high and then you can go ahead and spawn back your chicken rename him rope and he’s going to fit perfectly into the fence here guys the only thing is it looks kind of strange there so to fix that you want to go

Ahead and make him invisible put down another command block guys right next to our other one switch it to repeat always active go effect space at e then square brackets um uh name then equals uh once again you want to do rope then you want to do n square brackets space invisibility and

You want to go 100 and space one now for you guys who aren’t used to you doing commands what I recommend doing is taking a screenshot of this guy so you can do this in your vario Minecraft world and that way you can copy this command down perfectly but once you guys

Have done that leave the command block and voila guys here’s vanish the only problem is as you guys can see we’ve got some particles so to fix that at the end of your command do space true come back up and the particles will be gone and

You may be thinking why did we need to go through so much effort to put a chicken there well now if you grab your lead guys and place it here as you can see it’s attached to our invisible chicken and then we can attach it to

This side of our Spitfire and voila guys we have a rope for our Spitfire all we need now is a juicy old cow to cook guys so to do this what you want to do is once again come over to your Anvil grab a name tag and you want to name this

Dinner bone now for those of you who don’t know dinnerbone allows you to make mobs flip over which is going to allow us to have our cow upside down on a spit fire so you want to grab the name tag dinner bone then you want to grab your

Cow here we want to spawn the cow name him dinner bone and as you guys can see well now he’s a very strange upside down walking cow we’re going to leave him there for a bit now the next thing you want to do guys is Jump onto your place

One another brick fence then place two nether brick fences and look at your coordinates because you are going to need those for our next command then right under here guys next to your command blocks Place another one here go repeat always active go uh TP space at e

Square brackets name equals and then you want to go ahead and do dinner bone make sure you have that capital D guys and then you want to go and square brackets then you want to go space and this is where you want to put those coordinates

On top of your nether brick fences here in the center so for me guys it’s negative 44 6 and 44. wait wait wait wait wait wait I’ve already forgotten negative 44 6 45 all right here we go so it’s negative 44 6 45 I hope my memory

Is right there guys and then you want to go ahead and leave there and voila guys as you can see our cow is now right there just casually hanging but the problem is as well he’s not facing the right direction so and he’s a little bit

High so to fix that guys go ahead and Destroy these two nether brick fences you want to come and jump straight back in to your command block here and we’re gonna make some changes so after dinnerbone you want to do a comma then you want to go C equals one just like

That guys and then you want to also go ahead and where you have your height here guys so in your second uh number as you can see I’ve got six what you want to do is whatever your number is bring it down by one so for me that will be

Five leave and voila guys oh oh he’s a little low hold up hold up maybe six was actually better maybe we’ll go 5.5 yeah that is perfect guys so what you want to do is whatever your number is if it’s like eight you want to come down to

7.5 you want to go 0.5 down in your second number so for me it was six and that comes down to 5.5 and check that out guys we actually have a cow hanging from a Spitfire look at that that looks legit and finally all you need to do

Chuck the fire down and check that out guys doesn’t that look sick because personally I think that looks absolutely awesome how realistic does that look guys that actually looks like a legit cow hanging at your Spitfire and it looks perfect combined with our tent cooker and our push cart look at that

Guys we’ve got a perfect outdoor camping set if you put all these together and build your friends we’ll be super super impressed guys now finally we’ve done four builds we’re on to our very last one at build number five now unfortunately this is not camping or

Outdoor theme guys this is just a little bit of a fun one that I thought looked really cool and I wanted to add it in today’s video and share it with you guys so for this guys what you are going to need is some Stone uh some Cobblestone

Wools you’re going to need some iron trapdos some iron bars and finally some red and black wool so yeah you don’t need much for this guys it’s a really easy build and I know it’s not outdoor themed I get it I get it all right but

It still looks cool and I want to share with you guys so you want to go ahead put the Cobblestone wall down go one two three four five then you want to go ahead and from here you want to go one two three and on your fourth block go

One two three four five up like that then you want to go ahead and connect these with iron trap doors up here you will need to go ahead and Crouch to place the iron trap doors guys so as you guys can see I am crouching and then

Placing the iron trap doors just like that then under here guys you want to place one iron bar you want to place the uh the Red Bull one black wool and one Red Bull and for those of you guys who haven’t figured out what I built yet it

Is a really cool like boxing a training punching bag guys that you always see in the movies in like the montages where like the guy is trying to get super fit and they’re like punching it they’re like and they’re just like you don’t practicing and training if you guys like

Fitness and you’re trying to make I don’t know like an exercise room or you just want to look like you’re super buff I recommend building one of these boxing bags because you know they’re simple they’re easy and they look really really cool guys but those are our five secret

Builds for today if you guys learned something new remember the promise you maybe in the Saturday’s video leave a like down below and subscribe if you want to see more awesome secret builds hit the link in the description below we have tons of secret builds here on the

Channel I will see you guys in the next one hope you enjoyed and until then anyways through math Foreign

This video, titled ‘5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Build in Minecraft! (NO MODS!)’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2018-12-13 20:00:02. It has garnered 6825792 views and 231794 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:08 or 1328 seconds.

► CHECK OUT these other AWESOME BUILD TUTORIALS! 🔥 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLA8itan-O-Kf7Tzg1HSGOzC7cbPTzrat7

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    Blockcraft: A Minecraft Parody In the world of Blockcraft, things are quite strange, Similar to Minecraft, but with a little change. The graphics are wonky, the controls are a mess, But hey, it’s all in good fun, I must confess. I tried to build a house, but it fell apart, My character got stuck, couldn’t even start. But through all the glitches, I laughed and I played, In Blockcraft world, where chaos never fades. So if you’re looking for a game that’s a bit absurd, Give Blockcraft a try, it’s quite the word. Just don’t expect perfection, or anything grand, But for a… Read More

  • The Minecraft Tryhard: Sweating Blocks ๐Ÿ’ฆ #minecraftmemes

    The Minecraft Tryhard: Sweating Blocks ๐Ÿ’ฆ #minecraftmemes When you accidentally break one block in their meticulously planned out build and they start screaming like a creeper about to explode. Read More

  • Self-Sacrifice in Minecraft: All The Mods 9

    Self-Sacrifice in Minecraft: All The Mods 9 Minecraft Adventures in All The Mods 9 Embark on a thrilling journey in the vast world of Minecraft with the All The Mods 9 pack. With over 400 mods, countless quests, and a built-in proper endgame, players are in for an exciting experience like never before. Building a Minecolonies City In this new series, players will delve into the challenge of constructing a Minecolonies city while seamlessly integrating tech mods into the city’s development. The goal is to create a thriving metropolis that combines the best of both worlds – advanced technology and intricate architecture. Exploring New Mods All… Read More

  • BoyLove Minecraft Animation: Do You Remember Me? Part 14

    BoyLove Minecraft Animation: Do You Remember Me? Part 14 Minecraft Animation BoyLove ||Do you remember me?|| [Part 14] Music Video โ™ช Love is in the air in the latest installment of the Minecraft Animation BoyLove series, titled “Do you remember me?” This captivating music video, set to the tune of BEAUZ & Heleen’s “Alone,” takes viewers on a journey through the world of Minecraft like never before. Let’s dive into the enchanting world of this animated masterpiece! The Story Unfolds In this 14th part of the series, viewers are treated to a heartwarming tale of love and friendship. The characters navigate challenges and obstacles, all while showcasing the… Read More

  • Despicable Me 4 vs Security House Minecraft Challenge

    Despicable Me 4 vs Security House Minecraft ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘INSIDE OUT and MINIONS Despicable Me 4 vs Security House in Minecraft Challenge Maizen JJ and Mikey’, was uploaded by Mikey and JJ + on 2024-08-16 02:40:11. It has garnered 11761 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:58 or 2098 seconds. INSIDE OUT and MINIONS Despicable Me 4 vs Security House in Minecraft Challenge Maizen JJ and Mikey This video is an unofficial work and is neither created or approved by Maizen Sisters. Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/@maizenofficial Read More

  • EPIC Battle: Noob vs Alex in Super Kingdom #Minecraft

    EPIC Battle: Noob vs Alex in Super Kingdom #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Noob vs Alex #minecraft #shorts #ytshorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by Super kingdom eight on 2024-07-13 06:52:46. It has garnered 12623 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: FatherGucci builds HUGE underground base!

    UNBELIEVABLE: FatherGucci builds HUGE underground base!Video Information This video, titled ‘DIGGING A MASSIVE UNDERGROUND BASE IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by MA_FatherGucci on 2024-04-18 05:46:37. It has garnered 143 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 01:39:52 or 5992 seconds. We’re gonna continue the work on the house! Join me at discord.gg/shitposting Tips are appreciated and thanks to all who do donate! https://streamelements.com/ma_fathergucci/tip #Minecraftmemes #Minecraftbuild #Minecrafters Meme asylum FYP Minecraft Building and Relaxing Dantdm CaptainSparklez Dream PopularMMOs Ssundee PrestonPlayz Stampylonghead LDShadowLady MumboJumbo Aphmau iBallisticSquid TheAtlanticCraft Grian JeromeASF Mrbeast EthosLab Stacyplays TheDiamondMinecraft TommyInnit aCookieGod Bobicraft Dr. bonks Maizen Bronzo EYstreem BriannaPlayz SkipTheTutorial Johnny Minecraft… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE PvP Action in God Spunky Network

    UNBELIEVABLE PvP Action in God Spunky NetworkVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PvP Practice in God Spunky Network episode 1 @SpunkyInsaan20’, was uploaded by SHADOW RISE GAMING on 2024-01-26 14:41:49. It has garnered 114 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:18:42 or 1122 seconds. Thanks for watching make sure to subscribe if spunky insaan reads this sorry i said 200k subs i meant to say 300k im really sorry.. Read More

  • PrincessHana Joins JAXON JACKYL FAMILY?!

    PrincessHana Joins JAXON JACKYL FAMILY?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Adopted by the JAXON JACKYL FAMILY in Minecraft?!’, was uploaded by PrincessHana on 2024-08-28 20:30:00. It has garnered 156127 views and 1759 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:21 or 1221 seconds. ๐ŸŒผ Subscribe to the channel my daisies!! ๐ŸŒผ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-Dx5CzIpfctGNYsn2rVwXw?sub_confirmation=1 What’s up my doki doki daisies!? I’m Princess Hana and welcome to my video! In this epic Minecraft adventure, Hana finds herself on the run from the Jaxon Jackyl Family after trying to recycle Cluck Buckets! To avoid becoming dinner, she must out-scare Jaxon Jackyl in a spooky customer competition. Will she win… Read More

  • Glockey’s EPIC Minecraft with BASS BOOSTED twist!!

    Glockey's EPIC Minecraft with BASS BOOSTED twist!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft BUT… It’s BASS BOOSTED’, was uploaded by Glockey On Twitch on 2024-07-11 21:00:24. It has garnered 26 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:01 or 901 seconds. This is a reupload from my Main channel! Everytime we took damage, we had to raise the volume using a special texture pack that enhanced the sounds of the game… this got REALLY REALLY loud. Go Check my Socials! Discord: Discord.gg/Glockey My Streams: Twitch.tv/Glockey__ Main channel: https://www.youtube.com/@GlockeyYT Shorts Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@GlockeyShorts/shorts Instagram: https://instagram.com/glockeyttv Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@glockey_ Twitter: https://twitter.com/Glockey__ On this Channel I do a lot… Read More

  • Easy Autocane Farm! ๐Ÿ˜ฒ Best Minecraft Memes

    Easy Autocane Farm! ๐Ÿ˜ฒ Best Minecraft MemesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Simplest Cane Farm #minecraft #memes #gaming #farming #autofarm #minecraftmemes #shorts’, was uploaded by ัreeper952 on 2024-03-26 10:43:46. It has garnered 1186 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. Thanks for watching!!! #minecraft #memes #gaming #autofarming #autofarm #experiment #minecraftmemes #experiment Tags:minecraft, sugar cane farm, minecraft sugarcane farm, minecraft tutorial, minecraft sugar cane farm, sugarcane farm, sugarcane farm minecraft, minecraft bedrock sugarcane farm, minecraft bedrock, sugarcane, tutorial, automatic sugarcane farm, bedrock edition, sugar cane farm minecraft, minecraft sugarcane farm bedrock, sugarcane farm tutorial, easy sugar cane farm, farm, minecraft… Read More

  • Lemon Remix: Ultimate Shizo Anime Music Collab

    Lemon Remix: Ultimate Shizo Anime Music CollabVideo Information This video, titled ‘#music #anime #remix #phonk #axlebolt #genshinimpact #musicgenre #axelbolt #art #minecraft’, was uploaded by MR Lemon๐Ÿ‹ on 2024-08-08 07:31:27. It has garnered 26 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. Read More

  • Torrent Network: Skyfactions – October 15th

    Torrent SkyFactions – BRAND NEW Original Gamemode A new completely original gamemode Grind on your own skyblock island or… Join a faction with your friends Imagine a server where skyblock and factions are combined.. what would you do? Grind for resources on your own island or join a faction or nation to collaborate on a faction island. Become the Lord of a faction or serve as a valiant knight, baron, or duke. But wait… there’s a twist: you can raid other islands With custom 3D modeled blocks and items, a beautiful lobby, epic cinematic gameplay rivaling Hoplite and Hypixel, this… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Hot and spicy time at MCLive!

    Me at MCLive this year: “I came for the diamonds, I stayed for the memes… and I still can’t figure out how to build a decent house!” Read More

  • Feathered Fun: Minecraft’s Mother Bird Unleashed!

    Feathered Fun: Minecraft's Mother Bird Unleashed! In this video, we dive into the game so grand, Requested by fans, across the land. Granny, Granny, the horror tale, With Rima and Shafa, we set sail. Evil school, Bandarita, and more, Challenges and pranks galore. Ice Scream, funny moments to find, Gaming with Khaled, a one of a kind. Mother Bird is here, the story unfolds, Momo is near, the fear it holds. Horror games, with twists and turns, Granny glitch, the lesson learns. Join us now, for a thrilling ride, In Minecraft world, where we abide. Granny’s realm, with surprises in store, Mother Bird is here,… Read More

  • “Villager gets roasted ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚” #minecraft #memes

    "Villager gets roasted ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ˜‚" #minecraft #memes Sorry villager, looks like you just got evicted from your own village by a bunch of blocky players who can’t even pay rent in diamonds! #minecraftproblems ๐Ÿ˜‚ Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for the Ultimate Gaming Experience Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating video titled “Fastest cleaner video || #shorts #short #shortvideo” that has nothing to do with Minecraft, but it got us thinking – just like how a fast cleaner can make a space shine, Minewind Minecraft Server can make your gaming experience shine brighter than ever before! With a vibrant community, exciting gameplay, and endless possibilities, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for… Read More

  • Underground Trading Hall with 44 Villagers in MCPE!

    Underground Trading Hall with 44 Villagers in MCPE! Welcome to My Underground 3-Floor Trading Hall in Minecraft Pocket Edition! Embark on a thrilling adventure as you explore the depths of Minecraft Pocket Edition in this incredible underground trading hall. With 44 villagers at your disposal, the possibilities are endless! Key Features: Design: Each floor of the trading hall is meticulously designed to provide efficient trading stations for all your needs. From weapons to resources, you’ll find everything you need to enhance your Minecraft experience. Easy Navigation: Navigating through the trading hall is a breeze thanks to well-planned pathways and entrances. Say goodbye to getting lost in the… Read More

  • Insane Iron Farm Progression in Minecraft 1.21 – Unbelievable Chaos!

    Insane Iron Farm Progression in Minecraft 1.21 - Unbelievable Chaos!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Iron Farm Progression – Chilled Fun With Minecraft 1.21’, was uploaded by Joe Hammer Gaming on 2024-09-11 23:04:24. It has garnered 271 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:54:46 or 10486 seconds. Minecraft Iron Farm Progression – Chilled Fun With Minecraft 1.21 My Minecraft World Seed is 5388136788354774904 Welcome to our Relaxing Minecraft Live Stream! Join us for a laid-back and soothing gameplay session where we explore the endless possibilities of Minecraft. Whether you’re here to unwind after a long day or just want to enjoy some peaceful building and… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Minecraft Horror Map Gameplay

    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Horror Map GameplayVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Horror Map Edit #Shorts’, was uploaded by CM951 on 2024-07-05 22:13:38. It has garnered 14 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. An edit of a few clips I got on a cursed minecraft horror map. Map is The Abduction by Gustav Kolibri: https://www.9minecraft.net/the-abduction-map/ #short #shorts #youtubeshorts Read More

  • Unbelievable! Insane Mega Sky Block Minecraft Adventure!

    Unbelievable! Insane Mega Sky Block Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Mega Sky Block Minecraft part 1’, was uploaded by Chorus on 2024-07-25 12:22:10. It has garnered 4 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:06 or 906 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Guru SigilsTV’s Insane World Records

    Minecraft Guru SigilsTV's Insane World RecordsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Highest Ranked Minecraft YouTuber| @sigils’, was uploaded by SigilsTV on 2024-05-22 16:45:47. It has garnered 4107 views and 374 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:08 or 8048 seconds. Today @sigils plays Halo Infinite Ranked ๐Ÿ“–NEW BOOK: https://amzn.to/3u5xwwr ๐Ÿ“–STAR SUMMIT Audiobook: https://bit.ly/StarSummitAudible ๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟFollow Me!๐Ÿด๓ ง๓ ข๓ ฅ๓ ฎ๓ ง๓ ฟ ๐Ÿ“บ Twitch: http://twitch.tv/sigils ๐Ÿฆ Twitter: http://twitter.com/sigils ๐Ÿ“ท Instagram: http://www.instagram.com/sigils/ ๐Ÿ“ฑ TikTok: http://www.tiktok.com/@sigils ๐Ÿ‘พ Discord: http://discord.gg/sigils ๐Ÿ‘• Merch: http://sigils.store ๐Ÿ•น๏ธPlaylists: โ–ถ๏ธCall of Duty Warzone: https://bit.ly/30vEZ75 โ–ถ๏ธFPS Games: https://bit.ly/2UqGNL1 โ–ถ๏ธTop Videos: https://bit.ly/3hffBc0 Read More

  • Minecraft gamer unlocks ultimate strategy ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€

    Minecraft gamer unlocks ultimate strategy ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€Video Information This video, titled ‘Bro Had The Strat ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ #minecraft #pvp #gaming #minecraftpvp #minecraftmemes #smp #mc #memes #shorts’, was uploaded by Reaping on 2024-05-03 00:03:13. It has garnered 10303 views and 264 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Goofy Armor Kit @ReapingYT Read More

  • Ghost gets a girlfriend in Minecraft?!

    Ghost gets a girlfriend in Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘i found a girlfriend | minecraft’, was uploaded by ghost clover on 2024-09-15 20:13:56. It has garnered 44 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:45:51 or 9951 seconds. it wont happen Read More

  • “INSANE MINECRAFT VIDEO that Broke the Internet! ๐Ÿ”ฅ” #minecraft #shorts

    "INSANE MINECRAFT VIDEO that Broke the Internet! ๐Ÿ”ฅ" #minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘That One Minecraft Video In My Fyp ๐Ÿ’€ #minecraft #minecraftshorts #minecraftmemes #shorts #fypใ‚ท’, was uploaded by ItzPotatoPlayz on 2024-04-29 13:50:12. It has garnered 2406 views and 63 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • INSANE 30x EDITING MONTAGE by Twenn on Lapex Network!

    INSANE 30x EDITING MONTAGE by Twenn on Lapex Network!Video Information This video, titled ’30x edit parรงalama – lapex network’, was uploaded by Twenn on 2024-09-04 20:42:02. It has garnered 40 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:37 or 97 seconds. dc : twenizma song: murda & uzi – love minecraft endoyuncu skyblock, minecraft endoyuncu cheat, minecraft endoyuncu hack, minecraft endoyuncu survival, minecraft endoyuncu ip, minecraft endoyuncu bedwars, minecraft endoyuncu macro, minecraft endoyuncu reach, how to do minecraft endoyuncu cheat 2023, minecraft sonoyuncu settings, playing with a friend in minecraft endoyuncu, minecraft endoyuncu does not open, yasintnc texture pack, minecraft endoyuncu arena pvp, minecraft endoyuncu… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ˜ฑ CRAZY Minecraft Stream! Sub = On Screen! #10K

    ๐Ÿ˜ฑ CRAZY Minecraft Stream! Sub = On Screen! #10KVideo Information This video, titled ‘๐Ÿ”ด JUGANDO MINECRAFT NO PREMIUM CON SUSCRIPTORES ๐Ÿ˜Ž| SI TE SUSCRIBES APARECES EN PANTALLA | #RoadTo10K’, was uploaded by elCarlitosGamer on 2024-07-23 23:41:52. It has garnered 364 views and 35 likes. The duration of the video is 03:02:33 or 10953 seconds. Welcome to a new live on the channel, I will be PLAYING WITH SUBSCRIBERS IN NON-PREMIUM MINECRAFT, we will be playing SKYWARS and BEDWARS in version 1.8 of JAVA. PRESS NOW! ๐Ÿ’ฅ I invite you to join the channel members and I Zing you: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCrPhNmBTyWgSSs-drC2FcWg/join DONOR OF THE PAST MONTH: Sans Gamer – 13.63… Read More

  • Vortex SMP Modded Factions EVENT 1.19.2 SMP

    We’re having an event soon! Scroll for more details! Vortex Discord server: Join Here ABOUT THE SERVER: The Vortex SMP is a modded, factions-based SMP built for multiplayer gameplay. With over 150 mods, the server offers a fantasy/steampunk experience set in Minecraft version 1.19.2. Customizing mods is possible by contacting admins or the server owner. ECONOMY: The server uses Lightman’s Currency mod for a coin-based economy. Players can exchange goods and services in a marketplace. Unique shops like Cosmic offer various items and can craft stronger weapons using the Tetra mod. Origins The Origins mod allows players to choose unique… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Ultimate Minecraft Live Edit Ever

    Minecraft Memes - Ultimate Minecraft Live Edit EverWow, with a score of 52, this meme is more popular than my Minecraft house with a score of 0. Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Backrooms in Minecraft

    Crafting Chaos: Backrooms in Minecraft In the Backrooms of Minecraft, a place so surreal, With Ray Tracing and editing, the footage reveals. Trying to escape, with monsters in tow, The liminal space, where fear starts to grow. Download the map, if you dare to explore, With surprises and twists, at every closed door. Acting as monsters, @SayfuHQ and @CausingChaos, Adding to the thrill, in this backrooms expose. Thanks to BetterRTX, for the visuals so clear, Making this adventure, one to hold dear. So leap into the verse, with beats that sing, In the Backrooms of Minecraft, where reality’s on a string. Read More

EYstreem – 5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Build in Minecraft! (NO MODS!)