EYstreem – 5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Build in Minecraft! (NO MODS!)

Video Information

Hey what’s up guys away stream here to show you five secret things you didn’t know you could build in your very own minecraft world including a table made from actual flowing water an adorably cute rabbit and bunny house a realistic vending machine a coffin to hold all of your dead bodies

Wait a minute hopefully you don’t have many dead bodies actually hopefully you don’t have any dead bodies at all guys and of course my personal favorite build in today’s video thor’s actual hammer the mule and just like the movies it is completely unmovable but unlike the movies everything today is real there is

Nothing fake that means you can do this all with no mods and no commands so you can build these in survival in any version of minecraft whether you guys are rocking an ipad iphone android a playstation xbox pc or nintendo switch it ain’t matter you’ll be able to

Impress your friends with these builds and trust me they’re going to be impressed by thor’s literal hammer so you’re not going to want to miss out on that build and if you don’t want to miss out on more awesome minecraft tips tricks and secrets to you know

Show off to your friends make sure you go ahead and slap the subscribe button and hit the bell icon to link ding ding do never miss an upload of course guys if you’re excited drop a like we’re going for 10 000 likes on today’s video but that’s

Enough from me guys without further ado let’s get into build number one so for our first build is our physics defying gravity breaking water table and for this you’re going to need eight dark oak wood stairs five dark oak planks four dark prismarine obviously water nine spruce trap doors

Two campfires a wooden shovel and finally two spruce doors so first off you wanna decide where you’re going to put this table and wherever that is guys you wanna build out a space that is one two three by one two three blocks one so you’re building

A three by three square into the ground here and you can break out those blocks then you want to line this square with your dark oak stairs we’re gonna place one two three four five six seven and eight around like that then in the center here guys we’re gonna break out

This block and replace that in with our dark oak planks then we’re gonna come to the corners we’re gonna come to the bottom left corner of this structure here guys we’re gonna place uh we’re gonna break this block here and this block here on either side of our

Stair block and we’re gonna fill that in with dark oak planks then we’re coming to the top right of our structure here i’m gonna break one block up and one block to the right and fill those in with dark oak as well giving you this kind of like i don’t know diagonal-ish pattern

I don’t know i think it looks funky then we’re going to grab our dark prisma range here guys and basically next to these dark oak planks we’re going to place one block each we’re going to place one dark prismarine here one dark prismarine here one dark prismarine here and one

Over here so you get an overall pattern that looks like this now to break some gravity let’s grab our water bucket here guys and what you want to do is first off water log all of these stair blocks here so we’re going to crouch like so and you’re gonna place

One two three four five six seven and eight and it should fill up nicely like this then we’re going to grab just any random block and you want to build one block up and you want to grab your spruce trap door and place it on the top half of this block

Above this stair block here and you can break that block now now what we’re going to do is you want to go ahead and crouch and place one or two more spruce trap doors in front like this and we’re going to do the exact same thing on the left

And right hand side so crouch again here guys we’re going to place one two three jump on to the right side crouch again and then one two three like so so at the moment we have the top of our table and we have the water down here but we

Want this table to be literally lifted and made out of water breaking gravity so what we’re going to do is switch back to our water bucket you want to come to this center block here guys and this is really you got to be really careful about this you want to crouch

And then place the water bucket on this center trap door now when you do that nothing appears to have happened but that’s not actually true because if we come down here check it out guys our table is now being held up by water itself and the water is flowing

Downwards which really should break all rules of logic and normal things in this world which i think is just absolutely awesome that this table is literally breaking physics and gravity right in front of you guys i think it’s such a cool touch to your house but of course we’ve got a table you’re

Going to need some chairs so let’s go about campfires here we’re going to place one on the left and one on the right now nobody wants to burn their sweet little butts so we’re going to grab our troubles here guys click each of the campfires to put them out with your wooden shovel

Grab your spruce doors we’re going to place one behind this trapdoor up not a trapdoor one behind this campfire here and then another over here and voila guys there you have your water table with two lovely seats let’s move on to the second build today up next our adorable rabbit and bunny

House now if you love animals then you must have this in your house because your rabbits will love you for it and if you’re a guy trying to impress a girl i would build one of these too because trust me most girls love bunnies but these are

The things you guys did here guys you’re going to need one jungle wood stair six jungle wood slabs 11 spruce trap doors one oak trap door four stripped jungle logs 18 spruce wood slabs three spruce fences a home of any kind you’re gonna need three carrots of

Course to feed them some bone meal and then obviously you’re going to need some rabbits or bunnies so let’s get started first off we’re going to grab our steak you guys and you want to place one down just like this then grab your jungle wood slabs here guys and you’re

Gonna come behind your stair and you’re gonna place one two then on the left of this you’re gonna place one two more and then on the right one two again then grab your spruce trap doors here guys and you wanna face to the back of this structure i’m gonna place one

Two three across the back and go ahead and turn on each of those so they fold up making a nice little wall for our rabbit house then we’re gonna do the exact same thing on this side but we’re gonna place one here and we’re gonna leave a gap and place one here and

Then close both of those off and that’s going to make a nice little entrance for our rabbit house then you’re going to continue with the spruce trap doors here guys come around to the right side and you place one two on the ground then crouch and place two more above

Those spruce trap doors and go ahead and activate each of those it’s going to cover us a nice little structure on the side here then jump up here you want to crouch again and you’re gonna place one on top here and another spruce trap door on top here making a nice little roof

For our rabbit house then grab your oak trap door here guys i’m going to place one just on top of this stair block make sure you don’t place it here you want to place it on top of the stair block like this if you place it here

It’s not going to work you need to place it on top of this stair block once that’s done go ahead and close off that and that is going to be the open entrance for our rabbit house for the rabbits to jump in and out of their house next we’re going to grab

These stripped jungle logs here guys i’m going to place 1 2 on the left side and then at the back as well one two coming up now we’re going to put together our roof so grab your spruce wood slabs here guys you want to jump on top and crouch

Place one on top of this oak trap door and bring this back one two three four blocks like so and then bring this forward here one two three four like this covering off the roof now we’re gonna add some earnings here or some awnings however you pronounce

That word honestly i don’t know i’m not a architect but i am a professional minecraft builder so i’m gonna place one here on the top half of this block then you’re going to crouch and place another one right here on this spruce trap door then crouch again and place another on the

Top half of that spruce trap door we’re gonna do the exact same thing on the back side here one two and three like so and we want it to also come around on this side so what we’re going to do here guys is you’re going to place

One two like this but we also want these coming down so first off let’s place two here then place one on the left side one on the right side here break out those two and then place those back on the top half so you get a pattern that looks a

Little bit like this it’s a really nice way to put together your roof then we’re going to grab our spruce fences here guys come around to the right i’m going to place one two three just around on the corner there grab your wooden hose and on the

Side of your strip jungle logs we’re gonna dig these out one two three go ahead plant some carrots grab your bone milk we’re just gonna go ahead and make those carrots pop up nicely there and finally guys to finish this all off we need some rabbits in our

Rabbit house so let’s go ahead and open up this oak trap door and we’ll spawn one two three rabbits in there and close that off so now your rabbits can live a nice safe and sound in this rabbit house and you can open this up so they can jump

Out and you know play around and whatnot and is a must-have if you are any kind of animal lover but up next guys is my favorite build in today’s video thor’s hammer let’s check it out now i’m not gonna lie i love the marvel movies and i love

Thor so i am so happy that i can finally have thor’s hammer in minecraft like that’s just dope guys and if you think it is absolutely awesome as well make sure right now drop a like down below we’re going for 10 000 likes but i also want to know what build in today’s

Video has been your favorite so watch till the end of the video guys and then comment down below which build was your favorite because i’m really curious to know and speaking of which the next field is the realistic half-working venting machine which is really cool you’re not

Going to want to miss that so don’t just leave after you see thor’s hammer because we’ve got some more awesome builds but let’s keep going here guys for thor’s hammer you’re actually not going to need that much you’re going to need three stone four and a side stairs one daylight center

Sensor if i can speak we’re going to also need an armor stand here an iron helmet some polished basalt a chain two pistons and finally some sort of redstone activation device either a block of redstone or some levers so let’s get straight into this what you want to do grab your

Stone to you guys and we’re going to build one two three blocks up like this then with your andesite says you’re gonna come to this side you’re gonna place one upside down and then one facing up on those bottom two blocks and on the right side

I’m gonna place one down like this and then another one upside down making this nice little stone structure then you’re going to come just in front of the center of this structure and you’re going to dig one block down and place a daylight sensor then you want to come standing on top of

The structure it’s really important you stand on this side here guys and place an armor stand because we want this armor stand to be facing backwards that’s going to be super super important now the armor stand will change pose because he’s on the daylight sensor but don’t worry we’re going to

Fix that later then we’ll grab this iron helmet to you guys and place this on top of our armor stand next you want to place some polished bath salt but you want to make sure it is facing upright looking like this then we’re going to place a chain directly above the basalt and

To push this down into our armor stand we’re going to use my patented double piston system we’re going to place one at two pistons like this go ahead activate the first piston then activate the second piston and that’s going to push that down right there now at the moment this looks

Kind of odd and nothing like thor’s hammer but that’s just because we need to move at the position of the armor stand so if we go ahead and break out this front block here what you want to do is click on the understand once and now he should turn into this straight position

We can fill that block up and check that out guys we actually have thor’s hammer look at that you’ve got the of course the bottom bit which is like the stone obviously is the iron helmet and then we’ve got the chain which is the handle to thor’s hammer and because this is

Made from an armor stand it is totally unmovable just like it would be in the movies which i think is awesome that we’ve got that extra realistic touch in there but guys don’t go anywhere because the vending machine coming up next is absolutely awesome are you guys ready to get some fizzy

Drink or soda in your minecraft world because now is your chance by building this vending machine however it’s a bit more complicated than some of the other builds if you guys miss anything just rewind and rewatch no problem at all so for this you’re going to need one hopper six armor stands three

Cauldrons three buckets of water some red dye some light blue dye some lime dye and you’re going to need six leather tunics then one oak fence two pistons some sort of redstone activation device either a block of redstone or a lever you’re going to need a prismarine brick stair block two prismarine bricks

Uh slabs four blocks of quartz and iron door three high-end trap doors a lever a loom one cyan banner one white banner a banner pattern that is the field mason effect and then you’re going to need two black dye one cyan dye a grey dye and finally two white dyes so

Quite a lot of stuff for you guys let’s get started first off whether you want to place your vending machine we’re gonna break out one block in the ground here and place down a hopper now this is going to allow us to basically pay money into our

Vending machine like if you want to have diamonds now let’s say you want more space what you would do is place a chest below that hopper but because i’m going to show you how to design this i’ll leave that up to you then what we’re going to need to do here

Guys is turn around we’re gonna place one two three cauldrons down here and we wanna fill each of these with a bucket of water and the first one we’re gonna dye it red the second one light blue and finally the third lime we’re going to grab

Our tunics here and you want to dye two of your tunics red two of them blue and two of them lime that’s going to be super important now we’re going to start placing these around now this is probably the most finicky part of this vending machine which is

Actually quite hard and even i struggle with it here guys if you have any difficulties don’t stress guys it is hard what you’re going to do is right above your hopper we’re going to come up one two blocks and we’re gonna place one here and then bring this across and make

This five blocks long this is just gonna be our scaffolding so it doesn’t matter what block you use we’re gonna be destroying this later then what you’re going to do is place an oak fence here in the center and you want to place an armor stand facing the left direction and you want

To go ahead and crouch and put him into the second straight position and then obviously on the right we’re also going to place a second one here in that straight position then grab your piston here guys you’re gonna place one facing towards uh this the fence block

And then another also facing from the right go ahead and activate both of those and that’ll push your armor stands into the center what we’re going to do guys is the first arm stand we’re going to give him the red tunic and the second armor stand the green tunic

Then what you’re gonna do is place one block above your two armor stands like so and place a third armor stand once again facing the left direction put him in that straight second position and give him a blue tunic go ahead and destroy this fence block in

The center now you’re gonna be really careful guys you don’t actually destroy one of the armor stands here destroy that fence block destroy this quartz block and you should fall down nicely like that then what we’re going to do is build one two blocks out and you’ll place a piston just here facing

Into your armour stands and activate that pushing your armor stands into the wall now what we can do is go ahead and destroy all of those quartz blocks and these armor stands should fall down nicely there and these are going to be the different icons for our different

Soft drinks as you guys can imagine here’s our raspberry fanta we got some blueberry fanta i don’t know what soft drinks are black guys and of course we’ve got some sprite as well so you’ve got your different fizzy drinks there for your options but we want some more options so what we’re

Going to do guys is first grab your prismarine brick stairs and you want to place these facing upside down yes upside down like that guys just making sure i got my build right and my memory is not failing me then we’re going to need two pistons we’re

Gonna place one to two just like that activate that first piston and activate that second piston pushing it down like so then we’re going to do the exact same thing again we’re going to build above these armor stands one block and build this five blocks long just using any random

Block because we’ll be destroying this later then place your oak fence in the center place down one armor stand here facing the left one on the right also facing the left but this time instead of giving the first one red we’re going to give the first one

Uh green and then our second one red then grab your pistons here guys and place them both towards the oak fence in the center and activate both of those pushing your arm stands in then go ahead and build one block above your armor stance here guys place another arm stand facing the left

Give him your light blue leather tunic break out the fence block here and break that quartz block he’ll fall nicely down and finally guys we’re going to get our piston and push these two armor stands up not too these three are the stands into the wall here guys with our redstone like that

Then again we can just go ahead and destroy all of those quartz blocks so they fall nicely down below now we’re going to grab the prismarine slabs our iron door and our iron trap doors here guys and kind of start building out the rest of this vending machine so what you want to

Do is place a prismarine slab here on the top half of this block and another one just above it on the top half of that block as well then again we’re going to use our double piston system one two pistons activate that top piston activate that second piston pushing it down like that

As you guys can see it looks just like a real vending machine you have your different uh options here for all your different soda just like you would in real life then we’re going to grab our block of quartz here guys and diagonally from this prismarine slab you’re going to place one

Two three blocks of quartz like this now this time instead of using a double piston system we’re going to use a triple piston system we’re gonna place one two three pistons like that go ahead activate your first piston your second piston and finally your third piston pushing that down

Making the right side of our vending machine then grab your iron door here guys you want to jump on top here place one iron door on the ground making the left side of our vending machine then grab your iron trap door here guys and place this on the

Bottom half of this block and grab one piston here facing downwards and activate that to push it down like so however it looks a bit odd we want it to be up right here guys so grab your lever out and we’re just going to chuck this

On the back side of this wall place that there activate that lever and as you guys can see check it out that’s going to push our iron trap door up nicely like so and finally guys we’ll place one two iron trapdoors on top to complete the shape of our vending machine however vending

Machines usually have buttons you can press and a place where you can put your money so let’s go ahead and add those now now luckily we can do all of that using some lovely banner design so let’s chuck down our loom here guys you’re going to put in your cyan banner

And one black dye and you want to choose the option that covers the top third in black go ahead and grab that put it back into the loom grab your cyan dye put that in and choose the one that outlines the entire outside with cyan giving you a banner

That looks like this what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna place this just here in front of this prisma instead as you guys can see it actually looks like one of those black little flaps where you know you would chuck in your money down here

And or the soda would come out here and roll out of this thing like how awesome is that guys the soda would literally come out of the vending machine and roll out of this little opening here which i think is a really nice realistic touch then we’re going to make some buttons

Here guys to chuck in your white banner and you want to chuck in the field masoned pattern and place in your gray die which will give you like this brick looking pattern then grab that chuck that back in here we’re going to put in the white die and you want to choose the

Option that covers the top half of your banner like so grab that put that back in grab your black dye we’re going to go ahead and choose the option that covers the top third of your banner in black do that put it back in grab your white

Dye once more and grab the white outline that’s going to outline the entire banner with white then we’ve got this guys we’re going to place this on the top right of our vending machine and voila check that out guys you’ve got yourself a beautiful looking vending machine with some buttons a screen

And a nice little hatch here for your soda to roll out but not only that because of the hopper here guys you could actually make this into your own working uh vending machine where you would you know have to pay diamonds here you place the diamonds down here

And it goes into the hopper and you’d be able to make it actually work you could even rig this up to a hopper that’s hidden under the ground here that you know spits out different food items that you when you use this vending machine but i’ll leave that up to you guys to

Experiment with oh also destroy all these ugly blocks you don’t need them all right let’s move on to our coffin if you’re building a grave you need to add these coffin designs because they’re super easy super simple to make look at how many items you need you literally only need

Two dark oak wood planks four darker trapdoors an item frame and a wooden sword how easy is that or if you’ve just got lots of bodies to store but again i hope none of you have any bodies to be hiding because that would not be okay so for this guy’s really really easy

You’re going to place down one or two dark oak planks grab your dark oak trap doors place one at the bottom here and then one at the top one on the left side and one on the right side go ahead and activate each of these giving you a nice little

Uh 3d feel to your coffin then chuck your item frame in the top uh right there grab your wooden sword place that in there and then rotate this around until it faces upside down so it looks just like a wooden cross as you would see in real life on caskets or coffins

And that’s it there is your beautiful casket slash coffin with a cross and that is everything for today’s video guys if you learned at least one new build today why not be a legend and slap that like button subscribe for more builds like this i hope you guys have a wonderful day

I’ll see you in the next one until then eyes your mouth You

This video, titled ‘5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Build in Minecraft! (NO MODS!)’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2020-12-12 00:00:09. It has garnered 1608236 views and 62682 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:34 or 1234 seconds.

5 Secret Building HACKS You Didn’t Know in Minecraft including THOR’S HAMMER the Mjolnir, a WORKING VENDING MACHINE, water table, rabbit house and coffin! 🔥 Works on Mobile, iPhone, iPad, Android, MCPE, Playstation, Xbox, PC and Nintendo Switch!

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    Discover New Biomes in Minecraft 2.0!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 🙂this type biomed and games like amazing 😍 get bios new biome and Minecraft’, was uploaded by 7SHORT2.0 on 2024-05-27 16:50:45. It has garnered 11 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. Read More

  • Schweitzer Zockt Hardcore Welt: 25 Tage vertikales Abenteuer! #gommehd #subscribe

    Schweitzer Zockt Hardcore Welt: 25 Tage vertikales Abenteuer! #gommehd #subscribeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Meine Hardcore Welt bald ersten 25 Tage vertical #gommehd #subscribe #minecraft’, was uploaded by Schweitzer Zockt on 2024-01-15 15:39:53. It has garnered 153 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Ore Processing Factory in Modded Minecraft! Ep10

    Insane Ore Processing Factory in Modded Minecraft! Ep10Video Information This video, titled ‘Ore processing facility at scale. Auto-TerraFirmaCraft (#ATFC), Ep10. Modded Minecraft experience’, was uploaded by Darkejon on 2024-02-24 14:30:12. It has garnered 1530 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:59 or 3239 seconds. Welcome back to another exciting episode of Auto-TerraFirmaCraft (#ATFC)! 🏭 Join me in Episode 10 as we dive into the heart of modded Minecraft experience with a focus on ore processing at scale! 🔨 In this episode, we explore the fusion of TerrafirmaCraft and the Create mod in ATFC, showcasing the ultimate combination for a unique gameplay experience! 💪… Read More

  • Join Jack’s 24/7 Minecraft SMP Server Now! IP & PORT Revealed 🚀

    Join Jack's 24/7 Minecraft SMP Server Now! IP & PORT Revealed 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘🌏Minecraft public smp ip port 😎 1.20 minecraft server | 24/7 online | public smp | {Java+pe}’, was uploaded by Jack chor on 2024-05-28 14:29:33. It has garnered 37 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:05 or 65 seconds. 1) Join my public smp server mcpe 2) 2) best smp servers for mcpe survival 3) 3) minecraft survival server 4) 4) best minecraft survival server 5) 5) Public smp server minecraft pe 1.18 6) 6) public smp server minecraft pe 1.18 24/7 7) 7) join my public smp server mcpe |… Read More

  • Choose the wrong gate and DIE?! Mikey & JJ’s Minecraft house – Maizen

    Choose the wrong gate and DIE?! Mikey & JJ's Minecraft house - MaizenVideo Information This video, titled ‘IF YOU CHOOSE THE WRONG GATE, YOU WILL DIE! (Minecraft – Maizen)’, was uploaded by Mikey and JJ house on 2024-04-09 12:30:15. It has garnered 1982 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:05 or 485 seconds. Hello everyone! In this video, Mikey and JJ will compete to see who can win the castle competition and take his treasures! Bosses and traps will be waiting for them! Whose castle did you like? The original rights to the minecraft game and all derivatives including the drawn characters belong to microsoft Maizen – @maizenofficial… Read More

  • Insane Beach Fun with Kotenryuu in Hololive ReGLOSS!

    Insane Beach Fun with Kotenryuu in Hololive ReGLOSS!Video Information This video, titled ‘[Hololive] ReGLOSS Beach Episode’, was uploaded by Kotenryuu | 古典龍 on 2024-05-19 07:55:21. It has garnered 2478 views and 131 likes. The duration of the video is 00:12:37 or 757 seconds. Source streams and titles: Hiodoshi Ao POV 【Minecraft】I’m finally on the Holo server! ! 【Hiodoshi Ao #hololiveDEV_IS #ReGLOSS 】 https://www.youtube.com/live/1PRHCpOp6tM?si=zBUVK_c_idJbO5dB Otonose Kanade POV[Minecraft]Let’s make a choberiba with ReGLOSS!! Boom![Otonose Kanade]#hololiveDEV_IS #ReGLOSS https://www.youtube.com/live/V7VA-2HKEsA?si=pvPwCyNEBynuX4A0 Juufuutei Raden POV[Minecraft]Raden’s point of view! This is the campsite[Juufuutei Raden #ReGLOSS] https://www.youtube.com/live/GikU7yznntc?si=pNaSmK4MI-5Bo9cZ Todoroki Hajime POV[Minecraft]Let’s make a choberiba on the Holo server![Todoroki Hajime/ReGLOSS]#hololiveDEV_IS https://www.youtube.com/live/UrBlSALTzwM?si=kRA2qihQhy0YggTk The illustration used is by paum: https://x.com/paum_AQ… Read More

  • Ultimate 10k Minecraft Q&A with BabyUnicorn184 🦄

    Ultimate 10k Minecraft Q&A with BabyUnicorn184 🦄Video Information This video, titled ’10k celebration, a Minecraft Q&A 💗 BabyUnicorn184′, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-05-03 21:00:03. It has garnered 526 views and 73 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:38 or 1538 seconds. Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwIEeb3EWHnB7ZnLFW6f2XQ/join 💗 Like and Subscribe to my channel! 💗 Hi everyone, I love playing minecraft, building cute cottagecore builds, collecting resources and exploring my world. I try and keep my vids chill and relaxed, so they are perfect to watch at any time. I hope you enjoy today’s episode, please comment below to tell me… Read More

  • Unbelievable: Toilet Skibidi Map in Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: Toilet Skibidi Map in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Amazing Custom NPC Maps Skibidi Toilet In Minecraft #1’, was uploaded by ZeroKing on 2024-03-07 13:01:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. skibidi toilet, minecraft, minecraft skibidi toilet, minecraft memes, minecraft meme, minecraft funny, memes, minecraft parody, … Read More

  • SEQCRAFT Vanilla SMP Java 1.20.4 Whitelist 15+ Discord Hermitcraft-Like Season-4

    Seqcraft SMP Seqcraft SMP is a community of Minecraft players who enjoy playing as Vanilla as possible but are looking to meet new people from all over the world while playing together. We have a hermitcraft-minded community with a strong core and welcome new members to join us. Our current world, season #4, is not as active as it used to be, but world downloads are provided after resets. We enforce a policy of being fair and decent, with no stealing, griefing, cheating, bullying, or drama allowed. Playing together and building starter bases close to spawn is encouraged. We also… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – This Minecraft screenshot is meme gold!

    This meme is so powerful, it’s like finding a diamond in a sea of gravel. Read More

  • Spidey’s Block-Building Adventure: LEGO Spiderman Strikes Again!

    Spidey's Block-Building Adventure: LEGO Spiderman Strikes Again! In the world of LEGO, we build and create, With Spiderman swinging, it’s never too late. Dream Box brings joy, with blocks in hand, Entertaining all, across the land. Subscribe, like, comment, and share, Support the channel, show you care. LEGO city, Minecraft too, Dream Box brings fun, just for you. So join the fun, let your imagination soar, With LEGO and Spiderman, there’s always more. Dream Box, the master of block building art, Bringing joy and smiles, straight to your heart. Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Meme: Пара-Пара-Пам – 😂Watch ’til the end😂

    Hot Minecraft Meme: Пара-Пара-Пам - 😂Watch 'til the end😂 When you accidentally hit your friend in Minecraft and they start singing “Пара-Пара-Пам” as their revenge anthem 😂 #minecraft #meme #анимация Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Castle Builds!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Castle Builds! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and trends in the Minecraft community! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “I MADE ULTIMATE THRONE IN MY CASTLE | (Don’t Miss) |MINECRAFT GAMEPLAY #18.” While the video itself may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking – what if you could showcase your creativity and build the ultimate throne not just in your castle, but in a whole new world? Imagine a place where you can unleash your imagination, collaborate with other players, and create something truly unique. That’s where Minewind Minecraft… Read More

  • Dave the Villager: Book 21

    Dave the Villager: Book 21 Minecraft Adventure: Dave the Villager 21 Embark on an exciting journey with Dave the Villager in the unofficial Minecraft adventure book, “Dave the Villager 21.” Join Dave as he faces challenges and opponents in the vast Minecraft world, using his wit and bravery to overcome obstacles and progress his journey within the expansive universe of the game. Unleashing Creativity in Minecraft With “Dave the Villager 21,” players can immerse themselves in the creativity and endless possibilities of Minecraft. From building intricate structures to exploring mysterious caves, the game offers a unique sandbox experience where imagination knows no bounds. Challenges… Read More

  • Dangerously HARD Job Change Quest! Minecraft Solo VOD #2

    Dangerously HARD Job Change Quest! Minecraft Solo VOD #2Video Information This video, titled ‘JOB CHANGE QUEST IS HARD! Minecraft Solo Leveling VOD #2’, was uploaded by GingyVODs on 2024-04-23 19:00:03. It has garnered 228 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 02:17:43 or 8263 seconds. Main Channel – https://www.youtube.com/user/Thetruegingershadow Discord – https://discord.gg/KfWmyVB Twitter – https://twitter.com/TheGingershadow ————————————————————————— Channel Avatar and Banner are made by Charwiewie check out their stuff! Charwiewie – https://twitter.com/charwiewie —————————————————————————- Read More

  • Minecraft CATNAP Hospital Exploration

    Minecraft CATNAP Hospital ExplorationVideo Information This video, titled ‘Je vais à l’hopital de CATNAP sur Minecraft !’, was uploaded by TheCheeseNaan on 2024-02-25 09:30:01. It has garnered 199686 views and 3857 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:47 or 1247 seconds. I’m going to the CATNAP hospital on Minecraft! 💲 Become a member of the channel: https://urlz.fr/c1VB 👚 Clothing TheCheeseNaan: https://teespring.com/fr/stores/thecheesenaan 👻 SNAPCHAT : thecheesenaan 📸 INSTAGRAM : thecheesenaan 🦄 Mon serveur discord : https://discord.gg/DUXzJrf 💜Mon Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/thecheesenaanyt ————————————————– —————— 🔴 My main channel: https://urlz.fr/bxV6 🔴 My secondary channel: https://urlz.fr/bxV3 🔴 My 3rd channel: https://urlz.fr/bxV8 ————————————————– —————— Professional contact: [email protected] Read More

  • Ultimate NinjaGhostGuy Strikes With Insane MWAHAHAHA

    Ultimate NinjaGhostGuy Strikes With Insane MWAHAHAHAVideo Information This video, titled ‘MWAHAHAHHA’, was uploaded by NinjaGhostGuy on 2024-04-01 12:43:44. It has garnered 32 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Discord: https://discord.gg/ccvKRy4UU4 Tags : Like ParrotX2 videos and the LifeSteal SMP, a Minecraft Server Not like Dream SMP or Tommyinnit or Technoblade or any other Dream SMP members. This SMP is like LifeStealSMP and OneTrySMP, this is the hardest Minecraft Sever ever! and it is also a lore-based server in the MCYT community. I hope you enjoy this video. Not only that, this server has the elements of school… Read More

  • NatzPlayz: INSANE Minecraft Dog House Design!

    NatzPlayz: INSANE Minecraft Dog House Design!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Dog House Tutorial #shorts’, was uploaded by natzplayzminecraft on 2023-12-22 08:48:46. It has garnered 2428 views and 62 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. #Minecraft #MinecraftBuilds #MinecraftTutorial How To Build Minecraft Build Hacks, Minecraft Build Ideas, Simple Minecraft Builds, Easy Minecraft Builds. If you enjoy my Video’s/Short’s please make sure to like,comment,share and subscribe. Thanks! Read More

  • “Unbelievable Earth Adventure on Hypixel in Bedrock Edition” #Minecraft #Hypixel

    "Unbelievable Earth Adventure on Hypixel in Bedrock Edition" #Minecraft #HypixelVideo Information This video, titled ‘hypixel server In bedrock edition #minecraft #hypixel #technogamerz’, was uploaded by MAGICAL EARTH GAMING on 2024-01-05 04:59:46. It has garnered 82 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • EPIC TNT Mod Review – LANCOK GmG!

    EPIC TNT Mod Review - LANCOK GmG!Video Information This video, titled ‘review TNT mod minecraft’, was uploaded by LANCOK GmG on 2024-02-28 23:29:05. It has garnered 1533 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:51 or 471 seconds. @ #indonesia @TopTrending @minecraft @Gameplayrj #funny #fyp #viral @ #8ballpool @gaming #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #funnyvideo #minecraftpe Read More

  • Egg-san’s Insane Deaths in Hololive Minecraft!

    Egg-san's Insane Deaths in Hololive Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘All Deaths Compilation in Hololive Hardcore Minecraft’, was uploaded by Just Egg-san on 2024-05-20 05:16:52. It has garnered 104691 views and 6126 likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:41 or 581 seconds. I compiled all of the clips to make this video. #HoloserverHardcoreMinecraftsource : Hololive Hardcore day 1 highlights Pekora POV https://youtu.be/SJ2fy-mUhBU Pekora React To Nene Dying First In Hardcore HoloServer Minecraft https://youtu.be/4GC4GDDuC14 Pekora Stand Trial For Killing Subaru & Nene https://youtu.be/olj4PaOxMS8 Iroha Perfectly Solves Ririka’s Death In Hardcore Minecraft https://youtu.be/u51HJFZq_KM Hololive Minecraft Hardcore – All Day 3 Deaths Compilation https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrDQEEyLabE Close Call and… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft War – Part 3 🤣 #shorts

    Insane Minecraft War - Part 3 🤣 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Historical War 🤣 – Part 3 #shorts’, was uploaded by Manpixel on 2024-04-10 09:00:43. It has garnered 4562 views and 190 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:55 or 55 seconds. I make you Laugh! 😂😭 Minecraft Content, Memes, Funny, Animation, Building… 🤔🤨 #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftshorts #minecraftfunny #funny #cute #mcpe #herobrine #skibidi #skibiditoilet #minecraftohio #minecraftskibiditoilet Read More

  • Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft: Krichney Jr’s Epic Adventure

    Unleashing Chaos in Minecraft: Krichney Jr's Epic AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ’01.Minecraft : Le commencement avec Krichney Junior !’, was uploaded by Krichney Gaming on 2024-04-15 16:29:07. It has garnered 181 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:46:15 or 6375 seconds. I’m introducing my son to Minecraft, Minecraft for beginners 🙂 Read More

  • SoulForge SMP – smp pvp

    SOULFORGE SMP Are you tired of searching for the perfect SMP and feeling unlucky? Welcome to the SoulForge SMP! Here you’ll find everything you could ever ask for: Features: 1 – Lifesteal plugin: Experience the lifesteal plugin in action! 2 – Friendly Players and Staff: Our community is always friendly and ready to assist you! 3 – PVP: Sword PVP is allowed, while Crystal, Anchor, Minecart, Bed PVP are not allowed. 4 – Crossplay and cracked: All platforms, including cracked, are accepted at SoulForge. Don’t wait any longer – join now and start your incredible journey with SoulForge SMP! Recommended… Read More

  • VitalCraft [Factions] [Survival] [Skyblock] [Java+ Bedrock]

    VitalCraft [Factions] [Survival] [Skyblock] [Java+ Bedrock]VitalCraft Minecraft ServerIP: play.vitalcraft.orgBedrock Port: 25581Factions | Skyblock | SurvivalA little about us: We are a brand new server looking to grow in all areas of Minecraft! Our team has worked very hard to deliver a truly special server for all types of players to enjoy. Our team is active, we listen to our community, and we are always looking at ways to improve not only for ourselves, but for our community. Join VitalCraft and find out what it is like to be a part of a loving Minecraft family.================================================================================================Factions Description:Our factions server has what everyone wants… Cannon Raiding |… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Technoblade always prevails!

    Technoblade never dies, he just takes a quick respawn break! Read More

EYstreem – 5 Things You Didn’t Know You Could Build in Minecraft! (NO MODS!)