EYstreem – Do NOT TRAP the CURSED TEST SUBJECT in Minecraft! (SCARY Survival EP4)

Video Information

How many likes does my latest tweet have you have zero likes you are lonely quick before today’s video starts make sure to follow anyway stream on Twitter and Instagram works to trap what is heat up the trap hasn’t worked the trap hasn’t worked what did he just do just

Destroyed everything he’s coming close he’s coming closer okay stay still stay still stay still guys I don’t like this at all hey what’s up guys ey stream back here with another episode of our scary Survival Series and today guys I am feeling very very confident because we are going to be trying to

Trap test subject 3 in minecraft now this is going to be pretty risky and pretty dangerous because test subject 3 in my opinion is scarier than grain Steve and hero Brian combined so uh yeah it is not going to be pretty if we can actually successfully trap them now if

You guys have no idea what I’m talking about because you haven’t watched episode 1 2 & 3 in my scary survival series where we try and prove whether or not a state is actually cursed God watched those videos right now maybe even a little I on the top right or left

Erm corner one of them or by hitting a link in the description below guys and go watch the rest of the videos in the series so you guys know what’s going on in today’s video go watch those videos now but for those of you who have been

Keeping up with the series and you know what’s good you know what’s going on you would remember that last episode test subject 3 actually killed us after we managed to spawn him in and took all our stuff which what a dog what a dog guys I mean he left us with absolutely nothing

And my idea from last episode was to trap him inside a cage when we spawn him in so that finally we might be able to learn more about a man that is what we’re gonna be trying to do in today’s video but we’re gonna need all the luck

We can get guns because with someone like test subject 3 and we don’t know his powers or abilities or what kind of cage to really build we’re gonna need all the luck we can get guys so make sure to – that like but we’re gonna go for two

Thousand likes on today’s video guys we’re gonna need all the like so please PLEASE guys show you support and really help me out by hitting that like button right now you guys are me the channel will come make sure a slap is coming hit the little bell icon ding ding ding –

Never miss an upload guys and so you know when the next episode of our scary Survival Series comes out make sure to hit that Bell icon so you don’t miss a thing and you know everything up to date going on with test subject 3 so you guys

You know you really you don’t want to miss what’s going on because seriously this is some really weird kind of stuff now you guys may notice I managed to get all my items back now when I say items back not the ones the test subject took

I had to go mining digging so much work guys but finally I was able to get enough resources chicken check out look at my chest I am loaded enough resources to get a ton of my tools back some wood I even got a bow and arrow this time and

Yeah I’m feeling pretty confident and I feel like I’m pretty kitted to take on anything that can test subject can throw at me if he does somehow managed to escape our trap so yeah I’m feeling pretty good about that and I even made some home improvements guys come on give me some

Class I even went above and beyond it I finally put in a roof to this house I mean it took way forever and I added a little enchanting room as well with some bookshelves and yes I’m pretty happy with that guys now I didn’t have enough bookshelves to fill in the

You know the entirety of it but uh we’re getting there were getting there guys now what do we do what do we need what are we oh I forgot to make I’m Lynn exam I should make somebody gigs guys well that was very dumb of me let me in let

Me crops of mine leggings cuz I want to be as prepared as possible before taking on test subject here we go ah look at that guys but I like I got the eyes like it’s looking at look at a little oh my booty look at my booty with those eye

Leggings I am looking stylish oh my gosh guys I’m very I’m very proud of my iron leggings and what I also might do is enchant my diamond sword just in case we have to fight them or anything because yeah that could be bad smite too we don’t really need a looting sword so

We’re gonna go for smite all right cool smite to knock back one that’s not bad that definitely gives me a little bit more confidence and I feel a little less scared taking on test subject with an enchanted diamond sword so alright that is good now the real quick

Is how we going to go about trapping him now I put some thought to it and honestly we don’t know what test subject threes weaknesses are or his strengths so I figured we’re gonna go with a basic trap to start off with we’re going to

Try building a trap out of iron a bars and surrounds the spawn machine with those iron bars and hopefully that’ll trap him in if you won’t be able to get out and we’ll finally be able to ask him some questions maybe even communicate with them about why he’s here what

Happened with the scientists and whether or not this seed is actually cursed or whether it was just a scientist experiment gone wrong and there’s actually nothing wrong with this world but still that would be very interesting to find out but the only way we’re gonna

Be able to do that is by trapping him in so I guess guys let’s head over to the village head orbit of that lab and let’s get started oh oh I forgot one thing guys remember test subject took all our items and including that you took the respawn booklet and the instructions on

How to respawn them and I almost forgot that we need diamonds to respawn me if you guys remember correctly I need to chuck a diamond on the gold block before hitting the lever to respawn oh man I almost forgot that that would have been bad because then I would have been just

Hitting a lever and going why is it working why is it working it I would have been so so confused but luckily I remembered that guys Anna honestly I’m hoping the respawn now that I think about it what the respawn machine isn’t there anymore because if you guys remember test subject 3 went

Missing in the last episode hopefully he didn’t destroy the respawn machine because he took all our instructions on how to actually make the machine and I honestly can’t remember exactly how it goes now before we do check out the respawn machine I just want to make sure

That nothing has changed with the lab down here alright we’re back here this place just brings back so many bad memories guys alright okay it’s nothing down here nothing’s changed there’s nothing spooky test subject 1 & 2 are still both in their cells so that shows that these guys seem absolutely

Fine nothing’s changed with them but unfortunately test subject 3 ah why can’t you just be in their tents I’m sure it’d be so much easier um nothing’s changed here yeah besides for that oh the only real thing that’s changes the vibes have grown a little bit longer there’s still

Nothing new in the chest so ah nothing then this place though seriously gives me the heebie-jeebies guys I do not like it one bit all right so let’s head up to the race ball machine guys moment of truth is it’s still there fingers crossed guys please please still be there

Yes oh that’s so good guys I’m actually like sighing of relief right now because the machine still we’re not going to have to try and rebuild it and yeah that’s really really good now hopefully and works more than once that’s really what I’m hoping for but let’s go ahead

And set up our trap so let’s go ahead 1 2 3 4 5 what I’ll do is we need to keep these Center open but we’ll surround the entire outside with iron bars now we can’t get rid of the redstone so that could be a problem can test something oh

Ok so you can’t fit through this little gap here so we should be okay hopefully fingers crossed once again guys touchwood all right and hmm we’re going to I’m just gonna use this wood to just jump up real quick yeah and I’m going to build this cage we can’t fill in the

Center I’m gonna build this cage right around the outside of this gold block and hopefully when test subject 3 it does spawn in he will be trapped inside this iron bar cage and he won’t be able to get out now the problem is as I’ve

Said I feel like I’ve said a few times video is we don’t know what he’s capable of and if he’s able to somehow pass through blocks or teleport then we have a problem up by accidentally destroy this redstone we better put that right back here so that the Machine works properly

And bang all right Coolio now there’s that trap hopefully that’s foolproof I don’t think he’ll be able to yeah I don’t think he’ll be able to escape out of that to be honest I reckon that’s pretty good what we need to do just from memory is we’ve got to put that diamond

Block right down there all right there we go put the Diamonds right down there and we can build up we don’t want to build it out of wood we need to put the iron bars right there all right so I feel like that’s the best we can do I

Mean that’s a pretty good trap I mean it’s not anything super fancy but I mean this is pretty good for our first try to try and capture test subject 3 all right guys attempt 1 at upping test subjects right ready guys in three two one Kindle labour guys all right here comes

The lightning all right right there’s test option three okay all right guys he days ride days right there okay is he still he’s not moving does that mean we’ve trapped him have we successfully trapped him oh okay no he’s moving he’s moving he’s trying to get

Out he’s try again is he trying to escape I think he’s yeah he’s definitely trying to escape guys he’s definitely trying to scam yes he can’t escape the traps worked yes we’ve actually a fear okay stop moving something okay the tress work to trap what is he jump the trap

Hasn’t worked the trap hasn’t worked what did he just do just destroyed everything he’s coming close he’s coming closer okay stay still stay still stay still guys I don’t like this at all guys what’s going on what’s going on is it just mr. sankyou whoa okay okay we’ve got blindness why

Don’t we apply in this no all right um he’s still there okay I don’t mmm what’s going on guys why do we have luck okay ah we lost him again ah are you kidding me how did he do this what what’s going on he removed the piston as well that’s insane that’s not

I thought we had succeeded that guy’s ahh ahh like for a minute I thought we had successfully trapped at me but he looked like he was gonna escape and then suddenly the entire cage around him just disappeared just poof vanish like into thin air it completely disappeared he

Walked out we had that weird blindness effect and then it was gone we lost test-subject story again that is legitimately the third time we’ve lost him are you kidding me alright now that’s not all right you guys think I’m gonna give up no we’re gonna build this

Machine back I’m gonna jump we need to get straight back to our house real quick yeah we need to get some redstone we’re gonna need an old piston and yeah okay we still got another diamond so we’ve got another chance at respawning him in we I’m not giving up if he can

Get your iron the bars we’re gonna try using obscene Ian now I did mine up some obsidian because I wasn’t wanting to make a nether portal but stuff the nether portal guys I am not giving up I’m gonna try and build a trap out of obsidian if he can get through obsidian

Then then I give up I honestly don’t know what to do we’re gonna have to call at the end of the series because there’s literally nothing more we can do if we can break through iron bars and I’m sitting and there’s literally nothing else we can do so here we go guys

Where did I put the obsidian alright yep we’ll grab the obsidian real quick there guys I’m going to grab some more I am we’re going to need to make a piston so let’s grab the redstone there real quick guys and we’ll grab the crafting recipe for a piston up we’re missing some wood

We need to crop just a little bit more wood planks there we go and we’ll craft the piston real quick there guys alright so we’ve got all the things we need to respawn them in there and we’ve got that obsidian alright test subject you think you’re good you

Think you’re powerful you think you’re scary well okay you are really scary I’m just trying to put on a brave face right now but oh I know how did he do that I’m genuinely interested in hat what kind of abilities he was using that die zombie

Time we don’t have time for you okay we don’t have time some basic zombies we need to solve the mystery of test subject because that was really interesting now he didn’t even seem to like punch any of the iron bars out he just kind of made them disappear which

Is now that I think about it kind of making me worried whether or not the Obsidian will actually be able to successfully trap him in but you know what we’re gonna try it anyway better turn off the lever before we put the piston down I just thought of that

Alright we’ll put the piston down I believe we had that block destroyed we got a truck we’ve better build our trap first before we put the diamond on oh yeah okay let’s let’s put the diamond down real quick oh wait we missed the goal block whoopsie daisies alright

There we go the diamond is on the goal block alright let’s make our obsidian trap here we go guys hopefully I have enough ass ideon because I didn’t I didn’t exactly get a lot I wasn’t planning on using it in today’s video for a trap but uh you know yeah just

Subject you think you’re so smart you think you’re so smart not you’re not as smart of me bro I am going to get the bottom of this mystery you are going to be trapped in here so here we go guys let’s see we’re gonna get around here

We’ll trap and bang we’ll fill that in all right that is a pretty powerful trap I mean if you can get through that props to test subject if you can get through that I give up you win alright but not wait I’m gonna try and test we’re gonna

Try and trap him so here we go guys attempt number two Oh before I actually tried hitting the label we better go ahead and connect the redstone up to the piston there we go alright attempt number two a trapping test subjects tray all right he didn’t try to kill us that

Time which was good so I’m not feeling as scared but she we go three two one hit the Labour guys alright there was the lightning we stole the lightning flash just there okay you can see the shadows you guys say that the shadows of test subjects actually I don’t know

Whether you guys saw that but there there we go guys look at that oh good you can see these shadows of test subject it’s actually there so he’s inside the trap Oh boys boys boys boys boys it’s the shadow so there’s the chance of that yeah we can definitely

See the shadows of test subject inside the trap all right we’ll just give it a minute I don’t want to do anything just yet okay all right so he hasn’t tried I don’t know whether he’s trying to escape right now because obviously we can’t see through the Obsidian but we’ll give it

Just a little bit more because last time he just made all the iron bars disappear at once including the piston so okay the shadows seem to be staying still he doesn’t seem to be moving what do we do now guys oh there’s decisions guys now we really have two choices here

We can either try and destroy one obsidian block and see what he’s doing in there and maybe try and talk to him or we just leave him trapped yeah okay we’re gonna have to try and talk to him because obviously leaving him trapped is not going to help us very much so I’m

Gonna kind of build this out here guys I don’t want to do this I feel like the minute we destroy this one obsidian block heel just like instant kill us or maybe if we get rid of one he’ll be able to make the rest disappear this is a this is a bad idea

Why Wyatt why am I doing this I wish I could just leave him trapped you I’m gonna turn this off does that make him disappear no he’s definitely still in there guys all right leaving him trapped is not going to achieve anything if we want to learn

More about the scientists if we want to learn more about test subjects we’re gonna have to break this block all right guys here we go here we go what is gonna happen right now I’m freaking out and freak okay see that he’s amazed in there what is he

Doing he’s not moving he’s got these weird particle effects coming out of him Orange particle effects matching him that’s really interesting okay he’s he appears to be looking down he’s not moving if I punch him he’s not moving what right let’s okay that’s strange we can destroy his second block now I hope

He isn’t just maybe he’s playing dead to get me to destroy the cage first all right so we’ve destroyed the cage test subject he’s not moving okay it was let’s just keep our distance a little bit here we destroyed the cage so now he can really just kind of run if he what

If he wanted to escape he could he’s not though he’s just he’s just at is just crouching and looking down what do we do ah he doesn’t is he moving oh he’s stopped crap but okay so he’s definitely alive he’s not dead he definitely uncrowded air for a second if we punch

Him again no nothing okay ah what is going on guys this guy tried to kill us last episode Eddie but now he’s it’s as if he’s given up maybe he’s maybe he knows that we’re not going to stop trying until we can successfully talk to him um I don’t know

Where to go from here guys we’ve trapped him he’s definitely here and he’s not moving he just looks really really sad or depressed or he’s just given up maybe he knows that we’re just gonna keep spawning him in until eventually we can successfully trap him and that’s why

He’s just given up I don’t know but he’s not moving I don’t know what to do from here I don’t want to kill him obviously because we still want to learn more about him but how are we supposed to talk to him hello test subject speak yeah nothing he’s not speaking back to

Me how are we supposed to communicate with him alright so we’ve succeeded step one trap him he’s definitely still here I’m gonna put the iron bars here just because I I want to be safe I want to be 100% safe that he doesn’t escape between now and next episode but I don’t know

How we’re gonna communicate with him definitely let me know right now in the comments below how you guys think we could communicate with him I am maybe sign signs could be an option if we try and talk with him in signs and give him sides maybe he’ll talk back to us let me

Know what you think about that idea guys if you think signs are a good idea to communicate with them but we’ve definitely successfully trapped him and I it’s just not moving so I’m gonna have to do a little bit more research I’m gonna see what we can do for next

Episode we’ll try talking to him next episode I hope you guys have enjoyed I’m gonna call this a win I’m gonna call the successful episode because even though we didn’t get to talk to them we managed to actually trapped him and we didn’t die so I mean that’s pretty good I hope

You guys have enjoyed today’s episode I will see you in the next one make sure to hit that Bell icon so you do not miss when the next episode comes out and I’m till next time guys do I

This video, titled ‘Do NOT TRAP the CURSED TEST SUBJECT in Minecraft! (SCARY Survival EP4)’, was uploaded by EYstreem on 2018-02-16 15:00:02. It has garnered 702282 views and 35935 likes. The duration of the video is 00:19:19 or 1159 seconds.

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    πŸ”₯ULTIMATE MINECRAFT SURVIVAL CHALLENGE WITH SUBSπŸ”₯Video Information This video, titled ‘JOGANDO MINECRAFT BEDROCK e MCPE e JAVA AO VIVOπŸ”₯SURVIVAL HARDCORE COM INSCRITOSπŸ”₯SERVIDOR COM HOSTπŸ”₯’, was uploaded by Jacco Tv on 2024-07-17 01:37:12. It has garnered 286 views and 18 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:12 or 10572 seconds. Configuração desse PC – Gabinete Gamer com 3 fans – Placa mΓ£e A320-MH – Processador Ryzen 5600g – 16GB de Ram (2x 8GB) Kingston 3200MHZ – SSD 480GB Kingston – Fonte 500w Redragon Mojang Minecraft Studio Hytale Notch herobrine ————————————————————————————————————————————— mushmc ip,mushmc nao entra,mushmc pirata,mushmc discord,mushmc ip pirata,mushmc bedwars,mushmc arena,mushmc ctf,mushmc nao carrega,mushmc erro de… Read More


    INSANE HOUSE BUILD in MINECRAFT by Abhay!Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT I BUILD A HOUSE🏠’, was uploaded by Abhay Gaming on 2024-05-31 02:38:23. It has garnered 21 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:48 or 468 seconds. MINECRAFT I BUILD A HOUSE🏠 MINECRAFT I Build A New Luxurious House🏠 ( PART 2) Follow me :- My YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@mr.abhay23 Second YouTube channel: Gaming – https://www.youtube.com/@Abhaygaming_23 Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?… Instagram ID : https://www.instagram.com/mr.abhay_23… NOTE:ALL THE MUSIC/SONG USED IN THE VIDEO BELONGS TO THE RESPECTED OWNERS ANDIAM NOT THE OWNER OF ANY MUSIC SONG USED IN THE VIDEO Disclaimer :- Video is for… Read More

  • “Ultimate Minecraft Mob Battles – MUST WATCH NOW!” #minecraftshorts

    "Ultimate Minecraft Mob Battles - MUST WATCH NOW!" #minecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mobs and their hunters #minecraftshorts #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by BrickBoY PLaYZ on 2024-06-12 03:30:09. It has garnered 5190 views and 112 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:57 or 57 seconds. Welcome to my channel brickboyplayz here you can watch some Minecraft videos and we will play more games later so subscribe!! Like and subscribe for more amazing Minecraft shorts and videos Minecraft Minecraft shorts Minecraft logic Minecraft weird logic Minecraft funny logic Minecraft facts Minecraft unknown facts Minecraft funny facts Minecraft weird facts Minecraft builds Minecraft best builds Minecraft luxury builds Minecraft… Read More

  • Minecraft DESTROYS my WIFI 😱

    Minecraft DESTROYS my WIFI 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft PUnishes My INternet provider 🟑3’, was uploaded by FuhrealDcvetti on 2024-08-21 02:51:15. It has garnered 104 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 02:00:19 or 7219 seconds. !Liiyke and Subscribe Join The Discord – https://discord.gg/rEmkGwQc8z Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/dcvetti/ Tiktok -https://www.tiktok.com/@dcvetti #dcvettilive #fortnite #monkeyapp #omegle #ometv #funny #relatable #monkey #blackops6 #ometv #omegle #roblox #callofduty #fivem #gta5 #entertainment #gaming #fallguys #rivals#radoukens #gaming #tetris #nba2k25 #2k25 #minecraft Read More

  • EPIC MINECRAFT STORY: The Order of the Stone – Episode 1

    EPIC MINECRAFT STORY: The Order of the Stone - Episode 1Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Story Mode – The Order of the Stone | Episode 1′, was uploaded by SlyTheMiner on 2024-09-28 04:22:50. It has garnered 71711 views and 3679 likes. The duration of the video is 01:40:43 or 6043 seconds. Join SlyTheMiner as he embarks on a long-awaited journey into Minecraft Story Mode! Even though this classic game has been phased out after Telltale Games’ bankruptcy, Sly managed to get his hands on a rare copy for PS4. In Episode One, he’ll dive deep into the iconic adventure, starting with “The Order of the Stone.” Get ready for… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Builds – You won’t believe the detail! #mindblowing

    EPIC Minecraft Builds - You won't believe the detail! #mindblowingVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft builds || #minecraft #amazingbuilds #trending #minecraftbuilding #coolbuilds #gaming’, was uploaded by SHA-BEE on 2024-02-16 12:23:50. It has garnered 2539 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Minecraft is a sandbox-style video game where players can create their own worlds and experiences. Players can explore a three-dimensional world, mine resources, and build structures. The game has two main modes: Survival and Creative. In Survival, players must find their own building supplies and food, and interact with blocklike mobs. The ultimate goal in Minecraft is to use materials to build… Read More

  • Unstoppable DannyWheels: Building MASSIVE Minecraft Mansions!

    Unstoppable DannyWheels: Building MASSIVE Minecraft Mansions!Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m Building MANSIONS in Minecraft Bedwars (Stream)’, was uploaded by DannyWheels on 2024-03-25 11:11:13. It has garnered 56 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 01:29:25 or 5365 seconds. I’m Building MANSIONS in Minecraft Bedwars… It needs to have windows! Wait, whose nametag is that? SUBSCRIBE In this stream, I’m playing Minecraft, But in Hypixel, Survival, or some other thing! This might have some Funny Moments and might even turn into a video. hahahhahahahhaha woooo Follow me (for more) on Twitter: @DannyWheels_ Not I Survived “One Block Minecraft” or “Minecraft, But” in… Read More

  • Hazy Realm

    Hazy RealmWelcome to Hazy Realm, a cross-platform Minecraft survival server! Whether you’re a seasoned adventurer or just starting your journey, our server offers a welcoming community, an engaging economy, and the MCMMO plugin to enhance your gameplay. Join us and experience a thriving world where you can build, trade, and level up your skills. Dive into our friendly atmosphere, where both new and veteran players can feel at home. Start your adventure today! play.hazyrealm.net Read More

  • CelestialCraft SMP 1.21 Mature Community Custom Achievements Events PvP Optional Economy

    πŸš€ CelestialCraft CelestialCraft is a survival server designed for mature players who are looking for a place to explore, build, and thrive. With a unique blend of features and a welcoming community, we offer an experience that’s out of this world! Server Details: 🌟 Server IP: mc.celestialcraft.gg 🌟 Version: 1.21 🌟 Discord: https://discord.celestialcraft.gg Features: Custom Achievements: Earn rewards for your milestones with our custom achievements plugin. Magic Carpets: Fly around in style with your very own Magic Carpet! Custom Events: Weekly server-wide events to keep things exciting. StarShards Currency: Earn StarShards through quests, achievements, and events. Rankup System: Progress through… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Craft it like a boss

    Well, I guess you could say this meme really mined its way to the top! Read More

  • Blockbuster Dreams: Minecraft Movie Roars

    Blockbuster Dreams: Minecraft Movie Roars In the world of Minecraft, the movie trailer dropped, But some fans were left feeling quite flopped. The visuals seemed off, the direction unclear, Leaving many fans with a sense of fear. But let’s not lose hope, there’s still a chance, To salvage this project and make it dance. With a clear vision and attention to detail, The Minecraft movie could still prevail. So let’s keep our spirits high and our hopes in sight, For a Minecraft movie that truly takes flight. And remember, in the world of gaming and fun, We’ll always find a way to get the… Read More

  • “Kamu kalah, kucing!” πŸ˜‚πŸ”₯ #MinecraftMemeWar

    "Kamu kalah, kucing!" πŸ˜‚πŸ”₯ #MinecraftMemeWar “If I mention this to you, you lose the cat meme challenge. Sorry, I don’t make the rules, the internet does.” 😹 #MinecraftMemeMadness Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for a Game-Changing Minecraft Experience!

    Join Minewind Server for a Game-Changing Minecraft Experience! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and news from the Minecraft community! Today, we’re talking about a game-changing video that discusses the future of Minecraft. The video titled “Minecraft cambierΓ  per sempre! #minecraftnews” explores the exciting changes coming to the game that will revolutionize the way we play. While the video itself may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it highlights the ever-evolving nature of the game and the endless possibilities it offers. If you’re looking for a dynamic and engaging Minecraft experience, then Minewind is the place to be. Join players from… Read More

  • Sneaky Attempt to Kill a Monster

    Sneaky Attempt to Kill a Monster The Spooky World of Minecraft: A Horror Adventure Exploring the depths of Minecraft can sometimes lead players into eerie and spine-chilling encounters. From haunted caves to ghostly encounters, the game offers a variety of horror elements that keep players on the edge of their seats. The Man from the Fog One of the most infamous figures in Minecraft lore is “The Man from the Fog.” This mysterious entity is said to lurk in the shadows, appearing only when players least expect it. Some players claim to have encountered him in foggy biomes, where his presence sends shivers down their… Read More

  • Sennyk4 TERRIFIED in RL Craft EP 1!

    Sennyk4 TERRIFIED in RL Craft EP 1!Video Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft’s HARDEST Mod (RL Craft) EP 1!’, was uploaded by sennyk4 LIVE on 2024-07-22 12:31:18. It has garnered 320 views and 46 likes. The duration of the video is 00:49:14 or 2954 seconds. INCASED YOU MISSED THE STREAM πŸ™‚ LIVE EVERYDAY ON TWITCH πŸ‘‡ http://twitch.tv/sennyk4 FOLLOW ME HERE: Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/sennyk4 Twitter: http://twitter.com/sennyk4 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sennyk4 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@sennyk4 #sennyk4 #funny #fails #fail #twitch Read More

  • Mikey Becomes DOCTOR & Performs Eye Surgery in Minecraft Challenge

    Mikey Becomes DOCTOR & Performs Eye Surgery in Minecraft ChallengeVideo Information This video, titled ‘Mikey Became A DOCTOR and Had JJ’S EYE SURGERY in Minecraft Challenge – Maizen’, was uploaded by Cool Mikey on 2024-02-18 11:15:00. It has garnered 11398 views and 79 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:30 or 930 seconds. Mikey Became A DOCTOR and Had JJ’S EYE SURGERY in Minecraft Challenge – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Custom Server Creation – Devlog Highlight

    Insane Minecraft Custom Server Creation - Devlog HighlightVideo Information This video, titled ‘I’m making a custom Minecraft server – Gearflux Devlog Supercut’, was uploaded by Ominous Dev on 2024-06-23 03:23:24. It has garnered 3383 views and 225 likes. The duration of the video is 00:53:57 or 3237 seconds. Check out CodeCrafters and get 40% off! https://app.codecrafters.io/join?via=OminousOne This video is a supercut of all of the Gearflux devlogs so far. Gearflux is the custom Minecraft mini-game server I have been developing over the past few months. Throughout this journey, I have learned a lot about databases, systems design, Kubernetes and much more. I aim to share this knowledge… Read More

  • πŸ”₯ Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Custom Item Hack! πŸ”₯ | #shorts

    πŸ”₯ Ultimate Minecraft Bedrock Custom Item Hack! πŸ”₯ | #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock – How to make Custom Items πŸ‘€ | #shorts #trending #minecraft’, was uploaded by BlackVarus7784 on 2024-06-08 13:38:47. It has garnered 78 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:05:12 or 312 seconds. πŸ“… Every 2 weeks I publish brand new videos in which I present you the best tips, tricks and tutorials for Minecraft Commands. From simple commands to complex scripts, you’ll learn everything you need to optimize and personalize your Minecraft world here! πŸš€πŸ› οΈ πŸŽ₯ In addition to my video releases, you can look forward to regular live… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Horror Mob Unleashed in Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Horror Mob Unleashed in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘NEW HORROR MOB in minecraft!’, was uploaded by DashPum4 on 2024-09-27 13:10:36. It has garnered 373063 views and 29161 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:00 or 60 seconds. Read More

  • Dusk_VR: EPIC Minecraft Speedrun Showdown!

    Dusk_VR: EPIC Minecraft Speedrun Showdown!Video Information This video, titled ‘MineCraft Live speedruner vs hunters!’, was uploaded by Dusk_VR on 2024-07-30 23:21:00. It has garnered 1690 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 02:56:24 or 10584 seconds. I’m live and its Minecraft Time! Join up the chat and join the discord! discord.gg/ZAuBtMaDan … if you dont…i will find you. Hope you have fun!! Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mario Kart Race! πŸŽ‚

    Insane Minecraft Mario Kart Race! πŸŽ‚Video Information This video, titled ‘Mario Kart Minecraft – GBA Mario Circuit (@MKTBuilderYT’s Birthday Special)’, was uploaded by Sooty Cat Playz on 2024-01-10 08:45:02. It has garnered 488 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. This Is Part 1 Of @MKTBuilderYTβ€˜s Birthday Special β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” Coming Up Next In Mario Kart Minecraft & For Part 2 Of @MKTBuilderYTβ€˜s Birthday Special: SNES Bowser Castle 3 (Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Version) *Remastered* – This Afternoon 🏰 β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€”β€” 2nd Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSIrrr9Ap6_3QsDBF19An3w PokΓ©mon Memes Channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCh2ghnpY2rcaZ2ywBMXtbeg Discord: YOU MUST BE 13+ AGE TO JOIN Twitter: https://twitter.com/SootyCatPlayz Twitch: https://twitch.tv/sootygwrplayz… Read More


    ULTIMATE RANKUP SERVER for MINECRAFT! WIN awards, EXPLORE farms, JOIN events, DOMINATE PVPVideo Information This video, titled ‘NOVO SERVIDOR de RANKUP OP para MINECRAFT JAVA e BEDROCK com PREMIAÇÃO, FARM, EVENTOS e PVP’, was uploaded by Alisonsz on 2024-07-06 18:26:12. It has garnered 867 views and 52 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:27 or 267 seconds. #minecraft #minecraft servers #rankup NEW RANKUP SERVER RANKUP SERVER BEST RANKUP SERVER the server goes today at 4pm (SATURDAY) there are prizes, several online players and events every day!! COUPON: OPENING [ 80% DE DESCONTO ] SITE: https://veanty.com/ IP: veanty.com MOBILE: mobile.veanty.com – PORTA: 19132 DISCORD https://discord.gg/veanty πŸ“Œ Contacts: β†ͺ To hire advertising with… Read More

  • JJ saves TV woman from evil Mikey in Minecraft

    JJ saves TV woman from evil Mikey in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ Saved TV WOMAN from CAR HIT with EVIL Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Mizen on 2024-08-01 12:00:33. It has garnered 5450 views and 76 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:51 or 2091 seconds. JJ Saved TV WOMAN from CAR HIT with EVIL Mikey in Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his… Read More

  • DragonBlockZ

    DragonBlockZIn this modpack, we have articulated quests that are 100% faithful to the source material of the Dragon Ball franchise, while still honing in on the Minecraft Survival experience. We have developed a prodigious number of quest lines to make it feel like you’ve truly stepped into the world of Dragon Ball, all while developing our own custom questline, only suited for the bravest warriors. We have also articulated our own mods that allow for smooth gameplay and quest rewards, and even leant on other developers to introduce Custom Forms. dbmc.dragonblockminecraft.com Read More

  • Samsara Semi-Vanilla 1.21.1 Custom Map Survival RPG No Mods needed Cross-Play

    Welcome to Samsara! Dive into Samsara, a 15k x 15k custom Minecraft world crafted over a decade in World Painter. πŸ”— Full Website – Samsara.gg βœ… Join the Discord πŸ“· Follow us on Instagram Game Modes: πŸ₯‡ Survival ☠ Hardcore 🌎 Creative play.samsara.gg hard.samsara.gg Coming soon…. no whitelist no whitelist whitelisted Come Play, If You Want… A handcrafted 15k x 15k map to explore full of unique biomes, structures, & mobs END CITIES in deserts BASTIONS in caves Much more No frills custom survival server Mob heads Voice Chat Landclaim Grave stones Piglins in the overworld Giants spawn A small… Read More

EYstreem – Do NOT TRAP the CURSED TEST SUBJECT in Minecraft! (SCARY Survival EP4)