Fan’s Texture Pack Review’s! (Exposed?)

Video Information

I’m gonna need y’all to watch today’s video fully because today we’re gonna be reviewing fans texture pack which means that they made the texture pack themselves but seeing how the texture pack community is filled with people who like to steal texture packs rename it to theirs and think it’s theirs or

Literally recolor texture packs and think it is theirs because they recolor it dude no dominic y’all to watch this video and i want you guys to identify any of these probably like 10 texture packs i’m reviewing um and see if they’re literally you know stolen watch this video and help your

Boy pass her out by the way if you guys are new to the channel can you guys do me a massive favor hit that subscribe button make it great you don’t like my content or you can always unsub later let’s dive right in and i hope no one gets exposed in today’s video

All right so i made an announcement on my discord server which you should totally join if you haven’t already that i want to review texture packs that you guys made um let me drag my discord server right here you guys can see it right here um if you go to newsletter i literally

Made a whole announcement yesterday saying that you know i want to review about 10 seconds back so maybe a little bit more depending on how long the video is we’re not trying to make it an hour long now okay um and yeah we’re gonna go over here

We’re gonna click on fan texture packs and there is uh yeah all these texture packs so um hmm what should we start with prc fault texture pack made by me and it’s a mc pack so we’re gonna be downloading like 10 texture packs um so the first person we’re gonna be

Checking out is random prc this is this channel so i’m gonna make sure i credit i want to credit all these guys let’s see if it’s your texture pack okay now we’re gonna see if it’s your texture back my guy download it all right let’s see what else we got

Okay elite gaming yt do you have your youtube channel link yep oh no you don’t wanna just check your channel out all right elite gaming one oh he said he made this he said he made this um he put the direct down the link and it’s on the mcpdl so we’re gonna check

This one out too now i want to scroll all the way up i don’t know i don’t get people who who literally just let me just scroll all the way up if i can this is gonna how many people literally went in this chat man my discord server is

Active active like what let’s see let’s see lightly’s faithful edits okay by lightly hd he doesn’t have a channel linked but let’s just download this pack so that’s three texture packs we’re trying to get a little bit more now we’re trying to make it no a little bit more oh four g packs

Okay you don’t have your channel link i’ll try to get it um valentine’s 16x it was just valentine’s like what like two three days ago so let’s just get this bad boy too and check it out real quick best bars okay best bars let’s see if that’s actually your texture pack let’s

Download it okay victor game mc okay do you have a channel link i don’t think so let’s get this pack as well really hoping nobody’s getting exposed today man i really hope that nobody’s getting exposed because there’s a lot of people who are still touched back in this community so we downloaded one

Two three four five six so let’s just get four more three more action i just downloaded one oh the boy buddhism okay okay he’s with the pvp as well all right well got this pack right there he has his channel let’s check out his pack cheetos cheetos pack really

Imma try to put all the pack links in the description below by the way um so if you guys want to get the packs you can um and last but not least we have ourselves let’s see and the gamer effect he made a client so let’s just download this client

Bada bing bada boom that is the last person we’re going to install and i think if you guys want a part two let’s get this video to 2000 likes um and i’ll review more packs okay so let’s get it join the discord server by the way and um i’m probably gonna delete this

Chat right after the video is posted and make a whole new fan texture pack so you guys um you could just put your stuff all right so there we go hey boys we’re not gonna try to take too long now when we’re reviewing these we’re just gonna see

What it has we’re gonna go into the textbook review world that’s gonna be our best friend so um first things first we’re gonna try the panda gamer klein v15 wow default christmas oh okay that’s nice not bad that’s a lot of blue my guy little advice you poof that’s a lot of

Brew that thing is bright sorry about this you got play cosmetic shops okay not bad do you change oh my god oh bro it looks like i’m on windows xp what in the tarnation i’m not trying to disrespect but it looks like i’m on windows xp

Oh my god well you got the graph wow the graphics the brightness this is really really really hard to look at right now i might have to switch up man uh let’s just go into the world and just check out how this thing looks this is

Very very hard to look at it’s too it’s too blue too much blue what oh that’s cute that’s you and your girlfriend that cross there is something different what the heck is that what dude look at that it’s like a little globe okay that’s that’s kind of cool i’m not gonna lie

But what in the tarnation is that i cross here i okay and then you have yourself you and your girl okay okay blocks are not bad okay it’s not bad it’s not bad this is the sword this is the stuff let me know if anything is copied i think he did credit

Everybody that he did take so he did take some stuff from this fact i’m not bad but the blue that oh actually looks pretty cool other than that man that blue too much blue how can you even see that right now you’re gonna go blind or you’re gonna be seeing blue

By the time you finish playing minecraft man you gotta change that the color is color’s too much now cheetos infinite edit pie radios mc okay oh okay this is clean i love that background and it just says um ro which is probably him cheetos pack you should have just made a little

Cheeto somewhere this looks clean settings okay there’s nothing really new everything is just good by the way i said any packs that you guys think is copied let me know in the comments below and oh it has that little crosshair glitch oh that looks so clean oh this looks like a

Texture pack before guys let me know when you got this stuff like what there’s the sword not bad to eat pro everything is clean i like the colors man it’s not too bright like that pack that was not bad you got the oars over there not

Bad the cheetos pack is not bad you know it’s not really my color style but it’s honestly not bad my guy it looks pretty good up keep it up i like it i like it let’s move on to the next pack which is going to be what doesn’t buy

Buddhism he is a very very cracked pvp here um let’s check out his pack what okay uh okay he he loves anime he loves enemies wow okay wow this guy right here uh unless they fix the little edges thing is god here after you’re playing like a

Pvp world and you just see this galaxy sky it looks like some with dragon ball z type thing wow i’m already liking this packer as it is you got the armor right here you know okay that looks that’s clean that’s clean um there’s a sword and there’s the bow that matches your

Theme right buddhism you know i see what you did there i see what you did there right there the food over here all right all right it’s just the crosshair glitch you can either fix that by i think turning down your anti-analyzing uh all the way down so

I’m pretty sure that’s the way you fix it but i don’t you know not a bad buddhism okay very clean pack but that anime girl in the background she’s having a lot of fun man let’s move on to the next awkwee faults aqua falls i don’t even

Know looking green i like that i like that pretty darn clean alright so the sword okay i’ve seen this sword from somewhere and this armor from somewhere it kind of looks like like my 100k pack armor i’m not trying to say you know it is i’m just

Yeah it does look like it okay it’s just like a default pack so it he says he did stick to his word um this is a default edit i’m pretty sure it doesn’t look bad you know it doesn’t look good i’m not really a fan of default edits i like more and more

You know things but it’s not bad little thing i want to hopefully change is that this kind of looks like emerald and this is it looks like two emeralds here or this looks like some type of like pearl whatever it is but i mean it’s not bad but

I would get it mixed up if i was mining and it was the first time i was using this pack it would look like this is emerald like there’s two emeralds in the game so i mean uh it will take some time for me to get used to but it’s not bad let’s

Check out the sky real quick god fix up the sky my guy got to figure there’s like literally three different skies four different skies here man this is not even a sky it’s just a white block so you want to fix that you want to fix

That but once you do some fixes here and there this pack should be god tier a pretty good default edit i know a lot of you guys are big fans of default edits i’m really not but not bad not bad coming on next is revere uh blue created by mla play okay ported

By rx so this is not all pack that they’ve made this is just a ported pack unless oh yeah you could definitely tell this is supported okay okay bottom chat i’ma say hey it looks really clean i love the bottom chat by the way oh okay this short is short not bad

That the food over here not bad the pickaxe is nothing too crazy it’s not bad looking it’s not bad let’s see what else we got here we gotta stop the the blocks and stuff it ain’t looking too bad to say for myself ain’t too shabby ain’t too shabby and

Last but not least we gotta check the sky hopefully this sky is clean and it is not so somebody’s copying somebody because this guy was just on buddhism but his was way more better than this so there we have it and someone tell me where the original sky for this came

From what’s the original pack this was made for probably something in java edition because i don’t think i’ve ever seen a detailed guy like this on bedrock edition let me know the pack down below i’m really trying to like see this man buddhism in this pack exposed what the heck man

Moving on to the next packs we’re almost done boys almost done poor pool pvp banger banger pack okay banger pack kyle and eagle does it have any options on it i should just check if i had any options no it does okay all right let’s check out what it has

Oh okay that text is not bad okay literally change up the game okay you want to fix that unlocked full game by the way it’s not a game you will hear that yo you listen to it that is probably one of the most cleanest clipping sounds i’ve ever heard on minecraft my god

And the sky is very well connected dude it gives me the midnight vibes like you’re driving at midnight you’re just chilling you know you’re just vibing this is nice but i’m pretty sure obviously i’ve seen that sword design from somewhere i’m pretty sure i’ve seen the sky from somewhere if i’m mistaken

This is not bad really bad thing about this pack by the way if it’s lagging my game that there’s definitely something do you see this lag do you see this lag if i render this this is on like what on 16 why the heck is my thing looking choppy like that

That is not good my friend not the good yeah i look over here it’s laggy when i look over here everything is perfectly fine you got to fix that man oh i like the diamond block no bad nah that look at that laggy perfectly fine laggy perfectly fine that’s so bad let’s

Check out the other packs we’re gonna end today’s video i know this video is probably a little longer than usual but yeah i think some people got exposed in this video literally it’s light faithful edit officially edited by it’s like contains custom hive treasure words squint sounds short swords and more

I like that oh oh this is a clean pack oh my god these pickaxes looking sharp looking realistic to armor though you see that okay i like that there’s so much detail on these and look at that you have a texture effect that has more details in the last pack

And it’s not even lagging one bit like how does that make sense uh uh the sword looking clean so does the e pro on the oh pretty sure i’ve seen this bow from buddhism but it looks a little bit more detailed though check out the emeralds and the oars and

All that oh looking clean i like this pack man i like it this is probably like one of the best default edits i’ve seen you know just an enhanced version of it looks really really good last thing we got to check out is the sky of course and the sky

Is just the default minecraft sky all right fair enough fair enough down to the last two we got elite16x pack made for elite 300 plus subs congratulations to my guy um we’re gonna check it out i hope you didn’t copy anything to me are you gonna get exposed not changed

But the sword is looking good okay nice little short sword design i like it i like it this boat have an indicator it does not but doesn’t look too bad so that is everything roll just plain you know do what you got to do this is like a definite pack to like literally

Obviously if it’s like 256x of course your fps is going to do crazy but this is just made for just cleanness looks pretty pog um oh the thing is a little different you can see that thing on the end not bad not bad last but not least so let’s check out the oars

Aren’t bad looking always to say for myself not bad definitely a default edit for sure kind of like a default edit slash his and i feel like it’s incomplete so there’s room for improvement not bad not bad like i said if there’s any copy things from a pack or a

Package’s copy in general or recolored i want you guys to let me know in the comments below man but now down to the very last pack d1 the only let’s see this one prc fault 16x textures from this pack may vary because this pack is some of the textures are from kennel

Okay very very good okay okay okay dude that chain looks really good that chain looks very very good armor the enchantment effect oh god here let’s see we got an armor it looks pretty good oh the tools are looking cool oh i like this piece

Prc i think yours is like right next to buddhism like you’re in buddhism is like literally at the top got the sort of stuff we got that yeah and a bow oh let’s have it oh i’ve had a of decade i’ve been a god

Deer about to check out the sky in a bit oh this gives me like the summer vibes man what is summertime whatever what’s warmer you guys just use this man like yo this is pog i like that over there the water which is clear but not extremely clear to the point that

You can’t see the water last but not least we gotta check out this oh this guy’s oh my oh okay i wish this guy was very well connected but this guy is looking pretty pogalicious and it has the java chat time set day let’s see what’s going on here let’s see oh

What i’m set uh what night or midnight it’s gonna be the same thing all right i mean not bad i kind of wish it changed but not bad not bad i like to get it just has to be more connected like you can’t see i don’t want to see the box

I just want to see all this filling everything you know this is just cleanness and addition just emptiness like you got to fill in everything and make sure there’s no little i hate when it looks like that it doesn’t look good it makes minecraft look like minecraft like

It’s a what but yeah boys these packs are not bad if you guys want me to do a part two to this i want you guys to slap i gotta up the light go man you guys are complaining that i the light goes just too small let’s try to get two thousand

Likes in this video and i’ll do a part two uh i’m probably gonna leave this open for probably like a few more days after the video is posted and then i’m just gonna close the discord so if you guys wanna check out others packs as well make sure you join my discord server

Scroll down and see you see the fan pack and then just download some facts and yeah i’ma try to put the link to every single one of these in the description below by the way what the channel link to their channel so check it out well thank you guys for

Watching video it’s your boy patr and i will see you guys in the next one You

This video, titled ‘Fan’s Texture Pack Review’s! (Exposed?)’, was uploaded by PatarHD on 2021-02-18 00:00:05. It has garnered 46441 views and 2793 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:18 or 978 seconds.

Fan’s Texture Pack Review’s! (Exposed?)

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PatarHD here, In this Minecraft YouTube Video, I’m reviewing fan’s texture packs for Minecraft bedrock. Make sure to watch all the way through as it’s EPIC!

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    "Minecraft Lover's Insane Railway Track Build" #clickbaitVideo Information [Music] open with that This video, titled ‘Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #shortvideo #youtubeshorts’, was uploaded by MINECRAFT… LOVER.. 111 on 2024-04-29 16:56:16. It has garnered 46 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft railway track | minecraft train video | minecraft house | #minecraft #minecraftshorts TOPIC :- ❤ Minecraft is a popular video game where players explore a blocky, procedurally-generated 3D world and gather resources to craft tools, build structures, and survive against monsters. The game offers different modes, including survival mode where… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach Only

    Insane Minecraft Challenge: 30 Days on Beach OnlyVideo Information This video, titled ’30 Days in Minecraft Beach only world — I lost 18 diamonds.’, was uploaded by Y Pixelrator on 2024-01-03 10:00:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. 30 days In Amplified world: In this 30-day Minecraft Beach only world video series, we built or … Read More

  • Axminer 1M – Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viral

    Axminer 1M - Ultimate OneBlock Smp Free! #viralVideo Information हेलो गाइस वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम सब लोगों का स्वागत है आज की स्ट्रीम पर कैसे हो सब लोग ड्रीम माइट वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम रणवीर ब्रदर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम साइट गेमर वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम कैसे हो सब लोग डीवीएस जट ब्रदर स्वागत है ब्रो आपका आज की इस नई स्ट्रीम पर न वाटी लकम कैसे होती गाइस सब लोग एली वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम ब्रो आप कैसे है मैं मस्त हूं यार सब मौज में वीडियो देखा कि नहीं आप लोगों ने शॉर्ट वीडियो के लिए मैं टाइम लेट हो गया गाइस शॉर्ट वीडियो अपलोड… Read More


    🔥 ULTIMATE TNT RUN IN MINECRAFT! #epicVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft’, was uploaded by KING GAMING on 2024-04-08 16:50:07. It has garnered 4889 views and 55 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Minecraft TNT 🧨 Run #minecraft minecraft, minecraft 100 days, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft music, minecraft house, minecraft song, minecraft legends, minecraft 1.20, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft civilization, minecraft videos, minecraft aphmau, minecraft animation, minecraft april fools 2023, minecraft asmr, minecraft armor trims, minecraft automatic farm, minecraft ancient city, minecraft ambience, minecraft animation movie, minecraft allay, a minecraft parody, a minecraft house, a minecraft… Read More

  • Get Beyonce’s Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin Tips

    Get Beyonce's Skin in Minecraft: Ultimate Skin TipsVideo Information This video, titled ‘skin girl beyonce skin girl for minecraft skin girl gta sa android skin girl minecraft aesthetic لا’, was uploaded by Goloving skin tips on 2024-07-04 03:02:18. It has garnered 545 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:12 or 12 seconds. Read More

  • "Get RICH in Skyblock on OPLegends"

    <p>"Get <em>RICH</em> in Skyblock on OPLegends"</p>Video Information This video, titled ‘BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4’, was uploaded by Riverrain123 on 2024-07-04 19:49:25. It has garnered 527 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:34 or 634 seconds. BECOMING *RICH* IN SKYBLOCK! | OPLegends 1.21+ Minecraft Skyblock Server #4 💙 SUBSCRIBE: 💀 Discord! ✨TikTok! 👻 Twitter! 🚀 Embark on an Unforgettable Skyblock Adventure with Riverrain123! 🌌 🚀 SERVER IP: (JAVA & BEDROCK) IP: Bedrock Port: 19132 Release info: Get ready to soar through the skies of Minecraft with this Top 5… Read More

  • John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!

    John Paul Jones: Pirate in Minecraft Parody!Video Information This video, titled ‘John Paul Jones is a Pirate – The Longest Johns (Sea Shanty) [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-29 20:00:22. It has garnered 57 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:20 or 140 seconds. Lyrics: minecraft steve is a griefer (craft pick, dig!) some TNT does he possess (craft pick, dig!) Keep it up we’ll catch the griefer (craft pick, dig!) And ban him along with the rest (craft pick, dig!) Oh! Born the son of Notch, he was (craft pick, dig!) Born the son of Notch (craft… Read More

  • SaintMC

    SaintMCEmbark on an awesome adventure by playing the #1 Community-Based Minecraft Network. SaintMC , so you’ll experience a brand-new community-based server like no other. We also offer Bedrock Support, which you can use with 25597. You will love the experience here! – Weekly Updates – – CUSTOM Battle Pass – – UNIQUE Skills System – – Minions &amp; Wands – – MUCH MUCH MORE! BEDROCK PORT: 25597 Hope to see you online! We giveaway tons of free goods. Read More

  • Warped SMP Semi-Vanilla 1.20+ Java & Bedrock 15+ Hermitcraft-inspired Whitelist

    Welcome to Warped SMP 🍄 About Us Welcome to Warped SMP! We are a hermitcraft-inspired server that aims to provide the true vanilla Minecraft experience. Our community is friendly and welcoming, always looking for new members to join our dedicated group of players. The server last reset 2 months ago and has no plans for another reset, allowing players to work on builds and projects without worry. ━━━━━━━━━ ▶ Join our Discord ▶ Follow us on Instagram ━━━━━━━━━ Vanilla experience: We prioritize maintaining a semi-vanilla environment, running on fabric with minimal quality-of-life datapacks to preserve the vanilla mechanics. Community: Our… Read More

  • MythoMc Network

    MythoMc NetworkWELCOME!Discover the exciting community of MythoMC Network, a Minecraft Java server (1.16.5 to 1.21) that is also accessible from Bedrock (Port 25567)➣ Enjoy the Survival 1.20.4 modes➣ Wide variety of plugins that improve the gaming experience.Don’t wait any longer and join your friends to live unforgettable adventures on this unique server! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft: The ultimate battle grind

    When you’re busy fighting off creepers and skeletons in Minecraft but also trying to protect your personal information like your score of 273, priorities can get a little mixed up. Read More

  • Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet Showdown

    Unveiling the Ultimate Gamer Fleet ShowdownVideo Information This video, titled ‘CARRI CARARI MARE NAAM KARDOM @GamerFleet @NotGamerFleet @GamerFleetShortsOG’, was uploaded by Minewind on 2024-07-05 15:54:54. It has garnered 12 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:51 or 51 seconds. gamer fleet Jack bhaiya minecraft fleet smp #minecraft Read More

  • Chad’s Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze

    Chad's Creative Craze: 1K Days in Minecraft Maze In Better Minecraft, Chad’s on a quest, 1,000 days of building, he’s truly the best. With tall soul lanterns and spruce logs in hand, He’s crafting and building, his skills in demand. Chad’s looking for friends to join in the fun, Subscribe to his channel, a journey begun. With Better Minecraft mods and Sildur’s shaders bright, Chad’s world is a wonder, a true gaming delight. Follow him on Instagram, dearplaysminecraft, For updates and snapshots, his journey well-spent. #1000daysinminecraft, a challenge so grand, Chad’s creativity, we can’t help but stand. Read More

  • “MrBeast’s Hot Portal Survival Challenge” 🔥 #minecraft #meme

    "MrBeast's Hot Portal Survival Challenge" 🔥 #minecraft #meme When you choose “Help MrBeast portal” in Minecraft, you better hope he doesn’t show up and challenge you to give away all your diamonds for charity! #MrBeast #MinecraftMadness Read More

  • Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft

    Sneaky Portal Prank on Upin & Ipin in Minecraft Minecraft Adventures with Kak Ros (Upin & Ipin) Embark on a thrilling Minecraft journey with Kak Ros from the beloved Upin & Ipin series! Join the fun and explore the magical world of Minecraft with these exciting portals. Donation Opportunities Support the creators and their endeavors by donating through Saweria. Every contribution helps in bringing more amazing content to life! Community Engagement Connect with like-minded gamers and fans on Discord. Share tips, tricks, and experiences while immersing yourself in the Minecraft universe. Customize Your Experience Personalize your Minecraft gameplay with the UzeMing skin. Stand out in the virtual world… Read More

  • Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiant

    Master Kyo Reveals INSANE XDEFIANT Tactics! #xdefiantVideo Information This video, titled ‘[XDEFIANT] Ini gimana cara mainnya? #xdefiant’, was uploaded by Kyo Lectio Ch. on 2024-06-07 04:39:03. It has garnered 76 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:31 or 8191 seconds. #minecraft It’s time to do 2 weeks of minecraft then forget it for 6 months. ⭐ Support me ⭐ 『 Trakteer 』 『 Saweria Mediashare 』 Discord :3 ————————————- ◊『 Rules 』◊ ENG • NO BACKSEATING, unless requested. • No spamming or harmful words please! • No hateful content, and no racism! • No sensitive topics please! • Please be mindful and respectful…. Read More

Fan’s Texture Pack Review’s! (Exposed?)