Fixxitt 412 – An Ancient Bridge and Details! – Minecraft 1.19.3 Survival #9

Video Information

Foreign [Applause] welcome back to survival with fix oh man we are on day 27 69 I think is that right that is right 27.69 and it’s time to get out of the nether we spent a lot of time here I mean a lot of time and it

Looks really really good but I am over with another for a little while we’ll come back because I have some offshoot tunnels let me show you what I’m talking about here if you look at the map I got like this time this goes to the mining desert this goes to the Arcane reception

Coil and uh the Avon Gabor the Avon City this goes to Steel Port over here I mean so I have all these offshoots to do we only did the main sort of tunnel but look how long this is it is very long it’s like well I don’t even know like

What is this it’s basically from zero zero to yeah it’s like 900 blocks long so yeah that’s a big tunnel that’s a big big big big tunnel okay so that being said I actually want to do something that we haven’t done in quite a while we

Are heading believe it or not back to the Avon city of Gabor let’s go we are back here in Gabor the capital city of the Avon people and look how beautiful it is oh man I cannot wait to work on this area I have two main things I want

To do today first see how boring this building is that’s a little closer see how boring this building is it’s kind of yeah it’s pretty boring but look how much more interesting this is so what I want to do is take this theme this idea generally and bring it over to that

That’s one of the things I have two of these little houses I might even build a third I don’t know but basically I want to detail out this house so it’s exactly like that the other thing I want to accomplish today is over here if you follow this road right through the gates

You’ll see well that right there that’s that’s a uh that’s a that’s terrible that’s a terrible terrible Bridge so we’re gonna be building a bridge today as well so let’s start with the houses I don’t think that’ll be that hard of a deal I’m gonna have to grab some

Cobblestone I just went over to steelport and grabbed a whole bunch of moss here and I have the glow like in I yeah so I’ll just grab some Cobblestone we should be able to really detail this rather quickly I think I’m don’t know how we are doing in jungle wood that may

Be the one sort of hold up but that’s okay we’ll get there I’m a big fan of sort of what we’ve done in this area so far though it is a bit of a blank slate if you check out the map I can’t check

Out the map why can’t I just I just uh I just download the new version that’s so weird there we go I got the new version of the map now and yeah you can see I have this area really nice and done but then if

You look all this yeah not done so I gotta work on the rest of this Kingdom at some point so that’s why I might want to build an extra house or so whenever we get there but the bridge I’m talking about is right over here it’s sort of in

The way like if you look at the big picture of the world map this is the steel Port up here this is like new hope this is sand go over here I need to make sure that this road that goes from Gabor the whole way up around here I need to

Make sure that’s all interesting and done and that includes making sure that all of my quote unquote Bridges like if you look at this one right here look at that you see what that is yeah that’s just a that’s just a dirt Bridge so yeah

I gotta work that out as well and we’ll get there all in good time but let’s at least deal with this bridge first and well actually first let’s deal with these houses you know I almost forgot I saw my friend skin on from the monsters

Hey by the way are you checking out the modded series The modded series plays into this world it’s set in this exact same world that we’re in right now but in the far future don’t miss it because the more absolutely this dies in the new model segment does have more segments

The new modded Series has lower segments is what I’m trying to say you know you know what I mean all right I I’m gonna get to work this is really weird you know there are so many things I really want to do in this world like just looking across this water and

Seeing that sort of jungle Edge right there oh man it just looks so good there’s so many possibilities you know there’s no reason why we couldn’t have some more Avon sort of outposts over there or even just some ruins or what ah there’s so many things I want to do but

First I am totally out of jungle wood in this world so I grabbed my fortune hoe because jungle saplings are kind of hard to come by and I’m gonna have to cut down a lot of jungle trees uh just ah man an annoying amount of jungle trees I

I gotta cut them all down you know with 1.20 slowly more information is rolling out actually today and then I’m recording this is Tuesday and I’m very hopeful that we’ll get a really uh snap nice snapshot with a lot of new stuff in 120 maybe or some

New stuff anyway because uh you know look I I want to be I want to be clear here I have um been a big big big big moat team Mojang fan like I always stand up for them anytime people are criticizing or bashing them or whatever uh including

You know maybe a few lackluster update announcements and all that kind of stuff because I you know we bought this game years ago most of us and we’re still getting free updates which is absolutely amazing it’s absolutely amazing that that’s happening uh that being said um you know when Minecon came out last

Year 120 and they said hey we’re gonna give you bamboo and all the bamboo variants which is super cool hangings ons are real I’m probably most excited about the hanging signs camel you know a lot of people are really excited about the camera I’m not one of them but

That’s cool to each their own and uh you know maybe one or two other things I can’t think of now I was like okay this is great and then they said shockingly they said hey okay we’re gonna give all that to you and you can play it on Wednesday it’s like wow

That’s amazing I kind of predicted that by the way I was on a live stream talking to a good friend Jordan boy and I did call it I did call that I said that that we’re gonna play it right away based on the sort of uh mostly unfair I

Think backlash against the 1.17 1.18 1.19 kind of debacle uh I said I bet we can play it really soon because there have been months since the last announcement and mind calling I thought I bet they’re I bet they have some stuff ready to go and sure enough they did

That all being said you know it was like amazing to play all that stuff in right away and but now that was several months ago and well we there hasn’t been a lot of new stuff there’s been a couple things some game rules and stuff they’ve

Changed I think the the game rule that they added that allows snow layer collecting to be turned off I think that’s absolutely enormous that’s a huge awesome change but as far as like a gameplay feature you know like something in the game that you can see and play

With not so much so ever since Minecon we got those four or five cool things which are super cool I’m very very happy but now it’s been months it’s like middle of January now right so it’s been some months been like three months and really nothing new for 120. so I’m

Really really hopeful that some new stuff drops like rather quickly and just some sort of more ideas on where this update’s going because now that it’s been what like three months since Minecon uh you know I think we’re dealing I’m not complaining I’m not I’m not complaining but I do think we’re due

So I’m very very hopeful that that will happen in the uh in the near future maybe as soon as uh Wednesday that would be really nice foreign To the Arcane reception coil to consult with Fred and James about the timeline it was odd though as Edwin warned the ark couldn’t hold a connection for more than just a few seconds I am worried about those guys the connection only held for a couple seconds but it was long enough to hear

The chill in Fred’s voice if they don’t find a solution soon I am worried the cold will overtake them something’s going on with the ark and if we want to continue to be able to talk to the Future we’re going to need to sort that

Out and soon I also spoke to Dr Pickett about Mr Grady and she is more concerned than ever it seems my old friend is only conscious a few days a week now and seems to be deteriorating very quickly I tasked Edwin to look through the Avon archives and try to find anything that

Could possibly help Grady but he is apprehensive that he’ll find anything I don’t know what else to do honestly this whole thing just has my head spinning I feel like time is flying faster and faster towards day 10 000 in the impending attack by Cal and we’re

Moving forward one tiny step at a time we need to hurry foreign to look really cool if I check out this you can just kind of see the detail of these little houses looking over that and I think it’s really really good if you look over here this is the the time

Lapse yeah it’s very simple very easy but I think it’s really really nice and if you take these stairs up you can actually get up here too which is important I guess you got to be able to go up to the second floor somehow and yeah it looks good I’ve been using

Fireplaces a lot it’s a really okay okay I get it I get it everyone wants to fight me oh was it the baby zombie man very annoying little baby zombie anyway like I was saying it feels really good to get some progress on this Kingdom because I

Felt a little bit stuck I’ll be totally honest I felt a little bit stuck in this Kingdom like a little bit man I don’t want to say unmotivated but like like I don’t know what to do so that sort of hampers my motivation a little bit but

Now seeing these houses with it’s just just a tiny bit of detail really opens up some possibilities I think that I could actually do a lot more oh look at that look at that right there that’s a that oh okay that’s a jungle villager right

There oh man oh man okay I gotta go sleep all right I’ll be back moving along to this bridge I just started laying out just some basic ideas I don’t have a real plan here really at all except for just do a mixture of so I’m actually making some cracked stone

Bricks so I want to use crackstone brick which I will sprinkle in after it’s done being smelted up and Cobblestone and mossy cobblestone so not a big deal I’m gonna use some bushes and stuff and make this look really really old and ancient and all that kind of stuff I think I do

Want to use probably wood for the for the floor I feel like maybe it’s an old bridge that they’ve come back in and refinished some wood I think that could be kind of cool I love the view man is that a viewer what I mean come on even

If you didn’t love this Kingdom at first you’re starting to right you’re starting to a little bit now I have another issue right here and that’s kind of this like big mountain thing I kind of think it’s got to go because there’s not a good way

Down like even if I made this up I would have to make stairs or something coming down I guess that’s kind of interesting I guess I don’t know I really like this view I really like the idea of coming over this like I love this I love coming

Over this and as you get up to the peak of this little Hill you’re like you see it I think that’s really cool so maybe maybe I’ll keep it and put some stairs over here I don’t know I it’s it’s kind of it’s kind of weird it’s kind of a weird

Little thing but okay so I think the beginning of this is okay I definitely have decided I want to use campfires uh to light up on the side because I want this to be apparent that it’s currently being like looked after like probably I won’t do that with the other one because

Campfires or something have to be tended right whereas like maybe other lights like uh glowstone or whatever those can just stay there forever but like campfire someone came and you know keep them lit and I think that this could be like the beginning of the Avon Kingdom like when you’re walking through this

Jungle you walk through and you see it and you’re like okay I see that over there I don’t even know what my render distance is right now let’s take a look real quick 14. let’s Pump It Up to 16. well shaders I can’t do a lot more than

16 keep decent frames but oh yeah that’s that’s a view right that is a freaking view I really really like it all right so I’m gonna get working on a little bit of detail over here trying to figure out exactly where I want to put in the campfires here I’m kind of thinking

Maybe something like this like like I like a like a staggered like a staggered bit like maybe we could do this and then actually bring in a little bit of Mossy that could be kind of cool right hey let’s try it I think we’re starting to get there I definitely do want to add in some maybe some lanterns or some stone walls but I think the feeling is there I just mixed in all the I forgot in this pack that I have the uh the other way like the

Turned planks if you do a double slab that’s really really really nice and I think it’s pretty good I like I like this beam in the middle I didn’t think I would I thought I was going to get rid of it but the more I look at the more

Yeah the more I kind of like it I can kind of see like that’s the bones of the original bridge and then these are sort of the ones that they’ve replaced over time but I think this is nice I think it’s a nice little bridge I have these uh exp

Extensions here of the wood and some leaves that really show so it’s age and show how you know in a jungle nature grows but it’s a pretty nice very very very simple that’s what I wanted I wanted a very simple bridge but I think you know as far as it goes it’s okay

Let’s get some lanterns and just put some danglies I don’t have anything going over top I want this to be a flat bridge I want whenever you’re flying in well let me show you yeah just like this I want whenever you’re coming in I want

This to be flat and the only thing I want to be seen over it is some smoke and maybe a little bit of dangly like for lanterns but that’s it I don’t want this to have a very low profile again I don’t want to obstruct The View when

You’re walking across the bridge of the city of Gabor I think it’s really nice so far I waited until night was setting just so we can take a look at this and yeah this feels really nice it’s very simple it’s probably the simplest Bridge I’ve built

In quite some time but I really like it I think it’s a nice way to enter the Avon Kingdom and things are good yeah all right this is really solid progress we fixed those houses and we uh we built this really nice simple bridge I think

It’s probably gonna do it for me today I did not want to do a super super long episode today so I think we’ll just cut this one right here let’s get to the question and comment of the day The comment of the day by the way I’ve got a few people uh saying like hey I want to be mention a video or give me a shout out the absolute best way to get a shout out is to just write a comment that I can use as like the question

Comment of the day because if it’s not interesting then I probably won’t use it so ask a good question or make a good comment and I will very likely pick it Adrian says it’s great to hear your enthusiasm and I’m glad you’re bringing the you back in the series you know it’s

Something I needed to do like I had to do it because I do not have at this point in life uh I don’t hang out with my IRL friends like at all you know my kids are sort of everything and take up all of the time

That I have and all that kind of stuff so uh I got to a place where I wasn’t talking to anyone like in a sort of friendly way and um the bringing the you back in the series for me was the way to sort of replicate that right like talk as if

We’re just hanging out sitting at a bar having a drink and just talk about life and all that kind of stuff and you know part of the life that I uh find enjoyable is the building of Minecraft worlds and all that kind of stuff so

Yeah I I mean is it best for the channel uh look probably not you know probably not but it’s something that I kind of needed to do for sort of Just My overall mental health and all that kind of stuff because I was um just not in an absolute great place

Uh recently here and I’m really using this as sort of my uh YouTube uh therapy sessions to just sort of talk things over and and you know that and complain and and be grateful and happy and all the things that come along with it anyway thanks so much for watching the

Video I really do appreciate it and I will see you all next episode don’t sleep on the Moda series like I say there is lore in it uh that does relate directly to this world so if you like some modded Minecraft go hang out with that for glacial Awakening uh should be

Roughly alternating with this series okay we’ll see you all next time

This video, titled ‘An Ancient Bridge and Details! – Minecraft 1.19.3 Survival #9’, was uploaded by Fixxitt 412 on 2023-01-22 15:00:12. It has garnered 2410 views and 219 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:19 or 979 seconds.

Back to the Abon city of Gabor, it’s time to get some details in to their two houses and add a bridge that comes into the city. Let’s go!


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    Insane Twist! El Rizing Minecraft de ChillVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft de Chill’, was uploaded by El Rizing on 2024-08-02 07:18:16. It has garnered 82 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 05:41:14 or 20474 seconds. A stage of this channel is ending and the time has come to abandon Pokémon Unite and dedicate myself to other games #pokemon #pokemonunitegameplay #pokémonunitehighlights 🟡SUPPORT ME WITH A DONATION TO BRING YOU MORE CONTENT:… ****Visit my Twitch channel***** ***********Instagram************* ***********Discord*************** Read More

  • SURVIVING CREEPER ATTACK! 😱 #Minecraftshorts

    SURVIVING CREEPER ATTACK! 😱 #MinecraftshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘CREEPER Vs BLOCKS… 🤩 #shorts #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Jexa on 2024-07-23 22:34:34. It has garnered 10226 views and 249 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:40 or 40 seconds. #minecraft #minecraftanimation #minecraftmemes #minecraftmeme #minecraftbuilding #minecraftshorts #minecraftlive Read More

  • INSANE mashup: GTA Voice City in Minecraft?!

    INSANE mashup: GTA Voice City in Minecraft?!Video Information This video, titled ‘GTA voice city in Minecraft’, was uploaded by vishna game on 2024-03-28 14:49:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft house minecraft earth minecraft house ideas minecraft house designs minecraft song minecraft house survival minecraft … Read More

  • Levian Nexus Modded SMP North America Discord FTB Revelation Stoneblock 3 MC Eternal

    Welcome to Our Server Network! We currently have 5 servers running, featuring a variety of modpacks for you to enjoy. Join us on Discord for a shared chat experience across all servers. Latest Updates: We just added MC Eternal to our lineup! Join now to explore the week-old map. Server Information: Modpacks Pack version IP to join Project Architect 2 v4.6 ATM 10 v0.63 FTB Stoneblock 3 v1.11.0 FTB Revelation v3.6.0 MC Eternal v1.6.2.3 Our servers are public, so feel free to join in and say hi. Join our Discord server to stay updated: Discord Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Foxes in Minecraft are OP with 3,628,800 health!

    Well, looks like Fox McCloud isn’t the only one with a high health bar now! Those Minecraft foxes are living their best life with that much health. Read More

  • Arachnid Annihilation: Like & Sub, Spider’s Done! #shorts

    Arachnid Annihilation: Like & Sub, Spider's Done! #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Creativity flows like a never-ending stream. From building grand castles to mining for ore, Every adventure is worth so much more. Subscribe to my channel, hit that like button too, For more Minecraft content, just for you. Spiders beware, for they meet their end, In this world of blocks, where fun never ends. So join me on this journey, let’s explore together, In the world of Minecraft, where anything is possible, forever. Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME: HOT DIGGITY DIAMONDS! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecrafttherapy #creeperproblems #boomtherapy Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Thrilling Moments in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Experience Thrilling Moments in Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a video titled “Minecraft: That Was Close…🤯 (World’s Smallest Violin)” and it got us thinking – what if you could experience heart-pounding moments like that every time you log onto a Minecraft server? That’s where Minewind comes in. With a vibrant community of players from all around the world, Minewind offers a unique and thrilling Minecraft experience like no other. From intense PvP battles to epic building projects, there’s never a dull moment on Minewind. So why should you… Read More

  • Ultimate Chaos with Fleetbhai

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  • INSANE! Survived 600 Days on Hardcore Minecraft Island

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  • EPIC Minecraft Skyblock Transformation!

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  • Minecraft Madness! Join Our Prismatical Gaming Realm!

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  • Mega Base Chaos: Wrangling Goats in Minecraft SMP

    Mega Base Chaos: Wrangling Goats in Minecraft SMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wrangling Goats for the Mega Base! | Minecraft AfterLife SMP Season 5 [Stream 4-28-24]’, was uploaded by Fyr’s Archive on 2024-05-10 16:00:18. It has garnered 18 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:44:12 or 6252 seconds. Welcome back to AfterLife SMP Season 5! Today we take some time to bring pigs and goats back to the base with @Blondskunk. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at You’re watching “Wrangling Goats for the Mega Base! | Minecraft AfterLife SMP Season 5 [Stream 4-28-24]” #Minecraft #AfterLifeSMP #Twitch =+=+= My Links =+=+=… Read More

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  • Insane Meme of the Day: Nanshata #CrazyClickbait

    Insane Meme of the Day: Nanshata #CrazyClickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘meme of the day #funny #memes’, was uploaded by Nanshata on 2024-06-19 06:15:01. It has garnered 14 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:04 or 4 seconds. asmr family guy shorts fortnite mrbeast skibidi toilet south park mukbang fnaf minecraft parents be like i put a roof over your head sml try not to laugh coryxkenshin dillon brooks donkey kong family guy funny moments family guy shorts gold asmr good movie greatsword india jack black jeffy joe rogan joey diaz lil wayne meme memes phonk pizza tower scream meme ssundee there’s… Read More

  • NordBerg Town Secrets Revealed! – Minecraft/Codenames!

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Fixxitt 412 – An Ancient Bridge and Details! – Minecraft 1.19.3 Survival #9