Fooling my Friend with REAL SCARY MYTHS in Minecraft…

Video Information

In this vegan video I find hundreds of ways to throw my friends using micro scariest ones controlling people with terrifying moms they’re scaring them in real life I promise you you’ll love this video this is two whole hours of ruining my friends lives sit back get yourself

Some boneless Donuts let’s do this the first troll I’m gonna spawn a tiny mob under his wall then I’m gonna purchase this labeled Community chest every time living still told that chance the monster grows the more ingredient he is the bigger his enemy becomes good luck lyrics this first troll I need something

Very simple okay and I know what you’re thinking why are you dressed like a police officer say another word I arrest you on the spot but I’m gonna have to make a hole in the ground like a giant hole in the ground and uh you’re gonna

See exactly why finally here we go nice and perfect there we go so now we can cover up right like this and at the bottom of the hole I’m bored this little guy hello my friend aren’t you a little kitty look at you this right here is

Gonna be my monster I don’t know you’re thinking why what kind of monster is this how is this gonna destroy the wall what we’re gonna need is this little thing called a splash of growth potion and then we’re gonna use this bit here we’re gonna make this nice and perfect

There we go there we go right on the DT it’s our little guy right here perfect then I’m gonna get a dispenser and put the dispenser right here at the Spencer I’m gonna put a splash potion of growth I’m gonna put nine baby then above this chest right here I’m gonna have a

Trapped chest okay and if you don’t want Champions dude they send out Redstone current so every single time this gets opened it will send out a splash personal growth to the little monster so if I open it like this there we go you see it hit it it hit it it starts

Tweaking it starts twitching here we go oh my God it’s already grown and imagine the more splash potions of growth we use the bigger that this little guy will get until he’s so big like he’s gonna take over this in entire server and I know what you’re thinking Donnie how are you

Gonna get people to keep coming over here and opening this chest well I’m gonna have a little sign here that says Community just take one item and it will auto refill a little glow thing there we go perfect so now the plan is we fill this item up with random stuff we can

Put anything in there diamonds anything people will come over us steal it and then of course bigger then they’ll walk off then they’ll come back and they’ll open this and then it grows bigger they lean they come back they open it the more stuff they take the bigger that

This little guy will get until he takes over the whole server this is perfect the more greedy they are the more they ruin their server now all we have to do is set up this chest to Auto refill insane Loot and then it’s out of my hands baby this world is

GG being a cat lover is all fun in games to get cat hair in your mouth and then you start to understand why people like those naked cats those ones are so scary sorry dude but I just cannot get behind them I’m currently a badass show if

Anyone stops by they won’t see me okay don’t stress it guys I will love them to death but I will never have one ones with long hair are six everyone always says Donnie they can see they can see you I mean vanished relax man maybe I

Should move it closer to the town center that way is the Town Center I think rage has gold there you have fluff rage Linux all the oh he doesn’t need gold I need gold speaker there’s Linux Linux we need you to go wait I’ve never seen him in his own

House in his mining nothing he’s always going around to other people’s houses to take stuff hello hello rage no chance he doesn’t have gold I wanted to just go outside go to Hello I’m welcome welcome welcome one we just take one item will you just take one item and it will also refill I’m gonna just take one item and it will auto refill don’t see the red on the chest please it’s surely Linux won’t know please why does the community need it

Before you lift it whoa here we go there we go and now we see it it hit it okay that’s what I like to see now it grows perfect we’ve already seen this one yeah let’s go there we go yeah of course he’s taking all the wood

That I’ve put in there no get that out okay there we go I just realized guys how am I gonna put stuff in without opening the chance give me all the wood man I want the wood oh good I’ll have to put something else in there what no I

Want the emerald I don’t want that what is another cool thing that people want when they’re starting out I get all the wood I don’t cool perfect let’s just put gold in there I would now Boy Gold a stack of every all you guys can’t get mad about community and stuff like that

I am a community all right I am Redstone emerald diamond black piece where’s the iron one there you are I give back to the community I take to the from the community I’m like Robin Hood but handsome super handsome there we go okay

Wait we can’t put it in here I got it I got it I’m gonna get hop off there we go wait oh okay yeah I was the right one actually here we go go in there guys quick go in there we can’t afford to make my game grow bigger we can’t open

The chestnut otherwise it has to be all for him like he has to be the one to do this okay all of it is done perfect okay there we go so it should all be in there I think if we there we go look we can do

A spectator wait can we put stuff inside we can’t there we go we got one of every all inside then now and now all we have to do is wait for this sucker to grow again come on Linux please come on back please you know what actually I don’t

Even want a trolling Today lyrics just don’t be greedy and just stay away bro let someone else fall for this trap please if he’s greedy it takes it all this is gonna be you know what screw lyrics if he’s that greedy he deserves to get the one sword on him for some

Reason the community chest is over near rage’s house not in the middle of where we all live which I think is a little weird no tell me he’s coming back for more because it’s not Community if it’s not in between all of us right go away let someone else fall for this trap

Please that’s not that’s really not fair Community chest take one item and it will auto refill Auto refill oh my God wait I don’t think he’s gonna open it does he think it’s empty oh my God oh my God he opened it again oh my God ah and

He’s taking it auto refill he’s taking it you’re going the monster you idiot we get emerald ore diamond ore iron lapis Redstone gold copper so what now it auto refills I need to break these I need to place them down and start mining look at

The size of him now he’s big enough baby oh my God yo so Linux is making you bigger and bigger okay my friend all you need is a few more growing potions my friend and you got it you go oh my God you’re gonna look terrifying aren’t you okay yeah

He’s gonna he’s gonna kill everyone he’s just gonna take it and leave okay let’s take this back to the house what is auto refill so it just it just refills like a water cup he’s so sweet selfish lyrics okay maybe we shouldn’t have put emeralds in there you know those

Refillable cups that you can get from like Walmart and stuff no uh whenever you go to the movies you can like get a refillable cup everyone was a little bit stupid things we all Village okay now he’s busted look what I’ve done I’m an idiot I I go smell

You could smell diamonds no you can’t you could smell diamond ores well listen I’ve never claimed to be smart okay I don’t believe you I really do not believe you here don’t ask questions please let’s see wow wait no it’s iron what am I doing what

Is the oh my god of course here um first throwing it all in the blast furnace wow it does work that is weird man he didn’t even picked up by accident oh and we have a bunch of wood perfect I picked it up you see the carry me mod

Look you could pick up blocks so now we can just use all of this oh my God oh my God oh my God we’re insane to fill them up we’re meant why did we think that I forgot did I carry beds bro we are rich man emerald ore that’s so weird wait

They’re all no can I carry you the barrels and stuff I mean bro this is crazy I guess the emeralds will take a little bit longer but that’s fine um okay cool he tried to go refill it what can we put in there now just in case someone else comes over is anyone

Else close I don’t think anyone is even close to us on the server okay here we go what else can we put in there um we’ve got all the all baby axolotls loves axolotls maybe like one of every die actually is he everyone needs thighs right you know what’s funny he’s gonna

Get all these dice is that not funny why are you laughing laugh there we go okay all the dice in there then we go perfect you really just take one item soon my baby you’re gonna grow big I promise as long as keeps being selfish you’re good oh I don’t I

Don’t think it’s like every time you go back you get something I don’t think that’s how it works if anyone says why do you troll Linux nothing’s free nothing absolutely nothing guys I’ve never seen anyone more greedy I don’t know selfish yes grow my child all you

Want pick the dice out the chest no way take the dice and be selfish wait no way it looked like you threw that to me you open it and you get stuff you didn’t see me I just don’t believe it funny enough magenta dye pink dye orange die what do

You use dye for in Minecraft it’s free right oh my God you’re no longer sitting down wait so every time you open it you get something new or is it just a different chance of getting something out my baby grew legs okay besides the fact that your head is

Literally about below can you chill out red dye what does red die please don’t go anywhere I needed to stand close so that the dispenser hits you on the head please my friend please don’t go anywhere man I don’t bro I’m not complaining I I don’t get it but I’m not

Complaining of course he takes it all straight back into his chest he don’t give a dang okay ignore that voice crack please I need to cut that out or I swear I’ll slit you what building blocks might he need maybe Redstone stuff surely we can’t make it too obvious by putting

Like by putting like diamonds and TNT and stuff in there I’ll kill food of course this could this could this cook this uh oh golden apples cook salmon stack of Honey bottles like a carrots and then we’ll go stack oh you know we’ll go big potato you might

Hop a quick quick before he comes back quick there you go please please hurry up hurry up hurry up okay it’s done there we go please all right there we go please all right we’re chilling with chili we don’t know whatever we will deal with enough time maybe it’s like a

Wishing well I want someone else to come over this guy’s gonna take every item if I went all you go there used to be a wishing well back in the day that you’d be able to go wish for something and you get it oh my God

Oh my gosh is this it yo don’t even say I’m a freaking help me just in the form of a chest wait let’s see I’m a freak of nature guys don’t even there we go please to go my baby give me weapons bro my child please RPGs and nukes but for

Peaceful reasons only don’t be scared now please the next couple I need to open it will not use them for bad give me something amazing we only got like two more gross until it’s fully grown please I’ll take it I have no food that’s cooked I have raw chicken no I

Don’t want the raw chicken necessarily no I don’t need my wooden ax get rid of that goodbye and there we go he throws our items to clear his inventory it’s just like that is good again yo we’re stocked for Life bro okay it kind of worked right I asked it for something

And he gave it to me wasn’t exactly what I wanted but it’s a work of progress maybe we have to type it out oh and let me type it out you know you used to have to throw like something at it with that had what you wanted on it you know a

Piece of paper that says RPG wait what happened to his red he was so much more red before any of these weird fingers now he just looks you like a T-Rex bro we need you to grow those arms bro please get back in the gym we need to

Somehow get bigger and more scary right now I still think lyrics might be able to take you please sir please and of course what does he do homie just goes in and puts in his chest he’s got it’s a community chest it’s not for you it’s Community that’s the old server how

About oh let’s go tools and combat I think diamond is too good okay we have to give him like chainmail or something I think that like people be like why do these why did he get chamber armor shield and if you can betrayed in yo that trident is about to be busted Yoho

Wait Aaron’s hurry up you’re taking too long there we go and there we go there we go there we go and now you get arrows can take your time in there hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up hurry up and then done there we go there we go give

Me give me put the food away we’ll keep like a stack we need space for new stuff because we keep getting there and then having to drive stuff off so just get rid of everything let me go check please be an RPG man please I want a weapon of

Mass destruction from the community chest is that too much to ask for is that too much if someone else a chance please here we go yo we actually got some stuff look at him wait a second what’s better I think my armor may be better this is

A little bit how would it know that it’s mine though after taking it yeah he just healed all that’s like what I have why not um dude yes bow and arrow and a trident yo I’ll take a trident every day of the week every day give me that Arrow back

Hopped on a jet let’s go bro oh my yo I have to hide some of this stuff because someone’s gonna steal it yo when you’re rich like this like me and uh people just hate they want to steal I think about a seal wait hold on actually oh my

God I actually have a place for this he took that gym comment personally put that there that boom boom boom boom who are you yes why are you fire okay oh we’ll just put the bow away for now in the arrows and then The Sword and the

Enchantable Apple so I just have a try it out okay I probably there’s still one more stage and this is about to get humongous I saw somebody a good one baby please I’ve gone crazy guys I’m actually going crazy he’s gonna he’s gonna blow everything up he’s gonna

Destroy the whole world as soon as it goes one more stage it will TP to limits okay or the closest person to the server he should have TP to me because I’m a spectator and it will start destroying everything good luck Linux you do not want to do this I promise

I would not be surprised if at some point someone shows up and tries to fight me for this chest okay so we come prepared we bring our Trident I go get down get down someone outside is gonna think I’m actually like harassing someone and of course without giving

Anyone a second what do they know playing Minecraft throw it just to make sure there’s nobody invisible nearby what are you doing everybody invisible huh oh that was so close that one more time I’ll pick it up TNT that’s what I like to see baby oh I just like that

Okay get rid of the food get rid of the ax get rid of the Trident for now I hope that TNT was worth it Linux bro all TNT inventory you already know what’s going on bro y’all know what’s going on yeah look at me look at me I have to pee I

Like to drink tea you already know where I’m gonna be I’m the best you don’t have to remind me time to break this there we go no more Community chests I’m saying spam open it I’m not gonna spam open it that’s how you break something that’s

Good it should have tped by now I don’t know what’s happening all right fine I’ll do it I’m just gonna wait I’m gonna be patient I’m already like running out of food surely any second now please no way it’s gone this month didn’t work like this please don’t let me down more

Don’t let me down he can’t get away with this wait what bro see what you guys did we talk about getting greedy and now it’s gone all your guys’s fault bruh no way it’s actually gone oh my gosh oh snap oh my gosh that tail with something else

Run run what is that oh my God oh my God oh how did it blow him up why did I do that how did it blow up the TNT the leaks blow himself up what just happened I’m such an idiot dude that scared me so bad

I don’t want to hear any Linux Army that was his fault he did that now how do I kill this mob anybody help that’s the next troll I try to think of the player that’s been playing hardcore Minecraft for years without dying the Olympics take turns to try and kill him in games

The first was the killer wins let’s do this hey what Donny’s server is is a pretty cool one I’ve been grinding I’ve got some pretty good armor if I do say so myself I despite having all this amazing stuff I have absolutely no food so I think that should probably be my

Next question lyrics do you see him on the tab there’s a new victim So the plan today is so he’s gonna get one third to kill all right I’m gonna go first because I’m the trolling Pro but if I kill him in one you are irrelevant you should never

Have been here okay listen let the pro troller show you how it’s done all right all right I’m gonna be up now listen I’ve been I have been through enough good luck figuring out what I’m trying to do okay and if this somehow fails it’s your turn next why are you laughing

At me huh oh God I want to see some tears when I get this first try okay I don’t know do I want to take out sheep I feel kind of bad but I have not gone to bed so the wool will be useful I don’t

Know why I feel about killing a sheep but when it comes to pigs I’ve got absolutely no problem at all there we go nice that’s in a bit more pork chops I’m just evil really that’s still the best way I can explain it so all right guys

My troll is very simple on This Server we have the gravity mod this is gonna be so easy are you telling me that you don’t think dirty boobs of all people can troll me are you crazy good of you get rid of you happy days chicken yeah

You’re lucky I’ve heard rumors that he’s already in the right gear so if he is I’m genuinely terrified I don’t know how we’re gonna kill him but now the right gear should not sort out what I’m trying to do now that I’ve got a smoker my food is nicely

I don’t really have much else to do but wait I suppose already I am getting very very peckish here the food situation is not good at all getting more cool is probably gonna be useful let’s give dirty moves come on block one he’s not ready for this and it looks

Like me food is finished gravity is set up uh and then we’ll do his name SB and then we’ll get him to stand on it okay he needs Redstone done all right here we go for days I can do a bit of munch and my search for pigs continues and they’ll

Get a pressure plate there we go boom right there okay it’s like it continues pretty successfully as well all right little pig this won’t hurt a bit but it’s got to do that and there’s a village okay you know what we’re going I won’t talk to him in the chat please

Don’t be AFK come on please welcome this is the first time somebody said I’ve been here for ages first time I’ve had a welcome well it is it is nice to be welcomed he said glad to finally get some attention hey I spoke to you before

I think did I a welcome present oh okay it’s about time all right yeah I like the sound of that so I’m gonna see the chords are come to now there was a house over this way so I’m guessing that’s where they are minus 75 one three nine

Two three six seven oh there we go let’s get the koalas yeah otherwise I would definitely be getting lost there we go wait I call it like we have to pretend that we’re survival we’re a normal person uh what do normal people do in survival uh diggy diggy I

Don’t know I don’t know what they do wait this is just gonna look super suspicious actually maybe if I do like a door right here then I put the door there and then I put like I don’t know what books do people use I’m scared guys

I’m ready to leave me alone all right what is he building some sort of house oh there he is very nice indeed dude is this really for me you oh my goodness well what’s inside I mean what’s the worst that can happen it looks like the most basic house I’ve

Ever seen but I hope there’s a house at this point oh what the heck I got it wait don’t die SB not in this situation we’re okay we’re coming back one of enough has happened to the gravity oh god he has it in light the Panic that

Was no house water on Earth thank goodness I have these elytra but I didn’t I’ll tell you what this is okay we’re back all right he’s running away oh God my goodness gracious me what was that all about uh I’m gonna put the pressure

Plate here here we go oh my God oh my goodness I’m expecting some sort of explanation in the chat you come to this server you tried to go into a brand new house which which looks lovely and that happens I don’t even know where they’ve gone honestly you just fly away what do

You mean what what do you mean where’d you go where did you fight guys he survive thousands oh my God he’s good at the game you just fly away something’s not right here guys did I just fly away did that are they really trying to be are they actually

Being that as something’s going on here he was flying upside down he’s over here I’m so lost I have no idea where where he’s I’ve flown far far away oh it’s over it okay he wants me to come again but then again he’s only he’s on

The armor so it should be okay how did he go es I don’t even know you can Elijah upside down what even gravity flipped very strange she said very strange very strangely I’ve never seen anything like it okay what we got over here now wait what do you mean yeah

Break that pressure plug can I actually go in the house now look the stuff what on Earth is he look oh there’s nothing there must have been a weird coincidence I don’t know how to spell coincidence maybe you get away with it though I’ll let you off this once Donnie

God this little mix has turned probably global warming something like that you know any problem in the environment yeah global warming we can blame that you said global warming one let’s uh let’s just get out of here let’s let’s carry what was I actually doing oh yeah I was

Looking for food let’s just try and find a decent area again for it okay the plan is we’re gonna do we’re gonna get him to fall through this powdered snow now a lot not a lot of people know if you go down in powder snow you can’t just get

Out of it you can’t climb or anything like that I’ve dyed that powder snow a lot and there’s no way he’s gonna survive this okay so we’re gonna try to get him to come to us and then fall inside and die you’re gonna freeze to death they’ll never expect this this

Idiot really think what is he gonna do this is how I killed him last time that’s me yo because that’s not suspicious at all he just says yo SB Linux is out on the server okay well you know what it’s nice to be said hello to oh God that yeah

I said hey back I don’t know what does he want it’ll be it’ll be interesting you know I mean the last time somebody talked to me so it’s offshore this time absolutely fine I’m just gonna carry on mine in week whilst we say what he what

It wants he said want to see the new build I’m working on I’m gonna say the new build I’m working on okay you know what sure you’ve never worked at a building I’d love to know what build he’s working on if he actually killed the first time

No joke I’m genuinely gonna cry storm of the quads hopefully it’s not miles away like last time where are we at the moment negative three four oh I think it’s actually maybe like like 60 blocks up there isn’t it SB is so nice why is

He indulging us in our stupid BS I can show you kipley’s house too oh you know what I’m gonna get a full tour this is brilliant you know nobody cares about Kimberly stupid ugly house very welcoming is always what I like you know I’ve been busy on this server but it’s

Nice to finally have uh have some friendly faces I’m gonna pretend like I’m showing them around I’ll be like oh this is kipley’s house my house is just right over here it’s a little secret base where is he homeboy spoon who did that I have no idea who

Exploded her house why is kipley’s house like blown up who did it is that him over there yes he’s over here okay now then is this is this his new bill oh my goodness is this it oh there he is this looks oh I like the crystals the other

Face hello very nice indeed he’s in here very nice oh this is kipley’s house okay yeah this is this is pretty impressive so this is okay you know I should have looked in there but okay we’re we’re trying to ease into this oh Yo’s over here he’s right over

Here oh my God okay I like the the sound of that let’s go and have a little look and see what is at his house okay it’s very very nice so that oh here we go oh my God all right the powder snow let’s see if it works they got the same

I just wait for him to type I’m gonna tell him to go ahead if I want to go ahead his Mouse is dying oh my God okay he’s not stupid is he gonna go on to it now why why do I feel that this is a little suspicious no no he’s stopping I

Mean I don’t know is that snow or is that powdered snow it’s me please don’t fall in please don’t die to this nonsense please go what is he doing have I got any leather in it okay I’ve got nine level let’s what is he crafting let’s go ahead make myself some leather

Boots let’s put those on just to be safe here okay because oh my God you’ll never know we’ll never know but he just crafted leather where is this house oh it was powdered enough whoa okay I fell um let’s have a look here’s how is he died

Is it down here most of it’s down here okay it is right are we just gonna we’re just gonna carefully work our way down this is a dead end I don’t know how do we get to his house oh I didn’t even know you can make boots I

Could walk on this let me do this with this guy he doesn’t know what he’s doing not the best out I’ve ever seen he’s saying not the best to be honest oh my God he thinks that this is his house oh my um it is absolutely wild all right I

Actually got a funny idea for this one it’s my turn now stupid lyrics that silly Billy I don’t think I’ll need those leather boots anymore yeah I just got so much junk in it all the time it’s just it’s just gathered up you’re gonna get a trap chest here we go captures

Right here uh TNT easiest trap in the world anyone can fall for this what is done even gonna do let’s see what else the land has to offer this guy is just he just knows Minecraft man I don’t know Minecraft like he does why did he think to craft

Leather why look at this it looks like a legit chest I would spawn from like a plug-in or a mod give Doodle drop and then there we go let’s go to spectator and let’s just TP him right close to it my goodness this looks like a pretty

Cool cave if you ask me please just see it please it’s just you’re still right what’s this right here just be all right please there we go wait please open it but hang on a minute now open the chinsey can’t see some trap chest yeah I’m not stupid let’s let’s just double

Check this okay let’s oh my goodness so this oh my God what’s this this little plan about TNT now there’s the is the chest safe now yeah we can see it and what a scum what a scam well you know what whoever’s this is take some fencing that’s all

You’re getting from me this is insane okay all right I’ve got a sick idea for the next one but it’s that idiot linux’s turn wait I want AFK for a second and he’s saying up a comedy show oh Linux is back and he’s got a comedy show going oh well I hope

It’s better than his his base because that wasn’t very good don’t you see an SB 737c what is happening here we’re gonna get them to come to a comedy show that will be an assassination and he said please well I I can’t say no to that okay where where is it wait what’s

Wrong with this C the surprise me with Abraham Lincoln I think is that how it happened was he at a show when it happened I guess we’re gonna do the same thing that’s happened in the past we have assigned seating we have Mr SB 737 with a dangerous amount of

Staglamite I think that’s what it’s called right there and then Donny’s gonna be right there the opposite oh wait I’ll see you all TP uh Slash TPS there we go this guy’s insane oh my God what a psychic I was done his show by the way I’ll just gracefully fly in wait what

This is a nice little place isn’t it very nice indeed hi guys uh okay let’s just sit here okay I’m looking forward to to this yeah what a what a great show is there science what are these signs say oh we’re signed seating okay well I’ll just just perch myself right there there

We go all righty joke joke away right they’re they’re already ready they’re already here oh God guys this is like seven million subscribers looking at me right now okay I look forward to the show it’s it’s nice he’s so suspicious already so tell me your best joke mate

Oh the one should I want to watch this Steve walks into a bar all right that’s a Minecraft joke I can get on board with this I think that’s one block too far back and the bartender says we can’t serve mine you know what you know what did they get it

Wait what no oh my God what just happened what was that he wasn’t sitting in the spot for it to fall I swear I dude um what on Earth was was that a stalactite just behind me just disconnect just get out of here I’ll do this did you not

Like the job I mean the joke was okay but okay this is a bit awkward it didn’t hit him let’s say no I’m leaving 2 out of ten I’m leaving yeah I don’t know what your jokes I don’t know what something shift is going on around here but I’m leaving why

Not not impressive man I’m afraid yeah she just got it off Google I’m afraid why I always gets so lucky dude how did how did he know he came to a comedy joke until one drinking we left that’s how you knew you stuck the place up how did

He know let me show you how it’s done there’s definitely something fishy about this server I mean I am sure a stalactite fell from the ceiling right behind me that drip Stone was not I don’t know I heard I definitely heard it I don’t know there’s something up I

Think I think this there’s just something fishy going on let me show you how it’s done okay this is D with Donny type you guys asked for this it’s time that’s what three times people tried to kill me with powdered snow stalactite the gravity now the gravity I don’t

Think was a coincidence as Donnie tried to say well I think there was something up there so I’m not not too sure about this server at all I put the immersive portal ones on the server and then here we’re gonna have my fake house but really my house is gonna be in the

Nether and what’s the one rule inside my house no armor allowed I’ll give it one last chance I’m not evil you know I mean I’ve not died yet thankfully because I I was busy grinding got decent stuff at least but yeah I’m gonna have to be

Super aware of what’s going on here now because something’s not right look at this you see I thought I was playing games didn’t you Exactly well when I was on this server and no one else was online it was a great server I had a lot of fun but it’s the players that are ruining it for me I mean yeah I don’t know it’s like it’s like I’m not one today guys and I won’t

Stay where I’m not wanted but like I say I’ll give it I’ll give it one more chance you know it is a nice server no if we do search portal set destination uh the Nether and then we’ll just do about this area in the nether there we

Go and then that should work please oh okay this is underground that works fine got some beautiful scenery what have we got here in Emerald okay just gracefully land there grab an emerald that’s not bad the villagers would love me but I got a level 30. I know I was complaining

About this server a bit but I think things are just starting to look up now so we need wood on this side uh Oak and then on this side we need some more Oak everywhere I have someone into this cave but it I don’t know it doesn’t seem to

Really go anywhere it’s just kind of a big cramp down there I’m gonna say that he has to put his armor in here oh to sleep so that we can move on to the next stage okay and then all right but then my Tabby goes to sleep hahaha

This is gonna be an absolute mess and I probably should stop doing so much flying with my lecture as you can see that they’re a little bit broken maybe I should just try and get some like breaking or mending on them to stop that problem I don’t know if the other people

Aren’t being so annoying to me maybe I would ask them you know has anybody got a bit of a break in Mendon help a guy out with a lighter but yeah they probably end up trying to blow me up or something so you know I’m just gonna I’m

Just gonna keep away from that I’m gonna make you look like if I put a door right here in the door right there it could look like the house goes on further but it definitely does not we’ll just put this nice little wood there we go all

Right instead I will enlist the help of some villagers yeah I’m sure they will be a lot nicer to me at least if I could actually find some purchase it it’s like they’ve all disappeared excuse me do you have any idea where the villagers have gone you’re supposed to be the protector

And oh wait we found one there we go okay put armor in chest and sleep before moving on please get the glowstone here we go boom and then we’ll just get some lighting in here because it looks stupidly dark and I’m scared in that case I grabbed some sugarcane crap paper

And books and I can make a bookshelf and a lectern what will I be doing with this lectern if I can find that yes you might think sir that you are a farmer but really that was never your true calling apparently he’s not interested and this guy is from miles

Away is coming over okay and there we go I’m gonna see you sp do you want to see miles yeah well last time I went to see people’s houses didn’t go well but you know what I never learned so yes I’ll come and see his house police house I’ve been putting

Exclamation mark at the end of shot you have to do this this this this and then we have to get some uh open doors quick I hope you guys don’t mind waiting down there by the way I’ll be back don’t you worry there we go okay this looks like a

House this looks like someone’s house like you’re about to go to the next day but there’s nothing here first I’ve got to say what Donny’s house is like I mean even if they are there’s something suspicious going on they’re not going to be able to oh wait we’ve got villagers

In here oh well I better known about that this is the place to come honestly tell me when you’re there this is it this is it remember that all the moments you’ve been waiting for all this stupidness of this video this is where he dies I promise if he doesn’t I retire

From trolling you heard it here first oh God yo yo I need to cut that out okay I need to cut down yeah even if they are acting suspicious every time they tried to kill me they’ve had no success so you know if it’s a troll then then it

Doesn’t matter all right he’s on his way so I’m just gonna do Donny’s underground bunker because obviously when you look to the side it doesn’t look like there’s much going on all right but you know oh God we actually need to fix this okay let’s just do this quick oh no we

Haven’t got Walt in it on This Server stupid 1.18 world oh my God Cobblestone everywhere ta-da Perfecto this house looks like dookie but don’t worry guys I promise you will all be worth it in a second we said for me to head north so let’s go and see what we’ve got up ahead

So there we go look Donny’s underground vodka there we go we just need him to come over here he’s gonna come from kipley’s house we should there we go perfect timing is that it in the distance it looks like I can see him I think all right he’s the moment here we

Go look it looks very seamless all right I’m just gonna have to walk in it’s gonna do that weird neck thing when I turn and go through a portal but hopefully he doesn’t notice and here is his house oh very nice indeed on his underground bunker hey how’s it going

Just follow the sign and put armor in chest set your spawn and meet me downstairs there we go pull the sign and put armor in chest set your spawn and meet me downstairs okay fair enough now I’m just gonna act as if I just walk through and then he should

See he’s pretty high security um I better yeah there we go okay and then he goes spectator please oh my gosh I have so much junk spot so much good stuff at least it’s in my ninja so I can get it back but I’m not taking these off you know I might need

These kind of things and then he just says sleep in the bed okay how did he survive oh what on Earth why did it block why are we in the nether how are we in the nether how did he said what is going on what’s going on what’s going on

Okay whoa I can survive this I am undefeatable dear don’t it I’m leaving I’m disconnected this next troll I noticed that my friend liger is streaming with the heart rate monitor if his heart rate gets above 170 then he stream automatically ends I’m gonna try

My best to add as many scary mods as possible so we stream ends I’m so evil I swear beautiful day in Minecraft boys if my heart rate goes over 170 I’m ending the stream or I am one creeper away from stopping the Stream So if a creeper pulls up I’m

Gonna make sure he doesn’t blow up and here he is this idiot thought he could do a stream when I have access to the server about a heart rate whatever you absolute [ __ ] you psychopath I think they like getting caught at this point I still need to finish my iron set so let

Me just craft him quick earn some boots I tried to join the server and I wasn’t whitelisted but you know I just had one cheeky little bribe and you know I got white listed try and hide service from me you idiot I think I also want to add like a

Cobblestone layer to my house to just you know make it more secure you know what I’m saying you never know what the Ops are gonna do these days that’ll be two steps ahead just like that let’s continue with our mission boom boom boom boom boom boom all right so the first

Idea I have is if I if I throw down blocks do this little command here I can no longer pick up blocks which is awesome and what I can also do is I get this radius one player 30 bobes and then everything in a one radius will get

Turned into 30 moves and not only that but if liger was to come down here and pick me up I would go inside his body are you telling me this is a little scary I’m gonna make this the most secure house in the world trust me chat

Ain’t no creeper gonna blow this bad boy up we got another block over here then I’ll go too high yeah what good idea man only I can think of that because I’m so smart and then also I’m gonna throw down one of these I’m gonna do that’s this radius one uh let’s

See let’s do another let’s do a bio Nick here on December welcome back to myself I’m even gonna I’m gonna speed Bridge watch this boys oh yeah oh yeah baby oh yeah oh I went a bit too far out so then right over here we throw one of these

Down let’s see Linux Choice the server [ __ ] Kimberly why are you looking that way with your neck let’s get a nice Kipling over here and then let’s get another uh if we get this block here and then let’s get a Cool Whip over here because why not let’s get some Redstone

And just put it around on the floor he’ll be like what these guys doing hello let me get some water I already know the Vibes there we go so now we have to find a way for him to get down here and discover why is my name red that’s so weird oh

He’s over here he’s over here okay all right now I’m just gonna place it on the outer layer oh I failed okay you know what I called y’all’s doing this right now I’ll do this some other time sorry Chad that’s gonna take a long time to

Put a water wall around my house let’s put let’s put something like a bed here it’ll see the bed and they’ll be like why is there a third bed on the floor come on instead let me go to my mind what the iPad wasn’t there before Oh my

God look he’s looking at the bed he’s like I don’t know it’s been there yes I go down come on you know you want to go down please I don’t want those items to despawn please just put it away oh yes go down very odd very odd okay let me

Just jump into the water real quick hold on oh look he’s gonna pick us up Luke ionic why why did it all have what’s going on here my man just jumped into me like a ghost oh no I don’t like this at all and why is there redstone on the ground yo they

All have Steve’s case what’s going on here I’m gonna go and pick up another one Cliff Linux Donnie Kipling come over pick up another one oh he just picked up me and quick we just went inside of him oh my God no no no no no I don’t know what type of

Ritual is going on down there but hold on I’m not playing around these guys are weird bro he’s running away broken leg feelings broken neck lyrics is still here come on man he said you guys are weird for real for real chilling in my mind like what are they

Trying to do scare me huh you see that stuff scares me nah I’m not shook did you see how quick he’s already sharp I think it went up to like 113 like in a second oh nothing those guys didn’t even have skins bro that broke they just left

Carefully he didn’t even suck up Kipling and go on limits come on man come on now code anyways I’m gonna continue with my water wall let’s not be lazy today okay so if the water comes down from here what is he built okay honestly guys this is when all of

My servers are building because they do stuff hello what’s going on here let me just put that all around the house real quick let’s place this all around all around the flipping house ain’t no creeper gonna blow up my house today boys that’s what I’m talking about baby hold on hold

On also I wonder if they’re still down there in that mind doing that weird ritual man they were like flying around and stuff it was crazy oh I just thought a genius idea you know this area here what if we changed all of this out the quicksand okay I know it sounds

Ridiculous but I definitely think it’s possible all right what else do we need um I do kind of want to get some more glass in the house so uh let’s go get some sand I have no idea how the quicksand mod works I already threw on

The server uh let’s see quick set bucket uh let’s just put it here can I oh you can’t jump out of it okay that makes sense all right time to get this time baby time to get some glass you already know the Vibes oh you’re gonna you know

Get some colored glass do all types of stuff with it hey if you fall in here will you suffocate that’s what I want to do or can you oh you can just I want to get some red gloss yellow gloss orange glass purple gloss every type of glass there is let’s just

Replace the E5 um oh God and dirt and then we’ll just do quicksand so now if he’s coming after this if he’s on this bridge and he’s coming home he’s like oh look let me just go to my house boom all of a sudden start sinking doesn’t know what to do

Suffocating brain explode okay I need to relax I think like four Stacks should be fine oh my God the water is coming in get out of my face oh my God this water is actually so annoying oh geez man stop let me make a fake message there we go

Let’s join the game let’s join the game what the are they still doing that weird ritual in my mind why are you biting come on come on yes come on home please lyrics is that your house dude go get it Linux is there I got ID the next city

Home sweet home look at that beautiful building block what the flip my boy just teleport that this is what are you doing here my boy hold on yo what’s going on hello stop I have diamonds on me stop stop oh my God that does a lot of damage these sessions replace the 20

Quicksand jeez now let’s change it back to normal sand quick sound real dangerous hold on why did links just teleporting and dip nobody tries to step on it it’s fine now you’re just being crazy I don’t like this pasta with ritual and now this I don’t know what he’s going to

Get I’m actually confused by the way um oh I think his heart rate peaked at like 140 150 there I didn’t really see it but you know oh my God the second he stepped on at his heart was moving bing bong bing bong boys kind of freaked out there because uh they’re flipping

Hardcore World boys all right the next idea I have is kind of stupid okay I’m gonna call him on his mobile phone and I’m gonna call him with an unknown number so he has no idea he’s Cooling and guess what I’m gonna do what I call

Him all I’m gonna do is breathe on the phone boys I’m pretty confused like did Linux try prank me or something wait it’s not even quick sound anymore does it dry in the sun is that what it is or these new Minecraft versions man uh I can’t really

Keep up with them you know they just add so many updates like they add the LA the other day they are the frogs they had a giraffes it’s 1am and he’s streaming he’s insane Festival he’s wondering if he but it’s 12 a.m for me okay I’m gonna be like

Imagine you’re in bed you get a phone call get over here just in case I am gonna keep this water bucket on hand in case I don’t know something else weird happens let me just make sure that I’m still good with the water bucket and I can MLG

Oh I still got it boys I’m calling him right now hopefully he answers and if he doesn’t answer you know then oh no 360. oh I missed it yeah no cool all right guys it’s ringing here we go should I pick up on screen it’s Anonymous probably one of those Indian scam

Quarters hello hello you Windows tech support my brother you sound like a mongoose though you good you’re like you’re creeping me out you got to start with that what does that mean what what sound like a Black Ops 2 zombie man and I went oh you guys remember one time

That that zombie sound give me [Laughter] okay very weird uh did my number get leaked starting to creep me out can’t lie that was so stupid oh God why it worked did you see how high is especially when it started ringing that’s funny when it’s super high so

Quick you see I know cooling you get scared I would never get scared mommy homie please that’s the ritual and now Mongoose calls me what is this okay this next idea I have is kinda scary I don’t what was that do you guys see that I

Mean that scared me is this game okay if I did give tony boobs the mod we gotta be quick one then you just go pow pow there we go uh we get pressure plate right here and here I just need game mode spectator at p and then real quick

We gotta give full iron armor so we’ll just do one two three four and then he has a shield with him too there we go perfect hold on time to go back into the housewives you’re not the Vibes oh my god it worked what the [ __ ] He’s just going through his stuff oh yes oh look at this normal like are you mad what is going on and he’s watching me this whole time guys he is watching all of this watch out for inceptions and he’s huh he’s getting the glass he’s like wait a minute guys that’s me

He’s getting the glass he’s continuing my mission we open the door and then we just go up and let’s get let’s get the building whatever this guy was building it’s me but it’s not me because I’m here and he’s continuing the build so he’s watching another liger inside of his

House he just said Hello Kitty is he talking to himself I have no idea what’s going on here man this world is cursed what is this look at his face it’s kind of cool I don’t have to do any work and I can just like fly around and and spectate

This isn’t bad at all waiters do anything good to them okay we’re gonna have to do something so big and crazy for this next one okay um right now I’m telling channeling the inner Insanity of liger but for the next troll oh mama this one we’re going bigger we’re going

Home but not for real how do I get back I wanna I wanna play myself can I not step on these pressure plates somehow can I not flick them with the gay Road survival liger is cool oh wow I’m back does it have something to do with the

Chest is that wait a minute it takes me now let’s all talk about that I’m gonna break these pressure plates and the command blocks can you not break come on blocks no chat can you break come on blocks with a diamond pickaxe yes or no

Yes but it takes a lot of time all right hold on we got minus come on look at these stupid Silly Billy just go downstairs again real quick let me just double check something oh he’s looking for the kid please no they’re gone I’m sorry oh my God they’re not

Here anymore okay that’s super creepy bro I don’t know what to think about this are you trolling us no I have no idea what’s going on I just wanted to play some Minecraft now all of a sudden there’s like more people in my basement doing a ritual and then the quick sound

And then I get point to spectator mode and then there’s like a clone of me oh that’s even possible but it’s the next part look I got a command that’s gonna tell him to re-log and by the time he comes back his house there will be a

Giant guy I don’t think you understand all right the term blood Golem there’s gonna be a giant Golem I ain’t got a man of blood crushing its entire house I’ll show you this watch could it be that Donny bulbs it’s behind all of this not too short because I’m pretty sure he’s

Not even at home right now so it can’t be dummy bulbs but who could it be he was a guy who called me I have so many questions Jack give me your answers please first of all let’s send in this little message relog that says reloc reload reload reload for walk reload for

What so he’s like what’s going on what’s happening to you when would I re-lock stop stop I’m not gonna relog why is he not listening to it I’m gonna build my house first hurry up I listen to it please oh my God I ran out of wood you

Know what we log in five what are you talking about now I’m actually sending him warnings okay re-logging what you mean three stop I have to build my house this idiot I have to build my house I’m not gonna re-log you think I’m stupid oh my God I can’t Oh my God I don’t care anymore I don’t care okay before he rejoins quick okay where is it we need to Gollum I swear if my shovel’s gone up and I’m gonna Riot someone someone’s gonna get hurt tonight if my shovel’s gone what is this you look terrifying this is not okay let’s

Make you bigger okay okay yes if I go up to him in survival mode what would happen I just want to test it okay let’s stop do that again please so if my shovel’s gonna be so mad guys he’s not rejoining he’s talking to his stupid

Stream yes that’s a stupid leg abuse I’m talking to you please okay please don’t hate me I love you like a viewers where’s my shop why where’s my shop boy where’s my shovel you do it okay oh my shovel’s there nice oh There’s no way I’m joining back on that server stop spamming please come back hey come on if you join the server you see that you you might not know if it’s a good thing or a bad thing okay you don’t know yet you need to go up to it

And see first right if I join I’ll die hardcore World okay I spent a lot of time on this man what is that what the flip is that mob even stand right into my show I didn’t even see her first because I was worried about my shovel if

I do the server I’ll be like hmm that’s kind of weird let me go say hello thank you enjoy not on sub you know what no if I die if I died on you guys I don’t care you know what let’s go after it good

Idea let’s go up there it will give us diamonds right yeah yeah let’s try it out oh my God he rejoined he enjoyed okay we’re back we’re back what’s he doing maybe if I don’t look at it we should be good I’m just gonna slowly sneak towards it hold on oh my

God okay maybe he doesn’t notice us though maybe we’re good shot we are a professional Minecraft players we know how this works maybe it functions like the warden if it doesn’t hear us we should be good right what the we always do 360s oh my God what’s going on what’s he

Doing yo yo yo hold on yeah you can’t reach me down here wait he’s breaking the ground dude he’s trying to get to him okay team building what’s wrong with you you sicko my poor friend liger oh my God I’ll go collect this stuff because I’m a nice guy you

Better say thank you you know watch out this is all your fault I’m never gonna stream again peace this next troll I put a random hello my friend’s Minecraft world if we step in the first few floors will be really good for the longer you stay in

This better get out who all you still can here is my beautiful elevator and as you can see Dotty’s magical elevator there’s a bunch of rules but as soon as you get inside the elevator you press this button and then you go the elevator door closes you climb up baby each of these

Rooms having their own unique twist but the higher we go whenever we stop the more cursed the room is all the way until floor 100 where you will one million die if you somehow make it that far and I know what you’re thinking Donny this elevator is way too good for

You to have built by yourself and yes you’d be right thank you rage for helping me build this his channel is in the description too but let’s go find it’s a very very stupid idiots yeah I built this with you know a little bit of a tutorial but you really just don’t

Worry about it and as you can see I’m the top of your screen bionic is the first personal life let’s TP wait I think it’s absolutely over there we got to fill this one up and figure out how to make calls over for everybody on the server and now

Linux has even joined the server so let’s go TP I know his house is all the way over here look at that beautiful house wow we got a nice little entrance if we walk in here we got my baby chess room because you know I don’t really have anything everything is actually on

Me bionic there we go oh he’s in his house okay perfect all right so I’ve got the command block really I just can’t live see we put it down there we go and then we’ll just get this sign we’re gonna try to make some Stone I think

This makes Stone right is he inside his house yes he is look at him head down inside the crafting table oh furnace oh I was gonna say he’s aim key but he’s definitely not okay yeah Stone and we use the stone to make something else I

Have no idea how to get to the main part of his house but screw it I gotta support it right here right behind him so he knows I’m online too there we go boom boom and then a button right here we go boom and then oh my God oh my God

That timing oh my God you use there we go stone bricks we need four and we get four nice wait what oh my God he sees it Oni is mad magical elevator with the world’s creepiest smile Donny’s magical elevator did he hear it is that why he

Came downstairs did I not just walk past this yo Linux press the button good thing I have nothing because uh he I would have probably been robbed already oh God he thinks it’s a troll it’s not true it’s a nice one maybe my mind is

Okay I thought maybe it was a fake one uh he’s trying to break it can you not break my command block wait no did I not just walk past this right oh he won’t be able to resist that button for long I know they’re just not see that as I came

Did I what when did he gain this self-control can you press the button the only reason I want to click this is because I want to know what happens does that make sense we all know he’s gonna press the button sooner or later just press it sooner please fine I’ll click

It but for the sake of science I want to find out what’s magical about this thing I haven’t done anything bad recently in the last 48 hours I’d say Okay YOLO oh maybe I should have put my stuff in oh my God okay it’s fine screw it finally

Oh my God we just gotta be careful because I have everything on me do these magical elevator rule one you cannot go down rule two you must complete whatever is on each floor and Rule three have fun yeah whatever nerd and I need to get in before he

Presses the button and takes us to the first floor how do I how do I go come on let’s go let’s ride the charade click that button wait this is so spooky the dirty verbs elevator let’s do it oh this looks fancy look into duddy’s elevator

We’re on floor one okay what I do just press the button and you take us to the next floor okay all right I’m gonna click it oh I’m gonna press the button oh no let’s go I’m going up soon as I’m actually going up quick

Alive in baby I think the first stop is a floor look at this this is sick I can glitch the thing number four meaning this is a good start there we go look at that already from level one to four oh my yeah look at the rainbow it’s so

Beautiful oh my goodness what oh no if you’re the one I feel the singing item frames didn’t work but look at this room is this room not incredible wait don’t tell me yo you Greedy Boy eat up eat whatever you like I thought this was banned

Straight away all right there you go my inventory is no longer full so I can oh my goodness okay I’m gonna take four stacks of diamonds bruh everything you can wish for it’s like having creative mode in survival mode oh my goodness no I’ll take all of these every one of

These chests full to the brim of whatever items you can think of y’all this is CR I just need one second another I don’t even need regular another right you got thousands of a Dying diamonds never right or locks and the dragon heads copper oh whatever right has to be a test

We could trap people I’ve never seen anyone get full nether right that quick yeah who needs Colin Cobblestone or wood when you have Bedrock yeah fools oh my God in John in gapples too okay I’m definitely taking this God bow definitely taking the spectral Arrow bro

I feel like it doesn’t matter what I take because it’s all probably oh my God pick step the sole purpose of this room is to get their hopes up right now they’re thinking this place is incredible let me keep riding the elevator but the more and more they go up

These guys don’t know what’s coming a power five bow I was gonna sit here and wait for this guy there’s absolutely no way I’m taking some ender pearls I already have Shield hey I’m on the good team it’s the way that he can’t see me saying anything

With it I already know all my items are gonna get reset so wait maybe not if I get an ender chest and he’s putting stuff in his energies oh my God he’s big brain oh my goodness yo I’m just gonna put everything in here and then act like

I didn’t take anything oh my God he’s ingenious potions but right now he’s hopes the high food he’s looking through all these chests apples he sees the beauty of this room three light trust dude you know how hard these things are to come by how how hot how nah never

Mind there’s just unlimited wait it’s a complete each room it means there’s more rooms right oh he’s all stacked it looks like he’s ready to go to the next floor he closes turn around Bruh Bruh barriers a few the elevator and he’ll be given a choice as he would have carry on riding

Where everything gets more voted but he has no idea what is it I know I’m giving Donnie a heart attack if he’s watching it right now bro I’m not stupid oh my if he blew up I’ll be like this whole place is a wreck we’re going up okay we’re going up

We’re going up we’re going up baby floor eight blood night it’s getting worse and worse and look at we stay in this elevator you know it why are we on 16. and it’s time now for Linux to choose his picks I’ll take the elytra you think

It’s a redstone taking it a light truck oh wait oh no it’s too Elijah what’s in this one oh another right oh my God I don’t think there’s anything else I need here right oh he’s gonna go back in is he gonna go back again wait we’re on the

Fourth floor is it just random floors now let’s take it to the next floor where things are maybe a little bit nice but they’re still not as nice as that first floor if I try and glitch out of here you oh my goodness okay I’m not

Gonna do that because I might die is he insane why did he put an ender pearl on the wall we’re skipping all these floors bro it’s the next room oh my God here we go choose your pets three 12 wheelie cheese wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait

Wait wait wait wait wait Axel Axolotl how is this cat’s lame Roomba and he dislikes vacuums make your mind up you stupid you stupid we’re here at floor number 16 choose your pet any one of these pets Can Be Tamed from a fox Todd the pig like syrup dislikes Mayo I love

Mayonnaise so sorry Todd I would usually choose a techno blade but not today do a dog cat there’s a cat wait there’s no cat there’s a cat big Austin the panda and that’s Linux his name Austin the panda that’s my name I think he’s got

His eyes on the boom with a bunny like stars dislikes physics uh I don’t care Sammy the dog likes Milo dislikes leaf blowers I hate leaf blowers as well because they ruined my recording audio yes goat uh the cat’s gone cow oh this is Milo the cat that the dog hates Pig

Where’s the axolo Bobo the bunny he dislikes girls Bobo’s for the boys what does bobo like carrots is he gonna choose Bobo if I just like break this and give Bobo a carrot or something let’s go Austin the panda likes mini golf this likes rain well I like the rain okay there we go he’s back okay good all right I’ve fixed it don’t worry I like hamburgers wait that’s sauce but which pay is he gonna choose I’m gonna guess that he’s gonna take a panda with him

So stupid okay wait how do I choose the dog I want the dog oh the lead all right homie I’m breaking you out of here oh my God he’s taking the dog wait what does he do what does bobo with a bunny do is he coming he

Follows me oh but we’re gonna be besties forever all right you cute adorable little thing this is the best day of my life dude this is amazing I deserved the good side of these all right I get unlimited cool items I got Bobo come here Bobo follow me he’s so cute oh look

At him and baby the bunny oh they look like they’re having fun here you want some golden apples to take some oats he chose the dog he’s insane did he make the right choice we’ll see okay honestly though guys I think I’m good like I have

So much stuff I just know that if I keep going something bad is gonna happen I know Donny’s here how do I get out of here bro here we go like we gave him the dog yeah look at them they happily married wait no let’s do this the next

Room oh my gosh that was so close in 23. big ones baby wait am I going back no bro no no I have barriers I will I will fight whatever is in my way oh 23 okay perfect bubble you stay right there and this is the floor finally room

23. now this room okay see look you wish to keep climbing yes no if he presses yes he will get back in that elevator and every single room above here will be cursed ruining his date do you wish to keep climbing wait well Linux what a continued climbing or will he want to

Get out now with all the stuff that he’s gone which or will it be Linux is that all you wish to keep climbing there’s nothing else to this room he’s just running around the edge this dude’s insane he’s lost his mind Bubba what do you think huh

There’s no thoughts in that brain of his if I met Bobo on this think of who else I’m gonna find the Mom Pop if he presses no no we get hang out is on the left oh my God he chose yes okay have fun what would he choose no good oh my God Listen is the one to say yes wait I’m back home this guy actually chose no oh my God okay don’t worry all right I know some idiots will choose yes oh my gosh wait does this mean I actually like won I’m so confused I still have my stuff I

I think I’m good I’m telling you there’s gonna be some idiots that are gonna choose yes huh why why aren’t more trolls like this who wouldn’t want to that’s probably my best friend got a bunch of cool cool items I’m rich now let’s see if the greed will actually pay

Off let’s ride that Soul Train baby let’s do this I’m gonna sit down with him there we go buddy that is something you’re definitely gonna bring this room is a 50 50 room on this floor there are two pressure plates one will give you 10 000 XP levels and one will

Clear your inventory pick wisely all right I’m gonna let you guys know this one right here is the pancake XP this one right here is that one cleans the inventory it’ll be butt naked or both of them give you 10 000 XP right I’m going left oh he’s

Gonna go put a ticket speed unless left is wrong and right is right right is he gonna do it oh my God I don’t like this I’m gonna go with that left is wrong right is right okay let’s see hey Jason all that all the grinding for the all

The hard work wait no look at the green On this man’s face he came in here holding the rain and now he’s leaving butt naked it’s not all gone right it’s not all it’s gonna be in this chest no it’s poor guy the pressure Plate’s gone he’s trying to step on this pressure

Plate now it doesn’t work like that baby right now listen it’s fine one bad decision is all you have left one bad decision there we’re fine okay we’re on floor number 35 we still have Bobo hi Bobo you cute little button little cute bunny looking at him like you disappointment

Why are you coming back are you late Keith what’s wrong with you yeah it’s fine it’s fine I’m not upset at all I’m not one bit not in the slightest at all upset what is he looking for oh my God okay I have Bobo we’re in floor number

35 and we’re just getting started okay and there we go we go to the next full we’re just getting started Bobo what’s the next floor where are we going baby I’m gonna guess 43. okay never mind we’ll find you more and we’ll get you more carrots okay dude it’s fine it’s

Fine uh 51. I’m guessing I’m 51 my final decision okay and if I don’t you don’t have to subscribe oh literally right I swear I didn’t know that I swear um how is this good oh I know this room this room is so cursed what is happening to you this is the

Most costume I’ve ever seen this Village is being tested on this one is constantly dying and constantly being healed at the same time no no no what did I do wrong this is supposed to be good this is so easy for the whole point of this room is just to stress about

Make him think that all these rooms that you’ve been in there’s nothing good about all of them why are you guys trapped Bobo don’t look don’t look Bobo look at me look at me don’t look over there he’s getting healed then then smushed he’s being tortured he’s sicko bro save

The village is constantly dying I actually can’t do anything about it I don’t have anything to get him out he’s trying to save them there’s Redstone right there break the ridge dude you insane person wait no no I can just oh my God he did it oh yeah okay he’s

Good finally he’s a sane human being it’s not bad bad I have Bobo and then this is just scary right he saved the villager look at me so go and save all of them I dare you it’s just a little bit scary I don’t think it’s like

Horrible I mean there’s a ritual table which is not a good sign it’s fine we haven’t done anything bad you know what I mean we haven’t done anything bad this is infinite right we could just keep going take us up baby to the next floor

Which double will we stop on we’re at 55 I’m gonna get 64. we’re gonna stop at 64. okay 58 I bet my whole channel on it 60. dude we’re just going past everything if it doesn’t land at 64. you guys can every single person who can my channel I don’t

Want it ad okay cut that please oh we’re here 66 exactly what I said oh floor 66. welcome to the security I love this room in this room you could watch everywhere on the server what does that even mean I need to take that one’s I’ll take this

One he a camera monitor what does that mean look if you click inside here boom you can see that this is linux’s house what is this it’s live and you can watch his house from anywhere it shows the time in the top right it’s 1203 p.m

There’s no way it’s my house my phone set TNT what is that what is that is this real watch his own house blow up live on the security cameras that is literally the lake that’s right next to my house now if you do such a [ __ ] Redstone look

There we go and then click that no no no no no no it’s fake it didn’t vlog I can’t do anything about it oh my God my entire house is broken nah screw this place I’m sick and tired of this place dude I’m glad I’m not the one who has to

Leave now screw this place then it’s time for the next flow Which floor will we go too I’m gonna get 74. it gets better Bobo I promise he’s shaking his head yes look at him he knows it gets better 72 73 and we’re stopping Oh God this is terrifying oh I know what this floor is another [ __ ] quill no welcome to floor 75 you may have noticed that the wall behind you is now Bird Rock okay escape this room one thing Must Die one thing must die but I’m not an insane

Person okay of course I wouldn’t make him kill his pet oh no there is a villager hidden in here that is 100 in this and if he’s not stupid and then kill his pit right away he can kill the Villager and get out of here no no not

One thing was die no I can’t die if I die it’s all over but I have to right there’s no way I can let Bobo go down for me please let me figure that out and do not kill Bobo everyone will be mad at me if I make you kill your stupid rabbit

That you somehow I’ve got this attachment to it I don’t understand there has to be a little trick right did he find it under there is there a lover or is he just now lost no what is that oh my God I think he did he see it did

He see the particles there’s something else alive in here wait let me turn up friendly creatures is that a villager like I’ll show you guys The Village if I go to The Spectator there’s this stupid villager he’s so annoying every time I’m AFK in this stupid hole all right

Constantly there’s 10 trillion IQ this right now is he invisible oh wait oh he’s found it yes yes oh my God please I don’t ever have particles on ever I only have particles on because I reset my PC die Mr villager game over you’ve been scamming people

For too long your capitalism ends here die is he dead he’s dead he just died Here We Go lyrics killed something in the room yes Bobo get in there buddy let’s go survives another day look how cute he is oh good what glennox actually good work let’s get out of here

Bubba out no oh oh no okay guys he’s good he survived he’s just on the edge oh that was close clinics probably thinks he’s dead but floor C that we throw 100 welcome to the nightmare Hall and we’re now inside the final rule voice what is this place there’s a

Reason why this room is so scary first of all there’s Blood and Steel everywhere no I won’t open the chest I’m assuming I have to what’s inside that chest is the most scariest thing of all time what did I do to deserve this what did Bobo do to deserve this nothing just

An adorable rabbit this look as soon as he opened that look what is that this is the Villager that he supposedly killed in the last round and what this villager does is he is if you’re the only move where you’re not looking at him and that doesn’t count

For me it only counts for Linux I look away for one second after I put the book away and he’s moving this is the Villager isn’t it I’m sorry okay there’s either you or Bobo I’m gonna choose you every time for BoBo so it Linux at any

Point looks away this monster will go closer and closer until he kills him where he stands no I don’t like this guy though oh look you see how he looked away for a second and then he starts running he’s moving so fast stop no no he’s not no he’s not

He’s figured out he can’t look away oh I lost him he’s gone dude he wants me low oh stop where you are oh my God what do I do how do I get out of this see look it’s harmless to what he’s looking at in the eyes but the second he

Looks away oh he’s so scared I don’t know what to do I don’t know what to do do I kill him this is terrifying what is this stop you can leave this room when you can’t never mind it’s been work everywhere I told you this room is terrifying and then he starts laughing

When you punch him look listen to this what is that noise did you hear that my turn no it can’t ever be once good I didn’t do anything wrong to deserve this ever this is why you should never ever ever be greedy don’t think I didn’t

Warn you I didn’t do anything I didn’t do anything what was the test here it’s fine if you do to me but what about Bobo wait why is it coming off is this thing coming after me now oh this thing’s troll I build the perfect Minecraft world stuff every time

I spin a wheel it chooses and body part for that monster then I’ve designed the perfect monster I’ll spoon on my friend how to ruined his hardcore forward for good oh this is gonna be a good one what a beautiful day inside of Minecraft actually it’s already that beautiful

It’s very foggy but it is what it is you got to live with what you have ah would you look at that there’s our victim Liga is cool it looks like we’re gonna be trolling like it today oh my God why did Donny have to join now I have to behave

Like a like a nice little boy sounded really weird but you guys know what I mean okay I don’t behave nice now it’s probably gonna troll me and kill me so we have to be on our best behavior oh baby is that exciting and oh where was I

Oh yeah I just oh because I spawned a black hole in the town that’s why I was hiding okay that makes more sense oh my God he said hello I don’t want to respond to him let’s see if he’s AFK make sure we’re not trolling nobody for

No reason you don’t know how many videos I start on their AFK perfect he says hi I’m a good boy I promise he said I’m a good boy I promise why are people scared of me I don’t want to do is good stuff for people and oh my and they scared of

Me for no reason no reason it seems that he’s not really doing anything so we can continue doing what we do and that’s mining all right so how the mod works is it no matter what no even if he’s got full storm Sky limit to the ground he

Will land on half a heart and if he lands on half a heart the will will spin I hope this monster looks so scary I want the scariest pots from every cartoon creature everything all right so I’ve already this way have already been that way already been that way I’ve

Already been everywhere I gotta find a new mind I’m gonna say I go you press it okay how can we get him to land it off the hall I got you a present good boy call me a good boy am I a good boy this sounds so sus okay give 30 babes Elijah

Oh God give the good boy oh my God feels uncomfortable if I give myself one elytra and then I give myself a broken Elijah okay perfect all right I’m gonna swap it when he’s mid-flight where is this guy bro is he in the village I’ll see him while he’s flying

Through the skies I’m gonna swim for the broken one boom he lands all the weight cracks broke his legs open hello my friend okay oh God he’s in that chicken give me prison again fireworks I love Fireworks happy New Years let’s go that’s what I’m talking about 2023 stop

Man this idiot you wasting them it’s for this Mama gave me an Elijah thank you I’m a good boy and then just like that we go into spectate the auto survival I was about to throw up I hate survival mode Let’s go see like he’s soaring through the skies

He looks like he’s having so much fun but then here is where we get the first wheel spin whose house is this I’ve never seen this house before in my life wait why is he going down please go back up I’m a liger flying to the Sun and no

One can shoot him down open inventory like it is cool and then we get this and then we stop it for that because he is the best oh What the flip it broke but how did I survive how did I survive yo all right let’s see what the footage you showed I didn’t get to see it live but here we go let’s see what we landed on he’s gonna be Homer Simpson I bet you he’s gonna be

A Homer Simpson Shrek oh my God the elytra broke guess I used Too Many rockets and I have another one yeah I use it too much yo I gotta I gotta calm down all right guys as you can see I’m finished that is what this Shrek head is

Gonna look like this is the start of our monster it’s gonna be Shrek it kind of looks like Shrek you know come on people believe that Shrek please come on I have no idea how that’s gonna look at the end of all of this but I’m excited to see

How do I fix this broken elytra does anyone know is he still on yeah oh he’s been talking to me while I was gone I’m sorry I was making Shrek I’m sorry now we have to find another way to get into half a heart I don’t know where he is I

Hope he’s not inside of his house because I want to build a trap inside of his house all right boys here light tray is fixed again and I am on a mission as you can see this is my house the house above me is kiplies all right let me

Just land real quick hold on hold on hold on there we go okay is he in the upstairs part no this house is so yellow bruh anyways no one builds a house above me okay no one and that is why I’m gonna grief her house oh this is his mind okay

This is his mind area and oh okay oh yeah that’s the way to get down to the diamond levels just Spam click this TNT boom boom boom boom boom boom boom peace fly out of here Fly Fly Like an Eagle but to get down to diamond levels

I think what he does is he just where’s the water oh he uses a berry bush okay that’s cool where the flip is Donnie bulbs man’s been hiding from me yeah so this is where he goes when he wants to get diamonds this guy keeps asking me

Where I’m at leave me alone I’m gonna spawn a Charged Creeper right here so that when he jumps down can you stand still please dude he’s gonna see you okay I’m gonna try and tell him that I’m underneath his house my man said yo I want to tell him I’m down here getting

Diamonds what the flip no one’s allowed to go in there oh my God no but he sees me oh is he gonna jump down is he gonna jump down there he is oh my why is he just looking at me like that there we go I’m gonna say don’t jump down but it’s

Too late there we go Oh my God what the flip no no no no no no no oh my God I said don’t I’m doing something oh my God how the flip did I survive that there we go like he just ruined my oh my God that was stressful I couldn’t even talk while I was doing that

Another witnessed in my life he said no what’s wrong with you you survived it’s okay and now we get out of me the flip am I getting so lucky that’s twice in a row I’m going back up bro oh my God but he was definitely down to

Half my heart because that lost creeper no damage let’s check the finishes see now what he landed on give me like a Mario oh I saw Stewie Griffin in there somewhere maybe so who is it come on give me someone good but Iron Man oh it

Was so close to King Cole King Kong would have been crazy Iron Man of oh Babe oh wait I guess he’s got that big laser thing in his chest I think that powers him so you know maybe we can get the boss to use the chest for something

Oh my God is my man really apologizing so men don’t apologize you are my brother all right guys here’s what we have so far Shrek’s in an Iron Man’s body how does this look what do you guys think all right come on be honest with me this looks kind of cold it’s Shrek

Should have been the next Iron Man I don’t care he looks insane it’s wild I’m gonna have to take that Elijah that he has off his back open inventory like it give me that there we go okay there we go look he’s still here perfect I shall

Forgive me because I love you are my best friend DMC put a chest and then we’re just gonna give him uh you know let’s just give him some diamonds I know he needs it now let’s get a sign right here outside his house let’s just write

It here that says uh look up here we go let’s give him a bunch of that there we go all right there we go and brother from another mother uh I don’t care shut up where is this mysterious man actually I’ll make it look like I didn’t put that

There even though we’re the only people of the server kipley house I griefed it wait what happened to kipley’s house hello it was fine like five minutes oh God okay let’s go to the balloon up kipley house shall we there’s only one other person on this ever I think I know what

Happened to it what the flip is that look up I mean GMS there I’m gonna do such clear then I’m gonna act like I didn’t put that there oh my God that is the most such thing I’ve ever seen in my life boys and also why is there a chest

Next to me scaffolding I don’t need scaffolding I got an elytra baby I don’t need none of that it’s broken it wasn’t broken I’m gonna say what’s this okay now that we’ve seen Donnie though we can uh get this very mysterious looking chance YOLO I’m a scaffold up I’m gonna

Ask him who blew up Kimberly’s house he’s definitely gonna say not him all right here we go and I’m just gonna go up I’m gonna I’m gonna go up myself and then so that he’s got nice and confidence is that high enough and oh nope no it’s not

I asked him once in the chest he said I don’t know he’s gonna have to come and look himself he’s building his own one right boom boom boom boom keep placing it the chest is so far up that you don’t even see it oh look well he thinks that

I’m comfortable enough to go up he’s gonna go up on the inside this is good we’re nearly there boys we’re about to see what’s inside this mysterious chest I’m gonna ask how I can borrow some of the scaffold look while he’s inside it can I borrow some of your scaffold no I

Need it let’s get talking about all right diamonds let’s go baby time to go back down you know what uh sure you can have some out the chest there is a few Stacks locked up oh my God he must have been an alcohol right my game is bugged or

Something bro I didn’t take any damage on the second fall and I survived at half off what’s going on here I’m gonna act like it was an accident what the flip is going on here my friend I am not good I am half a heart my friend guys a

Maniac why did he even break it let’s see who I see SpongeBob in there oh I see Wolverine please give me the Wolverine cause police that would be absolutely crazy what is that oh Thanos but do you see that this is gonna look so stupid I can’t believe this now all

We need is some thick big boy legs oh it’s little doggy and here we have it there we go Thanos arms Iron Man’s body and Shrek’s ahead what am I even looking at this thing looks disgusting it looks kind of cursed oh my God we need the biggest thickest

Juiciest legs all right come on give us the good legs now we need like King Kong or something and I got a perfect ID for how we’re gonna get into half a heart one last time please I know something that will cheer you up what you know what we’re

Gonna do guys and if you don’t know you need to get to know because we’re gonna do the one thing that makes everyone happy on our server we’re gonna give him blow up linux’s belongings on the count of three let’s see what we want to do right now count it in three two That sounds like a fantastic idea he said let’s do it this man’s a genius let’s go let’s go to Lennox house and blow it up let’s go take me to the house we shall blow it up here it is beautiful kingdom so pretty ever since I fixed it after

The whole you know black hole incident there we go we finally made it boys okay we got some TNT I’m gonna say let’s go crazy are you sure wait crazy crazy said crazy crazy crazy crazy I’m crazy let’s go we’re gonna start off with the bottom floor and we’re gonna make sure

That the TNT follows us up upstairs there we go now we are upstairs we still have another stack don’t worry about it Boys cover up the water don’t worry ladies if you’re watching this I bought your house when I feel like it okay this Linux guy stole so much money from me he

Cheated in a competition do you guys remember that do you guys remember that if you keep talking back to me I’ll do it to your IRL okay all right FBI I was joking I swear all right I need more TNT I don’t have more TNT do upstairs we’re

Gonna take that there we go and then while he’s dude upstairs all right let’s fill up upstairs boys come on now come on now that’s what I’m talking about oh my God what the flip just happened I’m gonna say how did you survive God protected me that was crazy yeah

What were you looking at buddy I don’t care if I’m on half a hard block this TNT right in front of me watch three two one ad okay bye yeah yeah I hate this Walter radio seven for good looking don’t ask no questions about what happened here guys oh that

Was even I saw Goku I even see some anime legs all right come on baby Peter Griffin’s like I saw that in there too come on so we gonna see that come on give us someone who on Earth is that oh my God I think it’s Barbie I think we

Just got Barbies I’m gonna throw up we could have got anyone we could have got juicy thick pork legs we’re gonna go something some like incredible strong man some humongous monster we got Barbie Barbie of all people what do I do with this luck that I possess do I maybe dig

Straight down do I maybe fight the Ender Dragon whoa what do I do and there you have it guys we fell at the Lost hurdle this monster is gonna have oh my God it’s gonna have a Barbie legs this is I was kind of disappointed at

First but this guy kind of looks kind of looks kind of cute okay oh I cut the video cut the video now let’s go spawn this atrocious monster in like this world oh God our mutant creature shall be cool we’ll mix the words of Shrek Iron Man Thanos and

Oh perfect do I make these risky jumps yeah that’s what I’m talking about baby I want everyone to put some love in the comment section for shy Rosie he’s gonna be the next like scary but everyone talks about and like I’m about to sport in the world so good luck my friend

Let’s import this into the world right now my brother this desert is huge should I go left do I go right do I go straight so many options here we go I expect to see a million show Rosie Banner on Twitter tweeting to me daily all right that’s a ruined portal hold on

Ruin oh let’s go that’s what I’m talking about free gold baby what on Earth am I looking at The boots I did need boots oh I’m dying but this is what laggy’s gonna come across apparently he’s Stannis arm will lift him up into the air his Iron Man just please shoot lasers out in the middle he screams and he burps out literal like burps like slime burps that cause poison

Hey let me just put on the boots and shoes the brand new like Air Force Gold Edition oh my God he’s in a swamp he’s in a swordfish can see the line here we go I have to do it now sorry here we go what the flip is that [ __ ] Rosie Shea Rose

She Rose she Rosie that’s a that’s a Boss Bar isn’t it he’s hiding behind the tree look Shadow is a good game what the flip is that it’s Thanos it’s Thanos I saw the glove I saw the infinity glass oh my God he’s wondering why am I even

Looking at what what are you doing that guy spot him across the road look he sees it look there we go liger is not watching we’re gonna fight him today was the luckiest day of my life there is no way we do not win against his

Abomination come on then boy oh my god look come on everybody come on why did he wants you again Minecraft again wait let me see a game with survival I want to see what he does what they just crashed like okay that’s what you do get one waited 30 minutes

Oh my God that was terrifying for this next troll I let the people decide how bad I troll them and leave a sudden I let them rape me out of five if they choose five they get a prison if they choose one they get the scariest one

Ever on their hardcore world you guys better Choose Wisely hi I’m Tony bobes local businessman and fireman and doctor and bird eater wait that’s cannibalism what I set up these absolutely crazy five set of portals in this Minecraft world just to see how much my friends

Like me and my aim of them is to walk for number one because they probably do hate me and as soon as they walk through and say the answer has been noted and then that’s when it’s game over this store spawns a level four custom boss as

Soon as we’re both online at the same time just so I can catch their reaction and the more the more you like me the lower your boss is and if you go to Five you’ll get an OP weapon next time we’re both online together I really hope one

Idiot is dumb enough to walk through number one that would be so funny the model I’m using is a custom Boss mod and this is stupid amount of bosses on the server right now here’s Mr turtle say hello to Mr Turtle I’m not even joking

Say it right now or you’re dead and the craziest thing happened today guys you wanna know what’s crazy it’s been one minute into this video you still haven’t subscribed to the channel if you don’t subscribe right now I’m going to find out where you live and I’m

Going to murder the first person to come across my build was Bandy and uh this is how that went Cactus wall around my base I think it’s gonna be great so that Linux can’t get in my base if I have all these cactuses around and I think

They’re just gonna make him really mad I see dungeon Stone break looks like we’re about to beat the game boys Hold On Tight nah what is this this is Cap one two three four hi how much do you like Donnie Bob’s this is a Donnie Bob’s video

Donnie bobes you know what I’ll give him a five because I’m I’m sure he’s made this your answers can I run through again no no no wait wait wait wait okay that’s my final answer I’m gonna give him a five out of five five for effort and you know he’s been pretty

Nice to me since I’ve known him I like him a lot other than the time that he trolled me but it’s okay I got him back I got him back I imagine this is gonna be a little oh guys band is on the server and it’s

Right next to his house so he definitely saw this I I really I don’t even know what Bandy put either Bandy put five or he put one okay I’m just betting he put one of those two Bandy put Penny but five it gives me an ax it’s called a

Diamond War ax because you put five he gets a prize he has a diamond War ax but it has one durability and you can’t repair it but if you hit someone with it you they die straight away okay I don’t know how this works but it’s insane let

Me type in chat buddy I need to go give him his ax oh my god oh oh Donny’s back good I hope he gets the rating that we left him that would be that’d be amazing oh oh what does he want I’m gonna TP to

Him he said where okay there he is look I’m gonna say did you see how the how much you liked or anything and obviously he did see it because I got the egg straight away oh but so Bandy was one of the first people to find it oh I like

Brandy so much I’m gonna ask him what he picked did you see how much do you like the Donny thing yeah bro good job on that I don’t know what else to say what does he want you want a medal I gave you a five out of five what else do you want

What did you pick uh five of you of course he said five that’s why you got it okay I’m gonna say congrats you get this to whoever it was because I didn’t know who it was gonna be so uh yeah there you go okay guys he’s giving me a raw rabbit

So there’s only one thing to do thank you thank you Mandy for the raw rabbit you’re the best give it oh I get this what is that give it to me give it give it good give me oh I can only use it once what is it

Where’d it go it has one durability don’t waste it there okay here we go let’s just give a dip I told him I said he has one durability don’t waste it he’s got a war ax use it wisely buddy okay oh why would he oh my oh my God la la

Oh God back to building my Cactus wall what is he doing on my property he wasted it and it won’t show us anybody I’m wearing oh my God Randy what is wrong with you anytime’s a little okay I’m done with Bandy forget all the nice stuff I said about him so the next

Person to come across my random server question was quiff all right I need more food so we’re gonna mind this get a bunch of wheat oh wait then I might have to replant I think someone lives here who lives here my dude which guy which

Guy tell me tell me about that Robin I’m about to give him all how much do you like Tony Bob’s out five question mark smiley face Colon D how much do I like Donnie all right all right was that it was out of one two three four five out

Of five I assume Donnie wrote this is Donny of five he could have been a five if he wasn’t just stupid so we may have to bump it down to a four is he a four I don’t know he he’s trolled me a lot he’s definitely told me a lot don’t ever like

That knock it down to a three is he a free Tony’s a Tony is mean you know I’m gonna knock it down to a one I think is a one too harsh cause he didn’t buy me pizza this one time I might have to give

Him a two you know Donnie bro I’m gonna give you a two out of five that’s solo that’s all that’s over 70 percent your answer has been noted do I not get a prize this is why you don’t give the guy five it’s just you he gave you

Nothing he’s a trash can guys you know what I see right now the infamous quiff is on the server and I don’t know what number he clicked but as soon as I tip it to him a random Bob is gonna sport I don’t know what mob if he clicks five

And he said that he loves me the most then he’s gonna get a prize okay he gets an upgraded weapon this weapon is so op but if he didn’t then uh we’re about to see a mob spawned on quick it happens only when we’re both on the server so three two one

I’m still a creative mode oh he’s fighting something he’s fighting something oh my god oh why did I go invisible oh my God that’s all I’m saying like a little Zoo area that’d be pretty cool to see at least I don’t really know what else I really want

Other than that we’ll have to see though we’ll have to see oh that’s so much oh bro my dude what is this why did it why did these guys Tony just joined on this guy this guy oh this guy’s weak is that bro it just went dark what is that what is

That oh my God is that oh this means he clicked number two I think this BC kick number two or three what what is that please fight it oh my God oh my God he hit it once is it scared of it okay you’re so scared of him what is that

What is that oh my God [Laughter] so bad how do you fight that who is this guy who is this guy what what what do you want me to there’s no way there’s no way there’s no way how do I how do I fight you bro I can’t fight you

I can’t fight you I’ve got oh there we go I hate oh this is why I don’t join these servers this is why I don’t join these servers I’m all right I’m all right I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good yep don’t know everyone’s opponent server don’t play

With him don’t play with this kid he’s just he’s no fun he’s generally actually no no he’s not fun oh my God he’s actually doing well though oh wait no I just saw the guy’s Health he’s not doing well never mind oh my God how do you

Fight this he’s been on the server for like two three days poor quiz man he’s been here not that long oh my is he dead foreign For less than a week he’s been on the server for less than a week guys couple you’ve got to be smart you just gotta hit right in the middle there we go was that so hard I don’t have Straight Talk who plays on these servers look at this game I’m quitting

Minecraft how do I quit Minecraft I’m all F4 ring no more Minecraft for me boys I’ll find a new game I went to Terraria I went to Roblox I’m back to fortnite and oh my God it drops another right okay that’s kind of overpowered he drops near the right and how many levels

Was that and 37 levels oh my god um got cool yeah I think we made it bad the final person to join the server was Linux I bet you I bet you right now we picked number one is this someone’s new house finally someone someone new moved in

Apparently it’s not it is hi how much do you like Donnie bobes out of five oh this is such a Donny thing to do to let his friends choose how much we like him or we don’t like him so obviously right if I was a good friend right I

Would probably choose four or five you know because Donny uh you know sometimes he could be a little bit weird um you guys have seen videos or whatever of how he acts so um you know so I’m I’m thinking four or five maybe I’m not too

Sure honestly is it gonna be like I walk through this and I get like a golden apple but if I walk through like one two or three then I I get killed immediately and all my items get deleted that would be horrible that would not be a funny

Joke Donnie I think he’s done that before or you just die right as you go through it literally but obviously since I’m a good friend um I will obviously pick four or five you know what screw it I’m choosing five psych you thought what boy yes sir I’m through one answer

Has been has been what noted named noted named it notes it don’t tell me bro imagine right as I go through that it like prints out something on a printer and it gives him like a screenshot of me walking through it in 4k that’s funny and now now Donnie just has

Beef with me for no reason just for walking through that literally something is simple he would take that to heart me walking through that he would definitely take that to heart I hope I don’t die now it’s lyrics is done the reason I’m so happy is because I know for a fact

There’s no charts in hell that Linux didn’t click the number one because Linux and I hate each other with a real passion I know for a fact that Linux click number one so oh my I can’t wait for him to spawn the Lich boss please if

I join the sermon it goes nighttime I know it’s game over oh oh my God Johnny had a baby don’t need 3.0 had a baby wait Donnie 3.0 was a girl wait wait a second wait a second wait Donnie was a Donnie 3.0 was a pregnant girl if you

Guys are watching this comment that Donnie is a pregnant girl for literally no reason that is insane we had I had no idea I don’t think Donnie had any idea there’s two of them let’s go three two one there we go we’re in his house oh my God he’s at his house My Lord what is that what is that what just happened oh he’s flying he’s flying he’s flying what is that what is that is it shooting at me what is happening wait where’d it go what is a nightlyich oh my god oh oh oh did I kill him oh

Eat I literally wait what I’m dying I’m dying I I just ate food and I’m dying right now I don’t have a bow or anything to shoot at him so I don’t I’m gonna die I’m gonna die I’m actually gonna die [Laughter] oh he’s putting fatness on him oh my god

Oh he’s in he’s a diamond armor the next is the only person who has the chance against this guy oh my God oh my God the fans are only eating him up stressed out he’s got poison what is going on oh my God that’s how the Phantom spawn that

Was actually kind of scary I didn’t even know what was happening there oh my God Lynch boss please wait why is he going Liz Ross where are you going oh there he is oh my God he goes invis but he could go invis and he could reappear that is

So cursed he goes 2D I need a bow don’t I to kill this guy I’m gonna die I’m actually gonna die no no no no no no no no don’t die have a heart have a heart and a dream please please no oh oh my Lord no no no no

Don’t die don’t you dare think about it no what did I do to deserve this what did I do look at that because what is this boss oh my God it just blew up please please stop please stop please please please please no I can’t go

Outside I’m gonna die again I’m I’m just gonna keep constantly dying each time I go out [Laughter] You better not steal anything or trust me you’re gonna regret so here we are on my Minecraft server absolutely nobody’s online this is the normal IP that every single person plays the normal SMP on what they don’t realize is I’ve changed the server and I’ve got a hardcore world back only

People have seen this water the people on stream but as you can see this is my very boring house we played this for about two weeks everyone got angry started killing each other now every single person on the server only has one life left if I do game mode survival and

You can see at the bottom screen my hard caught by a halter hardcore and if I do slash kill Dottie boobs and I know what you’re thinking done you won’t be able to respawn I’m up I can do what I want boom there you go respectate world just

Like that I’m back baby this is the fastest World we’ve ever abandoned and I feel bad for this wall so we’re bringing it back and right here there was always a chest and there was a double set of paintings like this okay and you could go right behind this wall of paintings

To my secret chest but I’m gonna make it think that it glitched put a painting up here like this and then they can walk straight past it you’ll see tons of her dying right here as you can see there are 10 tons of undying meaning 10 levels

Don’t more you take the bigger your boss I’m Gonna Leave This open right here so they think the world glitched and my secret chest has randomly been discovered oh you know they’ll just come in here and take take whatever they want from me we’re gonna have to wait a while

For every single person on the server to see it obviously you don’t have to wait at all because of the power of editing you know what else has got incredible power my fist and if you don’t subscribe to this channel that’s the only thing you’re gonna be feeling punching your

Head in but yeah my neighbor is definitely calling the police right now cool the first person to come across the Toads of a Dying was quick let’s see how many he took wait no wait why is this pulled up wait wait there’s no way this world should be up I remember this world

Yo this is some Madness Soldier oh my anyone that doesn’t really know what’s going on essentially this used to be our old server that we stopped playing on for the sole reason I everyone had one life I legitimately got to the point where if we died it would have been over

And no one really wanted to play anymore everyone was kind of freaked out damn wait why is this world on the server you know what Madness Dodge I’m not complaining wait why is that why does that look like it’s glitched I don’t think it was supposed to be like that

Yeah I think it was supposed to be someone else but yo either way I don’t really mind what who’s been hiding this okay you know what yoink yoink yoink how do I get this so they won’t realize maybe like so having a little pattern yeah they wouldn’t really know about

That and I get two tones too yeah they wouldn’t know about that at all oh okay you know can you can you not I need to put his pin as it was there we go all right cool I already don’t mind I got two three times all right no chill off I

Go damn this is actually hella sick all this sugar cane man the valley this Farm’s actually gonna get pretty massive our first Target is officially online and uh ignore the chat guys he was very happy about me joining the server at the same time oh my what is Donny doing what

Is Donnie doing I want him out of here bro there’s no way there’s no way I just checked the chest and quiff took out two of the tomb of undying I got done I need this guy to go that means that level two boss that we’re sporting today is the

Frost more why are you here tell me why why are you here why are you here who does this what this Bob does I have absolutely zero ID who am I gonna test on you know exactly I don’t like being in the same an E with this guy we need

Social distancing two meters two meters apart is this stupid little tree oh there’s he’s in there okay cool cool he needs to be all the way over okay I I need to see this guy that I don’t even trust what he is I need to just go down

Let’s go inside there we go he’s gonna see the Boss part above his head and that’s perfect because he’s gonna run inside his house looks for shelter the guy’s gonna be in here and his whole house is done either he moves house or he tries to fight it I don’t know what

This is please be something good oh my God oh my God oh my God what is this oh my God what is this oh Michael what is that why is it dying why is it in my house why is it in my house what in the

Stop stop can I fight it oh my God oh my God chill chill let me hear my Toms let me get my Toms he’s destroying my entire house oh my God can you not bro what am I even looking can you what what how how

Is that my one life my one life is gone that was a level two he has no more Hearts I didn’t do anything he can’t read through the walls my one life is actually gone why is this world on the server first of all what did I just

Watch I can’t rejoin I can’t rejoin he started suffocating got all these Watts around him that was able to just be broken away so he can finally breathe I can’t rejoin I can’t rejoin and he just wants to equip and it’s quick gone he can’t rejoin oh my this game this game

Sucks this I I don’t know what to do maybe Cliff was low okay I can’t even get close to him let’s just see maybe quiff was low okay can I hit him he’s so big oh you can’t get close I’m running towards him hey did you kill my friend

Quiff he does no Hearts how did quiff die what is that oh okay I’m frozen I’m frozen I can’t move okay okay so I think I understand how quick died okay I’m so sorry I was what did I think was gonna happen there only two more idiots left on the server

Let’s see what they chose the second person to join my server was liger and this is exactly how that one went All right boys so Chris told me that Donnie has a bunch of totems and currently there is no one on the server so you already know what I’m about to do this is Donny’s beautiful home and I’m just gonna break in in three two one hello anyone home doesn’t seem like it

There’s a little dog is this Donny’s dog oh my goodness he’s so cute give me a kiss you want some pork chop buddy you want some pork chop there you go take it oh my goodness he loves me anyways let’s close the door and uh let’s check out if

There are any totems hello oh there’s no totem so why is it 14 lapis lazuli and why does it say diamond on it that is so weird uh this is some very nice looking oh man I’m just gonna take that with me too because you know we’re

Visiting oh my goodness thank you very much Johnny but I’m looking for the totems maybe they’re in here nope that’s just wood maybe in here nope maybe in here nope maybe in here nope but I’ll take that with me maybe in here nope but I’ll take that with me too oh my

Goodness Tony thank you all right miscellaneous a yellow bed I’ll take that too thank you very much all right is that it anything in the furnace nope oh there’s another chest over here oh my goodness Cliff wasn’t lying Cliff wasn’t lying there’s actually so many totems uh you know what I’m just gonna

Take one two three four five six and then I’ll rearrange them so Donnie doesn’t notice and there we go we got totems of undying boys oh my goodness Cliff really wasn’t lying now I can finally have some fun on This Server now I don’t have to worry about dying and

Never being able to rejoin again totems of undying baby I can’t believe that quiff was actually right this is absolutely insane guys the day has finally come like it’s on the server oh my God have I been waiting for this day it’s been about two weeks since liger

Picked up the Toads of undying from my house he took about six and that was all thanks to Cliff spoiling it and trying to troll liger to you I can’t believe crypto liger we can finally join and I’ve already set up a pressure plate because I’ve been waiting so long that

Only works for both online oh snap Mr Donnie Bob has joined what’s up bro he said what’s up bro already to me hello Thief wait I spot C from Hello Thief not a thief what’s this guy talking about I’m the most honest man on this world

Shut up you stole totems I know remember this day he is so oh he’s about to feel it he stole about six and if I’m not mistaken six is the sun god which is the most OP boss I’ve ever seen in my life Treasure’s lying that wasn’t me I’m just

Gonna I’m just gonna say that was Cliff that wasn’t me he’s trying to blame it on quiff that is hilarious hey Peter liger please just go to your house please this is perfect okay man I don’t know what this guy’s talking about but let me just go back to my [ __ ] oh look

Right underneath here there should be a pressure plate and the second he steps in it it spawns it in the center of his house right there he’s gotta climb up this mountain real quick because you already know we live insecure baby I’m about to instantly make this guy regret

It we got that big money but I call the sun Chief all right and the house should be right over there check it out oh yeah that’s my little pig farm mixed with chickens please join us on this blessed day please we’re in this house please

Tell me I know how to use command blocks it’s my little cows it’s my little house we used to do it twice he still did it twice oh my God Barako the sun Chief huh why would he still put it twice what is this oh wait if he stops it again we

We’re done what did you do he’s getting shot by the Sun and he doesn’t realize it that was 100 Tony ah oh my God what the [ __ ] ing is that a word I don’t even know oh snap I don’t want to die I have too much loot

Okay you know what you know what liger’s not gonna run liger’s gonna fight oh what is this there’s two of them look at this this is not good they’re both summoning lightning to him look at this liger’s gonna fight oh what the [ __ ] is that what the [ __ ] is that right you

Want some of this you want some of this boy huh you want some of this what’s up what’s up what’s up what’s up what’s up let’s fight then let’s fight then we run into are you running to boy huh yeah yeah that’s what I thought if I change

It tonight they keep changing it to daytime rest in peace to your boy come over here no ugly boy what are we doing the ugly boy look at these guys they’re just slapping their Billy you ugly boy yeah that’s what I thought that’s what I thought oh I’m gonna watch this I’m

About to die hello my friends hello my brothers don’t kill him they’re summoning their minions too this is not good for Liger man I gotta get inside my house right now look at this look at this scorching the ground where they’re hitting you with the sun listen shut up

I’ll kill your father that fat little boy look at this that fat little boy sitting inside of my house oh my God as he pulled out his toes over dying it he has it oh Michael he does not know who he’s messing with look how many bosses there are look at me

Let me just pull up real quick then I’m gonna Dig Down watch this guys I’m dream I’m dream don’t worry about it you stick it down then I’m gonna place this on top there we go he’s a psycho and now watch this I’m literally gonna kill him from

Underneath he must be low I’m gonna make it seem like they broke the roof off all right let me just break this can break blocks oh God they’re hitting him from I gotta try to kill them from the bottom oh oh my God he’s so done I don’t have a lot

Of blocks to die no no no no no no no no what do I do I’m doing damage I’m doing damage look I got this i got this if I just keep going he’s actually doing a good job he’s got one to half Health you should eventually die come on he might

Actually kill him come on keep going what let’s go what is that oh they’re gonna do it again they’re gonna explode again I’m good I’m good I’m good I don’t know what this guy’s doing I just want to kill you buddy relax the immunity still trying to kill it

That’s even possible how’s that even possible bro what am I supposed to do how do I kill this guy this does not make any sense what is he doing liger oh no they’re gonna do it again like are they gonna do it the big explosion get

Away from it I’m gonna be the only person left on December I gotta leave I can’t attack him it’s just gonna be me on this sermon only yeah if he dies if he doesn’t bring out his terms like a psycho I’m out I’m out I’m out oh my God

What is that that’s the thing that’s healing him are you healing him boy what are you healing him boy he realized that he has to kill these guys before you can kill them that’s what I thought look this guy’s healing him from the tree I’m killing

Him I don’t care move out of my way I’m kidding this guy no no oh oh here we go again no no no no no no no no oh Mike he died oh no oh oh my God serious okay wait that’s most of my stuff this he

Stole everything even the terms are here wait I could have used the totems why did I not use the tokens oh my God there’s two people down on the server like I cannot rejoin the world man I don’t want to play on that server ever again well I can’t because it was

Hardcore and that’s it there’s only one more idiot left on the server to join and you know who that is last but not least the biggest thief in the East we have bionic LMAO LMAO PVP skills bunny yeah I don’t even know why we still play in this world like

Everyone is literally too afraid to die because we only have one life and oh my God all right so this is Donny’s house and liger told me that he left me loot well yeah this is the secret oh my God these are the totems he was talking about bruh ten totems young wait

But why would like her just not take himself unless there was other things in this chest unless it’s a trap this is Donny’s house I have one life oh no do I kill his dog no no I can’t do that well I mean surely I’ll be fine because I

Have 10 totems regardless okay I’m really sketched out bro if I die I’m gonna be so upset if I die cause a liger I honestly have a bad feeling about this but it’s okay it’s okay it’s okay dang bro I’ve literally not been here in so

Long okay so Monica’s on the server and he is the last person that we’re gonna be trolling today let’s hop on let’s see if he can defeat whatever he took in I I oh he’s already there he’s right into my house I’ve already set this one up right

Next to his house uh I don’t know what egg it did I think it was the one he took nine or he took ten so bionic is gonna be bad no matter what oh no no no no no no no no no no no hey hey man I’m

Not worried he said Hey to be like we’re friends I’m not oh my God he just said totems Thief stole it from me straight away I said okay remember this day like I said they were mine liger is a snitch like I just wants these guys to fall for

It so that they can get kicked off the server too liger said they were mine bro oh my God didn’t even go inside my house yet and the dude already logged on no I knew this was a trap I literally knew it he would only be to be on this server

Like it’s on my side I guess because that’s what I wanted I literally know is he gonna come back inside my nether portal yo I’m ready for you bro I am so ready don’t make me do it bro don’t make me clap those cheeks I think number 10

Beats he spawns the Naga so if we see a not getting hit oh my God game over bro where is he is he inside my house is he inside of my house but also buying 700 IQ so he might use the tops of a dying

So who knows I said I wonder your house look he’s gonna go in please remember this day by Nick remember what you did to me oh my God he’s standing let’s go he said I’m under your house bro what is this guy what wait what I’m so happy I

Could I forgot which I put in and I know you’re thinking this Beast looks nice and easy what was what but this will definitely one shot bionic I don’t remember what no no no no what did he just spawn oh he put the top minis offhand yeah

It’s game over this guy’s a genius look oh my God those cows are gone oh my God I have told him I have times what no no no oh my God what the balls is that he’s so he’s he’s gonna one shot him no matter what what oh my God this thing is

Not playing around my animals bro you just killed oh no all right bro all right bro I don’t have a bow though oh my goodness oh it pumped it in one go it popped the times I’m literally bridging to this nerd come here yo what oh my God wait what oh my

God oh my God I’m so dead bro I’m so dead I gotta run to my house I gotta run to my house again another one while I’m stepping in oh his boots are gone his boots just got two shots he is not surviving this he just got Direct Hit

That means he’s getting a poison effect on him oh my god oh what I can’t even dude wait he’s still got the term in his hand oh he’s gonna he’s all ten of those I bet you oh my god done you son of a oh

No look at that it’s just me Scotty he’s naked he’s just got their helmet there he got from defeating that boss agent he’s killing him through the roof oh oh my God oh my God bro bro bro bro is this thing Gonna Leave Me am I safe in here

Oh my God through the roof what he can what yeah he’s open he knows I’m in here he knows I’m in here somewhere but he just hit me through the roof wait what we’ll just open the door look it’s going in oh my God wait he’s not holding a good

Time did he forget did he forget oh my God bro he just go absolutely shredded guys why didn’t he just punch it oh my God I’m so good look I’m so good shut up I’ve got strength be quiet what I was in my house I was in my oh my God I had

Told him to bro I’m dead I’m literally dead bro oh my God body can left the game we’re officially alone on this s p world and I’ve been creative so I could never die I can’t believe I actually died what even was that dude that one

Shot me even with the totems I’m so done it’s official this do you mind I’m trying to out true I knew I shouldn’t have took in the oh I hate myself it’s literally my fault this thing’s troll I put a wheel on my Minecraft world wherever they spin decides whatever mob

They get let’s hope you guys are lucky as soon as you come inside the house and you take a left here in my storage you’re gonna be met with this you’re gonna be thinking what where’s Dolly’s old storage that had all the all the chests in there I’m gonna catch a real

Stupid look on their face this sign that says Don’t Touch means that every single person that sees this is gonna touch it they’re all morons they touch everything and if they touch it they don’t realize that they’re actually spinning a wheel they’re gonna be thinking what what does

This wheel do and if you look real carefully you’ll see what the wheel does on this side of the wall I’m gonna have an ALT account in spectator mode sitting right here constantly when the wheel again spun whatever it lands on that means that they spawned so it’s currently on

Yellow so yellow would mean free Diamond that means whoever lives on this gets an entire inventory full of diamonds but if they land on any of the other one they get invisible Bandits void demons which is the worst thing in the world they did not want this one Goblin soldiers Giant

Eye of end the molten goal of giant robot ninja baby dragon horse they’ll be good with that one I think this song will save it they’ll be okay with this one but if they get them all to Golem or if they get the void demon let’s just

Say they’re definitely die now that the Trap is set I’m gonna leave it for the next two days and find all the stupid idiots that every time they join the world decide to come to my house you YouTubers on the server with me have officially taken it too far you know who

Else to get too far you but I don’t hit that subscribe button now subscribe to the channel before I make you regret ever not subscribing if it’s right on your screen your room is gonna be covered in red oh geez so that didn’t mean that sorry now that the Trap is set

The first person who fell for the Trap was my good friendly Infamous quiff wait I need a diamond I don’t think I have a diamond at home oh well okay well I know where I’m going best place to go is I actually doni’s place because I’m gonna

Raid his storage unit oh it’s kind of sad to make this a regular thing I shouldn’t or should I I don’t I need a diamond I’m once I get a diamond I’ll be able to do whatever I want is he at home no I don’t think he’s

At home so I think we should actually I don’t want to leave that there just in case he knows I’m here that’d be pretty bad all right it starts room is what the hell is this wait yeah wait this is unless he moved this storage room bedroom no do not enter is this

Still oh someone’s killed his axol it was not me wait wait what what what’s happened to his storage room I am okay um this guy knows we’ve been using his storage no no who beat it he should have known he should have known stop touching my stuff he’s actually moved it do not

Touch what is this what is this he’s not at home so you know I’m gonna just okay I don’t know what I did but that is spinning right now and I don’t know what I’ve just done Please please please I that’s probably for a video and I don’t know what I’ve just done that’s 100 for a video I might have messed up a video I know you make it why did he move it what the hell okay let’s just hope I don’t regret that I’m

Yep let’s just hope I don’t regret that oh that was 100 for a video I don’t know why he’s planning but he’s on the service so I don’t I don’t actually know then the next person to fall for the Trap was innocent little liger all right

Boys so I’m new to the server and I’m pretty sure that this is Donny’s house so you know what I’m just gonna go inside cause your boy needs some gear I have absolutely nothing all right now let’s go up these stairs it’s looking very beautiful by the way my man built a

House inside of a cave he’s such a genius all right what is this Farm let’s check it out any chest over here no it doesn’t seem like it but um I’ll take some hay bill with me pour some bread you never know and there we go what is

This enchanting hello anything in here that’s of use nope all right what is this storage exactly what I’m looking for hello what is that don’t touch what you mean don’t touch I touch whatever I want oh my God what is this stop touching my stuff who do you think

You’re trolling huh I’m even gonna steal that I don’t care and what is this Rainbow Circle theme about well I could spin it oh my God what color am I gonna get yellow oh it’s not yellow are you serious blue I don’t want blue give me something else okay whatever man it’s

Getting boring let’s keep on moving boys what is this bedroom is this where Donnie sleeps smells nice okay we’re dipping oh there’s a second floor let’s go check it out hello Donnie anyone over here no but there’s a bunch of Chess hello empty what about this one empty this one bro

Donny’s poor are you kidding me what about this one are you serious right now to your boy once the helmet the chest plate the leggings and the boots oh snap is there anything in this chest oh I’ll take that thank you very much and I’ll also take your hay Bell because why

Not oh look I can even do some uh target shooting nice thank you Donny very nice and finally the last person to fall for the Trap was the biggest [ __ ] in the East Linux I will not believe for a second that Donnie made this house not

For a second okay Farm enchanting we do need I think he keeps food in here storage food do not touch oh no I don’t know how he predicts where we’re gonna go he just knows that we we like go through his house he has to be hiding

Here somewhere right it says don’t touch and then there’s a cool little wheel right here oh no everybody says how do I like you get involved in this type of stuff just don’t do it and it but it’s just it’s just so irresistible like look at that you don’t just want to right

Click it I won’t do it obviously because I’m not I’m not dumb if I click it obviously this will end up in a Donnie Bob’s video so I won’t because I have come on baby okay I’ve joined the world and as you can see I can already tell it’s pink I

Don’t know what pink wait I think I could see pink princess yeah I can see pink for The Gap it’s uh oh it’s the Giant Eye of Ender oh my God that’s one of the worst on here I’m pretty sure oh he’s joined oh my okay okay okay don’t

Freak out this is what we don’t freak out first of all there’s no reason he’d realize that I’d even touched his house or if I even went into his house there’s no way he should know oh no Cliff oh Will we find out I’ve got a freaking out low-key I’m gonna shut the door I don’t think that’s gonna stop him but I’m gonna shut the door either way let’s just times it mate did it just turn night let’s get this game I just said hi in chat

It just turned night okay I knew I knew someone so I knew someone was up no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no let’s do it baby it’s the Giant Eye of ended time I I shouldn’t have touched anything I’m showing every single door

I’m sorry but I’m hiding in this cupboard if you see this on your world run for your life I’m very much hiding in this car but I don’t want anything to do with him I’m actually sorry now I can shoot lasers wherever I’m looking that destroy the land

Who if it is done after this one please please I’m so sorry I’m so sorry don’t touch me what’s he gonna do he’s gonna kill me they need to know if something is enough my house it’s a trap why would us no one ever understand this I said

Come outside and I’ll spare your life where are you quiff all right you know what hands up hands up hands up listen I’m not trying to die I’ll admit my fault let me my fault I’ll make myself bigger until he comes outside you see

This do you see what I see okay what the hell is that get no no ah let’s just get rid of this house what’s happened to my what’s happened to my house he’s shooting this remember you did this to yourself stop stop stop stop stop

Stop no what is this bro bro come on come on you did this to yourself you should have known okay what’s this eye doing laser stop he’s trying to block there he’s trying to block it that’s not how it works here I’m gonna pass my house stop bro bro bro stop doing mine

No he’s building a wall yeah just get in the way without that he’s dying he’s he’s definitely low oh my it’s doing damage it’s doing damage to me no no spare my life okay look how scary this is this is a giant iron and they’re outside your house stop

Bro he said stop fine we shall enter through the roof I can’t even see what I’m doing I’m too big oh no he’s he’s oh my god look what I did okay that’s bad uh I’m just gonna follow his name tank I’m just numbing at his house this never happened nope nope

What is the point what is the point tell me remember you chose this Cliff you chose this for yourself you little punk and you who’s watching this video you’re done too no seriously what’s the point what is the point I don’t understand it’s all the seven liger is is not so

Cool like is actually still diamond armor from me oh snap Donnie’s destroying the game Donnie that’s my favorite YouTuber I love him and if I’m not mistaken liger landed on blue and I already know what the blue is that means it’s Morton Golem time Noni

Bulbs I love him man I love that little duck just want to lick him hello oh I put a chat hello Mr liger who opened all my doors he was probably that idiot why does he always say random stuff what I’m doing has he got a crush on me that

Would be weird no like a Donnie fanfic please man this mountain looking kind of crazy I can’t lie the Golem is actually terrifying I don’t know how I’m gonna get away with this one look at the size of him what is that that is the worst thing I’ve ever seen

In my life oh my God I need to change back man I was so bored finally someone joined let’s go spectator TP to liger okay we just find out which direction he’s going and it just so happens to be my favorite YouTuber Donnie bobes okay

It looks like he’s going like this way I don’t think he has a house yet this is the I think the first time he’s joined the world gotta run out of hunger let’s go over to this land here game mode creative quick and then let’s go Blackstone quicker kick where are you

Where are you Blackstone Golem scale sit boom make some bread and there we go nice we’re vibing boys don’t worry about it oh my God I look terrifying imagine just seeing this on the side of a mountain this is the worst thing I’ve ever seen oh my God is that him no

That’s a b oh my God I was so excited wait there’s a crafting table that is that his crafting table oh snap boys there’s a giant forest over here let me just jump into the water and check it out with straight up vibing oh my God

God what is that oh my god look every time I land I’m gonna do that I would just land inside the ground it’s another house this is crazy oh my goodness it’s abandoned oh my God he found the lyrics Tower this is so spooky oh my I’m gonna

Do this inside his house this is perfect there’s a bunch of crystals a white girl must live here you guys remember the lyrics tell from that one video oh my God imagine he walks up the stairs and he sees a giant and a bunch of chests oh there’s nothing inside though are you

Serious right now oh my God this is gonna be terrifying look look he sees me and really he’s walking up oh my god look oh what the flip is that oh my God what the flip is that what did I just see oh my God

What did I just see bro what the flip did I just see what’s up oh my God no no no no no no no no no no no no no I don’t know what that is I don’t know what that is I don’t know what this I

Know she’s never formed my life oh my goodness flying he goes flying he’s actually terrified of me oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God get away from me get away from me I got a bow I got a bow oh what the flip is this

Guy doing bro look at this man keep running keep running you little pug are you serious right now he’s chasing after me he’s chasing after me bro this is actually so scary this is actually so scary bro oh my God oh my he must be terrified listen buddy you think you can

Defeat me I can snipe you from over here I’m gonna goober stop him I’m gonna go up where did he go oh my God yeah you better run Punk no no no no no no no no I go diamond armor it’s good I go diamond armor don’t

Worry about it I know what I’m doing where is he I know what I’m doing where did he go come over oh Mikey’s taking the damage from the fall listen buddy you don’t want to do this oh did she slap you in your face who do you think you are oh [ __ ]

Oh my God oh my I’m gonna pretend that was 100 intentional are you serious and I gave him the knockback punch into the hole oh my God that must have been cool from his end I just realized that kind of destroyed this entire oh no okay I’m

Gonna have some cleanup to do what did I do to deserve this man bad stuff happens to good people why I don’t agree with this let’s go break something I’m Mike Tyson [Laughter] we have Linux as our final contestant of the day oh my no no I knew it was gonna

Happen and I did it anyways of course literally when anything suspicious happens and then you see Tony join it’s over why do I even play this game why I told myself I wasn’t gonna do it and I did it anyways okay I’m pretty sure yeah lyrics landed on the void demon shadow

What that is I have zero clue we’re about to see today when I was checking through the sizes of every mobs I that one was the biggest mob there was so am I happy yes am I happy yes am I I’m so frustrated myself not even a situation

Not in the situation because they did it to myself maybe if I leave he can’t he can’t mess with me in real life I hide he’s not gonna get a reaction that’s the thing if I hide and then he won’t get a reaction he’s not there I’m nervous now

Maybe maybe it wasn’t anything they were a spectator PP Linux oh look at this sucker man standing still AFK normally if he’s gonna do something in this situation then he’ll just like say hahaha okay never mind he’s [Applause] could you not resist he’s moving no we gotta leave we gotta leave we gotta

Leave he’s not even typing back to me he’s just running I uh I’m just gonna put question marks like I have no idea what he’s talking about and I’m just gonna leave did he question about me he can’t mess with me if I’m not in the right

Spot right we run rerun rerun we just we just run away that’s it there’s nothing else we can do he just questioned what we do with a straight face and he’s running away from his house on purpose he said I saw what you did run run run we all know what happens next

He just fell from a high place how did he die how did he just die oh thank goodness keep inventory side no why am I here he said no please why am I here why am I at my house he’s inside his house he’s coming it’s time

For this no no no no no no no no no no no no no no not my house not my house that’s off limits it’s just me that you can hurt or fight cause I will not die I have my diamond sword and diamond armor

You cannot mess with me where are you oh my God I can’t even see what I am he said come outside oh no oh no oh my look look remember when what I can’t even see I’m so big I can’t even see why I am it is time to stop throwing Dynamite

Wait did I get blue whoa what just hit me oh my God how do you fight this I don’t have a bow or anything no let me just stop throwing Dynamite all around his house don’t go towards my house uh he deserves this remember this guys okay don’t worry I

Have a backup but shut up how do I kill it how do I kill it get away from my house remember what he did to deserve this I didn’t build this I’ll be honest oh there’s my come on book of The Lost troll oh we gotta hide that okay I

Didn’t build this you can’t break it okay because I don’t know how to fix it please I won’t lie anymore let’s just really quickly go with the spectator no no no no no no no and then I got an idea why don’t I continue to do this everybody’s like why do his friends

Always trust him and I don’t know why I don’t know I’m I just can’t resist that I spawned the real one oh my God that’s what I was let’s make two of them now there’s two of us now Linux remember what you did to deserve this why is there two no no no

The void is having babies why are they hitting me stop stop everybody stop every show we give you friends we’re good friends stop hey Salvage you’re winning why is he winning what’s going on I’m killing him no oh hahaha

This video, titled ‘Fooling my Friend with REAL SCARY MYTHS in Minecraft…’, was uploaded by Doni Bobes on 2023-08-26 16:00:06. It has garnered 563479 views and 17382 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:39 or 8079 seconds.

Fooling my Friend with REAL SCARY MYTHS in Minecraft… w/ Doni Bobes – Minecraft

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    🦄 Baby Unicorn Farm Witch! 🌟 Modded Minecraft Magick ✨Video Information This video, titled ‘I’m a Farm Witch ✨ – Cottage Witch Modded Minecraft Episode 4’, was uploaded by babyunicorn184 on 2024-06-14 21:00:17. It has garnered 6972 views and 423 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:38 or 2678 seconds. Babes, wake up! I have a new modded series! 💗 Come with me as I explore the magical world of Cottage Witch, a modpack filled with magic and witchcraft. This is episode 4 💜 Seed: -824306812584453536 I hope you enjoy today’s episode, please comment below to tell me what you think! *✩‧₊˚ LINKS˚₊‧✩* Modpack: Added Mods:… Read More

  • Daring Minecraft Horror Mod Showcase

    Daring Minecraft Horror Mod ShowcaseVideo Information This video, titled ‘Every Horror Mod in My Minecraft World’, was uploaded by GamerWolf on 2024-03-24 03:26:30. It has garnered 118 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 02:04:52 or 7492 seconds. Powered by Restream Go follow my kick – Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Transformation 🚀 #shorts

    EPIC Minecraft Nether Portal Transformation 🚀 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Nether Portal Makeover 🌟 12-01-2024 #shorts’, was uploaded by Rohaan TV on 2024-01-12 15:30:02. It has garnered 8444 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Minecraft Glow stone and Honey Block #viral #minecraft #ytshorts Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Portal Build Prank 👑🔥 Must Watch!!

    Mind-Blowing Portal Build Prank 👑🔥 Must Watch!!Video Information This video, titled ‘nither🤯portel build 🔥like this 😱 #trending #minecraft #gaming #minecraftbuilds #shorts🌎’, was uploaded by Prank king on 2024-05-07 14:54:24. It has garnered 495 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. This Minecraft Portal Build Will BLOW YOUR MIND! #Shorts 🌍 nither🤯portel build 🔥like this 😱 #trending #minecraft #gaming #minecraftbuilds #shorts🌎 Get ready to have your mind blown with this incredible Minecraft portal build like you’ve never seen before! Watch as we create a mind-blowing nether portal build that will leave you speechless. This trending Minecraft gaming video showcases some… Read More

  • The Ultimate Showdown: Zeelophoney vs Nemesis in Minecraft Roleplay S5E7!

    The Ultimate Showdown: Zeelophoney vs Nemesis in Minecraft Roleplay S5E7!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Yugioh MY NEMESIS HAS GIFTS! Minecraft Roleplay S5E7’, was uploaded by Zeelophoney on 2024-04-16 17:00:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft Yugioh MY NEMESIS HAS GIFTS! Minecraft Roleplay S5E7 w/ Xylophoney – Minecraft Roleplay! Help us get … Read More

  • Insane NEW ZONE in MINECRAFT! FREE boss battles🔥

    Insane NEW ZONE in MINECRAFT! FREE boss battles🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT na żywo🔴NOWA STREFA ! GIGA LIVE🔴Wolne? Wbijaj pograć szefie🔥’, was uploaded by neak on 2024-05-16 08:49:55. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Give me a sub ▻ My minecraft server! IP: version: 1.17.2-1.20.1 here I talk: … Read More


    ASIANJEFF PREPS FOR E DATE in FortnutBr!Video Information This video, titled ‘ASIANJEFF GETS READY FOR HIS E DATE… #fortnite #clixboxfights #twitch #clixfortnite #gaming’, was uploaded by FortNutBr on 2024-03-09 15:21:10. It has garnered 5100 views and 48 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. 313,buckefps,clix,mongraal,motor,EU,NAE,NAW,Na central,central,Fn,Fortnite,Editing,Free Highlights Editor,Minecraft,Gaming,FUnny,Kids,Bugha,Dukezfn,SypherPk,Derekgraz,PilatFN,WebsterFN,Shorts,Tiktok,Tiktok CLips,Stream Clips,24Hr Stream Tags : fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity pc, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity settings, fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity , fortnite PS5 controller sensitivity guide, fortnite controller sensitivity season 4, fortnite controller sensitivity x and y, fortnite controller sensitivity ps5, fortnite controller sensitivity bug, best ps5 controller sensitivity fortnite, fortnite ps5 controller building sensitivity,… Read More

Fooling my Friend with REAL SCARY MYTHS in Minecraft…