Forrestbono – I Survived 100 Days as HERCULES in Minecraft.. Here’s What Happened..

Video Information

Imagine being dropped in the ancient Greece in surviving a hundred days is the god of strength Hercules there’s one problem you’re competing against the gods of Terror and fear in a deadly competition for the throne of Olympus can you overcome the extraordinary obstacles to reach the peak of Mount

Olympus stay tuned to find out on day one I spawned in as Hercules the god of strength and I was immediately faced with the ancient Greek gods Zeus Hades and Poseidon I was now in the heart of the Temple of Mount Olympus welcome Hercules the Council of Olympus Has

Voted there shall be a competition for the throne of Olympus competition like the Olympics not exactly all of a sudden lightning crashed down with a cloud of smoke on either side of me revealing to menacing figures looks like we’re right on time now that all competitors have arrived let me

Explain the competition will take place across the land of Greece all competing Gods will be dropped into different regions without any of their powers there will be many obstacles and important steps you must take to reach the final showdown the last God standing will be crowned king of Olympus sounds

Grand and all but who will be my partner do I have to be the one to tell him you’re all alone Hercules your siblings run with their tails between their legs quiet Aries as I was saying each member of the council could enter two of their children into the competition most of

Them weren’t interested therefore you’ll be competing against Aries Sons demos and Phobos I have faith you’ll prove to be a worthy successor sounds like your father has high hopes for you hahaha let’s hope he survives the first day now let’s begin in a flash of lightning I

Was transported to ancient Greece but I was completely stripped of my powers and on the other side of ancient Greece the most and Phobos are transported in the same way the competition for the throne of Olympus had begun it wasn’t long till I realized I had permanent strength and

Night vision as the god of Strang so I began by punching some wood and crafting some stone tools I then began exploring and got myself some sugar cane then went into the forest and fought off some wild dogs I barely survived the encounter and had to run away and eventually found

Some cows I then cooked up the meat and regen my health and with the sun setting I began looking for a cave and took shelter for the night while in the cave I mind myself some coal and also mine some iron I then smelted it up crafted

Myself in iron pickaxe and shield bought off some mobs in the cave and made my way up for the start of day too I was running low on food so I found some animals and took down some cows chickens pigs and even found some sheep for wool

Did some wood so I could make myself a bed I then continued exploring the land and eventually found myself a river however When approaching the river I noticed something on the other side when I had her closer look I saw a village house so I swam across the river and

While approaching I noticed someone coming down the stairs when I reached the steps I was greeted by two villager guards who goes there Hercules Zeus must have sent you well kind of there’s a lot to explain but please let us show you around Olympia we need your assistance okay

Okay hesitantly follow the two villagers which began for me around the town square I wasn’t impressed until they took me to the bridge where I saw a massive statue of Zeus on the mountain as I was now in the village of Olympia we continued to the other side of the

Bridge where there were massive farms and villager homes as you can see there’s just enough homes for our villagers but Olympia is lacking in infrastructure which is why we need your leadership leadership I just got here how am I supposed to do that already well don’t ask me you’re the one who’s

The son of Zeus all hail our new leader over that bridge is an empty plot of land where you can build your home we’ll stand by for your order Hercules so my first five minutes of entering this Village I was shown to a plot of land

Where I could make a base and was appointed as leader of the village I didn’t feel I was exactly ready for this position but I moved forward with collecting some wood so I can make my base so after collecting all the wood I would need I quickly built the perimeter

Of my house slept through the night and then continue building my base for the rest of day three I decided to move my small base to the edge of the land so I’d have room to make a much better one later I decided to make this a pretty

Simple looking Shack complete with a spruce roof and slightly built into the hill I completed the interior with chests furnaces and crafting tables and room for expansion underground after placing down some torches around my base in a flash of lightning Zeus the God of Thunder had appeared I see you’ve taken

Over Olympia Hercules have you begun expanding your civilization well I’ve only just finished uh it seems you’ve already fallen behind on your competition although I can’t tell you their exact location demios and Phobos have already begun expanding their civilizations in other regions Sparta led by Demos in Athens led by Phobos already

Your focus infrastructure you want to start with supplies like farms and animal pens then you must bolster an Army in case of any Invaders that will require a Barracks armor and weapons myths that seems a lot to build on my own which is why you’ll put your villagers to work you must be

Resourceful Hercules but you also must get stronger yourself with you the most and Phobos being stripped of your powers Aries and I will give you quests to regain your powers Zeus then threw me an ancient Explorer map which seemed to lead to some kind of dungeon remember

Hercules you must outsmart them if you want any chance at Victory now get to work in a big flash of lightning Zeus had disappeared and I now had a lot of tasks ahead of me I was also gonna need better equipment to take on these ancient ruins so I crafted an iron sword

And ax went to sleep for the night but at the start of day 4 I had an idea to go ask for Leon and Andy’s help Andy I’ll need both of you to order some workers around to gather materials for a Barracks Roger that so after putting

Leon and Andy to work I made a little signboard right next to my base and started listing the goals for my new civilization and my main goal was going to be to make an army barracks and if I had time I’d expand the Farms I then

Went out to a cave to go buy myself some more iron because I was gonna need all the minerals I could get after mining plenty of iron from the cave I smelted it all up crafted myself flying armor and an empty bucket I then collected the

Rest of the iron and decided to venture deeper into the cave eventually after going down deep enough I found my first vein of diamonds and made myself a diamond pickaxe to get some obsidian I then returned back to base and gathered some of the wheat from the local Wheat

Farm to crack myself some bread after getting plenty of wheat I went to go look for some animals and found some sheep but noticed there were Rams nearby I tried approaching the Sheep but got immediately attacked by one of the Rams I had to clutch with my water bucket to

Break my fall and got knocked into the air again but after a couple swings of my iron sword I defeated the ram after defeating the rest of them I lured the Sheep over to my base and trapped them in a little pen on the next morning I

Also brought some cows over and with the sugar cane I got earlier I crafted myself a book and then crafted an enchantment table I then crafted myself an iron shovel and began expanding underground I made a little stairwell and cleared out a small room where I would place my enchanting station all

That was missing was bookshelves so I took some sugar cane and planted it on the river I then smelted up some of the gold I got for Mining and made some golden apples and Enchanted my diamond pickaxe sword and all my iron armor and before leaving to find the ancient ruins

I got myself some more food I was prepared and ready to leave but then ran back into Leon and Andy it seemed like they got all the materials needed for the barracks so I told them to put them in the chest and continued on my way to

Find the ancient ruins so after a couple days of traveling through the Olympian region I eventually saw the ruins in the distance I then approached the center of the ruins to look around for an entrance after looking around for a little bit I realized I couldn’t mine any blocks

After looking around bit more I eventually found a lever in the corner of the ruins flicking the lever the door to the ruins started to open I immediately noticed some pressure plates down below so I was careful in jumping down and avoided the pressure plates when I turned around I was greeted by

Lava parkour there was also a chest in the wall which had some loot including golden Redstone and after a few more jumps I was on to the other room in this room I was able to easily find one of the traps which had some poison arrows and found another chest with loot with

Some diamonds and Lapis after destroying a couple more traps I entered the next room which was filled with scorpions I fought off the Scorpions which poisoned me heavily so I retreated into the next room and used the walls for cover after regening my health I defeated the

Scorpions one by one but was now faced with an empty room I began looking around for some kind of clue to get to the next room and after looking at each one of the pits of water I eventually found a hidden button after pressing it

The door began to open and a giant Golem was on the other side I quickly jumped down to take on the ancient Golem who was immediately hit by one of its attacks I’ve landed a couple attacks on the Golem but got hit by a giant swipe attack the Golem reared to attack me

Again which connected forcing me to use a golden apple I then barely dodged another one of its attacks and landed some more hits on the Golem I then ate some food to regen and got hit by another swipe attack from both arms after landing a couple hits the Golem

Was then weakened allowing me to Cabo it down to half HP the Golem got up and then shot a laser beam which I was not expecting I tried running away from the Golem but got hit by one of its laser beams and ate my last Golden Apple I

Took this opportunity to land some hits and landed another hit which weakened the Golem with it weakened again I landed as many hits as I could until I eventually defeated the Golem the Golem collapsed to the ground and disintegrated and dropped some kind of loot I then decide to make the jump over

And picked up an ancient Essence with the Golem defeated I was now able to mine and I then decided to take all the iron blocks Within the Ruins I then built my way back to the entrance and then pillared back up to the surface with all the loot on me from the ancient

Ruins I decided it was a good idea to start heading back to base so after another couple days of traveling I eventually made it back to the Village of Olympia I then ran back to my base and then stashed all the loot with all the poison arrows I had gotten from the

Ruins I decided to craft an enchanted bow I then went over to the chest to see what kind of materials Leon and Andy had gotten and now had plenty of materials to build myself a Barracks once I had exited the chest a flash of lightning appeared and Zeus had re-emerged I see

Returned in one piece don’t you have something for me you know I do have this ancient Essence for you but you could have warned me about the Golem and the ruins I would have prepared a bit more Zeus then asked me to hand the ancient Essence over to

Him and after doing so he infused me with the power of the ancient Essence returning me back to my Godly form hey I feel a little bit taller now Not only was I taller but I now had 20 hearts and had gained the leap ability since you’ve

Acquired some of your power I have a new quest for you take this recipe and use it to appoint the second command to your army once you’ve built your barracks so I picked up the recipe that Zeus had dropped for the commander helmet before I could take a look at the recipe a

Portal had appeared right next to Zeus in a guardian angel had exited the portal and then went up to Zeus to inform him of something and ran back right into the portal I must get back to Olympus now Hercules don’t disappoint me Zeus then quickly jumped through the

Portal bringing him back to Mount Olympus where he was facing Ares the god of war Zeus one of our Scouts reported an infiltration was detected in Battlegrounds in his wreaking havoc in the Spartan region I’ll exterminate this threat immediately now Aries direct combat interference in the games is forbidden regardless of infiltrators if

You’re so confident in your son’s Victory you should have let them defeat this phone ah my sons are more than capable of defeating the but I don’t want anyone ruining the Integrity of this competition I’ll be on my way Zeus and there’s nothing you could do to stop

Me Aries then continued through the portal and had now appeared at the land of Sparta where he would go to inform demos of this infiltrator but little did Aries know the infiltrator was watching them from afar hiding in plain sight and was waiting for his opportunity to

Strike well all this was happening in the Spartan region back in the Olympian region I realized I was a little bit taller now so I expanded the entrance to my house and tested out my LEAP ability I then took a look at the commander helmet recipe which required two iron

And three gold ingots I then smelted off some gold and then crafted myself the commander helmets once this helmet was given to one of the villagers it would appoint them as second in command to my Army so now with this Commander helmet it was time to build the army barracks

So with an empty plot of land nearby I began building the army barracks using the materials gathered by Leon and Andy I mainly use diary andesite and calcite for the walls and used the war planks to the roof once the outer shell was complete I finished the bill by putting

In some wood flooring and fixing the Interiors just like that the army barracks were complete there was plenty of room for an army to fit here all that was left was to appoint a commander so listen up guys I need to appoint one of you as commander of our Legion so each

One of you can explain what huh did you really just well Leon you’re hired it will be an honor to serve as commander of Olympia thank you Hercules so without much hesitation I handed the commander helmet over to Leon and once he added equipped he was now commander of the

Army as commander you’re gonna have some new responsibilities the first thing I’m going to need you to do is start appointing some of the villagers to be a part of our army I have faith you’ll do the job right so Leon went ahead to get some work done at the barracks while

Andy seemed to doze off once again I then headed back to my base and now had plans to go exploring but first send it to my sugar cane Farms harvested some more bread crafted and Enchanted a diamond sword and was now ready to go exploring after a couple days of

Traveling and trucking through the mountains of Olympia I eventually reached the edge of a jungle I was hoping I could find a new Village but decide to take this detour and see what was inside the jungle I first collected some bamboo and found myself some melon

Seeds however when I turned a corner I had ran right into a tiger which left right at me I was forced to fight off the tiger which was doing a ton of damage but with a shot of my bow I defeated the tiger after eating some food and regening my health I continued

Through the Jungle with a bit more caution however after hearing some rustling in the bushes I got shot by an arrow in the distance I immediately started to run and was brought down to half a heart I ate some food to regen and continued running away from the

Bowmen I used my LEAP ability to get some distance I got hit down to half a heart again I took one more leap outside the jungle and spotted the two bowmen hiding behind a tree it seemed like I wasn’t very welcome in the jungle so I

Had an idea I decided to back away from the jungle and wait until night time with the benefit of having night vision I took a look to see if the coast was clear and using my LEAP ability parkour onto one of the giant rocks and leapt up

Onto the top of the trees so to try and explore the rest of the Jungle I used my LEAP ability to hop from tree to tree to see if I could find a village and after looking the entire night I eventually spotted something past the trees it ended up being a jungle civilization

Hidden in the heart of the Jungle with the sun rising I tried figuring out a way to approach this Village and I then saw these the same villagers that attacked me I decided I better leap in quick and tell them I come in peace before I got attacked again listen up villager

Please bring me your village Chief so we can speak I’m not sure what’s wrong with these guys it’s a bit weird they’re just staring at me wait okay that one’s running off maybe he’s getting the village Chief I then leapt after the Villager and was faced by The Village

Chief who was none other than Artemis the goddess of the hunt Artemis you’re the villain chief of course now explain yourself what’s the purpose of your visit well it’s a bit of a long story but let me give you some context first I then explained what was going on with

The competition for the throne of Olympus and how I was competing against Deimos and Phobos I then had to quickly come up with a reason on the fly as to why I came to this Village so the purpose of my visit was to actually seek an alliance with neighboring Villages

Alliance why would I need assistance from you there’s a very good reason your village stands between my Village which happens to be where Phobos is meaning before Phobos reaches me he’ll reach you my Army can help defend your village and in turn you could help defend hours in case of an invasion it

Would be a fair trade 50 50. you make a good argument Hercules but I’ll only enter an alliance with the likes of you under three conditions first never to enter my Forest without my permission I value my privacy second if an enemy invades the Allied Army must come to

Defend each other third any offensive invasion of enemies must be agreed upon by both parties so following Artemis into her Temple we both signed a treaty that would make her Alliance official before I go Artemis I must ask are there any other Villages nearby in the Olympian region yes there

Are a couple more seek out the village of pyrigos to the West there you may find more allies thank you Artemis till we meet again so with new directions from Artemis of where the nearest Village was I began making my way out of the village and to exit the jungle and

After a couple days of traveling out of the jungle as well as heading west towards the village I eventually found it on day 24 and was now entering the village of pergos as I was reaching the edge of the village I saw something approaching me and it turned out to be

One of the Villager guards Hercules welcome to pyrigos right this way let me introduce you to our leader it seemed I had a pretty warm welcome so I followed build the Villager guard to their leader Hercules a pleasure to meet the son of Zeus what brings you to my humble abode

Yes I am don’t let my age fool you I’ve fought in hundreds of battles and now lead a life committed to helping my people well you’re the one you’re the one Virgos Emma Emma that would be Splendid but our army isn’t very strong we could only provide

Resources well our city is expanding we could have your villagers move to Olympia if you’re looking for more protection I only want what’s best for my people so if it means they’re better protected that would be ideal all right we’ll prepare more Village Homes they’re waiting for your arrival I recommend

Giving yourselves 10 days before moving out we’ll need some time to build the homes that will be plenty thank you Hercules here goes we’ll bring our very best after coming to an agreement with Bob I did some looking around the village of Burgos and found a pretty big

Temple in the back the temple ended up being to Zeus which made sense why they recognized me after a pretty successful mission of exploring I began heading back to base from The Village at pergos after a couple days of travel I made my way back to Olympia now that I was back

At Olympia my first order of business was to find Leon and Andy so I could assign them a couple new jobs Leon Andy I have some new jobs for you have the villagers help you build up some new homes we’ll be having some more villagers from pergos arriving in 10

Days yes sir we’ll get radon at Hercules we will need your help building the weapon and armor smithing houses so our army can get properly equipped most of the materials are in the chest by the barracks to build them sounds like a plan I’ll get it done now I wasn’t

Expecting to get a signed a task by Leon but I was definitely up for it after seeing the amount of materials they left me to build the blacksmith so I decided to use the little bit of empty land in front of the barracks as a spot to build

The blacksmith I first created a little outline with andesite decided to add quartz pillars and quartz for the walls I made sure to match the general style of the other buildings and even added a little chimney a small dome roof and an outdoor patio I then added an exterior

Wall to connect the build to the ground and just like that the armor and weaponsmithing house was complete I made sure to include the chimney and an anvil inside and a cauldron and Anvil outside I then ran over to Leon by the barracks to tell him I had finished the

Blacksmith weapon armor smithing house is now done Leon thank you Hercules perfect I’ll appoint a weapon and armorsmith to operate each one Leon then ran past me to go a point a weapon and armorsmith and by the time I went over there was a craft available inside the

Armorsmith house it was for Olympian armor and required a bunch of different materials on the outside by the weaponsmith was a craft for nemian gauntlets which required a lot of different materials as well I wasn’t entirely sure which one to try and craft first so I went to ask so

So leave first it’ll be best to focus on your armor first before the weapons as the gauntlets will be impossible to acquire without a proper set of armor why would to craft the nimian gauntlets you must acquire anemian lion Essence which means defeating anemian lion an extremely tough though that rules the neemian

Region of the Jungle of Olympia jungle I was just there I had just visited artemis’s Village and we formed a treaty you were lucky to escape alive the Neiman lion is always on the hunt before I could finish my conversation with Leon Zeus had reappeared once again I’ve come

With News Hercules demos has entered the Olympian region with a small army on a scouting Mission already calm down Hercules he’s not headed for Olympia he’s headed for a small village named pergos you’ll have time to prepare what wait I can’t stop you from going but if you confront demos I cannot interfere

Remember you’ll have the best chance with an army by your side I’ll take my chance Zeus Leon I’ll need you to hold down the four here I’ve gotta go warn pergos I’ll be back soon I promise please be careful Hercules I’ll do my best Zeus then disappeared in a flash of

Lightning and now having this information from Zeus I quickly gathered some wheat and crafted some bread so I could start heading to pergos and warn them of deimos’s arrival after a couple days of rushing over to pergos I eventually made it to the Village but while approaching it I noticed it was in

Flames I jumped up onto a tree to get a better look and saw Deimos the god of Terror standing in the middle of the village he was accompanied by a small army of his Spartan soldiers before demos could leave Aries had appeared through a portal timos what are

You doing here Kratos has invaded Sparta and is destroying the city hurry back now we’re heading back to Sparta now movement move demos then started rushing back to Sparta with his men worried about the potential Invasion on Sparta Ares then retreated back into the portal

And now that the coast was clear I leapt into the village and went to look around for any potential survivors as I looked around I noticed the houses were completely decimated there were no survivors to be seen and I was hoping that they had escaped I also noticed

They left behind a lot of materials though I took some of the anvils and bookshelves and then started heading back to Olympia after a couple days of travel I eventually made it back however while approaching the stairs I noticed someone in the distance step Bob Bob you escaped in time how did

You know demos was coming it’s great to see you Hercules Hall worship to Zeus paid off and said he didn’t mention that to me anyways I’ll have Leon and Andy show you to your new home follow me I was definitely glad to see Bob in the

Villagers alive but I had a feeling Zeus wanted to test me I continued leading Bob and the villagers to their new homes but then noticed Leon and Andy coming across the bridge I then introduced them to Bob and the villagers and had Leon and Andy guide them to their new homes

So they could get to know each other now that Bob and the villagers are moved in I thought it would be a good idea to talk to the armor Smith and ask him a few questions Hello Alex how do I acquire the ancient Olympian Essence I

Need to craft this armor your best bet is to search the ruins of the underground Coliseum to the east of Olympia take this map there you may find what you need thank you Alex I’ll return soon so after acquiring a new map from Alex the armor Smith I now had a new

Goal but before setting out to find the ancient Coliseum I put a couple new tasks on the signboard including making a library but also a little alchemy Workshop I luckily had leftover materials from building the armorsmith and decided a good spot for the library would be down in the valley below I

First started by adding a little staircase down that was connected to the bridge above I then started setting an andesite foundation for the library placed on some pillars and made a little bit of a wood floor I then started building up the pillars individually and started creating the walls out of quartz

And calcite after finishing the outer walls I continued by adding a dome-shaped roof in a classic ancient Greek style and after finishing the interior the library was complete I made sure to place the enchantment station in the middle of the library now I just needed things to enchant so I went back

To my base made myself some torches and headed out to go mining I eventually found myself a cave outside Olympia and immediately started mining as much as I could I got all sorts of different minerals including diamonds and Lapis but also got myself a bunch of levels after that successful mining trip I

Headed back to base and I now had plenty of diamonds enough to craft a full set of diamond armor with the full set I went over to the enchantment station and made sure to enchant each piece to try and get some sort of protection my last bit of preparation involved getting some

Apples smelting up the gold and crafting some golden apples I also made sure to craft an enchant some diamond tools that was now more than ready to head out and follow the map to the Coliseum but on the way over to the Coliseum a major event was taking place in the middle of

The Jungle Phobos the god of fear had arrived in the jungle not only that but he had brought his army and was trying to invade artemis’s Village Over My Dead Body salvation all of a sudden the battle begun between Phobos and artemis’s armies the Athenian Warriors and artemis’s soldiers clashed in the middle

While their armies were fighting the battle had begun between Artemis and Phobos the result of this war was unknown on day 46 I’d finally arrived at the ancient Coliseum after taking a look around I found an entrance that led Underground there’s the Coliseum as I walked up a

Message appeared with the message trial number one agility it seemed like I had to go through some trials to reach this Coliseum the first one being parkour so I started jumping from pillar to pillar and eventually I decided to stop as I used my LEAP ability to reach the end well that wasn’t

I then made my way down a spiral staircase and when I reached the bottom new text appeared saying trial number two intellect it appeared to be a bit of a maze where I immediately disarmed an arrow trap so I began navigating the maze to try and find the end before I

Knew it accidentally stepped on a pressure plate that spawned in a creeper after taking the Creeper down I rounded a corner and found some strange looking venomous spiders I got poisoned by one but took them both out then looted the chest which had a few diamonds I then continued breaking traps throughout the

Maze and fighting off the venomous spiders I also found a second chest which had a golden apple some gold and emeralds but after rounding one of the corners I eventually found a strange room and there was a strange hole in the middle so I jumped down the hole to see

What was below and found the underground Coliseum in a now reached trial number three the trial of might in front of me stood the Fallen Defender which sprung to life when I walked up to it the battle had begun and I landed a few hits with my diamond sword the Fallen

Defender did a spinning attack which did a lot of damage so I ate a golden apple and started using my bow from range the Fallen Defender hit me back once again and I leapt back in landing some more hits I barely dodged one of its stab attacks and watched a counter attack the

Fallen Defender tried hitting me with a ranged attack and all of a sudden unsheath the massive blade it started slashing me with giant beams which did a ton of damage I was foresied another Golden Apple leapt away and continued using my bow I jumped back into the

Action and then got pushed away by Shield after re-engaging I landed a bunch more hits and with no healing left barely defeated the Fallen Defender The Olympian Essence I needed dropped from the Fallen Defender and the exit to the Coliseum opened up behind him I then climbed up the spiral staircase and made

It back to the surface so I began traveling back to base and on day 50 I returned to Olympia with the ancient Olympian Essence in hand I went back to the armorsmith to see what other materials I would need I was still in need of 16 gold and 32 diamonds so I

Crafted myself a diamond pickaxe Sam was lucky to get a fortune 3 in shame with my new pickaxe I went into a new cave and after a few days of mining some diamonds and gold I eventually had enough to return back to base and now had all the materials I would need to

Craft the armor all the materials for the Olympian armor Alex excellent remember your Olympian armor set is infused with an ancient Essence giving it the ability to equip an entire Army a whole lot I’m gonna need one day to forge the armor so come back tomorrow okay I’ll be

I then handed Alex all the materials and after waiting a full day for my Olympian armor to be crafted I went back over to Alex to retrieve the armor The Olympian armor provide you divine protection and so standing on the armor stand was my Olympian armor I took the armor off the

Stand and equipped the full say once I had it equipped The Olympian armor gave me my next power up I now had 30 hearts and acquired speed and strength too also my LEAP ability was upgraded and I acquired the boulder toss ability which seemed to be pretty powerful but all of

A sudden Zeus appeared in a flash of lightning good work acquiring your Olympian armor hurricane but you remain one step behind Phobos and demos Phobos has defeated the Hydra in the mountains of Athens and demos has defeated the soul mate in the wastelands of sparma both acquiring the essence they need to

Craft their Legendary Weapons which precisely which is what you’ll need to craft your legendary Nene gauntlets they’ll be vital to your success take this map it’ll help you track down the neemean lion thank you Zeus I’ll do my best try not to die Zeus have now left

Me with the map which was a map of the nemian region deep in the same jungle that I was in before trying to tackle this goal it was about time I built my actual base but I was gonna need materials so I went to mine a bunch of different blocks including diorite deep

Slate and also tough and andesite I also had Commander Leon fesh me some materials including quartz and warped planks and last but not least I mine myself some wood and clay and I then got started on the foundation of my build I made sure to use andesite again and

Started making some pillars on the outer sides I then began building up the inner walls of quartz and using Spruce planks for the roof I added a quartz and warped planked roof and added a second layer on top I then completed the interior with some chest furnaces and a throne and

Just like that my temple was complete I made sure to move in all the important stuff and tested out the throne now that my base was complete I decided to head out to see if I could find this nemian lion however after taking a wrong turn I ended up seeing something in the

Distance it turned out to be a massive volcano know so after slowly scaling up I found a bunch of nether courts that I mined along the Ridge and I also found some magma cubes I took them out for some magma cream and I also found some

Netherwart and Soul Sand I then leapt up to the top of the volcano and found myself a bunch of blazes I tested out my Boulder toss and defeated the blazes one by one collecting a bunch of blaze rods after that I began making my way back down and found some glowstone in a

Nearby Boulder after mining all the glowstone I also found and mined a bunch of nether gold with a fortune 3 pickaxe I got plenty of gold started to head back to base with all my materials after another day or two of travel I made it

Back to my base and figured it was time to start working on my Alchemy area I started by crafting some Brewing stands and also gathered a bunch of apples to make some golden apples and began building the Alchemy Workshop in the second layer of my base I put some water

Underneath the Brewing stands and set up a small netherwort farm I also set up a melon farm next to the wheat farm and collected some sand so I could smelt it into glass using the melons and golden nuggets I crafted some glistening melons and glass bottles I then brewed my first

Batch of instant health potions and with all the levels I got from the courts I Enchanted my Olympian armor with level 30 enchants I was now more than ready to set out to find the nemian lion and after a couple days of travel I made it back to the Jungle while trekking

Through the Jungle there was a minor Interruption whoa who’s that stop right there Intruder Intruder where wait stop I come in peace with that warning Kratos the God of War Began attacking me I was forced to fight back as we duked it out in the middle of the Jungle after a

Couple minutes of fighting we were met with an interruption from Zeus Kratos I’ve been trying to tell you I’m allied with Artemis I’m welcome in her Forest you haven’t Allied yourself the demos or Phobos no I’m against them With a Little Help from Zeus to stop the

Fight it allowed me to explain to him the competition and my alliance with Artemis and I was competing against Deimos and Phobos we share a common enemy Hercules I’ve had my run-ins with Zeus but my ultimate goal is to take down Aries bloodline well they are brothers after all before I

Could team up I need to find and defeat the neemian lion the namian lion hey good luck with that hey if we’re gonna be ally guys have a little more faith in me would you when you’re finished hunting the namian lion I’ll bring you to my Hideout farewell Hercules after

Reaching this agreement with Kratos he ran back into the jungle and I continued my quest to find the nemian lion while following the map I noticed some harpies in the distance so I began battling off the harpies and started taking them out one by one after defeating them all I

Continued Through the Jungle I was now getting a lot closer to the spot on the map and all of a sudden I heard a loud roar so I began running into the direction of the Roar and after leaping around for a bit I saw him in the

Distance he roared once again and I left forward to chase him down but when I rounded the corner he was gone I looked all around the trees and the mountains I couldn’t find him anywhere that’s when I realized he must have gone into the cave so I started climbing down to

Investigate eventually once I was deep enough I found a lush cave it was a massive cave which had some strange mushroom mobs around I looked around more for the nemian lion and after about a day of searching I finally found him the nemian lion then began to awaken and

I leapt in and took a swipe attack to the face I then landed a couple of bow shots and got hit by a couple more swipe attacks I then leapt away to create some distance the nemian lion then charged right at me and pal zombie doing a bunch

Of damage and withering me I was forced to jump away to heal with the nemian lion launched tornadoes at me he then let out a massive Roar and summoned in a bunch more tornadoes I waited for them to disappear and re-engage with the nemian lion and then summoned some more

And landed some swipe attacks forcing me to eat another Golden Apple but was knocked Away by some more tornadoes I closed the distance once again and had the nemian lion on really low HP I went in to finish him off and after a few more hits I had defeated the nemian lion

I then noticed it dropped some Loot and picked up an ancient nemian Essence now that I have the essence I would need to craft my gauntlets I began making my way out of the cave once I made it to the top I leapt on out but immediately came

Face to face with Kratos again you’re alive I guess the name line wasn’t so tough after all let’s get out of the open follow me Artemis awaits our arrival with Kratos leading the way I followed him until we arrived at a strange Temple it seemed to be partially destroyed but I continued

To follow him to the back of the temple is this supposed to be an entrance an entrance to artemis’s backup plan Kratos and I then went down into the cave and slowly made her way down the steps when we turned the corner I was amazed to find an entire underground Village

Kratos and I then continued to one of the buildings an Artemis was awaiting our arrival I then noticed she was bandaged up and lost an arm Artemis what happened our Scouts detected his army too late bobos and his army invaded and we fought to protect our village that’s

When credos came in and saved my life Artemis and I have been an alliance from the start and luckily for her I was coming to stop by ironically to ask for her help to invade Phobos that wouldn’t have worked out Kratos as soon as Phobos had word of the invasion demos would

Have assisted him in his defense or even start a counter Invasion what do you propose to lay low and prepare for it the element of surprise will be a factor although they’re very aware of you now I’ll do my best to prepare when the time comes it’ll be me who tastes phobos’s

Head sounds fair to me I’m sorry I can’t help Hercules but I can provide my Army a support to Kratos they can be as stealthy as you need thank you Artemis please get some rest your Army’s help will be more than enough farewell Artemis so with the promise of artemis’s

Army to help me in the final showdown I was glad that I’d have some kind of help I eventually made my way back to the surface and after some travel I returned back to base on day 80. I then ran over to the blacksmith to see what other

Materials I would need now I had everything I needed except for the nether eye block so I had an idea I first gathered up all the materials in the chest and then set out to go back to the volcano I had a feeling there’d be ancient debris around here so I began my

Ascent back up the volcano fought off some magma cubes took down some more blazes and leapt up to the very top I was then greeted by some weather skeletons after taking them down I found a bunch of ancient debris around the ridge of the volcano I mind as much as I

Could and then started going back down to mine some chords once I had what I needed I started heading back to base smelted down all the ancient debris in a netherrite scrap and crafted nine netherright ingots into a netherright block now that I had all the materials I

Ran over to blacksmith Braun and when I gave him everything I would need I then acquired the nemian gauntlets once I had them equipped I’d achieved my final power up I now had 40 hearts and my Boulder throw was upgraded into a meteor throw I also obtained Speed 2 and now

Had a dash ability I also tested Out Swinging my nemian gauntlets and tested my meteor throw ability I then ran over to my enchantment station in the library and Enchanted both my gauntlets with sharpness I then left back over to my base and went to sleep for the night but

On the next morning Zeus had appeared once again I see you’ve achieved your final four Hercules well it did just craft the nemian gauntlets and I feel better than ever I’ve come to inform you of a final phase of this competition The Olympian phase on day 95 you must head

To the Garden of the Gods which lies Central to Athens Olympia and Sparta prepare accordingly Hercules this will be the final showdown well what going earlier isn’t an issue but if you show up late you’ll forfeit the competition and be banished from Olympus all right I understand

Don’t be late this then disappeared in a flash of lightning and I now had my final quest I dashed over to the barracks to talk to Leon and told him we’ll be getting ready for the final battle it was now time for me to use the ability of my Olympian armor which was

To equip an entire Army I went up to each of the soldiers giving them a set of armor and they were now each equipped with an Olympian armor set Leon then thanked me and assured me he’d be ready soon so I went back to my base to start preparing I first harvested my

Netherwort farm filled up some glass bottles and brewed up some fire resistance and some more and some health potions I then crafted myself a brand new bow and Enchanted it with power four I then realized I was kind of low on golden apples so I returned to the

Volcano to mine some gold I used my fortune pickaxe to mine as much as I could crafted them into gold ingots then went back to Olympia to gather apples I then crafted myself 16 more golden apples and harvested another stack of bread while I Was preparing an Olympia

Over in the city of Sparta Ares had helped demos prepare his army as they were now ready to enter the Olympian phase and over in the city of Athens Ares had also helped Phobos prepare his entire Army but they weren’t the only ones prepared I had also prepared my

Olympian Army Leon had equipped them all with diamond swords and shields and my Army was ready to move out I then told Leon it was time for us to move and so we started traveling to the center of the map traveling with the Army took a

Little while as we had a long distance to travel but eventually on day 100 we had made it to the center of the map it wasn’t long after I arrived that Kratos and his army came out of the bushes now that we are reunited we discussed the

Game plan we both charged into the center of the map ready to take on demos and Phobos but they hadn’t showed up yet without warning a storm began to form overhead and it began pouring rain before I knew it demos and his army began barreling out of the trees and

Phobos and his army came out from the other side Kratos and I were now face to face with demos and Phobos prepared to die for the son of Zeus No I’m prepared to kill the son of Ares Warden throw your weapons my Army charge in against the Spartans

And they began a violent Clash on the opposite side phobos’s Army charged in against kratos’s Army after a while the two armies duking it out I decided to charge in against demos I landed the first couple of hits but got knocked back by swipe attack he’d knock me back

Once again so I ate a golden apple and went in to land some hits he then launched two swords at me and began doing a spinning attack I went back in and landed a few more hits but his spinning attack did a lot of damage it

Threw me up into the air I now had demos on half HP but while fighting demos Kratos was also in battle with Phobos Kratos was Landing a bunch of punches the Phobos landed a significant strike Kratos then began to run Hercules I need some assistance I then started running

Over to Kratos to help him out and I switched to attacking Phobos while Kratos was to demo I began juking it out with Phobos and his attacks did a ton of damage I started Landing my combos but got hit by a spike ability I was forced

To eat a golden apple and he slammed the ground once again he hit me with another one of his battle axes knocking me away I threw down one of my potions and ate another golden apple and had him on really low HP we should do it yes avenge

Me brother I am now defeated Phobos we’re right behind me Kratos and demos were still fighting with a swipe of demos’s Sword Kratos got sent flying away and I was now in a one versus one the most then slammed into the ground creating an earthquake that destroyed

The land around him the massive beams were withering me and I was forced to take a step back I took a ton of damage and splashed down to instant health potions while launching my counter-attack he made it rain down a bunch of Swords I closed the distance

Once again that got knocked Away by one of his attacks I continued throwing Bowlers at him to try and take him down but he began casting another ability he summoned a bunch of black clouds and swords and continued hitting me with his blade come on I haven’t

I only needed a few more hits and then demos had collapsed and I had won the competition on I’m sorry before I knew it I was transported to Olympus it was now facing Zeus and Aries you may have won the battle hurricane you won’t win the war good riddance Zeus

And in a raging fit Ares exited through the portal congratulations Hercules you will now succeed the Throne of Olympus and now Hercules was the true successor of the Throne of Olympus a big thank you to my entire team and all of you for making this possible make sure to like

And subscribe if you enjoyed and I hope you all have a great day

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as HERCULES in Minecraft.. Here’s What Happened..’, was uploaded by Forrestbono on 2023-09-26 00:00:07. It has garnered 864790 views and 16868 likes. The duration of the video is 00:43:00 or 2580 seconds.

I Survived 100 Days as HERCULES in Minecraft.. Here’s What Happened..

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Credits: Huge thank you to all of my amazing team! Love you all 🙂 Zeus – @Painful Ares – @FitMC Kratos – @aCookieGod Leon – @Corinthius Andy – @loolitsalex Bob & Bill – @Zilvertone Alex – @xNestorio Artemis – Nellabel Deimos – Ashijin Phobos – Grumble

Edited by – Some great models created by: Shaders Used: Complementary Shaders –

I had to survive for 100 Days of Hardcore Minecraft as HERCULES the God of Strength. I had to battle Phobos and Deimos, the Gods of Fear and Terror for the throne of Olympus! Throughout the 100 Days, I encountered many insane bosses, and ancient monsters throughout my 100 days as HERCULES! Stay tuned to see what happens during the 100 Days as HERCULES!

🎵 Music Provided by Epidemic Sound Click here for a free trial!

#100Days #Hardcore #Minecraft

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  • ☀️Shaded SMP Survival – HUGE Update & World Expansion- NEW! Custom Fish & Gear- Weekly Challenges- Skills- Events- Optional PvP- NO Whitelist/Resets- 1.21- Java+Bedrock

    ☀️Shaded SMP Survival - HUGE Update & World Expansion- NEW! Custom Fish & Gear- Weekly Challenges- Skills- Events- Optional PvP- NO Whitelist/Resets- 1.21- Java+BedrockServer IP: Discord: Join our Discord TikTok: Follow us on TikTok Hello, fellow Minecrafters! 🎉 Welcome to Shaded! Join the ultimate SMP survival server that’s making waves in the Minecraft world in 2024! 🌍💥 Discover Exciting Features: 🐟 New Fishing Log: Explore our innovative Fishing Log feature with custom fish textures and rarity levels. 🦞 New Lobster Pots: Step into lobster fishing with your own lobster pots at /pond. ⚔️ New PvP Arena: Test your skills against other players in our PvP arena. 🏰 Land Claiming and Grief Prevention: Build securely without interference. 🛍️ Custom Gear, Economy, Shops, and… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Honesty time: Minecraft edition!

    Well, at least this meme is getting a solid 32 out of 10 in my book! Read More

  • Grind Time Galore: Tinker World SMP Fun!

    Grind Time Galore: Tinker World SMP Fun! In Tinker World SMP, the grind never stops, Building, crafting, exploring nonstop. Join the fun, watch the stream replay, Catch all the action, don’t delay. With Music Free Gaming, the vibes are chill, No drama, just good times, that’s the deal. Support the channel, show some love, Join the Discord, rise above. Follow the rules, keep it clean, Respect each other, be a team. No swearing, no politics, just fun, In Tinker World SMP, the adventure’s just begun. So much grinding, so much to see, In the world of Minecraft, where we’re all free. Join the journey, let your… Read More

  • “Blaze it with Laser Barrier! 🔥” #Minecraft #Meme

    "Blaze it with Laser Barrier! 🔥" #Minecraft #Meme I guess the laser barrier is no match for a determined chicken with a death wish! #MinecraftLogic Read More

  • Server Shenanigans: Part 2

    Server Shenanigans: Part 2 The Exciting World of Minecraft Server Games Exploring the vast universe of Minecraft server games can be an exhilarating experience for players of all ages. With endless possibilities and adventures waiting to be discovered, it’s no wonder that Minecraft continues to captivate millions of gamers worldwide. Immersive Gameplay One of the key attractions of Minecraft server games is the immersive gameplay that allows players to unleash their creativity and build unique worlds from scratch. Whether constructing elaborate structures, embarking on thrilling quests, or engaging in epic battles, the possibilities are truly endless. Community Interaction Another highlight of Minecraft server… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Gamers Go Crazy! #MinecraftServer

    Join Minewind: Where Gamers Go Crazy! #MinecraftServer Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of gaming content like fleetbhai pagl ho gaye 🥺#gamerfleet #shorts #youtubeshorts, then you’ll love the immersive experience waiting for you on Minewind server. Join a vibrant community of players from around the globe on Minewind without any hassle. Explore unique gameplay features, engage in thrilling adventures, and unleash your creativity in a sandbox environment like no other. Experience the thrill of survival mode, conquer challenges in PvP battles, or simply relax and build your dream world. The possibilities are endless on Minewind server. Ready to dive into the… Read More

  • Minecraft Island Building Shenanigans

    Minecraft Island Building Shenanigans Ideias Simples de Construção na Ilha Cogumelos… 😂 Pt1 Pronto para explorar e construir na Ilha Cogumelos do Minecraft? Aqui estão algumas ideias simples para melhorar o seu mundo, ou pelo menos era essa a intenção! No entanto, as coisas saíram um pouco do controle no meio do caminho, resultando em algo surpreendente e divertido. Vamos conferir o resultado final! Construções Fáceis (com Surpresas!) As construções apresentadas neste vídeo são simples, mas com um toque de criatividade e surpresas. Desde casas pequenas até estruturas inusitadas, cada construção traz algo único e inesperado. A combinação de simplicidade e originalidade torna… Read More

  • 💰 EPIC Minecraft Survival #4! MUST WATCH 🔥

    💰 EPIC Minecraft Survival #4! MUST WATCH 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘💵 Minecraft Survival #4 | mokix2dev 🔥💵’, was uploaded by mokix2dev on 2024-09-18 07:36:24. It has garnered 48 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:27 or 207 seconds. Siema! Dzis Nagrywamy Odcinek Minecraft Survival #4! wiec zachecam do Like Suba oraz Komentarza : ) ====TAGI==== minecraft skins minecraft movie minecraft za darmo minecraft launcher minecraft net minecraft film minecraft story mode minecraft pocket edition minecraft bedrock minecraft classic minecraft mods minecraft wiki minecraft premium minecraft skin editor minecraft download minecraft 1.20 download apk minecraft education minecraft java minecraft seed map minecraft… Read More

  • Endless Adventures with Tomoe Carmine in Minecraft

    Endless Adventures with Tomoe Carmine in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT VSMP】Let’s explore the end!! :D’, was uploaded by Tomoe Carmine Ch. トモエ・カーマイン【kawaii】 on 2024-07-31 00:28:23. It has garnered 1319 views and 279 likes. The duration of the video is 04:37:32 or 16652 seconds. i am hungy #vsmp Tip the ghostie!!! 👻🔥 ‼️ Only if you can afford to ‼️ BECOME a CARGEIST! Check out my covers! ⚜•———-✦———-•⚜ 🚂【LINKS】☠️ Twitter: Marshmallow: Tomoe Carmine Acrylic Standee: Debut Merch: Debut Voice pack: ⚜•———-✦———-•⚜ 🚂【DA RULES】☠️ – Be kind! To each other and to me! Let’s keep the space cozy… Read More


    🔥ULTIMATE MINECRAFT BATTLE: NOOB vs PRO vs HACKER!🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Noob vs Pro vs Hacker in killing mobs #shorts #Minecraft #ytshorts’, was uploaded by RAFEDO YT on 2024-07-08 18:42:25. It has garnered 38 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. Video made by:@rafedoyt8087 Minecraft gamerz Shorts proboiz proboiz 95 Skibidi toilet dream boy Minecraft video Techno gamerz Minecraft aayu and pihu show animal song Anime Bike rider dafuq boom gamerfleet herobrine iron man minecraft game not your type short video yas smarty pie cameraman gta v Horror video minecraft 100 days minecraft cartoon minecraft hardcore ytshorts SHORTSFEED Read More

Forrestbono – I Survived 100 Days as HERCULES in Minecraft.. Here’s What Happened..