Fozo – I Survived 100 Days as A DIAMOND TURTLE in HARDCORE Minecraft

Video Information

On day one I spawned in as a diamond turtle I was on a shoreline and new as a turtle the ocean was my home son Welcome to our home I looked around and saw an entire civilization of sea creatures everything looks so peaceful and happy man I want to live like this

Forever suddenly the Water started to change into green poisoning all of us oh no this water is being polluted too son you must go now we love you I watched as my parents died in front of me no I only had five hearts and they were depleting

Fast so I swam as fast as I could to the surface to catch my breath wait who’s that and are those machines dumping a bunch of waste in the ocean yes my operation is going just as planned soon I Mr beingsley will become the richest man in Minecraft hey what are you doing

Oh my is that a diamond turtle you must be worth a fortune the man immediately got in a boat and started to chase after me this ocean is nothing but a junkyard for my mission all I care about is being rich and when I capture you we’re

Diamond turtle I’ll be richer than ever on day two I was swimming as fast as I could with the boat right on my tail I quickly noticed that the water around me was clearing up time to go under I was successfully able to go underwater and

Lose Mr bigsley okay that was too close I can’t believe my family is gone what am I supposed to do now I then noticed the ground was rising up am I reaching land I swam up and saw a small island with nothing but sugar cane oh man I’m

Hungry I quickly grabbed some to help return my strength when hey that’s my sugar I heard a loud rumbling and turned around to see a giant tortoise quickly approaching me oh I’m sorry I was just the tortoise shot of water attack though and I barely dodged it hey he charged in

And kept attacking me since I was a baby turtle I use my size to my advantage dodging all of his attacks I then built up my strength and hit him on the head oh my apologies I just realized that you’re the diamond turtle yeah you know

Who I am of course the diamond Journal is meant to be the Savior to All Creatures a stop in Mr bigsley he’s a billionaire who’s Greed for diamonds led to the invention of the most dangerous modern machines the waste these machines create is slowly killing all of us there

Are five different Diamond temples scattered throughout the world that shall upgrade you to your final form it’s up to you Turtle to stop this up to me the tortoise introduced himself as Jenkins and handed me a map that would lead me to the first temple are you sure

I’m the one who’s meant to stop all of this I’m just a turtle Jenkins told me to shut up and to stay here for the night to regain my strength be out by the morning the next day I swam over to a new Shore after leaving the island and

Found myself in the middle of a desert alright diamond turtle I guess I need to find the first temple I noticed the single tree and was able to craft myself a set of wooden tools using a nearby cave I was able to upgrade them to Stone the perfect gear for temple hunting I

Was on my way to the first temple but the heat from the desert was beaming down onto me oh man it is hot I needed to find some water and fast I quickly spotted a pawn nearby and jumped in but started to take damage ah even the pawns

Are polluted too man maybe more of this world was polluted than I thought suddenly a rich looking raccoon approached me so you’re this diamond turtle that Mr bigsley told me about I see you think this water is disgusting but I find it delightful the raccoon

Then picked up a block and shot it at me thankfully I was able to dodge it you’re coming with old veto and Olivia to Mr bingsley and it would turn he’ll grant me the world’s filth in pollution just as raccoons like it he started shooting

At me again with any block he could find and was able to hit me I tried to do everything to fight back but with no upgrades I had a severe disadvantage a rabbit jumped in and started a fight off the raccoon he was extremely fat advantage ultimately leading to the

Raccoon running away hey thanks for the save Chopra don’t worry about it I don’t like bullies it’s nice to see another friendly face around here the name’s Rod nice to meet you Rod I’m fozzo on day four ride a nice friendship quickly developed and we decided to stick

Together we were continuing to follow the map to the first of the six temples when we approached an entrance to an old mine shaft oh no this place looked a little scary what’s man come on we’ll be fine huh we walked through until we notice a small railroad

System with a couple of mine carts this is where the map ends I’m not so sure about this but deep down I knew I had no other choice I got in the mine cart with Rod and they slowly started to go forward uh did I say slowly it was going

Faster and faster every second I was in it is it supposed to go this fast Rod spoke too soon though because I noticed the head of the railroad system there was a huge hole in the middle of it I don’t think that’s supposed to be there

Okay that was close do you think the temple is down there only one way to find out wait no ah thank goodness there was a pool of water here wait what is this place after a Second Glance I realized that I was in the first temple this place was awesome

I looked over and saw a diamond looking Apple sitting on a pillar I’m guessing this is what I was after I climbed up and ate the diamond apple which upgraded me to my second form I gained five more hearts and grew in size I also had a new

Ability called The Diamond punch sweet I noticed there was a passageway that was blocked so using my new diamond punch ability I was able to punch blowing up the entire entrance there you are looks like you’ve gotten stronger there pal I’m happy for you thanks rod and never

Push me down a dark and scary hole again Rod agreed and we both left the cave as we were exiting we stumbled across a large swamp Oasis you know what I think I just came up with an idea on day five rod and I got to work building up our

New homes I would build while Rod went out together other materials this is one body of water that Mr bigsly won’t affect I want this to serve as a safe haven for all animals out there especially the sea creatures I swam back to the shore to collect some seeds for a

Food source with those we were able to build up a nice small farm for ourselves I even made an underwater kelp Farm turtles love kelp cha this is sick man you know it’s not it’s not someone else I have I have since since what well with all this

Pollution spreading I got split up with my family believe it or not I really got a lot of friends hey you know you’re my friend and don’t worry I’m gonna help you find your family I then heard a large commotion coming from the other side of a nearby Hill oh no what can

That be I arrived at a village and from the looks of things it wasn’t doing so good families were there all looking sad and scared as I was looking I suddenly heard Mudders coming from behind me I am tired of this hey is everything all right I am tired of this

The villagers started to attack me hey stop up he didn’t listen though and kept punching I did my best to dodge him but he was crazy I stepped back and knocked him on the head with my diamond punch I’m so sorry I don’t know what came over

Me my vision became blurry after eating that run polluted food I’m tired of it I looked over and noticed that all of their crops were polluted why would you guys eat this we have no other choice Mr bigsley’s pollution has ruined farms and crops for Village’s all over Minecraft

We can’t survive like this yeah no kidding I then noticed a weaponsmith that seemed to be really sad hey are you okay me no there’s no materials left to mind the billionaire has taken it all inside the cave was completely Barren of any resources millionaire is using the materials to

Build up machines and Grant him resources making him richer and richer damaging the world’s pollution the more he uses them that’s not good you need to find the next Diamond Temple gumbo you don’t mean the one off in the mountains it’s not that far what is that the

Weaponsmith told me he wasn’t sure don’t worry I’ll find out soon enough I reached the laser blast on day eight and what was waiting for me was much worse it was a machine that seemed to be aiming to a Mountainside every time it shot it blew a massive hole in the world

Consuming all of its materials this has to be him who me of course it is you Turtle word has quickly spread that you are trying to stop me in my plan yeah because you’re insane you kill my parents you have killed countless animals all because you only care about

Yourself don’t you see what you’re doing that’s enough out of you his machine was then pointed straight at me a blast being doubt but thankfully I was able to avoid I ran up and used my new diamond punch ability to greatly hurt the billionaire but he shot his machine

Again and this time it hit I was low and knew that I needed to leave before I wanted you for your diamond but after learning your plans I just want you dead before Mr bigsley could strike again I jumped in the river and quickly Swan

Away from him as fast as I could soon enough I realized this water was also polluted too causing my hearts to drain even more as they were depleting I noticed some mountains similar to the one the weaponsmith described to me I think I just found where the second

Temple is on days nine to ten I made my way up the mountain only to be greeted by a blocked entry this has Temple written all over it after some searching I was able to find a lever contraption that opened up to the main gates this

One looked a lot different than the last I noticed that there was a hole in the middle of it so I quickly jumped in only to be greeted by a room full of polluted water that’s when I saw the diamond apple on the opposite side of it the

Only way I can get it is to swim through this okay fozzo here goes nothing I jumped inside immediately starting to take damage oh gosh I knew I had to keep going but I felt more and more weak oh my vision was starting to get blurry but

I suddenly got a vision I was in clear waters again and my parents were standing in front of me Mom Dad listen son it is you who is meant to fix all of this your diamonds will shine brighter than the sun one day you will see suddenly my vision became clear again

And I was at the other end of the polluted hallway I ate the second diamond apple and suddenly my heart turned into diamond hearts I also had 15 now and wait a minute and I standing now uh this is weird because of my diamond hearts I took way less damage swimming

Through the polluted Waters I was walking back to base which felt so strange on my way back though I saw a dolphin lying across the beach today get them boys not if I have anything to say about it I blocked the crab from the dolphin and he tried to

Attack me with this giant claws luckily my diamond shell protected me I punched the crab and knocked him back ow a turtle that punches and his diamond and can stand I’m out of here this guy’s a freak yeah that’s right once the crab was out of sight I turned back to the

Dolphin and checked on him he seemed extremely sad and weak thanks for the save the name’s flipper I used live on these Waters but they’re too polluted despite the swing I have the perfect place that you would like on days 13 to 14 I got to work making flipper a new home I

Gathered more resources and put Flipper’s house right under the water next to mine oh boy let me seem to be under clean water again thanks pal no worries I then swam out of the water only to see Rod charging at me hey hey hey man Are you standing

Um it’s a long story the Dolphins swam up and said he’s heard many things about Mr bigsley you have is there anything worth sharing with us I can think of is This nearby mining Outpost he’s been the dolphin told me where to head off and I thanked him I made my way out

Before I reached the location I went to a nearby cave knowing it was best to better protect myself I mined any iron I can find and use it to upgrade my tools to iron tools Ivan was able to make myself an iron helmet alright time to

Find out how to stop Mr bigsley’s plans on days 15 to 16 I was led to a giant hole on the side of a mountain and can see mine carts inside this hole looks like the work of Mr bigsley’s machine I could hear the sound of Mining and

Ventured further to see creepers mining all the material using their explosive abilities keep mining guys we need these resources to make Mr bigsley more machines we don’t wanna make him angry hey those materials don’t belong to you it’s a diamond turtle if we grab it Mr

Beasley’s gonna reward us uh oh I had no choice but to fend off my attackers I use my new diamond punch to take the first one down good I think I’ve got a chance ow I got hit and the Damage took away some all my hearts I sped around

The mobs and tried my best to avoid their attacks eventually I was finally able to take them all down man that was close well at least I’m safe now and oh man I really gotta stop falling through holes hey what’s this there was a map on the ground and it showed me the

Location to Mr bigsley’s lab maybe if I go there I’ll find a way to stop his pollution for good I found a way out of the room and stumbled into one more creeper if your Bixby wanted me to make sure no one was snug around this oh I ran away and barely avoided

The Creeper’s explosion I definitely can’t handle more of these guys around without any more upgrades I needed to find another Temple first on days 17 to 18 I made it back to base and Rod and I harvested the weed from our farm and made some bread with it there’s not much

Wheat left man we’re gonna have to find more crops you’re right but we can’t find any around here because of the pollution the two of us decided to venture out and try to find more food while on our trip we noticed that more of the world was being affected by Mr

Bigsley’s pollution this is so messed up man I know I have to stop this before Mr bigsley turns everything into a wasteland we looked over and saw a squirrel outside of a wooden shelter Red Wing the squirrel’s name was Chip and he was trying to keep the forest animals safe from Mr bigsley

Beer for the night nonsense foza would have got no time to lose okay we’ll just keep in mind to watch out for Red Wing the two of us continued looking for food until oh no we have company we try to run under the forest if this was Red Wing we

Knew we were in trouble before we could fully hide a hawk with large Red Wings landed you must be the diamond Churchill everyone’s been talking about you’re coming with me to Mr bigsley wait why are you working with him you know he’s destroying the world right foolish

Turtle I’m trying to save my people if I help Mr Bigsby he promised to not pollute the climate I live in so you’re coming with me right run the tubers bolted away from the hawk and try to lose him Red Wing though immediately flew up into the sky and started tailing

US ah come on we can lose him in the trees I managed to get under one and Rod was right behind me but Red Wing was too fast and managed to catch him hey let go my friend I ran over to him and hit him with my diamond punch but he was

Unaffected and easily knocked me away Chuck get your claws off of me man if you want your friend back then you’ll turn yourself over to Mr biggsley Simon Turtle Redwing was leaving with my friend and that was too weak to stop don’t worry Rod I’ll come get you I

Promise on days 21 and 23 I knew that I needed more information on Redwing so I returned to Chip’s shelter chip chip it’s you in there’s still some room I went inside and saw that it was full of animals there was even a small pond that had sea creatures this is terrible chip

Ley and Midway he used to be the protector of the forest but now he’s Mr bixley’s in Fortune he’s desperate to save the other Hawks I asked him if there was any way to stop Redwing but he didn’t know I guess the only way to beat

Him was to fly in the next Diamond Temple I’ve heard many things about them they’re the closest one from here is the one over by the volcano Chip gave me the location and I was excited to find that the next Temple wasn’t far from here I was about to head off but I looked over

At the other animals inside I can tell that they were very weak and dying chip why don’t you and the other animals head over to my base and stay there okay this place isn’t ideal for you guys I vowed to have a safe place for animals and

That included them on days 24 to 26 I reached the volcanic area and noticed that there were holes everywhere Mr bigsley must have been here collecting resources including the area if I’m not careful this entire volcano could collapse I looked around it and noticed iron ore alongside it I quickly mined up

Any iron that I can find and was able to finish off my iron armor set I continued upwards and noticed an entrance at the top maybe that’s where the Diamond Temple is just then clouds started to form in the sky oh my goodness perfect it’s finally gonna rain water

The rain wasn’t pouring water but instead it was burning me acid rain that’s no good I started to lose hearts and fast I need to find some cover I ran to the side of the volcano ah that was too close it’s too dangerous outside to

Go up a volcano but I need to get to that Temple I know I pulled out my iron pickaxe and started mining my way through on days 27 to 29 I finally saw an opening and reached a higher area of the volcano there the third Diamond Temple was waiting for me I walked

Inside and found a spot that was holding the diamond apple I went over and ate it and felt much stronger than before I had 20 Hearts now and acquired a cool diamond blast sweet this is gonna come in handy I made my way out of the temple

Until I was fronted by Vito uh Mr bigsley was right there Diamond temples all around the world how did you find this place that doesn’t matter Mr bigsley is gonna have this dumpling and I’m gonna bring him your diamond shell the raccoon shot his weapon at me and I

Quickly avoided the block I ran up to him and used my diamond to push him back the punch though did no damage and the raccoon managed to throw a block at me ouch subscribe this on for size I use my new diamond blast but was only able to

Stun him what I still can’t beat this guy I made a break for my tunnel and escaped through there I returned to base to get some more food and saw that chip and the other animals had made it chip it’s good to see you guys here Um you do need some homes to stay in I quickly went around the swamp and collected a bunch of materials then I built several homes for my forest animals I even built a small little tree house for chip I expanded underwater and built several homes around me and

Flippers houses too thanks Bozo you really helped us out I don’t know about that I looked over at the farm and knew that it wasn’t gonna be enough to feed everyone here I also noticed that some of the crops were getting contaminated by the polluted water I can’t let them

Eat all of these it would kill them I need to find a way to undo this pollution wait a minute maybe I use my diamond blast on the farm and the water turned back to normal it was amazing it’s still not enough to keep it clean long term I need to find

The other temples I knew deep down though if Rod saw this he would be stoked I miss my friend I pulled out the map that showed Mr bigsley’s location it’s time to go save him and be brave just as he would be for me on days 33 to

35 I followed the map when I spotted Redwing surveying the skies oh no I hid under a tree and watched him fly away from the area you know maybe he could lead me to Rod I quietly followed right behind Redwing until he flew inside of a large building what is this place I

Reached it and knew that this had to be Mr bigsley’s Mansion it looked like an entire operation was going down here I went in and found Rod was trapped inside of a cage Rod it’s so good to see you I told you that I’d come back I never

Doubted you for a minute can you get me out of here I’ve walked over to Rod’s cage when Redwing flew down in front of me you’re not doing anywhere the Hawks tried to scratch me with his claws but I use my diamond shell to protect me I’m

Much stronger now I’ve been used my diamond to blast and hit Red Wing looks like I finally got competition he tried to fly around and catch me off guard he was able to fly by and hit me taking away many hearts don’t you understand Red Wing I’m doing this to save all

Animals all I care about is my own then I’m sorry the moment he swooped in I perfectly timed another Diamond blast which caused him to be defeated you could have been so much more Red Wing let’s get out of here Rod you know I overheard Mr bigsley say that he’s

Creating a giant machine one bigger than the rest if he does this who knows how bad the pollution will get this is bad yeah real bad things are getting a lot worse buddy because of bixby’s pollution I heard that my old home is almost inhabitable now but I think my family’s

Still there I don’t want them to die foso memories of my family dying began to flood my mind don’t worry Rod I won’t let your family suffer the same fate minded we searched around the mansion and managed to find a bunch of seeds and a water purifier with this it should

Help us keep the Oasis clean and solve our water problems for now rod and I were on our way to his family when we spotted Vito nearby that raccoon was polluting more of the world soon my trash Paradise took come into existence listen you don’t have to decide if Mr

Bigsley okay we can all find another way find another way there is no other way when I was young and alone nobody wanted to be around me everyone called me filthy and thought I’d be better off dead Mr bigsley was the only one who thought of me as useful I shall make

Sure his vision for this world comes true no you won’t I shot Vito with my diamond blast stunning the raccoon yes you wait foso you still have no idea what he has planned let’s keep going Rod we journeyed into the forest and the place was devastated most of the trees

Were dead and the ground was destroyed by pollution wait God Rod ran over to his parents and his father looked extremely weak oh right thank goodness you’re okay your dad is sick and I don’t know if he’s gonna make it I threw him some bread here try to eat this he ate

Some and gained a bit of energy this Forest is way too contaminated for you to live in come stay at the Oasis with me and your son I promise someday this land will be restored again on days 39-41 I let Rod take his family back to

My base while he did that I searched for a way to heal his father I eventually found a village and went inside to see that the villagers were all sad what’s wrong the polluted Waters has ruined all of our crops if we can’t reverse this we’ll all die of starvation I think I

May be able to help you with that I went over to the villagers farm and shot my diamond blasts at it turning the crops back to normal you did it now we won’t have to starve anymore do you hear that Henry we’re saved here diamond turtle take this as gratitude

From all villagers around the world the Villager dropped a bottle and it was a potion of healing oh wow thank you I rushed back to base and then gave Rod’s dad the potion he drank it and was immediately cured of his sickness thank you God thank goodness you’re okay using

Some leftover materials I built Rod’s parents a nice wooden home next to rods with all these animals inhabiting The Oasis I decided to grow the farm and use the water purifier to keep expanding water throughout all of it and hopefully getting rid of the pollution

Ah what was that rod and I decided to go over to see what was going on we both followed the noise until he reached the cause of it a large machine was using a laser to drill through the mountain animals ran away from it what if this

Goes on it’ll destroy the entire biome I needed to do something I tried to use my diamond punch on it but it was too hard to break I use my diamond blast to stun the laser finally shutting it down shot dude you did it but suddenly the machine

Started to make a weird noise oh no run we bolted and the Machine exploded right behind us why would the machines do that these machines are only getting worse and worse I think I might know why I heard that there was a lab underneath Mr bigsley’s Mansion maybe that’s where he

Builds all of them thanks Rod hopefully I can get rid of them once I find them on days 45 to 47 I reached the mansion and looked around for the underground lab eventually I found an area that had a secret entrance once I opened it I

Went down a set of stairs that took me to an area that was filled with large machines with all of these Mr bigsley can ruin the world in no time I looked around at all of them until I spotted a valve on the wall I hit the valve and it

Took me down an elevator to another room inside of it there was a machine that looked a lot different than the others it was enormous and I can tell that it wasn’t fully built yet I think this is the one rod was telling me about if this

Was fully built I don’t think anyone will be able to stop Mr bigsley I continued investigating the lab until I saw a cage that was holding a chicken and not just any ordinary chicken a golden one a Donald a turtle please you gotta get me out of here man I’m Sonny

And Mr bigsley’s been using my golden eggs to get rich and power one of his machines my goodness I gotta destroy all these machines and get you out of here make a sound I guarantee you’ll be captured in the blink of an eye get me

Out and I can help you find a better solution I knew that Sunny was right I broke him out of his cage and we quietly escaped the lab we weren’t that far from base when Sonny stopped me hey what’s wrong what’s it fun though I really appreciate you getting me to safety but

I need to get back to my farm your farm but if you do then who knows if you’ll get captured again Sonny was afraid that Mr bigsley would go after his golden chicks now that he was gone I can’t lose my family to that Maniac they mean

Everything to me don’t worry okay I’ll go and rescue them you need to remain safe though head back to my Oasis he was skeptical but I told him to trust me he did and we both went our separate ways I reached the farm and it was already

Under attack there were more of those Rich looking creepers and everything was on fire let’s get those chicks for Mr bigsley I don’t think so I charged in and used my diamond punch to knock the creepers out of the way I then used my diamond blast to finish one off the

Second creeper managed to hit me but he didn’t do much damage I used my other Diamond blast on him too and easily finished him now come on where are those golden chicks I ran inside the farm and heard a noise oh my goodness thank goodness you guys are okay you guys look

So scared come on let’s get you guys back to your dad on days 51-53 I was at the base with the golden chicks and sunny oh my baby I’m so glad you’re all set it was good to see Sunny reunited with his family and it made me miss my

Own a little bit you know maybe these animals in the Oasis are my new family and I’m gonna do whatever it takes to protect them I got to work building them a new home I quickly gathered some materials outside of the base and made him and his family a large chicken pen I

Know it’s not the same as your farm but at least it’s safe thank you this will definitely work for us no problem now you guys get comfy because you did my children I think I may know where another one of those Diamond temples are you do I’ve overheard things while being

Captured just be careful person Mr bigsley is on to your plans I will be sunny gave me the location and I immediately left the base I reached the ocean that he mentioned and just like my old home it was completely polluted the next Diamond Temple was under these

Waters so I had no choice but to go down there maybe my diamond hearts could protect me from the pollution I dived in and immediately took damage I jumped out of the water and saw all that half of my hearts were already gone this pollution seems stronger than normal there has to

Be another way to get down oh I’ve never seen a diamond turtle before a witch was behind me and was marveled by my appearance you are trying to go down the ocean right you’re going to need a special type of potion if you want to go down there would you mind

Making that potion for me it’s really urgent that I find the temple in this ocean the witch agreed but I would have to gather some ingredients for her to make I will need some emeralds from the newest Village and one last ingredient what’s the last ingredient the witch

Pulled out a sword and sliced me ow a sample of your blood that should do it go get me the emeralds I then made my way to the nearest Village I looked around in some chests and found five emeralds you know I think this should do

I made my way back to the witch hut and handed her them so what did you need this for again oh nothing I just hate villagers anyways here you go the witch then threw me a potion of protection you know you lied to me but at least you were useful

On days 57-59 I returned to the ocean shore and pulled out the potion of protection this better work I drank and jumped back into the ocean and I didn’t take any damage nice I continued swimming further down and the fourth Diamond Temple was within sight perfect

I reached the entrance and a group of drowned were standing in my way we will not let you inside diamond turtle Mr Beasley has turned this water into a polluted Utopia for Drought allowing no players to explore this area the drown began to attack me but underwater I was

Too fast for them to catch up I darted around and use my diamond punch to take down one by one I defeated the last one and cleared the entrance to the Diamond Temple I went inside and noticed that the water around wasn’t polluted like it was on the outside you know maybe the

Diamonds inside of here kept the water huh the diamond apple was on top of a pillar in the middle of the room and I quickly took it I now had 25 hearts and grew larger than my previous size now I can really tell that I was getting

Stronger and I even acquired a new ability I was able to summon Diamond fangs out of the ground at will sweet as I made my way back to the surface I started to take damage and lose Hearts oh no the potion’s starting to wear off

I swam as fast as I could and jumped out of the water phew I need to get some food and regain my strength I returned to base and refilled my Hunger bars from eating our crops oh no I was so blinded by my Hunger that I ate most of our food

Oh I still have the seeds that I took from Mr bigley’s Mansion I added carrots beets and pumpkins to the farm and also increased its size now everyone should have a good amount of food it’s good to see that the base was coming along nicely Bozo looking good buddy thanks

Rod sure you know I think we should add more homes to this place it’s uh starting to get over run by animals I agreed the both of us collected more resources around the swamp and I built more houses along the shore and underwater I knew that more animals

Would eventually live here until I defeated Mr bigsley once I find that last Temple I’ll stop that billionaire right in his tracks on days 63-65 I headed out and searched for more food and any information on the 5th Diamond Temple I reached the jungle and it looked like the effects of Mr bigsley’s

Pollution had reached this area too most of the trees have died and I couldn’t find any animals around anywhere it was like a ghost town I knew that I needed to find the next Temple but where do I even start then I remember Jenkins back on his Island he knew all about the

Temples maybe I could ask him I went over to the shore and the water there was too polluted to swim in no way am I gonna make it across in one piece if I can’t swim across the water then I’m gonna have to sail across I went over to

Some trees and used my iron ax to chop them down I then dropped the crafting table and got to work building my incredible or just the regular boat all right Jenkins here I come oh no the island has completely changed since the first time I was here everything on the land was

Dead and even the sugar cane Farm was ruined Jenkins Jenkins I couldn’t find him anywhere no no pollution got to him too now what am I supposed to do while I was devastated something caught my eye there was a piece of sugar left on the ground and it didn’t seem poisoned I

Decided to go ahead and pick the sugar up once I did there was a large flash and I was on the island but it was entirely clean now hello foso Jenkins you’re alive where are we are we in some kind of vision ow of course this is a

Vision you idiot and no I’m good the pollution got me I’m so sorry I should have come back and checked on you oh don’t be sad foso our journey has passed but yours is far from Over You you made a lot of progress since the last time

We’ve met and it’s time you find the final Temple I think they should know where to look I turned around and my parents were standing behind us Mom Dad hello son we’re so proud of you we knew you were you were destined for great things go to the Badlands near your

Oasis that’s where you’ll find the temple good luck son we love you the vision ended and I was back on polluted Island thanks guys I promise to make this world right again on days 69-71 I returned to base to find that it was completely destroyed wait what happened

No The Oasis was ruined and the animals were all scared and hurt Rod what happened here it was Mr bigsley Man his machines came through here and totally wrecked the place that monster you ruined our home this place was supposed to be a safe haven for everyone and now

Look at it we need to build it back up and make it stronger than it ever was before rod and I quickly got to work rebuilding the base and fixing all of the animals homes they were supposed to feel safe here and I’m gonna do what I

Can to make sure nothing ever happens in this place again it took a couple days but we both worked really hard in trying to make all the animals happy again after that we decided to build a wall around the base for better protection and there we go that should do it even

Though the base was fixed the animals were all still afraid I can tell that they didn’t feel safe everyone please just calm down I know you’re all scared but I’m gonna make sure that this doesn’t happen again oh I think that was that was your biggest

Mission foso I’m right behind you Rod we need to stop this now we reached the machine’s location and it was even bigger than anything we’ve seen before it was drilling a giant hole right through the ground that’s right take all the resources and make me Rich stop it right now Mr

Bigsley you should have known you’d come here well you’re too late it’ll permanently damage the entire world we have to stop it now I know the two of us ran over to the laser and Mr bigley pulled out a weapon to try and shoot us we dodged the attack but he was

Blocking our path Bozo you’re too slow to stop that machine I’ll go do it wait no Rod it’s too dangerous Rod removed the laser shutting it off for a moment but it was suddenly malfunctioning uh it’s gonna blow Rod get out of there it’s been one heck of a ride what no the

Machine exploded sending both me and Mr bigsley flying in separate directions on days 75 to 77 I woke up and found myself in the middle of a plane’s biome ow my head what happened rod rod I looked around and I couldn’t find him anywhere no prod you were the best friend that I

Could have ever asked for I’ll make sure the entire world knows that I looked around and also noticed that Mr bigsly was nowhere to be found he must have escaped I returned to base and Rod’s parents were outside waiting for me where’s Rod he um where is our son I’m

Sorry but Rod is gone no our son he sacrificed himself to save all the animals and I swear I’m gonna avenge him and make Mr bigsley pay for his actions Rod’s parents were still set and I completely understood that I was devastated losing my parents and now

Another member of my family is gone I built a memorial outside of Rod’s home and everyone in the Oasis took a moment to honor my friend you’re a hero buddy and I won’t let your death be in vain if I wanted to stop Mr bigsly and make sure

No one suffered the same fate as Rod I needed to find the final Diamond Temple my dad said that it would be somewhere in the Badlands I was crossing over a biome when I heard the sound of a familiar Voice come on you stupid machine what it was veto and he was

Standing next to another machine from Mr bigsley how does that billionaire expected raccoon to run something like this Vito this needs to stop now this is only getting started Mr bigsley is finishing up on his biggest machine yet and oh my is it a sight to see oh no he

Won’t the two of us began our battle and I quickly took advantage by stunning him with my diamond blast I couldn’t let him get in the machine I did not the raccoon back with my diamond punch he wasn’t too happy about that but I was confident in

Beating him Vino tried to shoot me with his weapon but I quickly dodged the attack I then used my diamond Fang ability on Fido taking him down once and for all sorry Vito but your trash Paradise isn’t safe for everyone else hey what’s this I picked up the map and

It gave me the location to Mr bigsley’s operation site oh no could he be building his final machine here one that was bigger than the last I need to stop him on days 81 to 85 I reached the location and Mr bixley had a machine here that was bigger than any other I’ve

Ever seen surely this can destroy the entire world I need to destroy it I don’t think so Diamond Mr Bixby landed in front of me and was now in some kind of mech suit because of you in that stupid Robert my mining has stolen but that won’t happen again I charged him

And tried hitting him with a diamond punch but it was was no good he didn’t take any damage no one’s going to stop me from becoming the richest man in Minecraft and that includes you he activated his suit and knocked me away ow I dodge another attack and try to

Counter with a diamond blast would work on me Mr Beasley used the weapon from his mech suit and took more of my hearts away he was too strong for me to fight so I had no choice but to leave the area and Escape you coward my

Machines are going to change the world I continued my journey to finding the last Temple until I finally reached it I was still exhausted from my fight with Mr bigsley and needed the diamond apple to regain my strength I entered and can see the diamond apple was at the end of the

Hall I started walking there and noticed that part of the ceiling was falling right towards me I jumped out of the way and avoided getting buried man that was close I then heard more of the ceiling coming down I ran towards the apple and finally reached it unharmed I guess this

This Temple was booby trapped I grabbed the apple and my body began to change again I now had a total of 30 hearts and felt stronger than ever before even my diamond shell looked stronger so this was my final form as the diamond turtle I exited the temple and was surrounded

By a group of more of the billionaire creepers a creeper rushed in and tried to attack me but my diamond skin was too hard for him to dim I easily knocked him away with a diamond punch forget it let’s just take him all at once the creepers

Were all about to attack and I could feel a new ability inside of me I shot out a huge beam of diamond nice this will definitely be useful suddenly a beam of light shot up in the sky and I knew that Mr bigsly had something to do

With this on my way towards the beam I ran back into my base I looked at all the animals and they weren’t in good shape the pollution was getting worse now I was afraid that they wouldn’t last much longer guys don’t give up now all

Is not lost okay I’m going to head out and face Mr bigsley once he’s defeated I’m going to use my powers and purify the world the animals were no longer down and they all began to cheer for me we know that you can do this thanks everyone I’ll be back I promise I

Reached the beam of light and saw that the machine was now finally complete diamond turtle you’re right on time to watch my new world at full once I activate my machine I shall strip all resources from this world at once making me by far the richest man in existence

No Mr Bixby activated it though and a huge laser began to drill a hole through the Earth It Felt Like An Earthquake was happening All Around Me farewell diamond turtle that laser was gonna destroy everything I needed to find a way to stop this thing an idea popped into my mind okay

Here goes nothing I went over and used my diamond shell to reflect the beam back over to the machine it set a wave up into the sky causing the entire entire machine to explode whoa thanks to my shell the explosion not only destroyed the machine but a wave emitted

Throughout the world terrifying it no Mr bigsley saw the outcome of the explosion and try to flee the scene I won’t let you run away from this on day 100 I chased after him and managed to Corner him into a dead end it’s over Mr bigsley no everything that I’ve done is ruined

Because of you your Greed for riches was destroying the entire world I couldn’t let that continue any longer you blasted Turtle if I can’t have the world’s resources at least I’ll have your diamond shell in the blink of an eye he summoned another mech suit and attacked the My ultimate Diamond form

Protected me I use my diamond punch to knock him away and I can tell that I was damaging his suit I’m gonna make you pay for everything you’ve done I’d use my diamond blast to heavily damage his suit yeah this can’t be How It Ends this is

For Rod I use my final upgrade and shot a beam of diamonds right at him causing his mech suit to explode Mr bigsley was gone and now the world can finally be safe from his pollution

This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as A DIAMOND TURTLE in HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by Fozo on 2023-04-22 14:00:06. It has garnered 1411553 views and 13463 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:46 or 2686 seconds.

Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as a Diamond Turtle! I had to save Minecraft from the greedy billionaire, Mr. Bigsly! Will I be strong enough to defeat him? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens!

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  • Starlight SMPJoin the discord to join!

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  • Game Academy Time Travel Prank

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  • UNBELIEVABLE! Winnie Wriggle’s EP1 Minecraft Craftoria Adventure

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  • Moth Boy Tries Hardcore Minecraft – One Run Challenge!

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  • Insane Minecraft Couple Builds – Micky & Minnie Craze!

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  • Insane Hardcore Day 1 – Creative Player Tries Minecraft

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  • Unbelievable Application on Arcane SMP!!!

    Unbelievable Application on Arcane SMP!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘Arcane SMP most MID application’, was uploaded by slzuglez on 2024-09-02 03:54:22. It has garnered 144 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. this is a Application to join Arcane SMP, its been a while since ive uploaded a YT video (2 years ago) hope i get in #minecraft #youtube #mc #application #applications #video #videos #videoshort #videoshorts #youtube #youtuber #shorts #funny #funnyvideo #arcane #smp Like ParrotX2 and his School’s Minecraft Server / School SMP Series where he Started a War or Ended a War. Not Technoblade / TommyInnit… Read More

  • Gingershadow’s Epic Devil Fruit Swap?! | One Piece Mod Ep 22

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  • Minecraft Madness with Hurnox! Join the Fun ๐Ÿ”ด๐ŸŽฎ

    Minecraft Madness with Hurnox! Join the Fun ๐Ÿ”ด๐ŸŽฎVideo Information This video, titled ‘Playing Minecraft with Viewers ๐Ÿ”ด (VOICE) ๐ŸŽฅ’, was uploaded by Hurnox on 2024-09-22 00:16:13. It has garnered 18 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:36:31 or 2191 seconds. Welcome to our live stream! Today, we’re diving into the action-packed world of minecraft, and YOU can join in the fun! Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a newcomer looking to learn the ropes, this stream is for everyone. Get ready for epic battles, strategic gameplay, and lots of laughs as we team up and compete against each other.we will also play minecraft… Read More

  • DEVSH FF: Emotional New Rank Season ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ญ

    DEVSH FF: Emotional New Rank Season ๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ญVideo Information This video, titled ‘Heartbreaking Story of New Rank Season๐Ÿ’”๐Ÿ˜ข๐Ÿ˜ญ’, was uploaded by DEVSH FF on 2024-06-05 11:21:46. It has garnered 35 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Welcome to DEVSH FF! Dive into the exciting worlds of Free Fire and Minecraft with us! Whether you’re a battle-hardened veteran or a curious newbie, our channel offers epic gameplay, strategic tips, and thrilling adventures. From intense Free Fire battles to creative Minecraft builds, we’ve got something for everyone. Join the DEVSH FF community and embark on a gaming journey filled with action,… Read More

  • Make a Car in Minecraft Bedrock – Easiest Tutorial Ever!

    Make a Car in Minecraft Bedrock - Easiest Tutorial Ever!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Automatic Car Tutorial Minecraft Bedrock’, was uploaded by hpMC46 on 2024-09-15 19:11:04. It has garnered 198 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:49 or 49 seconds. Minecraft Automatic Car Tutorial Minecraft Bedrock minecraft minecraft 100 days minecraft house tutorial minecraft hardcore 133,000 +49% $0.05 1 (Low) minecraft civilization minecraft music minecraft house +22% minecraft song -100% minecraft horror +123% minecraft builds +49% minecraft movie -100% minecraft story mode +83% minecraft arg +1,558% minecraft aphmau minecraft animation minecraft asmr +22% minecraft adventures +125% minecraft automatic farm +83% minecraft addons +49% minecraft… Read More

Fozo – I Survived 100 Days as A DIAMOND TURTLE in HARDCORE Minecraft