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Foreign How’s everyone doing if you’re watching this you might be watching the word and if he was in the wood you know what’s in the woods cool and all but make sure you guys come to the live stream next time you know what I mean how’s everyone doing good evening my slimes hello hello

My second just need to do the YouTube notification Foreign Foreign foreign Hello how’s everyone doing good evening is going gear folk Aries and Camp wrath Chi arthi cool stuff we Blackberry yeah pizza crust first sub of the stream thank you man thank you for the big eight months appreciate it how’s everyone doing subset what’s up my slimes good evening right now it’s

Currently 2 A.M in the morning for me and today is a very special day we’re gonna be collabing or having a day I mean my what with iki we’re gonna play some Minecraft together I’m really really Keen for him yeah probably I think it would be 10 months

Free strategy okay I think for the big eight months as well thank you guys very very much much love thank you guys very very much this is the fit for today I got the Kishi um merch going on uh interesting for 11 months so I appreciate it man

And uh yeah I was gonna play some Minecraft together Lucas appreciate it then hey makeup good morning did you watch that yes I did actually did I watched all my clothes today actually I went yesterday yesterday I went all right guys I’m gonna go ahead and call

Uki now should I have music on in the background oh no because I feel like I won’t be able to make any tick tocks if I hmm But maybe we won’t need to make any tick tocks today maybe today we just have a nice chill time at UK this unit

Let’s just put down the music a little bit I want to call you now okay and then we’re going to play some Minecraft together okay let’s go let’s go you’re a hoopa I think I got a big nine months but I appreciate it man thank you for

The followers as well appreciate it uh but guys playing for this stream me and Uki we’re gonna play some Minecraft together it’s gonna be on a fresh vanilla world we haven’t played in this world um it’s gonna be just like no mods no nothing but yeah it’s gonna be a lot of

Fun hopefully you guys enjoy all right let’s go yeah yeah I’m giving him a call oh my goodness oh my goodness hey Trex thing for the big thousand bits appreciate it man thank you so much [ __ ] push him I’m calling him boys champ hello hello hey good evening um

I mean it’s good to see you again what’s up yeah it’s very nice to see you again too yeah yeah can you join the server well let me let me do that come come yes wake over up yeah I I made some coffee because I knew I would yeah yeah

I’m gonna energy drink that’s not the best thing but yeah I’ve been staying up for a while but after this I’ll get some really good sleep for sure good good um let me yeah you’re telling me they would have been 16 months we’re appreciate it man thank you so much what’s up

Wait do we spawn the same place uh I think so yeah yeah I explained like next to the uh oh okay I see you where are you oh hello Micheline hello hello you like my skin bro damn do you even know what it is um I’m trying I I don’t know

It’s a right in a bikini you didn’t like it oh [ __ ] yeah oh yeah okay yeah yeah you like the would you tap you know what I mean damn well I even got a little rat though going on look at that yeah it’s like a little curled yeah

Your skin on the land god damn wait like custom made for you and everything God damn oh [ __ ] throwing the back and [ __ ] okay all right let’s get this red I feel like it’s been so long since I started like a full fresh like Minecraft world actually because I feel like Minecraft

Is a game that like I don’t know I always play for a while and then I just leave for a very long time then come back whenever there’s like a major update I am oh yeah I wanted to ask what kind of like Minecraft player you are

I feel like we’re the same I feel like we’re like the builders I’m not like a speedrunner out there all I do in Minecraft is build and also I suck at Redstone but that’s about it yeah yeah okay cool because I am also just like I just build stuff I

Just want to make everything yeah pretty we can build together yeah wait should we should we should build um like a house together yeah I’m done hey thank you for the prime appreciate it G hey Jordan good to see you my slime what’s up I’m so crazy that we just

Spawned in front of a village yeah a village like automatically what the [ __ ] it’s crazy how was your day yesterday well yesterday right let’s just wake up oh yeah yeah it was good I uh I’ve been playing more of the new Pokemon oh wait yeah yeah so so you did

Like a cheeky stream yesterday right like a very leaky stream just playing um there’s a good should I played as well I think I like um maybe it’s because I haven’t played a Pokemon game in a really long time so I’m like kind of uh amazed at everything go to yeah well

I haven’t played a Pokemon game since like I don’t know I think last time I thought it was like fire red on the car like I used to play that yeah I played on like my game boy like cylinder but aside from that actually I have not played fake

Model I wasn’t really a Pokemon good good to see you Lee yeah yeah I think the last time I played was probably maybe like black and white black and white DS black and white God damn that’s pretty OG as well wait should we go to the Village let’s go to the Village yeah

Yeah I I already like um like how many hours have you played so far of the new one um not that much I’ve only streamed it twice so it’s kind of like gotcha seven hours or something I’m not too sure if I’ll get it or not

Because I know anybody switch for it as I’m pretty sure oh [ __ ] oh you don’t have a switch no I don’t have a switch no charge I think I need like you need like a capture card and [ __ ] for Azure yeah I think he’s shooting his cat for the

Prime thank you JDM for the P1 I think that’s how much in in a desert village yeah this is like a desert village and a swamp and then what the [ __ ] what’s up damn there’s all this stuff here yeah it’s got everything bro okay yeah wait have you ever tried speed writing before

Oh no no I don’t think I’m I think I’m good enough for that yeah like I have knowledge but um I don’t think I have enough knowledge yeah yeah I mean micro speed running sweaty as hell nowadays I’m using um shaders yeah I’m using Contour mention shaders have you ever if you the

Ender Dragon um a few times yeah a few times I just played Minecraft a lot actually like growing up Minecraft was my [ __ ] bro I still like watch like all the Minecraft issues and um I used to play like Hunger Games a lot Minecraft Hunger Games oh [ __ ] I

Always watched that when I was young girl oh my God that was my childhood licking but as of recently not as much anymore I’ve never been lack of too much actually when I first started streaming actually Minecraft was the thing that I originally streamed for like the longest

Time and then when Valerian came out they started to like play some Valor in a little bit then ballerin took off like crazy but um yeah originally I streamed um I’d assumed micro back in the day oh everything changed when Valerian came out yeah actually Valerian came out and all the FPS games

Like United were everyone from CS go from OverWatch from Rainbow Six they were just moved in with the Valerian wait should we kill this [ __ ] Iron Golem with the Golem oh my God no armor I got the shiver all right it’s three blocks right and I’m chilling

What’s up [ __ ] oh [ __ ] you’re right yeah you like that um big boy hmm all right sweat three hey five holy [ __ ] oh bad not bad what else did he drop uh he’s just some roses um oh this is for you oh come here oh [ __ ] oh it’s a little kid

Yeah do you have this thing when you see like little small things like you just want to kick them a little bit a little bit yeah yeah I think it’s like oh it’s called like cuteness aggression I’m pretty sure I always talk about it on a mushroom but

Like whenever I see like cute little cats or just like I just want to eat them you know I don’t know if that’s me what about me what you want to eat me oh I mean I’m down the cello let’s um oh we should go sleep for tonight actually yeah yeah let’s go

Sleep somewhere um where’s is there bed in this one yeah I already picked up a bed so yeah you can take you can [ __ ] like that bro stick his bed you wink oh [ __ ] oh what the that’s our first night together I know wow what a wild night actually

That was crazy that was crazy dude got up to so much business it’s in game okay guys chill too oh man yeah he put his Minecraft bed next to mine are you like a heavy sleeper you feel like oh not really heavy sleeper It depends nothing kind of but um I think for me I’m like a mega like heavy sleepover like there could be like parties happening in my house and I would just like still fall asleep on there yeah [ __ ] oh dude I’ve been I’ve been doing that lately ever since I’ve been watching

Your streams because like I I really have always like like YouTube channels and stuff but like I’ll be watching yours and then every time you hit something you say [ __ ] you think my mom has been watching you as well recently yeah and my my mom

Hates it when I swear but she loves it when you swear really yeah I don’t know but oh [ __ ] I like blue orchids yeah you got me flower I got you flower oh [ __ ] yes thank you thank you do you have a favorite flower actually yeah um

I love hydrangeas what wait no me too actually really yes I was talking to my mom about this on about like one of my favorite flowers one of my favorite flowers are and then I told her yeah I love hydrangeas because like at my I think they’re poisonous right

Um but at my um at my old house where I used to live with my parents we had we had like hydrangea plants like all around oh that is so nice yeah you you remind me of like a hydrangea I don’t know he’s like me yeah yeah if you were a

Flow you would definitely be like I had your engine you know a bit like you know beautiful oh yeah you know mysterious that’s really sweet and romantic actually romantic oh [ __ ] the viewers you know what I mean oh wait how do you teach you rizz because he was so confused the last

Time I said it you’ve been typing even on Twitter too and I’m like with Riz okay parentheses with rizz now rizz is like you got game bruh you know like it’s like um the schroeding over is who sure is mushrooms here too already yeah there’s a lot of Vibes around here hey

Dude there’s even a spruce by him Alex Sprucewood a lot so I might get some saplings over there and then maybe we do a bit of Mining and then afterwards we’ll get some um will find a place to build off the bit of mining I reckon yeah

What about you growing up you played a lot of Minecraft or what I also watched a lot of Minecraft I watched all those like uh Minecraft streamers from the UK and stuff and oh hello I was I would always be so jealous and just be like one day I’ll play Minecraft yeah

I remember I begged my mom to buy a Minecraft Pocket Edition for my iPod because I wanted to play Minecraft so bad and back then the Pocket Edition was like so [ __ ] it was just like like those like five blocks in the game those new Hunger I don’t know it was like really

Bad but um yeah but it’s better than nothing yeah yeah but yeah I feel lucky now yeah Taylor now we can do whatever for the six months uh Captain was thinking for seven months so if I don’t read chat or think slips too much and stuff this

Stream because I didn’t want to talk to my boyfriend I mean my my new friend W Colombian emigi hey Kim Baxter idling my slam bug Minecraft your name is just Variety in that see it is complimentary shaders man this is like a big Spruce bite what is this

Oh it’s like a tiger by him hey wait wait where’d you go oh I’m still at the spot I’m getting this dark oak oh yes yeah he’s do you see me across the river hello over here oh hey what’s up my slam all right I’ll be over here okay I’m getting some wood

I think I remember Minecraft parodies back in the day was like the [ __ ] is all dude oh it does [ __ ] music videos and whatever this went hard like God damn sparkles in the vehicles yeah actually it was like dude I need to listen to some in my own time hello honey

But I think Minecraft was definitely my childhood for sure and then all of a sudden see a scare happen to me and then I became a dirty FPS gamer oh no I played a [ __ ] ton of League of Legends as well actually during High School I played a crap ton of League but

I don’t know I did league is a bad influence but you play league as well right I’m pretty sure yeah I started playing or this year just like casually yeah yeah I was actually playing last night holy [ __ ] what though wait I was just playing Aram oh gotcha yeah yeah am gaming

I feel like wait do you play games a lot of stream a lot earlier uh yeah I I usually play a few games uh off stream that are like pretty much the same [ __ ] I play all the time oh yeah I gotcha it’s pretty cool I

Think for me usually the only times I ever play games during the day is actually on stream like off stream like I don’t know I’m usually like going outside or um like going to the gym or thinking about you or um but yeah usually on shame I’m always playing games but yeah

You’re so [ __ ] smooth The View isn’t it you know what I mean it’s just genetics foreign [Laughter] I think I’m I don’t I think it’s infinitely easier for me to flirt with the boys and it is the float of like any Chick like ah that’s a good thing about that I don’t

Know I did I mean I I see sometimes like you know people who were fighting over you oh I see people fighting with you all the time bro I didn’t not me yeah yeah you’re very popular as well extremely popular um even my mum [Laughter] wait I definitely lost you oh I’m coming

Back to the river come back have a great day thank you Dutchman appreciate it G Mama proved yeah hello I’m over here banjo dude this reminds me of like wait over here on the beach oh okay this reminds me of like we can Madagascar you know donkey and blind or running to each

Other yeah wait did you have like a favorite like childhood movie on the childhood movie Um well I just watched a lot of Ghibli it’s it’s not donkey it’s the [ __ ] zebra okay I was thinking like did I remember it wrong wait wait wait wait wait what’d you say Free Willy Studio Ghibli brother I’m absolutely cooked right now what Studio Ghibli yeah she did Ghibli films

I actually fired yeah wait which one’s like it is my okay my favorite one is Howl’s Moving Castle how’s Moving Castle yes yes really I think it took a really how do I say it as a kid watching a house beeping Castle was like the most enchanting [ __ ] to me

Like it was like yeah like oh no it just seemed I remember I think I I really liked it as well but then I had to do like a case study for it in English class and then whenever I had to do a case study for anything that’s when it

Ruins it for me it’s really really good still yeah it’s really good um I like the character uh the main character from it what’s it called I’m not the main character but what’s the guy’s name oh hell yeah he’s yeah yeah he’s hurt the name of the

Film I knew that was assisting you you know what I mean yeah I’ve seen my caffeine to kick in real quickly I’m like wait where’d you go laughs hello okay I’m I’m by the water oh huh like the water that we had before um no like oh we don’t hold hands

Wait what’s up uh um okay I’m gonna stay on this small little thing with rose bushes I’m coming there one torch oh [ __ ] what the Yeah we need to go sleep center as well actually oh yeah I see I see you what’s up what’s up all right

Hello oh it is sort of cute but we should sleep here look here you know what I mean a little bit of camping why not yeah yeah W shreds of my chat is too funny right now like why is this [ __ ] so romantic there’s a steep boys playing Minecraft

You know what I mean business they’re talking about it’s been more romantic in Minecraft than me IRA dude oh no yeah Okay so you’re cute so that way yeah um we should find a cave oh yeah we should yeah do a bit of mining so I’m gonna give you some some

Bread okay because I already got plenty of food yeah okay thank you wow you got a [ __ ] ton yeah a little bit of a bread maker it’s a cave down here um oh wait there is a soda yeah yeah it looks like one okay we’re chilling yeah yeah let’s go down here

I’m coming oh [ __ ] no my name is Lee well you can call me shooting if you want the building outside um it’s like shining this light on my face and I’m like trying so hard to see your game oh my God glowberries this is great

Yeah what the [ __ ] oh you you want to build them and stuff [ __ ] love glowberries wait do you like fruit Arrow fruit IRL yeah yeah like like do you like fruit um yeah I’m I’m kind of allergic to a lot of stuff oh but you know the fruit that I can eat

I eat a lot of it oh wait what which which fruits are you allergic to there’s so many to name but uh most mostly like stone fruit a stone fruit what a stone fruit like peaches and plums oh right yeah yeah okay I got you wait the Cold Stone fruits perhaps

Do you eat fruit I love eating fruit dude I’m like okay I’m like too much of a fruit Garden like I’m eating like raspberry strawberries blueberries all the time you know oh raspberries are my favorite and they’re so goddamn expensive men in Australia they are a planet of raspberries that should be

Like seven bucks for it it’s like that’s not even that much inside oh they’re so expensive so dumb is this sort of like maybe like you could you even build like a little room here on the ground I do prefer to be a bit on the ground or on top

Uh I don’t mind anything yeah yeah gotcha gotcha see them like a tiny little Lush area yeah I sort of like it yeah yeah hey yo I don’t mind that actually yeah uh one second you know what no this this spot right here is calling to me it’s calling to me

I feel like we have to build here on the ground yeah yeah how to become a fruit what the hell I’m already a fruit are you already a fruit what do you mean I’m already a bit fruity oh dude me too dude I’m a little bit fruity as

Well you know what I mean oh dude you know what like actually how do I say it does this time as a kid well I was like am I am I gay you know I just like this Epiphany wait one second so I watched game porn okay foreign [Laughter] And then we’ll clean up this Granite area and then oh no we do something we’ll do something something or something um I wonder I know that Moss changes the area around me yeah yeah do it I’ll do a bit oh oh [ __ ] oh wait I saw she wait I’m chilling um

Like a bit of green in here oh yeah oh [ __ ] we can like make this an actual Lush cave yeah we’re gonna actually go onto the walls as well if you don’t know I don’t think it’ll work vertically let’s just try no it doesn’t work vertically damn oh okay I’ve even been

On the blueberries oh yeah you put the two that I got this girl more markov’s actually changed so much bro like you but when we first started playing it yeah it’s kind of crazy what the what the hell you can leave it [ __ ] [ __ ] whoever said that watch out you’re asleep [Laughter]

Oh it’s a ship name you kill me you kill me oh what the foreign I have so much random [ __ ] I’m just gonna put it on yeah oh my God I’m thinking one two three four one two very cool do you have any thing you’re curious about me anything you want to know I mean I want to know everything about you well let’s start

What’s the what’s first hmm I’m a pretty character what’s your favorite color favorite color their clothes for the other like purple but I’ll I always say black but like people say black it’s not a color it’s a shade uh uh I like I like purple and

Black yeah all my clothes that I wear just so there’s all black yeah purple and black yeah I’m purple oh shut you up yeah I think yeah I’ve got this natural attraction to you you know what I mean yeah no wonder yeah it must be it must be some sort of fake another

What’s your what’s your favorite food favorite food I think we did talk about you said Viet food last time I was all right yeah yeah I like via food that’s what I did I do I I just like a lot of veggies I was like I was like via food

Korean food I like a lot of homey Asian food to be honest yeah oh same that’s what I like to do you have uh is there like a dish that you can confidently cook um I’ll probably have to be like some sort of like chicken stir-fry or teriyaki salmon or something like that

Oh [ __ ] yeah yeah and then you can have me for dessert oh [ __ ] you know what I’m I’m um I’m used to like being the one that’s always like saying that [ __ ] and like flirting and whatever but damn that was a strong like uh you know this is genetics matching up with

Me what the [ __ ] Jimmy off guard oh [ __ ] what is this sexual times he’s already choking and dessert hasn’t started what the [ __ ] um I got there oh my goodness dude hmm I never asked you this last time but like if you were to go in like a date like

What is like your ideal like date you reckon you know like first date you know first date uh I would go to a nice cafe but one that’s like cozy okay sounds like a very good first date because yeah going to a cafe I feel like

There’s plenty of stuff to talk about oh like you know it’s more search but learning about each other it’s good yeah I feel like if it’s too if it’s too fancy um it kind of like puts this weird expectation um I think so so um I think so yeah where would you take

Me I mean where would you where would you go cafes are really nice yeah um I think aside from cafes hmm I think walking like Park Circle and eating there sounds okay um and then oh no definitely not be Visa I think we’ll talk about this last time

But like maybe this is the first date and the way they gave her like okay yeah but I think that’s happened that like I don’t know too short oh no I’m pretty up for anything there I’m gonna go set it up for anything I like that you’re willing to try yeah

Honestly yeah I I don’t think anybody could weird me out really you know like they could say like they could say or do like the weirdest [ __ ] and like honestly like I actually wouldn’t even mind you know I’m like oh okay so I’ve never been to a amusement park

Today I don’t think so I’ve never been to one of those oh we see those in anime and stuff but I’ve never seen never been to one you’ve never been to an amusement park oh no I’ve never been like been to that kind of Music Park a day I haven’t been

To the museum in a long time actually but um yeah I don’t know are you good at amusement box I love I love roller coasters um roller coasters uh yeah I like them yeah I haven’t been to one in a long time but I do like them a lot I do like him

Yeah I remember me and my brother we used to go on like every single ride yeah but Sydney doesn’t really have like yeah we don’t really have many good admission blocks in Australia to be honest like uh music boxes really yeah another ticket to my bed instead foreign anything for eight months hello

Hello what the [ __ ] is going on I’m I’m oh um which is all my butts first just kind of message me off the stream like I approve uh lee mama if you’re watching I’m really I’m a really good male wife oh yes yes after the last time you said that I

Watched The Tick Tock about you with the male wife thing yes yeah I’m good at household tasks the kitchen sink will always be clean just in case if she uh is worried at all about anything yeah yeah I’m sure she’ll reassure her for sure yeah yeah one two three four five

Actually don’t think I’ve ever built anything underground like this before because I put everything above ground oh really so this is a bit uh it’s good to like just share random things a definite male one for sure oh man one two three four five then this here we go oh yeah

I just moved into a new apartment actually just just oh yesterday actually yesterday moved into a new place how is it it’s been um it’s been good so far it’s been really really good the room’s a lot bigger for sure um because my previous room I was actually like a laundry room

I used to be a little rat on a laundry room because um yeah um I wasn’t too good in a in a financial spot back then but yeah but I feel I feel very fortunate now yeah um but yeah it feels really good at my own bedroom now

Yeah so we can have a little privacy yeah yo hey yo huh nothing yo okay so hello reminds you of something hey okay so like all those really good friends with this guy um and I didn’t know like he he swung that way like he he okay that he was gay

Right but basically um me with my guy friends I miss you like pretty flirtatious with the boys right you know like you know I’m always like you know slapping their butt or like you know just like you know kissing the homies on the cheek you know and

Like just just some mild [ __ ] you know just like usual use your boy stuff you know and then this okay so like we had the same like uh we’re in the same uni basically project team right for like the entire semester and at the end of the semester

He asks me out on like a date and then I was so confused because I didn’t know that like he uh he was gay um but no okay hey Ryan uh what the great to see you Ryan how are you big daddy meow we haven’t talked in so long variety when

We always talk about it but we never do it um I’m just saying that um maybe I don’t know last time I rejected that guy but wait one second yeah right my slime okay thank you broad appreciate the rate if you guys donate produce me and probably we actually went to the same

High school together and if you guys are doing there bro Cola was the weirdest [ __ ] guy in high school bro for some reason he actually [ __ ] out English teacher bro it was [ __ ] I appreciate it bro thank you thank you so much man much love you skinny scorny [ __ ] that’s okay right now I’m playing with iki from the jisanji it’s avicibo licking everyone’s Secrets yeah it did yeah yeah I think about a big crime I appreciate it bro thank you thank you very much

The teacher dude look here so my teachers in school are hot as [ __ ] I’m not in the mum all right I’m back I’ll come back icky do you feel like you’re smart like academically oh no earlier uh I’m not sure I don’t really think that of myself I think I’m more like street smart and true smart yeah yeah the me academically I was pretty booty cheeks for I tried but like honestly I didn’t I didn’t try to hop but like I try oh never yeah but I think I’m more sort of a street smile like emotionally smart as well

Which I think is a good quote like a good skill to have as a content creator or like as um because I don’t know whenever like I’m looking to create content or something like that I always just think about like what my viewers would want to see and stuff so yeah

Yeah tough and think of a big problem I appreciate it man thank you so much damn lift this [ __ ] big ass trees I think this is the tallest tree I’ve ever seen wait I told you I am 169. oh hello hello How tall are you uh I’m 165. no way um six foot one I like when guys are taller than me yeah I can pick you up and throw you around you know what I mean yes foreign Um what you thinking what you think like on top of this just like yeah yeah all right I got you or maybe maybe not on top actually maybe where this is the veggie on the T-shirt you can you left then do you feel like you’ll ever get married foreign

Yeah I don’t know if Maybe for the benefits um go for the benefits oh like um I feel like nowadays like people getting married later and later you know as a kid I thought I was gonna get married at like 25 but like no never like I don’t know um

Like taxes I guess so yeah I’m good do you want to get married yeah oh are you asking me or are you like oh oh yeah I mean yeah uh probably I’ll get married sometime in the future yeah okay oh okay uh okay honestly I think for me like um

Oh it wouldn’t be for a while but like because like how do I say content creation I don’t know I think I tried to like do some content creation for like a couple of years and then afterwards after like things are settled down and maybe things are burning out I’ll do

I’ll do like a Red Shadow Legend sponsor seller and then um and then make massive Vancouver and then you know Mary uh let’s see not too sure okay um the future’s unpredictable bro I have no idea what’s gonna happen in the future no idea yeah that’s true yeah I just

Hope that you’re in it yeah yeah I hope I’m in it too oh my goodness oh no that’s snazzy yeah I like that um okay I think let’s see must carpet we should put the actual carpet here instead yeah it’s not too bad we’re coming along

A little bit you know what I mean gonna thank you for coming by appreciate it man please the biggest flavor Helen ever another I’m not really all right there we go awesome and put this bad way up here growing up what what did you want to do actually I’ll see this before

Like in terms of like your career path like did you want to like become like an astronaut or like a firefighter or like a something else you know foreign I think I think the first thing that I thought about was I wanted to be a magician um a magician oh okay I see

Yeah magician though tell us see you I feel like you’re already a magician yeah I kind of feel like one yeah sure it’s just symmetrical we can actually do magic tricks and stuff uh no no I had to do other stuff but not like it’s not like magician stuff anymore

Because you know all that is sleight of hand now um gotcha yeah yeah fair enough I think I was a kid I tried doing magician stuff with cards and stuff I tried learning it but like for us it’s like too hard bro yeah it’s a lot of yeah

I knew like one card trick but it just it was just based on math like if you if you just knew math and process of elimination whatever then you would get the trick gotcha laughs foreign that’s a kid I wanted to learn everything dude I wanted to learn like

Yeah like magic tricks and like I wanted to play instruments as well but I don’t know I should play any instruments uh I used to play guitar for a little bit and then dumbass Young Lee ended up quitting because I thought I go oh never but I feel like letting letting an instrument

Is like such a good thing to have in your life because there’s something that you can always improve on and such you know I was always so jealous of people that were like really good at playing instruments because you know I secretly wanted to be really good at playing enchantments as well

I was thinking like oh your parents didn’t force you to play an instrument like no the other older brother and they forced them to play a piano and stuff okay yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah like I didn’t work for him so yeah that’s pretty nice usually I feel like Asian parents are

Like it didn’t work with this one let’s try the other one wait did you play uh do you play any instruments on the yeah I play piano and uh I took violin for a couple of years you like that damn I do like that bird did violin for a man it’s like the

[ __ ] instrument you can play [Laughter] instead of that or like guys that can play the guitar really well like you’re a [ __ ] like God damn I can I can see you playing guitar um I know I think if I learned like any instrument like again I could definitely be guitar sure

Violin effect takes a long long time for it to sound like good you know it’s a big commitment yeah I I stopped playing because at the time I couldn’t figure out how to do the vibrato correctly so I just got mad at myself I gave up uh giving up can be

Very easy thing to do you don’t want to pick up an instrument now it’s never too late yeah I was gonna say that as well not too sure maybe I could but I don’t understood my roommates from you just like was she playing guitar like really [ __ ] but like I don’t know like

Yeah there’s always this time to learn some stuff but nah my passions are also you know like I think I really like um I don’t know I think for me right now the skills that I’m trying to improve on in life are like skateboarding like my body yeah and uh I

Think just like overall like uh just like my career path of content creation and such you know um but that’s what I was really trying to improve upon um Vanessa having a future of you or some German fun as well yeah I feel that yeah what about you there’s there’s so much

[ __ ] clay around here yeah I do what the [ __ ] and this is these Believers are going quick what do you want to improve upon in your life I do I want to keep making music but um I yeah I feel like I need to improve on

That a lot as well yeah it’s just like I’m always trying to figure out how to express like what I want to express through lyrics and stuff and Melodies and I’m always afraid like like with the songs I put out even right now like I’m not sure if I’m able to

Convey everything the way that I want to um you know after Allah I was like pretty intrigued in terms of like uh honestly I was a little bit embarrassed like I didn’t know much about like your like uh about like like you know like your group and stuff so

Like I did like a bit more research and such I did like I did like a chat doing a lot of research and just listening to all the music and stuff and I feel like it’s always really interesting hearing the lyrics to someone that writes their

Own songs and such because like it seems like something like I don’t know you can like you just get to know a lot more about them through what they write in their lyrics so yeah yeah but I think you’ll do great you would definitely are you writing in

These songs right now as well maybe maybe not I don’t want to spoil them we’re gonna have fun in songs this one’s songs are on his YouTube you guys can see I’m gonna put some vines or something like that coming down we’ll see not to show you

Um yeah the YouTubers are so good at making songs bro thank you actually man how good are you at skateboarding bro I’ve been trying to improve this so long remember skateboarding is such like I don’t know man I like the only way that you can be like improving at skateboarding is when

You’re not scared of falling or you’re not scared of failing you know so yeah it’s uh it’s a very um I don’t know I know how to do like a couple tricks like uh like all the basics like you know like Ollies or like fun stuff underneath backs up on 80s like just

Like all these um it’s all these basic stuff but I’m trying to improve upon it yeah but I started skateboarding when I started streaming like I better last last year yeah so it’s been um it’s been a while run yeah I think for me though like I only

Improve at things if my friends are doing them as well you know like if my friends or if I have like I guess like I didn’t really see how it’s a competition but if I have like a company like around me that’s doing the same thing then I

Will like try to improve upon it like a lot faster like for like skateboarding for example like I used to meet up with some friends like every single weekend to skateboard together and then like when I saw them like learn new tricks and stuff like that’d make me like

Envious and like you know I’d be like oh [ __ ] like they already know how to do this and then they’ve only been skating for like this many months or whatever you know so like I don’t want to like improve you know so I think for me like

As a person like my motivation really stems from other people you know like I’m only as good as my competition or I’m only as good as the person running next to me um so yeah I like that I feel that one as well yeah is that like healthy healthy

Conversation I think so as well yeah what do you get motivated by same things oh um kind of but also I think about like how I just wanna present like the best that I can present yeah become your best self yeah with the big five appreciate it

Down here well not stuff but like the Lush area it grows more down here wait how the [ __ ] do you get done where’d you get down there oh sh oh my God what the biggest I’m actually so confused you think you dig down though There’s um oh Spore blossom sorry I live right there you’re just like Bieber you can sick horny for the Minecraft flux for me too I see like I see a certain block that I want like say that oh my God uh I’m over here on the other side oh

What though yeah I just started digging into here oh [ __ ] what the booger oh my where’s Holt God damn okay that’s a little bit good A bit down sport awesome up here wait chat do you know if can we just get it or do I need like silk touch I think

You can I think you can pick it up with your hands I’m pretty sure I’m pretty sure you can I might be cabin yeah this is some iron down there get some iron as well gee we need some better tools bro yeah yeah you can get it without silk touch apparently

Oh there’s more wait didn’t I do origami um a few yeah gotcha I like origami as well origami is cute what can you make um that’s a kid like I always try to like oh during High School I like this commitment where I was like I’m gonna

Try to learn a different recipe every single day so it does take a point in time where like I was like really learning as much as possible like on YouTube and it’s like trying to stop teach you so I can make like most basic animals

Like if you sell like a random animal I could probably make it yeah yeah I could definitely not do a karaoke machine I did that thing where um you know when you make some paper cranes you get to make a wish yeah yeah I tried to do that because

I was like going through stuff oh gotcha yeah yeah yeah for sure um but I never finished oh my CSA yeah we need going through a lot of stuff like that you can but I feel like I’ll see it it’s good motivation sometimes yeah oh thing’s not for you things good

Yeah things are definitely better um oh [ __ ] you okay creeper yeah oh holy [ __ ] I’m on one and a half hearts no don’t listen to Christ don’t let some random creeper blow you up G mainly I’m allowed to blow you up you know what I mean what yeah you are oh [ __ ]

It must have been a glitch [Laughter] I think this is why I am for sure [ __ ] and there’s not a lot of iron around here yeah there’s definitely another that much maybe we should have found a a juicier cave but I like this area I like this Lush cave

Uh my background music is we could always bring the Lush cave with us like the glowberries yeah we could yeah all right this is cute and I always do that for now there we go which [ __ ] is using I’m using complementary shaders yeah all right there we go hmm If you can learn like any skill like what skill would you reckon you’re gonna learn hmm oh I found a lot more iron um I think there’s I think I’d want to learn more instruments and languages the languages are such a good one instruments is uh Insurance languages gotcha what about you

Um I think it would be something I want to learn how to edit better because like yeah I I add a lot of stuff so I feel like I’m not that good in terms of like editing stuff visually you know so I want to get better at that

All right actually that sounds like a great skill to learn I should do that too yeah do you edit a lot of stuff or not really not really um occasionally like I think I’ll do like the simplest [ __ ] like with just like some jump Cuts or whatever but yeah yeah

I can’t do I can’t do anything really um crazy or nice gotcha uh as you said before I feel like you can learn anything like um definitely put your mind to it I feel like that was uh like I think nowadays like a lot of people look at themselves in the

Mirror and they only see like the bad but like they feel like they can’t really you know like do much or stuff like that but I honestly think that like something that I’ve learned in the last year is that you really put your mind towards something the human mind’s pretty strong

Like you can you can really learn some stuff you know you can really like yeah yeah if you just like you know like I guess like believe that you can oh my God this Lush cave goes so deep didn’t learn nothing even though I put all my brain cells into it I mean

There’s always what we can learn you know all right am I lost Ezekiel love yeah he’s loving YouTube though yeah yeah if he says you keep by a letter on YouTube yeah there’s just so much stuff that I’m like kind of looping around sheep they shooting better I do stream a

Little bit of veil but I want to do some varieties and stuff as well try this on Minecraft and stuff and some horror games every now and then Ezekiel lost I don’t know why are you lost do you need help um I might she uh I got some coordinates if you need

But you’re in a cave right so um Damn that way this character is deep bruh not that way oh yeah do you see my names like over here towards here you can see through the wall you can see my name tag right oh yeah I see you okay hello oh yeah come here oh [ __ ] okay my hero I got you

I think it’s yeah let’s go up here now oh [ __ ] oh my God are you good yeah I’m chilling all the people that was sleeping in chat always [ __ ] wake him up real good oh my God wait what the what’s the where’s the exit there um am I Greening

Oh I made it out oh [ __ ] for real okay and now you are yeah okay yeah you’re like next to me hello hello what sort of dishes can you cook actually like let’s say like I’ll come over like tonight you know like what you cooking am I not enough whoa um

I’ll have you for dessert you know but like oh okay yeah yeah what’s like the main course you know this is my gay Awakening what’s going on though that’s it good um I’m I can make uh what’s it called again yes good good stuff what else can I make um

I think I make a good Bolognese hmm well it is for your homey food for sure do like me some Bolognese Thunderbird I like the reindeer right now in Australia it’s super cold actually you should come over and move me up oh yeah I would love that so you’re saying um

What was I saying oh my budgie um what was that oh oh oh okay I I also like the rain but also I Thunder kind of like I’m half and halfway like it kind of scares me a little bit Um but uh if I’m like indoors or like inside an area like I’m like kind of okay okay gotcha yeah yeah I think it’s for me like not much scares me actually I don’t know I don’t really have many like fears to be honest like really yeah yeah I don’t think so

I think my only field would be like losing you um no I think I don’t know what am I actually scared of I think I’m scared of like not reaching my full potential or like or like like like some like I don’t know like no disappointing others is

Like that’s a pretty big fear as well oh no that sort of stuff those are my fears yeah foreign do you have a fear of like um fear of being alone if you’re being alone not really I don’t think I don’t know I think I actually have mostly been alone

The last few years yeah I think I’m pretty like a alone sort of guy yeah what about fear of losing your loved ones hmm that’s a pretty big fear as well um yeah that’s a that’s a strong fear to have like everyone has that feel there you know

Everyone’s scared to lose some loved ones hello what’s up oh [ __ ] sorry I was just talking to myself was muted I apologies um fear of losing loved ones yeah I think everyone is I don’t know Clearly everyone it’s like a universal feel that everyone has there losing loved ones I think I’m scared of like getting trust broken actually that’s a pretty big uh fear of mine as well too I think the big one yeah I think I was scared of like

I don’t know because I think for me like when I trust people and like only for them to like betray me or like lie to me or like oh there’s something like that like I sort of like makes you lose a little bit of myself each time

So I’m scared to like honestly it takes a long time for me to like actually like build a lot of trust with people because like uh like I know I I know it’s not good to like have you like your past the term and your future but like I always see patterns between

Um between situations and then it sort of like stops me from getting close to people because like I fear that something oh I was getting like too real what the [ __ ] uh yeah [ __ ] spiders bro I’m scared of spiders yeah [ __ ] spiders listen I’m all forgetting and um all that stuff um

Very good listener I feel like you yeah you definitely are yeah I guess that all right being a good listener is a very nice skill to have what about you your fears I also have the fear of like losing loved ones and um I am quite independent but I think

There’s a part of me that feels scared of being alone in in the sense of like not having anyone not having like a support system I think that would like break me but um I also have uh Trypophobia and what else I uh kiwis freak me out gee wheeze freak you out um

Really wait when you cut into it oh okay there’s a lot of like dots and seeds and stuff yeah it just looks wrong yeah this looks wrong honestly sometimes I just bite kiwis with the skin on and eat it like that damn that’s pretty hard yeah yeah

This feels like I’m eating like a furry butt cheek you know that’s like a noble into it oh okay yeah yeah that’s the way oh okay you don’t actually eat the skin do you oh dude yeah I sort of eat the skin bro I was biting through it like it’s a [ __ ]

App over like hey doesn’t it feel weird when you swallow the skin oh let’s chew it up bro I need to look here like I’m pretty I’m pretty down to eat or like try anything bro you know like I’m a pretty like uh on there

I’m chill like that you know what I mean maybe I should maybe I should eat it like that oh I don’t know if you should do like that though no I don’t recommend it no they’re the reason why I did that because like I couldn’t be [ __ ] to

Bring up a fork or like I like that could laugh to cut it open in school so I was like okay I see um like a [ __ ] but not as I don’t like eating bananas I I eat a lot of bananas because it’s one of the few fruits that I’m not allergic to

Really oh yeah I mean belongs to me like this like my stomach a bit like I don’t know I think it’s like the stringy and the potassium part of it oh no dude but um don’t they open on anytime yeah me me too that is yours

I just want to make it clear yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah I’ve tried eating my Empanada before you know like I mean you would have never foreign this is some prime info that we’re getting but this is prime oh man let’s see if you’re flexible enough to

Do so that’s like a skill I guess I don’t know it props to you true yeah I’m I’m not that flexible but really okay I’m like oh bro I’m [ __ ] stiff bro I need somebody just [ __ ] bend me over right now like wait uh yeah wait what sorry say the word say again

You heard me oh dude foreign gay Panic right now what’s going on seeing so I think here I wanted to walk in and this be some sort of like bedroom some sort of the library bedroom sort of thing um you’re right bro I found a spawner hey yeah not bad exponenture

I think it’s a skeleton farmer oh for real skeleton that’s really good bird Mill we can make infinite um most of that I made sure that mute my mic um stop saying spider do the ceiling yeah oh dude yeah I don’t know I was gonna take this off for now not too sure

Uh let’s see hmm yeah icky growing up the Japanese like high school like oh like you know like childhood crushes on like fictional characters and [ __ ] uh uh yeah definitely like here uh have you ever watched Cardcaptor Sakura no I haven’t verb I know of it but which character which one

Sakuras Big Brother sucker is Big Brother wait I think my chest about to get feral in a second Toya yeah God damn he awakened something in me he was your gay Awakening it’s like a w tastes my chest I see yeah I know I have a good taste

That’s why I like you so much I’m actually blushing him oh my God oh [ __ ] what’s up what the [ __ ] let’s see I think for me like you’re lucky I’m not even a fairy but like Lola Bunny you know what I mean oh my God what yeah you’re right yeah dude dude Lola

Dude if you like Lola Bunny you’re not even a fairy bro like you know it’s just like ah it’s an exception it’s an exception from what show Space Jam bruh damn the slam welcome to the Space Jam little bunny stopped here actually dude all the bunny girls we talked here okay

I could be a bunny girl for you how could I actually imagine you in the good buddy costume a girl lucky oh man there’s definitely a lot of fan art oh yeah yeah I think it’s already at the yeah I think I might have seen it actually

Save it on your computer oh for sure bro like dude I swear my Twitter timeline recently is fuel [ __ ] dude every time a girl on Twitter nowadays I think it’s because I follow all these artists bro and all these artists are just damn bad as well so open Twitter Mad titties open

Twitter this is like butt cheek you know I’m almost like Bruh Bruh I swear is is anybody else with me like dude my Twitter’s assistant I can’t open my Twitter on stream anymore bro that [ __ ] is too naughty oh my God there’s some lost the circle damn it I mean

The the your timeline reflects what you like yeah it’s based off your lexorgan yeah hmm I bet yours just meant to these and fan art hell yeah oh hell yeah he knows to the damn bed oh my God oh you knew it was a birdie freaking the the dragon from Shrek did

She’s like all badass and [ __ ] and like everyone thinks it’s gonna be a guy then all of a sudden it’s a girl and then she has like the eyelashes and [ __ ] she’s like blinking at you like oh [ __ ] you know that was like that was like my furry Awakening wait what

So you are free I don’t know what you’re talking about yeah I’m kidding guys I’m kidding but through the hell don’t you make babies with that uh you’re all good oh it’s not called a fur it’s called a scaly what the [ __ ] oh right right I forgot I’m I’m learning new things out

Here bro okay this shit’s crazy well if there’s a will there’s a way I’m kidding oh I did I’m trying to think actually like oh like actually like actual Channel crushes that I had I’m trying to think um I don’t know for I think for me like I have like a really

Weird taste I have mad side character syndrome like I would never like a girl if she’s too popular you know what I mean like if somebody’s too popular as of too live like the confidence to like be like like I don’t know like I found

Like a lot of guys that already like a character I wouldn’t like that character because like it went through like it’s mine or something like that I don’t know like you know oh you’re one of those yeah I’m one of those guys yeah yeah one of those guys say girl what no

Brother in the chat just said the B from B movie what the [ __ ] all right whoever that is gonna get out of here what the [ __ ] Shadow from Sonic shut the [ __ ] off okay well Sheriff from Sonic I feel like he can get it but dude if you like

Shadow from Sonic I’m sorry bro if I hear something I’m sorry bro what the brother says mammoth from Ice Age you guys are [ __ ] crazy okay I don’t know about that one oh someone in my chance that which Bee from the bee I’m guessing this the bank card

Nick was Utopia okay buddy I’m getting a bit too creative out here um oh Diego from Ice Age was sort of hot there like okay all right sorry oh the the lion uh I think he’s the the Sabertooth tiger yeah oh yeah yeah yeah some lying right now oh my goodness we’re

Is Jerry from Tom and Jerry a girl Sherry yeah from Tom and Jerry foreign Jerry’s a boy it’s a guy it’s a little guy uh gotcha Real Talk the Stuart Little was a baddie I’m disappearing random [ __ ] my bad mm-hmm what do you mean yeah true what the [ __ ] laughs oh there

Oh let’s talk about boxes represents boxes in the forest running around Nick Wilde come back here yeah honestly though like as a kid like ice like form crushes like so easily bro like oh look I was just like form like I’ll just like see like random people in

Public like damn they’re hot but like honestly nowadays like I don’t like oh that takes me a long time to like find attraction I feel like you know I don’t know to be honest yeah it didn’t take much time for you to try to zoom in you’re an exception you

Know what I mean like you’re like oh no bro you’re definitely an outlier yeah yeah but I don’t know what about you do you feel like um does it take you a long time to like really like you know find an attraction to someone I I find people attractive but I think

It takes a while for me to like process if I actually have a crush or or any sort of like yeah feelings yeah yeah I gotcha but I don’t even I don’t need to think at all with you oh my God this is dangerous what do you mean

Potentially good I like it wait what yeah um you don’t like a little danger I thought it could sleep well for this so much dude do you have dreams like when I go to sleep yeah yeah it’s okay give me the cord at the top lost oh Um shut up yeah itching think about the big six months appreciated you cheers all your dreams yeah yeah you have many on there yeah I foreign I’ve talked about this on stream before but I sometimes have dreams where like you know it happens after I dream it oh [ __ ] yeah

Yeah no you know what this is my theory of Dreams Urban dreams are like for me at least it’s like a way of my brain problem solving you know and it’s like Imagining the worst possibilities or like possibilities that could happen out of a situation and then my brain is just going through

Like the problem solving of it you know and trying to see like how I would react in these situations what’s up dude what the f oh my God so yes damn wait what do you mean like you’ve had situations where you’ve dreamed or something and then it happened right afterwards like what um

I have I’ve dreamed about someone’s death before what the [ __ ] okay and this is somebody that I didn’t know I don’t know who the [ __ ] this woman was but then I saw a news article about her no that’s [ __ ] scary bro no no no no no no brother

Freaked out uh that’s pretty that’s pretty [ __ ] spooky bro that’s freaking duckie um what the um other stuff is just kind of like uh if my I feel like like if if a friend is going through something then I know um I dream about them or something um [ __ ] dude um

I think to me like dreams if it’s something really eventful that happened in the dream I’ll remember it but most of the times like I’m pretty sure I dream every single night but I don’t really remember it when I wake up or like I remember it for like a split

Second then throughout the day I just forget about it but um yeah I think for me like yeah sometimes I get pretty intense in nightmares and stuff I think there are nightmares that are bad for me uh is when I caught the surfer from reality because like some

Nightmares I just like say comically like just like out of the world that like I instantly realize it’s a dream I wake up but other than that mess it’s like if it’s like actually feasible as a reality that’s that’s when it’s like it’s like a bit too tight you know I’m

Like I don’t know sometimes I go honestly in the last like couple months I’ve been having a lot of nightmares about getting betrayed by by people that I’ve trusted and honestly some that they’ve actually like sort of become reality in a sense but like um like those ones those ones who hit hard

A lot yeah yeah because I can’t tell when it’s like in that mirror he said they’ve become reality yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah oh I’m sorry yeah yeah which is unfortunately oh no this is the stairs going downstairs um We don’t even need to build uh yeah it’s good all right good stuff a lot of my could happen um yeah I think so really oh yeah I’ve heard a few cases where I had some sleep paralysis I remember this is one day where um it was the end of season League of

Legends and I was trying to grind to get uh we can platinum or something and then and then I did it all NADA and I remember this actually the first time I ever drank on Monster Energy drinkers uh so it’s like it was like a pretty I

Guess like eventful time and then I remember that night I went to bed I was shaking I was just like livid because like I was trying to go sleep I was so tired but at the same time I was Juiced up with the energy drink it was like a

Bad combination and then the dream I had was like I’m pretty sure like I got like attacked by like Teemo or something in my dreams and like I was like oh no oh I was like like this Frozen on my bed no no it wasn’t like it was like

Um like I was I was laying in my bed and then um the dream was like like my perspective was outside of my um body so I could see my body sleeping in the bed yeah yeah that’s what I remember from it and then I remember that was about it yeah

Yeah that is for sure sleep paralysis yeah but I saw from that like that’s the only case that I remember ever having some sort of sleep paralysis yeah what about you sleep paralysis scary I’ve gotten it a few times Um yeah it is pretty scary um one time when it happened to me I it was the same thing like I thought I was I I felt like I was waking up but I wasn’t and it was like looking at your own body um and then

I was sleeping on my side and so my hands my my two hands were like from in front of my face and then at some point during the sleep paralysis I saw a third hand mm-hmm and I got freaked out and then it started moving and tried to climb inside of me and

What the [ __ ] but yeah I’ve seen you have some Wildlife streams bro oh this is [ __ ] some crazy [ __ ] for what the [ __ ] I don’t know if I’ve ever talked about that on the stream but uh yeah that’s what happened that’s some crazy [ __ ] bro I don’t know man

Third hand I’ve never fought so hard to wake up in my life yeah yeah I would imagine you had to fight really hard to wake up what the [ __ ] hmm I haven’t had it in years so good I’m glad it’s over here yeah I usually have it like on there I think

For me like I only have like not messy stuff if I’m ever going through like intense times and stuff if things are good in my life then usually like my dreams are just about like uh like just random stuff um all right here we go

Yeah but I think some dreams for me were always just like if yeah Thomas is stressful then all that I have dreams always like I used to do a lot of track in high school right and I remember before every single Track event every single track of

Me I would always have the exact same dream where like I’m at the start line in the dream and then the gun goes off or like the flare goes off and then I start running but I’m just so much slower I just feel like weighted down by

Like by like in the dream you know I’m just running so so slow and it was always just like a fear that I just like you know I feel like dreams for me was just like my worst real like my worst sort of possibilities becoming a reality in the dream

Um yeah that’s sort of ordeal but um damn yeah but usually after I wake up I’m like oh I’m chilling you know like it’s nothing wrong you know I’m chilling what’s up foreign except you you [ __ ] rock my socks off somehow [Laughter] All right looking like I don’t think this cave was gonna be this crazy all right this is wild All right there we go whoa oh wow wow what the [ __ ] I’m like in shock what’s up what’s going on it’s just huge yeah yeah underneath yeah it’s so pretty just like you oh my God really Oh babe I’m gonna get some dangerous stuff foreign babe is what you usually use I mean what else what else would you say other than babe like he was like oh no I can’t see it dark come here darling I actually do like that word but I know

That a lot of people don’t say it and darling um my God it sounds really nice when you say what oh honey gotcha yeah I like that that was good yeah see you Daniel gotcha gotcha let’s see I see they did they already write that down let’s see what should I do here

We set a pattern Like this are you killing someone again oh no why are you are you still exploring the money yeah I got you uh what the [ __ ] yeah happy birthday bro Lee what is the most flirtatious accent in your opinion oh never Spanish people go crazy like here uh

Uh let’s see I’m not too sure you said you wanted to learn languages yeah so what language would you want to learn actually Chinese Japanese oh you already know like quite a bit of Japanese I know some stuff but I I think I’d like to learn it a little more like proficiently because

I like no survival language yeah what do you think is like a hot language so yeah it’s like to like oh language that sounds nice here again uh I think French sounds really nice I think most people think that anyway yeah um I like the way Spanish flows Spanish is a

All good languages honestly you sound nice in any language you speak say the same thing to you foreign really brought out like a lot more of a talkative side to myself because I feel like prior to like streaming like I never really like talk that much to be honest um yeah

Yeah I think streaming helps people kind of be a little more confident to talk it’s a shower but even nowadays eye roll I mean like I don’t really talk that much like I said on my day to be honest like usually the first time I ever like

Open my mouth of speakers on the stream and it’s better off stream I’m just like chilling in my room by myself hmm because you have to rest your voice too because I feel like that’s something not a lot of people think about with like streamers we

We have to rest our voices because we talk so much especially if you’re playing like certain games and stuff yeah yeah I play games like Minecraft like I really like I don’t really talk about the game that much I just talk about like just anything I want so I’m usually spinning

Like the entire time so it can be a bit exhausting for sure yeah yeah I want to stream longer hours to be honest like I wish I could do like an xkc where I just stream 10 12 freaking 20 hours each day but I never had the energy for that bro like yeah

Yeah same here I was in a [ __ ] dead bro two hours and I’m like I’m done yeah yeah but yeah oh unless I’m doing like a sabathon or something then yeah that’s crazy all right there we go all right and I think let’s have a go around here

Um so I think something’s missing here something in the center let’s go here maybe a fence in there oh [ __ ] yeah oh my goodness the clothes you should thank you thank you it was sort of fashion yet she into uh uh I normally dress pretty minimally but um I’m into like foreign Like skate up like yeah yeah very very loose fitting clothing sometimes if I’m like dressing up a little bit like let’s be like techwear stuff usually that’s about it yeah techware is nice though yeah the quiz I don’t wear it but I like seeing other people wear it yeah

Sure I think over here you can do the bed it’s Underground did something like this all right what you doing right now just Mining and stuff yeah there’s this water and I thought it led somewhere but you didn’t I’m lucky created yeah all right Trader yeah there’s Trader upstairs yeah cheeky trade LED

All right there we go one two three four five that server that you’re playing before um the digital G server how long has that been up for because you’ve done some crazy projects on that I swear we’ve had it I don’t even think it’s been a year yet

Oh [ __ ] dude because it’s freaking crazy bro Jesus Christ if you guys haven’t seen you keep build but it keeps builds are insane dude I was [ __ ] I was sipping away I swear I did like yeah you’re what what no nothing oh [ __ ] wait do you know do you know the drawing

Stuff and do art no I don’t think I’m that um same here bro but I feel like yeah you definitely have creative mind definitely creative mind with like songwriting and this building sort of stuff and you have to get you have OCD yorkin um I don’t know maybe to a degree but not

Not like fully um gotcha I think I got like just a little bit of OCD I always like try my best to like affect everything just a little bit I’ll do it the best I can See like perfectionist I guess yeah all right hmm here we go come here hey shouting how you doing I’m back welcome back Daniel hope you guys are all having a good day the stream is turned yeah it’s very very chill very chill stuff all right you live alone okay oh yeah foreign

Like I said Lee mama if you’re watching foreign should have been me yeah fly me out yeah actually let’s see it’s like this ground pattern’s a bit confusing uh [ __ ] it we ball oh hey you know my slime there you go definitely come to Australia sometime yeah I would love to um

It’s one of the places that I want to go to aside from like Japan Korea’s uh um foreign I feel like there’s not much to do in terms of like attractions and stuff but I feel like people and like friends that you can make and meet I think it’s good

I see myself living in Australia in the future as a h I wanna try coffee from Australia um yeah I probably got cafes here are pretty good so I actually wanted to become a barista when I was a bit younger actually because um I thought it was like a job that you could like travel with and stuff and although I thought it was like a pretty cool thing to be a parissa but yeah ended up being a content creator instead

I’ve like miss you with that like I don’t know like maybe starting off content creation was something that I was like never really was something that was gonna become full time and then and I feel like streaming full-time is like an opportunity that’s given to you and

Not something that like you decide at the very beginning you know yeah true yeah I think basically with that I agree yeah I think I live with the consecration now like they didn’t actually expect it to be the like there’s like somehow it just came out to be that way in the end

So I don’t really recommend like what’s it called like quitting a full-time job saying like I’m a full-time streamer like yeah yeah respect the ambition but it’s a very very um yeah I wonder what the future is going to be like in content creation as well because

I wonder if like you know like PewDiePie or like offline like TV like I wonder if all these people gonna still be around like 10 years time or like five years time you know like I reckon the future is so unsure but we shall see we shall see yeah I feel like

People who have been doing it for a while like they could probably start companies yeah yeah something like that they have first-hand experience on everything yeah yeah they know what creators want and and how they grow and such for sure it’s like a lucky hey damn bro

I think I definitely want to do something like that when my collecting creation’s over I want to be some sort of talented advisor someone that can like I guess like nurture the future content creation because I feel like content creation is gonna earn to keep growing because like

I think a lot of kids nowadays they like if you ask them like what they want to do like I think a good portion of them would say like I want to become like a content creator or like I want to become Mr Beast or something like that on there

But I want to be a YouTuber yeah you know what I was thinking the other day bro I was like dude we’re probably gonna be someone’s childhood like imagine like like kids growing up and then be like God I feel like like here like I remember like

Watching like like Ikea little like on on YouTube like growing oh bro and then I realized like dude I’m a [ __ ] bad influence man like whoa dudes like sushi [ __ ] and like It’s not gonna be good dude it’s not gonna be good foreign but yeah you’re gonna be someone’s Awakening yeah I mean you already know my Awakening so teach kids how to risk people up yeah oh man can I Hershey thank you for coming by I appreciate it then thank you thank you

Yeah I don’t know for I’m scared for that uh then yeah like did you think like you would be doing this like like two years ago like was this even like a realm of possibility in your mind or not really not at all yeah I feel like it’s it sort of happens

Along the way must have been fate no yeah faith that we met yeah laughs let’s see well a painting would go hard here yeah how do you make a painting it’s a wall and sticks I’m pretty sure You need wool right yeah think I think just one wall should be okay let me see oh I got one all right cool made it nobody’s a painting but I want to use one here all right gotcha oh okay yeah I get a bit more warm all right good stuff

Thank you Henry appreciate it then thank you thank you there’s always compartments competition [ __ ] is again what would you say is like your favorite game to the extreme actually or do you just like probably probably Minecraft actually play Minecraft yeah I think so so I think Minecraft is a really good game

To stream to be honest because I feel like people are the watch humans with their personality or like the their gameplay right but I have like Minecraft as a game where like well I feel like if you if you’re in there for your gameplay it’s like

It’s like it’s very very hard to be there for your gameplay so I think Markov is a good game for connecting to viewers and such or just like just talking about whatever you want to yeah yeah two minutes um wait isn’t oh there’s no such thing as

Like a like a odd painting it’s the old even numbers right one two yeah the four by fours and stuff [ __ ] oh maybe I make an aquarium here or something I don’t know I’m not too sure to put on this wall um too sure any thoughts we can make

Can make a big aquarium yeah I was thinking some sort of a query would be cool yeah not too sure we’ll think of something but for now slap it up a little bit all right cool how’s exercising stuff been going for you you’ve been working out ever since last time um

A little bit but I think this week I’m just gonna chill because your body hurts oh true Thanksgiving wait you’re right [ __ ] so I feel like a lot of people are gonna fall off yeah yeah I gotcha yeah yeah honestly I haven’t really been going too

Hard recently and they get back into it I’ve been slacking a little bit because of travel and such and traveling too much feel free to uh send me progress photos oh [ __ ] of course of course I’ve actually been taking progress photos every single day because I want

To like see like my I guess like transformation or body over time you know yeah Are you tired of something I am pretty tired I’ve been awake for a long time guys I’m not gonna lie but I’m gonna stay awake for a lot longer because I sort of like a play of iki for a lot is ASMR I guess or a little bit of ace a month today

There’s like stuff in here um yeah I’m like I keep hearing the zombies and stuff as well yeah thank you for the brands are very much alive yeah maybe I built like a quarium here yeah but for now I’ll just block it off yeah definitely aquarium a good idea all right

Oh did you get more iron Um no I just I keep finding lapis what you reckon I’m gonna put here we put like a big another portal here actually another portal on the right side and shading table on the left side yeah I’m trying to like just getting here so that I can get rid of

Whatever mobs yeah yeah oh bless you yeah what those sneeze yeah yeah a little bit of a sneeze a little bit my viewers say my sneezes sound like Minecraft spiders oh I found it oh hello hey Noah hey Minnie how you guys doing oh there we go yeah

How big is this area behind you pretty big I’d say what’s up [ __ ] it’s a [ __ ] yeah what’s up [ __ ] him up there we go oh man have you ever been in like a physical flat before yes yeah you have oh [ __ ] wait what was it over um foreign let’s just say

Growing up I had to fend for myself quite a bit gotcha let’s see let’s see I’m gonna be let’s see let’s see sometimes you gotta fight even when you don’t want to you know what I mean yeah yeah foreign happy birthday uni so you have fun

Yeah yeah but it’s only the girl I don’t know like nothing serious you know over small stuff I definitely Fight for Your Love I don’t even got a fighter for that no [ __ ] so you’ve already got it oh [ __ ] [ __ ] got them I feel this is such a different energy

From the last time we were talking because I think last time I was talking I was Peak energy I was Peak excitement and then now of course I’m really excited but I’m like I’ve been awake for like 40 hours bro I’ve been like oh [ __ ] yeah yeah so definitely offer this

Like some really really good sleep yeah please do yeah I wish I could like join me maybe a massage or something oh right that’s it yeah if you want there you go I feel like Mio massages there I’m not gonna lie I’m like the best ticklish [ __ ] ever you Leia handled me

I’m just gonna start giggling and [ __ ] I actually suck at massages for likey that is so cute it’s so cute it’s so dumb over okay good good so when I arrive in Australia I know what to do the [ __ ] out of me because I used to do athletics right uh

My my advice like my my coach who who had always like so like yeah she gets like massages and stuff I’m like yeah sure and always dude I’ll go to like the masseuse or like the massage place I was like I don’t know I I get like that a little bit too but then I think I just have so many knots and like so much tension that it quickly gets overrun with pain ah gotcha yeah yeah good too The big six months in advance thank you guys free cinnamon thank you thank you so much uh damn you probably a lot of people get in my truck go to massages pretty often actually helps release the tension apparently um oh nice good for them What’s he building I’m building an aquarium right now yeah because I want to like um do some underwater type shirt you know all right you good at any sports EQ I don’t know about good um I used to play volleyball like casually gotcha um I I don’t know I just did whatever

People wanted me to do yeah like I feel yeah yeah um I had to play volleyball in Union as well a little bit I was always left wing because I’m left-handed wait are you left-handed no I’m right-handed oh okay that’s good so when we hold the hands it’s like

Natural you know because like if you hold hands of like a you know yeah You have soft hands no I have very rugged hands like I have very like like I’m a very like how do I say like I use my hands up for a lot of things like I’m very like handsy like arts and crafts of the person and stuff

Like that so my hands get pretty scuffed sometimes yeah I’ve got a lot of calluses on my head and so I’m like um so I’m just like gym and skateboarding and that stuff yeah I feel like you would have really soft hands there I guess find out oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Laughter]

All right there we go and and I think it looks okay but honey cups is some fishies and put them in here all right and uh foreign thank you so much much love you you already feel pretty rested right because you just wake up didn’t you kind of Um leave her six months appreciate it man I’ll probably go back to bed anyway oh really um gotcha we can sleep together then hmm all right do you get jealous really easily I think it depends but I I can yeah yeah I think I can as well

I think if I really care about oh I’ve ever really emotionally attached to something over liquor or you know girl do you get possessive uh if I really like lack something then yeah I’m a little bit curer a little bigger yeah it’s just a little bit you know yeah

I like when people get possessive of me five of you yeah I definitely definitely would yeah X Square thank you for the big four ones there we go I just realized let’s say she made out of glass foreign that’s all good Daniel it’s being here and chatting and stuff

Is like more than enough dude thank you man I found a fish oh [ __ ] wait if you want you can like capture some and then look here needs some for this uh for this Aquarium I don’t have iron oh [ __ ] yeah sure right a bit of the iron shortage right now yeah

Uh let’s see okay I need some glass oh dude I like Minecraft A Lot dude it’s been certainly that I play Minecraft like this or I just like I just like let my mind as a wonder and just build anything and talk about anything you know yeah It’s good I think Markov is a game that I’ll always play I can definitely see myself even 10 years from now like just like coming back and playing Minecraft for sure dude I feel like games in 10 years are gonna be [ __ ] crazy bro Luke holy [ __ ]

I agree yeah yeah how was the video VR I don’t know I’m lucky thinking about getting it because I just want to like just try out some things you know like I wanna like you know like if you are among also like which like via hentai like that sounds like sick

VR at the same time yeah I think we just like that you know it’s on the same wavelength how was it for you trying it out um a bit it was a bit dizzying but um Once you turn on like the blinders a little bit it helps yeah gotcha okay

Was the controls pretty intuitive like really easy to understand or not really not really I think maybe with more updates it’ll be better gotcha um still fun though yeah I just want to try it out a few I’m not gonna swear I’ve been seeing so many Clips on Twitter and

[ __ ] that’s just like two whatever grade men’s chasing around like wait you saw that one I I saw that I want to play with the guys he’s just chasing the kid around bro yeah yeah so holy [ __ ] dude it’s too good like yeah I want to get VR oh my gosh for sure

Utah in the field what the [ __ ] he’s saying what the [ __ ] oh so what would he kills his friend and the kids starts crying I’ve seen you somewhere I don’t know where probably on the Hub you know what I mean uh I make Leah’s skin I’m very attached to my rat skin bro

Look uh all right okay did you try any other games in vo like have you tried to plank one The plank one yeah well like you [ __ ] like jump off like a like a plank no I among Among Us VR is the only thing I’ve played oh yeah I do want to try other stuff though because um foreign freak me out uh what the [ __ ] is going on here it

Doesn’t look that sorry yeah all right you watching any anime right now um I haven’t watched any recently um gotcha I’ve been watching chainsaw man I shit’s too good then what’s the little animal yeah so cute I’ve been seeing images so cute I just want to eat it let’s sort

Of [ __ ] kill it Do you feel like you’re more of a top or a bottom sort of guy sexually I don’t know yeah I mean I feel like I feel like do you feel like I’ll let you taught me [Laughter] I thought you’re like a switch I don’t think I’ve been anything other

Than I thought to be honest good that means you have experience and I don’t have to worry do you reckon it’s an issue if you if apart like your partner like has had a lot of like previous Partners in the past and not really like do you see there’s a red flag yeah

I feel like as long as they they like love you like they really like you know um trust you in the current moment then yeah yeah there’s you they would have been three months appreciate a g uh thank you for the two one thank you guys so much more people have been through

Already all that stuff yeah all right it’s aquariums coming along but like it needs a bit more variation just looks a little bit too yeah these sorts of nickel for tier one I think it was starting the hype train as well that I appreciate it thank you very much

You’re you’re good thank you thank you just genetics you know what I mean holy [ __ ] wait one second with a big pen gifties my slime holy [ __ ] out of nowhere I’m just chilling verb and this guy just puts 10 inches in my butt thank you appreciate it man thank you thank

You much love Necker if you had to get something on your boy and that could give him a kiss for you thank you man thank you thank you much love oh I definitely need someone to let the aquarium up it’s uh some like glowstone type [ __ ] and blueberries uh some sea coral yeah

Oh yeah sea pickles yeah see pickles for those bad boys no I don’t think so definitely eat up some sea pickles uh let’s uh all right let’s see how this looks yeah adapt to this thing for the big primer I appreciate it bro thank you so much Mr Toast

Uh once yeah let’s make these into pins bam bam bam that should be enough all right two oh wait I just realized can’t do that okay gotcha buff yeah yeah I know you can yeah you can stack these uh the things all right uh should I do weapons I don’t think I should

Yeah maybe I shouldn’t this is too holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] wait pick 20 get what to what the [ __ ] what the figure I don’t know ever wait thank you man no wait there’s always these these Giga chats that come out of nowhere type of zero messages in the chat and then gift

50 gifted or something but some crazy ass [ __ ] Bro thinking okay appreciate it man thank you thank you so much much love much love okay if you’re the gift of my boy Nick over give him a kiss for it thank you for the big 20 inches man thank you man it’s too

Nice for it too nice thank you thank you everybody give a love heart I got you all holy [ __ ] thank you thank you God damn dude you’re too crazy all right [ __ ] it I was gonna get rid of this and I’m gonna use the lighter like

Oh no like which one we can use Gray Um well just default we’ll do foreign thank you thank you so much much love uh what you up to bro I’m trying to find a different cave um yeah we need more iron and stuff yeah we do we haven’t gotten damage yet either yeah essentially I will make it Diamond level yeah

Yeah Luke cave up to go wild oh yeah this definitely looks better for sure oh [ __ ] I didn’t have enough sand yeah all right cool I think you guys had a big follow so much love um the airplane what all right cool with you later oh yum yum

You know ever since I went to the new place my bed has felt so because it’s like twice as big as my usual bed or like the bed that I’ve had for the last year and a half so I feel sort of empty you know I can help you just say loss

Oh yeah instantly you’re picking up what I’m putting down you know you’re just like yeah you sneezed no you’re still into sweeping yeah say less all right time to fill this aquarium in uh just need a door which one let’s make a oak door all right cool

You reckon Minecraft is your most played game I think so yeah I think for me as well actually Minecraft would definitely be my misplate as well that’s too much of a Minecraft kid like here now I’m Valerie no different definitely not valorant uh I think I played more leaked than

Valorant to be honest oh yeah oh I was streamed for sure Valerian but for like um no definitely it would definitely be like Minecraft overall for sure hey Prime thanks for the Ray W Rod my slime how you doing all right what time is it actually can somebody

Exclamation mark time in the chat right now cool okay let’s get rid of these parts here actually wait have you ever played league on stream on the a few times or maybe like one or twice yeah yeah um I’ve I don’t know if that’s something

I don’t know if I would play league on stream Elite brings up the [ __ ] worse than me bro I’ll just thought like blaming the no no I’m not that toxic all right let’s see oh yeah here we go where’s your 5K on League one day yeah honestly I’m actually down for that dude

I’m down for that I went stream away you guys [ __ ] stream it I’m actually down for that like yeah all right cool this is sick house thanks man it’s pretty cool we sort of sort of getting into it lad knockout alive bro the kids he’s finding more Lush caves

Yes a lot of these are on all right I’m gonna go ahead and make a bucket and start filling out this aquarium real quick it’s gonna look sick okay actually I want to go to aquarium again I want to do an arrow stream out of the aquarium I think that’d be really snazzy

Yo rice it’s all along and I love aquariums Um aquarium dates oh it does sound nice I’ll watch your stream yeah pretend I’m there yeah bro that’s [ __ ] up are you actually a [ __ ] millionaire not even sub to your boy right here dude what the [ __ ] dude it only loses oh I’m kidding [Laughter] I’ll have it on repeat that uh brother

Thank you for the raid that’s better than any gifts of hey Miriam yeah big mirror and daddy all right dude actually you cannot for the life of me fine [ __ ] iron I’ll find a cave I got some iron oh [ __ ] um you close just gotta make it back

Yeah it’s [ __ ] trick to get back from oh [ __ ] oh I found an axle I found a couple of axolotls oh [ __ ] bro holy [ __ ] wait wait you got a bucket no no [ __ ] wait maybe make a bucket and bring one or two if you can and then we can make them [ __ ]

Where am I oh my God how do I oh oh oh over here okay okay I’m coming back up oh [ __ ] okay all right I found the cave uh I just don’t know how to get down all right oh oh okay I’m chilling death I almost died all right cool I’m chilling

Oh man if you were to get a pet but what part would it be um I probably just get more cats you get more cats wait you have cats yeah one cat oh meow hey what’s her name I think you asked me before yeah I think

I did ask you before but I have oh memory I’m gonna remember it say so all right he’ll just be called oh Junior let’s see let’s see my roommate and I want to get a cat you should yeah I’ll probably end up eating it though like in game

I’m not good enough animals to be honest I don’t know why animals are just so scared of me every time I see them like this like they always want to bite me or fight me well cats are a lot less maintenance yeah getting a cat is like getting just another roommate

Honestly this [ __ ] should pay rent holy [ __ ] oh man I’m gonna try and get the lotto how’s your cat it’s a very affectionate Rachel yeah he’s pretty chill he because he’s like afraid of everything um [ __ ] that’s her yeah quite literally um where is over here yes okay value it back home

No no I found the axolotls yeah I’m just trying to see if there’s like different ones um I’m coming back oh I think there’s only there’s just two yellow ones two yellow ones it’s okay have you ever heard other person to pass other pets um yeah gotcha should be over here somewhere

Oh here it is I’m back home my family’s always had a dog whoever we have a dog named Shashi no no sassy yeah yeah I feel like whenever we see a person that like uh names for a pet to go see them weird Oh yeah wait yeah with a rabbit oh no I used to have a rabbit but I moved out but yeah Richie we had a big boy rabbit named moochie it was a [ __ ] Cafe boy hey what’s up welcome back is there water in here no no where should I put um

I’ll make some water right here uh second let me just do I have to [ __ ] sand [ __ ] oh one two three four there we go cool all right let’s jump that bad boy in hey what’s up my slime wait if we don’t name him is he gonna despawn or some [ __ ]

That’s a good question yeah I think we should actually know yeah because should we should we find a name tag for this bad boy oh did you get one from the from the spawner no there’s no chance she bear uh emoji slot the other at the old place

[ __ ] I keep [ __ ] opposite though yeah yeah my friend is a hedgehog oh hedgehogs whatever I think once I get the second Axolotl I’ll probably end stream yeah right well good sure get back for you snooze here yeah and you too yeah definitely should as uh I’m

A greeting out right now I’m not gonna lie yeah gotta get some sleep dude [ __ ] me holy [ __ ] yeah what the hell what is that name I sure love salad [ __ ] yeah twosie they made a big five appreciate it man thank you so much to see I want to eat your [ __ ]

Thank you man big W’s birth thank you thank you much love you better get something with [ __ ] give him a kiss in the [ __ ] you know what I mean to see thank you bro holy [ __ ] I’m actually spitting there oh where the oh [ __ ] I need to find some sea

Pickles bro [ __ ] that’s a little fun I think they don’t they have to be in like a warm water area I think or an ocean oh the coral reef area it’s type beat yeah [ __ ] me man really got a [ __ ] Journey in the meantime let’s put some lanterns in the aquarium Oh [ __ ] this is gonna take a while oh [ __ ] I’m drowning here okay I’m chilling ocean I almost fell in lava oh [ __ ] yeah we haven’t died dude hey surprise we haven’t done this in third time oh really we’re [ __ ] gaming right now yeah kind of crazy [ __ ]

[ __ ] the first one to die has to sound like a dick pic I mean I’m sorry sorry yeah what he just kill me around the spot comes with a diamond so let’s go don’t make promises I’m Donaldson okay oh nice just uh you gotta get to go to compare so this

Is the homies sometimes you know what I mean let me know when when we get to that stage yeah sure can’t find I think the other axolotls despawn what the [ __ ] yeah at least you got one bad boy yeah that’s a little so interesting guys deep sea animals or just [ __ ]

Oh no [ __ ] the ocean man Ocean’s too scary all right I think that’s all the water done I’ve seen a lot to place up a little bit with some lanterns yeah looking pretty good not quite a lot okay all right let’s see some lanterns and [ __ ] uh uh Bam Bam Boom now

Holy [ __ ] what’s this again another holy [ __ ] who is this [ __ ] he’s absolutely Gidget 10K itty bitty titties out of there where nobody’s in the chat for her thank you man yeah thank you for the video I think about the two one to see us though

Very appreciate it man you guys are too generous bro what the [ __ ] thank you guys much love much love thank you thank you what the thing for the big 10K Bitties very he’s actually too crazy for that one bro you [ __ ] [ __ ] wait for oh my [ __ ] dude actually little [ __ ] went out

The door I’m just trying to kill Tim is done bro oh my goodness think [ __ ] oh my God yeah we were chilling all right there we go cool yeah I can’t find the other one that’s uh hey not bad look at this all right not bad not bad at all

I think one more lengthen here would be good let’s just see that last one I’ve been holding on to the flower that you gave me this whole time I just realized and like my off hand oh when you’re up here oh it’s cute oh D do you keep a lot of like sentimental

Things let’s see I see I’ll probably name this flower and put it in like an item frame oh there’s so cute yeah I think we do whoa it’s so good this is just day one and day one dude look at this looks like cracked out about mine [ __ ] [ __ ] it up

Right here some [ __ ] buttons yeah very good damn all right and the left side here maybe some like a painting or some [ __ ] you know what I mean and we’ll do something here later but we’ll figure it out yeah yeah yeah not bad hey look at this very good [ __ ] dude

Nice [ __ ] huh yeah I’m glad we got to play Minecraft together I know I’m glad it’s uh you’re done to continue again sometime yeah for sure for sure this would be our own little world together a little fresh start but it was a very good start dude okay actually we didn’t even find

Diamonds but like at least we built this you know like yeah we got all this yeah yeah that’s better than diamonds yeah and you know what’s better than all this the conversations were along the way you know got to know a lot more about you okay yeah

And we’ll get to know more soon yeah of course a lot more a lot more all right thank you led I’m gonna go [ __ ] sleeper and I’m gonna have some good dreams but yeah should get some rest as well okay thank you thank you so much for joining me

Thank you thank you thank you okay I’ll see you soon all right see you later Okay holy [ __ ] the name type but okay I went this one should be okay we couldn’t find a name tag it’s okay it’s okay wait Nick I did three so yeah I think for the Big Ten three thank you thank you I’m bricked up yeah I’m hella bricked yeah

It knocks in they go to big eight months appreciate it dude thank you thank you very much oh man okay because I think today we’ll do a bit of a shorter stream because I am tired as [ __ ] dude I want to go I want to go sleep man but tomorrow she

Should I show stream for a little bit longer I should put a little bit of Valor in I’m not too sure I don’t know if I should maybe I should maybe I should shoot some Valerian I don’t know maybe it’s like one or two games because I do feel bad

Doing all this you want the stream for three hours okay let’s go for three hours okay because I just want to go for a little bit longer all right [ __ ] up bro we ball we play some Valor just a little bit bro because like only a set

Of I need to satisfied the Valerian frogs Luke here no valorant [ __ ] it bro we boy we play some ballerant dude how ready to look right now bro no [ __ ] I’m the biggest rat in the universe hey Christina one sec let me quickly uh quickly look into my account

All right let’s get this bread you could go how’d you guys like it there I mean you keep playing some Valerian a very different vibe a very uh and no Valerian sorry playing some Minecraft I feel like that’s a very different vibe from my usual stream you know what I mean

Hey dachi thank you bro appreciate it man it was cute it was really really cute yes it was very cute it was a great relaxing stream I think um I like doing this stream so I just played Minecraft and buy that bro it’s a good good time for sure if you

Guys don’t know if he was streaming the entire time as well over on YouTube you guys should definitely give him a watch as well you can stream a very very comfy um if anything you would remember what he tells you about himself yeah but I’m bad my bad I got old memories sometimes

You know what I mean all right let’s get this bread what suicide play I doubt we’ll get a game at this time bro I doubt dude I’ll keep like freaking seven minutes for it and I swear we won’t find a game look here Michael schum’s so relaxing yeah they’re

A lot of fun to do bro for sure stream Turtle oh yeah true can we change the stream title to DJ and I was rat rat gaming DJ Now is rat valorent yes yes sleep if Q is more than 30 minutes per and their way I’m sitting 30 minutes in

Cuba no [ __ ] way then I feel like actually you know let’s just killed like a bunch of different surfaces so we have a better chance you know sure [ __ ] it there is queue up every single server screw it and we’ll just play whatever game we can oh

Well that’s [ __ ] instant bro Luke you all right let’s go let’s go ice box okay dude uh thank you kid appreciate that all right let’s go what should we play let’s wear some let’s wear some rain over and I’m done for some cheeky right now bro

Hey Lee here from YouTube what’s up my slime hopefully you enjoy stay what’s up what’s up yeah I’ll play a new YouTube video uh new YouTube short and I made a new tick tock actually I want to see how does the new tick tock doing actually

I just want to give it a cheeky look oh so if you guys are curious about the music by the way I was just listening to this the entire time yo what the [ __ ] did you Tick Tock popped off Loki what the hell hmm dude I feel like all the

Unlucky tick tocks always pop off right like here which is good to see that everyone’s very supportive of unlucky but also uh tomorrow if you guys don’t know I am gonna be doing like um long more or longer YouTube videos and stuff so like this like

Um I’m like I’m in a new series called weeklies where it’s basically just like a weekly recap of like my stream highlights and stuff um so that’s coming out like every single Friday or Saturday and then I’m also doing um I’m still doing these videos as well

These ones that you guys have probably seen before as well so um yeah it’s gonna be a lot of fun it’s gonna be a lot of fun two long videos each week and five YouTube shorts each week I need a pack I also guys Chris is coming over tomorrow

Chris come over come over here oh what the hell wait we’re a Mumbai server where order wait a minute I think I think we’re up yeah hello hello hey man where are we on Mumbai server yeah you show it out bro oh [ __ ] oh nice to meet you man where you from

I’m from India what about you I’m from Australia your English is getting 140 ping that’s it um yeah it’s not too bad yeah not too bad I’d probably get like 300 uh if you played on Australia so yeah yeah one more here right ratchet nice nice what time is it over there

It’s like 11 30. bro for me it’d be like 5 A.M oh what yeah bro I’m like hello DJ knows foreign Yeah I usually stay up till that late too you know teaching just like me yo what the [ __ ] yeah me man oh my oh grief all right my bad American now I’m Australian yeah Jack thank you for the big three ones appreciate it dude thank you so much um oh he’s eating

Yeah are you guys cute are you guys cute together are you guys all mates uh me and Reyes not really sorry uh silver oh gotcha I needed like uh turn off the setting I’m alone dude I’m alone oh hello anybody Here oh this guy right here you nice

Man What’s the timing oh I want to get What The Hell race oh okay I’m serious what the [ __ ] egg reason I remember well I could do the sun raider right now I’m playing a Mumbai server on Raider bro shit’s crazy whip out your meat pie sauce I

Definitely have to have sauce on me play I put my desk down a little bit because it’s a little bit too high all right there you go yeah Chris is coming tomorrow uh I don’t know what we’re gonna do we’ll see yeah you should teach me something in like uh

And uh what’s in Hindi yeah what do you want to learn um let’s see how do I say hello how are you you can say that wait one more time Namaste namaste namaste ho yeah I’m still pretty good um Namaste up Castle gandu gandu what’s that gandu gandu H

Just another way of saying [ __ ] oh oh actually right there I want to eat your gandu I sold to someone just say that wait what sir what’s up I said if you ever feel like saying [ __ ] to someone but not in your language you can just say gandu uh yeah I gotcha um

Nice explanation yeah um you know what I mean what the [ __ ] foreign [ __ ] me oh [ __ ] these Indian players go crazy guys let’s look at the Forsaken cursor I like it anyways yeah right now oh [ __ ] that’s unfortunate a little bit of a cheeky razor there we go not bad um nice

69 Norman 69. 69 oh nice damn can you promise me a thing yeah what’s up dad when he will come to India now I’ll appoint jet as a translator don’t worry okay sure sure yeah yeah it seems like he’s promised me to come here yeah yeah

Cello yet now you have a job okay All right you promised me something as well you come to Australia and you eat my gandu okay okay dude for sure this he agreed yeah the viewers United [ __ ] oh my goodness it goes quick gandu mukbang what the [ __ ] Hey Monday [ __ ] not sure how do I say I love you in Hindi how do you say what I love you uh you can say come again wait hey don’t say like that yeah it’s spelled like that also also Reina say hi to your Twitch audience no oh [ __ ] some some somebody’s being uh

Somebody’s being a sneaky [ __ ] no I really shoots like two or three viewers I know they’re talking about oh you’re streaming no no like only like two three views it’s okay we can simple hot Indian villain instead I’m done rain are you being such a gandu no [Laughter] sure oh situation

Uh yeah one secondly yes exactly Yeah Henry’s thank you for the prime appreciate it man how do these guys know dude [ __ ] and Mumbai server oh my [ __ ] dude I scramble to eat my own [ __ ] bro what the [ __ ] was that dude God damn it man he might have been gone do immensely God damn it dude

I swear it’s at 4am aim so make a little bash what the [ __ ] up last year I’m living on 140 pink bra more painted than entire silver combined you’re gonna say so [ __ ] bad Shut the [ __ ] up you know [ __ ] eat dating hey there I’m gonna go sleep I’ll see

You Daniel thanks for coming by bro appreciate it man it was a garage that was possible yeah my bad must have been English you know what I mean it’s like you have a platform isn’t there for Valentine reaches me guys I think tomorrow should I do Epal

The GG stream tomorrow oh [ __ ] nice man I’m thinking about it I’m thinking about it because I didn’t do a video for it soon go ahead yeah I might um but why all of a sudden because I got a sponsor for it saying I need to why not today though

[ __ ] it we could do it tonight I need to be more prepared for it I need to make an account and everything okay no it’s okay I’m not coming then well what if we if other Gigi or hot guys instead you know isn’t that better to learn foreign yes

Who the [ __ ] do you think you are yet what the hell is that it’s like a whiff Sentry out here all right surely they get Acer in there mid you’re behind your shirt oh [ __ ] um can it be a worker what is your fertilization dude I can hear my stream in the

Background you little piece of [ __ ] [Laughter] you [ __ ] shall I come to India on there yeah of course yeah what’s there to do I mean you couldn’t come get a disease if you want what come and get a disease yeah I’m joking holy [ __ ] last one should be over here

Inside inside oh it feels too crazy have you guys been to Australia before nope nope um not much to do here to be honest yeah uh actually they would pick four months appreciate it you guys have like a lot of insects and stuff right yeah we’ve got a lot of um yeah

Yeah this is insect that um it’s like a spider and if it bites you it makes like your muscle like swollen and grows bigger so I usually like find a spot in my backyard and I let it bite my penis so it grows big so that’s a nice chat you know yeah

Get slow get slow gotcha don’t be your life hack actually bro did it work oh yeah it works yeah but only works like 30 minutes bro and then afterwards I can’t feel my dick no more only in Australia by the way yeah what the hell what the ending it branding it yeah

I think it’s just surgeons huh yo what the [ __ ] I’m just gonna have it yeah it could come from mid I think nice let’s go please what other comments the first thing I hear is that your Glizzy doesn’t work yeah it doesn’t work yeah I haven’t played ranked in a while

Huh damn bro it’s been a whole minute man uh see actually when it comes that you can’t feel it I did a thing gone wrong bro I did the things in the video is so good for the hermit crab one that one’s so good dude I love that guy

Oh yeah I can buy thank you yeah real talk though I got like chipping your ping and I got like more frags than you like how’s that even possible you’re such a gun dude I’m kidding [ __ ] me [ __ ] Japan this thing is insane yeah for the cover oh [ __ ] Weaver

How can you [ __ ] see me bro God damn it dude it didn’t actually get to the beach did you nah dude Lauren I checked Twitter and somebody found it literally two hours after the video is supposed to be [ __ ] crazy yeah somebody already found over hmm hello anybody Here

They wish him tomorrow Chris uh maybe I find it funny that people spoke Chris as in like like with a c h instead of a KR thank you nice to this all right let’s go I’m gonna be at the airport waiting forever okay Chris I won’t forget okay

I’ll I’ll pick you up again I’ll pick you up wait you’re coming in the morning right like okay okay oh what’s the score sir is nice yeah oh yeah Chris will be coming over tomorrow what should we do tomorrow should we just like suck toast each other’s toes on the Stream

But you’re coming in the morning and no you’re not wait in the morning wait you wait wait really wait neutral off the Record no [ __ ] wait I’m actually like green there right now are you actually wait are you actually coming in like oh [ __ ] yeah guys we’re shooting for two

More hours guys okay I’m streaming for two more hours and then all of a sudden as others remembered like oh I have such a w memory I never forgot like I just I just remember like I have to like be somewhere in a few hours bro oh [ __ ]

Guys long stream today guys longship today I should play a horror game with us yeah mirror you’re down here holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] yes you just what the [ __ ] what the hell is that she’s kidding wait she’s kidding wait I don’t know I was trolling I’m going to sleep after this game guys

You only sleep after this game I’m [ __ ] knocking out dude you little piece of [ __ ] dude please go to bed just add a spy I’m doing a 12 hour stream today [ __ ] you Chris I’m staying up until you come [Laughter] wweaver got somebody push me for me big

Daddy I know you want to push mid into me you little Big Bam um I guess I got a new son coming this W Lee you know Meiji I’m coming I’m coming I’m going there oh you can’t even walk like that what the [ __ ] oh how do you sneeze flank push him nope

I’m canceling my flight okay now I’m never gonna sleep until you arrive then I’m never gonna sleep literally Never Gonna sleep bro it’s not never gonna sleep what’s the word what’s the world record of a guy not sleeping for isn’t it like um isn’t it like what’s it called the

Russian sleep experiment where the garden like where they they force the prisoners lots of sleep or something like that seven days three days eleven days well it’s got three different answers so I don’t know which one’s eleven days seems to be you’d die like after nine days yeah dude Jason

W Jason and Chad wasting my slime I think about it three months where I appreciate it man thank you so much uh good morning big daddy big boy Jason that’s a creepypasta yeah 11 days and 25 minutes [ __ ] holy [ __ ] I feel like the longest person someone’s ever stayed awake like streaming was

Like it’s Timmy like that guy like staying awake for his uh Apex challenge I remember watching that a physically pained me to watch her because that guy did not sleep for like 50 hours straight that’s actually insane it’s a vandal around here that’s a bulldog oh Phantom never mind if I did

Can we stayed up for like three days you’re like I was like actually insane bro okay holy [ __ ] that guy’s gaming was he the one year subatron guy uh no that was somebody else one year seven one guy who’s there I think a lot of we just did

Another subathon right he just did a 50 hour subathan uh did you stay away for the entire time I don’t think so um instead of 65 hours to hit radiant from Iron Man that’s [ __ ] insane bro look here actually insane I love sleep too

Much bro I could not do that man I could not do that I’m too much of a [ __ ] bro oh what the [ __ ] who the hell you think it was Eric nice try it again yeah I don’t know bro this guy’s cheating your voice kind of dope oh my goodness

Thank you blue named daddy next time back step back step I’ve heard the one girl is doing a twitch for two years I have heard I’ve heard of that girl Logan was in a glass house yeah it wasn’t some sort of gloss box or some [ __ ] oh no bro

This thing is to the follow spirit appreciate it next time I am going to do another subathon next year April um but I hit uh uh that’ll be my two year anniversary and I and I hope around that time will also be around a million followers on

Twitch imagine if I did a million followers plus two years seventh one anniversary bro like here I think hitting a million followers on Twitch is going to be a lot more emotional than ever any other Milestone I’ve ever gotten because I feel like hitting a million on YouTube like it was it was

Fast I feel like yeah and hitting a million on Tick Tock like oh no like I feel like when you like when a goal is achieved very fast like despite how like surmountable it is like I feel like it’s not much of a grind but yeah they love your streams thank you David

Appreciate it man fluffy company bro it loses value yeah yeah holy [ __ ] a man Rush yeah we should rate it big daddy well let’s just go through mid [ __ ] it you know what I mean okay all right you could plant yeah that’s a GG can you under team um yo

Oh it’s okay big daddy [ __ ] him up server the girth is crazy yeah it’s been crazy and stuff for sure why he’s just sticking it holy [ __ ] what a gig I LOL server yeah oh good chamber you just know that it’s gonna fumble the sprays so he just [ __ ]

Sticks it the third time you can do a female voice hell no bro hell no where’s that food yes thicker than me LOL dude back step back step oh no oh what the [ __ ] nope Ginger oh my goodness hey legally blind nice to meet you bro it’s a raw apple a good

Valerie day that’s up to you bro GG that’s all good bro Jazz us yeah we [ __ ] lost oh nice nice got to me oh my I never doubted you in my life bro holy crap damn what does the name gupt to me mean yeah well what does it what does it mean the

Name no it’s just uh it’s just like that I mean not really oh okay yeah meaningless name this is a wee piece of [ __ ] okay yeah that’s yeah all right guys check me out this is genetics what the [ __ ] it’s super stay Hey dog Angel yeah Nikki they would have guessed the stream elements your Adobe gifts over at the stream elements for I have permanent Subs but I didn’t even give it to my inbox GG um W gifted bird W gifted no they let the team carry you actually

Bro but honestly they should be carrying me you know what I mean I’ve got the freaking like chip with the pig you get me all right let’s get out of this [ __ ] game bro what is the [ __ ] are you guys damn Adobe all right the sun is high up in the sky

I really should get some sleep Loki all right it is time for me to go to bed it is time thank you guys very very much for coming by I appreciate it I’m gonna go ahead and find somebody to read but yeah today’s stream is a lot more chill a very chill stream

I didn’t have that much energy going into the stream to be honest like I tried like drinking caffeine to make up for it but honestly I was so so tired but I’m still really glad that I streamed today because it was really really good talking to Uki playing

Minecraft and I’m not gonna laugh like the stream was very reminiscent of like my older streams you know in terms of like um when I used to be like in the past you know because in the past like I didn’t used to do any of like this e

Dating valorant like type [ __ ] you know I used to just like basically just like talk much about random topics and just like talk about like what’s on my mind and I was very reminiscent of today all right let’s go ahead and read somebody let’s go over it and let’s read

Ryan it’s very Shanks TTV all right love you guys so much okay I’ll be back tomorrow thank you so much I put Lucy with the big primer appreciate it man thank you to everybody that freaking gift subtle primed or just subbed or followed or anything but for real you

Guys are actually doing this thank you guys very very much but most importantly thank God for just being here okay I’m ahead and go I’m gonna go ahead and go sleep okay let’s go ahead and read shanky goodbye everyone mm-hmm thank you guys very very much for coming by I really appreciate it

All right gazelle oh sir this is one more thing that I need to say before I go and that’s um today guys there’s enough energy to do an Archer you know what I mean I’m so [ __ ] go sleep unless I’ll [ __ ] do another outro you know what I mean it’s

[ __ ] good okay see you guys tomorrow I love you guys so so much if you guys don’t know what I’m doing I’m going to do doing an stream okay so you guys better smash that like button I’m actually uploading a new YouTube video tomorrow a new Long YouTube video make

Sure you got something on YouTube and see you guys tomorrow peace foreign

This video, titled ‘FRESH MINECRAFT WORLD WITH UKI | 11/21/22’, was uploaded by schrodingerLee VODS on 2022-11-21 23:51:28. It has garnered 7447 views and 265 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:25 or 12025 seconds.

in this stream heres what happened: – started a brand new minecraft world w/ Uki Violeta from Nijisanji – played one quick valo game

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  • Join The Bozo Squad for Crazy Customs & Laughs!

    Join The Bozo Squad for Crazy Customs & Laughs!Video Information I’m going to play the intro [Music] St [Music] CH what’s good what is up fellas um second stream today cuz I’m bored whoa I know so Chatters today actually let me put this light on who crazy um I’m alive again I’m alive I’m streaming I know I know kind of crazy um but I’m going to go in here screw that dumb song it’s actually not a dumb song It’s a sick song but we got we we we’re gaming here we’re gaming here Momo raid no way yo Momo thank you for the raid W… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Tech Revolutionizes Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Tech Revolutionizes Minecraft!Video Information cette nouvelle technologie va révolutionner les serveurs Minecraft ça faisait un an que je n’avais pas rejoint un serveur multijoueur et j’ai été choqué par ce que j’ai découvert Minecraft a autoriser les serveurs à utiliser des packs de texture grâce à ça il y a des nouveaux objets incroyables comme ce multitool qui permet de casser des blocs à l’infini ce boss est ultra stylé mais un petit peu dangereux ah on peut même avoir des pets celui-là est vraiment trop mignon pour jouer lance Minecraft clique sur multijoueur et rentre d’IP This video, titled ‘Cette… Read More

  • Darkest Gamer Tricks: Age-Specific Minecraft Traps 💀🕹️

    Darkest Gamer Tricks: Age-Specific Minecraft Traps 💀🕹️Video Information [музыка] в лес приходит сказка снег как чистый лист но цветных кра искупалась ми начинают ики рисовать дала не спрятать не потерять моё зание справляюсь ятим с нами немножко пока Да это не забрати не справляем ничего не хитрого ло не чудес Я даю поила смея нет Потому что дети три собак Y This video, titled ‘Minecraft traps at different ages 💀#viral #shorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by Black Devil Af Gaming on 2024-07-04 04:55:54. It has garnered 10593 views and 413 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. minecraft but minecraft minecraft animations minecraft… Read More

  • Shocking Sights at Sinj’s 2024 Minecraft Art Show! #OMG

    Shocking Sights at Sinj's 2024 Minecraft Art Show! #OMGVideo Information [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] derivative that I love I absolutely This video, titled ‘2024 annual Minecraft Art Show #memes #minecraft #greenscreen’, was uploaded by Sinj on 2024-06-04 15:52:36. It has garnered 608 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • GingerShadow’s life-changing decision in Minecraft Sky Wars!

    GingerShadow's life-changing decision in Minecraft Sky Wars!Video Information hello everybody Ginger Shadow here and welcome back to some more Bach Sky Block with me and brother why is there a we H uh didn’t it exactly um um um um I don’t remember this being here when I logged off what have you been up to well me remember that really funny thing that happened where uh we recorded a video and I forgot to press record oh yeah you’ve been doing that a lot the last week yeah we don’t need to talk about that thanks very much um yes let talk about it so… Read More

  • INSANE! Building EPIC wooden house in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! Building EPIC wooden house in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Construindo casa simples de madeira #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-06-13 12:45:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts herobrine minecraft memes #shorts minecraft meme memes minecraft challenge meme funny … Read More

  • Tico Anarchy Server

    Tico Anarchy ServerThis Server Is Created By Tico Group Full Anarchy Server Whit No Rules Free For All No Pay2win Read More

  • Silvermons modded Pixelmon server: Progression system, Endgame PvE, Weekly Tournaments, Fun Events

    Silvermons Pixelmon Reforged Server Silvermons is a non pay-to-win friendly community Pixelmon Reforged server with content for both casual and competitive players. Join our custom level cap and rank progression system featuring exclusive Gyms, Elite 4, Battle Tower, and the Champion’s Gauntlet. Enjoy Weekly Tournaments, Player Gyms, Fun Events, and more! Server IP: Current Version: Pixelmon Reforged on Minecraft 1.16.5 Modpack: The Pixelmon Modpack – Download Here Read More


    1 BLOCK ANARCHY MINECRAFT SERVER (REBRAND)Welcome newbie!😎Normal survival but we can hack and soloIts an anarchy server but it a variation of anarchy(1 block map in the server lol)*I installed a few things to make the server interesting*You can join the server from 1.12 to 1.21Make your history in the Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “From trash to treasure: ugly blocks in skilled hands”

    Minecraft Memes - "From trash to treasure: ugly blocks in skilled hands"Looks like the builder in Minecraft has some serious fashion sense – even when it comes to choosing blocks! Read More

  • Limber Labrash Mines Mischief: Sin of Suspicion EP.4

    Limber Labrash Mines Mischief: Sin of Suspicion EP.4 Labloush, the Minecraft news reporter, with a twist, Bringing updates in rhymes, never to miss. In Sin of Suspicion EP.4, Labrasi takes the lead, Shutting down the Mafia’s money printing greed. Labloush, with eyes sharp and keen, Describing each move, in a rhyming scene. Labrasi’s mission, to end the Mafia’s reign, With interrogation and twists, in the game’s domain. Labloush, the narrator, with a playful tone, Engaging the crowd, never alone. Crafting Minecraft news, with a grin and a spin, In every update, let the rhymes begin. Labloush, the favorite news reporter, in the gaming land, Spinning rhymes that… Read More

  • Trap Escapes Through Minecraft History #hotAF

    Trap Escapes Through Minecraft History #hotAF “Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 10: panicking and running in circles. Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 20: calmly strategizing and building a staircase to freedom. Me trying to escape a trap in Minecraft at age 50: calling my grandkids for help because I can’t figure out how to jump.” Read More

  • EPIC Funny Moments in English Class!

    EPIC Funny Moments in English Class! Minecraft: Hilarious Moments in English Class!【方块轩】 Introduction In the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds, one creator stands out for his humor and joy-sparking animations. 方块轩, the mastermind behind a series of entertaining Minecraft animations, brings laughter and fun to his audience. Let’s delve into some of the hilarious moments captured in English class! English Class Shenanigans In a typical English class scenario, 方块轩 finds himself in a predicament when asked to translate a word on the blackboard. The banter between classmates adds a touch of comedy as they navigate through words like “banana” and engage in… Read More

  • Herobrine SMP 2.0: Food Farm Shenanigans

    Herobrine SMP 2.0: Food Farm Shenanigans Welcome to Herobrine SMP 2.0 Season 1 Episode 1: Making a Food Farm! Shadow Striker, also known as Chirag, is back with another exciting episode of Herobrine SMP 2.0. In this episode, he dives into the world of Minecraft to create a food farm that will sustain him on his adventures. Let’s join him on this thrilling journey! Setting Up the Farm As the sun rises in the Minecraft world, Shadow Striker wastes no time in getting to work. He starts by clearing a patch of land near his base to make room for his food farm. Using his… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft PvP Godz – Rate my skills now! ⚔️

    EPIC Minecraft PvP Godz - Rate my skills now! ⚔️Video Information This video, titled ‘🔥rate my skills Minecraft pvp! ⚔️’, was uploaded by Godz on 2024-06-19 16:16:02. It has garnered 31 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:44 or 1244 seconds. 🔥 **Welcome to [Godz]** 🔥 🎮 **About Me:** Hey there, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! I’m [Your Name]and I’m passionate about all things blocky and pixelated. On this channel, you’ll find epic adventures, creative builds, survival challenges, and more. Whether you’re a seasoned miner or a newbie to the Overworld, there’s something here for everyone. 🌟 **What to Expect:** – **Let’s Play Series: * Join me… Read More

  • Beware: Do NOT Let it Catch You!

    Beware: Do NOT Let it Catch You!Video Information man that’s another successful store trip my brother I’m saying now is the party at show crib or mind you know what I’m saying we about to turn up ain’t that right M don’t we hosting mush done made mushroom soups for the whole gang let’s go they starting to grow on me I’m really enjoying the mushroom soups nowadays man y’all getting into it y’all get into it come on guys walking is healthy let’s walk the rest of the way home and then we’ll be solid oh so we going to your crib to party that’s… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft WATER vs LAVA Challenge 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft WATER vs LAVA Challenge 🔥Video Information and done our new house is completed oh this house is ugly well it’s much better than the old one Grazy it’s not my fault that you burned it down well I’m sorry I just wanted to put all my cakes in the outfit at once now they’re all burned wait what’s going on you put the house down again Gracie no it’s not me it’s a fire girl what are you doing stop buing our house down we just built this terrible news the ele mental Army is going to come here to destroy everything I need… Read More

  • Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art Satisfying

    Epic Minecraft Parkour & Pixel Art SatisfyingVideo Information [Music] watch my let me This video, titled ‘Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,594’, was uploaded by Relaxing Minecraft Parkour on 2024-01-12 01:17:12. It has garnered 1932 views and 106 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Satisfying Minecraft Profile Pixel Art ( PPL Request YT ) Part 3,594 #minecraftpe #algorithm #artist you can get your short request video and post on your youtube channel mentioned me. if you also want to make your profile, just comment and then like the video. Please be patient if it takes… Read More

  • INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWalt

    INSANE Modded Minecraft Server Gameplay by Jon DeWaltVideo Information This video, titled ‘minecraft server mode:vee craft server (Modded)’, was uploaded by jon dewalt on 2024-04-05 00:50:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at Read More