Friday Night Fights – Minecraft (Chaos & Controllers?) ft. @HeatherBlossom

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Make alive yet oh it’s been a while Jersey does it automatically all right is it live this time yes it is yes it is brownie buck yes greetings everyone I am totally Brody buck and tonight we are doing another Friday Night Fights with Princess Heather P Blossom Heather how are you doing tonight

So great totally brownie you’re really killing it over here killing you baby yeah I’m gonna make an uh I guess post on x got this stream what’s X we only use Twitter Roger actually we don’t even use Twitter around here all right let’s I’m tagging totally brawny buck in this Well while you do that let’s go ahead and get the game up here beep beep I seem to be wearing Emerald Spencer’s skin for some reason yeah I didn’t have much force out there yeah let’s drop it it’s just me guys uh yep Brody is definitely a other ever

Free Northwest and he absolutely cannot afford an emergency flight home so I am streaming in his place yeah totally that’s that’s yep yep that nothing interesting about that what you know what is interesting I don’t know your body count I want to say implications but I don’t know which implication would be more

Horrifying well one body count someone’s expecting ah all right then um I guess I will take this moment to thank all of Brody’s patrons uh I’m not going to list them off because I couldn’t find the list and uh I should have really asked him how to run everything

You think he’d seen enough of his streams he would just know it by heart by now I’m gonna confess I don’t watch a good chunk of his streams I’m usually doing other stuff during that time well some fan you are I watch them all afterwards at like triple the speed to

Do all the clipping I anyway um now if you guys want to join this the Minecraft server we are currently on you would actually have to join princess Heather P Blossom’s sir uh patreon for that uh link is in the description of this stream because I can uh it’s the 10

Tier to get on here right yeah it’s a ten dollar tier to get onto the Minecraft server dog all right I have to say I hear you both in the Discord call and down the hall and it is super disorienting oh do you want me to close my door or

Something no it’s fine um yeah get used to the echo there’s no echo on the stream audio thankfully it’s just that I can barely hear you in the background so it confuses me a little oh let me fix that can you hear me now ironically enough I couldn’t oh jet issues

Yeah and then he’s just sniffing around I brought a TVs inside why are there just villagers everywhere um because if you haven’t noticing kind of live in a village I know but they’re in my penthouse tell them to get out all right it’s fitting it up on pretending to be

Broady because he is my landlord and I’m about to evict some tenants landlord too don’t you remember his rentable property ah yes I probably shouldn’t just strain them all right hey I mean what’s gonna happen oh no allay got out uh that Lee’s been following me yeah I think that’s the one down actually all these laser mind why are you guys not in the mining booty bagel [ __ ] biscuits baby biscuits

Sure does have a name do I have to name them good names I don’t have name tags laying around uh let me see if I do I swear I did oh I have one name it something akin to the biscuit and bagel line must be inappropriate

You have to rename the name tag first oh okay uh I already see some questions in the chat Charles B is asking if you got your ring back yet I did unfortunately you can’t sleep because I am not on camera but you have to tune in tomorrow night

For Heather’s Minecraft stream in order to see it indeed it’s fitted and it looks very nice now I don’t know how to rename the freaking name today anvil anvil yep I believe two floors yeah I think you’re right yep oh you took the stairs yeah I like things

All right you know let’s see what should its name be peaches biscuits now that doesn’t roll off the tongue is good peachy biscuit booty biscuits did booty Bagels I did bitty biscuits let’s see it must be something inappropriate chat I’m gonna need all the euphemisms you

Can give me I’m looking for titty bitty shitty I don’t think they’ll let me put shitty uh um witty biscuits nah not inappropriate enough let’s see yes I want to repair why won’t I’m typing letters and they are not coming in a piece of glass all right oh that’s why I overshot

I see Paladin asking who’s to see the book the new Buck to the face uh you all better have Brody spent a lot of time on it yeah he was dying all right everyone come on I’ll go show you what I named it come on Better for you if you walk all right you deserve this one perfect laughs of course I love beautiful Nikki I need to find more name tags so I can name it every cat something inappropriate and delightful and delectable Darius says litty biscuits thank you for his suggestion

Emerald what Grand Adventures will we be partaking in today I want to go mind a bunch of obsidian in the end that would take forever so we need a beacon so we can bind faster uh well we have two options I have one in the basement I was using for modding Adventures already

Or we could uh we could live up to the Friday Night Fights logo and fight a Wither oh we both know that’s a bad idea but is it a bad enough idea to not do probably probably lose all our [ __ ] probably so let’s get the beacon from your place

Because I for a freaking wither a Wither we need the whole crew we didn’t tell the rest of the crew we were doing this tonight it kind of just happened yeah I was uh I was beyond Flag by the scene of my pants I mean did you see the book to

The face I traveled back in time yesterday I told you not to do that time travel is dumb you told me nothing else want people to do it it’s a stupid thing like it freaking I could say you know what’s really stupid setting trees on fire in the middle of the woods that

Doesn’t mean like you do it just because my opinion is that’s stupid if I think something stupid it probably means don’t do that [ __ ] look I was not doing it because you think it’s stupid I was just blatantly disregarding you that makes you a [ __ ] if you press control you swim faster

I wasn’t even swimming I just jumped in water fishies I now see honey drop Paladin and Rusty all uh talking about how I just showed up in the episode and immediately dipped yeah real power there what are these cats doing I hear sounds why could you hear what they’re doing

No I don’t what’s going on I swear oh okay it’s the litter box when they scratch at the bag I think they’re like trying to get in through a door or something at least that’s how it seems to me but yeah you know Chad I gotta vent to

You for a minute I have a self-cleaning litter box in the laundry room I bought a second one we got another cat so there’d be two oh [ __ ] I forgot how to open them uh ow let me in but anyways uh I bought another one when

We were gonna get another cat so I’d have two self-clean litter box problem is the other cat didn’t want to use the litter box so close to his brother he wasn’t used to it and I couldn’t fit the uh self-clean litter box in the guest

Room long term that’s where I kept it at the time so I put a regular litter box there because that’s the only other one I had on hand so I had two self-cleaning litter boxes in the laundry room and the other cat was using the regular one

Which was fine for a while I was like okay maybe eventually I’ll get a self-clean litter box there or he’ll get comfortable enough to use the litter box next to his brothers not so it hasn’t happened and guess what instead of one getting used to using the second one

Near the other litter box they’re both using the manual litter box that I have to clean every day as opposed to using the self clean litter boxes that I spent hundreds of dollars on because I didn’t want to have to keep cleaning up their [ __ ] every day what the [ __ ] ugly

So basically yeah I’m a bit miffed I’m a bit frustrated a little I don’t like cleaning up [ __ ] every day I’m living a very busy life right now I just started a new job I’ve been coming home late every day I’ve been doing my darndest

And when I have to clean up a litter box twice a day because these cats want to freaking poop in the same litter box that doesn’t clean itself I mean and I get sort of why they’re doing that because it’s very convenient the laundry room is kind of out of the

Way and the guest bathroom is right there where they hang out all the time I get why I just I just want them to go in the self-cleaning one is that so much to ask there’s so much Jazz that I don’t have to clean up [ __ ] every day

This is [ __ ] so anyways yeah I’m getting another self-cleaning litter box to put into the guest bathroom I mean he did [ __ ] a little bit in one of the litter boxes that he was supposed to do in the laundry room but I think like that’s just the way I gotta do it

If I don’t want to have to do this every day I mean yes you kind of just sign up for this [ __ ] when you get a cat but I’m like I’ve done everything in my everything possible to make this as easy as possible and they’re being ridiculous yep you have ridiculous cats

Well it could be worse it could have diabetes yeah that’s very true yeah you remember that [ __ ] uh powder Pony season is one of those things fairies essentially they’re a lace some say they’re the spirits of the Dead long to build things navigate to Angels I think they’re cute

Why are they following us uh because if you give them something they follow you and uh Emerald gave them a whole bunch of rock and dirt so they’d follow yeah I just why is the stock go where is it stopped up see uh let’s see uh Trent says plot hole brownie had no

Idea who Spencer was it seemed uh that’s that is intentional canonically he hasn’t met Spencer yet in canon in brawny the buff Cannon the buck Cannon the I don’t know I’m trying to think of a clever pun for his Cannon but uh in his Cannon he has not been expensive

Before and technically in his buck Cannon we are not a couple yet those are things that would maybe will happen he hasn’t been privy with all the script details yet but yeah they are they are not like you know Canon events within his Universe yes as it were

I I traveled back in time to a point before I met Brody specifically so I could complain about that one stupid line from Trixie yep yep meta but fun let’s see Russian says Heather do they use the manual litter box immediately after you clean it our cats tend to do that sometimes

They do yeah sometimes they do but I clean it like uh once in the morning and uh once when I get home from work so I don’t know uh not all the time they’re usually I usually try to wait until I see them go in there and take a

Big [ __ ] and then I’m like I’m getting you a bastard I’m getting that [ __ ] out of my house because it stank I have like a freaking uh you know one of those Wallflower plug-ins going on in there and I spray cans of Febreze in there regularly it’s over that cat

Uh Zeus is the new cat that’s where he likes to eat because uh of course if he eats near his brother eventually his brother like his brother Achilles eats his food so fast because he swears he’s never eaten a meal in his life and then as soon as he’s done with his breakfast

He turns around sticks his face in his brother’s bowl and starts eating his brother’s dinner and Zeus will just let it happen and we’re like no and I have to like freaking drag Achilles away and tell Zeus to eat his food Zeus like isn’t a very uh look here speak to the

Devil Achilles this this [ __ ] tried to steal my cheesecake this morning right after he ate his breakfast he had his breakfast and decided he wanted mine so he jumped up to my lap and tried to put his face in my cheesecake she did that last night to be with my hot dog

Oh my God yeah he tried to eat my cheesecake he keeps trying he needs to eat everyone else’s food and guys I can’t express this enough he’s starving like he’s because sometimes I feed Zeus a little bit later and I need Achilles to be distracted so I give him a little extra

Food in his book he’s eating quite enough he just is greedy he keeps trying to take everyone else’s food he kept trying to steal our pizza this just this afternoon So Heather can you play please pass me all of the uh iron blocks and beacons you may have in your inventory let me see uh I only have one block of iron and what else uh the beacon oh yes I do have the beacon here you can have it

All right so provided what is the dinging uh so alays as you mentioned before they will fly two people uh when they are seeking items however uh if you look at the note block whatever it goes off there’s little sound particles going to the olays so the note block will become

Their favorite sound for 30 seconds after they hear it and they will bring all items to it instead of to you so when I hollowed this thing out I had that going so all the items automatically went into this barrel system oh that’s cool so okay yeah it’s a

Little device so Darius was asking what is the ding uh Rusty Helm goes um cheesecake says is Heather playing Minecraft tomorrow as well yes I am sir tret says the buck verse yes that’s a good one foreign that should be everything we need down here so you ready to climb the stairs

Yeah yeah climbing stairs is fine uh pounding says also why did uh brawny not do campfire Tales the episode was before the episode he did I think he’s he’s uh changed his schedule a bit so that he’s only like really doing episodes that he could make plot relevance with his own series

Well he’s been skipping episodes for a long time I know there’s like a budget season two he didn’t touch yeah so possibly because he didn’t have anything to say about the episode or like he maybe he didn’t like it or maybe it just didn’t fit because he has his

Own own overarching plot now so it kind the episode kind of has to cohesively fit into what part of the journey bronny’s going through right now that could mean that retroactively you know like either Through Time Shenanigans or like how he did in that one Shenanigans you said

Shut the [ __ ] up I’m trying to talk either Through Time Shenanigans or like in that one episode he starts reading an article about what occurred at that point in time maybe he could revisit episodes I’m not gonna make promises on his behalf for sure but like I’m just

Saying it’s a possibility it could be like uh like you know he’ll never go back to it but yeah for now like I guess it just didn’t let me out please foreign I’m not gonna understand the madness in this freaking server but basically that’s the long and short of it I think

After you uh brownie could correct Ronnie could correct me uh eventually if he came out to him again hold on I’m taking a drink of I also have a cup of raspberry tea I need to go empty yeah don’t die please excuse me [Laughter] oh no

Ah this little pink Axolotl is stuck in the corner with his other Axolotl that is new look into axolotls for a little bit because they but I was just like I don’t know that’s like two high maintenance of a pet for me like they seem like they would need a

Lot and like as it is uh I mean I think they’re really really cool I do think they’re cool but I don’t know I just I it seems like a lot and it seems I don’t want to say risky but uh I’d really feel bad if it died because I didn’t know

What I was doing yeah that would uh that would absolutely suck yeah like because I know how to take care of a kill how to take care of a dog I’ve been around them most of my life and I have friends who are experts in taking

Care of them too like I know like I was roommates with sweetie who works uh in the vet in the you know Animal Care field and uh my brother is uh you know a purveyor of bread dogs and stuff like that so I know stuff because I’ve known

These animals my whole life not gonna say I know him in and out but I get the gists and I know people who are experts that could help me even further not to mention my future sister-in-law is also in the field of taking care of animals

What is she like that yeah a vet nutritionist is what she is animal nutritionist uh I’m trying to get in ah here I am oh they followed you back up now gay if it’s going too fast let me in the water yeah is that Bridget I haven’t seen one

Of those yet what now an orange axolotl oh yeah one of the yellow ones nah that’s definitely orange uh the game refers to them as yellow that’s stupid they’re orange for sure or you could even say gold I would accept gold it’s not [ __ ] yellow I

Know yellow I like yellow I and I like that orange but that’s not yellow damn it what Achilles we’re good wait a cookie what is it what do you want to say you’re a bad boy you bad boy what is it Merlin Avalon says I don’t know why but the villagers sound like

Variety well that is kind of Brownie’s attitude it’s always like Yeah I think I heard him make that sound last time we were making dirty jokes that work out all right let’s catch up dog to drink out of the cat’s water bowl I’m watching my uncle’s dog for the week and even when I fill his bowl he goes

With the cat’s water bowl ah it probably is like it’s it’s just water so I don’t see the harm in it if you keep refilling it and he’s not keeping like the cats from uh drinking from it for kid Achilles is rubbing up on my headphones he really wants attention right now

It’s cute but come on bruh you probably he wants to get on my desk probably all right where did you go I went in the basement to uh take care of something real quick I’ll be back up like being you enjoy that you enjoy being on my

Desk is there a reason you wanted that you just want to lay there okay sure fine I usually don’t allow him on my desk because when he wants to be on my desk is usually when I have food on it he wants to eat it accept it way to go

Let’s see what I gotta use my hands for this there we go and now we are getting suggestions to uh make a texture a resource pack to make all the villagers look and sound like Brody if I knew how to do that maybe that would be an insane amount of effort let’s see

Uh Geronimo no I don’t see why not I mean collabs are fun Jesus what like people say the nether is Minecraft hell no this place is [ __ ] night Minecraft hell yeah just make sure you don’t look at the Enderman they’re looking at me one so Beacon one

Two three oh it only needs four layers Charles B says imagine doing an AI voice brawny that would be very funny but I imagine Ronnie would like just not allow that legally I don’t know he might he might I mean he’s clearly okay with like AI art to an extent but

I don’t know us having X people or anybody having access to his voice and just like you know programming it to do to say whatever they wanted him to say sounds problematic in and of itself I’m feeling he wouldn’t be chill with it we about to fight the Ender Dragon no

We are absolutely not doing that we would get right I would imagine yes no what I am doing is giving us faster mining speed Jinx said petition for brawny to voice the villagers in the Minecraft movie please guys with your signatures we can make this happen Rusty Helm said it would make the

Villager sleeping in Heather’s bed less weird that’s true they do do that sometimes and it’s weird yeah these villagers have no sets of boundaries I live with you and I don’t sleep in your freaking bed yeah don’t do that that’s weird hold on I’m drinking soda I’ll go the other way then

No I finished I was just having a gulp of this guava from that fancy fruit store we went to I gotta go back I need that chocolate one but I don’t know if I should damn were you saying stuff I can’t remember okay good I I thought I could hear you

Like in the office next door but not over Mike so I was like Oh wait [ __ ] something happened I think everyone’s getting really high on this brawny as a villager kind of situation if if brawny were any mob in uh Minecraft he probably would be a villager a very buff villager but a

Villager no less he isn’t the building type let me check here heck he probably has enough bad self-esteem he’d be like I’d probably be one of the zombie pigmen the piglens I get why they changed it from pigment to Pig lens but I just I don’t like it what’s the big deal

Men is just hanuklina I don’t think it’s a big deal there’s little pig people how do I have almost two more steps did I make that Beacon bigger than I needed to I don’t know girl oh so edgy says pizza here for Heather uh I already had a pizza I had the

Stuffed crust pretzel crust pizza from Little Caesars and it was good uh Rusty hump says Heather did your Emerald see my time travel joke what was your talking about uh oh you know I did see it I just forgot to read it off because you’re reading stuff sorry bro

Wait who said that yep uh mentions time travel several emeralds through tide allow us to introduce ourselves Uh gold pickaxe in my top right corner does that mean nice fast we now have haste too if we go to the top of this obsidian pillar it should go a lot quicker than it used to the last time I tried this yay I’m gonna get rid of this Cobblestone I

Don’t need that Kitty oh what do you do no not the freaking cat it’s the freaking Enderman ah I didn’t even look at you hello that’s it you die you die sick of your [ __ ] get out of here I’ll kill you I’ll kill you we’ll kill you

Die die you wanted to aggro on me yeah screw you how did you like that not very much did you yeah you die I’m on half heart so I’m gonna look at the ground and think about my actions I didn’t do anything I didn’t do anything to deserve that what the [ __ ]

Where are I see your name tag yeah I’m just standing down here I was going yeah I’m eating some cookies I already got some taters some taters did you throw me some sweet taters I had bread too and glowberries what is this freaking oh potion of water breathing why do I have cobblestone

Jack damn it stop coming back to me I don’t want you Cobblestone all right who’s behind me you’re at four hearts he Source pack that replaces the pigment with Piglet from Winnie the Pooh okay that’s an idea I’m not gonna say a good one or a bad one um people

That would definitely work for the baby piglets yeah the piglet being big is weird yeah big piglet is weird and I don’t like it well piglet has always wanted to be big I remember one of the songs of my book of poo CD is Piglet wishing he was tall

Yeah just because he wanted to be big doesn’t mean he’d be good as a big person how cute was how you threw stuff uh yep being so careful on these things they ever all fall good I wish there was higher haste or higher efficiency because even with a haste 2 efficiency 5

Netherrite pickaxe this is taking forever there’s an Enderman in front of me and I want it to move but I can’t look at it uh just kind of shoved past it that’s what I did ah finally headed up here so carefully are we just mining down pretty much ice bucket challenge

Have you never held a block of obsidian hmm shockingly not I leave most of the grip work to you I don’t know how to feel about that I mean surprise shouldn’t be one of them certainly not surprised let’s see powden says brawny Buck slash Emerald are you going to tell us some stories

Do I even have stories to tell everyone has a story to tell it’s whether or not it’s interesting is the question well figures all my uh interesting stories are forbidden knowledge so forbidden knowledge well let me see I’ll think of the story chat don’t you worry don’t you I’m gonna

Level up chat I am very boring that Chad’s gonna like me I I’m infinitely interesting I want two cats and I already went off about them a lot this stream yep and that’s always that’s always interesting because they are the most interesting people in the world Achilles

On God if you jump on that box you’re gonna fall down which box is it the box that’s on top of that little fish tank he’s trying to get in there you should not have gotten him used to sleeping in there I’m sorry I did not consider a future

Where you would be keeping fish in it again for one the fish against I got a new job and I’ll be being paid better and you know potentially just you know they have that big big 55 gallon tank in the living room that all it has is a snail in it

But putting this much maintenance into it I might as well have a couple fish my stove so I think I dropped another piece of obsidian over the edge oh how much do you even really need yes all right so the thing is hold on I gotta keep a headset up and

Deal with that get higher kitties all right oh there’s the missing piece of obsidian Here you can sit with Mommy please oh your cookie is whiny goodness gracious sorry about that what was I talking about I don’t remember but uh I wanna I wanna help Crystal along before she confuses herself too hard uh sorry to say crystal it it’s uh not broady it’s just Spencer

Himself at the concerts he so is I text him about the freaking uh litter box thing and he just like just goes in two separate texts that sucks and I’m like I know it does it’s my reality right now hey it sucks it sucks less than fighting a cat turd on the carpet Yeah that’s everything’s better than that which is why like I was thinking like if I just like got rid of the manual one they’d have to use the self-cleaning one but I’m like no because they use the carpet they’ll use the carpet freaking cats so

Yeah I have to get out of a cleaning we have to get uh we need to get pet carpet cleaner to uh at Dollar General tomorrow yeah that’s probably a good idea because all I had was Lysol to drop the spot yeah like I freaking uh I used to be

Stocked up on that stuff because knife you should used to be such a problem with her UTIs and diabetes she was pissing everywhere all the time so I always had it but like these cats like up until now it’s never been an issue they always use their boxes

I will give them this when they pissed they pissed in the shower why is the music so loud it doesn’t laugh for me uh different game settings I would assume so uh let’s see she had work and I’m like yep I did have work uh I just started a new job this

Week very exciting because it’s higher paying than my other job the thing is I just started at the job and I don’t have PTO and even when Ronnie was planning to go to everfree and asked if I’d want to go I was like I’m just not going to be

There money-wise to be able to do that and I and I’m not at the moment because like of course I quit my old job and I’m gonna kind of have a lapse and pay as I’m as like I build up yeah because like you know this job does bi-weekly paying

And I joined in when you know I’m not I’m not getting paid yet so yeah convention right now isn’t the best I’d love to I’m going to go to Mayfair that’s in Florida so that’s gonna be fun but yeah it’s uh it’s unfortunate my Brody had the money

And he had the PCO and I was like go for it yep so uh Paladin I did see your question uh just other stuff was being discussed at the moment so what forbidden Lord could I possibly know um let’s see I basically know the entire story of a book to the face already

It also Paladin I’m gonna say it again you gotta be a little more patient you’re always you always seem a little too impatient when we don’t answer you right away to be fair with how wonky YouTube’s been for showing comments I can’t blame him entirely what was that sound which sound

I don’t know it sounded like Oh uh I think one of the background songs has like a glitch effects to it hmm so honey drop is suggesting oop go ahead oh sorry I was gonna address Rosie home first because he says Heather our cats have been using our bathtub about as much as the litter box that sucks

Um I will say if they’re gonna poop or pee anywhere outside of the litter box a bathtub is probably the most ideal place I mean you’d have to pick up the [ __ ] and throw it away but piss you just rinse it put some freaking disinfectant in there and it’s gone dude

I mean it sucks but you know it’s probably the easiest way to clean it I mean it’s right I rather it that than the carpet the carpet is the real bummer but uh anyways you can read off honey drops to him now yeah so how do you drop

A seg to boil a certain Trio of spices uh with a bit of vanilla and set it in the room I’m guessing blue as in the litter box ugh anyway uh oh room where the litter box is and it neutralizes pet spells okay that sounds pretty cool

So all these Enderman have gotten stuck on this one step with their pathfinding to the point that I physically can’t push past them anymore is this the shortest nope that’s the smite uh what the [ __ ] it’s their problem they got stuck out of steps so I hit him

Man you just pissed off a lot of them yes all right if you got a handle I’ll just keep breaking bricks but anyways as he’s over uh he usually does his gaming stream tonight so to keep up the schedule we decided to just you know take off take over his YouTube

Channel play little Minecraft help out a little just doing our part let’s see uh paladin says please stop jumping off that Emerald you’re making me Flinch well step sorry I keep dropping blocks take a moment and step back from the screen Paladin you’re getting too immersed it’s too immersive

Penny drop says tall boys are mad they do be mad though oh yes so um I left out the three spices because as a seasoned B Dylan Hollis viewer you should know what the three spices honey drop said was vanilla uh hmm nutmeg oh she said cinnamon cloves nutmeg and a

Bit of vanilla I didn’t know that close cinnamon and Nutmeg with the soup oh man I don’t know Dylan B you know the [ __ ] guy Hollis as well as I should I know a few of his recipes as they come up on my fyp the guy is funny oh yeah I uh

I have memorized that tomato soup cake one well that party sounds so weird I really want to bake it though but I want to bake it I want you to bake it because I can’t freaking bake crystal says I’m heading to Fan expos in Chicago because you can see Tara Strong

This weekend while I’m tempted to give her the one you made me either and order a new one ah do what your heart desires so I I mean I think you’re good either way it’d be generous of you but definitely don’t feel pressured into doing so yay

Let’s see hey that’s uh Rusty says Heather we actually got the mobile home because it didn’t have any carpet yeah you know what I definitely see it because like actually told brownie that because Ronnie like lamented that this new house didn’t have enough car but he’s like yeah carpet’s nicer to step on

Because he likes going around Barefoot I don’t care because I usually go around in socks or whatever but I was like Ronnie think about it I mean a spill like he wasn’t really into having pets anyway so he wouldn’t have cared but I was just like honey I like

Pets and I’m gonna have them if I move in with you plus if you spill anything in your house it’s better to have like style or wood or something and you can just wipe stuff off if you have carpet it’s a whole [ __ ] process and plus the carpet isn’t good forever you have

To get it peeled up or replaced and all that [ __ ] carpet is just a lot more maintenance than just having like a tile or linoleum or or wooden floor you know yeah heck hardwood plus like removable rugs that that’d probably be great like that’s the way to go like the only

Carpeted room in this house is bronny’s uh office and like I don’t know if he did that on purpose but yeah the carpet in his office is ugly and it definitely needs to be replaced I like it just fine but then again I’m even less invested in the carpet

Than you are because I have to wear like shoes or slippers because of my foot problems so me so yeah I freaking I just think it’s better for maintenance like just easier to clean Darius a lamb says my favorite from him is who’s mooing now no uh the inflection for that one was

Who’s moving down yeah I don’t think I even got it right heresy home says carpet two out of ten not worth it uh Crystal Sparkle is asking is Ronnie vlogging ever free no I don’t think he’s really into doing that he’s just going there and enjoying things and holstering a panel and going

To friends panels and stuff now that I’m seeing pictures of him there and he’s having a good time I am kind of jealous but also I’m like hey I mean it still doesn’t change the facts I couldn’t afford to go and I have much too much

Going on right now she learned how to levitate with help from silvaquil he certainly did and then he tried to carry silver off Silver’s look s like I also heard the voice of one sweetie blue behind the camera yeah she was enjoying that very much

I steer her voice I haven’t heard her in a while mentioned like once at my first not my first back’s gone one of the baps cons I went to I vlogged it like it was before me and Ronnie were dating but yeah I videotaped a whole bunch of stuff gosh

That was freaking years ago and I’ve tried doing it again but I’m just not as interested in it just quite a bit to put together and like to remember to intentionally film stuff is annoying like I’d really have to plan it so because apparently me jumping off

Scares people I am indeed taking the stairs Rusty Helm says Heather what are the chances of y’all going hold on I felt a tickle in my throat I’m gonna turn down the music in mine too because it’s getting like much too loud look what the hell’s up with that music

I probably turned it up when there was a record I couldn’t hear anyways uh Heather what are the chances of y’all going to Harvard econ in February bill I hadn’t planned on it Chad I will tell you that time was not intentional I just uh felt

Oh Heather got the quote right but my last name wrong it’s Elam see this is why I usually just call you Darius I didn’t want to take a chance but then I finally did crystal says if you come to side effects you guys could always crash at our house

We have four kids oh kitties that’s tempting bowden’s back with dinner Darius says I plan on vlogging truck on 2024 so it’s gonna be my first convention ever yeah that’s a good reason to motivate yourself to do all that memories and such I just it seems like work and maybe it’s

Just my mindset right now I’ve just got done with a day of work I’ve been getting out late from work nearly every day this week except for today but today you’re still late getting home because you had to get pizza then I went to CBS went to go get some

Kind of charge me fillers for [ __ ] products I said no CVS you know I think Brody is going to be absolutely thrilled when he gets to highlighting this mod no I absolutely will freaking I sent him a text like I took a picture of the pads I was gonna buy with the price

Underneath it and I’m like ain’t no way I’m paying 15 [ __ ] dollars for [ __ ] products and then he goes less of your language and the more the fact you’re saying on his stream you know snarky about is like it’s like attack happens under Biden’s America or some [ __ ] like that and

I’m like fine untax my vagina but also it’s only CVS [ __ ] like Target doesn’t charge that much for [ __ ] pads you know what the [ __ ] CVS is on paladin says we did not need to know that gosh darn it yes you did this is necessary information like it’s the takedown CBS they cannot

Charge 15 foreign Spencer look it’s not my fault I was I was trying to get up and they were in my way so I had to remove them from my way well anyways what I’m saying is it will not be silent this is feminism baby crystal wants to know your new job

I’m just working Accounts at a law firm it’s not incredibly exciting it is I’m just gonna be upfront about it it’s all about the money it was better money the commute’s longer like my job before it was another accounts job but uh it didn’t pay as much the benefits like

Took a big chunk out of my paycheck and uh they yeah like they like I said they weren’t paying me enough they barely gave me a raise in the two years I was working there so uh yeah I looked for a job for a while and this was a job that was better

Paying the benefits were 100 covered by the company which was [ __ ] awesome by the way so I was like hell yes and it was a couns work it’s kind of similar to what I already did and it is it’s not rocket science or anything it’s just it’s just

Very much uh big attention to detail and a lot of like build up of work because it’s a law firm like I won’t tell you guys a law firm obviously but it’s a law firm that’s very prominent and I am processing up to like a quarter million

Dollars in like a day sometimes it depends but it’s a lot of money that’s going in and out of things so they can afford to pay their employees good it’s a really nice workplace too I’m working in one of those I’m working in the city that’s why my commute’s longer that’s

One of them she has four pokestops in uh reach of her desk yeah exactly it’s uh it it’s farther from home that’s one thing that sucks is that it’s a longer commute but I take the toll road so it’s not as big of a deal and the toll roads are like a

Dollar a day for me to go to and from work so I don’t really care but a dollar total or a dollar each way a dollar total dude a dollar yeah so yeah even with those and I can afford to use those now so the point is overall the benefits just outweigh the

Cons with this job and it’s a like I said it’s a super nice office I’m working in the top floor of this building that is like several stories tall yeah I’m working in like it you should see the conference rooms they have they’re gorgeous they look out onto

The city it’s Florida so there’s Lakes but there’s trees but there’s also like all these buildings the fanciest place I’ve ever worked at my God stop pissing them off so much that would be all them faster that would walk into my light of sight yes but you’re pointing freaking kill

Them faster make them shut up yeah it’s it’s super nice and right now I’m happy to have it and as soon as they start paying me everything will be worth it but yeah I I’m super happy to have it hopefully it’ll help out with things around here because this we just got so

Much to take care of with like the house and [ __ ] let’s see Uh hold on let me go through the chat you might have missed some stuff yeah uh I want to point out Paladin freaky out about your topics of conversation palette you have no freaking idea Palin says Okay I want to address a pound says you’re going to be married we

Don’t need to know about your V that’s for bronny’s brain only do you mean vagina guys let’s talk about my vagina it’s don’t call it a v it’s not a curse word penis isn’t a curse word they aren’t curse words guys those are body parts and you should be comfortable with

It you know I feel like maybe I shouldn’t be as liberal because this isn’t my my YouTube channel it’s brownies but yeah that’s why I said Brody’s gonna be thrilled looking at the clips from this stream yeah me just say continue you cut out entirely during that do you mean

Chat I I need you all to go to Heather’s stream to borrow and donate enough money that we can get her a better graphics card that will do the voice processing properly do you mean I’m gonna say it in different inflections until you hear do you mean we heard it the second time

Do you want to hear it a fourth time no because apparently it might be a demonetization word according to Xander that sucks oh wait Barney stop by the time guys oh yeah so anyways it’s a natural body part and I’m going through a natural process I

Mean you wouldn’t be saying this [ __ ] to me if it was like a [ __ ] baby and I’m just like oh yes I’m just going through creating life in my body everyone’s all about talking about that [ __ ] but as soon as you talk about yeah and it’ll

Split your V straight open when the head comes up before we get a little uncomfortable either all of it or none of it baby freaking and don’t freaking I don’t like the implication that you’re like hey that’s for brawny only excuse me it’s for whoever I say it’s for just because

I’m married doesn’t mean he owns don’t get me wrong I will respect his opinion and what what his comfort levels are what I share but once I checked he doesn’t give a [ __ ] who I complain about my period stuff too that’s not like it’s not like I’m telling you how much I

Wanna like [ __ ] I’m not talking about sex that’s the thing I think he’d have a problem with that I want she would have multiple problems with that said guys I said Channel and he’s not here to do anything about it we are getting demonetized wait we’ve never monetized so I could say six

And one my God the Endermen are getting mad they’re like are you freaking [ __ ] God get the [ __ ] off thank you all my all my uh yeah anyways okay let’s address the chat formally I just I feel let’s see 100 plus pounds oh he’s that’s really

Good for him I’m still trying to bench up to a hundred pounds I’ve only gotten up to 80 so far and that’s with like reps of like uh a five for three sets and that’s not as great Crystal Sparkle says I really hate the weed wax noise

Fancy I know I have I have no idea why that’s happening Rusty home says oh so Heather’s an accountant I’m not into the accountant I work in accounts uh so like I like the the accountant that’s actually different there’s a whole accounting department but only one person is an accountant you

Gotta be like certified for that [ __ ] or something I don’t know well uh crystal says get married and get benefit for your partner that’s what I did actually uh that’s one thing about this job if I were to get brawny try to get him on my benefits they would charge

For him though like that’s just the thing they won’t do your partner for free just too bad but you know at a certain point maybe we’ll be like yeah we can afford it and just go with it but for now I just want free benefits thank you let’s see

Uh crystal says I just thought she was into costume and crappy DC maybe voice acting me no no I don’t make super money off of that I make pretty I mean it’s it’s not even part-time money really I don’t really make much of that I do it because I love it

That’s why I do it Marcin says do you think that mlc is still popular among creators who do it now because they like it or because if they would change content people would be no longer interested in them that’s a good question I certainly still love it for what it

Was and I do still do Pony stuff because that’s what I know and that’s what I like but it doesn’t mean I wouldn’t Branch out I do I will say I would understand if that was a factor in some people’s decisions because stuff that I’ve made outside of My Little Pony

Usually doesn’t do very good like you notice my hell of a boss or has been Hotel videos they the views on those are very poor I mean I get a lot of good conversation in some of them but the views stay within like the 100s range which isn’t amazing my shorts have been

Doing really well but a lot of those are Pony there’s a few I did toriel this week and I did I’ve done Harley Quinn but Harley Quinn is just so big and iconic anyway that there’s no way a Harley Quinn video could fail you know let’s see uh her crystal says elope

Wedding or never marry I think we’re gonna do Wedding Place Sanders says actually penis is demonization word oh that sucks why would you do that to penis it’s not a bad word it’s just the body part that is the medically correct term for that body part it’s penis

What’s next are we gonna say you can’t say patella that’s your kneecap my brother and my I was gonna say my brother in crime we haven’t committed crimes together I’m sorry we can’t maybe later though let’s see uh Rusty house said powder this isn’t what Josh scorcher streams crystal

Says wait are you engaged already I missed that memo did she engaged weeks ago I went on street right after it happened did you miss me you must not have been there I’ll go into that later if you want but Marcin says and better gaming chair for better fps

And games I usually have a pretty good gaming chair myself Veronica yeah the gaming chair is fine it’s just uh she’s running RTX voice on a 16 series and video graphics card which means it is using the uh Cuda processing and not the proper AI processing that the 20 series

And up has so it can’t adapt to her voice properly much for one of those you reckon uh it strongly depends I would say we want at least a 30 60. which is probably gonna be around 300 bucks I definitely would stream tip fun for that because as it is

Like I’ve looked into the self-cleaning litter box thing and I’m going to prioritize that because I’m sick of cleaning this [ __ ] up and my kitties take priority you know because they’re my babies uh so and that costs around the same bit can you believe it I only

Paid like 150 maybe even lower for the self-cleaning litter box I have and then they discontinued those and I’m like what the [ __ ] that was the best on the market it was good and it was well priced everything else is like like 200 to 300 to 400 is [ __ ] right now what happened

Uh she said she’s taking it that I’m broken right now send chocolate I would love chocolate you you’re married no we’re not married yet uh Darius says sexo good job Darius getting in the spirit God why are there so many freaking slender [ __ ] here because I finally unclogged the stairs

So they keep all coming up here for some reason God can they put like [ __ ] Enderman repellent in this game they have it it’s called water except I didn’t bring a bucket be alive let’s oh yeah that brings us to Marcy says why won’t you spill water all over

The place to have an easier time with Enderman they didn’t bring any more Scene Joey says hi Brawny and Heather hello Joey I’m Heather that’s not brawny but you know same thing like she says sorry for trying to be respectful also I never said Ronnie oh you you know he not like

That nope he’s not like that I just think it’s silly that you’re like Heather you shouldn’t talk about your period that’s only for your husband my period is not for my husband I think that’s for anybody really her period is not only for her husband whether I like it or not

I’m sorry if you’re not comfortable talking about my body and I guess I shouldn’t force you to be but then I’m not trying to force you I’m just saying hey I’m down with just you know bashing about my period and making [ __ ] jokes and I thought you’d know that about me

By now Paladin I thought that you knew me so in my case uh whatever you start talking about that the scientists inside of my parade goes oh yes this is information I do not have firsthand knowledge of that I’m getting directly from a primary source I’m going to hang

On her every word and learn more about the world around me yeah like I If you if we’re on my stream or like if anyone asked me into a question I use like about like women’s stuff I usually try to be like okay so it’s like this and I actually enjoy it

Because I’m like yeah I can finally get someone to just be on my level be like oh you know like freaking like that freaking video I showed you today Emerald the freaking if uh birth control commercials were honest or some [ __ ] yes like that one was so

[ __ ] real like everything and I was just like yeah and every bit of that shit’s true and it’s exactly the way they said it you were just there the entire time like could you be exaggerating a little bit and the video’s like no and I’m just

Like damn fam it’s funny but it why’d it have to be so true crystal says whatever you two do behind closed doors is your business yeah unless they decide to swing open the doors and smack you in the face with them I guess so we don’t even do anything behind closed

Doors Except watch anime do you not want to hear about the anime I’m watching I already know because the the Google home thing oh yeah so it’s Jujitsu Kaizen right now you gotta get the gamers up Slayer is there a jiu jitsu costume last I checked what flavor is it like

I don’t remember freaking gamer Subs is up and everything they’re not up in waifu candy anymore oh yes we lament the loss of wife who can and I haven’t been I haven’t had the Buddy to try any of the other flavors to see if there’s any simple replacements

Oh let’s see Rusty house says honestly I’m used to women venting to me about their bodies one in particular I used to work with Heather would get along with real well I’m down with most people honeydrop says if you turn off mob a briefing Hostile Mobs can’t destroy or mess with stuff

Enderman look very sad when they can’t pick up a place down blocks yeah that’s like their whole thing there’s just it’s just one but I feel like there’s three of them just hovering around me and I’m not gonna go look up to check yeah there’s three

Yeah I’d get fall I don’t have any more food otherwise I would absolutely wreck them hey root fall ball does that count as me antagonizing him I don’t know well I guess we’re gonna find out go damn it they’re learning I’m trying to push them off the edges I pushed one off successfully

Okay yeah yeah damn it he just fell down the stairs hmm cow go go [ __ ] when they said tall dark and handsome I didn’t mean this so I see questions of the chat about waifu candy uh it was gamer sups’s cotton candy flavor for their energy drink it was my favorite flavor

I will say I’m not usually a fan of the cotton candy flavors I mean I like cotton candy itself when they try to put it in the flavor of something else it just doesn’t feel as good now they apparently had like they apparently have a cream flavored wood

Called uh anime girl thigh that one might be good I don’t know yet why am I jumping down I’m gonna go get food all right the Portal’s that way I do don’t mind it no I know you’re looking at the cave and you’re feeling kind of Brave well you bet you’ll be all

Right grab that killed and get away thank you what was the freaking Gundam Style parody oh there were two it was digging Minecraft style and uh Like An Enderman Captain Sparkles were so weird I forget who like an Enderman was by Yeah it was weird how many Minecraft music videos There’s the captainsparkle song of security or something what was it what are you trying to think the Captain Sparkles music video it might just be like a freaking um don’t mind at night well that wasn’t him so what’s that remember there was a music video to it

And at the end all the mobs showed up just like sing the song and in the Enderman like use their bodies to form the letters and what they were spelling and I couldn’t remember it little too animated honestly I mean I say that like it’s a bad thing

But I was like man it was really well animated for like a kind of corny song well um let’s see Paladin Podi t s did you guys like the cotton candy song from hell of a boss did Brian didn’t like it and I think Emerald

Was like yeah it’s too Poppy for me but I’m like it fits it’s like a total Kesha song because it was written by Kesha and the character is voiced by [ __ ] Kesha or what you want not what you need I got it um I’ll bring you I’ll take you down stick

Your sweet stuck in your teeth fortunately for Brody’s copyright status you are getting cut out yourself hey that’s good it’s because you [ __ ] fine you hit it with the pickaxe you know what I have food now die oh my God [ __ ] where are you go do you need food uh potatoes

Get over here [ __ ] die I hate those things so much being little [ __ ] like I could take them in burst you just see one randomly in the world like oh my God it’s an Enderman though you never see those freaky and then like they do [ __ ] and then you’re scared but then

Like here there’s just too many of them and they’re dicks oh there’s a there’s an exploit you could do so around this island for a thousand blocks in every direction is absolutely nothing so if we go like a hundred or so blocks out we can make a little platform and we have

To go out with leaves otherwise this gets real messy real fast but you go out with leaves or some other transparent block make a little platform you put an Ender bite with a name tag in a mine cart so that you have a way to attract the Enderman because the only thing

Enderman hate more than people that look at them or hit them is Ender bites and then you knock out the torches on a solid platform that you build and Enderman spawn by the dozens every second why would we want that two words XP fart when did you put on that armor good like

A minute ago Okay all right I guess they were just yelling for nothing oh wait here he is these guys anyway uh honey drop said Dan Bull what about Dan Bull Howden says oh dead bull is another Minecraft music creator oh Dan Bull okay Russian says the song was all right not one of my favorites

But like I like it okay wait are you talking about cotton candy or or the don’t mind at night cotton candy we’re talking about okay we’re talking about a lot of songs like it’s catchy I definitely can’t sing it because like it’s just that a pitch that’s out of my

Range but I’m still finding myself doing it anyway like cotton candy candy candy I think a lot of people’s favorites in this uh in hell of a boss are songs that stole this has sung because they’re always very dramatic and cool and probably the only other song I can think of is uh

Bone Town vacay to Bone town that varasica sang in Spring breakdown I think it was spring breakdown that they called it and that’s just like a pop song as well but it’s like a super overly sexualized song there goes it this is your final boarding call all aboard pack your bags Sons

Cloud take a vacay babe take it straight to both town that was it um you know when you started saying I was like how’s this overly sexual oh vacate a bone town baby and like like it has lyrics like uh I can’t remember them all but it was just it’s just all innuendos

Um what is it it’s been a long time since I listened to that one it’s like baby relaxed sun care no hair baby pass me some wax um yeah freaking hold on let me look them up because there was a lot of suggestive lyrics I can’t believe they’re all well

You looked that up welcome to the Thunderdome oh this is going to be great let me hit you yeah I’m sure it is it’s uh this is your final boarding Paul All Aboard pack your bags Suns out take a vacay babe take it straight to Bone town the time free time baby relax

Self-care no hair Brazilian wax born to suck your bus to the beach catch some rays while hatching Someday Baby Oh I love the last part sun’s out hormones out how does it smell and my thought is not very good sounds like it smells terrible but yeah that overly overly horny song sung by a succubus naturally and I think they called it one of the things they called it her goetic mating call

Let’s see Paladin says he sees Brody walking into the house after we have a wild party it’s hey what did you two do with my channel honey drive says Lord someone made their way to the far lands in Minecraft and found a white Enderman I need to see video evidence of that

Yeah I don’t know how white energy not everyone’s thing I thought it was fun and very fitting for the series you know really Harkens to its roots of being a furry music video Break Stuff uh let’s see uh pound assist is probably going to be mad when he sees

This low now he’ll get over it Rusty house has been seeing a lot of fan art of Queen B and Luna oh yeah people were right on making that a three pairing or just a Luna and B pairing seems like something a phantom would do marcine says but in anime meanwhile in

The background there was uh invigilation of population people who are not equal with those are taken to correcting centers no matter age and propaganda I’m not kidding confused on where that came from let’s see pound it says you already went over that uh Marcin says that everything

That with the Earth Slice of Life girls on first stage confused Rusty house says palette and you saw what Heather did to Brody’s Twitter Marshall and guys I hope you remember he did a Cardigans humidity stream last week he’s got to get used to dirty stuff

Uh so so Marcy was asking why are we mining obsidian again so um I have a couple ideas that would require that would require an obnoxious amount of obsidian to get this is the easiest way to get a very huge amount of it very quickly and uh if we ever want

To refight the Ender Dragon these pillars will regenerate every time we respawn it so I want to buy these out before we uh re-challenge the dragon just for the obsidian Gates obsidian put my soda but I’m gonna have nothing to drink and I’m still a thirst ugh

You know Brody usually runs his streams for like an hour but it’s been close to an hour and a half uh oh we should probably close out soon then Maybe we’re giving them more than what they paid for to be fair our health taker Street was two and a half hours long

To be fair that game is monumentally more challenging a little challenging than this yes I very distinctly remember the rage so much rich and how Ronnie wouldn’t let me sing [ __ ] her gently no chance give me my guitar emeralds no come on like why won’t anyone let me sing my heart out

Do it on your stream it’s not a special thing there he goes and that is why I have feather falling for great oh yeah Paladin so basically I went on bronny’s uh Twitter account was on his phone I forget why I was bored probably and I just decided to go

On his Twitter and tweet out butts butts butts I like butts and I put an app like uh of course a human Apple Jack GIF I found of her just like swinging her hips into a tree and apples fall down you know very very curvy Applejack GIF and I

Just put that on his Twitter account and everyone was just like brought me and everyone and like like half the comments were brawny what the [ __ ] and the other half were like hell yeah man I think Justin went like I knew you were an ass man and then freaking brownie quote

Retweeted it be like like guys so note to self having a freaking passcode on your phone doesn’t work when your fiance knows it what it is yep so actually really funny uh a couple years ago lightest Tech tips put out a video about uh Tick Tock Tech hacks and one of them

Was there’s a way uh with Google Chrome uh the F12 console menu you could put in a command that will let you just select any text on the page and retype it and I did that to doctor a screenshot of Brody’s Twitter where he sent out a

Tweet saying fine you guys got me I love animated video games and I’m launching a let’s play channel of daily uploads tomorrow and I put that picture I put that picture on uh Brody’s Discord server and that got the expected response which was uh yeah uh that’s

Totally not dangerous at all you’re the type of person to be like uh Hey guys check out this cool nuke I found and set it off that would I can’t wait until brawny admits that he loves video games in anime he totally does he just needs to

Embrace it play video games every day and make his gaming channel big that’s what he needs to do honestly if we if we can get him used to mouse and keyboard after getting him a better mouse and keyboard like sweet mother of Celestia I I had to bring in

My keyboard because his is mush City that might be sorry what was that I was gonna say I think that might be the keyboard that I gave him is it the wired one yes yeah that’s the one I gave like the reason he even has that is because I

Gave it to him for free I just had a spare keyboard and it was [ __ ] I mean like it was just some like keyboard that would come with like one of those Tower pre-made computers and he just like because at the time he didn’t have a keyboard something [ __ ] happened to

His he was using like one of those keyboards that’s like on screen that you use with a mouse and I’m just like I will just yeah we were of course we were in different states at the time it was when I was still living in California

And I’m like I will just send you this one that I have that I’m not using like I don’t care I’ll just pay to package it to you and you can have it for free and he was like thanks and I did and I guess he still uses it

Yeah so um if anyone wants to leave a tip in the tip jar with the link in the description below um I’m going to I’m going to see to it that he puts those funds towards a good keyboard the one I used was like 50 bucks and I’ve been using it for

Uh at least six years I won a pink one we can get you a pink one hey let’s see uh brownies of Howden says you guys aren’t brawny do want you want I will do want my Dad yeah sorry I just use you a little bit yeah it’s easy

The chaos crew should do hibikus SkyWars if I find out what that is oh uh Hypixel SkyWars oh damn oh is that is that the um it’s a Minecraft spin-off ain’t it no it’s a Minecraft server you’re thinking oh oh yeah that’s what I think

So it is currently 9 30. what would you like to do uh I got I still gotta finish cleaning up the house and also yeah yeah so once we finish this layer I think we’ll call it there yay I hope you guys are having a good time

Out there in the chat Rusty Helm says Ah the joys of a relationship uh Russia also says Heather one game I’d like him to eventually play is Ghost of tsushima I think he’d really enjoy it it’s just a big commitment since it’s an open world yeah I don’t think he’s playing that one

Yeah you know him he needs like he’ll only play games for his streams and games that we ask him to play and like the only game I’ve seen him consistently play is the uh online version of Cards Against uh no not Cards Against Humanity uh freaking Magic the Gathering that’s

Like the only thing I see him play yeah he’s always playing Magic and annoys the crap even even when he was editing the latest box of the face I saw him squeezing in Magic between waiting things to render this thing’s gonna hit me isn’t it no I’m gonna hit that though

Get this thing good God get the [ __ ] out of my face yep so Friday Night Fights we were fighting a lot of Enderman and spiders and fighting uh oppression I don’t know I talked about my freaking uh my menstrual cycle for a little bit so that was interesting I’m sure he’ll appreciate that

Yep really getting that female represent do you mind representation into this yeah yeah [Laughter] let’s go uh you got feather falling on your boots oh hold on plus three armor plus two armored toughness no okay then you’ll want to take the stairs [ __ ] uh they’re off this side damn it

God get away from me Paladin say you guys need to play Monster road trip road trip is that the same people who did monster prom good question hey man when it becomes my Friday yes Let Us return home yay how did it teleport me into my room because it teleports you to wherever

Your spawn set so it sets of your bed now the real question is why the heck is my sponsor oh you know what because I clicked Brody’s bed where I was messing with the cat oh yes I was about to say why are you sleeping in my bed you said you didn’t

Do that yeah I was about to say when did I sleep in your bed I do not remember doing that oh look what are the other places outside two of them yeah I got a really good view from my bedroom now look at all these cherry blossom

Trees and these golems and now handling so let me just file away all of this obsidian here I’ll put it in your box too excuse me there you go you got here if you shift click it just sends it straight into the box well whatever I already did it all right so um

Now it’s time to close out Bryce stream how the heck does he do that uh he says uh hold on I’ve been on the stream a few times I can remember hold on let me think about it Um so I want to thank you all for joining the stream we gotta take a moment to take all my glorious patrons read off the pity Trends emeralds I don’t know where the list is just go on Google Chrome go on his patreon and just read off all the active

Users that’s what I do in my streams well Brody has a different system and I don’t want to do it wrong I’d rather do it not at all to do it wrong no at least you no no you have to do it even if you don’t you left the credits

Off the latest bucks to the face we have to continue the tradition he didn’t list the patrons off just read the page cards from his newest video ah okay hold up let me see if I can fly the cards and be like I’d like to thank

Everyone from my one dollar tier and he lists all the people the people from My Five Dollar tier list all evil the people from my ten dollar tier list all the people like so on and so forth yeah where is then Rusty house says I just think I like it

Because it really makes you feel like a Sam ride has a really good story partner produces yes it’s a third monster prom game honey wrote where it says Enderman the most anti-social mob it doesn’t want to be marcine says how about meet Brony to visual meet Brony to visual novels and

Repost my first part of what you read before it made no sense but because I watch you on iPad I can’t that’s what you read was part two and three oh okay I’m missing context palad one pieces this needs to be an animatic uh maybe I’ll draw it if there’s enough Says everybody just calm down we can’t calm down donut now I can’t figure out where I saw the list or not the list the pictures from the video right hold on I’ll find it professionalism the professional is at everfree Northwest I am slightly below amateur at best

All right look look I got it right here so I’ll read them off to you so chat let’s take a moment to thank Ronnie’s glorious patrons for the advanced membership at 25 tiers we got Shady Oak Ministries Titan verse Studios easy mode gamer DJ Skywalker Rangoon Ridge the Hedgehog

And I think that’s all for that then we have the intermediate membership at ten dollars Mr Sonic 31 starchaser Captain Zeta Pony Cordero sir who is here a Kanto acrylic VA Q flash Alicia Lynette Alden Mac Mance uh Venture Corps Billy Henline Sydney Conroy me Donuts let’s say your business

And then we have I think we have the one dollar tier on here somewhere All right well I did I found all the pictures as you’re reading the ball so I’ll read off the one dollar chair yeah thanks lucky that golden microphone narrator 007 volpecula edfield Shadow Blade selector detector pass analysis Melody flame Darius does stuff fire Paul Harriman Jesse Barb chocolate Alexis

Prime ageless speed Stephen wolf Sarah 1987 go Julia dark Forge bright heart treadley morning boot 398 Josiah the game King Jimmy D branthal Jr Christopher Jones Ezreal and Aaron Davis and I think we did it we did it did it if you want to be one of the people that

Broady reads off because Brody will be the one reading it off next time because good Lord I am not doing this again anytime soon hopefully hopefully he doesn’t go out of town with uh words yep I have a Persephone um if you want to be one of those lucky

Dave’s rid off you just joined his patreon uh middle of tier is a dollar obviously higher price tiers you have higher rewards and whatnot but you can get out to the Discord for as little as a dollar unlike Heather’s Discord requires 10. uh which is also linked to the description of the stream

Um was there anything else that I’m not remembering no I think that’s fine just go ahead like subscribe leave comments and uh if you and the tip jar links is always active so you can tip at any time thank you and have a wonderful night yep thank

You very much we’ll be seeing you all tomorrow for Brody debates hopefully that is not as much of a tis show and right after that it’s gonna be another stream from me chaos and controllers back in the Minecraft back in the Minecraft with more people this time and less vaginas

I don’t know if uh if Ellie and Countess are here that is 300 no 200 more than we’re in this stream yeah it’s still gonna be outnumbered by the amount of not vaginas I don’t know maybe all the guys dip yeah it’s hard to say usually the guys

Are the ones that do the opposite of dipping that’s true anyway all right let’s go yep have a good day everybody

This video, titled ‘Friday Night Fights – Minecraft (Chaos & Controllers?) ft. @HeatherBlossom’, was uploaded by Brawny Buck on 2023-08-12 13:46:05. It has garnered 213 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 01:36:46 or 5806 seconds.

Please consider supporting or donating to the channel and see what you can get in return:

I know I’m at Everfree Northwest at the moment, but the show must go on, so I booked an emergency flight back home to play Minecraft with my darling fiancée. Don’t mind my sudden change in eye color, I’m totally not just a shape shifted @EmeraldSpencer.

But if he were here, he’d put all of @HeatherBlossom’s links here because it’s her Minecraft server we’re playing on. Her Patreon: Her Twitter: Her Etsy Shop:

And his own, because he can: His Twitch: His Discord Server: His Website: His Patreon: His Minds:

Thanks to all of my supporters on Patreon: Equestrian City Heroverse – Heather Blossom – Narrator007 – Shady Oak Ministry – DoughBoy123X – EmeraldSpencer – Past Analysis – Angel of Speed – CantoAcrylicVA – MrSonicthehedgehog31 – Selector Detector – Melody Flame – Aaron Davis- Concert Cruizer – Calbeck – Morningstar – Aleximus Prime – Jesse Barb – DJSkywalker – Aventicus – Pony Cordero – Alisia Lanet –

Cid McConroy – Christopher Jones – Nevix Astari – Bryan “ChucklyFun” Rosander – Autoknight – Senko – QFlash – Billy Henline – Shadow Blade – Bright Heart – Josiah White – Rein-Kun – Firepaw – Alden MacManx – OuijaDraws – EasyModeGamer – Mixmaster226 – Ridge the Hedgehog – MrMarioRO – Morningmoon398 – Vulpecula – Ridgeracer7 – Azriel – Darius (does stuff) Elam – Zeta Xii – Jimmy D Banthrall Jr. – Sniper Knighter – StarChaser – Gojilion91 – VentureCorp – Blue Gryphon – Mixmaster226 – Omnirallis999

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  • Boy Love: Desire for Love Part 7

    Boy Love: Desire for Love Part 7 Minecraft Animation: “Desire for Love” – A Unique Story Embark on a journey through the world of Minecraft with Martin in his captivating love story, “Desire for Love.” This series delves into LGBT+ themes, offering a unique perspective within the Minecraft community. 🌈 Exploring the Storyline Meet Martin, the protagonist of this tale, as he navigates the complexities of love and relationships in the Minecraft universe. Follow his adventures and encounters with various characters as he seeks to find true love amidst the pixelated landscapes. 💖 Engaging Characters From Martin himself to his friends and acquaintances, each character brings… Read More

  • British Invasion: Niaz Takes Over Minecraft!

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  • Unbelievable Build!

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  • Surviving ULTRA HARD MINECRAFT without sound?! 😱 #minecraft

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  • Ultimate Enchantments Hack – Beginner’s Neural AI Setup

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  • Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server & Play Mini-Games 24×7

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  • Epic Animation: Baby Steve & Baby Alex’s Unbreakable Bond! 😍#minecraft

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  • “Ultimate Minecraft Showdown: Girls vs Boys” #glavstroy #minecraft

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  • Vycital SMP

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  • One Month Survival SMP – Semi-Vanilla, Whitelist

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  • Hot Nether Love Triangle in Minecraft

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  • Siro vs Ghost Wing: Minecraft Mega SMP Tập 11

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  • Ultimate Villager Trading Hall Hack!

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  • Explore the Uncharted in Anomali SMP #10 – Fay Kuroda

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  • Dream SMP Mlg Clutch: Part 7

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  • Minecraft’s EPIC CowAxe Event!

    Minecraft's EPIC CowAxe Event!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Hosted Minecraft Largest Event’, was uploaded by CowAxe on 2024-04-01 17:51:38. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. ignore- minecraft,minecraft challenge,minecraft event,minecraft hardcore,minecraft mod,minecraft but,minecraft manhunt,minecraft … Read More

  • PTCGL broken! Minecraft takeover by MrDogPTCGL

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    SUPERFAST BASE BUILDING on Donut SMP! 🍩🔨 #CPVP #DrDonutVideo Information I’m kelp and this is how you make a million plus a day base on the donut s SMP first you need to dig down dig up to the max height you want your base to be and clear a two high area based off the size of your base next you’re going to want to dig B holes four apart in a grid pattern fill them all up with TNT and explode with this huge area you can build any number of farms the best being sugarcane or pumpkin This video, titled ‘BUILD BASE FAST on the… Read More

  • Minecraft Madness – Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!

    Minecraft Madness - Epic Diamond Digging Adventure!Video Information hey what is going on everyone it’s me sumu we’re back again if you are new here you don’t know what’s going on this is me playing Minecraft we’ve been uh playing this quite a lot actually and this is our little Mud House little mud Shack but welcome to the stream hope you guys are having a good time good day good night and all that other good stuff if you guys like this content make sure you hit that like And subscribe and also be sure to check out the links that I have posted in… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Build Stream – You won’t believe what happens!

    EPIC Minecraft Build Stream - You won't believe what happens!Video Information what is good hey what is good y’ we are back we are so back with another flipping Minecraft building stream me uh sure we’re live make sure we’re good on all platforms here I think we’re good I think we good Y what is good y’all what is good what is good what is good how we doing Richard Sanchez what’s good airsoft kid what good B over what good Emily VR what’s good rcky what good how we the flip are we doing yo yo we are doing a Minecraft build stream guys all right y’all… Read More

  • Mega Minecraft Argument: SpongeBob, Goku, Sonic & More

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  • “EPIC comeback: NEW series starting! 😱 #viral” | MR_CHAMAN

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  • WeeklySMP

    WeeklySMPA beginning Survival SMP server. Join our Discord server for more information as well We are searching for good moderators and players to have fun with. Read More

  • MasterRealm Semi-Vanilla SMP 1.20.1 Land Claim Discord Slimefun Custom Items Crossplay

    MasterRealm | Semi-Vanilla | SMP | 1.20.1 | Land Claim | Discord | Slimefun | Custom Items | Crossplay Welcome to Master Realm! Master Realm is a Survival 1.20.1 Minecraft server with a balance between vanilla and modded gameplay. Experience new features like Coin Economy, Slimefun, Custom Items, Land Claims, Seasons, Custom World, Custom Roles, and Crossplay. Key Features: Coin Economy Slimefun Custom Items / Enchants Land Claims / No Grief Seasons Custom World Custom Roles / Ranks Crossplay Community and Discord: Join our welcoming community and Discord server to connect with players, share moments, and stay updated on events… Read More

  • Elesta

    ElestaThis server has been a project child of mine for some time now, ready to start introducing some people to the world of Elesta. Looking to build a community of people that enjoy playing minecraft and enjoy smiliar things as me to foster a bigger community. It is whitelisted momentarily as we look toward entering the next update and waiting for plugins to get updated. Feel free to add my discord to communicate with me in a more timely fashion: Rascal1001 OR you can message me here.Feel free to send me your MC username:Your total time playing MC:and a fun… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Git gud, noob – can’t craft a pickaxe!”

    Maybe because you keep trying to use feathers and dirt instead of actual materials? Read More

  • Minecraft Hangman: Lava Edition

    Minecraft Hangman: Lava Edition “Why did the creeper break up with the enderman? Because he couldn’t handle the long distance relationship!” Read More

  • DO NOT DRINK TABLE WATER in Minecraft!

    DO NOT DRINK TABLE WATER in Minecraft! Minecraft: The Quirky World of 方块轩 方块轩, a creator in the Minecraft realm, brings a unique blend of humor and creativity to the gaming community. With a focus on child-friendly content, 方块轩’s channel offers a daily dose of original videos that are sure to bring a smile to your face. Let’s dive into the whimsical world of 方块轩 and explore some of the hilarious moments and quirky elements that make his content so engaging. Unconventional Humor and Memorable Moments In the world of 方块轩, nothing is quite as it seems. From the cautionary tale of not drinking the water… Read More

Friday Night Fights – Minecraft (Chaos & Controllers?) ft. @HeatherBlossom