Frogs & Froglights! ▫ Minecraft 1.19 Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play) [S2 E108]

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Hello everyone my name is pixariffs and welcome back to the minecraft survival guide i hope you’re all having a good day in today’s episode we are going out in search of another brand new mob that’s been added in minecraft 1.19 the wild update but first of all i want to

Show you a little bit of stuff i’ve been doing in between episodes on my live streams because i decided now that we have mangrove wood and skulk blocks along with various other things we’ve got mud and stuff like that it was probably time to expand my storage

System instead of shuffling all of my filters along to make room for mangrove wood right here i’ve added another modular room to the storage system and while it’s not especially decorated yet this is basically going to be 1.19 storage we are gonna have the skulk blocks and stuff in here and probably

The variants of them like the skulk sensors the catalysts and shriekers up in here probably some skulk vein as well since i’ve not farmed a great deal of that yet and the regular skulk blocks are going to go in there in case you want to build with them or just pull

Them out for some handy xp over here on the other side we’ve got mangrove wood mangrove roots and mud and i’m leaving a little bit of room in here for a couple of other bits and pieces that we’ll be gathering we need to start talking about

Packed mud and mud bricks but i think we’ll get to those in an episode later this week for now have you ever heard the phrase mad as a box of frogs well today that is aspirational because we’re heading out in search of frogs with a shulker box and i’m hoping to get a

Bunch of frogs as tadpoles and bring them back with us so that we can grow them in other biomes because frog’s breeding mechanics are actually a little bit closer to turtles turtles will lay their eggs on the beach once you’ve bred two of them and frogs do something kind

Of similar they lay frog spawn which hatches into tadpoles and they remain as a tadpole for a little while before they grow up into a fully fledged frog during that time we can capture them in a bucket and take them to another biome where if the conditions are right they

Will grow up into three different colors of frog first of all we’ve got to find and breed some frogs though which is going to require a quick trip to our slime farm and yet while it looks like this thing has been killing a lot of zombified piglens as well we have a

Pretty decent amount of slime balls in here and the first place we’re gonna go out looking for frogs is this swamp biome over here near our guardian farm because frogs will spawn in either swamps or mangrove swamps and i’m thinking the swamp here is gonna be the

Best place to look for them simply because it’s a little bit more open we can kind of see all of terrain around us whereas in mangrove swamps even though i was there generating fresh new terrain i didn’t see any frogs at all while i was over there and i don’t think that’s a

Problem with the spawning mechanics i think that’s more of a problem with the sight lines in mangrove swamps and the fact that they are made of dense foliage most of the time but despite having cleared a bunch of passive mobs out of the biome i’m having difficulty getting

Frogs to spawn here i really think that’s due to the proximity of the other biomes more than anything else so i might go and try and find a larger swamp one that doesn’t have all of the birch forest and other stuff encroaching on the outside and one where we can

Hopefully surround ourselves with swamp now this looks a bit more like it there is swamp as far as the eye can see if i look in this direction there’s obviously a couple of other biomes around the outside but this is a swamp that is uh yeah like four or five

Thousand blocks out mostly because i found a witch hut here a while ago and thought yeah maybe we’ll earmark this location for the future just as i was heading around to a few other biomes in the area but if we look down we have what i’m looking for let’s get a look at

These with a spyglass close-up before we go meet them in person these are the frogs that we have been looking for and these are the orange variant of frog specifically the orange ones are ones that you will find in a regular swamp biome and in mangrove swamps we should

Potentially find a white variant of frog and so of the three different colors of frog there are in the game two will spawn naturally and a third we kind of have to do a little bit of breeding to acquire a third frog ourselves now let’s see if we can breed these two they

Should be interested in the slime balls that i’m holding and we get to look at them up close what adorable little critters they are i think the the little neck pouch that they have really gives them a bit of personality and the way they walk is just one of the

Most detailed walk animations of any mob in minecraft it’s so cool all right let’s give these two some slime balls they should breed in the way that animals normally do but then they should find some water in order to lay some frogs spawn and that is where we need to

Act it’s going to take them a while though like turtles they are not the fastest on land they are much more graceful in the water but it looks like this one has found its way to the water’s edge and in a second or two there we go it should lay some frog

Spawn the sounds are absolutely lovely as well i’m gonna try and capture those a couple of times on camera when i’m not talking or boost them in the mix so you can hear a little bit more of the croaking sound they make but they’re also capable of really high

Jumps and it’s kind of similar to goats in that sense where they can actually jump maybe like seven or eight blocks in the air but eventually the frog spawn here should hatch into tadpoles and there they go they’ve just hatched into two tadpoles now there should be

Between two and five or two and six tadpoles i think and we can get those in a bucket which also gets us an advancement for catching a tadpole in a bucket how lovely they look so cute in the sprite as well that’s very very sweet and depending on where they

Eventually swim off to they can be a little hard to spot this one seems to have gone downstream a little bit so let’s see if we can grab this one from out of the swamp water yes there we go and now we have two tadpoles which we

Can take to other biomes and hatch elsewhere so having looked around a little i have been able to find a larger group of frogs and so i’m thinking we can start a little frog breeding colony over here by this section of swamp water we should hopefully be able to grab them all just

By holding some slime balls under their noses and maybe these two can be a breeding pair and these two can be a breeding pair i basically want to fill up a shulker box full of them so we can grab a bunch of frogs from all of the different biomes and there’s a couple

More frogs underneath here so let’s feed you and uh there’s the other one feed you it seems like if they’re close to water when they breed they actually produce frogs born pretty much right away yeah there we go it just happens right in front of your eyes so it’s more

Likely i think that if we want to breed these like close to our home if we want to bring a couple of frogs back with us then leaving them around a large area of water like this is probably a good idea because you want to keep track of where

The frog spawn has been laid unfortunately you can’t move that around even if i wanted to obtain this with silk touch it’s currently unobtainable in survival so you might be wondering why we’re going to all of this trouble to obtain all different variants of frogs i mean sure they look kind of nice

But what exactly do they do well we kind of get a clue to that by looking at the advancements tab here under husbandry where we get the achievement for catching a tadpole in a bucket there is another one for getting each frog variant on a lead and then the final

Advancement in this branch hints at a block called frog lights now frogs actually have an interesting interaction with slime type mobs in the same way that slime balls are their favorite food they will actually attack small slimes when whoa all right that frog that frog had real turn of

Speed what was that that frog was drifting anyway if the sun goes down and the full moon rises here in this swamp biome we might actually get to see it but frogs will actually attack and kill baby slimes meaning that they can actually work as a slime ball factory

For you they won’t eat the slimeball items off the ground so you can actually use frogs to kill the small slimes in a slime farm if you wanted to but that also leads to some interesting mechanics when they come into contact with small magma cubes which is obviously a little

Bit more difficult to do seeing as magma cubes are not native to the overworld so getting them here to the overworld to interact with frogs or getting frogs to the nether is really part of the challenge but if a frog eats a small magma cube it will produce a block

Called a frog light which is a light source that looks kind of similar to a sea lantern but in three different colors depending on the color of frog that ate the magma cubes so we’re actually looking to get all three colors of frog so that we can farm a new

Lighting block that’s been added to the game and honestly i think the frogs are just adorable enough on their own to want to farm and want to see each different type but what we’re really after here is a source of building materials it sounds like yep we have some baby tadpoles once again

This the frog spawn that was nearby just hatched and cracked open so that probably means it’s about time yes we can breed these frogs again and we’ve got six around here right now if i can track all of them down so hopefully that should mean a couple of breeding pairs

Here and now there is plenty of frog spawn down here in the water so i’m gonna make sure that these are protected and when the moon rises let’s see if we can demonstrate frogs attacking some slimes perfect it looks like a big slime has spawned just over here so let’s see

If we can bring that into the vicinity of our frogs we might actually end up sleeping for the night so some of these other mobs don’t interfere with this operation and there we go we have a few medium-sized slimes which are now following me i had to fend off a couple

Of skeletons and that split the slime up a bit now the frogs won’t care about the medium-sized slimes and the slimes won’t attack the frogs or anything the frogs are not really seen as predators by the slimes but once we take out a couple of these and split them up into smaller

Slimes once these frogs get hungry they should start to attack the smaller slimes and leave the slime balls behind there they go yeah that one just stuck its tongue out and out came a slime ball and it looks like they have quite an appetite for these little slimes they

Will just eat them up nice and quickly i believe there’s a bit of a cool down when it comes to frog lights though so maybe frog lights are just like harder for them to pass than slime balls are they really get a little bit faster of running around when the slimes are

Around though so that’s kind of cool it’s kind of cool that they actively pursue the little slimes and hey we got ourselves some more slime balls out of that perfect for breeding up the remainder of our frogs now some of the frog spawn should have hatched around

Here yet we definitely have one missing from there so i wonder if there are a couple of tadpoles here in the river now which honestly might be a little bit more difficult to spot but no there are a couple down there that’s perfect honestly i was worried that they were

Going to be a little difficult to track down once they hatched but once you’re under the water they’re actually pretty easy to spot because they’re moving around while the rest of the background is just kind of static so we actually got four tadpoles hatching out of that

One unless one of the other frog spawn has hatched nearby and i think the other one was isolated in this little lake over here yeah there’s a couple more swimming around in there so we actually got quite a large amount from that one and there’s five swimming around in here

Which is perfect i think maybe two of the frogspawn here have hatched so oh wow there’s a whole cluster of them right there that’s brilliant it is of course kind of rare that when a mob breeds in minecraft it produces more than one offspring so this really allows

You to get a lot of frogs very very quickly and the other frog spawn just hatched as well that’s great we’re gonna be done here in no time well in total there we have 24 frogs which is pretty good we could go for nine of each different type if we wanted

To and i think that might end up being our goal but for now i think we’ll probably leave these frogs be and we’ve got all of the tadpoles collected up in buckets here so let’s take the shulker box and move to a different biome because if the tadpoles grew up into

Frogs here they’d just be the same orange variant that we naturally find frogs spawning here in regular swamps let’s head over to a mangrove swamp and see if we can encounter any of the white frogs that live there here we are back at the mangrove swamp

And i can already see a little bit of life but it’s a couple of bees flying around and i didn’t mention this in the previous episode i believe about mangrove swamps but you do get b nests generating in these trees and i believe it’s the case although i haven’t really

Managed to confirm this myself yet that if you grow a mangrove propagule into a full mangrove tree near flowers it can generate a bee nest in the same way that birch trees and oak trees do that if you generate them near flowers kind of a chaotic tree to generate a bee nest in

Though so i don’t think it’s the kind of thing that you’d really want to use to farm bee nests but hey worth a try now we can explore the floor of this mangrove swamp a little bit more thoroughly and hopefully down here we might be able to encounter frog variant

Number two yes here we are frog variant number two and an incredibly pale variant of frog actually i like these are even whiter than i kind of expected them to be i guess and hopefully we’ll find another one around here because it’s kind of nice to have more than one

On screen at the same time yes there we go let’s see if we can lure this one up onto the bank it seems to be having a lovely time in the water so far and so this is mainly a cosmetic thing there aren’t really any differences in the way

The different types of frogs behave or the different biomes that make them behave but of course we can breed these two in much the same way and unusually for minecraft the offspring’s color doesn’t actually have anything to do with the parents it is just a matter

Of which biome they grew up in but while the orange variant of frog is kind of the temperate biome variant it’s the one that you’ll get if you grow tadpoles up in you know a regular forest or a swamp or a biome that doesn’t really experience any extremes of temperature

These frogs are really warm biome specifics so if you take tadpoles to let’s say a desert or something like that or even a jungle i believe those will always turn into the white variant of frog and frankly i’m quite happy that the white variant is here even though

They seem like an odd color choice i just think that they stand out so much easier against the background of a mangrove swamp than they would if they were the green variant of frog which is the third one but the one that doesn’t spawn naturally so where are we gonna

Find those well we’re gonna have to take our tadpoles to a cold biome we’re gonna have to go to a mountain or a meadow or something like that and start a little tadpole hatchery i should also note that while other passive mobs don’t typically spawn a great deal in mangrove swamp

Biomes you get a ton of tropical fish just below the surface and i kind of like that in these waterways to add a little bit of life and color to the place we also didn’t quite get the opportunity to observe that frogs are really good swimmers and they’re very

Very graceful in the water you can see them swimming around and they they seem to enjoy that a lot more than they do on land but i think that’ll be enough from this mangrove swamp let’s head back to spawn and let’s see if we can find a

Cold biome to grow some green frogs in luckily around this area near spawn i have a pretty good mix of biomes the birch forest here is going to be a temperate biome so we’ll end up with a lot of orange frogs if we grow the tadpoles here across the ocean we have

This jungle which would be perfect for getting hold of the warm variant but then as far as getting the cold variant goes i don’t believe a meadowbiome is cold enough these are obviously the more elevated type of terrain but they’re not quite cold enough to produce cold biome

Frogs in fact we’re going to need to find maybe a mountain biome like a a grove or something like that anywhere snowy like that is going to be a safe bet for getting yourself some cold frogs likewise if you go to a snowy tundra or even like the end is technically a cold

Biome and water will freeze there if it’s not exposed to light and so the end might not be the worst place to go considering that if you push the frogs back through the end return portal they’re just going to end up at your world spawn which is not too far from

Where i’m at but for now i think we’ll play it the uh intended way i guess and we’ll head up here to this mountain biome where we had our mountain mining chunk before and we’ll find an area that we can set up a little pool of water to

Hatch some frogs in now the main thing you need to be concerned about with the colder biomes is the fact that water will freeze in biomes like this if it is not exposed to an adequate amount of light so you either want to make sure that there are torches all around your

Spawning pool just to make sure that ice isn’t going to form in here alternatively you can cover the whole thing over and making sure that there is a block above any water sources in mountain biomes is going to prevent it freezing over and turning to ice now we

Don’t need to do anything too elaborate with this we can just spam some torches around it and place a bunch of water sources here and you know what i think we’re only going to release two of these for now because i do think i do think that getting them back from the end

Might be an easier proposition for us although having consulted the minecraft wiki on this apparently the end only counts as a cold biome in java edition at least for the purposes of growing frogs from tadpoles if you go to the minecraft wiki and look up the article

About frogs it will actually give you a breakdown biome by biome of what counts as temperate what counts as cold and what counts as warm so it’s a really useful resource i do recommend checking it out and while these tadpoles are busy growing up i’m gonna craft together some

Of the slime balls and string that i got from spending the night in that swamp and we’re actually going to craft a couple of leads because we will need them to bring the frogs back from here once they’ve fully grown up i might also see if i can trick one of these goats

Into ramming me to see if i can get a goat horn because i’m not sure when we’re going to do an episode on goat horns but they don’t have a great deal of uses right now to get hold of a goat horn a goat needs to ram a solid block

That’s part of the mountain environment so they need to ram a stone block or some copper ore or i don’t know if snow really counts i think snow might be too soft for them oh the goat’s ramming and there it is haha we have managed to

Catch it out of the air a goat horn let’s see what this does when we play it because there are a few different variants of goat horns i think some of which are unique to the screaming variants of goats so it might be a little while until we get one of these

But if i right click We got a little like i think that’s a saxophone midi saxophone or something super cool though i can play this in triumph when these frogs finally grow up and the goat now only has one horn oh that’s kind of adorable actually i kind of like that i

Wonder if the other horn will just break off and then it’ll be a hornless goat this does seem like an ideal time to feed these tadpoles a couple of slime balls just to accelerate the process actually because it’s taking a while for them to grow up just you know waiting

For something like this to happen in minecraft is always a little tedious but yes it’s happening our little tadpoles are growing up into beautiful green cold biome frogs and honestly i know green is like the stereotypical color for frogs i suppose but i like these ones the most i

Just love how lush and vibrant that green color is i think they look really cool so while the other one has yet to grow up we’re gonna put this one in a boat i believe we should be able to lead it into a boat like so yes there we go

And that way it won’t end up hopping out of the boat it won’t end up hopping sky high and getting lost here in the mountain because we are gonna have to take these back to our spawn point one at a time more or less and i think

Rowing it there in a boat is probably going to be the most effective way of doing that we could bring it on a lead but we’re about a thousand fifteen hundred blocks out from spawn it’s going to take us a little while to get it back there so we’ll craft up another boat

While we’re waiting because this second tadpole does seem to be taking a little while to grow up and having in a separate boat is going to be essential to getting them both safely back to spawn oh oh my goodness that was a trek and that was just one of them yeah i

Definitely think breeding them in the end might be the better option although if you can find a decent place where there are cold warm and temperate biomes within a small area i honestly think it’s worth setting up a frog breeding station there and then if you want to go

The frog light route getting them into the nether from there seems like the best option but we’re gonna tie this frog to the fence post here with the jeb sheep and the mooshroom who is suspiciously red now because i had to replace both of these after a zoglin

Killed them and we’re gonna go breed up a white warm frog over there in the jungle and finally a temperate frog here and that way at least we’ll be able to get the advancement for getting all three types of frog on a lead i have a feeling that the frog light thing is

Going to be a bit of a tall order today but over here in the jungle we can start tadpool number two and after a lot of tracking gathering sometimes even frog water skiing we have our final frogs because oh i’ve had all three of them on a lead i

Thought it was going to be having all three of them on the lead at the same time but no i guess we have got each frog variant on a lead kind of separately although i was hoping to do it one with them all together this might

Get a little chaotic if i untie all of the leads from this since there are six animals leashed up here but let’s give that a quick try so we’re gonna make sure that the mushroom cow and the jeb sheep don’t wander off too much and then we’re gonna grab you you and you

If you don’t jump away from me there we go and now it really feels like we’ve done the thing this is that the flag of italy or ireland i’m pretty sure it’s one of the other but we have all three variants of frogs and you know what it occurred to

Me that we do have a nether fortress basically just inside my nether portal here at spawn and magma cubes do occasionally spawn in nether fortresses so i’m kind of wondering at this point if we can try and get a magma cube through this portal and out here to be

Consumed by our three frogs here so that we can just check out frog lights on a casual basis and then maybe we’ll come up with a farm design for the frog lights in a future episode at least that means for now we can keep our tri-color

Of frogs just kind of leashed up here we’re gonna grab this one who’s wandered off and make sure that he’s involved as well we’ve got one guy who’s just gonna stick around in the boat for now but i’m gonna hop through to the nether and see

If i can get hold of a magma cube now magma cubes are supposed to be a relatively common spawn in nether fortresses the main problem really here is that it’s in probably the busiest biome in the nether since we have a he crimson forest all around us so

Since there are so many hostile mobs here counting the piglens among those and the hoglands besides i might have a bit of a hard time finding a magma cube down here it’s not been easy to find a magma cube yet but i think the main reason for that is because nether

Fortresses aren’t the ideal spawning environment for them they need a three by three by three area in which to spawn and we’ve already been blocking off some of those because we want to prevent with the skeletons from chasing after us in the early stages of the game so i think

Opening out a couple of these crossroads might be a good way to get magma cubes to spawn in well we have our first magma cube spawn and it is the smallest possible magma cube which is good in the sense that this is the type that the

Frogs will eat and turn into a frog light the bad news is that there’s only one of them and it’s moving incredibly slowly naturally if we want a larger supply of magma cubes than just these tiny ones we can go to a basalt delta we can go to the magma cube spawner inside

Of a treasure room bastion which might end up being what we do for a farm because to be honest clearing out a large area of basalt delta is going to be a bit of a pain but magma cubes are the only thing that’s spawned in that biome so potentially it could be

Worthwhile the last place we could go is a more dedicated nether fortress farm and one that has more ideal spawning conditions than this one here in a crimson forest but you’re definitely going to want to do one of those three things because this process has been incredibly slow at least once this magma

Cube makes it through the portal back to spawn we can at least be guaranteed one of the three types of frog lights and it’s kind of a randomizer i guess which frog decides to eat it okay the magma cube is through let’s step on through to

Spawn and see if it can aggro on us because we need to get it close to the frogs to begin with and oh it’s night time okay better make sure i sleep first then we need to lure this magma cube over here and it really depends which of

The frogs is gonna notice it first i think so when one of the frogs takes notice of the magma cube they’re gonna head over and eat it much the same way they do as the slimes but oh yeah there we go we got one fantastic thank you so

Much little white frog we’ve got ourselves a pearlescent frog light and as you can see if we do a quick side by side comparison these do look very similar to sea lantern they’re a nice clean white light source a little bit less cold i think than the sea lanterns

Are and obviously the border is a little bit more organic feeling than this which feels a little bit more framed and organized but i like these as a texture and i believe yeah we can’t just pick them up like shroom lights i guess like kind of any other organic light source where it

Doesn’t need to be mined using a pickaxe unlike this which breaks down if we don’t mine it with silk touch so the type of frog light you get depends on which variety of frog eats the magma cube you get ochre frog lights from the orange ones and verdant frog lights from

The green ones and those are kind of tinged with orange and green respectively the white frog is the one that produces the pearlescent frog light which is obviously mainly white but has that kind of purple border around the outside so that’s the way in which it deviates from the frog’s actual coloring

And i would love to get hold of all three frog lights in this episode so i might dip back into the nether fortress and see if we can get ourselves a larger magma cube well a second attempt hasn’t taken us very long at all thank goodness

I literally just got back through to the nether and there is a massive magma cube right here i’m hoping this guy can make it all the way to my near the portal if not we might have to break it down into a few smaller like the medium-sized

Magma cubes and try and get them through the portal instead looks like he might actually be stuck on this corner here so we’re gonna have to take these blocks out as well but then the big test comes when we try and get this guy through the

Portal and out to the overworld on the other side it’s actually looking like the size of magma cube can’t make it through the portal i didn’t think they were three wide but i guess they might be so um let’s try and cut them down to size all right now we have two

Medium-sized magma cubes doesn’t seem like such a tall order one of them just went through already and the other one’s through all right now let’s see if we can get a few more frog lights out of this well took a little bit of damage coming through the portal and that’s

Entirely why i didn’t want to go through when the zoglin came through here last time but as you can see the frogs aren’t really taking any interest in these medium-sized magma cubes because they’re a little bit too big once we break them down into smaller magma cubes however

The frogs will be all over this and we already have a couple of frog lights popping as we speak there we go got a couple of ochre ones a little bit of magma cream from the medium-sized ones as well and oh no it looks like looks like our green friend over here isn’t

Going to get a look in let’s see if we can lure this magma cube over towards the green frog because we have the pearlescent frog lights and the ochre ones we don’t have the verdant one yet funnily enough you can’t feed the frog’s magma cream that would be an interesting

Compromise to this whole situation but they don’t eat it the way they do slime balls they don’t breed with it either but with this magma cube over here either one of the white frogs is going to get him or the green one oh yes thank goodness for that okay

The green one managed to get there just in time and we have a verdant frog light so we can look at all three varieties of frog light now and look at that the pearlescent ones are really cool the ochre ones i think are fantastic and the green ones are also pretty sweet the

Verdant ones they look really really nice so folks that is where we’re going to wrap things up for this first look at frogs in minecraft 119 the wild update i’m really excited about the frogs i think they’re a really nice feature they’ve got so much personality and they

Don’t quite have the utility of something like bees which i think set a pretty high bar for being the most productive and interesting mob in the game but frogs are frankly pretty cool little critters and we’ll be setting up a permanent frog light farm in the near

Future so we can acquire a lot more of these lovely light sources but that’s where we’ll leave it for today thank you so much for watching this episode of the minecraft survival guide my name has been pixel riffs don’t forget to leave a like on this video if you enjoyed it

Subscribe if you want to see more and i’ll see you folks soon take care bye for now you

This video, titled ‘Frogs & Froglights! ▫ Minecraft 1.19 Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play) [S2 E108]’, was uploaded by Pixlriffs on 2022-06-13 10:00:20. It has garnered 122029 views and 5441 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:56 or 1616 seconds.

The Minecraft Survival Guide Season 2 continues, and it’s Frog time! In this tutorial, we go in search of Frogs, which were added along with the Mangrove Swamp in Minecraft 1.19, the Wild Update. Frogs appear naturally in Swamps and Mangrove Swamps. Breeding frogs produces Frogspawn, which hatches into Tadpoles, which grow up into frogs – and depending on the biome they grow up in, tadpoles become one of three different colours of frog! The Frog colours correspond to the Froglight blocks they drop when a Frog consumes a small Magma Cube. So today we also take a look at Pearlescent, Verdant, and Ochre Froglights. We’ll make an automatic Froglight farm in future. As a bonus, we also get hold of our first Goat Horn!

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    Zombie Rain in Minecraft! Minecraft: Surviving the Zombie Rain Challenge Imagine playing Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, but with a twist – it’s raining zombies! In this hilarious challenge, players must navigate through a world where mobs fall from the sky. Will they survive? Let’s dive into the chaos and excitement of this unique gaming experience. Surviving the Zombie Downpour As players venture through the Minecraft world, they must be on high alert as zombies and other mobs rain down upon them. This unexpected challenge adds a new level of difficulty to the game, requiring quick reflexes and strategic thinking to stay alive…. Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP

    Ultimate Showdown: Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP The Ultimate Showdown: Stop Lapata SMP vs Loyal SMP Welcome to the epic clash between two powerhouse Minecraft SMPs: Stop Lapata SMP and Loyal SMP! AaryanshMC takes us on a thrilling journey through the intense rivalry, highlighting the unique features, gameplay styles, and community dynamics of each server. Get ready for a showdown like no other as we delve into the world of Minecraft! Stop Lapata SMP: Unleashing Creativity Stop Lapata SMP is a hub of creativity, where players push the boundaries of what’s possible in Minecraft. With a focus on building, redstone engineering, and exploration, Stop Lapata SMP… Read More

  • Cube Xuan: Minecraft’s Happy Planet Rhyme

    Cube Xuan: Minecraft's Happy Planet Rhyme In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, Cube Xuan brings joy, like a delightful dream. With humor and fun, each video shines bright, Bringing happiness to all, day and night. From funny animations to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, subscribe and see, The magic of Minecraft, in rhymes so free. Read More

  • Troll Face Phonk: Moment Before Disaster

    Troll Face Phonk: Moment Before Disaster The World of Minecraft: A Journey Through Creativity and Adventure Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and challenges await at every turn. From building magnificent structures to surviving against all odds, this game offers endless possibilities for players to explore. Unleash Your Creativity with Minecraft Shorts With Minecraft shorts, players can showcase their creativity in quick, bite-sized videos that highlight their building skills, unique challenges, and hilarious moments. Whether it’s a daring escape from a creeper or a mesmerizing time-lapse of a grand castle construction, Minecraft shorts never fail to… Read More

  • Finding Coal Instead of Diamonds! Minecraft Survival Ep. 6

    Finding Coal Instead of Diamonds! Minecraft Survival Ep. 6 Minecraft Survival: A Brief Mining Adventure Join Catrophy in the latest episode of Minecraft Survival as he embarks on a short mining expedition. In this exciting gameplay, Catrophy stumbles upon coal instead of diamonds, adding a twist to his usual adventures. Let’s delve into the highlights of this mining episode! Exploring the Depths As Catrophy delves deep into the underground caves of Minecraft, he encounters a variety of ores and minerals. While his goal was to find precious diamonds, luck was not on his side this time. Instead, he uncovers a rich vein of coal, a valuable resource for… Read More

  • Aldatılma Hikayesi: Minecraft Skyblock

    Aldatılma Hikayesi: Minecraft Skyblock Welcome to AsenaCraft – A Tale of Betrayal in Minecraft Skyblock AsenaCraft is a vibrant Minecraft server that offers a unique Skyblock experience to players. With a dedicated community and exciting gameplay features, AsenaCraft has become a popular destination for Minecraft enthusiasts. What is Minecraft Skyblock? Minecraft Skyblock is a popular game mode where players start on a small island floating in the sky. The goal is to expand the island, gather resources, and complete challenges to thrive in this challenging environment. Features of AsenaCraft Skyblock Server At AsenaCraft, players can enjoy a variety of features tailored to enhance… Read More

  • Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2

    Minecraft Mysteries Unraveled: Part 2 In Minecraft, things can be quite bizarre, Like floating trees and pigs that drive cars. But fear not, for I’m here to explain, All the strange things that may cause you pain. From glitchy mobs to blocks that disappear, I’ll shed some light, so have no fear. Just sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride, As I take you on a Minecraft lore-filled stride. So buckle up, and hold on tight, As we delve into the mysteries of the pixelated night. From Endermen to Creepers, and everything in between, I’ll unravel the secrets, like a storytelling machine. So join… Read More

  • Barely Surviving in Minecraft

    Barely Surviving in Minecraft Minecraft: Half A Heart Challenge Embark on a thrilling adventure in the world of Minecraft with the Half A Heart Challenge! In this intense gameplay mode, players must navigate the blocky landscapes with only half a heart of health, adding an extra layer of difficulty and excitement to the game. The Challenge With just half a heart to spare, every move becomes crucial in Minecraft. Players must carefully strategize their actions, avoiding enemies and environmental hazards to stay alive. One wrong step could mean the end of the game, making each decision a matter of life and death. Survival… Read More

  • Unleashing Anger: God Awakens in Minecraft #08

    Unleashing Anger: God Awakens in Minecraft #08Video Information This video, titled ‘Kebangkitan Dewa Amarah!!! (MINECRAFT Roleplay) – #08’, was uploaded by Jaybee on 2024-07-15 10:21:58. It has garnered 514 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 03:07:18 or 11238 seconds. All Donations Mean a Lot to Me 🙂 Thank you! Saweria Sociabuzz I appreciate your donations ^^ Hello guys, I’m a new YouTuber hehehhe hmm thanks for watching my video, don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe. Join Discord: Want to find me on Social Media? Click this link: #minecraft #lastwarrior2 #jaybeerp Read More

  • Epic Evan’s Round 100 Zombies Guide!

    Epic Evan's Round 100 Zombies Guide!Video Information This video, titled ‘SHADOWS OF EVIL ROUND 100 BO3 ZOMBIES’, was uploaded by Evan guide on 2024-10-03 01:34:04. It has garnered 214 views and 34 likes. The duration of the video is 03:20:41 or 12041 seconds. I do Bo3 zombies, Bo4 zombies, cold war zombies, some Minecraft, and other games you guys want. link to my Twitch account: If you want to donate: join my discord: If you guys want to chill and enjoy yourselves then I’m your guy. Top Donators 🥇ThomasEnigmax- 896$ 🥈 Tmangaming- 300$ 🥉 Captain Ramo- 256$ 4. Koenig- 250$ 5. Strained- 190$ 6. IssacPerez-… Read More

  • Shocking Revelation: TabMc Owner Zatroxek

    Shocking Revelation: TabMc Owner ZatroxekVideo Information This video, titled ‘TabMc OWNER’, was uploaded by Zatroxek on 2024-08-29 20:41:12. It has garnered 742 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:45 or 525 seconds. 29.08.2024 ►Tags: #minecraft regedit / dns / op / regedit op / dns op / sharkye / mods / vape / cheat / pack / tuto / kb / 0kb / op reach / reach / .bat / minecraft / oration / connexion / rush / funcraft / 1.9.4 / labymod / boost / how to reduce knockback minecraft / private regedit release / regedit leak / regedit… Read More


    UNBELIEVABLE! NEW MINECRAFT BEAUTY REVEALED 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT BEAUTY ✨🥰#SHORTS#minecraft#beautiful’, was uploaded by BRONK on 2024-09-14 03:38:01. It has garnered 9 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Join me on an exciting journey as I build my dream Minecraft world filled with stunning aesthetic designs and beautiful decor! 🌍✨ In this video, we’ll explore creative building techniques, from intricate structures to fabulous landscaping ideas that will elevate your gameplay. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, you’ll find inspiration and tips to bring your own Minecraft visions to life. Watch as I… Read More

  • “Insane Minecraft Edits! Techtrayd Gameplay” #minecraft

    "Insane Minecraft Edits! Techtrayd Gameplay" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘edite de Minecraft #minecraft #minecreft #minecraftgameplay’, was uploaded by Techtrayd on 2024-06-13 07:10:30. It has garnered 474 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts minecraft edit shorts viral minecraft meme #minecraft minecraft trending minecraft viral minecraft memes minecraft animation edit minecraft tiktok minecraft 1.20 techno gamerz minecraft video minecraft phonk that chess edit trending minecraft funny minecraft trending shorts minecraft videos minecraft trends minecraft challenge minecraft mineral edit minecraft but minecraft song minecraft villager minecraft mod youtube shorts minecraft mods himlands yessmartypie dream roblox yt shorts… Read More

  • UGC SMP – SMP Vanilla 1.21

    Welcome to UGC SMP! Join our newly launched SMP server! UGC SMP has no significant modifications to the game or commands; this server has started this week, so you won’t be behind! RULES Treat people with respect in chat. No griefing; this includes killing and breaking builds. No hacks or outside manipulation of Minecraft. Optifine is allowed. No using duplication or other Minecraft bugs to your advantage, if you’re unsure, ask an admin. Report server bugs, if you’re found using the bug to your advantage your player will be wiped. Do not AFK by a mob farm that doesn’t automatically… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Player reactions to Mojang announcing SMALLER updates:

    Minecraft Memes - Player reactions to Mojang announcing SMALLER updates:Well, apparently this meme didn’t get the memo about the updates being smaller – it’s still scoring a 5! Read More

  • Blockbuster Memories: Minecraft TV Time

    Blockbuster Memories: Minecraft TV Time In the world of Minecraft, where blocks come alive, Cube Xuan brings joy, making us thrive. With humor and fun, each video a delight, Bringing smiles to faces, shining so bright. From funny animations to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content, never falling flat. Child-friendly and safe, for all to enjoy, A channel that brings happiness, no ploy. So leap into the verse, with rhymes that ignite, Cube Xuan’s world, a pure delight. Subscribe and follow, for more to see, In the world of Minecraft, where we all can be free. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes 🔥

    Spicy Minecraft Memes 🔥 “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gaming Adventures!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Epic Gaming Adventures! Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of gaming content like the one in the YouTube video “Fleetbhai Dar gaye😱#gamerfleet #shorts #youtubeshorts,” then you’ll love the immersive experience waiting for you on Minewind Minecraft Server. Join a vibrant community of players from around the globe and embark on epic adventures, build stunning creations, and engage in thrilling PvP battles. With a dedicated IP address of YT.MINEWIND.NET, accessing the server is quick and easy. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft pro or a newbie looking to explore the vast possibilities of this sandbox game, Minewind offers something… Read More

  • Sneaky Mobs Hunt in Minecraft

    Sneaky Mobs Hunt in Minecraft The Exciting World of Mobs Hunting in Minecraft Embark on a thrilling adventure in the blocky world of Minecraft as you test your skills in hunting down mobs. From skeletons to zombies, every encounter is a chance to showcase your survival abilities and strategic thinking. Let’s dive into the exciting realm of mobs hunting in Minecraft! Exploring the Minecraft Universe In Minecraft, players are transported to a vast universe filled with diverse biomes, resources, and creatures. As you navigate through forests, caves, and deserts, be prepared to encounter various mobs that roam the landscape. Each mob presents a unique… Read More

  • Uncover Snowee’s Top Secrets in Minecraft

    Uncover Snowee's Top Secrets in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘5 SECRETS About Snowee in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Snowee on 2024-09-03 16:00:13. It has garnered 477 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:28:05 or 1685 seconds. Inspired by Cash Nico Aphmau Sunny Melon Jeffery Marvin Johnny Omz Dash Friend Maizen Milo and Chip #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #flamee #snowee #flameeandsnowee Read More

  • Uncovering the Secrets of Minecraft’s OG YouTubers

    Uncovering the Secrets of Minecraft's OG YouTubersVideo Information This video, titled ‘What Happened To Minecraft’s OG Youtubers???’, was uploaded by Web Defiler on 2024-02-16 11:41:47. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. StampyLongHead, IBallisticSquid, L For Lee X, CaptainSparklez, SkyDoesMinecraft, Bashurverse, PopularMMOS and more. Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! The BEST server for magic & mayhem! #lifesteal

    UNBELIEVABLE! The BEST server for magic & mayhem! #lifestealVideo Information This video, titled ‘This is the BEST server #minecraft #minecraftsmp #lifesteal #lifestealsmp #shorts’, was uploaded by PunkMagic_ on 2024-07-28 15:00:28. It has garnered 8808 views and 210 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:19 or 19 seconds. This is the BEST server #minecraft #minecraftsmp #lifesteal #lifestealsmp #shorts 🔥 Server Name — MineWave 💻 Server IP — 🧱 Bedrock Port — 19132 ❓ Need help joining? 📱 🖱️ Subscribe… IT’S FREE! ⚙️ This Server supports the latest minecraft versions! #minecraft #smp #join #java #bedrock Read More

  • Insane Nether Portals Across Ages in Minecraft! 😱

    Insane Nether Portals Across Ages in Minecraft! 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘nether portals in different ages in Minecraft (INSANE) #shorts #meme #memes’, was uploaded by STEVids on 2024-02-07 10:41:48. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft #meme #memes #shorts #tiktok #gaming. Read More

  • Join Froggygion’s SMP – The Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!

    Join Froggygion's SMP - The Ultimate Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Join The Winds Of Change SMP! #minecraft’, was uploaded by Froggygion on 2024-04-26 01:27:11. It has garnered 165 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. discord link Read More

  • SHOCKING! Funtime Foxy discovers hidden room in Minecraft FNAF

    SHOCKING! Funtime Foxy discovers hidden room in Minecraft FNAFVideo Information This video, titled ‘Funtime Foxy Finds A SECRET ROOM In Minecraft FNAF’, was uploaded by The Oddities Roleplay on 2024-07-27 21:18:57. It has garnered 5877 views and 439 likes. The duration of the video is 00:29:46 or 1786 seconds. Remember to Subscribe And Hit All Notifications So you don’t miss any future Minecraft Five Nights At Freddy’s Videos! Help us get to 1,000,000 subscribers! In today’s Video, Funtime Foxy discovers a SECRET ROOM in the backstage area of the Mega Pizza Plex. He has many questions… WHERE did it come from? HOW did it appear? WHO did it?!… Read More

  • SHOCKING! Molten Freddy Found in Minecraft Fnaf!

    SHOCKING! Molten Freddy Found in Minecraft Fnaf!Video Information This video, titled ‘Molten Freddy Found? In Minecraft Fnaf’, was uploaded by The Oddities Roleplay on 2024-08-03 19:41:37. It has garnered 8122 views and 548 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:52 or 1372 seconds. Remember to Subscribe And Hit All Notifications So you don’t miss any future Minecraft Five Nights At Freddy’s Videos! Help us get to 1,000,000 subscribers! In Todays Video, Lefty has brought funtime foxy the sister location animatronic to the location Molten freddy is being kept. Will Moon or Sun the daycare attendants try to stop funtime foxy from finding the old ennard?… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Music Beats & Builds – NOT Tanjiro Shorts! 🔥

    INSANE Minecraft Music Beats & Builds - NOT Tanjiro Shorts! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘#music #minecraft #beats #shorts #minecraftshorts #redstone #builds #tnt like and subscribe for more’, was uploaded by Not tanjiro shorts on 2024-03-15 05:51:05. It has garnered 448 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:26 or 26 seconds. Read More

  • Insane Discovery at Moo Bloom Sanctuary! #shorts

    Insane Discovery at Moo Bloom Sanctuary! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Moo Bloom Sanctuary #shorts’, was uploaded by NipunLegendShorts on 2024-06-17 08:45:02. It has garnered 10 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:17 or 17 seconds. Thanks For Watching 🙂 Subscribe To The Channel As Not To Miss The Minecraft Shorts! About The Short :- Title :- The Moo Bloom Sanctuary #shorts Hashtags :- #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #gaming #gamingshorts #shortsfeed #insane #minecrafttrendingshorts #viral #trending #meme #memes About The Game :- Game Name :- Minecraft Java Edition Keywords :- Minecraft Minecraft Shorts Minecraft But Minecraft Mod Minecraft Challenge Minecraft Speedrun Shorts Minecraft… Read More

  • LuckyGem Vanilla SMP 1.21 Active Dynmap Discord Hermitcraft Feel.

    New 1.21 Map! LuckyGem SMP: A friendly, whitelisted community with no game altering plugins. Founded in 2020, we value friendship and fun. Join us to explore and grow together! Features: Whitelisted Server – Apply via Discord Active & mature community with responsive staff No teleporting plugin – Travel by foot or nether tunnel highways No economy plugin – Join our trust-based diamond economy No land claim plugin – Find a spot and start building Player-built environment – Donate materials or build with others Participate in weekly events, competitions, and UHC. Show off your builds and be a part of our… Read More

  • Starlight SMPJoin the discord to join!

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.20.1 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.20.1 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Jack Black devours schnitzel in Minecraft flick”

    Seems like Jack Black is taking method acting to a whole new level by actually eating a schnitzel in the Minecraft movie! Let’s just hope it’s not his character’s beloved pet pig that he’s chowing down on. Read More

  • Monstrous Maidens: Minecraft Mod Madness!

    Monstrous Maidens: Minecraft Mod Madness! In the world of Minecraft, a new mod is in sight, Featuring monster girls, lovely and bright. With hearts full of joy and eyes full of glee, These mods bring a new kind of fantasy. From the Mushroom Update, they come alive, In the pixelated world where players thrive. Each one unique, with powers to wield, In this virtual realm, their fate is sealed. So join the adventure, with monsters so sweet, In this showcase of mods, where worlds meet. Support my friend, @MoneyNetworth, on their channel so fine, For more content like this, that’ll make you shine. With… Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Nether Portal 🔥 When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only for a creeper to come along and blow it up in seconds. #minecraftproblems 😂 Read More

  • Game Academy Time Travel Prank

    Game Academy Time Travel Prank Exploring the World of Minecraft with Block Pavilion Block Pavilion, a dedicated creator in the Minecraft realm, brings laughter and joy through self-made animations. With a focus on child-friendly content, the channel ensures a safe and enjoyable viewing experience for all. About Block Pavilion Block Pavilion, also known as 方块轩, is a prominent figure in the Minecraft community, crafting original and humorous animations that aim to spread happiness. As the sole official channel of Block Pavilion, it stands out from unauthorized copies by delivering daily doses of creative content. Content Variety Block Pavilion’s channel offers a diverse range of… Read More

  • Bear Hill Horror: Dark Journey in Minecraft

    Bear Hill Horror: Dark Journey in Minecraft Exploring the Mysteries of Minecraft: Bear Ridge Legends and Dark Journey Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. In this virtual realm, players can immerse themselves in a blocky universe filled with endless possibilities. Among the many intriguing elements of Minecraft are the Bear Ridge Legends and the Dark Journey, two captivating tales that add depth and excitement to the gameplay experience. Bear Ridge Legends: Unraveling the Mystery Deep within the vast landscapes of Minecraft lies Bear Ridge, a place shrouded in mystery and intrigue. Legends speak of ancient… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE! Winnie Wriggle’s EP1 Minecraft Craftoria Adventure

    UNBELIEVABLE! Winnie Wriggle's EP1 Minecraft Craftoria AdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chill Minecraft Craftoria EP1’, was uploaded by Winnie Wriggle on 2024-09-26 02:30:30. It has garnered 209 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 02:16:36 or 8196 seconds. We’re adventuring in Craftoria for Minecraft 1.21. A fun, new Minecraft fabric modpack by Team All of Fabric. Relaxing Minecraft lets play in the 1.21 Craftoria modpack. Join me (every Mon Tues and Wed @8:00 am Eastern) as I start my day with some chill morning Minecraft. Read More

  • Moth Boy Tries Hardcore Minecraft – One Run Challenge!

    Moth Boy Tries Hardcore Minecraft - One Run Challenge!Video Information This video, titled ‘A Stream Before I Leave For A Week!| Moth Boy Attempts To Beat Hardcore Minecraft (One Run) [Stream]’, was uploaded by KuuDefoe Ch. on 2024-09-08 02:03:35. It has garnered 20 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:15:35 or 15335 seconds. We’ll meet again! I promise! ^.^ _______________________ For those new here and also not, one runs were what I used to do with Commi Shions where I attempt to get through Minecraft without dying once and in one episode. I only won like, twice I think. No this is not a… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Couple Builds – Micky & Minnie Craze!

    Insane Minecraft Couple Builds - Micky & Minnie Craze!Video Information This video, titled ‘The REPLAY : Micky and Minnie #minecraft #trending #fyp’, was uploaded by Baby Craft Studios on 2024-07-24 11:32:47. It has garnered 10244 views and 337 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Because you want the replay, see it! Read More

Frogs & Froglights! ▫ Minecraft 1.19 Survival Guide (Tutorial Lets Play) [S2 E108]