FTB Skies – A New Generation of Skyblocks Series – 1.19.2

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Hey guys system here and this is feed the beast guys I’m itself of having a fantastic day let’s go ahead and check out this bag give it a go hope you guys are all having a wonderful day as well this is a beta pack it is not out yet it

Will be out uh soon TM right so they just need to finish up the quest line most of the pack is done pretty much uh yeah pretty much most of it is flushed out except for the quest line so that is pretty cool has built-in shaders so you

Could actually just load up the pack and use shaders it’s really basic shaders the one they have pre-loaded can add out of the shaders but uh that is pretty cool as well it is a Skyblock which is uh fantastic I just go to access to it

Last night uh me and all the other FDB Partners I’m pretty pumped to play it because well Feed the Beast has been utterly killing it with packs lately so pretty awesome right so this is the main screen here pretty good art pretty cool let’s go ahead and load up my single

Player I have World kind of already just loaded up just go ahead and hit uh play there just create a world make sure you’re just you know just a regular world and just automatically default to a Skyblock here we go we’re all loaded in we’re ready to go and uh I’m in

Greater vote and I have shaders on and it’s going to show you what’s going on here I just want to show you this Lobby really quick because it’s really cool so I jumped myself into creative mode really quickly just so I could show you what’s going on here so this is the

Lobby so you go through that portal and that takes you to your actual Island right but you can’t actually see what you’re on when you load into this Lobby right because we’re on a Sky Block right so I just wanted to fly out here kind of

Show you what’s going on this is the lobby for the pack it’s awesome it’s like a really really good build I don’t know who built this either I know FDB has like a full-time Builder that works with them now so yeah maybe maybe it’s theirs or maybe it’s an asset they can

Grab somewhere I’ll have to ask but my goodness it’s a nice build and you don’t understand the scope of it because you’re just on the deck of the ship right so you don’t you just run around you’ll never see the outside you see the big balloon up there but that’s about it

Anyway let’s go ahead and jump into survival here show you how to turn on the Shader as well so you go to options video settings and then shaders and by default it’ll be enabled right then you just go ahead and click that then hit apply then you have your shaders and

Once you have them one you could also go ahead tweak the settings be a little careful this you can’t mess things up really quickly but you can change the profile and stuff like that pretty easily these are pretty low end shaders so yeah you should be able most people

Should be able to run this I guess with a modern computer um fairly well you know what I mean but uh some people may still struggle right it all depends on what you’re running so anyway user beware let’s go ahead and jump through our portal here so when you

Jump through the portal you have different options for your Island so you have minimalist you have anti-sky you have to be sky and compact sky island so you have the four different options here we’re gonna go this one here because it’s a fancy Island I have no idea what

The uh anti-skaya Sky one is that’s kind of like the normal Skyblock down there the compact guy could be interesting but we’re gonna go with this one here so let’s go ahead and jump into here there you go we’re gonna have uh Island here hopefully in a second actually I like

The clouds with this pack too they’re really simple but pretty awesome made those two in the bottom left there it says assist collapse has joined your party so it makes a party for you when you kind of start your packs um you know what I mean startup world so

If you’re playing with friends you can invite them to your party and invite them to your Island and stuff like that as well I think it actually talks about that in the book as well so you go here Feed the Beast I set a key for my book

As well so I already have a hotkey but it gives you a book either way well we’ll open this up welcome to ftb’s guys our new Skyblock pack for 119.2 that will continue on into future versions of Minecraft these quests are entirely optional but will help you help guide

You through your ventures in Arab Skyblock world the far left of the quest book has the chapter list so we have a chapter list there most resource acquisition can be found through ji but the quest book will assist you towards reaching the other dimensions and launching a rocket to the SARS above and

We hope you enjoy your dirty head so pretty cool there and pretty neat couple rewards here get an ability bottle that’s from the Everlasting abilities hopefully we’ll get some abilities at some point but for right now it does it won’t really do much I think I didn’t kill mobs of like glowing yellow

Particles and then they drop the abilities right going through the ships portal will allow you to choose a starting Island great and have to be teens party and send you there right and it tells you there if you want to play with friends join the party blah blah

Blah then it has the commands there these are the important ones there have to be dim home fde be a dim visit right so we have like different islands and stuff like that right so we over here we’ve got a whole bunch of quest lines

And we’ll jump to that a little bit I’m gonna go ahead and get us to bed pretty much right away uh this island has a lot of perks on it right we have a whole bunch of water here uh we have some kelp we have some rice we have some flax so

Over here I could probably just right click the bottom of this get ourselves some plaques here also get a stack of oatmeal when you start to pack as well it’s pretty neat but I just want to get us enough of this to actually make a bed

Basically so we need 12 right so let’s go ahead do that go ahead go grab you I’ll probably make some wool here and there you go then we don’t have to worry about nighttime anymore we also have a whole bunch of free logs on this island

So that’s cool uh we don’t have to work on this pack also we have uh alt mine I should mention that as well right so left of the one key you got the kill key hold that down makes the little bounding box showing you how all the blocks are going to

Break right so everything has like a white outline then you just hold the left click while you’re holding that button and then boom just breaks all the connected blocks right so that is cool and pretty awesome uh connect the blocks of the same type right so anyway that’s

Good and then I guess we need a crafting table we do not have Tinkers in this pack uh we do not have uh X not Hollow in here as well so we’re gonna have a different way for I guess resource generation so that’s gonna be interesting so let’s go ahead and pop

That down we actually have a bed make sure we have respawn pretty much good to go also there’s some Easter eggs around here too I’m going to show you them really quick because they’re not hard to find right so let’s go ahead and do that

Do this here in here we’ve got a chest so here it says endless guy Angel block got a charm of levitation iron wand and this book here is from the pack Dev let’s go ahead and read that real quick welcome to ftbs guys you found my secret

Stash and now my treasures are yours along with this Haiku above the world’s strife living in the vast Blue Sky Freedom’s endless life unknown also I just realized I have no clue how to breed like the flow of a haiku because it’s been so long since I’ve read a

Haiku anyway go ahead go ahead uh stop butchering that so yeah that is from sarath he’s uh I think the main pact Dev so that is pretty cool under this one here we’ve got dirt nests so that says there that the nest is empty he’s a

Honey treat on it to attract a bee so I have no clue about that but we won’t worry about that right now then there’s one more in here and there’s an Easter egg so that’s cool and we may use that thing but uh yeah it’s a little scary

Maybe I’ll do that real quick I’m going to go ahead and use that thing just to show you what it does here because I use it in a test world and I made a giant mess uh let’s go ahead and grab a shovel real quick though I forgot to do that so

What we’ll do is just shift around click the Grim when you do you’re going to get these different kinds of Pebbles right so you have two different kinds so you have uh dirt ones and then you have Rock ones right I actually have a macro I

Could do it faster let’s go ahead and do that real quick there you go and do that we don’t have the usually I would just hit the shift K like I would just hit shift K it would compress them all that’s not in this pack so it’s not an

Option and let’s go ahead and do that there we want a shovel real quick right let’s go ahead this I just want to make a hole so I don’t make a giant mess when I put down this egg here go ahead and do that awesome and maybe this year

Can I actually use it from here because that’d probably be the best bet right that there you go oh no some of them are going to get out yeah something is happening oh Cisco apps they’re multiplying they just keep appearing I just made a mess they just

Do some things that there’s nothing I could do yeah yeah the hole wasn’t big enough so I’m gonna have to deal with this it just spawns in a massive amount of uh Easter Bunnies will this ever end I’m hoping it ended anyway yeah so I just made a mess oh you

Might get an ability out of this one the one with particles where is he where’s the particle guy there get them there you go so there you go we got our first ability oh we got haste so yeah those are the mobs you have to kill you get the uh the actual

Abilities for your ability totem but I don’t think we can actually put it in here right now I forget how you do this too so you grab the ability to that oh is it in there now I have to put it in there with experience looks like we

Need a 150 experience before we could actually put it in there so worry about that later on I’m gonna sleep it down let’s go ahead and actually look at the quest book here I may deal with these uh these guys first so I went in don’t care

Of all the rabbits then I would have had to get us a bunch more of the uh Pebbles here so we’re looking pretty good in that regards so that is good and then I guess we go ahead and combine these ones up as well so let’s do that that looks

Amazing then we should be able to go ahead and grab us some vertices here because that’ll be something we definitely need to kind of move forward here to add that and then we want to go ahead and probably smelt down our first piece of charcoal so we have that going and

Then what else did we need here we’re probably gonna need some chest as well so let’s go ahead and grab a couple of them on two three four sounds good to me and then we’re just gonna do this for our first inventories because these are getting filled up really quickly with

Just a random junk but uh let’s drop that off and then I want to go ahead and get us some more wood too because we’re a little shorter than that actually let me do this here here you go uh in this back too we don’t have torque so we

Don’t have to work we do not have botany pots we do not have look at the other ones there we don’t have botany pots or uh bonsais so we’re gonna have to have alternative meta methods to uh I guess Farm wood I guess move board the initial

Bone meal you pretty much get is for this right here just to get you your initial wood kind of get started so we could use something like great I guess we could use the pedestal mod which is the way I may do it but uh crate

Probably be a decent way of doing it it’s uh it’s just bulky with Bach rate so kind of see how I do it move forward but we’ll definitely have to automate wood at some point maybe do that one tomorrow but uh for right now we’ll just

Uh go ahead and focus on on this right here getting us our first materials and the scepter is really what we’re going for there’s a add-on mod in this Fork rate that is the sifter it’s like crate sifter and that’s going to be what we’re working towards actually so we go into

Here go to get excited actually before we do that let’s go ahead and grab you I know we need uh Stone smelt it down so let’s do that there and that there that handled that we’ll got a quest here we actually have some rewards there you go golden apple Oakleys Builders tea

Cobblestone straw bone meal oh I forgot about the pet rock let’s do our pet rock as well shape Builder you use that to like build structures but we don’t need that right now I don’t think you need power for that one I think we need a stone hammer

Sifter and the mesh right so I think that’s our three things set to allow you to run materials such gravel Santa dust through meshes to find materials hand crank provides enough stress capacity for eight sifters also Cog in them so you can place them in a line so you can

Do like a straight line setup so we need to sifter the crank over here the hammer hammers could crush blocks at the fire so pretty normal as what we’re used to you can go to use on that too I think it’ll let us see what they’ll Crush down

So these are all the materials I crushed down here and then we need the mesh and the mesh is going to determine if we go to here go to use on that what we can sift down and I think there’s four levels of mesh so I don’t think we’ll be

Using the string one very long but uh yeah we’ll be using them for a couple minutes here let’s go ahead and drop this stuff off actually let’s grab a few Stone here real quick I think we could make like Stone Lake things yeah let’s go ahead and grab them and then I think

We got to take one Pebble let’s go ahead and grab that real quick there you go and we get our pet rock I want to have my pet rock here and we have a pet rock you can just put down the pet rod or you

Could have a pet rock with legs I want to have a pet rock Flex so anyway very important and I think you need this sodium and this team tames them there there you go he’s actually changed look at that he’s all good to go this is my pet rock

Anyway he’s completely useless I just wanted him away sifter here so we’d need some wood let’s go ahead uh hunt down some wood here we’ll need some Cobblestone I think we need a stone button to do this so let’s grab that yeah I think we need a wood Button as

Well there you go and let’s go for the sifter this right here right so we need a wood Cog and we need this here I think we get four more of these as reward so I’m just going to make the one right there and then we’ll need a crank as well from

Crate so let’s go ahead and grab the crank so I handled that then we needed a hammer go ahead and hunt down the hammer here Stone Hammer oh yeah it was this recipe I think I saw go ahead go grab that there you go this here and then we can

Just do that and that wait that’s not right yeah three’s enough either way grab you and then we can go ahead and grab the rewards I think from that what do we get there Cobblestone and a cog and I guess we just need our mesh so we

Need some string I don’t want to use this other mesh very long because I will be getting straight to the other mesh pretty much right away so why did it put rewards straight in my inventory for that one force pack oh and he gave us some flax as well another eight that was

Weird either way this is a backpack here this is from uh forcecraft only has eight slots I think it’s upgradable but you can’t wear this one as a curio so I don’t really much care for it anyway the last thing we need here is go ahead and grab you and then from here

What’s uh what am I missing here oh we need to do our dust right so we just take the hammer and we gotta make sand gravel and dust right so let’s go ahead and grab a good amount of cobblestone go ahead drop a bunch more stuff you get so

Much stuff just you know just doing nothing it seems like let’s grab the wand here uh there’s some more Cobble as well we’ll just hammer down a bunch at once the one’s gonna make that really quick actually so just go ahead and do that sweet and then this and that I think

We’re just gonna want this cross here that looks good there let me just go ahead Hammer that all down we can only hammer down 64 blocks at a time so that is kind of the limitation and I’ll just do two more first one is going to give me sand

And then the last one will give us dust so pretty standard fare in that regards right yep fantastic and now we can go ahead and grab rewards from that it looks like we got a sifter some wooden Hoppers all good stuff actually so that’s cool go ahead I’m gonna be you real quick

And how do I want to do this let’s do that let’s go ahead grab a hopper do that right there then we’ll go ahead and grab one of the sifters and pop it right there and I need to grab my meshes which I think I’ll put into here

Let’s do that then go ahead and grab ourselves the crank where’s crank at the crank feeling cranky uh cranks in my inventory and then I guess I’ll need another chest as well so let’s actually do another four fantastic like I said we’ll just set up one because I know we’re gonna get

Better meshes here really soon so you notice there’s a little kind of like hog on the side there and we should have a cub that we got as a reward as well so go ahead and grab you do this then we just go ahead take off

Place it down put the crank on top go ahead and get rid of that then I think you gotta drop this in or Hopper it in but uh we’ll just drop it in for now we’ll just do a stack there you go then you just right click on this you notice

It kind of like flattens the Block it’s not actually sifting it down or moving it down like it does when you do it with a normal sifter I guess uh from like x to the high low this one is uh it kind of like smushes the block down to like one pixel

So anyway we need to have four nuggets I think you hold shift here we didn’t get anything yet the drop rate on this particular match the string mesh is horrible but uh once we got more nuggets we’ll be able to move on to the next

Level mesh and not use this mesh I don’t think ever again unless there’s something specific we need from it so I got arrest our first four iron nuggets which is fantastic let’s go ahead uh drop that off and uh kind of utilize this I think we grab rewards right away

Actually we get andesite and Anderson Ally and with that we should be able to make our mesh here pretty quickly right so let’s do that’s let’s go ahead grab yet go ahead grab you and we’ll just make one of these to start I’ll have to make more of these but we’ll start with

Just one so anesite mesh and we want to probably come over here and then pull that straight out we don’t need the string one anymore go ahead and put the andesite one right here right okay it wouldn’t let me put it in at first then go ahead and throw some

Breville in and then we should be able to start sifting that down and we should get a whole new list of drops so before I think the string mesh was only this one here was only going to get us iron nuggets that was the only thing you get

For that one oh that’s how you get the anthocyte I was wondering how you get it into site it’s dirt okay cool anyway let’s go ahead and check that out yeah just gravel the only thing that could have got us was uh that right so we

Didn’t have a lot of options but now that we have this mesh we can get all kinds of drops like look that it’s all over the place get all kinds of things I think we can even get diamonds emeralds I think diamonds were four percent drop

Rate I mean I looked at it all really quickly but uh yeah now we can get uh all the stuff and things that we need we mostly need iron gold right now to make it so we could uh fully automated resources here but I will be able to set up a water

Wheel here in a couple minutes we could probably do that right now actually uh what do we have here we have this and this and we actually got some of that as well let’s go ahead and smelt down a little bit of this actually I don’t even

Know if I need a bucket now I think of it I think I saw we get a buck in his reward I have to say the rewards are really cool in this pack too like they really push you forward um the route you need to go so get a

Bucket here now which means I could set up a water wheel so I need a large Cog so let’s kind of look at that here we’ll need uh some more andicide alloy it also gave us some add to sight so this will make it so we can make a couple more

Alloys here so go ahead and grab them there you go grab that and then what was that Cog wheel no no no not a Coke wheel we want a cog wheel sweet and I guess we just need some wood I think I have some wood here somewhere

Let’s go ahead grab you definitely have to do some more trees here pretty soon and that is good and then I should be able to go to the water wheel let’s go to generate uh free infinite uh I guess rotational Force what it does right let’s go ahead and grab you

That is fantastic got one water wheel that should be all we need right now let’s go ahead and hunt down our pickaxe right there and anything else we need this second I don’t think so let’s go ahead and break you oh I know one thing I want

You gotta watch these Hoppers too these uh cyclic Hoppers will pick up things even though things are on top of them you can see there just grab the crank there magically I don’t want that in time too but I want the I already have the mommy the sifters right so we’re

Gonna do a line of four of them just like that then I’m gonna probably put the Cog right down here actually so let’s actually dig this out here I should have grabbed my shovel but that’s fine there you go and we’re gonna put it uh you can put them vertically or

Horizontally I’m gonna put them uh this one horizontally it’s gonna be the way it works here Let’s uh get you out of here sweet now I only need one block to kind of maintain the water and I don’t have to do a whole bunch of bulky setup this

Will be enough to run for these sifters each one of them takes I think it’s a 80 stress units to actually run and uh this will produce 320. so you want one in the corner kind of like that then go ahead and grab this here grab yourself a

Bucket of water get a look at the way the kind of spokes are running right so they’re going this way so the water if it was here would be caught into the spokesbury if I did this way kind of flow with the spokes so we’re going to

Put it here it’s going to flow that way and it’s going to hit every side because that’s how they generate power right it doesn’t matter what’s in the corners it needs flowing water on each side that makes it so it produces 320 so that’s actually perfect right there let’s go

Ahead and grab or sell some dirt here do that and that should be good and then we’ll go ahead a sec okay I thought that was cursed coarse dirt for a second I had uh bring that up bring that up and then I should be able to grab our Cog wheel hopefully oh

There you go and that should automate those right yeah let’s do the thing and then I should be able to grab a hopper on this one right actually before we do anything so it’s not gonna I probably have too many items don’t I you know what let’s do it can I get the

Chest though I need the chest here we go I want to get those chests sideways basically is what I’m trying to do here do that and that oh that’s not right just so we have double chest and I gotta put a double chest in front of all these

And have a good amount of space for a storage right and then I’ll have to go ahead and get us some more andeside alloy I guess we only need three more for this initial setup but once we do that we’re good we got our first Emerald

Though that is cool and then I guess I’d want a hopper on the top of this or behind it too I’ll just put it behind and then we’ll just end up with the single feeder chest for right now this will change later on but uh this is fine

And then I could just put the gravel into there and that should keep that at 64. if I hold shifts at that and I should watch that be able to go down right yeah there you go so that’s automated now so that is good so I have

More andesite right so I have this and then I would need some more iron I already smelt more down right I just go ahead and make our other meshes oh one other thing I want to try because someone told me this it was a little trick it was uh yeah I was watching

Someone on Twitch one of the other partners he told me a trick here that he found and I want to try it out so um he said he could water log these uh without uh putting them in the water I would like to have one waterlogged actually you know what let’s do this

Corner one I’d rather have it here which means I have to break this for a second but it’ll look better in the long run let’s do that there you go and we’d want this gone then we want to break that block we want to grab ourselves a bucket

Of water right there you go this oh I already had it off the water system get your head in the game let’s do that then I think he said this and let’s see if that worked it’s water locked that’s awesome okay don’t don’t don’t water don’t come out the bottom

Ah it works okay so I could use that as a waterlogged one and with that I’ll be able to produce clay so we’ll kind of get to that I guess I need to go ahead and make some Hoppers cut down those trees and um probably grind us down some more

Sand gravel probably want to do some dust and I forget what we need for clay what was Clay again because I need clay badly as well just so we have it as a resource we don’t have and we’re gonna end up needing right guess we’ll need

Extra sand for that one as well so I’m gonna go ahead and get that all done and uh I probably need to call back here so it actually keeps doing uh what I already did right because otherwise I’m doing pointless pointless things as I was finishing up my work here and then I

Got the my first loopy so I want to go in here grab this Quest now and we should have a poppy and with that I should be able to make him come to me come here come this way here you go you’re gonna drop stuff you should drop

Stuff for me right give me a bunch of loot give me the loop you gonna drop anything drop something oh there you go look at here energetic sheep spawn egg gun or sells a mystical cyan flower what else you got for me you can hang out with my uh pet rock here

We got so many pets already got this guy I’ve got a frog we had a pet rock you gonna drop any more stuff are you done yeah I don’t think they despawn this pack right so I think they just kind of fly away he might be already finished I

Don’t think he dropped anything else either unless he drops something over here you’re gonna drop anything no okay well let’s deal with him I want to keep him too because like I said we have resource piece in the pack and uh we may want to do them at some point

So I think we just need that and then some wood here go ahead and grab that and then we probably just want a fence hopefully he’s not flying away while I’m doing this but anyway here you go oh no he’s right here I need to find a spot

For him you come over here there you go you coming where are you at oh I’m not very bright yeah come here ah there you go come on you live there now so yeah that’s how that’s how you get your bees this guy too yeah this guy this is like my first

Frog ever I’ve never had a frog before um oh I don’t I was gonna put him on a lead I need to get another lead because I don’t want him to fall off the island I’m gonna put him in the pool or something anyway that’s cool I’m pretty

Much finished up here too and uh you can see everybody gets resources also did a stack of dirt so that’s cool I just need to make a few more Hoppers a few more chests and then yeah we’ll kind of push forward here so I think I got the rest

Of the stuff we did here so let’s go ahead and grab some more Hoppers right so that that that then I got all double chest down here then I guess we just want chest on top of that so that works out and then I can set these all up for different resources

Very very easily now right uh what was it I need to do here clay with the clay was a dirt no sand right it was sand probably only want to do like a Half Stack on that right now so we’ll just go ahead and pop that in there I need to

Give it a mesh though so let’s go ahead and grab andesite mesh there you go that’s gonna sift down and that’ll handle that one then I could do two more so let’s do a stack of sand in there and then maybe all my dust into this one

There you go we could do uh multiple resources all at once which is fantastic that’s cool I like that that’s actually pretty neat salt clay kelp did I have to get some of that I think I did too yeah grab you uh did I have to get anything from that

One I had to get past your season that was from dirt let me go ahead and grab one of those real quick and I know why we need this uh I need a place for dirt I have a bunch of dirt here somewhere this could be our first actual grass

Basically what this is uh it doesn’t matter where I put it let’s do a little temp spot all this botania grass probably go at some point like it’s really only here to make it so you didn’t have grass at the start of the pack right so yeah that’s definitely a

Thing realized uh yeah you just break it though it didn’t get dirt anyway so it didn’t really matter uh because you could put basically just hold that you just don’t get grasp but it would still give you dirt uh what do we do here I guess we put that right back down right

So let’s do this here and then I could do that and then I’ll have grass I could actually bone meal and get flowers basically that’s what that’s for right so I’m not sure exactly what all the drops are but uh I’ll let that spread there you know

What I’ll use the second one here you go oh what is that there unusual end I don’t know what that is yeah I don’t know if we actually need anything from this right this second but uh at least we know we can get this stuff we did it because yeah it was

Definitely something that we were going to need boot board especially we want to get it to Britannia and stuff right which we will at some point so that handles that did I get any Redstone yet does that actually fish off another Quest as well look at that another Quest

Done so that is cool then next thing we’ll have to do is start working towards lava but first I need to go ahead and clean out my inventory because if I accept all this Quest it’s gonna totally just spill it on me and vomit all over the ground you should be able

To go ahead and actually make another lead here too for a frog right so let’s go ahead and grab that grab that now we have slime no problem then I grab a fence and get a Mr froggy in the water I don’t know there’s actually a useful are

You really I thought he’s about to jump off I literally thought he was like in the face of jumping off the island come on come on come on you look ridiculous being pulled by the way there you go yeah you stay you say that that’s that’s

Your home now oh that didn’t work oh can you not put these underwater Oh you can okay I just I just feel a life so that’s fantastic you may notice too I have a orange heart too I have extra Hearts I actually have two of them but um that’s

From eating different foods so as you eat different foods you get more Hearts right so look at it it says Eden assistant daddy hurts and uh this one not even not yet eaten so I’ve been trying to eat a little bit of everything but we are getting all the resources now

This is actually really cool I would eat sugar cane too actually I should go ahead pop this over here because I think we’re needing bookcase before long so we’re definitely going to want to go ahead and get that started right so I could just do that there and let it grow or bone

Meal either way that should handle that so between about two and a half stacks of gravel that uh it was like 120 iron all together which is actually not that bad we also got some uh this here some uh diamonds I forgot to just go ahead

And make one diamond pick as well so I’m just gonna go ahead and do that then we just have a proper pick here that’ll last quite a while I’ll just throw that away and then with that I want to grab this iron here we’ll do one last thing

Here I actually want to go back to getting started oh I never grabbed all the rewards either flower pouch greatest thumb I’ll have to look at that it’s all Redstone fortune cookie more food for us to eat water wheels a golden egg I didn’t know we were getting golden egg

We’ll set that up tomorrow because I actually have to set up a little area for it because it’ll be for some flying mobs but basically that uh spawns in passive mobs and I actually already got uh two more cows too around here somewhere I got another cow here

Somewhere no worries at maybe he walked off either way I got uh two cows anyway let’s go drop that off uh what was I gonna do here oh yeah we’re gonna go for the lava let’s go to the plan right so once us get into milking fire squeezer

Squeezes fluids out of items and do so place it on him and repeatedly jump on it we’ve done this before pretty simple concept works pretty well it’s a little Jank because this is gonna be our early lava right so we’ll need a button uh we need the squeezer itself so let’s go a

Squeezer let’s actually pin that recipe just highlight it and hit a there you go then it’s over here right so I can just grab it as I need it we need a block of iron which is why I was working on iron let’s go ahead to grab

That looks good and then what else we do here just uh sticks in Wood uh stick some wood probably just do that all from this right here we go and then we’ll get our first lava and basically we got to take blaze powder and uh jump up or down I

Will need a tank as well and I think of it but that’ll think about that uh do I have any more into sight well I have a whole bunch of the andesite stuff here now the chunks right and I think I just take that and do this right here there you go

I’ll give us lots of endocyte then we just go ahead and grab some of our iron here and make a whole bunch of the alloy no problem now that’s actually a really easy way to do it at this point we’ll be able to do infinite endocyte before long

Anyway so it won’t even matter and with that I should be able to make one of these a basin I know this can take the lava from the squeezer so anyway let’s do that we can set this up anywhere so we’ll just put it there have those

Little lines there you want to have the I guess The Cauldron kind of pointing out one of those lines right so that’s fine and we want to go ahead and grab ourselves some blaze powder I think it takes four per bucket let’s set this up for two buckets here two buckets

Definitely gonna have to do more dust or need this get into the pedestal mod basically is what we need this for and obsidian actually to get to the nether because that’s uh right over here the nether Quest so that’s gonna be how that works there but once we’re here we’re

Just gonna right click that there that actually put that down there and then we just go ahead and jump up and down a bunch like a like a like a there you go then we just jump and do that and that gave us 250 below buckets so

Basically oops I didn’t put that in there I don’t think that’s gonna work did that work or not that actually did I only did like have to oh no it didn’t wait did I lose that one because I derped it oh I didn’t actually use it okay let’s do that there we go

You jump up and down and we should get some more in there there you go so I’ll go up hit our button oh there’s our other cow here you go do it one more time fantastic and then finally yeah there you go we got ourselves our

First bucket of lava just like that that didn’t take anything right it is a bucket right that looks good and then what is this thing a floral obedience stick I don’t actually know that item I usually know most items from Britannia I don’t know this one also

This one here I probably I didn’t uh touch on it earlier energetic sheep these are sheep that you can spawn of the world and then you shear them and their wool actually generates power it’s not much but it’s a wave generating power early on it’s kind of funny uh

Don’t know if we’ll be using them but that’s definitely what they are but I’m sure some people would ask but yeah we got our first bucket of lava and uh with that we’ll be able to get into these here this is my main goal for everything while I was working for towards

Everything today to get to pedestals because then we get the material generators and these things can actually produce a whole bunch of stuff right so like Blackstone there’s the andesite we’ve got sand is that Moss yeah apparently and then we get the snow blocks like everything right everything

We need to do there’s our dirt was that really skulk was too that’s weird I’ve never even seen skulk deep slate dirt I’m pretty sure there’s gravel here there’s Stone um I don’t think they’re dust we’ll have to sort of dust but that doesn’t really matter too much but yeah we’ll be able

To get the bulk of our resources here even like Netherrack stuff so that’s fantastic and that’s awesome so I think we’ve made pretty good progress today especially since it was the start of the pack and I have to do all the extra explaining but uh I think I may go ahead

Oh I need to look at this real quick last front jaw blocks such as glass to be collected repairs durability have armor and tools with exp that’s actually a pretty good little uh shovel there but I think I’m going to go ahead and actually end this one here so as always

You like this video please hit that like button really liked it hit that subscribe button it is always appreciated well you guys all have a good one I’ll see you guys in the next video later

This video, titled ‘FTB Skies – A New Generation of Skyblocks Series – 1.19.2’, was uploaded by SystemCollapse on 2023-03-30 00:52:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

FTB Skies is the first instalment in an ongoing pack series we’ll be bringing you with each minecraft version. We plan to showcase …

  • Finding Coal Instead of Diamonds! Minecraft Survival Ep. 6

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  • Minecraft Build & Seek: Ultimate Challenge

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    SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHI TANTAN - MINECRAFT ANIMASIVideo Information This video, titled ‘SHIKANOKO NOKONOKO KOSHITANTAN – ANIMASI MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by DUHIN on 2024-07-21 10:00:36. It has garnered 21456 views and 1879 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Characters @KoboKanaeru @KureijiOllie @AiraniIofifteen @MoonaHoshinova @AyundaRisu @KaelaKovalskia @VestiaZeta ••••••••••••••••••••• Subscribe for more animation from duhin:) •••••••••••••••••••••• social media: Instagram :@duhingram TikTok: @duhinuwu •••••••••••••••••••••• Track: – •••••••••••••••••••••• back to video guys, dont forget to like, comment, and subscribe #Shorts Read More

  • Insane Hide-and-Seek with INSIDE OUT in Minecraft!

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  • ChippyChickin’s Realm – Realms 18+ Whitelist 1.21.1

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  • Minecraft Memes – Mob Sounds: My Original Creation

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  • Ultimate Easy Iron Farm Minecraft Bedrock

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  • Sly Factory Build in Galaxy Gaming SMP

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  • Become a Minecraft Legend in 1K! Join Mickaye Now

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    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT BUILD with INSANE GRANITE - Tim Horn EPIC Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘SO MUCH GRANITE II: Minecraft Series #70’, was uploaded by Tim Horn on 2024-01-17 19:54:18. It has garnered 46 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:50:04 or 3004 seconds. Here is the long awaited Minecraft Series i mentioned before, This World is on an Amplified World, Which is full of lakes & mountains, this actually makes it harder, so good luck for me on this one, Im going to play at my own pace & enjoy building & civilizing this world! Support me on Patreon! Really would appreciate it! https://www.patreon.com/Thunder103093 My… Read More

  • 🚫 How to go BROKE on Minecraft SMP! 🤑

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  • Yoeurn Mutta’s Massive Space Adventure

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  • 10 CRAZY RED FLAGS in Mofutari Megumi’s Minecraft Adventure! 🔴

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  • EPIC SHIZO REALMS – Thagnogs vs Viewers

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  • EPIC Marble Minecraft War – Z-Marbles Showdown!

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  • SwipeSMP – smp, Mostly-Vanilla, 1.21, Whitelist

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  • Minecraft Memes – Haters Gonna Criticize

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  • Crafting Worlds: D&D in Minecraft | Ep 1

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FTB Skies – A New Generation of Skyblocks Series – 1.19.2