Game Theory: Minecraft, Do NOT Kill The Ender Dragon!

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According to all known laws of Aviation there is no way that an Ender Dragon should be able to fly its wings are too small to get its massive body off the ground the Ender Dragon of course flies anyway because Ender Dragons don’t care what Minecraft Builders think is impossible Foreign Hello Internet welcome to Game Theory the show that’s closing in on 15 million subscribers by the way did you know that every time you ring the notification Bell an Ender Dragon gets its wings it’s true try it oh there’s one right now look at him go so Majestic you did that

You and sure I get that some of you might not want to give an Ender Dragon anything since it’s you know the brutally destructive final boss of Minecraft but by the end of today’s episode I think you’re gonna be changing your mind I think you’ll also be wanting

To snap up some of the new back to school Theory where we just launched yeah it wasn’t a great transition but I had to figure out a way to let you know that the new game theory backpack pencil case and keychain supplies are starting to run out so make sure you grab them

Before they go the way the Ender Dragon extinct need something that can fit five honors textbooks and three binders because you’re a smart theorist boom this bag can handle the load or maybe you’re not in school and you’re going on a hike or doing some extra curriculars

Or just doing some traveling well with pockets Galore and tons of straps you’ll be going strong while on on the go with this newest batch of theory where so make sure you grab it before it’s gone now today’s theory is a bit overdue in my Minecraft lore series considering

That my first video started at funnily enough the end and with a capital E that is in that episode I mentioned the Ender Dragon only briefly speculating that based on the achievement for defeating it titled free the end it seemed that the Ender Dragon was a tyrant oppressing

The Society of Enderman but after digging into more of the game’s Secrets I don’t think that’s the case anymore or at least it’s not the full story sure it might be easy to look at the Enderman the descendants of an ancient Builder civilization transformed by spending Generations in the end and some sisting

Off of a diet of chorus fruit and presume that they must be at the mercy of this powerful Dragon that rules over them but if we dig into the evidence it actually tells us something very different so today we’re gonna focus on Gene and her story oh sorry is that name

Not ringing any bells for you well it should it’s confirmed by Minecraft creator Notch and other members of the Minecraft development team that Gene is the official canonical name name of the Ender Dragon apparently Minecraft Steve got his name the exact same way random comment by the franchise’s Creator so as

Far as I’m concerned these two names are equally official anyway today is all about Gene and how we as the player have been ignorant to the fact that for the past decade the game has been begging nearly screaming at us to not kill her that’s right we’re supposed to spare the

Ender Dragon but to understand why let’s start at the beginning of the end so to call Gene the Ender Dragon is a bit misleading sure she’s the only dragon found in the end but the important detail we tend to overlook is that it wasn’t always that way the end

Gives us clues that at least at one point in history multiple Ender Dragons made their home here for evidence of this just look at the end ships found throughout the dimension these things have dragon heads mounted onto their masts clearly The Spoils of battles against dragons that once populated this

World and this already tells us a lot of different things not only that dragons plural once existed in this realm but also that a dragon hunting civilization existed a hunter civilization that apparently must have been pretty successful judging by the dragon heads found at the Mast and if you’re asking

Who these Dragon Hunters were well I think the answer at this point should be fairly obvious that Society of ancient builders that we’ve been tracking ever since episode one of this Minecraft lore series whoever constructed these massive flying ships were clearly Builders the end ship is just this impressive feat of

Engineering with floors constructed from the finest obsidian there’s also the fact that the ship is protected by shulkers a mob that you might be tempted to write off as just a weird creature shoved into the end to round out the enemies found there but it is so so much

More you see if you read the entry for the shulker in my favorite go-to Minecraft lore book The mobestiary which as a reminder is written from the perspective of an in-world adventurer and researcher the shulker’s purpur blocks might actually be man-made to quote from the book the exterior of the

Shulker may be a natural adaptation to help conceal it or it may be engineered by the city’s Architects huh that is a weird thing to call out their book what a huge logical leap to make I don’t know about you but it seems to me like it’s

Heavily implying that that is the right answer that the shulkers were actually engineered by Builders still whether these shulkers are a feat of bioengineering or just an instance of cleverly domesticating a native end species one thing is clear whoever built the end ships were serious about science

So why were the builders hunting dragons were they merely trophy hunting drag taking down the biggest and most dangerous game just because they could we’ve talked in past theories how the civilization demonstrated a lot of hubris convinced that their ability to build gave them the power of gods with

Power over life and death so could the war against dragons just be another extension of that maybe but I don’t think it’s just that case in point the elytra capes that enabled the player to fly these capes are kind of like the final reward in a traditional game of

Minecraft you beat the dragon you get access to the end ship and boom you find this unique item that can only be found here and not only are they exclusive to the end chips but they have a texture and use that all but screams that they were made from the remains of defeated

Dragons we clipped their wings so that we ourselves could obtain the power of flight I don’t think it’s a coincidence that the one major flying item that we obtain is being done in the one world where the main mob is a giant flying dragon when the builders got to the end

They saw something they had yet to conquer the skies and so they were determined to tame those Skies just like they had done to the over Overworld and later than nether fun fact by the way even though eletra seems to be a made-up fantasy word for dragon wings the eletro

Wings are actually based on real life biology many insect species especially beetles possess Elektra though in the real world elitcher Wings themselves aren’t used for flying but instead as a protective outer coating covering the hind wings that the Beetles actually use for flying anyway with that little

Biology lesson out of the way what I’m really interested in here is the story of the Ender Dragon or I guess I should say stories because when you actually look at the evidence inside the game it seems to suggest a tale of multiple competing forces on one hand we have the

End ships which seem to be pretty clear evidence that there were Builders who were in a dragon hunting so the builders must have been anti-dragon right that’s where the story gets complicated because as anyone who’s tried to take down the Ender Dragon knows there are ender crystals spread across its habitat that

Are capable of healing it someone or something clearly wanted to keep this creature alive and not only that but the end crystals themselves are not not naturally forming they’re objects that are constructed artificially by combining an eye a vendor and a gas tier and then encasing it all in glass but

What’s especially telling about the end crystals is where you find them on top of obsidian pillars and inside of protective cages in short it looks like someone has gone through a lot of steps to make this Ender Dragon harder to kill not only by creating the end crystals

But by putting them on top of pillars that would be a challenge to reach and then encasing them in a further protective barrier and something tells me that Gene lacks the opposable thumbs capable of forging glass something else is going on here someone some series of Builders really wanted this Dragon to

Stay alive and so they built an elaborate security system to make sure that that Dragon stayed alive and so we have evidence that suggests two conflicting stories a ship that seems like the product of Builders who are into slaying dragons and a dragon protection defense grid that seems to be

Built for the opposite purpose so what is going on here was there like a civil war did the builders who came to the end split in the two factions one side taking the role of Dragon Slayer and the other taking the role of dragon worshiper if that was the case why would

Anyone in their right mind side with the dragons after all the Ender Dragon is a hostile mob why would someone take it upon themselves to defend the dragons well it seems to suggest that the hunters were too successful to the point that they nearly hunted the Ender Dragon

Species to Extinction in real world ecological studies there’s something called case selection theory that basically aims to explain how various animal species ensure that their offspring survive case election theory is founded on this constant trade-off between quality of Offspring and quantity of Offspring on the quantity

Side of things you have insects who can produce hundreds thousands even millions of tiny little babies in a lifetime needless to say that when you’re laying that many eggs each individual ant baby is not going to be getting a whole heck of a lot of tender love and care on a

Complete opposite end of the spectrum you got whales with some species of whale like the sperm whale having a single baby every five to seven years this means that each individual whale baby is going to get a lot more parental investment its whale parents are gonna

Spoil that thing like an only child I bring this biological detour up because it brings up an interesting point about the animal kingdom the larger an animal species is the more likely it is to favor quality of Offspring over quantity of Offspring smaller animals like insects rabbits and birds can afford to

Have a lot of babies at once while larger species like whales elephants and rhinos are much slower to reproduce the Ender Dragon seems to fit with that ladder category it is massive and it only leaves behind a single egg but what this reproductive strategy also means is that megafauna the big animals while

Being attractive targets for hunters are also the species that are most at risk of being hunted to extinction because of how slowly they reproduce during the 1800s for instance the Eastern Pacific gray whale was hunted for their blubber nearly reaching the point of Extinction and mind you these were not high-tech

Humans these were guys in wooden ships powered by sails and armed with harpoons still even with rudimentary tools those guys were capable of making some substantial damage more recently the African elephant population has fallen from an estimated 12 million near the start of the 20th century to a mere 396

000 in the span of a hundred years with the main culprit Being Human Hunters poached numb for their ivory tusks heck even as far back as the Ice Age many scientists believe that while yes the changing climate wasn’t due in the woolly mammoth any favors a major contributing factor to its Extinction

Were humans at a time when they were just literally cave people thrown around pointed sticks and when you put it that way what the end ship represents looks far less heroic seems a lot less like Valiant Heroes to find the odds to defeat an insurmountable Foe and it

Starts to look a lot more like humans doing what humans sadly do best find a large attractive Target hunt it down and don’t know when to stop in fact it’s quite possible that there was no civil war between one faction of dragon hunting Builders and another faction of dragon worshiping Builders honestly it

Could just be a simple case of a single civilization hunting the Ender dragons to the point of Extinction and then realizing whoopsie we’re on the verge of wiping this thing out time to reverse course in fact not only are we gonna stop hunting these things we’re gonna do

Everything in our power to preserve the only one that we’ve got left and hence we have the still remaining defense mechanisms put in place to protect Gene the last Ender Dragon and believe it or not but this lines up perfectly with behavior that we see coming from our

Enderman the evolved versions of our ancient Builders the Enderman peacefully coexists with Gene neither attacking the other but true to their Roots the Enderman are still capable of dragon hunting if Force to if they’re hit by Splash damage from one of the Ender Dragon’s attacks while you’re fighting

It the truce is off they retaliate and begin fighting for their lives that old dragon hunting Spirit dies hard unfortunately any hopes that the Enderman might have for restoring the Ender Dragon population are meaningless sure they may have decided to stop hunting but they were too late while the

Ender Dragon does leave behind an egg that dragon egg is inanimate there was just a female dragon Gene to to lay the egg but due to lack of a male dragon her egg isn’t fertilized it’s incapable of hatching nothing more than a trophy for whatever Hunter might arrive to slay the

Last of the Ender Dragons once and for all this is also why I suspect that the player is unable to craft Electro Wings canonically we lack the materials Jean’s body can’t be plundered and harvested for enough materials and there are no other dragons that we can get the proper

Resources from therefore we’re left with the only Electro wings that exist in the world in the end ship players of Minecraft myself included have long speculated that the act of freeing the end means liberating the Enderman and the rest of the end’s inhabitants from the tyranny of the Ender Dragon but it

Could be that the one who truly becomes free in that moment is the Ender Dragon herself left as the last of her species by a race of builders that hunted them to near Extinction and then preserved Forever by those same Builders who will never really be able to atone for what

They did or reverse the consequences of those actions an Ender Dragon forever alone forever sad at the loss of a Race So on one hand we absolutely shouldn’t kill the last of this species but on the other hand it might just be freeing her from her quite literal Eternal torments

But hey speaking speaking of eternal torment school is back in session so whether you’re 15 or 50 consider this your last call for our Theory backpacking keychain the backpack especially was built with storage and Security in mind so it can hold a lot of your stuff and keep it safe no matter

What it is so you have plenty of room to fit your diamonds and books and laptops in there while keeping them safe links for that backpack and all the other new Theory where items are right below this video and as always remember it’s just a theory a game theory thanks for watching foreign

This video, titled ‘Game Theory: Minecraft, Do NOT Kill The Ender Dragon!’, was uploaded by The Game Theorists on 2021-08-21 18:05:13. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

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    Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Explosive House DestructionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Blowing Up My Friend’s House 💀🔥 | #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Thunder Gaming on 2024-06-11 13:05:00. It has garnered 9140 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Minecraft: Blowing Up My Friend’s House 💀🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #minecraftpe minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: 100 Husk Zombie vs 10 Iron Golem! 🎮 #Games #MinecraftBattle

    Ultimate Showdown: 100 Husk Zombie vs 10 Iron Golem! 🎮 #Games #MinecraftBattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 HUSK ZOMBIE VS 10 IRON GOLEM IN MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #game #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Game Educator on 2024-07-10 20:45:52. It has garnered 178 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Hello everyone To buy our Udemy Minecraft A-Z Guide click the link below! Tags: #minecraft #fyp #minecraftbuilding #minecraftmemes #viral #minecrafttutorial #gaming #foryou #minecraftpe #minecrafter #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters Read More

  • Intense Minecraft Rescue: Villager & Dog Saved

    Intense Minecraft Rescue: Villager & Dog SavedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Heart-Pounding Minecraft Survival Rescue: Saving Villager and Dog’, was uploaded by Mr.GengarPlay on 2024-01-15 18:30:16. It has garnered 13146 views and 495 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Welcome to our gaming YouTube channel, where epic adventures and thrilling gameplay await! Join us as we dive into the captivating world of gaming, exploring a wide range of genres and platforms. Whether you’re a hardcore gamer or just starting your gaming journey, our channel is the ultimate destination for all things gaming. From exhilarating action games to immersive RPGs, we have… Read More

  • Zxron_ goes INSANE in PvP! 🔥

    Zxron_ goes INSANE in PvP! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘My Eyes 💫 | Minecraft CPVP Edit’, was uploaded by Zxron_ on 2024-05-23 17:40:07. It has garnered 19 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. First video! Any thoughts? 🤔 Drop a comment… Song: My Eyes – Travis Scott Credit for audio: @drakeneditz DISCLAIMER: I don’t own this song in this video, All credits goes to the rightful owner. Server: Instagram: @Zx_ron Discord: Styson_op Tags: Im a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client cause you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. i know how to butterfly… Read More

  • Lucasd10’s Insane Bedwars Grind LIVE! Subscribe now!

    Lucasd10's Insane Bedwars Grind LIVE! Subscribe now!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴GRIDNING MINECRAFT HYPIXEL BEDWARS & CHATTING W VIEWERS LIVE! (pls subscribe!)🔴’, was uploaded by Lucasd10 on 2024-05-30 05:18:36. It has garnered 2477 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:24 or 8784 seconds. 🔴Today I Am Playing Minecraft LIVE. Don’t Forget To Like, Comment, Subscribe, And Turn On Post Notifications To Never Miss A Livestream Or Upload!🔴 ────────────────────────────────── 🤑DONATE TO ME HERE💲➔ Feel Free to Donate, It Is Optional But It Can Help Me In Many Ways. I Can Buy New Gaming/Streaming Equipment, Things In Games, And It Gives Me A… Read More


    JOIN MY MINECRAFT SERVER NOW!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】I Joined A Server, Let’s Attempt to Socialize’, was uploaded by Chris Talus Ch. on 2024-07-05 21:45:04. It has garnered 36 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:30:54 or 12654 seconds. friends doko? — Background Music: Sparkle City by Xotikó tou Dásous ( — Meet Chris Talus, The VTubing Carbuncle Prince of the Crystal Kingdom! 💎My Twitter: ✨Join the Crystal Kingdom: 💎Live: #CTalusLIVE ✨Art: #CreaTalus 💎Clips: #ClipTalus ✨Memes: #JesTalus 💎Model: — Rubylight Socials: — STREAM RULES: This stream is 13+ because YouTube is, I also just… Read More

  • Luvstar’s magical fairycore build in Minecraft ✨

    Luvstar's magical fairycore build in Minecraft ✨Video Information This video, titled ‘A Chill Building Day ♡ Fairycore Minecraft Let’s Play ✩⋆ Ep 36 ✮⊹♡’, was uploaded by Luvstar on 2024-05-05 17:00:13. It has garnered 2339 views and 177 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:26 or 3866 seconds. 🌈Become a Channel Member for exclusive posts, early access videos, BTS, exclusive videos, discounts on stickers, and more: Hey everyone my name is Luvstar! Welcome to my fairycore-themed relaxing modded let’s play! This series will include episodes of me living as a mage elf and exploring and transforming a beautiful fantasy minecraft world. I chose the… Read More

  • Sophie’s Insane Disney Cover Takes Over Music World

    Sophie's Insane Disney Cover Takes Over Music WorldVideo Information This video, titled ‘#disney #cover #music #singing #nflopaa #song #funnymemes #roblox #minecraft #nflopa’, was uploaded by Sophie on 2024-07-21 20:42:14. It has garnered 1586 views and 143 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

  • CloudySMP

    CloudySMPCloudySMP (1.18 – 1.20.4) Welcome to CloudySMP. We pride ourselves on being a fully customed server. We have a friendly community and friendly staff team to help provide you with the best support and experience you will ever get. Here at CloudySMP you can choose to either be a friendly player or go out into the world and hunt everyone until you become the last person standing. Read More

  • MossCraft! Semi-Vanilla SMP, whitelist, Cross-Play, 1.20.6, Bluemap, Pets

    Custom Minecraft World Features: – Nearly 100 New Biomes and 100+ Structures provided by Terralith, Incendium, NullScape and Structory. – World reset on May 5th, 2024. – In-game voice chat available (not required). – BlueMap Webmap. – Premium Pets, Ranks, and Particle Trails. – /sit and /lay commands available. – Cross-platform with Bedrock for playing with Console and Mobile Gamers. – Fast leaf decay, no need for leaf crushers in wood farms. – Grief Prevention with player action logging and rollback ability. – No chat reports, ensuring privacy and freedom from bans due to mass reporting. – Ability to put… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft grind never stops lol

    Well, at least all those hours spent in your survival world have given you some meme-worthy content! Maybe it’s time for a break and some fresh air outside of Minecraft? Read More

  • Survived 100 Days: Desert-Only Minecraft Adventure!

    Survived 100 Days: Desert-Only Minecraft Adventure! In the desert world, I took my stand, Surviving 100 days, with shovel in hand. Building my shelter, under the hot sun, Mining for diamonds, oh what fun! Facing creepers and zombies, with skill and might, Crafting new tools, in the dead of night. Exploring the desert, for treasures untold, In this harsh world, my story unfolds. So if you enjoyed this epic tale, Leave a comment, like, and set sail. For more adventures in Minecraft land, Stay tuned, for I have more plans! Read More

Game Theory: Minecraft, Do NOT Kill The Ender Dragon!