Games For Kids Hub – New Game – Capture The Flag

Video Information

Hey welcome back to another minecraft video and we’re super excited about today because jack has built us a new game it’s over here by our last oh my bad sorry oh oh i’m sorry i was trying to help you i have parked oh i only have one and a half hearts

I almost died yeah actually from this one from the one hit oh i’m careful okay we gotta go to sleep it’s almost nighttime okay it’s daytime now and look at this new game it’s next to boss shot wow this is awesome jack i kind of peeked in on it before we started the

Video i can’t believe how much work you’ve put into this it took me forever oh it looks so cool it looks like uh an obstacle course is that what we’re doing capture the flag capture the flag oh i almost died again oh look at the towers these things are cool

What oh i landed on this glass platform in the middle is this for watching yes we can watch the game okay oh and lights what are those lights were those are like to keep track of the score like keep track of the score so when you score a point

One of the lights turns on yes no way that’s awesome okay jack explain explain everything i’m gonna follow you around okay wait start over all right so there’s two teams okay uh red and blue all right up blue wait red and blue yeah okay rock colors okay and then if you

Come over here let me show you okay um i i missed that oh you missed i miss jumping over to the okay let me try that again i love having wings now okay i’m coming in okay oh no oh okay i made it okay i got food

Okay over here hey right here there’s a ladder and it brings you up to these towers oh okay all right okay so in here you have kind of like food and like bows usually you just you don’t want to take like a ton of arrows and like

All the bows or whatever okay cause you’ll die you’ll die oh and then you’ll leave all that stuff out there yeah that makes sense okay so then you set your response or you set your hair at one point okay and then your other teammate will set their spawn point in here okay

And then when you say go they will drop down into the tunnel oh okay hold on coming in whoa that was cool we just went all the way through and didn’t we didn’t take any damage yeah yeah okay okay now let me show you so this is where so if you’re on the

Blue team pretend we’re on the blue team you come over here and then you press the button and you’ll get a red banner this is just still like if i’m stealing the flag so we’re on the other so we’ll be pretending that we’re blue yeah we’re pretending that we’re blue and we come

Over here we press the button it gives us a flag is that where it comes out somebody wait somebody oh i got one i didn’t press the button but i do have a flag should i put it back in there yeah okay there’s yeah put it back in there or

I’ll just give it to you okay so you can only press the uh button one one time okay one when you so when you you come over from there and you come over here you just press the button once you can’t i took someone’s sword because if you press it

You can press it four times and take all of the banners yeah and then you could take all four points so you have to do it one at a time you can only take one yeah that makes sense okay so if i take you out yeah if i take you

Out and pretend that you have the banner okay and then you die i take the banner and then i i drop it so then i’ll come and pick up the banner and then you can run back pretend i’m on red yes you can throw it back into the hopper

Into here it will just yeah and then it’ll recycle it back into that oh that’s awesome that’s really cool okay i have somebody’s sword whose sword is this that’s mine that’s fine that’s right okay what it is what i accidentally dropped i was looking for it okay

Okay all right so that’s pretty cool that’s how you you so you still flag by pressing the button and then if you get your flag back like you before they take it all the way over to their base if you if you knock them out

You can take the flat your own flag and put it back in there okay i got it yeah okay what’s the next rule what’s the next thing pretend oh what happens if i die i go back to the bed that’s upstairs and then come back through the tunnel to get back into

The field the playing field yes okay cool yep got it so then here yeah pretend i’m on blue team and i come and steal the flag okay then i try to run i run all the way back okay we’re gonna run back blue And then you throw it here and there and then it scores and then these scores that’s how it lights up no way okay the only thing i can possibly see being a problem is that was a really short distance yeah but you do have to climb to get up to the flag right

But it’s easy to bring the flag back down yeah you’re right that’s too short i think okay it’s really easy to it’s really easy to take the flags back yeah you’re gonna make a change you could put a wall right here i think i’m gonna yes like that

Oh you don’t have to go all the way oh oh maybe you do because you could climb here right i didn’t bring my shears oh that’s like that and then yeah so you can do the parkour but it’s kind of hard to like get to i could probably never do that

All right what if we broke oh i made it haley made it yeah jack did that’s pretty hard also made it oh and she just flew through the little window here we’re gonna do the same thing on the side i need a lot of practice with the parkour stuff

Yeah he did it i got it but you could get through you could get through these little windows but maybe we should take our elytra off yeah let’s not have our wing i like this i like the changes so you’re making windows what are the windows for oh dude so you could see

Through yeah and then you could shoot too okay cool jack you did such a cool job on making this obstacle course uh yeah it’s really cool it’s kind of like a battle arena i love that it’s blue on one side and red on the other and then

You have all the yellow too on both sides that’s really cool i forget colors thank you yeah it’s not for kids colors i love it yeah primary colors all right jack that that took a little while but he’s all finished editing the map it looks awesome look at all these little parkour platforms

I’ve already tried to jump on them and it’s really cool but it’s super impossible for me i need a lot more practice okay oh hadley and i are on the red team jack and austin are on the blue team are you guys ready to start yes yes do this okay

Where do we start do we start up in our base uh you can get up to our base yeah okay first get up there yeah oh that was too hard i didn’t get that can i get up this way okay yes there we go okay that’s where our flags are kids

Colors yes are for kids colors that’s where our flags are we got to protect those k hadley and then how do we get back to our spawning spot are we just going to start here on this level no here right let’s go okay and then you guys go up there now

We can get up and uh here yeah now that’s easier so this is where we start this is where we’re spawning i’m going to set my respawn point there austin and all of our you can see him oh he is hey austin hello hey austin up in the top there they are

There’s austin and just take like one bow and then also another rule just always keep one bullet bow in your inventory if you pick up one just kind of just drop it yeah so you can only keep one okay yeah all right just so if like other people other

People that don’t have a bow okay those probably might yeah might be the the super weapon the secret to this game that’s so interesting hey you started to sir okay i’ll come back i’ll come back are you ready we’re gonna get all of the flags I can hear that yeah no you can’t because i’m whispering i just can’t come up with game plans all right you ready on your mark get set which way are you going that way okay i’ll go this way go all right olivia we got it we gotta okay oh

Oh i’m going to die i’m going to die okay we’re just going to go for the flag i got austin you got austin okay jack’s here though jack’s over there oh no oh no oh no all right got a battery gotta get the flag he’s got the flag oh oh

Okay i got the flag oh yes oh i only have two and a half hearts two and a half black though two and a half hearts five of the flag no oh wait i need to go down here ah no no i gotta get it i gotta get it

Here we go three four one oh no we scored i no i placed the flag okay there we go did that score oh they got one point up there on the light oh we got oh i’ve died okay all right speckle head okay we gotta go do i do it

The red one do i chuck it in our thing no no no no no no no how’d you get a red one just come over here just throw it i think i don’t know how you got that just throw to me i’ll throw them out oh [Laughter] Oh why doesn’t that happen has three bows oh oh i got two hearts Oh what what get him oh no he’s for coin Oh i think my game crashed oh no oh wait did it really okay wait we gotta pause i’m back i’m back you’re back are you back already okay i died okay oh someone broke through some broke through what so it just broke through the whole wall

But that’s me don’t shoot me i’m sorry sorry it’s not happening oh that looks cheating can we return the flag right here she broke through someone broke through oh no cuddly was cheating how they cheated you can’t break the walls do i put the blue plug in here yeah

Uh guys oh my god yeah okay wait we gotta pause and patch this back up everybody pause hadley why’d you do that you’re waiting because you cheated you are you are winning because you cheated no okay it’s patched up my head’s blocking the way now

We gotta i gotta we do wanna go okay i’m ready i was using their enchanted bow i picked what i chanted on the boat oh no you oh hopefully go go go go go go go ow score it happily no no no no no no no no no get him get him yes

No there’s no there’s no more blue flags wait there’s still more blue flags because i have one oh that’s so lame okay ow there’s owl there’s not blue flags i was there wait you gotta restock the blue flags well you i think we just like have to find it i don’t know

Are they in the bay are they in the map somewhere and wait they’ll probably respond or despawn maybe i have arrows what am i going to do with arrows wait where do you get Had armor on [Laughter] oh okay we got the meat there we got okay we got all right we gotta go get em olivia yes we gotta get them gotta get the flag yeah we gotta get the flag oh ow oh no no no no no no no no no no

Hadley do you have it yeah do you have a flag i returned it you you got our flag no yeah oh no oh no he’s got a armor and a and a sword no [Laughter] oh someone we’re going to win dad what we’re going to win no i don’t know if we

Are happy we got three oh awesome jack’s in the middle ow it doesn’t have two yet Yeah okay i gotta put this stuff on i already have boots how did i have two boots i need i need a bow oh no i need a bow there we go did you guys get a point oh no yep oh oh no i swore dad i need a sword

No i don’t i was just saying my my real stuff oh yeah it’s just lasering oh it’s okay you have secret stuff yeah he does actually oh i got this flag i got the flag i got to put it back here what do you put it back

I forget oh right here throw it in the little hopper oh no i placed it i don’t know why i keep placing it oh i still have it ow oh no i needed to throw it back in there he’s got it austin’s got it he’s got the flag have they get him

All right she screamed okay put did you put the flag back do we have it yeah that’s not fair you keep listening oh jack is such a good shot with the arrows oh yeah i made him fall going the wrong way get him hadley hey trying i’m not trying and

Throw did he score oh i think it’s tied i think it’s tied oh no okay we gotta go get it is it tied yep i don’t have any arrows there’s some armor in there a spider boy i’m carrying a bunch of stuff you better not have any flags oh no who’s getting me

I’m above you oh what the hell jack oh we don’t have another flag wait do you guys not have another flag we all have another flag in our thing we need to restock the flags oh no oh now we have to pause wait i have i have huh

Have a let’s play this blue block [Laughter] i don’t think it’s fair that the free spawn is right next to the flag that is fair [Laughter] the raging is real the raging is so real you you get so close to getting a flag and then somebody has a sword right behind you

And they just spawned in i got a sword out of the thing that gave me a sword i can’t this counts as a point if i get it in it counts as a point okay okay okay oh no no no no no no how we check oh no oh

No oh wait that’s no wait that’s oh wait i’m going the wrong spot oh my gosh no i got it oh that’s it it’s it it’s in that counts that counts does that count did it give me a point did it give me a point [Laughter] everything exploded down here

Hadley was the cheater of the game [Laughter] [Applause] yeah where’s the bucket come from ow ow there we are we have all four of the lights lit up one of them was with a sword because i don’t we ran out of flags we don’t know we don’t know where

It went we don’t know where the sword went how did the sword get in there i think i think i died right next to it the little thing and then it just pulled it down well we hope you guys had a lot of fun watching today’s episode

This was a fun capture of the flag game did you guys have fun with it yeah yeah yeah that was awesome and jack you did such a great job of making this map i love it thank you so much it’s so colorful and i love all of the different bases and the different

Obstacles to jump on and it was so cool to have all the weapons this took a long time to build which is why we haven’t posted in a while jack was working on built jack was working on building this base for us so we can make a video oh look at

I’m almost gonna die i got one heart [Laughter] we’ll see you in the next video goodbye

This video, titled ‘New Game – Capture The Flag’, was uploaded by Games For Kids Hub on 2022-02-23 17:11:45. It has garnered 155994 views and 691 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:36 or 1296 seconds.

Jack has been working on building a really cool map for our new game. Today, we’re playing CAPTURE THE FLAG in Minecraft! #Minecraft

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    Parrots Go Wild in Mine-Land! Exploring the Wholesome Parrots Dancing in Minecraft When it comes to the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. From building intricate structures to creating captivating music videos, players constantly push the limits of what can be achieved in this virtual sandbox. One such example is the heartwarming video titled “Wholesome Parrots Dancing – (Omae Wa Mou Remix/English Cover)” that has captured the attention of many Minecraft enthusiasts. The Video Concept The video features adorable parrots dancing to a catchy remix of the song “Omae Wa Mou” in English cover. The creator, APAngryPiggy, showcases their talent by combining elements… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Mod adds Custom Hearts!

    Insane Minecraft Mod adds Custom Hearts!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But There Are Custom Hearts..’, was uploaded by Graser on 2024-07-10 23:01:55. It has garnered 335752 views and 5440 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:48 or 9528 seconds. Minecraft, But There Are Custom Hearts.. Lunar Cloak: Roblox: @GraserRoblox Espanol: @GraserEspanol Join Me: Merch: Book: Twitter: Instagram: Twitch: Discord: #MinecraftBut​​ #MinecraftChallenge​​ #Minecraft​ Read More

  • Insane Old School Pixels Texture Pack Review

    Insane Old School Pixels Texture Pack ReviewVideo Information This video, titled ‘Daz Man Reviews Old School Pixels Texture Pack In Minecraft Bedrock! Minecraft Texture Pack Review’, was uploaded by Daz Man on 2024-06-23 17:00:02. It has garnered 968 views and 39 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:23 or 1823 seconds. An awesome new Texture Pack has been released with the Old-School Pixels Texture Pack available in Minecraft Markplace, created by Some Game Studio! ⭐Join this channel as a MEMBER to get access to perks⭐: Streamlabs Daz Man Merch Store: https://DazManMerch.Live OTHER CHANNEL LINKS @DazManReacts – @DazManWrestling – @DazManPlays – Bringing… Read More

  • Agent Duk’s Insane Explosion Within 5 Sec! #MinecraftSMP

    Agent Duk's Insane Explosion Within 5 Sec! #MinecraftSMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘It blew up in the first 5 sec #minecraft #smp’, was uploaded by Agent Duk on 2024-08-10 05:32:19. It has garnered 21 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. My PC couldn’t handle It Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Trick Will Blow Your Mind! 🔥

    EPIC Minecraft Trick Will Blow Your Mind! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘”This Minecraft Trick Will Change How You Play! 😮” Mughal Gamerz’, was uploaded by Mughal Gamerz on 2024-08-28 20:07:15. It has garnered 110 views and 23 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. #MughalGamerz #MughalGamerzYoutube #MughalGamerzYTChannel Here’s a compelling long description for a viral Minecraft Shorts video on YouTube: — 🎮 **Dive into the Craziest Minecraft Adventure Yet!** 🎮 In this explosive Minecraft Short, we take on the wildest challenges, uncover hidden secrets, and pull off insane stunts that you won’t believe! Whether you’re a seasoned player or just love the… Read More

  • 🔥 EnderiteT Ultimate Texture Pack for MCPE 1.21 🔥

    🔥 EnderiteT Ultimate Texture Pack for MCPE 1.21 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘The Best Texture Pack For Minecraft PE 1.21 | Minecraft Pocket Edition 🔥’, was uploaded by EnderiteT on 2024-08-05 09:21:14. It has garnered 84 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:55 or 175 seconds. Best Texture Pack For Minecraft 1.21 | Minecraft Pocket Edition Hey, In This Video I am Going To Show You Top 2 Best Texturepacks In Mcpe Without Lag Texture Link In Comment: Keywords texturpack #hindi #gaming #texturepack 1.21, texture pack 1.21, texture pack 1.21 fps boost, texture pack 1.21.2, texture pack 1.21.0, texture pack, texture pack… Read More

  • Minecraft Bedrock Live – Insane Realism Survival!

    Minecraft Bedrock Live - Insane Realism Survival!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Bedrock Live | Surviving on a Realism World’, was uploaded by r322c gaming on 2024-07-11 05:11:01. It has garnered 127 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 01:57:22 or 7042 seconds. Hello everyone today we are playing the new mod pack for minecraft bedrock edition hope you all enjoy. My Twitch My discord #minecraft #Minecraftsurvival #Minecraftlivestream #Minecraftbedrock This stream is created with #PRISMLiveStudio Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Challenge with Mr. Beast

    Shocking Minecraft Challenge with Mr. BeastVideo Information This video, titled ‘m̲r̲ b̲e̲a̲s̲t̲ #̲ #minecraft #funny #challenge #comedy’, was uploaded by M̲r̲ b̲e̲a̲s̲t̲ on 2024-01-17 10:48:15. It has garnered 2 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:20 or 20 seconds. Read More

  • Minecraft Ego Mania: Crouching = OP Enchantments?!

    Minecraft Ego Mania: Crouching = OP Enchantments?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But Crouching Gives Super ‘ENCHANTMENTS’ !!!’, was uploaded by Ego Mania on 2024-07-06 14:10:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft, But Crouching Gives Op Enchants… Minecraft 1.21 / Minecraft 1.20 / Minecraft 1.21 Updates / Minecraft Hindi videos … Read More

  • INSANE Fishing Luck on Day 66! 🎣 Tolbby’s Minecraft TLE

    INSANE Fishing Luck on Day 66! 🎣 Tolbby's Minecraft TLEVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft TLE Daily Fishing Day 66’, was uploaded by Tolbby on 2024-06-21 17:00:01. It has garnered 416 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:58 or 58 seconds. #shorts #minecraft – Title : Front Porch – Artist : Good News Tunes – Album : / Royalty Free Music #sadly #no #tricky #trials #or #1.21 #yet #WHY #AM #I #MAKING #THE #LIBRARY #SO #BIG #AHHHHHHH Read More

  • SkyNation

    SkyNationJoin SkyNation, where top-tier skyblock gameplay meets creativity and community. Explore custom-built islands, thrive in a balanced economy, and connect with our welcoming community. With endless fun, exciting events, and unique challenges, your skyblock adventure starts here. Come and be a part of SkyNation today! Read More

  • Marthia Nations – factions, vanilla

    Marthia Nations Join us at Build your own empire, a moving fighter jet, or a small town in Marthia. This SMP turned Nations server has been around for over half a decade, with the current world played on for three years. Marthia offers a community-driven semi-competitive Minecraft experience with highlighted plugins such as Movecraft, Cannons, Brewery, and VanillaTweaks! Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Respawning for Revenge

    Minecraft Memes - Respawning for Revenge“Me trying to retrieve my stuff in Minecraft is like trying to navigate through a messy room blindfolded – a hilarious disaster waiting to happen!” Read More

  • Crafting the Ultimate Home: Minecraft Mastery with @Itx_Mc_gamer

    Crafting the Ultimate Home: Minecraft Mastery with @Itx_Mc_gamer Welcome to lkdis Gaming, where we bring the heat, With Minecraft updates that can’t be beat. Join us on this journey, full of fun and delight, As we explore the digital realms, day and night. Game reviews and previews, we’ve got them all, Helping you decide which games to install. Let’s plays and walkthroughs, come along for the ride, With entertaining commentary by our side. Tips and tricks to level up your game, Expert advice to bring you fame. Live streams for interaction, don’t miss out, Join our community, scream and shout. Tech reviews to keep you in the… Read More

  • Superdog vs Supercat: Epic Village Upgrade Battle! 😂🔥 #minecraft #memes

    Superdog vs Supercat: Epic Village Upgrade Battle! 😂🔥 #minecraft #memes Superdog and Supercat may have superpowers, but they better watch out for Dân làng nâng cấp in Minecraft. Those villagers mean business when it comes to upgrading their village! Watch out for their diamond swords and enchanted armor, superheroes! Read More

  • Master Minecraft with KiworaTools Addon

    Master Minecraft with KiworaTools Addon KiworaTools v8: Enhancing Your Minecraft PE Experience! Welcome to the latest video showcasing KiworaTools v8, the ultimate addon designed to make your life as a Minecraft PE admin easier than ever! With enhanced features, managing your server has never been more efficient. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to try out these exciting new features! 📥 Download KiworaTools v8 here! Exciting Features Covered in the Video: 0:00 Add Tag Member / Admin: Easily add tags for members and admins. 1:00 Auto Tag Member: Automatically assign tags to new members. 2:41 World Settings: Quickly adjust world settings. 3:16 Lock Compass… Read More

Games For Kids Hub – New Game – Capture The Flag