Gaming On Caffeine – Minecraft Feed The Factory | POWER UPGRADE! TURBINES & BOILERS! #9 [Modded Questing Factory]

Video Information

In the last stream we were working on upgrading our burner drills to these new and improved electric drills and to accompany that we were also working on setting up these tier 3 solar panels to allow us to fuel the drill here wherever we want in the world without having to

Run a bunch of energy pylons coming from our kind of man power source that being the water wheels and so between streams I have gone ahead and moved this drill because right at the end of the live stream we did realize that the previous location which was just here was

Completely depleted of iron and so now I’ve moved it over to this next chunk which if we check real quick does have a little bit of iron but I’ve actually burned through it quite quickly it had over 3 000 when I first put this down but the world has been running for a

Little while here since I put this down it looks like once again we’re kind of close to running out of iron there my assumption if I go and check is that a good amount of that iron is probably probably sitting in a drawer underneath the card Hopper over here

Yeah we’ve got 937 iron down there we desperately do need to look at getting uh better or processing up and running because right now we’re still just turning one iron ore into one iron ingot which means we are going to have to keep moving the drills for the iron and the

Copper at quite a frequent pace and uh thankfully one of the things I do want to work on in today’s stream is power upgrades and that power upgrade is hopefully going to allow us to put down a lot more pulverizers to start getting 2.5 x efficiency out of our Oz but

Before we do that the very first thing that I would like to do at the start of today’s stream is I would like to replace the burner drill that we’re currently using for our copper mining over here with a another electric drill so let me quickly check before I replace

This do we still have a decent amount of copper left in here we do we’ve still got over 3000 units of copper I think the reason for that is that right now we are using iron a lot more than we’re using copper because we’re turning a lot

Of our iron into steel and then steel is being used alongside iron to make birth years of race search automatically if we open up our Advanced storage remote we should have everything we need to craft these drill components here which in turn should allow us to get

This drill taken care of and replaced with the new higher tier drill in turn that also means that we can pick up this conduit here and bring that back with us which is going to be very useful because I feel like I spent half of my life

Making conduits at this point but let’s go ahead and drop down one two three four five six seven eight nine like this we can set this side right here to be the output so that all the items still go along the conveyor belt and uh to

Where they need to be and then the final piece of the puzzle is of course to power this between streams I did go ahead and craft all of the parts required here to get another 10 of these tier 3 solar panels and so assuming that I have done this right which I

Thought I had did I not make enough heavy engineering blocks I really thought I had more of those there isn’t a problem we do have what it takes I think to make a few more of these we can make two more which is enough to make

A few more of these gets us to six in total it’s still not quite 10 of them I do quite like just placing these down on top like this and for the time being we can’t just put that in there and that is going to start to spin and generate more

Copper and the things we’re missing are wood for pistons and we’re missing a little bit more electrum as well between streams I did do a fair bit of deforesting so we’ve got 150 logs and you can see if we go back over here a bit um I also replanted a ton of

Samplings so hopefully those are going to continue growing as we progress through here we do want to look at automating the production of wood at some point fairly soon but in order to do that we do have to get lumium first because I’m fairly certain that in this

Pack the only way to automate wood production is via the use of the phytogenic insulator it’s a machine here from thermal expansion and to make that we need aluminum gear which requires Lumia ingots which requires energized glowstone and currently we don’t have any access to glowstone and so we are

Going to have to do a bit more work before we can actually get wood automated but hopefully the 150 logs that I got between streams should be enough to at the very least get us through today’s episode of Feed the factory and so real quick I’m going to

Make some more electrum here and see if we can’t get the final solar panels for that copper drill and not too long later one two three and four there we go we now have a drill that is slowly gonna back up on power because we are

Producing 10 Red Stone Fox but take more than the drill actually requires and now that that is done what we can do is we can kind of deactivate a section of our rail network downstairs now one thing people in the YouTube comments have been telling me about for quite some time is

Elevators because the elevators here are actually fairly easy to make usually they require white wall and ender pearls however in this pack you can make elevators using wool and blocks of diamonds we do have quite a few diamonds now because of the drill that we set up

In the last stream and so if we take two blocks of diamond here we should then be able to use that in combination with 16 wool to make two elevators now currently we do not have that wall but I do believe that we can craft this industrial hemp fiber into string and

Then we can craft that string into 16 wall at which point we could do something like this and like this and we can get two elevators that are not massively useful here because the the distance between the underground area and the overground area was not massive

But what we can do it is going to make our lives a tiny bit more efficient by allowing us to quickly and easily get down here without having to use those ladders so if you place two elevators down below or above one another you can then walk over one of the elevators hit

Space you’ll get teleported to the one above it or if you’re on the upper level you can hit shift and you’ll go down to the lower level as well and I guess the cool thing here is that we can kind of place these around the base right now if

I want to get to the coal area I have to go down here and then walk all the way around past all of my mine carts occasionally falling into random holes I’ve left to get to this area whereas if we get two more elevators I could put

Them down you know here and here and then just teleport right down without having to worry about it so what I am going to do here is I’m going to actually just get rid of this draw like that because that draw is the draw that

Is a feeding call to the drills and in fact we can get rid of the second Minecart now because currently we have two Minecarts I think this is the one that we want to get rid of we check with our rail configurator this one goes to call pickup it goes to iron pickup

Copper pickup and then refueling this one right here is the one that is uh just taking coal around for the drills that one is drifting a little bit that’s fine and we no longer need that none of our drills are co-powered and so we can

Go ahead and kind of put all of this call back in the system we are almost certainly going to have to craft it back down into regular call because even before this we were a little tight on Space inside of our inside of our simple storage network attached inventories and

So well let’s quickly craft that down and then by doing this what we’ve actually allowed ourselves to do is kind of repurpose some of this call to be used to make call and therefore steal and speaking of which between streams I have done a bit of work to try and

Increase the speed which we’re making steel by increasing the speed at which we are producing cold cook and so if we head on over to this area you’ll see that now instead of having three Coke Ovens we have a grand total of nine cook ovens all connected up to the same setup

Because right at the end of the last episode we had this sequential fabricator which was able to craft the Torches much much faster and that kind of put the bottleneck on the cook ovens now the bottleneck I think is no longer on the Car Coverage you’ll see all of

These are completely full on course we’re actually backing up on call and you’ll see that in here as well this Sawmill is uh is also full of coal and now that we’re not using it for the trends and for the drills we are going to back up even more which means we can

Then kind of take some of that call and use it for today’s plan which is to Pivot some of our power generation over into steam power I’m hoping to unlock these steam dynamos and once we have those we can start to filter some of our excess cold Coke you’ll see here we have

Over a thousand of it now into those generators which are going to allow us to produce more power which can then be used to make steel faster processors more efficiently and get research faster as well so that’s the plan and I think that’s really the only change I’ve made

Between streams I’ve built out even more of these Coke Ovens they’re pretty easy to make the cook ovens themselves are just Cobblestone and stone so super easy and then the only tricky part really is just the pumps and the pipes but both the pumps and the pipes are basically

Just all Iron and so it’s just a case of putting them all down getting all the conduits and configuring them all in the correct way and currently by the way I have changed the way this works a little bit before we had all three of these drawers pumping steel around into this

Metal press between streams I’ve tweaked it so that turn now under here this conduit doesn’t actually extract if I get my yetter wrench real quick and take a look at the configuration of this conduit this is set to insert not extract the reason for that is that I

Wanted to have a little bit of Steel that we can use for crafting and have all the rest of the steel go to uh to creating research because at the time when I did that we didn’t have steel backing up in these drawers now we’ve gotten to a point where I believe we’ve

Got 64 steel gears backed up in here so another bottleneck in terms of mechanics research is just this uh one researcher that we have of course we could mitigate that by building more researchers but for the time being because I have left this going a little while between

Streams we do have 204 mechanics research annoyingly still not enough to get us into the next kind of stage of the game with aluminum but hopefully more than enough to unlock a fair bit of research today and the first piece of research that I would like to unlock is

Of course the research here for steam power for that we need 32 Logistics research and a 16 mechanics these on their own are okay but we can make them better the standard premise here is then so we can make these are fairly straightforward we need steel we need

Copper we need a little bit of silver and then some Redstone and treated wood easy enough but the general premise with these on their own is that you place them down you pump water into them and you give them Fuel and in turn they produce about 40 RF per tick in fact

Let’s go ahead and make one of those and just show off how they work initially because we’re going to have to make quite a few of these today anyway the only thing we’re going to have a problem with as we saw earlier is silver because we just do not have that much silver

Available to us now we did move our drill previously and I can’t actually remember if the drill position that we left it in was kind of continuously getting silver or not let me go see if I can’t find that drill and let’s see if this has more silver inside of it it

Doesn’t I think we left this in a chunk that was getting lead not silver yeah okay that’s fine in that case then let me quickly grab my seismic reader and let’s see about moving this drill over to an area that has silver in it

And uh seeing if we can’t get a bit more silver ore to make this a little faster I am going to get another burner drill going here to produce the silver that is going to use a fair bit of Steel because we do have to use the steel drill head

Here there is research to unlock an in-var drill head it’s whether or not we want to spend 32 mechanics research on it it says this is an upgraded form of the steel drill head it’s a lot faster and potentially easier to make that is tempting you know 64 Logistics is fine

32 mechanics is quite expensive but we do have a lot of it and so I think I might go for it because it is going to make it just that much easier for us to mine this kind of stuff in the future to make it here we just need four blocks of

Inval one block of iron and then a bunch of iron ingots we don’t actually need to use any steel whatsoever and the fact that it said it’s a lot faster gives me quite a bit of Hub so I think what I might do we do have a fair bit of nickel

Lying around but we don’t have loads of it and so I think I might go ahead and at least get one pulverizer that we can kind of throw down somewhere to use for duplicating or 2.5 Xing they enter that nickel and we’ll do the same with the

Silver that we get as well to try and maximize output on those resources that we don’t really have that much of so we’ll take this pulverizer and for now I’m going to put it up here so I’ll put it down potentially just kind of behind this

Maybe and I put it down like that and then we can just grab another LV connector and hopefully connect that up to our pre-existing Network and that’s going to allow us to kind of just personally uh process some stuff so I’m going to set basically all of these

Sides to nothing and then we’re going to set the back to Orange which is output and so if we do a quick connection with the wire here as per usual I would love to insulate this for that we do need some more of the fiber I should go ahead

And replant these fibers because I did take them up between the last streams and we don’t actually have any growing right now which is not ideal but if we do this and this that’s going to bring the polarizer online and now if we throw all of our Nickel in there not only is

It going to get uh 2.5 x it’s also then going to automatically get smelted and deposited into here we can do the same thing I guess with the gold as well and in fact if we get maybe a hopper we could then go ahead and place that down it doesn’t necessarily matter where

We place it if we put it on the left here and make sure that side sets to input we can do this we can disconnect that item conduit and now we can put any ores that we want to be processed into this Hopper and they’ll slowly get

Pulverized and then sent down the way this works is that you’re guaranteed to get two nickel dust out of every ore and the same is true for any oil you process you get two of the Dust equivalent then you have a 50 chance to get an extra one

A third one so sometimes you’ll get three sometimes you’ll get two but the way that the the maths adds up is that you average 2.5 x and so we should get you know I think we had like 37 or maybe 14 nickel or if we had 40 nickel or then

We should get 100 nickel ingots is the idea and so uh yeah basically now we need to take that nickel along with some of our pre-existing iron drop that into our alloy Kiln over here and once we have enough invar to make the four blocks of inval required for the invar

Drill head we can then take this over to that drill and Hope definitely see a fairly substantial speed increase over the steel drill that we’re currently using chat is right and that we should save at least one nickel or here to make sure that we can scan for it in the

Future much like we’re doing with silver and I should also do the same with lead as well actually and there we go once we have 36 invar ingots we can craft that into four involved blocks and that should be basically everything for the inval drill head so back over here we do

Actually already have nine silver which is pretty great but let’s do this and this and then let’s see just how quickly this outputs resources I guess we’re not really gonna know how fast it is compared to the steel drill head but the quest book does say that it is a lot

Faster and I guess the most important part really is it’s just easier to get and we can focus our Steel on other endeavors and so now that we have nine silver that is going to get us um like at least 20 silver when we process it through the pulverizer which should be

Enough to get more than enough dynamos for the power that we’re gonna set up in today’s stream so let’s create that process and then let’s see if we can’t make our first maybe a couple of steam dynamos and let’s see if we can get those set up before we look and to

Augmenting them and they’re trying to make them just that little bit better alright so to make the steam Dynamo as we saw before we need to get the uh transmission coil of course I probably should get this chest here hooked up to my storage Link cable but it’s also

Probably a good idea that I do have to manually grab those out of there otherwise that chest is going to get fully backed up on stuff either way now we have the silver boom and boom we can get the transmission coil and with the transmission coil we

Should be able to make this Dynamo we do it into the steel gear that is fine in fact I’m going to steal some of the steel gears over here again just because this system makes them more efficiently then I can make them in my inventory and

Other than that we just need a regular generator from integrated Dynamics I think this is the mod this is from and boom we get a steam Dynamo now again if we put this down by default it does nothing and by default if you just put some fuel in there it’s still going to

Do nothing that’s because the steam Dynamo does require a coolant the easiest coolant for us to use is water and so if we grab a bucket of water we can put that in the Dynamo and it is going to start to produce 40 Redstone flux per tick as shown in the Energy tab

Here however it does use up that water and so unless we want to keep manually placing water into it we could do it setting up an unlimited water source so for them there are a couple of options we have here we could use the fluid pump

The fluid pump can be used to pump water out of the world so for example we could put a fluid pump down over the center block here what I mean by that is we could put a fluid pump down here where the dirt currently is if you put the

Fluid pump there and provide it with power it will be able to continually pump water out of that center block because that center block will just keep filling up with water and the water will get pumped around into the Dynamo we can do that by using the pipes right so that

Would work alternatively we can also unlock better ways of of getting unlimited water there’s the infinite water source here this requires 16 Logistics research and kind of along the same lines as the infinite cobblestone generator the infinite water source here is fairly easy to make and there are three tiers that produce different

Amounts of water however I do think that the best thing that we can get is the aqueous accumulator again a little bit of research required but the aqueous accumulator is probably our best option for producing unlimited water and especially as we move further on and we

Need a lot more water I think the increase accumulator is going to be the way to go to make it we’re doing the regular fluid pump again super easy iron plates fluid pipes more iron plates the mechanical component you guessed it more iron plates and so I actually think we

Do have a fluid pump in the system we do indeed the only thing that we are missing is the Redstone server and boom we have an aqueous accumulator so essentially with the increase accumulator what we can do is we can place this down where we would normally

Have unlimited source of water so right now this is actually our only unlimited source of water and to prevent us just burning through it I am going to go ahead and just leave this one as it is and I’ll set up a new one over for power

Production so I’m probably going to move a lot of this to a new area but for the time being let’s just see if we can’t get this set up so if we do this and this we can then put the increase accumulator in the middle like this and

Inside of here you’ll see that it’s instantly full of water basically if this has a water source block on any two faces you don’t have to put them down like this you could put the water here and here or here and here that would work completely fine if you do that this

Will start filling up with water and then from there I believe we can grab just some regular old pipes like this and I think that this might be able to Auto eject it can indeed and so if we do this and then this this should start to fill up with water

And it does nice albeit not very quickly again we could actually utilize a fluid pump from immersive engineering again to make this faster there are a few things you could do here as well there are fluid conduits that we could look at investing in I don’t want to spend too

Much of our mechanics research though and so one thing we can do that I think might do for the time being is put this here it might seem like a waste to use the ankles accumulator when I just said we could use the fluid pump but I think

Doing it like this is faster and requires zero power whereas like I said before the fluid pump from immersive engineering does need power if you are trying to extract from an unlimited water source but it doesn’t need power if you’re extracting from an inventory like the air Chris accumulator so if we

Do this and if we grab our Engineers Hammer to set the front here to output and I want to get it looks like we are actually out of hammers that’s not a problem we can right click that twice to set it to output and then now if we do

The same thing with the flute pipe and the steam Dynamo what we should see is that this filling up substantially faster and you can right click here with the ATO wrench to rotate it but that it is full instantly which is super nice so now that we have that of course we could

Just pump uh fuel into them again we’re probably going to start siphoning from this cold Coke here and using that cold Coke for power but what we can also do is we can take this one step further and we can look at getting the Steam and turbine upgrades again a little bit

Pricey we do need even more mechanics research and even more Logistics research which apparently we don’t have enough of in our inventory but we do have hundreds of logistics research available over here and so if we were to quickly try that one more time boom we now have access to two more

Augments those being the turbine augment and the boiler conversion augment essentially right now what is happening in here is the steam Dynamo is taking the water and it’s using the fuel to produce Steam and then the idea I believe is that it’s you know spinning a turbine inside of the Dynamo and

Producing power that’s kind of the the logic I think there whereas what we can do here is we can make a turbine augment which looks pretty straightforward does require another red Stern conductance coil this one’s slightly different does require electron but we do have it and

So we can make that and then we would also have to make a boiler conversion augment because now what we can do is if we utilize a second steam Dynamo which just requires one more Redstone transmission coil we can now have one Dynamo be the boiler and one Dynamo be

The turbine so if I put the boiler augment into this Dynamo this Dynamo no longer produces power it just produces steam it takes the water and it turns it into steam it does still require the fuel but you’ll see now it’s producing 160 millibockets per tick of steam and

You’ll see it’s changed on the outside here as well and if we look here you’ll see that at the bottom it says that a single boiler can produce enough steam to power three turbines and basically what that means is that if we once again use another pipe this time we’re

Extracting the steam sending it through this pipe into another Dynamo like this again yet a wrench to rotate now if we put the turbine upgrade in here this is now capable of filling up on the Steam and this is producing 160 Redstone flux per tick so it’s producing four times as

Much power whilst still using I think roughly the same amount of fuel and as you saw in the quest book we can actually put down up to three of these and we can run three turbine based steam dynamos off of one boiler Dynamo and so if we want to make

That happen we just need to make some more Electro I think so let’s quickly grab a little bit of silver and let’s do maybe one two three four five six like that that should get us a decent amount of electrum I think we only need two more electron to make two more of

These dynamos and at that point once we have three of these down we’re gonna have three dynamos each producing 160 Redstone flux fatigue which gives us 480 in total off of this one boiler augment and then going forward of course we could just make another Dynamo and give

That the boil argument at which point we can basically double our 480 up to 960 redstone blocks were taken at that point we’re producing substantially more power than we were previously utilizing our water wheel setup so that’s kind of the plan and I think that’s basically the

Way that we’re going to try and produce some of our mid-game power so let’s quickly see if we can’t get two more of these steam dynamos here and there we go two more steam dynamos done and all we need to do now is get two more of these

Turbine augments which doesn’t seem too difficult once we have the electrum and so do we have what it takes as one and two perfect so it does not really make too much sense also I think if I put this down like that it goes down the right way from the

Beginning which is maybe a little easier than using the getter Wrench It does say in here that this uses 80 milliwockets per pick of steam and it says here that it’s producing 160 millipockets per tick of steam and so logically it seems like it would only fuel two the quest book

Does say three though and so let me give this a try here if I take some more iron plates out of our research and use that to make yet more fluid pipes and then I do something like this and like this and of course make sure they enter both of

These are augmented the steam here does look like it’s backing up on both of these machines and I think all of these are going to produce 160 RF they they do go down a little bit when you start to fill up on power so you’ll see this one’s only producing 16. that’s just

Because the internal buffer is full and it’s no longer using much steam at all and so it does look like it might be able to keep up we can keep an eye on it if it doesn’t we can always use a two to one and and that would also be fine but

At this point in time we can quite safely go ahead and connect this up to our pylons the only thing that we would really have to consider now is getting fuel around into the steam Dynamo here although I’m pretty sure that we already have a channel on our main conduit line

For cold cook and that’s the black Channel and so what we could do here if we grab our item conduits out of the system is we could just go ahead and run the conduit which I think already runs under here over and around to under this Dynamo like so and again with the

Atarench here if we just tell this to insert on the black Channel I don’t know what’s happened to that at all it looks like it’s there but it’s not let me try that one more time if I uh oh there we go it’s in okay cool if I oh no I see what

I’ve done if you shift and scroll wheel you can rotate through the different modes in the yetter range I think I was just in the wrong mode there here insert on blink and then let’s see if we can’t connect that up to the the pre-existing pipeline

Yeah this is now connected if you want to conduit up and around through to the main line we can of course go ahead and fix this whilst I was doing that though somebody in the twitch chat did point out that in this mod pack the ankara’s accumulator doesn’t actually need to

Have water sources down next to it you can just put the anchorus accumulator down like this with no water anywhere near it and it will just keep producing water it will keep this full I gave it a quick test you’ll see this one here has

Eight buckets in it if we take this and we uh grab a bucket out it still has eight buckets in there so the air quiz accumulator is definitely worth the research I think you don’t have to have any water there it just does the job which is pretty cool and this is all

Working now as well which is fantastic so really all we need to do now to actually be able to utilize this power is that grab at least three of these LV wire connectors drop those down along here here and here and then using three more insulated wiring we can then go

Ahead and hook all of this up to our main power Network and there we go it doesn’t look the greatest given what I’ve chosen to put these we could definitely have this going vertical instead of horizontal that would definitely be more space efficient and that will probably look a little bit

Better as well but these are all you know filling up on on power this one here is going down a little bit but yeah these are going to produce power forwards and uh it goes slowly but surely burn the cold cook I think it’s probably not gonna burn through it

Faster than we’re producing it until we start adding even more steam dynamos again one thing we can do here if we wanted even more power is we could invest in some of these hardened upgrade kits we unlocked these before and I think we have one of them in our Sawmill

But if we get some copper and some tin we can begin to make some more bruons and utilizing bronze gears we can make even more of those hardened upgrade kits and the hardened upgrade kit can be applied to the Dynamo in much the same way that it could be applied to the

Machine and in doing so it will just produce more power and also give it more augment slots with more augment slots you can then also augment the Dynamo to produce more power again that augment I believe is locked behind research that’s this one here this research unlocks this

Dynamo augment that then allows the one Dynamo to produce more power albeit whilst using more fuel as well in this case the fuel being steam let’s quickly grab some bronze though and just see if the hardened upgrade kit makes much of a difference I think it’s going to make a

Little difference but I don’t think without the augment it’s going to make that much so by default it is 116 with the hard number grid kit it actually goes up to 240 which is pretty substantial that means that three of those are going to produce what 720

Redstone Volks per tick just by getting three hardened upgrade kits the usage does go up to 120 Milli buckets per tick and again that’s probably going to necessitate more boilers but along the same lines here we can also upgrade the boiler as well if we do something like

This and like this the boiler now produces 240 which again in theory only carries two of these but I’m not quite sure how that works because the quest book seems to have contradictory information but we can go ahead and do something like this as well and now I’ll

Produce seeing way more power than we currently need which means we can potentially now look at making our steel just that little bit faster as well to do that we would have to unlock the research for it which is this here uh for that we need 16 lots of 8X Logistics

Research and we need 16 mechanics research I don’t know if that’s really worth doing right now obviously we’re doing fine on Logistics and we’ve got 112 mechanics I think that’s almost all of the mechanics we have I do have a little bit more over in here I think we’ve got 40 more divided

Between these first four burners yeah so we’ve got 200 ish mechanics research but I think basically now we kind of want to leave that going and next time we want to come back and see if we can’t get this aluminum Quest taken care of for that we need 32 lots of 8X mechanics

Which is 256 mechanics research which is definitely doable you know over here we’re getting there slowly but surely we can leave that going a little bit between streams we could also I guess look at getting the research speed upgrade you know what I’m going to go

For it we do need 16 more mechanics but I think the increase in speed is probably going to be worth it especially now that we can handle the increase in power usage so there are actually two upgrades you can put in here the research speed upgrade and the research

Energy consumption upgrade the uh speed upgrade makes it faster and the energy consumption upgrade makes it use less energy for the time being I don’t think energy is going to be a problem but let’s give it a test if we make two of these which really don’t seem too bad

Actually they do need hardened upgrade kits which we can definitely make more and two and then it also requires more machine casing and more electrum so the machine casing is fine the electrum is also fine but only for one upgrade if we want to make the second upgrade we’re

Going to have to process yet more gold and yet more silver we need four in total which is uh two of each so that should get us for electrum and if we take this first upgrade that we’ve made it says replace with a gearbox increase the research just be by 30 percent so

Right now let’s take a look this here should be using 20 redstone blocks per tick to produce the mechanics research and it takes 1 200 ticks there are 20 ticks per second in Minecraft and so it is taking 60 seconds if it reduces it by 30 I’d assume then that it’s going to

Take 42 seconds for it to finish so let’s give that a try though let’s move this over to here you basically break this block and replace it with a speed upgrade now it should start going again it does and it should be faster there’s

Not really a good way for us to tell how much power this is using I don’t think at least not until we unlock the capacitor Banks from Android because right now I don’t think there’s a way for us to read the amount of power being used here and I don’t

Know if it tells us in the quest book how much more power this uses either way we can make another one of these here and again really so long as we don’t start you know running out of power I’m not too worried about this using like a

Kind of excessive power for the time being let’s go ahead and quickly swap out this for this I think you might lose the progress like you might lose the the items that you put in uh if you break this so like I think when you when it

Starts doing the process it takes one of each item and then starts and then if you break it between the processors gonna lose one but I think that’s fine we should now be a fair bit faster not 60 faster I think the second one is less

Effective than the first one uh but they do still both make the machine faster in general and so hopefully when we come back we should be able to unlock the aluminum tier fairly quickly people are suggesting that we might be able to use the engineers voltmeter here from

Immersive engineering to get an idea of how much power we’re using I’m not quite sure if this is going to work but um I know it does give some kind of insight this just says zero out of a hundred flux I guess it just shows like energy

Stored though it doesn’t really show me um I don’t think there’s a second mode to it doesn’t really show me how much energy is being used talking to the twitch chat here I think this is now twice as fast as it was previously the idea is uh there’s some math down here

But basically it’s one minus the speed up bonus to the power of the number of upgrades so the speed of bonus in this scenario is 30 right so if we type in speed this one here is 30 faster that means that the speed up bonus is not 0.3

And so I believe the way it works is you do one minus 0.3 which is 0.7 to the power of the number of upgrades in this case it’s not 0.7 squared which is 0.7 times 0.7 that is a 0.49 which is the processing speed so it’s basically doing what it did before

In half the time it did previously which means it’s twice as fast essentially so this is now processing these twice as fast as it was before which is great again hopefully by the time we come back for the next episode we should have everything that we need in order to get

Started with the aluminum questline and in doing so that again is hopefully going to open up quite a lot of stuff for us again I’m really looking to see if we can’t find that glowstone somewhat soon because if we can that’s going to allow us to get into tree farming which

Is hopefully going to allow us to not have to spend a ton of time every episode cutting down trees in order to get all of our resources real quick before I ramp up today’s stream I do want to get a couple of pulverizers here I might start with one and see how it

Goes I think I’ll get one pulverizer for each of these so I’ll put one above the uh the iron and one above the copper and then we’ll try and set those up in such a way that all of the OLS from the lower level go up and into the pulverizers uh

First and then we pull from that pulverizer down into these furnaces and we’ll keep an eye on it and see if the one pulverizer is fast enough if it’s not we could always look at making it faster or we could always look at adding more pulverizers but at this point in

Time I think it’s definitely worth doing just so we’d have to move our drills quite as often going forward all right so we’ve got two more furnaces down here I have disconnected the wire from like this connection here and this connection here same on this side as well so all of

The iron goes up into the pulverizer all the copper goes up into this pulverizer and then I’ve just got cables coming out of the left side of this pulverizer on the right side of this pulverizer to distribute amongst those furnaces again we whilst that to a round robin and

Round Robin to make sure that all the furnaces get their equal shot now one thing that we’ve not had to worry about up until now but that we do now have to worry about is that now uh LV or wire relays can only handle eight connections

And so right now I believe we have seven wires coming off of this relay and so if I try and do this it’s going to work just fine but then if I try and do this it’s going to also work fine hold on one two three four

Five six seven eight nine ten eleven maybe eight maybe you can do more than eight I feel like we’ve got loads coming off of this which I’m not going to complain about if it uh if it works it works it looks like this is indeed working we’ve got the output set on

Those sides and so we should start to see a dust filtering down into these furnaces of course right now these are backed up on all I’m actually going to go and take all of the ore out of those furnaces and move it back downstairs just so that we can get the the maximum

Effect from our new pulverizers on all of this kind of excess or so I actually fall on copper or down here we can make upgrades to these drawers to allow them to hold more stuff much like we’ve made downgrades before this iron upgrade here is going to allow this drawer to hold

Four times the base value so it’s going to go from 2048 up to about 8192 and sold up all that in and that should be able to hold a ton more copper going forward which is nice as well and yeah I think we are pretty much good to go here

We are at some point going to have to upgrade our power infrastructure because right now although we’re now able to produce more power these LV cables can only transfer 800 redstone blocks per Tech and so right now we’ve got 240 here plus another 240 here is 480 plus 160 is

640 plus the extra 250 that we’re running off of all of our water wheels is like 890 and so already I think we’re producing more power than our current Network can carry and so basically what it means is that if we start using more than 800 Redstone flux per Tech then

We’re going to start to run into problems not on the production side but just on the transfer side to mitigate that we just have to upgrade to the next tier of cables this one says 1000 hours per tick I believe that’s on each connector and I think that the actual MV

Wires can move 8000 RF in total so that is going to have to be something we look upgrading at some point in the future but to do that we need production research which requires the aluminum that we don’t currently have so next time we’ll come back we will use our

Mechanics research to unlock aluminum and then we’ll use that aluminum to start producing the next year of research already we’ve gained like 15 or 20 more mechanics research since we added those speed upgrades so this is coming in nice and quick and yeah I think we’ll do that next time for now

Though I’m going to go ahead and ramp up this episode of Feed the factory there foreign

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Feed The Factory | POWER UPGRADE! TURBINES & BOILERS! #9 [Modded Questing Factory]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2023-09-08 22:00:17. It has garnered 25238 views and 885 likes. The duration of the video is 00:38:13 or 2293 seconds.

Minecraft Feed The Factory | POWER UPGRADE! TURBINES & BOILERS! #9 [Modded Questing Factory] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Mystical Block | AN ALL NEW SKYBLOCK! #1:

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Feed The Factory Mod Pack –

Feed The Factory is a Minecraft factory automation modpack that takes inspiration from automation focused games like Factorio.

Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

#Minecraft #FeedTheFactory #Modded

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  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting Legends: The Gang🔝⭐

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  • Mastering PvP as the Ultimate Gamer Fleet God

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  • Vanilla Minecraft: Descending Back to Hell

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  • Hot Mess in Minecraft 😂🔥

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  • Ultimate Guide: Creating BoBoiBoy Ice Portal in Minecraft

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  • Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Experience Viking Adventures in Minecraft! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a captivating YouTube video featuring a Minecraft mod set in a Viking theme. The lyrics of the song in the video paint a vivid picture of adventure, glory, and epic battles in Valhalla. As you immerse yourself in the world of Vikings and epic sagas, why not bring that same sense of adventure to your Minecraft gameplay? Join us on Minewind Minecraft Server, where you can create your own epic tales, forge alliances, and engage in thrilling battles. Just… Read More

Gaming On Caffeine – Minecraft Feed The Factory | POWER UPGRADE! TURBINES & BOILERS! #9 [Modded Questing Factory]