Gaming On Caffeine – Minecraft Feed The Factory | URANIUM ISOTOPES & FISSION FUEL! #24 [Modded Questing Factory]

Video Information

In the last stream we were working on setting up some new multi-block structures to all hours to make alloys along with plates rods and gears even faster and since the end of the last episode I’ve done quite a bit of work around the base the first thing that

I’ve done is I’ve added a new platform over here and I have set up two more of these Mega metal presses so we have this one over here this is the electrode alloyer and this is going to be used to make all of our Alloys going forward one

Annoying thing that I did find out between episodes because I was trying to set up the automation for this you’ll see in here I did go through and teach this crafting interface how to make basically all of the Alloys that I think we’re going to need so it knows how to

Make bronze invar Constantine electrum tough alloy magnesium dibride and Ferro bar on alloy we’ll get to those last three uh today because we’re gonna start working on nuclear craft fission but I was hoping to automate it modularium but for some reason modularium cannot be made in the mega metal press you can

Make it in the alloy Kiln you can make it in the induction smelter you can make it in the alloy furnace but for some reason in this pack you cannot make it in the mega metal press and so unfortunately we are going to have to keep the older induction smarter right

About there hanging around for a little longer just to make us that modularium over here we now have three Mega metal presses one of them has the plate mold one of them has the gear mold and one of them has the rod mold right now the only

Thing that we’ve taught is the iron plates we did this at the end of the last episode and so right now the iron plates are being made and they’re being requested over here you’ll see this draw is now full and that is of course for our Logistics research speaking of which

We are doing pretty well on Logistics research we’re 110 x 64. I will also follow up on mechanics research 64 x64 and then we’re doing okay on these two and of course we’re not making any plane stick whatsoever because of the fact that in the last episode we did

Disconnect this plan plastic drawer from the rest of the system to make sure that when we start working on setting up a fission reactor we have all of the plastic that we need to actually make that fission reactor a reality and we’re not waiting for this very very slow

Process to make a little bit of plastic for us we’ve also got a decent amount of lithium Boron and magnesium now all of those are coming in quite nicely from the creeper data model over there and the only thing missing here is a few more of the item interfaces to actually

Give the system access to these ingots are one two and three and then we’ll connect those up with a little bit of cable here here and here speaking of processing also all the way over here it turns out we do need more oil processing infrastructure because

Right now we do not have any uranium and we also don’t have any thorium processing I don’t know if we actually need thorium looking through the rest of the quests I’m not quite sure if thorium is actually going to be required but we do definitely need uranium and right now

There is no space left on any of our or processing line here for Uranium to slide into and so I’ve gone ahead and basically duplicated this setup over here it’s the exact same as before we’ve got the crusher we’ve got the induction spot to the pulverizer and the upgraded

Redstone furnace right now you’ll notice there’s a big old hole in the floor the reason for that is that I think the easiest way for us to get this induction smell to online is going to be to just run an item conduit all the way from

Here because this of course allows us to insert and extract the cinebar to allow us to actually process oils in the induction smelter I contemplated connecting it up to the integrated dynamic system and then using like an exporter of some kind but I didn’t think that was going to work as well and

Although this is an extremely janky solution it’s not that far and these item conduits are surprisingly cheap and there aren’t really any item conduits over on this side of the base anywhere and so if we just quickly do something like this we should then be able to grab

Our conduit probe and then just quickly copy and paste the conduit settings to allow both of these induction smelters here to receive the syllabar and then send back the rich slag once they’re done processing that cinebar and all we need for that of course is the conduit

Probe and then over here we can just go ahead and then shift right click on this conduit to copy the settings and then back over here we can just right click on both of the item conduits here and here and we should start to see those fill up with Rich slang slowly but

Surely and then once we have uranium we can just send it there and it should get processed so in terms of actually getting the uranium we do have one uranium ore in the system and as per usual we are going to want to grab our seismic reader to find our nearest patch

Of uranium which I’m hoping is somewhat close by it looks like there’s some up to the north here again not a lot about 250 in the chunk at the max there’s also some down in the bottom left like the South West which might be kind of just behind this area here actually which

Might not be a terrible place to uh to go to get some uranium let me grab my scanner and let’s see is there any uranium here no it’s probably easier if I get the the seismic reader again because we can see which chunk we’re in

And we can see how far away we are from the nearest uranium containing chunk and it turns out that it’s this one right here nice it has uranium and thorium so what we’ll do is we’ll throw down a minor here I’m going to put down this treated wood plank just so I know

Which chunk to uh to put the drill in but I think we’ll do something basically the same as what we’ve done over for platinum we’ll get like a little independent system going that can produce the platinum and then just send it back so we’ll do this kind of thing

Where we throw down a chest throw down an interface make sure that interface has a low priority and then kind of hope that this doesn’t happen because hopefully we’ve got enough space for it Redstone is coming in there which is interesting one thing I did do but

Didn’t mention in the last episode is I did finally upgrade the Redstone door over here to a compacting drawer and so now all the way over here we can just drop our Redstone in and it is now accessible via the system which means that now we’d have to keep crafting

Redstone blocks whenever we want to make stuff like the reinforced up wickets that we seem to make all the time but uh yeah let me quickly go and set up a another electric drill here for Uranium all right so not too long later and we should now have if I unlock this drawer

We should now have a setup that ideally is going to work here let me set the priority on this low the the reason I’ve gone with the two by one drawer instead of a chest is then to the twitch shot pointer now that if we put the thorium

And the uranium in there then nothing else will ever end up in there right so we can do this we can do this we can lock the draw like this and now only those two items are ever going to be in there we don’t really have to worry too

Much about the the priority being low also you do have to click save in order to lock in that priority that is my bad I keep forgetting that that is how that works but this is working we are getting uranium and we should be able to now do

What we’ve done before and throw down an item exporter over on this Frame drawer over here which is also not locked to uranium and thorium but definitely should be so let’s take you and you and then back over here we’ll do the exact same thing again like I said I’m not too

Sure how much we’re going to need the thorium but we might as well process it just on the off chance that we do and need it eventually we are going to be able able to make uranium automatically to do that we need to set up another Infinity minor with the mining drones

Which are used at a higher rate here and some helium helium is the only thing we don’t currently have we can make helium collectors which are kind of like the Cobblestone generators they will just generate helium constantly but these are a little expensive and these do actually

Require thorium so this is maybe the one scenario in which it’s quite possible we might need it but even then we can make the thorium-230 oxide which is what you need to make this block of thorium via uranium and uranium-238 is an isotope of uranium that we are going to be working

With today because we are going to use the isotope separator which are bookmark to get both uranium-238 and uranium-235 because both of those are required in order to make Leu 235 fuel this stuff right here bookmark that as well and this I think is going to be the starter fuel

That we use in order to get our fission reactor up and running but real quick let me get Vance item exporter let’s throw that down I was going to say on the top yeah we’ll do it on the top just for the sake of symmetry although I am going to

Do something like this which is going to look a little bit worse but should get the job done just fine like that and then boom and this should all be set to extract it is always active is on this right here is set to insert fantastic

And so that should just work as soon as we put a variable card into export everything like that now of course this doesn’t have power and that’s because Isaac of the past didn’t do this of course that only works if you turn the Redstone signal off Okay cool so that should work

Just fine hopefully once the thorium is processed we should see uranium as well fantastic well then go ahead and lock that and then you’ve seen this rig more before we get two item filters and we use those in the item conduits to move all of those shards automatically from

This drawer into either this induction smelter here or this induction spot to here will do Uranium on the left boom and boom and then insert like that and then we’ll do ethereum on the right we’ll go boom and boom and then of course we’ll make sure

This is set to always active and we should start to see things doing what they’re supposed to do I can’t help but notice that there’s no cinebar making its way into here let me go quickly check on the cinebar setup I did make a few changes to this between

Streams right now it’s doing pretty well we we don’t have that much um slag though and that’s because of a lack of power but this is working against that’s all fine the changes I made here by the way is I changed the way that the crafting

Of the magma blocks happens so back over in here previously we were making one mango block at a time between streams I’ve swapped the recipe to make 64 mango blocks at a time so now whenever this whatever this machine up here the Magna Crucible doesn’t have 64 in so as soon

As it dips down to 63 like this the system will then start to request that more magma blocks be made right now I think the system probably has some backed up it does but as soon as we run out here if we run out of these 20 and

Then it goes down to 63 another 64 will be requested and I think this is a better system because the 64 can be made faster than this magma Crucible uses them one thing I do want to point out is that you can’t do big bulk crafts with a

Crafting table so initially what I tried to do is I tried to take this recipe this recipe right here is just telling this card that 64 mango box can be made from 64 lots of four lots of magma creams basically so four stacks of magma creams equals one stack magma blocks but

If you try and put that in over here you’ll get an X and it says recipe is not accepted by the Target so if you want to do a big bulk craft like that you do have to do it over in a sequential fabricator hence why it’s

Over here the same is true for this one I’ve also taught it how to make the magma creams in bulk so now I’ll make 64 of those at a time as well and again you can’t do that over here has to be done over here and for some reason you also

Can’t do it with the pulverizer I tried changing this recipe card right now it says that one player is what equals four Blitz powder I tried changing that to 16 blaze rods equals 64 blaze powder but it just wouldn’t allow it I got the same Red X saying recipe is not accepted by

The Target so not quite sure why because the pulverizers only can accept 16 players rods and so I’m not quite sure why that didn’t work but either way it appears to be working just fine another thing I did is over here I finally put down a kind of spare draw with an item

Exporter on it the idea here is that now this is set to crafting true which means it’s going to keep crafting those machine frames and the idea with this is that I keep having to make new machines and waiting for the system to make these machine frames is a little bit tedious

The system is not particularly fast at making them mostly due to the fact that this guy over here is pretty slow and it sends one bench at a time so instead what I’ve done is I’ve thrown down a draw put an exporter on it and told it

To basically craft up to a stack because we’d have a storage downgrade in here of machine frames the idea being that if I ever need a machine for him I can just come over here and grab however many I need and I don’t have to wait you know

15 minutes for the system to craft one for me anyway now that that is done we first of all need to work on getting this Leu 235 fuel because without that we’re not going to be able to actually produce anything without fission reactor like we can build the fission reactor

But it needs fuel right and so this top line here is kind of going to walk us through it the first thing we need is some uranium which we should have if we do this and we also do this just to make sure we don’t back up on thorium also

While I’m here and before I forget I am going to put another tier 5 storage upgrade and another void upgrade into this draw right here just to make sure that it continues working forever for that I am going to have to do something like this and of course for that I do

Need more planks which I never seem to have available when I want them but that is fine boom and then upgrade hit me with an upgrade template a tf5 storage upgrade and avoid upgrade nice okay and then we can go boom and boom nice so now that we have the

Uranium and the thorium we do want to make sure of course that those are accessible by the system and so we’ll drop both those down and connect all of that up to our main line I’m over here by the way I just have a fairly small little capacitor Bank down here that is

Providing power to these machines so instead of running an energy conduit all the way along which I guess I could have done in the same block as the item conduit but essentially I just threw down a capacitor bank that has enough capacity this can do two thousand

Dollars per tick and so we have energy being exported here and then it comes out and just gets distributed to all of these machines and of course if we wanted to which I do want to we could grab a facade and then we can get some treated wood and we can do something

Like this and cover that up nice but anyway now that we have the uranium we need to process that into Leu 235 this one right here so to do that we first need an isotope separator the isotope separator is another machine from nuclear craft I’m hoping somewhat optimistically that this

Uses less power than the electrolyzer I think it does to make it we need two electric motors which is easy enough and then we need another machine chassis this is one of those situations where either manually crafting or waiting for a machine frame would take a while but

We can just go and grab one from over here and boom we have that machine chassis and we have the isotope separator by default this uses 1000 Red Star Fox per tick that’s pretty good it’s four times less than what the electrolyzer uses and the idea here is

That we can use this isotope separator to turn uranium into two uranium Isotopes specifically uranium-238 and Tiny clumps of uranium-235 this is good because we are trying to make leu235 Leu 235 is made using uranium-238 and uranium-235 and you can craft uranium-235 from the tiny piles of uranium 235 the tiny clumps of

Uranium-235 so if we can get both of these set up via the isotop separator we should then just be able to craft everything into this lu235 fuel at which point we can then place that into a fission reactor and that is going to generate power for us and it’s also as a

Byproduct going to produce depleted leu235 fuel which is actually quite useful so for this to work we’re going to need a couple of things we’re going to need I think a few more sequential Fabricators I’m going to request those real quick we could use the workbenches

But I have a feeling that we’re going to want things to be a fair bit faster than the workbenches can be and so I will request to use a question Fabricators before I do that I might just quickly grab a couple of these and throw them in

The system and then if I quickly request two sequential Fabricators hopefully that just makes them a lot faster because it doesn’t have to manually request again that those machine frames be made because the machine frames are Far and Away the the slowest part of all

Of this one other thing I could do which I probably should do is just uh put down another draw like this and have the system kind of constantly making the steel mechanical components because those again are the part that take the longest to happen but either way we’re

Going to use one sequential fabricator here to craft the tiny clumps of uranium-235 into non-tiny clumps of uranium-235 basically doing this crane right here and then we’re going to use the other sequential fabricator to do this craft right here craft the uranium-235 with all of the uranium-238

So I am going to move this because I’m kind of thinking that this space in the middle is where we’re going to have our fission reactor or potential even fission reactors if we get multiple of them and so I think we’ll do a a uranium production over here we’ll start of

Course with that isotope separator and if your inventory starts to look like this which mine usually does whenever I open the the interface in here I’m not quite sure why but this seems to be a bit bugged when I open it it seems to mess things up sometimes I can middle

Mouse click and that fixes things but sometimes that doesn’t fix things and then when I try and go and put things down it’s still broken like that and so I find the easiest way to fix it is just to leave and rejoin once we’re back in

We can pick this up and hopefully get this to work so I’m gonna put down the isotope separator from there we’re going to get tiny clumps of 235 and we’re gonna get full size clumps of 238 so we want I think I think we want buffer draws for

All of these because the myth doesn’t really add up nicely and so I think there’s going to be a situation where we eventually end up kind of voiding excess resources here because the 235 fuel requires eight uranium-238 and one 235 but then each uranium that you process

Gives you one uranium-238 and one tiny clump of uranium-235 and so essentially you have to take nine uranium ingots to get nine uranium-238 and one uranium-235 so basically every time we do this nine times we’re going to end up with one excess uranium-238 and eventually that’s

Going to cause the whole system to clog up if we don’t have some kind of void storage drawer to get rid of the excess once we hit like 2000 uranium so I’ll get draws for both of these and I don’t think as we’ve seen before that you can

Auto eject from the isotope separator I’m fairly certain that’s not an option you can set the output to the top but then you can’t actually set it to Auto eject and so we are going to have to use use like item conduits here but that’s fine so we’ll extract out up and into

Here and we’ll make this the uranium-238 then I’m going to lock that as well to make sure nothing else goes in there then we want to extract the uranium-235 out into a different draw we’ll put that draw right about here and again we’ll lock that and that’s gonna be for the

Tiny clumps uh actually this is where we want the sequential fabricator to be and Chad does make a good point actually that I did not consider that is that the compacting drawer might not be a bad idea if the compacting drawer does work with the tiny clumps of uranium-235 then we

Could potentially just do this in that we insert the tiny clumps of uranium-235 and then we just extract the full size clumps up and into one sequential fabricator like that and then of course we can extract from here over into here as well as per usual I do want to get a pattern

Validation argument to make sure that we don’t end up with a uranium-238 filling up all of the slots inside of the sequential fabricator boom and then we can extract from there around into another draw like that you don’t need to have a conduit here the sequential fabricator can Auto eject but

I think it looks more symmetrical if we do use a conduit there and then we’ll rotate that of course to face forward and that is going to be where the Leu 235 fuel ends up and then we can extract it of course from there and send it

Around into one of our fission reactors so let’s see if we can’t make this work if we are going to make it work we’re going to need at least two energy exporters one for the sequential fabricator and one for the isotope separator I also have a feeling we’re

Going to need a couple more speed and energy upgrades if we want this running at a decent speed but we’ll do this and this and then we’ll of course go ahead and connect all of this up with another one of our omnidirectional connectors like so and I’ll get rid of this as well

And then up here we take to make sure that both of these have variable cards and in here I’m pretty sure that we can shift click in the recipe for the Leu fuel nice over here we of course need an item exporter as well on this isotope

Separator because we want to export the uranium so we’ll do this and this and then uranium we do have we’re going to grab one Ingot of it over here and we’ll create a new item card for that uranium so that we can specify that we want it exported to the isotope separator

Like so so that should receive uranium if the left side is set to input which it is by default of course if we want this to work we do have to do something like this which is what I was talking about earlier it looks a little bit more

Janky than the alternative but it does get the job done I might end up reworking this wiring a little bit to make it look a little nicer but now that’s connected up we should see uranium in here we do indeed and it’s actually not too slow although of course

If we swap this to 5000 redstone blocks per tick and by this I of course mean this then we we can probably afford a couple of speed and energy upgrades to make this just that little bit faster do we have any upgrades we do actually we’ve got two speed upgrades in here and

I know that we have XS speed upgrades in the electrolyzer again everything above four here doesn’t actually do anything so we can take those out and then let’s see how much power do you use with two speed and two energy upgrades three thousand RFP six I think that’s probably

Room for like one more speed and energy upgrade in this uh isotope separator I think if we tried to go to four it would probably breach the 5 000 particular cap of course if we really wanted to we could look at uh at adding a second

Energy exporter to the front or to the side or the bottom to uh to make this accept more power and of course by three I meant four here so there’s five thousand dollars per tick which is perfect so what we need to do now is we

Need to take the uranium-238 put you in up here take the tiny clumps of uranium-235 put those in here this does work which is good we’ll lock that and then what we’re going to do is I think we can just set this to extract because I think that

It’s not able to insert the tiny clumps into here so it’s only going to extract the uranium-235 and then over here it’s kind of the same thing we can set u to extract always active U to extract always active and then U to extract always active and then just make sure

That this and this are set to insert and now that should kind of just work so long as the side and bottom are set to inputs there and then the right is set to output for the Leu 235 Fuel and hopefully that’s gonna work did I say Utah was

Active I did did I take you to insert I did not that is fine so up here it is working and look at that we have our first lu235 fuel which we can go ahead and place over here and that’s kind of the basics of it this is just gonna keep

Going now we have uranium being isotopically separated into 238 and 235 those are then combined up over in this sequential fabricator and produce the Leu 235 fuel chat is right I do need to make sure this is set to insert that’s my bad but now this should work and

Should just continually turn all of our uranium into Leu 235 Fuel and now the next challenge here is taking that Leu 235 Fuel and turning it into something it does look like the quest book wants us to have one Leu 235 and only it doesn’t accept a 238 so real quick let

Me turn this machine off and then hopefully once this is done we should get one leu235 up here there it is we can take that out complete the quest fantastic and we can also take this out as well complete the quest fantastic and yeah so now we need

To work through the bottom of this questline here to get a fission reactor which is going to allow us to actually use this fuel because the way this works now is in order to progress forward we need to get Quantum research and in fact we’re pretty close to the end of the

Paint this is the end of the pack right here uh aware home victory at last and so this is kind of what we are aiming towards so to get there we need to get Quantum research that’s the next research on the list Quantum research is made with denuplating this is sulfur

Uranium-238 and advanced plating this we can make right now we have sulfur and we can make more with the player’s data model uranium-238 will just start making and we’re going to make excess off which is good and then Advanced plating we’re already making for the previous tier of

Research so the next thing we need is the thermoconducting alloy this is a bit more expensive but I think it’s for the most part kind of doable it requires some things that we don’t have just yet but it’s not too difficult the tricky part about the quantum research is the

Tiny clump of any californium isotope so for that we need to get some kind of California isotope and the way this works is if we look at this new nuclear fission chain quest line which I think unlocks when you unlock the nuclear fission Quest here this looks horrible

But the general idea is that we can tick this Quest up here is that we start with a fuel in this case there’s something like lu-235 but there are other fuels that we could go with there are some thorium based ones if we want the top

The idea is we take the leu235 fuel and we’re going to burn that fuel inside of a fission reactor once you’ve burned it you get a depleted version of that fuel bank you can then run that through a fuel reprocessor in order to get new stuff in this case we get some uranium

Back in the form of uranium-238 but we also get neptunium 237 and plutonium 241 and 239 the idea here is that we kind of need to do this over and over again right so we take the lu235 we can then use that to get plutonium and neptunium

You can see the arrows coming off here as well as plutonium 241 we can then look at combining some of these together to make a second tier Fuel and you’ll see there are kind of a few tiers here there’s tier one then there’s tier two then there’s tier three and then there’s

Tier four tier four we don’t necessarily need because we just need to get to this tier here we need to get to these californiums and so we need to take a fuel run it through a fission reactor get the byproducts use those byproducts to make a different

Fuel for example this one here is a hep 241 this is plutonium-241 and plutonium-242. once we have that we can then run that in and out of itself through a fission reactor that gets us a different fuel then we can process that that gets us different clumps then we

Could take those clumps to make a different Fuel and then we can take that different fuel run that through a fission reactor and then we can run that through a fuel reprocessor in order to get the tiny clumps off californium so that’s the idea that’s what we have to

To do and that’s why I think it’s possible we might end up with a couple of different fission reactors we could just set up one big fission reactor and if we were looking to just generate a large amount of power that would probably be the best way forward but in

This pack I think it’s not really power that we’re after from our fission reactor it is speed of fuel usage we want to build a reactor that specifically uses the fuel as fast as possible even if that’s not particularly efficient because we need to take that depleted Fuel and run it through

Potentially three more reactors is I think that’s correct right we’re going to take one here so this is one reactor two reactors three reactors so we need three reactors in total to to process the different tiers of fuel and then we can use them to produce the californium

Research which is then going to unlock that Quantum research for us so we need to get this fission reactor built for that we need fission casing we need reactor cells we need coolers and we need the fission controller so the fission reactor casing itself is not particularly difficult we showed this

Off in the last episode it’s made with plastic tough alloy and basic plating the plastic of course is stuff that we’re already saving up on we’ve got like 600 plastic or something now so we are actually good to go on there the tough alloy is really the only thing we

Don’t have however as you saw earlier I did add tough alloy as a recipe to the alloya here and so essentially if we take a look tough alloy is an alloy between Lithium and Ferro Boron and theroboron is another alloy between Boron and steel and so both of those

Have been taught here the tough alloy and the Pharaoh Bowen there’s also a magnesium diberite alloy I think I showed that one off as well in order to make the fission controller we need magnesium dibyrite solenoids they require those aforementioned magnesium diberite Alloys which again are magnesium and Boron easy enough right

Now I have not actually added the lists to these item exporters so currently this is not going to work like this doesn’t work at all at the moment but what we can do is um quickly clear out a bit of inventory space here and then if

We grab kind of all of the ingots required for all of these crafts we can add some of them to this exporter and some of them to this exporter to make sure that the whole thing works so I have jotted this down ahead of time the

Ingots that we need are copper we need iron we need gold we need silver we need 10 we need magnesium we need ferroborone which we actually don’t have yet but we’ll get that in a second we need boron we need lithium we need nickel and we

Need steel and I think those are all of the ingots that we need apart from Pharaoh bolt ones so what I’ll do real quick is probably just make some feral ball ones so farewell one is steel and Boron and I’m fairly certain that we can make it in our other induction smelter

Or in fact to be honest we could probably do it here right if I do this and this that should produce the therabon for us and that should be then available the idea here is that we can then take our logic programmer we can go

To list we can put in a card we can go to items and then I’m going to add different items to a different list so the first list is going to be copper iron gold steel magnesium and theroboron and the second one is going to be nickel

10 silver ball one and lithium okay so I’ve created two lists here I’m gonna put one of those lists into this exporter right here export items list and then we’re gonna put the other one in over here export items and again one of those this one right here is upper

Iron gold steel magnesium and ferroborone and then this one over here is nickel tin silver Boron and lithium and the idea here is that with those two list cards in that particular order we can now create all of these Alloys basically we want to make sure that we

Don’t have like two ingots on the same card that need to be in different areas right for example in here we are going to make bronze which is copper and Tin so we want Copper to go to One Tin to go to the other we it wouldn’t work if

Copper n10 were both going to this side right so we couldn’t have both copper and 10 on this list and so I’ve created these two lists so that there’s no overlap and all of these Alloys can be made so now that all of those Alloys can

Be made we should be able to go and request some tough Alloys now there’s a non-zero chance that when I open up this interface to go and request the tough Alloys that we might end up messing upon inventory again no no broken sometimes the inventory does mess up though when when that

Happens thankfully it’s uh okay for now those stuff Alloys shouldn’t take too long to make it is going to start of course by making the the Ferro ball on actually never mind it looks like it is done Perfect all right never mind it’s very very fast which is great and so a

Tough alloy we have which means I think at this point we have basically everything to make a decent amount of reactor casing and it’s then really a question of how big we want to make our fission reactor let’s take a little bit of plastic and let’s see how much we can make so

Plating surprisingly is our first big hurdle I’m going to make like two stacks of plates in here and I think we’ll start with maybe like a five by five by five and by five by five I do kind of mean seven by seven um what I mean though is that we’re

Gonna do uh one two three four five and then we’re gonna go and get our one and we’re gonna go two three four five the fission reactor multi-block doesn’t require any corner pieces you can put them down but they’re unnecessary and so we’re gonna then go one two three four five

One two three four and five uh you guessed it one two three four and five and then over here we’re gonna go five four three two and one and then to make it equal I’m gonna get quite a few more of these let’s do this and let’s get at least another two

Stacks of casing and we’re gonna go one two three four and five and then using our remaining casing here we’re then going to fill in the top one two three four five by two three four five like that so then is kind of the outline of a reactor you

Can make this kind of any shape you want it doesn’t have to be like the same width as it is depth I could have made this you know five wide this way but only two deep this way that would have worked as well and I could make it much

Wider than it is deep you can do really whatever you like songs it’s a rectangular shape and so long as all of the sides are filled in we then do need to get a controller the controller is slightly more expensive here we need two nuclear furnaces these are actually very

Fast furnaces we could maybe do with having one of those just hanging around for General use we need four Advanced plating and we need some of these magnesium diborite solenoids these do require tough alloy and they also require the Magnesium Dive Right as well so let’s request some magnesium Dive Right

We are going to make a snack of it just because that’s uh how the craft has been set up some of the recipes have been set to 16 and not 64. that’s because uh stuff like invar and the Magnesium dye bread alloy um have like a two to one ratio so it’s

Two bar one to every one magnesium which means it doesn’t really divide nicely into uh into 64. so we’re gonna make 60 there that is completely fine while we wait for that we are going to have to do a little bit of plastic uh production or a little bit of plastic processing I

Should say in order to get some more of the plates because I don’t think we have any plates oh no we do have advanced plating never mind let me steal some of those I think we only need a couple yeah we need four in total actually so that

Is completely fine let’s again steal one of our machine frames and we’ll use that to make another machine chassis over here how are we looking on the Magnesium dibrate it is done that’s just how fast the alloy smelter is and so now that should be basically everything if we get

The Magnesium diberite solenoids here to make the fission controller nice and so so we’ll take that make sure the quest is complete which it is and we’ll place that down all the place the question is not complete it’s over here actually we uh need to do some more quests before we

Put that down we need reactor cells these ones right here these made with glass and tough alloy we’re going to need a lot of turf alloy but it does come in quite quick which is good and then the final quest before the fission controller is the empty cooler this one

Is also probably very doable and that’s just steel and tough alloy nice and then we’ve got the fissure controller as well and so now the next Quest along in the main quest line is just to get one depleted Fuel and we get that by running the lu235 fuel through a fission reactor

So I’m going to go ahead and place this here like that and we can open this in here you can see the heat level the energy storage and here you can put in your fuel for example we could put in the Leu 235 fuel right now it wouldn’t

Do anything because the reactor is empty we need to fill this Reactor with a combination of coolants and energy cells the general idea is that the more reactor cells you have in the reactor the more fuel you can burn however the different fuels have a heat value and so

You’ll see here this produces 10 Red Star Fox per tick and it will last for five minutes however the base heat generation is 10 heat units per tick and I’m pretty sure that means that for every reactor cell you have it’s going to produce 10 heat units per tick that’s

Where the coolers come into play and unfortunately in this pack we do have to unlock the coolers over here but each cooler has a different heat reducing value and so for example the cheapest what cooler is the water cooler and this can soak up 75 heat units per tick and

So if that logic follows we probably need like seven reactor cells for every one cooler the part where it gets tricky is that each one of these coolers have different placement requirements for example the water cooler here says must be placed next to a reactor cell or active moderator block which means you

Can’t just fill the box here with a tone ton of cells like on one half and then coolers on the other you have to have all of your water coolers touching at least one reactor cell otherwise you don’t get the 75 heat units per tick of heat dissipation things like the

Redstone cooler must be placed extra reactor cell the quartz must be placed next to our moderator block as you go further down they get better but they also get more complex uh must be players next door reactor cell and an active moderator block uh must be placed next

To two plus moderator blocks uh lapis must replace extra reactor cell and the reactor casing so these can really only go up against the wall stuff like diamond here requires a water and quartz cooler so you’d have to unlock all three and as you can see some of these get

Pretty expensive which is not ideal and so I think champ what we’ll do is next time we’ll come back I don’t know why the sky went right there when that Quest came in but next time we’ll come back and we’ll look at setting up the inside of this reactor thankfully

There’s a very helpful website that’s going to make it a lot easier for us to figure out what the best kind of cooler and what the best combination is for those coolers but uh the only thing we do really need is more chemical research so it really didn’t take that much

Plastic to make this reactor we might want to make it a bit bigger but probably not too much bigger because again we do want to get three of these down in this area so that we can run through the whole chain going from uranium to californium for the next tier

Of research so what I think I might do here is kind of keep a couple of stacks of plastic held aside if I get a a chest I think it took just over a stick to get this first fission reactor going and so if I put another chest let’s say here

And we put in like one two three we’ll do four snacks I think four snacks should be enough you know what just to be safe we’ll do four and like a half snakes of plastic that should be enough to get us two more fission reactors back over here we’ll just reconnect this to

The system and that should hopefully start getting us even more chemical research because right now we could probably afford like the water cooler but we definitely couldn’t afford really anything higher than that and we certainly can’t afford some of these super high tier ones they require a lot

Of research so let’s get one more item interface and let’s drop that down of course right here and that should hopefully start taking that plastic and distributing it between the compactor and the auto workbench the auto workbench doesn’t really need it we are still back to our plastic rods but the connector here

Should start getting the job done and should start Distributing the plastic to where it needs to go together more of that chemical research and that backlog should hopefully get us a fairly decent amount of it fairly quickly for the next episode so yeah next time we’ll come

Back we’ll get the fission reactor like actually up and running we’ll probably also get like three fission reactors up and running in the next episode once we’ve figured out how we want to set up the coolers and which coolers we want to unlock and then once we’ve got kind of

The whole chain up to California taken care of then we kind of enter this um section of the quest line that is kind of just end game quests we’ve got portal coolant research just a lot of research we’ve got portal frame research it’s a lot of research we’ve got location Pro

Research you guessed it it’s a lot of research and then we need to make some Quantum probes some multi-block based caption tools a bunch of different ingots extreme Alloys Lumi minger top graphite anger top graphite is maybe a bit of a pain but should be doable we

Need to get 10 billion Redstone flux handed in which is probably not as much as it sounds especially when we’re making 60 000 plus Red Star Fox per tick and then portal coolant wants us to get cryotherium coolers and durian crawlers and helium coolers which means at the

Very least we are going to have to unlock those three coolers which is unfortunate because those three are some of the uh the most expensive ones that we can unlock but we’re not too far away chat and I think really it’s just gonna be a case of ramping up production on

Specific bits of research which I don’t think should be too difficult for us to do anyway all of those are problems for future Isaac for now I’m gonna go ahead and wrap up this episode of Feed the factory there Thank you

This video, titled ‘Minecraft Feed The Factory | URANIUM ISOTOPES & FISSION FUEL! #24 [Modded Questing Factory]’, was uploaded by Gaming On Caffeine on 2023-09-26 22:00:24. It has garnered 13925 views and 570 likes. The duration of the video is 00:41:21 or 2481 seconds.

Minecraft Feed The Factory | URANIUM ISOTOPES & FISSION FUEL! #24 [Modded Questing Factory] with GamingOnCaffeine ★Minecraft Mystical Block | AN ALL NEW SKYBLOCK! #1:

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Feed The Factory Mod Pack –

Feed The Factory is a Minecraft factory automation modpack that takes inspiration from automation focused games like Factorio.

Music Licensed From Epidemic Sound

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    Mind-Blowing Minecraft Transformation: Woggy Man 2012 vs 2022!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft 2012 VS 2022’, was uploaded by Woggy Man on 2024-03-24 15:41:07. It has garnered 1 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft, minecraft hunger games, minecraft survival island, minecraft mods, minecraft song, minecraft style, minecraft xbox 360, minecraft parody, minecraft herobrine, skydoesminecraft, minecraft songs, captainsparklez, minecraft yogscast, yogscast minecraft, yogscast, minecraft skydoesminecraft, sky does minecraft, gangnam style, tobuscus minecraft, minecraft trolling, pewdiepie, smosh, tobygames minecraft, minecraft roller coaster, lets play minecraft, tobuscus, tnt minecraft parody, seananners, minecraft mod, minecraft survival, minecraft griefing, minecraft animation, bluexephos, uberhaxornova,… Read More

  • Pvp Legends

    Pvp LegendsWelcome to our Minecraft Factions server! Immerse yourself in a dynamic and competitive world where alliances are forged, battles are waged, and land is conquered. Build your faction, strategize with allies, and engage in epic PvP encounters. Join us for an exhilarating experience where survival depends on both skill and cunning. Will your faction rise to dominance, or will you succumb to the challenges of this unforgiving landscape? Join now and embark on an adventure like no other! Read More

  • Deep Season SMP Semi-vanilla Java 17+ Whitelist Proximity Voice Chat

    Welcome to Deep Season SMP! Hello, Deep Season is striving to create a hermitcraft-like SMP, with a community of active players of all types. We are creating a chill environment where people have the opportunity to create cool things and have fun together. About the Server: The 1.20.6 server officially launched about a week ago on a fresh map. Our shopping district is still in its infancy and the end is locked until next Saturday, so there will be plenty of time to catch up. The server is mostly vanilla, with just a few additions: A few vanilla tweaks datapacks… Read More

  • Bucketry Minecraft 1.21 🌟 [JUST RESET] {Pyro Mining & Pyro Fishing} {Dungeons} {Ranking & Prestiging} {Quest System} {Land Claiming} {Over 200 Unique Enchantments}

    Bucketry Minecraft 1.21 🌟 [JUST RESET] {Pyro Mining & Pyro Fishing} {Dungeons} {Ranking & Prestiging} {Quest System} {Land Claiming} {Over 200 Unique Enchantments}🌐 Server IP: play.bucketry.netDiscord: to Bucketry Minecraft, where the most epic Minecraft adventure of your life awaits! 🌟🌍 Explore a world filled with endless possibilities and challenges, where survival is just the beginning. Here’s a taste of what Bucketry Minecraft has in store for you:🏰 Progression System: Ascend the ranks, conquer challenges, and become a legendary player in our immersive world.🛒 Shops Galore: Build your empire with a plethora of server and player shops, where treasures and riches await your discovery.💼 Jobs & Skills: Take on thrilling jobs and refine your skills to stand out in the world of… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – 64 TEXTURES!! TOO SPICY!

    Minecraft Memes - 64 TEXTURES!! TOO SPICY!That’s a lot of textures for a game where everything is made of blocks! Maybe they should add a texture for every type of dirt block too. Read More

  • Mob Mysteries: Minecraft’s Savior Lore

    Mob Mysteries: Minecraft's Savior Lore In the world of Minecraft, a tale unfolds, Of ancient Builders and their trials bold. The trial Chambers, a place of training, For soldiers to fight, their skills attaining. The breeze, a mob with wind charge might, Designed by Builders, to train for the fight. Illagers, allies in this grand scheme, Providing magic and items, like a dream. Crossbows and axes, rewards to gain, From completing trials, a victory to claim. The illagers, a crucial part, In creating the breeze, with a magical art. From Gail Sanctum to trial Chambers deep, The collaboration of friends, secrets to keep. A… Read More

  • Minecraft meme on fire!

    Minecraft meme on fire! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNT-sion!” Read More

  • Revamping the Farm in Better Minecraft

    Revamping the Farm in Better Minecraft Enhancing the Farm: Day 10 in Better Minecraft On Day 10 of the epic 1,000-day journey in Better Minecraft, our intrepid explorer set out to improve the farm by adding a touch of natural beauty. Armed with a variety of materials and a creative vision, the farm was about to undergo a stunning transformation. Materials Used: Spruce Fence Dark Oak Fence Ancient Ochre Froglight Crop Heater Crop Chiller Season Detector Redstone Dust Magenta Flower Birch Leaves White Flower Acacia Leaves Apple Acacia Leaves Charcoal Block The farm was about to receive a makeover that would not only enhance its… Read More

  • Minecraft Battle: Ghost Armor | Dungeons & Dragons #3

    Minecraft Battle: Ghost Armor | Dungeons & Dragons #3 Minecraft Dungeons & Dragons Adventure: Fighting a Ghost Armor Introduction In the world of Minecraft, Lennert and BearSpirit embark on an epic adventure in the official Minecraft Dungeons and Dragons DLC. They navigate through the sewers of Candlekeep, facing off against a formidable foe – a ghost armor. Join them as they encounter challenges, puzzles, and more in this thrilling episode of Minecraft D&D. Exploring Candlekeep As Lennert and BearSpirit venture deeper into the dungeon, they come across various obstacles and enemies. From battling janitors in the sewers to discovering hidden treasures, every step brings new surprises. The duo’s… Read More

  • Intense ASMR Gaming with Hypixel Skyblock Keyboard Sounds!

    Intense ASMR Gaming with Hypixel Skyblock Keyboard Sounds!Video Information all right y’all what is going on everybody and welcome back to my channel you feel me or if you’re new welcome to my channel you feel me so we’re doing Sky Block again and this is Hypixel Sky Block so it’s like very complicated and [ __ ] from what I from what I’ve noticed let me make the chat smaller actually uh chat settings chat size turn it down to 50 turn this up because it looks weird yeah that’s better that’s better so um I actually tried to play this before with Dennis and my… Read More

Gaming On Caffeine – Minecraft Feed The Factory | URANIUM ISOTOPES & FISSION FUEL! #24 [Modded Questing Factory]