Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN – [MINECRAFT] Comfy Cozy Minecraft

Video Information

So hello hello hello Day after christmas it’s married day after now you have to eat all the christmas food christmas day mary i don’t want to it’s too much all the cookies now you must consume them in time for the the new year or or whatever it is bad luck if you don’t eat all the

Cookies before the new year yes it’s bad for that one it’s boxing day oh what is happy boxing day and that’s when you hop in the ring and you box your relatives i thought it was like an australian thing where like you fight a kangaroo

Oh hey kangaroo jack i am good i am right let’s see what you’re made of mike uh oh yeah you’re oh you’re at a where are you i am not where you are i shall come to you though i’m at the well i’m at what do you call this hq not

The base ah okay okay no no wait don’t come to me i’ll go to you okay all right i should have done that before but i i don’t know i forgot no one’s okay all right let me just make sure i have everything i need everybody was here

Oh huh maybe it was ina what was that ppp you didn’t put chess here did you no oh i know i think anna organized chester because last time i was there there were chaos and then eno was there i see we share the same organizational skills yes

I was busy building i didn’t have time to organize uh-huh Dude i’ve been i afk in this game for like two hours to try and get this china farm to work and all i got was two nautilus shells and some zombie meat ah oh two oh it’s a yeah it’s a really small percent percentage right very small percent

When did ena play minecraft oh never mind i don’t know but then she built this really cute shrine here this is a what is it oh yeah yeah it’s a oh it’s got a specific name i forgot chat what is what’d you say what is this guys because i

Watched your stream and you’re like oh look it’s yup it’s a thing she built a thing is that is that all you heard me say yeah why what else did you say nothing i was just admiring your Oh yeah then you went to the farm you’re like how’s this thing work i don’t understand how is this supposed to work i was hoping you would uh go and investigate and get pulled up by the bubbles and then stuck in there you jostled around by the piston

I knew something there was dangerous if you made it Means bird right or does this not mean bird in this scenario just gate but i don’t know what it’s tony with an extra eye at the end so it’s not braid ah that’s an extra e at the end Too loud is she quiet oh yeah i think audio jack hi amelia’s chad hello hello my goodness chat smell wow and a merry christmas to you too ma’am i didn’t mean it you guys smell good jingle bells gurus smiles watson laid on eggs hey the lyrics freestyling my lyrics now

I was gonna make bread that’s what i was gonna do Bread pudding bread pudding do you have bread pudding oh yeah red pudding i don’t know it’s kind of weird it’s a weird combination what is this pudding red pudding yeah we also had um there’s like there’s like corn pudding cornbread pudding a real cornbread pudding i’ve never heard of that oh i like

Cornbread but i guess i feel like that would taste better than regular bread pudding it’s like or maybe it’s not maybe it’s not cornbread pudding it’s like um how do i describe this it’s like corn souffle there’s like creamed corn at the at the bottom and then on the top

There’s like a layer of cornbread that’s like been in the oven under the broiler y’all are so good it’s so good it does sound good i like corn it’s so good all right i’m here you’re at uh what are you doing i haven’t oh yeah i was making bread and then i got

Something happened to my my my music there we go okay he’s coming back yeah let’s make some bread so we have some food for whatever we get up to today oh yeah we should talk about that knock them out uh what are we gonna do today gonna well

What ideas do we have earlier we had we had treasure hunts right or we could start gathering stuff and building our little fruit village we’ve been talking about yeah we could do it we could probably do a little bit of both like maybe we can scout for a good area for the fruit

Village but i also don’t want it to be too far away because i want people to be able to see it and be like whoa yeah maybe we have a lot not so far away there’s like so much land if you go past like the christmas tree in your house

Ah there’s so much land that way oh no way yeah it’s true we could clear out a little area over there i just made so much bread and i don’t know where i put it that was four seconds ago uh okay we need boat boat kits for some reason oh

Doors maybe i have doors a lantern uh torches oh yeah what else really works well underwater is the um what are they called shroom light that’s what i was using underwater ah yeah they’re faster to take up than the uh what you might call it lanterns yeah

Much easier yeah and they make a better size huh i think we have extra by the tree maybe we use all of them i know i took some from here i still how dare you i know i stole it right in front of everyone i’ll take the rest through here

Yeah what else do i need we need silk touch together if we see like mushroom okay i have i have some soaked i have one i have legs with soaked okay let’s take yours okay wait the question is though where did i put it ah oh wait maybe it’s here i think i

Have too many there it is silk touched there we go what else do we need food you made a bunch of bread oh that’s right oh i have so many arrows at pvp but i didn’t bring any except for 45 but that’s not enough did you have arrows right uh no but you

Gave me amelia boson i don’t need arrows remember ah oh wait really that’s what it does you don’t need arrows it’s unlimited arrows did you did you not know that i i don’t honestly i don’t remember what it had yeah no you gave me uh power and unlimited arrows whoa yeah beautiful

Definitely i remember you lost wait where did i put it it’s safe i know it’s safe because i put that where’s the last time oh cause you i remember i remember chat snitched on you uh-huh but they say what did they say they they said that that you lost it

No i i didn’t it’s it’s somewhere it’s in a chest that’s where it is it’s safe and sound but it’s so safe but safe from me so i won’t break it okay no i promise i wouldn’t know because i probably would i just gotta look a little bit more

I found it i found it i’ve done it see it’s all okay oh oh nice i thought you left him like a chest really far away on like an adventure no no no i lose it within the area that i frequent it’s just finding out

How do you make a how do you how do you make arrows again i don’t remember leather iron nugget stick wait what leather iron nugget leather feather oh feather these are the leather okay what else do we need i actually have a treasure map that i found

While i was over there by atlantis i forgot what i was looking for but uh i saved it that we can we can use it yeah i have a treasure maps too that i have like two or three maybe that we can add from that area i think maybe i don’t know

Wait maybe i might have an arrow laying around hold on wait oh i have 45 here i can give you one i would love just one just one please ah thank you nice you want material for i have i only have one a guy okay i’m i’m writing whenever you are i think

I have all the stuff i need i am also ready what there’s like eggs everywhere i know that’s just harry gave me a ton of eggs for helping her with her farm make a big that’s true yeah all right um brand i’m going to make more because

There’s two of us just said two of us what I’m ready i’m making bread i’m making bread kitty it’s trapped in the chicken and the cow in in his cow pen um you see it no i only see chickens it’s like you want your egg there it is poor kitty it’s like a what do you call that calico it’s gonna get

Trampled it’s over there by the edge by the sheep and they’ll see it oh i see it now have you you’ll be able to die chickens in this game why on earth would you want to tie a chicken you could make colorful feathers and then make stuff out of it

Like what like a pillow or a feather hat or a feather bone a hat an umbrella all umbrellas would be cute and you could like float down oh yeah that’s probably a mod i bet somebody has that as a mod a different color arrows yeah that have different abilities

Like a fire arrow but you have to use like a fire feather but it’s just a red dyed chicken thank you oh boy wait i’m gonna build a little bit of new armor really quick and then we go in and i gotta get the treasure map my buzzer

Okay um this i’ll stand over here they said this because leaves not grow back on trees because i shaved a bunch of uh trees and they’re all bald and weird i don’t i guess i guess not i don’t know that’s a question for chad The minecraft experts i’m going through this bread quick already delicious buckets yummy wait treasure map if you’ve done it then okay wait i don’t know if we’ve done it we’re done you didn’t separate them no okay i only have one and we might have done that one before uh oh well

I didn’t separate them oh well i’ll bring them you never know we never know screw it right okay wait if i have one of these hold on i’ll try something if i have one ethereal arrow on me does that mean that all my arrows are ethereal ethereal spectral arrow my bed

I don’t even know that is i don’t know either oh maybe i shot the water in the water shop back okay no okay all right i’m coming do we need them nothing let me write a shovel just in case you have a shovel would you like a shovel um

I have a shovel but i mean i have iron and sticks so the only thing we need is a crafting table crafting table i can bring one i’ll build it i got lots of wood okay Oh yeah shroom lights i’ll check i’ll check in this chest i stole them all from the tree really yes You want to hold on to the streamlight Let’s go wait i’m not wearing any gold oh yeah but i can fix that tell you it’s fine what uh look who’s this he’s mine now look at him oh we got a double stack look at this saddle you can ride him the double just oh no just this one yeah he was

Stuck down at the bottom oh you saved him he has half a heart mushroom there’s mushroom right there if you feel daring i’m kind of much it’s red and white no he likes the blue ones i’ll feed him later all right don’t hit him nine i won’t i

Was looking at this one he’s like a double decker bus we could put a seat on top of him i don’t know if you can because you’d have to control the bottom one actually i don’t know i i had the fishing rod with the fungus

On it but i left it i left it what we’re gonna finish this rail set we don’t have to run anymore now we have all this iron i can make a ton of rails the iron farm i think i’ve said this every minecraft stream but that iron farm is so good

It makes life so much easier it’s like uh you know i don’t know if she has a name for her construction company but it’s not really construction company she’s like a she’s like a resource provider yes like a really fancy business resource company and and they just like all of a

Sudden show up and it’s the entire thing fully built it’s just like all in one go apparently you do go faster if you just jump yeah i don’t know i said i don’t know it doesn’t feel like i’m going fast i think you have to i think the ceiling

Has to be low enough so that you like bounce off the top of the ceiling if that makes sense yeah yeah minecraft i mean another looks so nice with that cheaters without shaders well i guess you put you always play without shaders i don’t see i haven’t i’ve never even downloaded a shader

Before it’s good it’s good that way because then on my perspective i have shaders but then yours there’s no shaders it’s like a good comparison so if you’d like the vanilla experience the water though guys the gar what if i called you that all the time hey guard maybe all right guys son

Of course gar so far behind i’m slow how are you so fast running wait yeah sometimes the run button doesn’t work on mine i don’t know why minecraft no i’m saying i’m serious wait how do i lobster and i’m lost nevermind and then yeah hello um

So i guess we’ll treasure hunt for a while um then maybe like towards the end we’ll scout out a place to start construction we can announce uh ground zero the fruit village should just be called the fruit village we should have like a like a name like a really cool code name

Oh like what i don’t know like fruit loops or something operation fruit loops i mean fruitsville um that sounds like it sounds like a game you play on facebook oh man don’t forget to water my plants on fruitsville friend sounds like a game where the whole point

Is just to make different types of fruit and make like grow fruit combinations like a like a pineapple orange or something a grape pineapple no no no you run out you run a a smoothie shop in fruitsville ah is this your llama uh oh that’s my oh yeah yeah yeah i

Forgot that’s uh that’s my gift to you huh yeah you give me a mom you won’t even look at me though i don’t think he likes me he’s just admiring the beautiful the beautiful stars tonight i love you can you ride him uh you can sit on him but you can’t you can’t

Actually guide him you can only put stuff on it like you can put a chest on him oh [Laughter] hunting like this we should get we should get the rgb sheep have you seen that on the jp server ah yeah you can make a party bus

What was that i heard something too i don’t know it was a zombie what yeah oh yeah watch out watch out my job it’s a small one look at him awful awful i’m sick of those things uh i think we should actually take the llama like that yes we can put a chest

On him i didn’t bring any wood did you bring anyone i got one need a chest Hey yes no no no chad wait how do we trade our llama do you need uh yeah i’ll let you try it maybe it’s because i tamed him oh yeah yeah okay so cute ah wait that’s actually gonna have a name brilliant idea um extra storage on the go yeah

It’s not really that much storage though to be honest oh you don’t access the how do you how do you oh okay that’s nine spaces that’s pretty good though cause we run out of space a lot when we go treasure hunting all right you ready uh navigate you want to step on the

Llama wow do somebody want to look at the map while the other person you you beat the map finder here oh boy okay you you take the boat well you can take that boat all right i’ll take that boat and i have another boat here wait that’s why you’re riding with me llama

[Laughter] como say llama oh god wait what why am i what you got potion you have like what from where did you get like no no no no yeah yeah yeah i think it’s a i’m looking at it look at this i can’t i can’t oh you

Oh it’s really hard to treasure it’s so hard to spread your heart with the shaders off okay is the ball is getting bigger okay okay yeah that llama is so cute i see something over there that’s probably a is that a guardian tower to the yeah something like that or such that

The ruins what Maybe this is wrong huh you got the silk touch pickaxe right yep okay nice look at this prepared oh i wonder if we can find the mushroom biome because then we can have the the mushroom mushrooms yeah we found mushrooms but not the biome hmm

Is this a i think i’m how do i i haven’t really explored this area have you thought about uh your atlantis i have i am looking at like i was trying to decide if i want the like the spires should it be underwater fully or should it be like half

Submerged oh we have you know what i mean uh nope all right well all right bubba’s barking is this is this maybe you should be the the map holder because um chad how do we read the map i don’t remember you wanna hold the map no okay

Uh what what are you are you like going along the side of it we’re not moving the ball is big but we’re not moving go southeast oh how do you know how to go southeast how do you guys how do they know that how do you even know which direction is

South oh i guess look at this guy this is his llama i stole his llama you are he abandoned all right this is there’s a is that a ship oh have you been to the ship pirate ship where find me ah no ah oh no we’ve i keep wanting to say something

But i really shouldn’t what pirate ship we yep that’s that’s it wait really yeah i think i’ve been here before i know i think i was already here they say this is where i got the map that you have in your hand oh there’s a lead here yeah it must have been ouch Did you pick it up up we can put on the llama we can put it on the trailer huh what what you can steal him he’s still here looking for his his llama he’s kind of dumb though why has he not come to land yet he’s looking for his lost llamas

He’s our llama now yeah oh there were pairs of two and i have the other one at my house oh this is me his name is costco just like in that movie you watched i’m sorry what is it his name is costco costco oh we named this one couscous then all right

Okay pascal and couscous i thought i saw a chest but i think i’m seeing things i think are you following the map no i’ve given up wait no i haven’t no we’re moving along the top now so i think we’re getting closer okay yeah yeah this is this is around where i

Found it so it should be like over this way over this way and look for pirate chips i think i have to fix i don’t know how how what what uh when your blocks load in you know what your chunk number is because mine looks maybe mine’s too low my chunk number yeah

Chunks i i i have no idea how you find that out like f3 i don’t have my what i’ll just upgrade mine okay dirty chunks that will make me crash right how much chunkage is too much chunkage i like that word chunk chunk do you prefer chunk chunk

Uh nah just i’m a classic classic type of girl chunk i like this i like these trees here uh how’s the map looking are you i think we’ve strayed off course i think we need to go back okay okay i like the color of this water i like

How it mixes the oh what is that it like mixes the the coral reef water with the deep ocean water it makes like a purple purple blue swirl sometimes there’s treasure chests that are hidden in the coral reef sometimes really yeah so i feel like building

I feel like building here is going to be potentially uh exciting maybe good yeah but it’s probably it’s probably pretty low chance of finding one huh i think so yeah he is that’s a they have to uh pick out a spot for alliances it’s kind of wait what do you think

When you say spires do you mean like the the bowl thing you were talking about is it like a different design i was thinking more like the architecture within within the bowl if we do the bowl a bowl of atlanta yeah uh architecture i can send you some

Pictures of like stuff i’ve been looking at the minecraft builds you know Oh we’re close we’re close we’re close we’re close i know which way you went i am distracted i am i am in the swamp area by the pirate ship where you originally found the thing okay i’ll find you probably all right is that a two-headed chicken no it’s not

Bunk what color water is the swamp water is this like clear water no it’s it’s it’s like a green oh [ __ ] for green it’s kind of like a mud puddle sort of but it’s also clear-ish i hate going through the swamp area because you always hit the lily pads

A bunk bunk bunk i’m lost where are you oh there’s another church which is another pirate ship here oh there you are hi you see hello i might have been to that one also maybe it’s a twinkie i think i went to this one already we could check though we could check

Yeah where’s this cap size no cap size this looks familiar there’s a boat there’s a boat here i think i think i was here i thought stuff despawned after a while how come the lead and the boat were still here this looks familiar to me too like

Are you sure we’ve been here um I’ve been here are you sure no there is lapis and emeralds and gold nuggets and maybe i haven’t been here before then nice tasty stuff no chess treasure map though should we put it on the llama yes yep uh he’ll probably survive can you see their health like that strider guy

If i sit on him yeah oh he’s good yeah he’s got full health nice oh dear i’m johnny what i’m good i’m good uh all right oh wait this wasn’t even the treasure map that was oh we got a double whammy how nice is that is it close yes like right here

Ah it’s dark oh yeah i brought a soul sand so we can put it under so like if we if we’re drowning just take the speedway that’s actually really smart this little puddle uh okay oh x marks the spot snowing in there it’s snowing sand particles oops sorry sorry

That what that is yeah it’s to let you know that if you dig above this it’s gonna fall on you yeah ah oh why it should be here i’m scared no nobody’s good up it’s right there wow that was easy what huh oh baby take a look at that wow treasure

Chester how many hearts you see do we have uh probably like close to 10 or 15 at this point that’s right we have a lot we haven’t done anything with them what what what can you make again with them uh i want to build a conduit with one of them

I knew it can do it it makes it it makes underwater life a lot easier like building and breathing and stuff like that like a bubble it’s like a yeah it’s like a super super bubble invisible force field oh we should make we should definitely make one of those yeah

Like it’s still underwater like uh it’s like a it makes a little pocket it’s underwater even underwater and i don’t think it’s like invisible you can’t see what it does but it’s got an area of effect type thing We’ve done that one i think we’ve done this one oh we have a new one maybe does this look familiar right around here no There’s also maybe maybe you got it in a different ocean i think i might have yes Oh should we look for different pirate ships then you want to just like look for him yeah nice uh probably out in the deep deeper ocean out of the pond area or what is this swamp are you are you following me nope yep no i am okay okay

Okay uh yeah you’re going the right way yeah hello i don’t remember the coordinates to get back home oh boy um i’ll probably have them somewhere i have i have like a like a channel where i post i post the minecraft screenshots i think i have it in there

Top secret minecraft screen shots and girl it looks so nice at night isn’t it pretty yeah wow i think if we go that way um that boat is i think no no no no wait i don’t remember okay uh oh i see a uh there’s chest there by the uh

What is it called another portal it’s like a half-built one oh nice oh wait let me be big brain about this i’m gonna drop i’m gonna drop a soul sand big brain watson right now this that doesn’t work now mine goes too fast what do we got uh just some gold pieces

And stuff uh okay well he’s crying obsidian is that good is it just decorative i have no idea it might be different oh nice a gold block yes there’s a big trench trench big nice a big trench come out yeah oh i see it

I could put i could put i could put soul sand down there and then we could go down there there’s probably nothing down there though huh yeah also trenches are really scary like why it’s isn’t it scary it’s dark and quiet oh there’s well there’s laughing diamonds in here

There’s a lot of wood down here does that mean a mine shaft oh yeah i got a door we’ll put a door down there exploring the abyss put a door up here up on the level above oh what’s that doing lapis this is bed can you do it oh wait what okay bye

Oh hi lava and stuff i don’t want to die this is so bad i’m gonna die oh i have a i have a bucket well then i need water i don’t know get rid of the lab this is the thought of being underwater like this even for someone like me scares me so

Bad oh i find diamonds down here but oh hello hi all right are we deep enough to find diamonds um what’s the diamond level like we’re at 15 right now yeah i think yeah diamonds are 15. i think that’s prime diamond lovely hello 15 11 up

11. we go deeper if we go deeper in the trench we can find some must go deeper i don’t have any more doors though i have a respiration on my head oh lucky but it’s bound to my head forever forever unless i perish i found gold oh yeah there’s a mine shaft here

Oh i thought i was gonna die oh okay ah okay okay okay okay good i am okay i’m like looking gold i’m in here okay i need to find we could probably find a chest in here with stuff okay it’s really dark in here can’t get lost it’d be bad okay okay okay

All right where is watson follow the light i’m assuming right yes oh yeah here hello hi oh my where’s your shield i don’t have one you want should we make one okay i’ll get some weight from this oh we can go up oh i’m scared of getting lost i’m just

Gonna die because i have all this stuff on me oh nice yeah get them okay we’ll find the chest don’t get out of here is it a guarantee i want to find a chest yes yes yes hello zombie misty all right can i stay there i’m scared i’ll get lost

Oh [ __ ] oh god oh god oh god i gotta go oh god i’m coming that’s okay i’m safe you stay there i don’t wanna i need to remember the path nice okay let’s go back i’m too scared well then i get this gold though or what

I don’t know but maybe i’ll need it are you here you’re there halloween yes i see your name okay i’m here did you find the exit no that’s not good ah there’s a poison spider yeah i don’t want it this way this is right yep i remember

Oh we can also go up maybe we should go up wanna go up we’re gonna get lost maybe nope okay um these days spider webs is that what it is that’s yeah makes you really slow because you get stuck She’s got the booty on the brain ah i fell no i have a bucket but i don’t have any water i have a snow take my stuff you’re gonna die don’t die eat food you’re fine okay we can go now wait but wait i saw something i saw something cool

I’m gonna stay behind i’ll be the moral support yeah you stay there uh just in case i get lost sorry i missed i missed i fell i fell i’m stuck in spiderweb i’m stuck he’s dodging life i’m gonna cry i’m not gonna die i’m not gonna die i’m not gonna die i’m leaving

I’m exiting okay i’m at the exit bye he was i’ve never seen a mob juke and jive my shot that quick he was literally all right he’s not leaving me okay we’re going back in round two let’s go can i watch out where is he what’s a bonehead yeah

I thought there might be a chest in here not okay i’m ready to go i just want to look at this area He doesn’t like the water chicken okay okay okay next time i’ll have my buckets filled with water just in case okay All right i’m gonna get water you wanna go up and look for chest i mean parachutes yeah it’s much safer like that all right i’ll just take my my my stuff oh it’s a dolphin hello couscous oh it’s daylight here it’s bright and sunny so we can easily spot the treasure

Caves are too scary yeah especially underwater caves because you come out from under the under out of the cave and it’s just more yeah oh is that a chicken where did that chicken come i’ll save you get in can you not get in the boat get in the boat again

Ah he doesn’t want to well i guess we’ll just leave him here bye goodbye chicken okay boats and boats and boats maybe we’ll loop back around and accidentally find uh the base oh my gosh can you imagine that we do the entire loop i see it nope let’s just go oh

What is that it’s like a looks suspiciously flat i can’t get it never mind my god oh wait is this a bubble i think there’s a a thing here oh yeah this is a thingy some sort of structure maybe oh nice it’s like an underwater sand castle

Yeah but uh i don’t think there’s anything here not the mud underwater zombies hey remember those trident guys oh there’s chatting guys no there’s not there’s no no not right now but there might be oh yeah that might be as odds you never mind it’s like oh my god some of these

I hear a guy there he is yeah listen hello back up buddy there’s something here too almost like an airplace pocket thing nice kiss just i can’t oh i see it i see i need the ah oh oh no okay we’re fine wait oh but i found a treasure map yeah

You can leave that just yeah do you guys think there’s any more chests here in this thingy where where’d you find your chest i’m literally like right right behind you this is a random chest huh just the one okay one chest okay there’s one here too i’m gonna die get anything good no

Would you like a fishing rod with mending uh apparently that’s pretty good actually the fishing rod was mending is really good okay well i have all right so i guess oh yeah you want here i’ll give you a treasure map what is that oh it’s you

It’s a weird-looking face well i mean i guess you are weird i came here to have a good time not to be attacked okay okay all right couscous i used this no that’s not costco yes hey how do you oh yeah yeah got this for you okay

Now i got a fishing rod with his mending and then we got one with luck of the sea too that’s pretty good look at the seat too i want that yeah it’s for the area um yeah yeah i’ll probably just leave a bunch of fishing rods well there’s

Already a bunch of fishy rods at pvp that you can use it and then fish at the same time pirate ship like a cool looking tape oh Yeah walk right in man what is this stupid what would you get potatoes a bunch of nothing bunch of you got this chest in here wait maybe anyone you want yeah same one might be another one hello hi maybe maybe this looks like only half a ship

Uh unless i could dig around maybe oh yeah ah i think that’s it oh you’re going for it okay close the door down there maybe i don’t know i don’t think so yeah no i don’t we’re excavating we’re just belonging oh this is a new map uh maybe yes

Yeah oh you found one here no no the one you gave me oh yeah actually i didn’t check it i don’t know i think it’s new i can’t okay Did this woman just say huh hello oh hey hi look at that look at what hey we’re back what is that we’re back at the base oh it’s the base oh wait this would actually be pretty cool to build like a doesn’t it kind of look like a grand

Entrance or something like if you just knocked yeah if you knock out this block here yeah that’s what i thought it was like a nice natural natural atlantis building right doesn’t it like a penitentiary or something yeah and then look you got these like little dips over here

You put some stuff here yes it’s already it’s already kind of like a [ __ ] like if you continue the bowl shape you can make like a yeah this atlantis will build itself look how flat this era is yeah this is this is a pretty good area

Oh i like this one cube it looks nice the ice cube let’s put our stuff away oh yeah that’s a good idea and then maybe we should go straight like where the nether actually oh we’re in the back oh we really went in a giant circle

You did exactly what you said we were like hey i actually had like a one of the map maps so we could tell map maps yeah doesn’t it like if you make a map it charts it out oh oh yeah i know what you mean yes yes wait we don’t need

Do you remember like the what was it the llama sauce i think so How does it go it’s like i don’t remember it’s been a very long time but what was it like you didn’t even remember it’s like you know i was like That kind of sounds familiar actually all right map hopefully it’s a new map yeah we should sleep first though because fandoms oh yeah boomer song yeah whatever whatever whatever it’s like i’m a kitty cat and i don’t stand a dance dance oh god [ __ ] i’m a kitty cat i follow you oh goodness

Okay let’s go this way no we got this thing guys getting water okay i’m falling hey the llama’s so cute i keep getting hit by a puffer fish well stop running into them i don’t even see them they’re tiny this is kind of where we came from i

Wonder i guess i can see that what is that nevermind oh there was a ship have we been to this one uh i don’t know i haven’t really mapped out this area in my brain so i don’t oh well there’s stuff here so we must have

Been here before this is where it came from this is the stuff i dropped oh okay yeah we’re close to the thing the treasure okay maybe we go this way ah okay they’re making the face of me i don’t know what i said or what i did or what we did

It’s all right though i can fight back i i didn’t do anything it’s probably you well it’s not it doesn’t really work but hello what’d you do i don’t know they look at me funny if i say something or if somebody says something or sometimes i don’t know but they just

They start looking at me weird now they’re looking at me where to Go you know where are you going no ah a weird structure over here it’s it’s okay it’s directing me too it looks like uh maybe we’ve been here before lazy floating wow or sheep floating sheep i’m fine wait i’m confused have we been here you’ve been here before this looks like

I see torches so you must have been here before you’re just going around in a circle what are you doing i don’t know i’m trying to figure this out i think you want to get out you want to get out and walk over this island maybe

We can’t we can’t cause we have the llama oh you have a lead though Oh what is this have we been here yeah you’ve been here before and sure yeah we’ve been here yes a positive yes we’re still right by the base this is where you have you have some cows and stuff over here on the other side i think oh no way

Oh oh yeah okay we haven’t been here or i’ve definitely oh is this where the treasure map is leading you because this is where we found like the first chest i think when we came to atlantis your timing is incredible as soon as you said chest

I went ah yeah yep it’s right there i’m dang it now what do we do maybe we should get some of these mushrooms you have your pickaxe yep okay mushroom i’ll just watch okay i’ll take off her uh funny faces here there we go all right how much do you think we need

Um no there’s some good questions you’re not following me right nope okay because i’m i’m gonna get lost i need you to stay there okay i don’t care ducky the dog it’s killing the sheep you kill it kill it first assert dominance how do i how do i make the doggy my friend

Kill it what This looks like cake i mean mushroom yes this looks like cake what cake yeah it’s okay cake mushrooms the silent killer how actually i’m not going to pick up your stuff because uh i don’t know where you died no no but you’re right you’re right here you can swim here

Where’s right here uh are you where are you i’m building a boat i’m coming okay what are your coordinates do we go from behind the house what hold on i’ll stand where you can see me okay i’ll direct you i can see you you see me at the house

Oh yeah yeah how do you see me i see the base but i don’t see you go on top go on the roof come on i’m not going to i mean okay go to the nether portal i think you’re on the wrong side i’m on the right side this is right

I think i don’t see you wait pretty hey this is yeah i’m coming around the corner i should be coming around the corner people are saying the time is ticking the ball yeah we’re fine i don’t even know i don’t know where i don’t know when i

Died hello i see you as you as you oh i know where i died i know i died okay i can’t lose amelia beauson is there is there like a certain armor you can wear where it doesn’t kill you like if you wear all diamond armor do

Not die if a creeper blows up in your face none of this here buddy oh nice okay got all the good stuff back everything right okay hold on let me put it back on ah stupid creepers man they ah is your volume turn low no

I could hear him but i didn’t hear until the very last all right oh donkey i don’t these look like dice when they hit the ground oh the mushroom what do you do with the stem get it oh no i don’t know oh hey do you have an anvil on you uh nope

But i i i guess i put my iron away nope all right oh i made that okay and how much measure you think we need quite a bit i would think and probably like 40 maybe only 40. well not all the houses are going to be strawberries mm-hmm i don’t know

I thought i’ll do it like a nice stack a nice little pond we have to think of what other fruits we want like strawberry and blueberry yeah well the the mushroom is like a good good strawberry and then the uh you do blueberry yep and the cherry

You can do a watermelon house and the inside is red can you have like dark green and green there’s two shades of green right i’m like yeah yeah yeah there is there’s like the yeah well i know there’s the lime green actually i don’t know if there’s a

Darker green but we can use like um not not a wool why not i mean i mean if we don’t have the right color we can use something else like a concrete i’m scared i’m lost how do you get to i think i might be going the right direction

And then i found cool cool blocks they do watermelon and chicken there’s actual watermelon we can use as as the watermelon a watermelon is made of watermelon i like it yeah yeah doesn’t say pineapple but that might be a little difficult well it’s possible just like two different shades of yellow or like

Yellow and orange i’m lost i’m scared uh okay let me put some stuff on the llama hold on i’m following a river maybe maybe this will lead out to the ocean nope okay i’ll get high ground Hopefully without running into cooper i’m coming i’m going to leave a trail of shroom lights oh smart wait where did you uh hold on i’m going to the top of a mountain oh okay i’m i’m not lost anymore i see the base you see the base big forest yeah there’s a big forest

Over there who is that i found a wild llama can we tame it i don’t know that’s cute i like it where i’m gonna um if you can see the base you’re like at the edge he’s using water too right i can’t i can find you really easily but i’ll tell that i’m

I’m uh are you at the are you at the uh no uh i was circling around because i was trying to find you on the is you i you i’m in the water yeah uh yeah i see you look turn around hello oh hi hi there you are look at this llama

Okay it’s like a whole pack there’s a whole pack of llamas quick chat what do you call a group of llamas there’s also a ton of creepers over here yay i’m coming i’m just killing stuff oh really guys a llamos look at them they’re so cute and then there’s oh there’s like a

Little cave thing over here yeah bring it buddy oh how’s the view wait where are you i’m about to die watson i’m gonna die Um um oh i see your xp bouncing okay i’ll go stand over by it so you can see it okay i think i remember i think i remember where it was you’re on this shore right yep i put some shroom lights around it well i’ll put some around there for you

I see it i see it yeah i’m coming i don’t have a boat so i’m swimming i see you hello you just left my stuff there right okay and we should probably get back to our expedition i think that’s a a swell idea how did we go we went to this pirate

Ship here right probably i don’t actually i don’t know hey come here you see me turn around turn around i hit just go past where i am right now i’m gonna get my stuff i don’t remember seeing that no this pirate ship i don’t i don’t remember going there

That’s a big one are you sure how do we miss that no we definitely hit this one what happened top where’s my stuff oh yeah we found that one did you see uh your oh sorry over here this way i also watch mine the spider you swim faster with the dolphin

Maybe like grab on to them you get like a little boost underwater oh i see myself it’s dolphin farts that’s what turbo boosts them Okay and like what’s it called in a mario kart when you ride really close behind oh uh i don’t know what it’s called but i know you’re talking about i know you’re talking about yeah oh it’s like uh aerodynamics yes what is that called when you leave like a wind trail behind you

Drafting no i don’t think so it’s like have you seen those dudes on the bicycles when they ride the bicycles and then they ride up really close to each other they wear like the really skin tight suits do they yeah like people who who are like professional bikers i guess

Oh wait what kind of bike is you talking about right like a motorcycle not like i want to ride my bicycle yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah cyclist cyclist that’s the word professional writer oh yeah so wearing like a skin type a skin type suit i have a book i do have a book

I love all right i know biker people wear like leather yeah and and jeans and stuff yeah i do i think probably have you ever been on a motorcycle no neither sounds scary we can ride you could drive and i’ll sit in that thing that you attach to the side of the motorcycle

Ah yeah oh i know i want to see i want to see the art of it are we wearing like those little those little motorcycle hats in the little glasses yes and i can have i can have the pee pee pew hello uh you know how do you know how to

Ride a bike get up yes okay maybe you should be the driver then you don’t know how to ride a bike what i don’t think i’d be able to drive a motorcycle have you ever tried to ride a bike not really oh it’s daytime now i’m dang it wait nice

I tried a little bit but i had no uh no motivation to learn you know hmm okay all right put some stuff away who are these floaties yeah well what’s in these training wheels that is true i’ve got some ammo nice oh shut up and why would you do that i was aiming

For you and then you moved and like ow okay how do how do we replenish his house maybe if i give him wheat i’ll give him some wheat can i come get my stuff mr llama no hair just put it in the chest it was like a

Yeah i put it away oh this is just your pickaxe is in the chest on the right okay hey what’s it getting oh yeah wheat they eat wheat okay i think he’s probably healthy now wait wait ready ready i lost your gold shoes oh i just took them off because we’re

Not in the in the nether okay maybe i should put the this stuff over here though okay and oh then i got organized are you gonna let me ride the boat with you mr llama are you gonna be who’s close gonna cause issues are we all right i’m ready let’s go

Oh there’s a there’s a issue hey i hear some where is he oh i see him i’ll kill him he’s gone oh there he is hey get out of there you’re not supposed to be here what if you breathe oh yeah this is just what if a bunch of them

Just come out oh no i don’t make the llama nevermind we come back and the house is absolutely covered in those things all right lots of all right which way do we go uh-huh well we came from this way but maybe we didn’t explore all of this stuff this way so i

Think this is a good direction all right i was going this way and amelia what they’re wondering if you could ride the llama while i ride the boat yes yeah we we tried that yeah but it’s not very efficient for finding stuff but maybe i’ll have a better

Vantage point here let me get on oh these fishes are so cute okay i like royalty it is my chauffeur i’m cronk okay i’m getting distracted all right i’ll look very stuff i kind of have a better vantage point like this yeah which way we go boss right yeah this way this way

Oh she could have like a metal detector oh you go over a chest tell you beep like a in your general vicinity yeah we have to be like pointing it at the block so it’s not too too easy yeah they should have they should have an update like that in minecraft where they

Add we’ve been here before this boat stick it up no maybe oh yeah i think i’ve been here because all the doors are open this looks like something i would do i had it there’s nothing there’s another chest though what is it yeah oh there’s another chest up there

There are three chests on the ship yeah there’s stuff in this one ah i guess i only got the two we got a bottle oh enchanting oh i was looking for my boat i forgot you’re running with me yep this time no good eyes pirate yeah

I see the base i guess we’re going in a circle so we gotta go in a bigger circle just yeah we’ll just uh follow the land all right sure you actually i guess i guess this whole area we’ve already got it serious that’s it it’s that small

That is way bigger there it is wait what why we gotta get past this mountain that’s why oh yeah yeah let’s let’s go straight from here all right we’re going straight yeah maybe yeah we went in like we went like a u-shape sort of hmm water is kind of shallow here it’s gonna

Be hard to find the boat and go through here maybe we can get the uh it’s land wait a second that’s it oh a little bit more okay now go straight all right oh a passage it looks like yeah oh okay we’ll have to wait a second nope nope never mind no bunk

Yes i guess that’s it all right well we’ll [ __ ] follow the short okay this way yeah yeah see why what what and nothing is fine keep going why is everybody saying f5 i don’t understand wait wait no f5 doesn’t just take a screenshot oh f5 oh it changes the perspective

They can see me maybe what is it what are these hard thingies on me oh it’s a llama’s heart ah i never seen them before Okay we’re gonna want to try we can make any lifts because otherwise we’ll just be going in a big circle all right let’s try it huh oh it’s still loading i think is oh nice those are our double packed what but oh this is good though because we

Haven’t been in this we haven’t been in this direction yet so maybe we can find oh you see like that yeah nice i think there might be a pirate ship close too i thought i saw something you want to go check the thing yeah oh maybe maybe we’ve been to this one

Oh yeah we’ve been here all right that’s okay this is good now we’re out of the loop hopefully we add to the endless ah thank you all right let’s go all right ah i’m gonna hug the left side yeah yeah oh i should i i’ll should it left looks like we can

Keep going that way left we can look at our coordinates so we don’t get two loss six one two nine one six nine one six f5 is the perspective one right isn’t it yeah yeah no never mind i thought i saw a boat what is this though oh yeah

Is this just a mound of sand yes man treasure hunting is We hard really found any um like deep deep boats i guess it’s because we’re not in like the deep ocean yet but i think if we continue going this way all right come on i think we can see you going this way there’s one right here

Boat ah pirate ship have you done this one what you see i don’t think so yeah i see it dropping anchor nice yeah you know if i were here i would have opened these trapdoors now we know if we ever come back ah okay we’re fine

Oh we got a map we got a map yay and i got a bunch of iron and emeralds and lapis ah lapis nice oh you found a different chest yeah nice is there more to this you think or no um i have to look at the size because that other ship

There were three chests maybe this one’s only two i see this is a big this is a big ship this is a big ship it’s a big boat you found yours oh you find yours down here this door yeah maybe there’s one more towards the forward area like the front area

Is this your door no okay i’m taking it wait here’s a scary sound it’s the trencher what’s that kill them i’m going to kill monsters okay don’t die hey what is that oh i don’t like this oh i don’t like this oh no no no no no no no

What was wrong okay i’m good i was just getting ready to be not so good but we’re good we’re good check out this pirate map probably doesn’t lead us to that same one all right let’s see also there’s an empty map here an empty oh i think this is new

Ow i’m gonna die where are you is he I’m running they’re swimming away pick me up pick me up mom i’m scared i’m here i win okay yes you look like a pin cushion here we go hey look what’s this have you been here i don’t think so i just use your arrow oh nice to see

Oh i put some sand down and just more of these meatballs obsidian ow ow ow dangerous there’s like a there’s like a sweet spot of where you can see a lot of stuff under the water but then as soon as you go under the water disappears who would win watson or gravity

Wait if i get this gold blocked with my iron pickaxe i’m not gonna die right i mean it’s not gonna go in no no no no you get it yes that works uh which map should we use yes yes oh hey we’re kind of close to the map

Well i’m just getting my sand always wins oh hello hop aboard okay which way do we go there we go yes yes we gotta go to where you almost died because you were actually right on top of the treasure chest we have to fight them yeah we can fight them from uh

From the water though you’re in the the sniper tower it’s perfect oh i shoot it oh yeah there’s a lot of creepers here now okay i’ll blow them up wait there’s a skeleton look at the oh okay oh i missed it i missed Okay treasure We can make somebody we need chickens we need that chicken that ocean chicken this is a lot easier now that i have all this enchanted stuff on my head you want to look for the treasure this is such a bad spot i can hardly see this and then i’ll block off the water Are you right on the x why you uh i think it can’t it’s really hard to see it’s really hard to see kiss the all right oh oh no i’m just taking down man i just gotta dig down just gotta dig down just get to get on the center the x

This was the center of the axe wait one more hit You’re good are you okay oh yeah what happened nothing i was trying to get i was trying to get a disc if you get the skeleton to kill the creeper um you get a uh you get a disc music desk oh is that you shooting hours right nope nope okay

Oh i see a glowy thingy never mind as that size i’m excited to hear the next installment of watson’s mixtape or amelia’s mixtape there’s actually i got some pretty good discs that are not creepy but they’re at pvp oh do you have the the cat one what is it cats or something

No i have a one called maul i don’t know what the other one is but when we get back we should we should listen to them i really could okay i am i’m getting my lantern man why are they so hard to find i might be lost actually nope oh i he

Another fire cute fishy i got a cute fish what color pink and blue pink and blue cute yeah i think it’s like a rare what is it called ow what’s it called and there’s like a oh like a morph or something hybrid okay i’m here to help hype yeah yeah

It’s gotta be in the dirt then can i can i see the map oh i got it i got it i got it oh nice oh it’s very nice oh it’s a nice bounty now they’re harder to see i don’t have enough space so i’ll let you

I’ll put some stuff in the llama uh i’m putting it inside whoa what is that maybe no maybe it’s just not loaded where’s that like a cool jungle arch are the jungle vines different um ooh bamboo are the jungle vines different from the uh what you call the other buns the swamp vines

No they are different i thought they look greener they look green i saw ppp my goodness it needs to be shaved it’s a hairy one i’m gonna get rid of this yes i want this no i don’t want this i like this big tree i’m gonna go i’m gonna go look at it

Big tree yeah it’s like a really big tree three seconds late i’m lost it has a it has a high altitude it’s got high ground so i wouldn’t get lost i would be able to see you from it oh uh-huh i’ll fall i live here wanna build a big old tree house

Never mind if that yeah we should do that in this kind of building something like a treehouse i think i’ll find a ship here no oh this is cool i want that bamboo bamboo exploration will be bad couscous even though i don’t think there’s anything cool to find

In the jungle i think you can find like jungle cats ah i’m gonna get lost here so easily look at all this green oh the ocean follow the smell of the sea oh you can climb the vines hello hello oh wait that’s sad cool maybe like tarzan we’re gonna swing [ __ ] Oh no i was reading chat what did they say then you can find parrots huh and coco apparently there’s parrots should we explore yeah elena put up i put a beacon do you have any like a lot of dirt blocks or something you want to use these here i’ll give you

These oops i can’t take some of these okay i’ll use a i use dirt let’s get the highest biggest tree this one oh this one up here yeah yeah you say oh i’m coming up some stuff hanging off of it what is this it’s got like cocoa it looks like um

You like the way it looks i didn’t pick up any of the shroom thingies okay that’s okay i’ll put a lantern i don’t think i’ll die if i jump from here playing his last words oh it’s fine okay are the parrots like chicken size but different colors

Oh i hope so i see a nut oh can’t you see the cocoa yeah i see it i know how to get down though i don’t remember how i got up where are you oh i’m gonna take some of this wood it’s pretty oh okay i’m back on the ground

How do i get the parrot he’s spinning he’s broken i want him it’s a macaw you know what i’m a coyote quick i’m gonna catch a parrot what do they eat coco look at him he’s broken seeds oh seeds there’s grass here i got some seeds here here my sweet brother friend look Out hey you can tame it will it follow you it gave me the light yeah yeah it gave me the you got an achievement no no no like though when you go to team a cat or a dog and it gives you the like the gray bubbles around it ah oh so

When it turns into a heart here i have some hey yeah do you want to tame it no no you got can be like a real pirate with like a parrot sits on your shoulder he doesn’t like me here here i have another one thank you i’m here

Hello you’ll probably do it first try it you should try again and probably do it here try yeah oh i know oh you’re a tricky little bird that’s so cute though it sounds like when you slip on a banana peel in a cartoon uh slide whistle Where’d he go i got him got him in my sights you go did you just growl at me he’s whistling at me he’s taunting me uh you were saying like somebody said cocoa seeds but i don’t know maybe they’re the wrong type of seeds we’re giving it you like cocoa

How do we get cocoa seeds i have cocoa beans he doesn’t have i got here wait what is this no there’s a beans oh he sure doesn’t like beans he doesn’t want him ah there’s stuff coming out of a cave not coco oh i froze did you freeze froze

Yeah no everything looks fine to me And i think if i close it it’ll it’ll like uh close it for both of us remember wait what are you talking about the game no no no no a we froze i see yeah would you like to do a quick brb uh how does parrot tricky tricky okay we’re gonna

Be right back real quick technical difficulty we’ll be right back okay Hello hi where’s my game um is the parrot do you still have the parrot my hands are all messed up now parent i lost the parrot sorry parents god oh my god wait no we’ll find it we’ll find it i’m gonna build it i’m gonna build a temporary house watson yes i’m lost

Uh just climb climb climb a tree climb the tree they can’t spawn in the trees right maybe you’ll be safe maybe they can’t even climb bites the bird or like moms what are we talking about what what mom’s foot moms Oh mobs what did i say they said i think said moms mommy i’m gonna get some cocoa beans and this is parrot man we’ll find another one wait oh it’s saturday no no no no all right let’s take this opportunity ask chad what’s up parrot parents uh what kind of seats can we

Give the parrot to um make it our friend how can we make it like us please regular seats what does that mean so like what we were doing i think just a regular seat Can you get them to follow you though that’s the that’s what i wonder pumpkin seeds from grass okay we’re using right type of seeds ow stop it why you shoot something yeah you like that huh i win it’s a green parrot what’s up don’t i’m i don’t know where you like

And they’re too scared to there’s too many mobs help me help me parrot i’m drowning please please be the one are you kidding please he’s so cute he’s so chill he’s just hanging out with me is it so called a parrot or does it it’s

Still called a macaw or is it maybe like something else is a different color uh i don’t know it looks like i don’t know get it do you see the tower nope i see i see bird that’s all i see please please please did you get it yes will they follow

Oh i see a blue parrot oh i want that pair it looks like a it looks like an error blue like a blue screen they follow you once and they follow you i think i want one all right i’m gonna loop around i see your beacon oh that’s awesome nice okay

Awesome i think i just killed the parrot nope it’s fine hunch down why am i hearing music oh because i have curious thing going in the background i was like where’s that music coming are from okay are you okay i lost the parrot okay wait on it what happened

Did you die did your parent die can you check the uh the chat log does it tell you what happened i killed my parrot you killed it why i was in the water and i was trying to shoot a drown and my parrot swooped in and took the bullet for the trout

Um what i’m sorry to hear that he was just an innocent little bird but it was his fault i didn’t do it uh damn it how many times did it take you to you got the parrot i like four five did you get it no no there’s a skeleton it

Almost killed the bear oh hold on I want the parent to accept me You can do it just don’t shoot it like i did afterwards so much green i want a pair i I don’t know but this this one that i have here he’s like what if i could catch it like drop it like a big net yeah oh i’m trying i’m gonna get uh maybe i’ll run into you is that a chicken or is that a white parrot

Oh yeah look at those parrots i’m lost too i’m being chased oh goodness me oh my god oh there’s a bat outside it looks like a parrot And the pair wants me to save it save it oh then i got it there we go gonna get blown up oh i’m very far can you see the beacon that you made uh probably if i climbed a tree which i will after i get this parrot

I can get some seeds here go i wonder if there’s like a cool down ah i can’t believe i killed my parrot oh yeah yeah man at least it was um good content right it was content I don’t like the jungle there’s too many creepers i like the jungle it’s too creepy creepy got all those creepers um i got it but there’s a creeper okay i wanna see oh then i’m gonna i’m gonna escape ah do we did we leave a boat here um

I i took it somewhere well then i’m gonna find a way to go back okay i’ll find a way back okay there’s a watermelon oh watermelon okay i’m gonna yep it’s following me okay getting to high ground so i can find the beacon feed the beacon yep i don’t see any beacon yet

No beacon it’s not good oh we can uh oh i too have lost the beacon but i see a pirate ship maybe maybe not i can’t tell that’s not a bishop i lied no ah man that is going so well found i found a structure i found like a

Castle huh where are you i’ll then mark the coordinates all right chad remember it 69161331 nice ah i’m scared i’m using my telepathy i’m gonna find where you are okay um this is um not great we’ll find each other again i mean we could probably find are you by the water

I can be is that the bacon okay we’ll go to the water want to see your parent i want to show you this oh i see the beacon up hop hop okay there’s a lot of blue parrots there’s more yeah i found like two blue two more blue parrots

I don’t know how many parrots you could take what if you could walk around with like a a flock of parrots um oh yeah i see that okay we’re near each other yet yeah oh that’s scary i did move the boat i took the boat i was gonna try to find you um

I’m pretty sure i remember where i left the boat so wait is this beacon where are you are you on the water or not yet i’m still i’m still going towards the beacon i’m almost there though oh okay i’ll just hang out then ah i do not oh

That is cool i think it’s around the corner perry i think it’s this way the boat all right hopefully you didn’t see it on the other side no i didn’t i should have left it i should have to you know i should have left it by the beacon

Oh yes no i didn’t go that far i didn’t go that far the jumbo’s scary yeah i did maybe if we had like one of those caves that you get i found the book okay all right do you remember where you saw pirates oh you want to go to that castle

Yeah let’s go to the castle you remember uh i do remember where where it is i think okay let me let me park the boat at the uh pick you up they can’t drown right i mean he looks fun okay he looks good will he follow me to the end of

The earth maybe i feel like he’ll be really slow in the water he’s flying now i think he’s like a cat he’ll probably zoom to us like oh okay okay okay i wonder how i leave him in some place like a cat i just i tried it they like sit down

Wait how do you do that uh with an empty hand you uh right click left right click ah okay where is he he’s gone it might be a lag because i know sometimes the cats don’t follow me okay well we’ll go to the castle maybe he’ll maybe he’ll come back and follow

F what do you guys think f oh you’re saying f there’s a line f5 for me you move too fast you couldn’t teleport oh okay well i’m sure we’ll catch up all right let me look at the coordinates what was one six one six nine one one three three one

Six nine six one six three three six nine six nine one six all right see can you climb the bamboo mini uh I just it’s really hard to navigate with the thing open One nine six one okay i see you’re trying to get up this mountain oh there’s a you following me okay we’ll make a right how was your holiday um it was all right yeah i guess it was all right One wait one six nine one and how’s your this is all right i made gingerbread cookies ooh is that what those cookies were that you posted no no those were like sugar cookies soft sugar cookie but then i made gingerbread oh oh mache that’s a big knife right

Oh it’s raining yeah it’s like what you used to try to get through jungle i didn’t go there no way okay this is the right way i’ll get kind of um hard to navigate this thing open all right here we go what can we find in the castle that you found i wonder

We’ll see i don’t know maybe they i didn’t look like there were enemies there at least it’s a special type of pillager the jungle type jungle hybrid like going the wrong way elena i’m lost okay is that your parrot is that yours is it following me yeah yeah he’s so many found you

Okay that’s good to know look i was scared that he was gone forever no all right yeah it’s this way just a chat we should have just gone be at the water hey look a jungle cat can i tame it well it takes seed you want to see oh i have fish oh

It’s kind of stuck over here so hurry it’s stuck is it like that stuck no it does not i have nothing all right goodbye swimming has to be raw fish okay ocelot that’s what it’s called this is a big biome oh my god A white parrot just a really big parrot can’t pot it’s just a really big was it again one six nine one oh i i froze again i don’t know why it keeps freezing the curse would you like to fix it actually i think i can fix it on my end without

You doing anything okay all right i’ll well getting darkless let’s let’s get there first then i’ll fix it oh my god it’s a cow this is big oh careful uh we’re almost there are you following me yeah okay keep keep going i see it i don’t even know what we’re looking for

Hopefully it’s safe maybe it’s safe in there oh this looks what is this oh wow it’s like a it’s like a what is this i don’t know all right i’ll fix this hold on a temple a jungle temple traps oh oh okay um watson yeah there’s levers oh careful ah Thank you pull the lever gura my mess up on your side no you look good okay you down here oh hi there’s there’s levers and there’s one should i pull it well it was over here though tripler i just saw that did you take that shot from me i did it

What do you see where your parent is no where is it he’s on your shoulder oh really he was he was sitting on youtube on your shoulder oh no did you run out of arrows mr tripwire red what is this what is this what is this oh

I don’t know should i take it i’m gonna take it up all right we broke we broke the uh broke the line maybe it’s safe all right what if i what if i destroy the dispenser oh it’s hidden oh i see oh was there anything good not really ah

There’s the trip mines we can take though right no i want to trip mine a tripwire what is this tripwire your body is just a string but you can get the hooks oh yeah you can just put string on the floor and it makes like a little

A little line oh what was that oh did you open something i heard a noise i heard a piston do it again something’s it again what okay wait uh one more time yeah what is changing is something about you bailey there’s a hidden chest

Hey hey i found a oh i found nope that’s not it it sounds like it’s over here by me let’s dig oh it’s behind this do you see it your bird’s like hey your bird’s on top of it that’s just that’s just the chest that we already found down there no yeah

Is it no ah there’s not that much good stuff in it though ah oh okay do you want bone yeah we take one all right oh is this the outside oh sticky piston All right well this was a really good find this was pretty pretty good i dig it yeah all right but i was barking a lot i’ve been waiting no something bubba needs attention i think i killed my parrot did you no he’s on your shoulder

Okay okay i thought i hit it by accident oh mom alone i hear him there he is yeah i see him where’s the zombie though i keep hearing is he outside yeah i think so okay wow i think we got some pretty good booty yeah i mean this is cool too i found

Like this little this temple please yeah i just want to take a bunch of the mossy cobblestone i like it oh okay i can help with you okay get back to the boat go back to base sounds good now nice can you build mossy rock or is it just uh

You can build it with a vines and just cobblestone oh okay take it out the floor up oh they’re frustrated that i haven’t thrown away all these maps at least i’m keeping it from memories i’m gonna scrapbook our experiences uh you’re just gonna get confused you should probably throw it away okay

Oh there’s like a oh ow all right you want to head back no is the day is it daytime oh yeah yeah let’s go oh wait this creeper outside okay let’s go this way which way you’re going huh here oh this is gonna suck because it all the monsters will still be alive

Because it’s raining that’s all right if we make a mad dash for it we’ll be fine right maybe yeah we’ll just run into a ton of great birds and okay let me see which way we have to go going down in both directions okay this way all right okay so yeah

I like the vines i think i’m starting to get used to them where did you go i see you oh we almost hit your bird i thought your bird was a zombie wait where are we going can you see me yes okay call me there’s a creeper right behind you oh my goodness

Okay is it right behind me you’re good okay okay i gotta keep up i gotta keep up i gotta keep up ah okay let’s get high ground so we can look for the beacon i see it nice hey we’re above the rain yay sun’s out buns out let’s go

A little scary oh there’s a ton of creepers here they’re on the floor though easy to navigate what is this okay hello hi Oh you’re down there i’m just gonna run for it because there’s creepers everywhere yeah okay i’ll be there hold on i gotta eat first before i jump wait i thought this would look familiar but everything looks the same um we’re going the same way just keep

Going uh towards the ocean yeah make a left all right i this way no this way there’s a channel around it it’s like huh okay do you think this goes out into the ocean yeah maybe please yeah yeah yeah this is right away the jungle is nice and all but

It’s really easy to get lost oh yeah cause there’s the beacon yeah now oh i wonder how we should get back to the base maybe we should i think we’re pretty close you want to go all the way back no we’ll just go back to uh atlantis

Atlanta silicon yeah we should be pretty good area um i’ll uh i’ll keep the coordinates marked in my brain one six not no six one no six nine one what was it uh yes locked away locked away in the in the brain perfectly safe all right do you want to drive 916. uh

Sure oh yes all right i believe it’s this way because we came from this direction um think you’re right and we went we went through like some sort of uh little channel yeah i don’t remember exactly where but hopefully we’ll run into it do you think we think we stuck along the shore

Is that a person where we came here where oh i see i see it this one i’m going towards this is on the pilot’s hand yeah i think that’s the same file ah yeah this is right though because yeah we go through the little channel thing little stream little river

Okay this direction i’m going i’m gonna say yes okay it looks familiar paris lost her parents will come back and knows how to fire he knows how to find it’s mama mama watson it knows you know teleport yeah and now i think from here if we go straight this way

Hopefully i mean this is like a this area where we built our our base atlantis area like a little bowl it is isn’t it that doesn’t look familiar oh god it’s not much i know this is swamp this is good yeah yeah anything but jungle

Ah yeah yeah yeah this is where we first came there’s the guy there’s the guy it’s our boy the traveling merchant he’s up he’s he sees our llama that was my lava our llama i think this way You should try to memorize the coordinates so it’ll get lost next time i’ve been bad i haven’t been keeping track of goodness uh there we go if you go like right you go back into like the thick of the coral reef okay i mean yeah if we follow this coral

Reef line i think we’ll run into it again okay this way this direction i’m going yeah i think yeah yeah it’s this way go straight because i know that pirate ship i think that one you sure yeah it’s straight if you just yeah exactly this way hair oh teleport somebody said saying

That to me that’s nonsense it teleported to you last time yeah oh this looks familiar or was it that pirate ship is that a pirate ship it is it is uh i’m pretty sure if we go around we go around this bend we’ll we’ll see it if you go far it forgets huh

Might be too far are we froze again i don’t know why it’s doing that but i’ll just leave it right now i think we’ve gotta go i know which direction to go i was just looking for my parrot is it really gone what if it’s really gone and you forgot me

Perry come home uh i’ll come back for it at some point right it won’t leave or it won’t like despawn right no hmm oh there it is can you put a lead on it because we have that’s okay i’ll go back for it they said it will never forget me nice

Look at all this booty look at all this loot we get all the stuff from the llama They’re nice very nice very nice very nice oh fire protection five what is that where’s the gold look at all this lapis oh my god i’ll put this here for you and for some i don’t know Nice nice a lot of good looking time we did it’s very thankful call it here so we can go also watch kiara’s hollow talk senpai thank you guys thank you for watching thanks for watching us get lost in the jungle for a little while but we got treasure out of it so it’s

Worth it yeah it was it was worth it it was a lot of fun thank you goodall for playing minecraft with me thank you ame do you have any upcoming stream you want to talk about um i’m gonna play outer wilds later like an hour and a half i think but oh

Other than that not really no all right well then what i think i will do probably after the stream i’ll go get my parrot okay oh yeah thank you guys for watching we’re gonna call it here uh go enjoy the holo talk oh and we’ll see you soon we’ll see you real

Soon everyone happy christmas afternoon new year happy new year from all of us and bubba all right all right goodbye you

This video, titled ‘[MINECRAFT] Comfy Cozy Minecraft’, was uploaded by Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN on 2020-12-27 02:19:53. It has garnered 509228 views and 30759 likes. The duration of the video is 02:35:21 or 9321 seconds.

ame! #gawrgura #gawrt #chumbuds


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    Unbelievable Giant Husk Discovery in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘I found Gaint husk 😱 #minecraft #shorts #trending’, was uploaded by Dyno on 2024-04-05 12:10:08. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. I found horror villager #minecraft #shorts #horrorshorts minecraft shortsminecraft funnyminecraft butminecraft horroranshu … Read More

  • Village in Minecraft 🔥 Watch til the end! #gaming

    Village in Minecraft 🔥 Watch til the end! #gamingVideo Information [ਸੰਗੀਤ] ਜੇ ਕੋਈ ਸ਼ੱਕ ਨ ਕਰੀ ਚੈੱਕ ਨੀ ਬੀਬਾ ਜੱਟ ਦੀਆ ਚੱਲੇ ਸਰਦਾਰੀ ਲੱਗੇ ਜੈਕ ਨੀ ਵੱਡੇ ਚੈੱਕ ਨੀ ਉਤੇ ਆਲੇ ਨਾਲ ਲਾਈ ਬੈਠਾ ਯਾਰੀ ਜੇ ਕੋਈ ਸ਼ੱਕ ਨਹੀਂ ੱਕ ਮੇਰੀ ਚੈੱਕ ਨੀ ਬੀਬਾ ਜੱਟ ਦੀਆ ਚੱਲੇ ਸਰਦਾਰੀ ਲੱਗੇ ਜੈਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਵੱਡੇ ਚੈਕ ਨਹੀਂ ਉੱਤੇ ਆਲੇ ਨਾਲ ਲਾਈ ਬੈਠਾ ਯਾਰੀ ਰੱਖੀ ਅੱਖ ਨਹੀਂ ਵੈਰੀ ਕਖ ਨੀ ਗੇਮ ਘੁੰਮਦੀ ਆ ਬੈਠੇ ਫੋਨ ਚੱਕ ਨੀ ਪਿੱਛੇ ਜੱਗ ਨੀ ਲਾਈ ਲੱਗ ਨੀ ਲੱਗੀ ਕਈਆਂ ਦੇਆ ਉੱਤੇ ਤਾਕ ਅੱਗ ਨੀ ਥਾਂ ਕੌੜਾ ਲੱਗਦਾ ਸਵਾ ਪੁੱਛੀ ਜਰਾ ਜਾ ਕੇ ਨਾਮ ਚੱਲੇ ਥਾਂ ਥਾਂ ਜੱਟ ਤਾਂ ਪਹਿਲੀ ਮੱਲੀ ਬੈਠਾ ਥਾਂ ਅੱਗੇ ਕੱਢਿਆ ਭੁਲੇਖੇ ਕਈ… Read More

  • Join The Bozo Squad for Crazy Customs & Laughs!

    Join The Bozo Squad for Crazy Customs & Laughs!Video Information I’m going to play the intro [Music] St [Music] CH what’s good what is up fellas um second stream today cuz I’m bored whoa I know so Chatters today actually let me put this light on who crazy um I’m alive again I’m alive I’m streaming I know I know kind of crazy um but I’m going to go in here screw that dumb song it’s actually not a dumb song It’s a sick song but we got we we we’re gaming here we’re gaming here Momo raid no way yo Momo thank you for the raid W… Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Tech Revolutionizes Minecraft!

    Mind-Blowing Tech Revolutionizes Minecraft!Video Information cette nouvelle technologie va révolutionner les serveurs Minecraft ça faisait un an que je n’avais pas rejoint un serveur multijoueur et j’ai été choqué par ce que j’ai découvert Minecraft a autoriser les serveurs à utiliser des packs de texture grâce à ça il y a des nouveaux objets incroyables comme ce multitool qui permet de casser des blocs à l’infini ce boss est ultra stylé mais un petit peu dangereux ah on peut même avoir des pets celui-là est vraiment trop mignon pour jouer lance Minecraft clique sur multijoueur et rentre d’IP This video, titled ‘Cette… Read More

  • Darkest Gamer Tricks: Age-Specific Minecraft Traps 💀🕹️

    Darkest Gamer Tricks: Age-Specific Minecraft Traps 💀🕹️Video Information [музыка] в лес приходит сказка снег как чистый лист но цветных кра искупалась ми начинают ики рисовать дала не спрятать не потерять моё зание справляюсь ятим с нами немножко пока Да это не забрати не справляем ничего не хитрого ло не чудес Я даю поила смея нет Потому что дети три собак Y This video, titled ‘Minecraft traps at different ages 💀#viral #shorts #viralshorts’, was uploaded by Black Devil Af Gaming on 2024-07-04 04:55:54. It has garnered 10593 views and 413 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:01 or 61 seconds. minecraft but minecraft minecraft animations minecraft… Read More

  • Shocking Sights at Sinj’s 2024 Minecraft Art Show! #OMG

    Shocking Sights at Sinj's 2024 Minecraft Art Show! #OMGVideo Information [Music] [ __ ] [ __ ] derivative that I love I absolutely This video, titled ‘2024 annual Minecraft Art Show #memes #minecraft #greenscreen’, was uploaded by Sinj on 2024-06-04 15:52:36. It has garnered 608 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Read More

  • GingerShadow’s life-changing decision in Minecraft Sky Wars!

    GingerShadow's life-changing decision in Minecraft Sky Wars!Video Information hello everybody Ginger Shadow here and welcome back to some more Bach Sky Block with me and brother why is there a we H uh didn’t it exactly um um um um I don’t remember this being here when I logged off what have you been up to well me remember that really funny thing that happened where uh we recorded a video and I forgot to press record oh yeah you’ve been doing that a lot the last week yeah we don’t need to talk about that thanks very much um yes let talk about it so… Read More

  • INSANE! Building EPIC wooden house in Minecraft #shorts

    INSANE! Building EPIC wooden house in Minecraft #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Construindo casa simples de madeira #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #trending #viral #ytshorts’, was uploaded by Gamer on 2024-06-13 12:45:30. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. minecraft minecraft shorts shorts herobrine minecraft memes #shorts minecraft meme memes minecraft challenge meme funny … Read More

  • Tico Anarchy Server

    Tico Anarchy ServerThis Server Is Created By Tico Group Full Anarchy Server Whit No Rules Free For All No Pay2win Read More

  • Silvermons modded Pixelmon server: Progression system, Endgame PvE, Weekly Tournaments, Fun Events

    Silvermons Pixelmon Reforged Server Silvermons is a non pay-to-win friendly community Pixelmon Reforged server with content for both casual and competitive players. Join our custom level cap and rank progression system featuring exclusive Gyms, Elite 4, Battle Tower, and the Champion’s Gauntlet. Enjoy Weekly Tournaments, Player Gyms, Fun Events, and more! Server IP: Current Version: Pixelmon Reforged on Minecraft 1.16.5 Modpack: The Pixelmon Modpack – Download Here Read More


    1 BLOCK ANARCHY MINECRAFT SERVER (REBRAND)Welcome newbie!😎Normal survival but we can hack and soloIts an anarchy server but it a variation of anarchy(1 block map in the server lol)*I installed a few things to make the server interesting*You can join the server from 1.12 to 1.21Make your history in the Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “From trash to treasure: ugly blocks in skilled hands”

    Minecraft Memes - "From trash to treasure: ugly blocks in skilled hands"Looks like the builder in Minecraft has some serious fashion sense – even when it comes to choosing blocks! Read More

  • Limber Labrash Mines Mischief: Sin of Suspicion EP.4

    Limber Labrash Mines Mischief: Sin of Suspicion EP.4 Labloush, the Minecraft news reporter, with a twist, Bringing updates in rhymes, never to miss. In Sin of Suspicion EP.4, Labrasi takes the lead, Shutting down the Mafia’s money printing greed. Labloush, with eyes sharp and keen, Describing each move, in a rhyming scene. Labrasi’s mission, to end the Mafia’s reign, With interrogation and twists, in the game’s domain. Labloush, the narrator, with a playful tone, Engaging the crowd, never alone. Crafting Minecraft news, with a grin and a spin, In every update, let the rhymes begin. Labloush, the favorite news reporter, in the gaming land, Spinning rhymes that… Read More

Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN – [MINECRAFT] Comfy Cozy Minecraft