Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN – [MINECRAFT] MOM? IM LOST. #GAWRGURA #HololiveEnglish

Video Information

It’s to make okay because sometime uh i screw out the make yeah how’s the audio come on game minecraft night time are we going to be okay here there’s a lot of minecraft our creeper holes so let’s move out come here okay maybe be safe if you want

To come to my home i got like three bad it oh is my stream visible is my game visible i can’t see the game okay minecraft what it’s okay we’ll start any any problems now yes we sorting problems now oh yes you might have to uh at a different game capture

I could probably do that minecraft can be kind of shy when i stream it i’ve noticed it takes a little bit for it to wake up sometimes uh yeah yeah yeah i’ll figure it out yeah quick everybody hum some uh technical difficulty music hey there’s zombies coming what should i do

Uh i’m gonna fist fight him thank you oh yeah uh aqua is also in the server ako senpai she was very surprised when we came into the server yeah it was like okay come on come on come on i think i think it is still working on some technical technical difficulty

Yeah i see how have you been now what’d you do today hey muna i am eating kiara [Laughter] Okay okay ah we’re ready for our tour how about we introduce first introduction first i think we need to sleep oh oh okay is that a straw what is that those are stairs i think they’re still maybe they’re still building it so the stairs are there yeah ah

Okay we’ll do introduction really quick and we’ll go sleep okay she’s got the sword we follow muna actually okay i have no idea what it is but but every time every time uh we go to the um resource server we will spawn in here ah aye okay

There’s so many uh yago face in here yellow yeah face this one is already broken ah it’s a golden ago yeah it is golden we should we should take notes for our golden ago this is a good prototype yeah oh cute I think there’s a problem with my stream luna isn’t live wait my obvious is already live like like six minutes ago hold on on the youtube side maybe forgot to press the button and i just found out hold on while we’re waiting chat uh how does that how’s everybody’s level sound

I think muna might be a little bit quiet so i can turn her up yeah manolo okay uh i gotta hi i gotta switch screens really quick and i’ll fix it okay yeah my stream is not started what it’s already started in obs just like it’s already live like seven minutes ago

Usually have to press the go live button in the control room um it is already on i don’t know okay it should be we’re going to lower everything so that everybody can be heard not yet oh still not oh um Yeah okay yep i think it’s okay so started she said started how’s audio good can i get a hello from each of us so we can test them hello hello adio Hi all right okay let yeah can i can i restart i’m going to restart you’re fine it’s fine it’s fine yeah just make sure to change it yeah yes hold on hold on just a few minutes to my obviously it just started like yesterday didn’t like this it didn’t come like this man

Why did i make it like this today ah all right hold on it’s on my banner um i was live I’m it hi uh you sound fine and then all of a sudden i joined back and then all of a sudden you were like hello yeah this card is weird like that sometimes yeah uh-huh i could turn my i could turn on like a little bit on my end how’s this

Better i turned it down the hardest good to me yeah okay let’s smell for him i’m scared i’m scared i’m gonna like uh ruin something like i’m gonna hit something you look with your eyes not your hands i want a mouse click and i want to touch

Hey hey hey where’s it what’s behind you watson wait i’ll first fight him fisty cuffs fisty cuffs yeah you take you you beat a tank i’m taking it you were drowned on land watson how do you feel oh hey nice nice you win oh there’s another one underneath the

Bait oh you can stay down there yeah i know your place yeah you stay there nice bridge i like this bridge we should make something like this in our server it’s really nice hmm you had a giant pumpkin scooch moon over a bit hey hi how’s it going brunna uh i’ve already

Made a new room what’s this it’s a wishing well oh there’s a budget it’s a spencer dispense welcome to the holo jp server everybody this is a tnt dispenser it’s pretty clever wait there’s so many so many things going on oh no so yeah we we

I think we took all the tnt who pushed the button me i’m sorry maybe i can reload it oh which stuff is this i i got i got another team there will a little restocking letter okay okay Uh Oh you push the tnt button what yeah yeah i didn’t know maybe i have to tell me like this again i cannot press go live oh huh can i preschool oh okay okay i think i think it’s in hold on okay probably i’m okay we’re not alive when alive it’s like

Is it right it’s like right not yet it takes a minute yeah it takes a minute usually to go live uh here is the new link oh they’re pumpkins wait you can carve pumpkins you can make like jack-o’-lantern that’s great indeed excuse me okay live now muna you are live

You better not get lost it’s crazy in here ow let’s just hurt I hope it’s all right finally hey okay uh let’s continue so um so there’s there’s also a place and ah who pushed me what what’s in no who pushed me oh you felt so what you felt excuse me we are going to roll the tapes back and find out exactly who pushed me

Okay are you ready hold on hold on again one more time hold on okay okay okay well i’ll come up here with the introduction and then we go okay hello okay this should be good should be good all right all right dude introduction introduction did you push me yes My force is too small huh my voice is too small oh yeah your microphone is a little low is it still low right now oh it sounds better now then it sounds better oh yeah yeah it sounds good to me too nice nice nice so uh wait

Uh which which bomb that you you switch ah the box wait what oh button oh this one this one this one right here there were a bunch of tnts that came out of these little faces and then they blew up ah there’s there’s none of it hold on i gotta just audio

One more time no worries It’s my first time collab with my engineer yes senpai i’m looking forward to you as a tour guide you play on the stream i i did but but i usually go to only focusing on my house only yeah there’s so many people what are you doing

I have to fix some audio we’re good now we’re good we’re good ah i thought i took you you’re [ __ ] you want to go back to the sea no no not yet soon yes not soon yes so as as one that i believe this one is um oh sweet luna this is Cake it’s cake uh my viewers say this mikko senpai house oh the last time that i know Yeah this is this is senpai candy house introduction did i miss that did i completely miss that we uh i did i sort of did some sort of introduction should we like introduce each other oh yes we forgot to i forgot to okay okay okay

Uh i think i think uh it’s you first i get it you go first okay hello i am gal gura of hololive en and today i am with my friends here we are playing on the holo jp minecraft server first time i’m amelia i’m here to pick up some clues and uh investigate

The hololive jp server as well with our tour guide and i am muna hoshinova from hola life indonesia uh i’m just muna okay what i’m tour guide of the of today the toy guy i have no idea what i’m doing right now but okay ah also this one this one is a It looks like a cupcake it does look like a cupcake cute it does what do you say what else come home what is this big place this is a mansion how many people are on the jpg this is no um last last time i play this minecraft uh we play we

We make a firework in here we fly with with sora senpai i like pyrotechnics yes yes angle boom so many things in the distance i know it’s like oh but i don’t know which one is this if you can read it you probably know This is this is um farm oh i usually see pecora senpai comes here but i don’t know if it’s in the street Because we got this the the boots thing i don’t know how i don’t know i don’t i haven’t found how how it makes it like speed like this like like we have we have two nether um gate in here ooh there’s a snowman we just built our one

They trapped the snowman maury hi maury i tally my bad callie kylie mallory what what yeah oh my god hi what is that is that a ferris wheel or it looks like yeah that time i built that it looks like it wow thank you bbq barbecue oh yummy yeah

So you can put uh have you ever tried put some like meat in here it will come on the campfire you can cook four at once magic six oh well yeah i guess the other ones are not oh what about this oh more llamas we just feel the flowers

I just do a watson said thank you what is it potato thank you She’s trying to communicate you can do it you can do it Sorry that’s just my voice what is this scaffolding scaffolding i’m holding so you can go up and you can go down i do that how far up does it go oh i don’t like this this one doesn’t go that high up i learned how to go down i’m gonna make it rain potatoes

Hey we see something we didn’t want to see and the first day on hololens japanese savory good iq for senpai with the berry bush i was so excited i i bumped into her and then into the bush and then i i will i will take it until until you

See i cannot take it though it’s already full can you can you take it thank you so when she back we can give it to her yeah okay here she is look at all this kill that make it rain oh oh this is gonna be tough because i can’t see my cursor okay

And this why so much seaweed i wonder maybe underwater oh wait i don’t know hey take it there you go there you go uncle look my house look my house yes yes why is this her house the underwater one this is smart city [Laughter] stay wait steal it seaweed

Yar see what is silly she give your seaweed i’m happy oh is this this uh is this house come on watson it’s the space bar it’s right there it’s on it’s like a it’s like a [Laughter] oh that doesn’t sound good hold shift hold shift oh

I didn’t know that was the thing hold shift yeah wait why is the chest green what is that maybe it’s made out of another stuff wow this is um it’s not nether it’s uh I don’t like the feeling of this you know ah they have a nice tunnel oh it’s a hitting button oh oh you go so fast oh these are lightning ah a lot of ice that’s nice that’s nice but she’s leading us let’s see oh wow it’s so organized

Whoa talk about a walk-in closet wait this time i regret um oh yeah so about the whole look with you really good it’s really good i like it very much yes nice you think we’ll be this organized someday uh probably oh we’re going up what’s the pink thing what is this yeah

What is this beam looks dangerous well i’m in it and i’m okay oh it’s lesser thing laser wha what’s up here bling wait i went too high i went to high okay bye watson hi how do i go back down um um just jump um here and just just jump just

Goes up here too i think she wants us to come up so there’s there’s another one this is incredible oh very very advanced incredibly good i go down again i died i died it’s scary it’s so high up [Laughter] there’s a hole right next Okay where is my item where did my item go oh i think it’s gold doubly interesting i want to take this rail a giant rail you can take the watson out of the railway but you can’t take the real hand of the watson tell her to take it don’t steal we just

Got here i’m gonna fall no i wouldn’t steal i just may not take it like a roller coaster yeah oh i’m trapped uh the rip iago railway what happened to yellow oh hi it says rip rip yeah r.i.p are you guys still up there should i come back where where is everybody uh

It’s just me i’m i’m down i’m in down here okay okay i’m gonna go jump off the place that i die maybe i can this is scary they’re so creative there’s so many like really beautiful like art pieces and stuff ow bushes okay i’m with munna yeah hi hi huh Hey oh small thing was aqua’s house ah game froze okay good we’re good okay where by is ferris wheel i’m trying to get back that’s what it’s called a ferris wheel yeah you said that earlier i’m pretty sure oh i thought okay i’m all right i promise look at all the terracotta huh

Yes terracotta ow hey where are you guys i’m lost where are you i want donkeys oh i see it’s like this i’m going you see how do i start dominance what do you do i swear to you here hello so uh this is uh for going to the nether

I think i think this one someone’s dog went into the nether i think oh did another oh are we gonna go in you want to just for a second you want to see what it looks like on the other side okay let’s go i saw a kitty cat meow i’m going back

Bye is it that bad they’re not aggressive they’re not aggressive because i got my dog oh wait i want to go back are you going back going back no no no no i’m going in i thought they were going to attack me no hello since we are here uh i’m going to show

You this one this one go to tttt ttt but ttt Or just one people i want one this is one okay yeah i’m out let’s go we walk we’re walking we are walking this is cool i like how the dog like okay i don’t see you guys anymore it’s going pretty fast this is this is so far oh yeah

We just left it i didn’t like it oh yes uh I don’t know what i wasn’t by thank you You guys this goes on for pretty long my legs hurt are we there yet just remind me of the audience oh there’s another portal here yeah you can go to that portal that way for you guys okay yeah send the card back oh yeah somebody can take the card There goes one of you guys can take it back i i see i saw it wait why why the cut is in here ah i sent it my dog my wake dog what happened a dog took minecraft come on down look at the wine card come on come on [Laughter]

Well i guess we’re gonna take the portal okay ma’am all right well we’ll get him back he will come back let’s go let’s go where we going into the portal button Watson hey wow buddy oh is this the zombie that you were talking about he was here i think he despawned what i was a zombie i swear you guys i know he pushed me i know oh my mother are you stalking Thank you thank you does anybody have food i have half a heart I have teenagers thank you what is what does this mean is this a sign giving us tnt to come giving kitty as a friend [ __ ] friendship bye i like tnt me okay well where are we uh this is this is a hotel hotel hotel wow ah that’s really pretty

Well going back to the en server is gonna be like hello maybe if you can go into sleep let’s go into sleep oh yeah this is still this is still survival mode yeah it’s a survival mode what this uh setting my own bed so that’s fine you can find

Your own room my own room is outside okay oh okay i go up i found a bed here good if you want to share it with me yes oh i’m stepping up by the stars yes ah beautiful a room with the view what okay i think we have to go back the

Other way oh let’s do it okay i’m going up it’s already sorry today i’m trying to find out oh jacuzzi Oh where are you uh we went up i was trying to i was trying to find a way to jump out what is that oh wow look at the view did they do this did they build like who built that i want to go see that what is that

Yeah there’s like a giant mansion in the distance yeah it looks huge yeah let’s go all right we’re we’re going back down we now hold on we got lost we got this don’t take your time i can just chill in here wait how come i got a tng blessing from aqua

A tnt blessing i like that i think Okay i found the exit ah all right i’m craving for pineapple there’s a big house that way in the in the woods that way towards the mushrooms oh yes it says i’ll see that yeah but i don’t know what it is i i can’t go to there oh

Hopefully it has a sign we can see who built it oh yeah yeah the Wow yeah i didn’t notice the tnt has a name uh you can you can rename it from item oh good good where are you hello oh hi i don’t want you loose That would get lost very um i think not that way no no the house it’s it’s go to that you want to go to the house right yeah i thought it was i thought i saw over here come here oh yeah i’m the one that’s bad with directions Oh what is this hold on hold on i use my aqua blessing hey what happened to my blessing send them to the moon it’s in your hand let the doll kill it ah it’s gone it’s in your hand it’s my dog right now here here here come here yep let’s go to

The house there’s the house see that is the house Yeah that’s the house oh it’s like a spooky mansion Spooky i like these mushrooms i want to find mushrooms in in our server we gotta find the biome the mushroom biome i saw it from far away while i was boating but uh i didn’t go in wait this is not the entrance oh there’s Wait maybe the entrance is on the other side my mushroom probably got the writings where is it oh there’s a lot of yes i think this is the back of the house wow it’s so detailed yeah but if uh but i i prefer not to enter it because

This one is not of our building okay this one is is uh from minecraft so my house is very dangerous that one is full of full of uh the villager oh oh we thought it was yeah i thought somebody built it i didn’t say okay how do we get back

Like uh to the main area can we get back from here bye i see you okay i’m a tree shark right now you gotta keep a leash on her what do you mean one of those kid harnesses okay we’re good back to portal no we got another ah okay

So if you if you go here and you die a lot you can go to this place so you can gain your your level easily oh it’s an xp farm yes oh it’s an xp farm it’s a teddy bear watson we gotta build one of those yeah

We need we need uh help i’ll take a lot of notes so that we can create something similar yes what does ttt stand for ddt I forgot but it’s it’s just like a trap thingy uh um a trap tower trap tower tower but it’s not it’s not really a trap oh god wait does anybody have food i i dropped them i died and i lost my food thank you a pirate ship whoo let’s go up going

Oh my my home because i need to take my food i got any food in here too we can take it let’s keep falling out how do you go up straight take your hands off the keyboard simple wait where are you guys okay all right this one wow this

Um do you want to try maybe one only one of you yeah okay here you go me yeah no you go you try there you go okay what do we do how do we do this uh you can you can stay in here huh in here in here in here okay

This i will open this all right and then you didn’t have the weapon you didn’t have the weapon right now hold on hold on how much is this gonna hurt like on a scale from one to ten zero okay just get xp you just get it okay we have here my sword

Okay oh and then uh you can uh i mean come here oh i’ll make the make the the scene hit them oh like this yeah oh i see where you coming from yeah we’re getting extra like that can i see i want to see where they come from is it like a spawner

Yes probably hmm let’s just take a look just take a quick look for uh computer science investigation purposes uh just don’t crouch okay don’t make them see in your face it should be fun i like this this is the only time i’ve ever like continuously [Laughter] won

Watson are you finding up there yeah there’s nothing up here i’m going back down okay wow i’m already level uh 11 12. i don’t know how to get back down me neither what’s the max level in minecraft let nice wait maybe you don’t want me to waste

All your sword what do i do with the how do i stop uh you want to stop ah oh okay here take your sword i don’t want to waste all this juice There’s like water that pushes them out yeah that’s my time ben that’s really cool we should make one of these too oh yes you need a spammer uh oh i’m fairly no no i’m gonna go with that we jump we jump we jump yes we jump let’s go but first maybe we

Need to sleep okay yeah there’s a we have a cave with three poisonous spider spawners though maybe would be a really good place to do that and it’s like it’s right i can’t do that it’s right in our in our in our house area so it’s good uh-huh okay yeah

You find you find the spawner item yeah yeah we have this you can stand on this chocolate bar yeah yeah yeah that’s it damn oh cause there’s water because that is water so it’s fine ah okay way to atlantis okay that was really cool it’s in natural habitat oh yes the water yes

Water after this probably come come back to my house first okay maybe i should have given all this back i should have prepared many food i have i can give you back some food i don’t need all of this food that’s so cute doggy shakes fake aim oh did you get that what

Where’d you get that get what from the monster ah wow okay i’ll walk back this time if i took the cart the car i don’t know where the cart went i think it’s in the block for some i thought i saw your dog inside the block so

Uh well i already took it out huh and then put it down again probably uh to go back to the car okay we walk then we go to another interesting place this is a cool service huge it is huge there’s so many things that um

Help you to play to play in this server yeah we got so many things like an auto prime yes automatic i got i got two automatic farm oh they got us and i got two as well i want to build a machine that automatically puts armor on you like you

Step in and hit a button he goes and then you’re like fully decked out that work i don’t think does it work like that i’ll make it work trying to build like a like a iron man his area exactly diamond man chad says it does wick

Okay it looks crazy it’s still a diamond back before always uh like you know a horse or something like that a horse i didn’t i don’t think that’s a horse i forgot but where we can put the diamond and then and some of our friends need to log out

And then after that uh well we see the diamond is double oh but i don’t know if it’s working in this version or not oh i never tried though This this this look out stop it okay we’re good the nether is a dangerous place Okay i saw my blessing i thought i used it A fountain with bushes pretty yes ah this one this one uh it’s a farm you can use it freely but um don’t forget to plan it again oh okay okay yes wheat wheat I mean yes that’s so cute this is this is just like my doll i got a doll penguin doll i call it poro cute yes this one used to be a matsuri senpai house but she didn’t live in here as well as you can see it’s already broken

Like abandoned whose house is the the pumpkin this big pumpkin the pumpkin uh is on halloween oh cute yeah it’s halloween in last year perfect timing then we see it now yeah and this one is my house oh fancy it’s like a mansion oh it’s so modern yeah wow

This is my library and this is also my room actually not just my house miku senpai someone to live in here as well we also got the bathroom in here oh oh cool you’re like an aquarium yeah i also got an exec aquarium as well aquarium yes right in here come on

Oh and this one too from the bottom you can see ah oh wow yeah i like it yeah but this is my house it’s just a regular house it’s nice very intricate it’s a lot of rooms and stuff thank you i love the stairs oh my gosh i just realized the stairs

They’re like floating yeah uh where is my couch puppy what’s the big white tower is that a lighthouse where outside come on outside where right here ah that one it’s it’s a monas uh indonesian monument oh you want to go up there yes okay this is this is the place where

I took the screenshot huh just go up there Nice view oh what’s this what’s that which one the pink one over here ah that’s a cooking conscious ship oh I’ve always wanted to see her pirate sheep ah And up there we got an evil and what what evil you what’s that ufo go out Level yes let’s jump okay you’re jumping into the water is that cake that’s a little cake house oh yeah on it yep i don’t know who built it actually when first i come here there’s already cake in there come up here i think people are expecting a mighty big prank to happen

That’s all i’ve been seeing is everybody’s talking about precode prank oh no oh with the sunset is nice yeah it’s really nice when it’s at night will it light up just wait okay okay i’ll wait over here prismarine yeah yeah yeah first marine It’s really nice view as well yeah you can see the house up there oh i can see oh the big ship that’s what you guys are talking about yes hi wow we’re above the clouds yeah isn’t that beautiful it’s very beautiful is there a way you can see how many

Times like people on the server minecraft have died yep because i’m wondering the building’s so high a lot yeah yeah that’s why we we are bleeding so high up that’s why we die several times it’s all part of minecraft right oh upside down house where over here that that is oh

That is free sauce so this is this is what you evolved looks like at night will you will you like remove the bridge and then just let it float here forever yeah we want to do that also but uh i don’t know if you want to

I i asked her i asked her if we want to remove the build and what she said just let it be someone can visit it what does the button do it’s just a decoration oh god well we can go up here and jump okay it’s fine okay

Just make sure that you you you land on the water yeah not on my head on the water you broke my small button thank you and this this one is my farm but you can use it freely if you want to and also we got like um i got an

Automatic bamboo and automatic sugarcane so you can make it yes oh there’s so much redstone wait redstone electricity button and also uh we also got a ship in here ship automatic ship oh so you can if you want to build like like this polka you need and you need a wall

This is a regular wool you can take it by yourself or you can use this one go to this place oh skeleton and you can see we got mini ones in here as well oh they’re so colorful yeah you can re-dye this shape as well if you have to die

But since uh i need more blue and yellow that’s why i try it as blue and yellow i’m taking notes i’m taking notes she’s got the no pen i like this pink house it’s very cute a big house this pink house it’s i believe this is Which house is this i forgot it’s really i rarely see people go out in his this house i think this is a door that was sent by house i think this is a thousand by house oh looking from the window though looks pretty it is pretty i like the stairs i like it

Cairo it’s like a regular house yeah right it’s like a regular house it’s good it’s good it’s very good okay now where to tour guide poor guy yay you can sleep in my bed and not black okay just don’t sleep on the wall on the pink oh

Have you ever considered to making a best man in your house a basement oh like this like that yes like that yo how’d you do that uh redstone doggies in here can we run the llama hi now you’re stuck hi wait Okay bye bye trapped in the basement oh there’s an iron drop in the placement there’s gotta be a way to get out i’m coming i’m going up the steps my tour guide trapped uh somebody help hello look at all the redstone right here all right here we can see the ship

Where was the ship oh what’s going from there the ship the boat a big boat big boat big boat there’s a frying pan oh it’s the it’s the oh i like the smoke coming out of it from the top oh that’s clever i like What is this big house tree house i want to build a tree house ship this is the sheep everyone oh the ship had cooked in sheep oh wow come here is this piccolo it’s a carrot house that must be fickle that’s something carrot house right here carrot house oh

That’s carrot ah i think it is it looks like yeah it looks like it cute thank you i watched them build this on stream well i won’t go on it but you got the moon in there yeah there’s a moon up there at the top

That’s really cool it is cool it is cool how do you build the beam like the laser beam that’s so cool i actually don’t know about the beam yet because i’m i’m really new i’m just i just play minecraft for like one month oh wow that is new yeah

Yeah that is i’m new i’m pretty new to minecraft as well just like you guys haven’t played before so i didn’t know what the beam how to make that one yet what’s up uh we also got a usada kensetsu wait what say again please what did you say what’s uh

Hey of course yes tetris yeah and that one you can see uh yeah this that one is Ah i love the uh the massive pekka What is this this is new i didn’t know this what is this it’s new the sorrow this huh that’s new i didn’t know this it can’t be something good if it’s called the sorrow the sorrow it looks like uh dangerous with the scary pumpkins

Oh it looks like a maze is it you want to join yeah is it a haunted house i think it’s a haunted house i’ll go this way i’ll go this way all right okay i got is there another way are there jump scares in this i’m a jump scare pro

Huh right right behind you guys there’s nothing it’s dark in here and behind us she went in the first door what is that what happened if i huh wait this is a dead end this is dead end okay not this way ah hello oh no what’s in the second door oh hmm [Laughter] wow i want to see what it does yeah go see what it does like we will wait are we stuck in here oh hold on this thing’s going here this way you see clever there’s nothing in here there’s nothing wait uh are we stuck in here i was

Really really stuck in here all right we’re gonna break down the door at this one this one this one this one come on now we went all the way down that one it’s a dead end hello oh is that some really dead end oh apparently that we

Can find the exit is there an ice that we can find it’s it is a dead end how do you feel like it’s not a dead end it’s not it’s not a daddy [Laughter] Halloween happy halloween up in the box open the box wait wait a minute when the box go to heaven hold on [Laughter] what happened That’s nice without a sunblock nice you got me you got me you got me wait how do i get out go down get down yes hi goodbye that’s nice nice nice nice it’s so good that that she she use uh english as well you know yeah yeah that’s fine okay now where’s two

Uh this is pickled pick paper oh isn’t that so nice look at the like that’s cool cool and this is an iron generator oh if you make one in your server i won’t get hurt so uh to make an iron connector you have to to need you need um a mops

One mobs and also a villager in some place as you can see that bed three beds six bed i mean there’s a villager here i know it’s this treasure and then yeah and then uh do i run iron golem will spawn at up there ah they usually spawn at night

Huh the iron ball spawn at up there and the water the water flow them into the lava and they will die eventually and then after that they will give us a iron wow can i make one of these yeah yes that’s tricky that sounds complicated the villagers

Uh if you if you need to make it like this make sure you have to breed the villager first this is this is this is villager breeding [Laughter] i’m using a food sort of like bread and when they you see that there’s a love thing that will got another like little villager

And this is how babies are made yeah that’s how babies are made indeed oh real where does this go that will go to um i forgot i forgot uh let’s go to another villager village ah okay now where to um hello this one this one

Is as you can see this is oh we got what she’s kidding me as you can see russian is still hellgate in japanese oh essentially uh this is again five gates to the nether so senpai make this so the there’s a pig in the nether as you can

See a big with the golden thing huh the pig the pig didn’t like the snowman so whenever they see the snowman they will go out and then want to kill the snowman but but that’s can we go up i don’t think we can go but that’s this one when the

When the pig golden pig come out the the water will flow into two one this one into this one this place will blow into this and because they fall they almost died and then when they died they would give us some gold and some item so wow

On the other side of the portal it’s like as big or speak it’s like meat we make literally like five nether portal in there five what did she do oops sorry mr shot sorry okay ah we also have another like a slime oh what slime slime that’s how you make

Sticky pistons yes sticky piston cat tnt house this one uh as you can see we got this decorah senpai and super saiyan by house yes uh we also got this this is this is subaru senpai house you can go in if you want to uh okay yeah that’s nice isn’t it ah

What nothing in there as well because subaru senpai move out ah what’s this and also this one uh this is in my house that noise there’s a machine going on whoa this is slime this slime down there you can see that is the slime you can go down if you want to

Excuse me sir i must close the door it’s a spine trap slime trap oh yes that wasn’t me I missed here we go up i missed whoa i missed again somebody’s here hey buddy hey buddy hey buddy whoa buddy you guys blink blink ah how do you get this snowman i want snowman snow just snow and a pumpkin you can make them pick a magnet how do you get slime

Are you down there actually a knowledge to get slain ah nail spawn hi i’m i’m not gonna die down there goodbye goodbye wait i’m gonna eat oh that’s not food that’s tnt that could have been bad wait the snowmen move yeah the snowmen move they’re alive don’t break her

Yeah okay we should go back okay hey wait what’s on fire over here that’s a subaru senpai ah this is what senpai place wow wow ah this is so cool so cute it is cool hey quack quack what else you want to go what else you want to go

Is there anything else to see let me see i’ll probably let’s go okay i never saw the upper upper house i don’t know which one which house is it but it’s really good okay be careful with the creeper okay yeah flair house flair house flares and house cocoa oh flair hotel

House but i don’t know where it is yeah another portal looks like a big tv yes yes indeed hmm this is really cool server ah i’ve seen obviously i’ve seen streams people playing on it but uh it feels different when you walk around yourself and you actually can see everything

Yeah definitely really impressive indeed i feel like our our server is so mountainy i guess we have to flatten it out if we want it to look anything like this i wonder how the server looks start uh you can you can um monty is good too actually

I will i’ve i’ve been making a a a monty house oh it’s beautiful but sadly it’s not in the survey yeah so i cannot show it to you uh there’s there’s a house upper there it’s really beautiful i don’t know which house is that probably flares and by biggest flare flare

Shampoo are really good at building too oh what are these plants this is flower and there’s no water happening so we need to use the stairs okay whoa Right yeah ah so she has like a style she likes the uh the trees with the natural look yeah really good right wow ah she marked it with her with the pen the hot too basic hey well they got an iron too i won’t go inside i’ll just look in i’m

Just looking through the window hmm oh wow oohy ah oh there’s water oh you can take the water down you got a sauna as well oh no yeah rest your tired muscles onsen i’m sorry the bath seed i think the water elevated now hey where’s the water elevator what

This one what’s the last one oh come here with me okay okay come here come here okay okay we will eat we will eat a psych me today what [Laughter] chuck soup yeah Good thing detectives aren’t very tasty ah i like to differ i beg to differ what is this Now shark super all right um another place where you guys are there you are another place is nice sorry i i clicked by accident um [Laughter] hey nice mist it’s a big yellow wall what is this i want to build a bee that’s so so cute

You should build a giant shark oh and then you can go inside the shark’s mouth yeah ooh yeah yeah yeah and it’s got teeth yeah yes i want to go up there but i forgot how to go up there oh we got a resource ever have we go to

The resource shopper i don’t think so no let’s go this is the resource server okay this is the place where we we didn’t get ring anything in here we’re rarely gathering in here so we usually use this one go up here and we will move to another server wow yes oh what what

Wait it’s like a ah huh huh how do you go back oh we just that’s a big map i did go back as you can see uh there’s a japanese uh japanese what it is but just like a russia one it’s a japanese gate in the black ah so we just go oh

Yeah so this this one that i said that is so cool i like this ah yeah yes oh it’s a stick dispenser bad luck it’s fortune yes so oh they put signs up here too try your luck gouda okay um you know that i have i have a stick

That i have like a sheep right automatic shipple so we have another automatic symbol it’s it’s hachama senpai make it huh where’s scooter hi read the song oh i can’t read the stick it disappears too quickly oh wait inventory i don’t know what it says

What does it say i’ll put the stick back return the stick okay i will return it good luck people are saying say big luck just click right put it in this dispenser yeah and then click right and then put it it’s like this click right and then put it yes like that

Ah big luck shark nice ah okay let’s go yeah it is cool this one is this one this is a dorm oh this is a dorm so if you haven’t have any house but you need to sleep this one I didn’t i think we wanted to build something like this or a hotel or something yeah oh this big map oh this is yeah this is the map it goes to the ceiling what is this on this part so um this is a dumb if you haven’t have any house

But you need to sleep you can sleep in here we got so many bad in here oh wow i’m so fast oh yeah oh what is this big tree there’s like a big tree i can see yeah this is the glass house as you can see hotel a door

Ah we almost didn’t catch that sneeze What is that in the distance that thing over there a tree a real tree i think it’s it’s someone making a tree ah this is this is What’s this button i don’t know Okay amphitheater is that the right one [Laughter] Um was that a fox over there oh yeah over today oh ah yes that’s fox oh that’s something interesting afterwards here at this one this one in automatic farm as well i think i just took a work just shy Hey [Applause] oh no no this is this is a automatic one oh we got so many wool in here this is how does it take the wall from the sheep just how does it work uh we use a dispenser and also observer a dispenser only i think oh there’s so many sheep

Dispensers observer harper and chess and we also got a red stone in here as well i see oh it’s so cute whose house is this up there oh and it looks like on a mountain on a snowy mountain i haven’t go there before actually oh okay let’s go let’s go let’s go okay Kids oh i am like a pumpkin please one pumpkin coming right it’s gone because because it’s halloween it’s new in here ah that’s not Oh cute it looks like a strawberry yeah it says ah mushroom ah wait how does it feel is it a robocase in my house i forgot it’s so cute what is it huh so cute we should build a little strawberry village that would be cute actually

We’ll put green we’ll put green on top of it and it’ll look like a strawberry yeah nice one i can’t plant it i don’t have a hole sorry i jumped on them i’m sorry this let’s go to this place okay this one this is a beautiful house the most beautiful i think whoa

As you can see that’s in here up here you can see the crutch oh cute yes i like the band with the stone and the white it’s pretty yeah yeah oh it’s flare they’re senpai ah this is really good i saw this korea um i’m up here

A nice view from here shut up oh stop cute reminds me of uh senpai’s 3d debut she has in like uh like a church like this sort of uh-huh uh-huh oh yeah they built the oh what do they call a chandelier well yes that’s good cute cute cute ah shark the shark

Let’s go down again trees don’t push me it’s really good whenever they make a house it’s just really iconic you know yeah i love really i love these houses they’re so cute though house no i wasn’t going to push her off the edge i don’t know

Sounds like a bluff ah they’re both like uh throwing up the hot you’re cute it’s a little piggy Yeah what’s that a bone horse whoa you can ride piggies no wait what why they have donkey i think yeah i think yeah we did i think we can ride it you want a better snowman Maybe we saw everything um not yet okay we also got uh this rubber question by house oh roboconsent by house is interesting but and she on somebody hmm come here okay i like this color green yeah me too i like the color green is it this one kind of forgot okay this one

Oh chicken I’ll look through the window oh whoops this is a toilet there hey cute i like this glass oh is it stained glass i think that’s what it is yeah it’s a small house and the last one i believe this is the last one oh let’s go okay this way

I really want to show a fluttershy my house because they said players embarrassed is beautiful oh flair okay oh slime Oh Ah they’re asking about shion’s house hmm i didn’t see any catholic empire i used some of them i didn’t know where to place yeah it’s okay i’ve seen it in mine uh okay could have been really bad i’m sorry uh i got like um how to say it it’s not my family now

Just like my mate there’s a sound of my mate in here So it’s a little bit noisy ah uh where is it actually fast yep wait what is this this is a dining table yeah there is a dining table wow everybody’s here we got cake yeah this is here let’s go he’s one of those guys yeah go touch him

Look they gave him arms that’s funny i like this oh the lever he’s like just kidding yeah hello cow What is this with vines on it this big this is cute this is cotton candy cotton yeah cotton candy ice cream oh do you want to buy ice cream yes we got we got a good ice cream we got a wife and ice cream and also

Ice cream i heard the good one is pretty good Funny whoa resist at this one i think this one is a flare sale by house how do you do the gradient that’s cool like a it’s a banner how do you do that a banner oh that’s pretty easy actually as you can have or die you can make a banner

Where send by house oh i see Look at the house i knew she’s gonna push the button i just shot something in the air i don’t know it’s a rocket it’s it’s um oh yeah firework that looks beautiful oh can we go in sure is this flare or something you don’t know where to oh

That’s good ah she got a pool also oh this is when the first time when the first time i come to this place it’s like just it’s haven’t been decored yet whoa so it’s a little bit surprising it’s good oh we’re excited a lot it looks like a lot of hard work

I love that a lot excuse me i’m going in excuse me oh it’s pretty good face mask i feel bad to go either but it says welcome on it what is this painting that doesn’t make a good sign Wow pretty it’s pretty neat oh she has a bar up here wow she’s got a bar oh kitchen and the bat well it’s cooking what is this ah what’s cooking good looking it’s looking everything is looking good in here i love the uh the modern the like the modern lines

Of your house and uh the flares house thank you it’s really cool like the i don’t know how to describe it it’s just the shaping of the houses are really cool yeah i like that still the shape it’s cool i haven’t been in your house actually whenever whenever i

Uh i see your stream i haven’t seen your house my house under the water it’s not there’s not much not much to show you yeah we’re working on it we’re working on it i’m going to build atlantis beer i see i say okay okay let’s go okay let’s go ah cute

Let’s go to the bean beer beer i keep spelling it wrong come on come on kimo monkey we have a lot to work to do on our server yeah i mean uh your server is only like five members this is a lot plenty of members so that’s why this one is so many

Buildings yeah yeah on our server so you can build some more stuff yeah yeah even even if um i had i had another in if if i have a whole life indonesia surfer i couldn’t make like this yeah it’s a lot for one person yeah it’s a lot guys oh okay hi yeah

How do you build the the pictures like the really detailed pictures uh probably they got like a blueprint okay yeah a blueprint but every good construction person needs a blue hey does this sheep feel okay jeb jeb is changing colors he’s like a lava lamp but it’s a sheep wait

It ain’t changing color how cool it’s an igbc [Laughter] can we get some igb sheep how can it how can it be like that oh my god it’s good ah they said it’s a special name if you give it if you name a sheep that jump that it changes colors How do you even put a name on his sheep named you need a nun tech huh for getting a nametag you need to um go to the librarian villager ah yeah oh bear cute this is a bear Huh monkey moon it’s so cute yeah it’s so cute and ah this is i think it’s just young shenzhen by castle let’s go oh it’s made out of ice yes it’s made of ice ice baby oh it was a spooky sound make sure when you go here you didn’t sing

No singing yeah make sure you don’t sing only break the eye and sing anything hey what’s that supposed to mean this is what’s it say watson Um Is it it’s cool it’s cool what are these blocks roblox diamond is ice underneath wow that’s fine that’s cool yeah i think i think that’s it for for the tour oh okay yeah it was really fun yeah it’s really fun next time you should come to our server

It’s gonna be a very short toy yeah well that’s all right i hope you can play in this place to make a house probably so you uh you can you can play with another senpai yeah there’s a lot of people in here as well ah uh corona house fubuki house

Uh corona senpai house i don’t know actually where i haven’t found it yet ah mikko mikko field i haven’t found it yet uh this house you want most over here not house but like building it’s so cute yeah it is good i haven’t made one like for my

I i can’t i couldn’t make one i don’t know why they said they said uh korone’s house is dog art i haven’t seen any dog art yeah me too i haven’t seen any dog oh they said it’s under xi’an’s house i guess it was right where we were

Probably ah i love these they’re so cute they are so cute look at it pickles twin tails okay uh we’ll check shian’s house see if there’s somebody’s house is there too boing boing boing is it you guys is it behind the house i don’t think so and it’s on the left

Whoa where we need to be careful because there’s a lot of mop okay at least we need to sleep don’t know what let me sit in here the side of the stairs the side of the stairs ah here maybe we did not see anything

Oh this i see the side of the i put this dirt block back i swear oh you find it uh this with the cactus there’s a guy here killing it oh not the cactus the skeleton whoa i missed whoa headshot whoa okay wait they got they said it’s this but

How could it be this is there there’s a door oh there’s a little ah wow oh this one ah yeah yeah just the bed in here number two number zero what is it this it’s look like a prison to me like number one number two what spell number two

Yeah it was like sound number one cell number two right yeah that’s it i like the ghost though this is a kit they’re saying it’s a dog it’s not a ghost oh and that’s what they say wait is it is this a dog maybe because the color is white so we

Think it’s ghost ah it’s a dog this is the nose and ah okay okay oh wait i wait the mouth is the nose the ma aah like a thumbs up yes yes i can see it yes i can see it now it’s like a little confusing it’s a snoopy yeah snoopy yeah fluffy Okay i think that concludes the toy right yeah yeah yeah yeah okay huh that was really fun that was really cool i got a lot of inspiration for the en server lots of notes lots of notes have been taken okay are we gonna go to a special location to to uh

Say goodbye what take a fight will you want to fight me ah i don’t think i would win you want to win [Applause] wait i’m okay oh so you’re practicing me huh no i can see safety house safety it’s the guys the tour final boss this one is fun how did i miss that i tried to shoot the zombie and i missed maybe maybe we could build a little small thing like a little pillar

We’ve all been here little memorial memorial tamark memorial mike this day statue hey look an enderman have you ever killed an enderman no if you want to kill one uh you don’t you don’t have to see his face all you have to see just his feet

So if you want to kill the the enderman um just just uh point on his feet only cause he’s three blocks tall so you only have to build one that’s two blocks tall he can take out his toes take out his feet get him in the feet

I’ve seen up is it is it scuda who have been chased by uh slenderman we have an enderman that haunts our railway system yeah i see that it’s funny i’ve seen on emma clay oh god this is our uh commemorate our visit to the jp server okay [Applause] I don’t think so no get out okay our memorial yay yay okay thank you for giving us a tour thank you thank you it’s really fun i hope i can really play with you guys yeah that’d be cool let’s have adventures yes Well how do we end the stream um all right uh do you have any uh information or something announcements oh uh uh hello en is doing a among us stream with the hololive fifth gen and we’re gonna play among us uh in ten hours i believe ten hours yeah

Later tonight yeah in the morning for some people that’s great yeah what about you when you have any uh anything you want to say i believe not okay well uh probably i don’t know yeah maybe oh yes yes i did have probably yeah so um i probably need a

Stop uh next week next week since since 28th 28th probably yeah 28th october until six is it right uh i probably cannot stream oh i see i see can i after then then umuna will be back hmm yeah after that i will back unless i do it very loud because i’ve already finished my style oh that’s it uh before that before we off

Should we check alpaca in tnt with ice eighteen t what are we doing with tv dvd oh selfie picture selfie in the tnt hey aqua’s blessing yes nice nice thank you so much for playing with me guys thank you oh thank you best tour guide okay uh thank you everybody for watching

This stream i hope you guys have fun but thank you for helping us find a bunch of houses and stuff and thank you for watching yes i’ll make sure to go check out luna’s channel and also all the other hololive id girls they’re all really nice and they work really hard you guys

Should watch them too okay yes okay thank you thank you you

This video, titled ‘[MINECRAFT] MOM? IM LOST. #GAWRGURA #HololiveEnglish’, was uploaded by Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN on 2020-10-24 04:03:41. It has garnered 1007446 views and 49768 likes. The duration of the video is 02:21:56 or 8516 seconds.

welcome to hololive medieval funland #gawrgura #gawrt #chumbuds




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    EPIC Roleplay - UNSTOPPABLE LIVING ARMOUR!!Video Information This video, titled ‘LIVING ARMOUR! – Minecraft Dragon Fire (SMP) Ep10’, was uploaded by TrueKing – Roleplays on 2024-03-08 16:45:00. It has garnered 42 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:17 or 917 seconds. LIVING ARMOUR! – Minecraft Dragon Fire (SMP) w/ TrueKing This Minecraft Survival is based on the Dragonfire Mod. If you enjoyed, make sure to leave a like and comment below if you enjoyed, and have a Great day! Duels done through (Subscribe for more New Videos Every Week! I do Minecraft Roleplay, Overwatch and more Random Videos!) ►Subscribe:… Read More

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    PepeMontana's Insane Home Flower ArrangementVideo Information This video, titled ‘DOMI FLORUS REDERS’, was uploaded by PepeMontana on 2024-04-26 04:04:36. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. CW MINECUB CW LOXER. CW MINECUB, MINECUB LEAGUE, CLAN WARS, MINECRAFT PVP, DESTROY THE NEXUS, SERVER … Read More

  • 🟢 Dolan’s CRAZY BINGO NIGHT! LIVE in Minecraft!

    🟢 Dolan's CRAZY BINGO NIGHT! LIVE in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘🟢 Dolan Hosts BINGO NIGHT! | Minecraft Livestream’, was uploaded by Dewlan on 2024-04-04 03:17:00. It has garnered 28 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:59:10 or 10750 seconds. Ohai and welcome to Minecraft Bingo! In this Dewlan Minecraft livestream, I play Bingo, a gamemode for Minecraft with the PTA crew! So crack open a Dew, kick back and relax to some Bingo chaos! Streamed live on Twitch: ————————————————————————————————————————— JOIN THE DEW CREW Buy me a Dew, support me on Ko-Fi ► Join the Dewscord: Buy my merch:… Read More

  • Escape to Victory: 1v1v3 in Minecraft Hunt

    Escape to Victory: 1v1v3 in Minecraft HuntVideo Information This video, titled ‘✨MINECRAFT MANHUNT✨ 1 v 1 v 3’, was uploaded by Qyuwi on 2024-06-09 03:13:12. It has garnered 380 views and 21 likes. The duration of the video is 02:55:36 or 10536 seconds. Powered by Restream Use TTS FREE With Channel Points: ╔═══╗ ║╔═╗║ ║║ ║║╔╗ ╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗╔╗ ║║ ║║║║ ║║║║║║║╚╝╚╝║╠╣ ║╚═╝║║╚═╝║║╚╝║╚╗╔╗╔╝║║ ╚══╗║╚═╗╔╝╚══╝ ╚╝╚╝ ╚╝ ╚╝╔═╝║ ╚══╝ ▬▬▬▬ (,,◕ ω ◕,,) ▬▬▬▬ Social Links: Insta: Twitch: Twitter: TikTok: Discord: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ tags: #VTuber #Qyuwi #ENVTuber #VTuberEN #Anime Read More

  • Unbelievable: Evil Angel Fluttershy in MLP Minecraft!

    Unbelievable: Evil Angel Fluttershy in MLP Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘Angel My Little Pony Find Evil Angel Fluttershy in Minecraft’, was uploaded by MLP Play on 2024-06-11 09:15:54. It has garnered 2164 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:27 or 3867 seconds. Angel My Little Pony Find Evil Angel Fluttershy in Minecraft, Rainbow Dash, Apple Jack,Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, heir own minecraft server and play minecraft MLP Play this is an entertainment channel where my little pony characters plays minecraft, SUBSCRIBE! Disclaimer: All voices are completely AI Generated*. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Record Breaker – The Weekly Thing

    Insane Minecraft Record Breaker - The Weekly ThingVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Amazing Story of the New Minecraft World Record’, was uploaded by The Weekly Thing on 2024-04-01 16:00:06. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. This is the amazing story of craze’s new Minecraft world record on bedrock 1.16 RSG (not an April Fools video, sorry). After close … Read More

  • Pyracraft

    PyracraftWelcome to Pyracraft, one of the newest and most captivating Earth SMP servers where you can embark on an adventure alongside your friends or forge new friendships! Here’s what you can experience: Create Your Kingdom: Establish your realm, build your defences with turrets and other structures, conquer territories, and navigate the intricate dynamics of forging alliances and overcoming your enemies. Leveling System: Ascend the ranks to become the top player by adventuring in our world. Skill Progression: Hone your skills to unlock powerful abilities that will prove invaluable in battles and various adventures. PvP Duels: Test your mettle in our… Read More

  • TotallyNotSuspicious Modded SMP LGBTQ+ Friendly Whitelist Java

    NEW MODDED MINISEASON Apply here: (Applications are rarely denied unless there is a lack of effort!) INFORMATION TotallyNotSuspicious is an SMP established in 2018, focused on creating an inclusive, friendly, and collaborative community where interactions between members are the main focus. Every member is welcome to join with open arms; no matter how is judged here. Why should you join us? Servers hosted in North America Discord to Minecraft chat Simple Voice Chat integration Suggestion forums, available to all members Private ticket system, for complaints/questions/support Diamond economy, no shop plugins Organized Dragon Fights and various other events 350 server… Read More

  • The Spider’s Den

    The Spider's Den| Welcome to The Spider’s Den – do mind the cobwebs everywhere. |We are a safe space to hang out and play 1.20.1 (java) Minecraft – including LGBTQ+, neurodivergent, etc.! However, you must be 16 or older to join. This server is focused on exploration and making sure that dull moments are hard to find with mods such as:- Create (and many of it’s addons)- Origins (which you can suggest!)- Ender’s Cataclysm- Ice and Fire- And more!And don’t worry, if fighting isn’t your style there are plenty of cooking and decoration mods to decorate whatever kind of building you desire… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting Empire: Domain Domination”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting Empire: Domain Domination"Why did the creeper enter the domain expansion world? Because he heard it was a blast! Read More

  • Slime Time: Armor Grime in Minecraft Prime

    Slime Time: Armor Grime in Minecraft Prime In the desert of Minecraft, a crash has occurred, Surviving on sand, with challenges absurd. Follow the quests, stay cool in the heat, Beware of the night, where dangers will meet. First challenge is water, to beat the heat’s wrath, Second challenge is food, to avoid hunger’s path. Hardcore map, but with a graveyard mod, So you won’t lose progress, just keep on trod. Stay strong, my friends, as you navigate this land, With each new challenge, you’ll make a stand. Forever Stranded, a mod-pack so grand, In the world of Minecraft, where survival is planned. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze!

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Downloading Hardcore Mod in Minecraft PE

    Ultimate Guide: Downloading Hardcore Mod in Minecraft PE Minecraft Hardcore Mod: A Challenging Adventure For Minecraft enthusiasts looking to up the ante and test their survival skills, the Hardcore Mod offers a thrilling challenge. This mod introduces a new level of difficulty to the game, pushing players to their limits as they navigate a harsher, more unforgiving world. What is the Hardcore Mod? The Hardcore Mod for Minecraft Pocket Edition (PE) is designed to provide a more intense and demanding gameplay experience. In this mode, players face permanent death – once they die, the world is deleted, adding a sense of urgency and tension to every decision… Read More

  • Java’s Juiciest Minecraft 1.21 Seeds

    Java's Juiciest Minecraft 1.21 Seeds Minecraft 1.21 Update – Top 5 Seeds (Java) Exploring the Best Seeds in Minecraft Minecraft players are always on the lookout for exciting new seeds to explore, and the latest 1.21 update has brought some fantastic options to the table. From ancient cities to trial chambers, these seeds offer a wide range of biomes and structures to discover. Let’s dive into the top 5 seeds that are currently making waves in the Minecraft community. 1. Coral Cove – Seed number: 2090070116 If you’re looking for a seed that offers a variety of interesting locations, Coral Cove is the perfect… Read More

  • DRAMATIC TWIST: Neavy Ch. ネビ Ditches Plan for Minecraft [SHORTS]

    DRAMATIC TWIST: Neavy Ch. ネビ Ditches Plan for Minecraft [SHORTS]Video Information This video, titled ‘change of plans I wanna play minecraft [SHORTS]【Streamed on Twitch】’, was uploaded by Neavy Ch. ネビ on 2024-07-11 20:00:12. It has garnered 1001 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:54:37 or 10477 seconds. Rules for Chat: 1. This chat is inclusive so any form of hate will be dealt with accordingly. 2. Be positive! Don’t be weird! 3. Have fun! Enjoy the Stream! Don’t need to chat you could also Lurk! Credits: Stinger: Logo: MikaLogoStudio (Etsy) Art&Rigging: Other Credits: Spill the tea SUB EMOTE – Nikamii (Etsy)… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Explosive House Destruction

    Ultimate Minecraft Prank: Explosive House DestructionVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Blowing Up My Friend’s House 💀🔥 | #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by Thunder Gaming on 2024-06-11 13:05:00. It has garnered 9140 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Minecraft: Blowing Up My Friend’s House 💀🔥 | #shorts #minecraft #minecraftpe minecraft, j and mikey, maizen, mikey andj, ij and mikey minecraft, minecraftj and mikey, maizen minecraft, j and mikey roblox, siren head, shorts, minecraft ghost, roblox, mikey and j minecraft, sonic, choo choo charles, maizen roblox, sakura, granny, herobrine, jj mikey, chainsaw man, minecraft shorts, minecraft minecraft, choo-choo-charles, jj… Read More

  • Ultimate Showdown: 100 Husk Zombie vs 10 Iron Golem! 🎮 #Games #MinecraftBattle

    Ultimate Showdown: 100 Husk Zombie vs 10 Iron Golem! 🎮 #Games #MinecraftBattleVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 HUSK ZOMBIE VS 10 IRON GOLEM IN MINECRAFT #minecraft #minecraftbuilding #game #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by Game Educator on 2024-07-10 20:45:52. It has garnered 178 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. Hello everyone To buy our Udemy Minecraft A-Z Guide click the link below! Tags: #minecraft #fyp #minecraftbuilding #minecraftmemes #viral #minecrafttutorial #gaming #foryou #minecraftpe #minecrafter #minecraft #memes #meme #dankmemes #minecraftmemes #fortnite #funny #gaming #gamer #funnymemes #memesdaily #minecraftbuilds #lol #dank #youtube #edgymemes #anime #offensivememes #ps #tiktok #xbox #roblox #minecraftpe #minecraftbuild #edgy #minecraftpc #twitch #pewdiepie #lmao #minecrafters Read More

  • Intense Minecraft Rescue: Villager & Dog Saved

    Intense Minecraft Rescue: Villager & Dog SavedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Heart-Pounding Minecraft Survival Rescue: Saving Villager and Dog’, was uploaded by Mr.GengarPlay on 2024-01-15 18:30:16. It has garnered 13146 views and 495 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:34 or 34 seconds. Welcome to our gaming YouTube channel, where epic adventures and thrilling gameplay await! Join us as we dive into the captivating world of gaming, exploring a wide range of genres and platforms. Whether you’re a hardcore gamer or just starting your gaming journey, our channel is the ultimate destination for all things gaming. From exhilarating action games to immersive RPGs, we have… Read More

  • Zxron_ goes INSANE in PvP! 🔥

    Zxron_ goes INSANE in PvP! 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘My Eyes 💫 | Minecraft CPVP Edit’, was uploaded by Zxron_ on 2024-05-23 17:40:07. It has garnered 19 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:25 or 25 seconds. First video! Any thoughts? 🤔 Drop a comment… Song: My Eyes – Travis Scott Credit for audio: @drakeneditz DISCLAIMER: I don’t own this song in this video, All credits goes to the rightful owner. Server: Instagram: @Zx_ron Discord: Styson_op Tags: Im a Minecraft PVPer and use Lunar Client cause you can Boost your FPS with Lunar Client. i know how to butterfly… Read More

  • Lucasd10’s Insane Bedwars Grind LIVE! Subscribe now!

    Lucasd10's Insane Bedwars Grind LIVE! Subscribe now!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴GRIDNING MINECRAFT HYPIXEL BEDWARS & CHATTING W VIEWERS LIVE! (pls subscribe!)🔴’, was uploaded by Lucasd10 on 2024-05-30 05:18:36. It has garnered 2477 views and 19 likes. The duration of the video is 02:26:24 or 8784 seconds. 🔴Today I Am Playing Minecraft LIVE. Don’t Forget To Like, Comment, Subscribe, And Turn On Post Notifications To Never Miss A Livestream Or Upload!🔴 ────────────────────────────────── 🤑DONATE TO ME HERE💲➔ Feel Free to Donate, It Is Optional But It Can Help Me In Many Ways. I Can Buy New Gaming/Streaming Equipment, Things In Games, And It Gives Me A… Read More


    JOIN MY MINECRAFT SERVER NOW!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘【Minecraft】I Joined A Server, Let’s Attempt to Socialize’, was uploaded by Chris Talus Ch. on 2024-07-05 21:45:04. It has garnered 36 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 03:30:54 or 12654 seconds. friends doko? — Background Music: Sparkle City by Xotikó tou Dásous ( — Meet Chris Talus, The VTubing Carbuncle Prince of the Crystal Kingdom! 💎My Twitter: ✨Join the Crystal Kingdom: 💎Live: #CTalusLIVE ✨Art: #CreaTalus 💎Clips: #ClipTalus ✨Memes: #JesTalus 💎Model: — Rubylight Socials: — STREAM RULES: This stream is 13+ because YouTube is, I also just… Read More

  • Luvstar’s magical fairycore build in Minecraft ✨

    Luvstar's magical fairycore build in Minecraft ✨Video Information This video, titled ‘A Chill Building Day ♡ Fairycore Minecraft Let’s Play ✩⋆ Ep 36 ✮⊹♡’, was uploaded by Luvstar on 2024-05-05 17:00:13. It has garnered 2339 views and 177 likes. The duration of the video is 01:04:26 or 3866 seconds. 🌈Become a Channel Member for exclusive posts, early access videos, BTS, exclusive videos, discounts on stickers, and more: Hey everyone my name is Luvstar! Welcome to my fairycore-themed relaxing modded let’s play! This series will include episodes of me living as a mage elf and exploring and transforming a beautiful fantasy minecraft world. I chose the… Read More

  • Sophie’s Insane Disney Cover Takes Over Music World

    Sophie's Insane Disney Cover Takes Over Music WorldVideo Information This video, titled ‘#disney #cover #music #singing #nflopaa #song #funnymemes #roblox #minecraft #nflopa’, was uploaded by Sophie on 2024-07-21 20:42:14. It has garnered 1586 views and 143 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:14 or 14 seconds. Read More

Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN – [MINECRAFT] MOM? IM LOST. #GAWRGURA #HololiveEnglish