GEAR 5?! Eating GOMU GOMU DEVIL FRUIT in One Piece Minecraft!

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All right boys welcome back to episode two of the one piece kind of like SMP series small series thing that we got going with staff members um unfortunately before we start the episode I do want to say we lost some of our stuff inside this building and we

Got robbed by off-screen Pirates but that’s okay because we still had some stuff saved which is good if you guys are ever gonna play this mod don’t keep your stuff inside these buildings because it disappears when you restart uh your server so that stinks but if you

Guys are hyped for this episode drop a like And subscribe we’re going to be doing as many of these as possible they’re actually really fun messing around on this new mod is quite the good time um but so Craig you said that you had something left over for me right yeah so

I saved two fruits one for me and then one is an extra so I guess I can give you the extra it’s like go move okay oh wow okay sick dude this is actually perfect timing at the time of us recording this gear five just came

Out yesterday in the show and it looked pretty sick so I’m pretty hyped to actually use this fruit I don’t think that I’ll have gear 5 unlocked right away though do you think I doubt it but yeah we need to get maybe like year two or something right we need to make sure

That we use this correctly I definitely think that me using it now is probably the way to go to help us get back some of our fruits I’m hoping that they lost their fruits too because if not we’re at a very big disadvantage right now yeah

Oh I mean maybe we can go like re-loot the pirate ships and stuff maybe we’ll have their loop back yeah we definitely need to try something so I’m down for that I’m gonna go ahead and eat this and uh yeah I don’t have gear fifth unlocked

But let me see what all the abilities are that I do have um how do I how do I pull that up I forget don’t jump in the water because I’m pretty sure you died oh what the heck oh uh true I didn’t even think about that probably good show good shot

On that let’s uh all of your stamina oh okay gotcha all right well we have to turn gamer will keep inventory false now um so if we do die we lose everything um in our inventories unless somebody picks it up but I think that we’re good we should probably go back to those

Ships that we raided originally which were this way I think right yeah we need to make sure that we uh don’t mess up this time and lose all of our fruits again but if you guys didn’t know how the series is gonna work basically at the end of it there’s points for having

The most fruits the most Bounty combined stuff like that which is going to be very interesting to see which team wins it is um right now there’s only two marines on but uh it’s a 4v4 currently and uh you know we gotta we gotta do as

Good as we possibly can but yeah here’s the first ship let’s hope that they respond with Lou in them I don’t know if they did or not but I guess we’re about to find out oh yeah they did okay so here we go we can test out this fruit now

Um we’re gonna use our sword first of all oh yeah the sword is still a p okay so we got pistol we got bazooka what else we got oh we need 70 same once you use that move let’s go ahead and see wait that out see what we get for for

Using that one I think that’s Gatling let’s see though we definitely need to upgrade our Sam you know what you guys were saying in the comments so you guys want to see more um damage but honestly I barely have any stamina yeah so this is Gatling which it

Didn’t even one shot this marine guy so it’s not really that great I think that uh V what is this oh wait that’s rocket okay so that’s rocket I think honestly the best one is probably bazooka uh maybe not who knows pistol no okay I think the sword is honestly the best

Weapon that I have currently not gonna lie not gonna lie oh dang I need a I need an ax I gotta make an ax real quick all right so yeah we gotta grab all of these chests again because uh we have zero now which is not good but um it

Shouldn’t be that hard to get back up with uh some more chess you know I’m like I’m Loki dying in here bro I’m not even gonna lie yeah I’m not gonna help you though because I don’t want to lose my reputation with these guys oh yeah true

True it’s not good all good I just saw something with a thousand Health am I tripping wait maybe I didn’t I think I think I might be tripping I’m uh I’m kind of low right now and you know being as we can’t die now

Um I don’t want to oh select gear so if I if I hold down three and then I press gear two oh not unlocked yet what how I unlock it to find a Luffy you have to find a Luffy into his quest are you serious yeah you gotta do Quests for

Gears oh that’s sick actually okay that’s actually really cool um how do I find a loser that’s probably how you get gear five I’m guessing oh great okay interesting well I guess uh so what happens if I fall in water do I just die or like what you’ll you’ll sink

Yeah you can’t just walk in like one block deep but once it gets past your head you’re pretty much toast okay six so don’t fall in water got it got it got it all right we’re all good I could fly so I don’t even have that problem yeah

That’s true I wish I could fly that would have been that would have been nice oh my God I almost fell in dude I’m so scared I know of water hiking bear I want to take this dude out I need whatever he has Ling boom this this Gatling sucks

Honestly gottling is not the move like what have you been doing over here I’ve been trying to make it more safe okay oh you have a lot of Health actually wait what fruit did you eat the mokumoku no me it’s the smoked fruit oh

Sick okay so you can fly with that man I can’t fly with mine I feel left out I held your old little Adventure go um am I good we got quite a bit of um Treasures I have 41 Silvers so that’s that’s pretty good I put them in this

Barrel I think that’s where we should uh or we should keep those for now and then we’ll transfer them to the shulker box at the end of the episode probably the best idea right yeah as long as the Marines don’t find us that seems fun to me yeah that’s true they could be

Looking for us I don’t know why they would because they’re outnumbered right now but maybe they would use that to their advantage maybe they would make us think oh they won’t come and then they do and seal everything from us but I don’t know um right now I think what

We’re gonna do is go to the uh lightning ship that’s kind of near here the lightning show uh the one that we found at the end of last episode where we felt like Luffy and um forget who else we fought but near that do you remember

That thing that was like way up in the sky yeah you’re about to open two gold chests did we not even get a fruit from those no he didn’t bruh all right let’s open some of these silver ones B are you do you have a key I have one key I have basically

Everything here let me just stack them yeah we got like I think we had like 50 of them something like that oh yeah way more are you serious yeah we have like almost a hundred oh my God all right this is about to be crazy yeah I

Don’t think we’re gonna have much of a problem with um getting getting fruits in this I don’t think I’m gonna put stuff from chess because I’m running out of inventory space yeah oh I got is this like the the black fruit the Buddha fruit oh yo that one is one of

The best in the game let’s go are you gonna eat it that mythical no I already have one oh okay sick uh I don’t know I think we definitely should keep that for like PVP towards the end because what if we all stack Buddha bro that would be that would be insane

Do you think the gears would be more opieve I think that you have everything instantly unlocked with the Buddha fruit though versus me like I would have to unlock stuff with the with the gomugomu it’s weird I don’t know it’s it’s an interesting like do we go with a fruit

That you have to unlock stuff and hope that it’s more op or do we go stuff that’s just everything’s just unlocked ooh oh wow we actually didn’t get very many fruits this time huh don’t worry we have like 60 more okay all right so we got we got a bunch of

Fruit from that okay we got a logia we got a logia uh we got the ass that I think this is on the this is the acid right yeah that one’s actually pretty good I’m not gonna lie that’s probably one of them going okay uh I definitely want to have

One of us having the um he’ll heal fruit that’s the one that I ate in that one episode or last episode when uh when people were telling me that um I thought I was damaging the enemies I was in fact healing them so oh my God we have even more bro

I think I want to eat that Loki at some point yeah definitely we need to that’s it yeah we need to make sure that we don’t be dying here oh yo another mirror sewing it wasn’t no but we did get another Buddha on that okay see this is the heel one right yeah

I think so yeah yeah we got a bunch so we got another mirror Opie uh we got a Buddha in here two more gomus another acid stuck okay wait so what should we do now we should probably we definitely need to start leveling up a lot more

Um I want to battle things and just level up a bunch all right I think we should eat some of these fruits to be honest well I I have I have a fruit so I’m good I’m just gonna start killing things honestly I need to I need to level up a

Lot this is this is not cutting it all right you got him oh God I can’t go in the water yeah I definitely want to focus on leveling up a lot more now because I want to have my my first do a lot of damage obviously that’s like kind

Of the whole point of this uh this this mod it’s I mean it’s one piece right we need to we need to have our fruits doing enough damage to make them worth using now this okay yeah I don’t want to fight near the water bro I do

Not want to sink and that that’d be how I die that would just be not a good time oh you you landed the sky shark oh sorry night oh sorry Knight geez how much damage does that do to you oh really I’m trying to trying to take

Him out but you just not one uh just not want to die oh no I’m in the water okay wait I’m good I’m good I’m good I’m good you’re good and one block deep okay I’m so scared right now bro so wait if if I do get stuck down there is there like

Nothing that we can do like am I just grief we might be able to jump out yeah I was gonna say if if I have enough stamina at the time I feel like I feel like I might be good but I don’t I don’t really want to test it out to be

Honest with you I definitely need more stamina because right now so much faster than me dude oh no oh I almost plowed myself right in the water bro well there’s a lot of things over here here we go here we go a lot of Marines and Pirates over here

Here we go this is this is it this is it honestly I need to mainly use my sword for leveling up because it’s so it’s so good the sword is so op it’s not even funny bro like I can literally just run around M1 these guys get my M2 going

When it when I need to I might be I don’t know I feel like going Gomez’s not really the best if I’m being honest with you I might wanna I might want to eat the acid fruit because I know that the acid one is good oh and

I’m I might honestly die here holy crap I gotta be careful we we don’t want to lose our levels because we can use these to uh enchant things which we definitely need to do at some point here oh this guy’s the guy that’s killing me tiger make the suits this shoots op

Bazooka come on gallon galling’s honestly not worth the stamina that it costs to use I’m not gonna lie I also need to start going for critz more with my M ones I keep on forgetting that m1s are actually really op if you have crits hey dude that guy almost took me out bro

But we’re leveling up we’re leveling up that’s all that matters bro I’m not gonna lie it is so hard to level up now I’m only level 21 and I feel like I messed up my point my stats I feel like uh I feel like I should have put them in

Different areas like people were saying I wish I had way more stamina what the heck is this read what that does get more stamina oh really yeah does that reset your level what is this sir I doubt it no that’s faster I think it’s just stat points I might honestly

I am gonna do this okay yeah wait protect me I only have 13 Health right now oh God this is bad okay um so I have 63 stat points I want to definitely put 20 into health because I don’t want to be dying um I definitely want to put I’m gonna go

20 20. actually yeah that is what I’m gonna do or maybe I could do 10 into Fruit 10 into sword because sword is op um I think you should put a lot of it into stamina and fruit yeah that’s what I think too I’m gonna main devil fruit

For the rest of this I would go Health fruit stamp yeah that’s what I think we need to do there we go 20s into there honestly I’m gonna put the extra three into stamina because stamina is quite annoying if I do say so myself but yeah that that Saturday was definitely worth

It the only thing is now I have 73 Health which is not a lot well it’s 140 something well yeah but I had like 160 on my on my bar before so this is this is gonna be rough but hopefully the change to devil fruit hopefully that was

Worth it let me go test it um let’s see we upgraded devil fruit 20 times so now three damage three damage I upgraded it for three damage are you serious honestly bro I might need another stat reset oh hold up we don’t have another oh that that’s sick where did we get

That from just the chess yeah I got it from chest yeah honestly dude gomu gomu sucks I’m not gonna lie it’s terrible it does three damage for these moves it’s just not even worth using I wanna I think I might want to eat the acid fruit if I’m gonna be honest with

You gomu gomu might not be the move oh you know what I’ll stick with go move for this episode how about that maybe we can use maybe we can learn to use it a little better you have to have fairly high points and devil fruit for the abilities to do a lot really

This other move that I haven’t been using is better let’s let’s test this out oh no that wait that literally just did nothing hold on there’s no way that’s all that does right let’s see let’s wait for the cooldown to go down all right let’s try this again

Oh nope it is bazooka sucks okay got it got it yeah this fruit is kind of an L I’m not gonna lie they did Luffy wrong they did Luffy wrong oh I also forgot how op pistols are hold on let’s use this oh that’s the wrong Flintlock I

Don’t have the good one on me oh God it’s a traitor guy oh armor Trader he’s mad at me oh he’s mad at me yeah I did on accident it was honest accident honest accident so I was wrong about the uh the new read uh Generation stuff that boat is just

That massive we can see it from here oh but I can’t see it oh I can really yeah it might be because of my shaders oh my God bro the thick Bandit almost killed me oh God this is not good I actually I’m so low right now hold on we have nine

Skill points um I don’t know what I want to put them into I feel like I need to just go into Health dude I’m not gonna lie let’s put five in a health and then four into devil fruit I feel like that’s a good that’s an even trade oh it’s law

I only have 30 health I don’t know if this is the best idea for me I killed him oh nice dang yeah dude my fruit sucks I need a new fruit man I’m going back I’m getting a new fruit the gomu gomu’s trash yeah I’m eating the acid fruit man I’m just

Gonna do it there we go now I have a new fruit and this one is actually good um cray also said that he put some actual meat in here so now I can actually regen Health which is definitely better than eating bread but uh yeah this what

How much of that do you have a good amount oh really yeah well it’s only one fried rice meal I I have to eat constantly I don’t have that much health no but watch how much it heals you no I know it heals you a lot

But yeah so this acid fruit is uh definitely way better than that and I also kind of have a fly move too I can do this and uh I can kind of fly to wherever I want to but um yeah this is as you can see the acid fruit is so much

Better that it’s not even funny let me use the X ability too yeah that’s acid dragons what’s the one ability oh yeah this is an AOE yeah dude this is so much better than gomu gomu bro they did gomukomo Dirty bro I’m not gonna lie this is so much better that

It’s not even funny like dude I’m basically Invincible right now I am literally basically invincible dude yeah this is this is the move man this is the move honestly all of us should just use acid fruit I’m not gonna lie let’s try the v i I don’t know the

Actually it’s trying on a new opponent um let’s try V I’ll need 80 stamina all right let’s wait for that and boom what is this gonna do oh oh oh yeah that that is the move okay and we’re not even Max rank we have another

Ability on this once we get to Max rank um I don’t know why this is still going I think this is glitched I might have to rejoin what the oh God I want to move out of the way yeah we might wanna we might wanna fight this guy he definitely dropped something good

See if we can take him out I need to use my triple dragon get out of that just in time here we go I’m gonna take him up I’m gonna take him up yay oh my gosh bro that move looks sick he didn’t drop anything what the heck what the bruh this click

Oh yeah I think that what we should do we should just um we should honestly just kind of explore now I think I’m not gonna lie yeah fly sir yeah I can I can travel pretty fast to you with rush if I just do this yeah easy not as fast as me

I can’t fly dude chill on me honestly I’m kind of on an XP grind right now I’m not gonna lie oh we’ve never been to this ship before I wonder what’s on here all right here let’s uh do a little bit of this boom there we go

There you go there we go all right here we go this is uh whose ship is this um this is Luffy’s ship yeah is that a say bruh no shot that I just bro right after I get out of that hold on wait I think that I can complete his

Quest and I still technically have it unlocked there’s a bunch of loopies in here wow wow okay let’s see if there’s anything that I can get from here um dang I came here running a fight but I don’t want to kill these people uh they’re Pirates why would we kill

Pirates I know exactly here we go let’s just take these uh I will although ransack whatever they have here I’m not gonna lie it’s like a sea monster oh um well it has a Boss Bar where is he he’s behind the ship um I don’t see it

Well let me give myself night vision again oh oh I do see it oh yeah okay um oh my God almost just fell off the ship dude I hate that like you have to like double jump up here ah did that that didn’t even reach it

Did it no it didn’t mine doesn’t either do you think that we fight this or no uh it’s it’s too risky because it’s all water right yeah I don’t know I feel like yeah no I don’t want to risk I don’t want to lose my fruit this fruit’s

Op I’m gonna go down here and kill all these Pirates sorry Pirates I must do what I must do goodbye I need your XP move five unlocked let’s go I can’t wait to test the move five dude this guy is about to be busted so my one move is bugged I

Can’t use my one ability but everything else I can use so let’s try out this G ability um let’s see what this does I’m scared it looks very scary um what did that what did that even do hold on I need to I need to unbind G for

My other thing I think that messed it up a little bit the thing behind you me what the heck what the heck bro what is this it just disappeared durability I don’t know wait no it didn’t what what the heck wait how do I check abilities and

What they do yeah let me try let me try pressing G again and see what it does uh it’s gone it’s just blowing up Wait no that’s them wait it’s gone now you said yeah huh that’s really weird wait my sword looks different wait no it doesn’t

I’m tripping dude I don’t I don’t know what it does let me try using it again maybe it just gives me extra health or something yeah floating island oh yeah let’s go to this thing that’s underneath it though if he just gives me extra Health oh there’s a

Whole village over here oh wait this is this is where we were before okay we just did like a giant Circle yeah yeah boom there we go yeah I don’t know I don’t know what this does yeah it definitely does not give me extra HP because uh

A creeper just said 10 damage to me oh there’s tons of zombies here this is free XP oh my gosh there’s so many bro our fruits are so pee you need stuff I think we both get get uh God sure okay wait no I thought this was Shanks on

Here for a second yeah I think if you hit him you get you get stuff from it all right I should have more points now three more points dude I’m just gonna put I’m just gonna get everything to 25 there we go oh thick Bandits are actually scary Hold Up

Let’s use this boom there we go yeah this this fruit this fruit is good bro oh my God that fruit’s a little cooler though I’m not gonna lie that’s mirror mirror right yeah yeah that thing is so good yeah this one’s fun it definitely does a lot

Of damage but the the animations on the Mirror Mirror are sick hold on I’m gonna we need steak we need 30 steak and I’m gonna try to get gear two I think that if we stack all the gears before I use the fruit maybe then it’ll

Be worth using I don’t really know I’ve never really been a giant fan of goma goma I’m not gonna lie it’s not great in the mind my no me mod either oh yeah I’m up here I’m up here to kill all of you I’m sorry I’m sorry fellow Pirates but

It must be done I need your XP I need a bad oh my gosh dude this fruit’s so good it’s so good they’re all fighting each other I’m in the middle of it oh my God okay wait we might want to eat this fried rice meal I’m not gonna lie

Bro bro there’s so many of them I can actually stand a chance against all these guys too that’s what’s the coolest thing boom dude oh my gosh we’re obliterating them come on give me all these oh my God give me all these coins yeah this is definitely the fastest way to level up

Bro I’ve gotten so many levels from just this one ship we gotta just go like ship hunting and just take out all of the Pirates and Marines on them I think the Pirates are actually easier than Marines oh hey what’s going on guys nothing to

See here oh my gosh dude the dragons are so good the dragons are so good bro this is so pee dude I leveled up again I wish I could use my one ability I’m just gonna use it I’m just gonna use it it does so much

Damage to him it’s so good I I could just permanently keep it on it’s all good no big problem right just make sure that you stay away from me cray or else this is gonna damage you quite a bit oh wait it uses Cinema dude he uses stamina and then right now like

Is this on right now or is it not no it’s just a visual bug okay that’s interesting huh kind of weird yeah dude I leveled up like six times from this one ship we definitely need to just go ship hunting all right everything’s at level 31 now let’s go uh let’s just

Honestly go ship hunting are you down yeah let me I want to clear all these these chests so we can get a bunch okay yeah true true dude we’re gonna need to like I don’t even know how we’re gonna count how many fruits we have we’re gonna have so many

Is it counted by shulker boxes literally yeah I don’t really know what this thing behind me really does to be honest with you maybe it just makes me look cool I don’t know does it scare the Sheep even no it doesn’t so I don’t know I don’t

Really know what the goal of that is but uh we need to find more ships keep ship uh keep ship clearing that’s how we get levels fast in this man it’s so fast oh here we go here’s a half Health Flamingo we can take this guy right there we go

Oh that didn’t do too much damage to him actually oh we got this we got this we got this we’re kind of low on stamina though I wish somebody would have uh regenerated stamina before we started fighting him but it’s all good I think we could take him I think we can take

Him I’m not gonna lie 80 stamina for that move that’s okay oh God our armor is breaking 80 stamina boom there we go there we go there we go that’s just so much damage to him bro X 45 boom there we go he’s almost dead and

Come on come on one more hit got him okay what did he drop we gotta clear out our inventory we’re not like getting any drops right now I see what the hello actually difficult what the heck how are you here we just we just ended up in the same spot

I figured you went this way so I went this way okay but you said these guys are hard yeah the pawns are hard okay um let’s go ahead and see if I can take them my fruit’s op I’m turning on my acid wow dude that hurts me you’ll be fine you’ll be fine

Oh my gosh dude bro why are they so small oh God oh God why are the small guys actually hard to beat hold up hold up kill me bro oh my God yo wait dude I’m about to die I told you oh my gosh dude please no please stay away from me

Oh my God bro dude they’re not messing around dude I told you yeah what the heck dude hold on this this thing around me is like glitch is this is there a floating purple thing around me too yeah okay bro these guys do not mess around man

Holy okay did we level up we did one two three I’m just putting three points into everything or one point to everything every time we level up that’s gonna be the best way to approach it yeah those guys were tough bro holy I need more armor by the way if you find

Any armor let me know well if we if we make um like diamond diamond things we can get armor easily what do you mean Diamond things Diamond chest oh okay got you what the there’s some more somewhere dude those guys are not messing around at all holy bro my fruit’s good yeah

Your food is insane is you is that a logia yeah like you have logi on vulnerability yeah oh that’s sick yeah I don’t have that all right I guess let’s uh keep moving off to the next one dude this is honestly like the grind in this is is

Not that terrible it’s kind of fun it almost feels like a Roblox game like going to different areas and having to fight against new things it’s kind of cool fast for you let’s go let’s go west yeah oh I don’t think we’ve been to this before have we

Okay uh I only have 30 health so hopefully there’s nothing too crazy in here it looks like just Marines there’s some golden apples oh you have gapples yeah what the heck yeah let me let me get some of them ow or kill that guy first yeah

Get rid of this dude there we go where’d you go oh there you are yeah do these come out of uh chess like apples sometimes yeah okay gotcha out of silvers probably yeah Jesus dude we gotta get in all right there we go I’m in I’m in I’m in

I’m taking some chests yeah go for it go for it you know I’m at 14 health I might oh my God I’m at five health I’m gonna die bro get me out what is going on I’m at five health I need a couple wait wait I have one I have no

These gapples suck they do nothing bro I’m in nine Health this is terrible man I gotta I gotta just sit up here in regen for a bit do you have any food like yeah I have food but like it doesn’t do much to me hey Craig Craig just got to level 25 bro

I’m at level 36. what is curry doing my fifth move yeah what the heck I’m 11 levels ahead of you oh yeah it freeze for us dude oh yeah you just NAB the chest yeah bruh I want to see my my last move though yeah let’s see what it does these are on

Those pirates um oh my God what awesome meteor yeah yeah you definitely need to upgrade your fruit power too though yeah that’s what I’ve been doing okay yeah I have 35 into everything right now 36 now actually well not everything but the top three things I think we should go back open

Some more fruits and then go to the floating island after I don’t know if we’re ready for all that man I’m almost dying to these like small people but we definitely we’re definitely we’re back all right we come bearing gifts has anybody oh what’s up night we have not too much 22

Of these um let’s see how many I can get if I combine all these five all right so we’ve got 27 of these um Let Me Line them all up oh man we have so many silver chests hold on let me uh could somebody give me keys so that I can open these

Yeah I can get you some silver huh with silver uh yeah just silver ones for now I have three golden ones as well um oh shoot yeah there’s a lot how many do you have didn’t shouldn’t we turn some of these into Golder than Diamond I

Don’t know okay so let’s open let’s open three gold chests and then three iron ones and see um like what the difference is so here’s one two three all right so I got I got two fruits out of three gold ones oh yo you got a golden okay so wait what

Did you just get out of this I got a fruit a sword um two root which removes your devil fruit okay and a golden apple yeah do you have a do you have a iron key I have a few let me let me get some of those

I want to see what happens if we just open a good amount of the silver ones right here so wait if I do if I open three of these I mean yeah dude because it takes nine to turn it into a gold you know what I mean yeah I mean I’m I’ll

Make I’m gonna make three more yeah make make three more gold ones I’m gonna open the rest of these oh never mind I’m out of um okay I can make more hold on uh uh let me make three more iron keys or two more sorry and then uh we’ll just

Open as much as we can uh my key broke okay so that it oh yo I just got the kage fruit have you got that yet I don’t think so yeah I was gonna say I don’t think we have either it’s an epic fruit um I mean that means Shadow right

Yeah yeah that’s why I thought it out it’s not that great really but we do have more fruits now um let me go ahead and put these oh my gosh dude there I don’t have any room for anything bro oh my God all right um I’m just gonna keep these on my body

Actually I think that’s what I want to do yeah I’m Gonna Keep fruits on my bodies because just in case the map like resets or something disappears I don’t want them to be gone again all right boys but we are gonna go ahead and end out this episode here um just because

There’s not many marines on there’s only one Marine on now and I kind of feel bad so I’m gonna give them some time to play I’ll give them an hour to play with three people on and um then it’ll be even again but if you guys are enjoying

This series make sure you guys drop a like And subscribe because uh we can crank out these episodes We’re not gonna be able to have everyone on every time obviously but um we can crank these out they’re a lot of fun and it’s kind of

Fun just be being able to play a mod again honestly if you guys keep watching the series even though there’s no RP in it um you know obviously we’ll take it pretty far not to mention um if you guys are hyped for the icyaki server come

Back that will be being worked on in the meantime so drop a like subscribe and I will see you guys in the next one peace

This video, titled ‘GEAR 5?! Eating GOMU GOMU DEVIL FRUIT in One Piece Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Iceeman on 2023-08-08 19:38:30. It has garnered 14400 views and 565 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:33 or 2073 seconds.

Can I get Gear 5 / gear fifth in one piece minecraft mod SMP by eating the rubber devil fruit?

#MinecraftMod #minecraft #onepiece

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  • Crafty Amethyst Copper Drop: Minecraft’s Reverse Calcite #shorts

    Crafty Amethyst Copper Drop: Minecraft's Reverse Calcite #shorts In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I drop down a hole, in reverse, a surprise. With Calcite and Copper, Amethyst too, Crafting illusions, just for you. In the land of shorts, where content is king, I bring you a video, with a playful swing. Subscribe to my channel, for more to see, Minecraft dropper, in reverse, that’s me. With music from Uppbeat, a boardwalk breeze, Creating illusions, with such ease. So come along, join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, we’ve only just begun. Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate PvP Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate PvP Experience Welcome to, where we bring you the latest and greatest in the world of Minecraft servers! Today, we want to introduce you to a server that is taking the Minecraft community by storm – Minewind. While watching a video about the best PvP server for Minecraft, you may have come across some exciting gameplay and intense battles. If you’re looking to experience that level of excitement and challenge for yourself, then Minewind is the place to be. With a focus on PvP gameplay, Minewind offers a thrilling and competitive environment for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Ultimate Gamerfleet Jack Funny Moments Compilation

    Ultimate Gamerfleet Jack Funny Moments Compilation Minecraft: A World of Creativity and Adventure Minecraft, a game loved by millions worldwide, offers a unique blend of creativity and adventure. With its endless possibilities, players can build, explore, and survive in a blocky, pixelated world. Exploring the Minecraft Universe In Minecraft, players can explore vast landscapes, mine resources, and build structures ranging from simple houses to intricate castles. The game’s open-world nature allows for limitless creativity, making it a favorite among gamers of all ages. Surviving the Night One of the key challenges in Minecraft is surviving the night. As darkness falls, dangerous creatures such as zombies… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Minecraft Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Minecraft Adventures! Welcome to, where we bring you the latest updates and tips for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “INFINITE FUEL IN MINECRAFT | HOW TO MAKE INFINITE FUEL SOURCE IN MINECRAFT” by Viper_Playzz. While the video may not be directly related to Minewind Minecraft Server, it got us thinking about the endless possibilities and creativity that Minecraft has to offer. Imagine a world where you can explore, build, and survive in a community of like-minded players. That’s exactly what you’ll find on Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vast open world, unique gameplay… Read More

  • XP Farm Shenanigans in Killadis SMP!

    XP Farm Shenanigans in Killadis SMP! Welcome to Killadis SMP: Building an XP Farm in Minecraft Survival! Welcome to the world of Killadis SMP, where players embark on exciting adventures in Minecraft Survival mode. In this episode, our protagonist is set to build a new XP farm to enhance their gameplay experience. Let’s dive into the details of this thrilling endeavor! Building the XP Farm Building an XP farm in Minecraft is a crucial step for players looking to level up quickly and efficiently. Our protagonist is ready to tackle this challenge and create a farm that will provide them with valuable experience points. If… Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Server Experience Are you a Minecraft enthusiast looking for a new and exciting challenge? Look no further! Join the Minewind Minecraft Server today and experience a unique gameplay experience like never before. With an array of mods and plugins to enhance your gameplay, Minewind offers a thrilling adventure for all players. Immerse yourself in a world where you can battle ultimate gods, protect villagers with Guard Villagers, and explore new dimensions with mods like The John Reborn and Mowzie’s Mobs. With Timeless and Classics Guns, Tac Craft Tactical armor pack, and Better Missiles at your disposal, the possibilities are endless. Join… Read More

  • Join Minewind for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind for the Ultimate Minecraft Experience Are you a fan of intense Minecraft gameplay like Bedwars Lifesteal? Looking for a server that offers a unique and thrilling experience? Look no further than Minewind! With a dedicated community and exciting game modes, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Join us at Minewind server IP YT.MINEWIND.NET and immerse yourself in a world of adventure and competition. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, there’s something for everyone at Minewind. Don’t miss out on the fun – join us today and start your epic Minecraft journey! Read More

  • Hardcore Minecraft Fails: The Epic Saga Begins

    Hardcore Minecraft Fails: The Epic Saga Begins In the world of Minecraft, The Bar did try, To survive hardcore, but many did die. With powerful mobs, they faced their fears, But in the end, laughter filled their tears. Attempt after attempt, they gave it their all, But the game was tough, they hit a wall. Yet through it all, they kept up the fight, With humor and fun, shining bright. Follow The Bar on Instagram and TikTok too, For more gaming adventures, just for you. Twitter is where they share their gaming delight, So join in the fun, day or night. In the land of Minecraft,… Read More

  • Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Survival Experience!

    Join Minewind Minecraft Server for Ultimate Survival Experience! Are you tired of constantly being attacked by baby zombies in Minecraft? Looking for a server where you can hone your survival skills and conquer any challenge that comes your way? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a community of dedicated players and a variety of unique features, Minewind offers an exciting and immersive gaming experience like no other. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us today at YT.MINEWIND.NET and embark on your next Minecraft adventure. Survive the baby zombies, explore new worlds, and make lasting memories… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Experience Circle Survival Base Builds in Minecraft

    Join Minewind: Experience Circle Survival Base Builds in Minecraft Welcome to! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video showcasing a Circle Survival Base Tutorial using Minecraft build. While the video itself was engaging and informative, it got us thinking about the importance of finding the right Minecraft server to truly unleash your creativity and build amazing structures. That’s where Minewind comes in. With its unique gameplay features and dedicated community, Minewind offers a one-of-a-kind Minecraft experience that you won’t find anywhere else. Whether you’re a seasoned builder looking for a new challenge or a beginner eager to learn and explore, Minewind has something for everyone. So… Read More

  • EPIC SMP ADVENTURE! Playing with fans & friends | MINECRAFT

    EPIC SMP ADVENTURE! Playing with fans & friends | MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘Smp playing with subscribers & friends (#onlinemincraft #minecraft #gameplay #viral)’, was uploaded by Udaas Gaming yt on 2024-03-07 20:01:32. It has garnered 46 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 02:22:02 or 8522 seconds. Naya Pay [ +92 3178909958 ] Bank name : Naya Pay Acount name : Salman Ahmed NayaPay ID: salmanahmed01@nayapay If you liked the video please remember to leave a Like & Comment, I appreciate it a lot! Share, Support, Subscribe!! Subscribe: Discord: FAQ: 1. Can cracked accounts join? A: Only premium accounts can join 2. Is it… Read More

  • Vivilly – Minecraft’s HORROR CREATURE Revealed!

    Vivilly - Minecraft's HORROR CREATURE Revealed!Video Information God did you hear that no no oh my God oh my God that is me oh no um I don’t even know where I’m going to go I can run to this water behind me um will you let me run to this water oh my God it’s all the way down [Music] there oh my God yes the title is real there is now a horror mod of me this is so crazy to see shout out to ziggs I linked his curse Forge page Below in the description he’s super talented and made this for… Read More

  • INSANE FIND in Minecraft! Ocean Monument Discovery – MikuAreytra

    INSANE FIND in Minecraft! Ocean Monument Discovery - MikuAreytraVideo Information Oke op maneh sudahah makan Bang tadi enak banget waduh makan apaun benben penghasilan Bang Halo guys Selamat malam Anjay absen Bang absen Bang ABS Dul guys abss ABS ABS [Musik] ABS ada ada er adaer ada Ung komen komen Halo Raffi wel Raffi selamat malam selamat datang semuanya jangan lupa paket lengkapnya cuy dipakai dulu cuy [Musik] Aduh mau ngapain Bang Mur manumen let’s go Wah kita lagi guys tapi masih servernya masih Jem ya mang rest jadwalnya restart coba santai kita kita santai-santai dulu Bang aku k ngjat di ngat Bojoku FF gaming Halo aku penjajah… Read More

  • Insane Cross Kingdom Raid Farm Build!

    Insane Cross Kingdom Raid Farm Build!Video Information यो गाइ वेलकम बैक टू अ गेम प्ले वी वापस से आपका स्वागत है हमारे चैनल क्रस गेमर में तो आज हम लोग वापस से खेलने जा रहे हैं मा और आज हम लोग बनाने वाले हैं अपना रेड फार्म जिससे हमको मिलेंगे टोटम क्योंकि हमारे पास अभी भी एक भी टोटम नहीं है तो लेट्स [संगीत] बिगन विदाउट वेस्टिंग एनी टाइम तो फटाफट से पहले चलते हैं विलेज से 150 ब्लॉक दूर तो यहां से 80 ब्लॉक ऊपर तक बिल्ड करना है जैसे मैं कर रहा हूं और 80 ब्लॉक ऊपर होने के बाद पहले ऊप जाना… Read More

  • Minecraft Marvel Motion Background – MUST WATCH!

    Minecraft Marvel Motion Background - MUST WATCH!Video Information वीडियो शुरू करने से पहले तुम लोग ये [संगीत] [संगीत] देखो [संगीत] डिस्क्रिप्शन पर टे ग्रा का चैनल मिल जाएगा यहां से जाकर डाउनलोड कर लो इस चैनल को भी सब्सक्राइब जरूर कर देना This video, titled ‘Minecraft Marvel: Motion background for YouTubers @everyone’, was uploaded by Pixel Prowess official on 2024-02-13 11:42:09. It has garnered 47 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. Minecraft Marvel: Motion background for YouTubers @everyone Telegram channel:- tags:- minecraft minecraft mod minecraft animation minecraft shorts minecraft mods minecraft stop motion stop motion minecraft minecraft stop… Read More

  • COTO-server

    COTO-serverWillkommen auf unserem kleinen aber feinen COTO-Citybuild server. Dich erwarten viele eigene systeme, bald kommen auch noch Minigames dazu! Read More

  • The Pertarian – Vanilla 1.20.4 Whitelist Hermit-Like 17+ SMP

    Welcome to The Pertarian! The Pertarian started as a small group of friends on a small server, but we are now inviting more people to join us this update. If you would like to apply, join our Discord server here. We are on version 1.20.4 and use SimpleVoiceChat (optional) along with basic datapacks for vanilla enjoyment. Join our Discord and apply to join the fun! 🙂 Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Crafting Diamonds: Level Expert”

    Minecraft Memes - "Crafting Diamonds: Level Expert"Wow, I guess this meme really mined its way into people’s hearts with that high score! Read More

  • POV: Rescued Doggo in Minecraft! (EPIC)

    POV: Rescued Doggo in Minecraft! (EPIC) When your dog friend falls into a pit of lava in Minecraft and you swoop in like a hero to save the day, but then they just bark at you like “Thanks, but I could have totally handled that myself, bro.” #dogdrama Read More

  • Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft

    Ultimate Portal Prank in Minecraft Minecraft: Creating the Rizky Aulia Portal Introduction In the world of Minecraft, creativity knows no bounds. Players are constantly pushing the limits of what can be achieved within the game. One such example is the creation of the Rizky Aulia Portal, a unique and personalized portal crafted by the talented Minecraft player, UzeMing. The Rizky Aulia Character Rizky Aulia is a content creator known for their humorous videos and interactions with their audience. Often seen wearing traditional Muslim attire and a turban, Rizky Aulia has gained a massive following on platforms like YouTube and TikTok. Their distinct style and… Read More

  • The Start of a Mighty Adventure! – Command Craft #01

    The Start of a Mighty Adventure! - Command Craft #01 O Início de uma Poderosa Aventura em Minecraft! No vídeo apresentado, o jogador inicia uma nova série de Minecraft Survival, incorporando blocos de comando para adicionar conteúdo extra à jogabilidade do modo sobrevivência. Embora pareça um desafio, os comandos seguem regras para manter o equilíbrio e a jogabilidade do modo de sobrevivência. Explorando o Novo Mundo O jogador começa criando um novo mundo, pensando em nomeá-lo como “Command Craft”. Ao explorar a região, encontra uma vila próxima, facilitando o início da jornada. A coleta de recursos básicos, como madeira e pedra, é essencial para a sobrevivência inicial. Regras do… Read More

  • LAVA TSUNAMI CHALLENGE: Can NOOB build like PRO in Minecraft?

    LAVA TSUNAMI CHALLENGE: Can NOOB build like PRO in Minecraft?Video Information a huge lava tsunami is heading straight for us we need to build a secure tsunami house to survive I’m going to build the greatest house that’ll survive anything out of dirt woodo that’s not going to work I’m going to come over here to use SL slash paste and now we have a house we can edit this house looks amazing but it has wood on it your house is going to burn but since mine is made of dirt it’s Invincible well we can easily fix that voodo come on actually what we should do is… Read More

  • Turning Minecraft Ultra Realistic

    Turning Minecraft Ultra RealisticVideo Information this Minecraft world looks so realistic it’s hard to believe that this is actually a video game today I navigating all these beautiful landscapes and making strategic decisions to endure some of the forces of nature in this realistic Minecraft world make sure to watch till the end of the video to see how realistic my Minecraft game can actually become shark we are in the most realistic looking Minecraft world I have ever seen you know we’re starting a series called realistic Minecraft we are y you didn’t know you didn’t know that but you do now… Read More

  • VipMC: The Ultimate Public SMP of 2024?

    VipMC: The Ultimate Public SMP of 2024?Video Information [موسيقى] ا ا This video, titled ‘Is VipMC The New Best Public SMP? (2024)’, was uploaded by qlxc on 2024-02-29 03:17:55. It has garnered 104 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:43 or 43 seconds. Public Minecraft SMP (free to join). #vipmc #vipmclifesteal Join this new public Minecraft SMP for completely free! Come join this active server anytime with your friends or by yourself! Its fun to grind with multiple game modes and a active welcoming community! SMP Discord ➤ IP ➤ Port ➤ 19132 Kindly, if you have any questions simply… Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft 1.20 Build Hack! 😱 #shorts

    Unbelievable Minecraft 1.20 Build Hack! 😱 #shortsVideo Information smoke with you cuz you turn me to to pass in your living room now This video, titled ‘Minecraft 1.20 Build Hack #shorts #viral #trending #youtubeshorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts’, was uploaded by AakashYT on 2024-02-04 12:59:38. It has garnered 5627 views and 152 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Clutch! #Shortsfeed #FYP

    Unbelievable Minecraft PvP Clutch! #Shortsfeed #FYPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Clutch #minecraft#pvp#cubecraft#gamplay#clutch#shortsfeed#shorts#fyp’, was uploaded by Gtech on 2024-01-25 21:27:45. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Read More

  • Uncover the Mystery at Holiday House 370! 💀🔪🐻| Pandy351’s Minecraft Fnaf Rp

    Uncover the Mystery at Holiday House 370!  💀🔪🐻| Pandy351's Minecraft Fnaf RpVideo Information oh hey y there make sure to subscribe and hit the Bell icon so you don’t miss any videos anyways I hope you enjoy the [Music] video oh boy oh uh David wake up David H hello how are your eyes is done well let’s see a lot better A lot better that’s good that’s good Autumn was a bit puffy that we should stop causing physical damages to each other I I think out of everybody here I you were the only person who has gone to maintenance more than me I know you sent Sonia there… Read More

  • Giza in 1 Block! Mysterious Minecraft Adventure

    Giza in 1 Block! Mysterious Minecraft AdventureVideo Information みなちゃん こんばんは よおやっほー ども ヤッホー こんばんは ヤッホーていうことで今日はえ天気ら ちゃんと一緒にワンブロックマイクラで 遊んでいきたいと思いますあのね実はこ 配信の前に集合してずっとここに今立っ てるんだけどこっからねワンブロックの 世界に行くんだけどなんかこのラコが入れ たこのMODMODっていうかこのやつさ ワンブロックのやつさなんか何分かに1回 レイドっていうのがあって さなんか多分ワンブロックのワールドの方 に飛んだらさ敵がめちゃくちゃ湧いてると 思うんだけどそれちゃん知らないんだ 大丈夫かなまあいい か超絶悲鳴が聞けるかもしれない回しから こんばんはていうことでねえっと皆さん 今日は来てくれてありがとうござい ますセンキューライちゃんとラコで2人 ギバコラボやっていきたいと思いますの前 にお名前呼んじゃおうかな えっとねえやさん待機ありがとうサムネ良 すぎるこのサムネなんか人気だな ありがとうございますえいらっしゃい ありがとうえたく待機ありがとう いらっしゃい切り落とし待機人気だな待機 かか待機ありがとう来てくれてありがとう バトさんいらっしゃい来てくれて ありがとう大ありがとうほげほげ待 ありがとうありがとうえあさんカチカチ いらっしゃいあさん来てくれてありがとう ありがとうちゃんちゃんこんな子こんな子 来てくれてありがとう大型ありがとう えっとガサガサまちさん大型ありがとう 抱っこ来てくれてありがとういらっしゃい ビビオびびこんまか大丈夫じゃなさそう ワン ブロックどうなんだろうわかんないえワン ブロックかもわから んちゃんとワンブロックになってんのかも わからんえ先の準備しといてください ドッキリ待機ちょ言わないでおこうかな 2人のサムネの温度さでができそう言わ ないでいいかまあいいかていうことで早速 まいちゃんと合流し ます永遠の謎のままやね やま聞いたらすぐ答えてくれそうな気する けどお来たあこんばんはチ こんよいしょ何をおいしょ何がなんかや 467ってんだろうかんいたうえええ え [音楽] えでもこっちもサムネで突き落とされてる から なバレ た46じゃけこんねなんでなんだろうね なくもわかんないあなるほどね適当につて あなんかえまたえちまったレイド敵来る 分かんないここにはいないねここおらん ない泣いちゃっ た泣いちゃったくよし行くかじゃあ移動し ましょうワンブロックマイクラワン ブロックなのか果たして果たして行けせー の え うわええ えちょちょちょちょちょ ちょっと待ってやばいレイドがレイドが ちょっとちょっと待っ てレドがレド が何これ レイドが始まってうわ 鼓膜鼓膜あ鼓膜ごめんなさいごめんなさい ごめんなさいあちょっと待ってちょっと 待って下げといた 危ねえワブロどれこれこれだあこれやああ びした焦ったそうなんかちょっと開始直前 にさうんあのラコのリスナーさんたちにも 言ったんだけどうんななんかこう何分に1 回かレイドみたいのがあって敵が襲撃して くるんだよねなるほど勝ちあったんやね えっと勝ち合ったって多分ね集合して ずっと 浮島あそこにいたからああ溜まってたんだ と思うずっとずっとずっと溜まってたんだ と思う嬉しくないなくグっトってなんか ちょっといい意味な感じあるけど ああちょっとそわそわするからさ うんこいのやっぱりちょっとずつ広げて おいてえいっていうのがもう使い切った ちょっと土出しな出しな石を出しなあああ はい トントントントンえンンン落とすなよ落月 出しなさい出しなさいお友達量がち出し… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Wool Hack Exposed

    Insane Minecraft Wool Hack ExposedVideo Information This video, titled ‘Wool being op frr #minecraft #trainerdario #technobladeneverdies #viral #ytshorts #shorts #lol’, was uploaded by RelevantLamb on 2024-01-12 15:33:08. It has garnered 448 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. glad u enjoyed 😀 Read More

  • Hindi Gamer Destroys World in EPIC Survival Adventure!

    Hindi Gamer Destroys World in EPIC Survival Adventure!Video Information हे गेमर्स इट्स मी मिस्टर नाचोज एंड गाइस आज से मैं शुरू कर रहा हूं माफ्ट की सर्वाइवल सीरीज एंड भाई आज इस सीरीज की पहली वीडियो है सो वीडियो को एंड तक जरूर देखना एंड इस वीडियो का लाइक एम है एक लाइक का मुझे सिर्फ तुम्हारा लाइक चाहिए सो जल्दी से जाके वीडियो को लाइक कर दो एंड अभी चलते हैं अपना सर्वाइवल वर्ल्ड क्रिएट करले तो अभी अपने वर्ल्ड का नाम रखते हैं लाइक नाचू एंपायर यह नाम मैंने बहुत टाइम पहले से सोचा हुआ था एंड अभी देख लेते हैं सब सही है ना… Read More

  • SimulationOP

    SimulationOPSimulationOP is a Semi-OP Server, You Get Most Permissions That An OP Gets, And You Can Have Fun With It, With The Very Active And Helpful Staff, Your Experience On This Server Is Unlike Any Other! (In Developement) Read More

  • Rigtopia Semi-Anarchy Bedrock 1.20.73

    Welcome to Rigtopia! Hello, I am the owner of Rigtopia, a semi-anarchy Minecraft Bedrock server for fans of Rules: Griefing and duping allowed. No hacking or lag machines. Current Status: 5-7 consistent players with more inconsistent players. Ender dragon undefeated. No cool base yet. Join our Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Git Gud, Casuals.

    As a non-Minecraft player, I have to ask – is there a support group for these “lazy builders”? Read More

  • Crafting Skies: Minecraft’s Flying Machine Surprise

    Crafting Skies: Minecraft's Flying Machine Surprise In Minecraft, we craft a flying machine so grand, With Pistons and observers, we build on demand. For Java or Bedrock, it works just the same, A realistic creation, in the game we claim. Honey blocks and slime blocks, we place with care, Redstone connections, flying through the air. A boat with a chest, for loot to bring, Our flying machine, a majestic thing. Turn on the lever, watch it take flight, A traveler’s craft, soaring with might. For a faster machine, check the link below, In Minecraft, the possibilities grow. So build and explore, in this blocky land,… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs!

    Spicy Minecraft Memes: Crafting Laughs! “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? She couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftlovegonewrong 😂🎮💔 Read More

  • 43 Hilarious Minecraft Fixes

    43 Hilarious Minecraft Fixes 43 Unexpected Minecraft Hacks Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly discovering new ways to make the most out of the game’s features. From turning seemingly useless items into valuable resources to finding creative solutions to common problems, the possibilities are endless. In this article, we’ll explore 43 unexpected Minecraft hacks that will change the way you play the game. Dying Is Good Dying in Minecraft may seem like a setback, but it can actually be beneficial, especially in speedrunning scenarios. By strategically setting your spawn point and using a bed, you can reset your hunger… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Fun!

    Join Minewind Server for Ultimate Minecraft Fun! Welcome to! Are you a fan of building in Minecraft and looking for a new server to showcase your skills? Look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server! With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for creativity, Minewind is the perfect place to bring your Minecraft creations to life. Imagine taking the skills you learned from watching tutorials like “Minecraft: Ultimate Cherry Wood House” and applying them in a server where you can share your creations with others. Whether you’re a beginner looking to learn from experienced builders or a seasoned pro ready to take on new challenges, Minewind… Read More

  • Ultimate Guide: Hatching Ender Dragon Egg

    Ultimate Guide: Hatching Ender Dragon Egg How to Hatch ENDER DRAGON EGG in Minecraft 1.20+ (Bedrock/PE/Java) Are you having an Ender Dragon egg and don’t know how to hatch it? Well, an egg means it’s meant to be hatched, right? In this article, we will explore how to hatch the Ender Dragon egg in Minecraft across all editions and versions. Getting Started Once you defeat the Ender Dragon, it will drop the egg. To retrieve it, you need to place a piston and collect the egg. Once you have the Ender Dragon egg, head back to the overworld to begin the hatching process. Exploring Hatching… Read More

GEAR 5?! Eating GOMU GOMU DEVIL FRUIT in One Piece Minecraft!