GeorgeNotFound Goes On A Minecraft Date…

Video Information

According to youtube statistics only a small percentage of people that watch my videos are actually subscribed so if you enjoyed the video please consider subscribing vignette thanks you have to open minecraft one point uh 16.1 okay what oh she’s got an ego skirt may you happily roam through the minecraft worlds together without

Any knife threatening what do you have to say about that i look i will definitely threaten you with a knife but it’s all for fun for fun where’s the fun and threatening me with a knife you’ll get a bit of excitement when i hold enough um i don’t know about that

Do you know how do you know how to well play minecraft i’ve tried to learn look for the house you want to vote a house yeah you build a house i’ll give you the whatever you need because i don’t know how to do that okay let’s let’s build a house together

Okay okay thank you stop now what are you doing kill him kill him kill him for me no you come back here i’m gonna everything you lost get him get him he’s in the water he’s in the water okay okay okay press um press the sprint button what is it

Get over here double tap w w type w two why he’s killing me again use the sword yes yes don’t spam click just click every so often yes yes Stop not be gone you think you can come in here and ruin everything yeah get get out of here okay now now i’m all ready i i can protect us i can protect us stay behind me stay behind me okay quick quick quick take this take this

Okay take oh no don’t let me get it take it take it yeah get get another sword make make another sword make another sword come here are you have you got a sword yet no what are you doing what are you doing george what are you doing oh my god again just

Give me give me time so i put a square in i get blessed okay okay fine i’m actually leaving you two to it all right george you got this don’t be nervous i know it’s like you’re freaking in a long long time and now well the the big bad means

Samnap is gone now so we actually don’t have to worry about that anymore wow look at this what are we looking at he’s built us like a little oh something oh like we’re going on a date it’s like like that yeah oh wow halo wow that’s so cool it’s not like that

That’s what it is so you chose love yeah i did so you were hesitating over all the other girls george no no it’s not like that why are you laughing i didn’t say anything i’m laughing because you totally thought she picked toast or like i thought that at the end

Oh look look wait you take these and then right click the dog oh you didn’t get it he doesn’t love you no we can we can okay look look let’s we’re go this is our mission okay we’re gonna be on on the hunt for um for skeletons yes okay

I got you a block thank you oh my god run run run run run okay look come back come back come back behind you behind you behind you behind you oh it’s going to kill me again it’s too strong come here we’re going to kill it together

Look he’s right here do it do it do it nice oh wow oh look you’re gonna drown get out of there trident wow you can like you can throw it that’s not really cool yeah look i’m it’s like i’m holding it it’s like a javelin yeah but you control

Arrows like i thought you could pass lightning george i’m sorry i’m sorry i’m sorry please don’t please don’t no no please don’t throw that at me [Laughter] what is good what’s wrong with him i don’t know wait you want to see a magic trick watch this george don’t kill him don’t stand in

There oh he’s gone he’s gone oh yeah i have something for you don’t what no i have something for you what dude you’re freaking me out yeah what is it get out get out of there wait no okay okay okay that’s fine i thought i thought that was going to go another way

I thought i was thinking how can i save you here okay you don’t want the flower just give me it thank you thank you do you like the flower i love the flower okay oh there’s horses can we get saddle i know you can they are we can get them but it’s hard

Like they’re hard to find okay look this game is so hard even with a professional i hate minecraft oh we got a blue dye okay are we are we happy with a blue dye or do we need to make something else like white light blue aqua okay i’m looking it up i’m looking

It up aqua it’s getting dark oh no okay um i’m going quick i’m going quick okay let’s make the house quick make the house um take that take that take that okay let’s have we need we need a strong foundation so we can start off with this stone and some dirt

Okay we don’t we don’t need a big house yet like we’re not quite we haven’t made it yet everything on top of what you place okay look we we’re gonna have to make do with what we’ve got we’ve got a nice little lakeside house boom bam

Bop okay are you ready come in the house um so so like it’s time to put her minecraft pads next to each other okay do you wanna how do we do this do i go first or like do we do at the same time okay okay okay let’s just let’s just

Talk about this like where is the the best positioning for the beds like here like these two places hey look it’s like almost midnight there’s gonna be some bad things coming soon i think we need to do this quickly three two one place i didn’t place mine i right clicked i right clicked

I right clicked you just like you left me hanging on you tried you just press it down how was it trying i was going for your power i thought we were doing like mismatched george you know what just right click right click your bed three oh we did it we slept do

Yeah we’re on the same time zone do you not need to sleep soon or are you good for another bed oh you’re trying to get you want to leave no i want to stay if you want to if you want to leave no i have i have until at least 5 a.m

I’m just 5am i’m just worried that you’re gonna you’re sorry i can’t get over here what is the problem what is your problem i don’t know how to flirt with i can get out of here you just go through the door okay okay what should we what should we do today let’s get

A wolf or a horse you want to get a horse yeah so uh oh wow look at all these flowers wow look there’s an orange flower here i think a red one look at this chicken can i shear it and you can’t share the chicken

But what you can do is launch a trident at its skull no i want you to slaughter the chicken for me oh for you okay it was that easy i didn’t even have to convince you you just went against your morals just like that

Yeah okay i i like that whoa we’re in a uh flower forest look how beautiful it is it’s not really beautiful it’s pixelated colors george okay listen do you know what that is a tree but this thing holy comb honeycomb you can break it no no no you can break it with your

Fist and um it will give you a honeycomb that we can eat okay that that wasn’t supposed to happen why why why are the bees fighting yes use the trident fend them off use the trident use the trident okay are you okay why did they come out like that okay george

Am i okay let me get my trident answer that do not shoot me do not throw it at me stop turning around and aiming at me it will kill me and you won’t know how to get back home one yeah yeah you would be stranded out here

Alone but look at all these horses where no we need to listen wait i forgot the task are we getting skeletons or are we getting a saddle we can we can do both let’s go in the cave follow me into the cave oh there’s a zombie here shoot it with the trident

You have to try to george oh you’re right [Laughter] you died i just killed them all i sacrificed you do you know i mean i sacrificed you what why did i say that i don’t know why i just said that i didn’t i i don’t even know why i said

That honestly like that was a mistake you sounded incredibly happy no no no no no no you’re getting it all wrong you actually are like i have no idea why i said that but if there was a clip of you saying i sacrificed you you look so sad in it right you won’t

Look happy at all well no that’s it’s irrelevant because like i didn’t even mean to say it oh what’s your back yeah how did you know love isn’t open i don’t know the song let’s go you can have this oh oh bequeathed the trident to you

No you take it okay okay give me my puppy your what my puppy poppy the flower you gave me oh poppy poppy i have a red tulip for you arguably better than a poppy oh you’re so good yeah on my heart there’s the oh that’s not scary

Wait oh i didn’t even oh you little freaking ah wait where are they they’re coming up here like there’s don’t do tomorrow oh where let’s you know what let’s just go let’s just go together oh there’s a lot of enemies don’t die don’t die don’t die don’t die no [Laughter]

Where are you oh no we died wait where are you here’s the plan here’s the plan okay we’re gonna sleep we’re gonna make it day and then we’re gonna go back okay sleep oh we’re sleeping we’re sleeping next to each other it’s happening we did it we did it

Okay come on okay wait i’ll follow you because i don’t know where the cave was fast oh you don’t is this the cave yeah that’s the key oh we’re getting trapped from all sides okay i’m making a big brain play i’m leaving you survive so strong george did you just stop okay

Do not die i’m coming back i’m on okay listen new strategy new strategy okay come over here come over here oh this way okay we’re ready right swords at the ready three two one go okay there goes one we got bones from it this way

We go deeper come on i believe in you no no are you gonna die i’m george hold them off i’m coming back i’m coming back you’re good you can do it nice nice just stay alive stay live a bit longer just a bit longer please

I’m coming i’m on the way oh my god oh my god there’s nobody just run if you have to run no i was right here okay i think i might i could have this under control i see you up there [Laughter] that was my chance to impress you i could have this

Under control wait where’s all your stuff hold on let me see if i can oh no i’m here i see you okay yes you bait them over there that’s good it’s working oh they only they don’t care about me okay they care about me okay just survive survive this is it no

More deaths okay no more death no more deaths oh we did it we did it wow we did it teamwork teamwork makes the dream work wow look at him he’s so weird looking he’s like a goblin i’ve never seen him he’s messed up he’s a villain yeah he’s he is a zombie

Oh god oh my god the zombie villagers after you wait run run run run come back up run the creeper we were just getting prepared here have you ever got mad at a person um i can’t imagine you angry i’ve been mad on occasion it has been known to happen but i would

Never get mad at you um hang on i’m trying not to die okay oh whoops i see you i see you down there okay okay so we can we can go with our bones and see if we can get a wolf i’m cooking us up some iron i’m

Pretending i know what you do that’s so cool george wow i know yeah okay i have this this for you just right click it there you go and now yeah and now you have protection you’re angry at me yes i’m angry at you why i meant to so

Are you guys making what are you what are you doing you just stepped on me exactly why are you stepping on me hurrying me in this game it was supposed to be the other way around no no no no there is no expectation of you to carry okay i’m i’m proud of you

Even if you die on occasion it is fine okay why don’t we have a sword george you don’t have any sword yeah okay yeah what are you gonna fight with ass i have another one oh okay i have multiple swords do you know how to find diamonds yeah you go to -13

Yes yes exactly i’ll leave you have the george follow me i’m following the pickaxe yeah i’ll kill you dig okay i’m here oh there’s lava here you guys oh you can what i think it’s a sign wow how do you know how did you know oh um i have something for you Would you like a gift maybe are you proposing to me george now i know like it’s not a it’s not quite a ring or anything it’s the best i can do like that there literally aren’t rings in minecraft so like you’re mine now so like

So like no more lover hoes for you no more minecraft girls you’re mine now you gave me a diamond you gave me a diamond george i mean yeah i gave you the diamond so what do you think i think i’m not gonna power this lava on you

Even though i’m so excited i want to pour it on you do not pull the lava rome i’m not going to whatever you do do not pour the lava i want you so bad but i won’t okay okay well thank you i wouldn’t want you to pour lava on me

Because i would die and i would not come back i wouldn’t like that so you gave me a diamond george gave me a diamond finally somebody gave me a diamond and it’s great because george can’t we need to get out of here safely we need to we need to

Evacuate oh there’s a river we can flow off you want to flow up yeah we can do it okay let’s flow Okay wait i’m retrieving your items okay i got it i’m coming back i’m coming home i’m coming home oh my god i see you i see you wait i’m getting started go home run home run home where’s home is it this way yeah that way oh here’s our

Our house well i’ll give you this diamond back and you can have your lava bucket back as well oh thank you do you want to go um and find a sheep uh a dog yeah no not to burn no no no to to make ours we need a family pet

What’s some dog names that you like um we could go with um uh clifford no george that’s so basic maybe like um this is why it’s a joint activity thank you there he is take these take them okay how about this wait do you have any bones wait take care of my bones

Okay how do i give okay whoever tames them first gets to name him okay we’ll take it in turns you ready i’ll i’ll let you go first oh [Applause] Wait wait get out get out we have to put bert to sleep as well oh but wait i can upgrade the house get out of the bed look now we’re not gonna be wet we’re no longer poor yeah okay it’s our first night with bert

Oh my god this is our first child we’re gonna have our second child tomorrow and then things change uh everything’s changing we have a kid all we need is clifford we literally can’t stop until we find we’ve got to keep going we will persevere i think we go back this way clifford

Where is he he’s just hiding i think he’s just shy reminds me of game i see him where where the heck are you i’m on the tree oh i’m off the tree this way just three of them i think i think this this one this one what do you think okay

All right you know what i’ll go first this time okay your turn oh no he’s playing hard to get i have one more bone oh no george please clifford please all i’ve asked clifford is for you to be my friend look at me clifford Hmm george we can share birch no george we can we don’t need clifford we’re not ready for a family of four we got bert george we’re gonna find a better clifford because frick you oh my god but but me and you that’s all we need i’m happy

Is it that’s all we need we don’t need another dog i guess i can’t have too many good things in one day stop that yeah stop that well you know what we got bert i got you and i think i think yeah that’s all that matters have you had a good day thanks

Have you had a good day it’s been pretty good not how i expect expected it to go but uh it went better than i expected it to go well i think we this has been a a great date i think we’ve learned a lot about each other

And um and you can keep that diamond and always remember remember me wait do you wanna come out here hey wait come on the on the roof okay look oh [Laughter] wow it’s so it’s so nice it’s so it’s so beautiful it’s like it’s the perfect this is the perfect this is so I had a lot of fun today with you george i really like you okay okay that was that was affection i gotta go now because i should do much affection thank you george thank you guys goodbye george good night good night again thank you

This video, titled ‘GeorgeNotFound Goes On A Minecraft Date…’, was uploaded by Not GeorgeNotFound on 2020-09-13 00:18:23. It has garnered 2088210 views and 101913 likes. The duration of the video is 00:26:10 or 1570 seconds.

GeorgeNotFound Goes On A Minecraft Date… @GeorgeNotFound finally found the love of his life and took his new girlfriend on a Minecraft date! Don’t tell @dream or he will be jealous!!!

Follow my socials ↓↓↓ Twitch/Twitter/Instagram: @GeorgeNotFound


GeorgeNotFound and Minx went on a cute Minecraft date, they built a house, tamed a pet dog and started a family together. Will they live happily ever after?!?!

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    BLOODY BATTLE: Minecraft Legends Fight Zombies!Video Information This video, titled ‘A lot of blood . Fighting Zombies. Legends on the Minecraft map.’, was uploaded by IGM on 2024-01-12 14:00:06. It has garnered 15 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:12 or 432 seconds. #minecraft #igm #minecraftmods #portal #buildingcraft #heaven #aether #shadyandnubik #minecraftanimation #trends Welcome to IGM where I solve different problems and play Minecraft, strange and scary things always happen in the game. Today I play Minecraft. Subscribe to my channel, put hearts! Let me know which part you liked the most, share your ideas in the comments for future videos… Read More

  • Almost Vanilla

    Almost Vanilla[AlmostVanilla] Minecraft Current list of plugins : AuctionHouse, RTP, ChestShop, EpicRename, Essentials, EssentialsChat, EssentialsSpawn, GriefPrevention, InteractiveChat, LuckPerms, Orebfuscator, Vault, VeinMiner, WorldGuard, MCMMO Read More

  • Davidscloud Servers SMP Network PvE Java Bedrock Latest Version USA 13+

    About Davidscloud: Davidscloud is a long-standing gaming community that welcomes all gamers to enjoy playing various games together without pay-to-win. Our friendly community works together to create a place where everyone can find something to enjoy. Our Minecraft server has been around since 1.7.10 and plans to stay for a long time. Player Protection: Our Minecraft server features a grief prevention system and a helpful admin team to ensure an enjoyable experience. Players start with 2,000 blocks they can claim and earn 120 more blocks every hour of playtime. Claims are protected and pets are also safeguarded. Quality-of-Life: Focus on… Read More

  • Varangia

    Welcome to Varangia: The Ultimate PVE / PVP / ECONOMY / RP Server!Established June 14, 2024Discover an unparalleled gaming experience in Varangia! Our server is designed to cater to all your adventurous, strategic, social, and role-playing needs. Here’s what you can look forward to:PVE AdventuresDungeons: Delve into challenging dungeons filled with thrilling quests and formidable enemies.Wild Bosses: Test your skills against powerful wild bosses and claim epic rewards.Thriving EconomyChestshops: Set up and run your own shops, trading valuable items with other players.Real Estate: Buy, sell, and manage properties to build your wealth and influence.Dynamic PoliticsGovern Your Empire: Take control of… Read More

  • Minecraft Mayhem: Shoot ‘n Build Adventure

    Minecraft Mayhem: Shoot 'n Build Adventure In Minecraft, a shooting game we shall create, With redstone circuits, we’ll set the stage. Aim, shoot, and score, a challenge to beat, Let’s test our skills, with every feat. VABLOCK on YouTube, where creativity thrives, Inspiring us all to build and survive. Check out the video, for tips and tricks, In the world of Minecraft, let’s get our fix. #vablock #minecraft, a community so grand, Where gamers unite, across the land. So grab your pickaxe, and let’s begin, In this pixelated world, where we always win. Read More

  • @AGUSSY’s spicy kopter😂 #minecraft #meme

    @AGUSSY's spicy kopter😂 #minecraft #meme Why did the AGUSSY kopter go to Minecraft? To mine for memes, of course! #miningformemes 😂🚁 Read More

  • Ultimate Money-Making Trick in Minecraft SMP

    Ultimate Money-Making Trick in Minecraft SMP Minecraft: The Best Lifesteal SMP Experience Exploring the Lifesteal SMP World In the vast world of Minecraft, the Lifesteal SMP server offers a unique and thrilling experience for players. With the IP address and port 25662, players can dive into a world filled with adventure and challenges. Join the SMP Discord to connect with fellow players and embark on exciting quests. Unveiling the Secrets of Lifesteal SMP Discover the secrets hidden within the Lifesteal SMP server. From lifesteal mechanics to intricate plugins, this server offers a dynamic gameplay experience. Explore the possibilities of cracked versions, plugins, and updates… Read More

  • Hungry for Trouble – Minecraft Episode 60

    Hungry for Trouble - Minecraft Episode 60 Minecraft Adventure: Exploring a Vast World Embarking on a Journey In the vast world of Minecraft, the possibilities are endless. In a survival mode adventure, the journey begins in a beautiful world filled with challenges and surprises. The exploration leads to unexpected encounters and discoveries. Discovering Unique Elements As the adventure unfolds, the player encounters strange blocks and landscapes, each holding its own mystery. From mossy dungeons to hidden treasures, every corner of the world offers something new to explore. Surviving and Thriving Navigating through the world requires resourcefulness and strategy. Gathering essential items like food and tools becomes… Read More

  • Conquering Sea Temple in Minecraft – Arcade Allies

    Conquering Sea Temple in Minecraft - Arcade AlliesVideo Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] n [Music] [Applause] hello hello string worms it’s time for funny block game let’s get on in whatever you do don’t turn around uh uh uh wait what there’s nothing there ow oh [ __ ] what the hell oh no this bones well you little [Laughter] shits got got string worms hey expected to be that effective snake down snake snake look we’re just getting it out of the way now so our performance is going to be so much better now Shenanigans yep they would never little… Read More

  • Uncovering TV WOMAN’s Secret in Minecraft

    Uncovering TV WOMAN's Secret in MinecraftVideo Information let’s get started A New Day Has Come this means that our Survival on a desert island continues I want to remind you that our main task is to survive and Escape From This Island let’s see what’s going on outside subscribers hello everyone today I will show you and tell you how to survive on a desert island this is my first video blog like this video And subscribe to the channel hey Mikey what are you doing do you use your phone to shoot video blogs this is very stupid this is our only phone and… Read More

  • BEST Free Minecraft Hack! Meteor Vs Aristois

    BEST Free Minecraft Hack! Meteor Vs AristoisVideo Information hey guys what’s going on I hope you’re all doing well about 2 months ago I made a video titled the top five paid hacks for Minecraft in that video I asked who wanted to see a second video on the top three hacks for Minecraft and you guys left a lot of comments asking for that so that’s what we are doing today with that said I wanted to change things up a little today we are going to be doing a bracket style competition with client verse client competitions to fairly determine which Free Hack client… Read More

  • Unveiling Secret Method to Download Cracked Lunar Client 😱 | Minecraft

    Unveiling Secret Method to Download Cracked Lunar Client 😱 | MinecraftVideo Information [موسيقى] ‏h [موسيقى] [موسيقى] [موسيقى] ‏h ‏oh This video, titled ‘HOW TO DOWNLOAD CRACKED LUNAR CLIENT [NEW METHOD]❤️ | MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by GAMINGSTORMYTXD on 2024-03-22 03:30:14. It has garnered 848 views and 12 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:05 or 65 seconds. ——LINK TO DOWNLOAD——– WEAVE CRACK DOWNLOAD LUNAR CLIENT QT Tags :#minecraft​​​​ #memes #tlauncher #lunarclient​​​ #hindi #freeminecraft download lunar client for tlauncher 2021, how to download lunar client in tlauncher, how to use lunar client with tlauncher for free in hindi, how to download minecraft pc for free, minecraft full version, how… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT PE MODS - MUST SEE!! 🔥Video Information तो हेलो गाइस एंड वेलकम बैक टू माय न्यू वीडियो तो आज मैं लेके आ चुका हूं m 1.20 के कुछ बेस्ट मोड्स वीडियो शुरू होने से पहले जिसने भी लाइक नहीं किया वो लाइक कर देना एंड चैनल पर तो डू सब्सक्राइब तो अभी चलते हैं वीडियो की तरफ को तो अपना फर्स्ट मोड निकल के आता है उसका नाम है फ्री लुक प्लस मोड इस मोड में बेसिकली होता यह कि आप अपने कैरेक्टर का 360 व्यू ले सकते हो ज्यादा आपको कुछ करना नहीं है सिर्फ आपको क्राउच होना है एंड देन हिलाना है अपना… Read More

  • Unlock the Secrets of Minecraft’s Vexes with HydrAbby’s Evokers!

    Unlock the Secrets of Minecraft's Vexes with HydrAbby's Evokers!Video Information evokers the enigmatic illagers responsible for the creation of vexes in Minecraft meet evokers the enigmatic illers of Minecraft’s world they’re not just your ordinary enemy they’re Master illusionists dwelling in Woodland Mansions they possess a unique power with a wave they summon vexes their own spectral minions vexes unlike other enemies have the ability to move through blocks making them a formidable unpr ictable threat on your Minecraft Journey but why do evokers create vexes simple they’re their loyal protectors guarding their territory with Relentless Vigor so be careful when exploring dark corners of Minecraft evokers and… Read More

  • Aphmau loses it in Minecraft 😱🤪

    Aphmau loses it in Minecraft 😱🤪Video Information baby baby where are you oh no Pierce give me back my baby no she’s my baby now you’ll never get her back no no no I’m not worried about her I’m worried about you huh my safe that’s my girl This video, titled ‘Aphmau went crazy in Minecraft 🤣🤣’, was uploaded by I am a Aphmau fan on 2024-02-07 13:49:18. It has garnered 12 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Read More

GeorgeNotFound Goes On A Minecraft Date…