get SMALL or get GOT – Tomato Minecraft (BounceSMP) part 2 stream highlights

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It’s time we’re going back in I cleared out of space a lot a remarkably spacious space to set up create I have to I have to do it I have to I have to set up the wires I have to connect all the lines and I guarantee you 14 times today

Someone’s going to message me and be like you gotta get over here there’s some kind of [ __ ] funny frog in this area dude you gotta get here now there’s a frog we had to I’ve I’ve commenced operations sinkhole because the first sinkhole has to be made beneath our very

Home come on in take a look at this come on in take a look take a look at this all right so this is the house I’m smaller I’m smaller than I used to be I actually got even smaller because uh I don’t know if this was covered while I

Was on stream but there is now a Jake has moved in above we did cover that on stream and he was kind enough to uh set us up with an ability to get even smaller a cavernous expanse I’ve created for create I’ve carved it out ready to

Build it’s connected to the lovely Vista Over Yonder that all the boys have been building in and I reckon at some point I’ve already spaced it out for this exact purpose we’ve I’ve done it in three by three blocks with the hammer so I can easily carve out the

Infrastructure for basically a full-on rail system but the only thing that’s not nice is the [ __ ] windmill this windmill is so freaking bad I made this thing and I thought that doors and shutters would function as the connectors they don’t everybody wants to come here okay welcome back to Smallville welcome oh God

I I hope you guys teleport me in your little tiny houses like this well why don’t you get [ __ ] small already my guy I’m not gonna get small I’m the only look there’s like two there’s two people on This Server there’s people who are vtubers and then there’s you guys and

Then there’s me the normal guy oh so you just want to be like you just want to be alone forever alone I don’t I get to hang out with both of you guys but like I can’t I’m not gonna pick a side I don’t want to become small it’s too much

Commitment as far on your life okay you listen to me [ __ ] you listen to me right now are you listening to me right now [Applause] I was gonna say that uh on the record we there is no war there is no conflict uh there’s no reason we can’t all get along

And I will never explain what operation sinkhole is so I can continue to say that there is no war on the record on the record on the record I won’t you should still be small though I don’t want to be small I’m small in real life

I don’t want to live like the point of a fantasy is to be like I just want to be advertised in in real life and I get to do that in this game which is two blocks tall I’m a block and a half tall real life do you wanna help me like test

Something can you come over single I oh I know what this does psych doesn’t do anything God you don’t trust us do you now after the [ __ ] [ __ ] problem remember yesterday when you left me in a hole and then you were like you want the water you brought the water and I

Climbed up and I fell and then you brought lava down yeah but yeah but you got owned but you got the corner but you got old okay but you gotta open the [ __ ] corner of your screen tomato it would have said boone will remember that I need string nothing happens right now

Unless I what’s up man oh thank God okay how do I get out of here can you open the doors for me I’m carrying a chest uh that hole over there goes to the big cavern if that’s easy thank you I’m moving in okay oh [ __ ] this is so much more

Convenient isn’t it dude we live a life of beauty beneath the surface yeah I went to vtuber land and I stole all these glow trees nice yeah yeah I thought why do they gonna have the pretty land yeah yeah dude that’s what I’m [ __ ] talking about dude I replanted him but

You know I’ll just build over in like this I mean worst case I can use the teleport rails so it’s not a big deal true do you see that ghost over there oh yeah that’s just like a feature of the whole it’s haunted feature of the

Hole is like a spooky uh plant Coast yeah yeah eyes just kind of watch you if you look at them too long they disappear no I mean I’m seeing like a like that’s a creature oh yeah that’s you have you not seen those guys before

They’re the ones that go hmm they go hmm yeah it sounds like you so like I’ll be walking through the tunnels and I’ll hear hmm can I go tomato and then no one’s around and I’ll go okay hey come over here I can’t hear him oh there he goes yeah

It sounds like a villager but like pitched wow there’s a lot of ghosts in here now huh anyways I’m gonna get to work carrying this video yeah yeah ow [ __ ] does anyone have sheep I can take some wool from the Caps was delivered I will not apologize for that time

We’re both sides we’re trying to find a cure for our Affliction what are you doing here yo he said he need wool I’m kidding here’s your wolf we originally made this for everyone okay it’s getting online yeah they love it it’s a huge commodity over

There they love this I may have to come back do you happen to have I have this is so noisy is this thing yeah we’ll have to come back here later yeah Foreign stretch it one more and it’ll still fit it’s just not gonna look good but I mean we don’t have the materials to make it look better yet and I just need the power so [ __ ] it there it’s a depressing sad basic ass [ __ ] windmill made out of

Toilet paper but it’ll get the job done I take a look at that jet slowly but surely the gears of automation turn industry is here really slowly a big gear will turn a small gear faster but a small gear put a big gear on a small gear it’ll move that gear even faster

This is how gears work in real life you can cut you can put a small gear on a big gear like that it’ll move that one even faster and then you put them then you pull another you put a shaft right there so you can make more space and

Then you put a freaking big gear right there going like that and then you put another small gear on it going freaking this way and then you put another big gear going like that and now you’ve turned what is a pathetic sad spin that’s barely moving it all into a

[ __ ] extremely fast spin okay you’re putting on a small one right there and then you put a wheel right that you put one of the shaft things right there and you put another one right there and then you can attach these with a conveyor and then all of a sudden now you’re moving

Relatively fast but we can go even faster however that’s fast enough for what we need here right now this is all gonna be much easier ones for off windmill power the problem is we’re on windmill power I don’t get it because like well some of these

Materials are way easier to come by than others like walls should be like oh dude I got stacks of it like here you go I’ve seen one alive I’ve seen one alive sheep yeah someone’s in chat right now saying they found a sheet like it’s a moment

For them like it’s a big [ __ ] moment to discover a single sheep and like this is where we’re at like we have we have stacks of diamonds but yet the things that we desire the most is string we have like a guy who kidnaps animals

They’re like we only have I don’t know I Juniper came in at one point up here and she was a farmer and I tried to enlist her to join us and then she moved as far away as possible a day later well not for long yeah once we connect the rails

Everyone’s gonna be living here they like it or not I’ve been thinking if you need wool I’m sure we could probably get away with borrower RP our hands to their chest what’s wonderful all right no no no no no I’m okay with showing up at their farm and not just cheering all

Their sheep and running I’m not okay with going into this now that’s an idea let’s get some [ __ ] shears and let’s go like a panty raid but for wool like technically people have been like I have well do you need wool like I think

It’s okay for us to show up and be like oh and just and then dive into one of our holes and disappear a burrow gone yeah and they’re like why are my sheep naked like what the [ __ ] happened I mean I am tempted to just like go into spawn

And just ask for things because I every time I’ve asked people have given it to me like I’ve never been like oh dude everybody’s all the Pauls are like way too accommodating they think we’re pathetic right they think we’re [ __ ] I don’t think I’ve ever known they’ve

Never been in the houses we live in so like we noticed that when we walked around everybody was really just like patronizing to us yeah they didn’t really treat us with the respect that’s why I’m rushing the guns dude we gotta keep the gun secret I want to get guns

By the end of the day and the next time someone pulls some [ __ ] we pull out a [ __ ] Cannon yeah you pull out a gat I’m gonna pull out my Gap I’m gonna smash it with a [ __ ] potato a guy and it’s like you know being small is like

Not my only characteristic like I have a person yeah I have I have dreams I own property I I’m a I’m a business owner yeah I got a hole in the wall man it’s I’m a business owner I’m a business owner I do business and attack I pay

Taxes like I deserve it I pay sometimes more taxes than all the talls I would say I’d pay an in-proportionate amount of tax to my size it almost feels like the talls you know controlled the tax law and have been using it to to reallocate the taxes has there ever been

A small president there’s never been a small president but the point is yet we’re always one step away from transforming the small RP into one of the most problematic Things That No admin on a Minecraft server has ever asked for you know what I mean like I’m shredding so carefully from being

Like we have to write the small Manifesto we have to write the little the little Manifesto Mini festo [ __ ] just leave the mini Festival funny hey you got string you got string on you oh let’s see I do not oh okay I’m sorry yeah you got any snacks

Yeah I got uh I got bread and carrot you want carrot or bread can I have some kind of some dang bread hell yeah bruh like that bread thank you so much no problem you have a lovely day now you too I’ll never run out of this stick of

Bread all you have to do is walk up to extremely nice people and ask them for things and take advantage of their kindness over and over again it’s as simple as that baby I’d love to get like just a huge amount of wood boom baby all right that should be good let’s go

Let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s get the [ __ ] out of here let’s go back to spawn oh wait I don’t want to be I’ll be home back home oh oh that guy thinks I [ __ ] hate him like I said hello right before I left I could always double down and be like

[ __ ] you like in chat like go like what the [ __ ] is your problem so if I can go and meet this what what the [ __ ] is this this is my this is where I’m building uh the stuff we need to make guns this is where he’s gonna

End I’m making guns like I said all right re Smalls need to defend ourselves so I’m making guns okay I’ve had enough the Bell Tolls we ringing this Bell three times on Judgment Day uh uh do I see on Mount sure get this out this is this is what I

Have to go and meet Snuffy at some point and convince her to breed with my moth oh why is it so [ __ ] big how did you do that you know finally enough it’s like actually about a normal person’s size it’s just we are we get smaller every time we play okay Joe I

Will do anything I will do anything if you breed me one and and please please please please I’ll get your mouth I have to admit you best friend she’s on and what was the other thing brass casing we have brass now we literally it doesn’t know this matters anymore we don’t want

To turn any more into okay yeah that’ll make sense we need to make electron tubes excuse me iron sheets and Polished rose quartz which means I’m going to need sandpaper and rose quartz which means I’m gonna need a lot of quartz and a lot of redstone [ __ ] well they can do

It all by hand which is nice let’s go get myself some freaking higher Boon to do it I don’t need that guy I don’t need that guy I can handle this myself oh to have a windmill that powerful oh to have the winds blow that strong what’s this

A Way Stone it stares at me in a mocking way and I can’t right click it to you what the [ __ ] what the frick is up with that is it because I’m too short what’s this thing’s problem that doesn’t do anything you sure about that

I I mean I tried it’s mocking me I can tell look at the way it looks at me when I move around it I just thought maybe I was too short nope I tried and I do do Jack diddly well Frick this thing you know what I mean like Frick this thing then

I don’t think I should frick it oh frick this thing hey you got any food on you any snacks I got a cookie can I have a cookie yeah you have a cookie yes yes damn you must be hungry did you eat all the [ __ ] bread I

I have been living a life of squalor and constant torment where’s your crew the depths of a mountain I I got chewed up and eaten by gears and Machinery like five minutes ago and most of my body has been fully destroyed multiple times uh oh my God I barely survive and thus I

Eat a lot of food I am miserable I constantly am in absolute pain and torment well if you ever need food feel free to come to my farm that’s extremely kind of you that’s so kind thank you so much I don’t know where it is though oh that that patch of Island

South and all the are yes yes yeah it’s down there it’s right now you know you know Eric’s the monkey I do know him I do know that guy yeah he’s my neighbor ah I see and you’re always welcome in small town oh where’s that Due West over the hills you

Can’t miss it unless you miss it because it’s pretty small there’s a I got a windmill on top of my house though so you can’t miss that that part you can’t miss unless you also miss that I gotta go to hell now it’s been a pleasure

Though oh okay this is why I need the cookie because I know I’m gonna freaking need it because I’m probably gonna die alone go with the go with the crew which cave are you going to have friends I I have friends that just just in another

Town all right I gotta go oh okay okay I got plenty of friends do you want to decorate Master manipulating it’s a [ __ ] cookie it’s so easy it’s it’s so easy whoa I feel worse every time I do it maybe I should die once in the nether

Put on a show so uh the folks I talked to at spawn will um know without a shadow of a doubt that I got freaking absolutely bodied out there maybe maybe I throw myself into like a like a pool of nearby lava that I can’t like fall

Into just to just to like make have a quick laugh and then I’ll make myself look even more pathetic and then I’ll be able to soak up even more cute I mean this runoff looks good this is like a safe little runoff it would be it would be so beneficial to

Look as pathetic as possible on the surfer as a small guy and I think up until now I’ve been one of the least pathetic looking small guys in the game it’s time to fabricate it’s time to fabricate my own death time to soak up some [ __ ] cat even voice boxes but

Even my immediate friends are buying it’s not going great what happened I freaking died I got attacked by a snake creature and it knocked me right into the blazes below you know did they take your clothes [ __ ] yeah they did because to me it looks like you’re naked

You this day I was born evidently um how large again too it’s all about evidently I should probably do that too it’s all about setting up patheticness that was the saddest thing I could have possibly described so now I’m gonna quietly go home and get smaller miscalculated no I think

Popping up naked makes it look like uh my clothes were destroyed which means now I have to destroy my clothes now I gotta now I gotta destroy uh the clothes the clothes gotta go now now they gotta go and now I’m gonna look really sad that seems like bad Optics

It’s all good optics for small guys Chet the sadder I look the more pathetic I look the more I gain unless someone locates my body at which point then then eyes may start to narrow questions they start to be thrown around about how this guy got freaking got so fast they’re right here

It’s gonna be a [ __ ] big old Lake of water and by a big old Lake of water I mean a two by two infinitely replenished did you know this was did you know this Minecraft’s tip if you put two sources of water and I really we don’t

Actually have any [ __ ] water in any of my chests oh we don’t even have water anywhere near the entire [ __ ] base it’s faster for me to go to spawn and collect water No One’s Gonna notice if I take some from underneath oh they’re so generous [ __ ] I can’t take this water

It’s legally spawned water but if I go this way this looks like pathetic this is exact kind of image I’m trying to produce anyways is a guy that can’t get water and I a little stinker ain’t I a little rascal blinking you miss it but there is two missing blocks

Of water over there what kind of sick freak would do something like that an eco-terrorist situation we have over here in the lake you see someone has displaced two perfect squares of water in the middle of a in the middle of the river people keep saying hi to me or I think

They’re saying hi to me and then I realize I already put in the command teleport and there’s no reason to respond anymore I just pretend I was already gone because I know because I what’s happening is I’m this cute little guy staring at them my camera’s at them

And I also just teleport like I’m a scared little creature and it’s not it’s just that like I don’t want to be like what’s up silence what if they took it back that’s not possible that’s not possible oh my God I’m I’m fairly directionally challenged I can’t are you in the house

Too legally okay this is an awesome spawn property all right yes pray to me they banned me damn it I’m so tired of this [ __ ] you know I’ll tell you what okay I haven’t done anything wrong as far as I’m concerned I’ve been a good

Boy and I’m tired of being put down by the man for nothing put down the manifesto foreign legally I own this block this is my [ __ ] land until I’ve gotten my Infinite Source out of these [ __ ] out of this beautiful river water all right this is my land it’s my country

Or I’m going home I swear to God I will walk home with this [ __ ] water I will walk home with this water if I have to we got it we got it we got it we got it we got it confirm it’s water there it is baby it’s a little laggy but

It’s there there it is baby I’m not gonna throw out the cookie I I’m like my inventory is full I almost threw out the cookie I might chat while I’m thinking I might do I might have like a heel turn I might I might turn around

And be like a good guy I might I might turn around stop being a bad guy and eventually at some point be like I framed all the gifts people gave me uh I kept the cook I kept this Blowfish someone gave me as a there’s gonna be a

Sinister turn to it because I’m going to say I kept this Blowfish this poisonous Blowfish someone gave me as a gift after realizing he was poisonous I couldn’t eat it after I asked them for food because they’re starving I kept these bones someone threw to me as they told

Me uh I deserved no less I didn’t deserve real food I deserved bones and garbage I matter of fact I kept all it’s trash I’ll take them to like a lovely Museum kind of exhibit and at the end I will kill them all it’s kind of like the end is like a

Joker moment like at the end I’m gonna remind them all of what they did and then it’s operation sinkhole okay so there’s a way I can just change the Picture This and like you know to be build a little hole like Joe Joe and tomato but I’m gonna I’m gonna line it

With heads and like like Hellfire lever and torture and maybe like put in some like pngs and and like photos of like like dead but then if you go far enough and you fall into a deep hole you survive Sorry what foreign explaining this go ahead hit the beat we’re just testing the whistle I don’t coincidence happening at the same time okay you have a hard hat on I got the mushroom head that you forced me to put on I think hold on took yeah this kind of this account Maybe

I mean my head is hard as it is how’d you get in here did you crawl into the hole in the wall you crawl over the house I even notice there was a hole I just know I got in the hole with the uh the thing that spins

Windmill the windmill house I see I suddenly saw all right I’m in like super Focus mode I’ll let you know once I’m done okay I gotta get this done I have to get this done this is so important this is more important to me it’s already been like

Four hours like you need to do this okay go on now you little skimp I have to I I’m like I’m like ignoring mechanics at this point I have to like I’m so close we’re so close to being done I just need to focus I think anyone

Would understand if they knew like the amount of like distractions that happened on this server if you don’t buckle in you’re never gonna get it done potato cannon it looks like a gun oh we need is fluid pipes and a site precision and copper yes yes excellent here’s how this works arise face All right my God and my weapon arise yes yes oh my gosh you wanna [ __ ] with the smalls now [ __ ] you wanna [ __ ] with the smalls now [ __ ] how do I load this I need ammo need potatoes when do I know if it’s full hello what’s uh what’s going on you’re

Very quiet I’m just going around showing a new mode want to show you though I really got it oh he’s gone he’s in a potato how do I get a potato Boone said he’d get me one it can be worn on the backpacks You like what you said what are the odds I got here to catch it twice he’s been doing this to me I’ve counted the hours it’s been eight hours total where he comes and he [ __ ] with me oh he’s gone none of this matters did you start

Farming the thing yeah yeah I started I needed too much right now just to start building with these oh you know is that a gun that’s a [ __ ] gun all right what malls are rising up [ __ ] you already have a gun here take these boom do you like as the

Potato crafter would you like to receive the first potato yes whoa is it against a potato oh my God it does one heart of damage yeah I know but it’s a thought that counts we don’t want to kill people we want a mildly inconvenience them and

Shoot them off of their roofs I need to charge it I’ll be back in a little bit this is it yeah okay what about damn it they’re trying to slow me down they’re trying to slow my roll what if it’s enchantable it can’t be no [ __ ] God

[ __ ] right dude yeah right I mean I’m not I’m still gonna try this will be very clear very quickly oh my god well I thought I’d seen everything but it looks like our guns can still get stronger brother brother all we gotta do is get ourselves some Library

Bookshelves and we can get ourselves some real strong stuff okay [Laughter] more than one spawn or more than one home [Laughter] why man where did that even come from people are saying I might be able to shoot Millet oh come on whole whole melons do we have whole melons yes whole

Melons are over here melon that would be [ __ ] too insane there’s no way oh how much damage does that do like two and a half we need melons wait [ __ ] potatoes we need Melons I’m gonna need more property space I got it I’m on it how many melons do you want drum

Every hour we as many as you can provide and with that I will assure your protection underneath Tiny Town like you are protected okay a deal if anyone ever crosses you I will summon the Tiny Town militia we will fall upon them that guy

Who [ __ ] up my field I want you to hit him in the [ __ ] kneecaps by tomorrow he said he said he gives us a dragon by tomorrow let him know that if he doesn’t it’s on him the Minute Men minute once in the [ __ ] Elisha so many it’s annoying oh hey man

Oh hey just wanted to see what the Little Folks are up oh what the little folk are up to you just want to just see what the little folk ripped you don’t want to [ __ ] know it you don’t want to know what the little focus is hold on go down that wall

Go lock just go along come on you got this man open your mouth all right catch this [Laughter] is a taste how was that like blood essentially both of the Crushers need to be rotating in opposite directions so I can’t just like connect them on the same

Network I have to mess with their rotation first uh which this does so now they’ll be going opposite directions on the same speed which means now The Crushers should crush we go Am I by your furnace oh yeah I didn’t know if you were down here because you’re so small

Don’t touch this by the way you will get [ __ ] killed okay and I mean that literally Lena as in like if you go to touch it like I I can show you exactly what would happen you would not like it okay tomato sorry I was making an example for

Elena so she knew the dangers of uh industrial safety oh okay she’s so small she’d climb right into those [ __ ] those pipes you have no idea see what I mean okay so cool all right I gotta make a chemical weapon okay oh oh a what oh nothing cook it yes yes

Billing by spout to make a spout how do I get lava fast anyone anyone does anyone have a bucket of lava or lava near them I I got lava near me do you want me to take you there yes but I will need to make it very clear

That I will not have time to tour your home if this is some kind of like curveball to try to get me to do that I will but I need to make this chemical weapon first okay so hear me out you might have to just take me just take pictures

Was it here I don’t know um um uh Lisa I got bad news this is taking exactly too much time I’m sorry what if I what if I teleport home and then and then you teleport to me I’ve already requested a Teleport to Boone and Shane who I know have loved

You you uh you dropped the ball on this one I’m so sorry oh I’m not home dude I need lava it’s the last step lava I was just hoping someone I would love it uh actually bullying dude I’m uh I’ve been streaming for five hours

I don’t have time to go on tours okay yeah get the neighbors out of the house I think we’re haunted what I I’ve been hearing [ __ ] horrible for the past 20 minutes I need to chat I’m so hungry I need to get this done it might follow you home the demons might

Follow you home check up on it soon bro I’m [ __ ] going crazy you go we’re almost ready man I unfortunately if we do miss this shot it’s gonna feel really bad but uh oh yeah we’ll see I think I actually want to fabricate a kill with

This thing no matter what in order to scare people so I think I need someone to die like I’m going to have someone help me and I’m going to basically punch them to mostly death and then I’ll finish them off with the potato cannons so that they just die that’s not how

This goes do I have to actually pump it in like a [ __ ] fool that’s so annoying if true holding items provided beneath it contents about may not be accessed manually oh go [ __ ] yourself all right go [ __ ] yourself [ __ ] create piece of [ __ ] no it’s going now it’s going just

Took a while to transfer I wow that made a lot really fast who’s a beloved character that we can use to escalate tomato hey man hey I made the chemical weapon uh so I needed to ask you something because you brought up escalating and I want to cause a situation where everyone starts

To doubt whether or not they’re in constant danger and for that to happen I want to know if you would quietly participate with me in sewing chaos by allowing me to punch you down to the point where I can kill you with this potato gun no matter what so as to make

Everyone else on the server observe it and fear that perhaps I want you to basically be a paid actor okay you want me to be like I just got mugged by Lil’s and they held me up at gunpoint and took my things you don’t even have to go that

Far I just needed to show in the chat that you got killed by a gun okay I yeah I’ll do it actually first I want to shoot this at you naturally do you want to talk smack afterwards or is it just we’re just gonna leave it out

There uh you can you could like question mark or something I think question marking is vague does it make us look like we’re enemies but makes it look like you were baffled by what happened to you um yeah yeah question marks we don’t want to get into details yeah I was

Thinking well you could say like get smaller get gone oh yeah oh yeah we could do that we could say get smaller get got too uh like you could you could literally shoot me and then just say get smaller get gone and then neither of us

Give it any more context I like that okay so first shot I’m gonna do is I just want to see how much damage this does to you because this is apparently the best we can do okay I’m armor off right now okay let’s see I was deceived it doesn’t even shoot it

[ __ ] wait it did I lagged ah [ __ ] that was all of my money okay we’ll go with the potato version I’m gonna have to beat you down first though dude what was the what was the other budget it was a dangerous chemical weapon but the problem is the

Server has weird ticks and when it it’s super I need to automate it first okay I’m gonna I’m gonna punch you down to low health how’s it going over there all right one more hit Thank you all right that escalation has begun pleasure doing business with you man there’s a potato gun with your name on it you want me to you want me to say something like uh PSA Don’t Go Near uh mushroom Hill now we want people to come near we just

Want them to know that there’s an incredible danger and honestly most of the mushroom guys are already rolling with what we’ve already started a bunch of discos that look so yeah like we don’t need small hashtag small gang yeah I think it’s almost better if you seem

Like you are stunned more so than anything yeah audacity you’re gonna go on a journey I’m not gonna let anyone teleport to me I’m just they won’t know what happened to me yeah because everyone knows everyone’s gonna think I’m dead exactly exactly exactly exactly thank you for thank you for doing

Business uh potato gun is on the way for you when the time comes okay it’s it’s it did serve the point we needed hey stuff’s gonna start getting real hot around here soon I did a kill I I saw dude you probably announced the entire world it was the [ __ ] school

You never point a gun at something here’s the thing here’s the thing here’s the thing he’s not loaded the thing is he was a paid actor what he’s a paid act he asked you to shoot him no I asked him if I could to sow deceit in chaos and make people believe

Well did you sign like a waiver uh yeah no absolutely he’s gonna get he’s gonna get his own Cannon soon okay then it’s fine well you’re Army the guy you just shot with his own gun well he’s he’s not good business bud what if he wants

Revenge dude he’s a he’s a Croucher okay maybe now but you just shot him you see the thing is if I arm everyone with potato guns then I come out with a prophet but only we will have the blaze cakes that do the most damage we give

Them the Spud cannons when we have the Flaming Spud cast we give them potatoes while we have bombs in our yes yes it’s just I really need eggs and sugar you know we used to think that diamonds were good but turns out the most valuable resources in this world is eggs

Sugar string and like a specific kind of normal rock that spawns in Cavern okay I’ll be I’ll be back soon guys goodbye okay bye-bye yeah it’s been almost six hours this time I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m done I’m done

Thank you for watching though thank you for watching gifting subs and donating bits and Etc this is a this is a very fun session just playing Lisa I’ll catch you all tomorrow at the usual time goodbye

This video, titled ‘get SMALL or get GOT – Tomato Minecraft (BounceSMP) part 2 stream highlights’, was uploaded by GnomeGeso on 2022-10-21 13:45:02. It has garnered 17625 views and 647 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:36 or 2436 seconds.

Small people escalation

Full stream: tamto: Thanks for watching!

no timestamps this time around ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server

    Experience the Ultimate Minecraft Adventure on Minewind Server Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking to enhance your gaming experience? Look no further! Join the exciting world of Minewind Minecraft Server today. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities for exploration and creativity, Minewind is the perfect place for players of all levels to come together and enjoy the game. Experience the thrill of survival mode, build epic structures, participate in thrilling PvP battles, or simply relax and socialize with fellow gamers. The possibilities are endless on Minewind. To join the fun, simply enter the server IP: YT.MINEWIND.NET in your Minecraft client and start your adventure… Read More

  • Brewing ALL Minecraft Potions with Create Mod!

    Brewing ALL Minecraft Potions with Create Mod! Bulk Brewing EVERY Minecraft Potion with the Create Mod! Introduction In the world of Minecraft, Batsi from Skull Island embarks on a new project – creating a brewing station to craft every potion in the game. With the help of the Create Mod, Batsi dives into the intricate process of setting up a system to brew and upgrade potions efficiently. Building the Brewing Station Batsi starts by revamping the interior of the station to serve as a broadcast station and video editing hub. With creative changes like adding a computer setup and decorative elements, the station transforms into a… Read More

  • Stuck in a Chunk: Minecraft Shenanigans!

    Stuck in a Chunk: Minecraft Shenanigans! Minecraft: Bloquรฉ dans un Chunk – ร‰pisode 5 Exploration et Enchantements Dans cet รฉpisode de Minecraft, Tonnian se retrouve bloquรฉ dans un Chunk, mais cela ne l’empรชche pas de poursuivre ses aventures. Il se lance dans l’exploration des mines pour trouver des ressources prรฉcieuses. Aprรจs avoir pรชchรฉ pendant un certain temps, Tonnian parvient enfin ร  obtenir un livre, essentiel pour la crรฉation d’une table d’enchantement. Il s’attelle alors ร  l’enchantement de son armure pour se prรฉparer ร  de nouvelles rencontres et dรฉfis. Construction et Projets Futurs Tonnian envisage de construire une sphรจre magique en haut de son arbre gรฉant,… Read More

  • Dreamy Miners: Minecraft Animation

    Dreamy Miners: Minecraft Animation The Quest for Miners in Minecraft Imagine delving deep into the pixelated world of Minecraft, eagerly searching for valuable diamonds in the dark recesses of a cave. Now, picture stumbling upon a humorous twist – instead of diamonds, you find yourself on a quest for miners! This unexpected turn of events adds a delightful element of surprise to your virtual adventure. Exploring the Depths As you navigate through the intricate tunnels and caverns of Minecraft, the thrill of discovery propels you forward. The dimly lit passageways hold the promise of hidden treasures, whether they be precious ores or unexpected… Read More

  • Who’s the Hreo in Minecraft? A Rhyme to Unravel the Mystery!

    Who's the Hreo in Minecraft? A Rhyme to Unravel the Mystery! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks are the key, Hreo is the hero, the one we all see. With animations so smooth, and stories so grand, He’s the one we all love in this pixelated land. Discussing with Hreo, the master of the game, Unraveling secrets, and bringing us fame. With characters like Steven James and Alunji Shiro, Their adventures are epic, their journey a hero. But remember, don’t copy, just enjoy the show, With music by Roa, let the creativity flow. So join in the fun, with hashtags galore, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more. Read More

  • Ultimate Trident Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21

    Ultimate Trident Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Exploring the Trident Bartering Farm in Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 Are you ready to dive into the world of Minecraft Bedrock 1.21 and discover the wonders of the Trident Bartering Farm? This innovative farm, designed by the talented @tanbow, promises to revolutionize your gameplay experience by providing you with an abundance of Tridents like never before. With the potential to collect around 60 Tridents per hour, this farm is truly a game-changer for any Minecraft enthusiast. Materials Needed To construct this impressive Trident Bartering Farm, you will need a variety of materials, including: 1 sandstone About 128 glass blocks or… Read More

  • Titanic Twists: 22 Mutant Mobs Unleashed in Minecraft!

    Titanic Twists: 22 Mutant Mobs Unleashed in Minecraft! In the world of Minecraft, mutants arise, With Titans and mobs that terrorize. From Ender dragon to creeper so sly, Each mutant brings a new challenge to try. The Mutant mod adds a thrilling twist, To battles and encounters, can’t resist. So gear up, get ready, for a fight so grand, Against mutant warden and Titan so grand. Subscribe, like, and turn on the bell, So you don’t miss a moment, oh what a spell. Stay tuned for more updates, more fun, In the world of Minecraft, under the sun. With rhymes and emojis, we bring the news, Of… Read More

  • Minecraft Masterclass

    Minecraft Masterclass The Art of Minecraft: A Creative Journey Exploring the World of Minecraft Paintings Minecraft, the beloved sandbox game, has recently introduced a plethora of new paintings that have captured the hearts of players worldwide. These paintings, often used as decorative elements in the game, have become a staple in the Minecraft community’s creations and builds. The abstract nature of the paintings allows players to interpret them in various ways, sparking interesting conversations and adding depth to the game’s artistic side. Meet the Artists Behind the Brushes One of the masterminds behind the new paintings is Kristoffer Zetterstrand, an artist… Read More

  • Unbeatable Iron Farm: 350+ Per Hour!

    Unbeatable Iron Farm: 350+ Per Hour! The Ultimate Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.21 Welcome to the ultimate guide on creating the best Iron Farm in Minecraft 1.21! This farm is designed to provide you with a whopping 350+ Iron per hour, making it one of the most efficient ways to gather this valuable resource while AFK in the early game. Farm Details Here are some key details about this incredible Iron Farm: Farm Performance: +350 to +400 Iron per hour! Farm Mode: Fully Automatic Versions: Compatible with Minecraft versions 1.16 to 1.21 Platforms: Java Edition supported, Bedrock Edition not tested Building Materials The materials required… Read More

  • Mastering Mace Enchantments in Minecraft

    Mastering Mace Enchantments in Minecraft The Ultimate Guide to Mace Enchantments In Minecraft Introduction In the vast world of Minecraft, players are constantly seeking ways to enhance their gameplay. One popular method is through enchantments, which provide various benefits to weapons and tools. Today, we delve into the realm of mace enchantments, exploring the best options to unleash your full potential in the game. Unleashing the Power of Mace Enchantments Maces are formidable weapons in Minecraft, known for their ability to deal significant damage to enemies. To maximize their effectiveness, players can enchant maces with powerful abilities that can turn the tide of battle… Read More

  • Exploring Terrifying Minecraft Seeds with SDKInsaan

    Exploring Terrifying Minecraft Seeds with SDKInsaanVideo Information เคฎเคพ เค†เคœ เคเคธเคพ เคธเฅ€เคŸเฅเคธ เคฒเฅ‡เค•เฅ‡ เค†เคฏเคพ เคนเฅ‚เค‚ เคœเฅ‹ เคฆเฅ‡เค–เคจเฅ‡ เค•เฅ‡ เคฌเคพเคฆ เค†เคช เคฒเฅ‹เค— เคถเฅ‰เค• เคนเฅ‹ เคœเคพเค“เค—เฅ‡ เคธเคš เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เค—เคพเค‡เคธ เคฒเคฟเคŸเคฐเคฒเฅ€ เคคเฅ‹ เค†เคœ เค•เคพ เคตเฅ€เคกเคฟเคฏเฅ‹ เคธเฅเคŸเคพเคฐเฅเคŸ เค•เคฐเคคเฅ‡ เคนเฅˆเค‚ เคฒเฅ‡เคŸเฅเคธ เค—เฅ‹ เคคเฅ‹ เค—เคพเค‡เคธ เคฎเฅˆเค‚ เค† เคœเคพเคคเคพ เคนเฅ‚เค‚ เคจเคฏเคพ เคตเคพเคฒเคพ เคตเคฐเฅเคฒเฅเคก เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เคฎเฅเคเฅ‡ เค•เฅเค› เคญเฅ€ เคชเคคเคพ เคจเคนเฅ€เค‚ เคนเฅ‹เคคเคพ เคฏเฅ‡ เคตเคพเคฒเคพ เคตเคฐเฅเคฒเฅเคก เค•เคพ เคธเฅ€เคกเฅเคธ เคฎเฅเคเฅ‡ เคฎเฅ‡เคฐเฅ‡ เคญเคพเคˆ เคจเฅ‡ เคฆเคฟเคฏเคพ เคนเฅˆ เคคเฅ‹ เคฆเฅ‡เค–เคคเฅ‡ เคนเฅˆเค‚ เคฏเคน เคตเคพเคฒเคพ เคธเฅ€เคŸเฅเคธ เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เค•เฅเคฏเคพ เคนเฅ‹เคคเคพ เคนเฅˆ เคต เคจเคนเฅ€เค‚ เคนเฅ‹เคคเคพ เคฒเฅ‡เคŸเฅเคธ เค—เฅ‹ เคคเฅ‹ เคซเฅเคฒ เคตเฅ€เคกเคฟเคฏเฅ‹ เค•เฅ‹ เคตเคพเคšเคฟเค‚เค— เค•เคฐเฅ‡เค—เคพ เคจเคนเฅ€เค‚ เคคเฅ‹ เคฎเคœเคพ เคจเคนเฅ€เค‚ เคตเคพเคฒเคพ เค†เคœ เค•เคพ เคตเฅ€เคกเคฟเคฏเฅ‹ เคตเคฐเฅเคก เค•เฅเคฏเคพ เคนเฅ‹เคคเคพ เคนเฅˆ เคฆเฅ‡เค–เคคเฅ‡ เคนเฅˆเค‚ เค—เคพเค‡เคธ เคนเคฎเคพเคฐเฅ‡ เคธเคพเคฅ เคนเคฎเค•เฅ‹ เค•เฅเค› เคญเฅ€ เคฌเคคเคพ… Read More

  • 365 Days of Insane UwU Fun – You Won’t Believe What Happens!

    365 Days of Insane UwU Fun - You Won't Believe What Happens!Video Information This video, titled ‘ั„ะฐะฝั‚ะฐะนะผ ั‚ะฒะพั€ะธั‚ ั‡ัƒะดะตัะฐ’, was uploaded by 365xXxUwUxXx365 on 2024-06-18 23:37:23. It has garnered 6701 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:15 or 75 seconds. #holyworld #gg #minecraft Recruitment to clan psycho write to ds it’s below! discord ne36ff #holyworld #gg #minecraft holyworld minecraft, whoopsen anarchy, broke bedrock in player base, wipe anarchy, trade after wipe, after wipe, that they won’t be found minecraft anarchy, carrot farm minecraft, ifrit farm, griefing minecraft, sold my base, how I sold my base to griefers, magma cube farm, auto-potion makers, anarchy brewed a lot of… Read More

  • Unbelievable Nether Portal Design – Minecraft Tutorial

    Unbelievable Nether Portal Design - Minecraft TutorialVideo Information [Music] e [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] [Music] n [Music] he [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he [Music] a [Music] hey [Music] a [Music] hey [Music] oh [Music] hey [Music] a This video, titled ‘Epic Nether Portal Design – Minecraft Tutorial’, was uploaded by LostInMC on 2024-03-05 10:20:05. It has garnered 909 views and 30 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:59 or 719 seconds. Cheers everyone! Here is another Minecraft Tutorial. This time it’s an Epic Nether Portal with a Dragon Head Statue on… Read More

  • INSANE BATTLE with Minecraft Server Founder!

    INSANE BATTLE with Minecraft Server Founder!Video Information This video, titled ‘So, I Fought Founder of this Minecraft Server…’, was uploaded by Furaexion on 2024-03-18 07:00:14. It has garnered 78 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:36 or 36 seconds. Discord: furaexion_ Subscribe Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Subscribe! Tags Ignore! cpvp,vanilla pvp,minecraft,mcpvp,crystal pvp,sakurafx,sakura,new kb,old kb,minecraft pvp,1.19.2,1.19.4,1.20,1.20.1,1.20.2,ht1,t1,tier 1,tier 2,tier 3,lt1,ht2,lt2,ht3,lt3,tier list,minecraft tier list,tier fight,drain ficrystal pvp,cpvp,lt3,ht3,drdonut,minecraft,minecraft pvp,minecraft crystal,mc crystal,mc cpvp,marlow,marlowww,ht1,tier 1,tier 2,tier 3,tier 4,tier 5,mc,mc pvp,minecraft vanilla,vanilla pvp,vanilla tier list,mc tier list,minecraft tier list,vtl,au,australia,best au,crystal montage,cpvp montage,minecraft montage,minecraft edit,minecraft elytra,end crystal,respawn anchor,anchor chain,minecraft elytra swap,1.19,1.19.4,new kbght,crystal montage,cpvp montage,vanilla montage,vanilla crystal pvp,mc… Read More

  • ๐Ÿ”ฅEPIC Minecraft Java Session 2- Fabulously Fabric Season 1๐Ÿ”ฅ

    ๐Ÿ”ฅEPIC Minecraft Java Session 2- Fabulously Fabric Season 1๐Ÿ”ฅVideo Information quick oh my God stay in no you’re not going to thank you [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I had no we should just call this Sky hurricane Java world [ __ ] [ __ ] well that’s what everybody’s going to hear at the beginning of the stream hey everybody and uh welcome to another crazy session um we’re going to be going into the nether in this one hope yall are having a great evening and oh the nether is uh it’s going to be different so actually I made some different… Read More


    BROKEN Luxifeeeerr DESTROYS WARZONE ๐Ÿ˜ฑVideo Information no p roto roto roto la consola est muy cagado estuvo muy cadoo loco [ __ ] mre iba corriendo bien tranquilo y le peg un [ __ ] brano en la espalda pued This video, titled ‘Pero estaba roto eh #gaming #memes #humor #clips #funny #twitch #gamer #warzone’, was uploaded by Luxifeeeerr on 2024-01-14 10:12:19. It has garnered 4 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:31 or 31 seconds. mas clips como estos en mi canal de twitch luxifeeeerr suscribanse y denle like pofa luxifeeeerr COD luxifeeeerr minecraft luxifeeeerr random luxifeeeerr minecraft luxifeeeerr… Read More

  • EPIC New Gun Shop Build for Contractor ๐Ÿ˜ฑ | Minecraft Survival Pt 4

    EPIC New Gun Shop Build for Contractor ๐Ÿ˜ฑ | Minecraft Survival Pt 4Video Information [เคธเค‚เค—เฅ€เคค] เคคเฅ‹ เค—เคพเค‡เคธ เค†เคช เคฒเฅ‹เค— เค•เฅเค›เฅ‡ เค—เคฒเคค เคธ เคšเฅ€เคœ เคนเฅˆ เคฏเฅ‡ เคฎเฅเคเฅ‡ เค‰เคธ เคฌเค‚เคฆเฅ‡ เคจเฅ‡ เคฆเคฟเคฏเคพ เคนเฅˆ เคœเคฟเคธเค•เฅ‹ เค…เคชเคจเฅ€ เค—เคจ เคธ เคฌเคจเคพเคจเฅ€ เคนเฅ‹ เค”เคฐ เคนเคพเค‚ เค—เคพเค‡เคธ เคฎเฅˆเค‚ เค†เคชเค•เฅ‹ เคฌเคคเคพเคจเคพ เคคเฅ‹ เคญเฅ‚เคฒเฅ‡เค—เคพ เค•เคฟ เค†เคœ เค•เฅ€ เค‡เคธ เคตเคพเคฒเฅ€ เคชเคก เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เคนเคฎ เคฒเฅ‹เค— เคฌเคจเคพเคจเฅ‡ เคตเคพเคฒเฅ‡ เคนเฅˆเค‚ เค…เคชเคจเฅ‡ เคฒเคฟเค เค—เคจ เคถเฅ‰เคช เคฎเคคเคฒเคฌ เค…เคชเคจเฅ‡ เคฒเคฟเค เคฎเคคเคฒเคฌ เคนเคฎ เคจเคนเฅ€เค‚ เคฌเคจเคพเคจเฅ‡ เคตเคพเคฒเฅ‡ เคนเฅˆเค‚ เคตเฅ‹ เคนเคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เคฆเฅ‚เคธเคฐเฅ‡ เคฌเค‚เคฆเฅ‡ เคจเฅ‡ เค•เคพเค‚เคŸเฅ‡เค•เฅเคŸ เคฆเคฟเคฏเคพ เคนเฅˆ เคคเฅ‹ เค‰เคธเค•เคพ เคนเคฎ เค•เค‚เคชเฅเคฒเฅ€เคŸ เค•เคฐเคจเฅ‡ เคตเคพเคฒเฅ‡ เคนเฅˆเค‚ เค”เคฐ เคตเฅ‹ เคนเคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เค‰เคธเค•เฅ‡ เคฌเคฆเคฒเฅ‡ เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เคฆเฅ‡เคจเฅ‡ เคตเคพเคฒเคพ เคนเฅˆ เคฌเคนเฅเคค เคธเคพเคฐเฅ‡ เคกเคพเคฏเคฎเค‚เคกเฅเคธ เคคเฅ‹ เค…เคญเฅ€ เค†เคงเคพ เคธเคพเคจ เคฎเฅˆเค‚เคจเฅ‡ เค‰เค เคพ เคฒเคฟเคฏเคพ เค†เคงเคพ เคธเคพเคจ เคฎเฅ‡เคฐเฅ‡ เคฆเฅ‹เคธเฅเคค เคฎเฅ‡เค‚ เคคเฅ‹ เคฎเฅˆเค‚ เคœเคฒเฅเคฆเฅ€… Read More

  • Unlock ALL Amazing Circus Addons in Minecraft PE!

    Unlock ALL Amazing Circus Addons in Minecraft PE!Video Information This video, titled ‘EVERY The Amazing Digital Circus ADDON in (MINECRAFT PE) 4’, was uploaded by Skibidi Craft on 2024-01-14 02:00:22. It has garnered 4209 views and 22 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:14 or 674 seconds. subscribe:) Read More

  • Voxelime SMP

    Voxelime SMPIntroducing our Minecraft Server – Voxelime SMP Tired of boring vanilla Minecraft? Dive into our vibrant server packed with epic features that’ll keep you entertained for hours! Powerful Anti-Cheat: Both Java & Bedrock players are protected by our well-tested anti-cheat system, ensuring fair gameplay. Goodbye, cheaters! Claim your lands: Secure your territory with our intuitive land claim system. Build, farm, and create without fear of griefing! X-Ray Outta Here: We’ve got clever systems to block X-ray, keeping resources hidden and exploration exciting! Server Shop: Our in-game shop area lets you buy and sell your items and earn or spend in… Read More

  • Prime SMP – PVP SMP

    Join Prime SMP for an Immersive Experience Enjoy watching your favorite SMP’s like Bliss and Lifesteal, but disappointed that you cannot join them? Look no further, featuring the Prime SMP! Combine both Bliss and Lifesteal with custom plugins and a custom resource pack for an immersive experience. Participate in frequent events to earn special items or improve the world. Whether you’re a regular player or a content creator, our first season welcomes you. Simply answer our questions when applying. Apply now for the Prime SMP: Read More

  • Magetown Network

    Magetown NetworkLooking for a thrilling survival Minecraft experience? Join the Magetown Network, where magic, challenges, and camaraderie await!Explore enchanting landscapes and discover hidden treasures.Face epic challenges and conquer dangerous creatures.Build magnificent structures and unleash your creativity.Harness the power of magic and embark on epic quests.Engage with a vibrant community of like-minded players.Features:Easy to create chest shopsA small but consistent communityVery stable performanceNo pay to win (no webstore)No game-breaking changesClaimsActive moderator teamNew game modes planned in the very near futureCommunity-driven modelPowered by donationsRegular streams of the serverEasy-to-contact moderator team in the event of griefing or hackingJoin us now and immerse yourself in… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Me IRL, but make it Minecraft”

    Minecraft Memes - "Me IRL, but make it Minecraft"Looks like this meme is mining for some laughs with a score of 26! Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes ๐Ÿ”ฅ

    Spicy Minecraft Memes ๐Ÿ”ฅ “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” #minecraftlovegonewrong ๐Ÿ˜‚๐ŸŽฎ๐Ÿ’” Read More

  • Sabotaging a Pay-to-Win Minecraft Server

    Sabotaging a Pay-to-Win Minecraft Server Destroying a YouTuber’s Pay-to-win Minecraft Server Introduction In a recent video, zman1064, TheMisterEpic, ItzOwo, Sapire, and PeepMC teamed up to wreak havoc on LoverFella’s pay-to-win Minecraft server. The mission? Duping and crashing the server in epic fashion. Special thanks to Mr_Copyright for the chaos that ensued. Chapter I: Duping The team embarked on a journey to exploit the server by duping items. With a simple command, they managed to duplicate items and accumulate wealth rapidly. However, their actions did not go unnoticed, leading to bans and chaos within the server. The thrill of outsmarting the system added an element… Read More

  • SUPER OP 2024 Skyblock Server! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ | Minecraft 1.8 – 1.21

    SUPER OP 2024 Skyblock Server! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ | Minecraft 1.8 - 1.21Video Information all righty yo what is going on ladies and gentlemen magic here and guys we are playing Sky Block now boys and girls it has been a very very long time since I have made a video on this channel to be honest I don’t really have an excuse I just kind of quit Minecraft just lost interest honestly just didn’t enjoy content creation as much as I used to but I’m really happy to announce that you know I’m playing some Sky Block today uh it may be a ruring thing I’m not 100% sure yet but… Read More

  • Algorithm Secrets Unveiled

    Algorithm Secrets UnveiledVideo Information hello and welcome back to another battle Box video it has been like 10 days since I have last uploaded a video which y’all know the deal I want to fix my upload schedule I haven’t fixed my upload schedule schools hard I’m going to save you all the details you guys know the drill but I have actually finally got a chance to upload a video again because my team is actually rolling everybody right now I’m doing nothing maybe I should actually go and like there we go I did something but I actually went to… Read More

  • EPIC sythei Loka Montage – MUST SEE!

    EPIC sythei Loka Montage - MUST SEE!Video Information This video, titled ‘Loka Montage #1’, was uploaded by sythei on 2024-06-22 07:07:22. It has garnered 484 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:23 or 83 seconds. hi im bored Server: #loka #minecraft #pvp Tags (ignore): Fruitzilly, Stealthreflex_, Stealthreflecks, Xicz, BL4DeZ_, simplesyed, kolocc, Best Ht3, roist_, spawnplayer, blvckwlf, purxy_, nethpot,,, cartpvp montage, cart, cartpvp, npot, smp montage, smp #minecraftpvp #crystalpvp #minecraft Tags (Ignore) Azam Butterflied, Bqnny, Ceeew, Drew, Fronkey, Innaplicable, ItzRealMe, Juan_Clean, LoCr, Lurrn, Beanscord, Novi, Snyfort, Tqmen, TryH4rdd TwoHandsRevy UccDawg, Vexaay, iDexy, michaelcycle00, theo 404, InvisGhost, Netherite, Vizzzo, sword, ffa,… Read More

  • INSANE MINECRAFT ACHIEVEMENTS!!! #shorts #minecraft

    INSANE MINECRAFT ACHIEVEMENTS!!! #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘All Did This In Minecraft / MS MC / #shorts #minecraft #shortsminecraft’, was uploaded by MS MC on 2024-05-02 09:49:26. It has garnered 9969 views and 689 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. #minecraft #thankyou #minecraftbuilding #minecraftseeds #minecraftshorts #minecraftupdate #support #watch #youtubeshorts Read More

  • LOST in Minecraft?! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Xobix FREAKS out! #shorts

    LOST in Minecraft?! ๐Ÿ˜ฑ Xobix FREAKS out! #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘This one lost player in Minecraft… ๐Ÿ™„#shorts’, was uploaded by Xobix on 2024-01-14 11:00:24. It has garnered 974 views and 36 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Discord Server: #shorts #short #minecraft #goofy #mlg #viral #goviral @Xobix07 Read More

  • Minecraft Pro Builds Secret Sheep Army?! #Minecraft

    Minecraft Pro Builds Secret Sheep Army?! #MinecraftVideo Information [Music] the This video, titled ‘JJ Minecraft domba domba kuring |#minecraft #jj #fypใ‚ท #GG’, was uploaded by Naoky_YGY on 2024-05-23 14:05:16. It has garnered 472 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:24 or 24 seconds. Read More

  • Secrets of the Bronytales Server Revealed | Must Watch Now!

    Secrets of the Bronytales Server Revealed | Must Watch Now!Video Information [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Applause] [Music] hello everyone how y’all doing hello D hello Nicholas what will I build today hell if I know I never really know what I’m doing going into these streams we’ll see hello Yumi hello Marx hello psychop petzel hello AER hello major quadrangle okay I’m going to chug some water before we really get started hello Phoebe hello horror Pony a that’s better that’s better I think my are my eyes too high hang on maybe they’re fine maybe they’re fine I felt like they were too high hello… Read More

  • Get Ready for Epic Minecraft Live Stream!

    Get Ready for Epic Minecraft Live Stream!Video Information This video, titled ‘Divine-Gamers Realm: Minecraft Survival Be there for DiscoDixon12’s live stream tomorrow 19:00 BST’, was uploaded by divine-gamers on 2024-06-13 19:37:50. It has garnered 263 views and 66 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:54 or 54 seconds. Join me on my upcoming Minecraft Survival Live Stream as we embark on an incredible journey to build the ultimate XP Gold Farm! Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, this stream is packed with excitement, creativity, and non-stop action. Read More

  • EPIC Survival Adventure | Minecraft Series

    EPIC Survival Adventure | Minecraft SeriesVideo Information This video, titled ‘Starting A New World | Minecraft’, was uploaded by VensHandle on 2024-03-04 10:54:00. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. The Discord: Twitter: venhandle TikTok: VensHandle Cashapp: VensHandle (Cat PFP) … Read More

  • Gold Ingots Survival

    Gold Ingots SurvivalLifesteal Survival No land claims Clans Item Economy Dozens of Enhanced Weapons / Tools To Obtain In game events (Bloodmoon, King of the Hill, And More!) Read More

  • ZynnCraft Vanilla NON-P2W Factions

    ZynnCraft Minecraft Server Welcome to the ZynnCraft Minecraft Server 1.20.6 Join ZynnCraft Minecraft server! Server IP: Bedrock port: 25565 Version: 1.20+ Vanilla+ Factions Non-Pay-to-Win Ability Item Join the discord: Discord Server Server Trailer: Watch Here A Non-Pay-to-Win Vanilla+ Factions experience Server Overview: Welcome to our Vanilla+ Factions server, where you can experience Minecraft the way it was meant to be played! Our server focuses on maintaining the classic vanilla-plus experience while introducing some unique twists to keep the gameplay exciting and engaging. Now running on 1.20.6 and supporting Bedrock players! Join the discord: Discord Server Join us at:… Read More

  • ATM 9 – By Night Time Gaming

    ATM 9 - By Night Time Gamingthis is a WIP Public ATM9 server by Night Time Gaming all info on the port for this server is 25566Our goal here is to work hard to keep up a lag free server we offer the best rollback system EVER!discord and other info on site ๐Ÿ™‚ – ๏ปฟ – LIVE MAP! find a place to start HD 3d views server has 24 cores and 64 GB RAM 24 dedicated :0 enjoy! home hosted ๐Ÿ™‚ Im on discord 24/7 and can help solve problems quite fast ๐Ÿ™‚ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mining Luck like a Boss

    Never thought I’d be this lucky…until I found a diamond block right next to my spawn point! Read More

  • Random World Woes: Minecraft’s Survival Show

    Random World Woes: Minecraft's Survival Show In a world of random blocks, I spawned with glee, Exploring the chaos, what a sight to see. Diamonds and villages, all in my path, Crafting tools and upgrades, facing the aftermath. But wait, a twist in the tale, a portal gone wrong, Netherite armor, but stuck for so long. Struggling with fire, in a world so bizarre, The random blocks world, taking me far. But alas, a mishap, my portal destroyed, Trapped in the chaos, feeling annoyed. Yet in the end, it’s all just a game, Minecraft’s randomness, never the same. Read More

  • Pedro’s Minecraft Animation: The Hottest Meme Ever!

    Pedro's Minecraft Animation: The Hottest Meme Ever! When you accidentally type “pedro” three times in a row and summon a Minecraft animation wizard named Pedro, who just wants to make memes and play games all day. #PedroCeption #MinecraftMagic Read More

  • Stylish End Exploration & Cyberpunk Shulker Trap! – Chill Survival – #18

    Stylish End Exploration & Cyberpunk Shulker Trap! - Chill Survival - #18 Minecraft Survival Adventure: Exploring the End and Crafting a Shulker Trap Introduction In the world of Minecraft, Meikyan embarks on a thrilling survival adventure in the Java Edition. With a focus on creativity and exploration, she delves into the mysterious realm of the End and crafts a unique Shulker trap. Let’s dive into the exciting journey filled with challenges and discoveries! End Exploration and Shulker Trap Construction Meikyan’s journey begins with a successful defeat of Endora, acquiring gunpowder for elytra fireworks. Her creeper trap watchtower stands tall, a testament to her survival skills. As she ventures into the End,… Read More

get SMALL or get GOT – Tomato Minecraft (BounceSMP) part 2 stream highlights