Graser – Minecraft, But With Custom Diamonds..

Video Information

In this video i have the ability to create a diamond table that allows me to make custom diamonds never before seen in minecraft every custom diamond has its own unique ability find out if they’re good by subscribing we’re less than 300 000 away from the big three

Mill and let’s aim for 349 likes on this video look at this spawn this feels like i’m inside of like some sort of paradise i’m in the middle of a jungle with a ruined portal in front of me on an island mixed in with jungle bushes and this better be

The best ruined portal chest i’ve ever seen it has a gold sword in it with obsidian influenced steel and a lot of flint so that’s kind of good but not really because today we’re gonna be focusing mainly on diamonds now i have to find my way out of this jungle so

That i don’t you know lose myself in it and maybe we’ll find a jungle temple on the way well all right game just put it right out in the open for me that couldn’t have been easier that’s the easiest jungle temple i’ve ever found but yes today to make custom diamonds

We’re going to need the diamond table and obviously to make the diamond table we’re going to need to surround a diamond with a bunch of crafting tables now i should probably stay clear of this there’s always this trap thing in here and i don’t even have a pick or anything

No he got me we do get some free arrows from this which is good and inside the chest we get some gold right off the bat with some bones and some iron that’s perfect actually because we’ll have a quick wood mining session make a quick iron pickaxe and grab the

Additional loot in here please have a diamond no i was low-key really hoping we’d find a diamond right off the bat there so we could just start making custom diamonds instantly ah holy smokes this is a good seed we have a village here too okay i’ve been living off rotten flesh so

This is really good i was hoping i wouldn’t die now we can do our quick hay bale session and maybe there’s a diamond in one of these village chests who knows grab me all these hay bales stop myself from starving beautiful and would anyone in this village happen to have a lovely

Diamond it’s not common you find those really good chests anymore but hey you know what maybe oh i just set my respawn point but maybe one of these villagers could offer a trade for it there’s a farmer nope this is pointless okay we’re doing our strat of digging

We do need those crafty tables one sec there we go we have nine of them we only need eight we’ll put those at the top of our inventory and now i will dig straight down and advertise my lunar client cape you can get it down in the description below new capes coming soon

And hopefully i don’t dig down into something really scary oh my god oh my gosh whoever the minecraft gods are i should totally have just miserably died by now that was so scary okay now i’m low in the caves i have a lot of iron at my disposal but this is good

Because we can find diamonds like right off the bat we only need one diamond to make this diamond table that’s it and come on come out wherever you are there they are beautiful oh gosh oh there’s more diamonds okay we’re doing custom diamonds but now we have a ton of

Regular ones and we have a ton of mobs please don’t tell me that creeper just blew up the no okay thank goodness he left them alone this is a huge vein too so we’ll we’ll be able to make diamond tools diamond armor and the diamond table all at once we’re already getting

Op geared we blew up here instead of here and already we have nine diamonds so we’ll go ahead put our regular crafty table down we will do our regular of surrounding all eight and uh well we’ll put a diamond in the middle in three two it’s a one

Table now if oh okay i just got something else it is a diamond core okay so i’m going to assume this works similarly to our custom hearts video that i did a couple days ago which you can see in the top of your screen of course after you watch this video

Basically these are probably used to craft all the other custom diamonds in this diamond table let’s open it up and see what we’re dealing with oh my goodness everything diamonds is just always so pretty i love it okay we actually have nine bones in our inventory from that

Jungle temple and the skeleton dying what happens if we make a bone diamond so put the diamond core in the middle of all the bones three two one whoa an exo diamond yo look at this thing what did i just get in my inventory everything’s happening so fast i just

Got an exo blaster does this fire out bones or something but real quick before anything else i’m gonna quickly make a diamond chess piece in case i kill myself with this new weapon i don’t know what it does but i hear a spider right here wow

Oh my gosh it fires out a bunch of skeleton missiles what else could it do whoa oh my goodness yo what no i’m so sorry the poor axolotls and no there’s already like op gear what is this a diamond helmet i’m breaking level 72 oh it looks

Shiny and pretty and there’s a diamond shovel over there dude there’s like loot just scattered all over the place randomly what does it have looting level 53 say hello to ender pearls fortune level 63 on the shovel fortune level 66 and the pickaxe has efficiency level 70. well now whatever diamond customly we

Want to make we can easily do so because we can get all the materials in the game this wait a second i didn’t even see what the diamond itself does i just saw what this blaster was up to uh spider whoa i just dropped out a bunch of enchanted

Skeletons but wait that’s not normal armor they’re wearing it is yes it’s skeletite skeleton boots skeletite helmet beautiful and now i look like a skeleton i’m gonna die i’m literally going to die oh my gosh all right the next diamond we are going to create is

Going to require copper i know the most useless ore in the game but oh my gosh dude i still don’t have that much gear so we’ll smelt up a ton of these guys and make them all into a bunch of lightning rods and i know you’re probably thinking crazy when do you ever

Need to create lightning rods well it’s simple when you want to make a custom lightning diamond look at that thing holy smokes zeus is diamond wait whoa okay so with every diamond i create it looks like i’m getting a custom item zeus’s scythe and holding this diamond is giving me tons

Of speed so i’m able to just go wherever i want without any issue hey spidey oh and i can launch it at mobs and enable zeus’s lightning power okay so it’s basically a prod i can use this against the ender dragon creeper die there he goes yeah this will be a valid tool

Maybe i won’t even need a bow but it wasn’t that that i was concerned about it was the scythe what does this do what just fell down let’s ignore the fact that you know like 17 ravines were just created using the scythe we’ll scoop up all of these i’m just gonna

Grab as many as i can but hold on what happens if we make a diamond diamond does it do like some sort of crazy what the heck is that thing super diamond now we’re gonna go and use the super diamond whoa all right so that just dropped us a ton

Of armor what was that that was falling from the sky though it’s a bunch of different types of diamonds and i just got an electro remember we have to keep all the items that it’s giving to us maybe we’ll have to do an elytra diamond that’ll allow us to fly

Infinitely so we’ll have to create that let me just grab a bunch of those and whoa it’s giving me some cool effect hey all right guys it’s time to put my looting to the test i just found two endermen if i would kill him which he shouldn’t be

Able to kill me right because i got like a nice good bit of [Applause] that’s enough to go all the way to the end now we just need blaze rods i don’t even need to kill another enderman i can spare you you’re good but right here

What i will need to do is a super quick obsidian binding session oh my gosh that’s more than we’ll ever need and if we just mine up stone very carefully we’ll get a bunch of cobble and for once cobble’s actually useful for something guys it’s the next diamond we’re going

To create if we just go ahead and put some obsidian here and some cobble over that on the other side we put that core in the middle an oblivy rock diamond and we just got another custom item oblivi rock battle axe what does this do oh my god what the oh

Oh my gosh and there’s a dungeon right behind me what you can’t make this up what’s inside the golden apple thanks the golden apple wasn’t gonna save me from plunging a hundred feet to my death in the void but get out of here you stinking zombies now

I’m afraid about what this battle ax is gonna do [Laughter] oh my gosh oh no those endermen are they’re really not happy with me they’re coming to me right now give me all those pearls do you think you’re any match for me yeah your friend was like yeah i’m

Not gonna mess with him look at this a nice beautiful amethyst geode wait a second amethyst diamond maybe anyone so there’s no pure amethyst diamond but if we combine three diamonds with a bunch of shards and put the cores in the middle we get the christo diamond

Dude have we had enough diamond action yet i don’t think so what does the cristo diamond do oh my goodness are these all the different kinds of diamonds acting as a force field protecting me from any danger what is that diamond that looks really cool i want it

What the heck was that this thing can spawn like a huge obsidian block from the sky and it just made a huge crater we need to go check that out now okay i have ender pearls we can get up there pretty easily and what are we gonna see oh my gosh

What happened here there is another right stuff all over the place i didn’t need anything but now i have it protection level 67 what if we use that netherrate that we just got and we i don’t know combine it with diamonds to make another custom diamond is it going to make us

Oh dude it looks like a galaxy nebula diamond oh and we just got another a nebula blade what does the nebula diamond do it rains down black holes oh my gosh yeah moms are oh my god dude mobs are sucked into this thing tons of black holes what does a nebula blade do

Okay that doesn’t need to be there anymore we’ll get rid of all the terrain and i have a laser blaster that gives me a bunch of more enchanted diamond stuff so much to do with diamonds holy smokes you smell that that’s the sweet smell of fresh poppies give these to me because

We’re gonna need to make a new custom diamond baby turn these into red dye make ourselves a couple diamond swords and put them in here with all that red goodness we get the saber diamond and this oh my goodness this is darth maul’s lightsaber from star wars but yeah

Okay i almost just killed myself what just happened ravine’s everywhere what else does this do and i just got rid of all the ravines they are gone hello zombie goodbye zombie it’s a diamond laser beam that exerts well you guessed it more diamonds okay i am the most op i think i have

Ever been i want to wear that full skeleton armor though that’s why i don’t really want to wear all this vanilla stuff now we’re going to take a bunch of these beacons dropped by the super diamond because we are going to combine elytras and beacons to make an

Ultra super diamond right now it’s the next one on the list i know i should be putting these to good use and wearing them but why wear these when i can just you know make it into a very cool well custom diamond look at that look at the eden’s diamond whoa i just

Got a full set of armor in my inventory and i’m gonna assume that this armor is better than any armor i will ever wear let me go ahead and put it on and see what it does whoa dude look at me what does this thing do whoa My gosh what it’s sucking the life out of everything around me i have an eternal deadly vortex wherever i go all the blocks will follow me oh my goodness this is actually insane it literally sucked tree leaves from all the way up there down into here that’s crazy what does the eden’s diamond

Itself do though whoa holy smoke oh my gosh i’m running at the speed of light yo check this out the rage diamond i don’t want a rage but i just got a rage bow as well what’s it gonna do when we uh hold it do we rage

Okay okay yeah we go really fast and we set fires everywhere what’s the bow do oh my gosh what was that oh it’s a broken down portal that’s what it is hold on if i fire this off into the woods yo it just leaves a trail of

Nether stuff or whatever that’s so cool that’s a bunch of rage withers this thing can spawn rage withers dude they’re so scary a little rage with her okay that wasn’t a good idea ron grazer with your rage diamond get out of here you ever wonder what time it is well

No need to anymore by the way we only have six of these cores left so we’re running low but we can now make a time diamond so if we wanted to if we wanted something to have everything to do with time we now have it so time diamond baby teleports

Us anywhere and drops us beautiful enderite armor hello enderite i don’t know if i’ll be needing you i don’t even know what to drop anymore i have too much stuff yeah that’s the underrated armor i kind of like what i’m wearing already and it drops eye avengers and

Ender pearls okay perfect i was just wondering how we were gonna get a hold of the blaze rods and it looks like it’s giving us plenty of these guys just gotta keep teeping all over the place beautiful we have 16 of them we will launch this in the air and which way are

We going i didn’t even see where that eye of ender went oh it’s this way and of course it also has the ability to change the the time of day why wouldn’t it so now this is basically my universe whatever i say goes oh and i guess while

We’re headed toward the stronghold it’s probably time to make you know the most epic diamond of all so put a bunch of beacons put some diamond and gold blocks and we will put a core in the middle and oh my gosh the titan diamond there it is ladies and

Gentlemen what did i just get in my inventory i’m massive oh my gosh holding this thing makes me ginormous okay wait we still need to scoop up our diamond table i don’t want to lose that at all what does this thing do oh my gosh it spawns

Ultra large mobs well they’re gonna die unless i make it night now they’re gonna live i wonder if they’re on my side i wonder if i can face the ender dragon with all these guys yo this is sick what’s up guys yeah they’re not fighting

Me i just have a bunch of giants i have a giant army i’ve just scaled up the size of this minecraft world oh my goodness my search for the stronghold has brought us right back into the jungle i’m literally the king of the jungle baby yeah

I do this is like a movie wait a second this is where i spawned hold on where’s the stronghold it’s back here did i spawn right next to the stronghold at the beginning of this video it’s not right here it has to be it’s going down the stronghold was

Within a hundred blocks 50 blocks even where i spawned okay there’s a special custom diamond though that i want to use to get down here all it takes is a little bit of redstone and one netherright sword and we get the vampire diamond and what this thing does guys i

Don’t even know what i should like throw out in here oh my items are giant now if i use this completely gets rid of every layer of the world down to bedrock okay so now the only thing i’m hoping is that while this discovers the stronghold for us

It’s right here literally that it doesn’t take out the actual end room though i’m pretty sure the end room itself is pretty invincible i don’t know though this is quite a way to discover it though i’m massive and i’m just standing above this freaking thing oh my gosh there’s the library hey library

Goodbye library and there’s the end room oh my god are you i’m so lucky it just cut off at the end room so now we have our eyes of ender okay i need to actually get into this place like now before this thing keeps bringing me more

Down because it will oh brother i might be stuck oh my gosh oh my gosh okay am i safe yes i got up and here we go there were two pre-filled i gotta make sure i don’t lose any of these guys and it’s uh it’s open but now the

Challenge is i actually have to get into it because i don’t know if i can undo my giant-ness i’m just stuck in this mode i can’t even get into the end portal and there we go oh and i’m back to normal now am i am i normal no i am

Definitely not guys i have spawned in the end swimming as a giant not my ideal scenario just let me out and here we are hello end hey dragon i don’t remember the last time i was in here just almost at your height like this now

I can just use my titan liar here thingy and just spawn a bunch of gigantic mobs that are going to kill everyone in the end for me what a battle okay just don’t die by the creepers because i don’t have unlimited health i was losing i was

Actually losing quite a bit there so while they’re going around battling all those guys i will take care of the dragon let’s see what he’s got oh my gosh oh my sword thing did so much damage to him i’m using the vampire diamond in here oh that might have been

A bad idea oh no this thing is gonna go to void soon wait i can literally use my own armor to suck everything in oh my gosh i’m sucking in all the mobs from the end i’m sucking in all the blocks if i get close enough to the dragon will i

Suck the dragon into my armor i think the ender dragon just fell into my vortex there’s his health bar is still there but i just saw him enter into my armor yeah i can’t see him anymore i mean i think he’s dead but there’s no

Way out so i haven’t won the game yet he has to be around here he’s down there he’s in the void where i can’t get him oh my gosh oh my oh my gosh oh my gosh what i guess the ender dragon was too powerful for me leave a like to make me

Feel better i guess

This video, titled ‘Minecraft, But With Custom Diamonds..’, was uploaded by Graser on 2021-10-07 20:39:33. It has garnered 2207754 views and 42329 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:09 or 1209 seconds.

Minecraft, But With Custom Diamonds..

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    Furious Fortune: Ultimate Ender Dragon Battle! Who will win? #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #shorts #furiousfortune’, was uploaded by Furious Fortune on 2024-05-31 13:37:53. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Ender Dragon vs Minecraft mobs(CRAZY BATTLE)[Find the stronger] #minecraft #furiousfortune #shorts #battle *Disclaimer:* The … Read More

  • OniMc

    OniMcWhat is OniMC? OniMC is more than just another Minecraft server, it’s the start of a dynamic gaming network. We’re launching with the BoxPvP game mode, but that’s only the beginning. Our vision is to create a diverse network of game modes, ensuring there’s something for everyone. Why Play on OniMC? Early Access: Be among the first to experience OniMC by applying for early access. Help shape the server and contribute to its development before the official release. Community-Led Content: Your voice matters! We actively listen to feedback from our community to enhance and refine the server. Network Expansion: OniMC… Read More

  • Flare SMP – Semi-Vanilla SMP – whitelist

    Join a Relaxed Long Term Community! About Us: The Flare Community and its Flare SMP were founded on April 14, 2023, by Antimony_Sb and a creative director. The server offers a relaxed semi-vanilla experience in a mature environment without a planned end. What Sets Us Apart from Vanilla? We offer unique features such as Dynmap, Bolt, mcMMO, GSit, FlareDeathMessages, Pets, Cosmetics, Decorations, and more. We are an international community with English as the primary language. We have a summer event starting soon and are developing a second server named “Flare Adventures” inspired by MMORPG games. Feel free to drop by… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIE

    Minecraft Memes - MADE THE ATHER: THE MOVIELooks like someone needs to pass Minecraft spelling class before they start making movies. Read More

  • Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Mischief

    Crafty Campus Capers: Cube Xuan's Minecraft Mischief In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter with every surprise. Funny animations, jokes that ignite, Bringing joy to all, day and night. From classroom tales to songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is never flat. So join the fun, hit that subscribe, For a daily dose of humor that will revive. In the realm of gaming, where stories unfold, Cube Xuan’s channel is pure gold. So dive right in, let the laughter ring, With Cube Xuan, happiness is king. Read More

  • Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks!

    Minecraft meme: Hot shorts, hotter blocks! Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! #minecraftshorts Read More

  • German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority!

    German Cantu: Minecraft Server Priority! Exploring the Exciting World of Minecraft Servers! 🔥 Embark on a thrilling journey through the vast landscapes of Minecraft servers, where endless possibilities await! 🌍 Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer to the game, there’s something for everyone in this dynamic virtual realm. Let’s dive into the exciting features and experiences that make Minecraft servers a top priority for gamers worldwide. 🎮 Creating a Gaming Community One of the most captivating aspects of Minecraft servers is the sense of community they foster. Players from all walks of life come together to collaborate, compete, and build lasting friendships… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience

    Join Minewind: Survive the Ultimate Invasion Experience Welcome to, your go-to source for all things Minecraft-related! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “I Survived 500 Days of THE INVASION (NOT MINECRAFT)” that got us thinking – what if you could experience your own epic battles and adventures in a virtual world like Minecraft? Imagine facing off against overwhelming alien elves, equipped with advanced tactics and deadly drones, just like in the video. Now, picture yourself exploring a vast, open world where you can build, survive, and thrive alongside other players who share your passion for adventure. That’s where Minewind Minecraft Server comes… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11

    Insane Minecraft Modpack Madness! KeyDevy RLCraft Ep. 11Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: RLCraft | Minecraft Modpack Series (Episode 11)’, was uploaded by KeyDevy on 2024-07-16 19:46:48. It has garnered 86 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 02:38:58 or 9538 seconds. *Overview:* I’m playing RLCraft! This modpack is hard, intense, and filled with lethal mobs. My goal is to survive and progress within this tough world. The gamerule for InventoryKeep will be enabled but the rest I will have to solve on my own! _______________ *Socials:* Instagram: _______________ *Want to leave a tip?* – _______________ *Go check out my website!* -… Read More

  • Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft Mods

    Samurai Paws Survives Scariest Minecraft ModsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the SCARIEST Minecraft Horror Mods Ever! (You Won’t Believe What Happened)’, was uploaded by Samurai Paws on 2024-08-09 04:00:21. It has garnered 14 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:02 or 542 seconds. Dive into the terrifying world of Minecraft with me as I tackle the scariest horror mods ever created! 😱 Watch as I encounter spine-chilling creatures, explore haunted landscapes, and face unimaginable horrors. Will I survive the night, or will these mods be too much to handle? Join me on this thrilling adventure and find out! 🔔 Don’t forget… Read More

  • Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2

    Insane XP Mob Farm Build | Minecraft Ep.2Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2’, was uploaded by Neoblade on 2024-07-10 13:29:37. It has garnered 143 views and 16 likes. The duration of the video is 00:20:26 or 1226 seconds. I Made XP Mob Farm | Minecraft Survival Episode – 2 In this video I will made a xp mob farm in hard difficulty after 2 Years, will I be able to do this successfully ? find out by watching full video. ➽Devices➽ Mobile :- Redmi K20 Laptop :- Dell Inspiron 5577 Microphone :- Vivo Mobile Earphone (Rs-250) Mouse… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN – Ultimate Stone House Tutorial

    Insane Minecraft Build SEVEN - Ultimate Stone House TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft: Small Modern House Tutorial🏠 | 簡単!石で作る小さなモダンハウスの作り方(現代建築)’, was uploaded by SEVENのマイクラ建築 on 2023-12-22 10:00:20. It has garnered 42537 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. It explains how to make a small modern house made of stone! Not only the exterior, but also the interior! ——————————————————————————— [Subscribe here] ——————————————————————————— ■Videos uploaded so far ■Twitter ■instagram #Minecraft #House #modern Read More

  • Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy Tutorial

    Insane GTA V Hack: Play Minecraft on Windows! Easy TutorialVideo Information This video, titled ‘wie kann man auf Windows Minecraft spielen? so geht es Tutorial’, was uploaded by Alexander Gta v online on 2024-08-13 11:52:24. It has garnered 10 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:10:32 or 632 seconds. Read More

  • Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshorts

    Robby2002 tells terrifying tales! 😱👻 #trending #YTshortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scary Stories. #scarystories #trending #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #story #youtube #minecraft’, was uploaded by Robby2002 on 2024-09-22 15:55:01. It has garnered 21 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. Read More

  • Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrine

    Mysterious Nasquik in Minecraft 🎃 #herobrineVideo Information This video, titled ‘q es esoo?🎃 #herobrine #minecraft #twitch #horrorcraft #minecrafthorror #dwellers #horrorcraft’, was uploaded by Nasquik on 2024-07-12 14:26:05. It has garnered 503 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:41 or 41 seconds. Read More

  • Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!

    Epic Showdown: Spider-Man & Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures & Sharks!Video Information This video, titled ‘Spider-Man and Miles Morales vs Minecraft Creatures on Sea with Shark in People Playground’, was uploaded by Gaming Plus on 2024-09-17 15:30:26. It has garnered 22167 views and 206 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:14 or 494 seconds. Spider-Man and Miles Morales are going to war against Minecraft Creatures as a team, there are sharks in the sea in this war. A great battle awaits you in the world of People Playground. Will Spider-Man and Miles Morales defeat Minecraft Creatures ? You should leave a comment for the sequel of the video “… Read More

Graser – Minecraft, But With Custom Diamonds..