Grazzy – Building DINRAAL – Breath of the Wild in Minecraft

Video Information

Here we go here we go again all right you guys know what’s happening today you guys have seen the title yeah okay get chat out the usual the usual boom uh where’s the thing properties URL change close there we go there we go okay now I have to Ping the Discord

Because I never forget never forget I’ve never once forgotten to Ping the Discord of my life okay Discord stream ping we back because I missed a couple days ago I missed I broke the streak I missed a couple days ago but you know what that’s fine

I’ll explain why in a moment once I finish getting everything set up that over there uh streamlabs you could stay over here um pull this up pull chat back up because I can’t see all right hello everyone we’re back so what is today Friday yeah I missed uh

Wednesday’s stream you know I’ve been doing the stream every other day thing um I missed Wednesday because I was participating in Celio Springs stream so I have a valid excuse suck it I did really stream I was just you know on a friend stream yeah we’re gonna go with that one um

But yeah I’ve kind of felt like um I don’t know if I’m gonna keep up the stream every other day thing anymore I still want to keep streaming more than I used to uh I’m still gonna be streaming the project I’m still gonna be making main videos on the project everyone in the

Comments section likes to freak out like you’re not making the videos anymore I can’t watch all the streams you don’t have to watch all the streams I’m going to still make the normal videos okay the normal videos are the priority not the streams okay calm down calm down the regular videos are going

To continue chill out everyone chill hello omraines but stranger for the fun exactly the streaming is just an extra way for me to have fun with it while I’m working on the video um so we’re here um I was gonna skip the stream today

I was taken last night I was like I just don’t know if I’m feeling up for a stream tomorrow I said I woke up a couple hours ago and I was like I just don’t know if I’m ready for to stream and then 20 minutes ago I was like What

If I built in raw set up stream right now so now I’m here and we have good good morning Liev good morning to you too I’ve been up an hour an hour and you’re hitting me with that what do I say again what do I say thank you Liam for the 50 again

Can you afford all of my streams because you do this every stream Gregory can you afford to come to a grazi stream anymore also it’s not morning it’s 3 P.M I woke up at 2. but thank you for the 50 Liev what do I say like what do I do at this point what do I do at this point I don’t

I don’t know what to do at this point but yeah are you a drug dealer or something how could you afford this that’s a good question Leo you’ve got to be like rolling in it what the hell I work only to afford that sounds very toxic something you have a toxic

Relationship with me you gotta you gotta get this toxic relationship in chat in chat and check you guys are my God but seriously I do appreciate it again we have like my gosh chill out relax 3 P.M is morning goofy Gary yeah okay it’s my morning it’s my morning

You gotta put two people well I went to bed at six a.m so all right I know you guys have read the title you guys have seen the thumbnail allow me to explain or not um because let me me I forgot to I forgot to set my things

Back after the Mario Kart stream oops oopsie Daisy let me put chat back on screen uh boom where’s chat where are you guys boom uh boom also high on brains all right there we go all right we back hello on brains oh geez I’m Speedy all

Right so you guys have seen the title you guys have seen the thumbnail where did raw come from you already have dinner on the thumbnail allow me to explain everything allow me to explain everything allow me to explain everything so since the last stream although I have

Not streamed I finished up this down this region down here as you can see I put in all the grass and everything I mean you can’t see because it’s not loading but I did complete this area right you see I got the skull Camp back here I’ve completed this whole area

Right that we’ve worked on in the last stream with like little cass’s house here this area is like done I finished that so then I moved across the gorge as you can see and I’ve been working a bit over here so I’ve colored the bottom of the

Canyon I’m not too big a fan of the colors I’m not like super happy with it I don’t think for now it’s temporary we’ll just keep it as is right we’ll just keep it as is um the clips are very not pretty in some places like there’s some clear harsh

Lines that need to be fixed I’m gonna fix all that later don’t worry don’t worry so I continued working I did some of these trees I we put in the first guardian skywatchers of the entire project these are the first Guardian Sky Watchers that we got to place down ever

We built these Guardian Sky Watchers like probably a year ago or something and we finally got to put them in place there’s one here and there’s another one over here there’s some ruins in the area up here and over here and then here are the ancient columns that I finished up

Last night it’s not finished yet this area is not done yet but you know I’ve started on it I don’t know how I like it I just really don’t think I’m a fan of the Sandstone but there’s not really a better color choice yeah I don’t know I don’t know it’s tough but

You know I’m working with it are you aware one of those gold caves is white yeah they just haven’t been properly colored yet um but yeah so we got this done grouchy did some mining off camera yeah um but yeah so so Ezio has been working on

The tabanta Great Bridge so I’ve kind of left this untouched so that Ezio could like you know keep going with it um he’s working on it but I was thinking where I want to place dinroll and I was I originally I was like I want General to be an Elden but

He doesn’t really show up in Elton you know he’s kind of like off on the corner of the map and he’s like not in a good location so I figured the best location where people can actually see him is when he’s flying next to the band The Great Bridge

Well part of the map has been the most fun most fun foreign like I don’t know just in general like like Farren kind of the zonai ruins area I think was probably the most fun I don’t know what it was about that area I really enjoyed Faron I didn’t really

Care for farron before I built this project but like in building that area I like it’s it’s my favorite part of the map now I just really like it it was it was really enjoyable for some reason say my YouTube name is grazi is that something you would feel Comfort what

Are you talking about my YouTube name is grazie but anyways anyways um so yeah I figured we’d build dinroll above or not above around the bridge right which means we’re here it’s time to build dinroll however we already have tin roll um so do you guys remember

A year ago in the zoro’s domain episode how I brought the first Builder hyrath on to help me with the project because hirath was good at making dragons and so I asked him if he would want to build Nedra for me right the build that I saw that made me go oh

I want High ref on the project was this build he posted a picture of this build in my Discord server and I saw that and I was like I need to reach out to this guy to build nadra and when he got to working on the project we also brought his

Dinner all design in in case we were going to use it however I don’t know if this is the pose I want for it if you know what I mean um I kind of want it mid-flight you know it’s closer to the pose of what um farash was in the baron episode because

It’s flying towards the bridge right so does it make sense for it to be posed like this in the map like it’s a really cool pose this is really good but I don’t know if that’s the pose I want you know so I was thinking of trying just trying

To get a new one if I can’t get a better design then maybe we’ll use this one by hirath that’s the thought process here so we’re gonna try and build up a nature design not Nedra dinwell design here we can use this it’s kind of like a template perhaps like if

We do still like this block palette we can stick with this you know but I don’t know I feel like we should try and come up with uh I guess what’s the term a different pose really that’s that’s pretty much all I wanted a different pose you like mayonnaise pizza

Oh my God how long do we make it in the Stream how long do we make it into stream grassy do you like mayonnaise 12 minutes 12 minutes right magnifying glass left magnifying glass right magnifying glass 12 minutes that might be a new record for you guys my gosh

Can you just use the bottom half of dinroll what do you mean the bottom half of dinroll I don’t know I don’t want to like I don’t want to like butcher this design apart in like tear parts of it off and like reconnect it you know I I feel like

It might be better to just try for our own design right the top part I know what you mean yeah I think I know what you mean but I don’t know if I want to just like take part of it you know um I think we just try a different structure I suppose

Let’s just try you know let’s just try all right first we clear my inventory second we select I don’t need any of those hot bars I just need a wand I’ll need a couple brushes so I’ll get off some swords and I’ll need some paper um because does this work is this working

Okay loft is working because I actually have a bezier curve Tool uh I think in the newest update they actually do but I haven’t updated yet so all right so allow me to show you guys the wonders of the Loft tool let’s say I want a shape any shape right

Okay let me get some points marked okay you guys can see that outline almost let me let me see what this shape is like hmm interesting huh okay let me try a different shape let me try getting a different shape how’s this yeah let’s try this shape oh that’s pretty cool welcome

To The Loft tool my greatest friend shovel showed me this like a few months back and oh my God I love it it’s so cool like look at that look at this it’s like the coolest thing ever so we can potentially use this to Mark out the body of dinroll um so hmm

I don’t know what’s the best way to do this let’s start with something simple we’re gonna change our world edit selection type to poly and we’re gonna position one position two position two two position two and then we Cur wait this is the right thing is it

No no it’s convex we go to selection convex that’s right and then we deselect it let’s try this again let’s try this again Solution One position no in opposition one position one position two position two position two technically like three and four position five all right now we curve gold block okay

So we’ve got like a general line here I don’t like how far out this comes that needs to change that needs to change um as for the length I feel like the length is pretty good um I think I’m happy with that length this world at it yep you can shoot you

Can change your selection type to a bunch of different things but if you select if you do selection convex you can add multiple position twos and then do slash slash curve and then a block yeah different selections are a game changer um okay so I’m gonna set block

Gold here and I’m gonna set black gold in the back just so that we have like a marking for the length right like I’m pretty I think I like that length we just need to fix up the actual curve so let’s try messing with that deselect oh a version of Minecraft distance from

1.20.1 with plugins such as archeon go brush go paint Axiom and world edit fast as the world at it to be specific okay so I don’t like how far out that one came so let’s try going a bit slower this time the curve back inwards should be definitely slower

And like here how’s that line uh my position one didn’t go through that’s embarrassing uh welp position one position two position two position two and one like here perhaps let’s see how that’s looking okay okay um so what we need uh we need to down low

We need we need to have two on the low side like this because that like that’s too flat it looks like a McDonald’s M just really stretched out what I meant we just joined uh we’re starting General that nothing much else to it we’re building General

All right have you heard of breath of wild I think you would like it I’ve heard of it it just doesn’t really seem like my kind of game didn’t roll Happy Meal version yeah okay okay would it be better if you place him in the Forgotten Temple

Coming from the Forgotten table so that you could see his face well if we’re on tables back we forgotten temples back here I feel like it’d be better to have it like flying under the bridge or towards the bridge I don’t think I want to put it by the thing for the temple

Your least favorite part of Skyward Sword that’s a good one uh that’s a good question um least favorite part of Skyward Sword oh that’s way too much variance maybe not actually we push that down a bit okay shovel what’s up yo keep missing these but I finally caught one in time what we

Building we are uh we’re trying to build a dragon but fact about me I’m not very good at dragons so I don’t really know what I’m doing and we’re just kinda we’re we’re just trying to do something anything really um that’s about it I’m pretty hopeless with

These I actually want to show there is only one Dragon I’m not recording okay well I guess it’s the perfect time uh recently I did actually build a dragon I’ve shown this on stream before I can’t show what this was for yet but uh you got archeon oh yeah that’s what the

Paper here is for I’ve been using all the tools I’ve actually this build right here was my practice with all the new tools you showed me shovel um but I can’t show it all yet I don’t want to spoil it all I want to show is

The dragon it’s not great okay it’s it’s something it’s something the legs really suck just just don’t look at the legs but I you know I tried something I that was like my first proper Dragon build so you know for our first dragon build I think I’m

Okay with that I think I’m okay with it can we get a permanent picture of Grog on the stream no we can’t we can’t the legs sucked but I think I think it’s I think it’s good it’s good for a first build but now I’m

Trying another one and this one is uh on Ranger probably in the area right yeah this one’s a lot different though this one’s a lot different I suppose I could get a photo of it on stream um do I have the photo I’ll have to get the photo soon

Um what we need to do I need to thicken it up a little bit I I undid my selection though because I’m an idiot so we might have to just try I’d rather have it a bit like thicker at first and then uh we can try and go from there so what was

The next point no way it was right there this is not gonna work we’re gonna have to redo the shape because I cleared my selection like a dingus that’s the wrong selection type I’m very skilled if you guys can’t tell find another website about bad food combos baked beans and egg no we’re

We’re done with the food combos you know what’s funny on the last stream where we we were talking about bad food combos after the Stream my my grandma started messaging me about how what she thought of our food combos and I thought that was really funny I thought that was really really funny

Um let me check real quick um okay all right how’s this looking uh that Line’s two I need to push this one back okay I need to mess with this more click of the inflection points yeah I need to go change is about here I think that’s where it changes it looks like

Roughly and then like up here somewhere yeah this is this is the this is the funny part now you’re gonna actually see me in the action and you’re gonna realize I I still consider myself amateur I don’t know what I’m doing half the time I throw things together and hope it works and

I mean some parts of it must have worked if I’ve gotten this far I suppose that’s not right now uh Spike gold block eight what even is that command Spike gold block 814 one what does that do Spike gold block should I just type it in and find out I

Think I should just type it in and find out it probably doesn’t work with this selection type if I were to guess I’ve never used this command go block eight fourteen one oh it does that oh I think I understand what it does oh is that a

Ah that’s why I haven’t used it I think it’s a make your convex selection and do that gotcha gotcha uh this part is still not can I I haven’t used other selections is there a way to just remove the last section Point there’s I don’t know if there is

There like position remove or something no that’s not a thing that’s not what I meant to do it’s like a curve that tapers that is actually really useful that’s really useful to know actually okay let me just start over um it’s right here up at the top okay where does this

Turn hey played Hollow Knight no it is on the list it is on the list of games for me to play um okay this one’s weird it kind of stops like right here it looks like and then this could be in a lot of different places select every single block that’ll fix it

Right that should work as long as it’s close enough I think as long as it’s close enough it’ll be fine so then we can go uh it looks like it kind of changes around here I think eight is the thickness of position one 14 is the thickness in the middle one is

The thickness at the end oh okay I gotta like write that command down somewhere I don’t think that worked but we’re going with it we’re just gonna see again as long as it’s close enough we’ll be fine we’ll be fine if it’s close enough right all right let’s try this command

Again just see what happens okay oh I think we need you we need to invert um we need to invert one and we need to invert eight because this is the tail back here oh I don’t know if I like this you guys see this there’s like this weird little

Thing about it here um okay here’s what I’m gonna do just to be safe I’m gonna Mark these selection points with a different block um through this yeah just uh just to be safe so that if I mess this up somehow world at Cy is a is a

Blessing and a curse because like with stuff like this I want to be able to deselect so I can just see the gold but if I deselect and I don’t like it I have to reselect it all again 15 meals that are making me really I’m not looking at that website people have

Been tweeting at me images of horrible food combination since these streams okay let me deselect um yeah there’s something weird here you guys see that the curve isn’t really smooth here it like goes in a little bit and then it goes down I don’t know if I like this size because General

I’m trying to think of how we bit farash you know because it’s got to be similar to farash in terms of scale and size so I’m starting to think this might be too long what’s your favorite dragon in the Zelda series uh does levias count because I like levias um let’s try

What if we try the select starting the selection here whoops um oh something didn’t undo properly whatever opinions on ketchup filled hard-boiled I no stop right there visit farash and see I did forget to start recording so I could go visit farage that is actually a good point

I gotta start recording but if I’m gonna visit farash um hmm yeah let’s go let’s go check out farash uh cuboid if I can type cuboid uh let’s go out the tour guide let’s go check out farash I haven’t been to frosh in a while so it’s probably smart to do this

Rush here we go all right this is the general okay farage is much smaller than I always than I remembered it being um I’m liking farage the less and less like I’m noticing now like it’s it’s bigger in the back here you see it’s kind of

Like thinner in the main body I gotta come back and fix this up at some point Grandma’s opinion on your food she was talking about Skittles now you need to mix in a red or like a green Skittle in every single handful of Skittles or something like that which

I thought was pretty funny um so yeah ferocious much smaller than I remembered I’m just gonna take a screenshot of like this angle so I can pull that up later um where are we going here Satori mountain is closest sorry I’m late but I need you to eat the

Thermal how long are you gonna keep this up for FBI man sorry I’m late but you need to eat thermal paste hashtag taste the paste right magnifying glass Oh no you’re gonna get cut off right magnifying glass left magnifying glass you’re gonna get cut off defined glass left magnifying glass right magnifying

Glass left magnif there we go thank you everyone for the five I’m not eating the thermal paste I don’t want to die hitting your past builds is a sign you’re becoming a better Builder yeah that’s one thing uh when I started building in creative mode I kind of just I jumped straight into

This project and it was challenging at first you know it was different it was challenging um but like the more I do it the more it’s like I feel like I’m just kind of building with training wheels because like all the designs are done for me I just have to translate them into

Minecraft so I finally started work on another video where I’m building other stuff um in well in Minecraft and that’s what that Dragon build was a part of and I’m pretty I’m pretty pleased with how it’s turning out however I want to get this video out first so that project has

Kind of been put in the background for now it’s like the secondary project right now um okay so let’s try let’s try bringing the middle down a bit what does like nine look like or let’s let’s go with eight let’s see what no because eight is what the front is like

So maybe we bring the front down just a little bit okay I still don’t let no no we still have to fix there’s something wrong here there’s something wrong about this curve right here let’s just let me try skipping that point and seeing what happens let’s try uh let’s try skipping this point

And just go straight to this one yeah it’s too straight of a line so we need that one in the middle but that’s not the point to do it on um which one is this one maybe it’s that one Maybe At one mill you should eat some hashtag taste the base no magnifying glass wait do I have left magnifying glass right magnifying glass left magnifying glass waving hand Peach thank you for that FBI man no I’m not because you know what’s funny the last time I made a stupid funny deal

Like that I ended up having to eat a t-shirt for 100k wait which one do we skip I skipped that one let’s see how this looks um let’s just see what this was like it’s even worse dudes got like a really bad neck problem he’s got that gamer neck where he’s like

Wait a t-shirt you’re insane yeah I was at 700 subscribers and someone said in like my Discord server or something they were like oh I can’t wait for you to hit 100K and I was like I’m not gonna hit on Hurricane if I hit 100K I’ll eat my own shirt and then

People rediscovered that message when I was at like 30k subs and so everyone actually freaked out about it you actually eat it no I didn’t actually eat a t-shirt because I would literally die if I had a t-shirt what if we skip both of them no that’s not gonna work

I can’t eat an actual t-shirt I would literally die trust me I researched it to try to find out that’s better just skipping them all together I’m in the process of procuring an edible t-shirt see that’s the thing like I thought of doing some funny little bit

Where it’s like oh I just like get a cake that’s shaped like a t-shirt you know um but like it’s just lame like that’s not even fun that’s just that this ruins the point you know um I still don’t know how much I like this uh here here’s what we’ll do here’s what

We’ll do we’ll try we’ll move this tail back right um sell cuboid and then we’ll move this like out of the way so that we can get it without this tail we’ll just move it like up here for the time being and then oh hey farash okay that makes things easier

Uh um so what does that look like without the tail it’s too thick in the middle I feel like or at least we have to slim it down more around here at least that’s for sure um comparing it to farash oh well There She Goes what is this oh that’s the other dragon

There we go there we go okay um frosh is definitely smaller I think hmm interesting so if we’re going off a farage’s scale we have to go thinner maybe a tad bit smaller but I kind of don’t want to go smaller like I’m pretty happy with the size we have here

Frosh is more curved that is something to consider maybe too short and too fat yeah we definitely have to slim him down not not to Fat shame a dragon or anything but you need to you need to lose lose a little bit of that um okay let’s remove this out of the way

Uh cut yeah show your world at it uh keep buying things are a lifesaver it’s kind of annoying though because all of my uh I use keybinds for all of my um hot bar slots because that’s just something I carried over from when I was a survival player like I have hotkeys

Quick hotkeys to all of my hockey thoughts so a lot of my uh a lot of a lot of the hotkeys like control F that instantly brings me to my last slot like it gets annoying I have to work around my own hotkeys uh we skipped those two I think wait

Which ones do we skip I think we selected this one and then we skip those two I think that’s what we had so let’s try going down to where’s the command maybe like four and six oh that’s too thin I think now let’s bring those up a bit seven and five hmm

Then we’re all trying to get past this balloon animal phase uh there’s a weird thing going on here it doesn’t curve properly um okay I think here’s what we do we select that one and then we skip this one cameras are good they can be tough to

Work around sometimes the worst part is is the F speed commands are my F5 key so I am always whenever I change my speed it’s just going at five and go back real quick but now that I now that I use the F speed thing I can’t go back and I don’t

Want to switch it realistically I should just switch my uh hop art keybinds but that would also throw me off there we go I think that’s the those are the points we want those are the points we want okay um so these dragons do have like a wider

Tail and then they have the spikes like coming out of the back so we don’t need to worry about slimming this down too much near the Tail um but like putting it next to dinroll assuming dinner all isn’t curved as or putting it next to farage assuming farage isn’t curved as much

I feel like the length is pretty good gotta modifier key to your hop or keybinds I might have to do that I might have to do that hmm yeah I think the length is good the length is pretty close the size is decently close um if we deselect it

It looks funny from a distance though it looks really funny from a distance muscle memory stays the same but you need to remember to press another one yeah that would be uh I probably have to do pineapple and banana belong we’re done with the stupid food opinions we talk

About every stream we talk about every stream Ranch is still disgusting pineapple on Pizza is still okay gosh our stream’s slowing down maybe just a little bit I missed Wednesday because I was appearing on my friend’s stream so I had to be there for that um

I don’t know I don’t want to hold myself too strict to a schedule because when I do that and I like push myself to uh like I guess stream when I’m not feeling up to it I just get burned out so I’m not entirely sure what’s gonna go on with the streams I

Think I’m Gonna Keep the streams up but not do it every other day just kind of when I feel like it um okay I need to pull up an image of dinner all here um that’s General’s head here we go this is an interesting one this here is an interesting one can I

Get this on screen I’ll move this over here I go to properties um browse and I select the dinroll image Don and I show so this is the dragon we’re building here for anyone who doesn’t remember what dinroll looks like oh it’s under my face cam whatever it doesn’t matter

This is what we need here so hmm looking at this I really am not looking forward to building those horns look at those horns I am not looking forward to that I am not looking forward to that um so we’re gonna leave the head to last

I think he looks like a banana wise yellow it’s just a temporary block it’s gonna switch to the correct blocks later which maybe we should try and come up with a block palette uh if I look at it’s similar to farash actually it’s kind of like white but it’s maybe a bit dimmed

Um might need to be longer yeah potentially maybe basing it off of farage is not the best idea maybe we should instead just try and build dinroll and then fix farage later if we want to hmm this is a tough one what is this I want to ask what slides building yeah

Don’t ask what this is either I don’t even know what this is things just appear on this map and I just whatever um if I undo let’s try adding the tail back on let’s let’s try the tail again let’s see what the tail is like let’s try adding the tail

Uh we’ll just copy it not my color line but being like yet the color looks great dude I’m colorblind and I I’ve never had a problem with like my colorblind like block selection until like recently whoops see I I did the I did the keybind thing

I I I did the stupid keyboard thing or maybe I just copied it from the wrong section I don’t know what I did oh I know what I did never mind I used to never struggle like I never had problems picking out blocks and then like

In recent months all of a sudden every block I pick is like the complete wrong color according to everyone perfect example uh the zorocliffs were the first instance of that Um God I really have to fix up these Cliffs I’m so lazy I don’t want to fix the gradient yet but I will eventually don’t worry guys um okay now I go back to cell convex Crosby’s colorblind too yeah it sucks it actually sucks I I was I was on like

Tick Tock or something the other day and I saw a thing that was like I know you probably think that Tigers don’t blend in with their surroundings very well but look at this image of how their red green colorblind prey sees them and it was like a side-by-side image of like

What we see and then what the collarbon prices and it was the exact same image for me they were identical and I was like that’s cool I love that uh this one Tail’s really Slim why does it do that that’s interesting maybe I have to am I recording good call

Crazy GarageBand what’s up what what check DMS or you have like a design or something oh here we go here we go I like this image um let me put that there let me let me pull up this image for you guys that slide just sent me

Um let me switch to let me put that away uh properties browse find the image uh where is it oh it’s it’s not the right file type fly I can’t show it never mind it’s not the right file type but he showed me this image of the like concept art

Of the dragons and it’s pretty use it shows like all of their length side by side okay this is good to have this is good to have I have to like put this somewhere I’ll keep it there um all right here’s what we do here’s what I I cleared the selection again

You guys see what my videos take so long I’m the slowest Builder on planet Earth and then shovels over here releasing a new gigantic video like every month it seems uh here and cheer let’s try widening up the base so maybe two what does two look like hmm three that’s better I think

I feel like this is maybe too long I hate building dragons I second guess myself all the time on a scale of one to ten how painful is zoro’s domain 14 a 22 degree angle dude 22 degree angle and it had to be perfectly symmetrical

And at that point I was like I I still consider myself like an amateur Builder now but at that point I was definitely an amateur like you kidding me what is going on here um maybe it shouldn’t be this long maybe we go for like an in-between like around here like this

Will that curve still work yeah that curve still looks fine I’ll DM you something let’s see this 24 you are a no way yeah guys let’s check out let’s check out shovel’s quick 24 hour bill I assume I’m I assume it’s okay if I show this on

Stream right shovel there is no what 24 hours this guy this guy I would maybe build one of those cherry blossom trees in 24 hours you are ridiculous you were insane yeah I’ll bill I’ll build I’ll build something like that in 24 hours I’ll build something like that in 24 hours too

Let me close that show for a quick second all right I’ll pop it up for one little instant all right you guys ready this guy look at this guy 24-hour build yeah okay okay and I’m over here and I’ve made a line in how long have we been streaming um

47 minutes and I have a line in the middle of the sky that’s pretty good progress man I’m doing so good so much man well yeah of course he is that was never that was never even a question that was never a question I’m telling you it’s funny people in the

Comment section are always like because you’re the greatest builder of all time and it’s like have you seen other people’s builds in Minecraft before like I appreciate it but also what am I doing cone yes let’s use the cone command no cuboid let me get rid of this part of the tail

I’m just very practiced in building quick yeah I have I’ve been like looking to try out I’ve been really trying to get into building outside of the project a lot lately which is why I’m starting on this other video which I did show a little bit of a

Spoiler I cut that too short that Dragon was a little bit of a spoiler it was part for the it’s part for that video but I don’t really mind showing stuff beforehand paste it over there all right all right what do we think of that roster DMS again

Here’s a rotated plus PNG version all right here we go here we go here we go so just an interesting little thing for scale we I can show interesting thing to show for scale uh minimize Discord so I can see chat um boom boom boom boom where is it there it is where

Is that why is that over there and so big okay is this it I think this is it yeah okay here we go so slice sent me this here’s a nice little reference so the green one on the bottom is farash the dragon that is finished that we’re using

As reference and the one on top is when we’re building so yeah they’re pretty much the same length their tail doesn’t thin out too much like they stay relatively the same size throughout the tail does slim for sure but it’s not by a whole lot until the end uh

These are not entirely accurate either like I can tell you right now this farash is not what it’s like in game because farage has the big spike for the tail not the mini ones hmm interesting let me know if you need help I will yeah I have a

I have been mostly just learning all the new tools lately that you showed me which I’ve gotten like better at them I mean the gradient brush I’m gonna fix this mess this is obviously not staying it’s I just am too lazy to fix it right now okay let’s try

Oh the Tail’s gonna come back okay let’s just try going in the middle again and let’s try it’s was that really fine maybe this was fine my biggest problem is that I’m indecisive sphere blend yeah yeah I was gonna probably use that but my Wonder is if it’s gonna use blocks that aren’t

Already in the palette so I don’t know my biggest problem with building is that I’m super indecisive um I just need to like get better at just going and just going going um I think I’m I think I like this length I think I like the length of this

There still needs to be some potential fix up here why is that happening hold on all right let’s try this again and we’re gonna mess this is the final thing all right we’re going to just here here’s the deal here’s the deal we’re gonna do this final little test

And then we’re just gonna move on to try to get as much done as we can uh do I have select convex your keyboard yes I do all right get that out of here get out all right select convex boom deselect um it took me an embarrassingly long

Time to find out about different selections the first hour build things out as fast as humanly possible don’t worry if it’s a mess that might be the way to go see I I I’m kind of the I’m kind of the opposite in a sense uh

I do like one massive step and I get it perfect and then move on to the next try to fix something constantly that’s a good that’s a good point I’m definitely gonna have to try that with the other build that I’m working on for this other video because this other

Video I’m working on is gonna have uh three Builds on it uh where’s the command all right so let’s see is this curve okay it’s still a bit weird here it’s kind of hard to tell through all the red lines um all right let’s try let’s try swimming down the middle by

One block swimming down the middle that’s not what I meant to open um man this is tough why does everyone want Grazie to eat disgusting Foods because we kept talking about disgusting food combos in the previous uh stream like Ranch on pizza come on man what are you

Doing no we’re not doing this again we’re not doing this again how long are we going to talk about all right um I should just call it I really should just call it I should just call it let’s look at it with farash oh but the

Curve is messed up here the curve is so messed up he’s got a bad back he’s got a bad back all right all right we’re gonna fix the curve here and then we’re calling it that’s not enough to do this extended race thing is weird because I haven’t

Got extended reach currently so I can place further away but world at its reach doesn’t include that so I still have to be close for a world at it it’s weird didn’t all be looking like angel hair kind of does all right what’s wrong with this curve let’s skip that one

No we can’t skip that one we’re doing it again we’re going again fast fast we’re going fast all right why did it work let’s just select them all into maybe I should move that over maybe I just found the problem I think I I think I discovered the issue

I’m not selecting it here when it comes out that might be the issue do we still select that we’ll select this one silly gravity how’s that look he’s still got like a back problem do you select and look at it the problem’s right there you know what we’re fixing it by hand

We’re fixing it by hand we’re moving on we’re fixing it by hand um all right Next Step what is the next step good question we’re gonna just uh let me pull up that image again that I was looking at earlier um yeah don’t ask about the thermal paste I

Don’t know where this thermal paste thing started from all of a sudden people want me to eat thermal paste which like with eating this shirt it was like okay maybe you’ll die but I’m pretty sure if I do eat thermal paste it’s like yeah you’re you’re going to

Die and there’s nothing you can do about it um do a face reveal or eat thermal paste do a face reveal or eat thermal paste hashtag taste I am not right magnifying glass left magnifying glass right magnified skip this left magnifying glass right magnifying glass I need to

Get a skip glass right magnifying glass left magnifying thanks for that thanks for that I need to get a skip key onto my stream deck um all right so legs General has three legs um they’re pretty close to the front or six legs technically three sets so

I’m looking at this image they’re pretty close to like the front they’re like let me just do brush sphere gold like two just so we can mark this um so it’s like there there and there that back one’s maybe too far uh there like that somewhere around there they’re very close together wait

Hold on let me pull this image back up let me pull the other one back up um no okay okay so it’s first two sets are close but its final set of legs are further back like here um which around here does look like it’s kind of where the tail starts

So that might be good should eat glass yeah I think I would definitely survive the glass eating I I feel you know the shirt maybe I would die if I ate the shirt the thermal paste probably but the glass I would probably I’d probably come out of on top I think

It’s like there roughly hmm hmm so they come down a little bit but after apart from that they like I don’t know yet if I want to connect the head on here or if I want to make this front of the neck part of it because the neck isn’t super long like

The distance between the these legs and the head isn’t very great so maybe I attach the head on around this point um we can probably uh mess with later Crosby have you heard of Axiom shut up I have heard of actually um Mount Rome is actually great I have

Noticed that yeah I do have to fix Mountain Rome because the top of the mountain here is actually like the regular Gray Cliffs so that’s got to be fixed um let’s try this one look very pretty like there’s Q there’s clear like Cuts in here so let’s

Just try and get a little bit of smoothing out with voxel sniper wrong Dragon what do you mean wrong Dragon well that’s the wrong Dragon that’s not the one that belongs here I just did some research to figure out if it’s toxic or not and it’s not

Hashtag taste the paste right now shut up left magnifying glass right magnifying glass left magnifying glass right magnifying glass left magnifying glass if there’s anyone I trust on whether or not thermal paste is toxic or not it is not going to be members of my YouTube live stream chat

I’m sorry it’s nothing personal but there’s no I trust your guys opinion last this is gonna slim it down a little bit I realize uh let’s bring the signs down a little bit so we can get this size this side that’s where the one of the legs goes so

We can leave that little thing coming out here we need to get um this whole side needs to be messed with a little bit trust your fans it’s not that I don’t trust you guys but yeah I don’t trust you guys check the ABS what is this

Oh I mean yeah that’s a pretty good reference image just get a 3D model anything can be eaten at least once that is true that it no not you two shovel you get no not you too I just realized shovel is a bad influence confirmed are saying you don’t trust me unsubbing

For real sorry I don’t take the word of the people who have been trying to get me to eat thermal paste for nine streams in a row on whether or not thermal paste is toxic or not sorry if that’s like hard to believe you don’t trust us Google it dude I don’t care

Toxic I’m not eating dermal paste something intended for my CPU Cooler will probably not belong in my stomach I’m just just going out on a limb here laughs if you don’t trust us Google it I’m not I’m not what’s the word here what’s the word I’m looking for

Ah enabling you guys that’s it I don’t want to enable you I don’t want to enable you tell me they’re not toxic that doesn’t mean it doesn’t kill you the suffering remain yeah exactly exactly uh what is this block doing here why is there is that me what am I doing

Up here we don’t question it we don’t question it guys I mean we’ve got like a whole field of dinosaurs the the Celio spring made should we go check on the dinosaurs hold on let’s show let’s show shovel the dinosaurs because these dinosaurs are great

For the record for the record I did not build these dinosaurs I did not build these dinosaurs I gotta put that out here real fast I did not build these things so this is this is the the pterodactyl apparently there’s like a ranking system four stars great mustache swings are iffy

Yelp review there are Yelp reviews of the dinosaurs oh yeah the wings are symmetrical that I’ll get some points off um I don’t know what this thing is one star my dog that’s mean wow Alfie is that pterodactyl I don’t know I don’t know what that is I didn’t build these

There’s a whole dinosaur parkour here look at this dinosaur parkour is that rhyme that does not rhyme that does not rhyme now we’re not doing the dinosaur parkour is this a T-Rex five stars excellent form I like these teeth this this Steve you know this

T-Rex is pretty solid I have to say like this is pretty solid pretty good what is this is this I haven’t seen this thing before I don’t want to know what that is this is a raptor can’t wait for the castle Grazy neither can I that’s like the next point

That I’m looking forward to the most I’m looking forward to the castle the most at this point uh and then I think it’s just me two stars well done but uncomfortable I I think this is me he looks like a Pokemon it does kind of look like a Pokemon it looks like an

Among Us korok actually I think that’s what it’s supposed to be and then of course where is it there’s somewhere in the mountain yeah somewhere in the mountain here uh down here I don’t remember what this is a horse this is a horse this is a horse apparently

And it has five legs I just realized why does it have five legs we don’t question it how do I get out of here spectator mode that’s how I get out yeah celios had fun building the dinosaurs she fixed the shrine the shrine does not need to be fixed

Great now I have to continue on the on the Dragon building on stream makes me so self-conscious makes me it makes me second guess things more and I don’t know if that’s because chat isn’t here to keep me in like because you guys keep me in check for being lazy

Or if it’s just because I’m gonna embarrass myself on stream okay um so we need spikes the dragon has a bunch of spikes on its back um so I guess we can add those because I really don’t want to mess with the legs yet the legs on that other Dragon I

Build I built were kicking my ass the legs are so annoying um let me help with the horns yeah if you wanna if you wanna try on the head oh brains go for it but I am not touching the head yet I’m not touching that head yet um I guess we can try

Ax or we can try the Loft tool for the spikes um but let’s set out let’s try and set out some of the spikes so we’re gonna do set block we’ll use Emerald for the spikes yeah shovel if you ever want to like join the world I am completely fine with having other

Content creators on not simply you have to like not saying you have to build I’m just saying like I let other content creators on the map for fun so they can just look around you know if they want to anyone is welcome the building team is separate from the I

Guess content creator team the content creator team yeah I’ll go with that um boom all right we need that we need to space these out more this one needs to move forward a little bit like here um down needs to move forward there is like a big one on the tail the

Tail is like a big spike on its own so there’s one like there what is that oh yeah that’s the what is this what are you doing sly we don’t question it we don’t question it we don’t question it uh I’m down for sure trying to procrastinate on replays anyways dude I

Hate rendering footage the last time every time I start rendering footage for an episode I just pick out like okay here’s the game I’m gonna play the show I’m gonna binge and the other stuff I’m gonna do while I’m rendering footage because it’s just so much waiting I hate it

Your IGN is uh just shovel 241 right I think I think it is uh let’s see here okay you want me to copy over farash’s head and edit it um if you want to try for that you can the heads are pretty much identical

I had 200 replays of it last time oh my gosh I got a white list add shovel two four one two five one that’s like your evil twin or something I’ll DM you the IP real quick where is the IP there it is yeah this is the least professional

Server of all time by the way shovel this just this whole thing started because I uh I just uploaded the world to a server to show some friends and then all my friends stayed and now we build on the server um just a heads up this server is the most it’s it’s it’s

It sucks it’s all it’s all a mess it’s it’s a big mess I think like when I log on to the server like anyone who logs ontozer you’re gonna get like four error messages in chat from things that are broken and I that I haven’t fixed yet um

Everything’s working fine you know so what if I crash the server every time I try and do a simple world edit command you know like who cares there he is I’ll put you in game mode so you’re probably spawned outside the map if I were to guess um

You know what don’t leak my IP address [Laughter] don’t leak our IP address that’s nadra on the screen what are you talking about nature is not on the screen no dragon is on the screen let’s crash this thing it’s not very hard I I tell you it’s not very hard

Don’t leak it yet what do you mean yet waiting for the right you know what if you could sell my information then at least that’s more understandable if you’re gonna sell my information that like at least someone’s making money you know laughs at least someone’s making money that way

Okay oh I had to oh I have to do the underside Oh I thought it was Judge smoothing wait that should means I get to procrastinate the actual uh hard Parts more you know what this is okay it’s okay after all yeah shovel the uh Central the center of the breath wild

Map is it 4 500 4500 um so if you ever like need to get somewhere that’s the center a lot of build templates are there too um but I also have this book I can give you with like a bunch of breath of wild locations uh this thing whoops

Uh and you can basically teleport any location you click on it’ll teleport you to so you can get around fast I’m making the Divine Triumph from the DLC DLC stuff is currently not in the plans it might be like a maybe a fun little side thing after the project you know like

Look out great stuff yeah not always by Me by the way most of the Organics were built by other people like the lionels the giant rock boys the high Knocks what is what is it is this a colorblind test or something is that what you’re doing this is not funny if so um

Boom yeah this has kind of evolved into just my building server in general um because originally it was just for the breath wild map but then once I started using like plug-in exclusives um I was like well I’m not gonna do it in a single player world without these

Plugins so I’ll just do it on the server is it here I lost track why is it so dark effect give at self night vision infinite I love the infinite thing now being a thing on earth a Spam 9 repeatedly all right it’s the card is this the card thing

Are you setting up the card system again we’re going back to elementary school I can just bring the card thing over here how many world backups are there there’s a lot I just like take one every once in a while and upload it to Google Drive

And most of the old backups are also on Google Drive so many check if it is safe to drink gasoline I mean remember what shovel said you can drink anything once I mean he is he I I will admit he is on to something with that one

The cards are bad that was such a funny stream that was a one of the funniest streams we’ve ever done that one and the uh the 10K sub q a stream are my favorites that we’ve done I think that 10K q that 10K sub q a one was like

One of the highlights of my channel I guess because I remember that was like when I first when I uploaded the first episode of this project um it didn’t do well at first because I was only like 2K Subs right it did okay like it got a few thousand views which for a

2K sub Channel like that’s pretty good you know that’s that’s really not bad um and but it but it wasn’t like super successful at first and then like at the start of June it just took off to 500 000 views like two months after I uploaded it just randomly

Took off and I went from 2K to 10K in like a couple days and like randomly when I hit 10K I was like oh maybe I should you know uh do a stream it’s like a q a and I didn’t think I was like either No One’s

Gonna care or like it’s gonna be the greatest stream ever and I start a stream and yeah am I allowed to help if you want to I’m not I’m not gonna tell you you should if you ever want to sure I’m fine with it but feel no obligation I know you have

Your own stuff going on but I guess you know procrastinating replay mods that’s not much better than doing this um all right I should probably start on these spikes with Loft um this command is my gosh my gosh uh not there Loft remove D hope for a couple minutes all right

I will gladly accept it uh here maybe I’m not used to the small scale spikes with Loft I gotta see if this is even worth it or if I should just do it by hand this is gonna look really bad I should just clear this one now

I don’t know how that even happened I messed up I set an extra point I think my mouse is double clicking because this keeps happening when I’m using Loft like I accidentally set another Point like out here they need to be bigger the spikes need to be bigger um

I’m just working on anything at this point to get something done oh I see why that’s happening actually because my infinite reach thing doesn’t account for loft yeah that that makes sense that makes sense why that’s happening now because I have a question what’s up do I

I have thermal paste and grachos every other day the garage sales I can understand but the thermal paste is a travesty that’s not horrible it’s like really weird but at least we know it works hold on I want to do whoops I want to do a g mask air block there we go

Oh can you try fun dip mixed with lighter fluid okay see we’ve had some crazy food ideas to chat but fun dip mixed with lighter fluid now that sounds like it’s gonna be good that sounds like it’s gonna be good can you resend the server IP I had to

Reinstall Windows and I lost lots of things all right yeah sure uh dwifu uh boom there you go I feel like I just fell into a trap but I also know that Dwight who’s fine because he had X he’s always had access to the server grazi secretly loves Ranch on pizza and

Thermal paste I will continue to give out grazie’s private information unless he reads this you guys take this way too seriously I can’t take the opinion seriously if you guys like Ranch on pizza I’ll never forget the people who try to it’s the greatest thing ever in the

Lunchroom in seventh grade like no it’s not it’s disgusting what are you doing like what it what why why would you make yourself suffer like that why would you make yourself suffer like that um I don’t know if I like these maybe it’s better to just do them by hand

Because I like the farage one there’s a lot more I don’t think I don’t think Lofts will work really well on a super small scale is the thing oh shovel’s doing the head okay Ranch and carrots okay I mean I don’t like Ranch but I do feel like Ranch

Would go well with carrots I will say like that sounds like something that might be okay that one might not be a sin you know let’s see how it works on smaller scale I really need to just keep experimenting with all these new tools uh yeah that’s definitely not gonna work

That is definitely not gonna work Ranch goes well with most veggies I can understand that I think I think I mean I just don’t like Ranch but like that does sound like something that you know for for the crazy Ranch enjoyers out there okay maybe maybe maybe

We should just mix into smaller ones with the big ones I’m starting to not like the length as much because it looks really thin now and having it too long it look maybe once we add the legs it’ll look better we’ll just keep going we’re we’re adopting shovel strategy we’re just

Gonna keep going you should try thermal paste yogurt and peanut butter what like mix it in that sounds like an idea and a half that sounds like an idea and a half okay all right let’s just cool that’s what I meant to do that’s exactly what I wanted to do

I beg you to try homemade buttermilk ranch oh God what do you guys want me to eat here new rule anyone who likes Ranch is banned from the breath of wild server dwifu you better not like ranch or you’re getting banned you better not like Ranch you haven’t lived until you’ve tried

Macaroni and M Ms what whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa there buddy you better calm it down oh yeah you’re European you don’t know what Ranch is do you oh you’re so lucky dude you get to live in a world without ranch oh my gosh I envy you I envy you

Offset emerald block these don’t look that great we’re just gonna we’re gonna keep going we’ll fix it later we’ll we’ll like sharpen them out a bit later small like bring them a bit smaller I I remember one I once tried uh this when I was at my grandma’s house once I put

Skittles and ice cream that was pretty good I’m not gonna lie Skittles and ice cream is pretty good the only problem is like if you didn’t eat it fast enough the Skittles got all cold and like rock solid and really hard so it’s like it was kind of a pain to

Eat if you didn’t eat fast enough macaroni and M M’s though that’s a whole different story you can’t mix something like macaroni with candy you’ve got to do like candy and candy or like ice cream and Candy you know you gotta keep those like desserts and like the sweets together

You can’t put M M’s in macaroni that is a a crime how do we get here again I said I wasn’t gonna do it and we’re still talking about stupid food opinions again the only reason why out every M Ms it’s with ice cream yeah I was talking about

This earlier M M’s are so boring M M’s are so boring they’re not the greatest candy of all time which I don’t think many people say that waffles and chicken oh my God no no I’m not even entertaining that idea I’m not even gonna entertain that idea

I said I wasn’t gonna do it dude I said I wasn’t gonna do it and here we are here we are which reminds me of like you know the people that like as soon as anything politics related is brought up that it’s like the discussion is all about

Politics that’s like us except with food opinions but specifically bad food opinions like I’m of the opinion that most of you guys know that your opinion like most of what you guys are saying you guys are just talking to talk you don’t actually believe most of what you’re saying

You’re just doing that to anger me mushroom and Cactus now that sounds like a good combo that’s something I could get behind that is something I could get behind Chicken and Waffles are real dish I don’t doubt that it’s a real dish but I don’t I don’t want to even think about it

It’s like the people who are bringing up Ranch flavored ice cream the other day like I don’t even want to think about that it’s so uh Eminem’s are so boring Skittles are way better Skittles are way better Skittles are way better that is so true

My uh grandma keeps a tub of Skittles in her pantry at all times it’s great uh that is potentially too sharp these ones back here gotta get way smaller the ones on the tail try that maybe dry food probably does not know what the heck I’m doing

I’m doing something wrong it’s so hard to tell where my points are on this small scale celery and barbecue that okay that’s not horrible it’s the best Girl Scout cookie dude I haven’t had Girl Scout cookies in like years I don’t know I remember there was oh

There was one I think that my family liked to put in the fridge and like get it cold before we ate it I don’t remember which one it was though I think that one was we really like that one I can’t remember for sure Thin Mints was out with that that’s

Probably what it was Lofts clear pineapple skin and ketchup no or that that’s that’s one we ignore that’s one of the ones we ignore we say no to that one we say no to that one we just don’t even give it any attention uh this is a weird one

Oh look at this we got a card system we got the card system you’re building the golden guy from Twilight Princess as a dragon what are you talking about yeah the golden guy from Twilight Princess is a dragon that’s what we’re building here pigskin the snack is not is this some European thing

Is this some European you can’t just bring up pigskin as a snack and talk about it what are you on about what are you on about it’s American I re what I’ve never heard of this before pigskin what he don’t know about fried pig skin what are you guys eating

Water you guys eating cow tongue okay now that’s something I’ve that’s something I’ve heard about I’ve heard about people eating cow tongues they’re like chips but worse well they’re called pig skin I don’t know if it actually is pigskin but I mean I doubt it but you know I’m just saying

Like if it’s called pig skin you didn’t really need to tell me that I could have figured that out on my own I could have figured that much out pork what what even is that I haven’t heard of that either I don’t think I have pig liver oh God these are uh

Wow somehow every single stream I’m like that was the worst Food opinion I’ve ever heard that was the worst food thing I’ve ever heard it’s not gonna get worse than that but next stream it always it always does it always somehow gets it gets worse every time every single time it gets worse

They’re basically pig skin oh gosh my gosh Celia said something a while ago what did he say why are you using these ugly box Celia’s Mr Dinosaur Builder we we have been over this you know what this is about by the way we were curious earlier stereos does your pterodactyl have facial hair

Does your does your pterodactyl have facial hair because it looks like it has facial hair why does this Spike look like that it does there you go shovel the pterodactyl does have it it has canonical facial hair we have confirmed this now the Builder himself confirms the pterodactyl has facial hair

I was feeling creative fair enough [Laughter] still annoyed when people say crazy yeah most annoying joke of all it’s not even a joke there’s nothing funny about it you’re gonna build another dinosaur oh my gosh the dinosaurs are gonna take over Hyrule yeah celias is going through a dinosaur

Arc one day I just woke up and celios had sent me like multi-paragraphs like multiple paragraphs of dinosaur facts and his Discord status was set to dino facts and like I think it’s Discord Banner was set to a dinosaur or something and I was like what what the hell happened last night

Turns out he watched Jurassic Park and then he just he he’s like a he’s like one of the you know how kids either base their personality off like trains planes dinosaurs space celios became the kid who was based his entire personality off of dinosaurs he’s going through it a bit late but you

Know so yeah ever since then he’s been sending me dinosaur memes dinosaur pictures he’s been building dinosaurs like what is going on I don’t know who knows anymore he’s getting he’s been sort of snapping out of it it’s been happening less oh here he is I have to be careful whenever I kick

Celios whenever I kick Celio so I have to make sure to tab has shovel’s name because celios is being annoying I had to keep my eye out what does Celia’s doing what is he doing okay okay yeah shovel don’t be afraid to ban celios if he uh if he gets a little rowdy

Dinosaur spring yep that’s him uh don’t ban me progress this dragon is sick which one where the one we’re building I mean it’s it’s more like a giant snake with some back problems but thank you should go to the 18 uh negative 4 500 negative four to five hundred and tell

Me what you think of that one that’s the one I care about uh why are you building a dragon with emerald and gold they’re temporary blocks they’re gonna be changed later because you know usually the base of the Dragon is going to be like a mix of

Different blocks so it makes sense to just do one block and change it later you know it’s less of a hassle we had to cover up the spikes though I’m just lugging in chat I I can’t even read anything out because your food opinions are getting so vile

Like what are you guys talking about I feel like celios is up to something I I feel like celius is up to something celios is in Orange already of course he is hold on let’s see what celios is celios what are you doing wait did celios place the emeralds did celios do this

I don’t think shovel built the horde dick he did here I’m going to show you something whenever celios is being annoying you can there’s a simple command you can do I knew it I could said Studios was up to something I had a spidey sense

I could I could sense it I was like he’s probably gonna mess with shovel if I had to guess foreign there we go never be afraid to ban celios Jordy paced in the head what what are you talking about you already paid something oh shovel’s working on the head right now

No I’ll be good you hate me celios I knew you were gonna do something and what do you know as soon as you log on you start messing with shovel all right boss I’ll ban celios if he’s bad don’t worry anyone anyone here has the right to ban celios shovel if celius

Is being bad feel free to ban him my goodness all right uh I’m gonna put in these Minier spikes around the area like in between the big spikes oh Chicago School looks good so far thank you yeah it’s uh we’re working on it I shall wield the band Hammer with Justice

Yeah celios gets a bit Rowdy sometimes so we had to put him in check and ban him uh Loft set emerald block there we go when you jump with the build you can put Turtle no no we’re not stop with the thermal paste stop with thermal paste

Uh that’s probably a good small one um Loft clear and then we do boom boom boom boom boom that’s gonna look bad I can feel it yeah I shouldn’t have come out on that first one I’m still learning the ways of Loft I’m gonna leak your bass chords well then

I’ll stop playing on your server celios how about that how about that for the uh can I still try the horn that’s up the shovel he’s working on the on the head right now that is up to him if he if he’s okay with you doing the orange go for it um

Uh all right that’s y’all look real quick um um let me check real quick anything right now okay there we go all right Loft set emerald block uh that looks a bit weird but you know what we’ll go with it boom maybe have it go up one more

Your colorblind that’s not gold that’s Diamond I’m not that color blind relax there resume the recording good call that was a good chat message it’s Ray that was a good one you know in a sea of bad chat comments that’s a good one ah and look okay okay actually to be

Fair John said it first oh to be fair brother pills said it first okay to be yeah to be fair brother pills said it first whatever thank you guys all right um do here here and here maybe here too you miss click hit resume yeah nice try nice try

Eat peanuts on stream I don’t just have peanuts lying around I said it last stream oh you did how’s it all thank you halziki look at you Mr I did it first celio’s just has a skill issue shaking my head it’s funny because when I saw the when I

Saw the emerald horn on the dragon head I was like I don’t think that’s what the horn the general has but you know okay and then I realized celios was doing it and I was like you know that makes sense [Laughter] this quickly alt f4 quickly before the

Progress is deleted yeah good call good call grilled cheese with a mare what don’t tell me grilled cheese was gross don’t tell me that I’m not that colorblind I’m not that colorblind it’s a version of um like a red green color blind I think I noticed when I’ve taken colorblind

Tests it seems like the cyan colors are always the one that slipped me up though I don’t know I’ve never I’ve never like done like the most knowledge about my colorblind test is like I took an online colorblind test and then they’re like you’re a medium protein or something

And I was like cool uh remove D I tried a colorblind filter on my uh I tried one of Windows colorblind filters to try to correct um yeah there it is Select convex there you go on Marines um I tried like getting one of the colorblind

Filters on my monitor just to like see um but it didn’t look good I don’t think it worked because those colors were awful looking uh can you see the difference between these two colors uh well this is light blue con I can see the difference yeah it’s this light blue concrete and I’m

Pretty sure this is cyan concrete yeah like I can see the difference but like I mean when I’m taking the colorblind test and you know it’s like it shows the numbers and it’s like I can’t see the number I can always make out a little

Bit of like a cyan color but I can’t see the number you know bro it’s red yeah yeah no dude that’s orange you guys are I I’m not even I’m not even entertaining this right now you guys know why you’re being silly you guys know why you’re being silly

That’s red that’s not how color blindness Works guys it’s not just I’ll mistake this caller and like oh this is blue it looks like even if it was actually red like I still see that as red you know it’s like when you tell someone they’re colorblind they’re like what color is this I’m

Gonna know what color it is the only difference is I might just see that color like you know what I’m not even gonna bother trying to explain it you guys are just being trolling tarries right now what about these two okay let’s see oh man hmm I really can’t tell the difference it’s

Almost like it’s the exact same block oh my gosh it’s almost like it’s the exact same block what about uncooked round and peanut butter you guys are still going on about food you guys need to let it go uh left clear we’ll just clear it why not we’ll do like that

Close it off uh Loft set emerald block ugh my God that’s not even a block yeah okay buddy okay buddy whatever you say um boom yeah I like having the smaller spikes between the bigger ones I’ll stop eating Ranch if you eat thermal paste no did he eat the thermal

Paste already no shut up I’m not eating dermal paste on the topic of Let It Go I will now ask your opinions on Frozen blue terracotta light blue terracotta oh it’s cyan that’s annoying pins on Frozen I mean overall the movie isn’t horrible I suppose I don’t like it

But like overall the movie isn’t horrible it’s not good but it’s not horrible stop eating Ranch if you taste the paste no no I’ll stop eating Ranch if you taste the paste no I will not be eating the thermal paste how about this you guys eat thermal paste first

How about that why don’t you guys start us off with by eating it but thank you for the two I appreciate it but no I’m not eating the thermal paste good movie over the status welcome it’s not that good calling a good is a bit of a stretch

That’s that’s taking it a bit far Maybe that’s taken it maybe a bit far um oh would you let anyone help on your map why don’t let anyone help on it but like most people who help me on this map are just like my friends who I led onto the

Map one day because like you know I guess they were curious to see and I thought it’d be funny to like show them it and then they stuck around and helped and started helping me build and that’s how that’s how I first uh got some assistance with building and then later um

I was looking to like bring some other builders on the map so I looked through like because you know I obviously have gotten a lot of people like who dm’d me like oh I want to help here are my builds you know so like later down the line I went through

My DMs and I picked out like some of the best um I chose like six people who had some like pretty good builds that they showed me and I was like had them do this like apply like they kind of applied for the to help on the map and then like

Of the people who applied I took like half of them I think and they joined the map and that’s how pretty much all the builders showed up but then of course um like I let my other friends who aren’t always gonna build you know like Celio spring for example dude’s just a troll

But like he’s my friend so I just let him on the map he logs on every once in a while he messes around does all this and that and that you know bread pirate has access shovel now has access and he just comes in and starts building the dragon head

Dorito mac and cheese no shut up Dorito mac and cheese is not good I refuse to believe it that’s what started all this I just remembered the whole reason all of the freaking uh food opinion started in the chats because celios brought up the Doritos and mac and cheese that one time

And we all made fun of him like that’s stupid and because of that now we have to deal with the food opinions it’s all celio’s fault we can blame it all on celios I’ll eat thermal paste with ranch have fun dying I suppose who is doing that who is doing that

Thank you for the two again though I appreciate it but no you don’t I you probably shouldn’t die for an internet joke you know just saying like I would you know that sounds like a tick tock challenge actually eating thermal paste does sound like a tick tock challenge which is like the exact

Confirmation I needed to know that I should uh not be eating it it’s cheese and cheese it’s spicy mac and cheese we’ve we’ve talked about over this celios I’m not I’m not entertaining your delusion oh name one thing crossy hates more than other people’s opinions no well hold on

Now hold on hold on let’s not make this out to be something it’s not you know whoa whoa Do you play Final Fantasy VII I have not played any of the Final Fantasy games no I can think of multiple things he hates more oh God uh I need to the dragon has like an underbelly so I’m gonna like the underbelly’s a different color so I’m

Gonna choose a different block for the underbelly we’ll do lapis block we’ll just do like two and we’ll do G mask gold block oh that’s too big I have to do like one uh this will be one two I want crazy to know that I started the

Mac and cheese Dorito in the Stream that was celios grazi is so intolerant he must be a liberal oh God what is this conversation how do we get down this road good food combo cereal and milk that is like the coldest take I’ve ever read from chat there’s the single coldest take I’ve

Ever seen in chat paint the underside roughly get the rough part done stop about here I think we’ll just leave the neck for now this would be a bit bigger yeah we need to bring it out a bit more huh Short with thermal paste no I faked you guys out with a shirt eating that one time that was enough you know that was enough how’s the head looking oh I like that ones are pretty good wait he’s the same if you pasted the new head

On I like it I think it’s pretty cool the horns are pretty good I like the horns I think it’s pretty solid I think it’s pretty solid man how do you just do this so fast that’s a shovel tooth that’s a professional builder moment right there

Was also the main which we get so what’s what’s next what else is there we need to what time is it first of all I’ve been going almost two hours we’re probably not gonna finish the dragon today because the legs will probably take an hour on their own um but

There’s the legs there’s the underbelly which I mean not gonna take too long um block Choice the main I think yeah I mean maybe we I’ll keep going for now I’ll keep streaming for now we’ll we’ll we’ll we’ll see how far we make it into the dragon might have to

Finish it up like the next stream or off stream or something I’ll probably leave uh if we don’t finish it today I’ll probably just wait and finish the next stream so you guys can see the whole process okay celios I’m gonna ban you from my chat too this guy

Uh where’d that image go there it is um um okay that’s pretty good have it mixed in a bit more around the edges here um all right when do you plan to upload a new vid uh I’m hoping to get it out before the end of October is the Hope

And I’m also working on another video um a non-breath I know I know it’s like a crime that I’m uploading a non-breath wild in Minecraft video but trust me this non-breath of wild video that I’m working on this other building video if I successfully pull off

Everything I want to do with this video I think it’s going to be my best video yet better than any of the breath water Minecraft episodes so I’m really excited for that but that’ll be coming out probably after I want to release this breath of the wild Minecraft episode before it

But they should come out it relatively a similar time like I don’t I don’t think they’re going to be too far apart I wonder if the horns hmm depending on the angle the horns are maybe a bit too detached I think the horns need to be like pushed into the head more

Maybe that’s just because the main is absent actually because you know it’s got the white Mane maybe once we put in the main it’ll look better I’m not sure we’ll see we’ll see they’re looking pretty good though I like them um all right so what is the tail is the tail

Okay so once you get far enough back in the tail it just goes to the the underbelly color just dissipates so we can just keep going a little bit what is that like what’s that size that’s too big um yeah the canyon is not that great so far

I still need to fix up the gradient I don’t know if I like the color of the bottom the problem is there’s a bunch of overhanging cliffs throughout the entire Canyon and uh I’m sure you guys know there’s one thing I hate doing more than anything in the world

And uh it’s building giant rocks I haven’t uh learned all of the from the new plugins that shovel showed me I haven’t learned like I’ve learned a lot from them from him and just from messing around with them but I haven’t quite figured out the best way for like smaller scale terraforming

Uh like obviously go brush just has like the height map kind of mountain thing but you know I gotta I gotta I gotta really figure out the best ways to uh terraform like smaller overhangs and such overhangs are the big one Arnold you’re dying all right how old is grog uh he’s like

Four or something where’s Grog he’s at my parents place who is grog he’s my parents dog can we get a permanent picture no what color is he he’s golden why would you kill Arnold because he he’s not supposed to be living I just realized we’re probably at a

Point where people are forgetting the Arnold lore okay this is starting to look better oh that’s a big horn it’s starting to look better I’m starting to worry though that it’s too thin for how long it is well we’ll mess with it later if that if it keeps up like that

It might be time though uh Boulder brush oh yeah that’ll that’ll do it I remember you mentioned Boulder brush but I don’t think I heard what it is is it like such Boulder slash brush Boulder which like how what’s the command for it Arc brush okay I’m just gonna screenshot that command because

Let me try it Arc brush Boulder okay one fifteen two thirty twenty oh God that’s a lot of numbers I’m gonna have to okay well at least now that I know what the command is Okay so what does this do uh G mask air yeah you know I think that’s gonna

Save some time yeah that’s gonna that’s that’s probably gonna help out quite a lot um that is definitely a command I need to keep let me get this brush out of here okay so we have the majority of the body done I really don’t want to do the legs yet I really

Really don’t want to do the legs yet um so let’s try coming up with a block palette let’s let’s figure out a block palette um so let me get this image back up on screen real quick um I won’t ask what he is doing it better not be among us

Whatever that is it better not be among us I think that was Among Us I think I’d see Among Us on screen yeah you better hide it alright so this is the this is the dragon we have to come up with a collar for so it’s Underside the underbelly is like a

Reddish now I think yeah so what we did with farage is we had the different lines you see we had like layers um so we should do something similar we should have like two we should have like Stripes almost right um because part of the underbelly like

Glows red so what we should probably do is um let’s get some red stained glass to cover the one of them and then we should look at some red glazed terracotta maybe black glazed terracotta black leaves terracotta might be too dark though especially behind the glass

Uh we can keep it for now though what does the red what is the red glaze like maybe a redstone blocks maybe maybe just throwing some stuff out there um let me look uh crimson’s hyphae is another one that comes to mind oh well I mean

But just shows up puts that down and then heads out cool that works with the horn a lot too now that I’m looking that’s really good for the horn like the mag one the shroom lights uh the shroom lights will definitely work or these two things

The Trim Light and the Frog Light those should definitely work for the horns on like the back um that’s for sure um and then let me look at this image again let me pull this up looking at the underside the underside is really dark red with like the glowing part right

Read another brick you just come up with these gradients so fast you come up with these gradients so freaking fast I didn’t even have time I didn’t even have time comes in and plays the last one cool all right so I guess there’s that pallets done uh we need the top side

Though which is like a white and it’s kind of like a gray I’m gonna get it first I’m gonna get it first I’m not gonna get it first this dude already has the entire block palette picked out while I’m still finding my first block um I already have Cobblestone no that’s infested cobblestone

Um it’s kind of like a whitish gray so maybe we use like light gray I think what we did with farage is we centralized we had it primarily white we did like the white body but then we centralized the gray around the base of the spikes so maybe we should do

Something similar where the base of the spikes we go with like a gray palette potentially I think command block fits the palette pretty well good call good call um so let’s think here if we get the wider blocks um but that’s just gonna be the same I think we should do darker

We should do like a lighter gray for the base body and then keep the darker Graves for the base of the spikes I think I think that’s the best way to do it so let’s see here Cobblestone maybe we use um what’s it called dead coral

For the darker stuff around the base of the spikes right so we could do this and then the Cobblestone or something maybe use another dead coral I usually only like make using one dead coral at a time though I don’t know why I think they’re just too similar having more

Than one it all starts to blend together acacia wood could work something like that for the base and then or for the base of the horns and then we can use the horns the spikes whatever they’re called and then regular kind of lighter stone blocks for the general um kind of

So the base of the top side is the lighter stuff around the base of the spikes we could try the darker Stone and then this I think would be the spikes and the horns and then this is the underside of the belly right okay okay I think this will I think this

Will work so I’m gonna do okay I have to think about how this works in the G mask okay dude’s got the whole gradient here foreign part should be lighter well we could try moving the gradient over and use uh smooth Stone instead of the Stone and then

Tough is a good call tough is a good one um thoughts are mixed together properly so maybe we do the stone here or here we could just do what he has look at this guy look at this guy dude it’s 20 times faster than me I kind of like this

I don’t know if I like to jump from Stone to tough oh but this is too similar of a jump maybe we should do the tough and then the acacia because from a distance there’s more of a jump but up close I like the thing more so I think we’ll do that um

So this for the what is it called base body this no no this for the base body this for around the spikes horns underside of the belly I think that works I think that might work okay so how am I gonna do this um first of all a lot of these spikes are

Wonky I have to make sure that the spikes are like kind of covered I guess like so uh like that slim down the bottom a bit more then we have to fix this up like so uh but that comes up on the top so we have to connect that together

I don’t like how thick that gets I had to change that uh still gets too it’s not thick enough here is the problem like that maybe I should clear my loft uh thinning out even more near the bottom like that and then do that yeah okay okay so I’m thinking

Use a paint brush to add a different block at the bottom of the spikes right and then we go back through and just change them one by one I think is the call I think that’s what we do let’s try that let’s try that let’s do it so how would this work uh

G mask beside emerald block that works right yeah sometimes that command doesn’t work for me and then not air or we can just do gold block and then we can do brush sphere iron we’ll use iron block this time I already know shovels like you’re doing this the hard way there’s totally an

Easier way to do this I can tell look at his face look at it and he’s looking at me laughs so we could do it like that right that’s not going to be perfect um I wonder if it’s even worth it doing the beside Emerald because if we just

Use a small enough brush it won’t be a big deal right this is my idea so then the iron would be this stuff and then the gold would be this stuff you see what I’m getting at that was my idea I don’t know if that’ll work that’s kind of what we did with

Farage is that Bowser yes this is Bowser we’re building Bowser right now um yeah see that’s the problem uh let’s just do gmask not air and see what happens or we’ll do gym as gold block yeah this is this is gonna be much better um this is a problem um okay

Like so this needs to be iron like that like that like gray terracotta because it’s a little brown okay I know I’m colorblind but I don’t think there’s Brown and dinner all I don’t think dinner roll has much Brown maybe I mean I I thought levias was gray

For the longest time so who really knows like that you see what you see with it okay I think shovel found the easier way or he’s just way faster at it than I am see look at this I gotta get better I gotta get faster

In my defense I am trying to stream at the same time why was I okay why was I smited I won’t question it Jim has gold block that’s what I was doing I guess you were just doing it faster because I’m being a Slowpoke and trying to read chat

Um yeah that doesn’t need to be too much um yeah I think that’s good generally I’m not sure if I want it I don’t think I want it perfectly around the edge like it can be mixing a bit more I think you know so likes this

Just mix it in a little tiny bit more um yeah something like that all right what are you guys all doing replace next to emerald block iron block so what are the brackets do because I I was using that as my G mask but it wasn’t perfect so I’m wondering

What what is the brackets change something that’s what I’m curious about now what’s that they punched you and you just died um boom So I’m looking a bit better says dinroll dinroll himself is in chat the brackets Just Let You tab with the oh okay okay that makes sense then yeah you know tears of the Kingdom right no I’m building all of breath of the wild in Minecraft but I’ve never heard about

Tears of Kingdom before never once all right so I think that might be good I’m not seeing any discrepancies um maybe this looks a bit weird this is like a hard line I don’t like do that um we can mix this in a little bit more

And Rawl is in Jay at dinroll himself is in chat we’re trying General we’re trying you’re starting to take shape you start you’re starting to take shape all right now we can uh start with the block palette here um I was AFK for a second have you played

Tears of the Kingdom no I’ve never played tears of Kingdom despite me being such a super fan of breath of the Wild all right so I think we’re ready to color it gradient on a dragon so the last time I built a dragon this one I didn’t have like a quick gradient tool

Um but now I do through go brush but I don’t know how well it would work on a dragon like this I don’t know if it’s best to do a gradient here because I’m thinking how would a grain on a dragon work would it be from tail to head it gets lighter

I don’t think so what blocks you plan to use for dinner all uh all of this so the gold is going to be this block the iron is going to be these blocks the horns are kind of going to be this and then the underside of the belly is going to be this

Uh well I guess actually I do want to have one thing I want to do real quick brush sphere um what’s another block netherrite another right block uh we’ll do like two I go from top to bottom that’s what I’m thinking but because of the what the

Dragon’s angle is I wonder how well that would look I mean I guess we can try we can try it’s small enough or it’s small enough you can use replace next to yeah that’s true um so I want to do whoops I forgot about that important piece of

The puzzle I need to do gmask lapis and I’m just gonna add some like Stripes that’s too big I’ll do one Stripes stripes across the lapis because that’s what we did with with dinroll or with with farage I want to have these stripes disc brush I’m learning so much what is disk uh

It’s probably Arc brush is it Arc brush disc it’s probably short for something else what are all the arc brushes crop cube a road blend revolves Spike and Vine oh I think I know what Vine is I can guess that much I know what spike is I know what Boulder is

Oh it’s a goat oh it’s a go painting okay let me open that what does disc brush do ah boom enable disc brush what does this do um access y mask I’ll pronounce my thing all right let’s just find out let’s just find out what it does what does this do

Ah okay so it’s like a cylinder kind of brush I get it okay let’s do that let’s use that instead I see what this does now okay so let’s start with that Oh yay I’m gonna like this a lot sometimes I’m gonna really like this uh this needs to be brought out

Access Z you think you think I should put the ax to Z there’s ecstasy I guess yeah because it’ll do uh like that um it’s not gonna be perfect though wait I actually think I undid too much there we go so we just yeah we just had like Stripes

Like this doesn’t have to be perfect oh yeah I like this brush there we go there we go uh I’ll shut to do the legs oh I hate doing legs I’ll figure it out I think it’s gonna be mostly the same as the frosh legs so we can reuse or at least

Learn from that one and you know do something similar uh I don’t like that one being there that looks weird we’ll put it like here like that is there a way and it doesn’t look like there’s a setting for that I was wondering but I guess that wouldn’t really work

We can just keep doing it this way this works that should not be gold that should be lapis but Stone now I just realized we’re using Stone in the block so it’s maybe not smart but whatever okay pretty good I don’t know if I want to roughen it up at all

Um because I don’t know if I like the harsh line there I think it might be better to change it up a bit more by just like doing something like that just to kind of smooth it out a bit more maybe I don’t know if I like this more

To find out I guess just around it yeah I think I like rounding it a little bit more what are the stripes for it because dinroll kind of has these Stripes you see you see it has like the stripe kind of scaly things there I have to just emulate it on a bigger

Scale so what we did for uh farage because then we can emulate having like those glowing parts and some parts you know maybe I should just do every other maybe I shouldn’t do it bigger here oh my gosh this is the dangers of getting new tools because then I start

To think bigger and yeah because like what if we do just do it like every other one maybe we should just do it every other one because then we can have the darker side for one of the stripes and then the other ones are the lighter ones to emulate that glow you know

Hmm I think I’m liking the idea of the smaller stripes I think I like that oh it’s tough well we gotta find out I gotta find out now I want to say I want to see what it’s like I gotta know I gotta know I’m curious we can at least try it on

Like a small scale to start we could try on a smaller scale um I think that’ll look good I think having the lighter ones is like the stone for example and then the lapis is the darker one we gotta find out we have to find out I have to know now

I have to try it had to give it an attempt uh that one that one okay slow but did the music stop again did it do the two hour thing where it always stops two hours in I think it did music does this every stream where’s my Google Chrome tab

There we go yep it randomly stopped light blocks for glow yeah maybe you could like sneak in some magma or something might be smart uh boom boom boom boom boom boom this is gonna be annoying if we need to change it later but whatever I’ve committed

Well I don’t know if I do like it no we’ve committed we’ve committed to this one we’ve committed no going back now there is going back but we’re gonna test it all the way through all right so there’s that um now I think we start I think now we start uh

Changing the blocks oh the horns are colored okay one thing I’m gonna do I’m gonna do position one position two and I’m going to okay I didn’t select any of that right yeah replace stone with netherrite block why did that take so long to go through okay that was weird

Um because I don’t want to accidentally get this Stone you know and change the head so we are going to let’s start with the underbelly let’s start with the underbelly so I think lapis will be these three what’s up Alfie there’s another Arnold what do you mean there’s another Arnold

There’s not another Arnold shush this one wasn’t me yeah okay whatever you say um I don’t know how it’s gonna look so let’s do G mask lapis on the bridge where’s Arnold flash Minecraft kill at entity name equals Arnold 9.5 no entity was found oh I put a period uh what

Who did this I can’t kill it and I bet it’s gonna tank a hit from a sharpness 255 sword huh they’ve outsmarted me they’ve outsmarted me this was definitely how Ziggy howziki’s big brain smart command man command man I like that command man that’s who you are wait housing wasn’t

Even on was he did I just put the blame on how ziki despite him not having been logged on at all but in quotes that’s what I did get me out of here all right how’s this gonna work um I think I have to go smaller scale with the brush for this

Um go from bottom to the top I think would be the way to do this what’s the Crimson yeah this is the weird thing it’s small it’s so small scale the Crimson Haifa is not very present let’s just keep going let’s keep going let’s see if we like it when we get the

Second block the second blocks in here so another War red concrete red wool um boom another watch that didn’t work for some reason another wart concrete red wool so we should go from bottom to top uh G mask netherrite block um going from top to bottom will mean the lighter blocks

Who did that who did that who was it who did it who’s getting pants today who’s getting banned who was it you better fess up before I hook a console it was me don’t tell me you did Slash kill identity for the love of God and Arnold lived all of that sly

I’m back at the dragon shovel you could TP back it was just supposed to be the Frog you better not have killed that all entity uh there’s still animals down here they’re still animals okay it looks like it was just players Sly Jay cruel this is why we don’t mess with the kill

Command sly my gosh okay okay I don’t know how I feel about this guess he wasn’t so Sly about it my gosh my gosh okay Arnold is invincible here let me let me take let me take Arnold here come here Arnold I fly too fast for him why does he have slow falling

Um I’ve got an idea I have a great idea come down here Arnold come right down here right down here Arnold come on in come on in Arnold all right Alfie goodbye goodbye Alfie Arnold you’re going bye-bye no matter what you see no matter what you’re going bye-bye

Hold on Arnold you’re not gonna live this stop stop messing with it stop messing with it stop messing with it stop messing with it goodbye Arnold goodbye survive this one Arnold hahaha and now we leave him now we leave him come on out of the Void everyone now we’re safe to

Go on about our day all right let’s get back to work now shall we [Laughter] ‘ve been banished he will fall forever that is his eternal punishment for being invincible the Eternal punishment um all right hmm maybe we should use magma somewhere under on the underside where do we mix that in

Theoretically with the red concrete stuff we’ll leave it for now leave it for now all right he died did he actually die I don’t believe that Arnold actually died Um all right gradient time uh boom boom boom and a sight light gray wool smooth Stone just like that yeah I watched the Dutch particles appear well then he’s gone forever let that be a lesson no matter what you can’t escape the void uh what does this do this is to gold g-mask

Gold block Grazie what I was doing what had to be done I was doing what was necessary it was how ziki well yeah oh yeah he was online oh here it is CEO inspect we discovered the culprit how ziki clicked Oak button what do you know what do you know We found the culprit how’s he used to blame oh my God whatever those are just imposter Arnolds they can stay there for now For now um okay okay not enough and a site I think I need to scale down the brush gradient’s on such a small scale like this are so weird they are very odd here we go whoops it went too far all right um I think we lower the scale to like 10.

We move from the bottom up and then we do the same thing like so um start in kind of the middle down here to get andesite near the bottom and then we move our way up so slowly something like that Uh we have to change the iron to know for sure uh here we go let’s try it uh boom boom boom acacia wood tough uh Stone g-mask iron block top um like so this is weird gradients on the scale are so strange Gray’s too dark I don’t know

I don’t really think it is not so tough there um I feel like if anything there’s not enough variation in it it’s too solid I think I might have to turn up the mixing strength of the uh the light gray stuff down here why am I glowing

I think I have to turn up the mixing strength of that I think perhaps you’re colorblind I’m not I’m right yeah that’s not how it works spam on do I could just do undo 10. uh redo 10. we should undo the rest like that oh there’s Morton dude nevermind uh

Like so all right let’s try upping the mixing strengths let’s go back to I’m starting to wonder if we should swap the golden iron around so that its base is darker and it’s lighter around the spikes I’m not sure let’s just try up upping the mixing strength to start

Um let’s get that down there and then let’s do boom boom boom and a sight like a wool smooth Stone mixing strength let’s up that to like 70 perhaps gmask gold so what happens when we right click like here now where’s the tough okay or that smooth Stone I mean

No that’s not what I meant to do boom boom I think I like that a lot more yeah I think I like this okay I think I’m starting to understand how to do this gradient now okay I think I’m starting to see I think I’m starting to get it

It’s starting to click how I do this gradient okay no no it just clicked for me it finally clicked it finally clicked for me I finally understand it I think I am being a silly goose about it just go right down the middle all right I’ll see you later umrains

Have a good rest of your night armings okay like there maybe um yeah yeah okay now I’m starting to understand see I was thinking what the way I was thinking about it first is that all the lighter blocks are up on this peak and then all the darker ones

Are down here but no that’s the silly way to do it you just lower the brush size and have the gradient all throughout I’m so silly I am a silly goose didn’t roll is blue yeah I’m not that colorblind I’m not that colorblind so now there’s that and then we do this

And we do that that and that no that’s not right is it yeah that’s right Stone and we turn the brush size even more and we do G mask iron farage isn’t Bluey there okay yeah yeah this is all making so much more sense now it all makes so much more sense okay

All right now it’s coming together all that oh there’s a gold block I missed whoops fine just do that oh there’s a bunch of gold blocks I missed we can shoot that all smooth Stone General is more cheese colored yes dinner all is yellow good call like so um get all this

Finally all of that and there’s also gotta be iron around this one because this is one of the Rocks too hmm what are we thinking I don’t think it’s quite right yet I don’t think it’s quite there I feel like there’s not enough texture I don’t think there’s enough texture

Because there’s too much there’s too much light gray wool and there’s just not enough texture in there you know what I mean I think we should swap out the light gray wolf or something else potentially um where is the light gray wool it’s right there maybe we try

Getting out the getting rid of this putting the smooth Stone there and putting calcite there maybe we try that because then it’ll add a bit of a lighter color because I don’t think I like how dark it is either like it’s quite dark right now you know I don’t think I want that

It’s a bit too dark so what if we replace smooth stone with diorite and we replace light gray wool with the smooth Stone what do we think of that I think I like that better this is It’s too it’s too it’s not enough I feel like I don’t know how to explain it

There’s not enough texture I guess but this adds more and the darker highlight around the spikes is more visible you see what I mean this is better at least I think this is better I think it matches the color a lot more I think it matches the color at least a lot better

What do you do what does sly keep dying from how long has he been falling from a high place did you de-op him and then kill him that’s really funny if so that’s actually really funny all right let’s try the horns now so I think this

Is what we decided on for the for the what is it called for the spikes I don’t know if I like the shroom light that a spot really funny I don’t know he’s trying to slime block clutch I think okay um I don’t know about the double

The shroom light and the Frog Light I don’t know if I want both we can try it uh g-mask emerald block and let’s put all this away and let’s get out that that that that black lives terracotta magma shroom light and Frog Light uh we’ll turn the brush light up a bit I

Think we can now ah no I don’t think we can hmm is it too harsh Maybe I feel like it’s potentially too harsh if you know what I mean oh maybe not that actually does look pretty cool that does look kind of cool actually I do like the really bright tips

What is this petrified thank you for the 64 petrified Oak slabs hmm hmm Grady has heard of that Axiom shut up my gosh it’s more orange than just white what do you mean it’s more orange you mean the tips of the spikes that could be it hmm Maybe let me try something

What if I add double the amount of magma blocks so there’s more magma because I feel like the magma is the most accurate color right I no I think I like the Frog lights honestly I think I I think I like the the Frog lights

Um what if I put in the Frog lights on top of that so now there’s more magma and a little less shroom light like so um I think I like that I think I like that let’s start over with this okay boom boom boom okay

I think I think I like that I think I might like that maybe the black maybe it’s the black glazed terracotta because there’s more orange and the black lace terracotta is like a dark red kind of you know what if we get like a solid orange base like this

That doesn’t go into the can I can I stop that doesn’t go into the magma very well orange terracotta um tough call because the the problem is these are so textured but the Terracotta is not red sandstone maybe to kind of match the texture some more

I’m gonna head out now all right see you later Sly you have a good rest of your night High chat okay cool foreign beings Goofy for seven minutes oh yeah I forgot he has to do that um Acacia no too bright um Brett no no shot Netherrack honestly might not be bad

Netherrack might not be a horrible Choice here I don’t hate that I really don’t hate this let’s try the Netherrack let’s try the Netherrack boom that’s not that’s weird there we go more Netherrack at the base oh that’s an iron block that needs to be replaced with like tough or something

So what if I go like how about that I go three down from the top and then spread it in a little bit okay okay I think we might be onto something here we might be onto something with this one why is there a grazi okay you’re dying

That’s not what I’m meant to do that’s not what I meant to do I see you’re messing with the horns a lot more oh yeah I think that might be better it feels more connected with the head I think once we get the main in place too it’ll look really good

How did you drown like that uh that should definitely not be that because I really like how how I I do think I like the really bright tips like I think the bright tips look really cool spikes look like sweets to me they do kind of look like dangerous candy corn

Okay okay I I was having this oh God we’re getting into food again I was having this discussion with a friend earlier do you guys have I don’t think this is everywhere but there are these like along with candy corn like there are these like pumpkins that you get

Sometimes too at least where I’m from they’re kind of like candy corn but they’re like these pumpkin shaped things instead oh my God those things are so bad they’re so bad I’m sorry the pumpkins are so bad candy corn is fine candy corn is good but oh my God the pumpkins are vile

Candy corn pumpkins is that what they’re actually called candy corn pumpkins yes I love those yeah you guys probably thought I was getting ready to talk about how good they are no those things are so bad every single year I’m like you know what let’s try one they’re not that bad

They’re not as bad as I remember them but again every single year they’re just as bad as I remember them being and I’m like why am I eating this again um where did the shroom light go I need stream lights yeah sorry I wasn’t there to talk about

How they’re really good no I was there to complain about them sorry it’s the truth though okay now I think we paint the rest of the emerald with Netherrack replace emerald block with Netherrack do you sell uh these have got a switch to like and decide or something

What do we think of that it doesn’t feel very fiery like it really doesn’t feel so like it doesn’t feel fiery enough it does kind of have like Flames around it when you approach it though so maybe we like make like I guess spheres of like Flames or

Something around the dragon you know should I really love-esque yeah that’s what I’m saying it doesn’t feel like fiery enough glowstone Maybe too dark um what if we add like I realized what it might be I forgot this was a step we had to take with farage because farash had a similar problem

Look we went through farage and we added these like green veins into the the body maybe we do that here and use like like we do we do something similar we have like these these veins with the glass covering it what do we think of that

Why is Alfie going to the end you know I won’t question it hmm I think we can try it I think we can try it so brush sphere we’ll do it with uh what’s the word I’m looking for we’ll do a diamond block about one what’s up Alfie G mask

Why is the Ender Dragon still here with no end Chris I have no idea I haven’t been to the end look here guys where you at you at the head oh well I guess he was already on it do you do that quickly with commands because I was gonna ask like well I

Guess you don’t put it on the sides hmm okay this can work so I think yeah one will be too big so I’m wondering replace tool first replace tool then gmask solid gmask solid what does gmask solid do I’ve never heard of gmask replace orange stained glass with shroom light wait

Or replace under okay yeah yeah that makes sense um so did you put in the shroom lights manually then because or did you use like a line or a curve command I still I mean these I assume you put in the glass and then you just G mask under

It that’s what I assumed use the original Three ideas put together the spikes pulse and glow differently in game huh I don’t know what you mean because this is too yes with the replace tool had a tool like a hold a tool like a yeah is there a replace tool replace one

Okay that’s that’s a handy command uh I should do orange stained glass one right orange sand glass one too many arguments no does this come first how does this work no left click to select that block what what is this wait so then what if I replace can I

Select multiple and then I replace with orange glass how does this work do I right click two but it doesn’t matter what you start with wait am I big dumb dumb right click a block to change it left click to select that block one is just the code for stone oh that’s

The code for stone Okay so I right click to change it wait so replace your tool switch to smooth Stone ah okay I see what you I see what you mean now okay oh that’s not what I meant to do so that selects the block and then this replaces

Okay that’s pretty handy I get it now I get it now shovel with the big brain command this is what happens when you’re self-taught with the world at it yeah I think we did it manually on farage and then yeah you can just do replace under command yeah that makes sense okay

I like this this is a Nifty little tool this is a Nifty little tool sand yeah let’s use sand instead of the Stone so how many new like things have I learned in this stream I’ll just go block huh yeah let’s try let’s just try with this for now

Shovel shows up and suddenly I’m like a a new a new and improved Builder who could have guessed but lava under the glass I don’t know if lava would look so good I guess we could maybe experiment with it but I think the shroom lights in like magma would work better

Uh do like that yeah okay I can’t do that one there she’s fondant I swear to God if I hear about the cheese fun dip one more time I’m gonna lose it like that okay um oh there’s the problem uh I don’t think any of that’s exposed though I think we’re fine

I think we are that’s definitely not fine these two are not fine is that one fine that one’s not okay okay I think that’s as much as we can do all right let’s try this now let’s try this now get that out of here oh it looks like oh no okay boom

Is that everything yeah should we try this I think it’s time to try it all right replace turn off the caps lock replace under orange stained glass shroom light that’s farash make sure g-mask is solid I think that’s still my gmask yeah hmm I don’t know

I don’t know if we should do more it doesn’t feel like it adds enough you know let me try using magma blocks with that as well so we’ll use magma box and shroom lights how does that look not too much different um from a distance it still looks very basic and gray

Yeah I don’t think the Lava will work I don’t think the Lava is a good idea I don’t think the Lava is a smart move here maybe once we get so uh I think it’s the green glass sticks out a lot more what if we change the orange

Stained glass to like a red maybe the red will pop more hmm Place orange stained glass with red stained glass it definitely pops more but it doesn’t make that big of a difference the red blends in a lot more I don’t know if I prefer the red I don’t

Think I prefer the red I think I like the orange I don’t know well this is tough this is tough hmm um mixing yellow yeah yellow might be better yellow might pop more with frosh it was so much easier because the lime green like popped so much more

Place orange stained glass with orange stained glass and yellow stained glass oh that definitely is better I think just from a distance yeah the yellow pops a lot more but the veins on the sides yeah we’ll probably have to put some veins on the sides I think and uh yeah so

How would that work as a g mask I would do it to replace net because the problem with this is that the g-mask only replaces under so if we do it on the sides like this we have to do gmask like beside it there so I guess it would

Be G mask quotation marks tilde orange stained glass and then not next to air would that work as a g mask so X so tilde orange stained glass exclamation mark till day it would that work I don’t know if that works not sure I am not entirely sure I guess we’ll

Have to find out uh Gymnastics not zero that’s just not air right uh it’s there’s not enough room here she must not air yellow stained glass orange stained glass so that’s just doesn’t apply to those three then wait how does this how does this fix because the thing is I need to get it on

The inside back here so wouldn’t I need like a tilde command to get like that stuff oh you’re doing something way crazier he’s on to something way bigger replace next okay okay yeah I see what you mean now I see what you mean now yeah that makes sense that makes sense

Uh boom boom boom like so there we go why don’t you just do it by hand because that’s slow and boring I feel like a neck’s a little long but maybe once we put the main in it’ll look better oh my God we’ve been going three hours

At this point do I just send it and try and finish the dragon right now I don’t know if I want to do that uh this needs to not be like that part of me wants to just say screw it and go for it but part of me also wants

To eat dinner you know why are you ignoring me I haven’t even noticed you were in chat Noah not sure what you were building it’s going to be a large dragon going to be being the key word that’s the key word go for it dude I’m gonna be here for like four hours

Do you guys know how long the leg the legs are going to take all right let’s try out shovels magic commands gmask not zero yellow stained glass and orange stained glass orange stained glass and then we select all of it why can’t you eat while you play eating

While playing video games is awful plus I’ll be doing that on stream which sounds like a nightmare ah all right let’s do this place next to and then the bracket to because you could do that’s not the bracket yellow not not it’s not supposed to be exclamation mark I’m losing it I feel

Myself slipping away to tiredness yellow why am I doing it that way in glass orange stained glass shroom light that did not work why did that not work she masks not air ghost in glass so the next two what is that doing see that’s the thing that’s the problem

It changes like everything like that see what I mean could I not just do G mask next to orange and yellow stained glass but not next to air is that not does that not work I don’t know if that works picture of Grog permanently on stream we’re not putting a picture of grogs

Permanently on stream shush um I kind of think because theoretically would if I did g-mask in quotation marks next to can I orange stained glass yellow stained glass and then not air does does exclamation mark tilde not work that I’m assuming that doesn’t work right we have too much stuff on stream already

Hmm how does this work or could you do like a not exposed because isn’t there the isn’t there the G mask exposed where it like only affects no there’s not I thought that was a thing huh putting it next to the existing glass on the top no no the problem is that

It’s putting it like underneath the glass and everything like here it’s replacing like this block it’s not surface so G mask not hashtag surface and then I put it in quotation well no no because if I just do that and then I replace next to Orange not not next to Orange stained glass

And yellow stained glass with shroom light does that work uh and then can we do in quotation marks not air I think that’s it I think that’s it I think we did it wait wait some of it’s exposed here G mask okay that’s pretty much that’s similar to what I have uh

Not air I guess that’s zero but whatever I’m post okay let’s just try this uh yellow stained glass and hashtag surface all right so reselect it gosh darn it I need to get out of the habit of stop deselecting things uh boom replace did I misspell it oh I did yellow twice

All right here we go let’s try this uh replace with that did that work it’s still getting on the surface here why is it why is it affecting the stuff on the surface how come this is happening because it’s supposed to be not on the surface right isn’t that what that’s

Supposed to do oh my God this is complicated um I already did undo did I do something like again on accident I put light blocks oh you put light blocks so can I just do not light blocks can I just do that oh you got rid of them okay well uh boom

There we go I think that worked do we finally I think we finally got it I think we finally got it guys we’re origin is the next video gonna cover uh Richland Hebron Tabatha top left corner of the map oh I think that’s it I think that one worked

It’s still hard to see from a distance what we need to do is we need to do I need to vary up the orange glass a bit more replace orange stained glass and yellow with yellow stained glass and orange stained glass because the ones on the side don’t have the yellow

All right the 10g mask off boom I think that’s done oh okay oh my goodness I have to put magma and two potentially did I decide against the magma I think I decided against the magma yeah these build commands are like programming in a way I suppose yeah man

Do we call it there do we just call it there oh my gosh I don’t know if I want to do the legs right now I’ll literally be streaming for four hours if we do the legs and then there’s always there’s always unforeseen problems that are going to crop up right

There’s always going to be some sort of problem the crop set that we’re not expecting why is everyone talking about a grandma reveal Grandma reveal oh my gosh angel hair noodle has grown so much yeah we’ll turn it to night time when we’re finished for sure what is this oh shovel’s doing something

Uh my goodness oh shovels do it Shuffle what are you doing oh my God that is actually so smart I’ve never thought to use like a a brush clipboard like that that is an interesting oh the fire in the eyes is a good touch too I really like that it’s all coming together

It’s all coming together how tall are you I’m like 5 10 or something I’m around that area you are getting banned you know what you know what maybe we just go for it maybe we just go for it maybe we just friggin go for it oh I’m gonna regret this in about five

Minutes no promises for finishing this today God so the thing with these dragons the legs come down a little bit like here looks like here and it would be here because kind of what farage is like except forage is a lot closer take a five minute break we’ll talk to your chair

My gosh here Alfie where are you at are you still on Alfie here’s what I’m gonna do I’m gonna stand here Alfie I’m gonna stand right here I am going to take a quick bathroom break in the meantime you’re gonna build something in front of me to entertain chat okay

That’s that’s the idea I’m gonna take like a quick one or two minute bathroom break I don’t know if she’s even still around yeah okay there you go you’re gonna build something in front of chat to entertain them I am taking a quick one or two minute break to get more water

And such I will be back in a moment All right what am I looking at here to build looking like what are we what are we looking at here build granny deck Bob the cat what about Ranch what about ketchup chair stream build the Roman Empire yeah I mean I don’t know what I was expecting

Oh there’s a present oh it’s a present it’s a present all right let’s check what this present is let’s check it out open me hi I’m scared if I open this up and it’s my IP address I’m gonna have to ban you hello chat the game you’re so funny you’re so funny

My gosh my gosh okay legs legs legs legs legs all right all right I’m clearing my inventory it’s a mess I gotta start over I gotta get a fresh slate here I gotta get a fresh flight also I’m pretty sure we should probably use deep slate again like oh my that’s an

Interesting choice okay maybe we should try that let’s try with the with the Deep flight to start we’ll go with Kyle deep slate it’s the base block right um trying to think how she how these legs should look um man shovel just got right to work on the

Main it definitely is starting to look way better just by introducing the main to it like the head looks so much more complete with the main roll’s main has got nothing on my main though all right um I guess we just start right I mean we just start

Let’s just start with some lines let’s try to get some lines so we’ll do like position two line Cobble deep slate right now maybe this should be facing forward it shouldn’t be facing back it should be over here it should be going forwards right like so

And then it should curve back at the knee point right um it shouldn’t start from the uh this is weird oh I hate building legs should I do it like farage where it comes back and then goes forward or should I do it where it goes four and then comes

No no no this is the mistake I made with my last dragon with the dragon I built that I teased earlier I made this exact same mistake I made the knee like come forward like that that’s not how they they don’t look good like that I’ve learned I learned my I learned my

Lesson from that one they look better when they Bend backwards like this that’s too far though uh do you like that and then maybe it comes forward sharply like this that might be too long I think is that too long um what is your longest stream I did a 12

Hour stream back like a year ago at this point that was my longest one just join what’s going on we’re trying to maybe finish dinner off today all in one sitting which I don’t know what kind of fool would do that oh okay okay so maybe we should do like that and then

Let’s just keep making more right let’s keep making more so that one’s already turned to like stone or maybe I just didn’t do it on this side just do like that so this one will have come back at it we’ll have it come back at a similar angle

A line called Deep slate but then we’ll have it come down farther instead of going out like that like that maybe the angle’s all wrong for that the angle’s all wrong so that one’s kind of more I’m really bad at Dragon legs you guys are gonna have to you guys are gonna

Have to be patient because I I I’ve only Built a couple dragons before and the legs were always the thing to kick my ass about it so this might uh take some time Grog kind of looks like din raw yeah I can see it he kind of does um

I don’t think I like that I don’t think I like how long they are let’s try toning them back a few blocks not entirely sure not entirely sure uh all right let’s keep going this one’s more of a sharper angle so we should have these uh yeah these one should be pretty similar

To the front ones maybe this one comes back really far like it’s really bended I guess like so I really don’t like it already but with the Divine beasts I told myself to just go with it and push forward because it’ll all come together in the end so

I’m going to adopt a similar strategy I already don’t like the direction these legs are going in but I’m gonna stick with it we’re just gonna go with it and we’re gonna see if we can get something going okay just gonna see if we can get something going uh position two

One called Deep slate all right we’re going with it um I I I’m not very happy but we’re gonna go with it Gross Point 69 that is not my name how can I play this when the project is done I’m gonna release a free public download so everyone can download the

World from themselves Divine Beast vacrog oh my gosh hide it somewhere on the map that could be like fun actually just like a little side thing coming up with my own design for one of the Divine beasts would be really tricky though um okay these legs kind of Point almost directly forwards

To the right a little bit uh this one should probably be more like this I think that angle suits it a bit better yeah okay all right these ones I feel like should be angled a bit more because like these ones are a bit of a different angle they should

Come back a bit further I think I I don’t know I don’t know how to explain it uh boom boom wine Cobble deep slay and then it just comes down farther The angle is way off angle is way off like that angle’s better having trouble with legs build shove next we’re not building another Chum Knocks um position two I don’t like that angle like that line Cobble deep slate uh like that what are those looking like that leg looks so bad

Look at this light this leg looks really bad oh my God I think it’s just because I messed with the line let’s try making a new one that looks better yeah uh I mean it’s not horrible um it’s not horrible The main looks good yeah it’s because shovel’s building it of course it’s gonna look good hahaha leave them as little chicken legs no so here’s my idea if I do sell convex I can use that Spike command that shovel showed me earlier what if I were to do Spike Cobble deep slate

And I do like two one one two two one is what I should do oh but it’s curved not line ugh is it better to have them curve or is it better to have them like I don’t think it should curve because they should have rigid elbows um

Is it really supposed to be hair yeah I’m pretty sure that’s hair on the dragons I don’t think I like the curve to it does Spike work with line I would guess not uh you can just buy the keyboard oh okay no you can perfect then just have two lines um

Wait two lines wait so wait hold on what about what happens if I just do this I gotta see what how this affects it two two same thing just two I’ll probably lower arm yeah that’s what I’ve got uh we should probably do three for the top one three and go into two

Oh but three makes it look really thick um and then boom and then we go to one oh Place points farther away from each other ooh whatever just won one it still doesn’t work hmm how far away do they have to be is the question further than that uh two one oh

Yeah it might be able to do it might be easier to do it by hand ah all right let’s just do it let’s just do it okay um let’s see here so first of all we had to bring the uh the like shoulder part down I guess um

Like we have over here you see the the body like color kind of comes down farther and it’s the same with din raw so I think we should just start with that start with that oh let me try to thicken it up first I don’t know let’s just start doing

Things until something works let’s just start doing something anything let’s stick in this leg up a little bit just to get like something I don’t know just anything we got to get something done here I don’t want to be here all night don’t want to be here all night um

It’s too thick right there we gotta slim this down something more like that that’s certainly a step in the right direction just already it looks so much better by smoothing that that part out getting like the proper shoulder in place oh the angle here is completely different that’s gotta be fixed that’s better

That’s better okay I mean it’s something it’s it’s something what if we had like a block there to get more of an elbow look yeah Maybe we’re gonna have to mess with stairs and slabs too we’re gonna definitely have to add some of those into this um

Okay well we should thicken up the leg here can you guys tell I’m getting tired can you guys tell the energy is definitely lower um here we go this is why I usually don’t stream for this long because I get tired after this much uh this should come down like another

Couple blocks I think more like that uh it looks too curved now it doesn’t look rigid enough it’s got to be all twos it’s got to be all twos like that hmm check out the bridge is coming along it’s looking good so far I’m not leaving anytime soon

I don’t I can’t remember what the original with the like actual Bridge looks like off the top of my head but I do like it so far I think putting in bigger posts similar to the dark oak would help though like along it somewhere instead of just the fences and

The uh fence gates adding more of these and having them like curve in underneath the bridge I think would look better kind of like a mix of the two the time is it for you it’s only 6 30 p.m but you know haven’t eaten in a while

Building a dragon for three and a half hours you don’t want to stream don’t answer it no no no it’s not the streaming it’s the it’s the building it’s not that I don’t want to I want to finish this but it gets tiring you know we’re gonna we’re gonna do this though

I’ve committed I’ve committed to doing the drag in this stream I I think I I think I’m past the point of of no return you know at this point we just got to do it um sometimes weird about this I think it’s maybe that block and this one maybe we push that up

Okay let’s see how like that and break that but the one blocker is almost weird so what if we just do that this one comes out really far I don’t think I like how far this one comes out but maybe it’s better that it comes out before Oh hard to say hmm

All right let’s get the feather out and what’s the grading for this it’s uh the gradient for the base is andesite smooth Stone diorite which order is it it’s it’s yeah inside smooth Stone diorite uh bloom insight smooth down diorite uh do that G mask gold block like that

Get the top at the yeah there we go that looks worse now that looks not as good um foreign I’m I’m thinking it’s too slim for how long it is the dragon just overall I think maybe we cut the neck back a little bit but I don’t know

We’ll finish more of it and see what we think um so what color claws does it have what are its claws looking like Red Claws it has Red Claws all right what are some red stairs um Mangrove red nether brick I like the sound of red nether brick uh

Yeah I think we should go with the red nether brick um I’ve got some stairs I’m not just in case um we need to get a couple deep slate stairs and slabs too we really gotta smooth this out more um just get something that may be okay should scare Acacia stairs add a

Little more depth what do you mean Acacia stairs for the claws the the the claws are dark red though we’d have to use like Mangrove of anything um your site was not working for I don’t remember what you were looking for um stair here slab there maybe ah

It’s gonna do a PC oh gotcha um we go site that sent me two is they just broken gotta love that maybe like a stair there slap here how’s your day been it’s pretty good I woke up ate a bagel and started streaming and here I am three hours later

That’s how my day’s gone I like how thick the leg is here we’re gonna slim that down more like that and then another slab like there uh it’s a bit too thick right here I think if they’re too long that’s a tough call let’s finish these up so how many claws

Do they have on each foot three three claws on each foot okay so we can do what we did with farage then and do like the two in the front one in the back like this okay so something like like that and then um we need full red another brick we can do

Stare stare stare do we just do all stairs all stairs will look weird I think maybe put a full block here uh uh I don’t like no no the full block should be there I think oh that doesn’t look very good what if we shoot all stairs that there seems to be like

More gradual like that I think it’s four o’clock there’s not four Clauses there well let me pull up the image in full screen oh oh no there is four claws oh no that makes things a lot harder oh gosh that makes things harder that makes things much harder okay all right

Let’s get this over with let’s try and figure this out um do we just do one in the middle one in the middle won’t work hmm um returned that let me do wait what am I doing that no this that just looks weird when we add the third one hmm okay

Three fingers in one thumb that’s annoying because I feel like three claws look better on dragons I don’t like the the four claws um well first let’s try and just get this one see like the three claws looks better I don’t know if I like this maybe I

Should come down more instead of up more that looks weird uh that’s two that’s two long like that maybe man ‘s body isn’t built to the same scale so maybe four claws might just I think honestly we do compromise and just go with the three claws

Unless uh I mean there is still the potential that these legs just don’t work out and I have to completely redo them so I mean maybe that happens and we can fit four claws that is always a possibility that’s not horrible I don’t think it’s great but it’s not horrible

But does he even need fingers for I don’t know grabbing an air and stuff um okay so we can do like that oh uh no it would have to be like that but even that looks weird um we just do stare stair slab that’s too big

Even that is probably fine but it’s not as big as the other ones um if we do that that spread the legs apart by one block you think they need to be spread apart hmm Maybe hmm you’re still a heavy work in progress by the way I am still working on them

The legs are fine they’re not perfect they’re not they’re not perfect let me finish up these Claws and then we can get back to like looking okay do we need to fix everything or do we just need to fix this one thing um I feel like these claws should come out

I’m at the spacing okay so this claw comes out but it needs to be up higher here I think is where the claw needs to start like that and then comes down and maybe this one curls in a little bit more but not like that like that I have to be out there

Or maybe slab slab they look too chicken leggy okay she almost tried something completely different hmm try to copy the best claw for every claw then adjust the hand huh try to copy the best claw I don’t even know what that means best claw for every claw

That mixing that this finger is weird I don’t like this claw let me bring it down a bit more no um maybe we just comment like we bring it down this way and what if he like how to curl up a lot more this is not easy

It’s like timoji it does kind of look like it could have it tilted in a different pose hmm I’m trying to say like I think I’ll need the other leg to see what you’re looking for here or like what your what your vision is I guess

Because to me that looks like it comes out too far but I don’t know what you have in mind so hmm too skinny I think I feel like they’re too long I don’t know there’s something wrong with them for sure Sean’s doing some crazy stuff here um

I still don’t think I’m happy with these claws these ones I think are fine but this one I don’t know about this one oh they’re not glowing this claws aren’t really glowing in game either I could try a wall like here ah that just looks funny

See the thing I don’t like about this call is that they start the same way I feel like this one had to be pushed like out here more where did I place that wait what was that like I placed it like that and this was like that I think

I think that was how it was to be like that or something it’s too thick they go a little bit we can just use light blocks or something fifths Maybe it doesn’t look like it’s a natural turn in um hmm what if I have it come out of it more

Like this one’s kind of out in forward so it’s like this I guess I don’t know but it looks funky coming out like that maybe this is the problem claw hmm uh that’s not horrible it just looks weird I think this needs to be a full block maybe we do it like that

Slap there that looks weird though oh boy we’re almost at hour four guys um I guess it’s not oh it just looks weird something about it isn’t right about this like this hand I think is okay I think that hand is fine oh I think I know what it is oh I think

I know what it is um this hand here is more of an angle like this but this one is like this so this one here is it like this angle but this one’s drooped down more but I’m still adding the fingers coming out like this and because that it looks weird

I’ve gotta have I’ve got to have the fingers come out in this direction more so this one if I want it to curve upwards more I have to make it curve way up I think that is part of it because this one looks weird because it’s like this and it gets fingers

Coming all the way up longest grazi stream no it’s not it’s not a 12 hour stream last year it won’t be the longest Crossing stream not by a long shot pull that up okay so this might need to come out really far um this has to curve up even more

Uh that’s too far I think though uh what if we do like that no it shouldn’t be longer than this maybe that should be like that that’s too move that slap Maybe and then this one could be like the normal one uh yeah that’s certainly a lot better already that’s certainly better already

Um that’s certainly better having it come up a bit more like come out this way a lot more I think a claws go too far up in the hand I don’t know I don’t know I’m not experienced enough with like Dragon claws or anything to know like oh yeah this is the problem

Because I I don’t want to make the legs longer I feel like Nathan’s legs longer would make it look because like already I’m thinking maybe they’re too long I think the claws are too big the claws are much too big now that I’m like looking from a distance like look

How much those stick out those are way too big we have to we have to like bring back the claws by a block or two you know I think we do I think we have to I’m not sure because like look the hands look so big man

Like what happens if I just do this make them all a little bit smaller that one’s more okay man might be the arms being too small I don’t think so I think if anything the arms are too big maybe we should try toning them back just a little bit

Just maybe even that’s pushing it though why does it stick out so much it feels like it’s a disaster you guys see why I didn’t want to build the claws on stream because I suck at them takes a lot of trial and error for me to find something that works hmm

How crazy was the stream it was pretty tame we’ve just been working on the dragon the whole time claws are a good size the legs too thin Maybe yeah it might be that we just need to thicken up the lag but the claws are fine let me try that let me try it

Specifically this leg is like really not good oh hello shovel look at this guy bro comes in and does this yes where yeah this is much better that’s much better this one’s much better trying to see oh my God look at that that is so like

Oh I never think to use dark oak trapdoors there where’d he go we should definitely we should probably go with that one yeah I think this one’s much better if you’re finished with that I’ll copy and paste it in I assume you’re finished with it we’re gonna copy paste it

Go for it okay let’s uh well first I guess we have to get rid of this one um what’s the connect on can I sound like right here uh cut I get it all G mask cut I’ll place it over here just in case I doubt we’re gonna need my grand design

For that but you know keep it just in case can’t see there we go uh copy from this side paste it about here is this where it goes like that there we go I don’t think the the red nether brick really helps our cause here because like from from

Certain angles it all Blends together because it’s so dark I think let’s mess with the legs more let’s try and thicken up the legs a bit more like maybe do a stair there we do the full block here again and maybe like a slab to thicken up this area too um

We do like this try shaving with stone and then do type replace makes it easier to see that’s a good point I would keep forgetting about type replace I could try that um I’m trying to think we should probably I trimmed these claws down but now they

Should probably be brought back out to match yours a bit more so I think I’m gonna I’ll finish these claws with Nether Bricks since I’m already this deep into them but for the next one we’ll try uh we’ll try uh the the stone so this one kind of comes more like

That doesn’t curve correctly it’s got a what if we do a stair here that connects up though uh full block stay here full block here boom can I let it transform the side I think you did the other the other night yeah we can do that later yeah

Uh I’ve made this claw worse I need to turn my monitor brightness up hold on brightness bring that up a bit there we go nope how did you even just do that what how did you even do that place it in midair sure uh this doesn’t curve enough is the problem now

Angle block huh gotcha I’m sorry this is gonna get messed up because I’m still working with this um um that would need to be what if I do oh my gosh this is a disaster this is a disaster and a half thumb should curve the other way this thing potentially

Stream is still on yeah we’re still going we’re still working on this stupid dragon what is gosh I think he’s trying to tell me to use these two and I think he’s probably right where is the hard part oh I kind of like that yeah this needs to come out more though is

The thing if we do it like that unless we do like this but that’s getting really long if you want to try working on the claws go for them Reigns yeah I’m trying to I can’t even get the shape that I like anymore I had it it

Was literally fine when I started but now it’s now it’s bad I can’t even get the shape I want maybe like that that’s not so bad let’s put a wall there no for a lighting I can use dark oak there it’s not horrible maybe we changed this

To a stair no a stair will be weird oh yeah I was right stairs weird um can I use now oh maybe that’ll work I like the idea of using the dark oak kind of in between them like this like Shovelhead it’s a cool idea that’s not horrid

I don’t like that they touch those the problem here they touch we gotta we gotta we gotta stop that we gotta get them to stop touching hmm see I don’t like that because now that this thing this this claw looks too short oh you know what’s funny guys we still

Have four more to do we still have four more to do after this one you guys excited it’s not bad that’s pretty good I think I like that shovels are so circular it’s good um I think that’s a lot better no no not a not a slab there no no no

It was fine we had it for a second we we had it what did you guys do oh my gosh we had it what what did you guys change there something was changed oh my gosh we literally had it perfect for a second what changed one of these blocks was changed stop

That was fine that was fine something was changed like right here something was changed right here what do we have that and then that I don’t like the I don’t like that there boom okay okay that might be good that might be good stop does it I I think that’s it I think

That’s it that might be it I think that’s it Maybe Maybe I think that shape is fine I think that shape is fine we need to like curve it a bit more now um this still needs to be curved right here but a full stair doesn’t look good

Changing the block doesn’t look good so what if we do just a trapdoor like that no wall is too much that’s not uh what else can we use hmm what can we do to smooth this part out Maybe if we remove this why is that flipped up

See like that full block doesn’t work I like that this I feel like a surprise I still feel like this harsh little corner here is an issue this right here before I thought dark GoGo was like the best filter line it is a pretty solid wood choice

I don’t know if that’s really a problem it just seems like it’s a harsh corner but I feel like a stare makes it to look look too big you see trying to choose that that could be it there we go I think that could work that works I think hmm I think

The the master at work here interesting thank you I think this is pretty good even got with the debug stick and everything I really like these claws now I I think I think the claws are at a point where they’re pretty good what’s the worst food in your opinion I

Don’t know brussels sprouts are pretty bad brussels sprouts are pretty bad do we call those legs what are we thinking of the legs overall overall All Things Considered how are we thinking about the legs here what do I think what do we think I think they’re all right at least they’re not horrible

But they’re not fantastic I feel like there’s still something off about them they’re too short or something Mangrove I don’t think I like the mangrove The Mangrove is too dark I think I prefer the uh I think I prefer the the the dark oak because the mango was like super bright you see that here I can use Tinker to fix that boom and what was this that one’s done okay okay um let’s see here anyway I could change these up they both

Have the clear elbow I feel like this one less so than the other maybe I removed that stair and do like a slab and then this becomes that or boom boom do you have that clear elbow and then maybe we do this is tough hmm the white fur should go down further I

Don’t think maybe on this leg it should maybe on this one uh gmask gold block let’s go good job shovel Stone Age hmm I think it’s all right overall overall it’s all right my eyes are starting to hurt it’s getting dark out I’m supposed to go to the store today oh

But as long as this that was the uh mukter Rock battle theme from tears the kingdom oh interesting connects the claws a lot more okay should I maybe start working on the other ones oh boy at least the main looks sick oh my gosh she’ll put working on the main holy

Look at that main is awesome all right Landon no long time no see my gosh How you been man all right all right let’s let’s let’s try starting on the next pair let’s leave these legs for now let’s just try getting to the next one all right let’s just try getting to the next one instead of Another Brick we’re gonna use Stone

And we can type replace it later all right let’s get to it let’s get to it oh boy we go again hopefully now we’ve had some we’ve we’ve we’ve we’ve had that first one to get used to it so maybe it’s not gonna be as hard this time

Maybe things are going to go a lot smoother maybe who really knows that corner’s bad hmm been busy with school just lurking 99 of the time makes sense makes sense shout out to all the lurkers man um okay this one looks too spherical still change it up a little bit like so

These legs feel like they’re much shorter and once we get the claws in it probably won’t feel like that do floating lava for the horns that’s one of those ideas that sounds really cool but in reality it’s not because I mean for a start they’re solid

You have to be able to walk on them like you can in game well like can you walk on them again and here’s the kingdom I think you can uh okay let’s just let’s just let’s just go we just go um the ankle makes it a lot harder to like thicken out

I have to bring it down more do you like the Nintendogs Bath Time theme brother is that what the song is the Nintendogs Bath Time theme it’s a pretty solid track I must say I must say ugh and breath away you just keep bouncing off until you yeah makes sense

That’s what I thought yeah cause you can like actually stand and walk on them in tears this is quite the track um stare full block Maybe um full block stare maybe slab there the elbow isn’t very good so we gotta we should do that and that yeah okay

Scott dewas video later see you later Alfie I’m shocked you’re still going yeah I am too do you know I’m supposed to cancel she has a much more new ageless modern OST but original and 10 dogs it’s nostalgic I don’t think I ever played Nintendogs when I was little um okay

Slab there maybe stare slab just thicken out the top a little bit um maybe that should be a slab there’s something up with this one there here’s the culprit hmm so maybe not horrible not horrible been a long way since I first started watching you yeah you started watching

Back when I was like a 1K or something all right uh uh let’s do it let’s shape the claws again here we go again my favorite part hmm oh boy all right um there seems to be a solid block and the claws start here the thumb can go here all right all right

Um so this thumb should come back probably like like that um I don’t like how thick this part is though stair will make it worse what if I delete that that’s better better how about this tend to finish the rest of the Dragon tonight I’m gonna friggin try I don’t

Know how happy I am with like the body overall though it still feels really Slim so might not finish it tonight we’ll probably finish like the first draft tonight see what we think later um okay let’s just go um stare full block slab no slab there uh dark oak trap door

What do we do slab stare this is just like that other claw I’m realizing I’m pretty much just rebuilding that other claw I don’t want that um I mean they’re pretty similar but they’re not the same um they also feel like there’s two rigid of an edge look the body needs to be

Thicker that’s what I was just saying I feel like the body’s a bit slim Maybe so we might have to like do that you know um this one’s probably become down more so like that maybe no that’s identical I don’t want to be identical there um maybe slab and then full block

No that doesn’t work uh boom like that something like that but it’s not curved really well we have to figure out a curve this better you know what this OST is this is a Smash Bros brawl some sort of Smash Bros brawl Minecraft theme I’m pretty sure

Not brawl what am I talking about yes Smash Bros brawl Minecraft game smash ultimate uh yeah hallard slash delarna apparently um this should be a stare too but then this is weird maybe like that uh that um those claws are too similar now though um flash cut

Well use this for another finger I don’t like how how similar they are together so we’ll cut this claw and we’ll use it somewhere else or try to use it somewhere else Bell um okay so this claw needs to come down more so okay that’s that’s step one I need a stare there

Are vertical slabs I don’t honestly know how I feel about vertical slabs I don’t know I don’t know if I’m on board with the idea of vertical slabs it just seems very uh I don’t know I feel like vertical slabs might change the game too much you know

I feel like that might be just pushing it a little too far potentially I guess I wouldn’t be opposed to it but like I don’t know if I’d be happy with it I guess I don’t know I would never really know until we were actually messing around with them wouldn’t know for sure

All right um see the claws can’t be like the exact same like that but this one’s got to come down more trying to figure out what’s the best way to curve it like this maybe a full block and then double stairs um like that no that looks not right

Um vertical slabs would be like helpful for an instance like that to just Place against that wall but I don’t know like this thickness for the Dragon uh you changed it wait where you at just looking at it in general oh you’ve got like a whole other

Wait there’s a lot of new stuff hold on um I do think that’s way better how did you just do that I guess oh we’d have to redo the veins I do think this is better yeah look looking at the picture up top that that’s a lot bet I think that’s a lot

Better for the uh for the length I think that’s a lot better hmm it’s been four hours yeah we’ve been going since well a long time four hours and 24 minutes I assume you use some sort of like expand command should we should we Implement that change now or

Do it later like what’s the uh could it Um like would it be better to change out the design right now and work off this one from now on or should we finish this and then change the thickness I don’t know what commands you’re using for this so I’m not sure exactly what would be easier replace

That those are things I’ve never seen before what if we just move this up got it though holding blocks of the gradient okay I’m gonna screenshot on that so I don’t forget see the the claws are too similar here you see you guys see what I’m talking about what if uh cut

Ting you right now you’re fine that’s here don’t worry about it you are not in the way let’s just do that and then we do like that maybe slab here instead doesn’t really work um what do we do full stair it’s a little bit weird not perfect

What do we do with strap door there and then slab here I feel like they’re not long enough vertical sides would make building too easy I don’t know about too easy but it would completely change the game it’s like I just don’t know if I want it I don’t know

Honestly I feel like these calls might be okay they’re not great but they’re potentially fine I’m just gonna move on to the next one I’m gonna try to get as many like in a good spot like they’re not perfect but they’re in a decent spot

So let’s just try to get them all in a decent spot huh all right these legs are pretty much the same angle so they have to be similar but not too different so I kind of think I want this one to come out the far but then curve back harshly

I’m like that potentially uh maybe crap door now stairs fine and then slab yeah okay okay could just be a debug stick thing well they’re still in the game though that you gave him a mustache oh that’s cool I like that I like the concept of where this is going to do

All this song again let me try using this claw now uh uh copy that was a claw that I didn’t want over on that uh hand because it was too similar to the other one so we could try it on this one uh I missed the bottom layer what was it slab

All right send the music up a little we want the music up a little you can turn it up a little bit it’s gonna be loud for a second uh how’s that it’s up just a little bit more uh this looks too thin though maybe we do full block slab stair no uh

Um like that and then wall and then trapdoor and then we use tinker and we do this hmm it looks weird though um I think we have to bring it up so we do like this um and then we do block slab slab that looks weird what if we do like that Maybe

Maybe we’ll just do a stair here I feel like I’m gonna do a stair it looks too rounded yeah it’s too rounded if we do a stair it doesn’t look like a clot just looks like a circle huh this is tough why is this song so quiet gliac and Spiel okay

That’s a pretty good one I don’t like that let me just work on the other claw here for a second oh I see what you’re doing here okay um how do I want this one to go theoretically this one should curve inward more harshly and maybe off to the side a little bit

But if it’s got to go far enough down for uh to not uh uh it’s not horrible trapdoor not horrible but this one’s got to come down farther now these two are they’re too similar games of Hyrule music yeah I haven’t uh played Cadence of fire but my friend put

This together so I assume she has this playlist together um maybe like that you’re not getting in the way uh we’re just working on the claws and legs right now pretty much we’re just gonna make sure these uh curves are all nice and uh well proper I suppose

I think that the claws are mostly the last thing we need to do and then shovel’s working on I see what shovel’s doing I like what shovel’s doing because I mentioned I want to have like the fire stuff around it but you know just need to work on putting up these claws

Like that ball oh that doesn’t work that doesn’t work either um that’s not horrible I don’t hate that What if we do this and then that uh stay here see from saying some angles like this those don’t look good but then you look at it from an angle like over here and I think that looks pretty decent whoo oh boy oh man it is uh there’s no more sunlight

Outside anymore well there is a little bit I guess I’m not getting my daily walk in today oh boy um those might be okay for now oh God my glass are all smudged glasses are all smudged up I’m surprised my throat hasn’t given out on me usually I get uh my throat gets

Sore when I live stream but I guess I haven’t gotten heated enough to start yelling about how Ranch doesn’t belong on pizza so I guess that’s expected okay um all right she has gold um bottom and everything here all right here we go last legs

I love going for walks yeah I take daily walks every day it’s so nice just turn on some music walk through the calm neighborhood good for brainstorming good for just thinking it’s always nice um this all prettied up what neighborhood yeah I’ll tell you my neighborhood real quick

Have you ever been recognized in I mean not on my daily walks but I’ve been recognized in public one single time I was walking down the street crowded place and I was like I didn’t know where I was going because I was in an unfamiliar place I was like looking down

At my Google Maps and like out of the corner of my eye I could like there was someone who was coming my way and like I could tell he was staring at me out of the corner of my eyes but like I didn’t look up or anything you know

I’m not gonna make eye contact that’s just weird um but like I could tell as he walked past me he was like he he wouldn’t stop looking at me as he walked past and like before the time I I I didn’t really think much of it but as he got behind me

He was like grazie and I turn around and like my heart dropped because I knew instantly like oh if he’s calling me that he can only know me from one place and uh should know if he’s looking at me he’s like you’re grossy aren’t you and I was like

I I mean I might be and yeah we we stopped we chatted for a moment it was pretty cool where did this happen yeah I’ll tell you where it happened real quick yeah uh that one guy knows knows my general area and you guys don’t

Yeah that was back when I was at like 50k Subs so that’s the crazy part like the crazy part is that I wasn’t even like I mean I was I was certainly not a small YouTuber anymore but I wasn’t like huge you know what were the coordinates oh my gosh oh my gosh

Um it seems to be like a full block and then maybe that yeah elbow there um okay okay all right let’s get this one y’all better stop with the crazy thing it’s not funny it’s just Spam I will time people out I know it’s technically a joke or whatever but it’s

It’s really not it’s just Spam uh um can you pick up shaders at night how did you get a picture of it it shaders at night could you have like a mod that can turn at night oh that’s pretty cool here let me pull this up on stream

Let me put this up on stream real quick put that down there um streamlabs and check this out let me get rid of the image here check this out that’s what it looks like with shaders at night we can we can look again uh

If we can finish it if we finish it we can look again at the end of the uh the Stream all right it’s not turning out horribly at least P time is player time okay shovel teaches me like everything about this game if I know something about this

Game I probably learned it from Shuffle okay maybe that’s a bit of an exaggeration but all right here we go let’s do it final claws six more claws we’re just gonna do six more claws final touches changing things up and we’re done hopefully maybe we’ll see I don’t know there’s always

Something that you don’t expect at the end of a project that’s like oh yeah you have to do all of this and it’s like oh yeah um all right I guess I’m just gonna I’m gonna start here all right let’s do it let’s do it we’re gonna hit

Five hours probably we’re probably gonna be around five hours hopefully by the time we’re done um so these ones definitely have to come this direction more because it’s at a more of an inclination so they need to come back farther um uh do like this maybe that’s not very good like that

It’s not horrible Shuffle taught you how to play hardcore yeah way back in the day when I played hardcore mode it was actually shovel who taught me how laughs what do you mean they need to come back well see these ones are more at a flat

Angle you see like these arms are when the dragon is kind of like flat so they just kind of like can come down like this but this is more of a like a steeper angle you see so instead of going just straight down like the other claws they need to curve

Backwards towards the back of the Dragon more I guess I don’t know the words to explain it um basically make them come this direction a little more than we were with the other ones um all right let’s just get going see if we can do anything here um like this maybe

This should be here I think um if someone gives you a hundred dollars when you eat the paste no because I wanna you know keep my life and not die I don’t care what you guys say thermal paste will kill me thermal paste would end my life

Whether you bozos want to believe it or not something I’m really we gotta we gotta I don’t like that yeah they’ve got to all be stairs I think or is he just not consent to eating thermal paste oh how slash when did the thermal paste meme began it it began because some guy

Some guy like donated two bucks and was like hey you want to eat thermal paste and I was like No And then he kept donating and asking me to eat thermal paste and now like every strain he shows up and reminds me that I need to eat thermal paste and I’m like no

How is bro still alive because we haven’t finished the dragon yet and finished the Dragon we go until the dragon is done how many spaghetti strainers do you have I think just the one oh you’re doing like multiple different layers I like that okay that’s not horrible okay

I definitely felt like I’ve gotten better since starting on them since shovel came in and showed me what was up with the first two claws it feels like I’m getting better they’re still not perfect I still think honestly these first ones are the best but you know they’re not these aren’t

Horrible these ones aren’t horrible um uh all right I think that’s I think that’s back like thumb cloth oh did this music stop again why does it always do that it always like decides to stop randomly in the middle stream what should we listen to which one am I gonna

Choose area zero wild battle that sounds like a good one I like this song all the area music tracks uh I think you should move this closer up because like look at if you if you look from a distance this thumb Claw is super far away compared to the other hands so I

Think start it like here and have it come back like towards this area I guess if you see what I mean that way it’s much closer they look more connected um that doesn’t have to be the the curve but uh they can keep they can they can stay

In this area they can stay in the one lane they just need to be moved closer um yes they need to they need to be uh here it can go straight back you see but if you move it over here it’s gonna get in the way of this claw oh that might work

That doesn’t work hmm oh my goodness my goodness oh five almost five hours for four hours and 45 minutes in it’s coming it’s coming along it’s it’s going um I think this should be moved because the claw looks super long I’m just gonna move it over one block that’s it

Just the one block um can I get on this please can I can I get on this okay cut based what’s up I’m Reigns um okay let’s see uh did that work no it didn’t because I didn’t have a g mask uh G mask why out of water oh

I have to go get more water I think all right get more water and then I’ll be right back water and right back all right let’s do it now we’re definitely in the final push now we are definitely in the final push you can show a pic of Lucy to chat maybe

We’ll see um let me pull this up all right all right let’s do it all right how do these claws look uh this one needs to be moved back still like a little bit just one block how’s that look and then attach it there Maybe

I just got back and I see a wide shot of General so far this is what General’s looking like oh my gosh shovel’s going insane with the fire that’s so that’s gonna be so sick that is going to be sick all right um I feel like

We should move it over one block towards the end here because of the angle of this one this one’s more to the side so this should be here using I assume yeah Loft have I shown you the Loft stuff on rains I think I’ve shown you it

I’ll have to like give you like a proper Showcase of it I also apologized yeah I’ll show you it later then I think I showed Ezio how to use it I showed how ziki how to use it I don’t think I’ve been able to show everyone yet it’s a really useful command um

All right got a whole tutorial on it look at that go watch it on shovel’s Channel um okay we need to curve these out a bit more um relatively I think the claws are decent Would you eat mac and cheese with Doritos for 100 yes that’s not something that would kill me so of course I would what are you building this dragon oh and we are suffering um we called there for the claws let’s do the type of place to Nether Brick and see what it’s like

Slash type replace I have to turn gmask off first in case I have it type replace um stone with red nether brick there we go so now okay G mask gold IE thank God I made it yeah I’ve been streaming for five hours so I guess that’s why you

People in different time zones are gonna start like waking up and finding the Stream All right Okay okay How’s it going this looks so cool things are going surprisingly pretty smoothly we’ve been we’ve been working on it and I’m surprised by how smoothly it’s actually been going struggle with the claws for a bit but that was the only like real big huge struggle we faced

Uh is General the final Dragon yes this is actually the final Dragon build for the map because High wrath didn’t age on episode three we did um farash in episode four and so now episode six we’ve got General okay all things considered I think the legs are okay maybe not the greatest

Maybe not the greatest but you know what it’s I think they’re they’re fine they’re acceptable good perhaps they’re Fair they’re all right um man this fire thing is sick we have two so shovel did that with some commands I took a picture of them I think I have to

Open up my uh screenshots folder I think check it out screenshots song of this it almost sounds like Mario Odyssey but it’s not Sonic Colors I should have guessed um all right okay so let’s see here so replace next to hand hand G mask zero holding blocks of gradient

So if I’m understanding this right okay I G mask to air select this I don’t want to mess with the fire ‘s pretty sick though um so I hold the blocks of the gradient um which one blocks of the gradient I assume what it does oh wait I think I’m understanding what

This does now I think I think I just understood what this does um so I’ve got the diorite I’ve got the Insight I’ve got the smooth Stone yeah so it expands so I’m assuming it’ll expand the blocks out that I’m holding it’s my understanding of this

So tough that and in case you would so if I hold the smooth Stone gmask is set to Air and I replace next to hand or know that the item you’re holding in your hand duh smooth Stone to smooth Stone not I always why do I always do exclamation mark instead of tilde

And then with the smooth Stone and it expands it out there we go so then okay okay so you’re just okay so Stone with Stone right and then diorite with diorite and a site with andesite uh half with tough and then acacia wood with acacia wood and then what’s the last one

Oh the veins the veins are the problem um no the tilde uh it’ll replace next to so if I do like replace next to Stone it the G mask makes it so it replaces like the blocks right next to it like so um slovene’s the problem the underbelly I think is

Maybe we should expand the underbelly uh yeah let’s let’s see what it’s like when we expand the underbelly just to see gravity how are you still streaming because we haven’t finished the thing yet Crimson High Fae with Crimson hi-fi oh yeah I should make a region selection

That would probably be smart might help me with my claws a little bit Um about here I guess it doesn’t matter if I get the flames I don’t need to be that far away though um all right Crimson High Faith Crimson High Fae red concrete with red concrete red Wool with red wool and then what is it red nether brick

Red Nether Bricks with red Nether Bricks um what else is there I can’t see it’s so hard to see through the world that it’s cui what is it netherwort block nether wart block with Nether wart block oh no there is no red Nether wart hold on I think we just did it okay

Yeah that thickness is much better that thickness is much better much better oh my gosh red netherwarp another word block oh it’s just yeah okay wait that’s what I got yeah that’s why I had another warp block so I typed out I don’t think there’s any Nether wart

Huh that I’d not put it into the I might not have put it into the gradient or something weird hmm the thickness is definitely a lot better I think I think the thickness is way better now um so the veins we have to redo the veins

Um I’m trying to think is there a way to do it through commands not that I’m aware of unless we like replaced no because there’s on the side too can I just can I use the same command no I would have had to do that first I

Don’t think I can just use the same command whatever it’s fine Now isn’t there a like so I can just do like I can just do whoops that’s not what I meant to do uh gmaster the gradient block and do that yeah I think that’ll yeah

Let me try that so what are the blocks again uh G masks smooth Stone diorite and a sight Stone tough acacia wood anything I’m forgetting this one diorite endocyte Stone tough case you would no that’s it um boom and place um next to orange stained glass orange stained glass

Oh they kind of pop a bit more oh there’s definitely some fixing upping to do we gotta we gotta do some fixer-uppering um because it wasn’t perfect that’s not a big deal though it doesn’t look like it’s too bad just some minor fixer-uppering um there we go all right um

This area looks pretty decent so we’re gonna have to do that command again I’m gonna have to pull that command back out um to to redo the undersides of the veins because obviously it’s not going to stay like Hollow like that we got to find that uh command again decide

Some fixing to do not too much get rid of that that I loved Fixer-Upper and all the is that an actual show name I just that’s just a saying I was thinking of Fix It Felix from Wreck-It Ralph you and shovel can seriously build everything whoa whoa whoa I appreciate

It shovel probably but me I don’t know I don’t think I’m on that level yet I can certainly try it’s not gonna be perfect but is a house flipping show oh I remember my dad used to like watch one of those all the time and like he got like

Young me into the to those kind of shows like I started watching those shows with them which I thought was like looking back it’s pretty funny like nine-year-old me was like watching these house renovation shows with him like yeah look at this all right um

I think I fixed most of the glass this is a problem actually now that I think about it um there’s a bit too much now it’s gotta keep that veiny like feel to it there’s too many like big oh yeah like this this open stuff has got to go

But once I fix this it should be good uh razi you’re still going yes I’m still going is the dragon Done Yet Alfie no it’s not so we’re still going oh come on we’ve done longer build sessions before just haven’t done one like this in a while

I want to know when you’re going to build a college Citadel so not this next episode but probably the one after you’re not gonna like what I’m about to say what don’t tell me you don’t like the Dragon front legs look weird of course of course where you can Tinker with them

We can Tinker with them but first I’m finishing up what I’m doing here I don’t doubt that the legs aren’t perfect because I’m really not just I’m just not good with dragon legs I haven’t I haven’t built enough dragons to like have that sort of sixth sense or whatever you know

So I don’t I don’t doubt it uh um I think that’s mostly good yeah all right now I have to remember that command um oh I’m gonna affect this glass aren’t I have to be really careful with my selection here uh this oh this might affect some of the

I don’t think so I think if I do it right if I do the command correctly it won’t all right so the gmask they’re gonna do a stream like this I’m going to suggest a ton of songs I’m probably not going to stream this long again

Listening to Pest of the cosmos the song reminds me of it dude I know what pets the cosmos is that song is good all the Calamity my music is really good oh all right so first of all Place gold with smooth Stone gold yes just gold block

I really have to get out of here soon though because I I have to go to the store and they close in an hour so I like have to get out of here soon um she masks I had to redo that command it didn’t go through

All right so the G it was G mask um what was it that eventually worked it was like um that gmask that eventually worked I don’t remember what it was it was like not it was not air for a star I think it was something about exposed

What is the what is the hashtag there was like the thing because this thing that wasn’t a liquid noise no proximity no no no surface was its surface it was surface wasn’t it it was like not air surface yeah um there’s not air surface was that really

It no way that was all it was Orange stained glass maybe we should add those in just to be sure um and then it’s replace next to Orange stained glass yellow stained glass shroom light was that what it was yeah that’s what it was oh there’s still problems oh I didn’t foresee this problem

Oh that’s not gonna fix it that doesn’t fix it now that I think about it yeah that doesn’t fix the problem oh okay I gotta think here I gotta think what’s the best way to do this well what if I if I do G mask not the surface And I do replace orange stained glass and yellow stained glass with smooth Stone an end of sight will this work I think this might work um what’s this OST this is the end from Pokemon Black and White the end from Pokemon Black and White so with that g mask

And I replace orange stained glass and yellow stain glasses does that work I think that worked yes thank goodness thank goodness I got it right let’s go Master of g-masks the G master yeah okay I don’t deserve that title I should relax um boom all right now we reapply this G mask and

Then we redo that command I think that does it I shouldn’t have deselected I’m such an idiot here we’ll do it a brush because I will do it with a brush this time because I don’t want to mess up the fire that that shovel made so we’re gonna do brush

Sphere orange stained glass yellow stained glass I will do like five and we’ll set that to the G mask as well Um there we go wait yeah that worked right yeah okay shovels drafting up some new legs it looks like probably needed wait did I do that uh you cut it no no no no the shroom lights the shroom lights I think I did this I didn’t notice I affected this there we go

I did a little too much um hopefully I didn’t just erase anything I was supposed to okay that’s the culprit right there all right so I have to make sure why is my card all the way to the right what does that mean it’s quite a good thing I don’t we’re

Not questioning it thank God for undo have you seen Shang Chi yes I did what what did Ezio do I have a question um all right so I have to not affect the flames this is as far back as I can go I think so that’s not affecting the glass this

Doesn’t touch any of the glass does it no literally right on the border so now I should be good to redo these commands all right so what was the first one um gmask could not surface um and then replace orange with do that yeah that didn’t affect any of shovel stuff no

All right so then we do G mask not all of that stuff and boom we didn’t affect shovel stuff this time no we did not I’m gonna copy the Flames don’t worry about him I don’t think we have to anymore because I think I did it without affecting him this time go me

All right g-mask orange stained glass yellow stained glass and then this brush should still be applied yeah all right okay all right okay names look like wings and weights endearing intentional good shape for thumbnails wait they’re not duplicate okay they look like they are kinda duplicates of each other look at this

Why is there another brick up here that’s not right uh Nether Bricks get the feather out not another Rick’s right another bricks Um here we go fix that up wait I didn’t affect the underside did I uh we can just change that manually because that’s not much okay well stream hasn’t ended yet no we’re still going do we hit five hours we did it five hours a little bit ago oh

Did you like Shang Chi it was okay it wasn’t horrible wasn’t fantastic but it was good she’s done not so fast I think shovel’s trying to fix up the legs a bit more which I mean if there’s anyone I trust with this it’s definitely shovel we’re not going to six hours we’re not

Going to six hours oh I think I think I’m remembering wrong the store actually closes not in an hour but in two hours I think have you only been working on dinroll yeah we’ve just been working on dinner on the Stream I almost didn’t even do dinroll yet by the way

I seriously I I decided 20 minutes before I started stream I didn’t even know if I wanted to stream and I was like I’ll go build dinner all real quick why not real quick yeah let me just build this real quick before you end yeah I think shovel’s

Messing with the leg look at this shovel’s going with like much more interesting angles I gotta I gotta I gotta try it I gotta try and better my angles too here um I’ll give my own okay I’m gonna copy this before I start doing that uh just copy this whole like shoulder part

G mask boom okay let me give it my own shot I will show the dragon at night before we end take broadly saying real quick with a grain of salt when it comes to Minecraft yeah I mean I did think that Zora’s domain would take a few days it took a month

Um so you know probably smart to not take everything I say seriously um it’s just changing the angles a little bit seems to really help we almost went insane building it yeah we all like to we all took like a collective break I remember we took like a five day break or something

Do do I’m trying okay I’m trying my best on these legs whoops probably fine you took the Mario Kart break during that time yeah maybe have this come out an extra block changing the angle really does help us but shovel over here is taking it to a new level oh

Oh these legs are not good what were we thinking here what happened here someone’s like been beefing these claws up this one beef these claws up interesting probably shovel have you seen Axiom no I haven’t seen Axiom I haven’t seen it yet not me Um oh have you tested Axiom yeah I’ve used it a little bit can’t get my phone actually to work together you have to if you’re working on a server you have to use uh get to buy a commercial license to use it I’m not sure how much I like that meaty

Claws because they don’t they don’t match the other ones up front and I feel like these front ones are the best I don’t know if I like it why the dragon’s claws red because they’re red in game have you tasted axi I mean I’ve eaten Axiom before Roddy what’s up

Have you ever played Axiom Verge before no that sounds like almost familiar I don’t know I don’t I don’t think I like the beefed up claws and just mess with them a bit more to do um get this out it’s weird what happened here um that like that maybe

This comes over too far probably now they touch what has happened here let’s try a slap we can do a slab there maybe yeah upside down stair potentially here uh we can do wall here okay um oh my God I know why the claws are all

Beefed up I know why the claws are all beefed up oh the command I did when I was expanding the underbelly oh I just realized the command when I was expanding the underbelly to widen the dragon I was gonna say I was like who beefed up the

Dragon they’re like all messed up now but now it makes sense that makes complete sense now oh my God it all checks out it all makes sense how are you still live because we’re not done with the friggin Dragon yet celios oh man what a stream what a stream it is

Did the front Okay the front claws got messed up too yeah or was that something showed it I don’t even know at this point I don’t know at this point I don’t know what’s changes that were made to make them look better or what was the mistake

Um I won’t mess with the front closet yet that needs to go okay the lucky part is that apart from the ones in the back there wasn’t many full red nether Big Blocks so it’s not too bad the damage isn’t that bad unban me I’ll unban you but you better not

You better not be doing any crazy stuff Celio so I’ll have to reban you again what is this little clothing I’m watching celios oh I’m watching you you do something stupid and you’re gone I give him 10 minutes tops oh yeah I don’t even give him 10 minutes I’m gonna be honest

I do not give him 10 minutes I have to close my curtains now because it’s getting so dark it was like the middle of the day when I started and now it’s pitch blackout okay I should probably stop the recording and restart it I realized that

Was all in one recording all right let’s do it let’s see what celios is up to celios what is he doing I don’t trust you celios come on let me let me click on him come on let me click on him no okay yeah you run away celios you run away okay

All right vertical slab what dude look at this guy [Laughter] I mean it is close to a vertical slab it’s close oh my God celios what’s the dealios my gosh okay oh I’ve got the tired I’ve got the big tired all right all right all righty hmm

Man look at this look at look at shovel go to work on the first clause it reminds me of like a like a Santa hat for some reason the curve of it dude’s got one like Mega lag ilia’s calling me see this is not oh my God what do you want

Hey guys wait I gotta mute your stream because now now there’s two grazies now there’s double the cuteness um anyway so I’m just gonna hanging out and I saw a chat uh saying you to call celios and talk about food opinions I’m leaving the call no okay fine fine we won’t talk about

That we want to talk about that all right all right what do you want to talk about Buddy how is stream going it’s going all right you know building a dragon here it’s good to hear painful does it how does it feel how does it feel knowing shovels a a better Builder

Than you and you’ll never you’ll never you’ll never be as good as this head over here as this head what do you mean this head Oh you mean the dragon head I mean I oh I don’t have it go ahead this is why no no I did not say that

So so chat earlier was talking about how you how like they were doing it oh my god oh are you good so I just ate tortilla and drank Monster Energy that’s my favorite meal um you ate tortillas in Monster Energy yeah yeah it’s uh celio’s dinner that’s my editing meal

That’s what it’s my meal for when I get put in the editing cage and I I’m forced to to edit for seven hours straight but anyway Chad was doing a a hashtag I guess I ate the drink um chat was doing a hashtag earlier and I I wanted to know what your thoughts

Were on it what what was the hashtag um it starts with the k what it’s what they it starts with a K it starts with a k yeah can you guess what it is hashtag I don’t I don’t like the direction this is headed in

I don’t have a guess as to what it was hashtag no I know what it is I’m leaving Cole I’ll leave a call I’ll leave a call no no no no I remember what it was I remember exactly what it is screw that guy I know exactly what he was about to say

I know exactly what that guy was about to say I knew exactly what he was saying I had to get out of there fast [Laughter] I remembered seeing that message like once huh Sam thank you for the two dollars eat the paste I’m not eating the freaking

Pace man I’m not eating the thermal paste why did this start up again why did this start up again huh you guys are gonna give me a freaking aneurysm you’re actually gonna give me an aneurysm chat oh he’s beefing up the like the shoulder kind of like fur part a lot more

Um that does remind me this doesn’t look good no no no no no stop with the hashtag well that’s not good but seriously thank you for the two I do appreciate it Sam but no Eat the paste no no God this claw we don’t need anymore what do we not need anymore um why is there another dinroll up here there’s three din there’s so many dragons here what is going on whoa that’s cool um I’m going to use gold for this

Topics for safety it makes sense makes sense oops uh G Mass gold dragon migration yeah Dragon migration lots of people doing commands to go around quick that is true like me accidentally ruining half the claws with that command um oh my God it’s this freaking song again

All right lesson learned I suppose so I suppose so uh remember that time ghostly accidentally broke all entities on the map yes I do okay it wasn’t everything it was a lot it was a lot of entities but it wasn’t all of them yeah we’re doing six hours we’re not we

Can’t do six hours I’d probably have to go the see here’s the thing the store I go to either closes in 30 minutes or it closes in an hour and a half I don’t remember which one so I’m kind of gambling just just gambling I’m just gambling

Hoping that it by the time I get out of here it’s not closed and what’s the funny part is I need to go to the store today because I uh uh you should shovel the Calamity mod OST maybe I should turn on the Calamity mod OST why don’t you just Google its hours

Because I did two weeks ago and they were wrong so I ended up showing up after closing hours because Google was wrong about their closing hours this is weird there’s like a yeah there we go look at these front the frontals are so circular so nice

At least you’ve met your work quota that is true I can I guess take it easy for the rest of the day I don’t really have a set out work quota but I guess this counts as hitting it building all of General store stream yeah store stream ugh

Oops I accidentally skipped it oh well oops we’re not doing a store stream I would love to see a karate video where he just goes to the store Minecraft builder re-enter civilization um that doesn’t work hmm that block should probably go Graz touches grass yep grass touches grass man hmm A Grazy Vlog would be the most boring thing ever because like what do I what do I do in a gravity blog like hey guys today I’m waking up at 2PM and building till 5am that I’m going to sleep man oh I forgot that celios is still on

I have to check what Celia is up to he’s just around you sounded so upset I just needed to make sure that celios wasn’t doing anything I still don’t know for sure let me check the inside of the Dragon it looks safe it looks like celios hasn’t been doing anything okay um

That was the first yawn that was the first yawn oh boy oh boy can that be an upside down stair uh yeah that works better I think well I’m not sure it was the second Young die young or did I yawn earlier I feel the third one coming on I’m trying to resist

I’m kind of messing around at this point um maybe we do an upside down stair there no that won’t really worked because there’s one right there Maybe that no that looks weird how long are you gonna go I don’t know I don’t know that’s not what I’m about to do that

Won’t work either I do a slab there stare here whoops oh that’s not gonna work uh can I place a block please just one why does celios have another right armor it’s not bad Man Um okay Bass what do you mean base it doesn’t explain anything I don’t like that there whoa what the hell what are you doing bro made a base inside of dinroll the Cecilia’s secret place Celio celios celios You can’t even open that chest don’t open that what wow that’s so great celios that’s so great hahaha oh my God General has a parasite true honestly celios is a parasite um boom boom can I ban him now he hasn’t done anything banworthy quite yet quite yet being the key word there

Um I feel like this should be that one’s relatively okay hmm yet yeah cause you got we all know celios will eventually we all know someone will eventually uh I think that one’s fine look at that and that Um I don’t know how much I can improve upon the claws at this point I don’t know how much skill I have in this regard I don’t hate the claws they’re certainly better than ferrashes ferocious are really tiny but they’re not they’re not horrible they’re just small

Didn’t roll I feel like kind of goes against the scale we had for the uh past two dragons how old are you I am 19. I turned 20 in like a month and a half ish yawn did I yawn again oh no I feel another one coming on I can’t prevent it hmm

Huh wait we have a problem again how did this problem okay I have to fix this then how did that happen again celios okay now you can ban celios now you can ban him now you could ban him after this what is bro doing I have to clean up his mess now okay

Get rid of this get rid of this stuff yeah uh you on count four no let’s stop with the yawn count um okay I think I have to fix that problem because I messed up the first time or something um to get any of the Flames no okay so yeah

Here’s the okay this is a big problem I messed up a lot of stuff somewhere I don’t know how but like somewhere I messed up these command that command again I have to fix it again um so what’s the G mask again G mask not hashtag what is it again it’s exposed or

Something surface Surface um replace orange stained glass yellow stained glass with um smooth Stone an endocyte it did work okay so then it’s G mask not air hashtag surface orange stained glass yellow stained glass I think that’s it replace True Light was that what it was you still need this gold block

Uh probably not no you could probably get rid of that you can probably get rid of that fix the problem now uh I have to redo it because I missed that point um what the heck is it this uh did you miss that play shroom light

I can just do this by hand I don’t know why I’m making this so much harder than it used to be um oh my gosh shuffles going all in on the details I’m gonna miss anywhere that’s fine um okay I think we fixed it what is that sound

Is that part of the song all right go to the store you can do this whenever no I want to be done all right so shovel’s adding these things along the length of it I will follow suit on the other side so you’re just putting it on the border between

The stuff got it Um there we go get rid of that there’s inside or you’re just gonna pop out no no no no no no no no uh this is the song from Ultimate yep and I shouldn’t do that yep it’s from Ultimate uh so karate debt why is that still a thing

You guys are talking about everyone is advocating for a store stream no my the store I go to is a regional plate it’s like a regional store I can’t go to the store because I’ll dox myself you stopped the last leg you stop at the last leg okay

I will follow suit for now my chest is hurting more of a reason no shush I’m not doing it okay let me get out trap doors here we go build a map of the store no um do that It would be quite funny I will admit a garage door stream would be pretty funny oh this part is gonna be a mess should be fine though should be fine build the store on dinroll you guys are so you guys are latching on to literally anything at this point

Anything and everything you guys are like yeah we need this I think that’s a sign to end stream I think that is a sign to end stream but no General’s not done yet dinner all is not done yet not yet folks not yet it does look pretty interesting that is pretty cool McDonald’s stream my gosh uh man we’re almost gonna hit our six we might actually hit our six I didn’t think we would if we hit hour six that’s like I think that’s got to be the hard cut off where it’s like I have to go

Now if he got some [ __ ] tours we are taking it back to the tail all right Yawn count six oh my God no it’s gonna be real nice to like take it slow the rest of the night though I gotta say usually I like do stuff all day and then later at night is when I like actually get to work but I gotta say it is quite

Nice knowing that after this I can just chill out the rest of the night I’m turning over a new Leaf realistically I’ll end up back on the map doing something else realistically speaking you go all the way down yeah you can take it all the way down okay all right

Set a world record for yawning yeah I don’t think that’ll happen all right now I should become a choir singer give up on Minecraft and YouTube and Just join the Opera here we go there we go we need store stream shush it’s not happening karaoke stream when no that’s definitely not happening ah man 8 51 P.M what is he was shovel doing

He’s like adding magma blocks ah oh I like the mangrove tips okay I like that um hey this is the song that opens every stream I mean it looks like it might be might be getting there closer to completion trying to think any more small details we can add

I really like the fire hidden behind the main that’s really cool changes we couldn’t get all the trap doors around to magma ah makes sense it’s a good call hmm well it’s definitely getting there to come like it’s it’s definitely getting towards completion right I mean it’s getting there

Claws are still questionable but for the most part I think they’re fine yeah this might be a good stopping point all right you guys know what that means stop recording finally we can we can take a look with with shaders let’s try a complimentary reimagined first I should probably have turned my render

Distance off of 45 before turning on shaders oh it just didn’t even work all right oh I never turned them on yeah that was the problem uh oh oh The fire on the mouth looks so like coming off the that looks sick do you have rethinking voxel shaders I don’t have those on now oh the glow of the underbelly because of the magma and streamlights we added there is really nice we think that’s good we think that’s good man

Compared to farash I think it’s definitely a step up from farage like I still got the same style but it’s definitely better oh that’s more the fire so I assume you added light blocks on the flames man you know what we did a good job high five to everyone

Enhanced default enhanced default make it look cool it’s kind of all glowy nice let’s go remember like four hours ago when I was scared to commit to finishing it in one stream and now here we are esl’s the best I do like BSL um do I have BSL

Oh yeah I do this is like a really outdated version of BSL I think BSL is quite nice I usually like BSL for colder environments like I used BSL for the Zora area it’s nice nice turn off Bloom yeah I should probably do that oh boy I always love going through Bloom

It’s probably in like a color or Sky thing I know Skye unless I’m thinking of unless I’m thinking Bloom is the wrong thing morning now Sky color now not in post-process Loom here we go turn the bloom off hello apparently my game does not like me turning off bloom

What’s that about oh it is off okay why are the Shadows like that yeah as I was saying I’m pretty sure this is a severely outdated version of BSL because I haven’t updated my BSL Shader since like 1.17 or something so it’s probably not that good but I should probably get

Around to getting the new version of the SL ope that might be smart man man make the claws glow okay okay okay okay okay we’ll try making the lights glow the claws I don’t have give at self light do I just do light Grazie light thank you

Okay so I think now I don’t want it to be fully bright but I think if I do this and then I can change it to like do I want to do it Fulbright maybe I do just do it Fulbright and fulbright’s not bad whoops I don’t think I like the full brightness

You can do a light brush that is true could like gmas but I was what I was gonna do is I’m pretty sure you can set the light ahead of time and then like control middle click now how do you do it there’s a way to like yeah there we go

So you can get the different light levels so I can Tinker it down maybe maybe like a 10 works light level 12 one well you think is one to go I mean there’s not enough though it’s only a few so shouldn’t we just because it’s only a few I guess if you

Set the G mask to the light right but like considering it’s only this do we really need a full brush for it I guess if you do next to Mangrove stairs but I have Tinker on so boom there a nice subtle glow switches to 12.

Because I think a subtle Club I think a subtle glow for the claws is better wait the hour six mark did we now oh you put glow 12 all around it okay now I understand why you were saying the brush I was just putting it on the tips

Of the claws but you know what that makes sense that makes sense now I’ll do the same just to match it light and then I think I can do level 12. yeah and I’ll just do one yeah can I do this yeah whoops G mascara

I know I can’t do that oh that sucks like so there subtle glow I saw the shaders on I should turn those off well I guess it doesn’t matter when well pushing off now right all right we should probably call it there um I have to go to the store I have to

Freaking go dude I haven’t even eaten dinner I have to eat dinner and I have to go to the store my gosh my goodness that’s cute by the way sub to grazi all right well thank you to own brains Ezio fly everyone who helped today especially you shovel sorry for wrapping

You up in this when I invited you onto the server I didn’t intend for you to be stuck building a dragon for hours on end I just like having other content creators on to you know tour around and everything but I do appreciate the help I do appreciate it oh my gosh

I think we call it there I think we call it General’s done I thought that was gonna take two whole streams instead we just did it all in one because we’re psychos um okay I appreciate the opportunity to procrastinate fair enough fair enough all right let me switch over here

All right I don’t know when the next stream’s gonna be I’m not holding myself to the every other day thing anymore I’m just kind of gonna try and stream when I feel like it maybe get two or three in a week um so maybe like Monday Thursday Sunday

You know something like that who knows just do a few um so yeah I think we’ll call it there I will see you guys in the next stream whirl I don’t even know where we’ll be working in the next stream somewhere in the area

I need to go to the store so thank you all for stopping by

This video, titled ‘Building DINRAAL – Breath of the Wild in Minecraft’, was uploaded by Grazzy on 2023-09-23 04:05:50. It has garnered 9041 views and 401 likes. The duration of the video is 06:01:50 or 21710 seconds.



Discord Server Link


Q: When is the next part of the Breath of the Wild map? A: I plan on having about 2 – 3 months between each episode.

Q: When will you finish the Breath of the Wild map? A: I have no idea

Q: Can you use the Distant Horizons mod? A: I already have, as shown at the end of part 2. It is not compatible with shaders, therefore I will hardly be using it

Q: What is your texture pack? A: Listed below

Q: What shaders do you use? A: Complementary and Complementary Reimagined

Q: Why is there a dog behind you? A: It is a dog that I used to live with. Chat combined ‘dog’ and ‘Grazzy’ to name it Grog(not his actual name). After moving out I thought it would be funny to keep a cardboard cutout of him behind me.

🠟 Texture pack 🠟

Fancy Skies ➜

Better Netherite ➜

And a lot more from Vanillatweaks ➜

🠟 Music I use on stream 🠟

Most of the time I use this –


This is not a Minecraft challenge video, just building in Minecraft 1.19 Hardcore mode Lets Play, or hard mode, medieval style and mega bases, castles, custom islands, and more.

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  • Crimson Anarchy

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  • Spuds Semi-Vanilla SMP GriefPrevention Germany 1.20.4

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  • [Java & Bedrock] LiveAndBuild.Net | Survival Server

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  • Minecraft Magic: Unveiling 10 Hidden Tricks! [Autumn Breeze Reveals All]

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  • Garfield’s stalking me in Minecraft πŸ˜‚πŸ”₯

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  • Speedrun Your Way with Top 5 Minecraft Bedrock Seeds 1.21

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    My WORST DEATH - DAY 5 - PC GAMEPASS MINECRAFT Minecraft Adventures with TheGuill84 Exploring the World of Minecraft TheGuill84 takes on the PC Gamepass Challenge in Minecraft, embarking on a thrilling adventure filled with creativity and challenges. Join him as he navigates through the vast world of blocks, monsters, and endless possibilities. Live Streams and Events Catch all the action live on Twitch at Don’t miss out on the excitement as TheGuill84 tackles various tasks and quests in real-time. Stay Connected Follow TheGuill84 on his main YouTube channel at for more gaming content. Check out his clip channel at for highlights and memorable moments. Engage… Read More

Grazzy – Building DINRAAL – Breath of the Wild in Minecraft