GTA but chaos happens every 30 seconds

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All right. We’re checking out the only game where chaos wasn’t chaotic enough, so we hacked it and made it worse. It’s GTA. So Alex has gone into the Chaos Mod and has modified just a- ……what?

He’s modified a ton of the Chaos mod and now they happen every 30 seconds. On top of that, there’s seven different checkpoints that I have to try and get to across the entire game. Where’s my parachute at? This is going to hurt, isn’t it?

So apparently Alex told me that he hid the other parachute, so I had to go all over the entire area just to find it. So the point is, is that Alex has crafted a bunch of different- Jumpy vehicles? a bunch of different chaos additions

To the normal chaos mod that I’m going to have to deal with. And instead of happening every 60- Oh my God!!! Instead of happening every 60 seconds, they happen every 30 seconds. While I’m trying to get from point A to point B. Can I have your car?

Well, that was like something out of Bad Boys 2. Any car! If I could just get one single car that would make this 100 times easier. I thought that the 60 second chaos was bad.

Now it takes 30 seconds for my heart palpitations to begin happening, since I know that the pain is incoming in just half the time. You know what? A scooter!!! Ow! subscriber meeting my subscribers. Oh, hey. Oh, okay. Oh, the subscribers are, uh, they’re starting to pile up here.

Okay, this is getting out of hand. All I have is this scooter. Excuse me, ma’am. I’m trying not to murder any of the subscribers. I run away, I say run. I’m going, like, eight miles an hour. Can I upgrade, please? Why are all of the vehicles gray? Oh, why?

Oh, peds go boom! I was focused so much on getting a car, I didn’t realize- This is so unbelievably evil. Get out of the car before anything else happens. You and your wife. I mean, I guess your wife could stay in the car if you want.

I’m stopping by the shopping mall. Alex said that the arrows only appear when you get to the right checkpoint, so I don’t even know where the next one would be after I get to this one. So I can’t even cheat. Ignite nearby peds.

Oh, so everyone is just incredibly flammable, now. There it is. Okay, here we go. Here we go. Almost went into the subway. Everything’s fine to one. Don’t be speeding, gray. I mean, I. I committed a just committed, you know, a grand theft auto.

But technically, I’m not speeding. Oh, it slows the car down. So it’s not a matter of- Is that plane going to crash into the ground? I am almost sure in the distance. I don’t know if you saw it. A plane just violently crashed into the ground.

So it’s not like I get penalized for speeding. It’s just I’m not allowed to. Oh, God. Oh, I just. That was a light tap. Okay, he’s fine. Maybe he broke his tibia. How am I supposed to get up there? Hi, everyone. Yeah, just follow me.

We’re all going to complete this board together, everyone Alright, you’re gtting a little close. Oh, they’re running me over. It’s like a Black Friday sale, but I’m the only item there. So now we jump on top of the box, then up here. Okay.

I was going to say, I’m not sure I get much further, but it looks like you put some ramps up here so I could legitimately get to the very first checkpoint. I just need to get there before the timer ends.

I just need to get there before the timer ends because the gravity could turn off and I could be completely screwed. Okay. And we have our first checkpoint. Okay, see, and now I can see the next checkpoint. What happened over here? What is this?

I was like random prop cars or something. Oh, there’s a plane here. Everyone is a ghost. I tried to take the helicopter and I turned into a- Can I still pilot this thing? Like ghosts can get their pilot’s license, right? I don’t- Oh, yeah, here we go.

Oh, this is going to make life so easy. It’s been a little while since I piloted a since I piloted a helicopter in GTA, but I think I pretty much remember what I’m doing. I love that I’m still just a disembodied entity flying this thing.

Oh, this is going to happen super fast. I’m so glad Let me try and land this and- Ghost town? Oh, so now it’s not just me being a ghost. It’s like all the stuff. What is happening? Have some Florida Man Coffee? What?

What does that even mean? Okay, landing. This is just. It’s awful. Oh, God. Whoa, whoa. Ahhhhh!!!! Where’s the black hole from? It’s not time yet!! AHHHHHH!!! Why, Alex??? Killer clowns? 100 wanted level? Meanwhile, this guy is over here playing golf. You’re not.

It’s the closest vehicle, and I’ve got things to do. In case anyone’s wondering why we’re in first person. I don’t actually have a choice. I got hit with first person in the chaos. That’s fine, though. You can see my incredible skill and agility in first person mode.

I have beaten many- What in the world? What is- Who needs doors? This is amazing. Why is there an apocalypse vehicle here? You know, I’m not going to ask any questions. I’m just going to take you. Oh, we riding this to victory! Out of the way-

Oh, I forgot to put my seatbelt on. Always wear your seat belts, kids. I don’t know what u turn is. I also can’t experience it because I don’t have a car yet. But I will in about 2 seconds. Excuse me. Good, sir. That’s. See, I laid him down nicely.

Everything is fine. He’s fine. Oh. Whoa. Oh, very low gravity. Oh, God. That guy just got tapped by a- This is awful! Ouch, noooo… main character in an animator is something I get hit with one punch, It takes forever to hit the ground. Ouch! Jump, jump. Oh, like, super jump?

Oh, I just can’t do anything but jump. Oh, this is annoying. I get in the car. Just get in the car. Get in the car. Oh, no. He jumps out of the car. I actually can’t get into a car. I just have to deal.

Oh, yeah. Here we go. This is nice and smooth. Now, if I get lucky and maybe it’ll just be like first person or something. There it is. It’ll just be first person or something when we get the next- Hold on. I’m trying to watch the road.

It- Oh! Whoa! Oh! Okay. Oh, God. Oh. I guess technically. But it’s left. But it’s right. Okay. This is actually worse than anything I could have thought of. I thought maybe, you know, if I don’t know, gravity was low again or something, that would be pretty bad.

Ahhh! I can’t see! Sorry!!! You know, I’m going to sit here. There we go- Zoom cam?!? Nooooooo!!!!! *anguished cries* Ow, ow, ow, ow. My lower lumbar. You owe me a car. Oh, thank you. It’s over. Of course. Now, I’m just a rag doll.

Ahhhh!!!! So we’re doing shorts now? Yes, we are. Oh, YouTube. Why would anyone want to watch a video in this way? I’ll never understand, but they love it. What?!? So you like tanks? Oh, God. I just got set into a random vehicle.

Luckily, the random vehicle was still fairly close to where I’m needing to go. I think it’s probably a vehicle at a certain distance from where you are. Hopefully, I don’t have this kind of luck. Oh, thank you. Full screen. Where have you been all my life? What’s that? Vehicle rain?

It’s actually pretty much like. Like the normal climate down here in Florida. Oh, boy. Okay. Apparently, some of the vehicles get exploded once in a while. Oh, I don’t want to get hit by a VR. Okay. Maybe I should go inside for the vehicle rain.

Oh, hold on the vehicle rain’s almost over Walk on water. It’s still raining vehicles. Stop, please. So how do you get up here? Have some Florida, man. Coffee. Whoa. Holy caffeine. Caffeine’s amazing! Ah, it’s actually still pretty hard. Checkpoint!!! Oh, God. Okay, so the next checkpoint has spawned.

I saw it’s way in the distance. Everyone has an RPG. Oh. A few seconds later. *gasp* I forgot. Everyone has an RPG. Suddenly that- Oh God! Luckily, she hasn’t taken any training on how to use it. No, not the credits! Nooooo…. Oh, no, no, no, no.

This is what Florida looks like. Yeah. In case you’re wondering, it’s humid all the time. You can walk outside with your mouth open and you’ll get your thirst quenched. Hey, Florida, can you, like, take a hike? So I can actually- What is that sound? Oh God… Hold on. Yeahhhhhh!!!!

That’s how you lead the target Alright. Two. One. Money rain. Oooooh! Oh, this is my kind of weather. Hold on. Ow. Ow. Getting shot- Ow! Ow! Ow! No. My money! Noooooo! The only thing I managed to collect was bullets in my spine. Money, rain.

And I got a car out of the deal. Scuse me. I used the double on- There’s actually a police chase going on. Whoa. Ramp press. Jump in the vehicle. Oh, that’s awesome. This is so cool. Yeah. Yeah. I can design my own ramps. This is awesome.

Oh, this is- I like this one. Oh, yeah. Oh, we’re getting there. Oh, we’re getting there now. Oh, yeah. Ramp it. Oh jeez…. Oh, my neck muscles. It’s fine. It’s fine. It’s fine. Here we go. Yeah. I want to at least get one last good ramp in.

Not yet for the big ramp. Here we go. Yeah. 2000. The problem is, I can’t actually see what the check point is. Oh, God. Oh. Oh, it’s fine. I’m. I’m. Well, I’m I’m- Well, I’m not wearing a helmet at all. Oh, hey ho! Whoa!

Oh, yeah. Look at that. I was. I was actually kind of on target and a little corkscrew over the fence. Big 360. It landed on the wheels. No big deal. And in 4 seconds, we’re about to experience a whole host of pain. Gravity sphere. Gravity sphere. Oh, the bunnies!

Think about the bunnies! What’s wrong with- Wait… Oh, I’m the gravity. Oh, this is awesome. Come here. Ha ha ha ha ha ha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Oh, the power is mine. I’m like Magneto, but stupider. Ah ha ha ha.

It is so lucky that I will never have any kind of superhuman powers. Did you put the checkpoint inside the military base? Uh-oh…. Oh, whoa, whoa. Oh, why?!? I was right there. Oh! Whoa! What a fake teleport. I got teleported and then un teleported.

What is happening in this game right now? Okay. It’s fine. It’s fine. I just need to. Oh. Once you pop, you just can’t stop. Why did you put the- The checkpoint’s on top of, like, the highest. I need to find like a helicopter or something.

If I can just get into the sky. I’m riding on the rims, man. I got to just go. Luckily, I still have this RPG. Ow ow ow ow ow ow. Everyone’s a ghost. Can I take damage when I’m a ghost? Because I’m dead. You can absolutely die as a ghost.

I got a scattergun. I just wanted to show you real quick. It fires explosive cats in my guns. I’m doing okay. I’m doing okay, everyone. The only problem is that there’s bees, okay? The bees are in my underwear. The bees are violating me. I added zeros to gravity.

Oh, no, you didn’t, Alex. Oh, whoa, whoa. Okay, I’m getting- Ahhhh!!! Oh, God. Oh, God. Alex, what have you got? I’m on fire, and I’m being murdered by bees. I can’t deal with this gravity. There’s nothing I can do but slowly get crushed into the ground. Vehicle yeet!!!!

Oh my God! It’s all chaos…. *screams of agony and terror* The five times timer is happening for the chaos and stacking the chaos up too much. Give me your motorcycle. I’m on fire. Okay. That was awful. Yeetley-deeeeeeet. Oh delicious yeeeeeeet. Don’t mind me, I’m just sliding sideways.

Don’t hold left. Oh, Alex says. Alex says- Oh, if I didn’t hold left, I just die??? You’re in a movie. Great. I know. It’s, like, epic. Like Michael Bay camera-manning…. Ahhhh!!! NOOOOO!!!! Although that’s a pretty cool wipe out right there. Oh, yeah, big dodge.

Look at that. This is like John Wick right here. Low budget John Wick, goooooo!!!!! Oh, no. Render distance. I can’t see more than like two feet in front of me. This is so unplayable. Look, stuff just appears out of nowhere, because it’s off in the distance.

Spinning props, nooo- Oh, a plane. Here we go. Here we go. I could fit- Ow! Ow! Ow! Oh the bleachers! Spinning props now. Oh, it’s so violent. There’s literally a plane right there and I can’t get to it. It’s somewhere. Here it is. Owwwwwww….. Okay.

In case any of you are wondering, I have everything under control. Oh, okay. Things are a lot less under control now. Oh, there’s a lot of missiles. Come on up, up, up, and yeet! Parachute, parachute, parachute. It didn’t give me a parachute. No! No! No! Oh, crap.

This is where we are, everyone. There’s no gravity. Alcohol has struck again. Cod combo time. I am. I’m absurdly high into the sky- Actually, I have an idea. I think I might be able to get this checkpoint like this. Hold on. Okay, so the new- There. Okay, so I’m falling.

I’m falling- Oh, it gives me a parachute. Oh, my God. Yes. Okay, here we go. Here we go. Here we go. Watch this. Ready? All those years wing shooting in GTA to try and get past Alex’s stupid, insane challenges. Yes. And pull. Oh, my God, this is happening.

Oh, my God, it’s happening. It’s a checkpoint. We have a checkpoint! *manic laughter* This is my life now, everyone. I don’t know how many checkpoints are left. I think that was the fourth one. So that means there’s still like three more to go look at. Oh wow! Okay.

Well, all the vehicles just exploded. All right? Now there’s a jet over here. All the peds are dead, so I think I should be able to steal this. Okay, there’s a couple of tests still. Either one. Okay, he was it up into the jet?

Then you go ahead and give it the old Nokia kick right there. Hit the afterburner and we are airborne. Oh, it’s fine. It’s fine. Everyone, I have everything under control. It could take a lot more than one rocket to slow me down. Oh, my God.

I’m actually going to get to the checkpoint. What Florida feels like with what it feels like. What does it feel like? Okay, there’s the checkpoint. I just have to get out and then nice, smooth- Ow! Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

This is not a what Florida feels like. Why am I flying through the air randomly? It’s like a tornado. Oh! Pull it! Pull it! Pull it! YES!!! That’s the second- Nooooooooooo………. Oh, I was so close. That was the second time chaos almost allowed me to get a check point.

Oh, teleport everything to the player. Just a random person rain from the sky. So quiet up here in space, waiting for my impending death. All right, we’re going. Yeah. Nice skydive. Ow, I just got shot in the anus. Nice skydive.

I’ve got to go over to right over here just so I have time to actually pull. And then we have- Watch this. Ready? Boop. I lost my two front teeth. Whatever. It’s fine. We still got the checkpoint. Where’s the next one? We got a hill.

That one’s probably the closest one I’ve seen. What’s with the oil trails? Oh, I have an oil trail. Oh, everything has an oil trail. That’s going to make driving a real treat. Whoa. Teleport to Mount Juliet. It’s fine. I’m sure if we just

Fall off this cliff, everything will become crystal clear. Oh, yeah. Oh, I love suspension. Oh. Doing good. Everyone doing good. We’re fine now, okay? We’re not fine anymore. I am on fire. I am burning alive. I’ve got 5 seconds before all, like, mayhem could actually occur.

I’m so concerned right now with what I’m about to get. Times ten vehicle engine speed. Yeah!!! Does it work for boats? Because I feel like I’m just going normal speed right now. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. All right, maybe I am going a little bit faster than normal. Ahhh!!!! Global warming?!?

I was right there. We’re about to find out in 5 seconds whether or not the water and I are on good- Oh. Uhhhh…. Okay. This is fine. All right. I just need a swim to the to the surface before I run out of air and die.

Oh, I’m dying. Oh. Oh, thank God. The only problem is, how do I get- Whoa…. No, not Florida. We got the coral out. Florida has betrayed me so many times today. If I stayed kind of in the middle of the surface of the water, it’s fine.

But then I’m going to suffocate to death. So I have to try and climb to the top. And I ran out of air. Let me have this, Alex. Just let me have this. I’m right there. The checkpoint is right there. It’s like 500 feet away.

Just don’t spawn a black hole in the next 15 seconds, and we’re going to get along just fine. I can almost get to it before the chaos mod kicks in. It’s right there. Don’t screw me over. Don’t you do it. Don’t you do it. Peds drive backwards.

Oh, thank you. Oh, yeah. And we have a checkpoint. Okay. Next one is pretty far away, actually. All right, I’ve got a sweet. Oh, my God. I’ve got a suite buggy and a five star wanted rating. It’s fine. We’re going to make it.

I think this is the last checkpoint, too, so I’m pretty sure I can make this happen. All right. What’s my next chaos? 3… 2… 1… The chaos is…. My W key is stuck. Nooooo!!!! Oh, it’s for the pedal to the metal. Keanu Reeves speed style. Here we go.

I just got put into a completely different vehicle. I wanted to use the ramp, and then I got yeeted into this vehicle. Ramp jump at two miles an hour- Did I just. Did I just screw myself over? Oh, wait. I’m fine. I’m fine. It’s fine.

Everything’s fine. Everything’s fine. Everything’s fine. Whoa! There we go. Yeah, I can climb the mountain with my ramps. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Oh. Whoa. What? This is awesome. Random traffic. Yes. Oh.

Oh, it’s just a gigantic demolition derby. Oh, no. I don’t know if this thing can climb this. Oh, nooo… Oh. What happened? I got shot. This checkpoint is mine. All right. It’s you and me, Sprunk. Let’s do this. All right, that’s the checkpoint. And I aim up.

No problem. Okay. Chaos in three, two, one. No. What’s funny is I’m literally back to square one because it spawned another plane. So like, look, it’s right back to this. Things are looking good. Things are looking real good. They may look a lot worse in about 4 seconds,

But for right now, they’re looking really good. Oh, I ragdolled. Oh, saved it! Okay, here we go. Here we go. Aaaannnd wait for it…. Pull. Yeah. Oh, yeah. We’re going to have a checkpoint. Aaaaaaaaand checkpoint! Checkpoint. Way out in the distance I’ve got times to animation- ow!

Have some Florida Man Coffee. Yayyyyyy! Oof… Yayyyyy!!!! Ugh, leg day. Alright, best car. Best car? What do we got? What do we got? SUV looks good Through the fence. Oh. Oh, everyone is invincible. Does that mean me, too? Look at Howard. Say this is.

Look at how ridiculous this is. Oh. Uhhhh… Maybe I’ll be okay. I still have invincibility. Aaaaand sticks the landing. Double sticks the landing. Sorry, Space Ranger. AAAAAHHHH!!!!!! Oh no, I don’t have invincibility anymore! Do you know what’s going to singlehandedly allow me to beat this board?

The lack of gravity because I just got yeeted into space. And now Once again, Alex. Screw you, because we’re going to get it. Oh, I’m sure I’m not trying to outrun the chaos, but I’m outrunning the chaos. I’ve got, like, 10 seconds left. Come on, baby.

Come on, baby. Oh, there it is. There it is. There it is. And… We… Have… A… Ragdoll. Are you kidding me right now? Okay, here we go. I’m going to do- I’m going to do as chaos ends. Ready?

I’m going to time it just for you guys. We have a winner!!!!!! First person! *laughter* Well, half the times chaos made my life twice as bad. Anyway, folks, hope you enjoyed this episode of GTA. Until next time: Stay foxy and much love.

This video, titled ‘GTA but chaos happens every 30 seconds’, was uploaded by GrayStillPlays on 2022-11-16 21:00:03. It has garnered 3013106 views and 53185 likes. The duration of the video is 00:22:45 or 1365 seconds.

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  • Shocking! TV Women Hide Secrets from Milo Kucing! #viral

    Shocking! TV Women Hide Secrets from Milo Kucing! #viralVideo Information Wah ada Karu nih oh aku punya ide aku putusin a jalannya Biar dia gak dapat Oke aku pakai batu ini Yey aku dapat hartanya yang banyak loh tapi gimana cara aku balik jalannya udah hancur Waduh tolong Waduh Woi tvan tolong aku bikinin aku jalan tolong bantuin dia gak ya guys Kayaknya dia udah jahat Guys kita gak usah bantu dia guys like like like lah guys biar kita gak usah bantuin dia biar dia terjebak di sana oke Guys Terima kasih yang sudah like aku enggak mau bantu kamu mending aku pergi ke sana no gimana… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft JET Streams on 5/12/2024!

    Insane Minecraft JET Streams on 5/12/2024!Video Information [Music] [Music] hello everyone welcome to the chat stream hope everyone’s having a good day today and uh Happy Mother’s Day to the all the mothers out there uh say I know I play play Minecraft last week but I decided there was something I wanted to work on so I’m going to play some Minecraft today as well uh maybe next weekend we’ll do the Sims if I play on Sunday we’ll play it by year uh anyway I guess we’re just going to jump right in here [Music] are on Kennedy’s realm again excuse me uh… Read More

  • Jeffrey’s Shocking Discovery in Zafiroland | Slam Craft Ep. 19

    Jeffrey's Shocking Discovery in Zafiroland | Slam Craft Ep. 19Video Information [Música] B [Música] aquí Bueno te te pongo un contexto rápidamente para no alargarnos y hacer esto incómodo hanamichi ellos son Yo soy el recluta del equipo y estas dos son nuos integrantes que quieren buscar la paz y el privilegio y el bienestar del pueblo los mismos objetivos que nosotros exactamente eh como pudieron ver los compañeros por si se dieron cuenta acabamos de hacer justicia en el juicio no como en la mañana que fue un juicio extraño sino que esta realmente se cumplió una condena s me entienden sí como pueden ver no hay sangre… Read More

  • Dawn of the Backrooms

    Dawn of the BackroomsDawn of the Backrooms This server is a Factions | Survival and Exploration game but in the many different levels of the Backrooms. In case you are wondering which factions plugin we use, we use Saber Factions. Server Requirements: – Minecraft version 1.18.2 – OPTIFINE 1.18.2 – Read the rules on our Discord server We make use of a custom texture pack for certain entity models and weapons. Hence the requirements, Thanks for understanding. Have fun exploring our 22 Backroom levels, more are well on the way! Read More

  • Silvermons modded Pixelmon Progression System Endgame PvE Content Weekly Tournaments Fun Events

    Silvermons Silvermons is a non pay-to-win friendly community Pixelmon Reforged server with content for both casual and competitive players. The server has a custom level cap and rank progression system that includes Gyms, Elite 4, Battle Tower, and the Champion’s Gauntlet. In addition to the progression system, there are Weekly Tournaments, a Player Gym system, Fun Events, and more! Server Information: Server IP: Running Pixelmon Reforged on Minecraft 1.16.5 Modpack: The Pixelmon Modpack ( Read More

  • 1P9W

    1P9WIts an anarchy server but it a variation of anarchy*I installed a few things to make the server interesting*The server only has anti x-rayYou can join the server from 1.12 to Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Piglins of Hell causing chaos in the mortal realm

    It turns out even Piglins and Hell have internet access to check their meme scores. Read More

  • Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Hotter than a Blaze Rod 🔥 “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂🤣 #minecraftlove #creeperproblems #relationshipgoals Read More

  • Ultimate Redstone Farm Upgrade & Home Base Mapping!

    Ultimate Redstone Farm Upgrade & Home Base Mapping! Redstone Farm Upgrade & Home Base Mapping! Exploring the Minecraft Survival Series In the latest episode of the Boyfriend & Girlfriend Minecraft Survival Series, EpicAlyssa1250 and Andrew embark on a new adventure. Alyssa proudly announces her successful acquisition of slime balls, a crucial resource for crafting pistons. With a sticky piston in hand, the duo celebrates their victory in true Minecraft style. Expanding Horizons Andrew unveils an ambitious plan to expand their humble abode, proposing the construction of a bridge to claim new lands. The prospect of a larger home base excites Alyssa, who eagerly examines her blueprints for… Read More

  • Mastering Mace Enchantments in Minecraft

    Mastering Mace Enchantments in Minecraft The Ultimate Minecraft Enchanting Guide for Mace The mace is a new and powerful weapon in Minecraft, and with the right enchantments, it can become a deadly tool in your arsenal. In this guide, we will explore the best enchantments for a mace in Minecraft 1.21, helping you maximize its potential in combat. Damage Enhancing Enchantments There are three key damage-enhancing enchantments for the mace: Density: Increases the damage dealt by the mace’s smash attack per block. Smite: Boosts the mace’s damage against undead mobs like zombies and skeletons. Bane of Arthropods: Enhances the mace’s damage against arthropod mobs… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner Mage in Minecraft – SpellBound ModPack #minecraft

    Unleash Your Inner Mage in Minecraft - SpellBound ModPack #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘SpellBound – Minecraft ModPack #майнкрафт #minecraft’, was uploaded by Лаки on 2024-06-13 08:40:31. It has garnered 425 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:23 or 23 seconds. You can download it from the link in tg: Read More

  • CURSED Minecraft ARYAN_AR11

    CURSED Minecraft ARYAN_AR11Video Information This video, titled ‘CURSED minecraft (0_0)’, was uploaded by ARYAN_AR11 on 2024-01-07 09:03:50. It has garnered 19 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:42 or 42 seconds. IDK what to do with the gold helmet -_- Read More

  • “Unbeatable strategy for The Hive CTF Altara on Minecraft Bedrock” #shizzoclickbait #mcskills

    "Unbeatable strategy for The Hive CTF Altara on Minecraft Bedrock" #shizzoclickbait #mcskillsVideo Information [Music] I’m walking alone streets are empty the only thing I can see is my own silouette I’m getting stronger step by step the clock is sticking but there’s no time for me i’ been flying from town to town from London to T I’ve been all around the GL trying to protect your soul we are heroes tonight we will fly above the sky we are heroes [Music] tonight yeah we are This video, titled ‘The Hive CTF Altara best way #minecraft #minecraftbedrock #thehiveminigames’, was uploaded by Schmiddo on 2024-06-01 22:00:25. It has garnered 321 views and… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Secrets Revealed – Episode 2

    Ultimate Minecraft Secrets Revealed - Episode 2Video Information [Music] d [Music] [Music] all right and hello good day everybody welcome welcome back to another Minecraft stream we are back in uh one block I’m in my little tiny house here I built a little tiny house like could go AFK and not have to worry about things killing me welcome back to the stream uh we are going to be playing some VI games today I’ve done some work let me get a sleep in it’s about to be sleep time I think or is that snow I need a Clock remind me I need a… Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft SMP Survival Challenge LIVE 🔥 #shorts

    Ultimate Minecraft SMP Survival Challenge LIVE 🔥 #shortsVideo Information हेलो हेलो वेलकम टू द स्ट्रीम दोस्तों हेलो दोस्तों यह अलग नश है होता नहीं है यह पूरा बे हाउ ओ हा ओबस यूज करते हो करता तो हूं दोस्त बताओ तुम्हें क्या जानना है मेरे ओबस के बारे में दोस्त ओयस का इस्तेमाल तो करता तो हूं दोस्त क्या जानना है तुम ीस के बारे में ऐसा बताओ जरा पहले लाइक का बटन दबा देना दोस्त यह क्या बना दिया इन लोगों ने यह क्या है गलू टाइप का भाई साहब टी भाई किसी ने तो ग्राइंड किया है भाई मस्त ग्राइंड किया भैया रात को भी… Read More

  • INSANE Twist! EVERYONE Appears in The Fog Ep 12

    INSANE Twist! EVERYONE Appears in The Fog Ep 12Video Information [Music] yo what’s going on YouTube it’s your boy Jam man we are back with episode 12 of from the fog well technically this will be episode 13 but it’s episode 12 because of the mishap that happened a few days ago and uh yeah this episode we are going to uh we’re going to get some [ __ ] done we’re going to I think we’re going to look for the uh I don’t know if I want to look for a fortress today or if I want to get some more diamonds so I can like… Read More

  • INSANE Pixel Art Tutorial | MUST SEE!! 🔥 #minecraft #bogyt

    INSANE Pixel Art Tutorial | MUST SEE!! 🔥 #minecraft #bogytVideo Information This video, titled ‘Pixel art || #minecraft #pixelart #bogyt #art @Pritamplayz10 #shorts’, was uploaded by MAX_GAMERZ 90 on 2024-01-06 12:10:24. It has garnered 2519 views and 100 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:28 or 28 seconds. Read More

  • Mind-Blowing Nova Minecraft Hypixel PvP Renders!

    Mind-Blowing Nova Minecraft Hypixel PvP Renders!Video Information This video, titled ‘New Renders… #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel #minemenclub #minecraftpvp’, was uploaded by Nova on 2024-05-29 21:59:51. It has garnered 6601 views and 78 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:38 or 38 seconds. rate pls! #montage #bedwars #monatge #minecraft #shorts #hypixelbridge #hurtin #blockin #shorts #short #shortvideo #shortsvideoviral #viral #viralshorts #viralshort #justkidding #pinecumber #minemenclub #minemen #minecraftpvp #hitsync #Minecraft #minecraftpvp #hypixel #hypixelbridge #mcpvp #mctt #mmc #butterfly #fireball #fireballfight #sweatynames 🔥Discord Server Mouse: Glorious Model O Keyboard: Custom Pack: Ask in comments My pack (maybe pack in vid but most likely not) Download Instructions (important) 1. watch full… Read More

  • Maira’s shocking secret revealed 😱 | Minecraft Funny episode 2 🤣👀 | #maira

    Maira's shocking secret revealed 😱 | Minecraft Funny episode 2 🤣👀 | #mairaVideo Information पूरा मस्त माहौल बन चुका है किसी को प्रपोज मारने दोस्त है बोल सेटिंग उसकी टकले में ज्यादा चमके देख कंपटीशन तेरे को अच्छा मिल रहा है उसका टकला ज्यादा चमकना नहीं चाहिए तेरे से टकले की साइन कम हो तो मेरे से चंपिक रने आ जाना लेकिन व तेरा कंपटीशन है तगड़ी कंपटीशन देना है तुझे उसे तो पिछली बार माफ्ट में तुम लोगों ने देखा कि हम लोगों ने कुछ भी नहीं किया इमोशन ऑम मींस स सीरियसली कुछ भी नहीं किया वेट मींस देखो तुम लोग मींस देखो तुम लोग टू एंड हाफ हर्ट पे… Read More

  • Terraforming Mars Server – SMP Roleplay

    Terraforming Mars Server Experience Minecraft on Mars where you must survive and develop, similar to skyblock. Join us in terraforming the surface of Mars! Server Features: Huge open Mars map (20k x 10k + Phobos and Deimos) Jobs Plugin – Towny Plugin for Grief protections Skills plugin to level up in various skills (e.g. Mining, Fighting) Custom recipes for unique items on Mars Bedrock compatibility and more! Server Details: Version: 1.20.4 Discord Server: Join our Discord Server-IP: Port: 29966 Bedrock-IP: Dynmap: View our Dynmap Read More

  • AzureMC – An Upcoming Minecraft Network, Made by the Players, For the Players

    AzureMC - An Upcoming Minecraft Network, Made by the Players, For the PlayersHello There! I would like to introduce a new upcoming Minecraft Network to everybody who is reading this reddit post! My name is Space and a few weeks ago, me and my friend decided we were fed up of Minecraft network that were too complicated, with too many RPG-like elements, so we tried our hand at make a more back-to-basics network called AzureMC! We do still have ranks and such, but just so we can support our server in it’s running costs. We only currently have our Survival Realm Running, but in future, we hope to expand to other gamemodes… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “The Ultimate Minecraft Troll”

    Minecraft Memes - "The Ultimate Minecraft Troll"That one player who always dies first in every game but insists they’re the best at Minecraft because they have a score of 2. Read More

  • Diamonds: Noob vs Herobrine vs Pro 🔥💎 #minecraftmeme

    Diamonds: Noob vs Herobrine vs Pro 🔥💎 #minecraftmeme The noob is just digging straight down and falling into lava, the heroine is meticulously searching every corner for diamonds, and the pro has already built a diamond castle with a moat filled with lava. #diamondsareforever #minecraftskills Read More

  • Miso Madness: Naruto Mod Ice NPC Haku

    Miso Madness: Naruto Mod Ice NPC Haku Welcome to the World of Narutoto Mod! Hello everyone, Miso here to guide you through the latest update of the Narutoto mod, version 0.2.1. This update brings significant changes to the gameplay, so let’s dive right in! Choosing Your Path Upon entering the world, players now receive a book that determines their ninja clan and chakra attributes. This selection process sets the direction for your ninjutsu learning journey. With clans like Uzumaki and Uchiha, and chakra attributes including wind, lightning, water, fire, and earth, the possibilities are endless. Learning Ninjutsu The new scroll system replaces the traditional method of… Read More

GTA but chaos happens every 30 seconds