Hermitcraft 9: Episode 41 – TOO MANY CHICKENS

Video Information

This is one big Schnoot. Right, Dwight here and his pal, Snot they have given me or dug up a bunch of torchflower seeds and pitcher pods and I believe one of these is one you- Ah this one torchflower – is how you make more snif- Oh look at that. Mwah! Oh cute!

And then where- What I need is an egg. What I need is an egg. I don’t actually need more sniffers, I would love an egg somehow. So apparently it just gets dropped on the floor like this. That’s good. So, why did I need this? Because ever since I’ve seen this block,

I haven’t been able to get this design idea out of my mind. Every update or so there’s a new way, or a better way to make a lampshade and this update just made the best lampshade that ever has been concocted! Look at that! Doesn’t that look like an absolutely

Fabulous lampshade for your house? The only issue that I run into is eventually- And this is an egg, this is a double egg, this is a double yolker. – the egg hatches and your lamp walks away and you’re left with just… egg. And now I’m going to potentially

Sacrifice an egg to find out if it drops with silk touch. It does! Okay. Now I’m gonna find out if you need silk touch. You don’t! Okay. Experimenting over. My knowledge of the update is not the best. I know the bare minimum here so from my understanding

You farm these on tilled soil like this. Oh that’s- That’s not what I expected from that one. Can I bonemeal them? You’d think so. Yes. Actually that does look like a pitcher plant there. Carnivorous even. So if I now harvest these… Ah okay, you do- You get a pitcher plant for this one.

Does that turn into- That turns into cyan dye. And the torch flower turns into orange dye. That means you can only get seeds from the sniffers. They don’t- Unless I’m missing something. They don’t self perpetuate and you can move them from the tilled soil to normal soil and these plants actually

Are pretty perfect for decorating my base. The colour scheme, that orange and the blue, they look really at home amongst my rocks. So I kinda want some and it wouldn’t go amiss to collect some cyan dye. I might be missing something on these yet. So interestingly this half looks like a

Turnip on its own or a parsnip or a swede whatever you wanna call it and then this half, so it’s too tall but if you destroy the top one obviously it all goes tumbling down. Yeah, I have a feeling that these plants might go quite a long way

In the form of both my base and the shopping district which means we actually need a sniffer farm. So we’ll- Ah I shouldn’t have got rid of these, should I? We’ll need quite a few more eggs. And since we are also in 1.20, I am definitely going to take the time

To make a small but efficient bamboo farm. I could just borrow Mumbo’s but it hasn’t got an “on” button from what I can tell so he’s foiled my plan. If there’s no button that goes on I can’t find it. So once we got enough to expand this a little

We’ll then go ahead and build some slime block redstone which I have done in the past but it’s not too difficult. Goodness gracious me, that grows fast. I haven’t done anything. Now I forgot to mention the crucial point of today’s video. I don’t have long to make it.

I don’t have long at all. I’ve got like 12 hours to make an entire episode which may mean it’s a short episode and I did when I logged on, I noticed a whole bunch of signs up here. Thank you so much for the dragon egg.

I had a blast finding it. Left a present for you. It is in front of Mumbo’s bunker. Zed. The greatest gift is friendship… Oh! Thanks again, Zed. There’s nothing suspicious about this at all, is there? There’s a zombie- There’s a zombie with moss carpet and a pain above it

With a Mumbo crown on it. Should I crouch? This is mildly terrifying because I don’t think Zed’s been on. This is really suspicious activity because if he was gonna give me the crown, it probably would’ve just been here, right? What’s- What’s with all the leading me over there deal? Why Mumbo’s bunker?

Why not just leave it here in an item frame? Why spread out the signs? I think it might have something to do with the fact that there’s not a lot to hide a trap underneath or something of that nature. Well, we got to try and take the crown. How do we get-

How do we get the crown off him? How do we- Oh! Ah! Oh my goodness. [laughs] [laughs] I thought I activated the trap. Okay. Oh. There can only one. Does that say “be”? There can only something ‘ne best friend. I think that says “there can only be one best friend”

Do I just- I have no option right? I just do it. I’m gonna sleep on this. It just sniffed me while I slept. Bro, that’s- that’s weird. Schnoot. That’s a- no, that’s a weird thing. Do I? [sniffs] Oh no, he’s right. That looks like the real crown

And if it drops it, I’ll have a crown. I’ll just do it. [TNT sizzling] Did I get it? Did I get it? [explosions] Ah. Ohhhh. AHH!! Oh… This- this- this isn’t something you fix super quickly. This isn’t a quick- This isn’t the kind of thing you need to happen

During a very short episode. He blew up the door! But I- I got the crown. I don’t like how I got the crown. “and it’s not you…” What do you mean? I’ve got a crown! Is it a fake crown? Is it- Is it a real- I better put this stuff in here.

In my humble opinion, this- this might have been Doc and not Zed because Zed wouldn’t- Zed wouldn’t do this. So… How did this- How did this happen? Ah. I completely forgot that sculk can- When a mob dies it turns the block underneath it to sculk which can then be detected. Oh my-

Mmm! I think we have our confirmation. What?! Only Doc builds stuff out of diamond ore. So I- Wait hold on. I’m still processing what’s just happened. I almost missed it as well. I turned around and boom! A mob died here, it was detected by the sculk catalyst

Which then it was detected that that happened but then somehow- That looks like a TNT cannon. But how did the TNT cannon get TNT from here to the door? This doesn’t make sense. How did the TNT get- get to the door? I truly am struggling to comprehend how a TNT got from

In there to here with absolutely no barrier to entry at all. They warn you against aggravating wild animals and I just poke the goat. I poke the goat, I have poked the goat. Let’s poke him some more. I mean, that’s- That’s mighty impressive. So what do we do here?

Yeah, Zed didn’t do this. Okay, okay. Okay, alright. I see how this is. I see how this is gonna play out. Alright? I’m fully aware of how this is all gonna shake up. And we might need one of these. I’ve only got 12 hours to act on this.

[sighs] I don’t know what to do. I didn’t- I- I- AH! Right. I need help. I haven’t got enough time but what I do have are eggs and sometimes in Minecraft all you need are eggs. Now the thing about chickens is that they’re incredibly easy to spawn but as they grow and

Fly around and waddle off into various directions, they’re not that easy to actually kill on mass. Why don’t we leave a little present for Doc of our own and prove that you don’t need more than two braincells. You just need a lot of eggs. Aw look. The cleaning lady is pleased. 10/10 storage.

Thanks Pearl! Now, I did actually want to grab a sign because I just realised I left this here with nothing and I’m just gonna be honest. I don’t know how to physically, emotionally or spiritually fix this. [laughs] That’s it! [laughs] I don’t know how to physically, emotionally or spiritually fix this.

Oh my goodness, I can edit this. Look at this! Grammar! Oh now that’s a great little addition. Scar’s got himself online so let’s go and find him. Oh! There he is, Scar! [laughs] I just went past him. [SCAR] Well, hello there. [GRIAN] Hi. Scar? Where- Where did he go? Sc- What?

How did he get over there? [SCAR] Oh there you are! [GRIAN] Why is your base covered in poop? [GRIAN] Who’s pooed on the floor? [SCAR] Yeah, I’ve had some issues with the manure here and the skulls up in the air as you can see. You see the skulls? [GRIAN] Uh-huh.

Actually yeah, that’s pretty on the- That’s pretty on topic actually because I’ve actually come to you [GRIAN] for a similar reason. [SCAR] To kill Doc? [GRIAN] Yeah Doc. I’ve come to you for a similar reason. He done did got me as well. [SCAR] [gasps] What did he do to you?

[GRIAN] It was a disproportionate response. He lost like ten blocks of a wall so he made me blow up Mumbo’s base. [SCAR] [laughs] Ohh he blew up Mumbo’s base. [GRIAN] Can you hold still? [SCAR laughs] [GRIAN] Two can play at this game. [SCAR] You wanna look at me

[SCAR] but I’m refusing to let you. Oh I saw! There was like a creature with a crown. Is that what blew up? [GRIAN] Yeah, I don’t know if this is a real one but I now have a purple crown. [SCAR] I mean, it’s yours now.

[GRIAN] The thing is, I don’t know if this is an authentic one or one he just like bootlegged or what. [SCAR] I mean, I feel like you can strut it around after losing half your base. [GRIAN] I didn’t lose half my base!

No it’s worse than that. He blew up Mumbo’s vault door. [GRIAN] Uh-huh. [SCAR] Uh-oh. [GRIAN] Few more steps back. [laughs] [SCAR] A couple more steps! A couple more steps! [GRIAN] And I have no idea how to fix it but I do know how to retaliate or I’ve got an idea to retaliate.

[SCAR] Does Mumbo know yet? [GRIAN] No, I left him a sign that explains everything. You know what? Revenge is probably the priority here and also there’s a part of me, there’s a little part of me, maybe a big part of me,

That just wants to see what happens when you really poke the goat. [SCAR] Ooh! I wanna poke the goat! Can we burn down the flag at the same time? [GRIAN] We need plausible deniability here so if you’ve got like maybe an alter ego of some kind,

Someone that can take the blame for you perhaps? [SCAR] Oh! [GRIAN] Perhaps? You got someone like that in mind? [SCAR] Give me one minute, give me one minute! [GRIAN] Oh it’s not- [laughs] [laughs] This costume change is taking far too long. I’ve been robbed. [SCAR] Did someone say Hotguy?

Okay we lost Grian, where did he go? [GRIAN] You took too long with the costume change, the bad guys hurt me and got away. [SCAR] What just happened? Where are you? Why are you a disembodied voice? [SCAR] Oh! There you are! [GRIAN laughs] [SCAR] Hello! Did somebody call a Hotguy?

[GRIAN] Exactly okay right. So here, my plan is really simple. Really, really simple. Have you ever wondered the answer to this simple question: How many chickens is too many? [SCAR] [gasps] Ooh! I’ve also wondered how many Hotguys maybe too many. [GRIAN] One is the answer to that. [SCAR] It’s one, okay okay.

[GRIAN] I need somewhere to experiment with this and I know this great place where the chickens can’t escape. [SCAR] Uh-huh. [GRIAN] It’s like this big hole in the ground that appeared. [SCAR] Oh you wanna fill the hole with poultry product? [GRIAN] And I don’t mean just like a few chickens.

I mean we’re gonna push the server to the limits and maybe break it. [SCAR] I love to break things. [GRIAN] Cool, alright. Let’s grab some redstone stuff, dispensers and etcera and meet at the perimeter. Scar has got a whole building dedicated to the TCG. That’s actually extremely convenient

Because I’m about to do some shameless self promotion right now. If you didn’t know, the TCG released a pre-order for the real thing like you can really buy all the TCG cards for real life. We’re releasing a signed Hermit card of an alternate art that’s all protected up in a nice case

And it looks amazing. So, if you just wanted to collect your favourite Hermit’s card, then you now have the opportunity. So this is what it’s gonna look like. It’ll be signed and in this case and there is a slight difference in the price between a signed and an unsigned card

And that’s purely to cover the costs of shipping. It has nothing to do with the value of the signature. There’s no value on the signature whatsoever and there’s an unlimited amount. There’s no restrictions or anything and please take note of this. This is a pre-order and it ships closer to Christmas.

So I know it’s extremely early to be thinking about it but if there’s a Christmas present that you perhaps want, this may work out well. So you will be waiting printing times, signing times, there’s an awful lot of work that needs to go into this.

And here’s the artwork in full detail. It looks absolutely gorgeous. And if you look carefully, there’s a few extra details in there. So that’s my TCG card and oh I really love it. So if you want a signed card, go ahead and check that out

But for now I am going to get everything I possibly can to make this chicken thing a reality. [SCAR] Well hello there. I brought back greetings from the redstone shop. Greetings, look at this. [GRIAN] Alright, I think this is gonna be perfect. So, we just need to make a couple of prototypes.

I think it’s pretty simple. So, we just load up chickens above this and let them fire and spawn. [SCAR] Oh so we just put the chickens up here? Their eggs drop into the dispenser and it doo doo doo doo doo. [GRIAN] And then it’s just a waiting game

But if we make enough of these machines, we will have a ton of chickens. [SCAR] Grian, we’re not allowed here, we’re banned remember? [GRIAN] I see no signs that says we’re banned. Do you? [SCAR] I don’t see a Hotguy on that sign. [GRIAN] Wait, I don’t see the sign.

Do you see the sign? [SCAR] Yeah, I see it over there. [GRIAN] Eh. Well I can’t read. [SCAR] Nope! [GRIAN] No no. [SCAR] That’s a waffle and a Scar. [GRIAN] Yeah, that is not us. So, we do love a loophole. That is Scar and that is Grian

And I see neither of those guys here right now. So, we’re in the clear, let’s go back. So I think the machine goes something like that? I mean, I’m not redstone expert but I believe that would work. Exactly, as soon as one goes in, it fires straight out.

[SCAR] How do you make it auto-click? Ohhh! You’ve got the- [GRIAN] Redstone and stuff! [SCAR] – the comprap- the comprapedebur. [GRIAN] That’s exactly what it is. We got the comprapedebur. [SCAR] [laughs] What’s it actually called? [GRIAN] A comprapedebur. [SCAR] Oh okay, thank you. [GRIAN] Oh! You were saying comparator!

[SCAR] I was trying! That’s what it was! I just had a brain blank. [GRIAN laughs] [SCAR] Can’t a man have a brain blank? [GRIAN] We have to wait for him to grow up. [SCAR] And then do we want to make multiple of these like as modules across here?

[GRIAN] When do you think we’re gonna grow up? [SCAR laughs] [GRIAN] We’re filling a man’s base with so many chickens that he won’t be able to move. [SCAR] No sight on the horizon, Grian. No sight on the horizon. [GRIAN] See? You can mess with a lot of things

But you don’t mess around with my friendship with Mumbo. Come hither my children. Come hither [SCAR laughs] [GRIAN] Follow me! [SCAR] Look at them go! [SCAR] Oh that’s the cutest thing. [GRIAN] Together we shall take down the perimeter. I feel like I need to do my speech here. There was once

An enormous hole that threatened Hermitcraft. It is not this hole. You, my minions, shall destroy it with your ones and your zeros, you shall make this place unbearable to be in. [SCAR] Hear hear! [GRIAN] Okay, we now have some adults in here and what we’re gonna do is harvest the eggs

In this chest and then distribute it on this gigantic machine and then hopefully with a bit of luck this whole place will be full of chickens. Oh Scar! Oh Scar! Oh Scar! Right, I think we should now turn this into a bit of a timelapse because we got a lot. There’s like pfff.

There’s a few hours of work here to be done and I think this can only be appreciated at speed. [MUSIC] [GRIAN] The next day, we are back. [laughs] The chickens are staring at me because I got seeds in my hand. Look how many chickens there are. It’s a sea of them. Un- Jeez.

Oh it’s starting to get to the point where we’re finding the limit of how many chickens the server can handle. I did get a message overnight from Cub. “Grian? Are you doing something?” “The server is having a hard time right now”. Yeah. It certainly is. Once you de-load all the chickens,

It starts to free up but look at this. Ooohhh! And it just keeps going. Now eventually it does thin as you get towards the “no entry” sign. So we do need to do a bit of manual redistribution. If I had more time on my hands I would have done one of these

All the way around the perimeter to fill it all in but maybe that’s- Maybe that’s an escalation for another time. The other thing you can do is manually just keep firing eggs this way because they’re laying so many on the floor.

That’s probably half of the lag, is just these eggs on the floor. Wanna make sure you get some in the water there so that they’re a pain to clean up. Now how we manually redistribute is we have to take seeds- Oohhh. [laughs] They love me! [laughs]

We’re gonna take a chunk of them. Oh my goodness. And we’re going to go this way. Follow mummy. We- [chuckles] We fire as we redistribute. This is just insane. Now I am slightly- They protect me! Look at this! They are my chicken shield! The slimes cannot hurt me.

Alright, this might take a while to redistribute but here we go. And then we set them free and they should naturally disperse. That’s what we want. That’s exactly what we want. Let them naturally find their own place among their new home in the perimeter.

Now naturally I had to turn friendly creatures sound off but I am now curious what that does sound like down here. I wonder if I can fill the entire screen with chickens. If the answer is, I can’t then I don’t have enough chickens. [laughs] There’s like some sort of mass clicking

That’s kind of not working. I’m gonna have to turn the music off again. I’m just gonna float around like this for a while and let the chickens spawn. Welcome to the perimeter. It’s our home now. Follow me everyone. We must disperse. Meanwhile it’s hard to see but this thing is still firing.

It is still firing and I’ve officially run out of time for this episode but this is pretty good in terms of numbers and maybe Scar will be able to keep this thing flying overnight and disperse them a bit more. Okay, so what I’m gonna do is leave my camera account

Spawning more and more chickens while we wait for Doc to log on which is up to him at this point but the longer he waits to get back to the server, the worse this is gonna look and we should head back and actually make something more productive, something a little more productive because

I mean, this is probably the most productive thing ever but I have achieved nothing. As I said earlier, I did have very limited time on this episode and I spent it all getting back at Doc. So, I’m gonna turn my attention to this bamboo farm

But I’m gonna have to say a very, very fond farewell to you and I shall see you in the next episode. If you did enjoy this episode please do consider subscribing. Thank you very much for watching and I shall see you in the next one. Good-bye!

This video, titled ‘Hermitcraft 9: Episode 41 – TOO MANY CHICKENS’, was uploaded by Grian on 2023-07-01 16:00:28. It has garnered 1272670 views and 90476 likes. The duration of the video is 00:25:00 or 1500 seconds.

Pre-Order your signed Grian TCG Card here: https://creocards.com/products/grian-collectors-edition

Hermitcraft 9: Episode 41 – TOO MANY CHICKENS

TCG Disclaimer: The additional cost for the signed card is to help cover the cost of shipping the cards to hermits for signing and the cost to ship them back. It also covers the cost to have them manually sealed in the hard cases, no additional value is assigned to the signatures. #ad

Pre-orders close at the end of July 2023 and you can expect to have them in your hand in Winter 2023.

#minecraft #hermitcraft

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    Insane Challenge: 3 Pixel Player vs Haunted Server?! | Minecraft HauntedSMPVideo Information This video, titled ‘Can a THREE PIXEL TALL player survive in a HAUNTED SERVER?! | Minecraft HauntedSMP’, was uploaded by RyeTwost on 2024-03-19 04:37:52. It has garnered 541 views and 31 likes. The duration of the video is 02:09:56 or 7796 seconds. I’m actually so excited for this you have no idea ———————————————————————————————————————- Maybe get me something…? https://throne.com/ryetoast Stream Layout by https://www.twitch.tv/mislakane Program for Stream Layout https://store.steampowered.com/app/1920720/mtion_studio/ Foxy TTS art by https://twitter.com/frogletfern Here are all my socials and ways to support the channel! https://koji.to/RyeToast Join our growing community on discord! https://discord.gg/RKz6eVAmYQ ———————————————————————————————————————– Full server list: Ambience https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIaRiQukU4x6RV2WatV1Y3w Azazel… Read More


    PFP DISCORD RATING PART 1: SCARY TWISTS & TURNS #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘RATING PFP DISCORD PART 1 |GUA MERASA SEDIKIT TAKUT NIH #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by OnlyZee on 2024-01-04 11:58:12. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Discord : https://discord.gg/MXa3TyUxdY Donate to help this channel grow Donate : https://saweria.co/akuzee … Read More


    INSANE Minecraft MUTANT SPEEDRUNNER vs HUNTERSVideo Information This video, titled ‘HUNTERS vs MUTANT SPEEDRUNNER in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Masim on 2024-04-26 13:51:52. It has garnered 10975 views and 114 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:19 or 799 seconds. Masim and Kera are in an NOOB vs PRO HUNTER vs MUTANT SUPERHERO SPEEDRUNNER BATTLE in Minecraft!, in this Minecraft crazy fan girl hunter vs mutant speedrunner, who do you think will win? Will Masim BEAT the ENDERDRAGON or even BECOME one? or will Kera beat MUTANT Masim?! Watch to find out! If you enjoyed this Minecraft video, make sure to SUBSCRIBE! You can… Read More

  • Kouta神 Transforms into Girl to Infiltrate Women-Only Minecraft Server! OMG!

    Kouta神 Transforms into Girl to Infiltrate Women-Only Minecraft Server! OMG!Video Information This video, titled ‘男子はBAN!?女性限定のマイクラサーバーを女の子に変身して侵入調査してみたらヤバすぎた!!-マインクラフト【Minecraft】’, was uploaded by kouta神 on 2024-06-11 12:03:10. It has garnered 18484 views and 424 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:06 or 666 seconds. I tried to break into a server for women only, where men are not allowed! Other videos in this series▼ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLX1_2_rG0fMl14LhEIKDP3P6J4zbkb4zQ ☆Please subscribe and rate my channel![Turn on the notification🔔 button to be notified of the latest videos][I don’t like single comment videos, so please stop]🔳 Second channel “Koutan GOD” https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTrxgtdyFhu-UiwZqhGgFSw SNS▼🔳Twitter ▽ Main account(@koutatv620) https://twitter.com/koutatv620?lang=ja Private account (@kouta_kagiakaa) https://twitter.com/kouta_kagiakaa Akari (@Akari_JK620) https://twitter.com/Akari_JK620 Support image RT account (@fa_kouta)https://twitter.com/fa_kouta 🔳Instagram▽… Read More

  • PolarPrison

    PolarPrisonWelcome to POLARPRISON SEASON 2 [1.8-1.21] MANY CUSTOM FEATURES, INCLUDING: – Custom, Upgradeable, and Animated Pickaxe Enchants – Private Mines – Gangs – Bosses – Pets – Crates and Keyalls – Free OP Items play.polarprison.net Read More

  • 🏖️Glimmer Shores SMP PVP Semi-Vanilla 1.21 Java Bedrock

    ✨ Welcome to Glimmer Shores! ✨ Survival Server | Version 1.21 | Java & Bedrock Edition At Glimmer Shores, we’re more than just a server; we’re a vibrant community dedicated to creating a safe, welcoming space for everyone to explore, build, and connect. Our server is constantly updated with the latest Minecraft features, ensuring an ever-evolving playground for your imagination. 🎉 Community First! Our dedicated Discord community is the heart of Glimmer Shores. Here, you can meet like-minded players, showcase your creations, and stay in the loop with server news and exclusive events. It’s the perfect place to share, learn,… Read More

  • Minecraft server opsucht.net

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: opsucht.net (GL HF) Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Too late, I’m already spicy

    “Why build relationships when you can just build with bricks in Minecraft?” Read More

  • Turtle Trouble: Minecraft’s Shell Shocking Facts

    Turtle Trouble: Minecraft's Shell Shocking Facts In Minecraft, turtles roam the shore, With shells so tough, they can’t ignore. They lay their eggs in sandy nests, Protecting them with all their best. These creatures swim in oceans deep, Their movements graceful, their secrets keep. They munch on seagrass, their favorite treat, In Minecraft world, they can’t be beat. So next time you’re exploring the sea, Keep an eye out for turtles, wild and free. They add a touch of nature’s charm, In Minecraft world, they do no harm. Read More

  • “From Dirt to Diamond: The Ultimate Minecraft Ore Challenge!” #lol

    "From Dirt to Diamond: The Ultimate Minecraft Ore Challenge!" #lol When you’re Ore Rank 1, you’re just a little pebble in the Minecraft world. But when you’re Ore Rank 999, you’re basically a walking diamond mine. Good luck surviving that challenge! #minecraftstruggles Read More

  • 28 Wild Minecraft Creations

    28 Wild Minecraft Creations Exploring the Boundless World of Minecraft When it comes to Minecraft, the possibilities are truly endless. From building intricate structures to embarking on epic adventures, this sandbox game offers a plethora of activities to keep players engaged for hours on end. Let’s dive into some of the incredible things you can actually do in Minecraft! 1. Build Your Dream World With an array of blocks at your disposal, you can let your imagination run wild and create anything from towering castles to underwater cities. 2. Explore Diverse Biomes From lush forests to icy tundras, Minecraft’s world is teeming with… Read More

  • Minecraft Movie Trailer Breakdown

    Minecraft Movie Trailer Breakdown The Turbulent Journey of the Minecraft Movie Trailer Levy (2014-15) In the early stages of development, director Shawn Levy was attached to the Minecraft movie project. However, due to creative differences, Levy eventually departed from the film, leaving fans wondering about the future of the adaptation. McElhenney (2015-18) Rob McElhenney took the reins of the Minecraft movie from 2015 to 2018. During his tenure, the project underwent significant changes, with McElhenney’s unique vision shaping the direction of the film. Despite his efforts, McElhenney eventually stepped down, leading to further delays. Sollett (2019-21) In 2019, Peter Sollett was announced as… Read More

  • I survived the DEADLY PYRAMID trials?!?!

    I survived the DEADLY PYRAMID trials?!?!Video Information This video, titled ‘Я прошел испытания в ЗАГАДОЧНОЙ ПИРАМИДЕ СМЕРТИ’, was uploaded by HeHe on 2024-05-20 12:30:29. It has garnered 14 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:04 or 184 seconds. Розетта выжила 1.0, 1.5.2, 1.6.2, 1.6.4, 1.7, 1.7.10, 1.7.2, 1.7.5, 1.8, 14w11b, 2, animation, art18ws, Aterdro, ballerina minecraft timelapse propank, BlueMonkey, BrosCompany, build run, Cades оформил для вас, carribean, Castle, Castle Story, CavemanFilms, Chernogork, Chernorus Minecraft, CherVyaK, Chest Commands GUI, Chest Transporter, Christmas, ChristmasCraft, Cinema, cinema 4d, cinematic, cinematic good house create box, City, Coldcraft, Coldplay, Cool, core, cow, Craft, Craft Wars, CraftBukkit,… Read More

  • Minecraft Superflat Speedrun

    Minecraft Superflat SpeedrunVideo Information This video, titled ‘🗿🌍 “Minecraft, Superflat Edition | Minecraft 🎮’, was uploaded by Speededdog on 2024-09-05 08:15:52. It has garnered 443 views and 17 likes. The duration of the video is 01:05:45 or 3945 seconds. 🗿🌍 “Minecraft, Superflat Edition | Minecraft 🎮 Welcome to Minecraft, Superflat Edition! Join me in the challenge of building and surviving on a completely flat world. With limited resources and a unique terrain, we’ll have to get creative to thrive in this minimalist landscape. Watch as I turn this flat world into something extraordinary! Enjoy the video, like, comment, subscribe and donate to… Read More


    🔥EPIC 24/7 MINECRAFT LIVE STREAM!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴MINECRAFT CHILL LIVE STREAM WITH SUBSCRIBERS || 24/7 Minecraft LIVE ||#shorts #viral #smp’, was uploaded by Barnava Gaming on 2024-08-24 17:09:30. It has garnered 1348 views and 25 likes. The duration of the video is 02:05:53 or 7553 seconds. 🔴MINECRAFT CHILL LIVE STREAM WITH SUBSCRIBERS || 24/7 Minecraft LIVE ||#shorts #viral #smp Please watch: “21 August 2023” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SAEiCdsIo8k –~– #Dangerous _mob#minecraft#mods#shorts#iron_golem In this video, I’m teaming up with my wife to uncover the Minecraft mystery button. We’ll be using strategies and techniques from our own Minecraft videos to try and solve the mystery!If you’re a… Read More

  • Insane Flying Machine in Minecraft?! 🚀 #Minecraft

    Insane Flying Machine in Minecraft?! 🚀 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Is This the Simplest Flying Machine in Minecraft? #Minecraft #BeginnersGuide’, was uploaded by AWmarksmen on 2024-01-17 00:32:30. It has garnered 8 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:58 or 118 seconds. Welcome to another exciting Minecraft tutorial! Today, we’re exploring the realms of Redstone engineering to answer a burning question: Is this the easiest flying machine in Minecraft? Read More

  • Ultimate Fireball Battle – Watch Now!

    Ultimate Fireball Battle - Watch Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘The PERFECT Game of Fireball Fight!’, was uploaded by Clips Network on 2024-07-09 14:16:31. It has garnered 4184 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. #minecraft #pvp #shorts #hypixel Pack: Venom V2 Shaders: Sildurs Basic Vibrant Ignore this: irz doing the latvian strat block hit on minecraft the bridge while cruh explains not on cruhbridge though parihs edates jirz but thats aight while buckybarr hosts buckytour finals with pavkin and speedtoggled and lmblitz going xin69 on their oof oh and I should probably also put Trycs and Sammygreen… Read More


    INSANE HOUSE BUILD IN NETHER!! 😱 | MINECRAFT #24Video Information This video, titled ‘MADE MY HOUSE IN NETHER | MINECRAFT #24’, was uploaded by WATCHSTAR on 2024-05-04 10:01:32. It has garnered 236 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:22 or 862 seconds. MADE MY HOUSE IN NETHER | MINECRAFT #24 minecraft survival guide Nether minecraft minecraft tips bedrock building advice minecraft first night how to make a minecraft world how to minecraft ideas minecraft things to never do minecraft survival secrets minecraft bedrock lets play 100 days minecraft nether minecraft gritos hardcore minecraft tips minecraft but everything is bedrock minecraft 1.17 i survived 100 days… Read More

  • “ULTIMATE NUGGET SPAWN GUIDE – Roblomem Animation!” #clickbait #minecraft

    "ULTIMATE NUGGET SPAWN GUIDE - Roblomem Animation!" #clickbait #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘[Gegagedigedagedago] Which NUGGET is best to SPAWN? #gegagedigedagedago #meme #minecraft #animation’, was uploaded by Roblomem on 2024-04-03 11:00:02. It has garnered 337999 views and 8602 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:39 or 39 seconds. Write comments subscribe to the channel and like the video ! #shorts #minecraft #minecraftshorts #meme #gegagedigedagedago #memes #nikocadoavacado #roblomem #animation #minecraftanimation Read More

  • Mozartminecraft vs. Zombies – The Ultimate Battle!

    Mozartminecraft vs. Zombies - The Ultimate Battle!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 NOT STOPPING UNTIL I WIN! (Hypixel Zombies)’, was uploaded by Mozartminecraft on 2024-06-06 04:09:08. It has garnered 69 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 02:40:19 or 9619 seconds. To join, go to Minecraft Server mc.hypixel.net and run the command “/party join Mozartminecraft”. Maximum 3 viewers in a party. Read More

  • Crocodile Attack Soundtrack: Get Ready to Run!

    Crocodile Attack Soundtrack: Get Ready to Run!Video Information This video, titled ‘Soundtrack №2 | “Prepare for RUN” СЕЛО OST’, was uploaded by Крокгги on 2024-09-14 07:59:08. It has garnered 11 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:29 or 29 seconds. Soundtrack number 2 “Prepare for RUN” https://soundcloud.com/krokgg1/soundtrack-2-prepare-for-run-selo-ost #minecraft #serial #ost Read More

  • ValhallaSMP

    ValhallaSMP[BG] Търсите български EarthSMP сървър с PvP, Активни играчи, Активен стафф, Евенти, Giveaway-ове, Защита на бази и много други? Елате днес във ValhallaSMP и се забавлявайте с нашите играчи! [EN] Looking for a Bulgarian EarthSMP server with PvP, Active Players, Active Staff, Events, Giveaways, Base Defense and much more? Come to ValhallaSMP today and have fun with our players! play.valhallasmp.xyz Read More

  • The Renaissance Realm – SMP Vanilla Realms

    Welcome to Our New Survival Realm! Hello friends! I’m excited to invite you to join our brand-new survival realm where we will be starting from scratch and building something amazing together! 🏡✨ What to Expect: Fresh World, Endless Possibilities: Dive into a new survival world and craft your dreams with us. Build Together: Collaborate on designing and constructing a massive settlement in vanilla survival. Explore & Mine: Embark on adventures, uncover treasures, and gather resources together. Challenges & Triumphs: Overcome obstacles as a team and celebrate victories. Communal Living: Respect each other’s space and creations while contributing to our vibrant… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Even the NPCs get it.

    Even the actors in Minecraft know that sometimes the best performances come from improvised creepers and unexpected lag spikes! Read More

  • Crafty Match: Minecraft TikTik Dash

    Crafty Match: Minecraft TikTik Dash In the world of Minecraft, a challenge awaits, Color Match on TikTok, a game that’s first-rate. Lucas and I, we give it a try, Spinning and matching, reaching for the sky. Our Discord is buzzing, with fans in delight, As we tackle this challenge, with all of our might. Creator Code: TeeBlitz, in the Epic Store, Supporting us as we explore and soar. Apex Minecraft Hosting, our sponsor so grand, Providing the server, where we make our stand. Bleu Harvest’s creations, so unique and fine, Adding flair to our world, like a sparkling wine. So join us in Minecraft,… Read More

Hermitcraft 9: Episode 41 – TOO MANY CHICKENS