Hermitcraft 9: PRANK, REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE | Episode 36

Video Information

Hello everyone my name is pearlescent Moon and welcome back to hermitcraft season 9 episode 36. we are actually going to start off this episode with a couple of smaller tasks that I’ve wanted to do for a short while now and one of them is to get rid of all of the snow

That’s kind of settled itself on these pedals with the stretch this thing might be nice and how about we do just a little little mini time lapse here of clearing out the snow because it’s also satisfying and would you look at that it’s all going to be completely done by

The time I’ve finished talking that’s much better beautiful beautiful now I do know you’re all probably thinking Pearl why don’t you just use glow like it because glow like is obviously going to keep the snow away and the moms for that matter but I’m not ready to do that yet

Because I still want to texture these petals and I also want to add you know a proper design with the lighting so it doesn’t just look like we’re trying to keep the snow or the mobs away I do want to kind of do in a very strategic Manner

And that’s kind of a biggish product that I just haven’t really quite prepared for yet so that is something I will do in the future don’t you worry the um glow Logan is definitely a part of the consideration of the lighting there on that one now with that bit done

I can move on to kind of the next little task that I wanted to do and we did have to clear that snow before moving on to this one because I’m going to head into like my very very starter area when we first moved into this place the one

Where we stuck all our beginning Farms like the Moss and the cactus and the bee farm and all that kind of good jazz because down here I ended up making a map an overall map of my location back when I first made the terrain so it’s

Got no structures on it nothing not even the bridge is there impossible’s area is barely touched and there’s no builds from gem there it’s just all pretty fresh and these maps are locked so I really want to see how much this map has developed of course since we’ve added

All of the big things and with that plan laid out it’s time for us to do a bit of a base cartography oh boy this is going to be so interesting to see we get to see everybody’s bases have developed as well oh yay I believe I do have some

Spam map somewhere ah here we go perfect I have plenty of spare Maps I’ll soon as you get rid of all this string and junk in my inventory all right what have we got here the one I’m the most excited for has got to be this flower thing

Because even just looking at it from here it’s looking pretty cool so let’s let’s take a look what does this look like from a map so oh my gosh wow would you look that looks so cool and it’s almost all within a map if I’d only moved it over slightly oh my gosh

And is that that must be Lava down there with the giant red splotch blimey okay but that looks so fantastically cool wow all right I’m gonna finish up the rest of these maps and see what we got that looks so cool oh my gosh map number two oh there’s the alien mushroom thingy

Majiggy that I built earlier on all right the river’s looking pretty nice actually in this as well it was about the other side of the flower with this one right here hello oh no no okay maybe not that one how about this one here this one here might be interesting what

Do we got oh oh that looks kind of cool I mean the Orange is kind of funky but that looks kind of cool with all the rocks and stuff oh nice time for gems area looking pretty cool so far let’s see what this one is oh that is

Beautiful gemma’s been working on a giant cherry blossom Symmetry and that looks stunning from a map standpoint like I think I have a sufficient amount of maps to be able to place on the wall next to this one but it kind of looks like I have a dilemma I don’t really

Have a lot of space to do that should we move this somewhere maybe I’m going to move this to the tunnel temporarily and then we kind of get to see them side by side in action you could probably stick it on this wall here a little bit and

Then maybe move it at a later date I think that would be okay just as a little temporary thing to see although now we have the tricky part of trying to figure out where all this stuff goes because clearly I’m already struggling with it oh no and

Last one there we go beautiful managed to puzzle that back together now quite clearly I made that one at a much more zoomed out um perspective but you know what it still looks really really cool even just like that and seeing the massive difference in that particular section I

Mean it even partly looks like you’ve just zoomed in on the area it’s like oh this is from far away but wait there’s more yes this looks so cool like can we just look at all the little details I mean it makes my base kind of look a

Little messy aside from the flower which just looks absolutely awesome but also just going over to gems and impulses area like that’s beautiful I absolutely love it gorgeous I say gem does have a bit of a snow problem on the tree though without that snow I think that’ll clean

The map up really well in that zone and just look absolutely gorgeous but no that’s that’s beautiful can you imagine if we had like a whole walkway of just those Maps so when you walked down this segment of the tunnel you just see the progress of the maps across the season I

Really wish I had made some more of these earlier on and then locked to them but I kind of just forgot about it certainly I’ll make another one of these a little bit more zoomed out so it’s more a little bit more of an accurate depiction between the two maps but it

Still looks very cool so far I like it and we’ve also got some stream light behind it so it kind of keeps it nice and lit up too at the end of the day I could have used the glow frames but I I forgot about that oh anyway on to

Important business the cleaning lady is going to be coming out full of force yet again with more server cleanliness issues part one is set scar according to the comments of the last video has filled up the bin yet again in the same day that I posted the episode I have no

Idea how this man can throw out so much but honestly I can’t complain my heart is at least happy to see it not on the ground now let’s actually double check and make sure he’s actually telling the truth here uh it’s not full skirt skirt you weren’t telling the truth my friend

This is not full yet you still have another whole bunch of double chests to use up aha so this has worked and Scar was lying to me I did come here with the full expectation that I was going to make another bin but scar hey if you

Want to challenge the cleaning lady you gotta up your game got a little bit to go buddy regardless of that look at the trash in here a hot guy Bo once again he’s thrown out so many bows he must go through them like water oh we got a

Little mini skyrack as well ah you know what this is no this is gold oh maybe it’s even throwing out some drinks you know what this is this is good trash I like this I shall take it all then add it to the other trash for now and then I

Can figure out what on Earth I want to do with it through a perfectly good pair of these as well as well you know what one person’s trash is another person’s treasure and my gosh don’t I look adorable I’m wearing these now any who you’re seeing as scar did not fill up

The bin and the cleaning lady business is doing it just fine we’re moving on part two of the cleaning lady business involves these two wonderful shulker boxes right here that just happen to be my TCG deck boxes I have come to the realization that although we’re all

Having a fantastic time playing that TCG doing some awesome card trading and everything like that and opening all of those are blister packs we have a lot of rubbish now these keep happening every time we buy a new pack we end up with a really empty bundle

That we’re never gonna use and these card foil packs are starting to clutter up the shulker boxes the inventories and most importantly the ground oh hi Phantoms oh goodbye and in order to solve this problem I feel I’m going to have to go directly to the source as

Soon as I find my Rockets ah oh no I’ve lost my rockets and Scouts trash I have Rockets oh oh okay well that that one really well well I’ll see you guys there shall I oh dear that is just the person I’m looking for oh beef I’ve been looking for you

What what what are you looking for what do you need me for come on I’m just a lowly shop owner I was just dusting off the shelves here what’s going on the cleaner lady’s got a quarrel all right okay you’re selling these packs beef I mean it’s a big example right here with

These foil packs just sitting on the countertop right now yeah we’ve been buying off these car packs of yours okay getting out the cards and we’ve got all these foil packs that we’ve got nothing to do with they’re just sitting here and I can’t throw them out as the cleaner

Lady I can’t throw trash on the ground it doesn’t work yeah you’re absolutely right I I was thinking about this problem recently and I thought maybe maybe because you know you’re the cleaning lady after all yeah we can work something out where uh perhaps we set up a recycling system so

These packs can be reused by myself okay what do you need to clean it to do well maybe since you’re such an expert in in cleaning yes you can clean up this server by getting rid of these packs by building like a little uh building or some sort of an outpost or something

Where people can come and drop the packs off and in return for people dropping the packs off yes I can maybe provide some cards or some random cards maybe even a token oh like a random oh I mean who wouldn’t want to trade in like a

Bunch of packs for a chance to win a token look I’ll probably use the building myself if that’s what it does well there you go it’s working already oh my gosh well we you can’t just you can’t just take things you know I mean I couldn’t I could take them you know you

Can actually stack them in each other you can really yeah I didn’t know I know it actually helps quite a bit but yeah I’ll take those off your hands for you um and you know what here here this is what we’ll do just for you yes ah token

A token a token that’s a prime example of what we want the system things to come yeah exactly uh all right you know what I can’t turn down this offer I like the idea of building something brand new I like the idea of inspiring cleaning on the server you know what I’ve already

Seen Jeb throughout one of these packs in one of the garbage bins so people are throwing them away so yeah no this is gonna be great and guess what reusing them will save me so much time in uh in you know man the manufacturing process I

Imagine so yeah all right yeah I can do this for you sure I’m excited okay good for recycling all right one one one recycling monster at a time yeah thank you so much well thank you yeah yeah yeah you know what yeah yeah thank

You yeah I’m gonna I get to go build a recycling center I like the idea of that you’re welcome I gotta find a spot to build it so we’ve been given a new task and I’m honestly incredibly happy to have another building project outside of my main base that also serves to help

The server a cycling Factory hey babe I certainly can do I would say for the absolute convenience we are going to be building such a request right next to the TCG shop itself in this spot here it’s nice and vacant nice and empty I think this could be a decent area for us

To work with in terms of making that factory it may be on a bit of a slope but I believe I can work with it but that is enough chatter the more we talk the more empty packs are being opened and the more they’re being thrown on the

Ground time to get to work thank you foreign Factory’s done here she is and all her wonderful moving Glory honestly it’s not too unique of a design it pretty much is just one of your basic warehouses but there’s a couple of little like tiny things that I have added to it that I actually really really enjoy for one

This bit up here with the window Arch on the front I actually don’t mind that I had to find a way to try and finish the roof and I made this like kind of Little Triangle overlapped roof window section I don’t even know what to call that it’s

Not really a dormer at this point is it but yes here is the factory we’ve got the front here with a bit of a roof overlooking it we’ve got the front entrance where the helmets will be going in and as you can tell we I kind of placed that there as an official

Endorsement from hermitcraft TCG considering it beef asked me to do this in the first place and around the sides here we got some lovely moving mine carts that I just wanted to put through the factory just to give it a bit more life and I really like it I’ve got three

Kind of just rotating around a cute little garbage bin off to the side and of course you can’t have the factory without the cleaning lady garbage truck has to be the brand identity you know and off to the right hand side here we have a couple of smoke stacks and just

The back entrance to the building where beef will be able to go underground and refill any chests or empty any of the Recycled foil packs as well let’s give it a little bit of a fly over shall we and we get that stark contrast of night the day right there because Cubs

Currently online but from above I also decided to go for a bit of a mangrove roof something a little different that I don’t usually work with and then around the back I’ve just added pretty pretty basic back but a couple little bit of greenery in the trees just to make it

Look a little bit nicer and with the ground I did end up changing that to dirt because I just felt that grass wasn’t really a good match for this particular building but yes that is the outside let’s move on to the inside shall we I do have it currently barred

Off of course just while beef hasn’t of course stocked all of the chess and things that the Hermits need to trade for so that’s there for now and I’ll move it once beef is popped by but walking in immediately of course you can see the little mine cars doing the

Little Trail I’ve got it going up into the roof Rafters and they fall back down and circle back around again oh no I just I just feel like a bit of movement that’s definitely scar inspired on that one but I’ve kept the interior fairly simple this one is very much

Functionality over the looks of it but it works left hand side here is where they’re going to be throwing all of their foil packs now I did talk to beef a little bit and we decided to go more of a like a manual route instead of like

Complex Redstone and it’s going to be based on a trust system an honor System so people are going to be throwing 10 of their empty foil packs into those little pits right here into the campfires and underneath that I’ve got a bunch of Hoppers that the items do wonderfully

Get shocked into the campfires had a bit of that little you know recycling Bernie touch that we like and of course I had to make sure that the Hem it’s really really new not to go past these chains here because if they fall down into there flying back out as possible but it

Might be a little a little difficult so pretty simple the instructions to that one are right there now the 10 is what beefs did say to me originally for what he wanted the recycle number to be I’m not too sure whether maybe that should be a bit less or not but that’s

Something for beef to decide and to see what’s really worth it in the end because if they recycle 10 foil packs they can get another pack which is a whole bunch more cards that beef has to throw into the system so it’s all definitely a balancing situation with

This particular building here and then once they’ve done that they pop over to this little green area here and then once foil packs are recycled please press green button for reward you push that one and out pops a card I did place a couple of my cards in there just to

Provide a bit of an example as to how it’s going to pop out but pretty simple pretty lovely just completely on a base system moving on let me just show you the underneath now I haven’t really decorated it down here it’s just a really simple walkway down for beef to

Have access pops down here this is where all of the empty card foil packs and oh they pop into the hoppers down to those chests and then after the site here this is where he has access to the dispenser that I can duck some random pieces in of

Course if you want it to be a bit more extensive there is plenty of room down here to add some fancy Redstone or just extend it in general for a bit more room so he doesn’t have to keep restocking it as much that is if people are gonna use

This right I really hope so but I really like how it’s turned out I’m quite happy with it and honestly I love Heather glass connects to the walls there works wonderfully but seeing as I have a token that beef gave me right before I built this building I’m actually going to pop

Over to TCG right now and go get myself a pack because why not you know why not now let’s see I’ve only got one token of course so I can get myself an item pack and well that’s it and get myself an item pack so what I’m going to do is I’m

Actually going to push this button first just to make sure he has stock and he does so oh oh it’s a little jingle little jingle now I realized that I actually had my Note Block sounds off when I first got my card packs unfortunately and I remember to turn

Them on this time and that was a cute little jingle I loved it but okay yes we had stock there I’m gonna Chuck that in there and let’s see what I got in terms of the item cards something useful maybe okay we have a PVP prankster double I

Don’t have prankster cards that’s not handy for me balanced also don’t have balance cards not handy the Redstone is nice and the PVP is also nice but the three Builder cards oh my gosh um I don’t have any Builder Hermits whatsoever so most of these were not

Handy to me but the PVP and the Redstone I’ll use in my own deck I realize I haven’t shown my deck very much so let me just kind of pop this out real quickly for you guys to see in terms of what I have in my main deck I’ve got a

Redstone and a builder type I’m using a bunch of Tangos we’ve got Zoomer in there we got Joe doc impulse and then a whole bunch of useful items that I can use during the battle with different effects and that’s really nice but I’m also building a second deck that has a

Nice lovely rare Corrales right there we got a gem Wells XB and that is a terraformer and PVP deck and it’s quite small at the moment we’re supposed to have 42 cards in total for a deck so still working on that but I can take the PVP item there and honestly I don’t

Actually need this Redstone right now because I find my deck works pretty well as it is but I shall chuckle these ones in here for now for potential trading later in case anybody would like to do a little bit of a mini trade and looks like beef has a bit of another little

Auction going on for a super rare car and an error beat ups now I’ve seen gem kind of play a rare beat of the foreign battle but what’s different about this one it’s an error I don’t see what error it is what’s the error does anybody know

I don’t actually know what the current car looks like so what’s the error on that one but okay that’s interesting boots are in TCG tokens only one bid perfect I just use my token I just can we can we bid tokens we don’t have yet and then just earn them later is that

Can that work I just hiccups that’s fine okay interesting auction I don’t know what the original one looks like but I’m sure it’s gonna be a very valuable card if it’s the only one but yes now therein lies the example the problem we now have

A brand new empty foil pack now I don’t have 10 for us to trade in but you know I can kind of show you you just pop over here Chuck that in there in it goes sucked into the system and then you’re just gonna go you know what I’ve earned

A card pop that out oh and look what we’ve got here and that’s wonderful just gonna grab my cards back because you know I kind of need those and this is Handy for me to use in trading as well you know at the end of the day it’s beef

Stock that he’s doing here not mine I just built the building it’s up to him to keep it running I guess but okay that is that let me know what you guys think to my little Factory in the comments below I just feel love all the tiny

Details and pretty happy with how it came out and the cleaner lady is very excited for people to use the building as well cleaning up the server yet again anyway back to the base we shall go now that that’s done because there’s one more little thing that I want to do

Today you know how I’ve mentioned I’ve been getting a niche to print prank people and I just can’t think of anything well you know what I’m thinking why do we have to do something big for a prank why don’t we just start small and go back to the basics impulses had these

Two statues built on his base for the longest time and somehow they have gone this long without any kind of sprinkle of magic why don’t we change that in our own little Flair to these statues can’t go too much wrong with some googly eyes now did someone ask for a new favorite

View outside of my base because I think I’ve just made one oh my gosh look at these two pair of absolute handsome dudes right there Garden impulses bass my girlie goo we really rocking the Mumbo stash we rocking a little bit of a mohawk going on and a lovely side eyes

Looking after who gosh knows where why are they oddly cute they’re actually kind of adorable this is the old kind of pranks that we haven’t done in a while and you know what I’m absolutely fine bringing some of these back if impulse decides to retaliate I’m would love it I

Really want this kind of thing again and you know what totally worth it although he may even blame that number did this you know mumbo’s just come back onto the server and have gone and given him some mumbo stashes maybe he won’t know who it is it’ll be interesting well that is one

Way to finish the day for today because unfortunately that is also going to be the end of the episode if you enjoyed it please let me know down the comments below thank you very very much for watching everyone and I hope you have an absolutely wonderful weekend I will

Catch you all in the next one look peace guys oh my God goodbye everyone I’ll catch you next time

This video, titled ‘Hermitcraft 9: PRANK, REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE | Episode 36’, was uploaded by PearlescentMoon on 2023-02-24 13:03:00. It has garnered 166320 views and 14862 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:44 or 1304 seconds.

In this episode of Hermitcraft, PearlescentMoon discovers the mega bases from a birds-eye view, is enlisted by VintageBeef for some TCG cleaning services, and gets started on some pranks…

Social Links: Twitter: https://twitter.com/PearlescentMoon Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/pearlescentmoo/ Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/pearlescentmoon Discord Server: https://discord.gg/pearlescentmoon

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    Building a Nether Tunnel with My Co-Workers in Minecraft Exploring the Nether in Minecraft Join Na_Shandra on an exciting journey as they introduce their colleagues to the world of Minecraft. The ultimate goal? Defeating the Ender Dragon before 2025! 🐉 Building a Tunnel to the Nether One of the most thrilling aspects of Minecraft is the ability to travel to different dimensions. In this adventure, Na_Shandra and their colleagues are constructing a tunnel to the Nether. This dangerous realm is filled with unique resources, formidable enemies, and challenging terrain. Will they be able to navigate this treacherous landscape and emerge victorious? Join the Adventure Follow Na_Shandra on Twitch,… Read More

  • Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server

    Discover the Ultimate Minecraft Experience on Minewind Server Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a newcomer to the world of Minecraft, just like the YouTuber in the video “Paying Minecraft for the first time”? If so, you’re in for an exciting journey into the vast and creative universe of Minecraft. While the YouTuber may be new to the game, they are eager to dive in and explore all that Minecraft has to offer. And what better way to do that than by joining a thriving Minecraft community like Minewind? Minewind offers a unique and exhilarating Minecraft experience that is perfect for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re… Read More

  • Outsmarting the Norm PT.5

    Outsmarting the Norm PT.5 The Hilarious Minecraft Challenge by aristrix Introduction Aristrix, a popular Minecraft content creator, takes on a new challenge in the Minecraft gaming world. This time, it’s not the usual Minecraft, But challenge like "Minecraft But You Can’t Touch Grass" or "Minecraft But You Can’t Touch The Color Blue." Instead, aristrix dives into a unique challenge that promises laughter and excitement. The Challenge In this latest Minecraft adventure, aristrix faces the challenge of rising water levels in the game. Unlike the typical challenges involving lava or specific colors, this challenge brings a new twist to the gameplay. As the water… Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MAZE GUIDE!!Video Information This video, titled ‘CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAZES IN MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Noobik Craft on 2024-04-23 13:00:31. It has garnered 389 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:33 or 2913 seconds. CHOOSE THE RIGHT MAZES IN MINECRAFT Read More

  • Surviving First Night in Minecraft VR

    Surviving First Night in Minecraft VRVideo Information This video, titled ‘Surviving the First Night – Minecraft’, was uploaded by Furi Ferntail Ch. [VReverie] on 2024-04-10 22:19:36. It has garnered 1698 views and 245 likes. The duration of the video is 03:00:53 or 10853 seconds. LET ME WEASEL MY WAY INTO YOUR HEART!! MONEY HERE PLEASE: https://streamelements.com/furiferntail/tip Fuririririririri~! The smallest and most efficient predator on the planet is me, FURI FERNTAIL!! I’m VReverie GUARDIANS’ friend of fur and feather~! 🩹 🍃 BE AFURRAID!! 🎬 CLIPPING IS 🆗 AND APPRECIATED! JUST MAKE SURE YOU GET MY GOOD SIDE~! ♡(ミ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ﻌ ᵕ̣̣̣̣̣̣ ミ)ノ ⊹ ࣪ ˖≽^•⩊•^≼˖ ࣪… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Half Heart challenge with DRONIO!

    INSANE Minecraft Half Heart challenge with DRONIO!Video Information This video, titled ‘😱Майнкрафт, Но У Меня ПОЛ СЕРДЦА ❤️ ДРОНИО #shorts’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-03-02 11:15:03. It has garnered 1341 views and 57 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. Podpishis https://clck.ru/38a5gQ https://clck.ru/38Rffc #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Buy a Collection of AI ART Images 100,000 AI-Generated Images ➜ https://ai.beauty Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD THIS VIDEO IN… Read More

  • Shocking Minecraft Piano Gameplay 🎹 #minecraft

    Shocking Minecraft Piano Gameplay 🎹 #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘🎹Minecraft Realistic Piano 🤩 #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by soft T Gaming on 2024-01-08 07:15:09. It has garnered 2922 views and 98 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:50 or 50 seconds. 🎹Minecraft Realistic Piano 🤩 #minecraft #shorts #minecraftbuild you will Try🥶 #minecraftpocketedition #minecraft #minecraft #minecraftpe #foryou #minecrafttutorial #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftpocketedition #minecrafttutorial #minecraftbuilding #minecraftpc #minecrafthack #minecrafters #minecrafttutorial #minecrafttutorial #minecraft #minecraftjava #minecraftjavaedition #minecraftbedrock #minecraftpe #minecraftpocketedition #minecraftbuilds #minecraftbuild #minecraftdaily 1. Minecraft gameplay 2. Let’s play Minecraft 3. Minecraft building tutorials 4. Minecraft mods showcase 5. Minecraft survival guide 6. Minecraft adventure map 7. Minecraft redstone creations 8…. Read More

  • INSANE BEDWARS MADNESS – Watch me dominate in Minecraft!

    INSANE BEDWARS MADNESS - Watch me dominate in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘I play bedwars in minecraft!!bedwars in minecraft’, was uploaded by MAHAR REHMAN GAMING YT on 2024-04-05 12:05:19. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. bedwars,minecraft bedwars,bedwars minecraft,hypixel bedwars,wallibear bedwars,wallibear lucky block bedwars,roblox bedwars … Read More


    ULTIMATE MINECRAFT MINI VILLAGE BIOME REVEALED!! 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu’, was uploaded by Khati Gamerz on 2024-03-02 01:37:29. It has garnered 9087 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. Minecraft Mini Village Biome😳 #shorts #shortsvideo @MRINDIANHACKER @imbixu how to make easy trep to troll our friends in Minecraft #2 how to make end #shorts #viral #tiktok hacks #minecraft #hacks #viraltiktok hacks #ytshorts #ytshortsindia #4 #5 #6 #7 #8 #9 #10 #11 #12 #13 #13 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 #19 #20 #21 #22 #23 #24 #25 #26 #27 #28 #29 #30… Read More

  • “Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!” #ClickbaitHoloLive

    "Towa-sama meets Kazma-san in world with 2 days left!" #ClickbaitHoloLiveVideo Information This video, titled ‘残り2日の世界で生きる理由を見失うトワ様が風真さんと出会い生きる事の素晴らしさを知る物語【ホロライブ/常闇トワ様/さくらみこ/風真いろは/切り抜き】#ホロ鯖ハードコアマイクラ’, was uploaded by 眷属の悪魔的所業【ホロライブ切り抜き】 on 2024-05-18 10:05:32. It has garnered 11668 views and 202 likes. The duration of the video is 00:08:10 or 490 seconds. [Main stream]・[Minecraft]#Holo server hardcore Minecraft material collection[Tokoyami Towa/HoloLive]→ https://www.youtube.com/live/Czy8bl_O0EA?si=lVYo4zq5k3hzZxDc [Tokoyami Towa’s channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@TokoyamiTowa X→ https://twitter.com/tokoyamitowa [Sakura Miko’s channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@SakuraMiko X→ https://twitter.com/sakuramiko35 [Kazuma Iroha’s Channel]YouTube → https://www.youtube.com/@kazamairoha X→ https://twitter.com/kazamairohach [Timestamp]0:00 Losing sight of the meaning of life 0:44 Questioning the meaning of life 2:08 Being scared of Mikochi 2:52 Kazuma gives me a purpose in life 4:39 Working hard and learning the wonder of life 5:32 Writing in… Read More


    INSANE SHIZO HACKS: AETOS ANAS ZOOM MOD!Video Information This video, titled ‘ZOOM MOD in Minecraft Fabric is Insane!’, was uploaded by AETOS ANAS on 2024-03-29 08:37:15. It has garnered 438 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:09 or 129 seconds. __AETOS ANAS__ DISCORD – https://discord.gg/Q5YahvHdSJ HOW TO DOWNLOAD FABRIC VERSION – https://youtu.be/xgmEX8uqxcg?si=AhfUbVk34g9ka5f1 Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft Fabric with this easy tutorial. Find out how to zoom in and enhance your gameplay experience! Learn how to download and set up the Zoomify mod in Minecraft with this easy tutorial. Zoom in like never before with… Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Parody of Blink-182’s All The Small Things

    EPIC Minecraft Parody of Blink-182's All The Small ThingsVideo Information This video, titled ‘All The Small Things – Blink-182 [MINECRAFT PARODY]’, was uploaded by Sponge Block Studios on 2024-03-30 20:00:21. It has garnered 210 views and 11 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:51 or 171 seconds. Lyrics: All the small mobs Can’t hit, I sob I try to crit But I, will miss Baby, chicken In the grass, is hidden Watching, waiting It’s aggravating This is too hard The chicken’s unscarred Using my sword Trimming my yard Na -na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na, na-na Google, wiki Somehow, save me Smaller… Read More

  • Fantasia SMP

    Welcome to Fantasia SMP! A vibrant Minecraft community where adventure awaits at every turn! Featured Plugins: GlobalWarming 🌍 Networks 🌐 Quaptics ⚙️ FNAmplifications 🔊 SfChunkInfo 🧊 and more… Explore a wide range of custom armors, tools, and vehicles crafted specifically for Fantasia SMP. Unleash your creativity and conquer the world in style with our unique arsenal of equipment! Website: https://epicversesmp.com/ Discord: https://discord.gg/CCGF2shF98 Read More

  • TechCraftSMP 1.20.4 Fresh Start

    TechCraftSMP 1.20.4 Fresh StartTechCraftSMP 1.20.4-Fresh Start-Survival SMP-Hermitcraft Inspired-Diamond Economy-Shopping District-World Map-Discord Integration-Free Build-Vanilla Experience-16+-Whitelisthttps://discord.gg/m86HH5UT Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – My Minecraft tire Hell

    Minecraft Memes - My Minecraft tire HellLooks like this meme couldn’t even mine its way out of a joke minecart. Read More

  • Mine for Laughs: Golden Shovel Shorts Go Viral!

    Mine for Laughs: Golden Shovel Shorts Go Viral! In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Updates and news, in every rhyme arrives. With a golden shovel, we dig deep and explore, In the gaming world, we always want more. Our gear is top-notch, our setup is prime, With HyperX headsets, we’re always in time. Recording with NVIDIA, our gameplay shines, In the realm of gaming, we draw the lines. So subscribe and share, join us in the fun, In the world of Minecraft, we’re second to none. With rhymes and updates, we’ll keep you in the loop, In this gaming world, we’re part of the group. Read More

  • Hot Golem Alert! 🔥😂

    Hot Golem Alert! 🔥😂 Why did the Iron Golem go to therapy? Because he had too much iron in his diet! #irondeficiency #minecraftmeme #irony Read More

  • Trapped in a Minecraft Animation

    Trapped in a Minecraft Animation Minecraft Animation: Entity Verse Episode 2 Exploring the World of Minecraft In the latest episode of Entity Verse, our characters find themselves in a sticky situation. After a thrilling adventure in the previous episode, they continue their journey, only to stumble upon Harry Potter’s house. Trapped in a Green Poisonous Substance As they approach the house, they are suddenly ensnared by a mysterious green poisonous substance. With quick thinking, they draw their weapons, ready to face whatever danger lies ahead. Burner, one of the characters, recalls Harry’s last words, pondering their significance in this perilous situation. Unveiling the Truth… Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Endless Survival Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Endless Survival Adventures! Welcome to the world of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds and adventures await at every turn. If you’re looking to enhance your Minecraft experience and join a vibrant community of players, look no further than Minewind Minecraft Server. With a focus on survival gameplay and a plethora of unique features, Minewind offers an immersive and exciting environment for players of all skill levels. Whether you’re a seasoned builder or just starting out, there’s something for everyone on Minewind. Join us at Minewind today and embark on a journey like no other. Connect with players from around the world,… Read More

  • Mastering Minecraft: Building a Norman Castle Keep

    Mastering Minecraft: Building a Norman Castle Keep Building a Norman Castle Keep in Minecraft Are you ready to dive into the world of medieval architecture in Minecraft? Today, we’re going to explore how to build a Norman castle keep in your Minecraft world. This design is inspired by the historical Norman castles, bringing a touch of history and grandeur to your virtual realm. Level One: Storage The first level of your Norman castle keep will serve as storage space. Utilize stone bricks and wooden beams to create a sturdy foundation for your castle. Add chests, barrels, and other storage containers to keep your supplies organized and… Read More

  • Insane Challenge: 100 Days in a Chest World! 😮 #Minecraft

    Insane Challenge: 100 Days in a Chest World! 😮 #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘100 Days in a Chest Only World | in Hindi | 1.20 Update #minecraft #minecraftsurvival’, was uploaded by Roytech Gamerz on 2024-05-23 03:47:19. It has garnered 1357 views and 44 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:51 or 1311 seconds. 100 Days in a Chest-only World | in Hindi |1.20 Update #minecraft #gamerfleet #minecraftsurvival #minecraft #technogamerz #mugambo #gamerfleet friends if you liked this video then please like, comment, and subscribe and don’t forget to share it with your friends.. Start Minecraft journey with – https://youtube.com/@roytechgamerz Follow on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/mr.roytech_official/ Follow on Facebook -… Read More

  • I regretted this in Minecraft

    I regretted this in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘At the end, I realized my mistake😭 #shorts #minecraft’, was uploaded by funcraftshorts on 2024-03-24 09:47:09. It has garnered 454 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:59 or 59 seconds. #Minecraft #Squidward #FNAF #MinecraftHistory #Gaming #Spongebob #ScaryGames #VideoGames #MinecraftBuilds #Horror #GamingCommunity #Memes #GamerLife #SurvivalGames #GamingCulture #MinecraftArt #FreddyFazbear #Creepypasta #IndieGames #SquidwardTentacles #FNAFlore #MinecraftPlayers #Spooky #FanArt #FoxythePirate #BlockyWorld #KidsGames #GamingNews #ItBurns #GameDev #SpongebobSquarepants #FNAFCommunity #MinecraftSurvival #Haunted #GamingMemes #MinecraftMods #ChicaTheChicken #Nostalgia #VirtualWorlds #AnimeGames #BuildingGames #MinecraftRedstone #Jumpscare #OfficialFNAF #LegendaryGames #MinecraftDesigns #MinecraftUpdates #HauntedHouses #GamingLegends #MinecraftCosplay #FNAFloreCommunity #GamerCommunity #PixelArt #HauntedPlaces #OnlineGames #MinecraftVersions #ScaryTales #FNAFloreTheories #InsideTheGame #GamingLife #MinecraftLove… Read More

  • Insane Experiment: 100 Zombies in 100 Year War Simulation!

    Insane Experiment: 100 Zombies in 100 Year War Simulation!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Made 100 Zombies Simulate 100 Years Of War’, was uploaded by Lolo on 2024-05-18 09:29:00. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:13 or 373 seconds. In this video, you’ll witness an incredibly fascinating experiment in Minecraft! I placed 100 zombies in the game to see how they evolve from basic equipment to advanced technology over 100 years of war. From zombies with wooden swords in year one to zombies equipped with high-tech weapons and battle tanks in year 100, you’ll witness an astonishing transformation. Can zombies… Read More

  • Minecraft’s CRAZIEST Modern Pool Build!! #MinecraftMadness

    Minecraft's CRAZIEST Modern Pool Build!! #MinecraftMadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Ultimate ModernPool |#powr_live #ماين_كرافت #ماينكرافت #minecraft’, was uploaded by Zaid Entertainment | زيد الممتع on 2024-01-13 12:00:14. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Minecraft, Minecraft movie, Minecraft mobile, Minecraft movies, Minecraft movie, Minecraft 100 days, 50 days in Minecraft, 100 days in… Read More

Hermitcraft 9: PRANK, REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE | Episode 36