Hermitcraft 9: RETURN OF THE PHARAOH! (Ep. 66)

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All right cool your jets cool your jets we got XB in the Champions club now we put him right next to Cleo thank you to everybody who left comments last time saying where the heck is actually at he is right here now guys thank you for reminding me I knew I would forget

Someone but uh he is you know in the Champions club and speaking of the Champions club we got some cool stuff that’s gonna be coming very very shortly to this area and the rest of the pyramid but first I got a very exciting thing to

Show you guys here so as you know we have this giant TCG pyramid badge trophy as you can see here uh it’s a custom item we had made and this is what will be the prize for anyone who defeats us at the pyramid in a game of TCG now we

Need to make a custom a custom deck for this that’s going to be the same against whoever we play so it’s going to be a custom deck and they win this awesome trophy which also doubles as a nice hat as you can see right here so very nice Trophy and you

Get bragging rights and such and you can display it proudly in your base uh but we need to make the deck that we’re going to battle players with plus we’re going to add something that is kind of unique to Our Deck a card never seen before I got special permission for from

Beef uh to build this since I built an arena and this is going to make our deck let’s just say significantly more interesting and significantly stronger ladies and gentlemen prepare yourselves for the return of the Pharaoh that’s right ladies and gentlemen we’ve gotten special permission from Mr vintage beef to enter

The sacred map area please do not show the area on videos or streams well luckily we can let’s do it we’re going through here and in this area we’re going to be making some custom cards wow I should probably sleep uh and let’s just quickly

Get the bed out bam easy sleep there we go Okay so right this is beef’s card area you can see all the TCG cards out here uh I think I can I’m good at showing all these here I’m pretty sure uh but yeah there are some around here that are new

So I got to be careful not to show those however we are going to make a brand new custom map of the Pharaoh that is our old skin uh we use during season seven uh because it is a pyramid after all the TCG pyramid that’s why we got you know the

Pyramidal hat on and so I think what we’ll do is we’ll head out in this direction careful not to show any spoilers here on the left um but we’re going to make a new map over in the ocean on this side of what is this effect card these are all custom maps

Here 128 blocks by 128 blocks and so on this side right here is where we’re going to put it so I brought along a bunch of Netherrack shulker boxes so we can start to place blocks because we need underlying blocks to support the blocks that we place things on so that

Is what this is going to be right here all these shulker boxes full Netherrack so let’s go ahead and get placing we’re going to build ourselves a never before seen one-of-a-kind custom TCG Pharaoh Cub card before we could begin construction on our card we first have to place over 16

000 Netherrack to cover the search of the ocean this is basically done to make sure we have a solid surface to place blocks like sand and carpets and pressure plates on top of and it’s also useful for getting around because swimming around is not ideal next We Begin construction on the card

Type and the health this portion of the card was pretty simple but it was still I was still at this point deciding if I wanted a custom color for the card I had debated if I wanted like a black card like the alter ego set maybe a purple

Card but ultimately I decided on gold as it is a pharaoh themed card so that feels very appropriate to help me with block placement on this card I used a site called map Artcraft this basically allows me to upload an image and it translates that image into

Minecraft block types close to what I’m aiming for then I went through and made adjustments where I thought it was necessary added or remove blocks to fill out of place and basically just clean things up a bit I think beef also uses this same site to make his Maps and I

Also used extensively beef stockpile of resources probably made a couple hundred trips back and forth to that you know for all colors of carpets and terracotta and other blocks used during this project finally I want to thank Mo Yang for continuously adding new map colors when

New blocks are added to the game as it’s clearly made of maps and projects like this much more color accurate than it has been in the paths and I hope that this continues in the near future anyways this card is about done let’s take a look at the end result

Ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the land of the Pharaoh or what is soon to be the land of the Pharaoh because we got the card done ladies and gentlemen and it is glorious it is absolutely glorious you might see that I’ve changed my skin to the Pharaoh which I became in

Season seven as I lived in a giant pyramid and it wasn’t tomb there forever at the end of the season but today we make a glorious return to this server in the form of a TCG card on which I am now standing on my actual face not sure if

You can tell that right here but if we fly into the air you can see the card itself is revealed check it out ladies and gentlemen this is amazing this is a cool project we did uh and this took a long long time but we got it

Done if I can get a good shot yeah there we go look at that absolutely beautiful so this ladies and gentlemen is the One of a Kind Pharaoh card that we will be using for our TCG pyramid badge matches this will only be seen at the pyramid no other player can

Use this in TCG and here is the card itself as you can see Pharaoh card and we got the awesome mural look at how detailed it is with the pyramids in the background we got camels here there’s one camel like right in front of us

Right here it’s like a camel you can see or you can kind of see it but if you look at the card you can see it for sure and those cameras are walking in the Sands in front of the pyramid behind us with our outstretched arms so this was

Absolutely a blast to make you might wonder why I have 193 levels uh it’s because I had to use Tango’s gold Farm to get all this gold so shout out to tango and yeah shout out to beef who made like a hundred of these things because these

Things are not easy to make uh I was like out here counting blocks and making sure everything aligned properly so yeah props to be for making so many of these but let’s talk a little bit about this Pharaoh card because I am super excited to play this got some cool abilities

Let’s head over and we will take a look at what abilities we have here alright ladies and gentlemen we are now back at the pyramid as the Pharaoh already feeling a bit more powerful myself and I will say if anybody dares to challenge me which I I think people are going to

Be scared to challenge me let’s be honest like this skin in a pyramid with the new Pharaoh card ain’t nobody beating me come on man so let’s take a look at the at the Pharaoh card here so obviously it’s a rare balance type has 300 health which is the maximum allowed in TCG

Let’s go over the attacks uh and talk about those first of all a primary attack Target for 50 damage right off the bat and that of course only requires one item card Target of course was our Target block based Mini-Game area in season seven I have a whole bunch of

Target block based mini games including Bullseye and 25s and uh pong we made pong in Minecraft uh open sesame uh dunk tank the original dunk tank we made dunk tank version two here on this season by the way so that is what Target is referencing that’s where that comes from

And then of course it’s back ladies and gentlemen the spirit realm has returned uh so shibalba references a giant pit which I threw all of my items into in season seven to get organized and sorted and uh categorized and put into shulker boxes uh basically the ultimate in item storage capability

That is what she references and this attack not only hits for 80 but it’s a special attack so check this out we flip a coin after the attack if it’s heads we can give up to plus 80 Health to an AFK hermit Health given is equal to Damage

Done during attack so basically we attack for 80. and then we roll a coin in the form of the fireworks if it’s green like that one right there then depending on how much damage we did we can then heal an AFK hermit for up to 80 in total so let’s say hypothetically we

Had a situation I’ll just make a scenario here if we had a situation like this right let’s say we have oh yeah we also need the item cards don’t we uh do I have balanced yeah so let’s say we have two balanced item cards attached Bam Bam

So that activates shebalba right so we can attack Ren for 80. so rent that 200 he goes down to 120 120 right here by the way these item cards all got new textures kind of cool so that’s awesome so remember to go down to 120 and then since we attacked for 80

We can also then heal for 80. so in this case I would probably heal up like XB so he would go from 50 to 130. like so and so in this way the Pharaoh card is very very useful when combined with AFK Hermits it can actually be 160 Point Health swing

Between the two sides if you hit the roll so that is absolutely massive uh if Ren were let’s say Ren was wearing uh armor like let’s say if I can get out let’s see do I have an effect card thing in here no I don’t but if rent let’s just hypothetically say

Ren was wearing like iron armor then I would do 80 minus 20 is 60. then I could I could heal for 60. that’s how the card is meant to be used so like whatever damage is done whatever health is reduced from this side if she Bulba hits with the roll you can

Then move the health and heal up your AFK hermit on this side and then basically it allows the whole reason why I wanted to play this card honestly is I wanted to be able to roll for this and if it hits say two shibalba because we’re sending their health from their

Side to our side AKA Toshiba so that’s awesome uh it’s gonna be a lot of fun playing this card against players uh it’s meant to be a little bit powerful uh like you wouldn’t have I think I don’t think this is probably too balanced normally but as a one-off card

To get this giant trophy I think it will do just fine by the way those other Hermits out there they best believe I’m gonna be talking some smack after all I am the pharaoh not a king but a god remember that one final thing that the Pharaoh Cub

Allows us to do here is it allows us to play a all Cub fan deck so we have the Cub Pharaoh we have the rare speedrunner cub and the common Cub fan balanced and this is going to be our deck that we’re going to use to face uh people for the

TCG pyramid badge this will be the same deck across all of the matches we have speedrunner and balance items we got our three Ultra rares and then our other rares and Commons and this deck hopefully will do well we’ll see it’s very uh strong with the armor uh and

Yeah with the Pharaoh Cubs whatever like leading the charge it’s like our primary card uh we hope that that comes out quickly and hopefully yeah we have some good matches with this deck ah the pyramid a peaceful place that I’m very glad we finished except it’s not finished at all baby we’re

Still going in hard we’re still working on this we’re still improving this we want this to be the premier spot to play TCG so today what are we doing to improve this area uh this will actually probably be the final final upgrade uh although I’ve said that twice now but

Seriously I’m thinking this is going to be the final one so first things first we want to use the Cub method here so the Cub method of course stands for connectedness usability and Beyond that’s what it stands for so first things first connectedness we’ve done a pretty decent job so far of

Making this whole pyramid area connected right so the exchange is connected to the arena you can go through here you can go down you can go around down this hallway is the Champions area down here boom right there Champions area same on the opposite side we got these elevators

On the side here as well that pop up and then reset you can go back down and all up and around and through the area but there’s one slight issue here and that is this bunch of foliage and walls that are in the way here so believe it or not

This is a slight impediment to Hermits getting up here you have to jump over like two blocks that’s too much that’s too much we gotta we gotta reduce that so we’re gonna take out these walls right here right take all these out take all these out take all these out we’re

Gonna remove a bit of foliage rearrange it somewhat let me put this over here you know uh this guy can maybe be moved to here let’s say perfect and then what we can do here if I got a shulker box out we can grab a few things

Like this and this and this and let’s see we can grab some soul lanterns first of all add a little bit of extra flare to the area there we go very nice mirroring this side so that’s a nice aesthetic Improvement and if we got some Moss carpets out

We can grab some let’s see we’ll grab some of these fences here I think yeah we’ll grab some of these fences and check this out we can break this out fence under here carpet and then we can walk up and we can make like a chain up here

To this area to help uh players like guide players to the elevator here and I’m also I think gonna put some stuff here whoops let’s just put that back for a moment uh we’re also going to like frame this so that we have some lanterns here in the corner

With some Sandstone wall action just to sort of like guide players into the elevator area think that’ll help very minorly but it will help we might actually even does that work yeah we’ll do that we’ll put like a little corner thing to indicate where the elevator is we may

Also need to chop this bamboo we can move this up one to here we can put a fence in here bada bang and then see where did my carpets go there we go so we’ll put one there we can put one here like so put one here

And basically we can put one like on every corner where there’s not already like a plant we can move this back one down one fence moss and we walk right up perfect on that side this side we walk right up so we don’t even really have to jump now

Going like all the way from the bottom here up to the top perfect just like that that is fantastically amazing same from this side and you don’t have to like kneel around the uh the side anymore yeah and then just down here and then out you go very nice okay

This side is done of course we have two sides here so we’re gonna do the same thing on the opposite side over here just removing these walls making it so you can walk up the side here and making it a little bit more uh accessible so let’s do that I’ll be right back

These small changes to the sides of the Arena stands have helped the connectivity of the pyramid a little bit but what about the usefulness of getting here in the first place currently what we have to do to get to the pyramid is we basically need to fly from the

Shopping district all the way over here from roughly typically like this portal to the pyramid over here now you can go in the front entrance here or there’s also a nice back entrance both of these by the way looking really nice very happy with how they turned out and

Here’s the exchange entrance in the back now these entrances are great and they work well they also help connect the pyramid but wouldn’t it be more useful if there was a way to get to the pyramid from within the pyramid itself enter the nether portal area ladies and gentlemen

We are going to bust down this wall place that Lantern over there and take a look back here I showed this area when we made some of the Redstone and compacted it and also made the exchange area back here but there is a lot of area above here for many activities and

Many things and this ladies and gentlemen is where we’re going to put our nether portal right up here and then I think what we’re going to do is we’re going to actually have sort of if I get out my shulker boxes here we’re going to have sort of a staircase that’s going to

Start here let’s see if I got some yeah smooth Sandstone stairs so we’ll knock out this bench here and instead of the bench we’ll have some stairs going up like this probably need to knock out one of these blocks or maybe actually we can probably move this back one have this

Move back to here yeah perfect so we’ll have the stairs start back a little further like this and then they’re going to go up like this in our nether portal will be at the top back here in this section now there’s not a whole lot of room but there is

Some back here and we can sort of cleverly manipulate the uh the shape of the pyramid so that it’s sort of obscured a little bit and just make a really fun nether entrance area with a staircase that can take us up and down uh hopefully this will also facilitate some people to use

The exchange a little bit more we do now have more cards back here including some nice rares as you can see in some of these uh barrels with the lamp turned on they think there’s an Etho in this one as well yeah there’s an Etho in there so

Hopefully we can also get some more exchange action happening back here so give me a sec I’m going to put another portal room back here should look super fancy should look super cool and we’ll see what it looks like and a few short minutes later us walking

Up the staircase here results in US finding the nether portal room here at the TCG pyramid we got a 3X3 portal nice decoration very similar in style to the card exchange as well as the arena area with the mangrove wood the Warped wood and the leaves on top to cover up

Some of the deep slate that you can see right there that’s literally like the outside of the pyramid there so we could just barely fit this room in some nice frog lights in the back for lighting some beacons for lighting as well and some fanciness and of course we can walk

Down the other side which also leads down to the Arena floor and the TCG exchange back here we took nice care to make this really cool like with the Sandstone coming down here it sort of cuts off here and then sort of like guides you subtly into the arena via

This color palette here so I’m really happy with how that worked out some nice Lighting in the back you’ll see a ladder here we’ll get to that in a second some very exciting stuff with that but if we make our way through the nether portal I

Want to show you guys some stuff through here because there are some very exciting stuff coming soon so this is a tunnel here this is actually going to be a combined TCG tunnel so what that means is this connects over here to the nether hub this is actually directly next to the

Shopping district Tunnel right here so you can kind of make out we need to actually put glow signs or glow ink on that but that’s the shopping district one so this is going to be the next one over which is I think five is that a five up there

Looks like an upside down two for some reason yeah four or five okay so that’s five all right so five yeah and then six over there so at yellow five is where the tunnel is now this is not only going to have our Arena portal right here but

Also further down here it’s going to connect up to asuma’s Arena where that magma block is So eventually this will have two TCG Arenas connected and possibly more in the future we’ll see we’re actually going to be working on this tunnel as part of infrastructure week here on hermitcraft starting today when this

Video goes out so check out twitch.tv slash cut down one three five infrastructure week on hermitcraft we’re going to be building up a lot of nether tunnels this tunnel the tunnel to our Farms maybe the shopping district tunnel cleaning up areas around spawn it’s going to be a good time but for now

Let’s head back to the pyramid because we got more to talk about there namely we got to talk about this ladder this ladder is super awesome and it actually gives you an aerial view of the Arena how awesome is this this is awesome this is actually on top of the strength compatibility chart

Up there and believe it or not that area is actually accessible now from the stands because if you notice we got ourselves a little glow-berry Vine here you can actually climb up this all the way to the top and upon seeing this and then you can

Make your way down here and go to the nether this way or you can go down here I got super excited but then I thought what if as part of the Beyond aspect of this what if we could stunt jump off of this down into the arena

Without taking a whole bunch of damage and so I’m gonna make it so that we can do just that all right here’s the plan so we’re going to basically have a slime block right here unfortunately we have a torch down here so we need to actually put something somewhat solid but uh not

Conducting power underneath here then we can place a slime block here item frame on this and we have let’s see not on me we have our TCG strength chart which is here yes this thing which just shows the strengths of the TCG uh card types basically the same as this up

Here but in map form we can put this here and I think we’ll probably turn it this way because I think most players are going to be looking this way anyway so yeah we’ll do that and now we can stunt jump off this bounce here and then end

Up either in the stands or just bounce up and down on this uh yeah as as we want so let’s let’s try it let’s get up there see if we can do it see if we can pull it off and see how fun it is we make our way up here

So you make your way out of the portal you come here you jump bounce splash down baby easy easy money I’m telling you guys at some point I’m gonna just fly into the arena while somebody is playing and just be like any problems and then people are going to be like

What that’s awesome at least that’s that’s like my dream that’s like my dream please let me have this guys please let me have this so um yeah that’s that uh and of course yeah you can jump and bounce and do whatever from you know lower down two if you want to

And of course you can always climb up you can also go down I guess the vines too so we have ultimate Mobility now in the pyramid is what this means I’m gonna go off it one more time just for the heck of it and I’ve been thinking as

Well this is part of the Beyond aspect of the pyramid right but what if what if we wanted to go even further Beyond guys even further beyond what we thought was possible well we’re about to do just that because I’ve had another good idea based on a

Viewer suggestion a lot of you wanted to see some type of locker room inside the TCG pyramid and so I think what I’ll do is I’ll make a secret hidden locker room because every pyramid as everybody knows every pyramid needs a good secret and so we’re going to make a secret hidden locker

Room right in here inside the water stream this is where you’re going to be able to go into it right here so you can basically stunt off the top coming in from the Nether and then if you know where it’s at go into the secret locker

Room down here so give me a second here I got to clear out some space there’s very little space for this we got to be really careful but I think I can manage here at least I hope I can manage uh and yeah we’re gonna make a secret locker

Room back in this direction it’s going to be awesome all right guys so we cleared out the space Here’s the area we have to work with here and we can’t really remove like any other blocks here so this is going to have to be the shape we’re working with because we remove

Like this copper for instance this basically comes out into the lobby area if we remove one of these that leads up into the arena areas you can see up there if we remove one of these uh this actually might be a good spot for like a secret entrance into the Champions room

But yeah obviously it’s uh a little bit Close Quarters to everything else so we got to be very very careful what we do here and we don’t have a lot of space but it’s going to be a good challenge to design a space in this shape as well as yeah here’s how

You just sort of slide into it as well as make it look good but I’m up to the challenge here I think we can do it let’s give it a shot all right everyone secret locker room is now done right through this passageway here is where you go to enter the secret

Locker room area we got secret legendary locker room number two over here and secret legendary locker room number one over here we put some fun stuff in here some Bells so that people can yeah annoy people if they’re in these locker rooms there’s places back here to sleep uh we got

Ender chests we got potions and some rooms nice little bookshelf area chests with some stuff in there uh you can also of course go down into the Champions room and actually exit this way if you want so that’s really cool let me just quickly get back up here uh and then if

We come through here obviously the other side is pretty similar more bookshelves we got Spore blossoms some cobwebs chest bed uh yeah Ender Chest you can play some note blocks and each one of these two because I wanted some I wanted some stuff you could interact with a little

Bit and then of course you know you have your way down into uh the other Champions room right here so I don’t know I think that’s pretty cool I think it’s pretty cool so yeah nice little like hidden area whichever Great Pyramid needs right you need a little hidden

Area with some fun stuff we got a clock here under chest and that’s it of course to get out of here uh we just basically shift click the trapdoor and then you gotta actually be holding the direction you want to go and you just pop out back

Into the arena so that is that those are the secret hidden legendary locker rooms and man this area is looking pretty cool now I am really liking this I’m amazed we were able to fit in like both the portal and the locker room into this area because I thought we had like done

Everything we could possibly do but yeah now it’s it’s even better it’s even better it’s gonna be amazing can’t wait to show the other Hermits of this maybe we can have the other Hermits like if they defeat me in battle uh with my uh Pharaoh deck they can come in here and

They can place like a sign in here like like one sign with like a saying in there from them or something that could be kind of cool so I fill this area with uh with signs from the uh the past Legends who have defeated the Pharaoh uh

So that’ll be cool anyways guys I think that is going to be it for me today I think now the pyramid is actually finally done for real this time got the portal up got some minor improvements and some big improvements uh as well as stunts from the top deck which is going

To be awesome so anyways uh that’s it for me guys uh also infrastructure week don’t forget this week on hermitcraft we’re gonna be streaming basically every day from hermitcraft uh working on the nether tunnel you saw a moment ago I’ve been working on that it’s going to be

Working on the tunnel to our Farms maybe the shopping district tunnel basically decorating around spawn repairing some stuff cleaning up some stuff it’s gonna be a good time hopefully you guys join me twitch.tv135 anyways for now that’s it thank you guys for watching it’s been Cub goodbye

This video, titled ‘Hermitcraft 9: RETURN OF THE PHARAOH! (Ep. 66)’, was uploaded by cubfan135 on 2023-04-17 16:00:33. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds.

Today we are playing Minecraft once more from the Hermitcraft Season 9 server! Today Cub creates a One-of-a-Kind TCG Card, …

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    "Watch Scar Get Wrecked on 6b6t in Seconds!" #minecraft #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘Scar Gets Destroyed in 6b6t (2 logs) #minecraft #anarchy #cpvp #hypixel #6b6t #anarchy1’, was uploaded by MUDL on 2024-09-27 02:00:20. It has garnered 674 views and 13 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:45 or 45 seconds. Tesseract- https://discord.gg/tesseract Anarchy Free Kits- https://discord.gg/freekits Get 6b6t tier tested- https://discord.gg/j4PyA3DaDJ tags – Minecrafe Anarchy Tags Minecraft Anarchy Anarchy Server Minecraft Chaos No Rules Minecraft Minecraft PvP Minecraft Base Building Minecraft Griefing Minecraft Raiding Anarchy Survival Anarchy Factions Anarchy Minecraft Server Minecraft Hacked Client Minecraft Exploits Minecraft Anarchy Tips Anarchy Minecraft Hacks Minecraft Free-for-All Minecraft Wild West… Read More

  • 🔥 INSANE ChaosKraft 2 Gameplay – EP21: Gheilath

    🔥 INSANE ChaosKraft 2 Gameplay - EP21: GheilathVideo Information This video, titled ‘ChaosKraft 2: Lands Of Legend (CTM Map) – Episode 21: Gheilath’, was uploaded by Anistuffs – The Indian Let’s Player on 2024-03-11 12:31:01. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 02:11:41 or 7901 seconds. 🔻Open video description for more information🔻 ChaosKraft 2: Lands Of Legend is a large open world CTM map for Minecraft 1.15.2, made by Lylac, the mapmaker formerly known as BenplayerX, as the second entry in their CTM series ChaosKraft. Check out the map: https://ctmrepository.com/index.php?action=viewMap&id=229 Minecraft is a sandbox videogame developed by Mojang that lets… Read More

  • 🔥 NEW Minecraft SMP Server IP! Join now! 🚀

    🔥 NEW Minecraft SMP Server IP! Join now! 🚀Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft new public smp ip port 🥶| 1.20 minecraft server | 24/7 online | public smp | @Not_Barkeep’, was uploaded by Bar_keep_brO 0.2 on 2024-03-18 09:30:07. It has garnered 1751 views and 80 likes. The duration of the video is 00:07:02 or 422 seconds. minecraft brand new public smp || for java + poket + pojav || 1.19+ free to join || 24/7 online minecraft free public SMP || for java + pe + pojav || 1.19+ 24/7 || free Best smp server mcpe 💗 1.20+ Survival Smp java + mcpe 24/7 ✅ free to… Read More

  • EPIC Advancement Hunt in Inselphia – LIVE🔴

    EPIC Advancement Hunt in Inselphia - LIVE🔴Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Advancement Hunt – EP10 | (LIVE🔴)’, was uploaded by Inselphia on 2024-07-26 20:53:31. It has garnered 50 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 04:04:16 or 14656 seconds. Welcome to the tenth episode of the advancement series! Today, we’ll be trying to get even more advancements so make sure to come join and have some fun!!! LINKS: Check out the whole list of advancements I have to complete and make suggestions for ones I should complete (may be outdated) – https://blazeandcaves-advancements.fandom.com/wiki/Advancement_Categories Read More


    CALLI IN DANGER! WHO'S BEHIND HER? 😱Video Information This video, titled ‘CALLI THERE’S SOMEONE BEHIND YOU 【Hololive EN】’, was uploaded by Zuzu Ch. on 2024-06-16 18:39:04. It has garnered 44218 views and 2500 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:44 or 104 seconds. Don’t forget to subscribe 🗿 My Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZuzuYTClips – Source – 【HOLOMYTH MINECRAFT】5 refined ladies 1 block! (part 1) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sNCxF3lLjAs – Gawr Gura Ch. hololive-EN @GawrGura Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN @TakanashiKiara Watson Amelia Ch. hololive-EN @WatsonAmelia Ninomae Ina’nis Ch. hololive-EN @NinomaeInanis Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN @MoriCalliope Nanashi Mumei Ch. hololive-EN @NanashiMumei Ceres Fauna Ch. hololive-EN @CeresFauna Hakos Baelz Ch. hololive-EN @HakosBaelz Ouro… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft Hole Survival with Maizem!

    INSANE Minecraft Hole Survival with Maizem!Video Information This video, titled ‘JJ And Mikey Survive INSIDE HOLE In Minecraft – Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizem on 2024-06-01 13:01:01. It has garnered 1412 views and 15 likes. The duration of the video is 00:40:16 or 2416 seconds. JJ And Mikey Survive INSIDE HOLE In Minecraft – Maizen This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with JJ and Mikey. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We are not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have… Read More

  • “Fairy Craft: Ultimate Mob vs Dropbear Battle!” #minecraft

    "Fairy Craft: Ultimate Mob vs Dropbear Battle!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘The Minecraft all mobs vs dropbear fight finally revealed #minecraft #viral’, was uploaded by Fairy Craft on 2024-10-01 22:30:09. It has garnered 200 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:39 or 159 seconds. The Minecraft all mobs vs dropbear fight finally revealed #minecraft #viral minecraft, minecraft 100 days, mimecraf, minecraft minecraft, minecraft house tutorial, minecraft jj and mikey, minecraft song, minecraft video, minecraft game, minecraft techno gamerz, minecraft cartoon, mincraft mob vote 2023, minecraft mob battle, minecraft mob vote, minecraft mob farm, mimecraft mob vote 2023 winner, minecraft mob mod, minecraft mob… Read More


    Welcome to our SMP Server! If you are 18+ and enjoy being active, we invite you to join our LGBTQ-friendly and welcoming community! Our server features: Homes/waypoints/Claims New biomes New dungeons Shops/Currency Pets/Plushies New decoration blocks Pokémon Holiday Events Events Requirements to join: Must be over 18 Must have discord and join our server Must be active If you are interested, please fill out the google form here. Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Minecraft community torn apart!

    Minecraft Memes - Minecraft community torn apart!Looks like Minecraft players are more split than the blocks they’re building with! Read More

  • Mine Me Sanpai SMP Part 3: Minecraft Mayhem Unleashed!

    Mine Me Sanpai SMP Part 3: Minecraft Mayhem Unleashed! In the world of Minecraft, where blocks reign supreme, We dive into adventures, like a wild dream. Sanpai SMP, part three in the mix, With twists and turns, and surprises to fix. Join us on Discord, for chats and fun, Instagram for updates, when the day is done. Promotions and collabs, email us quick, For partnerships and projects, let’s make it click. Telegram for more, from the Bad Ultimate Boys, YouTube channels for shorts, with gaming joys. Viral trends and videos, we’re on the rise, Minecraft peeks and updates, a pleasant surprise. Chapati and Hindustani gamers, in the mix,… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes: The Joy of Every Player! 🔥😂

    Hot Minecraft Memes: The Joy of Every Player! 🔥😂 When you finally find diamonds in Minecraft and your happiness level goes from 0 to 100 real quick! 😂💎 #minecraftgoals #diamondsareagirlsbestfriend #gamerlife Read More

  • Unbelievable Potions Menu Revealed in Astreterre!

    Unbelievable Potions Menu Revealed in Astreterre!Video Information This video, titled ‘Astreterre // Récap’ #114 – Menu des potions !’, was uploaded by OraNN on 2024-09-04 13:00:44. It has garnered 50 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:48 or 168 seconds. Astreterre // Recap’ #114 – Potions menu! #gamedev #Minecraft #godot #GodotEngine Short video summary of what we did during the last streams! spell icons mod: Electroblob’s Wizardry ••► Join me on the new Astreterre Discord: https://discord.gg/pAgT5QyBBN Trello to track upcoming releases: https://trello.com/b/tK3H818b/astreterre ••► All my networks: https://linktr.ee/OraNN ••► Twitch : https://www.twitch.tv/orann_ ••► Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/_OraNN_ The playlist randomly contains… Read More

  • Encounter with a Panda in Minecraft!

    Encounter with a Panda in Minecraft!Video Information This video, titled ‘AKU BERTEMU DENGAN PANDA DI MINECRAFT! – Minecraft Indonesia #3’, was uploaded by TheCozyTea on 2024-04-11 09:30:03. It has garnered 370 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:34:31 or 2071 seconds. Hello everyone, welcome to the TheCozyTea channel. In this Minecraft gameplay, I went on an adventure far from my house and met a panda! Indie horror game playlist https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLmuUimiCf2KjlyCRIe5MqjOFNwovtvZQD You can support this channel to grow further via: Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9kRFe8pkMsbjvOnqVZXctA?sub_confirmation=1 Saweria: https://saweria.co/thecozytea Discord: Wait for 20 thousand subscribers first, hehe. Don’t forget to like, comment and subscribe because that is… Read More

  • Philippines’ Top Minecraft Server! PM for Facebook Group

    Philippines' Top Minecraft Server! PM for Facebook GroupVideo Information This video, titled ‘best Minecraft server in the Philippines PM:Navulia Frostine in the Facebook open the link pls’, was uploaded by John_bryle_gamer on 2024-06-12 14:16:15. It has garnered 7 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:41 or 701 seconds. server RULE 🔰 POLY KIMCHIS SEASON 1 🔰 is now Looking for Active Players! ✨ 🎗 SERVER RULES 🎗 ✅ ALLOWED ✅ ✅ Java / Bedrock ✅ Teams (Maximum of 3 to 5 Members) ✅ Trade ✅ Farms (Any farms) ✅ Building Multiple Bases ✅ Building Shop (Located at Shopping District with Admins Permission) ✅… Read More

  • BlitzKreke’s Insane Minecraft SMP Adventure!

    BlitzKreke's Insane Minecraft SMP Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft SMP Maybe – A new beginning’, was uploaded by BlitzKreke on 2024-09-01 04:18:34. It has garnered 64 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 04:37:37 or 16657 seconds. Discord – https://discord.gg/DwtHNBt Read More

  • The ULTIMATE Minecraft Modpack Madness LIVE!

    The ULTIMATE Minecraft Modpack Madness LIVE!Video Information This video, titled ‘All the Mods 10! #4 | A Minecraft MEGA Modpack | LIVE |’, was uploaded by WoltyBird on 2024-09-30 19:06:47. It has garnered 25 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 01:41:32 or 6092 seconds. All the Mods 10! #3 | A Minecraft MEGA Modpack 💀💀Subscribe💀💀: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5W3Q4hFPbdBExLmStMPyqQ?%20sub_confirmation=1 🔵🔵Discord🔵🔵 https://discord.gg/vYM4egV 🔴🔴Reddit🔴🔴 https://www.reddit.com/r/WoltyBird/ 🟢🟢Shockbyte server Hosting🟢🟢 https://shockbyte.com/billing/aff.php?aff=6336 💵💵MAYBE DONATE IDK https://streamelements.com/woltybird-7274/tip 💵💵 Other Videos You Might Like: -~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~ Forcing People to Live in Garbage!?! – Cities: Skylines https://youtu.be/JNkNnIq9Zsw -~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~ I Kidnapped EVERYONE?! – The Sims 4 Challenge https://youtu.be/djM7uM0Rfws -~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~~-~–~-~~-~~~-~ why minecraft best video geam:… Read More

  • Seth8011’s Insane Minecraft Trial Chambers!

    Seth8011's Insane Minecraft Trial Chambers!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Trial Chambers *CHALLENGE*’, was uploaded by Seth8011 on 2024-08-04 20:40:02. It has garnered 215 views and 9 likes. The duration of the video is 02:31:28 or 9088 seconds. What happens if you did the Minecraft Trial Chambers as a TRUE CHALLENGE? Join this channel to get access to perks: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTureWKrRr7-9kgocmIcTYw/join Discord: https://discord.gg/KYUqRsJj8p 💥Socials💥 TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@seth8011?lang=en Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seth.hansonn/ #minecraft #terraria #seth8011 #live Read More

  • Nether Madness! Day 4 MYTH 1BLOCK MINECRAFT

    Nether Madness! Day 4 MYTH 1BLOCK MINECRAFTVideo Information This video, titled ‘【MYTH 1BLOCK MINECRAFT】Day 4, into the Nether!!!!!! #MythOneBlock’, was uploaded by Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-EN on 2024-06-18 02:36:59. It has garnered 152770 views and 11665 likes. The duration of the video is 05:15:13 or 18913 seconds. all of myth will be here!! @NinomaeInanis @MoriCalliope @WatsonAmelia @GawrGura 👑 stream my new song, CHIMERA! 👑 https://cover.lnk.to/CHIMERA 👀 Takanashi Kiara 1st Album “Point of View” 👀 Streaming: https://cover.lnk.to/PointofView ========================= 🏵️[Twitter] 🏵️ https://twitter.com/takanashikiara 🏵️[Hashtags] 🏵️ #kfp #キアライブ#hololiveenglish #holomyth #takanashikiara FANART #KFPicasso ========================= [Viewer Rules] Thank you for watching my stream! To help everyone enjoy the stream more, please follow… Read More

  • Nico survives 100 DAYS on mysterious OP BLOCK!

    Nico survives 100 DAYS on mysterious OP BLOCK!Video Information This video, titled ‘100 DAYS on ONE OP BLOCK in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by Nico on 2024-09-20 03:00:17. It has garnered 290205 views and 4576 likes. The duration of the video is 00:21:24 or 1284 seconds. Cash & Nico Merch! https://cashandnico.com/ Today, Nico and his friends spend 100 DAYS on ONE OP BLOCK in Minecraft! An evil wizard scams Nico and his friends! How many levels will Nico be able to complete in the wizards tests?! Watch to find out! #Minecraft #MinecraftMod #Nico #NicoAndCash Read More

  • DJ Waley Babu Minecraft Song – INCREDIBLE!

    DJ Waley Babu Minecraft Song - INCREDIBLE!Video Information This video, titled ‘#status #minecraft #song 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻💞💞dj waley babu Mera gana chala de💃🏻💃🏻❤️💃🏻💞💞#badshah’, was uploaded by Olly2373 on 2024-07-13 03:24:46. It has garnered 240 views and 10 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:16 or 16 seconds. Read More

  • Virtual HQ – Semi-Vanilla Java

    Server Information: Server Name: Virtual Headquarters IP Address: vhq.falixsrv.me Welcome Minecraft Enthusiasts! Welcome to Virtual Headquarters, a community-driven Minecraft server for players of all ages. Whether you’re a builder, adventurer, or looking to hang out with friends, there’s something for everyone! Features: Survival Mode: Gather resources, build your base, and survive! Custom Plugins: Enhance your gameplay experience with unique features. Community: Join a friendly community to make friends, collaborate on builds, and go on quests together! How to Join: Have the latest Minecraft version. Add the server IP: vhq.falixsrv.me Get whitelisted when joining. We look forward to seeing you in… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Mastering the Craft: Still Not Good, But Better

    Well, I guess even in the meme world, some things just barely pass as “better”! Read More

  • Undead Love: Mutant Villager Meets Zombie Girl

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  • Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥

    Minecraft Meme: Spicy Edition 🔥 “When you spend hours building an epic castle in Minecraft, only to realize you forgot to put a door on it. Who needs enemies when you sabotage yourself like that?” 😂 #minecraftstruggles #minecraftfail #minecraftprobs” Read More

  • Risky Business in Minecraft’s Dangerous Dunes

    Risky Business in Minecraft's Dangerous Dunes Minecraft: Rush of Kings Episode 6 – Dangerous Dunes Introduction In the sixth episode of Rush of Kings Minecraft, players are taken on a thrilling journey through the treacherous terrain of Dangerous Dunes. The episode features gameplay with ScrumpeyB0ttle, WaterB0ttle, and Thekillerkreeper as they navigate challenges and obstacles in this original board game recreated in Minecraft. Gameplay Highlights The episode kicks off with a captivating cutscene setting the stage for the adventure ahead. As the game progresses, players take turns strategically maneuvering through the game board, each facing unique challenges and opportunities. From ScrumpeyB0ttle’s decisive moves to WaterB0ttle’s calculated… Read More

  • Recreating Epic Minecraft Manhunt Moments

    Recreating Epic Minecraft Manhunt Moments The Ultimate Minecraft Skills Challenge: Learning 24 Skills in 24 Hours! Mastering God-Level Skills in Minecraft In a thrilling challenge, a Minecraft enthusiast embarked on a quest to learn 24 incredible skills in just 24 hours. From mastering the art of god bridging to executing speed telly bridging, the journey was filled with adrenaline-pumping moments. The player also delved into the intricacies of PvP combat, honing skills like timing clicks, ladder clutching, and running on lava using boats, reminiscent of Dream’s iconic moves. Pushing the Limits: 100 Impossible Minecraft Bedrock Skills Not one to shy away from a challenge,… Read More

  • 1000 DAYS as a KNIGHT in Minecraft: HARDCORE Madness!

    1000 DAYS as a KNIGHT in Minecraft: HARDCORE Madness!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 1000 DAYS as a KNIGHT in Minecraft HARDCORE! – Mythical Adventures Compilation’, was uploaded by Zozo on 2024-10-01 01:15:00. It has garnered 7990 views and 107 likes. The duration of the video is 03:25:03 or 12303 seconds. I Survived 100 DAYS as a KNIGHT in Minecraft HARDCORE! Today, I’ll be trying to save the princess while trying to get to the top level of this SECRET BASE. As ZOZO, the Minecraft hero my goal is to save all the people, animals and creature I can find while defeating my enemies. During my quest,… Read More

  • Unhinged SMP Art Tuber Shenanigans

    Unhinged SMP Art Tuber ShenanigansVideo Information This video, titled ‘Art Tuber SMP Shenanigans (Live #9)’, was uploaded by Adrotic on 2024-09-14 01:37:23. It has garnered 202 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 03:38:00 or 13080 seconds. Art Tuber SMP is a Minecraft Server where everyone is an artist content creator!! #ArtTuberSMP #minecraft Read More

Hermitcraft 9: RETURN OF THE PHARAOH! (Ep. 66)