Hermitcraft Charity Livestream for Gamers Outreach – InTheLittlewood POV

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Believe there is hermit crafter honorary hermitcraft member I guess for this evening so just give you some context as to what’s happening tonight I am going to be the official donation reader for uh the charity event um so there’s gonna be an explanation as to uh what the charity is and things

Like that basically um it’s a charity that I’m actually familiar with I just I can’t remember where I’ve heard about the charity before I really really can’t um but it’s really cool the charity is called Gamers Outreach and basically they create these really cool like portable almost like carts I guess if

You will um and basically they have games consoles that you can put inside of them they come equipped with like a TV screen and stuff like that and obviously controllers and it basically means that for any children that are in Long stay Hospital situations that they have video

Games and entertainment as a means of helping them get through their recovery period um which is really really cool so basically uh for different amounts of money raised uh more carts can obviously be created we’ve been calling them hermit cards um so they can go into hospitals and

Stuff like that so yeah it’s good did the Yogscast have them in jingle jam I don’t know maybe we did I just felt like they were super super duper familiar but then I do Wonder Maybe if I’ve just seen a similar sort of thing maybe with Saint Jude’s as well

Um but yeah it’s really cool the stream’s only just about to begin and we’re already at the 25 000 um Mark which is a bit crazy so yeah here we are we’re in we’re in we’re in Marin I appreciate that I’ve still got my little overlay in the top right corner

But that’s just because um I have contractual obligations I have to have Razer and sneak logos on the screen at all times just want to explain that before uh anybody gets upset and there we go 20 of us it just left up to 28 000. let’s go so basically what’s

Gonna happen tonight is the Hermits have been creating a bunch of different mini games on the hermitcraft server um and it’s going to be all of them going Head to Head they’ve got four different teams established and basically um we are going to be uh I’m basically

Going to be the official donation reader so I’ve got a special spreadsheet um I’ve got this screen for whenever I am doing uh the donations just because I’d much rather have them on the front screen um and basically that’s where it’s going to go from there which is going to be

Pretty cool so I’m very very much looking forward to this don’t know how long the night’s gonna be I’m just gonna basically just stay on the server until uh until we’re told to go home and once they kick us out um but it’s gonna be good dude it’s

Gonna be really really really good really really good look at Ren Diggity Dog there’s my maiden there’s my mate I was about to catch if I do that I end up going down this thing whoever designed this chair not great I’ve made that not so good but uh no

It’s pretty cool it’s pretty cool I feel very uh feel very honored that the Hermits have trusted me um to participate in this and especially to like have me on the server and things like that I don’t know if that’s a common thing they do inviting randoms

Onto the server but um for me it’s certainly uh a big honor without a doubt so it’s good I was we were joking a minute ago they were like oh man you’ve got so many donations to read I was like dude I don’t think you realized I’ve done the

Jingle jam for like nearly a decade I was like I’ve learned how to read donations quickly not gonna lie might cry with some of the donations uh most likely um but we’ll see what happens even just saying that sentence then my eyes were stinging I’m not gonna survive tonight

I’m not gonna survive tonight this is gonna be this is gonna be a mess that’s why I didn’t go on camera I can at least talk through the tears and there’s no there’s no audible signs um so yeah they never do this the only other invites the server were the top MC devs

There uh guys are we done we hit the goal yep let’s pack it up the clio’s like yeah let’s go for more I’m just like that we’re done 25k was the goal out again stream’s over got it I rate it I rate it very funny very funny all right uh let’s

Loot that bad boy it looks as though a few people have unmuted in the Discord so I tell you what I’m gonna unmute um I won’t be communicating with you guys a ton tonight just I hope you can appreciate why but let’s hop into the Discord and we’ll hear what everybody

Else has got to say um so let’s jump into the hermitcraft Discord and now what’s that we’re raising the ball we are we going home I think so yeah we’re done coming to 50K everybody all right do we have a bell someone needs to ring that Bell and just go

Raise the bar raise the bar every day hey everybody can I say a massive welcome to Martin by now hi to the hermitcraft server a very special guest on the hermitcraft server we are so glad you’re here man thanks for coming wow impulse okay all right all right just I

Thought you were stronger than that I like everybody here except for him we’re so glad to have you here my friend thank you for for coming and helping us out with this as you can see I told you Martin didn’t I tell you this was going

To be insane did I’m not telling you genuinely it’s almost at 50 000 now we’re literally eight thousand dollars away oh it’s cool that bell’s about to get wrong again any second I’m telling you you know I’m gonna be the one to do it I’m gonna

Stand right here I want to ring it do it all right create the official building yeah so that everybody knows yeah all right folks wait my check can’t hear everybody wow I love that scar selectively muted so some of us however I’m calling him a horrible name

And see which ones he gets offended by yeah when are you guys down you can’t hear anybody that yeah it’s a little loud oh it’s coming I can hear another one 240 bucks again wait we’re at 50. raise them up raise them up all right all right we’re raising it

We’re raising it next year covered now set to 75k give the overlay about 20 seconds or longer to update oh there we go there it is good absolutely insane is right now bro the heavy craft Global Community is something isn’t it 14 15 cards something like that that’s fantastic unbelievable

Okay I just want to point out that all I did was disable and re-enable and it fixed it perfect anyway everybody Welcome to the first hermitcraft charity event we’ve never done anything and uh somehow we did it I hope you I hope you all enjoy your 12

A.m chairs these were built at 12 a.m this is an issue yes I am no we have a chair for you B-Dubs oh Redstone genius chair no your chair is over here sir you’re the genius we’re all doomed where’s our Redstone genius oh there he is my eye was up in

My red chairs hey that chair is history every adventure maps a decade ago had that no no it’s like a booster chair no oh my God all right fine there we go you were Tango’s footstool but welcome everybody um as you know we are streaming on behalf of Gamers Outreach and their

Mission their goal is to bring a little joy to kids that are very very sick in the hospital um and I think that’s a really really wonderful thing somebody’s spent half my life in the hospital I can relate instead of staring at the white wall watching the hand of the clock tick one

Tick at a time um so bring a little joy to kids in these situations is uh what we’re here for today and uh super excited because I I had a bunch of speeches planned but then we already beat the goal and it’s been a whole thing that I’m just thrown

Off now so I think the best way of introducing their Charities we’re very very much honored to have the founder and the director of the charity with us Zach um I met Zach way back at Micon 2016. um I was looking at the uh the schedule

For that day and they were going to introduce the shulkers the end cities and the llamas and I was like oh this charity looks interesting and I bailed and went to that and I was like this is really cool and I was like someday we’re gonna do something for this charity and

Finally that day has come so uh Zach if uh if you have a minute um just maybe give us a little brief intro to the charity and and that’d be that’d be awesome yeah hey what’s up everybody hello how are you guys thanks for having

Me hello hello I mean thanks so much for organizing this broadcast uh you guys have barely started and I’m watching this meter this is insane yeah wow it hasn’t crashed yet this is so so incredible you guys are amazing yeah just a few quick words on

Gamers Outreach um uh you know first off thanks again for inviting us this is awesome I do remember Minecon back in the day Ryan that’s such a man that panel with Nate uh you came by and then we met again at twitchcon uh we had the go-kart Prototype at the time so much

Has changed uh our organization focuses on making entertainment more accessible inside hospitals and we specifically do that through video games uh the main reason is I believe video games make play accessible at scale if we can give hospitals the tool to manage video game devices and video game content easily

They can provide all the kids and families that are receiving care with access to activities at the same time you know regardless of age and you know sometimes physical circumstance um you know simply put uh I’m in my 30s now if I was in the hospital well I’m

Not in the hospital I want to play video games if I was in the hospital I would definitely want to play video games and 10 year olds have just as much fun on the Xbox as we do so yeah we’re super focused on basically building a world where

One day we’ll all look back and ask ourselves remember when hospitals didn’t have video games that’s sort of the objective and uh We’ve made some great progress I mean since uh I guess since Minecon 2016 um I think we were probably less than 20 hospitals I’d have to go back and look

But we were not very we were not in a ton of hospitals we were just really Gamers arches was just kind of starting to grow a bit more now we’re in about 370 Healthcare facilities uh primarily in the US we’re starting to thank you yeah it’s awesome and honestly a lot of those

The result of you guys um The Gaming Community coming together producing streams like this helping make an impact in hospitals that are in their their areas I mean the fact is you know we have a small International presence but I think this broadcast you guys are

Doing today is going to help reach a lot more International hospitals outside the US which is so cool so um I mean a lot because you’re already at what is it now since we’ve been talking 75 we are officially moving to 100 000 wow there we go

People watching me as I approach the battles like they’re like I had four incentives made for the shrimp thinking like yeah we’ll be fine I’m like I’m panicly making hundreds of thousand dollar goals over here like thank you thank you so much for for coming out thank you so much for

Starting this this charity that you know brings a lot of Hope to kids in the hospitals like like I said as as somebody spent most of my life in the hospital staring at the white wall watching the hand tick is demoralizing and if you get like five seconds of some

Form of normalcy to me that helps that that helps a ton and I’m sure that helps in the outcomes of the patients knowing that for like you know just a few minutes of normalcy can honestly be better than some pain medicines and um so yeah yeah thank you for starting

Thank you for joining us and hopefully we can uh bring some more carts to the world one of the best things about this is we are bringing these internationally um so not just the United States not just Canada but Europe Australia it’s going to be awesome to see these carts

All over the world so so we have a games master here he goes by the name of Cafe all right so first one thing we’re gonna do we’re gonna go over to uh a massive incredible chaotic game called total chaos um so we actually have to leave this

Area it’s actually in another area all right okay oh be aware the tunnel is a little bit deadly so just walk on the wall and you’ll be fine oh the wall okay I was on the Anderson this correct it looks like this being activated because you’re not yeah that’s right I’m

Off I’m okay I’ve got the power you actually meant walk on the wall yeah yeah are we getting armor for total chaos this time okay okay so what you need to do uh go into the side walls uh like this uh there are three rooms oh

Let your spawn and put it put your stuff in the barrels that’s the first thing you got to do any room okay and any other room any of the rooms we put everything in the barrel we just take it you won’t need you won’t need anything

For this game uh you might want to keep just a smidge of food like just a couple of food yeah everybody get some gigabies why are we why are we eating soup okay so now I’m cooking is that what you want to do self-advertising you’re gonna

You wanna grab grab a set of armor it should be protection for iron armor so there’s armor on the armor stands there’s additional armor in The Sparrows with the uh the frames on them right here three grab one set of armor and put that on we just passed 100K yeah raise them

Okay okay we are now on to 125 000. that’s right I got the power baby everybody that’s five sword okay this ain’t Enchanted just five what about potions the sword the wood swords over here he’s in a potion right grab one of them yep and grab a potion too grab a night

Vision potion night vision potion that’s great so you should have you should have protection for iron armor a sharpest five chord yes uh a night vision potion and just a small bit of food yeah can we bring someone else does it spawn yeah you can you can grab the

Glowberries I recommend five glowberries instead of your traditional food so whatever your food is throw it out and get blueberries just just five cups just just five just five okay sweet sweets that’s your spawn yeah in the pink bed is that your spelling okay all right everybody everybody have

Everything looks like everybody’s set okay you go up go up this uh scaffolding and stay near the middle of the Arena go ahead and drink your potions all right I’ll start the game this is a PVP game that where you battle to the death just for clarity chat just just for

Clarity I’m going to be muted for a lot of these game portions um I think it’s only really in the travel between them where I will actually contribute so I’m going to be very much like spectator third-party camera and then speaking when it’s donation time so I’ll be on and off

Speaking throughout this broadcast just for just for context sure and turn your uh friendly sounds off too for the Minecraft girls okay hang on and that sounds is off yeah oh that’s where that sound comes from friendly creatures yeah yeah we’re staying here we’re staying here okay okay clear you’ve got no helmet

Dang oh geez two I am sweating it’s dark for them but not for me you guys can see it looks better that way okay light vision of course can we go back up once we’re dead oh my God I know you’re alone I won’t bother I won’t bother

Just for context I don’t want to do any I don’t want to do too much in the way of commands um in case in case it breaks anything this will be more of a peek behind the curtain of how this works how are you guys still alive very false it was intense

Doc one for team one oh yeah that’s the point there we go I love it yeah legendary Point structure ineventful um I just lost four years off of my life yeah I love it in my armpits man I don’t care I have a massive Echo all of a sudden okay sure

Because we’ve gotten a lot yeah let’s head back let’s head back to the mini game area now everybody get your gear and we’re gonna head back all right 112 000 guys yeah we’re moving fast unbelievable what chat you guys are amazing my goodness yeah remember it’s really scary and uh doc

Oh yeah we’ll we’ll go over everything once we uh get back to the uh the 12 a.m chairs yeah yeah I’m hoping I’m I’m just gonna send us to the right place I’m following you said oh that’s your first mistake no look look you got us in the right spot

Fan I’m not sure how your brain came up with that but it’s magical yeah it was a lot of fun but very stressful yeah I’m glad I’m very stressful loved it it gives you an anxiety man it’s so there’s so much going on it’s like it is

A lot it is a lot by the way guys if you need food there’s Giga pies in the center of the near the Hub just uh grab some of them on your way out never again they’re free today and today only everybody so you can go donate your money and give

Us your money had to be done had to be done exclamation point charity I believe is the uh yep take a load off guys that was insane nice to see the Blue Sky again chamber chair here she’s locked everyone oh no what’s your temperature oh

We had like a system here where we could read off donations yeah that’s wrong incentives for goals that we just blew by all of that yeah oh yeah I’d also like to point out that uh between the journey from Total Chaos to here I think we raised Seven Grand yeah

From the start of total chaos to now we were at like 104. we’re at 117 now 17.5 so so like three times and you had to raise it three times yeah I’ve had to raise it I’ve had to raise it four times have you had a chance to

Um to even look at some of the big donors that have coming in oh yeah dude yeah all right let’s do it so RGB nights 100 donation thank you very much Jed Wayne 200 donation thank you so much says good luck with the event looking forward to watching uh Anonymous with

The 100 thank you whoever you are um I’m gonna but just name XP s y p h e r x I think it’s supposed to say Cipher maybe with a 1 000 donation that’s a lot it says each of you brings so much love acceptance joy and

Inspiration into the world I’m proud to be a part of this community and to add to this wonderful cause hashtag blame12’s assumers uh thank you dude uh Tom G with a hundred dollars says love to all the Hermits and this amazing cause uh clubfan hello 150 thank you dude yeah yeah yeah uh

Anonymous with a hundo says this is so amazing that you’re all doing this I wish I could make it for the stream but can’t wait to watch it later thank you for all you’re doing and have some fun excuse me um we got Katie pumpkin hundred dollars

Says my son and I are big fans we’re very happy to help the Hermits make a positive impact God bless you and the families this will benefit uh we got spiny druplet with a 100 thank you so much no message there uh Travis Maynard says uh let’s go hermit it’s a great

Group work uh working for an amazing cause and that’s a hundred dollars we’ve got another four digit donation now Annie a donated 1 275 wow it has always been a dream of mine to be a part of your community and make my mark with the Hermits you’ve always been

An inspiration and I hope I can leave even a small part of myself with your community with a lot of love from Australia stay amazing always I just want to say they donated before the stream even started yeah all of these I think before and this spreadsheet is

Huge right now and this is all a hundred dollars and up just for context um oh geez I literally have how many hundred dollars and up are there right now we’re looking at about 338 of them um I literally there was about 40 of those before the stream started so the bar was

Already set High uh Jazzy J with a hundo thank you dude Allison with a hundo says great people doing great things uh we’ve got Grim Aussie witch with a hundo it says lots of love from Australia uh lead vermark donates the hundo saying I spent many hours catching up on past seasons

Of hermitcraft while I was recovering uh from a thyroid I can’t say this thyroid ectomy there we go science phrases are gonna get lost to me I’ll raise the bar said we spend almost every lunch break watching the Hermits thanks for bringing fun and wonder to your viewers uh to

Lots of anonymous 100 each another anonymous they’re an 8500 so thanks for always being a positive and fun Community the video is brightened my day hope this can help by the way interrupt me whenever you want me to stop this I’ll just keep rolling I’ve got some some interesting stats

From behind the scenes guys so we actually have an API bot that’s monitoring all these uh all these donations coming in so far yeah so far our board has processed over 17 000 um something really important to always clarify I mean do charity streams like this is big or small it doesn’t matter

It doesn’t have to be a hundo if you can literally donate one dollar dollar drives are huge maybe we do one later on tonight everyone donate one dollar that mass you’ll be so surprised how quick it adds up and also you know don’t understand how important is to share the

World like if you cannot give anything you don’t feel pressure like just let your friends know you know the more eyes on this the better right exactly yeah I think I’ve heard of this next donation grian 500 it says hermit cards and another one too Gemini 200 says sorry I’m

100 bucks no message uh we’ve got Lisa Stevenson with a hundo says I’m so glad to be a part of this wonderful Community uh we got omfette with a hundred dollars says love the community you’ve all built and the good you put into the world it’s a pleasure to contribute to a great

Cause and show my support for the Hermits thanks for being my reliable source of entertainment so that I don’t have to resort to watching reality TV like the rest of society like that python date 93 with a hundred dollars thank you uh we’ve got the nard one uh

With 100 bucks says good luck have fun such a great thing you’re all doing uh we got the Oakham uh 100 looking forward to Today’s Show happy to donate to this worthy cause and bring some small amount of joy into this world uh Jonah M 100

For the best community and a great cause uh two lots of anonymous one for 150 one for 100. we got crabby with a hundred dollar donut uh Luna s with a 300 donation I rediscovered hermitcraft during season eight and have greatly enjoyed watching all all the adventures

Since then thank you everyone for the wonderful creative things that you do a bunch more anonymouses a hundred dollars hundred dollars Jody uh with a hundred dollars as well Sunday Mario says for a good cause donate to hundo Ember uh Ember touched the fire there it is uh

100 says thank you for all you’ve uh give to us now it’s time to give back uh k-mingo 250 bucks says there’s someone who spent time in the hospital as a kid thank you for supporting this charity I would have loved something like this good on you uh winterhart 200 hashtag

Help Hermits helping hermit this is amazing we got bjorna uh 9 700 very excited to see the stream good luck have fun I think these are all still pre-stream this is wild uh oh my one thousand dollar donation a thousand dollars from beta Daniel says hermitcraft is an amazing Community very

Happy to donate to a worthy course yeah it’s going quicker than I can do it should we move to the first time yeah the numbers are getting to a point where it’s my brain can’t fathom what’s happening looks like Monopoly money but realizing this is going to go online

Hearts is that gonna be it’s amazing so many okay what is the first what is the first game game yeah Claire I’m here okay that’s never a good descriptor here here is everywhere in the center in the center there we go all right uh what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna

Sort of split off into smaller groups now okay um so we’re gonna have B-Dubs and green yeah Nicole with ZF and Doc uh and they’re gonna be playing dunk tank yes we’re gonna have tango and impulse against Scar and pearl in Basalt assault easy easy everybody else everybody else

Is going to the horse course am I going to go through the games first just to make sure that people know how to play like don’t say assault yes yes all right let’s start with absolutely so let’s go yeah let’s go to basala Sauce there’s Rockets over here in the chest

We’re gonna try and read out as many as possible yeah of course but but this is so unbelievably amazing from the community and it just gives me so much hope like in this world so we didn’t yeah thank you in general uh Yep they’re just unbelievable I I can’t believe what I’m

Saying don’t waste your Rockets please got plenty of them all right do you want to explain how the game will be played absolutely yeah I’ll try to do it real quick uh this is assault a 2v2 game the idea is to kind of be the last team

Alive the bar back here is your health bar and when that goes to zero your team loses so as the game is going on from the sky is going to be dropping snowballs and basalt blocks you pick up the Snowballs you bring them back over here you throw them in the barrel and

That will load up your ammunition bar which is this one over here as long as this bar has some lights lit up your TNT cannon on the other side will be launching TNT onto the other team’s platform making giant poles in their Basalt platform uh so now the Snowballs

That are falling down they are good for your team’s animation but if they fall through one of your holes uh it counts against your health it hurts your health so you wanna you wanna use the basalt you’re getting to patch up the holes that uh that are being made by the other

Team’s TNT so in the back here as well you can you can configure your Canon and give it like high low medium trajectory or strong or weak power to hit various parts of the platform you want to spread it out and make as many holes as you can everywhere I think that’s it

Especially Bonkers you’re on it and there is a Crows Nest here where you can uh check the other team and see where their holes are yeah we should also say that this button here starts the game correct yeah I’ll I’ll press that and stuff like that so don’t

Worry about that everybody who’s playing though make sure you sleep there’s a little side room there go in there and drop your stuff off and sleep in the bed all right initially this is Tango impulse uh Scar and Pearl he had a prior commitment but he will

Said he will try to make it towards the end although he made it already awesome awesome yeah we’ve had a lot of people ask about you so yeah all right Cub do you want to move to yeah let’s go let’s go to dunk Tech now are we free to start over here

You’re free to start over there yeah yeah okay okay yeah okay oh I thought we were gonna do we learn them all but okay let’s learn them all let’s learn them all right I don’t mean to love everyone body but we just crossed the 165 threshold oh

Yeah I made to a lot of everybody of it let’s just drop the biggest thing you can it’s fine well but this is a big deal okay um so first of all don’t drop into these pits it’s very deadly you’ll die instantly pretty much learn that the hard way no not this bit

Okay good the way that the way that this works is you take snowballs from the barrel you set your spawn you don’t have any arm or anything when you’re playing this um you take snowballs from here and you bounce these like this towards the targets on the other side oh my that’ll

Light up so a lamp and you have to light up all the lamps to win the game when that happens the system’s Brilliance when that happens these uh these blocks fall out from beneath you and you fall down to your death in the pit uh you

Play best of five so it’s a very quick game um and the first to five wins also the Target on top that will dispense powdered snow to Blind your opponent temporarily uh that was cool yeah that’s basically it just get all the targets uh on the

Opposite side uh this game I think this is initially sorry uh B-Dubs green ZF and Doc yeah on these concrete okay uh also the uh the buttons on the side these will will reset so yeah if there’s if there’s lights already on it should automatically reset but

Buttons on the side will reset it if it hasn’t happened yet someone in our group is streaming right I’m not streaming live streaming okay I’m streaming G okay good right here cool four of us might not be streaming I mean I could always play spectator I’m live

As well oh no I got it organized it’s all good no worries on the mystery round every tape that’s 170 000. oh my god wow 170. hey remember I always spent all that time coming up with incentives for like four thousand dollars for like 25k and like we passed those in

Like four minutes I’m like oh I better start doing more right now my Anakin Skywalker pod racing helmet here for for for like 25 000. we passed that before we start the Stream get started yeah let’s close please to the starting line look at the red trees yes yes

Are these Christmas themed trees I just like to point out that um b-double has built this now this for a second time yeah this is my second second build of this yeah all right does that means so this is the horse course uh as you will see over

Here there is a stable full of amazing horses these have uh it’s a came from amazing breed stock really fast good jumpers and believe it or not if you notice these white horses here uh the original horses were Brown and uh as I was breeding if I come to

Find that the the uh brown horses had a recessive trait a recessive gene of what Etho he’s on the horse talk you can’t stop him and some of them are fast and some are slow hey careful so you pick a saddle okay uh Cleo’s already done it you should appreciate horse more everybody

Recession our way over here everyone what does the guys do how many stupid diet a unique color and then you get a crossbow with 32 arrows and you use those arrows to shoot targets around the the race track uh to start the the thing you hit this button here and then you’ll

Hear it it doesn’t matter you go around four laps first to finish get to Point can’t even do what what if I don’t know is that okay here’s a fine example good question here’s a fine example of a Target okay right here so if you hit

This behind will drop a potion that will benefit you in some way whether it be slowest and anglering um uh fast leaping healing stuff like that uh some of them there’s a Target just over here that has a swiftness Arrow you can shoot your horse with and

Stuff uh just keep an eye out for targets if you see him shoot him sweet will do okay I’m good enjoy enjoy yourself all right these two have the same color armor what’s wrong with you guys this is light blue colors buds um Good Luck everybody

Do this man let’s go in all right uh horse people join team one which which channel should we join let’s do one a 1A all right let’s do it 3B for the cool Beth salt people G what channel one b hey dunk tank let’s do 2A there we go

Dunk tank all right we got it okay uh are we dumping everything I thought we were using in-gate air proximate chat but apparently not oh I think that’s probably my fault that’s all good let’s just dump our stuff yeah we well yeah we definitely don’t want to lose stuff there we go I

Was I was paying attention to how we play but um cheers read this real quick yeah like a whole armor and weapons and set your spawn in a nearby bed yeah I immediately forgot that bit but yeah people who else is in uh wait oh yeah right because they’re in another team

Gee I saw you when the instructions were being given you were swimming face down I was listening and also thinking why is this doing what it is doing yeah I was able to crouch upside down I found a new trick and I was I was listening Okay jump onto the colored concrete blocks

Lime slash purple and grab some snowballs the objective is to hit all Targets uh across before your opponent does the lamps above uh stay lit yeah yeah we got that we got that the losing team will be dropped to their death below where all the time when all the

Targets are hit each game is best of five rounds first team to win three okay cool you can play 2v2 or 1v1 and then there’s a reset button all lamps should be off before starting the game should reset the lamps automatically but if not press the button near the uh the center

And it will work okay cool good job come on oh Doc’s already taunting G come on man you guys are told we go 6 16. oh I think the Snowballs are up oh are they down here no they’re on the barrels they’re in the barrels you’ve got to go in

Snowballers yeah on the pink on the purple okay we get these barrels all right yeah yeah gee we got this baby we got this all right you’re gonna give us a countdown yeah I can do that all right ready for it all right game begin in three two one dunk

Oh I wasn’t ready for that voice okay oh I come with production values don’t worry oh no that’s all we have to do right just throw them yeah and when they get close enough to the Target the Redstone lamps already no one of my balls oh you have to write

I got it I got it okay is is about this I don’t want to say twice find a sweet spot no I’ve been doing it all wrong me too I was trying to skim them by like throwing them but now there’s snowballs on the thing I feel like I need to collect them

They’re sabotaging yeah oh my God honestly solid play going for the water I respect it down now a bit I was throwing them like with a cue yeah trying to skip oh no no he’s right there okay okay all right I got this I was deaf because

The problem was so I keep I threw them right and then they were floating and so when I right clicked they they just accumulated and they were sabotaging me all right okay sorry sorry I did that so fast okay all right all right game one goes to darken said round two begins in

Three two one dunk no oh my oh I got it oh I think I got it I think I got it oh yeah yeah I got the spot I can’t find it anymore I got some oh this is it DOC this is it oh come on come on

Oh my God this has now got to be a reverse sweep from uh green and B-Dubs it’s the best of five remember not three oh best of five oh yeah okay you’ve got a lot of ground to cover okay I got this I got The Sweet Spot I

Know now okay and them though whoa whoa no press in between rounds come on now all right we ready round three begins in three two one dunk just throw it like halfway G h etto okay yeah yeah now we’re rolling tell you what this is the closest round yeah it really is

Here we go here we go three for three oh did we die first yeah you did that’s a tie I die that we dunk them as well yeah I’m not 100 sure did they did they die this is the decider it doesn’t I guess you could play the five and if it’s

Still a tie at that point then we’ll do a like a a breaker there we go okay okay ready here we go for round number four three two one dunk no man the speed those Redstone lamps are kicking in at is crazy wow great I was I was being too conservative you

Got it you gotta really spam them oh yeah deciding oh wait we gotta so what’s that so far that’s that’s two to the Green Team a tie and then one to purple so yeah if you if the purple team win this then we have to go to a

Tiebreaker oh yes oh what’s the sabotage what’s going on Doc what no no I’m trying to reset yeah I tried to pick it up it didn’t seem to to want to play ball there’s a glitched glitch ball we got a glitch ball too hmm it’s like a mask did

You push your button over there doc yeah it’s down there no no because it’s oh let me look at the red star oh no clean it up you don’t pay me enough for this goodness sake uh okay oh Jesus broke I got it I crashed we were so good hello hello yes yeah

Game broke let’s call it the time oh my God oh whatever’s happened what I might need to restart my computer oh geez oh what happened uh I think I was very close to Blue screening very close yes be careful yes I guess korean’s just the one who got dunked in the end

This button doesn’t do anything guys I’m gonna restart my computer please please yes well we’ll try and fix dunk tank so we’ll be right okay there is a note in the book about resetting let’s take a look here real quick just press on the buttons but yeah dude uh let’s see

Guess that you know that’s that seals it we want that yeah we won I should be off before starting the game should reset lamps automatically but if not press the button near the center under the colored concrete box before starting okay yeah we did that so try and finish all of our

Targets over here and see if that manually resets it yeah get a full board in yeah let’s see oh look this is way easier over here you found the secret spot yeah yeah I know where I’m standing next time yeah maybe if you’ve completed that’s that’s the trick

Um oh careful okay now we completely broke it now it’s totally busted yeah well now let’s try the buttons again maybe okay okay you know we completely busted blasted it what’s the target up up the top there is that just count score no that was uh

That is you can blind people with uh I totally forgot about that it’s at work is um oh yeah it does oh there we go vanished is Cub very busy right now or is he what’s he is he part of uh let me go check uh it’s all right we just let

Him know we can also go back yeah right now he’s just in the Stars play in this game next as well it needs to be fixed for them yeah maybe give a couple little poke oh you got him doc good [ __ ] right try and hit me beat ups try and snowball me

Beat ups or we can go over to horse course and watch them a bit oh you have to hit both reset buttons at the same time oh okay okay okay you ready doc three two one press I’m spamming it okay I’ll spam nope no well and truly busted

Well it was nice but it lasted yeah it can’t be broken this can’t be yeah it’s just a simple fix it if cap looks at it he’ll probably fix it in a second maybe some item fell into some Hopper or whatever could be let me take a look inside I

Said that like I’ll know what I’m looking at you got this let me see how it wait oh no it’s the other side right don’t worry I’m on the case um okay I think these lamps really yeah just Minecraft takes 10 years to load these days yeah it’s crazy yes that’s it’s not

Even a joke it it just takes so long it’s a bit meta really we get slower as we get older and so does Minecraft yeah it just came in time do you the club is here fixing it yeah we broke both sides while you were gone and the platforms are destroyed

Yeah we’re all good we like to hear but the chat is saying that uh it is not over it is not three to one two to one oh it’s two to one the tie was a draw unfortunately maybe don’t count that then okay that one is a draw yes

According to the uh unbiased yeah throwing them wrong at the on the first one exactly that’s not our problem yeah you know you spend an hour reading the book over there and then right click yeah it just said throw which you could kill in two different ways yeah

Instructions are unclear got head stuck in machine oh actually gee you’re gonna spawn you left on the platform didn’t you I don’t know platform’s gone hold on let me binge yeah I think you might okay yeah I think he might have started over here well I’m updating my graphics card

So that this doesn’t happen again my driver okay okay I got a little Minecraft crash it literally said your your driver might be out of date pal ah there you go that’s what they always say man yeah but like my whole computer was just like flashing it was going black and then

Back and then I Discord was like all gray it was weird are you also one of the I never shut my computer off people no no I shut it off every night really yeah that’s discipline yeah I’m one of those I just turned off the monitor so I can quickly hop on it

In the morning and yeah no no no no to do it my um my computer just uh every two years it can only take so much oh hello I think there’s a series yeah sorry Cub somebody in my chat asking whether it’s a good time to read dono’s it’s I’ll be

Reading the donuts when I’m with like the the large Collective so a bunch of those guys just went over to the chair so we’ll go and ask them real quick if that’s what we’re going to be doing right now I’ll uh have a little hop in

And check with them but I think it’s the case if we want to hear the donations on everybody’s broadcast but we’ll we’ll double check I’ll go group meeting for a moment oh no no it looks like everybody else is left never mind bar is soon to be raised

Okay I’ll go back to Green’s room we got Spectators watching us it’s a broken game oh yeah Green there he goes yep that platform when he saved you cool also we just passed 190 000 this Bell is ready to be run soon whoa should we regroup is it like his horse

Race over too yeah they seem to all make their way back to the chairs well we’re not done here I think they just I think they just headed over towards the other game it’s a 2-1 accepted Cree in itself we’re not done here I accept this yeah

We can play another round later okay no my driver failed on me as none of that counted start again wow yeah Cubs got to fix this game no matter what what oh okay we’re starting to see some yeah this is better gee you and I perform better with an audience anyway so this

Is good now that people are here oh I get the sense that Cub has just fixed it because Cub just flew straight off hey no he wasn’t up it and just wanted to escape oh okay fair I thought you had a more legit way in and out I was

Watching him underneath the ground just troubleshooting oh we’re close Okay this is the All or Nothing game now you’re braved up all right yeah unless we win no no I’m cool I’m putting out each other this is the All or Nothing whoever takes this um Winner Takes It All yeah yeah all right

Okay he said we got this dog come on you got your spot Gap is still doing things okay he says he said okay all right all right all right all right we’re ready when you are come on you ready sorry my bad uh what round number is this so we’ve got what so

We’ve got two two wins for uh Doc and Zed for you guys yeah oh is this Golden Balls okay I like it yeah yeah right here we go then three two one done done oh no this is what a plot twist after all this time it’s a 2V1 situation since

On the far end Duck’s climbing back out breathing there it is amazing oh whoops whoops bad that couldn’t have gotten any better honestly I love winning parent Square well done guys well done where’s the meeting place even again it’s the back of the chairs there oh hold back into the meeting room as

Well yeah very curious to see Martin areas what’s your spreadsheet looking like sir it’s looking like more than I can handle I’m gonna level with you yeah I got through 46 donations the first time round uh cherry pick and yeah yeah I’ve I’ve sort of tweaked the threshold a

Little bit higher up on stuff like that yeah yeah oh my goodness 605 so it’s really chugging along oh my god wow and all of those are 100 plus timed in this speed run the names yeah yeah name hundred name Hunter all right Martin what’s been going on out there

Well we’ve been playing man I’ll do yourself I mean honestly there’s just been a bunch of donations coming in uh we are about to ring the bell any moment now that two hundred thousand dollars I’m waiting for it oh you’ve got it this time okay cool cool cool oh yes sir uh

We had a great game over at the Duncan game that was fun it ended with uh doc thrown himself into the pit um yeah unexpectedly yeah real good do you want me to start running through donations yes sir okay let’s do it uh Jeff W thank

You for the hundo may say what’s with a hundred dollars um we’ve got another anonymous with a hundo we got uh ix3 with a hundo uh arterial red with the 250. thank you so much we got Roma 200 dactor oh wait is it ring the bell

Is it raise the bar oh no not quite yeah um we got 500 from River Kent MC we’ve got Chief Alexander with a five hundo we’ve got uh ce011 with a 200 thank you so much we got Zen phonics r or with hundreds uh we got a 2 500 donation from Southie man

Awesome work from the Hermits fantastic cause and happy to contribute well done uh we got hundos coming in from CR Cyclone Elita Asta Rhys at 500 coming in from litten Jenkins thank you so much uh 200 from crazy Irish girl hundo from systems 225 000. oh my word all right Dylan with a

Hundo so it starts 150 Rebecca Washburn 100 uh we’ve got hundos coming in from Naya Spirit water Our Only Hope hon uh Iggy Torah Beasley family the Grigsby family uh we’ve got Adam with the Hondo Philip Amy triplet we’ve got 1 800 from Anonymous whoever you are thank you so

Much Casey Griffin with a hundo 500 from I am not liable I think it might be in this case uh 200 from Anonymous Patrick with the 150 doc Knox with a hundo uh we’ve got a thousand dollars coming in from incog Cheeto that’s tricky ones

Uh we’ve got a hundo coming in from the George family Kari sumasu uh James and Amanda Holdridge with hundo thank you so much uh T nasty incension we’ve got Scott Bly uh all of these are hundos these ones cashmere we got DM Reigns we got uh uh oh Mystic Archer 13 250 thank

You very much um the fasics uh is a hundo we got prfhq thank you so much Anonymous 200. uh we’ve got a 3 000 donation from from all it’s Charles who else we got uh right these are all Hondas big spree Catherine 4G uh big papa house Jake uh we’ve got Benny we’ve

Got Thomas and Karina with the 150. uh back to the Hondos for Cusick we’ve got 200 from 2b1 to be or two Beyond to be um Michael there’s so many uh Captain Akira Kaji SAR with the 200 Melissa with a hundred uh Duty with a hundred thank

You very much to Avon disses uh two hundo from Dina uh we got denier with 100 uh senosol lady lavender Latin 500 coming in from dot says uh thanks for all the fun times and content here’s to more entertainment to come on the server and in the hospitals 100 from hope you

We got the Villia with the 200 uh we got uh Ohana with a hundred we’ve got Kristen M with a hundred uh guy brush uh intellect ix3 back again this time 400 um Fisher fairy hundo big blue hawk we got rev Rich uh Anonymous 300 from clarify

Um we’ve got chippy with the two hundo 128 coming in from JT and Mika uh who else we got uh Rallis uh relicia even with a hundo tax Golem and Sam Ravenwood Lord fish Chris bokia uh the janeman with the hundo we’ve got uh razzfam eas68 uh 150 coming in from crazy

Silverado thank you so much says you guys are awesome and love the fact that you’re doing this your community loves you um one that’s simply called raise the goal thank you so much for the hundo uh we’ve got Le Mars with the 200 um a 1 000 donation from Jessica Schuler

Says such a good cause thank you hermit and thank you to The Gamers Outreach team uh we got fired with a hundo gem song RS for the 500 Anonymous again for the 500. sorry wow slip stitch Twan McCoy uh we’ve got Mike we’ve got Ali Pines Salem OR with the hundo 500 from

Glitch uh 200 from uh lizard eats flies we’ve got hundreds coming in from uh LC Anonymous 150 Mallory and Campbell 100 hashtag Taco gaming with the hundo says this is an amazing cause uh we got ursul sodium major and also drawl and EMA with hundo and then we’ve got uh 500 from

Abby Davis so spreading the love uh thank you Zach and thank you Hermits uh or with 100 150 respectively Amanda p with the hundo kyom with the 200 uh nerd Jesus uh we got storm again 200 Hugo granith with 150. Justin Dodd uh pish posh pesh I like that name uh hundo

Dollars back to back a thousand dollars one from hostel Target one from tip 500 after that from uh if a shark um a couple of anonymous Hondos there’s been a lot of those so thank you to all of those people doing that uh William Finley 250 bucks says to all the Hermits

I hope that this donation can help in a small way to pay back for the countless hours of amazing content you’d write my life in the darkest hours and quite literally got me through universe t with my mental health intact good stuff uh nerd Pants McGee Rosalind young Aviator

Or with condos uh Jess and Rob Watts with the 200 we got another anonymous 200 J chick 200 Simon Anonymous uh and uh majinga with a hundred dollars extreme at 88 to the 200 and we’ve also got Bethany Clark with the 500 saying uh thanks for all the hermitcraft brings to

Our lives it’s an honestly uh partnered with Gamers Outreach that was one breath let’s go explain what’s in this thing inside this torch contains hermit incentives these were supposed to go off at like a thousand dollars that’s fifty thousand dollars fifteen thousand adorable my gosh 25. I’ll set you up you ready so

There you go [ __ ] it oh okay I was off watch this the problem is it’s going back in The Hoppers it’s going back in the hopper here I’m sorry I rigged that up earlier I’m sorry yeah yeah Redstone master come out all right well we’ve got our first hermit incentive

Almost to the Swedish Delight let’s go is poggers Packers yes what is it what is it I’m gonna just I’m just I’m I’m gonna switch my looks okay okay all right I thought we were just gonna like say pogger he’s invisible I’m too old to say poggers

Explain what progress is when I come back okay yes good let’s go you are so excited yeah there it is oh my God this is the most hideous skin I’ve ever seen in my whole life yeah having a good time there are there are two stages to this

As well I will just say it gets worse it can well it can get worse okay we’ll see what happens your mouth’s got to get dry like cheese man do you have to drink lots of water humidity areas all right we’re gonna do one more just because okay here we go

The worst Redstone ever game master cup that’s me go into the anti Fountain of Youth okay we’re bringing it back all right here’s young Cub all right farewell I go on to a better place for many years like people thought that Cub was just like an old dude yeah

By the way we just broke 220k dude yeah once we um once we hit 225 we’re moving to 50K increments so 250 300 350s oh wow I don’t know about you guys I need a ding in my life can I just say guys but when this started like can you guys remember to

Eight hours ago I know it’s hard but eight hours ago we were like there was no chance in our mind did we ever think it was going to go this fast no yeah this is absolutely outrageously I’m exceptionally oh yeah there we go he’s back oh my God he’s back oh God

We got to get that head at some point you’re right yeah someone kill him yeah so um Scott I’ve got a couple of questions in my chat about what we’re raising the the some incredible line of money for man yes go on explain to all these new viewers well hello there

Welcome to the stream um we are racing he’s the guy with the nips out by the way and if anyone’s wondering oh buff scar has made an appearance if anybody wants in a moment anyway yeah welcome new viewers welcome welcome um we are raising money for gamers Outreach a charity that brings gaming

Carts built to be brought right into the hospital built to hospital specifications right up to the bedside and kids in terrible situations recovering from injuries illnesses chemotherapy all of that can get a few minutes away from seeing doctors as much as we love them and nurses and all the

Other wonderful Healthcare people but that is an incredibly daunting thing for even an adult but think about it as a kid five years old 10 years old to be able to have a moment of playing a game to get out of the world of a hospital the beeping The Sounds the smells the

White wall with the ticking hand of the clock it’s basically your entertainment um so we’re raising money to bring these carts these gaming go-karts into hospitals and um yeah I’m overwhelmed so that’s the best I can do this you’re taking your clothes off these incentives are getting crazy

Yeah I left for five minutes I come back and you put some clothes on any excuse you can get isn’t it listen we get it you go to the gym bro we got you now he’s really hot guy you know yeah you can come up with another skin then

Uh green can we get some abs of yourself I’d like to see some maps you work on that um so yeah once again we’re raising money for gamers Outreach uh we’re gonna this is a question I get a lot yes these cards are gonna go around the world

They’re going to go to countries that they’re not in yet which is really exciting um I think is that can correct me if I’m wrong but I think we’re gonna be able to deliver the first ones to the UK maybe um so I think this one’s ever exciting

Um yes so so yeah uh yeah that’s that’s it amazing amazing you’ve got those abs there is one thing that I would like to see if you can lift you know what I’m going to ask you don’t you no I don’t know you mean just give

Me like 20 seconds give me 20 seconds it’ll take over and I can ask you if you can if you can lift the bar that’s what I’m gonna watch guys I’m sorry wait Graham what’s happened there Gremlin green master is there anything I can help you with me

Let’s see that lift do it here we go there it is almost a quarter million dollars all right moving on to 250k and from here on out is now 50 000 inch increments so we will be incredible yeah we’re moving fast guys wow we have raised a quarter we’re

Moving to a quarter of a million dollars that is absurd I’m sorry what has happened to you what’s that means that’s so weird I don’t even know how that’s happening destroy it get back into my car yeah foul what are you doing before it multiplies that’s my posture if I play

Minecraft for a couple more years people come to a meet agree in 2028 and this is what we all look like this don’t get them wet yeah yeah guys guys guys guys guys Joe Hills Joe Hills just tweeted if we reach 250k by the end of the second hour he’ll shave

His beard live on stream a minute he had disappeared for years yeah exactly who knows what’s in there man he’s got bits of Lego and stuff stuck in that beard right I’m saying ball Parts in there yeah yeah oh yeah yeah okay okay don’t move

The games games guys uh so we got uh false and Etho against me and Asuma at dunk tank we got we got Ren Corrales and isko uh against uh Cleo and jevin at Basalt assault and everybody else is at horse costumes as usual so all right that’s broken okay

Oh you can watch another we can watch like dunk tank or something yeah let’s watch yeah uh separate voice channels and yeah that should be it okay but Cub it’s just dunk tank where we’re gonna watch yeah yeah yeah don’t take everybody else goes to the horse course though of course

I’m staying here we’ve already done horses yeah those who haven’t done horse course can go to horse course now yeah we’re racing or watching yay racing racing oh yes of course of course it is okay I don’t think that would be I don’t know how this works yeah all right I’m

Jumping into a uh uh don’t think people go to team 1A I guess that’s where we’ll go no I gotta do this killer uh do we have a horse course course I don’t know how to die a saddle a horse course Channel shout out to Cub fed135 real quick like

Hold on I think we’re in the wrong team on uh but we’re exactly where we need to be just you and me together forever that’s all we need forever forever wait confused are we in the wrong team no that was the meeting room we don’t play games in the meeting room we’re not

Completing animals no let’s go to 1A I think that’s where dunk tank is yeah five yeah definitely yeah oh goodness okay there we go there we go guys can I do this um anyway because I’m on streaming so I’m fine with that can I give Cub fan 135 a really big shout out

Right now because Without You cup I would literally have no idea what’s happening right Samesies Ren I think you can go to have you done the horse squares yet Ram yeah yeah we did yeah we’ve done orange course yeah yeah that’s right that’s right that’s right I’m gonna we’re gonna play rounds so

It’s fine yeah yeah do rounds yeah okay all right so I got I got my stuff uh super is it here down here for reading the rules the horsey for so you can I’ve decided to come to where the horse race because I’ve not seen this game yet chat so we’ll dip in

Here for a little bit how do we play the game I’m gonna probably be muted for the duration of this basically I I sort of speak in the donations in the interims um but not during the games themselves unless they asked me to like we were doing the announcements a moment ago I

Was almost like being like referee right all right ethos not racing is he okay good oh no yeah as long as not right yeah Brian just real quick you should be scared of me who’s the green number yes black armor best I should have done green

Say isn’t there a certain horse you want to remind people of ninja depressed and impressive there we go that’s better all right okay I gotta sleep real quick yeah if there’s water he’ll find a way also if you’re if your horse Takes damage there is a pit stop right at the

Right up here okay so when you come through you just you just pull up to the pit stop and then uh it’ll dispense healing potions and then open the gates and you’ll be good to go okay yeah okay yeah just off to the right okay this is gonna be a nightmare uh is

Anybody here to push the button I can push the button oh wonderful I got it thank you button personificator it’s right here next to this pill oh God I’m here hello all right that’s it just a crossbow yes and you just use that to shoot targets along the way okay everybody ready

Hermits and Hermits horses and horses get ready to race in three two one go oh yeah you didn’t tell me that was a song shortcut ah all right I’ll take the long cut oh through beat up poop thing I’m so confused there we go there’s an orange horse out here

Oh there’s a shark really reminds me of um you know like Hyrule Castle on Mario Kart where you have to like hit all of the um all of the boosters in order to get like the full um the full ramp at the end yes oh

My horse is still okay you can still win without it oh I can jump oh Murray what what’s happened shoot me shoot me a car I’m not quite sure if I’m going in the right you got this oh really four laps I’m catching up beat up my horse is faulty okay okay

Stupid jump here it’s so smelly said my horse barely jumps yeah what’s happening come on come on I need a pizza pick the damage dude it’s weird Green’s got his head facing the wrong way I know he’s got a rear view mirror built in oh I’m sorry yeah ugh okay

I should be shooting what’s about to die where’s the pit stop oh God this little baby horse here oh I’m flying that’s a secret shortcut oh secret shortcut we’ve got this horsey you don’t have a name but I love you so much this is like doors from Ace race okay

Where’s the pit stop hey at the beginning these are never going to work with Australian people as soon as you come through the start line if you go down the hill to the right it’s just there it’s got a darkened floor so you can tell what it is

Done with his third lap I don’t even know what lap I’m on no many lapses there Abby I think we’re on three our horses I’m laughing wait my horses another Wick of your tail get up let’s go that way I’m gonna die myself here the leg the leg

Finally oh that was a little laggy that was fine I’ll put it on this bit on the right yeah just on the right there yeah right at the start with the Blackstone Earth there’s a new sauce here final lap final lap I might need more than that oh come on

Why do I get stuck in the water you’re ready 75 times weird oh somehow okay this is this is my last night you’re telling me the guy that designed this course yeah yeah yeah I think this is always playing for second place second place wonderful job oh speedy he’s not last don’t worry

You already finished that oh yeah I would have finished like 45 seconds ago oh that counts that counts oh man this is so like the jump there but you have to jump up the cliff with the horse and you have like it drives me now could not do it yeah

For that that’s not my fault I want to smash it that was great I worked on retrieval can I keep the horse I haven’t attachment yeah yeah oh really yeah yeah impulse you may you may Lord of Mercy it’s 245.00 racing horses another 20K got piled on

I’m I cannot process this it’s just unbelievable wow it’s just too much again yeah and it gets played that makes me happy that finally gets played I know it took two seasons for it to happen but it’s pretty cool we did it yeah absolutely you know that’s our solution

For our mini games you know we just do the charity stream every year and bean boom bang all mini games then we have to play them yeah yeah there you go so yeah there you go yeah yeah I wish I got my mini game finished

I’m such ah well uh well we can still play it’ll be it’ll be made for later in the future regardless next year then just next year um yeah we want to head back to the to the meeting area technically we’re already in it oh I mean in game what oh

Yeah oh to the to the center yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay I’ll be back for this horse later thank you oh Pearl did you find uh beat up the shoes by the way oh I forgot check I do have no it’s okay it’s a it’s okay

No rush there is a grand reward for anybody that finds my boots oh give me one second here are you okay Zed oh that I’m doing great you guys good so much fun I swear the horse race is good man yeah it’s really good they’re all good these games

Are great so far I bet when you enter the castle really reminds me in uh Mario Kart when you play the Hyrule castle level and you have to hit each of the speed boost to like get the extra ramp at the end it’s like really reminiscent

Of that it’s got the fountain in the middle and everything oh man that was awesome hey guys yeah hello we’re back in a few rounds of dung tank really fun hello super awesome yeah one it’s scary very good at it please fastest bed in the west that’s right

Baby hmm Sandra boots I got your boots I got your shoes did you lose a bet that’s erased your race took all my clothes oh my goodness oh my goodness wow dirty wordies that’s cool yeah oh my god dude you’ve got an infection on your

Chest you need to go to the doctor man there’s something going on with your your flesh it’s not just honey he spread honey all over him Martin do you want to get some more donations yeah absolutely let’s do it uh right let me sorry change my screen

Before you start okay can I just say I’ve been keeping an eye on the uh donation ticket and since we started it has not stopped going up no oh not once yeah can I just remind everybody really okay let’s do it yeah in 2 200 Joe will

Remove that beard from his face please make it happen thank you let’s go carry on you need this apparently scars showing a video right now do you want to wait for him to come back or just roll with it yeah just go I think yeah he’ll come back all right cool

All right cool all right I’m ready to rock so uh 100 donations coming in from Joshy powers and Amy we’ve got 300 coming in from our only hope pun uh we’ve got fonts with a hundred we got Jazz uh the magical 228 very specific amount from Robin din Vienna uh we’ve

Got hundo from mcweezers 500 coming in from Natalie thank you so much a bunch of hundos here we got Dr Grundy Rob Simpson someone MC mathematical Jackal uh we’ve got cookie7120 400 coming in from Megan cuss uh we got 200 from Bill Lee Hondo coming in from bar eight nine

Uh eight nine zero zero uh we’ve got Mia Jake Scott Niels uh the Louisa family uh hazardous Panic kid chameleon and also uh Daniel so dowelsy uh sadly hold on Daniel so Denise there we go first one nothing here is capitalized it’s just one Big Blob uh we got 200

From Chrissy Fabian Zed with a 500. thank you so much uh techie girl 005 with the hundo five oh raise the bar raise that’s wild 500 from butterfly girl KMC uh it says the Hermits have brought so much joy to my life especially over this

Past year I’m so glad to be able to help the Hermits and the rest of the hermitcraft community bring joy to the kids who really need it uh I know coming in from James and the Rubinstein family uh we’ve got 300 from a Targaryen uh

Whim whims era 200 Alby Amy with a hundo fortress games with a hundo uh 150 from socks of Doom uh we’ve got Sam Lam oshpot as well as ticking Z as uh Alyssa and manessa with Hondos 200 from Ross mate uh soup with the 500 soup exclamation mark to be clear uh Network

Squirrel 127 thank you so much uh we’ve got Hano from scratcherian uh we’ve got pay guitar with a hundo 100 I love this one uh scratcherian o-r-i-n I thought I said scratch agreeance your skin will probably change again if you do though fair warning hundo we got Hunters coming in from Zach

J Gale uh Abby Thorne uh we got 123 and 45 cents nice one two three four five from Michael and Erica uh we’ve got Beetle otaku we got uh a grain with a hundo uh dagger Emily with the two hundo 250 from msap whiz uh we’ve got 100

Coming in from Michael B Warren uh 150 from Anonymous thank you whoever you are uh we got uh poke badges with spoons wouldn’t recommend it hundred dollars uh calendar we’ve got Wesley uh Anonymous Katie Paul Alex uh and also uh this triangle sign with a hundred dollars

Just B22 200 Ali Peterson 125. uh we got Matt and Heidi Edgar with a hundo uh vectria SMP moderators with the 200. uh we’ve got the Earl family TEF daddy uh and also uh plazaarin over 200 we got Mr Lemon uh one two three with the hundo

Bill Tricia and Abby with Hondos B cap with a hundo 150 coming in from Addie Lane we’ve got a bunch of anonymous 100s thank you to all those people doing that Punchy hand with the hundo Ruby Galen family we got 250 coming in from tyrius

Rain with 100 Deca family 100 uh Joel CB Davidson thank you so much for the hundo poet 200 uh Jackie and Joe were the 250 we’ve got Chris Oberlin with a hundo uh same again for anonymous how’s Dad hello how’s Dad we got 200 from there uh send

Maury with the 500. thank you very much uh Kevin with the 150 Jim hundo bug BBQ hundo 1 000 from Mouse Muse one says amazing cause thank you for all that you’re doing uh Gekko two hundo clear from Claire clarison I want to say um is a hundo Cynthia Basham uh logoson

All over the hundos we’ve got 125 from Edward Miss uh thank you so much the modders zero for the 250 uh bionic cat hundo Silver Fox uh we got Abba Trill lady and thread just Rob dawn of never with Hondos 500 from Reverend tail thank

You very much uh we’ve got uh Matt L with the hundo same from astrazone as well uh 500 again from JC wolves and Clank Q Scott thank you very much uh General sweet pants I love that 100 uh one thousand dollars from man of java uh doombot 94 with a hundo multiple meme

150 uh Slater family we’ve got Oberon the Corgi uh North Haven with 150 200 from Joe Danger uh stylish hobo with the 200 and Anonymous 200 Hannah fltx with a 500 thank you so much uh trial with the hundo followed by a thousand from ah literally the name uh Tango the 300.

Thank you dude um one thousand dollars from my the Kia uh saying thank you for this my eldest son is in hospital often hopefully we’ll see you soon uh kind of 1987 with the 400 being 100 J brain uh 713 with a 500 a thousand dollars from Anonymous whoever you are wow

Uh nacho trays with a hundred another anonymous 1000 where is this coming from Wow uh we got Hunters coming in from Ginger Mallory and Owl uh Shannon James Mr hallion or with Hondo’s 500 coming in from gf1 uh 150 again from ah um repeat no reasons I love it uh find her

Mama with the hundo uh 178 coming in from tiak and wrath a couple of hundred donors uh from anonymous’s uh stupid but Charles Babbitt driving Terror uh all with hundos Jameson song of death Wesley Matt condos 350 coming in from lyapu we’ve got do you coofed I want to say

It’s pronounced uh it’s 200 and we’ve got Matt Ethan Saturn bot uh or with hundos 150 from uh zerzus and Horus we got uh migs and Spud with the 200. Sam was never here with the hundo as well as Nolan uh statistics guys um Adria the zelimaya family uh 200 from

Pesto Nagel thank you so much uh we got 100 Anonymous dash dash J Kells all with the hundos Jack and Sophie with the 500 saying love the Hermits with our family great charity Bard with the two hundo another 500 from semori uh love all of you except B-Dubs yikes just kidding I

Love you all it was with JK there was a JK Sunny the Peter’s family and William Dewey all 100s 150 from unknown 537 Hondas coming in from ah again who is this person uh we’ve got a good heart reader Miss redtail uh the twitch 666 200 from Josh and Annie uh Anonymous and

Terry uh legon doing 100 each we got 150 coming in from modish 227 knife gun with a 200 Elizabeth S with the 500 saying love watch all the uh her mans can’t wait to see decked out working uh Hollywood The 150s Savage with a hundo Morehead family with the Hyundai

Mythical sausage hello dude 350 dollars thank you sausage AJ chromatic with a 500 says this one is for the Etho girls love this community and love the Hermits thank you for providing such amazing content and working on Amazing course that’s the thing I’m sure this could be stuff I’m like I’m not uncomfortable

Um burgundy tonight anything that’s on this spreadsheet I will read so just that’s what I wanted Toby Alex Holmes 200 1 000 from kemporone says happy to contribute to a good cause I love catching the hermitcraft videos and streams when I can I look forward to seeing what the community can do together

Oh anymore or do you want to stop there amazing Martin guys I think there’s only one thing that we’re all thinking right now right the bladder is full of urine that’s gonna be awesome to see you tonight happening tonight is it happening now I mean oh later tonight

Sorry everybody I think I got a bit over excited my bed suffice isn’t that opportunity viewers if you’re watching share this stream let your friends know the more you help outs please work and yeah we are on an insane trajectory it’s gonna make so many kids

Happy uh can we quickly once again scar I mean there are a lot of new people coming in the house mayor scar one thing again we had around 72 carts raised so far so wow they’re gonna buy a whole ship to ship that stuff somewhere I talked about a

Shipping container I can just imagine it’s just the shipping camera there’s a cruise in the ocean you know what the car yeah man so how about this how about we do in a Hermit incentive and oh yeah we all use the bathroom I think we could all enjoy

A bit of bathroom time yeah sweet wonderful idea and then we hit it back we’ve got more games we’ve got more fun to come so let’s do one incentive and let’s hit it oh that’s a rock button go ahead did we stop did we get something ah here we go okay

Where are you this is already banana Falls the thin it’s fine oh it’s glorious [ __ ] extra fruity today spin okay you’ve even got like the hair out the black top on the black thing on the top also the little stem exactly yeah uh the hermit goblet has spoken again

All right false oh oh it’s false again oh my goodness really yeah okay let’s go take care of that and uh we’re gonna take hang on hang on hang on hang on she’s putting on a banana skin in real life is that right false yes that’s oh my gosh

It’s amazing so we’ve got a beard shaving and IRL banana Amazing yeah oh we’re gonna take a quick break we’ll be back in a few gotta get some drinks we’ll be back viewers out there um yeah take a quick break and tell your friends family we got one more fun stuff

Coming plenty more coming let’s explain exactly what this charity is about right because there’s so many people right so guys we are raising money for an amazing amazing charity called um games United and what they do is they create uh cards that allow children to play video games in hospitals now at

First glance that might sound kind of simple right just stick an Xbox on a trolley and just roll it into a ward right uh like you might think that this is a very simple Endeavor but actually when you look into it further it’s actually a really really complicated

Thing firstly a hospital is a has to be a very sterile environment and especially when it comes to dealing with you know kids that have very very powerful illnesses so these cards need to match some very serious and very strict Health codes before they could even get anywhere near a hospital and

You know this requires them to be basically um engineered in a very very smart and intelligent way and each cart is a beautiful piece of engineering that is not only Hospital safe but it’s going to last for many many many many years so you’re talking about hundreds of kids

Potentially thousands of kids getting uh therapy from each of these carts over the course of the next five to ten years I mean the the impact is so much more than just an Xbox on a cart you know like yeah this is some seriously intelligent engineering that is going

Into this and that’s what you guys are supporting tonight it is a really amazing amazing cause and uh last thing Doc you know a lot of us I I’ve personally for example have never been to hospital I’ve been a very been very lucky in my life to have never gone into

Hospital so I don’t actually know what it is like but my father has been and I remember going to visit him in hospital and I could see in his eyes a grown man how terrified he was to be there and I can only imagine what that must feel

Like for a young young person so you know this even though I myself don’t really have not really experienced hospital I can understand how scary it is and how something like this can really help take you out of that moment of fear and and normalize your life a

Little bit like Scott was saying earlier right it gives you a moment of normality where you’re not in a ward you’re not staring at a wall you know there’s the the needles going into you they don’t matter anymore because you’re normal for a bit when you’re playing a video game

You know just like you guys watch us to escape that’s exactly what these cards give the kids at these hospitals a moment to escape the terrifying bubble that they’re in and that’s why Homer Crafters we’ve all come together to back this because we really believe in this

Cause and really think it’s a really great way for us to to help out some kids out there that’s um you know are really going to benefit from this and it’s not just like a short-term benefit you know these these cards are really going to impact the healing and the

Therapy that these kids are going through and uh going to get them through some very serious various times in their life and and hopefully get them out of the hospital as fast as possible yeah also you know that’s it I’m done with my rent rent I cannot forget about the

People that work in the hospitals right they are pressed on time they cannot spend time going somewhere and build up a Playstation set plug it into the TV TV fiddle around right blah blah um so it’s also very user friendly for the personnel there they can just roll

The thing in and you know boom start playing and that’s also very important we cannot forget about that just wheel it in and go yeah yeah it’s really useful it’s a cool project by the way while we are on the pp break you know for the weak bladder people we could get

A little faster I stay hydrated doc let’s just make that clear right off the bat all right all right all right yeah you know we could get a little five dollar don’t know train going on while they come back um so yeah everybody let’s push a little

Bit we’re at 278 to 78 unbelievable yeah so 300 is definitely in reach and yeah if we have roughly I don’t know 50 000 people or whatever watching right now concurrently and that is definitely doable with a little push so yeah I think it’s definitely man yeah

Are you on the little Lou see what I did there guys literally because they’re very nice very nice very much thank you I’m here all week actually you know what you’re not King anymore I thought there was a stupid joke oh if he wait did he stop King anymore

Does that mean that you’re not a Jester anymore no no no no no I you know you know there’s still a Jester you’re still a loud mouth Jester that’s right false isn’t a full banana this is the most amazing thing ever is she really oh yeah oh yeah yeah everybody go over to

Falsy stream man we got it we gotta see what’s happening here that’s the best part too oh okay this has to be seen yeah oh my gosh oh my God bolts are amazing nothing needed an iron though man you know what I’m saying take it to the dry cleaners foreign

Perfect that is the best thing that I have ever seen she does look like a minion she looks like a really scorny minion that got squished I love it boss that looks amazing Foss I love how serious she is right she’s like I’m a banana now I am a banana and

That’s it I accept myself oh it’s glorious this is your horse we’re watching oh oh and we have a little five dollar push we are already at 280 000. you want to keep it like that in two minutes okay bring it home you fast for it I saved it

Though thank you thank you it’s okay oh man it actually seats it doesn’t it I think this is this should be a look from now on yeah don’t you dare it’s got to be really hot though we need to play it’s pod racing yeah I

Want to play more games now I want to play games yeah I’m actually are we are we finished or is there another game oh there’s plenty more well at least four more games really okay oh there we go wait do you have a Star Wars head on on stream yeah

Oh I gotta see this all right okay switching to scar is Scott putting a Star Wars head on yeah they all seem to have huge lenses these hats what’s going on over here oh my goodness no put it back on needs to go back on buddy guys if you

Watch scarstreams he has the coolest stuff behind him that I’ve ever seen I’m so jealous stuff nerd alert nerd alert nerd alert alert sorry I want all of the Lego and everything it’s awesome says the guy who was telling us the science of horses how is everybody doing great how are you

I’ve been watching this car trying to get the video to work for about 15 minutes now you gotta do it great this is a professional operation over here all right do we have games to play yes sir our game master is currently still on the toilet I think

Yep as well gather around him and stare at him um his eyes aren’t working very well at the moment so hello hello she’s showing a video so uh yeah I’m glad you waited for work I had trouble oh great great are you ready for the

Next game one of those yes sir we are really yes indeed okay okay I think we are going to forces uh boat race now we’re all uh if you want to lead the way banana false is struggling banana bananas don’t know they’re less than rights it’s a common fact minions

Also we were all watching you by the way on our streams we were watching it was amazing it was full section going on okay good great and uh we unanimously agree that uh you should be a banana false forever now yeah okay okay just do it in the river you’ll be fine

Yeah yeah I put a mock I can uh give you cards too if you knew it I could TP anyone if they need it false he has the Builder of Speedy Pines this game makes me so happy that I think I’m going to it is so beautiful so

Beautiful really cool when I play this well it’s not quite finished but you know we’ve got we’ve got enough on it that it should be a bit fun hopefully are we taking our gear off is this dead no you can keep your gear on for this

One oh it’s gone also awesome I spawn here okay team Spruce for Life am I right uh I got a note both dude I okay here we go I remember the days when you and I were burning down entire fields of birch for no other reason than burning them down look how

Beautiful this place is it looks like it’s been dipped in milk it’s wonderful you have to break your boat well like I said if we win we get two points the boat but basically though don’t hit players or other mobs they’re walking around you know skipping obstacles and don’t break any ice or

Snow if you can help it okay there’s a couple of people that are just a girl a little bit forward that’s right baby at this point all right nice okay help each other oh man this is cheater that’s what it is I’ve seen this at marathons PACE Center it’s fine yeah

Okay is every hermit ready nope we’re all ready whatever don’t matter go okay all right behind us by the way two one go go go please it’s amazing let’s go flying man hold on victories that was so blush I loved it yeah that was awesome oh my goodness

Yeah we decided to crush thanks you should have sounded that was epic everybody knows that everybody knows every second counts yep and Well Done who got first uh doesn’t matter there’s a lot the winner of course he’s not shooting at all right guys maybe not he’s trying to he’s just

Uh he’s crying I’m sorry about the bush I’ll fix it where the arrows growing oh yeah he was all right Hermits all right guys formation flight wait there’s a difference okay formation flights we’ve got all the grace of A Flock of Seagulls they’re North North just go north

For the goat if you really would be gooses we would never make it to Africa what I don’t know where they go I find Itself by myself so guys we got falsy into banana seed we are less than 7K away from the next Ding and I don’t know about you guys but I

Need a dig in my life gather around and prepare I really should stand on this other side over here sure yeah they keep coming out over here my league well done don’t need to say that anymore foreign I gave my streaming option between an old skin and the mask and actually chose

The skin so what do we prefer here hat mask all right it’s in person though so even better that’s funny banana you know you gotta be all banners here we go making a decision it’s like Chad I’ll have her stream up in a second decision are you alive on YouTube Martin

Wait what are you like I believe that Pearl is Live on YouTube right yes why does this guy have so much hair oh wait we gotta see this in real life YouTube stream right now guys I’m like I can’t find her wow the mask looks like it’s laughing yeah

I love it that is freaking me out man There It Is Well there we go no that’s so good for all wow these are not necessary anymore I have fixed it impossible oh right you lock the Hoppers of course yes I would have done that as well

Just aimed it differently oh right what would we would it be fair to give the people Grant the people another incentive I think that is a wise decision you don’t have to go in the back anymore scar I fixed it now I appreciate that that’s cool right

Both impulse dropping the ball here what happened oh sorry there it is foreign the timing on that was impeccable it was beautiful uh let’s see what like okay hold on it keeps disappearing I’ll just look at it show how many diamond ores I still have this is where the truth is revealed

For goodness okay come on it’s gonna be like that I know it I know it it’s gonna be you yeah we have to fly I can bring them okay bring them over bring them over there should we do another thing we should we should do another

Thing guys hold on get in position we’re so close something else to do if they want do they want to raise the bar you’re the only one that dings correctly you’re okay yeah not yet come on everybody been training for this right now training all my life I’m not

Gonna like are but I know how to ring a bell come on guys unbelievable 300K there it is absolutely insane the next goal on the list is three hundred and fifty thousand dollars um to all the streams out there about a about 10 days ago so we were having a

Meeting about this and we were literally discussing what we would do when we got to 50. if we got to 50 should I say yeah yeah you guys remember that we were like geez what happens if we get to 50 what happens it was like an emergency we got

To do something yeah we’ve got to do something insane territory this is uh overwhelming guys overwhelming generosity from the hermitcraft community thank you everybody just after that word that’s almost yeah how many how many cards is that how many cards is that so at approximately quick maths I got you hold

On six hundred thousand and four I did the math no what color at 350 it’s a hundred cards though correct yep yeah it’s pretty close to 300 to 100 so yeah yeah there is shipping costs to different regions because of distance and Fuel and sure sure and uh you know

100 cards might not sound like a lot but think about it over a course of years how many children One cart will help I mean you’re talking about thousands potentially um you know these cups are built to last for a very long time you know in a hospital situation if you’ve ever been

In it you know it’s crazy the people are banging them into the walls nurses are throwing them you know kids are you know maybe maybe you know it’s a hospital something could happen to the car you know but yeah throw up um and so they need to be able to be

Cleaned and maintained and stuff like that so these are industrially built to maintain um you know for a long time plus you know think about it in the hospital a kid might play it in the morning another kid might play in the afternoon and their kid might play it in the evening a

Kid might not be able to go to sleep and they might be able to play it later in the night you know this will be one cart will just continuously be used which is fantastic each car is played by four to six kids per day on average wow not to mention

The money also goes towards uh educating the staff on how to use the carts yeah there’s there’s a warranty and they have Tech Support to help them because like sometimes the poor nurses don’t even you know the the computers are hard enough so it’s it’s luckily they have um you

Know staff that helps um maintain them because yeah that’s that’s awesome yeah I I can’t support it’s going to go such a long way guys it’s gonna go such a long way it’s amazing 300K Mark we got like a three thousand dollar donation yeah speaking of which mine that’s basically an entire casual

Three thousand yeah wow stretches even even if it wasn’t a huge amount thank you for donating yeah every single person yep all right you ready for this deep breath okay yes JC gamer 250 Amanda Jay uh corinthiana Lucian uh old with 100 donations liar Harper with a 500. a

Little late um but thank you very much all the same 200 from Anonymous specialism fluff 150 a thousand dollars from naxator thank you very very much uh we’ve got Colonel corn with the 150 we got heat uh salmon Sav JK who else we got uh Elise Liz Jessie Sahara Inc uh

Inky Dinky Doo sorry uh we’ve got dudes on the rocks and also uh local uh sorry Loca lunatic I think that’s supposed to say 100 we’ve got Striker with the 250 just a known 200. uh we got harsh and Michelle DJ and Greg Kyle J uh Lego a tomb Angela Angel and k

Um Myrtlewood tree we got C418 chick pixie Mage TD Riley Pierce Mossy petite uh and also Valia and Jake rocks all with a hundred dollars we’ve got Deb Constructor with one thousand dollars thank you so much thank you uh with a hundred uh we got 200 from

Ttmt we got uh Dom the Reyes family the terror glows family or with Hondos uh 200 coming in from crazy Irish thank you so much uh Remy memes Steve a love yeah just lettering y-e-h we got cluster logic uh and one creepy uh Nicole Melonie travesty or with a hundred

Dollars 301 coming in from purple fuzzy hippo um said my daughter entered her allowance into this thank you for teaching her how to care about others that’s really amazing hermitcraft is responsible for such a joy uh we got KO 260 with one thousand dollars thank you

Very much love to see the support of the hermitcraft community for this charity Gaming’s been a long source of joy and stability for me and I’m happy to help share that Joy with people who really need it uh a hundred dollars from Anonymous polar bear pants uh Albatross

Some uh we got 200 from Thunderbolts thank you very much 250 from Anonymous green grass promise no no no no no long name 100 um another anonymous one thousand dollars thank you to who whatever you are uh we’ve got a poem Sophie Q uh we’ve got zazzles with 200 Got Jake and

Gwema two hundo I guess he’s back ah with another hundo Justin Hill good guy Mike okay uh lazy Daisy Lady Austin w47 Jedi Master Talon all with hundred dollar donations uh we got strelitzian with 150 thank you so much uh hermit’s helping Hermits for two hundo uh we got Noob effects Val TX

Twister with a hundred chosen BC with the two hundo we got links a with a 500 thank you so much so to my biggest Inspirations been watching since season three thank you for changing my life and creating a positive environment for so many around the world um this one’s apparently just from the

Netherlands there you go hundred dollars thanks all the Netherlands 100 but the whole devil it seems a bit low uh Peregrine 100 we got juvie and snowball and Pikachu guys with a hundred uh Mega Miley Grandpa Vinnie we got as Sierra and Demon we’ve got Jerry and Steve

Honey butter toast and Dylan with hundo 500 from Canard thank you very much WoW Nick from Anonymous ballerinck with the Hyundai Sila 93 with 200. uh we’ve got Sean and the girls with the hundo thank you very much we got chili ruse Skyler uh 1133 we’ve got pearls minion stand 79

Tiffany LeBeau uh Killer Cobra we’ve got Seth uh mabwa with the two hundo David and David and Sarah with the uh hundo 200 from casarus thank you very much uh we got our Sunny princess of hamsters with a hundo we got 250 coming in from Knitter Joy Dr Toby with the hundo we’ve

Got Kevin Daz Brandon Leons with the 150 Emily H with the hundo sir Wolf’s Bane with the 200 thank you so much uh we got pink space lab with the 250 Mr Badness we’ve got Emperor b007 with a 350 Taylor with a 200 uh garan and Robert Stone

With 100 a 1080 coming in from Anonymous thank you so much um that’s a thousand eighty by the way when I say 1080. uh Joshua Rothwell with the two hundo Oliver with the 1000 says about 10 years ago I spent a few days in the hospital one thing that made my

Experience bearable was the video game carts that they had there it helped spark my love for gaming and let me remain entertained while stuck in bed and that’s exactly what we’re trying to do here as well with 100 drogon another JT uh that gal Cal we got gin Ed and Mel

All coming in with hundos uh we’ve got 150 from B Peters thank you very much we’ve got Darth brawl 89 Venom Tron with the 110 snow is live six nemi with the hundo we got Brody man with a hundred thank you very much um yeah it says other side I asked them if

There’s anyone that I that you guys would recognize I asked the admins to put in Brackets it’s like a little note and it does say Brody is a friend of the Hermits so there you go General with the 150. uh Cara Mina and Brian Brunell with 100 thank you very

Much uh mcfrogger teal Barr Justin Brian with the 200 uh Etho Fanboys with a 200 sci-fi with the Hyundai yeah yeah caught deck and Owen hope you uh activist uh Ginger ish DGM mist and also uh Eva Louisa and MTB Dino uh or with hundos 345-67

Um from popinjay we’ve got the kill box as well uh we’ve got chewy bunnies Tanya and Mike we’ve got Mr chubby Dino Sunfire dreams Henrik um Sideshow gym and also uh Pender left or with Hondos two Anonymous amounts of 500. thank you very much we’ve got SRC uh rkc with the hundo a

Bunch of hundos here we’ve got Atticus uh uncouth virus Jacob again ah I swear this is different people at this point um Boeing 747 uh Panther uh 480 uh sorry 4801 we’ve got Layla wassel tcd Swiffer with the 250 engine woo with the 100 and we’ve got 500 coming in from Ellie Owen

Parker Hazel and Sophie saying scar jelly and all the Hermits thank you from the bottom of our hearts you’re such an inspiration into our family and have brought us so much joy um I can carry on if you’d like yeah before we continue all right here what’s

In the box doc I got my horse here what’s in the boxes all right stand back nobody touches my diamonds all right go away no no modest it’s in the box in the Box show us your box that’s the box man give them back foreign

That’s crazy I want to go to the pilots what’s the next game everyone what’s the next game guys next game next games guys next games we have we have four games four games we have impulses derailed look how angry he is it’s suma’s scaffolding games I know exactly how many there were

Did I read this wrong in the in the in the prep file monster a incentive at 350 that dock would burn all the diamonds on the server no I believe I read that also because these diamonds are literally the integral part of my whole season okay the diamonds because I see nothing

Done yeah I I I gave the diamonds back I’ll admit I stole a stack I put them back shame on you I can’t believe it let’s see the inventory should I go back in the cage everyone sorry not allowed diamonds anymore you’re right sorry who needs diamonds come on

All right before we speak with the game master there has been a request a request beyond all requests oh okay we need yeah a Gong yes oh an IRL gong never gone yes please like noise suppression is so good that I have to turn it off in order for you to

Even hear it yeah you’ve got to just be open mic the whole time yeah oh yeah can we get a Gong at um at three two five we’re so close all right we’re so close guys time for automations throw them in the Shaker boxes right here show how generous you are

I’m not reading those donations out those ones I don’t get read oh there is nothing okay right you should be able to hear my skin move without any of this noise that is still exactly you hear that yeah 29 Stacks missing check Green’s inventory you can check I’ll send a

Screenshot I haven’t got any yeah I don’t have any either I don’t have anything either I don’t have somebody start killing people before I got there somebody for those of you out there who have not experienced an IRL green gong before oh it’s Lawrence let me tell you

Right now okay if you’re having a rough day if you’re feeling quite stressed today maybe you’ve had a tough day nothing will calm your nerves more than Green’s gone wow like I’ve been swept away to Paradise nobody just gave me ASMR for the first time relaxing princess

Please get us to 325 so we can all relax a bit especially doc who’s quite stressed right now in his life should we do a dollar drive if everyone watching donates literally one dollar they might think that’s not going to contribute much but it’s honestly if everyone does it the exact same time

One dollar for a gong come on the dollar gong Drive hey beat ups yeah are you ready definitely shouldn’t try and say that one faster I regret that one immediately cave dark go in here we have diamonds on you no I don’t have any Diamonds the dashboard literally froze espresso Taylor yeah

Guys you have officially froze the tilt of fire yeah froze the dashboard for about 30 seconds there with one dollar donations you’ve got to understand bandwidth is required to freeze the tool to fight tiltifies a a really big service yeah okay goodness yeah Green get your dog ready please

Sorry here Doc’s gonna have a panic attack if you don’t get his diamonds back what do you mean is gonna happen right now let me know if you need some help out there it is all right everybody everybody if you’re playing music right now stop your music

Everybody and then hand it over to Korean we want silence for the gong Korean Sensei green if you will calm us all please I really I really want you want to scream and whack it again but I’m not gonna okay I’m ready I need everyone to take a really nice deep

Breath in through the nose and then out so we’ll do that again because everyone failed at breathing yeah and out let’s do that again is that the time that I leave a message actually dark just breathe dog it doesn’t go away I’m about to get onion I’m gonna blow you all up

It’s not very golden piece everyone that can we get another dong real quick can we get another one Namaste gee yes you can you ready I love that sound so much it literally calms me it’s amazing I’m passing out that’s so good thank you I love that thank you everybody for making that

Happen for us that was incredible May the Cubs step forward our game since we’ve uh since we’ve started since we’ve started the one dollar donations we started the one dollar donations we’ve gained literally seven thousand dollars in a matter of amazing I told you it’s so effective it’s so cool unbelievable thank you

Before doc gets back yeah we might need to do that yeah we better put his diamonds back you better put his diamonds back there’s not missing you better put them back viewers out there um yes we do read out you know like the big donations but every single donation matters

Absolutely it’s just the volume is difficult like Martin Martin is just a single beautiful man that you can always do so much I mean we’ve gone through 600 donations read so far and the spreadsheet currently goes up to 1046 so even at my Pace chat is outpacing me

With 100 plus donations it’s wild that’s insane that is wild wow can I just point out if you can’t donate please don’t worry about that you’re here you’re participating you’re wearing the streams share the stream tweet it out whatever yeah you’re with us so please don’t fret

Times are tough we understand that 100 so we just appreciate you being here with us and uh the games master yes I’m here I’m here we got we got four games we’re gonna be playing we’re gonna split up into uh groups of four and we have impulses derailed we got asuma’s scaffolding game

The big Tower you see uh bucket rush and then scars Panda rescue and no so we should probably go around and just explain how each one works right all right let’s do that first yeah okay all right all right let’s go let’s start over uh impulse is derailed yeah

Derailed right across the way by far my favorite game that’s ever been made on this server ever wow I am a fan of derailed okay I’m a fan of this game all right everybody here all right uh before any games start just make sure you press the button on the

Left to reset the scores back to zero and it’s simple you press the button on the right when you’re ready make sure you have a bow and at least one arrow that you can grab from this chest and then the carts will start flying for

About a minute 45 seconds or so and you try to shoot them out of the air everyone you shoot you get a point for the top scoreboard is buy ones and once it gets to ten you’ll see the bottom scoreboard start to light up uh representing the tens column so you

Gotta kind of add them up when it’s all said and done highest scores basically he’s like man up your scores whatever team gets the highest score I guess yeah this looks really fun impulse amazing that’s a redstone yeah I know right me too very good very good good enough easy

Enough it’s really simple yeah let’s go over to uh sumo’s scaffolding game now I assume if you’re in uh it works all right um all right it’s super simple it’s a four player game the four players are gonna stand in the corners on the pressure plate now it’s

Crucial the game will start when all four players are on a pressure plate and that’ll activate the piston in the middle so all of the scaffolding is gonna slowly start to fall down into this Arena and the goal is to pick up as much as you can you’re allowed to punch

Other Hermits knock them back and if they land on these Mossy bits they’ll be in like a sticky Zone where they’re slower to move so knock opponents into those bits grab as much scaffolding as you can and the player with the most at the end is the winner

Guys quick heads up we just passed three hundred and forty thousand dollars yeah but we also just got a 300 G’s they’re moving what is everybody for half a million before the end of this that’s all we need yeah oh my gosh well done everyone talks back

Next game what’s going on here what’s going on what happened no blowing out the mini games yeah three TNT charitable today so how does this game work all right this is extra’s game bucket Rush Xbox this looks so cool player game um so one one player from each team

You’re also going to need someone to start the game by hitting the lever back here so when when they hit the lever um who like each player is in this little hole here it’s going to push up so then you can like you know jump and

Go now you’re gonna need to put all your items everything in your inventory maybe take a little bit of food we are but dump it into this chest you’ve got two buckets and leather boots you wanna deliver boots because you’ll see over here that there is powdered snow right

So you can scoop that up with your bucket there’s another one to find in the course and it’s basically like a parkour race where you’ve got to figure out how to navigate through this whole thing uh the the one rule really is that you just stay in your lane so you’re not

Allowed to put the powdered snow over to the side you’re always sort of placing it in the lane where the bone blocks are clear yeah yeah awesome your apocalypse a couple of tips you’re going to see some signs on the way one that informs you that there’s a big drop down with

Lava at the bottom so you can die playing this game and then there’s also going to be a bit nobody plays this game with my diamonds in the inventory it cleans the economy you know you know and yeah there is a pressure plate so be sure to

Walk over it and it all it’s got a system to tell you who was first if it’s ever close once everybody has assembled before the Easter board yeah and don’t forget I made the first course in one night so hello everybody down below Down Below on the ground

This is literally almost a reality of my real life right now it turned out this wasn’t intentional oh my gosh so yeah that’s a thing um is everybody here okay perfect so welcome to Panda rescue slash jelly pandas um this game is inspired by one Diamond drop from season six into the

Some of you know some of you know Etho smallish beans tried to burn my past death and double life that’s a very sad this game is inspired by that so as you can see there is an S board up here and your goal is to become an exterior water

Buck hit oh excuse me oh it’s like it’s three hours you’re getting tired yeah I’m tired so so the idea is to become an S tier MLG water bucketer all right so basic premise you take that water stream you go up to the panda Rescue helicopters you get inside of the bucket

There’s a hole just get inside of the hole and then push the button and that will prepare you for flight okay so a water bucket will be dispensed in your inventory grab that bucket and within five seconds you will drop and you will want to catch

As many blocks in mid-air as you can so the idea is you’re free falling and you want to catch as many blocks as you can and then cushion your fall with the water bucket Australia I have to see this done it’s gonna work man 100 everybody here is dying Cub might be

Able to do it but the idea I did it yesterday if you die it’s zero points and you do three runs so once you’re done you’ll come to your flight log so if I’m impulse I’ll come over here and I’ll go uh flight one dead

Or flight two six you know type in how many blocks that you got if you got six blocks put six blocks if you got ten blocks put 10 blocks does that make sense yeah yeah yeah I mean I can just pre-fill this out yeah and if you die of

Zero yeah zero for me this one please come to the panda cave everybody inside my panda cave come come it’s safe come inside um in this bed and you have to put your stuff here we provide no refunds here at Panda rescue no refunds sorry are you ready to become

Panda Rescuers this is with Elijah right not freed schooling it’s Free Falling you all the gear goes in the box that’s nice we’re splitting up we’re splitting up uh I have the teams uh for the first time we’re gonna rotate Ames uh let me bring up the teams real quick One

Moment One Moment okay uh first team our first first participants I guess uh B-Dubs Tango jevin and false are playing derailed first okay green impulse Etho and Cleo are going to the scaffolding game okay yeah scar ZF Ren and myself are going to the bucket Rush sweet

Pearl doc Corrales Sumo and isko are going to Panda dropper staying here all right The Rescuers achieve s tier status I’m on strike I don’t talks on strike hey Scott just real quick can I yeah can I get can I get one of those uh yeah uh derailed people uh one

Team 1A yes 1A okay hold on guys before everybody goes can we make maybe another incentive at 350. gets all his diamonds back how about that I’m down for that yeah 350. I tried my friend I tried all right what I want to hear what I want to hear the announcement

What we heard we’re moving oh we’re moving where are we going uh where are we going I guess bucket Rush stay in here everybody else um siphon out oh no I think bucket rushes with Cub right so where’s Pandora scar can I can I can I get you know what

You say when you get one of those it’s not gonna work buddy I’m so sad right now all got up there and you’re like yeah everybody wait do we need we need food guys I love it you’ve got selective memories one or two is this Pandora Su group no

No maybe no no no more Corrales so you just have to attend pandas panda is 2A the the voice my chat’s saying you know what it is what is it all right guys are we ready are we ready for bone rush I’m ready I’m ready I’m ready

Thank you I genuinely thought it was you it’s been a while Martin right we just have our first aha on the hermitcraft server I believe so I see it okay and I think uh Yeehaw Brandon I’m pretty sure I’ll be honest I was gonna save it for

One of the uh you know when we say raise the bar it was going to be a razor Baja but we’re not gonna get it let’s do that okay all four contestants here ready for bucket we are ready we are ready okay ready to go the race begins in three two

One run run run run wait do we do we scoop yeah yeah continue onwards it’s like parkouring but with uh I I remember now dang it what do you call memory is somewhat good it it comes and goes you know this is so cool I love this as a concrete I swear

This is fun wait oh this is okay it’s kind of tricky by the way okay there you go you got his head how do we oh we go down here oh okay I see yeah I don’t like being stuck in 2D how does you I I guess we just go over

Here oh there’s a second one oh no my thing uh okay oh this is fine oh no it makes you use the brain it does it does how dare they make it it’s hard after the three hours of streaming they would know you have streamer brain yeah

I mean come on all content creators work at about 25 capacity when we’re making content I think 25. generous right now this is looking very interesting mistake I think I’ve gone the wrong way here that was a big mistake I have no idea if I’m doing this right

Where did where did you go from there though yeah oh where did you go from here I think that looks right you’re good I can’t get much snow anymore did I go the right way I’m not I’m not even sure so I’d assume NASCAR probably Edge cup I don’t know

What happened I might have went the wrong way no it looks oh actually let me double check uh look down let me see oh you can jump from here uh yeah maybe Scott you do need to go down there there’s a sign there saying look down

Okay all right I’m back I’m back I’m back oh and snowless I know it’s going you’re okay you’re in the right spots where you were hold on how how do I proceed from here I’ve uh let me see my nose I’ll tell you what I’ll give you a

Little TP said no I think I think I got it so I looked down and I do I jump into the lava hello again okay I went way up there I think yeah I went high oh I didn’t see you now where are you a minute

There we go there we go okay starting completely still I’ll do this one more time one more time all right there we go that works oh lovely look at that I’m also bucketless uh because I died uh okay hang on yeah I see him down there actually

Place above bar you’ll get it back my boots okay wait wait wait wait wait um wait how did you do that Cub oh thank you I’m just built different man I’m just built different okay where do I go I actually did lose my other way from

There place above bar you’ll get it back so yeah I think that’s a straight jump from there I don’t know whether you have to place a block I figured it out just as you get to the edge you know what I mean no worries

I was like Hey here we go there we go I think I want me to give you some more more hints like no invoice no okay it’s quite chaotic it’s good it’s good though if you fail it’s brutal because then you’re playing with like I don’t know

Less snow right it makes it harder yeah I think I’m messing that I messed up bad I like things for doing real well for a minute and then score I think you need you need to put one up underneath right now put one under you yeah I got one under me you

Gotta get you gotta get two under you though oh I got you I got you and then pick up the one the one oh I get them back you’re good you’re good you’re good now you can walk back and start again or you could oh good job I’m back in the game

Uh all right we’ll start from here this is really fun but it is similar height before so this will be interesting what do I do here all right how did I do this I’m sure I had it the first time I tried let’s put push that up there we go genius

Save the snow oh I tried my best hand up save the snow ooh this is okay now what though yeah I think you I think you got it scar I think I think you’re right we’re about so you said do you want me to TP to where you were yes please okay

Big brain moment I’ve ever had in my life oh yeah boots as well yeah thank you so much we’re a good team do you need another bucket or you’ve got two I uh only one I need one more please yeah one more uh nope oh wait um yeah

Chad I don’t have any buckets um I’m basically out at this point where is it oh yeah oh I’ve been getting fresh buckets cup thank you I’ll have you oh just give me a call if you need more I’m happy to to reload I might need I might

Need some but yeah you get like some buckets here I want uh one uh if you have a pattern oh yeah I love Giga pies they’re the best food on the server oh my god oh you got you got so sometimes I think about it about

Like if it gigs I might be the happiest scar of them all nice you have an empty bucket Martin uh yeah by the chance thank you you like it all right how do I get possible there we go I don’t have any boots to pick up your bucket because the idea

Was you do that with just one oh I see but here’s the stuff yeah it’s a little flawed okay yeah dude this is super fun this is such a great concept I met in Tangles game dang it I’m having a blast man okay this was a scars Lane RTP scar to me

Yeah I’m I’m in uh Tangos bath okay that’s salt uh uh I picked up the two buckets I just need the leather boots uh yeah um yeah this was this okay I don’t I guess yeah I have to just get back to where I was uh I can I can put I could

Teleport you higher up um oh this is tricky I was doing the big jump up here to there that’s the tricky one because you can’t shift on the snow where are you ding ding ding ding ding oh he did it you got it ready where’s the fireworks you run

Where where is the End menu at night I don’t even know thank you oh thank you I wanted a bit more a more dramatic Victory I’m gonna be honest there’s no Bang there it’s all it’s all Sizzle no spice it’s fine I’ll take the sizzle this one

Thanks that was so awesome I loved that that was so fun I bet that’s way more difficult in first person from third person like watching from the sidelines this is tough yeah can I get it I think it’s easier if you just if you just calm yourself teleport please yes

But my idea though is that if you play it again and again and you get to know the course then you can speedrun it a bit more yeah then it becomes a speed run yeah then it gets really interesting before I log off today for sure

Very cool concept this is like an MCC game right here man this is this is good stuff fix have you got what you need Zed you got all your items I I’ve given up I did know I’m gonna have to come back another time to uh to do this I’m so far

Apart yeah I’m down you got this redemptions Sky used the method I intended here which is much faster than how rendered so there’s always multiple ways to solve it there you go second place I love the concept like it’s such a unique thing with the buckets I love it

So happy to hear it oh I’m gonna make like an easy one I think you should make it harder I think you should make uh More Death personally I’ve seen like MCC players doing this super quick like yeah man it would be so cool

I want to see like Pete and uh fruit and all that yeah what are these guys doing the scaffolding Builders are they they’re building up in like multiple rounds right from Panda there we go okay survived um I’m seeing a lot of fell from a high

Place so no oh my gosh I wonder if anyone will make S tier Scott when I look at Chad this looks like more death than what happened at the king’s Labyrinth man your game is just taking them out oh that’s hilarious yeah it got really hard when the lava and the like the

Smoke were introduced Scott by the way when I looked at your helicopters I got the sudden Pang of like you know sometimes when you see something from your childhood or something you get that Pang of childhood Nostalgia I don’t know what happened I saw the helicopters I

Think I thought of Airwolf or something but you well I think I might have had a Lego or something that was the same as this helicopter you hit me in the in the in the fields dude it was awesome yes did you have the the rescue helicopter

Was like black and yellow and had like the little like rope that put the little Lego fella like he wouldn’t rescued people yes what Millennium Falcon big build wait you’re almost oh I resisted I don’t have space for in my house it’s too big I ran out

That shower’s tiny I know I’m sorry every time I take a shower I pull them out and put them back hello nailed it hello it’s just like you’re all shouting at me I didn’t know if you were trying to summon me we were no no no no no yeah yes

I tell you what a panda drop now I’m confused I feel like we just dropped into Mayhem and it’s like hey everybody have fun at the park I think Cub was just saying about going back to to Maine and then maybe there’ll just be some like rotation of of games yeah maybe okay

I joined our show so let’s go back to group meeting then yeah let’s have a look okay only Zeds in there but okay I don’t know super fun man that X’s game was awesome you really enjoyed that mailed and the scaffolding game they were both really

Good is the dock still on strike over there I have no idea we’re still on strike yeah he’s still on strike it’s still angry pounding is happening he’s made a little barrier oh my gosh did nobody did nobody survived into that Hider impossible no nobody holds the panda drop at all no

One wow how could you how could you MLG drop with this much lag yeah oh no no no no it’s still gotta jump he got everyone he got a score oh wow that’s awesome did you only jump once no yeah no no no it was like the most

Suspicious no I’ve ever heard in my entire life it was three times Rose go yeah yeah three times that’s not your normal skin Pearl is it all right so when you when you when you did this when you jumped not Panda Express Panda rescue drop when you you jump very first Java

Skin oh my gosh I love it sorry scar it’s like a white pixel version of me yeah what’d you say scar I said did your heart drop when you when you when you did it my jajid you got the perfect space for that fall yeah well what are we at now guys

We just got a 3 000 donation wow everybody give doc his diamonds back now I didn’t make any problem incentives have been moved to 400k amazing so rum soap chicken was the one that did the 3K so chicken of all time everybody’s diamonds back give duck his

Diamonds back come on guys yeah be nice give them back wink wink yeah is sticks and diamonds then we know the answer oh yeah he’s missing a lot one of the Shockers was like completely full not even a scream he’s missing at least like 18 Stacks silent he’s just waiting

He’s about to manifest into the server villain look at that anger he’s gonna sing a lot still yeah he’s beyond that and he’s interdisappointed grief he’s plotting punishments we may be punished shortly wondering maybe we could play this game listen guys my next project is I’m going to bring

The the dragon to the Overworld there is a safe way there’s a safe way of me doing it and there’s the unsafe way are you missing doc very scared how many are you missing oh yeah I walked out for a second I heard dragon and scary everything’s fine okay we pull another incentive

Oh another incentive it’s another okay you’re a vampire now too that’s 352. who enter the time gather around S H I don’t know gather around my reading comprehension is really about yourself Guys ch7 landscaping your mind scape is gonna be amazing everybody gather around genuinely it’s a reference to an ad I did

Yes it is it is what’s happening I want to know what’s happening I have no idea or explain it to people okay so I so I I’ve authored a book oh oh no it was ingredients uh you know it was audible ad one of the greatest ads I’ve ever seen um

You have to recite a chapter from it oh no but my brain is is rotten after three hours so this is gonna be a treat for everyone yeah and I can’t look at you guys helpful we’re all watch no pressure just went into history Landscaping your mind chapter seven close your eyes

Feel the curtains of the world disappear around you feel yourself disappear into the boundless Realm enhance your inner soul feel your soul and vision I got nothing wow chapter seven I’m sold I will not have the Kool-Aid thank you where do I buy it feelings here right like your eyes wow

Don’t wow me this is that’s literally what this reference is it’s from my ass yes this is this is this is from Grand’s out he told me yeah yeah this is oh that’s embarrassing a little bit of behind the scenes actually so I had a script for Scar and

He did the script but then he did a bunch of like extra chapters just I didn’t ask him to he just put loads of weird chapters for this in imaginary book in that I couldn’t use because it wasn’t in this in the script that I

Wrote so I just I put some of it at the end of the video of just him just just talking nonsense there’s so much more agreeing so good so good no there’s so much more but not right now okay okay another episode like that was hard on stream okay

Um one more there you go oh good timing oh this is gonna be amazing where is he what is it where is he nope oh it’s cool again let’s go of 85. you are summoned to bring the pogger diorite shirt I don’t know what that even mean yes all right let’s see

Okay can we get some more donations right now while we’re waiting yeah Martin what’s been going on on upbeat man yes it’s a big Donuts coming in yeah all right I’ll just roll through them uh chefini uh Alan animal we’ve got uh hello you go over the 100 Anonymous 200

Uh we’ve got uh loon Lily with a 150 500 from race car good luck how fun they said uh we got uh tea long Shanks uh nerdy Nate we’ve got Ryan and Vanessa with the 300 thank you so much uh we got Lexi key family Jay Ray we’ve got uh

Auntie auntie Kem and uncle called Josh uh lady mandwin all with the hundreds we’ve got 300 uh oh sorry 200 sorry coming in from Mr way Hots uh Alyssa came with the 210 uh we’ve got umlion with the 200 uh 150 from the uh Demi nerd 78 thank you so much uh Amanda

With a hundo Dogfish in Paris sisters Kylie and Kiara with 200. uh Ash we got e Sully with 200 Anonymous 1500 thank you so much wow thanks for providing many hours of content for many people hoping this charity brings even more content to many more uh we’ve got Jen the Knight with a

Hundo uh we’ve got Indie wind hundo uh Brian family Lycan did uh osmotic we’ve got Sage of magic uh Chocobo this one’s hard to say wait hold on Choco Choco Cabo there you go uh avocado three with the 200 and back to us before anyone thinks anything different

This is not that right as marble okay because that’s what the incentive said yeah exactly right you wrote it it’s made of they look different simply die right take those pants off take them off take them off what do you mean why do I take them off

I can’t take the pants off apparently every Hammer needs to be in their underwear these days it’s happening to the server I’ll be right back yeah okay cool uh GI Dustin 350 Lord cheese 150 uh Jacob and Ethan destrom llistic uh we got z uh zabriskie family Harrison family puffball 920 or with

Hundos got black rose Inc with the 300 314 from radecki thank you so much uh we got go Blue foot with the 250. Hondo’s coming in from Zoe B uh Fishman 0808 as well as a kremberg uh 125 coming from grilled ice as well as the Marone family

And we’ve got 500 coming in from River Ken MC thank you so much uh we’ve got air Mitch baby with a hundo got Nate question mark uh with the hundo we got nebi nibs with 150 Max and also some dim sum with hundreds uh we got wise fan

With the two hundred and fifty dollars uh floppy blunt blunderguff I want to say 100 uh Michael and Maria G uh with the 200 we got a whopping 1 636 coming in from cajono says thanks for using your platform to support such amazing causes glad this

Month’s wage will help provide a bit of normality to those in hospital uh a big wall of Hondo is here we’ve got Dragon Inferno dizzy Lizzy socks else net lavender Mama MC Emma gamer Lolly daggle or with hundos uh we got 200 from Chris Pittman thank you very much uh hundo

Coming in from Mamma Mia LEC Rose rupood uh we got TNT slab of the 123 astronaut tuner Anonymous uh as well as logical geek boy um with a hundred dollars as well uh Lord Z with 150 Matt Baker with 250 uh Zulily uh with the 150 thank you so

Much uh Martin with an eye how dare you says raise the Baja thank you so much for the hundred uh Billy for the 169 Tanya with the 150 Frederick the pig kfr lsbm uh Alfred and Applejack with the hundos 200 from Anonymous 500 again from ix3 thank you for the repeated donations

They’ve been huge uh straight up with a Hyundai 150 from uh mercotui I’ve got Keisha with a hundred uh rapper tricks for 250 a bunch of Hondo’s coming in from people like the Briggs family uh Eric and Becca Ivy Blackmore codinsaurian uh Scooter Trash 150 from

Lesh as well as rain 250 oh I read that one already uh 500 from the fair family said Hermits Rock we love you all tough Golem also with the 500 says well done uh Mr Owl uh coming in with the hundo thank you so much we’ve got Central

Frugal Ace I want to say with 250. uh we’ve got code 807 with 150 250 from Mike and Christine a bunch more hundos here we’ve got Nick Stone we’ve got Mr Bundy we’ve got cobweb and Jay what uh Jen porfen uh cravalk Rusty bones as well as spicy Sammy 200 from trilanda

And we’ve got two uh where was it sorry 200 from Litem uh Grandmaster Jax with the one one one one one um we’ve got whiskey land gaming Mark Maguire with the 150 reptile Hunter deadbot and minimum all with 100 we’ve got a 1 000 donation uh coming in from

Lev said getting back into watching efo while also being introduced to so many wonderful Hermits has been such a delight happy to have been donating to such a wonderful cause much love thank you so much dude uh we got a hundred from Paisley Alexis and Josh with the

250 the in family with 250 100 from Evelyn the great we’ve got dogian with a hundred aha with a hundred uh totally with a hundred uh we got one thousand dollars from uh Maya fakia said oh shave it Joe that’s it Hawkeye 70 Hyundai Hamish uh with a 150

Uh we got accident with the hundo same from Callum Webb we got 150 from prior to uh I’m sorry pyrotech Lex with the 500 thank you very much uh Noah 150 Mike Mika and me 100 Laura S 100 500 from SoCal QT 79 thank you very much uh

Gamble The Adams Family Pearls of Doom uh with hundreds and 150s uh old man’s team of 100 uh another one of a thousand saying I’ll miss Joe’s beard from Mr Lance thank you very much uh here’s a big one 3 400 from MK says we’re watching some of you guys for 10 years

And it’s nice knowing that these charity events are going stronger than ever much love that’s the biggest of the night unbelievable yes and NJ coffee junkie with a hundred dollars says yeah that’s an anonymous 1000 blocky source and 250 dossy Matrix with the same uh Brooke

Goble uh with a hundred we got Jojo and Aloha with a 1 000 donation wow Kelvin in 400 firefighter pmrf cow with a 500 as well um we’ve got freezing fire uh we got mirimoto we’ve got Al Maddie Swanson family all with 100 300 from Farrell

1701 got 200 from AZ uh this uh schlues is loose uh with 250 Eagle bag over 200. and our final bunch of 100 we got that guy Reese Piece Cake Fairy ratchet Cooper and the Raiders amazing wow amazing that’s incredible amazing I mean even this late into the

The charity drive you guys are still dropping huge amounts of donations thank you so very much guys yeah it’s from like a technical standpoint like why watch the dashboard the entire stream we’ve been getting four to five donations a minute since we started so that’s why not small donations either 100 or more

So I mean my spreadsheets up to 1200 now and I’ve read 790 of them so it’s just yeah they’re outpatient yeah you can’t even give up yeah um in other news guys I believe that iskal’s returned and it’s hideous no I have to show yourself I am doing okay no no no no

Oh my God no what has happened to you it’s Marble you look like you’re going to be visited by three ghosts at Christmas it looks good on them though doesn’t it what’s wrong address yeah Future King everybody winter out yeah it’s a win to buy them yeah this time

Are we making history ethos has been so busy getting this ready yeah is he still working on it let’s uh let’s maybe meet on top the Dome the Big Blue Dome there all right all right just so you can get an overview of the game as as we

Talked before Etho talks everyone before Etho talks what do you need a chest let’s see if we can hit that final goal uh history is being made right here in Minecraft this game as ethical explain is Minecraft history so chat let’s let’s chant in a chats goal goal tweet it out

Let’s let’s hit that final goal as Minecraft history is made can we explain the history for those who don’t know from here though this game has been worked on for over 10 years wow oh my gosh suddenly beating its debut for the first time although it’s slightly altered of course um

But yeah it’s essentially just a PVP game we’re going to be shooting each other having a good old time in here um instructions are you guys ready for this yes before the game starts we’re gonna go down into a locker room area you see the

Oh you can’t see it from here behind the castles there is a way to get down into the locker rooms a colored thing for each team um you’ll head down there set your spawn drop off your gear here I guess let’s follow me over here I’ll show you an example

Oh right over here is the green team’s entrance for example we head down this is where we start up the game so you set your spawn you drop off your gear in the chests um you’ll automatically get gear when you walk through this thing the game starts when this block goes down okay

Go through this one at a time if you can please um and then you’ll go up into the arena now there is a chance we’re going to run out of gear hopefully it won’t happen don’t die too much did we get food as well or do we bring

It it’ll give you food too yeah you need nothing on you when you start okay cool cool if I close some for now but but I will be in the Green Team like how he says don’t die too much in a mass PVP game yeah yeah yeah yeah um Okay so

You’ll each start at your castle by the flag let’s go to the red flag here I guess this is a device for entering your player heads and the golden apples you get from the game into your score they don’t go into your score until they actually throw it on the red wall there

Ah okay okay so when you get a kill someone will drop a player head you throw that on the red wall and you’ll get two points for your team um okay all right there are golden apples located in 10 locations around the map two in the middle and one of

Them is at the top of the castle here the other one is in the volcano for the four quadrants okay okay the golden apples if you wish or you can enter them for a point in your score system okay where do we find the golden apples

Is there a way to know who wins or is this like a timed game or yes so I think we’re gonna do a 10 minute round okay and whoever gets the most score at the end I’ll add up the score and uh maybe we’ll meet in them back at the

When the game is over okay okay just wanted a notification perfect yeah um also player heads from your own team do not add to your score okay right okay okay yeah yeah please yeah a player head from your team you can throw it in lava or try to destroy

It if you want so no other team gets it from you because stealing is very important in this game if you steal player heads or golden apples from other people you are allowed to enter them for your own score awesome yeah all says Ready simple kill each other and throw

Your heads and apples into your score that’s it who’s playing at the same time here right we’re all playing at the same time yeah oh my goodness I don’t even know who’s on my team how are the teams going is it so teams uh the teams as they’re

Designated now uh B-Dubs green scar Pearl there’s one team red I like red his second team team yellow oh I was just gonna say team red fine too late then we have Force Etho Wren Corrales and iskol two gray five team of five nobody ethos don’t play in this oh

Is it are you playing it though it’s a game master at this one yeah okay everything works okay wait you mean me driving Cleo and Asuma where are the Creator can’t play what what color are we that was the way down team yellow outside the game up on the purple so down here

Sorry light blue team light blue all falls where Team Green no I already said light blue light blue okay great no he okay fine we’re green then great yeah this is so awesome is there any way to get ezo to play the game if you want to take my spot that’s fine

I’m getting a chance I’m getting chants before we do that can we swap off Corrales yeah that’s fine I’m okay with it yeah somebody give me op and I’ll just spectate I’m I’m really okay with that it’s fine I’m terrible at PVP anyways so if that’s what you guys want to know I’m

Not taking anybody’s spot no no no okay no no then then join the green team as his uh plan from the beginning game start yeah I’ll do a ready check before we start okay let’s go one B guys 1B yep one I ever read that your spine one a one a first

I’m helping those you haven’t taken your stuff Oscar oh they’ve already moved to another room dude oh no I have moved to 1A just beneath us all right we’re going to go through uh just the various teams and just see what’s going on with them I’m just going to mute up

The whole time but we’re gonna just float around see you and see what everyone’s doing see how they’re feeling uh start with Team 1B yeah yeah we group up so if someone’s coming back I don’t know how that would work yeah I think we should yeah it doesn’t work at the

Beginning right because I haven’t killed anyone yet no no yeah we can just Scout there yeah try and get some golden apples maybe maybe get some golden apples maybe get some kills um our one is ours was just up to the left I think yeah if we spot like someone on their

Own we we just um get the DPS on them right as many like we just all go for it yeah yeah I think it’s a mistake to split up too much in this game definitely stick together yeah yeah because everyone else will do that I think yeah the team damage is real though

Each other I mean I don’t know what gear we’re having yes I mean it’s going to be hard not to hit each other to be fair there’s a ball you get a bowl oh is it just bow oh wait this is just bills is there a sword I

Can see some of the other stuff at the top probably are we playing Quake yeah tweet okay team I need a pee first can I go pee wait I don’t think we have depends all right and do I have okay because they are different benefits okay I stay

Unless you’re gonna tell them and then get confirmation at least because I think it’s just this box just gonna go down in a second isn’t it yeah I think so I’m assuming we don’t take food right there’s no food allowed yeah so get your hunger full

And then we go there’ll be food well we’ve got the golden apples go go hit the goal goal goal hit the goal go go hit the goal yeah he probably popped in okay all right we’re reefy okay okay okay okay okay hold on a totem yeah put your stuff

Away I mean as much as you’re my team I mean Martin remember your inventory all right here we go we’re making ether Ethos Lab history right here man for all the yeah okay it falls first okay one at a time so if somebody got the world file because they

Usually give that away right oh there’s music and everything go oh that was the most hyped music I’ve ever seen no yeah there’s a sword okay I didn’t get geared one I didn’t get any then is it Infinity yeah it’s Infinity I didn’t get it okay

We’ll do that before we log off then no nope ethos on the top of the Dome maybe get some high ground on these yeah on these guys I’m just gonna plunk that up so just how I’m aware there’s no respawns in this right if they die are

They out it’s in the middle game oh yeah yeah lighting up doc right now you’ve got tango over on the far range apples in the middle yeah yeah okay you guys get started I’m gonna we’re gonna protect you let’s go let’s go let’s go fell down fell down yep yep

Right watch that go that way I’m gonna go away I got one hit on him all right here we go let me mute that bad boy all right here we are then we’re on the battlefield right now we’ve got Sadaf shooting down the corridor we got Tango

Right there as well oh my God green with the first blood on impulse he’s gonna get that head and Rumba Tango’s right on his tail they’re fighting on the staircase low ground Advantage you see santango taking out green it’s a grim sight to see Ren Diggity Dog nice and

High at the moment keeping that High Ground I’m appreciating these shots from B-Dubs green is absolutely just swarming around the field if you saw him yesterday taking out a bunch of people in meltdown during MCC this is not a problem he’s running a whole team by himself not sure that’s the smartest

Strategy I’ve ever seen he’s actually literally looks like a pincushion little porcupine green has to retreat I Javelin floating around in the middle and he’s even crouching as well to not let them know where they are uh oh here we go iskal rolling round Corrales is there as

Well looks like we’ve got two people holding out back here we’ve got Cub fan and Cleo just chilling where they are not one is getting into too much trouble false on the bridge firing out a few shots as well they’ve been holding a good dominance in the middle here the

Green Team it makes them almost certain Ducks between them all but with all of this sitting in the back lines people aren’t going to be going for it scar somehow got a golden carrot I’m guessing we’ve got some food in rotation here Green’s back in the battle as well so

I’m guessing that respawns are on very very interesting Tango just dying to fall damage and green chasing down his prey going down and collecting that head it’s probably gonna run back and try and cash that in to get a couple points at the end of the game remember if you cash

In player heads or if you get was it golden apples that ends up adding points to the ends look green will come across this way they’ll go to their little vendor you’ll pop their head in bam both of those things will get collected and at the end

Of the game those ones will cash in bringing straight back out to go and collect some more impulse on the low ground fighting B-Dubs B-Dubs using those arrows at close range who’s back to trying to eat that Golden Apple but he forgot it was actually for combat and

Nothing else Lefty versus righty and righty takes the vicroyd just here good job to B-Dubs got a head and he could probably go cash that in immediately pearls it here though I know pose on their team okay we’ll begin it looks as though they’re trying to fill up the 5

Out of 5 meter as well which is looking pretty cool uh what else have we got oh are they running deep into green base no that’s running this scalp falling back a little bit that’s fine that’s fine they’re all chilling oh the Cub’s not wearing the boots

Either it makes it very hard to commentate did you get a long range shot on Sky could have sworn scar was all the way back in the base that’s wild I haven’t seen Cleo really come out of here x is on the run towards the center probably gonna be met off by Rendog

Though let’s see what happens when chilling right on the center those golden apples are dropping in every so often by the looks of it oh on the low ground who’s that someone right beneath the surface power’s using the underground I didn’t realize that was an option

Using the golden apples to eat as well as opposed to scoring them for points doesn’t really matter is there a way of getting up from there no this is just a straight shot to the bottom Poe gonna be coming up by uh B-Dubs and a few other people let’s see what happens here

B-Dubs protecting their spawn point looking pretty good Pearl’s running back towards mid this guy falling back again for the green team with some actual combat going on oh there we go Ren head to head with Scar and B-Dubs at the same time I’m not sure this is one that

Renog’s gonna win this is gonna be like dog walks all over again what an incredible shot from Ren him whack scar made him fall through the gap on the bridge all the way down the full damage leaving nothing but a head an arrow and Broken Dreams Pearl running in not

Looking too bad scars going back up with B-Dubs team comms are probably all over the place right now green just hunting fiending for those kills doesn’t even know he’s Ren directly above him he’s heading back’s going cash in a couple more points false going down on the bridge scar absolutely slaying Ren

Versus Scar volume two and Ren’s now falling victim to the hole in the bridge you gotta mind your feet you’ve got to figure out what’s going on here impulse Sweeping in grabs ahead runs away with it scar on the tail saying nope that’s my kill that’s my head give it straight

Back we got Zed Tango and Doc all there surely this is a bad play for scar right now scar deep in the Yellow base trying to get back that helmet and or head and he’s only going to hand one over to them easy easy points holy love the

Verticality of this map it’s really really good we got jevin going around the outside jevin playing themselves down at the beginning thinking that they’re not gonna be the strongest player in this match but they’re rolling around they’re getting golden apples and stuff at this point this is fantastic

Couple shots going in as well cheeky Bops on Corrales before he gets to eat the golden apple absolutely slaying and taken down well played breathe very very well played it’s really hotly contested over at the red base I think the Green Team have realized that there’s a lot

Happening right now green just didn’t even see false swipe past them that is wild Ren falling from a high place again probably victim to another Bridge Drop almost definitely in that case false going across the top oh is Gallant Cub face to face Cleo’s finally come out

From the base we’ve not seen Cleo actually come out and enter the competition at any point clear is now chilling on Mid feeling it feeling it where are we looking next Cub running back Tango on The Chase Tango and uh sorry Tango and Cub going

Head to head but X is coming up as well this is a bit much this is a bit much give me some more music oh here we go blood battle that’s what I want what’s happening in a minute at the minute impulse chilling hanging out Tango chilling hanging out more golden

Nuggets are appearing not a lot else going on right now false hanging out there oh gonna try and get some low shots connects with igevin liking that jevin tries to reply doesn’t quite pull the string back far enough on that one unfortunately Cubs looking through mid I think Cub has got eyes for

False right now I can see the lineuper gets interrupted by Doc and Tango on the right hand side holy back and forth go the arrow shot Scar’s gonna be over here somewhere right ready to capitalize on all of this B-Dubs falling from a high place on the

Low ground here’s scar let’s follow the man of the hour let’s see what happens here all the way in straight into Yellow base guys scars like a this guy’s like a b right just going straight for the next straight for the honey right into that gold spot I think he’s trying to steal

Whatever they’ve got in their spawn point but it’s not gonna be enough to take out a three-piece team Tango falling back as well everybody retreating everybody figuring out what their next move is going to be B-Dubs cashing in a golden apple they’ve got a head there as well Scar’s got another

That’s golden carrots that looking over on the bridge right now green pushing up on the Green Team Karan is holding them off iskal false is probably gonna go higher than drop down low to take out green no false I’ve also had a good opportunity to be Batman there decided

Not to go for it oh who’s this on the low ground on the low ground comes around to attack green chases him across the bridge through his base manages to connect with the sword manages to take the helmet good stuff false iskau Corral is falling back Red Bridge currently has

Got scared just ping enough shots connecting for the most part by the looks of it it’s very impressive team talks happening over at yellow impulse Dock and Tango relaxing and there’s Zed as well a whole four pieces ready to go scarge is absolutely soaring shots left

Right and Center Ren’s on middle takes a hit not looking too great he’s got a wall though he’s got a blockade green going for iskow he’s probably going to connect here oh this guy falls back deep doesn’t matter if you connect the shot there you’re not going to pick up the

Head Cub fan coming up from behind this could be very interesting Cub doesn’t know which way he’s up and down but that’s fine fires off a shot on the bridge with Corrales look at that green have just been sat in that back pocket for the entire time they’ve just been

Shooting shots from here I don’t know how their their cash points looking they’ve got one scar head in there currently how are we looking over at this base over in this space we’ve got two golden apples not too shabby over in this base currently we’re looking uh one Golden Apple

And then over it this one in red probably the best showing oh no actually a minute there’s only um one Golden Apple boy yeah boy oh boy iskau going down by B-Dubs that’s a beautiful shot B-Dubs is plot green there as well but they’re on the same team to my

Memory so that’s all good Pearl oh absolutely thread in the needle on Rendog there Ren’s pretty static those head shots are gonna connect but then this guy’s getting right up in the face if I was gonna bail back into red base he’s probably gonna call out for com

Scar is there ready to do some intercepts in there it is look at that nice Bam Bam Bam on iskal let’s cash that in this guy actually picking up a kill with him fleeing is scar gonna be able to keep up with him he does takes

The head that’s gonna get cashed in they can have one head and one golden apple right now oh boy oh boy green running back in probably has some loot to cash in but Tango is going deep to 2V1 situation he’s picking up the loose items that head is just chilling on the

Floor that’s not gonna be a good start and Tango’s retreated Fair decision Fair decision B-Dubs coming in from the left side for a little bit of Support over in the Yellow base right now still looking at just two golden apples Zed going higher grabbing another Golden Apple

Very very interesting over at the blue base currently is looking really strong I mean I don’t think oh no that’s two heads yeah we’ve got two heads we’ve got a doc head and I think a scar and I want to say and then two golden apples blue right now looking like real contenders

Green relaxing at the back Paratus lining up a a slab I guess I wasn’t really sure was looking at and I feel like the round isn’t going to be too far from coming to an end Ren is chilling on the center of the Center Height there’s

A bunch of arrows here to pick up as you’re going around Cub fan donating another Golden Apple to the cause four or five golden apples oh my God and there we go they’ve maxed it out I don’t know if the game ends when that happens

Or if it’s more just you want to keep your lanterns filled in oh there rings the bell and that is the round over my goodness scores at the door then over here we’ve got what looks to be about two golden apples in that spawn point over here we’ve got some player head

That makes those two teams equal over in the red base we are looking at a single golden apple and if Green Team managed to bring it home have they been a surprise front runner no So currently it’s four points a pop I know two points to pop actually

Because it’s what golden apples there two two it’s actually a tie currently between yellow and yes it’s a time between yellow and blue by the looks of it although I’m pretty sure that Heathrow said that there was a way that it will automatically check who’s won this is very very interesting

Two golden apples only means more than one well two golden apples is one point each right and then a head is two is that all right or is it that or is it the Hoppers have been filling up oh right okay I didn’t realize I didn’t

Realize so I’m sure the points are going to be uh rolling in any second then let’s go back there we go oh my gosh man that was really fun to commentate I just went full like Esports mode for that whole thing nice oh man I have to

Watch that back a second later the bell rang I’m like no dude so much lag but so much fun yeah oh yeah you and I were going at it pretty good yeah I’d um and some pretty good fights but it’s got killed me multiple times couldn’t kill him

Yeah by the way the map design here was really good I love the birds that was awesome I’ll tell you what the bridge fights between Scar and renin constantly falling through the bridge had me in stitches I loved it was amazing so well done which team

Ended up winning I didn’t not sure we’re not sure yet the score is here okay okay just meet at the chairs and uh we’ll do a reveal yeah yeah guys I’ve got to take my uh my chihuahua needs to make a deposit at the Chihuahua Banks depositing items after the game though

Right oh no no no the Hopper’s locked don’t they oh that was all about stealing we didn’t steal enough yeah I got really lucky somebody killed green and I was just like right there it was just like oh a free head and then ran back to my base as quickly as possible

The whole time I’m sorry did you me and Doc got into it a few times iskau killed me multiple times like dude at least oh yeah is yeah that was so fun yeah yep where’s uh you guys didn’t add anything in the barrels wow you’re lagging look at your collection man it’s fun

I’ll be right back as well people I’m gonna go for a pee all right all right we’re about to pass quickly break and then we do the final push can you do some 400 and 383.99 you want some donuts all right let’s roll through some donuts

Uh we got 111 coming in from BT and atascad we got Yoshi with the 250 you turn us 100 we’ve got uh 123 from B uh K per guy popper with a hundo 1 000 from mistress T thank you so much um 100 from Mumbo says pants Harper the

Massive family uh I’m Das wolf we got cred bunnies with the hundo same again from Emily and Ben the becks one thousand dollars from Aaron says love you all uh and what this will do for the kids hundred dollars coming in from Remy Anonymous book fanatic Jamestown uh

Michi Gander we’ve got 300 from stress monster thank you very much uh 200 from the dumb old guy that’s me isn’t it I don’t know Stephanie 250 from Seth Wallace we got 200 coming in from uh kyrian scarecrow with the 200 and Jennifer laffy as well as ice

Sterlings with the hundo uh where are we next uh Pentacles 111 100 coming in from Shannon Davidson Master Joda Genty five thousand uh robio we got sassy Kari with the 150 at 314 pound dollars coming in from codex 404 uh Gemini Malone uh Muslim pan and chicken triple D coming

In with the hundos um we’ve got flux Paradox with 500 uh completely normal Trixie uh Ankara with the 200 Fritz Alpha Axel uh a thousand dollars coming in as well from mini Quinn one thank you mini Quinn uh since I’ve been following since season seven thank you Hermits for all the fun and

Joy you bring millions of viewers I love the shenanigans um and then we got millbrock with the 150 Max attack with the 152 Lord Z with a 555 and 55 cents uh G Rel with a hundred dollars and we’ve got Linda uh baby blue eyes with a hundred Mao cat or

Maori cat sorry uh with 125. that way yes there’s Maui cat spelled with a K so might not be yours um oh that was the rum Stone chicken from earlier uh 500 from Jay Kells thank you very much uh we got the Brightwell Family Ice wrap to rest we’ve got ninja

Nat and Julian zali uh Square local and also trell’s Veen uh or with a hundred we’ve got the family Crafters with 250 Pearl with the 250 thank you Pearl that was nice and we got guy brush three wood with 500 um we’ve got Drew backer with a hundred

Dirty third with a hundred uh we’ve got scratch Green Oh which was early on it was scratcher scratcherian uh so it’s that person’s re-donated again I like that uh 250 from English family uh Katie with the 130 we’ve got uh Mali Wally wormbo uh Montag we got mirimoto again

Artsy cactus or with Hondos a stream viewing party with 150 there’s nothing left with hundo we’ve got a one two three four dot five six from on the fritz thank you very much says you amazing human beings deserve it please impulse keep your clothes on uh we’ve

Got 200 from Chelsea and Jim uh hundreds coming in from ragathon uh amazing Julia and Adrian uh 200 from Jay 100 coming in from Keen BTF and family uh also the same coming in from devony V laup Garrick 150 from Rowan G 500 from gargoyle 667 rural Brewery with 222 200

From cats 200 from Sam was never here they said that last time Brendan and James were the two hundo towns via Townsville town with a 500. uh we’ve got 100s coming in from uh Orion guy 21 kalista the melting void machinist 1964 uh terawanix Kirby 2290 Sean and Amy

Melba the hellbow with 250 stainless solver 250 210 from rialga thank you very much uh we got uh Simon’s mum with 500 cheers Simon’s mum uh Susan MVB hundo Natalie yes dragonix uh 10 with 150 125 from Steve uh good scars with times with the hundo same for Red Steel

Eagles that’s right 150 long hair brindle uh we got Moab with a hundo uh AVM 524 uh kimber’s Mouse with the 500 thank you very much it’s Christmas Martin I mean it’s what no I just can’t correct uh Demian you can’t be a mod of mine if I haven’t mispronounced your name sounds

Good oh we got uh Brandon Esther with 100 as well okay Ronin with the 250 one and a half thousand dollars from Brian just Brian wow they said they’ve been watching since hermit pack and they said they love you guys Ray you with the 500

As well uh Brandon oh I read that one uh we got robot and Chelsea 250 uh Laxmi 13 Daka 13 eagle and califan 250 man of Grinch uh crystalline Tower DJ medic as well as Phantom Mickey and Daisy all with 100s uh Corinne and Tyler coming in

With the 250 bedside line with 300 the dock with 177 uh John Campbell lofty God uh compost crew submarine sunlight and the mama with a hundred we’ve got uh Erica and Diana with the 150. uh two lesian King with the 150 612 from Dustin’s has trans rights

Absolutely uh uh Hangar 26 with a hundo uh math teacher three one four two 200 we’ve got Pluto Rising VW flower girl tiger Lisa Ryan C prepared man Lila pickle or with hundos 200 coming in from the momenture uh we’ve got a 2 000 donation from genocide thank you very very much yeah

N-n-a-s-i-d-e uh the message said just got out of hospital after a lung hernia surgery and after spending two weeks in hospital I wish I had access to gaming stations absolutely awesome seeing this excellent amazing uh I’ll roll off a few more and then we can get back to bits um

Monk rapper in the family were two hundos same again from Bluff tangent uh Hondo’s coming in from Stephen Hibbs Jasmine Samantha R uh we’ve got chimerical one uh the wessels were 200 ran with a hundred same from zenali diggerland and KO dragon lord cheese

With the 200 Lunas 3 with a hundo uh we got 200 from Ava gatorman uh we’ve got family zabel with the 200 mean girl 83 uh push pop up that Curry that is we got crew and 12 half hour uh 12 12 hour half day sorry

Um and then we’ll stop for now with an anonymous donation of 225 wow 980 and the donations still go up to almost 1300. wow we are literally approaching for 400k yeah oh my God 394 496 diamonds it was great all along we all knew it everyone

It’s less now all of a sudden again 395 000 so we’re 5K away so we can do it we can make it we can do it unbelievable the honest truth is we we didn’t expect to get anywhere near this I mean 25 000 is like everything this is just

Overwhelming it really is I don’t even know everybody’s donated thank you so much regardless of amount like a dollar five dollars five thousand dollars it doesn’t matter so unbelievable the final scores everybody all right surprisingly close game like oh very well all right awesome oh yeah ready oh

Yes in fourth place we have the yellow team Five Points a respectable 35. third place we have the Green Team what what outrageous 43 points and come on come on one point oh wow the red team no yes all right let’s go foreign places yeah yeah

I got a huge deal at one point yeah sometimes it was like a little back and forth like sometimes you would get a bow without an arrow so yeah I mean it just depends yeah you eat so this game was fantastic sincerely so much we may have learned is that maybe skulls

Should be like four points on apples one point yeah right guys guys we just passed 399 000. I’m ready foreign Liberty to say but isn’t each cart gonna like have our name engraved on it or something yeah yeah can you talk about that yeah okay um maybe not yes

Um yeah so each cart um we’re gonna have like a little like plaque on the front that says um donated by the hermitcraft community um just to show a little Sport and you know I yeah I don’t know I’m out of words man yeah yeah all right I can’t I

Can’t repeat it as enough like we we set the 25 and we were like if we got over a little bit we could do the skin change or something you know yeah I don’t know it’s hard to even put into words um but first of all for for all the

Hermits this was a lot of work so thank you so much yeah Martin Scott you’ve you’ve been amazing thank you so much for being the announcer so and doing all the work setting that up no worries um for helping us get like all the overlays

Set up no problem at all I love the the schedule on behalf of all the Hermits here and everybody like this was your idea you started it you managed it yeah like the biggest Applause you made all of this happen my friend so yeah yeah 100 yeah we’re clapping but oh yeah

Legends you’re a legend oh so should we uh go talk to our communities now or I think it’s time we’re doing this tomorrow same time how many more of the of the like big threshold donors are left in that spreadsheet of yours there 250 over 250. I mean there are ones that

Have been marked with like purple which are like really huge numbers do you want me to just run through those ones okay cool so the purples we got mistress t with the two thousand dollars man of java back again with 500. uh Steven rose with 500 we got uh intriler cool stream

I want to say intro Cruise Christine yeah there we go uh 500 we got uh ahime Angel as well with the one thousand dollars Songbird tea and load Nikon with uh 11 28 thank you very much uh this impulse is 500 again lovely stuff um

For some reason uh let me scroll a bit more uh oh we’ve already seen me find 5000 which was from a pistol ship um because it’s throwing me back up for some reason um so just leave the spreadsheet as is uh scroll scroll we got 500 from uh

Oyendor uh who else we got Nicole and Tracy with the 500 we got Mesa with the 1000 uh 3000 that was the uh rum soap chicken uh tiak and wrath 500 uh Mr snack OB was 500 a thousand dollars from uh Echo Goose I want to say

Um oh it keeps it keeps dinging back up sorry uh two and a half thousand from Shell bells two three five thank you very much um and Astro Zone um thank you very much we got fearsen family with a five hundo uh what are the purples we got here there’s so

Many geez uh we got XP Cipher back again with another thousand dollars oh wow wow so I’ve got to scroll down he did like uh what 1200 before too right something like that yeah yeah it’s amazing I think we’re almost at the end of the purples

We’ve got Ashley with the 1 500 uh we got lady Eric Haribo and Elder carabo uh thank you very much the 500s we’ve got the Glasgow family with a thousand as well said uh donating in memory of techno blade rip uh Limerick with the hundo thank you so much we’ve got uh uh

Kirin on with the 500 Ruden with a 1 000 says love your service dog great cause um oh it keeps moving the page uh we got Anonymous with a thousand thank you whoever you are Kyle as well with the one thousand dollars um and then the final I think I know

What that is hello the final one I can see here in purple a thousand dollars was good times with scar amazing amazing that’s that’s for the people who can’t donate it’s just amazing guys as well and there are so many more there are still literally hundreds

You know 100 plus and then the thousands and thousands of people that must have donated you know any sun below a hundred dollars thank you so much small or big that’s incredible almost the same part and man it’s so good to see yeah thank you for all of the help today too

Yeah absolutely um a big thank you to everybody behind the scenes right like the the infamous spreadsheet would not actually be a thing if it wasn’t for uh some of our fans that uh that that put it together uh you know we asked them to do it they

And then they managed themselves we were so busy doing other stuff the king’s Labyrinth and all of that we didn’t have any time these amazing people just got together made a made a bot that made a spreadsheet I didn’t even know what they did but to be honest remind it looked as

Though the spreadsheet was being filled manually like there are four there’s basically four columns there’s name amount message and then if they want to put any notes next to it all automated man and I can see them all like copy pasted and stuff in it was wild and uh

You know that’s just one of the teams that was working on this whole thing there’s a whole bunch of other teams and I just want to say a big thank you to them also because um they’re the same Heroes behind behind the curtain so thank you everybody know how long the

Link will be open for a lot of people asking yeah a lot of people asking I believe until midnight but it may just run until we close it I need to check to be 100 safe I that’s okay that’s that’s a good question so for sure it should

Last for like at least till like tomorrow or the next day um I’ll ask the charity um I’ll I’ll ask them once we’re done cool so people still have time to go recycle some cans and stuff absolutely so now as we all in happy giving attitude giving back Korean something missing

Come back to the diamonds again there’s still some misses I’m off the hook I gave mine yes I don’t have any you can kill me if you want to see I need to kill habit one by one to say he has them no Twisters I took them all and I’m never coming back

See you later nice guys there is uh there is Cleo’s uh Escape game if we wanted to play that as sort of and I know we’re sort of rapping if anybody wants to stick around I’m quite happy to I do not have the brain power for it I’m

Gonna definitely play it another day before I sign out tonight because that looks super fun it is is Joe still around by the way no he owes us a stream later let’s get a stream later today and he’s okay it’s weird’s gotta go yeah so everybody yeah man that’s cool

Man I think it’s a time that we call it and let’s uh go wrap up with our single audiences and we’ll be back in the chat so tick is still going up by the way oh yeah guys very much all right bye guys bye

Bye oh man oh man oh man what a stream what a day holy moly that was uh that was a lot that was a lot there was a lot going on there I just I basically I was just trying to read as many of them as quickly as

Possible but without sounding as though I was slurring my words that’s basically what I was doing oh man I could have a little fly around right anybody got their bearings anybody know where where things are you know what I want to see I want to

See the rift I want to see Green’s Rift where is that there’s where’s Green’s Rift what kind of direction we talking ask for a tour from someone now that everybody’s every everybody’s had a long old night I’m not going to ask anybody to do any anything more than they already have

They have already done a ton be easier through the portal in the nether Hub okay hold on there was a portal um portal back here right let’s go back this way let’s see if I can figure this out Brian is between scars Park and the perimeter all right

Uh I mean I don’t know my way around here at all you know what I mean oh I kind of do you know where I am now actually hello oh God um it came from this way right there’s a portal at the end of here then I then my bearings are here

Oh maybe no then this doesn’t look right um you know what jungle Mesa Ultra Combo no that’s not the one let’s go back a bit oh wait are there like portals through these bits someone’s saying on your left so was I in the right ballpark by going down this way

Tango is next to Green okay wait hold up hold up he’s near Tango okay hold on gem impulse Pearl hmm Tango is the snow I was Tango’s the snow tunnel okay but that’s no tunnel guy Tangos yeah yeah so are you saying that I if I oh what’s that Hypno space so

He’s saying if I go this way and then I can get to Green via here and you guys know this server better than probably some of the Hermits do where is it right then so from here I mean I have no idea what I’m looking at a lot of this is just wild

Holy so he was saying left what is in the left left when I come out the portal this way somewhere seen some infrastructure here I also don’t want to spoil anything I’m worried that there’s gonna be some kind of spoiler somewhere oh I recognize this actually this is the

Vault right ah yeah this is greens this is Green’s bad boy this is where I go into spectator mode and spoil what’s inside the Vault if it’s not already been done now down okay oh geez uh which way from here is it is it down down like even further than this

How down we talking Under the Bridge Under the Bridge Under the Bridge Under the Bridge towards the vole outside and under the bridge okay I’ll have a look oh I see yeah yeah I see what you mean oh yeah yeah okay well this is pretty cool I’m digging this

This video, titled ‘Hermitcraft Charity Livestream for Gamers Outreach – InTheLittlewood POV’, was uploaded by InTheLittleWood – Live! on 2022-10-25 22:22:30. It has garnered 14753 views and 683 likes. The duration of the video is 03:53:57 or 14037 seconds.

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    Roasting Minecraft 1.8 & MMC Minecraft 1.8 & MMC Slander: Exploring the Latest Trends As the Minecraft community continues to evolve, new trends and memes emerge, keeping players engaged and entertained. One recent topic of discussion revolves around Minecraft 1.8 and MMC slander, sparking conversations and debates among enthusiasts. Rediscovering the Joy of Bridge in Minecraft 1.8 One of the intriguing aspects that have caught the attention of players is the resurgence of interest in bridge gameplay. Many are finding the experience of playing bridge in Minecraft 1.8 to be surprisingly enjoyable, leading to a renewed appreciation for this classic feature. Embracing Fun and… Read More

  • Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Experience Thrilling Adventures on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com! Are you a fan of the latest Minecraft updates and features? If so, you need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With its unique gameplay and community-driven environment, Minewind offers an exciting and immersive experience for players of all levels. One of the reasons why you should join Minewind is the constant innovation and updates that keep the gameplay fresh and exciting. Just like the new cave sounds in Minecraft that are both scary and thrilling, Minewind is always introducing new elements to keep players engaged and entertained. Whether you’re a seasoned Minecraft player or just… Read More

  • Automagic: Industrial Foregoing’s Machine Melodic

    Automagic: Industrial Foregoing's Machine Melodic In the world of Minecraft, machines and magic collide, Industrial Foregoing, a mod to provide. Automating tasks, making life easier, But beware of the challenges, they can be a teaser. Peagasp, our fearless news reporter in rhyme, Bringing updates and facts in no time. With a grin and a spin, crafting stories with glee, Engaging the crowd, setting their minds free. Join the live streams, full of laughter and fun, As we explore new mods under the sun. Peagasp, the narrator, with eyes sharp and keen, Describing the gameplay, like never seen. So leap into the verse, let the… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Everything Turns Upside Down in Minecraft!

    Join Minewind: Where Everything Turns Upside Down in Minecraft! Welcome to Newsminecraft.com, where we bring you the latest and most exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “HER ŞEY TERSİNE DÖNDÜ BEBEK İŞÇİ MİLYONER OLDU! 😱 -Minecraft”. While this video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it certainly highlights the endless possibilities and adventures that await you in the world of Minecraft. Imagine a world where everything is turned upside down, where baby workers become millionaires, and where the only limit is your imagination. This is the kind of excitement and creativity that you can experience on Minewind… Read More

  • Blockbuster Childhood: Minecraft TV Time

    Blockbuster Childhood: Minecraft TV Time In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, I bring you news in rhymes, keeping it alive. From updates to tips, all in a playful tone, Join me on this journey, let’s make it our own. With blocks and mobs, and adventures galore, I’ll bring you the latest, and so much more. So leap into the verse, let the story sing, In every pulsing line, let the truth take wing. From the classroom series to song adaptation, I’ll keep you entertained, no hesitation. So follow along, subscribe and see, The world of Minecraft, through the eyes of me. Fangkuaixuan,… Read More

  • Hunt for Laughs: 2024 Minecraft Game

    Hunt for Laughs: 2024 Minecraft Game Welcome to the Post-Apocalyptic World of Huntercraft Step into a world teeming with monsters and mutants in Huntercraft, an offline survival game for Android devices. As a hunter, your mission is to navigate through the dangers of this open-world environment, filled with opportunities and threats. Game Features With a plethora of activities to engage in, Huntercraft offers players the chance to fight enemies, save survivors, complete quests, and develop their skills. Explore cubic locations and immerse yourself in the various game modes, such as taking on the challenge of killing 100 zombies within a time limit or rescuing survivors… Read More

  • Join Minewind: Where Noobs Become Pros!

    Join Minewind: Where Noobs Become Pros! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and exciting news from the world of Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a thrilling YouTube video titled “First Time Noob PLAYER Enter In Minecraft!” Although the video may not be about Minewind Minecraft Server, it does capture the essence of a new player embarking on a journey into the vast and adventurous world of Minecraft. Just like the player in the video, imagine yourself stepping into a world full of endless possibilities, challenges, and excitement. Now, picture yourself exploring this world alongside a community of like-minded players who share… Read More

  • Crafting Chaos: Vivecraft Questcraft

    Crafting Chaos: Vivecraft Questcraft In Meta Quest 3, Minecraft we play, With Vivecraft and Questcraft, we find our way. Installing and setting up, step by step, Exploring new worlds, no need to fret. SteamVR and Meta Quest Link in place, Minecraft Launcher and Java, we embrace. Playing on glasses, settings just right, Sidequest for Questcraft, a true delight. In the end, our opinion shines through, Minecraft in Meta Quest 3, a dream come true. Like and subscribe, show some love, For gaming adventures, high above. Read More

  • “Intense Lunar Gaming FAILS! Chapak Chapak 🌕😂” #minecraft

    "Intense Lunar Gaming FAILS! Chapak Chapak 🌕😂" #minecraftVideo Information मछली गई पानी में छपक छपक इसको इंग्लिश में क्या कहते हैं आपको पता है इतना नहीं पता आपको इसको इंग्लिश में कहते हैं मथ पानी में छपक छपक This video, titled ‘Chapak Chapak🤦🤣 #minecraft #funny #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by Lunar Gaming on 2024-04-10 01:34:38. It has garnered 559 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:15 or 15 seconds. Chapak Chapak🤦🤣 #minecraft #funny #shortsfeed Ignore: minecraft parody believer animation life 1 minecraft parody viva la vida captainsparklez minecraft parody wellerman minecraft parody shape of youminecraft parody animation minecraft parody animation life 1 minecraft parody animation… Read More

  • Prism SMP | Semi-Vanilla | Whitelist | Discord

    Welcome to Prism SMP Hello there! Welcome to Prism SMP, where we offer a unique twist on vanilla-survival gameplay. We believe in a community-oriented approach where every member has a say in shaping our server. Join our Discord server to connect with fellow members, make new friends, and enjoy seamless communication between in-game and Discord interactions. Family-Friendly Environment Our server is family-friendly, with a focus on maintaining a PG-13 atmosphere and promoting respectful conduct from all members. Community Events We regularly host community events open to everyone. Upcoming events include thrilling PvP tournaments and exhilarating elytra adventures. Joining is Simple… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Hostile Takeover: Creeper Placement Poll closes in 5h

    Minecraft Memes - Hostile Takeover: Creeper Placement Poll closes in 5hLooks like the creeper’s fate is in the hands of democracy – let’s hope they don’t blow up at the polling station before the deadline! Read More

  • Thrusters and Tables: April Fool’s Potato Update!

    Thrusters and Tables: April Fool's Potato Update! In the world of Minecraft, a new update has come, With a Poison Potato that’s no longer just dumb. Now it has hooks and block thrusters, oh my, Even the fletching table is functional, give it a try. Join the fun, download the resource pack, Explore the new features, no need to hold back. Become a member, get rewards galore, In the world of Minecraft, there’s always more. For more games and vlogs, check out the channels we share, For questions or queries, we’re always there. So leap into the verse, let your creativity sing, In the world of… Read More

  • “Blow me up, creeper daddy” 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes

    "Blow me up, creeper daddy" 😂🔥 #minecraftmemes Imagine telling a creeper to “arise” and it just starts breakdancing instead of exploding. Now that’s a party I’d like to see in Minecraft! #creeperdanceparty #minecraftmemes Read More

  • Join Minewind Server for Epic Adventures!

    Join Minewind Server for Epic Adventures! Are you a fan of creating unique portals and exploring new dimensions in Minecraft? If so, you need to join the Minewind Minecraft Server today! With a vibrant community of players and endless possibilities for adventure, Minewind is the perfect place to unleash your creativity and immerse yourself in a world of excitement. Forget about the ordinary and step into a realm where the only limit is your imagination. Whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, Minewind offers something for everyone. From epic builds to thrilling PvP battles, there’s never a dull moment on this dynamic server…. Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Build Trick!

    Insane Minecraft Build Trick! Unlock Your Creativity with Minecraft Crazy Build Hacks Are you ready to elevate your Minecraft building skills to new heights? Whether you’re a seasoned architect or just starting out, this video is filled with mind-blowing build hacks that will revolutionize the way you approach construction in the game. Discover Innovative Building Techniques From hidden passages to jaw-dropping landscapes, this in-depth tutorial will guide you through a variety of creative strategies to make your Minecraft world truly unique. Learn how to incorporate secret tricks and innovative building techniques that will set your structures apart from the rest. Enhance Your Structures… Read More

  • Unleash The True Gingershadow in MINECRAFT! EP. 2 Dungeon Break

    Unleash The True Gingershadow in MINECRAFT! EP. 2 Dungeon BreakVideo Information This video, titled ‘A DUNGEON BRAKE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 2’, was uploaded by The True Gingershadow on 2024-04-12 20:00:11. It has garnered 10363 views and 479 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:55 or 1855 seconds. Solo Leveling Dungeons & Dragons (On Vod Channel) – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rlyZ0Eihh8Q&list=PLgBu0fvAd3cvSxMfnY7Emj9CYgRTXkX9g&index=1&t=17516s STREAM – https://www.twitch.tv/thetruegingy DISCORD – https://discord.gg/4fW99jk BECOME A MEMBER HERE – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCV-wFS-noHcYZM19K4XQaDA/join GingyVODs Channel – https://www.youtube.com/@TheTrueGingyVODs A DUNGEON BRAKE! Minecraft Solo Leveling Mod Episode 2 #SoloLeveling #MinecraftSoloLeveling #SoloLevelingMod Also big thanks and shout out to our ANBU members of the channel MonsterQ Series Playlists RWBY Students Of Beacon (Minecraft… Read More

  • Dangerous Game: BAD X WARRIORZ

    Dangerous Game: BAD X WARRIORZVideo Information This video, titled ‘never try this game💀(@badxwarriorZ6526)#yttrending #horrorgames#viral #moyemoye#minecraft’, was uploaded by BAD X WARRIORZ on 2024-04-18 05:14:10. It has garnered 43 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 00:06:50 or 410 seconds. #yttrending #shortvideoviral #shortvideo #minecraft #viral #carparkingmultiplayer #howtoviralshortvideo #memoryreboot #moyemoye #myyearonyoutube20 That sounds thrilling! In your game, are you exploring haunted locations, using ghost-hunting equipment, or solving mysteries about the spirits you encounter? Ah, I see! So, you’re looking for a game that combines the intensity of being an exorcist with the atmospheric fear of phasmophobia. That would make for a truly spine-tingling… Read More

  • INSANE Minecraft World Tour: 15000 Days in Hoef!

    INSANE Minecraft World Tour: 15000 Days in Hoef!Video Information This video, titled ‘15000 Days Minecraft World Tour’, was uploaded by Hoef on 2024-03-14 17:00:06. It has garnered 11009 views and 538 likes. The duration of the video is 00:39:04 or 2344 seconds. We finally did it! 15000 days in my Solo Survival world! With entire towns, massive decorated farms, and much more, all in one big video! I hope you enjoy! Build inspirations: Villager trading hall by fWhip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=79RqWcLuyRg Custom birch forest by fWhip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qHJt9JYr9g Austrian village house by Bdouble0100: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-HvYAddQKI Hall of fame by linkzzey’s hardcore world: https://www.youtube.com/@Linkzzey Build designs: Custom oak trees by MrMattRanger: www.youtube.com/watch?v=lywD6V9U9Xs… Read More

  • Lemon OP TikTok Hack Viral Video😱 | #MinecraftShorts

    Lemon OP TikTok Hack Viral Video😱 | #MinecraftShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft viral tiktok hacks 😱| #minecraftshorts #shorts #trending #viral’, was uploaded by Lemon OP on 2024-01-06 03:07:02. It has garnered 8 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:48 or 48 seconds. 🔸ABOUT ME :- Hi Guys! This channel is made for gaming 🎮 In this channel you’ll be able to see gaming videos and so much fun too 😄 Subscribe to see all of this 😊 💠 Instagram 📷 :- https://www.instagram.com/the.zeno.op?igsh=M2VwbDN0Y3U1eDI2 Your quires minecraft build hack, minecraft build hacks on bedrock, minecraft create mod above and beyond, minecraft mod create above… Read More


    EPIC FREE VIP SKYBLOCK SERVER with CHALLENGES & DUNGEONSVideo Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT: SERVIDOR de SKYBLOCK ONLINE com VIP GRÁTIS, DESAFIOS e DUNGEONS para MINECRAFT PIR4TA’, was uploaded by Alisonsz on 2024-04-24 16:19:02. It has garnered 587 views and 32 likes. The duration of the video is 00:03:34 or 214 seconds. #skyblock #minecraft #minecraft server the server recently opened has several active players, sweepstakes and events every day! MINECRAFT JAVA – VERSION: 1.8 to 1.20 IP: healtzcraft.com DISCORD:https://discord.gg/mk5kUbvabT video recorded and edited by: @MrLuizBR1 Tags: skyblock server, skyblock server, minecraft skyblock server, minecraft skyblock server, pirated skyblock servers, skyblock br server, brazilian skyblock server, pirated skyblock br… Read More

  • Insane Fireboost Viper Gameplay! 🔥🎮 #Shorts

    Insane Fireboost Viper Gameplay! 🔥🎮 #ShortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘#Shorts #minecraft#mine #valorant #subscribers #minecraftmeme #punju #fyp #bgmiindia #pubg#viral#bts’, was uploaded by Fireboost_viper on 2024-05-04 06:32:58. It has garnered 407 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:21 or 21 seconds. #minecraft #tiktok #enderman #mine #craft #animation #Minecraft, #Daily, #Short, #Funny, #Cute, #Relatable, #Tiktok, #Aesthetic, #Minecraft, #Cute, #Funny, #Short, #Videos, #Daily, #minecraftdeutsch, #deutsch #funny #minecraft, #minecraft #hindi, #minecraftespanol, #espanol #mrbeast, #top10, #hot #minecraft, #cute #minekraft, #cute #minceraft, #2b2t, #gommehd, #minekraft #shorts, #minecraft #shorts, #gaming, #fortniteminecraft, #minecraftfortnite, #warzone, #Monsterschool, #Enderman, #creeper,#pig, #nether, #sky, #beauty, #crafting, #cutebuilds, #Minecraftsongs, #Cuteminecraft #Cuteminecraftsongs, #Minecraftbetterfortnite #hola #minecraft #minecraftmemes… Read More

  • Jurard T Rexford: EPIC Minecraft Reveal!!!

    Jurard T Rexford: EPIC Minecraft Reveal!!!Video Information This video, titled ‘【MINECRAFT】It’s been a while’, was uploaded by Jurard T Rexford Ch. HOLOSTARS-EN on 2024-04-30 12:06:38. It has garnered 18505 views and 1760 likes. The duration of the video is 06:46:24 or 24384 seconds. WE’RE BACK IN THE MINES!! AGAIN!! Thumbnail art by: https://x.com/eysudes/status/1745360007921872947?s=20 Thank you for the Minecraft skin!! https://twitter.com/16DearAi/status/1726104199631393016 This game is being streamed and monetized after confirming with Mojang based on the following Terms and Conditions (https://account.mojang.com/terms) Big thank you to Xwitter user Beeturle for the widdle gremlin animation! https://twitter.com/beeturle/status/1725796861800571050 BECOME AN HONORAWRY SORAWRITY MEMBER NOW!!! JOIN JOIN JOIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCTVSOgYuSWmNAt-lnJPkEEw/join Birthday Merchandise can… Read More

  • Tornn – Insane 360 Combo in 500ms! 🔥 #PvP #Minecraft

    Tornn - Insane 360 Combo in 500ms! 🔥 #PvP #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘360 Combo On 500ms #mcbe #minecraft #pvp #mcpvp#zeqa #combos #bedrock #freshsumo #shorts’, was uploaded by Tornn on 2024-05-13 23:00:25. It has garnered 473 views and 20 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:13 or 13 seconds. Song: I dunno it’s non copyright Kb: Wooting 60he M: Kone Pro Dpi: 800 Sens: 30 Cps: 14-16 butterfly Fov: 80 altered on Keybinds in bio sub Read More

  • Ultimate Lamborghini Showdown – Noob vs Pro vs Hacker!

    Ultimate Lamborghini Showdown - Noob vs Pro vs Hacker!Video Information This video, titled ‘Noob vs Pro vs hacker Lamborghini 🚗 #shorts #viralshorts #minecraft #shortsfeed’, was uploaded by JCB AGRI TECH on 2024-02-20 10:03:36. It has garnered 167 views and 27 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:22 or 22 seconds. subscribe to my channel 👍 for new video of Minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft noob vs pro minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker minecraft noob vs pro vs hacker vs god house minecraft short noob vs pro vs hacker vs god minecraft new short @TechnoGamerzOfficial @Technoblade @nrVids @minecraft… Read More

  • Nebula Wars Semi-Vanilla – LIVEMAP ANTI-P2W SMP

    Welcome to Nebula Wars! Tired of overly-complicated and Pay-To-Win Minecraft survival servers? Well, Nebula Wars is your best bet! We are a Semi-Vanilla survival server created to bring the feel of classic survival servers, taking a step away from the nonsense of most modern-day survival servers. Features: Skills you can level up, and achieve powerful stats and abilities! Jobs you can gain money from participating in! Create Player Shops with the ChestShop and plugins! A real-time map of the server world you can view! Bounties you can claim from killing other players! Obtain Spawners with a Silk Touch Pickaxe! …and… Read More

  • SpeedwaCraft

    Plunge into the world of legendary anime “Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure” in an equally legendary game Minecraft.- They’re waiting for you here favorite characters, unique stands the number of which continues to increase.- Incredible story mode line with voice acting and exciting battles, as well as unforgettable atmosphere.- Explore Features of the art of jamon and become a master of this technique, or go to side of vampirism and gain easy-to-learn but useful skills for survival or battle.- Unique achievementsthe ability to create any outfits for your character and more, the ability to upload to records any music and even create… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Plop Goes the Creeper”

    Minecraft Memes - "Plop Goes the Creeper"Looks like that meme made quite the splash with a score of 906! Plop! Read More

  • Hardcore Farming: 5 Farms for the Ultimate End | TRONY

    Hardcore Farming: 5 Farms for the Ultimate End | TRONY In Minecraft Hardcore, I’m on a quest, To create the ultimate end farm, I must confess. Five different farms, each with a unique twist, Building and crafting, my skills put to the test. From sugarcane to iron, all resources in play, Every block placed with care, no time to delay. The end farm awaits, a challenge so grand, But with determination, I’ll conquer this land. Join me on this journey, as I build and explore, In the world of Minecraft, where creativity soars. Subscribe for more hardcore gaming delight, And together, we’ll conquer every fight. So come along, let’s… Read More


    MINECRAFT MEME: HOT DIGGITY DOG Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion! Read More

  • EPIC FAIL: Trying Viral Minecraft Hack

    EPIC FAIL: Trying Viral Minecraft Hack The Viral Build Hack in Minecraft: Exploring New Possibilities 🌟 Embark on a thrilling journey through the world of Minecraft as players dive into the latest viral build hack that has taken the gaming community by storm. From challenging tasks to exciting discoveries, this Minecraft adventure promises endless fun and creativity. Unveiling the Viral Build Hack 🏗️ Discover the secrets behind the viral build hack that has captured the attention of Minecraft enthusiasts worldwide. Unleash your imagination and explore new ways to construct impressive structures with this innovative technique. Key Features: Minecraft Challenge: Test your skills and creativity with… Read More

  • Unleash Your Inner UHC Pro on Minewind Minecraft Server!

    Unleash Your Inner UHC Pro on Minewind Minecraft Server! Welcome to NewsMinecraft.com, where we bring you the latest updates and tips for all things Minecraft! Today, we stumbled upon a fascinating YouTube video titled “How to become UHC pro Short and Easy Way {No one Knows about This}” that got us thinking – what if there was a Minecraft server where players could truly test their skills and become the ultimate PVP pro? Enter Minewind, the most intense and challenging Minecraft server out there. With a hardcore survival experience, unique gameplay mechanics, and a thriving community of dedicated players, Minewind offers a one-of-a-kind gaming experience that will push… Read More

  • Automating Andesite Age in Minecraft Mod

    Automating Andesite Age in Minecraft Mod Automating the Andesite Age in Minecraft Create Mod In a thrilling Minecraft Create 1.20.1 adventure, Stam1o has successfully automated the entire Andesite Age! This feat showcases the creativity and ingenuity of players within the Minecraft community. Let’s delve into the exciting details of this remarkable achievement. Automating Andesite Production Stam1o’s automation journey began with the creation of an impressive Andesite farm, thanks to the guidance provided by LegendCraftB_. By utilizing the innovative features of the Create Mod, Stam1o was able to streamline the production of Andesite, a crucial resource in the game. Modpack and Resources The success of this… Read More

  • Epic Quest: Finding the Undying Heart! Minecraft Hexxit II

    Epic Quest: Finding the Undying Heart! Minecraft Hexxit IIVideo Information This video, titled ‘We Need An Undying Heart!!! ◆ Minecraft: Hexxit II’, was uploaded by Avernon on 2024-05-09 12:08:39. It has garnered 43 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 03:56:03 or 14163 seconds. We Do Gaming, Podcasting, Streams, and More! So Why Not Subscribe!!! All My Links Are Right Here: ◆ Discord: https://discord.gg/DAZbt5VqjP ◆ LinkTree: https://linktr.ee/avernon ◆ Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/avernon ◆ Late Time Talks Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3KpIfWR ◆ Zach’s Basement Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3AfAVbB ◆ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/avernon_prod ◆ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@av3rnon Read More

  • Adding Blood Sheep to Hardcore World

    Adding Blood Sheep to Hardcore WorldVideo Information This video, titled ‘I Added the BLOOD SHEEP to his Hardcore World’, was uploaded by Doni Bobes on 2024-05-14 21:00:00. It has garnered 227468 views and 8505 likes. The duration of the video is 00:55:58 or 3358 seconds. If you see a Blood Sheep… Delete your Minecraft World w/ Doni Bobes – Minecraft Welcome to our latest Minecraft adventure! In this thrilling episode, my friends and I face off against the terrifying Blood Sheep! 🐑💉 Join us as we explore the eerie landscapes infested with these menacing mobs, strategize and build epic defenses to keep ourselves safe, and… Read More

  • EPIC ASMR Hardcore Survival with Danley Tonkin!

    EPIC ASMR Hardcore Survival with Danley Tonkin!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hardcore Survival 1.20.6 Ambience ASMR’, was uploaded by Danley Tonkin on 2024-05-08 11:12:02. It has garnered 47 views and 5 likes. The duration of the video is 01:45:45 or 6345 seconds. playing some minecraft in 1.20.4, Minecraft Hardcore Survival 1.20.6 Read More

  • Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse in OMOCITY! Minecraft Madness

    Ultimate Zombie Apocalypse in OMOCITY! Minecraft MadnessVideo Information This video, titled ‘Best of Zombie Apocalypse In OMOCITY!! I MINECRAFT’, was uploaded by Jey Jey on 2024-03-06 08:03:00. It has garnered 191832 views and 3181 likes. The duration of the video is 00:59:34 or 3574 seconds. Maizen,cash,nico Parody Maizen Tagalog Best of Zombie Apocalypse In OMOCITY!! I MINECRAFT FOR SPONSORSHIP AND COLLABORATION : [email protected] Minecraft Minecraft Pocket Edition Minecraft Bedrock Omocraft Minecraft Tagalog Oneblock Minecraft but Minecraft Pinoy Minecraft Java Minecraft Filipino Minecraft RP Minecraft SMP Minecraft hardcore Minecraft 100 days #minecraft #omocraft #mcpe #minecraftfunny Read More

  • Shocking: Master English with Dronio & Minecraft! Try Free Lesson!

    Shocking: Master English with Dronio & Minecraft! Try Free Lesson!Video Information This video, titled ‘Изучаем Английский с Дронио и Майнкрафт Запишитесь на бесплатное пробное занятие по ссылке’, was uploaded by Дронио on 2024-01-17 23:45:29. It has garnered 107 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:01:27 or 87 seconds. “Learning English with Minecraft Sign up for a free trial lesson using the link” #shorts #minecraft #minecraft Sign up for a free trial English lesson in Minecraft with your parents, here is the link: ➜ https://clck.ru/37cpim Our social network social network https://dronio24.com ➜ https://dronio24.com SUBSCRIPTION MOTION GRAPHICS FOR VIDEO DESIGN ➜ https://clck.ru/37hFR8 Digital Art Monetization https://displate.com/acr/wine-empire?art=5b9d0b5248011 DOWNLOAD… Read More

  • Unbelievable Live Minecraft Grind – Episode 6!

    Unbelievable Live Minecraft Grind - Episode 6!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 [LIVE] GRINDING!!!!! – MINECRAFT STORY OF AMIKATSU INDONESIA #6’, was uploaded by NikoHite on 2024-05-20 12:04:40. It has garnered 327 views and 28 likes. The duration of the video is 02:01:58 or 7318 seconds. Here’s the link: https://saweria.co/NikoHite – no subathon- subathon: Rp. 1,000: 1 minute Rp. 5,000: 10 minutes Rp. 10,000: 30 minutes Rp. 20,000: 1 hour Rp. 30,000: 2 hours 30 minutes Rp. 50,000: 5 hours Rp. 100,000: 9 hours Subathon time only stops if: 1. no longer live 2. called by parents 3. disaster 4. power outage 5. sleep This channel… Read More

Hermitcraft Charity Livestream for Gamers Outreach – InTheLittlewood POV