How I Made “1000 Players Build MASSIVE Civilization in Minecraft”

Video Information

Foreign And I’m a letter The ideas Think okay to me No no Estrellas Foreign Which is actually when the song ends so I’ll see you soon Tea again Thank you hello everyone welcome to the stream or the video if you’re watching this post I think we’re just gonna get right into it welcome everyone this is how I made the 1 000 players build massive civilization in Minecraft video hopefully you’ve already watched it obviously there will be spoilers so

Welcome everyone in chat by the way welcome welcome cell’s not ready hold off like five minutes no I think I might ping priority for this one should I yeah I could just do it rain I don’t think I need a ping priority people will be mad all right

Uh just give us one minute do it they’re priority people I guess they can cope all right that’s fine posted alright so this video is very long one hour and 13 minutes so I think we should probably just get right into it I don’t know should I really watch the whole freaking thing

We’ll see we’ll see welcome everyone if you’re just joining all right uh maybe we should start with a little uh Vegas screen so you can see what it looks like all right hold on let me open up Vegas here all right so this is what the timeline looks like

I will show you all I think this is the last video I’m editing in the Vegas Pro but uh this is my creation oh it always takes a while to load you’ll see why in a second yeah I think I probably have to switch to premiere not just for not just because

I want to edit in Premiere but because everyone else uses Premiere and if I ever want to work with another editor on a video then yeah it’s it can’t really go back and forth uh welcome everyone by the way welcome to the stream this space is the biggest man listen Vegas this has

Been successful for me like the cut G thank you Legacy I got a haircut like a month ago but I appreciate it regardless uh premieres like the apple of editing unfortunately interesting comparison speaking of Premiere being better better than Vegas my video to my video didn’t cut while uh being rendered

Didn’t stop at 30 all right uh this is it it has finally loaded up in a second it’s still frozen on my screen uh I don’t know how much I’ll be able to show you guys on Vegas today because it is insanely laggy to maneuver around

A project this big okay so uh here we go the entire thing the entire video is within this little part here uh this is the top timeline you guys can see this is all right I hope so uh okay now okay I’m in okay let me try scrolling down here

Okay scrolling down these are all the tracks um this is a big projects and again I don’t know how much we’ll be able to go in depth uh but yeah each of these is like its own project its own Pockets see I’m trying to scroll in I’m trying to zoom it out

And it’s lagging already ah here it goes uh yeah this is the introduction in the biggest social experiments ever and yes so issue that yeah I’ve edited this whole thing by myself um jaw helped John leased Mr John leash helped uh give me some title slides and

A few miscellaneous things to add to the video but uh like for example he made this title slide it was very fancy um what font to use uh three different fonts you can uh one of them is called Coco Goose the other one’s lemon milk and jaw

What’s the one that you sent me Alicia something I don’t know anyway uh yeah I’ll just show you the timeline and then we’ll just probably move on from Vegas can I even scroll let’s see well I don’t think I can yeah I don’t know uh

I’ll just keep this open for now in case like we really want to go back to one part uh but yeah okay let’s start the video and I’ll pause whenever there’s something particularly uh relevance that I want to mention or interesting all right uh any questions any quick

Questions I can answer before we begin let’s see I presume you need to go back and reach yourself yeah yeah I’ll get to all that later Blackstone yep actually the sand trap we didn’t need to reshoot that was one that was all all the footage from that scene was 100 real

The video at least the video portions uh how oh yeah actually yeah I can mention that real quick before I begin good question from Asher um how do you run a server with a thousand people uh it is a it’s a system called server sharding it’s called server sharding which is

Essentially fusing many Minecraft servers together into one um basically Minecraft is built in a way that you can’t really run uh a server with more than 200 people at the same time or at least have it run and be smooth so uh what our developer pierog did is create

Something called multi-paper which fuses many different powerful Minecraft servers together uh and then players from each server can interact with each other and players from different servers so basically a player from server one sees a hologram a hologram of uh players from server two three four five six they

Basically all see each other they can all interact each other even though they’re technically all on different servers it’s as if they’re all in the same server in the same world so yes that’s how we do it both the prison video and this one all right if you want to learn more information

About that look up multi-paper made by our developer brilliant developer pure Guru all right any more quick questions how long did it take to write or actually surprisingly it was like three hours I expected it to be more okay let’s do this in the biggest social experiment ever done in Minecraft I

Scattered one thousand right away this shot is from my next video this shot right here uh this is for my 1 000 player Simon Says which uh I haven’t started editing yet but uh that’s the next video already done already recorded it was very convenient

That I got to use this shot uh in this video it just happened to represent having a thousand people in one spot like it did it super well this Lobby so uh yeah thousand people across four massive Islands to simulate also I I’m not gonna be pausing this off and I

Swear it’s just the intro experiment I’ve ever done in Minecraft I scattered 1 000 people across four massive Islands this shot right here this is a render uh it took uh jaw boy Jedi and a few uh helpers about eight hours to figure out how to

Set this shot up and then another like 10 hours to render yeah uh just for a one second clip at the freaking intro so appreciate this shot so they worked very hard on it s similar civilization given no help or remain Dead Forever no now each player has the freedom to do whatever

They want Pro Gamer dude never played in this events I just wanted to use this is good to gather resources join a society become a dictator or if it comes down to it go to war with so many people on each island epic intro music happened but I can promise

You one thing this event ended up having the most entered dictators I’ve ever seen you do not want to miss this so pick a nation to root for and enjoy the videos 1 000 player civilization experiment this is a small fun fact but uh thousand players every time each of

These letters pops up you the one thousand eventually I got tired of trying to find sound effects so I just did all those noises with my mouth just basically cut them and this one player civilization experiments you know what hold on hold on [Laughter] slow mode please I I can’t like I don’t

Know how to hold on hold on I might actually have this saved this is entertaining enough for me to want to go into hold on uh ah here we go here’s here’s my sound effects uh I’ll just mute this for now that that was that my mouth that was a

Sound effect I found and then this one too Anyway all right moving on again I got tired of looking for freaking sound effects oh I’ve done this very good videos all right everyone ready to be teleported if you’re ready I just lied to Wobbuffet that was the actual Lobby by the way the one we just showed players left one thousand

I’m in I made sure Legacy was the first shot there so that all the old viewers would be uh intrigued on day one using Legacy for views thousand players were teleported to their Islands each its own biome we had planes Desert Snow and jungle this

Is huge that shot was fake uh I just needed to get an extra shot and I just had luck dude say this is huge uh I just couldn’t find anything good for that so I literally just told luck dude hey could you uh could you say this is huge uh like 10 times

I’ll choose the best one all right oh no no these comments players spent the first day scouting their Island searching but almost immediately we started to see people dying and oddly they were all coming from the snow Island yeah that was all true they’re I think like what

30 people died right off the bat uh because of powdered snow uh and I think the actual reason they died was because uh in the very like first half I think in the first like 20 minutes of the of day one uh we disabled block breaking uh so basically players teleported into snow

And then walked into powdered snow and because we had disabled block breaking they couldn’t break their way out no matter how much they tried uh so we actually ended up Reviving all those players obviously because that’d be super unfair uh if we kept them dead but

It was still a pretty funny funny start to see if a bunch of people just freeze it to death it turned out people were freezing freeze oh no even worse for the poor people on the snow Island Trees were almost nowhere to be seen the desert island uh

Trees are actually a lot more plentiful in snow than in desert uh they were still quite rare but like it took me a little bit to find a good shot where there wasn’t at least like one tree in the snow snow didn’t struggle nearly as much to find trees as desert island also

Desert was completely Barren other than like a few Pockets but the places where players did find trees quickly became extremely valuable hot spots for groups to settle at and colonize look at all these people coming together Community craft things they’re making progress meanwhile the people on the Jungle Island had essentially unlimited trees

And were thus already thinking about other things good question from Legacy real quick could we talk about your mixing of days you used a day six interview in kimushima in day two yeah uh I’m very very loose with where I choose to show events from certain days

Uh I base it completely off of what would make it the best story essentially so there were a lot of things and a lot of major Revenge actually that I showed like I switched their days basically I showed them on different days than when they actually happened um uh

I’ll probably just actually list them as we go I’ll just give a quick example a freaking turkey uh died on day eight instead of on day 10. uh he was it was still the cause of the war and everything we’ll get into all that later um

But yeah we’ll move on things what did you say your plan was I’m gonna take over the world this is my right hand man Darbo hello right hand man darling those of you who don’t know wazic is actually a friend of mine uh who I’ve known him for several years my uh

Good British friend in my friend group and yeah he was uh his attitude to this whole thing was God this is stupid but I’m gonna make the best of it that was his whole selfish whole thing in regard to playing in this event and mad he I think even he made a

Bigger Splash than he was anticipating while having a lot of freeze seemed like an advantage at first many jungle people found the island to be difficult to Traverse given the immense amount of trees and the Hostile Mobs real players or actors these are all real players the sphere of traveling also made it

More difficult for Jungle people to talk with each other since players could only read chat messages from people 100 blocks away from them or less we did a pretty cool chat proximity system where if you sent a message in chat uh only people within a 100 block radius could actually see your message

Monday oh God there’s two Drew with his cash two Drew I don’t need more of your cash Jesus thank you thank you Mr tudreu um but people found a way around that chat proximity system a little bit by doing the command slash team message which I didn’t know about until after the event

Ended I don’t know how I did find out but yeah people got around that and they were able to message their whole uh Island everyone on their team so stupid although frankly at least they didn’t have to see what me and the admins were looking at

And boy was it different from the others planes yeah it truly was just the perfect Island Not needing to worry about dying as much as everyone else the people on the plains Island were among the first to start mining for resources like iron or diamonds they were also the first to build up Villages throughout the first day you could see two main groups starting two ought to

Come to get more specific leaders of them a democracy led by a player named Horace Crown our aim is building the most beautiful and nicest City on the entire so uh planes was a little weird uh basically everyone who played in this event knew this nation horse crowns

Nation as panderas that’s what their the name of their nation was uh but I completely excluded all the names of the planes Nations because it would be way too it basically viewers would be overwhelmed by the amount of information coming at them because they would see this is Horace

Crown and his nation was panderas this is sidefall in his nation was UPS this is 20 JP and he led the invisible hand it would be way too much information even having four different leaders from the island was a bit much um but that’s the reason that one reason

Why I excluded all names of planes Nations uh reason number two is side files nation was named UPS which is short for United Plains states I believe so that would probably be the most confusing thing to mention in the video United plain states multiple States I don’t know United plain states is that

Uh is that all the states in the plains island or just one nation then why is it United plain State this makes no sense that would have just been a nightmare and the second also a democracy led by a player named sidefall but it wasn’t the stupidest name for a nation oh the

Stupidest one is coming up it was actually kind of odd how similar these two civilizations nothing happens to change that if I’m gonna make an Among Us character never mind I hope they die soon it was the end of day one a little while the Fett line players across all four Islands logged

Off and made plans for the following day oh It was on day two when civilization barely began to thrive I would give you the idea to start all one life something something civilization servers uh magicum I saw magic comes first civilization video and I’m like I want to do this my own way check out magicum’s first civilization video

He’s the sole reason I started this the southeast corner of the desert what used to be an empty patch of grass was turning into the desert’s largest I really enjoyed watching the solstice yo what’s up fish the salt on his back you might recognize the play your storming

Hell from I think that was a line that I had him record post um basically I’ll I’ll just explain this now uh a lot of these shots and interview quotes uh are all from after the event ended they basically I just get people in a call and we talk about

You know I need this type of line what do you want to say here uh and then I’d often to like write something out for them to say and they’d be like all right yeah that’s fine um it made things a whole lot easier and uh

It allowed me to make the flow of the video a lot better um so yeah that that wasn’t like I just had him say like some introduction or something civilization video where he let a nation called the sultanate well now the desert dictator is back with the sultanate 2.0

And this time with a population of over 100 people I want to maintain order and peace in the desert rules as established yeah so real quick I can also explain the whole scripted thing uh there’s some people who say scripted and they mean different things so I’ll just

Say exactly what happened uh for this video and all my previous videos so basically what we do is we record the events of the servers at least I’ll talk about this one specifically so we recorded uh we dropped everyone thousand players on the map with you know some

Guidelines uh basically one of the rules was you can’t RDM which means you can’t like kill people randomly uh another rule was uh I think we had a bunch of like manipulations of uh actual Minecraft mechanics so we banned actually most enchantments so the most you can get on your armor was like

Protection One uh and this was to prevent people just spending the whole time grinding you know getting villagers and using uh emeralds and whatnot um and instead more so more so focusing on actually building a civilization and doing good role play um we Bend ender pearls as well because

Those make no sense in real life um and uh basically yeah we let players go and uh then once they’re in the world we essentially allow them to do whatever they want uh you know Nations interact people talk with each other conflicts develop naturally uh everything you see

In this video all the conflicts are basically 100 real it’s what actually happened uh there are a few scenes a few of them uh that’s what I really want to highlight and make more dramatic I go back to them and either reshoot them completely as in get a new video

Completely it’s still what actually happened but in a more dramatic fashion uh or I just get new lines I get people to go back I call them on Discord and we give new lines so that’s an example the sultan lines is what we just talked

About uh so for example and we’ll get to it the turkey death scene the ilanulo and turkey death scene that all happened that was 100 natural Alanya will actually suspect the turkey of you know wanting to lead a revolution there was actually a meeting that happened and uh

When the meeting happened basically the first like half of the meeting is exactly as it was portrayed but then in the second half is where I completely changed things because it was very very quick what happened um I want to talk about that more when we

Actually get to it because at this point we’re never gonna finish this included wear proper attire do not eat pork complete your mandatory work and most importantly acknowledge what was the hardest part about setting up running editing hard to get food in the dry climate the people of the sultanate focused on developing

Different types of food production like fishing in the surrounding ocean on top of this a player named drip I’d say it was uh during recording when I was recording the event it was uh trying to make sure that the story that results is one that people from YouTube will enjoy so

My goal is to keep everything you know 100 natural but I at least want a good story so I didn’t maneuver anything except for the very end a little bit and we’ll talk about that later but I think just during the recording with so many freaking people uh things that you could imagine

Get a little chaotic so it was my goal to let people do whatever they want but also make sure that you know I can make this into a feasible YouTube video um I think that’s actually what my videos are known for the ending uh the impactful endings in the you know

Season 1.5 video with wood Daddy and Thanos tricking that epic ending with the prison video with the whole prison friggin erupting and uh with this video so yeah made a chicken Market although when I checked myself it turned out to be a very introduction of jerk chicken

Thank you would you like uh some totally legal sugar anyway we finally uh at this point it’s a Snow Island as I was flying around I have no idea only described I had no idea what Los Pollos Hermanos was I didn’t know it was a Breaking Bad reference about 20 minutes into editing

This video jaw gave me a profile on his Netflix account and made me watch Breaking Bad and then like after the 20 minute Mark in this video is when I under I was like wait a second Los Pollos isn’t that from my video didn’t someone make a Los Pollos chudreu I’d

Rip chicken should have been shut off uh that I finally found out oh my God this is brilliant I’m gonna make a whole scene about Los Pollos and uh there’s a lot of Breaking Bad references by the players Underneath oh yeah the shrimp the script storyline oh he’s up here now no no my fish buddy he’s going back down despite the killer powdered snow and the occasional polar bear the twins is too yeah that’s the right well building settlements together nobody was fighting because everyone had

One come true climates that being said it turned out that all of these snow settlements might be a bit more than just little communities on day two rumor was getting out about a conspiracy that despite them all being spread out across the entire Island a lot of people just

Watch these scenes through first and that will comments about it by one single person there’s no Island under one the Empire this person’s name was alanulo and he was running this entire Empire recruitment operation from an underground bunker where he felt he was thank you charm apparently was that he had a treehouse

And in exchange they would be guaranteed high-ranking positions in the Empire if this Empire actually succeeds in uniting all 300 people on the snow Island it would easily become the most powerful nation in the world in fact it would be bigger than the sultanate and the two Plains democracies combined will this

End actually succeed let’s see what happens in the following days so I will let this quit Okay quals fish I’ve watched lots of videos this one was incredibly storytelling building I hope to see more of you soon well thank you I appreciate that quals thank you very much uh okay let’s talk about the ilanulo bunker uh so here’s what happened uh alanulo really

Was you know the emperor of the aculod Empire and he really did recruit everyone from the snow Island basically all the people I think there was like a few very small groups that were in snow but not a part of aculon you are thank you baby uh but

Wasn’t able to log on to the server for the first six days something like that he was never on the server he wasn’t able to I actually still don’t know what he was doing or why he wasn’t able to log on uh but he was directing everything from Discord

He was oh uh amazing for the leaders very Nation did he ever stop them from doing anything crazy uh I think event staff might have had to a few times uh whenever you know someone was about to like go absolutely crazy for no reason

Yeah they had to stop him talk to him uh yes yeah yeah uh but back to Alana yeah so Eladio was directing everything but oh vacation plus broken computer got it he was directing everything from Discord so he wasn’t in an underground bunker or whatever this is something that we just

Built post to help show alanulo directing everything from far away uh because it was obviously it would be very uh lame to show alanilo in a Discord voice call uh talking with four different Discord users uh so Discord is underground exactly so yeah we just did this instead

Um I think this is a lot better of a way to do that could you please address the allegation that you’ve been spending this money on gem all right moving on uh let’s see any follow-up questions here uh I think okay I’m just gonna move uh questions I’ll answer miscellaneous

Questions at the end uh because I need to get through this freaking video so long so they would be so we’re just gonna keep playing it day three we’re on yeah we’ve now covered the politics of every island except for the jungle so jungle is just crazier well quite frankly I had

No freaking idea it was chaos there were about 30. for most of the video Silvers and fights with each other there were some parts like the final battle where I used um here’s the tribe that improves one of their own members for being quotes but most of this was

Silvers I say we tax them and then let him out of jails overall there was chaos nobody trusted one another and to add to this nobody wanted to travel too far into the jungle because they were scared of Rogue tribes and especially hostiles we actually have to remove Creepers on

Day three because they were killing too many people this is true creepers killed in an incredible amount of people it’s actually not just in the jungle I think all the BIOS was killed almost immediately but a lot of them the new leader Yeek speak a lot of the creeper deaths were actually

Underground I remember that much yeah dedicated his rule to maintaining order but and some of them were a bit buggy so we did we removed creepers because they were a bit buggy and they were killing too many people and number two I saw someone asked well if you remove

Creepers how do people get TNT uh we actually made skeletons uh drop both gunpowder and I think music discs I forgot but uh yeah we had skeletons stand-up comedy nights I got a few jokes about unemployed people oh wait none of them work this is funny influential it

Was located in the dead center of the Jungle and it was what appeared to be a faction revolving around the worship of a player named Seth hello Mr this interview is all real and in the game oh this is just creepy you’re telling me this isn’t a personality charm what do

You do here we go more money to spend on that life all right I appreciate it again the Takeover of the world believe it believe it a really impressive settlement granted that’s a lot of interest I think out of I think out of most uh like really cool type of thing

That we’re building in like that looks great Nations that I spent spectating I think was explained have been the most ish to do better positive Quarter Master and show your respect to several hours God said I don’t know how you guys did it honestly problems the plains Island was seeing both a

Surge in development this whole place is awesome but also a rise the leader of one of the Plains democracy’s Horace Crown had found out that the author this is all true basically right this sidefall had reached out to the snow eye they were all super suspicious about

Seinfel reaching out to uh snow did not like that sidefall was reaching out to other Church my sister up to him so he quickly established his own alliance with what exactly happened to the server located on the east side God Cersei I just read my sister is dying and then my heart just

Searching for the love of God uh what happened after the server I’ll get to that toward the end of the video oh my God which would essentially cut off side Paul’s access to most of planes if a war were to break I’ll get to that when it gets to the post four don’t

Worry the people living on the plains Island who had otherwise taken their peaceful lives for granted were getting very worried about a potential I’d like to support your jet would devastate their homes here in KFC we want family not work meanwhile I’m getting ridiculous Island the sultan storming hell was not

Happy when he discovered that a group of Mountaineers had made their home on the mountains to discuss this dispute over land have any more right to a plot of land simply when they were having this disputes if it comes down to it I don’t gem in Clash of Clans

Storming hell’s tyrannical nature so some of them moves to a quickly growing Democratic Nation on the other side of the island uh not a lot assaulted its citizens moved uh theory was its own thing well before the sultanate started acting quote unquote tyrannical uh they were its own

Nation and I think their architecture might have been the best in the whole server maybe aculon uh but theory was just incredible looking yeah the name derived from the Greek word for freedom I asked their elected president sabs about the sultanate Byzantine I think for now I mean we’re

In the middle of a desert by fight you know overall each island had its own conflict between the deserts Sultan dominance the plains is a lion’s disaster the jungles total chaos and the snow Empires take over at least one of these conflicts was bound to erupt very soon

And that conflict was planes at the beginning of day four a propagandist told everyone that sidefall would I think those are all real messages I’m pretty darn sure tricked up actually don’t remember because I added this a while ago but I was about to attack I’m pretty sure

That’s one that I actually don’t remember I might have I might have done the tellerandos we’ll see but drink top was actually the propagandist that nearly started the war to Drew I think at least I think that’s what the planes leaders told me Drew I’m not everyone on

Planes was freaking out including these guys at the center of the Plains Island you’re giving me money for gems it’s not counterproductive for your purposes enjoy a nice beer The Tavern was fantastic it might have been my favorite like single building people actually doing they’re like places turns out sidefall was just as

Confused as everyone else since he had no plans to attack some of these shots were the propaganda shot posted I have no clue what these guys are talking about I don’t want to attack anyone I don’t want a civil war you were framed I can’t believe it so now both sides were

Gearing up for a war over nothing but a miscommunication and all throughout sidefall was desperately trying to reach out to the other planes leader saying that he didn’t want war the other leaders doubted him but they actually agreed to meet with him as long as they met on neutral ground boom The Tavern

Whoever told you guys I won’t work is lying tell us the truth then I think those lines were post I think I had them ask those wildly talks I don’t think I attended much of the meeting Horus Crown secretly had oh that’s all real footage I’m gonna stick his top donator get out

Of here I do have a quote what was your favorite scene uh favorite scene I think it’s probably the aculon battle the battle of aculon but uh there are a lot of close contenders the turkey Island meeting uh the wasik pit trap uh the davard assassination attempts I think those were definitely

In the top five before I also really like the epilogue I don’t think that’s true I don’t think that happened right before the meeting I think somewhere somehow there was TNT but I’m not sure if it happened on this day exactly Drew I ain’t completed but before things went too far

Guys I’m just reviewing my video why are you giving me money cha if no don’t do not do that by the thinnest of margins crisis was averted that line was acted I know that the leaders but this meeting did actually happen this was all real footage 100 real uh this is where they

Made the planes a lot oh my God holy crap [ __ ] I I hate you uh it was during this meeting where they made the planes Alliance which was actually called FedEx uh and that I think was a play on side files Nation being called UPS which was another delivery service the United

Postal Service quals will hold Mike to Drew to Drew what are you gonna do about the quals thank you oh my gosh this is freaking crazy to dream it made a peace treaty I actually didn’t get to see much of the meeting but you guys are ridiculously what happened

Sidefall first apologized to the other planes leaders for not being open with them specifically about his relationship with the snow Island he told him he had only reached out to snow in hopes to get on the good side of a player named a freaking turkey turkey’s first

Appearance only comes in like 14 minutes into the video but this is how he’s introduced by being a sidefall contact turkey who was apparently alanulo’s second in command the planes leader lead demons on Foreign Relations Horus Crown preferring keeping alliances within planes and sidefall believing in making allies on other Islands but they

Were able to put their differences aside they banished the products the four major planes Nations created a great I think this meeting actually ended in peace because you both are absolutely stuck I’m just a student charms out of the race um I think they came into this meeting

With peace in mind because I think at this point Seinfeld already told them on Discord that no I don’t want more collecting so the meeting was going to probably go well you have to agree because of the people were just thankful that they were still alive uh a lot of

Nations were at War Pierce oh my God this is going to be so useful for kahoot V2 oh yeah exactly yeah uh Pierce message me earlier about making a kahoot for the next community meeting I believe uh we’re gonna do a quiz for season two just like we did in the first three

Videos so let’s get studying Lord Ezio really uh found your channel extremely good uh looking forward to more thank you very much thank you Lord I appreciate it why do I have a Polish flag I just realized bank please uh good question I also saw this in chat

Uh we had the Middle Island in uh from day one Legacy unlike-ish I’m a true man of the people by being open about my jamming-ish cowards and fear budget one side of Salem too uh this week hopefully Legacy uh pretend this is from charm so so all right

I could buy a whole Wii U game with that thank you so selling his freaking bees yeah we’ll get to that later uh okay let’s uh let’s keep going uh to answer your question though uh yeah the Middle Island was actually in the world from day one uh

The reason players didn’t reach it was because we actually had barriers around each island uh that they weren’t able to they basically weren’t allowed to leave or travel too far away from their Island until day seven on day seven we unlocked all barriers and players could go anywhere

We added eight which is also when people discovered the Middle Island center of the world and we didn’t tell the players that we did this we wanted to see who would discover the island how long it would take to find and then what would happen next so we started up the server

And the wait began but meanwhile we have to talk about the snow Island oh my God so you’ve got to be proud how’s it going this interview is all real freaking turkey finally gave me a full I found out was named on Empire still fearing for his safety the

Empire’s family please don’t take it anymore again no secret underground bunker go previously in the video if you wanna uh see my explanation about that but alandila was still directing things entirely from Discord not in game all right Ryan Bros just glad his birthday yeah very true very very true about his

Orders and led those people on the ground there is a lot uh just know none of it was made by slaves Empire relied on strict I think he did actually say that in the interview it’s now too it’s a very funny man’s job like building mining or

Fighting and they were assigned the jobs all citizens were required to be in two Discord voice channels at once I’ll explain that real quick profile cabinet Ishmael uh one the first Discord server that they were in was just their uh Team calls so they had cohorts and uh each

Won about like five to ten people and uh they were always in their cohort call but they were also in another Discord server everyone was required to be in uh Discord website browser or whatever uh where they could actually join another Discord server at the same time and that

One was purely for I think aculon wide announcements uh I’m not jaw I hate uh and basically everyone would be in the same voice Channel but only high ranking officials were allowed to speak and it was only for like big announcements like if the empire was attacked or something

Then everyone would know immediately uh you know to get in position because they’d all be in that one voice Channel seemingly regular building singular building is the richest place in the entire server they call this the Corner’s house and it was worth it all its resources but also distributed

Items using a complex request system where for example a Citizens and then the Quartermasters decide exactly how much iron that citizen deserves if I stop acknowledging it then he’ll stop uh uh no no no more no if you tried to get in without permission you’re not gonna

Get a freaking ridiculous just a few minutes later this player excelius was caught trying to sneak his way in and he was sent that shot great vid was all will staff all volunteers to get paid holy crap endeavor uh some of the teams were volunteers some of them were paid so uh developers

Obviously those were paid I think I just went by you know what standard basically um let’s see volunteers I think yeah event staff volunteers uh Builders I think volunteers uh who else oh my God application applications team I should have paid because that just sounds miserable but

No those guys were all about years I don’t know I don’t know who enjoys going through 8 000 applications um and uh no other teams are coming to mind but uh the vast majority of people who worked on this were did entirely because they found it fun Andrew said it’s so fun

To be happy but thank you Deborah I really appreciate that seriously I’m a happy man look at him but so were other nations like the desert sultanate which made an inescapable prison is surrounded by love or wasak’s nation in The Jungle which made a giant sand trap oh this is evil

Just you wait until we have a nice little luas extend traffic we’ll get to that when the big scene comes uh I have I have something to say about that something to clarify about that uh you should skip the court no the Quarter Master yeah uh good thank you for

Inviting me chetis I’ll uh akulada was made up of a lot of cohorts or teams the quartermaster cohort all those people did was stay in the same Hut for the entirety of the freaking experiment the entirety all the days they spent I don’t know what at least 24 hours together in

That one building Legacy and all they would do is receive items and exchange items and give out items based on their uh based on their Google form I don’t know how I don’t know why it was incredible deliberation yeah I’m gonna be put to death you know like a little

Foreshadowing I feel exactly safe as this self-describing that was all real by the way real interviews and the capitalists I was talking to these guys charms you Karen blanks shout out music this is the first scene where I’m really really happy with it it’s like the first I don’t know

Cinematic scene where the music really has a big rule group of people that had been rumored to want to assassinate I really love this scene how it turned out just like the gym okay let’s go let’s go according to the sultan the people hiding in this distance we’re indeed assassins

And to make oh we’re gonna kill this guy can we kill this guy up until now their head hasn’t been violence between uh real quick let me go into my file here for that scene I just want to show you guys one thing I did with the music I wanted to

Make sure that I point this out so sword but I’m not telling them about the stored boats job made fun of my editing for this scene because of my sword votes that I used to show the sultanate militia or the sultanate elite group traveling listen I think my sword Boats were

Perfect all right uh where’s the scene where are we at third oh no we were further uh further than that’s further than that here we are uh sometimes what I did with the music is ADD just a little bit of emphasis on certain parts when the plot needed it uh so for example

This is what the song sounds like on its own I’ll just play it again real quick this is the song on its own really and this is what I did so I added a little boy underneath uh I did that in uh audacity thank you so or not audacity in um I

Don’t know the program I forgot the name I just added that note uh our friend or favorite Plains bartender love the editing thank you I appreciate it um so yeah sometimes little things like that make it so much more effective make uh these scenes much more effective we

Are showing the desert that if you make plans to come just this will come for you the Sultan’s Elite Squad spent the rest of the night raiding the video another suspected assassin literally into a major dilemma well you know he is running to Syria the guy they

Were trying to kill was running toward the Democratic relationship Syria to get Asylum there the sultanate is really is Holy I have near Perfect Pitch I just can’t sing every single house to find this one person who ultimately ended up getting away we were freaked out by the raid but when

They look to their leader saps for guidance he he was nowhere to be seen he had fled I don’t actually know if he fled he might have just not been there I don’t think I’m not sure about to forget this he might have just been elsewhere a lot of people like this transition

That’s covered up Blow up the quarter map of this house betrayed our people and this speech was recorded post he didn’t actually say this uh we did this together later but he must die glory to Acula Let me real quick go back to the music for that uh there I did it again baby carrots ish make weapons of man some people fear your name huh all right consider it uh here we go all right this is the song on its own in that scene And then I added a little ball So I made that and then together you get a lot more impactful effects when the player dies people and for this he must die glory to Acula oh gee yeah there’s no Haze for the video the executions was successful but the Empire regarding that execution it didn’t go as

A Flawless as that zealous actually started digging underground a lawyer to set up and he managed to get them pretty far away he wasn’t killed by the Spike as I showed it uh I just showed that because it was way too much too long but yeah uh gazalius actually started

Digging underground but two Drew caught up to him and killed him I do know it is that was a little uh starting to get a little simplification turkey took his guard too he got away for like two minutes before he claimed weren’t producing enough food for the

Empire I swear this is all real it was very funny to watch this is a little turkey threatening the poor farmers I expect five stacks of bread delivered within one to two business days tyrannical at times do you plan on uploading the music was actually becoming very good it’s all public look

In the pinned comments of the original video I listed all the music in there Fellow citizens my distinct honor to pronounce Steve and pixel as husband and wife even though he was only the second command of the snow’s acculate Empire many people were starting to view a freaking Channel as a better candidate for leader than ilanulo the bills in this event were incredible honestly

Maybe the best in any civilization that I’ve ever seen afraid of being assassinated people were in fact some of his own citizens weren’t even sure he existed ruled from afar only talking with high ranking officials nothing really to explain here turkey is considered a man of the people we

Allowed people to use schematica in fact a freaking turkey though uh we allow people to use the schematics as a result uh that allowed them to map out builds that they wanted to create and that really helped you should ask turkey about his time on Sports and its

Entire system like madica I am alive I will be its only ruler hahaha so again uh this was shot post olanulo’s never in the bunker he was in Discord uh directing everything but the bunker is the way we explain that’s For more on that go uh previously in the video earlier that’s very funny religion he holds fast too is there a continuation in this world though there’s no part two unfortunately no doubt one bit amidst the chaos this small group had made a monkey religion and their goal was to build the biggest

Tree in the entire world while everyone else’s transitions every tribe in the jungle seems to have its own goal where’d you find the music epidemic sound this group called The Blue I have subscriptions meanwhile wasek’s goal which was still to take over the world was singing driving him mad especially after the

Librarians built a second tower you did this out of spice didn’t you even though well overall it seems like there was a lot on wazek’s Minds something also by frogs meanwhile Seth and Middle School the two biggest tribes in the jungle and both pursued very Innovative political strategies for example Seth got married

Single and demand wedding gifts from everyone and you know what it’s pretty it worked the sea people on the other hand had taken on a massive goal which was to finally end the chaos in the jungle and they did this by sending out stealth groups and hunting down

In this scene I was talking about miscellaneous groups so I took the opportunity to throw a Blue Cross in there we’re actually allies of Seth in response Seth demanded that the sea people stop their initiative immediately but the sea people plans to continue all of a sudden the jungle island was on the

Verge of a massive war as if there wasn’t enough chaos already parents uh day seven I think might be my second favorite day because it’s short it’s just two scenes but both of them I I just got so freaking lucky with the music that I found uh it’s all such a jam

Built the songs in day seven Wait is someone actually here I think so whoa this is crazy this is awesome On day seven a player named the Poke monkey discovered the secret fifth Island the mysterious dead that’s all real a small pre-built Village in the center and underground it contained netherrite which is the strongest and rarest resource it was rare was very sparse because we didn’t want

People getting too much of it but it was there and he quickly alerted sidefall about the very strange and unexpected Discovery he just made he’s taking the Blue Line there really is an island two minutes later another person uh yeah Randomness this time you can see in the

Later jungle shots uh speak was wearing another Right chessler started arriving to typically either alone or in small and later in the video there are some place people wearing together they all came from it was very rare again was fighting in fact these serious place he’s saying this is

Amazing quickly word began spreading across the world that there was a fifth Island and about 30 minutes into day seven basically everyone knew it was crazy how fast everyone found out now some nations were hesitant about visiting believing that the island was that’s true I don’t think he got that from the

Center Island so aculod is here but instead of mining for another ride they’re taking the wolf oh they don’t have sheep in the snow aisle that makes sense I don’t think I found interesting was that no Nation not even the snow Empire had the courage to publicly claim the

Center Island as part of their Nation as their territory probably because it would result in conflict with other nations which I think the island that is some type of War tried to claim this didn’t eventually or maybe not entirely sure what happened with that I think event staff was like

No you ain’t doing this because I think he was trying to go to war or something I don’t know I don’t know exactly what happened I present to you the story of losses Hermanos wow you’ve really expanded your business yeah so this scene I edited uh after watching Breaking Bad as you can

Probably tell it was at this point during the editing of this video when I had already binged the entirety of Breaking Bad and yeah doing quite loud because I had to it was such a big problem in the desert drip chicken had made it his life’s missions

100 ever since I spoke with him on day two next to his little food stand Los Pollos Hermanos had become a staple of this yeah Jesus was in there actually this business would soon run into some problems see on days four and five the sultan storming hell was unsatisfied with the

Slow progress on his build price it was taking them a while to build that so he demanded that the farmers of the sultanate stopped growing food and instead worked on his build project and just like that the food supply going into not better he stopped the restaurant suddenly had

No food available to sell these shots I think I did post because I didn’t get any of this uh in game I didn’t capture any of this I so drip chicken selling drugs in his underground uh compartments he was caught selling these products by either the sultan or the Sultan’s cards he

Just sold his twin guards farmers of the sultanate were unhappy since they wanted to farm not be forced to build so in a rebellion do you like that transition by the way I don’t know if anyone ever noticed this one look at the farmer he’s farming Farm not be

Forced to build and now he’s mining so in a rebellious move on day five drip chicken and the farmers secretly set up a meeting with saps the leader of theria this all happened over Discord uh they were never in this tunnel again I wasn’t gonna show just them talking in

A Discord call uh so yeah we just put together this scene instead to represent kind of how it would happen in game I know you want to move to there yet but if you do the sultan will send his Elite Squad to hunt you down so what do we do

Go to planes or something there’s about to be chaos in the desert and saps was correct there was about to be chaos in the desert for reasons he couldn’t tell the farmers just yet but he really the two people the sultan trust the most are his two twin guards the

Twin guards and zonta but one of them had grown tired of the authoritarian and war-mongering ways of the sultan so davoret had reached out to the leader of theria and together they created the single I believe in the Jesus scene because uh I have ever heard and this

Was it just didn’t fit with the rest of the scene it was on day nine who finds out about the Betrayal and sends his Elite Squad to kill David then hunting for dab crazy and the sultan is therefore alone dabarit will sneak back into the sultanate and kill the sultan

Will then claim leadership over the sultanates and as the new leader he will finally bring peace to the desert no way trust me you’ll work all right so at the end of day seven that we recorded after and headed to theria to begin the operation while drip chicken and the

Farmers fled to the plains Island on their way out some of them took one final look uh all this video here I think we was also recorded after the event I don’t think they actually left going that direction I don’t think back at their homes at their restaurant knowing that they would

Probably never see it again knowing that the story of the spoiled Hermanos had come to an end she took away donation messages I don’t think I did I would be sad if they weren’t popping up anymore I try to log it into my stream Labs earlier uh but it didn’t let

Me but really did they just outright stop I’ll check in uh I don’t know someone tried donating let me know yeah I also had a donation really all right hold on I gotta fix this real quick uh hold on uh how do I do this let me go to stream

Hello uh one second one second uh I actually don’t know how much I’ll be able to do because hold on stream Labs desktop maybe that let me check it out laughs this is my room jaw why are you claiming it’s your room it’s taking me a while to update this uh

I’m Gonna Keep playing the video and uh I’ll pull these up in a second hold on alert box okay maybe it’s just streamlabs being down but I’ll make sure to read all donations at the end of the stream make sure you remind me uh hopefully it’ll fix itself though here

Uh okay moving back to major events on the snow Island for the first time ever Emperor ilanulo had come out from his under all I knew it was finally able to go online castle so he could publicly be crowned as the leader before the coronation all high-ranking officials were required to provide a

Lotilo a gift the ceremony they set up here was freaking amazing premium brand sneakers thank you a lot of people are like this is definitely scripted no empire did the ceremonies they hosted were incredible olanulo asked his second important arming a lot of Undisputed leadership my friends the aculon Empire is the

Strongest nation in the world not because of one leader but because of all of us thank you turkey at the end of the ceremony alanilo asked all of us to follow him out of the castle path of the empire in a symbolic movement I really enjoy the contrast I

Don’t think I’ve received any comments but I was wondering if anyone would say uh how the entire Accolade Empire is walking down the path to showcase the unity of this but then later in the final battle everyone would be walking up the path to the castle a little bit of a reversal

But this image of unit Unity was only a mirage there were there were lots of intense building within the empire for many reasons people didn’t like because Knights were constantly bossing them around nor did the aculon builders like it when alanilo forced them to work on the aculon castle instead of letting

Them finish their own projects there was this General sense that alanilo might be overreaching with his power especially when he started spying on his own citizens to see who was criticizing his leadership see olanilo believed that I think the larger citizens the larger your civilization you have to live the

More likely it’s basically impossible not to have any defectors is why ilanula was fearful because it was very unlikely that there was a nation it’s going to be a revolution eventually of some sort of his second in command a freaking turkey oh wait are we back knowing that they were being spied

On many of a free Kentucky supporters are becoming scared literally I think I got that uh just give me a sec okay ah okay okay yeah we got some donations that I missed here uh let me read this let me read this real quick pokemoncy wow they got alleys here thank you

Pokemon key for the five dollars uh Captain Magmar five dollars absolutely love the uh use of Music in this video whether it’s the doable use of that one track line You’ll see yes the I think it’s called Magic Moon uh didn’t show on screen yeah I know uh

Shoot I don’t know why I broke all of a sudden uh got all of the scenes he came up with put together from people you know talking you’re yelling down over them like in Discord thank you charm that was the charm for five dollars uh cell has tipped five dollars testing testing

Uh the charm five dollars test Wobbuffet oh okay um well at least I’m able to read your messages uh hopefully it renews here uh leadership so with the help of a freaking turkey plus another high-ranking official it’s Ender some aculon citizens organized seek evacuations out of the snow Island

Through underground tunnels some of which led to Seth’s nation in the jungle others going to sidefalls nation in Planes both Seth and sidefall were very open to accepting refugees especially those who opposed alanilo someone who they believed to be a dangerous Tyrant also they had just found out that

Elaniel had actually the spies all across the world including into their own Nations very much there were spies we’re not going back the alliance between Seth and sidefall was the beginning of the time soon uh they called their Alliance the Bastion of peace no no no I do not want a revolution I

Didn’t include that because it didn’t make much sense tomorrow because I’m gonna try and host a meeting with ilani law I just think he’s gone too far so the Allies rest of the day but it also declared their Nations Refugee States ones that are willing to accept all people fleeing from

Dictatorial regimes regimes like the sultanates or the aquilon Empire as for a freaking turkey’s position in the aculon Empire he was still technically the second in command but it was only America was starting to get a little suspicious about the missing citizens and then it’s very likely that turkey

Will be stripped of his position or be kicked out of the snow Island entirely and become a refugee himself Magic Moon the aculon theme wait is that a basketball court on day eight the center Island was people to the randomness and instead of fighting each other everyone was just kind of hanging out and doing their own thing there he is later that night some adventurers started to the only thing I swear

Go around every place that showcase underground church and they hosted many ceremonies and cultural events what type of ritual is this now I actually I think this was the church second one underneath the center Island although I was very disturbed the value of wheat was incredible Zen flying away with his bikini

I’ve known a flight away in Chief Blaze for since the Mind flick of days whoa what did I do you’re taking them away oh no later that night the plains Island received an unexpected visit from the aculon Empire’s statement journalist I’m with the news oh yeah the journalist go away there’s the journalists

They’re kicking out from the Acula Empire meanwhile I ran into these planes farmers who literally the valley of wheat everywhere oh my God look at all this freaking weed now right next to the wheat field was a cookie factory in horse crowns nation which took the

Wheats and made a variety of baked goods see ever since the Great Plains Alliance was signed on day four the bakery planes believed their Island to be for the most part a very safe place to live and as a result many players felt secure enough to run their own businesses yeah nothing

Much really happened in planes at least compared to the other Islands meeting I think there was the most recent Edition the return you made one in the plains bio uh I think their Mansions Refugee status some sort of trial consultant Farmers received citizens restaurants and the people of plains

Welcomed the refugees with KFC World between Oasis and oh yeah I actually don’t know much about that who now had competition I think yeah the two uh minor plantations these betrayals of the sultan had hurt the Sultan’s Public Image and he feared being seen as weak there was a war what

Casualty got it by his own people so predictably the sultan sent his Elite plot out into the desert to try to find and kill both daverit and drip chicken but instead of staying home in the sultanate this time the sultan traveled with his Elite Squad had no choice but to keep hiding underground

Opportunity to strike means extremely worried because he knew that the fate of his nation and his people rested in many many months then the sultan is killed well then all is well but if it fails it will only be a matter of time before The Sultans finds out that saps

Was behind the plan and then there is no doubt that the sultan will secret a lot and of the time editing this video I might actually say most but all his people who was by the way were entirely innocent the conceptual things we didn’t tell any of his citizens writing all the scripts

Finding a way to First locate the main storyline such danger all of this tension in the second was presented in a way and write it in a way this group that can be understood by anyone wall around their civilization took me an insane amount of time politics of the

Desert and they were rather paranoid about everything it’s surprisingly difficult at least for me to write things in a compact way inside the walls to save everyone outside is not safe and also match them with the music okay I actually think this group was more of

A cult than a civilization I’m glad I was able to feature these guys that’s all they did hide in their little uh civilization with the lava law to the jungle war oh here we go here we go I see I’ve got a lot to say about this future Nations had already basically

Decided that they cannot coexist in the jungle so here we go allies while the sea people were mad because Seth wouldn’t let them kill those who they believed to be criminals neither nation was willing to compromise on this so War seemed inevitable however because Seth had also recently

Formed an alliance with sidefall from Planes a war between the two nations would likely cause sidefall as well as the rest of the Plains Island to join them turning this into an actual World War so given that the stakes were so much higher now both sides agreed to have one

Final meeting to maybe work things out it was wazuk who quickly offered his Nation as a good neutral location for the meeting and he was quite enthusiastic about hosting on day eight Seth and the Sea people sensed their highest ranking officials to wazek’s Nation where the meeting would take place

This is all all happened I think this might have been nice was this on day seven Euro first I think this was on day seven that this happened the sea people are killing people for a lot of irrational reasons so you know as an example right they had uh five stacks of

Cookies taken from them uh this shot I was in the Discord call when this all happened uh but at some point I actually cut away from the Discord call and uh let me play this first this is all Discord minutes to get bro this is all during the actual news

Confronting to see people about killing people for reasons that he didn’t deem or you know enough good enough reasons to kill someone if I said he’d give it back and he basically said no so he was put on K West and we killed him so that

Was exactly what Seth just said I mean let me add some contacts soon the argument began so that was the big dispute between Seth and the Sea people uh but here everything after this point is recorded not the video uh the audio every the uh voice lines between Seth and eat speak

Were all recorded posts uh I needed a compact set of lines to feature in the video uh they had to be short and they had to just portray the message that all right we’re going to war they had to basically have a big build up uh but in a compact way

That’s easy to understand and matches the music yeah it’s escalate and the people so all of these lines are scripted this these lines were scripted these ones that we had here I had the leaders read them and uh it was basically the only way that I could uh

Describe what happened in this pit seed without it being lame acting for direct allies I’m sorry but what other ways but the video of all this is real this actually did happen this video do you really want to go to war over this if you keep killing our people and we won’t

Just stand by him the music is so hyper and the few people declare war all right let’s do it but before a fight could begin double now Oh yes oh my God that was all real voice Channel um and the thing I appreciated the most about that is I didn’t cut that Ed or anything that was all from here this is all exactly how the voice chat reacted but then like I don’t know by some miracle in the

Voice chat everyone stopped talking and wazek said go go go go go go not only did he say that when everyone else stops talking at that exact moment but he said that five times and on Beats to the song go go go go go go he said it on beat it’s it’s incredible

Hey um just killed seven people using the sandshred before getting away the water flushed there by the pickles decided to put their war on hold and declared also I think I vastly over uh vastly exaggerated uh the war part I don’t think they were nearly as close

To War as I showcased uh the wazek San frap was a little bit more rdme it was like half lore reasons half RDM because as you can tell in the previous part of the video they’d been building that sand trap for a while without knowing that

There was going to be a war so they were just building it because they wanted to use it and this uh sort of near War experience basically allowed them it gave them a reason to do it to where like it wasn’t 100 RDM um so they wouldn’t get banned if they did

It so yeah it was like lasik’s motivations weren’t entirely uh pure as represented in the video but I I made him look like a bit more of a hero than he actually deserved to be seen but uh again it made the story uh more impactful so that’s why I made that decision unified

Worldwide Manhunt for wazza everyone was confused about why was I did this but and I remembered something wazek had told me the day before this interview we did post this interview did not happen during the events again this is just my way of explaining why he did this war on each other

So that the entire jungle would make peace to unite against him therefore actually preventing a World War zik is now hiding underground 420 or did yeah exactly uh I think after this first hit Underground then uh he swam to another Island I think he was I think he fled to theria

I think he was actually planning on going to theria in the desert uh and cause more Havoc there but then he returned to the Jungle uh we’ll get to that during his execution I actually do know a little bit about what happened there the previous day trying to hunt down

Decided to take a break from the hunt and attend a wedding hosted by a small neighboring desert Nation the small neighboring desert Nation uh it’s a small nation on the shore and its name was 2e2g do I even need to explain why I didn’t use that name in the video

It was a huge are in the desert for the sultan to visit your civilization so there was a lot of Buzz surrounding the Sultan’s visit and everyone in the desert knew he would be there zomto the twin guard was also at the wedding and he was quite thankful for

The breaks since he secretly despised having to hunt brother when the sultan demanded the dapper’d be tracked down and killed zomta was horrified by this I think by this point were already working together and I think zonta was already planning to kill the sultan I’m pretty sure this order but he kept

Silence fearing that he’d be next zonta could only hope that davoren was Far Away Now hiding in a place where the sultan I actually think but it turned out daver it was not far at least not to actually knew that David would be coming I’m pretty sure

Yeah they coordinate this a lot more than actually here how I uh managed to explain in the video it was coming to kill the sultan but he has to be sneaky I was I was so freaking nervous when this is actually happening live off guard since just being able to

Watch this The Spectator foreign he got so close there I wonder if this would have played out differently had the wedding not ended right when David was about to attack I wonder if David would have actually been able to kill story but storming hell managed to make it

Outside where there are a lot more people to protect him this shot was 100 real and I was so happy I was able to get it it was just the most epic it just it’s just a sense holy crap oh he’s hit him so many times wait Troy’s getting away the elite team

Is on the average big time getting some some of these replay match pass was really fun zanta joins the battle a little slow-mo there effects inspired by Mr Beast gaming he’s getting close Now here this shot’s fake this shot did not happen in fact David actually didn’t die until the final battle the battle of akulon this this might have been the biggest fabrication that I’ve done the biggest plot change in the entire video and uh let’s get into that now oh dadford’s here

So dafford actually did not die here what happened was he kept fighting all these like I don’t know they were like 20 to 30 people for like 20 minutes 30 minutes and I was like watching the whole thing and then he swam into the ocean and like managed to get away

So it was like so intense and for nothing so uh on the other side of this on the other side of this good question why change that uh let’s go to saps in the video in this video I showcased saps jumping off the Therian Tower I’ll just skip to that real quick here

There he goes he’s on top this was real but he didn’t jump off the tower because davor died and he saw the Everett die and his plan fail he jumped at if he jumped off the tower at a completely different time I think it was like earlier in the day or like

Later in the day or something because he had to go on vacation IRL in real life oh how do I explain that for the video well then he had to go on vacation and he wouldn’t be able to play for the rest of the time so he killed himself

How do I say that so basically I used the fact that David’s assassination attempt failed he didn’t die at that very scene he died at the Battle of aculod but I decided to move up his death a little bit to be there not only so I could have an actual

Impactful ending to that scene but so I could also have an explanation for saps’s death that’s not just he had to go on vacation that right there I think was probably the biggest fabrication or like biggest plot change that I had to do for the sake of the plot line for the

Sake of the video I think it was I think it was warranted if you guys disagree that’s fine I totally understand but that is what actually happened in that scene in the whole thing basically so yeah that is that is what happened and correct me if I’m wrong I think I

Explained that Javier I know daver’s here um all right so let’s just go back here to where I was so yeah all the footage from that was entirely real except for the very end except for this where I actually saw him die that we recreated all the all the assassination the the

Entire assassination attempt on the sultan was entirely real uh I got the video that was all from actual in-game footage it’s just that very end that very end that I had to completely change and uh remake into another narrative just so it would just so it wouldn’t be

A lame uh ending to that scene or as well to saps’s death it gave me like a good reason to it gave me a good reason for his death this I think this footage is also real saps went into the thing got rid of his armor and then jumped off the tower that

All actually happened just not for the reason that I said in the video there he goes and the next leader Joe feels standing there by the way uh uh the fact that I changed the narrative there also kind of screwed me because in the final battle in the Battle of

Acad was there amidst the allies the whole time I was editing the final battle scene the Battle of aculod I proactively had to make sure in every single shot that dabbert wasn’t in it and I think I think I screwed up in one scene I uploaded this video for the

First few for the first two days nobody had noticed then I saw a screenshot earlier in the Discord of David in a shot and we’re gonna get to it we’re gonna get to it but I swear I think I messed up in that single shot I’m so mad because there were so many

Close calls and I’m like oh oh glad I caught that one but I think I messed up in one shot and we’ll get to that salt is on his way back home I think what is happening punishment foreign did kill this is all real Santa did Kill the sultan right after the attempted

Assassination actually I think that shot was uh recorded post uh just so I could get a shot of Zelda kind of like staring over the sultan um to show you know his and his true intentions but he did actually die in that place and uh it happened in this manner

Yeah there he goes this from here this is all yeah this is a real footage By the way uh the way you can tell which footage which video footage is real and which footage is fake uh if it has the chats at the bottom left it’s real if it doesn’t have the chat in the bottom left it’s recorded post so you’ll see a lot

Of interviews with players there’s no chats uh on screen because I had uh them log on after the event ended that’s how you can tell which footage is real and which is fake Oh boy angry about the death of his brother David zomped to betrayed and killed the soul I also really enjoyed the music all of a sudden within the span of a few minutes storming hell saps and David were all dead both the sultanate and theria were without a yes again orbit uh

Both zomta and davert lived that day but they both died in the actual battle leader and the desert island was in a state of total confusion now because the sultanate didn’t have a solid line of succession there was a short power struggle getting completely dissolved on day nine

The second most powerful nation in the world had fallen and most of the sultanate citizens ended up fleeing that being said it wasn’t totally the end some who were still loyal to the late Sultan decided to form their own militias I think whose only goal was bjk what were their names laughs

Theria on the other hand didn’t dissolve and instead elected a new leader a player named Joe feel who was well like uh good question my epic uh I’ll explain that actually yeah I’ll explain that it’s very natural turkey season when did turkey actually die afraid they would be

Invaded by one of the new desert militias also they would never find out why their founder sets jumped off the Therian Tower which he did because of guilt after he saw Deborah die he did because he just had to go on vacation and he felt too ashamed knowing that he

Would be responsible it was only thanks to zomta that The Invasion didn’t happen guilt the death of the sultan sent shockwaves throughout not just the desert but the whole world many nations went on I like looking at this whole map including the Ilan Empire Slice to see everyone’s allies Emperor lanilo had further

Nations here Sultan stormy held strong altogether in global Foreign Relations so after the lockdown alanilo sent his diplomats to the desert to offer support to the sultanate militias at the same time on the plains Islands Hermanos was watching the desert from afar and he was worried about these rumored desert militias because drip

Chicken was from the desert he was able to educate his customers and planes about the politics of the desert and after saps’s death he encouraged side followers and sidefall did just that beautiful day nine Syria officially joined Seth and all the planes nations in the refugee State contract and what originally

Started as a simple Refugee agreement between Seth and sidefall had now turned they are all coming together wide old lions called The Alliance of democratic Nation it was called again the Bastion of Peace this Alliance but again bastiona peace doesn’t make sense I think they originally named it Bastion of Peace because

There actually was some sort of small Bastion somewhere in the jungle that was I think their headquarters uh but it just doesn’t make sense for that name just doesn’t make sense for such a big Alliance so I talked with them and eventually yeah just decided on the alliance of democratic nations or

Put simply the allies Foreign Empire continued their daily routines the highest ranking officials of the Empire gathered to discuss the new access they were now facing the aculon actually gotta head out in like the most powerful an hour so and it’s still technically is but when adding together the population I think I could probably skipped this

Scene because there’s not much to explain here it’s just a more Exposition uh being worried about turkey uh oh okay I’ll explain this real quick uh no no I’ll explain everything on the turkey scene never mind okay it’ll just be easier uh all Exposition all Exposition replay mode uh ah

To establish alliances with both the desert militias and with the sea people in the jungle aladilo appreciated the seats and he promised that he will help them stop the chaos in the jungle and help them catch their number one most wanted criminal wazuk the sea people accept

This Alliance but they ended up not needing accuwon’s help because later to day 9 wasic decided to turn himself in the reason he turned himself in I believe is at this point he just he just didn’t want to play he’d done all that he did

And he was like all right I’m done with playing let’s say let’s just go out so I think what he did is he had a rock paper scissors match with I think one of the sea people or someone else in the jungle uh and I think the conditions were

If he wins then he gets something I forgot what but if he loses he has to turn himself in and he lost so that’s why he turned himself in or at least part of the reason Is about to be executed a guilty conscience perhaps All right wazik I understand you have a prepared statement you may now read your final words uh thank you he read a script in the execution it wasn’t this this is one that I worked with him with or worked on worked with him on um because you know time will never be your

Trusted friend uh but yeah he did read a script and I think actually he dropped another script to Pink Wings 10 to read to be read after he dies I don’t think I actually captured that but from what I heard it was long and it was beautiful hello everyone it’s your old friend

In the beginning I wanted to rule the world but I’ve made some bad decisions and now it’s my time to go you killed innocence people were those those real people were heckling during his speech it can never be your trusted friend Long live the jungle I think the first time he got knocked off here someone at the bottom uh placed down water bucket so he actually lived Back up to the tree and we did it again And there he goes after deciding that being a criminal in hiding isn’t how he wanted to live after losing rock paper scissors to face his inevitable death on his own terms and by doing so he gave the jungle one last moment of unity the conflict between the Turtles

Uh again because I’m a little short on time now uh we could probably skip forward a little bit there’s not much here to discuss for example the jungle’s Blue Cross Ride oh yeah Blue Cross was big National uh Blue Cross yeah Blue Cross I think was International from day one that’s

How they decided to make their group uh this they had one faction on each island and yeah all they did I believe was uh offer food and uh you know resources to people in need charity location on each island players in need meanwhile in the desert the two

Sultanate militias held a funeral for the late Sultan where they vowed to get revenge and chance the death to theria there was a lot of spamming of death to theria there was a lot of it after which they proceeded to finish building oh yes holy holy’s honor

Expanded its reach into the Arts and became the first civilization to develop music laughs oh I had to Rick Roll everyone on the plains Island it wouldn’t be a complete video and civilizations were thriving on day nine we could probably skip this oh yeah the ish the international State

Highway uh I think these guys actually the destruction of by the end they managed to extend this Highway across the entire sea into snow I think they had a I think they expanded from Planes into snow the ish the international State I don’t think they they went all

Throughout all four Islands but it was multi-island by the end the transportation between the major plains Nations much faster overall the building and architecture and player creativity activity in Planes was simply amazing and it was all made possible this build Flames was simply I think this was part of oasis it was

Maybe the coolest looking build in the whole thing and I have no idea what it was just a random volcano we with a purple gem on top The Shard The Shard it was it’s incredible looking I don’t know how they did this amazing and it was all made by the political stability

And still looked at planes as The Shining Beast I don’t know they can aspire to be like one day a lot of people like this transition as the end of the day approached turkey returned to the plate all I really did there was uh going game uh do slash time set night

I’ve actually figured out the perfect place where the Sun and the Moon would end up in the same position here at the top right and I just changed the time that’s it as the end of the day people are like how do they do that it’s Tavern after spending the day

Visiting civilizations In the Jungle the deserts and of course the plains Island I need those times she was very surprised when he found out that most people from these foreign Nations these were acting sessions the video for this I didn’t capture turkey and going into these places uh I didn’t

Get any of that footage uh so yeah those were all admire acting sessions this was because YouTuber had spread worldwide mutation as the savior of refugees the rebel the man who stood up to the emperor and everywhere a freaking turkey went he was welcomed with open turkey was pretty famous around the

World but perfect for that yeah I heard there was a comedy show here you should have called me over when it came to the aculod Empire the truth was a freaking turkey had no intention of causing any type of Uprising or revolution in fact for what two hours of the idea doing

Just how devastating a major war would be but he did want change in the Empire during his prolonged stay in Planes he had seen what freedom and democracy looked like he had come to regret his more tyrannical actions in the early days and he now envisioned a reformed

Akulan Empire his new dream was uh I’ll explain everything when it actually gets to the meeting because there’s a lot to talk about here there’s a lot to talk about freedom to the people of the acouan empire player and make the snow refugees feel safe to come back home

I might just be overly optimistic but I think we can achieve world peace the truth if a freaking turkey is able to convince alanilo to convert the Empire from a tyrannical dictatorship into a free democracy and then the aculot Empire ends up joining the Allies then

World Peace wouldn’t just be by the way for that entire scene I had the first like 20 seconds of that song on Loop um the that I just basically because I needed that song to go on for a while to have that whole Exposition so yeah I just

Looped it the far-fetched everybody can hear hear this part is not looped because it’s perfect for Wishful thinkers actually happen with this massive goal in mind a freaking I do that with a lot of magic Moon the aculon theme there’s a lot of repetition of like the first 10 20

Seconds of songs if I ever need an extension yeah there he goes this was acting I never captured him leaving place or a freaking turkey took off to Turkey still turkey did not also go on vacation one last time to tell them what he hopes to achieve in his upcoming talk with emanuelo The plane’s leaders were pessimistic see when they heard about alanilo’s strict conditions for the meeting to take place they suspected that this was going to be the meeting where oloniel removes turkey from his second in command position or Worse Potts turkey in akuan’s prison whatever happened I don’t know if they

Had those suspicions leaders maybe they were a little suspicious but not enough to like you know be like okay maybe you shouldn’t go even if they can’t attend them because turkey did not expect to be killed here not at all he told me about it afterwards yeah turkey was like holding the carrot

Walking in that’s how unarmed or aware he was about what was actually about to happen no Island uh he was holding bread I think he’s looking to the meeting right away potions okay so let’s talk about this scene before we play it I’m assuming most of you already seen it uh first thing

I guess I’ll just start with this uh the iron torch in this shot was not here when turkey was here during the meeting uh this is because uh the meeting as is about to display be displayed here in this scene actually happened on day eight this whole scene happened on day eight

So what happened basically is I knew in advance that in this meeting olanulo was going to kill turkey and I also knew that turkey had a bit of an alliance with sidefall Seth and the rest of the Allied Nations so but but I think it was actually mostly seifel and Seth uh so

Turkey goes obviously you know what happens here a little bit uh he’s killed turkey dies he’s killed by alanuo and then the subsequent response which we predicted and we are correct about was sidefall and Seth would go to war with the aculod empire so here it was getting a little bit late

Into the experiments uh into the events session we were on week two and um I was kind of looking for a place to end things so this war seemed like a very good place to do that it was a war between three islands planes sidefall Seth jungle uh and acculate Empire

So what happened here turkey died on day eight ilanulo and the rest of them killed him and then I was like all right before anyone declares war just pause for a seconds to be the final Conflict this is going to be how this video ends so let’s make it as epic as possible

Let’s make this final battle scene as amazing looking as it can possibly be so what I did was I gave the players basically a full day so uh turkey is killed by Alani low on day eight they basically declare war but I’m like all right pause I’m gonna give both

Sides some time to prepare how they’re gonna do this I’m also gonna give all the other nations an opportunity to join the war if they want to so you know so that there’s as many people as possible uh and I basically told everyone all right guys this war is

Happening if you want to come join feel free to join in and uh that was the final Conflict the final battle of this video that’s how it happened so on day nine you know I just gave everyone that opportunity uh I let everyone you know kind of choose

Their sides and I let every I let both sides prepare what they were actually going to do uh I gave them I gave aculon time to build the iron torch uh because again it wasn’t built by the time that this meeting happens uh and I also gave

The act the uh allies time to prepare their attack and uh recruit people so yeah it was day nine was a day of peace a forced day of peace on my end to make sure that this final battle was as epic as it possibly could have been uh

Then on day 10 the battle happens that was basically all of day 10. it was like all right everyone meet at the Middle Island and I was the one who told people to meet at the Middle Island I just felt that would be some cool symbolism and a convenient place to meet um

And uh yeah then at the center Island we basically had everyone meet in uh a Discord stage and I said all right go ahead uh go to the uh Snow Island uh but then after that after the battle began uh everyone got in their own calls and they were all coordinating however the

Heck they wanted so yeah that is a very very short summary of how this final battle actually came into fruition it was a little bit of fabrication and modification on my part uh but again I think it was worth it I think it was it made the final battle

Scene a whole lot cooler uh and I’m there were some negative consequences from doing that uh for example making this the final Conflict kind of screwed over the desert plotline um the desert was in a bit of a conflict with uh theria these two sultanate militias uh I

Think there was going to be some sort of War ejk is here kind of he can uh give me like a one sentence summary let me know um yeah I think they were actually planning on like kidnapping chill feel we’re our own Nation um so yeah the desert was kind of forced to

Pick a side here when naturally they probably wouldn’t have um but again it was just one of the decisions that I had to make uh to really make this video have a good ending uh I just think the desert is relevant yes yes but obviously the reason that theria

Joined uh the Ally side is because you know they were Allied before they were friends before uh and I think the reason that uh ejk’s people uh who was the other one in the mid Emirate uh the sultanate militia as I called them in the video the reason they joined

Aculon was because I think they were just friendly with aculon and oh and they were against theria and I think uh uh they knew that zamta would be there zonta would be there fighting against aculod that was another big reason why they uh decided to join aculon in this fight

All right thousand players is crazy thank you I appreciate it dip it uh okay now speaking of fabrication we move on to this meeting I think I’m actually going to show you guys the real footage as to what happened here so all of this uh not this

Is weird turkey’s been in the case so yeah here this is all real footage this is what actually happened arriving late to his own meeting XX King oh yeah the leader of the other one yes so here they are here we go this is the meter now this is

All what actually happened I think everyone’s here now Knights come to the cast this is all still real exactly what happened wow I think these are you gathered everyone high ranking officials the vaculon they’re all here still real they did this in the Discord Channel

That I was in I was able to capture it it’s Duke turkey started the meeting this way I’ve now come together to speak with Emperor lanilo ilanulo would you please wait okay hold on um so before we drew interruption up um I have a special thing I want to do

Wait wait stop right there everything after this point switches entirely to an acting server and all the lines were recorded post right there that moment that’s what it happens now I’ll show you I I’m gonna show you guys what actually happened let me show you hold on let me pull this up

I hope I have it I hope I have it that wasn’t that wasn’t too drastic uh drew that was Drew actually saying wait hold up hold up that was real but a lot nilo interrupting drew that was acting all right hold on uh so it’s gonna be

Somewhere over here I this was on day eight yep here it is okay this scene was a bit of a mess but here it is something like that you step up like and say like uh where’s the beginning of the meeting all Barren here it is this is what actually happened and

Fellow Knights see if I can make this bigger maybe together to speak with Emperor lonilo I don’t know if I can about the iron torch ilanulo would you please stay away okay hold up um so before we begin sorry I sorry um I have a special thing I want to do

Real quick so if here uh it’ll only take like a minute maybe so the uh Bears if I tell you uh just like back up to the back of the door of the castle real quick it’s it’s for oh wandela never interrupted Drew took the opportunity to organize people yeah uh awesome Allen Dax sorry get back with them just you kept organizing people oh my God why is he had a boat up there interrupted by someone out of boats on the ceiling all right have I see you guys move to

The sides please so yeah yeah just hide like the corners okay okay now here we go quickly is it going done okay that kid is so annoying me you guys please don’t like stand scattered like standing guys if you’re back then go to the sides please M Cuba

And awesome Allen you could go they were having so much trouble organizing people Bernie Bernie’s fine Bernie’s fine yeah that’s good all right um so now watch this this is how they kill turkey there was no big meeting this is what they did yeah that’s good all right um now

Oh whoa whoa whoa oh my God you betrayed ascender wait what and right there a freaking turt you can see a little bit it’s a little small a freaking turkey was slain by alanulu that is what actually happened that was so anti-climactic exactly exactly that was the real footage of what

Happened at that meeting I think they killed Ender Bernie and Soggy as well but those three actually ended up being revived I’ll real quick tell the story about that I think here’s my best explanation to my knowledge what happened is I think the day before or something uh alumnula was tipped off

That there were some revolutionary plans stemming from the crew of turkey soggy and Bernie and Ender uh I think he misinterpreted those logs because they didn’t plan any type of Revolution but maybe there was like a specific message over Discord that he saw now rights Bismarck said it uh

Now what happened is someone sent a message in a chat message log uh alanilo is also a mod in the Discord server and he can see deleted messages in the Discord server foreign somewhere sent a message about a supposed Revolution and then deleted that message which allowed ilani Lou to see it and

Therefore it made him that was one of the things that made him I think that was like the key thing that made him decide okay we gotta kill these people uh but yeah it was it was technically meta gaming I don’t think he meant to see it he was

Just he just happened to be scrolling read that message and then you know once you see that you can’t unsee it so that made him very very suspicious now again it was technically meta gaming to see that message and then to act on it that that was like a 50 50 action like

Yeah uh and because he acted on it we decided to revive three of the people who were killed in that meeting so like we couldn’t completely reverse the course of the events because at that point the damage was done you know Turkey was killed by alanilo everyone saw it in chat

That’s kind of too big of an event to reverse yeah and it was kind of a last second decision so it was a bit of a mess uh and we had to make some compromises there but that’s ultimately what we decided to do so we kept turkey dead for the sake

Of the plot but we revived Ender we revived soggy we revived Bernie those guys who ended up being the leaders of the Revolution or at least of the snow refugees so yeah that that is about what happened there so because that happened I decided to recreate so instead of showing uh

Ilanulo and his uh goons killing people in this manner as they did in the real events we decided to recreate how the deaths happened by refilming an arguments uh and I also took the opportunity obviously to make it a lot more dramatic it was very very convenient that way so

Yeah wait wait Drew not yet I I wanted to sleep so what we did everything after this is a big acting session uh I actually had every I took every single person from that recording I took exactly what where they were standing exactly what armor they were wearing

And had them put in the same exact position they were standing so we could continue this scene in a bit of an alternative reality so again this was real so before this is all real footage wait wait then right there everything after this is a recreation

Not yet I I want to do something first uh turkey can you sit on the throne for a second uh why okay um what are we doing what is happening before we proceed with this let me real quick check donations because apparently they just stopped working my apologies

For that I don’t know why uh so let me just make sure that uh I read everything even if it doesn’t pop up uh let’s see you fooled us with Dad where it says charm how dare you uh hold on okay here it is uh charm five dollars

Flying away didn’t deserve that ghost to show much it’s just words count despite uh Emerald Ace five dollars I didn’t find Tui 2G back on true as public server just for to not be it’s freaking the stupidest name ever uh charm five dollars was it was the man

We didn’t know we needed uh two Drew five dollars davert is a goat for real charm five dollars you feel this is never uh chair ten dollars thank you chair I love the video what’s going on next event wise it’s the last civilization or are we doing more things

Like the prison uh I think the next few events are going to be more short events like one day events things like a thousand player Simon Says thousand players hide and seek thousand players Hunger Games things like that um in order to make another civilization video I need to find an editor because

As you can see that video took me I don’t know at least seven eight months to edit on my own and uh yeah I need to find an editor before I attempt to do another civilization video like that or at least 10 not have an editor do the

Whole thing just like at least half of it that would that would probably be it that would be enough for me to want to do another solution video uh baby carrots five dollars you should set up a public s p based off four Islands uh the wipes every couple of weeks for your

Friends just an idea I don’t know we’d have to have a lot of moderation for that because it’s it would be very easy for that to turn chaotic but uh maybe maybe uh and three dollar uh no five dollars from charm again sadly I gotta go my final

Message donation here have a successful street thank you charm uh you didn’t have to give me this much money today I appreciate it thank you very much thank you okay I’m actually Gonna Leave This tab open so I’ll at least get a noise whenever someone donates and I’ll be able to

Check because of that okay we ready uh you should release unscripted bits of the vid maybe maybe on this channel okay can I trust you turkey we’ll just watch this soon this is all acting voice acting they did terrific you like this right sitting on the throne

You put me on here I I don’t know what you’re talking about in front of all these people What are you getting on about I know that you’ve colluded with the planes Alliance also the song here this really isn’t a real song basically what I did is I took a song that chook sent me I just took the drum beats of that song combined it with the static noises just

Random static noises throughout like uh let me get to that scene real quick I’ll show you exactly what that looks like a little earlier yeah here it is so right when alanilo begins the con the confrontate the confrontation uh it’s a song named ghosting all of it disappears

And it just it’s down to the bare minimum a single drum beat yeah and it does that until it ends This scene was inspired this music was inspired by a scene from Breaking Bad uh it’s the episode where Waltz goes to the cellar he finds the money’s missing actually I’m not gonna spoil it never mind never mind those of you watching that never mind I ain’t gonna keep

Talking but those who know no crawl space I’ll just say crawl space uh yeah so that’s all that’s another Breaking Bad inspiring scene no spoilers guys don’t put any because I know some people might be watching it okay you’re lucky I just said that okay uh anyway let’s finish the video I have

To go in uh 30 minutes that I know that you want to take over take this throne for yourself whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa what there’s nothing you can do at this point to convince me that you’re not colliding a revolution against me

No no a lot hello yes I’ve talked with planes I’ve also talked with desert and jungle I am a diplomat and I’ll tell you this all those people that I talked with will become our allies the moment we turn this place into an actual democracy why are you secretly leading people off

My Island you can see the Beats I had a little Reverb on the heartbeats here to make them even more intense so instead of they go you can kind of hear that here because they thought you were going to kill them and to be honest so did I

So that’s the point of this meeting they also start getting louder and louder you want to get rid of me you know what and also random status and you won’t have to deal with me again I’m just gonna go okay yeah and then you’ll come back with an army I’m sorry turkey

So that’s how we uh that’s how we decided to show turkey’s death he was really killed by a lot nilu in the events for the very same reasons mentioned in the video a basically almost Worried about a revolution but it just happened in a very anti-climactic way so we recreated it in this manner Oh wait they’re killing turkey supporters slackbit I think was actually killed a few days earlier but he was a supporter of turkey so I just put him down his supporters like that there was a Purge on the snow Island this was real two Drew was chasing Ender enter a turkey supporter

And I think like 10 seconds later after this clip two Drew like or I think Ender just jumped off a platform and died of fall damage uh but again we revived Ender for reasons mentioned earlier and many of turkey supporters were killed the few who were able to escape

Immediately swam to the other Islands to tell everyone exactly what happened putting together the scene all of the nights started quite an experience because this song starts from just the softest it’s just the softest this much it starts this quiet but then the song Just builds gradually slowly builds and keeps building keeps

Building keeps building until the very end of the most loved members it’s literally the entire song is just build up that message appeared in chats people are putting together were outraged after the leaders yeah quite a difficult task but fortunately turkey once visited I’m giving the Army fortunately I was

Able to pull it off meanwhile a lot just gets more intense so he cleared a full lockdown reached out to his own allies and called them to the aculon castle today this was all true in case the Allies declare war and sure enough when the plays leaders talked

With theria and Seth the votes was unanimous on day 10 the alliance of democratic nations officially declared war here I made the drum a little louder Empire that’s why I say I wish you luck and great success hopefully we all see some of you tomorrow to sign the Constitution

Of the new this is all real this is real footage real speech people are hyping each other up isn’t about us this isn’t about our lives this was not real this [ __ ] uh what I did was I uh wrote a line that I wanted to be read and I held a

Competition I just had a bunch of people submit uh lines and uh I think this was madsby who read it who had the best line in my opinion um and here’s the Midnight Star of the Vikings Today we fight for Revenge we fight for free it up [Applause] uh yeah that’s a crazy line midnight uh yeah it was uh I don’t know I don’t know how you do it that was the less intense verse wasn’t I don’t even remember hahaha the Midnight’s honestly I I don’t know

How how you’re able to do that but uh yeah insanely good life And it was about here when the server crashed and we struggled to take it on taken back online for like the next 30 minutes because everyone coming together in one place just absolutely broke it so right before the battle began the servers went down Builders had taken inspiration from

History and created what they called the iron torch the most advanced defensive tower in the world how did players tell each other part in final battle it was actually very difficult for them crazy there’s nothing we could we could really do about that We also enabled some like guidelines in regard to this war like uh uh in regard to spies like when spies were allowed to sabotage like I think we only look and sabotage like 30 minutes into work just so it wouldn’t end immediately But here’s the song again You can see the flickering of white Uh shout out to Evan Evan MC gaming for helping me learn shaders for this specific scene uh check out his channel he has I probably the best cinematics out of any Minecraft YouTuber the films he produces uh he was kind enough literally for like two hours just

To get in a Discord call with me and just explain how he does shaders so yeah big shout out to Evan for helping me with this scene and all future scenes Also uh let me Frick I have to go and like 30 minutes okay hold on a little less than 30 minutes I I really wanted to show people this uh for this scene I used something called White world um here it is okay so for each of these shots

That I recorded in replay mod like this one for example there was another scene another render with the same exact shots but with the white world version so you can see at the top left what white world does in I think this was I think this was still silver shaders uh White world

Turns every single block White and so what I did is I added a little bit of that on top of every single one of these shots so like hold on this one for example I just added on top see white world but only at like that’s

100 capacity this is I think I set it to like yeah 50 capacity and then I had it fade outs oh it’s a little laggy but yeah so it’s like a flash of light like a very subtle flash of Lights um you see here again this is like 50

Capacity boom hundred percent so yes it took a little bit to do this but I really like how it turned out so you can see flash of white that was a something called the white world yeah exactly look your eyes adjusting to the light exactly I just really like shiny white how it made it look in the snow biome especially the moment it starts snowing uh I switch from cylinders to BSL shaders and it was actually a pack that Evan sent me like I didn’t have to change much

It was a pack that he sent me that he used I believe for snow Goodbyes because here’s the thing uh first person perspective you’ll see this very few first-person perspective shots from my end that I included they look horrible with snow on you’ll see in a second that’s why I did this basically on a replay I think that was after the TNT and then breaking it but everything else in this war is uh real this was I think as well and zombies acting a nice replay match out there people like that one this I think originally aculon meant to fill this entire place with lava instead of

Leaving a big gap they wanted to Lava the whole thing except for the ladder I would have made a lot more difficult to climb up but I think they just ran out of time [Applause] To stalactite whatever they’re called spikes So zonta didn’t die this way he did die during the actual battle uh so sorry he died right after the battle ended when it was sunny so I wanted to still include zomptadine so I just decided to recreate that um it would be weird if it was like

It’s the shot suddenly cut to like a sunny snow afternoon uh randomly so yeah we just recreated that uh zonta was actually killed by a player named the ads I made sure to keep that one accurate but yeah he wasn’t shot off the tower I think he was just ganged up on

By sultanate malicious they got absolutely wrecked both the David and zanta but they put up a good fight shook building his trees Epic shots I want to show you guys one of my first person perspective shots This is first person perspective uh it’s inside so you don’t really see but it was a lot darker and a lot uglier looking That’s the first cylinders Here’s people building towers outside But it worked with the music Rest in peace I think those are all real those are just people’s reactions two Drew check a donuts oh God oh God two Drew tip five dollars you gotta explain to the people what really happened to drip [ __ ] fine this is one of the things that I change for my video

Uh two Drew killed drip chicken during the war two Drew jumped him drip chicken was uh outside the castle in a little Los Pollos Hermanos stand I believe selling chicken and tudrew killed him but I just I just I’m sorry drip chicken has plot armor that

Surpasses the sword of two Drew I I wasn’t gonna let that one slide no no way no way yeah you get please flame uh to Drew in the chat Unbelievable the aculon Empire officially surrendered I actually didn’t know that until like I already wrote or actually I don’t know when I found out that drip chicken was actually dead for post war but uh I think I already decided drip chicken lives and then I went and checked it I’m

Like oh he died really ah he lives that was basically what happened guys didn’t stop fighting no mercy no words I’ll say no mercy like that there was a Purge on the snow Island there was a purge indeed it was the supporters of turkey World War absolute slaughterfest

There we go now we’re all good after a while a lot of people died afterwards very true very true and all the aculod forces had either been killed I got like 15 minutes left on the island before I gotta go into hiding and with that the alliance of democratic nations defeated

The aculon Empire they did it it was only where’s the shot of David was in the back I think clouds parted I think the diver’s error happened uh on what they had done yeah I’m not gonna scroll back here just because I don’t have enough time but I think you see David

Right when they’re charging the castle uh during the slow motion shots they continued to be to be Bliss and thirsty for blood that’s kind of a cool shot it was as if they um To turn to their homes now with a clear mind many of them felt regret neither side was compatible and the war was complicated whenever I’d show draw that scene he was like oh Seth definitely didn’t feel regret Yeah keep building keep building this uh post-war music was also just a big build Mega build a few smaller Nations created a world alliance with a massive Parliament building on the center Island where worlds fine I’ll mention it when it comes up their Nations and most in

Importantly to keep most of post-war was just completely made up because after the war ended everyone just kind of gave up on role-playing um there was uh a I believe there was like a world government slash Alliance setup that was very limited in power uh I think they had jurisdiction

Over the over all four islands where basically this world nation could have court trials and there was a trial uh and actually show a video of it briefly in this post-war Montage they actually did have a trial they tried to Drew uh I think they did actually find him not guilty uh

I don’t know if it was exactly a pardon as mentioned in the video but they did find him not guilty um and uh that was that so I represented to Drew being pardoned in this manner as I did in this video uh there was no government building that was actually

Something that I had a lot built so we could use it for acting shots so yeah weirdly enough uh Alani will let the uh build project of the government building um so and the these in this shot were like kind of all the world leaders that uh survived and the first order of

Business I think ghosts toast died in the war I never actually showed it but one of the four major planes leaders also died in the war was pardoning the few living players who fought for aculon so they didn’t have to live in hiding yes meanwhile the snow refugees were

Able to move back to the snow Island and create the new aculon Republic I’m not sure if there was an official Republic as I put it uh if there were if there were to be one Andrew would probably be the leader but it would more so be like a group

Thing I think most likely I think democracy in snow it wasn’t too organized it wasn’t as organized as I showed in this video so tore down the remains I don’t think they ever tore it down actually it was freaking huge um this graveyard was made by our

Builders uh hired torch I thought it’d be a cool symbolic moment honoring all emotional moments to end the video These two shots uh back to back rested peace shrimpatine this really uh it got to some people and poor Hypixel at President Steve the wedded couple ugh and overlooking

The graveyard was the man or turkey stats of turkey this is also made by uh Builders yeah most of the post-war was just like my way of making this a semi-happy ending and so the jungle went back to hosting comedy shows the desert went back to pursuing the Arts and dripped

Chicken went back to running after all that happened throughout the days things were finally settling down The shot was from a place name into 7-Eleven which I think was created by soliv a Soul have made a uh 7-Eleven uh gas station of some sort I think not I don’t even think there was a gas station it was just a 7-Eleven convenience store uh but Underground

Was a uh Mega Farm of a sort that I attributed to drip chicken so that was that for many players the new found piece you can see floppa there wearing another right for many players right there flop andish fin wow he got a full another I don’t even know that this was real

Um they actually did get end up getting full another right here’s the new found from the center Island allowed for new stories to begin here of course you found peace few cheeky shots boy Jedi The Prisoner who killed John leashed stories what Daddy and Thanos chicken are called back to my second video

And they’re cats from the island video to begin jaw wardenjaw and Ward and soul live along with magic gum in the back in the background some people noticed magic I’m staring at them the Thunder of the prison foreign and Legacy with his parrots standing in the same exact position

As he did in the final shot of the first civilization video and in the background the statue of a freaking turkey but for us it’s a good place here’s where the trial of two Drew took place it was in a Bastion of Peace location it was kind of cool but uh there wasn’t

Enough room to show it and just a bunch of shots of all the different places And that’s it shout out to everyone on this list yeah yeah I know there was a glowing uh yeah that’s the video uh hopefully I gave you guys a enough insight and so what uh went into making this what happened after we just shut down the server

That was its poke monkey I found a bell on the center Island and someone offered to buy it for 64 diamonds because it was the only Bell the server wow impressive sorry yeah I don’t think you can see the message but dang very good there was a Hunger Games was there God I

Don’t even remember I don’t maybe I think we wanted to at first but yeah uh again if you just clicked into the Stream feel free to uh go back and uh in the beginning I answered a few questions about server sharding and just more general information uh any final

Questions here at the very end before I uh have to go ish almost at one mill of views oh really did the video almost is the video won the views let’s see let’s see all right yeah right now it is at 876 000 views uh here’s the thing about the video performance uh

It actually uh it uh in the first two days of upload it grew much faster than the first two civilization videos uh Clover that he portrayed me as a lion yes yes I did I did Clover thank you I appreciate it um this video actually

In the first two days grew a little bit slower than prison uh the prison video the prison video actually grew faster in the first few days in the first two days than this video has but the weird thing is that in the second day of release this video

Is actually picking up on the prison video so but in the race of which video had the most views in the first few days um this thousand player civilization video season two uh was behind by like 200 000 views this morning uh but now it’s only by it’s only behind by thirty

Thousand so this video is actually right now growing a lot faster than the prison video did it’s still a little bit behind but the rate at which is growing it might actually surpass it I can show you guys this maybe if you can see the top 10 videos upon release in the

First two hours and or two days and something so you can see prison is still number one in terms of initial growth but this video is actually catching up and I think it might actually surpass the prison video in terms of growth we’ll see we’ll see um

Yeah no confetti yet because it’s not first but maybe it will be um you’ll love to see the analytics oh yeah actually it Ryan let me for those new YouTube nerds uh I just want to make sure I don’t accidentally show anything that I shouldn’t but uh

For those of you who are curious okay let me go to the video stats alone hold on I don’t know this this means much but this is a just the view chart of views increasing uh uh in the first two days let’s see ah dang it the app is Frozen now

Shoot I gotta go in five minutes uh hold on I want to show you guys the graphs hold on it’s just for the YouTube nerds nah it just crashed okay hold on uh let’s see let’s see let’s see boom this content uh oh will you release the map holy

Thumbs uh yeah if I get enough requests I might just release them map uh just day one maybe I don’t see enough negatives to withhold it so I don’t know I’ll talk with Steph and see and if we do release it it’ll be in a hashtag random okay uh go to video Analytics

All right this is what the retention graph looks like on this video so you see the expected drop off in the first few uh seconds but then people uh tended to stay and watch basically the entire thing all one hour and uh 13 minutes I sent this chart to uh both

Magic magickum and silver um silver said quotes those stats are absolutely nuts so I think this is good I’ve never uploaded a video this long um see where’s Magic what did he say he said that avd is insane for one hour 14 minutes uh avd that graph uh basically the

Higher it is the longer people watch the more YouTube recommends the video to others so that’s why you want people to watch the entire video so uh I think we’ll end there because I gotta head out you I don’t think guess what I’m doing I have a

I’m meeting up with a few friends to watch finally watch the Mario movie so hopefully it’s good all right I’m heading out uh any quick questions that I can answer oh I actually haven’t played the violin in a while as text but thank you for asking I really want to

We get back into it soon um okay all right you know what this is probably too many questions um if you want to ask more questions we’re going to have a community meeting next Saturday or just ask me in chat when I’m talking um yes okay hold on I have an idea here I presents to you the story of Los Pollos Hermanos all right thank you everyone for watching I hope I was able to explain a little bit about this video definitely not everything but the stream was long enough all right solid anything else shut up Legacy hey hey

All right let’s let’s get my stream outro thank you guys for being here thank you Sal thank you rinse Legacy Misfit Josh Pizza gaming Wobbuffet holy thumbs red master blue robin thank you everyone for watching I’ll see you next time My clothes

This video, titled ‘How I Made “1000 Players Build MASSIVE Civilization in Minecraft”‘, was uploaded by ish 2 on 2023-05-30 02:07:02. It has garnered 78901 views and 3166 likes. The duration of the video is 02:44:53 or 9893 seconds.

Today I’m talking about how I made my latest video: “1000 Players Build MASSIVE Civilization in Minecraft.” How did I edit? How did I integrate music? Which parts are real/fake? Find out everything here!

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  • Minecraft LIVE Zoo Building! Hermitcraft Season 10 VOD

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  • Insane Minecraft Hunger Games with 100 Players!

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  • EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #Minecraft

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  • Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shorts

    Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy’, was uploaded by SaifAiToons on 2024-09-15 02:30:27. It has garnered 1299 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy spider-man minecraft skibidi toilet mukbang car funny video mr men show theme song shorts cartoon dinosaur siren head catnap crab deadpool and wolverine songs funny videos godzilla granny hulk king kong minecraft school minecraft school monkey real life minecraft movie ronaldo… Read More

  • FEARSONA – Terrifying Office Building Encounters!

    FEARSONA - Terrifying Office Building Encounters!Video Information This video, titled ‘Office Buildings Are SCARY…’, was uploaded by FEARSONA on 2024-10-03 03:22:10. It has garnered 735 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:41 or 7601 seconds. #fearsona #truecrime #vtuber ✨Minecraft & Project Zomboid community servers now available for Patreon members! 0:00 Starting Screen 1:07 Intro 4:00 My Cursed Week 40:00 Scary Videos 2:00:0 Outro 🔴Streamlabs Donations🔴 ⚠️IMPORTANT⚠️ Please understand that donations are non-refundable and you are tipping under the agreement that you will not issue a chargeback! ✨TWITTER ► ✨INSTAGRAM ► ========================= CHAT RULES 1. Be polite and… Read More

  • SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops by HazeClient Private

    SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops by HazeClient PrivateVideo Information This video, titled ‘ dropped by HazeClient Private @Hestreng @rajcepro’, was uploaded by Keawee on 2024-07-03 20:05:57. It has garnered 277 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft,crasher,minecraft server crasher, minecraft antibot, minecraft anti bot, minecraft anticrash, minecraft anti crash, server crasher,crash,minecraft hack client,minecraft crasher,minecraft crash,minecraft crash server, iptables, spigotguard bypass, exploitfixer bypass, lpx bypass, XCord bypass, minecraft deutsch,minecraft crash items,minecraft server crashen,minecraft server crash,minecraft crash report 2020,minecraft server crashen tutorial,minecraft server crash client,griefergames crasher,minecraft server crash hack,crasher client,crash minecraft,crash report minecraft, minefox crash,aegis bypass,flamecord bypass,spigotguard bypass,exploitfixer bypass,guardspigot bypass,free minecraft… Read More

  • Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!

    Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock |’, was uploaded by BD Gamerz YT on 2024-04-24 16:44:29. It has garnered 142 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:57 or 4857 seconds. 🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock | Social link : DISCORD ——- #minecraft #minecrafthindi #minecraftlive #minecraft100days #minecraftgameplay #india #minecraftjavaedition #jitsubhaganing TAGS & KEYWORDS– ___________________________________________________________________________________ minecraft live minecraft live Bangla minecraft 100 days minecraft 24/7 smp minecraft mcpe live pe live minecraft java live stream minecraft java minecraft india how to make farms in minecraft how to make wheat… Read More

  • Turnabout SMP Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Hermitcraft-like Voice Plugin Age 16+ 1.21 Discord

    Looking for a Friendly Survival Minecraft Server? Join Turnabout, a 16+ whitelist server focused on community and making friends. With active players and exciting events like Halloween and a museum in the works, there’s always something to do. What Turnabout Offers: Events and Inclusivity Quality of Life Addons like One Player Sleep and Voice Chat Shopping and Minigames District Mayoral Elections for player-driven decisions Anti-Stealing and Griefing Plugins 24/7 Uptime Join Us Today! Meet new friends and start playing on Turnabout by joining our Discord: Read More

How I Made “1000 Players Build MASSIVE Civilization in Minecraft”