How to: Botania | Advanced Mana Generation (Minecraft 1.16.5)

Video Information

Hello world and welcome back to another tutorial all about britannia where today we’re going to be covering a little bit more of the advanced power generation or mana generation flowers that you have with inside the mod first up before we can actually make some of these intermediate flowers we’re going to need

To actually create something brand new and that is the runic alter the runic ultra is a way of making 16 different types of runes that are inside of britannia and this is how you actually make all these other flowers as well as other things starting off to actually

Make the rooney alter we’re first going to need five living rock and one manor diamond and this just in a regular workbench but we haven’t covered how to actually make a man of diamond in order to make amount of diamonds you first need to make get one singular diamond

And then throw it into a mana pool with some mana in it here we’re just using a creative mana pool for this demonstration last time we showed off how to make a mana pearl in the basics tutorial highly recommend check that out but there are a couple of other things

We can also make inside of the mana pool one is using an iron ingot we can make mana steel man of steel can be used for many different things but today we’re just going to be covering the runes as well as that you can take any type of

Dust in the game or any type of dye in the game and you can make mana powder so you’ve got your rooney alter you slap it down and you don’t know what to do now first you must supply it with a mana pool or some manner by using a mana

Spreader as we hover over here we’re just you’re going to be using the same creative mana pool now just to demonstrate we’re going to be showing how to make the water room here so to make the water room you’re going to need one of each of these different items

Here fishing rod bone meal etc etc now all we have to do is simply right click these items on to our runic altar so he plays each one of these down over time and then it says now it’s going to start actually sending manna to this runic

Altar we can see that just over here the there was a green circle going around our wheel this is basically our bar of telling us how much mana is inside of the rooney altar and once it has completely finished we are going to need a couple of different things one is

We’re going to need to get a block of living rock this is basically going to be the back plate that we’re going to print this room to and then we’re also going to need a wonderful forest so first as we see here we’ve got it says that it’s completed it needs to

Live in rock and the wonder forest so let’s right click here with the living rock that will just place one down then if we take a one to the forest and we right click on there it will now spit out two of these water runes now i’m not

Going to be showing off how to make every single one of them but if we look inside our lexical britannia and go to our runes over here we can see how many make each and every single type so they are split into sort of three different tiers the first are four are all

Elemental so we have water we have earth we have air and then lastly we have fire the next four are all based on seasons so we have spring we have summer autumn and winter as you can see these spring ones or these season ones are going to require two different types of rooms

Already then the last ones are based off the seven deadly sins there are seven that are obviously based on the seven deadly sins and then there are some other ones as well like the rune of mana uh which obviously isn’t a certain deadly sin but then we have a lust gluttony greed sloth

Wrath envy and pride so there are many different things that you can actually make with these different types of rooms many different pieces of equipment some rings and so on and so forth but today we’re just going to be covering all our mana generation flowers now the first advanced matter generation flower we’re

Going to be covering is the entropinium i’m going to say this now i’m going to butcher every single one of these flower names but this one is essentially going to be an explosive flower this is going to require one wrath rune one fire rune two red petals

Two grey petals and two mystical white petals now as this is obviously a flower you’ve got to make this in the petal apothecary so let’s get each one of these items here obviously i’m going to need two of these flowers petals and two reds as well now what we do is

We just obviously throw each one of these in here over time very very simple stuff and then of course we’re going to need our seed so let’s get ourselves a seed to complete this crop now i’m going to demonstrate this flower a little bit of the ways away because

Obviously things can go run and things can get very very messy now of course you’re first going to probably need to wonder the forest set things up and you’re going to link things all together so obviously you want to right click on your flower right click on the mana

Spreader then right click on the random spreader and then click on your pool now we have a complete system now the way this flower works is again it takes in the blast of an explosion and turns it into mana so if we take a little bit of

Tnt here and we light it what’s going to happen is it’s going to explode but there isn’t going to be any physical damage no none of the area is destroyed and we are all safe as you can see this is pumping out a lot of mana into this

Pool here if we hold the wand of the forest onto our flower we can see how much it’s actually storing inside now it’s finished we’ve got the mana spreader which is obviously slowly pumping that into the mana pool here now there is a couple of things you have to know about the entropy

When you actually create an explosion that’s all well and good things will be perfectly fine but if there is actually some manner already in the flower and we do this again something bad is going to happen and that is the explosion is actually going to take effect as you see here the

Flower has to be completely drained of energy before a new tnt can be placed so of course you can actually automate this in some way uh by placing down tnt automatically but just make sure you’ve got it timed very well otherwise um your flower and your setup might be blown up

Now something else to note as well when it comes to this flower is that it likes and says in the book it likes to have organic tnt what this means is that you have to actually make tnt the old legit way in vanilla if you use a tnt duplicator you’re gonna get a

Diminishing returns on your mana that you actually get so if you want more mana you’ve got to make it the normal way next up we have the gormelius the gourmelius is going to require one red petal two yellow petals two light grey petals a rune of fire and a rune of

Summer again thrown all into the apothecary with a seed and boom you’ve got this flower now this gormelius flower works off giving it food different types of food is going to give you a different amount of mana and also they’re going to take longer to eat but

We’ll go over that very very shortly so over here i’ve set something up here we’ve got everything set up similarly to how we did over there we’ve got our gourmelius link to a mana spreader then the matter spread up to a pool now what we do if we throw

Down this piece of steak here we can see that it’s going to start eating it takes a little bit of time and then afterwards it’s going to actually send that into our pool over here so it takes up a decent amount now we can feed this any

Type of food in the game that we want to so if we give it a melon it’s going to be a little bit quicker but it’s going to give us a little less of its food now how do we know which foods are best to

Use now the gourmet is going to give you manner dependent on the amount of the food gives you saturation so if you eat a piece of steak i believe that gives you four of these chicken bones sort of things that’s going to give you x amount

Of mana but also there’s going to be sort of the amount of seconds that it takes so every sort of half bone or something or every full bone is a second i don’t remember exactly but that’s what it says in the book you go thus a steak

Will take four seconds to digest and apple will take two and a loaf of bread will take two and a half seconds and so on because that’s how many chicken bones down here is actually gonna you know supply now there is something else to note with this we can give it chicken uh

Steak and as you can see it’s gonna give us x amount of food as you see there it gives us about a thirds worth of this bar but if we keep giving it steak something’s gonna happen you see the gourmet is a little bit fussy it doesn’t

Like having the same food over and over again so if you keep giving it the same food you’re gonna get diminishing returns you see here we’re getting now only about a quarter and if we keep going more and more it’s going to give us less and less and eventually it’s

Going to actually give us nothing now you can automate this with droppers as it likes to eat things within a three by three block area of it really i don’t know if you can throw things all the way up here yep can’t do that i’ll do that but within the area it

Works now the best way to actually have this going is you’re going to need two different types of food which is why we have melons and we have a steak obviously if you wanted to get the most you can out of this you might want to use something like

Lamb or mutton sorry and a chicken if you wanted to but you can use something like melon slices so if you just give it a melon slice it will eat it quickly then you give it a steak and then you give it a melon slice and then you give it a steak

It will then give um sort of keep the bonuses around and uh you’ll always get the maximum amount out of each item now i believe the more items you actually give it the more variety of food it gives you you’re going to get a little bit of a bonus with the amount of

Different items you get and obviously if you have all the different meats then you’re going to get the maximum you can out of this so you can have this up to pretty much every single different types of food you want to do in the game but

It might be a bit difficult to fit that all in the 3×3 area now the last thing to know when it comes to the gourmelius is that when i was throwing in that food there you may have noticed i wasn’t getting anything extra if i throw in a

Piece of steak here and then throw in a melon it actually eats the melon but nothing actually happens you see the gourmets can only consume one type of food at a time however it will it will absorb more food so if i drop this and then i start dropping loads of melons

All the melons are being disappeared but none of the mana is actually coming from them and also it doesn’t think that’s actually eating them so if you dropped it another steak after giving it loads and loads of melons it won’t actually think that it’s eaten a melon and you’ll

Get those diminishing returns again so you’ve got to make sure that when you are setting things up automatically then you’re going to want to have everything timed properly moving on now we have the munch stew the munch jew is made using one rune of gluttony two lime petals one

Green petal and two red petals also i should say everyone that you can actually use the glowing mushroom variants you don’t have to use petals just with any other craft now the way the multistreet works there actually eats leaves so this is very good to set

Up with some sort of tree farm and if the tree farms very fast acting then it’s obviously the best you can get so we’re gonna have ourselves here first let’s get into creative here and let’s get ourselves some leaves over here we have the monster now the monster jew has

A couple of different mechanics to it once it starts eating flower leaves you want it to constantly eat leaves because if you stop it’s gonna have to have a little bit of a cool down and actually not eat any more leaves and after a couple of minutes

Seeing here it says it will only eat again after around a minute so you wanna however it finishes eating leaves in a range the monster will take a brief digestion break and then it won’t eat anything for about a minute so what you can do is if i just start spamming

Leaves here we can see that it’s actually eating them very very quickly so if it’s linked up to the tree farm it’ll probably eat all the leaves very very quickly now i can keep growing this and eventually it will stop it won’t just eat continuously so you will have

To take that minute break over time but just to speed that process up if i stop right clicking here it will then dump everything out and it won’t actually start eating leaves again as you see here you have to wait a minute there is no sort of visual indication on the

Flower but you’re gonna have to wait a minute before it starts eating everything again but this has actually given us a fair amount now the only reason that it is going to stop for me constantly spamming down the leaf it’s because there is obviously an internal buffer to this monster so if

You manage to sort of figure out a way like a perfectly timed way of giving it leaves to the point where it never fully fills up i don’t know if that’s possible then you could technically make it eat forever but i think that’s very unlikely for you to do so obviously once the

Monster reaches its full capacity inside then um the leaves will stop being eaten and then it will have to take that minute cool down next up we have the nars slimiest now the last nilius is made using one rune of water one room of summer two lime petals two green petals

And a black petal now the nice snar slimiest works by actually eating slimes however they are only eaten through slimes in a slime chunk so i have this set up here if i get ourselves a slime egg here and get out of peaceful mode here and place this down

The slime hasn’t been eaten nothing has happened if you went to a swamp i’m not sure but i don’t think that they would eat the slimes there either because obviously a slime can spawn in the swamp pretty much anywhere this snar slimys can only eat slimes that i from a actual

Slime chunk so let’s jump into a super flat world to demonstrate so here we are actually in our blood magic world so if you haven’t checked out that series i highly recommend you check it out and we have got in here a chunk set up now this

Chunk i have found it is a slime chunk now there is a way in botanias actually fine slime chunks but it’s slightly more advanced and using things that i have not shown yet but just to show you the item is called this a bottle in a slime in a bottle

If you actually look at the recipe of this it requires elementium ingots and we have not shown how to actually create this but this involves a basically a big portal you throw a man of steel into it and you get a lamenting back but we’re going to be covering that

Later on in the series so here we have a slime chunk now we know this because this slime in the bottle in my hand as you can see it’s not bouncing if i’m moving this chunk it starts bouncing that means we’re in a slime chunk here which is absolutely wonderful now if i

Take our slaw nars slimys in here now and then let’s link this to our mana spreader we’re gonna have to do is first go a little bit of a ways away to actually have slime start spawning in there so for one let’s just turn everything off and then let’s turn it

Back on again and things will start actually start spawning in there as you can see now you have to be about 24 blocks away for things to start working but as you can see some are actually appearing and then they disappear when they get bit bit too close to the slime

Basically this narcissist is gonna basically instantly eat any slimes that get within its sort of range as you can see it’s eating it all very very quickly and this is something that can work completely passively if you find a slime chunk you could probably dig it out give yourself loads

Of different layers as if you would to have a regular slime farm and then just slap a load of these on top of your different platforms and this will give you loads of passive manner over time moving on now back in our britannia world we have got the rosa arcana this

Is gonna require one rune of mana one lime petal two pink petals and two purple petals and this is a flower that is going to actually make man up from xp so as we have here everything’s linked up just as we have before and if i throw

This bottle of enchanting here we can see that it’s going to actually start creating mana now this is actually going to also not just take mana that is in the area it’s also going to take mana from your own experience bar so you don’t really want to be too close if you

Want to keep hold of the manner um so be careful of that and just be aware but probably the best way to actually have this is have it set up next to some sort of mob farm or some sort of farm that’s going to give you experience over time

Or there’s many different ways you could do it in modded but essentially it give give xp it will give you mana now the very last one is the thermal lily the thermal lily is going to require the rune of fire the rune of earth one red petal and two orange

Petals now this is gonna make mana from lava so if you get ourselves a bucket of lava here this works very very similar to our hydrogenous from the previous tutorial now this is only going to take lava one source block of lava well that’s on the same level as it on the

Same y level so if i just right click this in here it’s now eaten up that lava and it’s gonna now create mana constantly for 45 seconds after 45 seconds there is going to be a couple of minutes delay before it’s actually going to eat its next one and start creating

Some more manner here it says that obviously it’s going to take it 45 minutes but then it’s going to need a 5 minute cooldown now something you have to actually worry about is that i can have another bit of lava here we could have a dropper or a placer or something

Automatically place lava in here but something is going to happen you can’t have this place down straight away and after 45 seconds this thermal lily is going to sort of burn out as you can see there it’s just burned out it’s been the 45 seconds and we have

This little bit of sort of steam here this is basically it’s now going to need to cool down as you can see the lava’s disappeared it has eaten that lava source up but it hasn’t actually created any more lava and i can keep placing more down but it’s not actually going to

Be you know making any more manner and every time i do place this lava down it’s gonna reset the five minute cooldown so you want to fully wait the full five minutes otherwise you’re wasting all this lava now of course there isn’t really a way of fully automating this as obviously

You need to probably collect the load of lava attach a tank to this in some sort of way and then place it down so you can only sort of semi-automate this and you have to um you know get lava over time but obviously if you have a mod that has cross-dimensional lava transportation

You could probably make up some sort of pumping system from the nether for this now for now there’s all the advanced flowers for generating mana however there are actually a couple more if we go into the generating floor there is one two three four five more different

Types of flowers that can generate you things however they’re going to require some more advanced items such as the gaia spirits and i believe pixie dust so those we’re going to be covering in later tutorials but for now that is going to be everything in this episode

But if you did enjoy and this video helped you out in any way shape or form please don’t forget to leave a like and subscribe that would really help me out and ring the bell button to stay notified when these videos go live because next time we’re going to be

Covering since we’ve gone over all the power generation ones today we’re going to cover all of the functional flora in the next episode but until next time guys take care

This video, titled ‘How to: Botania | Advanced Mana Generation (Minecraft 1.16.5)’, was uploaded by Mondays on 2022-04-24 22:00:00. It has garnered 44613 views and 430 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:54 or 1074 seconds.

Welcome to the Botania mod. Now we know the basics, let’s dive into something a little more advanced. Today we shall cover the higher tier mana generation flowers! This will involve new mechanics and items called runes. ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Let’s Reach A New Goal: ||||||||||||||| 87% ||||||||||||… 8.72K/10K Latest Subscriber: Matheus O De Souza ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ See the Botania Playlist here:

Get the mod here: Botania –

Mods Created by: Vazkii, williewillus, Hubry, Alwinfy

Support the Devs at Vazkii – williewillus – Hubry – Alwinfy – ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ To stay up to date on the latest tutorials, consider subscribing: ►Twitter: ►Discord: ►Instagram: ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Botania is a magic based mod that uses various flowers and other flora in order to create mana!

This mana can be used for a variety of things such as transfiguration, fuel for functional flowers and even speaking to the Elves in another dimension.

There is also a skyblock type version of this mod called “The Garden of Glass” ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Chapters 0:00 Intro 0:11 Runic Altar 3:29 Entropinnyum 6:04 Gourmaryllis 9:47 Munchdew 12:00 Narslimmus 14:28 Rosa Arcana 15:15 Thermalily ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ All mods in my custom mod pack for 1.16: AIOT Botania AE2 Architectury API Forge Blood Magic Botania Clumps CodeChicken Lib 1.8+ CraftTweaker Cucumber Library Curios API Forge Cyclic Dark Utilities Ender Storage 1.8+ Extra Storage Extreme Reactors ForgeEndertech FTB GUI Library Item Filters JEITweaker JEI KubeJS Lollipop McJtyLib Mekanism Mekanism Additions Mekanism Generators Mekanism Tools Mouse Tweajs OpenBlocks Elevator PneumaticCraft: Repressurized Powah! Refined Storage RFTools Control RFTools Storage RFTools Utitlity Rhino Runelic Simple Storage NEtwork Storage Draws Structurize Trash Cans Wawla – What are we looking at Woot ZeroCore2 AE2 Extras Angle Ringe Astral Sorcery AutoRegLib Bookshelf Botania: Garden of glass Building Gadgets Carry on Chargers Client tweaks CoFH Core Cooking for blockheads Crafting Tweaks CreativeCore EnderChests EnderTanks Environmental Core Environmental Materials Environmental Tech Extra Disks Fast Leaf Decay FTYB Backups FTB Essentials Hwyla IAP [Mekanism] Immersive Engineering Immersive Petroleum Immersive Posts Industrial Agriculture Industrial Foregoing Iron Chests JEI Enchantment info JEI Integration JEI Professions Just enough Resources KubeJS Immersive engineering KubeJS Mekanism MineColonies Mining Gadgets Mystical Agradditions Mystical Agriculture Mystical Customization ObserverLib Patchiuli Refined Storage Addons Refined Storage Requestify RFTools Base RFTools Builder RFTools Power ShetiPhianCore Thermal Cultivation Thermal Expansion Thermal Foundation Thermal Innovation Thermal Locomotion Titanium ValkyrieLib XNet XNet Gases ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ Attributions Music by

Cipher – Electronic Light by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 licence.



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    Unbelievable! Female Jesse's Best Voice Lines!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Story Mode – Female Jesse’s Voice Lines’, was uploaded by thenameisjoe2 on 2024-09-16 07:58:49. It has garnered 1157 views and 40 likes. The duration of the video is 07:53:35 or 28415 seconds. voice lines from Female Jesse taken from Minecraft Story Mode (voiced by Catherine Taber) all credit goes to Telltale Games Season 1: Episode 1: 0:00:00 Episode 2: 0:37:23 Episode 3: 1:33:55 Episode 4: 1:57:28 Episode 5: 2:47:32 Episode 6: 3:27:10 Episode 7: 4:02:56 Episode 8: 4:35:33 Season 2: Episode 1: 5:10:14 Episode 2: 5:46:12 Episode 3: 6:10:06 Admin Jesse: 6:37:01 Episode 4:… Read More

  • Ultimate Zoo Build in Minecraft! 🦁🐵🐯🐧🦜🦓🦒

    Ultimate Zoo Build in Minecraft! 🦁🐵🐯🐧🦜🦓🦒Video Information This video, titled ‘I Built A ZOO For Every Animal in Minecraft!’, was uploaded by WildSpade on 2024-10-05 14:00:08. It has garnered 10264 views and 516 likes. The duration of the video is 01:00:23 or 3623 seconds. Block Breaking Season Three Episode Three. 🌎 Download The Zoo: ────────────────────────────────────── Credits: Trees: ────────────────────────────────────── ❗️ Watch Block Breaking Season 3: ❗️ Watch Block Breaking Season 2: ────────────────────────────────────── 🔗 Links: ▸ Support me with a Channel Membership or on Patreon: or ▸ WildSpade Discord – ▸ Block Breaking SMP Discord – 🎵 Music Provided… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Scariest Minecraft Mods Ever!

    Unbelievable! Scariest Minecraft Mods Ever!Video Information This video, titled ‘How to install Horror addons in Minecraft || BANGALORE INDIANS || Horror addons’, was uploaded by BANGALORE INDIANS on 2024-09-29 20:39:57. It has garnered 33 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:26 or 806 seconds. How to install Horror addons in Minecraft || BANGALORE INDIANS || Horror addons #minecraft #mcpe #horroraddons Read More

  • Unleash Demon Jedi in PG Games – No Minecraft Addon!

    Unleash Demon Jedi in PG Games - No Minecraft Addon!Video Information This video, titled ‘CRIEI ADDON DE Demon Kaisen Jedy NO MINECRAFT PE’, was uploaded by PG GAMES on 2024-08-09 13:00:50. It has garnered 2087 views and 104 likes. The duration of the video is 00:14:23 or 863 seconds. I CREATED DEMON SLAYER JUJUTSU KAISEN ADDON ON MINECRAFT PE ADDON: ADDON: ———————————— ————— ❤️ Follow us on social media! ❤️ DISCORD: TWITTER: ————————————————– – 👀 MY OTHER CHANNELS 👀 GAMES CHANNEL: MINECRAFT JAVA CHANNEL: YUGIOH CHANNEL: EMAIL CONTACT:[email protected] Read More

  • Linca VOD: UNBELIEVABLE Disaster in Minecraft Hardcore!

    Linca VOD: UNBELIEVABLE Disaster in Minecraft Hardcore!Video Information This video, titled ‘Ce succès est HORRIBLE !!! (Minecraft Hardcore 100% #11)’, was uploaded by Linca VOD on 2024-07-23 15:15:01. It has garnered 12245 views and 282 likes. The duration of the video is 03:21:16 or 12076 seconds. My Twitch channel: My website: ✔ Don’t forget to subscribe and hit the bell to be notified when I post a new video! [Retrouvez moi sur mes réseaux] —————————————————- ➤TWITTER : ➤INSTAGRAM : Read More

  • “SHOCKING: Vikash Gamer Age Reveal in Minecraft! 🤯” – #shorts #minecraft

    "SHOCKING: Vikash Gamer Age Reveal in Minecraft! 🤯" - #shorts #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Age 28 OR Age 45 AT Minecraft 🤔? #minecraft #shorts’, was uploaded by Vikash Gamer on 2024-05-14 12:00:11. It has garnered 12516 views and 287 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:30 or 30 seconds. #games #minecraftshorts #gaming #viral #vikashgamer @TechnoGamerzOfficial @DeadZilla @dream @MrBeast @MrBeastGaming @minecraft @TotalGaming093 @GAMESPACEHIGHLIGHT @SenpaiSpider short,shorts,ytshorts,ytshorts,vikashgamershorts,vikashgaamerhort,minecraft,minecraftgamer,gamers,gamer,minecraft(patch) ————————————————————MINECRAFT TAGS————————————————————————- Minecraft shorts Minecraft herobrine helping herobrine herobrine encounter minecraft herobrine herobrine minecraft minecraft traps herobrine mod survival herobrine trap herobrine survival series revenge from herobrine herobrine hardcore survival cursed herobrine herobrine minecraft trap #games herobrine herobrine mod herobrine smp lava herobrine noob… Read More

  • Sharkbait Takes on Fortnite Viewers! Join Now!

    Sharkbait Takes on Fortnite Viewers! Join Now!Video Information This video, titled ‘(JOIN ME) Playing Fortnite With Viewers !user !socials’, was uploaded by MX Sharkbait on 2024-09-10 10:41:38. It has garnered 78 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 07:56:55 or 28615 seconds. OPEN MINECRAFT WORLD COME JOIN US! (BEDROCK) Feel free to join our new minecart server, free to join Minecraft server! Just started streaming on YouTube feel free to join us and show your love I would appreciate it, currently playing on Xbox and play a variety of games but I mostly stream #minecraft #gaming #livestream Read More

  • Citizen Snips – Modded – Whitelist – 1.18.2

    🌲 Adventurers, Engineers, and Monster Hunters—Your New Home Awaits! 🌲 Looking for a Minecraft experience that’s got it all? Citizen Snips Season 2 is back, bigger and better than ever. Whether you want to build the ultimate machine, dive deep into ocean mysteries, or hunt down legendary beasts, we’ve got you covered. 🌟 What Awaits You? 🌳 Dynamic Trees: Explore forests that truly live and breathe. Watch trees grow and evolve, and plant your own to leave your mark on the world! 🚂 Create Steam and Rails + CreateDeco: Build jaw-dropping rail systems, complete with steampunk-powered trains. If you’re a… Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Crafting ’til 4 a.m., YESSSSS

    YESSSSS, that’s almost as impressive as finding diamonds in Minecraft! Read More

  • Crafty Class 61: Cube Xuan’s Minecraft Performance

    Crafty Class 61: Cube Xuan's Minecraft Performance In the world of Minecraft, where creativity thrives, Cube Xuan brings laughter, with humor that jives. A self-made MC animation, bringing joy each day, With videos that are original, in a fun-filled way. Avoiding any harm to the young and the small, Cube Xuan’s channel is safe for all. So come along and join the fun, In the world of Minecraft, where happiness is spun. With funny animations and songs that adapt, Cube Xuan’s content is where it’s at. So hit that subscribe button, don’t delay, And let Cube Xuan brighten up your day. Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes to Spice Up Your Day

    Spicy Minecraft Memes to Spice Up Your Day “Why did the creeper break up with his girlfriend? Because she couldn’t handle his explosive personality!” 😂 #minecraftmeme #relationshipproblems #boom Read More

  • Ultimate Cobblestone Tower Build Guide

    Ultimate Cobblestone Tower Build Guide Minecraft: Exploring the World of Cobblestone Towers Embark on a journey through the pixelated landscapes of Minecraft, where creativity knows no bounds. From towering castles to intricate redstone contraptions, players have crafted a world filled with endless possibilities. One such creation that has caught the attention of many is the cobblestone tower. The Beauty of Cobblestone Towers Constructed from the humble cobblestone block, these towers stand tall as a testament to the ingenuity of Minecraft players. With their rugged exterior and sturdy structure, cobblestone towers serve as both a functional base and a striking architectural feature in the game…. Read More

  • Minecraft pro destroys P2W server w/ Netherite!

    Minecraft pro destroys P2W server w/ Netherite!Video Information This video, titled ‘Destroying a Pay-to-win Minecraft Server with Netherite’, was uploaded by zman1064 on 2024-10-09 16:00:05. It has garnered 22352 views and 2352 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:17 or 1037 seconds. In this video @zman1064 and @ItzOwo Destroy Netherite.GG with Netherite. Netherite.GG is an extremely Pay-to-win server. They also bot their player count. SOCIALS: → → This video is intended for audiences 13+ years old for the following reasons: Fantasy Violence Violent References Suggestive Themes Crude Humor This video was themed around MF DOOM’s Album(s) “Special Herbs” ——————————————————————– 00:00​​​​ – INTRODUCTION 01:28… Read More

  • Extreme Minecraft Seed Experiment!

    Extreme Minecraft Seed Experiment!Video Information This video, titled ‘trying scary Minecraft seeds’, was uploaded by Chris and logan gaming and effects on 2024-02-25 06:29:55. It has garnered 13 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:02:33 or 153 seconds. were looking on prestonplayz and reviewing scary Minecraft seeds Read More

  • The_minecraft_trender_ – EPIC CHAOS SERVERS!

    The_minecraft_trender_ - EPIC CHAOS SERVERS!Video Information This video, titled ‘NORMAL ANARCHY SERVERS … |’, was uploaded by The_minecraft_trender_ on 2024-06-05 16:00:18. It has garnered 6 views and 0 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. Best Minecraft moments you have ever seen! Like and Follow for MORE!!! Read More

  • Insane Transformation: Maizen Khinkal Becomes Realistic in Minecraft

    Insane Transformation: Maizen Khinkal Becomes Realistic in MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘JJ and Mikey Became Realistic Face and Head – Minecraft Maizen’, was uploaded by Maizen Khinkal on 2024-05-12 07:00:04. It has garnered 7003 views and 42 likes. The duration of the video is 00:24:17 or 1457 seconds. JJ and Mikey Became Realistic Face and Head – Minecraft Maizen #minecraft #maizen #jj #mikey Read More

  • “Insane Fail in Minecraft Bedwars! Watch Davidoma…” #clickbait

    "Insane Fail in Minecraft Bedwars! Watch Davidoma..." #clickbaitVideo Information This video, titled ‘w tap fail #minecraft #bedwars #hypixel #daily #pvp’, was uploaded by Davidoma on 2024-02-10 19:00:00. It has garnered 2204 views and 38 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. [ real game w tap fail ] Pack – ask in comments Song – none Namemc – Twitter – Discord – Davidoma#1266 sub fr – Read More

  • Insane Phasmophobia Grind Ends with Epic Minecraft Server Launch!

    Insane Phasmophobia Grind Ends with Epic Minecraft Server Launch!Video Information This video, titled ‘Completing Daily Tasks in Phasmophobia and then My Minecraft Server!!’, was uploaded by PixelSplash on 2024-09-08 08:03:49. It has garnered 87 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 04:36:07 or 16567 seconds. (I never know what to put here) Check out my discord Server!: If you want to donate: #trans #lgbt #gaming #Marathon Read More

  • Unleash Pikachu & Riolu in Minecraft Pokémon!

    Unleash Pikachu & Riolu in Minecraft Pokémon!Video Information This video, titled ‘PEGUEI O PIKACHU E O RIOLU NO MOD DO POKEMON Ep.2: Minecraft Pokémon’, was uploaded by HenBrow on 2024-05-22 23:00:17. It has garnered 2067 views and 201 likes. The duration of the video is 00:37:12 or 2232 seconds. #pokemon # minecraft THE BEST HOST IN THE WORLD: MY BROTHER’S CHANNEL: SECONDARY CHANNEL: HB2-Design: HOW TO JOIN MY SERVERS: Become a HENBROW member and gain benefits: ROXINHA CHANNEL: DISCORD DO CANAL: Read More

  • Arsh’s Craziest Minecraft World! Live Now 🔥

    Arsh's Craziest Minecraft World! Live Now 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴LIVE → Most Insane Minecraft World!🔥I’M BACK:)’, was uploaded by Arsh on 2024-10-07 18:39:12. It has garnered 21794 views and 83 likes. The duration of the video is 03:47:43 or 13663 seconds. INSANE MINECRAFT WORLD ADVENTURE MAP SURIVIVAL —– 🚀Join Member:–HuatMHM0VU88NRzjg/join ———————————————————— ❤️‍🔥Donation Link: ➡️DISCORD: 🌂TWITCH: —– 🔆My Socials: 🔔Follow This Channel: 🗣TWITTER: ————————————————————– #shorts #minecraftmods #arshlive #arsh Read More

  • Ultimate Minecraft Battle – Noob vs Hacker vs God!

    Ultimate Minecraft Battle - Noob vs Hacker vs God!Video Information This video, titled ‘#memes #minecraft #humor #funny #minecraftnoobvsprovshackervsgod #comedy #мем #video #edit ….. ..’, was uploaded by Ballu.Vloger1 on 2024-06-17 12:33:39. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. starts with a good video title. But coming up with video title ideas is difficult which is why we’ve created this YouTube Video Title … Read More

  • ₊⁺⋆★ Inter ✩ SMP ★ ⋆⁺₊ – Semi-Vanilla – Whitelist

    ⭐Inter SMP ✨ Custom Enchants , Towny, and much more!⭐ Welcome to our month old semi-vanilla nations SMP that focuses on community and storytelling! PVP is allowed with safety measures in place. Builders, lore makers, and historians are all welcome! Join us for a humorous and welcoming community with a great narrative. New members are always wanted! For more information, join our discord and fill out a quick application. Comment below for our discord and join my pirate nation! 🏴‍☠️ Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Biome updates: my true love

    Minecraft Memes - Biome updates: my true loveWow, this meme is getting more updates than the actual game! Read More

  • Crafting Dreams: Minecraft’s Game Design Whiz!

    Crafting Dreams: Minecraft's Game Design Whiz! In the world of Minecraft, I found my game design muse, With endless possibilities, I couldn’t refuse. Building and creating, a programmer’s dream, In this pixelated world, nothing is as it seems. From crafting to mining, the adventures are vast, Every block tells a story, from present to past. I’m still learning the ropes, but I’m eager to grow, In this world of creativity, my ideas will flow. So here’s to Minecraft, a world like no other, Where imagination runs wild, and creativity doesn’t smother. I’ll keep exploring, building, and designing with glee, For in this virtual world, I’ve… Read More

  • Minecraft: The Lava Edition!

    Minecraft: The Lava Edition! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” Read More

How to: Botania | Advanced Mana Generation (Minecraft 1.16.5)