How To Build A Castle Minecraft Tutorial | Medieval Castle Part 5

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What’s up everyone how you doing blue nut here and welcome back my friends to part five of our minecraft medieval castle tutorial i sure hope you guys are having an awesome day now today guys we are gonna be working on the left-hand side of the castle and

We should more or less get most of the castle done in today’s episode the final bit is going to be a bit of work at the back of the castle but we’ll work on that probably in next episode today i want to get in the wall down this side

The little gatehouse and then some of the details onto the big main building and some of the details down the side of it as well so we’ll have to see how we go for time but hopefully we can get as much as we can done in today’s episode

Now before i get started guys as well let me just apologize for this video being a bit late it’s been a little bit of a hectic week and this video is a little bit delayed so i do apologize guys um but rest assured things are back

To normal now so we should be able to get back to a normal schedule now with that being said guys let’s go ahead and take a look at what blocks we’re going to be using today okay guys we’re going to be using pretty much the same blocks that we’ve been

Using throughout the build so we’re going to be needing some stone bricks stone brick stairs and slabs some crack stone bricks some normal stone cobblestone blocks and cobblestone walls some mossy cobblestone some glass panes of your choice some dark oak planks stairs and slabs spruce fences doors buttons and spruce

Logs and with that being said let’s get building okay guys we’re going to start over on the left hand side of the castle here i’m just going to start by getting this little wall in that connects to the main building here okay so let’s come over to

The left hand hand side gate tower just on the side here we’re going to turn and face towards the side here and as you can see we’ve got this one pillar that we’ve already put up here so behind it we’re gonna place one stone bricks there

And then two three four like this in a row coming down towards the left hand side of the castle then we’re gonna go one block to the left and towards us by one and then go one two three we’re gonna go left and down towards us again and go one two

We’re gonna go left and down towards us and one and then the same again left and down towards us on one then to the left of that block place one block then we’re gonna go down and to the left place one and then follow along with two and three

Now just so you guys can actually see from this side here we’ve got two coming uh three coming down then two then we got one then we got two going that way three going that way and then four going that way okay so it’s quite easy and you

Should end up with three blocks on the edge here okay as you can see one two three before we get to the edge of the build now we’re gonna go ahead and we’re gonna raise all of these until they are seven blocks higher so that’s six more blocks on top of them all

Okay once you’re done go ahead and get your stone brick stairs and we’re going to come over to this side here we started at the very top and we’re gonna leave the first block on the second block we’re gonna place an upside down stair then skip one place one on this

Corner we’re gonna place one in here and then one here leaving a one block gap this one we’re gonna leave this one in the corner and place this one here then we’re gonna place one here turn to the side place one here and one on this corner

Then we’re gonna come straight over to this corner place one here and one right in here then grab your stone bricks place one on top of that stair and then one two connecting to this stair place one on this stair and then bring one in this way towards this block so we

Get a nice curve around that bit little edge there then we’re going to go one two three on top of all of these stairs here place one here one on this stair one two one on this there and then one two three okay and that gives us a nice little lip

Just around the edge of the um of the build now where if we have those stairs we’re gonna place another block on top of this block so one there one there one there there one here and then one two three across here and then one and two okay nice and simple

Then we’re gonna get our stone slabs and we’re gonna go one two here one and two here where we have these four diagonal ones across here i’m gonna just put one on this end and one on this end just to create a little bit of a peak on the two

Sides there to give it a bit more of a castle fill and then place one on two of the on the top of those two then get your cobblestone wall we’re gonna place one here we’re gonna place one here one here one here one here one here in all of those gaps

Now we’re gonna extend this one and this one in just a second but what we’re going to do first is put a block so see where we got this one here as you can see the ones in between over here okay these all connect to the walls this one

Don’t have no connection so we’re going to put a block on the floor down there and a block on the floor down there and then just add another wall and connect them to the back of that wall like that now starting from this corner over here

We’re gonna go one two three four five six seven eight and nine like that then we’re going to come around this side bring this all the way across join it up to here and then we’re just gonna simply fill in this little area here okay so let’s go ahead with our dark oak

Planks and just go ahead and fill all of this area in we probably will be extending this a little bit later on but for now it just gives us a little bit of a area to kind of work with Okay that’s looking pretty good now we’re gonna go back to our stone bricks and we’re going to come up onto this landing that we just built just here over here where we’ve got the tower in this little corner here we’re going to go ahead and place one stone brick there

And then on top of it we’re going to go one two three and four to the right here we’re going to break one and two and then break the one at the top there and place an upside down stair now grab your stone bricks again and

Where we place this top block just here we’re going to place two more just to bring that little bit of the wall there level then we’re gonna go one two three four five six seven eight behind this we’re gonna go one two three four five and join it to this wall here

And then in the corner over here we’re gonna go one two and three okay so we should have a little box shape on the corner there now starting from the pillar here we’re gonna go one two three four okay and then we’re gonna make a window here

So we’re gonna put a pillar gun all the way up there leave a one block gap leave another one block gap make a pillar there then we’re gonna have a door so we go two like this and bring them all the way up to the top there

Get your stone brick stairs place one at the top of all of these gaps like so so now we’ve got two windows and a doorway there and also a doorway here okay now we’re gonna come around to the back here let’s get our stone bricks again

And let’s just run across a wall like this and just fill all of this in here like so and that’s looking pretty good now over in this corner over here we could make a doorway um i think we’ll probably put one about there for the moment and then we’re putting upside

Down stair just there but we’ll work with this a little bit later anyway for now we’re going to carry on working with this little roof here so now let’s get our dark oak slabs and where we have this brick across the top here we’re going to go one and bring

This all the way across like this and overhang by one at the side here we’re gonna place one here and then one on top one here one on top one here one on top one here one on top and just keep stepping them up until we get to this point here okay

Now because of jersey boys texture pack we have this uh double slab texture i’m just gonna replace these with some four blocks for now for myself so that it all blends in with the same texture now around here we’re pretty much gonna make a replica of this part of the

Building um at least by the shape we’re not gonna be adding the balcony just the shape of this piece okay so where we come over here we’re gonna come over and we’re gonna start at the same height so we’ll be coming out from here in the center of the tower just like it

Does over there we’re in the center of this tower and then this one comes out by one two three four five six seven so we’re gonna come out by seven ourselves one two three four five six and seven and then this one can come all the way down

And join into here like so that’s looking pretty good okay now from the corner here guys i’m just gonna go underneath and just bring my blocks all the way down to the ground like so and join into the castle here okay and then what we’ll do for the

Moment is we’re just going to fill in the walls so where we’ve got that bar going across the top there we’re going to do the same here bring it all the way across to here and all the way across this side here as well which is right next to our little stairway

As you can see and then we’re just going to go ahead and just fill all of this up with bricks and order this up with stone bricks as well okay okay now we’ve got our wall in place here guys we’re gonna work on the roof here so i’m gonna try and blend

This in so we’re gonna do i think is that a full block yep we’re gonna extend this full block all the way across here at the top and overhang just by one so see we’re one in front of the wall here okay now get our slabs and we’re gonna step

It down by one like so and then we’re gonna put one underneath there put one here we can extend that all the way back to the wall over there then again we’re going to come down and place one here and again because it’s james boyce back we’ll just replace that

With a full block we’re going to break these three here for a second and this one here we’re going to extend out to here break these two extend this one further out break this one extend this one out and then finally just bring this one out to

Here okay so we are going to end up with a bit of a overhang here which i think actually looks pretty cool i actually think it looks nice okay and if you wanted to you could actually just go ahead and just block that in like that and i think that gives

A nice kind of bit of shape over here now just going to go ahead and put a slab underneath those ones and then obviously replace that on a full block remember that don’t you don’t need to put a slab underneath these ones okay because this is the finishing part of the corner

We could always curve it around or something like that if you wanted but i think actually keeping it straight looks a little bit more a little bit nicer right let’s go ahead let’s extend all of these across so we’re just going to go to the top one bring it over

Top one here and just extend it all the way over like this okay and just keep moving across replacing those top ones here and bring it all the way over like this so that we can connect up this part of the roof and what we do here is we put slabs across

This one here all the way down to there place one in that little corner there because that’s gonna need to be covered and then here we can put some four blocks bring those all the way down join them up to this side here and then if we go underneath here we

Should better go something like that that looks pretty good and then blue sky slabs underneath all of these ones here and again replace those double slabs with some full planks just like so and i think i think i actually like that that looks pretty cool yeah that looks pretty cool

Then we’re gonna do in here we’re gonna put a full block here a full block here and then go two blocks and two blocks just to fill that section in like so okay that’s pretty cool then we come back round here to the inside and we’re gonna do the same round

Here so let’s go one there one there two there two there two again on this one and then one on that one and then we can run an extra row of blocks all the way across the top of that and that looks pretty good actually i

Really like that we got a nice little kind of enclosed space now when we come in you know it’s got a nice little bit of an enclosed space here with our balconies at the side this little area over here so yeah it’s feeling pretty good right okay we’re gonna start working on

The inside of that in a minute just to make up the floor and stuff and getting in a doorway because i think we actually might put a doorway in here let’s break that one there and if we break that we can put a upside down stair at the top there

Let’s replace this one here and these two with some dark oak planks and then just fill in these little gaps around the edge here and level out all of this floor sorry guys i know it is a little bit dark in here so i do apologize for that right

So there we go got a bit of lightning now let me just quickly grab some torches all right so we’re gonna grab some torches and then what i can do is quickly just put a few torches up just so it’s a little bit lighter in here for

You guys to see what is going on okay so we’ve got something like this this neaten up this roof a little bit in here so i’m gonna put some slabs all the way across here then i’m going to go ahead and actually let’s break that i’m going to put a full

Block on that like so i’m just going to replace these with four blocks now if you’re playing um with with with a normal texture pack guys you can just use your slabs because it’ll join up as normal but germs boys texture pack has alternative textures for double slabs so um i’m just gonna

Change up that so now as you can see guys we’ve got like half a slab sloped up on this side this one goes all the way to the roof then we’re going to do this one down here like so and then we’ll go ahead and we’ll break

These ones again here and these ones are going to be full blocks so just break those ones and then put in some of four blocks but you guys can keep those as slabs it really won’t matter and if you want to cover up that little bit in the water

All you got to do is replace these ones in here with some full blocks like this okay and then run some slabs across the top like this And then that should look pretty good yep that’s good i like that and if you want to guys you could always even bring it down again like this just one more and then run another slab across here or again it would actually be a full plank for this texture pack just like this

And that will just give you a little bit more of a natural looking kind of roof that looks a little bit more kind of even um and again if you wanted to you could even put a slab here and then slope it down so that is it’s kind of perfectly symmetrical

So you’d have something there than there then there and then that should pretty much be on the same level as that side but for now guys i’m just gonna leave it as it is so just like that and i think that’s to do for now for

This little bit i think it looks pretty good let’s grab ourselves a couple of doors and some glass so we’re going to get ourselves some dark oak doors actually i did say spruce towers but i think i’m going to go with a dark oak doors actually and then we’re going to

Get some light gray stained glass panes let’s put a door in there and a door in there again placing them from inside this little tower point so we’re actually this is the balcony at the front here so replace it from the inside let’s close that and then we can head out here straight

Onto this balcony here which brings us round to the other door around here yeah this looks pretty good i really like this this is turning out really nice now what you can do here guys because um we could do that and replace it with our full block all the way around this edge

Just to even off this corner we can get it there we go now you guys you don’t have to do this if you don’t want it this is just me being a little bit picky but um i’m just gonna replace all these slabs here with some full blocks

Just so the roof looks a little bit nicer and a little bit more kind of even just like that okay just to bring it down a little bit i think that looks just a little bit nicer and evens off the corner okay right it’s looking pretty dark over

Here but we’ll work out some lighting for here a little bit later on because uh we’re gonna have some lights behind the back of this so that should be fine that is looking pretty nice i’m really happy with that actually and then we have this little entrance over here

So that’s right in the center of the doorway there if we got this one here in the center well it’s not quite centered we could actually make this a two block doorway if we do that so if we go ahead put an upside down stair there we can

Have a door directly in the center there and what it do is replace those with some dark oak planks we’ll come on to the inside here let’s place a few more just here for a second and then a couple of doors in the center there like that and that is perfect

Right guys what i’m gonna quickly do for the moment let me quickly get some torches and i’m gonna just bang a load of torches all on the wall i’m lighting it up in here because it is very dark in here and um we can’t really see what

We’re doing so i’m gonna lighten it all up and then we’ll work out what we’re gonna be doing okay so just give me a moment all right guys now we’ve got a bit of light so first of all we’re gonna work from the ground floor okay so this was

The floor we was just working out let’s go down to the ground floor down here okay and i think the first thing we’re gonna actually do in here is work on the floor now i wanted the floor to be raised onto the second level up like this okay

So go ahead and fill all the ground here with some dirt or any blocks of your choice okay just go ahead fill all of this in with any any block that is no good to you okay so go around the bottom like this just randomly fill it in with

Whatever block you want okay and then on top of it you want to go ahead and lay a floor of dark oak now if you wanted to it’s up to you you could just have a raised platform like this and then just have some stairs it’s

Entirely up to you but i want to actually have the floor level at this second block height so it’s entirely up to you how you want to go about it guys so first of all if you want to do it with the two levels just fill all of

This floor here around the bottom with some i don’t know some dirt or any block that you don’t use much of and then go ahead and place your dark oak or your spruce wood whatever you want to use for your flooring place it on top okay but

Be sure to come over to this doorway here first and break two blocks out above it like this okay so we know where this little doorway is okay so i’m gonna go ahead and get this all in place guys so we’re gonna raise this by two levels

Okay guys we’ve got all of the floor in place down here now so what i’m gonna do now is the pretty much the same thing i said this is gonna be a single layer right where this door is so remember we left a plank here last time and some

Planks out here we’re just gonna literally join these together like this and then just start filling in all of this area here with some dark oak or some spruce with whichever you’re using and uh just covering all of the floor here okay now i’ve put a load of glowstone down in

The floor below that’s just my up for my own sort of preference at the moment just to keep it all lit up down there but you guys don’t need to do that because i probably will be removing some of that later or covering it up um it’s

Just for the moment just to keep it well lit up down there so just go ahead and bang a load of torches down there if you’re planning survival um and later on you can work out exactly where you want to put all your light and

Stuff like that but for now i would just light up with torches um but just like i said because i’m in creative i’ve just gone ahead and done it with glowstones okay guys once you’re done you should have something like this now as you can

See we’ve got a very big room here so we are going to be creating another floor higher up at some point but for now i don’t know exactly where it’s going to be so we’re going to leave that until we decide later on okay but for the moment

We’re going to head back over to these double doors here which bring us out to the front of the castle and we’re going to come around here just to where the tower is and we’re going to go ahead we’re going to break the block just there and put in a dark oak

Then we’re going to go ahead into the tower and just fill all of this section inside with dark oak on that same level for our flooring okay let’s do that all the way around just like so i suggest going ahead and putting some lighting up anywhere that you can for

The moment just to make sure that no mob starts spawning and then on the inside here we’re gonna place a door i believe we can make a doorway through here yes we can okay so for now guys you could just have a single walkway or you could just open it

Up with a big walkway like this you know take it up as high as you want higher to the roof if you want or as high as you want is since you know it really doesn’t matter then just replace these ones here with some um some planks to match your flooring

Then we’re going to go ahead go for the free in the middle here take them up to the same level which i think is about there yep so here guys i’ve gone ahead and got broke one two three four five levels up okay the three in the center and five levels up

Again break these through here replace it with some planks and then go ahead and fill in the rest of your floor at the same height just like this nice and easy replace that with a full block of planks block as well now go ahead put a door on this

Side and a door on this side as well just so you’ve got um you know a way to close it all off all right guys before we move on any further i just want to change a few things this roof here is really bugging me i

Really don’t like the way it is turned out so we’re gonna go ahead and just change this roof up quickly so i do apologize guys um but what i’m gonna do is i’m gonna break these ones across here then break these ones here so we get

This last curve coming up here and just break it all the way towards the roof so break out all of this okay so you want to clear this bit of space here all the way up to this wall here and keep this bit across here okay and then we’re going to break that

One that one that one that one and that one and then these ones these slabs just run them round and keep them going straight into that wall okay so it runs round straight into that wall as you can see that already looks a lot cleaner this corner here we’re gonna change this

So let’s break this row of blocks here we’re gonna go ahead and break the slabs across the top here as well for the moment we’re gonna put in a row of blocks of our stone blocks like this and we’re gonna put another row of stone

Blocks across the way to the end like so break this one here and this one here now we’re gonna just go our slabs all the way up to here and then put a upside down stair here and obviously i’m going to replace that with a full block

Let’s run our four blocks all the way across the top of the stone the stone blocks uh we’re gonna grab our stone bricks place one behind that like so and then we can go ahead just fill the back in here with whatever block you want it’s not a big deal and then put

Some slabs on top like so okay and then just run your upside down stairs all the way across like this to the corner i just think that looks a little bit nicer yeah there yeah that looks better it’s not perfect it’s not great but it definitely looks better than it did um

Because we changed the front here a little bit it’s kind of altered the shape that we’re ending up with over here okay so we’re gonna have to just bear with that i think but that looks much better than it did with the shape um and one other thing i might suggest if you

Guys want to do it as well is moving this pillar over to here then move your door over by one block and that way you can have five blocks and you can create a stairway so for instance this would come all the way up here like so you would break this one out

Here and the stairway here you could go ahead and put your stairs in there which would be four and then five like so go ahead put in your full block down here and your two upside down stairs to create your little kind of finish to your stairs like you have on this side

Then your door you would simply just go ahead and move it over by one block so break that one that one and that one put your upside down stair there break that one break that one on that one put your upside down stair there breaking lantern for the moment

Still there stay there break that one and that one and replace them with a full block and then two full blocks here break this door here and the wood planks all in the way here let’s just go ahead and just extend them and cover all the way across

To here with this for the minute break the center one there there we go there is the doorway in the center break that one there okay so now you have something that looks a bit like this put your stone bricks there underneath that one at the top there Go ahead get your lamp here which is your end rod and place it underneath there or your lantern and then all we need is a dark oak door and we’ll place that from the inside like that and then an upside down stair above it like so okay just to neaten it up just

It widens up the doorway there it makes it look less cramped because before it was looking really cramped and then what we’re gonna do is we’ll grab this we’ll move this one over so grab your fence and your cobblestone wall move that over to there we can

Break that one out of the way now all right guys one last thing that you can do to change this up just to make it a little bit nicer i think would be take out this stairway because we don’t really need it because we do have a stairway over here

Break the stairs here break this pillar off from the top of the wall there okay so it’s the same level as the ones around this side here okay break that and go all the way up to there place an upside down stair at the top there then we’re gonna add another pillar in

Here so say one two three just there stairs there upside down stair in between and then we can put our cobblestone wall like so which kind of finishes off that corner a little bit better and just makes it look a little bit nicer i also think this bar here can

Actually be taken away because it doesn’t look right um and then this lantern here let’s put that in the center let’s move that one to there okay now that looks much nicer i’m much more happy with the way that that looks i think it definitely looks better as

You come in the gate guys so as you come in here it looks a lot more cleaner it doesn’t look so cramped because everything was looking too cramped this corner here was just looking way too cramped so i think that looks a lot better i do apologize for having to

Break stuff guys and re-go over it but it definitely looks better and i think that you guys will prefer it in the long run you haven’t got to do it of course you can keep it as as it was if you prefer it but overall i definitely think

That this makes a little bit of an improvement in the corner here and just kind of gives you that little bit more space okay guys we’re gonna head on back to the outside of the castle again and we’re gonna come over to the left hand side over here okay

Now we’re gonna come to the floor here we’re gonna go one two three four five six seven on the seventh block we want to come all the way over to here okay so one block from the corner and then we’re gonna go one and two three so we’ve got three upside down

Stairs and this one here will be touching the edge of this roof now we’re gonna go one two three four uh five yep one two three four five one two three four five then we’re gonna go across one more one two three four five across one more one two three four five

Place upside down stairs across the top and some normal stairs across the bottom like so okay just to make some nice windows there now if we go to the center one here we’ve got the stairs upside down stair here we’re gonna go one block up two

Block up on the third one here we’re gonna break and then we’re gonna go one two three break the four at this side and four at this side right these three here put an upside down one on each side and a normal one in the middle

With an upside down stair in line but on the out outer edge just here okay now at the very top of this gap we’re going to put an upside down stair inside each side like that and then we’re going to put a normal stair next to him on this side

Here grab your cobblestone wall place three in between the two stairs like this and then grab some light grays uh gray glass blocks now it’s entirely up to you guys you can use any color glass that you want place one there temporarily place one on top

We can break that one in and then place three across here and we’re gonna raise that by four so that we cover this window all the way to the top just like that and now if we come outside here we’ve got a nice little window at the top

There and our windows here we’re gonna go ahead and put in our light gray stained glass panes fill them up we should have a free in height like this okay that looks great now we’re gonna move over to this one over here and we’re gonna pretty much do

Something very similar okay so we want to put this window again in the same place which is right at the edge of that roof so we’re going to come over to the edge of the roof here find the center which is going to be about there i think one two three four five

One two three four five okay yep so that’s the center there put the upside down stair was we’re gonna put one here so there’s a one block gap and a one block gap and we can break that one in the center there break these three and then one two three

Above one two three one two three and actually one more is four high because in the bottom here we put two upside down stairs and a normal one okay two upside down stairs at the very top two normal stairs at the side of it and then your cobblestone walls running

Up to each other like this and again we’re gonna get out light gray stained glass panes place one there temporarily and break it and just cover in all of this window like this okay so we’re gonna go in cover it across like that and then like so there we go

Right now we’re gonna leave a one two block gap break this one right in the center okay so right in the center of the window at the moment okay so break that one two three four five leave a one block gap one two three four five one block gap

Break five do the same on this side break five and then five and then we’re gonna go stairs in those gaps like this upside down stairs at the top and then we’re gonna put in some glass panes in those gaps so put three in each gap just like so

All right that’s looking pretty good now we’re just going to extend a few windows around this edge here as well so we should be able to come around so we got the stairs at this height let’s keep the windows at the same height so on this window here we’re

Gonna go break one two three four and we can make them five higher as well So they will be the same height as these windows here okay put stairs across the bottom and stairs across the top and then of course you can go ahead and put in your glass panes now across this edge here we should be able to do the same thing so at the very

Same height which is going to be right there we’re going to go one two three four and five okay and then we’re just going to break four more blocks up like this again guys this is a very simple kind of window design but it just kind of keeps in with the

Area and just makes things kind of blend in with the castle the way i kind of want it to okay then we’re just gonna grab our glass panes again and just go ahead and fill those in okay that’s looking pretty good guys i’m actually pretty happy with the looks of that

Right okay let’s see if we can get in a balcony over here now i’ve got a little balcony plan that is designed for this side so first of all let’s get ourselves some logs we’re going to need some logs i’m going to use the spruce logs for this

And i think we’re going to need some some dark oak slabs some cobblestone wall and i think that is probably about it we might just grab some dark oak planks in case we need those as well so first of all let’s just mark out where the flooring height is so the

Flooring height floor height is here this come around to the side here and go right to this corner here let’s place one there and just go two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven okay we’ll come right out to there okay so that’s the floor height so now

What we’re gonna do is we’re going to go back to here we want to go another two more rows i think so one and two now we’re gonna go one two three and then place a look one two three and then place a log one two three and then we

Should be to here and we can just bring that one all the way out like so okay so we get something that looks a bit like this then on these ones go one two i think it’s two three one two three okay one two three like that

Then we’re gonna get out dark oak stairs and underneath at the back here we’re gonna go one two three one two and then one if that makes sense so three across the top two underneath one at the bottom just to make a support underneath the log okay you can do the same here

So go one two three one one and two make sure they’re upside down and then one here and then finally underneath this log we’ll do another three then two and one just to give us a nice little support now i think in the gaps here i think we

Can actually just put in some upside down stone brick stairs like this all the way down the side like so and then underneath we want to get ourselves some stone brick slabs and in these gaps here we’re just going to put one two three one two three one two three just like that

Just to make it look like a little bit more support right okay now what we’re gonna do here guys is i’m gonna use a i think we’re gonna go for a stone brick put one in the center of these gaps like this and then get your cobblestone wall and go

One two one two one two just like that and i think that’ll blend in nicely now you wanna find the spot to put the door i think i’m gonna make a door right over here we’ve got three blocks right in the center of the back i’m gonna go

One two three and then replace that one there of an upside down stair and of course break that one out and replace it with the same flooring and we’ll put a door in there in just a minute now get your dark oak slabs place one on the top half of this log

And then extend it over to this wall then we’re gonna extend it all the way down until we overhang this log by one then we’re gonna just start stair stepping them up until we get to the wall here like that and again if you’re using jersey voice texture pack just

Change those double slabs for four blocks like that round this idea on the corner i’m gonna actually put another full block in the center and then two cobblestone walls like that okay now all we’re going to literally do is run these slabs all the way down so

Bring them all the way down from one end to the next like that then we’ll do it on this one on the top half all the way down this one here all the way down and then up again and all the way down at the back here to

Just finish off this little piece of the roof now underneath here we just want to add a little bit of lighting so let’s go ahead get some lanterns and you just want to plop a couple of them under here so i know we put them in

Line with these stone bricks so we go there put one in the center there one there and one there perfect and if we just come into this gap here this brings us into this big main hall and we can come and get ourselves a dark oak door

And place one from the inside like so and then we got a nice little balcony at the back the side here see nothing too crazy but it blends in nicely i think with the castle and what we’re gonna do is we’re just gonna put a spruce button on front of order for

Magic that’s quite a light let’s put a dark oak bun yeah that’s better we can see that more a dark oak bun and that blends in nice that blends in really nice all right guys before we finish up we’re just gonna put a little kind of shelter

Kind of canopy over the top of this um little walkway on the back right hand side of the castle so first of all we’re gonna break off these slabs on the top of this outside wall okay because we’re not gonna actually need those so let’s break those off

Then we’re gonna get our cobblestone wall we’re gonna place one here then we’re gonna place one here okay so on these four diagonal sort of um blocks all the way across here put one on that side and one on that side this side is on the third pillar

And then over this side again third pillar okay so it matches up on the inside here we’re gonna make it match again so we’re gonna go second pillar second pillar okay and then i think we’re gonna go this one here so you’ve got one two then

A diagonal that one there from here one two diagonal one there yep that should be perfect now place two spruce fences on top of all of these just like this okay two spruce fences just like so now get your dark oak slabs or your spruce slabs depending on which color

You’re using for your castle and what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna place surfacing into the castle here we’re gonna place a slab on this side of the top half of that fence okay right so we’re on the right hand side of the castle let’s join this one all the way across

To this wall here okay then we’re gonna put one against the opposite side over it one on the opposite side but this side here and we’re gonna bring it over by free now we want to follow the shape of the wall so now we’re going to put a

Temporary one there then one there break that one behind put one there one against this side then there’s so temporary one there one there play break that one one there one there like so one against that one one against there temporary one there one there see what

I’m doing is where the wall is as you can see we’re sticking it to one block out of the edge of it okay does that make sense i hope it does because uh it’s a little bit confusing to explain otherwise then we got two more here again see that

One is there we’re going to come overhang the edge by one and then here we’re gonna bring it down and join it to here okay now we’re gonna try and do the same thing on this side so again we’re gonna go to this one this time place one there

And then bring those two down to the wall we can do the same over here let’s place one here bring it down to the wall and again we’re gonna look where the boys and we’re gonna just go around at the edge break that one there so now we’ve got

Three here so we’re gonna go to three place one on that side there so now we’ve got one there and then we’re gonna have to go one here to even the gap with the way the wall is going one against that one and then two three like so and that

Should be pretty even right now the ones now we’re gonna run go up by one so up half a slab and we’re gonna run them pretty much in the same spots like that then we’re gonna come round the inside edge like this don’t put none on the ones you’ve placed okay

So just run it right around that inside edge like this okay i hope this is making sense for you guys because it’s really awkward to explain this roof then we’re gonna do the same on this side so now we’re gonna again run around the edge making sure we don’t place none

On those ones that we’ve placed and this is half a slab higher this time okay just like so now we’re gonna place one here and we’re going to do the same thing we’re going to come around he said this time we’re going to break that one there

And we’re going to carry it on to that one okay because we we didn’t break the corners off so we can break all these corners off it doesn’t matter all the corner joints same on this side break the corner joints okay all them corner ones now we’re going to continue and we’ll

Break these as we go along this time so break that one come in break that one okay and we just want to follow the same pattern all the way across and every time we come in break the little corner one that sits on that edge there we go

Then we’re going to do this side again as well so we’re going to do the same again breaking that edge it’s basically just watching that you’re following around the edge and then break off the unnecessary ones on the corners And now we should be able to run from the center here at the peak oops we should be able to run them all the way across like this and then just keep them coming all this way here just fill up all these gaps like so and that should give you a nice little

Roof in that corner as you can see it blends in nicely we’ve got the nice angles there and i think overall that fits in perfect and there we have it guys there’s that little roof all in place now i think next episode we should be able to finish off all the outside

Details and everything else so we should have the whole castle structure all in place one thing left for you guys to do as well is to go around and you know remember to texturize all of this castle up so go around banging a load of cobblestone normal stone bits of mossy

Stone here and there and just make it look like it’s being run down and used you know because look how clean the castle looks on this side and just by changing up and switching all the textures into it we get this really nice kind of looking castle that has a nice kind of

Sort of worn look you know look like looks like it’s been sort of patched up over the years so go ahead do that on all of the the work we’ve done today and order the castle at the back here make sure you get plenty of textures in

There just to make it look like it’s a little bit roughed up okay guys that just about brings us to the end of this tutorial so as always thank you guys so much for watching i really hope you guys have enjoyed it if you did don’t forget to smash that like

Button it really does help me out and if you’re new to the channel then please consider subscribing just don’t forget to hit that bell so you get notified every time i post a new video and if you’re wondering when the next part is going to be i will be posting this every

Two to three days if possible sometimes my schedule might run a little bit behind but hopefully guys it should be every two to three days so stay tuned for that but for now this is blue now signing out and i will catch you guys next time

This video, titled ‘How To Build A Castle Minecraft Tutorial | Medieval Castle Part 5’, was uploaded by BlueNerd on 2019-06-02 12:19:50. It has garnered 178834 views and 2535 likes. The duration of the video is 00:48:28 or 2908 seconds.

Welcome to my How To Build A Castle Minecraft Tutorial Build Series!!!

► Medieval Castle Tutorial Playlist:

Hello everyone, welcome back to part 5 of our Minecraft Medieval Castle Tutorial. Today we will work left side wall and small gate house of the castle plus add a few more details to the main building. Overall the castle is shaping up nicely and we will continue to build it all up including the walkways, stair wells and interiors. Be sure to leave some feedback in the comments below.

Thank you so much for watching, and i’ll see you on the next episode!! Give that LIKE button some love!!!

► World Seed (PC Java Edition): 6779344106537292488 ► JermsyBoy’s Texture Pack:

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    Ultimate Enchantments Hack - Beginner's Neural AI SetupVideo Information This video, titled ‘Hostile Neural Networks – Beginner Guide & Automation Setup | All The Mods 9’, was uploaded by EpicEnchants on 2024-03-24 19:00:07. It has garnered 35334 views and 903 likes. The duration of the video is 00:15:43 or 943 seconds. Welcome to my Minecraft All The Mods 9 Guides! 🙌 I will show you the basics of the Hostile Neural Networks Mod in Minecraft All The Mods 9. Also I will share a easy and compact system for a Hostile Neural Network Automation. Have fun! 📌 In this episode, we’ll cover: 0:00 Intro 0:45 Data Model… Read More

  • Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server & Play Mini-Games 24×7

    Join the Ultimate Minecraft Server & Play Mini-Games 24x7Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft live with Subscribers | Join my Server || 24×7 Smp || Playing mini games with Subscribers’, was uploaded by Bladesoul Gaming on 2024-02-26 19:11:28. It has garnered 69 views and 6 likes. The duration of the video is 00:58:55 or 3535 seconds. 🎮🌟 **Welcome to our Minecraft Universe!** 🌟🎮 Embark on an epic journey with us as we delve into the vast and vibrant world of Minecraft. From constructing awe-inspiring structures to exploring the endless landscapes, each live stream is a unique adventure filled with creativity, thrill, and fun. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer… Read More


    🔥 SCARIEST MINECRAFT SEEDS EVER 😱 #666Video Information This video, titled ‘MINECRAFT MOST SCARY SEEDS 😱 | MINECRAFT HORROR SEED 666 | MINECRAFT HORROR |’, was uploaded by Prabhat Playz on 2024-04-25 03:41:32. It has garnered 415 views and 3 likes. The duration of the video is 00:16:47 or 1007 seconds. minecraft horror minecraft horror maps minecraft horror mods minecraft horror modpack minecraft horror games minecraft horror seeds minecraft horror maps 2 player minecraft horror texture pack minecraft horror shaders minecraft horror skins minecraft horror maps multiplayer minecraft horror maps 1.19 minecraft horror adventure maps minecraft horror adventure maps multiplayer minecraft horror addons minecraft horror art… Read More

  • Epic Animation: Baby Steve & Baby Alex’s Unbreakable Bond! 😍#minecraft

    Epic Animation: Baby Steve & Baby Alex's Unbreakable Bond! 😍#minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘A Touching Story about the brotherly love of Baby Steve and Baby Alex |Gegagedigedagedago #minecraft’, was uploaded by DinoToons – Funny Animation on 2024-05-06 09:00:33. It has garnered 46405 views and 1343 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:53 or 53 seconds. Good Deeds VS Bad Deeds? Baby Alex VS Baby Nugget |Gegagedigedagedago #minecraftshorts #story #steve #alex #animation #minecraft #nuggets 👇👇👇 🦖If you like our videos please help us reach 10M Subs 👇👇👇 ♥ THANKS FOR WATCHING! ♥ ⛔️ Copyright by Antztoons – Do not Reup #antztek #antztoons #antzanimation Read More

How To Build A Castle Minecraft Tutorial | Medieval Castle Part 5