How to Build a Dual Mushroom House (Minecraft 1.15 Tutorial)

Video Information

Hey what’s going on everybody on YouTube how’s everybody doing I’m doing just fine you’re an awesome actually today welcome back to another tutorial here on the channel the soils gonna be of this mushroom house and I did one previously to this one it was the first version if

You’d like to check that out there will be a I in the top right corner of the video and also a link down in the description so if you’re interested in the first one yeah you can go check that one or you could just build this one

Here the second version all right so we’re actually gonna check out the house first just to show you what’s inside just to show you what the actual features are what makes it different from the first version well one of the main things is that has this second

Layer over here so we have more room another thing is that we have these sort of chimneys kind of hanging off adds for a lot of little details and I think it adds a lot of life to the build a snook really cute also we have all these little barrels and windows everything’s

Sort of just been upgraded from the last one so there’s a lot more to look at the actual base of the stem is bigger so we’re able to fit more down this base of the stem so if we look in here you can see there’s a bunch of different things

Going on here we have this nice little kitchen area over here with some storage and just this nice little like sitting area if we actually head all the way up you can see this is actually sort of the same now we have a lot more room in here

Because the ceiling height has been pushed up and the floor is been pushed down a little bit so a lot I know a lot of people are saying that the last one was a little bit too cramped so this one has been kind of modified for those

Different things so yeah this is the bedroom if we head up here this is a 30 level enchantment room with all your goodies all your necessities you got this new smithing table or I guess not new but as the new it will have a new function in 1.16 allow you upgrade your

Gear so that’s here too and all of this level 30 enchantment setup is right here at your fingertips so with that said we’re going to be taking off shaders and you guys are going to need to copy down this layout in your world wherever you

Want to build it so make sure you copy it down make sure it fits and this way you’re able to you know kind of work out the position and all that good stuff so I will let the video run for a little bit and you guys can copy this down

All right so let’s get started here so we’re going to do something a little bit different for this tutorial it’s not going to be sort of a block four block but yet we’re going to build a structure and then we’re gonna have to go back and randomize it with different blocks

You’ll see what I mean in a minute uh-huh so let’s start off by building this up two blocks right here in each of the corners they’ll go around one two one two one two one two one two then in the same corners we’re going to put some

Slabs in the corners just like this and then on top of these two blocks we’re going to go around but so it must move the court stairs on the top of that just like this then we’re going to build a cross with some full blocks of smooth

Quartz on top of that we’re going to put two slabs move block in the middle then a smooth stair on top just like so and we’re gonna do this for the other three sides Oh block in the middle there on top blocks go across labs not stairs and

Just like that you can see we’ll do it one more time and this repeats for all the sides just like this great now what we’re going to do is we’re going to focus on the sort of this inner parts filling in these sides though to upside

Down stairs just like this on the inside then we’re going to put some more stripped oak logs or just like that not stripped a log strip dargah glogs whoo spruce tears on top upside-down stair stair on the top then we’re going to bring out this one put a little lantern

Underneath and go on the inside with your door facing just like this now for these sides right here we’re going to do some strip a dark oak go just like that then we’re going to make sure we have our upside down stairs in just like so

Then we’re going to go on the other sides here and place our dark stairs like regular upside down stair in the middle and then we will need a block I do not have and we will put a spruce trapdoor on top looks like that the back part here we’re

Just going to keep it simple we’re going to go across with some smooth blocks and we’re gonna go up one more I believe we can go up one more and then we’re going to place a slab on top just like that now we’re gonna go back to this back

Part and randomize all this you’ll see what I mean in a minute though stripped it dark oak just like so and do your stairs on the inside just like this upside down and then we’re going to have some regular stairs once upside down stare in the middle wrap door on top and

There you go perfect if you’d like you can go it go ahead and add in your black stained glass in the bottom here there we go now the next thing that we’re going to do is we’re just going to go ahead and we’re going to fill in and

Randomize in some white concrete pattern now make sure enough to put it anywhere where it’s going to fall like that okay so you want to make sure there is some smooth courts below it so if we just go around the base of the stem you’ll see

You’ll find areas that are like that and you can always go ahead in and add in some blocks underneath the kind of support if that’s where you absolutely want it so you even though we can always modify that for the interior later on but just like this is filling in make

Sure they get this over here and it will have some na in the front and b1 right there that there we go lastly one of the things we have to do for these corners is add a slab on top that way that makes this if you put any

In here it kind of makes it blend in a little bit better like so okay so the next thing we have to do is we have to go around and fill in all of this so go in the corners here just like so you’re gonna put a block here and then fill in

That corner just like that do it one more time again there you go next thing we’re going to go up and fill in these corners so we’re just basically just filling in wherever there’s like a little bit of a hole and it makes it look a little bit nicer now this part

Here we’re going to add slabs on top of this like so then a full block just like this then we’re going to have a stair on top there we go next thing we’re going to start filling in with our concrete powder like this mixing it in making it

Feel a little bit more random alright so now we’re actually gonna start on this part right here the long part going up the actual cap of the mushroom so what we’re going to do is go one two three four five six seven and then all we got

To do is just basically fill this up now again I’m gonna go back later and randomize it with our white concrete powder and we’re also gonna try to poke holes in revery can you’ll see what I mean by that in just a second but we’ll

Do this real quick and we’ll add in our extra little features as well it’s just easier this way just to get the structure just like that make it’s kind of see it’s not as random as this one over here but again we’re going to go back in and add those features in a

Little bit so we’re gonna didn’t go ahead and just mix in some white concrete powder don’t worry about the middles too much just decides there we go and we can add some right there for maybe a little bit perfect all right so now we’re gonna go ahead and work on

Doing this window over here so we’re gonna grab some spruce spruce planks and I build this across Bruce trapdoors on the each side your stairs on the on the front here go up to just like this put some stairs on the top and just like the

Door the Cal we have the door down here it’s gonna be the same same routine but instead we’re going to put some trapdoors on the side here like it’s actually like ripped on to the mushroom just like that you build this POW a little bit more like so and kind of put

That like that there we go the buttons on the front and we will grab some fences as well just like so and then if you want to go ahead you can add in your black stained glass right here as well like so all right so before

We move on to any other parts of the mushroom we’re going to start by just randomizing this bottom so we’re going to just start by adding in slabs knocking out stairs wherever adding in blocks so you can add in blocks like that you can knock out stairs like this you

Know it doesn’t matter if it’s real jagat the more jagat the better I would say the more random it is though just don’t have stairs going the same way just like this it kind of looks a little bit weird but just have it so you can

Kind of knock out some blocks add in stairs there just kind of just kind of play with the design a little bit that way it doesn’t look as perfect and just kind of looks a little bit more random this is up to your bit of own creative

Decision here and what you want to do you can have things like that where it’s like you know a little bit random but not so not really mmm and just it only takes a little bit just to kind of really mess with it and make it look a little bit different from each

Side so I don’t go to too crazy but you know just try to randomize it a little bit and as you can see you know it’s a little bit more random though that’s all I really go ahead and do is I just replace some stairs replace some labs with stairs whatever

Maybe this is a little bit too perfect so I’ll go ahead add in a full block with slab there and be right here we can add in this stair like that yeah so let’s go ahead randomize that bottom real quickly and then we can move

On to the other section all right so now we’re going to add in this little balcony area here so what we’re gonna do is right now right beside these trapdoors on the front side of the mushroom we’re gonna go add in a spruce plank then we’re gonna add in a stair right here

Just like so bear turning in then a stair on the other side just like this or now actually no we’re gonna have one right here just like that facing inward so it has that little indent and then we’re going to have a full block right there have slabs on sides like this and

Then we’re gonna go ahead and knock out these three blocks build up to with the stripped logs then we’re going to have some full blocks of the spruce planks and then we’re gonna have some brew stairs just like that with the fence building around connecting each side to

The other and we’re gonna add one right there just add for a little bit of curvature as well so yeah alright so now we’re going to be doing this side where we build up the other stem or the start of it at least so full block right here

Lab just like so then we’re going to have some full blocks in a square pattern just like this and then in the same kind of pattern and just have it up one like that slab underneath full block right here slab on the other side two full blocks going up then we’re going to

Have a stair on this side and then a full block right here full block right here it slab right here okay just like that so that’s kind of the the start of the stem now for this what we can do is we can actually add it a to you know

Blocks just like this and then a block right there I believe that’s where that is gonna be starting and then we’re gonna have two full blocks just like this underneath and then one right here and you can actually oh I believe you could fill these and just like so you can have

Those going around and then just like this we can have that on this side as well this side don’t worry about this side too much because is where a little bit mission Massey with the other one so it’s gonna be a little bit random in the first place that with this then we’re

All we have to do is add in as some stairs and slabs just right here also on this one as well oops like that then we’re going to have slabs like this in like a backwards L shapes like so going around something like that and also this one like that so again don’t

Worry abut too much about this side just yet cuz it gets a little bit weird then for these corners what we’re gonna do is add in two full blocks just like this and then add a slab right here not right here add a slab right there we’ll do it

Again one more time there are two full blocks and then a slab on this first one one more time lab right here put the full block and then the full block just on its own and then same for this as well so so yeah we can add in our full

Block here block here so it’s a little bit weird here but it’s gonna be quite fun and then we can add in I guess I don’t know those two slabs right there with these two full blocks like that yeah we want to add in two full blocks

Right here and have our slabs just like this so that way it matches up and kind of looks a little bit clean oh there you go there’s the underside of the mushroom alright so time to start the first cap of the mushroom so what we’re gonna do

Is pretty simple now this actually is actually pretty simple so what we’re gonna do is start off by just going around like though like this and we’re just gonna start off by using red concrete just for the you know you could choose any color as well but yeah we’re

Just gonna use red concrete just for this and them go back in and add all the white spots later certain isn’t that many the next step of what we want to do is add in our little blocks just like this so two blocks in the corner just like so this like this

And then three blocks out front adding this sort of ring that goes around and then don’t go over here because what we’re gonna what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna build up the second one in due time so then what we want to do for our next layer is go around just

Like this add one in the corner and then just go around like that they have one in the corner knock that up one at the corner and you can leave that just like that so just avoid going in that area the next step of what we’re going to do is just kind

Of make a little ring just like this now this one we can actually go like this and kind of get into this area because you can see this over here is gonna come in once not gonna be full you know fully around like how this one is so going

Around like this adding this ring and a following what we’ve already done and then the last little step here is just to kind of cover all this up yeah just like this this like so and that’s it that’s pretty much it to this and but then what you know it’s kind of it’s

Kind of boring right now so what we want to do is we want to add in some some little details so like little white areas our white concrete just going back in now I did instead of using a white concrete powder like we did on the old one we’re using actual content like

Though you know a solid concrete so this one this is this is gonna work a lot better it’s gonna you know you can have the white spots under here without having any issues of it falling so it’s just one of the improvements from the last design and you know you can always

Any of these improvements on the old design as well so you know if you’re if you did build the last mushroom house you can always get back in ange up any of the things you might think or use different blocks I know somebody said that they used acacia land for this and

I thought that was kind of neat so definitely a unique thing to do there so really cool stuff okay so now time to start at this actual window area so what we’re gonna do is add in a little anything like this and then we’re going to have to their blogs kind of sticking

Up like so then on the front here we’re gonna have stairs in the front then two buttons up here and then for this trying to have it hang over a little bit bruised plank right there Bruce tear out out the front and then on this part we’re going to have it come

Out just a little bit cuz this is where our sins stem is actually gonna come up if you want you can add in some sports blocks just like so just like this is to kind of signify that this is where the stem is going to actually be coming up

Out of and yeah that’s how that’s gonna look so then we’re going to add in some trapdoors on the sides like this over here and grab a few more extra little blocks and we’re gonna add in and in our stairs and stuff so we’re gonna add in

This add in our glass and then we can also have a slab on the front or at a lab real quick though and then a little lantern dangling down like that so that’s that window done alright so now we’re gonna do the underside of this mushroom up

Here the topper the tupper the top mushroom so just add in a one more ring that goes like this around and then we’re going to go and add this different kind of ring just like an op area here then in these corners is add in little

Slabs just like this and now we’re ready to begin the actual underside so add fix blocks just like that and then with the one in the middle it’s just gonna be the same routine as what we did for this bottom one will do this on all four

Sides like so there we go and now we’re gonna add in our stair going upside down like this they’re right here I’ll sit down like that I’ll sit down stair and regular slab and we’re going to add in a full block here with a slab then we can

Add a full block on the outside just like that block here slab and then full block on the outside one more time like this and one once more once again like that then going to add it in our upside-down half-slabs like this up half slabs whatever you

Were going to call them aim pattern that’s what we did on the bottom going around like that and there you go I believe that is the final product of that alright so now we’re gonna go ahead and we’re actually gonna finish off of this cap of the

Mushroom so it’s the same routine as what we did on on the bottom we’re just gonna be going around in a ring at first just like this one just in a ring like that then we’re going to have this upper ring just like so then we meet up with

The other side and then we’re going to have this guest third ring that goes around that we’re gonna have five bought five blocks in the middle one in the corner and five blocks in the middle just like this and this is gonna continue all the way around the same

Same pattern as the bottom there we go the next thing that we’re going to have is a little ring that kind of just follows the inside of this ring we just did make sure to keep that corner block they’re basically continues around then we finished off with a little bit of

This and I just cover in this whole top area like so there you go oh but one last final touch we have to do is actually add in all of the white areas on the mushroom is to make it look like a mushroom you know and make it look a

Little bit cool there we go just like that and you can randomize it you can make the white areas look a little bit bigger than others and different things like that so go you know this is free range is whatever you want to do you can have different colored mushrooms you

Know like I did for the first tutorial I had a purple one I was building with just VNA’s as an example as you can build with any color that you would like there we go so we just build this up like this and let’s do a little bit more

Randomization and I think let’s do a little bit more down here you know and I think ah that looks pretty cool I’m gonna roll with that all right so now we’re gonna add in the little details like the chimneys and the windows that we have up here and all the lanterns

That go around so the first thing that we’re gonna want to do is break out this block right here or these blocks and then break up this block right here add a stair here add some planks going across then we’re gonna have some stripped logs like this fences in front

Of that then has some stairs jutting out like so and then you’re gonna have some spruce planks like that and then an upside-down spruce tear then with the spruce tear in the back and cut out some more of these guys right here let’s grab ourselves a lantern and we’ll

Have a lantern just like that with pay glass plane in there like so we’re gonna do the same thing on this one right here oh it’s tear right here break out these blocks and we’re gonna have some planks going like that and then some script logs fences in the front and spruce

Stairs gutting out once more Bruce plank Bruce air Reese tear up here Oh roadblock and then slabs jutting out like that and then lantern on the bottom oh and then don’t forget your glass pane right there all right so the next thing we have to do is add in our little bit

Of chimneys this is super easy to do they’re at a stair right here on this part on top of these three blocks then we’re going to have a cobblestone just like that colistin stair facing out like so cobblestone an upside down stair then listen maybe random isn’t of the mossy

Cobble regular cobble another mossy cobble and then we’ll have a campfire on top around that with trap doors just like so there you go you got yourself a little bit of a chimney design and we’ll do the same thing down here so just randomizing different things there on

Top upside-down stair and then we’ll have some more mossy and you can always randomize it as much as you I’m gonna go ahead and go with that for right now have our little chimney like so that way you still have the same you know kind of chimneys in two different

Spots and you know they don’t actually do anything they’re just mainly just for decoration a lot of good stuff all right so what actually went you come into your mushroom house here you’re gonna be like whoa this is a mess in here how do I

Start well I’m gonna show you how to do that so just go ahead see this weird kind of like the cubby hole here just fill that in with smooth quartz then what we’re going to do is basically just go ahead and see where this this part is

Right here all we’re gonna do is bring down a pillar of dark oak just like that then we’re gonna go ahead fill this in right here with smooth quartz and fill the rest of this in with our ELLs like so then for this portion right here

We’re gonna go ahead and add in some bears like this going around making sure they’re all connected like that then we’re gonna have some spruce slabs connecting all these stairs together then we’re gonna go ahead and just add in Bob’s right here that’s it so you

Just want make sure you have a nice clean spruce area like that and we’re gonna build up some ladders going all the way up to the top of the mushroom top there and come down to this area right here right here we’re gonna add in a little Bruce guide just like that and

The rest of this well this can be filled in with smooth quartz whatever you like you’re not really gonna see it anyway and then just fill it with the rest of this and with just regular spring oh just like that there you go and that way you can kind of access this

Little window right here Bend go all the way up to the top we’re gonna leave this all as well this right here can get but as smooth quartz so make sure anything that looks like smooth quartz can get just replace and then any holes that you see in the ground now right here

Is actually where we want to punch out a hole so you can punch up this hole and that way we can access this air balcony and also we can also access this area right here now this is going to get a little tricky so you want to leave this

As is so leave this open is then we’re gonna have to add in a ladder that goes all the way up here and once you see this this is gonna kind of tell you what we need to do for this area so just fill

All this in and just go all the way up to the top and you can see there’s a little hole that goes all the way up through this top of the mushroom this is the second cap and if we go back down and I access this area wider right there

Now what I recommend for this is is that you actually go ahead and just kind of flush this out a little bit so what I’m gonna do is add in a nice little spruce roof just to match the bottom of the stem like so I’m gonna have that going

In like that then in the corners I like to add in a little bit of the dark oak to make it all match like that and then for these sides I just like to fill this little part Department in now for this it’s gonna be a little bit tricky but

What you can do is add in a bunch of red kind of make it out match a little bit better and you can add in a little bit of the white as well now that’s the only issue with this wall is that it’s gonna have to be like that it’s not gonna

Match the other ones this way it allows you to have a little bit more room kind of do that and then for this floor as well you can have yourself a little bit of a trap door that of the ladder that way it makes it sort of this flush floor

Now you can go ahead and add in carpet and whatnot I will show you an example of an interior of what you guys can do a little bit for this one you’re just gonna do the same thing though add in your stripped dark oak going around just like this all the corners

Bill all this in with red or white doesn’t matter he can make it random you cannot then just fill in what this Bruce Labs is like so Bruce Labs there we go so that is basically what this room look like you can add an enchantment table up

Here whatever I will show you an example of some different things right now so again you can see you know we just have all this kind of filled in you can see what I mean by the interior layout you can change it however you like instead of having those dark oak pillars

In the corner we just replace those with bookshelves and had those go all the way until the end here and that creates a 30 level enchantment table you can add in things in the floor like carpet to break up that that white floor if we go into

This room right here you can see we’ve created a bedroom with some different shelves and different things so you could take a moment just to look at this copy this down for your mushroom and just kind of see what it’s like or pause the video and if we go all the way down

To the bottom floor here you can see we have the same thing you know just different things to make a kitchen different things to have storage and all that stuff so yeah guys that is gonna do it for this tutorial I think this really is a fantastic house I really like how

It turned out I really like the just the shape of it definitely a big improvement from the last one but the last one still does hold I really do like the simplicity of that one this one’s a little bit more advanced but hopefully you guys were able to understand that and get that

Tutorial yellow and pretty good for you if you did enjoy it be sure to join the afterlife and discord it’s the discord that I’m a part of it’s very active discord and I highly suggest you guys take part in that and joining in and you know you guys can post your mushroom

Houses and our mushrooms or not mushroom our Minecraft screenshot channel we have a Minecraft screenshot channel in there so it’s pretty cool so yeah you guys can do that I don’t like good stuff but yeah guys it’s gonna do it as always don’t forget to be awesome

And I’ll see you guys next time

This video, titled ‘How to Build a Dual Mushroom House (Minecraft 1.15 Tutorial)’, was uploaded by Blondskunk on 2020-04-30 15:53:37. It has garnered 229127 views and 8376 likes. The duration of the video is 00:30:04 or 1804 seconds.

What’s up, everybody? In this Minecraft Tutorial video, I’m showing you guys how to build a very awesome dual mushroom house. This mushroom house is an upgrade to my previous one I did a little bit ago.

Last Mushroom House:


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#Minecraft Version: Minecraft 1.15 Creative How to Build a Dual Mushroom House (Minecraft 1.15 Tutorial)

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    Galactic Catfight: Custom NPC Battle Minecraft: Custom NPC Battle 1 Map Used: Imperator’s Base The Custom NPC Battle 1 video features the exciting Imperator’s Base map created by “busterdogtnt.” This meticulously crafted map provides the perfect backdrop for epic battles and thrilling adventures in the world of Minecraft. Music Used The video is accompanied by captivating music that sets the tone for the intense battles ahead. “Lights” by Patrick Patrikios and “Calamity” from the Tower Defense X Original Soundtrack by The Gee J enhance the gameplay experience and keep viewers engaged throughout the video. Mods Used On Curse Forge The Custom NPC Battle 1… Read More

  • Invoker Showdown: Minecraft Mansion Update

    Invoker Showdown: Minecraft Mansion Update The Minecraft Mansion Update Challenge: Race to Defeat the Invoker! In a thrilling new Minecraft challenge, a group of friends embarked on a race to kill a custom final boss, the Invoker, in an updated and revamped Woodland Mansion. The challenge was intense, hilarious, and filled with laughter as they navigated through the custom structure. Custom Features and Challenges The Woodland Mansion was revamped to be much harder, providing a new level of difficulty for the players. The addition of custom mobs and the Invoker boss created a unique and exciting gameplay experience. The custom arena, created by @iiGa7axy,… Read More

  • EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #Minecraft

    EPIC Bedwars Match with Subscriber NOW! #MinecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘Bedwars With Subscriber join fast #minecraft #technogamerz’, was uploaded by Sudhir_Playz on 2024-04-27 04:29:59. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. MinecraftSMP #GamingCommunity #MinecraftersUnite #MultiplayerMadness #BlockyAdventures 🛠️ #CraftAndExplore … Read More

  • Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shorts

    Chihuahua Takes Over World 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy’, was uploaded by SaifAiToons on 2024-09-15 02:30:27. It has garnered 1299 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:10 or 10 seconds. Chihuahua Says He’s The Boss 😱#shorts #ai #aiart #chatgpt #funny #gummybear #memes #cat # #comedy spider-man minecraft skibidi toilet mukbang car funny video mr men show theme song shorts cartoon dinosaur siren head catnap crab deadpool and wolverine songs funny videos godzilla granny hulk king kong minecraft school minecraft school monkey real life minecraft movie ronaldo… Read More

  • FEARSONA – Terrifying Office Building Encounters!

    FEARSONA - Terrifying Office Building Encounters!Video Information This video, titled ‘Office Buildings Are SCARY…’, was uploaded by FEARSONA on 2024-10-03 03:22:10. It has garnered 735 views and 97 likes. The duration of the video is 02:06:41 or 7601 seconds. #fearsona #truecrime #vtuber ✨Minecraft & Project Zomboid community servers now available for Patreon members! 0:00 Starting Screen 1:07 Intro 4:00 My Cursed Week 40:00 Scary Videos 2:00:0 Outro 🔴Streamlabs Donations🔴 ⚠️IMPORTANT⚠️ Please understand that donations are non-refundable and you are tipping under the agreement that you will not issue a chargeback! ✨TWITTER ► ✨INSTAGRAM ► ========================= CHAT RULES 1. Be polite and… Read More

  • SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops by HazeClient Private

    SECRETLY LEAKED: Keawee drops by HazeClient PrivateVideo Information This video, titled ‘ dropped by HazeClient Private @Hestreng @rajcepro’, was uploaded by Keawee on 2024-07-03 20:05:57. It has garnered 277 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:35 or 35 seconds. minecraft,crasher,minecraft server crasher, minecraft antibot, minecraft anti bot, minecraft anticrash, minecraft anti crash, server crasher,crash,minecraft hack client,minecraft crasher,minecraft crash,minecraft crash server, iptables, spigotguard bypass, exploitfixer bypass, lpx bypass, XCord bypass, minecraft deutsch,minecraft crash items,minecraft server crashen,minecraft server crash,minecraft crash report 2020,minecraft server crashen tutorial,minecraft server crash client,griefergames crasher,minecraft server crash hack,crasher client,crash minecraft,crash report minecraft, minefox crash,aegis bypass,flamecord bypass,spigotguard bypass,exploitfixer bypass,guardspigot bypass,free minecraft… Read More

  • Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!

    Insane LIVE Minecraft on Java, PE, Bedrock!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock |’, was uploaded by BD Gamerz YT on 2024-04-24 16:44:29. It has garnered 142 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 01:20:57 or 4857 seconds. 🔴PLAYING MINECRAFT IN LIVE🔴😍Minecraft Smp Java+Pocket Edition+Bedrock | Social link : DISCORD ——- #minecraft #minecrafthindi #minecraftlive #minecraft100days #minecraftgameplay #india #minecraftjavaedition #jitsubhaganing TAGS & KEYWORDS– ___________________________________________________________________________________ minecraft live minecraft live Bangla minecraft 100 days minecraft 24/7 smp minecraft mcpe live pe live minecraft java live stream minecraft java minecraft india how to make farms in minecraft how to make wheat… Read More

  • Turnabout SMP Semi-Vanilla SMP Whitelist Hermitcraft-like Voice Plugin Age 16+ 1.21 Discord

    Looking for a Friendly Survival Minecraft Server? Join Turnabout, a 16+ whitelist server focused on community and making friends. With active players and exciting events like Halloween and a museum in the works, there’s always something to do. What Turnabout Offers: Events and Inclusivity Quality of Life Addons like One Player Sleep and Voice Chat Shopping and Minigames District Mayoral Elections for player-driven decisions Anti-Stealing and Griefing Plugins 24/7 Uptime Join Us Today! Meet new friends and start playing on Turnabout by joining our Discord: Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – “Minecraft’s Gray Moss: From Bland to BAM!”

    Minecraft Memes - "Minecraft's Gray Moss: From Bland to BAM!"I guess you could say this meme really knows how to moss-tivate people with its score of 8! Read More

  • 100 Days: Minecraft’s Explosive Score

    100 Days: Minecraft's Explosive Score In the world of Minecraft, a challenge arose, “100 Days” series, where the story unfolds. Luke the Notable, a gamer so bold, Survived and thrived, his journey retold. From humble beginnings, with just a few views, To millions of fans, all eager for news. The challenge was simple, but not for the weak, Survive 100 days, with dangers to seek. Creepers and zombies, skeletons too, Luke faced them all, with skills so true. Building and crafting, exploring the land, Each episode gripping, fans at his command. The series took off, like a rocket in flight, Capturing hearts, day and… Read More

  • Hot Minecraft Memes for You!

    Hot Minecraft Memes for You! “Why did the creeper go to therapy? Because it had too much TNTsion!” 😂 #minecraftmemes #boom #creepertherapy Read More

  • Unbeatable Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle

    Unbeatable Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle Minecraft Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle – A Death-Defying Challenge! Embark on an epic adventure with the ‘Hellfire Reaper Boss Battle’ map in Minecraft! This thrilling boss fight created by Tape_Eater will push your skills to the limit with its three challenging phases. Intense Phases and Deadly Attacks Prepare yourself for a battle like no other as you face off against the Hellfire Reaper. With nine different attacks, including Missiles, Napalm, Shockwaves, and Sawblades, each phase ramps up the difficulty, keeping you on your toes throughout the fight. Unlockable Phases and Chaos Unleashed As you chip away at the boss’s… Read More

  • 肾结石喵的悲惨生活17

    肾结石喵的悲惨生活17 Minecraft Character Model: Klee from “Tragic Life with Klee in Dependence 17” Are you a fan of Minecraft and looking to add a unique character model to your game? Look no further than the Klee model from the “Tragic Life with Klee in Dependence 17” series. This character model can be used in the Minecraft: Java Edition by loading it with the Yes Steve Model module. How to Get the Klee Model To access the Klee model, you will need to download the Yes Steve Model module. You can find the module link here. Additionally, you can obtain the… Read More

  • Samsul CH is BACK with INSANE HARDCORE 🔥

    Samsul CH is BACK with INSANE HARDCORE 🔥Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴TERTINGGAL JAUHH! | BRUTAL HARDCORE II #14’, was uploaded by Samsul CH on 2024-07-23 00:09:22. It has garnered 5553 views and 402 likes. The duration of the video is 01:37:41 or 5861 seconds. #minecraft #brutalhardcore2 ==================DONATION===================== You can help me with donations yes, friend. You can use: GOPAY / OVO / FUNDS: Hopefully I can be helped by your donations ^^ ======================LINK================== ========– Join My Discord : / discord Follow My Instagram : / bagasbuat_ ~~~ Command ~~~ !ig !age !original !donate DON’T FORGET TO SUBS, LIKE, AND SHARE YA GUYS! Read More

  • Upgrade Your Minecraft Gear in Part 2!

    Upgrade Your Minecraft Gear in Part 2!Video Information This video, titled ‘Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 2 – Upgrading Tools! New Equipment and Armor!’, was uploaded by Zebra Gamer on 2024-09-06 19:00:27. It has garnered 21682 views and 618 likes. The duration of the video is 00:44:55 or 2695 seconds. Welcome to Zebra’s Minecraft Adventure Part 2! We continue our new Minecraft Survival 2024 Gameplay Walkthrough with building new stone tools and leather armor as we build up our base! Check out more gaming videos! More Minecraft videos! Subscribe to join the #ZebraHerd! Official Zebra Gamer merchandise: This Minecraft Survival Gameplay Walkthrough features… Read More

  • Insane Minecraft Showdown: NottaG VS 2B2T Pros

    Insane Minecraft Showdown: NottaG VS 2B2T ProsVideo Information This video, titled ‘Normal Minecraft VS 2B2T Players’, was uploaded by NottaG on 2024-06-02 23:28:20. It has garnered 314 views and 14 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:18 or 18 seconds. song creds BongEatBong – 2b On My Mind (YNW Melly Murder On My Mind Anarchy Minecraft Parody) Read More

  • Insane mods dominate Minecraft game

    Insane mods dominate Minecraft gameVideo Information This video, titled ‘How mods completely took over Minecraft’, was uploaded by NickNameHidden on 2024-05-10 12:52:51. It has garnered 1510 views and 110 likes. The duration of the video is 00:04:13 or 253 seconds. In this video, i explained how mods took over Minecraft, literally forcing the player to play with them, as well as how they are making Minecraft so special because of them. Shaders that i use in my videos: Complementary Reimagined, SEUS PTGI HRR 3. Texture Packs that i use: Unique Dark, Smaller Crosshair, Fresh Animations. Support my channel: Follow my social media: X… Read More

  • Hoobs 24/7 Interactive Minecraft LIVE – Battle Commands!

    Hoobs 24/7 Interactive Minecraft LIVE - Battle Commands!Video Information This video, titled ‘🔴 24/7 INTERACTIVE MINECRAFT LIVE STREAM !COMMANDS !HELP !BATTLE’, was uploaded by Hoobs Live on 2024-01-22 21:48:25. It has garnered 161 views and 37 likes. The duration of the video is 11:55:00 or 42900 seconds. This is the video archive for Hoobs Live SMP of 1465 PM 👉 The LIVE STREAM can be found here: Hoobs Live SMP is a vanilla survival server that everyone can join! 💻 JAVA SERVER ADDRESS: 🪨 Bedrock IP: PORT: 19314 🎮 GET HELP ON DISCORD: Made In Portugal ♥ With Love #LIVEMINECRAFT #MINECRAFTSERVER #SURVIVALSERVER *Special… Read More

  • “Friend saves my life in Minecraft!” 😱 #shorts

    "Friend saves my life in Minecraft!" 😱 #shortsVideo Information This video, titled ‘My Friend Saved my But i Did This in Minecraft 😂 #shorts’, was uploaded by RTERO on 2024-07-11 00:00:31. It has garnered views and [vid_likes] likes. The duration of the video is or seconds. Hello everyone Please Like, Share and Subscribe… Minecraft, Shorts, Minecraft 2024, Epic, Gaming, Minecraft Shorts, Minecraft … Read More

  • “Unleashing Gods with Bread in Minecraft” #CrazyAdventure

    "Unleashing Gods with Bread in Minecraft" #CrazyAdventureVideo Information This video, titled ‘『Let’s Play!✿ Minecraft』พาท่านเทพผจญภัยไปกับขนมปัง🐉🍞 ft.@lnw_neuatong #shorts #short’, was uploaded by Fumi Hausu on 2024-09-18 16:22:38. It has garnered 2435 views and 227 likes. The duration of the video is 02:14:12 or 8052 seconds. Support the softest bread at this link ✨ 🍞 *:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・ Fumi’s Tag ! #FumiHausu Live: #FumiLives Fanart: #Art4Fumi Meme: #Fumememe Sing: #Fumising Gaming: #Fumigaming Cooking: #fumicook Don’t forget to talk about Fumi’s live and tag us a lot. Fumi will see everyone’s messages❤ BGM sugar popcorn by 柊 羽音Hiiragi Hanon • *:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・*:.。..。.:+・゚・ Don’t forget❗️ press SUBSCRIBE and press the Fumi bell… Read More

  • UNBELIEVABLE: I Built BenX XXL OP Gift in Minecraft!!

    UNBELIEVABLE: I Built BenX XXL OP Gift in Minecraft!!Video Information This video, titled ‘ich BAUE BENX XXL OP GESCHENK in Minecraft HELDEN!’, was uploaded by Ente on 2024-09-21 10:00:09. It has garnered 17842 views and 717 likes. The duration of the video is 00:35:52 or 2152 seconds. I BUILD BENX OP GIFT in Minecraft HEROES! Included: ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠ ​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠​⁠ 🗿 To Alphastein ► @Alphastein 🍎 To Eiti ► @EidiMinecraft 🦆 My social networks 📷 Instagram: 🦆 Duck ► 🐤 Twitter ► Minecraft: 🎮 The Site ► Minecraft Prank on friends / Minecraft building challenge / Minecraft a block is a funny / funny Minecraft challenge… Read More

  • Unbelievable! Insane Minecraft Gameplay LIVE (epic fail)

    Unbelievable! Insane Minecraft Gameplay LIVE (epic fail)Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Hypixel LIVE (im trash)’, was uploaded by GoldenSomeThing on 2024-09-23 03:17:57. It has garnered 65 views and 4 likes. The duration of the video is 03:24:59 or 12299 seconds. hope you enjoy like and subscribe #minecraft #hypixel #bedwars Read More

  • GoatZone Reborn Modded Super Powers SMP Whitelist

    Experience GoatZone Reborn Looking for a unique Minecraft Java experience? Join GoatZone Reborn for special superpowers that make every player stand out! Features: Exclusive superpowers for each player Collaborative building of a modern Chicago-inspired city Exploration with new biomes, dimensions, and mods Ready to Join? If you enjoy building, exploring, and mastering your superpowers, join us at Read More

  • Minecraft Memes – Today’s Minecraft Live: Thoughts on Upcoming Updates?

    I guess you could say this meme has mined its way into the hearts of 271 people! Read More

  • Dragon Slayer: Minecraft Mastery Unleashed!

    Dragon Slayer: Minecraft Mastery Unleashed! In this Minecraft tale, we journeyed far and wide, To the End we ventured, with courage by our side. The portal we found, with eyes of ender’s guide, Through the stronghold’s maze, we did stride. The Ender Dragon awaited, fierce and strong, But with strategy and skill, we battled along. Destroying the crystals, we fought with song, Victory was ours, the battle won. Into the End City, we ventured next, With loot aplenty, we were truly blessed. Elytra in hand, we soared and flexed, Rare items collected, our inventory impressed. Enchanted gear and shulker boxes galore, Our Minecraft journey,… Read More

  • Minecraft meme #litaf

    Minecraft meme #litaf “When you accidentally hit a pig in Minecraft and suddenly the whole squad of pigs starts chasing you like you just insulted their momma #foryou” Read More

  • Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Experience

    Join Minewind: The Ultimate Minecraft Experience Welcome to the exciting world of Minecraft! If you’re a fan of gaming and looking for a new adventure, then you definitely need to check out Minewind Minecraft Server. With a vibrant community and endless possibilities, Minewind is the place to be for all Minecraft enthusiasts. Just like Luigi De Rose explores various topics in his talk show, Minewind offers a diverse and engaging environment for players to immerse themselves in. Whether you’re interested in building, exploring, or simply connecting with other players, Minewind has something for everyone. Join us at Minewind Minecraft Server and experience the magic of… Read More

  • Sneaky Minecraft Crystal Caves Adventure

    Sneaky Minecraft Crystal Caves Adventure Minecraft 1.21.1 Shorts: A Fun and Entertaining Look at Minecraft Are you tired of sitting in biology class? Well, in the world of Minecraft, things are a bit different! Join the adventure as you explore the exciting world of Minecraft shorts on this channel. From funny skits to entertaining gameplay, there’s something for everyone to enjoy. Exploring Minecraft Shorts Get ready to dive into the world of Minecraft like never before. These shorts offer a unique and entertaining look at the game, showcasing funny moments and creative storytelling. Whether you’re a seasoned player or new to the game, these… Read More

  • INSANE LIBRARY BUILD in Creeper SMP! | Minecraft EP3

    INSANE LIBRARY BUILD in Creeper SMP! | Minecraft EP3Video Information This video, titled ‘We Made Library in Creeper SMP | Minecraft Creeper SMP EP = 3’, was uploaded by BEDCRAFT GAMING on 2024-09-01 13:27:10. It has garnered 344 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:09:40 or 580 seconds. We Made Library in Creeper SMP | Minecraft Creeper SMP EP = 3 Thanks for Watching #minecraft #herobrine #minecraftpe Your Queries creeper smp is creeper aw man copyrighted a minecraft creeper in real life a creeper in real life a creeper song dream smp crafts is minecraft creeper copyrighted creeper school i am creeper lifesteal smp intro… Read More

  • Fakepixel SMP with Oye Raghu 22 ji

    Fakepixel SMP with Oye Raghu 22 jiVideo Information This video, titled ‘Play Fakepixel SMP | 💲Free SMP Promotion | Playing With Subscribers📍| #minecraft #hindilivestream’, was uploaded by Oye Raghu 22 ji on 2024-08-29 22:59:15. It has garnered 97 views and 8 likes. The duration of the video is 01:30:03 or 5403 seconds. 🚀 LIVE SERVER SHOWCASE: Discover the Ultimate Gaming Experience! 🚀 🎉 Welcome to our exclusive livestream event! 🎉 We’re thrilled to have you join us as we dive into the incredible world of our cutting-edge servers. Whether you’re a seasoned gamer, a server administrator, or just curious about what makes our servers stand out,… Read More

  • Dunners Duke: Hunting for Meteor & Rusherhack

    Dunners Duke: Hunting for Meteor & RusherhackVideo Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Surviving 2b2t Anarchy Server. Trail Hunting for Base, Stash. Meteor & Rusherhack’, was uploaded by Dunners Duke on 2024-07-26 05:30:06. It has garnered 129 views and 2 likes. The duration of the video is 01:14:21 or 4461 seconds. 2b2t (2builders2tools) Welcome to 2b2t, the oldest anarchy server in Minecraft. Established in December 2010, 2. With no rules, and no boundaries, Hack cheat steal, players are free to explore, build, and survive in a world. As of October 2023, 2b2t is over 28,300 gigabytes in size and has had more than 821,220 unique player 2b2t… Read More

  • 100 Days as Shark in Minecraft?! Insane Survival Story!

    100 Days as Shark in Minecraft?! Insane Survival Story!Video Information This video, titled ‘I Survived 100 Days as an ELEMENTAL SHARK in HARDCORE Minecraft’, was uploaded by Fozo on 2024-03-23 14:00:38. It has garnered 2641527 views and 24323 likes. The duration of the video is 00:46:08 or 2768 seconds. Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as an Elemental Shark! I had to save Minecraft’s ocean from the ender leader, Terminis! Will I be strong enough to defeat him? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens! Read More

How to Build a Dual Mushroom House (Minecraft 1.15 Tutorial)