How to Craft 5 NEW GOD Swords In Minecraft! *OVERPOWERED*

Video Information

Today we’re crafting five of the most overpowered swords you could ever find inside minecraft in order to get these overpowered swords started we can’t just craft with a regular crafting table even though we have one right here we’ve got to go inside that crafting table and get ourselves a super-sized crafting table

Because we can’t fit anything mega overpowered on this grid we’ve got to step it up a notch in order to do that let’s take our crafting table here drop it in the center and then pull our eight diamonds and we’re going to place these you guys guessed it because it’s the

Only option around around the outside of the crafting table and right there we have our Ultra crafting table let’s grab that and get rid of our regular crafting table we don’t want to use you anymore buddy take that boy out and toss him over the edge there let’s place down our

Ultra crafting table and that gives us the Ultra crafting table grid which is going to be used to craft all five overpowered swords the first sword we’re going to craft is going to be a sword of invincibility and this thing we’re going to put to the test but it is insane we

Need nether stars a stick some diamonds as well as some bedrock if you guys aren’t familiar with how we get our bedrock go watch some of my previous crafting videos to get the pick that actually mines bedrock inside of our Ultra crafting rig we’re going to take

One diamond and drop it in the corner over here then we’re going to grab our stick place that right above and to the north and to the east of the stick we have to drop our bedrock in not all the way though we’re going to leave one

Block open on either side now going up from there we want to place nether stars all the way through to the corner and then around both sides is where we’re going to drop our diamonds you can see there’s three slots on either side that is going to be the diamond slots and

There we have our invent ability sword hold this baby up and that gives us insane health and armor you can see we drop it and we still maintain our invincibility but when we equip it we get even more health while it’s equipped now we got to put this to the test and

The first way to test this thing is going to be get on top of this house right here now jumping off of this house had things been regular we would take some damage but jumping with our invisibility sword not a single bit of damage taken let’s get even higher and

Let’s see if we can go all the way to the top of this mountain up here and from there we will jump off and see if we take any bit of damage at all just got a go through the long process of actually climbing up which it’s a good

Thing I’ve been inside a lot recently because I am getting weaker it’s not a good thing it’s a bad thing but making our way to the top finally I can stand here at the edge and boy does that look nerve-wracking all the way down there I’m feeling confident though with this

Sword in my hand just looking at all those hearts makes me feel even more confident than I’ve ever felt before let me know if you guys think I’m gonna take any damage if you think I’m gonna take some damage click that like button if you don’t think I’m gonna take damage

Click that like button if you think this sword is one of the most overpowered you’ve ever seen comment down below here we go for the jump here it is right here no damage whatsoever but do you think we can test this even more let’s go to max

Height just go around and collect some blocks here and let’s get even higher than that guys and the process to Max night begins here we go all the way up I sure hope we survive this guys this is gonna be a rhythm thing to get going as

Fast as we possibly can come on come on come on come on making it past the clouds slowly but surely we’re getting there almost at max light I’m sure of it you can see we’re at max height limit for building is 256 blocks pull out our super sword here and here

We go guys are you ready you can’t even see the ground right now but I’m sure and confident we’re gonna make it three two one Cowabunga baby although long drop down through the clouds here we go onto the ground onto the ground not a single bit of damage still this sword is absolutely

Ridiculous but guys it’s not even fall damage that it defends against obviously place this bit of TNT down grab our flint and steel we’re gonna like that and then take out our sword and absorb the entire blast ready light sword sand right on top of it not a single bit of

Damage nothing at all and the whole ground is sayonara this sword is ridiculous we’re gonna hold on to this because we’re gonna need this sword for everything that’s coming up in the future I want to make sure that we’ve got our invincibility sword on hand because what we’re crafting next is

Going to get very very very intense holding the sword we’ve got regeneration unlimited absorption 10 and we’ve also got 20 plus 20 max health plus ten attack speed plus 100 armor toughness 100% knock back resistance and we’re going to need all of that because the next thing we’re crafting is an

Overpowered tnt sword guys opening up our ultra crafting table again drop a TNT in the corner then place our stick down and on the other side of that stick is where we’re going to put our creeper head and then using four stones two on the right side and two up above

Or north and east if you say that it’s just weird if you guys say north and east and set up up and right it’s just weird let’s move on we’ve got nine more TNT and this is going to alternate all the way up to the corner just like that and KaBlam

We have a super tnt sword this super tnt sword on top of looking magnificent is incredibly incredibly dangerous in order to test this thing out fully though we’ve got to stick around until night let some zombies and skeletons that get out and be right in front of us

So we can start swinging this thing around like crazy and put it to its full power open here and let the night time come the moon is rising now and we have a night vision of thanks to a passive perk from our overpowered invincibility

Sword all I gotta do now is wait till we see some zombies venturing out and we’re gonna get after them guys here we go we found our first zombie one wack completely turned to TNT another one whack TNT a third one wack TNT where do

We got another one TNT and this ain’t it this is only half of it guys let’s turn a couple of these two TNT and then the best part of this is gonna come to life a little TNT guy thanks to the little zombie there we got a bunch of TNT

Zombies all around light this guy up now watch let’s take our flint and steel and light the ground and then see what happens when all of these have been turned to TNT we’ve got a little graveyard here we’ve got another graveyard over there and the

Ground is lit spread did I not light it close enough I gotta light it closer test number two correction light OH instantly exploded oh my gosh light him right underneath three two one and it blows up now I got to pull out the invincibility sword to recharge my

Health that was a close call but we can light all these guys on fire I wonder what happens if we place a TNT next to him and then light our TNT and then pull out our invincibility sword will they both blow up oh they do and we drop more

TNT from just that load of zombies right there we got 12 TNT which we can then use to place next to other zombies I apologize to the village houses for this damaged place our TNT down next to this zombie to all we gonna cause a significant amount of destruction light it up invincibility

Sword stand here cuz no worries whatsoever bring it on minecraft gosh this TNT sword freezes them all in place and is also extremely overpowered but this is not it guys we’ve got damage but how about riches the next sword we have is expensive to craft as you can see by my layout here

But it is worth it or at least we’re about to find out if it’s worth it open up our ultra crafting table and we are going to craft the ultra diamond sword in order to craft this ultra diamond sword we do need six diamond swords as well as nine blocks of

Diamond but the amount of diamond you’re going to get from this sword is going to hopefully be more than that take our oak logs drop them in the corner and then above and to the right place three diamond swords three above three to the right and then we’re going to place our

Beacon in the center and then just like we did with the tnt sword we’re going to place our blocks all the way up of diamond to the corner and we have our ultra diamond sword putting this thing on looks almost like a spear when you whack with it it kind

Of looks like you’re stabbing but this thing is going to affect the zombies in the same way the tnt sword does but instead of dropping tnt we’re going to be getting loads of diamonds still using our passive knight mission from our invincibility sword run into this field

Of zombies and we turn them to blocks of diamond in one whack we can easily turn all of them into a block of diamond now the best part of course isn’t the sweet diamond break guard that we’re creating that was two-in-one whack right there the best part is going to be what

Happens when the day turns back to light I kind of want to craft like the most beautiful graveyard I could possibly craft and this graveyard here looks pretty sweet honestly the way it is it looks like they were trying to get up to my Ultra crafting table to get the same

Amount of power than I have but of course these zombies will never behold these five overpowered swords now daytime we’re rolling around headed into my graveyard that I’ve perfectly designed using my diamond sword whack these guys down and they are going to drop us loads of diamonds that was 63

Diamonds from one of the little guys let’s see what one of these big guys gives us oh my gosh a full stack of diamonds from each so despite this taking loads of diamonds to create guys this is an unbelievable amount of diamonds that we’re crafting or obtaining right now from going through

Our graveyard that was just three guys right there and we already have four stacks or maybe it’s one stack per zombie and we killed four of them I lost count there we go oh we actually got ourselves one of the guys this might be a glitch we’re literally holding one of

The dudes right now as a stack of diamonds uh what do I do with you drop you down he’s floating now forget him move on to more diamonds I’m getting greedy over here guys I want as many times as I can get this sword is insane

For how rich it makes you easily one whack freeze everything they’re defenseless and then you can go after and just farm diamonds left and right everywhere this one does run out of durability you can see a little bit get slightly damaged but for the return you’re getting on your diamonds you’d be able

To craft these left and right back to back to back to back we have got invincibility destruction and riches being able to farm our diamonds all we need now is our second-to-last sword which is going to take our adventures to the Express Lanes and this is the sword

Of flying now this is the most complicated sword to craft but it also is insanely cool we’re going to use some of the diamonds that we got from our handy dandy diamond sword and we’re going to place one fancy membrane in the bottom corner then place our stick and then we’re

Going to place a block of diamond above and to the right and then above the block of diamond on top two feathers and the right of the block a block diamond to the right to feathers I feel like I’m just circling my words my tongue is getting tongue-tied in the very center

Of this sword we place the alight row illiterate the wings let me know if I’m just saying it completely wrong in the comments section the core of this sword is always right at the center with the TNT with the diamond with the invincibility sword and then on either

Side we’re going to take three diamonds all the way up above and below and one diamond right at the tip and then two more fan of membranes placed right down the center and that is going to give us our sword of flight now having this sword is going to make things way easier

To get around it works very similar to the Elektra wings except all I’ve got to do is press spacebar to launch into the sky or your jump key whatever that is and then press it one more time to glide around you can see right here jump into

The sky it launches us way up and then we can press again and we safely glide wherever we want to glide around just as if we were using the wings we can make our safe landing wherever we want come in safely here we go and boom safe landing as you can see one

More time jump into the air and then press spacebar again and we begin our glide and go into third-person you can see I have no wings on right now this is all the sword that’s allowing us to fly around like this I do have to be a little bit careful though even though

This sword is insanely powerful if I jump into the air and then I take it off I got to put it back on and press space again in order to not damage myself when I hit the ground be very careful when using the sword it can get out of hand

Very quickly but also it’s insanely fun to just jump around but it is going to give you a very very high jump of course we have saved the best for last guys drum roll please the final sword is so overpowered I’m not even sure if I should show you guys

How to craft this thing because it is absolutely ludicrous but eh we’re gonna do it anyways we’re gonna do it anyways open up your crafting table this isn’t more difficult than the sort of plate but it is way more powerful we’re going to drop a one nether star in

The corner and then instead of using a stick we’re going to use a trident and place that right as the handle to the sword and then to the up above and to the right we place phantom membranes again and the core of this sword is a I

Of ender drop that right in the center and to prison marine shards one goes above one to the right and the rest of this sword very similar to the TNT with a slightly different design we’re going to build it up using horn coral exactly like this and we have our lightning

Sword now be very careful when wielding the lightning sword because you can launch lightning at any mobs you want boom just like that set anything on fire that cow up there both oh my gosh this is way too much power anything we want to light on fire guys is just instantly

Done that sheep over there the range is insane as well can we get how far can we can we shoot cow all the way up there let’s back up and see the range on this thing okay I see the cow all the way over there three two one okay

I didn’t have a direct line of sight I think it hit the rocks and got me that’s a lot of power having the power of Zeus in your hands let’s get back and fix that we’ve got a load of zombies chasing us right now let me get out into the

Open so you guys can see this sword of lightning now is going to allow us to shift and jump and hit all zombies in a ten-block radius with lightning watch this all of them down easy take out our invincibility sword so we don’t die really quick because they’re getting on

To us but we wiped them all from the face of the planet just like that guys let me know in the comment section down below which sword you liked the best we’ve got the sword of flight the super TNT sword the ultra diamond sword the Lightning sword and the invincibility

Sword let me know right now which one was your favorite sword of all these were insane

This video, titled ‘How to Craft 5 NEW GOD Swords In Minecraft! *OVERPOWERED*’, was uploaded by Bahri on 2020-03-28 20:00:26. It has garnered 3834415 views and 92190 likes. The duration of the video is 00:17:52 or 1072 seconds.

How to Craft 5 NEW GOD Swords In Minecraft! *OVERPOWERED*

We are taking Minecraft crafting to the next level with 5 new overpowered swords that we can craft using an ultra crafting table!

#new #crafting #minecraft

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    ReverieCraftReverieCraft is a towny based server with multiple worlds, mini games, an economy, and expanded Minecraft content. The server has MMO elements that allow for different playstyles to shine in unique ways. The Agate world is a survival world based on building for creative players, while the Opal world which is reset every week with a different theme is for resource gathering and adventuring. The server has somewhere near over 500+ custom items with custom enchantments, over 200+ different enemy variants, and tons of tough bosses spanning over several worlds with quests! With lootcrates, shops, quests, and present codes, this… Read More

  • Draconicraft SMP – Semi-vanilla Java 18+ Whitelist 1.21

    Draconicraft SMP Draconicraft is a community-focused Minecraft server where the world is your oyster – within the 20k world border. With each Minecraft update, the world expands instead of resetting, allowing you to work on builds and farms with the community while enjoying new features. Features: 18+ Whitelist Semi-vanilla Custom Datapacks and Plugins Community of players from around the world English as primary language Additional Datapacks: Anti Ender Dragon Grief Anti Enderman Grief Bundles Custom Armor Statues Custom Nether Portals More Mob Heads Mini Blocks Multiplayer Sleep Player Head Drops Silence Mobs Villager Workstation Highlights Configuration Info Join us on… Read More

  • Minecraft server

    How to connect and play on this server? You must have the game version 1.21 installed. How to check? At startup, the game version will be displayed on the right, at the bottom. If it is a different version, you should change the current profile (left, bottom) and select version 1.21 Click the PLAY button, wait for the Minecraft game to load. Choose: Multiplayer Click the button “Direct connect”, or if you want to keep the server in its list, press the button “Add server” In the field “Server address” write: (GL HF) Read More

  • Survival Teleportation: Minecraft’s Warp Whiz

    Survival Teleportation: Minecraft's Warp Whiz In Minecraft survival, teleporting’s a breeze, Just follow these steps, and you’ll do it with ease. First, find a command block, place it just right, Then enter the code, and prepare for flight. Type in “/tp @p x y z”, Replace x, y, z with coordinates, you see. Hit enter, and poof, you’ll be there in a flash, Teleporting in Minecraft, it’s a true gamer’s stash. So next time you need to travel afar, Just remember this trick, you’ll be a Minecraft star. Teleporting in survival, it’s a game-changer for sure, Now go explore the world, and let your… Read More

  • Spicy Minecraft Memes: Laugh Out Loud!

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  • Protecting Villagers in Minecraft!

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  • Minecraft Mob Vote Fails

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  • “ULTIMATE Pumpkin Building Guide in Minecraft NOW!” #minecraft

    "ULTIMATE Pumpkin Building Guide in Minecraft NOW!" #minecraftVideo Information This video, titled ‘How to build a Large Pumpkin in Minecraft Tutorial! #minecraft’, was uploaded by barry on 2024-09-01 19:00:29. It has garnered 1406 views and 60 likes. The duration of the video is 00:00:09 or 9 seconds. How to make a BIG Pumpkin in Minecraft Tutorial! #minecraftshorts #youtube #minecraftbuildingtutorial Minecraft building ideas These videos are often inspired by many online shared builds if you feel that an individual deserves credit feel free to leave their name in the comments 🙂 A Minecraft Witchcraft Mod made by 𝓜Ꮛ Download “InWitched” Today: My Skin: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ YouTube: @barryz_… Read More

  • Furry pet takes revenge on pillager outpost

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    BECOME A NUCLEAR GOD IN MINECRAFT 1.21?! 🤯Video Information This video, titled ‘welcome to my world 🤯 |minecraft survival |minecraft 1.21 #1’, was uploaded by NUCLEAR MC GOD on 2024-07-10 14:26:53. It has garnered 2 views and 1 likes. The duration of the video is 00:13:06 or 786 seconds. welcome to my world 🤯 |minecraft survival |minecraft 1.21 #1 minecraft survival, minecraft survival house, minecraft survival series, minecraft survival tips, minecraft survival house tutorial, minecraft survival base, minecraft survival builds, minecraft survival guide, minecraft survival island, minecraft survival base tutorial, minecraft survival ep 1, minecraft survival 100 days, minecraft survival master, minecraft survival world tour, minecraft survival… Read More

  • Experience Ballwser’s Wild Minecraft Adventure!

    Experience Ballwser's Wild Minecraft Adventure!Video Information This video, titled ‘Minecraft Autistic stream with ya boi’, was uploaded by Ballwser on 2024-03-09 23:49:03. It has garnered 79 views and 7 likes. The duration of the video is 04:42:18 or 16938 seconds. rules: don’t be a bish join the discord: pyengus channel: minecraft server: Read More

  • EPIC Minecraft Roleplay: RESISTANCE vs Bakwan

    EPIC Minecraft Roleplay: RESISTANCE vs BakwanVideo Information This video, titled ‘PERLAWANAN… – Bakwan: Fight Back Episode 13 [ Minecraft Roleplay ]’, was uploaded by Exelicks Gaming on 2024-05-22 02:44:36. It has garnered 4823 views and 373 likes. The duration of the video is 01:12:18 or 4338 seconds. Disclaimer – Please do not imitate the negative things in Bakwan: Fight back. This series is intended for entertainment purposes only. Bakwan: Fight back is a minecraft roleplay series that raises the issue of bullying and violence in a school setting. Bakwan: Fight back (POV Adrian) tells the story of a transfer student who was moved by his… Read More

  • Terrifying Haunted Granny House Horror Game!

    Terrifying Haunted Granny House Horror Game!Video Information This video, titled ‘scary haunted granny house evil horror game’, was uploaded by wasad Gaming on 2024-03-09 03:48:25. It has garnered 395 views and likes. The duration of the video is 00:11:11 or 671 seconds. poppy playtime minecraft granny poppy playtime chapter 3 catnap family friendly huggy wuggy horror game poppy ssundee granny game nico aphmau here’s johnny heres johnny johnny mommy long legs minecraft johnny kissy missy johnny minecraft funny fnaf poppy playtime animation poppy playtime 3 roblox bunzo bunny poppy playtime chapter3 허기워기 gameplay 파피플레이타임 캣냅 critters animation smile critters 마미롱레그 fancy refill miss delight 퍼거필러… Read More

  • Shocking Mail Tamvan’s Poor Chicken 😭

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How to Craft 5 NEW GOD Swords In Minecraft! *OVERPOWERED*